An excellent article by Berthold Hub (though in Spanish) on Antonio Averlino’s Sforzinda appeared not long ago, where Hub attempted to trace through many of the ideas / preceding documents that fed into Averlino’s libro architettonico.

One of those ideas was astrology: for example, Averlino talks about working out the astrologically best date for starting the construction of the Sforza’s (putative) new city: “The best day and time to lay the first stone for the construction of the city will be in this year sixty [i.e. 1460] on April 15, at ten twenty.” [Incidentally, this date (15th April 1460) also arguably gives what I think is a sensible latest date for what I argue to have been Averlino’s first (Francesco Sforza-targeted) writing phase.]

Hub, following his programme of trying to link the virtual world of Sforzinda with the real world, suggests that the real Sforza-court astrologer Averlino (probably) had in mind could have been Battista Piasio (1410-1492).

Yet because so little has been written about him, the question I immediately wanted to answer was:

Who Was Battista Piasio?

As usual, the first place to turn to is Lynn Thorndike’s “History of Magic & Experimental Science” – in this case, though, Piasio merits no more than a page [vol. 4, pp.458-459]. Moreover, Thorndike has relatively little to say about him beyond what appeared in Liron’s “Singularités historiques et littéraires“, 1738, I, pp. 316-318, immediately following a chapter on Simon de Phares. (There were four volumes, Google Books seems to have scans of volumes 2-4 but not of volume 1.)

However, Liron’s account was itself taken entirely from the funeral elegy in Battista Piasio’s honour given by Nicolaus Lucarus / Nicolino Lugaro / Nicolas Lucaro (d. 1511). So rather than just reproduce Liron’s version, I thought it was a more worthwhile exercise to root out the original where that appeared.

The earliest version seems to have been first printed in Paris in 1492 (and, being pre-1501, was hence an incunabulum). It was then added to the end of a larger set of funeral orations entitled “Sermones aurei funebres” supposedly collected together by Gregorius Britannicus (though the writer of the ISTC entry strongly doubts this was true). This book was an early example of the (predominantly French) genre of collections of funeral sermons and orations: it was printed at least six times during the 16th century, which is where Liron found it.

However, because I was unable to find any transcription of this funeral oration at all on the web, I decided to transcribe the original 1492 version as best I could.

Apparatus: where a ‘q3’ [-que] abbreviation appears, I write q[ue]; where a superscript/macron appears, I make my best guess at what the missing letter was e.g. dilige[n]tius; and I have left the line breaks exactly as per the original 1492 incunabulum, hyphenating where words seem to be split over lines. I’ve modernised the f-style ‘s’: and the usual difficulties with ‘f’ versus ‘s’ should be kept in mind.

There are clearly many mistakes in the Latin: but given that this current post is already far too long, I shall endeavour to translate this in a later post. So… more to follow, and hopefully soon. 🙂

[PS: there’s a second copy of the same oration in Spain, available online here.]

“Baptistae Piasii astronomi peritissimi funebris laudatio”

Baptistae Piasii astronomi peritissimi funebris laudatio Per Nicola-
um lucarum Rhetorem Cremonensem aedita

