I should mention that there’s another André Nageon lurking in a gap in the Nageon de l’Estang timeline (slightly after the others that I covered in parts one to four): and he actually has quite a funky story attached to him. 🙂

André Nageon vs the Monster

There are a number of fleeting mentions of André Ambroise Nageon de l’Estang‘s time in the Seychelles in “Population et vie quotidienne aux Seychelles sous le premier empire” by Joël Eymeret, in “Revue française d’histoire d’outre-mer” Année 1984, Volume 71, Numéro 262, pp. 5-29.

But given that André Ambroise Nageon de l’Estang died in 1798, it must surely be his son about whom a particular anecdote was told. Eymeret repeats the tale, but it actually first appeared in “FRAPPAZ, Les voyages du lieutenant de vaisseau Téophile Frappasz dans les mers des Indes”, texte publié et annoté par Raymond Decary, in-8°, Tananarive, 1939, pp.108-109:

C’est ainsi qu’André Nageon passe dans la légende : Créole de haute stature et d’une force prodigieuse, faisant défricher les terres il y a environ quinze ans [c’est-à-dire en 1803] il s’éloigna un peu des travailleurs pour sonder un marais. A peine eut-il commencé son opération qu’un gros cayman, caché dans les roseaux se dressa sur sa queue, pour s’élancer sur lui. L’apercevoir, deviner son intention et le saisir à bras le corps fut pour l’intrépide M. Nageon l’affaire d’une seconde : et luttant ainsi avec son terrible adversaire, il sut maintenir l’égalité du combat jusqu’à ce que des noirs accourus à ses cris, l’eussent aidé à terrasser le monstre qu’il avait combattu avec tant de courage

…i.e. (my free translation)…

It is thus that André Nageon passes into legend: a tall [white] Creole of prodigious strength, while clearing land there about fifteen years ago [i.e. in 1803] he went a small way away from the other workers to survey a marsh. As soon as he started his work, a big cayman, hidden in the reeds, lifted itself by its tail to jump on him. Noticing it, guessing its intention and wrapping his arms around its body took the intrepid Mr. Nageon no more than a second: and it was in this manner, struggling with his terrible opponent, that he managed to keep it at bay until the blacks, having flocked to his cries, helped defeat the monster he had fought against so bravely.

But this is surely the same André Nageon de l’Estang who is mentioned as selling some land in 1815 on Henri Maurel’s site (through which all manner of genealogical goodness flows):

Le 5 Octobre 1815, Antoine [Maurel] fait l’acquisition de André NAGEON DE l’ETANG de deux parcelles de terrain à Victoria.

And so the Seychellois Nageon de l’Estang family marched forward from there to the modern day, one can only presume. 😉

23 thoughts on “The Nageon Family (Part 5): A Missing André Nageon de l’Estang?

  1. anthony LALLAIZON on August 20, 2023 at 11:14 am said:

    hello Nick,
    i’m still on the “nageon story”.
    What do you think about that document?
    J would like to have your opinion

  2. anthony LALLAIZON on August 20, 2023 at 11:20 am said:

    On the right page, top.
    You will find “the baptism of a son of Bernardin Nageon and Mathurine Métayer”
    And his name is Jean Bernard or Jean Bernadin

  3. anthony LALLAIZON on August 20, 2023 at 11:59 am said:

    I also found a ship named “Indus”, clearly listed. It would now have the profile to be retained. I.e: english, captured by the french in the area … i think it’s an indiaman. Taken in 1782

  4. anthony LALLAIZON on August 20, 2023 at 12:16 pm said:

    Ok sorry Jean Bernardin is already listed

  5. anthony LALLAIZON: seems like a perfectly fine page. Henri Maurel is a sensible person (I’ve corresponded with him a few times). And Jean Bernard Nageon died two weeks later.

  6. anthony LALLAIZON: I posted on the 1782 Indus (which Daniel Krieg thinks might be the same ship) here:

  7. anthony LALLAIZON on August 20, 2023 at 2:52 pm said:

    here is “mine”
    On the Nautical archaeology society web site, chose “research”, then “MIBEC Maritim research” , then “east India company incidents” , then at the bottom of the page “download the full….” and then by typing “indus” you will find two ships.
    One lost in 1792 and the other taken by the french in 1782

  8. anthony LALLAIZON on August 20, 2023 at 3:00 pm said:

    On the “Three decks” website, choose “ships” (or find a ship) and type “indus” and “name exactly matches…There are four or five ships named “Indus”

  9. anthony LALLAIZON: these are good search suggestions. But a look through the history of ship names reveals that many were used repeatedly over long periods of time. So there is good reason to suspect that there could very easily have been two or more earlier ships called the “Indus”.