Quam difficile:laboriosumq[ue] negocium susceperim:uiri Magni-
fici desolatissimiq[ue] patres:tum ex rei ipsius conditione:tum ex
dicentis habitu perfacile iudicari potest.Nam cum mecum dilige[n]-
tius cogito quanto splendore orbata:qua[n]tisq[ue] ormamentis:ac de-
liciis spoliata co[m]munis patria sit:ob Baptistam Piasium omnium
gentium:omnium seculorum:omnisq[ue] memoriae:multiplici do-
ctrina:facile principem inuidae mortalitatis uinculo nobis subla-
tum:sequitir ut qui consolator acceleram consolandus ipse sim-
eo nanq[uam] animo erga patriam:alumnosq[ue] eius praesta[n]tissimos sem-
per fui:ut commoda mea ex eorum commodis metirer:nilq[ue] uel
triste:uel laetum eis acciderit: quin id mihi commune existimarim
Hinc itaque lachrymae:hinc suspiria: hinc a profundo pectore er-
rumpentes gemitus:& ( quod omnium maximum est) acerbissi-
mo moerrore consternatus animus:ingenii uim:dicendi copiam
imminuunt:attonitumq[ue]:ac prope allucinantem reddunt. sed cu[m]
dolori succumbere:rationemq[ue] ex arce sua dimouere effoeminati:
ac parum prudentis esse animaduertam: constantiae adminiculo
utendem censui:ut animi perturbatione procul expulsa tantae to-
tius ciuitatis frequentiae:omniumq[ue] ordinum splendori:supremis
deniq[ue] defuncti laudibus saltem pro uirili portione non defuisse
uidear. quem amiciciae uetustas:hominis dignitas:omnium scien-
tiarum cognitio in eo supra hominem effulgens:innumerabiliaq[ue]
in me beneficia adeo commendant:ut uel Pythicam uocem mihi
exoptem:uel Demosthenis grauitatem:uel Ciceronis copiam:no[n]
enim uideo ubi maius orandi argumentum se se mihi offere po-
tuiset: quippe in uno aliquo praeclaram: ac peculiarem scientiae co-
gnitionem reperies:qui autem disciplinas omnes non imbiberit
solum:sed abunde hauserit:uix unum ex plur[i]mis inuenes:in Ba-
ptista uero nostro:cuius memoria[m] lachrymabundus usurpo:an-
aliquid desiderandum esset ex iis quae ue ra bona stioci appellant:
percurrere operae praecium erit:ut unicuiq[ue] uestrum sit exploratisi-
mum tanti uiri iacturam:communemq[ue] calamitatem perpetuo de-
flendam esse:cum praeter uitae integritate[m]: moresq[ue] sanctissimos
uobis cumulatissime cognitos:uirtutum suarum seriem me lauda-
tore percaeperitis. Superuacaneum uiri Cremonenses fore exi-
stimaui:patriam : generis claritatem: fortunae largissimas dotes
propinquorum longe lateq[ue] patentes gradus inter magnas uiri
huius laudes commemorare:Quem rerum gestarum numero:*
magnitudi[n[e:gra[n]de aliquod decus iis addidisse potius:q[uam] inde sple[n]do-
ris incrementum accaepisse constat.Illustrauit quidem Baptistam
nostrum Cremo[n]a patria:celeberrimi nominis urbs:ut nostis.Ba-
ptista uero patriam perpetuis immortalibusq[ue] praeconiis cele-
brandam reddidit:ita moribus sapientam per omnes aetatum
gradus coniunxit:Nam cum prima litterarum rudimenta sub la-
cobo Alierio uiro sane integerrimo:atq[ue] doctissimo in oculis pa-
rentum perciperet: magnitudine indolis statim inter aequales
excellens eam de se opinionem excitauit:quam olim Cicero de
se ipso pollicebatur : Sed hic Cicerone maior:Ille nanq[ue] iacta[n]tiae
a puero usq[ue] inhiabat:Hic uero solum Deum a[n]te oculos habens di-
sciplinarum incrementa soli deo accepta referebat: purus ore:
purior animo:Dei qua[m] hominum metuentior: Crescentibus mox
annis eloquantiam auidissime amplexus tantum in ea pro-
fecit:ut qui inter Gra[m]maticos poeticaeq[ue] studiosos emineret etiam
inter postremos oratores haben dus non esset:Caeterum pera-
ctis puericiae studiis cum uaria essent discendi genera:in quibus
egregia cum laude uersari posset triplicem philosophiam subcisi-
uis temporibus ardentissime perdidicit:logicen quae proprietates
uerborum exigit:Physicen quae rerum naturam scrutatur:Ethi-
cen quae animum componit:easq[ue] sub florentissimis praecepto-
ribus hausit:logicen sub Nicolino Cremonensi ordinis heremi-
tarum optimo & sacrae Theologiae professore acerrimo : in phi-
losophia uero praeceptorem habuit Apollinarem offredum o-
mnium sui saeculi doctissimum & Ciuitatis nostrae radiantissimum
sidus:celeberrimiq[ue] nominis apud omnes philosophantium con-
uentus eum supremas Delicias appellantium:ab eodem quoq[ue] be-
ne beateq[ue] uiuendi praecepta didicit Socratis exemplo qui rerum
naturam perscrutatus de moribus coepit differrere:unde philo-
sophia[m] e coelo in terras duxisse primus tradit:sed illo Athe[n]ae Hoc
autem Tici[n]ense gymnasium gloriatur : ubi fere in ipso adoloscen-
tiae exitu comuni philosophoru[m] consensu philiosophiae professor
Declaratus e[?]:Medicinae praeterea:Quae humana corpora uel tue-
tur uel i[n]staurat:i[n]signia maximo applausu ibidem meruit Cum il-
lam ab Esculapio euisdem inuentore:uel ab Hippocrate Coo qui
primus Clinicen instituit percepisse uideretur. Sed maioribus
auspiciis profundum pelagus fulcandum erat:generosusq[ue] ani-
mus ad honestiora semper aspirans : mathematicas disciplinas:
numerorum: ac mensurarum rationes:musicosq[ue] concentus per-
cepit:Astronomiam deniq[ue] tanto ardore co[n]quisiuisse fertur:ut
quod pene incredibile est:uelut alter Carthaginensis Augustinus
nullo tradent ingenii sui sollertia pertinaciq[ue] studio percalluerit.
Vunde factum est ut omnium artium quas liberales uocant cogni-
tione instructus non in patra sub silentio diutius esse ualuerit.
Nam Ferarriam ab Illustrissimo Leonello Exte[n]si republicae suae
tunc optime consulenti accitus est:ut publica co[n]ductus stipe quas
secum attulerat preciosas merces philosophandi studiosis impar-
tiretur:sideralemq[ue] scientiam paucissimis tunc cognitam annis
octo publice traderet: tam frequenti auditorio:ut Athlanta ad
quem euis origo refertur:ad lucem rediisse: uel hunc a Memphiti-
cis Astronomis quicquid de motu coeli:astrorumq[ue] diffinitis cursi-
bus per moderata interua ilorum spacia praecipitur: hausisse con-
staret:ex qua si quantum auctoritatus: quantumue splendoris asse-
cutus fuerit :repetere uolueri[?]mus : iocupletissimi testes nobis
erunt Borsius olim Ferrariae Dux Inclytus: Francisus item Sfor-
cia omnium Caesarum famam supergressus una cum Bianca
Coniuge Digna quae mortalitati non esset obnoxia : Testis item
erit Pius Pontifex Maximus : ad quem eius multae extant epi-
stolae : cum Aeneas Siluius adhuc esset: litteratissimorum per-
fugium unicum : qui in Mantuano Amphyctionico Baptistam
nostrum orantem attentissime auidiuit: & de futuris uerissime
differe[n]te[m] ta[n]topere ad miratus est:ut honestissimo salario Ferraria[m]
Borsius: Mediolanu[m] Fra[n]ciscus sforcia:in urbe[m] deniq[ue] pontifex ille
diuinus euocare tentauerint:ut qui patriae ornamentum erat: to-
tius Italiae oppida urbesq[ue] nominis fui celebritate co[m]pleret. Quid
plura: Cardinales:ac principes iluustres Mantuae commorantem
magna excellentiq[ue] hominis gloria compulsi ad eum uisendum
uenerandumq[ue] certatim confluxerunt. Pectore igitur indefesso
patauinaq[ue] elloquentia opus esset:in eo meritis laudibus extollen-
do:quem alterum Aristarcum in lineari scientia:in dicendi ar-
te Isocratem In Dialectice Leontinum Gorgiam In Phisice
Aristotelem In Ethice Zenonem: In Arithmetica Pytago-
ram In Musica Platonem In Geometria Archimedem
Syracusium In Astronomia Phtolomeum : Thaletem Mile-
sium: Anaxagoram: atq[ue] Hipparcum extitisse palam est Nam
tota Baptistae nostrae Astronomia erat: in qua solus regnabat uelu-
ti Cicero in iudicis. Quis enim uerius: firmioribusq[ue] rationibus
futura praenunciauit: testantur id eius scripta uenturas per singu-
los annos rerum uicissitudines praesagientia:quibus si caeterorum
iudicia conferantur: caligabunt in sole Apologian eius omitto:
qua Ioannem Sacroboschum:& Gyrardsum Sablonetam Astro-
nomos peritissimos tuetur aduersus imperitum Romanum que[m]
Barbarum in opere suo appellat: non minus acurate: quam subtili-
ter perscripto ad refutandam hominis barbariem:quod propedi-
em lucem accipiet:futurum illius artis studiosissimo cuiq[ue] admini-
culum non mediocre.O.Virum totius nostrae aetatis decus i[n]signe
O.rabidae mortis inaeuitabilem uiolentiam erat profecto uir iste
si unuidam illam atropon uincere fas esset immortaliitate donan-
dus:ne tot praeclarae artes uno eodemq[ue] tempore perirent. Qua[n]-
do autem Cremonenses moestissimi talem uirem secula uel prae-
ferentia:uel futura Dei optimi maximi indulgentia assequent[?]; qua[n]-
do praetor multiplicem doctrinam tot in uno homine congestas
uirtutes contemplabimur; An referam uius prudentiam; an ma-
gnitudinem animi; qua oblatos honores contempst; honestissi-
mas principum conditiones paruifecit; an modestiam:in amplo
patrominio excellentiq[ue] doctrina omnibus notam; Hic potentu[m]
amicus:tenuiorum amicior erat taceo praestitiam aegrotantibus
opem gratuitam:quis ulla un:q[uam] iniuria se uel lacessitum:uel affe-
ctum ab eo expostulauit. Religionem omitto si Baptistam quaere
res in hoc diui Augustini templi orante[m]:uel de rebus diuinis uer-
ba facientem:uel familiari colloquio edocentem uidistes. Quis eu
malae mentis in Deum fuisse coarguat; nemo sane. Vidi patres
optimi:uidi inquam multos:plurimos quoq[ue] fuisse a maioribus ac-
cepi summo inge[n]io:atq[ue] doctrina praeditos:de orthodoxa autem
fide perperam sencie[n]tes:ausosq[ue] sanctissimorum uirorum scriptis
foede & immaniter derogare. Hic uero purissimae mentis uir unu[m]
Deum esse praedicabat: sapientem:ac potentissimum. Vunde fit ut
inter caeteros me ipsum excruciem: naturamq[ue] ipsam in cusem
Quae me deliciis meis: Ciuitatem uero nostram fulgentissimo fi-
dere orbauerit. Possum itaq[ue] Hoc in loco Metelli. Verba ad fi-
lios de Scipione uita functo in medium afferre ite Filii:celebrate
exequias nunq[uam] Ciuis Maioris funus uidebitis:& ad Romanos ac-
currite inq[uam] quirites accurrite Quia nostrae ciuitatis Decus & lu-
men extinctum est:Nam si quid Boni in Vita est id habuit:si quid
uero Mali id euitauit. iugete Patres Baptistam sanctitate:& omni
Virtutem Genere Venerabile[m] Claudantur officinae:deserta sint
Gymnasia:Desti tuantur Theatra : Fiat deniq[ue] in urbe iusticium
Publico in tanti uiri moerore:quem tamen non accelerata mors
non uiolenta absumpsit:sed paulatim sensuum:menbrorumq[ue] ui-
gore labefactato irrepsit:anteactae uitae respondens:quam tran-
quillam:ac suauissimam aegit:si tame[n] mortem appellare licet:qua
Baptistae mortalitas:magis finita[m]:q[uam] uita est. Vnum postremo
superest Magnifici Desolatissimiq[ue] patres:Tuq[ue] Helysee quem
moerore consternatum uideo:Francisce: Hieronymeq[ue] nepotes
afflictissimi:ut postq[uam] ab oculis recessit ciuis: pater:auusq[ue] suauissi-
mus plenus honoribus:plenus a[n]nis:integerrimo ad octogessimu[m]
secundum aetatis annum adhuc corpore:non multis lachrymis:
non singultibus assiduis abeuntum prosequamini:ne Coelorum
gaudia:soelicioremq[ue] patriam ei in uidere uideamini : Baptistam
cogitate:euis uestigia ante oculos habete:sinceritatis:ac sanctita-
tis exemplar:uobis omnino persuadentes:qui Coelorum motus
comtemplari non destitit:relicto terrestri domicilio cum superis
aeternam:omniq[ue] molestia carentem uitam agere.

Ne Achariston idest ingratum: sed potius. Euchariston idest gra-
tum Helyseum Piasium experiamini Magnifici Magistratus:Do-
ctores Consultssimi:uosq[ue] humanissimi patres cum frequentissi-
mo:celeberrimoq[ue] conspectu uestro supremos cineres Babtiste
sui decoraueritis:Helyseus:filii: agnati:cognatiq[ue] oe[n]s i[m]mortales
agunt gratias habebuntq[ue] perpetuo:relaturi pro tempore sed uti
nam laetiori. Dixi.

Ioannis Cropelli Soncinatis ad lectorem Carmen.

Qui lachrymis oculos: gemituq[ue[ insana fatigas.
Pectora : Baptistae saeuaq[ue] fata gemis.
Heu iuctus pia causa tui est : quippe ille salutis.
Astrorumq[ue] : iacet iusticiaeq[ue] pater.
Nec tamen inuidiam Lachesis facinusq[ue] Mineruae
Pertulit Ausoniae : Caecropiaeq[ue] decus.
Excultaeq[ue] tonans Lugarus praeconia liuguae.
Funeribus iussit hunc superesse suis.
Hic postliminio reuocauit ad aethera:fatis
Fortior:& superum nectar amare dedit
Ergo uagos Coeli qui nouerat ante meatus:
Sidera nunc etiam cum Ioue summa tenet.