  10. anthony LALLAIZON on August 20, 2023 at 9:01 pm said:

    i completely agree with you, but i thought i have to share these two websites that could be useful
    Here you will find an other map of “ile de France” showing a plot ” (madame i think )nageon”. It’s not near “rivière la chaux”. I’m trying to compare to a modern map…

  11. anthony LALLAIZON: yes, it’s definitely M[ada]me Nageon in Moka, do you know what year that map is from? I can just see “18e” in the catalogue entry.

  12. anthony LALLAIZON on August 21, 2023 at 9:21 am said:

    Hello Nick
    Sorry no, i haven’t any further informations on this map.
    Here’s an another one: https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b531052914/f1.item.r=ile%20maurice.zoom
    it’s a “rivière la chaux” map, with two Nageon’s plot (one was probably Clergeac’s plot) and 3 or 4 “Pitel”
    On Gallica, in “Code des Iles de France, par M Delaleu…, page 276, you will find a record of a decision made in March 1784 (i guess). And it’s written “…de la veuve Nageon de l’estang…”
    I’m currently wondering: of which Nageon is she the widow?
    It can’t be Bernardin’s wife, M Métayer (who died in 1765)
    It can’t be Ambroise, he’s not dead yet in 1784
    Jean Philippe is dead and Jean Joseph is only 4 years old…etc, etc
    It can hardly be Marie Margueritte Belhoste
    There must be something i don’t understand

  13. lallai on August 22, 2023 at 8:58 am said:

    Hello Nick,
    Here you will find “page” 4, on december the 12th, André Francois Antoine Nageon born 6 sept 1784.
    Do you know him?

  14. lallai on August 22, 2023 at 9:35 am said:

    Here is the baptism of Francois Jean Noel Nageon , son of Nageon and Pitel. Baptized the 13th of january 1772, born 17th of dec 1771 at Port Bourbon http://anom.archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr/caomec2/osd.php?territoire=ILE%20DE%20FRANCE&commune=PORT-BOURBON&annee=1772
    “page” 4 too, hard to read

  15. lallai on August 22, 2023 at 1:09 pm said:

    Here in page two, we can find the baptism of “André Francois” Nageon son of André Nageon et Mathurine Pitel. Born 16th nov 1783
    Here in page 3, (page 4 we find the baptism of André Francois Antoine!!! Baptized in december but born 6 sept 1785, i did a mistake ) we have TWO “death certificates” on 14th may: Francois and Jean Joseph. It must be an accident i guess.
    Ok but which one of the two Francois died in may??? Francois/Jean/Noel born 17 dec 1771 or André/Francois born 16nov1783?
    There remain a Francois nageon somewhere + André Francois Antoine

  16. anthony LALLAIZON on August 26, 2023 at 7:47 am said:

    Hello Nick,
    here, page 2, Jean Marie Justin born 8th august 1776, baptized 4th january 1777

  17. Anthony Lallaizon: wow! That is an amazing find, and deserves a post of its own!

  18. anthony LALLAIZON on August 26, 2023 at 1:41 pm said:

    Thank you. It looks like a lot of “leaves” were missing this family tree.
    Intuitively I would say that there are other Nageons in the family tree. Ideally, one would be called Louis (the same one you thought of) and another Bernardin.
    I do not let go of the trail of the privateer that would exist in 1798 (I’m convinced it can be the right guy), I must consult the archives of the “Alquier collection” but it is in Paris, in Vincennes.
    I live near Lorient if you want I can go to the archives (with a precise request)
    Looking forward to reading your post!

  19. Anthony Lallaizon: I think I know who the missing corsair was, but I believe all the evidence about him is in the Mauritian archives. It’s a story for another day…

  20. anthony LALLAIZON on August 26, 2023 at 5:36 pm said:

    Interesting 🙂 Looking forward to learning more about him…

  21. Anthony Lallaizon: looking through the web again, it seems that Henri Maurel’s page on Jean Marie Justin Nageon de l’Estang had already been updated with this information, almost certainly supplied by Association Ame de Pirate:

  22. anthony LALLAIZON on August 27, 2023 at 6:13 am said:

    Ok.that(s a good thing i think. They indicated Francois Jean Noel/ André Francois/ et André Francois Antoine too as i did few days ago here. So it’s great
    For my part I tried to fill in the spaces in the genealogy of Duchemin by compulsing all the archives of Mauritius on these dates. I bet on the fact that Mr. Pitel was young and must have had other children. I got lost often and it took me several whole days during my holidays. (I have not found any trace of the death of Louis Noel brother of Bernardin in 1756, having expelled all the districts
    I tried to find Louis too in the archives of Lorient and Brest, but…it’s a failure

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