Vale Candidissime Lector

Acta Creomane In Frequentissimo Diui Augustini Templo De-
cimo Calen:Febru:Millesimo Quadringentesimo Nonagesimo

In the somewhat 2d world of anime fandom, fans (whether Weeaboo or Wapanese) express their like / preference / undying love for a specific female character within a given anime / show / political party / whatever by describing them as their ‘best girl‘, e.g. “Kim Pine = Totally. Best. Girl. Ever.”, or “Angela Merkel ist meine Best Girl” (possibly, though perhaps only if you happen to think German politics is a bit two-dimensional).

Are Voynich researchers as shallow as this? I wouldn’t like to say. But if you asked me for my personal vote for Voynich best girl (ok, “best nymph”), it would have to go to one of the three crowned zodiac nymphs.

There’s Miss Cancer (where I think the crown is clearly a later addition)…


…Miss Leo (where the crown seems original)…


…and Miss Libra (where I think the crown is also a later addition)…


Of the three, Miss Leo would appear to be the real deal, a specific ‘red letter’ day within the zodiac calendar that the author was so strongly attached to that he/she felt compelled to mark its date with a crown while composing the page (as if to prove my point, you can even see the red paint within the crown). And who, later, then also felt compelled to try to visually conceal its presence (to a certain degree, admittedly) by adding two spurious crowns to other non-red-letter day zodiac nymphs.

Hence Miss Leo is my Voynich best girl, original crown and all. And why ever would anyone think a different nymph could be better than that? I mean, what kind of Voyanese loser would say that one of those poxy balneo nymphs was his/her Voynich best girl? Now that would be completely insane, right? :-p

I recently had a nice day out in Whitstable (marred only by a little light rain and a touch overhoneyed squid tempura dipping sauce, upstairs at the otherwise excellent Crab & Winkle Restaurant). I only mention this because Whitstable’s Wetherspoons – The Peter Cushing – is named after the famous British horror actor (who had a house in the town for many years), famous for playing Grand Moff Tarkin and vampire hunter Van Helsing. And so some people might suspect Cushing’s Syndrome to be a condition involving, say, irrational fear of vampires.

Alas no! In 1912, the same year that Wilfrid Voynich was (supposedly) buying his now eponymous manuscript, it was American brain surgeon Harvey Williams Cushing (1869-1939) who described his patient Minnie as suffering from hypercorticism, though he originally assumed that this was some kind of polyglandular disorder. By 1943, this was known to be “an endocrinological syndrome caused by malfunction of the pituitary gland”, and was named Cushing’s Syndrome in H. W. Cushing’s honour.

So: all distracting mentions of sanguivoriphobia aside, how does Cushing’s Syndrome present? “Symptoms include rapid weight gain, particularly of the trunk and face with sparing of the limbs (central obesity). Common signs include the growth of fat pads along the collarbone, on the back of the neck (“buffalo hump” or lipodystrophy), and on the face (“moon face”).” It is also far more common in adult women than in adult men.

This should be just about enough of a trigger for long-suffering Voynich researchers to work out precisely where this is all leading…

Alexander N. Gabrovsky, Ph.D

It is a certain Alexander N. Gabrovsky, who styles himself as a “Medieval Consultant“, who is about to have a paper published in the Spring 2018 issue of “Source: Notes in the History of Art” (Vol. 37 No. 3). This paper – “Galenic Humoral Theory and Amenorrhea: Cushingoid Phenotype in a Fifteenth Century Illustrated Cipher Manuscript,” – which he asserts will be “one of the first peer-reviewed art historical perspectives on the Voynich Manuscript” will surely link the Voynich Manuscript (specifically its preponderance of Voynich nymphs, almost certainly) to the way Cushing’s Syndrome typically presents.

With my Art History hat on, I’ll be interested to see whether or not the whole “Cushingoid Phenotype” was ever depicted in a recognisable way in the centuries before 1912: it would be a strange paper were it not to even pose that question.

Gabrovsky describes himself as…

“[…]an American medievalist and hold a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge (England), specializing in medieval literature, alchemical manuscripts, paleopathology (study of ancient diseases), history of art, Chaucer, and history of the occult sciences from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.”

Just a short note to let you know that Cipher Mysteries’ website’ comment facility is (hopefully) now working again. I had configured it to use an anti-spam WordPress plugin called Mollom, which had its support withdrawn on 2nd April 2018: and so since then all comments to the site had been mysteriously rejected. Thanks to Mark, Rene and others for flagging this issue to me.

More generally, since early least month I’ve been tied up trying to resolve a number of non-crypto (i.e. real-life) issues, so please accept my apologies if you have found both the website and me to have been less responsive than normal. =:-o

Pameo Pose’s Voynich apparel

In the meantime, here is a selection of Voynich apparel from Japanese company Pameo Pose.

Firstly, a Voynich EVA ‘P’ themed beret, which comes in cream and tan (though both variants are sold out). Note that they have chosen the crossed-through single leg gallows from the EVA alphabet, which (of course) means that the ‘c’ and ‘h’ either side are missing:

Secondly, a Voynich lace collar, though I guess you would only be able to tell that it is EVA close-up. It also comes in two colours, and is sold out (I prefer the funky ear-rings, myself):

Thirdly, a Voynich lace dress, a snip at 33480 yen:

Finally (and my favourite of the lot) is the Voynich dance team top, which uses the well-formed EVA ‘cPh’ as its logo:

Thanks to a nice post on Marco Ponzi’s website, a new block paradigm candidate has presented itself: the short “Liber de Angelis”, the first eleven paragraphs of Cambridge University Library MS Dd.xi.45.

As Marco notes, this was transcribed and translated by Juris G. Lidaka in a chapter in Claire Fanger’s (1998) “Conjuring Spirits: Texts and Traditions of Late Medieval Ritual Magic“. (The full treatise, which is undoubtedly a collection of smaller treatises, is called “Liber de Angelis, Annulis, Karecteribus et Ymaginibus Planetarum”.)

“The Experiment”

Incidentally, this collection has the distinction of having been mentioned by the writer M.R.James in his story “The Experiment: A New Year’s Eve Ghost Story“, first published in the Morning Post, December 31, 1931 (as discussed here). Republished in “A Pleasing Terror”, p.402 refers to “Bishop Moore’s book of recipes”
James’ story concludes:

Bishop Moore’s book of recipes is now in the University Library at Cambridge, marked Dd 11, 45, and on the leaf numbered 144 this is written:

An experiment most ofte proved true, to find out tresure hidden in the ground, theft, manslaughter, or anie other thynge. Go to the grave of a ded man, and three tymes call hym by his nam at the hed of the grave, and say. Thou, N., N., N., I coniure the, I require the, and I charge the, by thi Christendome that thou takest leave of the Lord Raffael and Nares and then askest leave this night to come and tell me trewlie of the tresure that lyith hid in such a place. Then take of the earth of the grave at the dead bodyes hed and knitt it in a lynnen clothe and put itt under thi right eare and sleape theruppon: and wheresoever thou lyest or slepest, that night he will corn and tell thee trewlie in waking or sleping.

However, given that we are not presently concerned with asking the dead for advice about treasure hunting, I leave this merely as an aside / exercise for the reader. 😉

What we are actually concerned with is whether the eleven paragraphs of the Liber de Angelis might somehow be the plaintext of a section of the Voynich Manuscript: so, without any further ado, here they are (as transcribed by Lidaka)…

Liber de Angelis

[1] Signum admirabile experimentorum dixit Messayaac & incipit cum adiuncto Altissimi & est mirabile signum & ualde admirandum in quo sunt secreta Altissimi. Per illud autem ludei operabantur, Caldei, Egipcij, & prudentes Babilonici. Cum igitur operare uolueris, fiat annulus Solis, ex auro fiat, in quo scribantur carecter & nomen angeli solis. & hoc annulus habeatur in omni sacrificio super minore digito sinister manus. Cartam itaque cum mente curiose & studiose custodire in loco mundissimo, & inuolue in rubeo serico.
[2] & hec sunt opera annulus Solis. Cum itaque secundum annulum Solis die dominice ieiunes usque ad noctem, nocte autem facies sacrificium de quada aue non domestica prope litus aque decurrentis, & cum eiusdem auis sanguine scribe carecter & nomen angeli Solis in carta uirginea, & hanc tecum porta. Et cum uolueris transire de vna terra in alteram, depinge in terra carecter Solis & nomen angeli eius, & statim veniet equus niger qui portabit te vbicumque uolueris. Tene tamen cartam in manu dextera & annulum in manu sinistra.
[3] Sicus prius, habeas carecter & nomen angeli eius & scribantur in annulo, & ieiunes in die Lune quo fit annulus Lune, sicud fecisti in annulo Solis, in quo si operare uolueris continuo, sacrificabis anguillam flumalem, cuius sanguine scribe carecter Lune & nomen angeli eius in pelle tue, & inuolue in pelle anguille & reserua vt cum volueris ut appareat flumen uel arbor cum fructu, scribe in terra nomen angeli & nomen fructus, & uoca angelum carta aperta, & apparebit, Si uis ut non appareat, claude cartam.
[4] De annulo Martis. Fiat sacrificium de aue rapaci intra domum ad ignem, et scribe cum eiusdem sanguine in pelle eiusdem nomen angeli & carecteris. Et cum uolueris ut appareant milites armati uel castella uel lubricus ludus, uel ut vincas in prelio, fac caracterem & nomen angeli in terra & appari cartam & apparebit & faciet que preceperis, & cum clauditur carta recedet & cessabit.
[5] Totum fac ut de alijs, sacrificium fiat de uulpe uel de cato in loco deserto, scribe careterem et nomen angeli in fronte – vinces in omni placito. Tene cartam in manu.
[6] Fac sacrificium de gallo, karetter & nomen angeli scribe in pelle, intelligi, in quo inuoluas denarium, & qociens ipsum donaueris reuertetur.
[7] Fac sacrificium de columba alba viuente, carecterem & nomen angeli eius scribe in pelle leporis, quod si mulieri ostenderis sequentur te uelociter.
[8] Totum ut supra. [Damage to leaf has left a small section unreadable here.] Sacrificium de capra inter vepres, carecterem & nomen angeli scribe in percameno veteri. Cum uolueris inter duos odium mittere, eorum nomina in percameno, codem carecterem & nomen angeli in pelle capre, ut predicatur. Cum uolueris aliquem intoxicare, in eius potu intinge annulum Saturni: cum idem potauerit intoxicabitur.
[9] Nunc de generalibus mandatis restat docere. Annulus Solis in omni sacrificio habeatur, & annulus Febe, in quo nomen angeli ipsius; Febe tam in memoria habeatur quam in opera. & fiat sacrificium in circulo infundali, prius scriptus carecter, & in medio magister dicat: ‘Oya, sacrificium tue laudis suscipe’, proiciens carnes extra circulum. In qualibet autem operacione, nomen angeli inuocetur & annulus in digito habeatur. Carte uero mundissime reseruentur, nec in noctis tenebris aperiantur nisi operis necessario ingrauerit.
[10] Nunc de annulis. Annulus Solis ad equum & fiet de auro. Annulus Lune ex argento ad fluuium. Annulus Martis ex ere ad uictoriam in bello. Annulus Mercurij ex cupro ad scienciam. Annulus Iouis ex electro ad denarium. Annulus Veneris ex plumbo ad amorem. Annulus Saturni ex ferre ad odium. Annulus Capitis Draconis ex calibe ad toxicandum.
[11] Hox signum mirabile est experimentum magistri Messayaac de secretis spirituum planetis, secundum mencionem, & sumitur sic. Omitto nomina angelorum cum carecteribus suis (que incipiunt sic: Storax, Abamecta, Paymon, cum ceteris) propter certam causam hic scribenda.

It’s Not by Osbern Bokenham

Though it was once thought to have been written down by Augustinian poet-monk Osbern Bokenham, Lidaka dismisses this quickly. But as a nice point of history, Osbern Bokenham did once conceal his identity in the chapter initial letters (much as in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili) as discussed here:

On 1st May 1456 he wrote Dialogue betwixt a secular asking and a Frere (friar) answering at the grave of Dame Joan of Acre. This is a very important source for the history of Clare Priory. This manuscript, which still exists, is written in both Latin and English, and richly decorated on parchment. Another of his works was called Mappula Anglicae, which covered the rhymed lives of English saints such as Cedde, Felix and Oswald.

It contained seventeen chapters, and was anonymous, except that Bokenham stated that, if taken in sequence, the first letter in each chapter spelt out the name of the author. It reads OSBERNUS BOKEN_HAM. Chapter 15 is missing.

[Yes, it does indeed look from that as though it was actually Chapter 14 that was missing, but let’s not quibble.]

It’s Actually by William Bokenham

Though the surname of the Liber de Angelis writer was clearly Bokenham, Lidaka points out that the author’s first name was William, and that he was copying various small treatises, not composing them. Moreover, given that two works dealing with urine (that most multispectral of medieval medical staples) by a William Bokenham are in Wellcome MS 408, and that in them he claimed to be “a doctor with a degree from Bologna” as well as “a monk at Norwich Holy Trinity (or St Giles)”, we would seem to have our copyist locked down quite solidly.

From internal evidence (the ‘Oya’ in paragraph #9), Lidaka suggests that the Liber de Angelis version being copied may well have been derived from an earlier French language version: and separately that the ultimate source of at least some of the tracts could perhaps be Arabic. In which case, it might be a good idea to get acquainted with David Pingree’s “The Diffusion of Arabic Magical Texts in Western Europe” (Ladaka’s note #14). [Jim Reeds is also mentioned in note #20, crypto-history fans.]

Personally, I’m also a little suspicious of the “karetter” in paragraph #6 as being a possible linguistic tell.

And Now We’ve Done All That…

…I’ll compare this with the Voynich Manuscript’s planets in a follow-on post, 1300 words is quite enough for the moment. 🙂

I’ve just watched a sort-of-mostly-interesting interview with Adam Lewis, whose senior thesis at Puget Sound I mentioned here a few days ago.

However, one particular part of his argument (as presented in the interview, at least) made no real sense to me at all: that even though the Voynich offers (Lewis says) a decent-sized corpus of text to work with [in fact, it’s possibly the largest ciphertext from the pre-machine-cipher era], its text style is somehow too ‘samey’ for linguists to find the weak link in (and hence crack).

In fact, we have (at least) two ‘languages’ to work with, better known in Voynich circles as Currier A and Currier B (named after the distinguished US code-breaker Captain Prescott Currier, who first noted them in the 1970s), though it remains an open question as to whether or not they are closer to ‘dialects’ than distinct ‘languages’ per se. Hence I’m not entirely convinced by Lewis’s argument.

Regardless, might there be some subtle thread (whether linguistic, cryptological, or whatever) connecting two different blocks of text that we can trace between the two pages they appear on? Might we be able to find a tentative internal Voynichese text match (be it ever so small) to cast some faint light on both parts, in precisely the way that Adam Lewis asserts that we cannot?

Well… I hope you’ll agree that it’s worth attempting, so let’s give it a go, eh? 🙂

Three Pages, One Plant?

I believe that most Voynich researchers would agree that – very unusually – a single plant seems to appear in three separate places in the manuscript: f17v, f96v, and f99r. Long-suffering Cipher Mysteries readers may also remember that I posted about these pages back in 2013.

voynich f17v

voynich f96v

voynich f99r bottom recipe

Note that identifications of the plant are somewhat nebulous and unsure:
* Dana Scott – wild buckwheat (Ellie Velinska tends to agree with this, or perhaps bryony)
* “biologist from Finland” – – Rumex acetosella? or Smilax aspera (=common smilax) or Smilax excelsa. Or Dioscorea communis / Tamus communis?
* Peter – Tamus communis or Smilax aspera
* MarcoP – Cadamosto’s “vitis nigra” (black vine) commonly “tamo” (“vitis nigra tamo dice lo vulgo”), i.e. Tamus communis
* JKP – suggests many different plant matches
* Kieran Coughlan – Creeping Nightshade (Solanum Dulcamara)
* Edith Sherwood – yam (even though yam is post-Columbus) – and she thinks she can see Leonardo da Vinci’s signature hidden in its hairy roots. As always, make of that what you will.

(Doubtless there are many more to be found, but that’s the point where I lost interest.)

Codicologically: even though f96v and f99r would at first appear to have had a pair of pages inserted between them at some stage (i.e. f97 and f98), they ended up facing each other in the Voynich’s final state. Moreover, f96v is the last page of quire 17, and f99r is the first page of quire 19: my best reading (that I put forward in 2012 in Frascati) is that there was never any such pair of inserted pages, but that instead someone else had previously misnumbered the final two quires (Quire 19 and Quire 20), and that the two extra pages there were added to account for the ‘Quire 18’ that was never actually there. Perhaps none of this is actually important: but I think there’s a good chance that – contrary to their final folio numbering – f96v and f99r have sat facing each other for some time, perhaps even in the original gathering order.

Anyway, comparing the blocks of text reveals something I think is rather unusual, and which may possibly come as a surprise to many who look more at the drawings than at the text: that even though they share the same plant drawing, they really are – when you look a little closer – very different indeed from each other.


1. pchodol.chor.fchy.opydaiin.odaldy
2. ycheey.keeor.cthodal.okol.odaiin.okal
3. oldaim.odaiin.okal.oldaiin.chockhol.olol
4. kchor.fchol.cphol.olcheol.okeeey
5. ychol.chol.dolcheey.tchol.dar.ckhy
6. ockhor.or.okaiin.or.otaiind
7. sor.chkeey.paiir.cheor.os.s.aiin
9. lcheol.shol.kchol.choltaiin.ol
11. qokchey.qokaiir.ctheol.chol
12. oy.choy.kaiin.chckhey.ol.chor
13. ykeor.chol.chol.cthol.chkor.sheol
14. olor.okeeol.chodaiin.okeol.tchory
15. ychor.cthy.chshky.cheo.otor.oteol
16. okcheol.chol.okeol.cthol.otcheolom
17. qoain.shar.she.dol.qopchaiin.cthor
18. otor.cheeor.ol.chol.dor.chr.oreees
19. dain.chey.qoaiin.cthor.cholchom
20. ykeey.okeey.cheor.chol.sho.odaiin
21. oal.sheor.sholor.orshecthy.cpheor.daiin
22. qokeee.dar.chey.keeor.cheeol.ctheey.cthy
23. chkeey.okeor.shar.okeom

A list of mildly distinctive features of f17v might well include:
* the “ol.olol” repetition on line 3
* the single-leg gallows on line 1 (possibly a Neal Key?) and on line 4. (Might line 4 in fact be the start of a second paragraph?)
* note that the single-leg gallows on line 17 also looks like it might be the top line of a paragraph
* the “qoain” on line 17 (this appears only 7 times in the manuscript) and “qoaiin” on line 19 (this appears only 23 times)
* the “autocopied”-like choldaiin/choltaiin pair on lines 8 and 9
* chol appears 11 times (as itself and within other words)
* chol.chol (line 13) appears 39 times in A pages but only a single time in B pages


1. psheossheeor.qoepsheody.odar.ocpheeo.opar.ysarorom
2. yteor.yteor.olcheey.dteodaiin.sary.qoches.ycheom
3. dcheoteos.cpheos.sor.chcthory.cth.ytchey.daiin
4. dsheor.sheey.teocthy.ctheodody
7. sheodal.chorory.cthol
8. ycheey.ckheal.daiin.s
9. oeol.ckheor.cheor.aiin
10. ctheor.oral.chor.ckhey
11. sar.os.checkhey.socthh
12. sosar.cheekeo.dain
13. soy.sar.cheor

* the four single-leg gallows (p) on line 1 could very easily be flagging Neal Keys in some way (e.g. [p] + “sheossheeor.qoe” + [p])
* there are only three instances of “yteor” in the whole manuscript, and line 2 has two side by side
* the way that “s” is used as the first character of lines 11-13 gives the appearance of being filler in some way (e.g. a null)
* there’s also an autocopyist-style diagonal set of “sar”s on lines 11-13 (sar / sosar / soy.sar) that also looks like filler
* the repetition of ctheodody and ckheeody on lines 4 and 5 makes it look as though ctheodody may have been a miscopying of ctheody

Hence even though the use of ‘language’ superficially appears similar to f17v (Currier-wise), there are very few actual similarities.

f99r, final paragraph

1. tolkeey.ctheey
2. ykeol.okeol.ockhey.chol.cheodal.okeor.olcheem.orar
3. okeeey.keey.keeor.okeey.daiin.okeols.aiin.olaiir.oolsal

Here, “qokeey.okeey.qokeey.okesy.qokeey” on line 4 is exactly the sort of repetitive garbage that reduces attempted linguistic decryptions to mush while simultaneously giving heart to hoax theorists and their CompSci tables.

A vs B, again

We can try categorize these three pages by revisiting Currier’s original notes on A and B,:

(a) Final ‘dy’ is very high in Language ‘B’; almost non-existent in Language ‘A.’
(b) The symbol groups ‘chol’ and ‘chor’ are very high in ‘A’ and often occur repeated; low in ‘B’.
(c) The symbol groups ‘chain’ and ‘chaiin’ rarely occur in ‘B’; medium frequency in ‘A.’
(d) Initial ‘chot’ high in ‘A’; rare in ‘B.’
(e) Initial ‘cth’ very high in ‘A’; very low in ‘B.’
(f) ‘Unattached’ finals scattered throughout Language ‘B’ texts in considerable profusion; generally much less noticeable in Language ‘A.’

Additional observations noted by Rene Zandbergen:

(g) The very frequent character combination ed is almost entirely non-existent in all A-language pages.
(h) The very common character combination qo is almost completely absent in the zodiac pages and the rosettes page, but appears everywhere else.
(i) The common character combination cho does not appear in the biological pages (and the rosettes page), but it does in other B-language pages.

From this, we can say (somewhat uncomfortably) that:
* f17v is a definitely-Currier-A page (it has lots of “chol” and “chor” instances, as well as cth- words)
* f96v is a sort-of-a-Currier-A page
* f99r is a sort-of-a-Currier-B page

And so we get to the awkward situation I highlighted back in 2013, that A vs B is far too simplistic to be a globally useful razor, and that we also don’t yet have a good ‘roadmap’ for how the ‘language’ used in the Voynich Manuscript evolves and changes through its pages. Which is essentially why I think that Adam Lewis is being too reductive when he claims that Voynichese is too samey across its pages to be crackable – the actual situation would seem to be that Voynichese is actually too unsamey for anyone to get a grip on.

But is there a match?

Back in 2013, commenter Šuruppag suggested on my original page that there might possibly be a very short match between all three blocks of text. Specifically (as transcribed above):

* f17v line 5: ychol.chol.dolcheey
* f96v line 2: yteor.yteor.olcheey
* f99r line 3: keey.keeor.okeey

Šuruppag continued:

A nice little sequence that occurs once in each passage. Seems to show similar pattern and characters.
Perhaps this sequence (possibly the name of the plant?) shows us the evolution of the cipher. Feel free to criticize if you don’t think so.

I would add that there’s reasonably good evidence (I flagged this in The Curse of the Voynich in 2006) that “-y” may mark where a longer word has been truncated: and so “keey” on f99r could very easily be a (slightly) truncated version of “keeor”. In which case we might wonder whether “yt” on f96v is enciphering the same underlying letter as “k” on f99r.

Again, in Curse in 2006 I proposed that EVA ok / ot / yk / yt (all of which appear prominently in label-driven sections such as the zodiac pages, e.g. “otolal”) might well be verbose cipher pairs, whereas EVA t / k (i.e. where not immediately preceded by o or y) might well be some kind of transposition cipher where a different letter gets inserted from elsewhere in the text (t and k are basically interchangeable in almost all circumstances). This makes me suspect here that the last word of the phrase on f99r should actually be olkeey rather than okeey, because “ok” would then be a verbose cipher whereas “olk” would be parsed as “ol-k”.

I also wrote in Curse that I thought not only that EVA e / ee / eee / ch shapes were verbosely enciphered vowels, but that their mapping and use seemd to change between A and B pages. So I for one would not be hugely disturbed if it were to be the case that EVA “e-or” in f96v reappears as EVA “ee-or” in f99r.

And finally, I have also proposed that where Voynichese words start with “d-“, this may well turn out to be a signal that a longer word has been split up into two shorter words. (For example, I suspect that daiin daiin sequences encipher groups of Arabic digits that should be joined together.)

Putting all these fragments together, I wonder if perhaps the three lines (if the various miscopyings were corrected, and the f99r -y rectified as -or, and the words reassembled) were originally supposed to be parsed as:

* f17v line 5: ychol..chololcheey – – – or perhaps “ychol.ychololcheey”
* f96v line 2: yteor.yteorolcheey
* f99r line 3: keeor.keeorolkeey

Hence it seems to me that what might well be going on in the f99r line is that three “k”s are being used to stand in for yt / yt / ch respectively, i.e. that the encipherer is using a transposition (i.e. replacement from elsewhere in the text) cipher trick rather than f96v’s verbose cipher trick to encipher the same plaintext word.

But what then of f17v’s text? My best current guess is that this version may well be closer still to the same small block of plaintext being enciphered on all three pages.

One cipher alphabet, multiple verbose ciphers?

More awkwardly than all of the above, the above seems to suggest that chol in the first page be the same as eor in the second page and eeor in the third page: that is, that even though the Voynichese letters are the same across different pages, the arrangement of verbose ciphers using those covertext letters may well be changing. Is our inability to read Voynichese then largely a consequence of multiple verbose cipher arrangements having been used?

When this kind of Voynichese discussion comes up, I often think back to my late (and intensely argumentative) friend Glen Claston. When he was building up his Voynichese transcription, he often noticed (as he mentioned to me a couple of times) that the patterns and styles of words would “shift” every few lines or paragraphs, as though it internally changed into a different gear or mode. He was never able to quantify this shift more precisely (even though he was a keener observer than almost everyone), but perhaps there lurks at the heart of Voynichese some kind of verbose cipher modality – not enough to disrupt the overall “look” (i.e. of the covertext), but more than enough to throw the decryptor hounds off the crypto-scent.

That is, perhaps what these three lines is trying to tell us is that we should be looking not for a single global verbose cipher key (as might be suggested by the way that the covertext consistently uses a relatively small set of cipher glyphs), but for a number of different (and rather more localized) verbose cipher keys. Voynichese’s covertext may be formed from a single set of glyphs across all its pages, but might the complexity around the different blur of Currier ‘languages’ actually be telling us that there are multiple encryption schemes in use?

If that is correct (to even some degree), what would we need to do to get under Voynichese’s skin? I’ve often spoken of the need to try to map Currier A usage to Currier B usage (to try to identify equivalent sequences in the two parts), but perhaps this is only 5% of the larger challenge, and moroever a step that makes no sense until the verbose ciphers have been even partially mapped – for it could very well be that a part of a single page might well need to be remapped to a different part of the same page in order to be able to parse it, let alone read it. Perhaps the first step should be to try to find examples of Voynich Manuscript pages that exhibit Clastonian multimodality (i.e. where there is an apparent shift in the system within the page), and see if we can quantify how the changes in behaviour work in practice, just so that we can even try to parse what is going on.

Tricky, though. 🙁

If a device could be constructed to reclaim the effort – by which I mean purely physical effort – put into constructing Voynich decryption non-theories, I reckon it could probably power Grimsby (population “88,243 in 2011”, according to Wikipedia) indefinitely. Add in the additional effort expended to construct ad hominems against people who are deemed to be opponents of said non-theories, and you could probably power Cleethorpes (population “nearly 40,000 in 2011”) too.

Sadly, such advanced energy-harvesting technology remains beyond even Silicon Valley’s greatest egos minds, so for now the best we can do is to throw some more theories onto the fire to keep us Northern Hemisphereans warm through the (oddly late) winter chill.

Ata Team Alberta

A four-year-long “family project” (the Ardiç family, i.e. Ahmet Ardiç, Alp Erkan Ardiç, Ozan Ardiç, etc) calling itself “Ata Team Alberta” (ATA) claims (in a YouTube video) that it “has deciphered and translated over 30% [of] the manuscript”, and has submitted “a formal paper of the philological study […] to an academic journal in John Hopkins University.”

The team claims that Voynichese is nothing more than a kind of “Turkic language”, written in a “poetic” style that often displays “phonemic orthography”: they mention f33 as being particularly “rhythmically matching”. Well… anyone who wants to have a look at what they’ve done can fast-forward to 5:02 in the video, which is where their tricksy character correspondence tables start to appear.

Incidentally, when mildly pressed by the Toronto Metro, Lisa Fagin Davis assessed Ata Team Alberta’s efforts as “one of the few solutions I’ve seen that is consistent, is repeatable, and results in sensical text”. Which is, of course, a somewhat peccable (if perhaps slightly maculate) opinion to be holding.

According to this news report, Ahmet is now flying to Turkey to consult with Old Turkic specialists (presumably because all the young specialists are busy). Perhaps he’ll have more to say when he returns.

Gerone Wright

According to Gerone Wright, “it was almost as if I believed in myself that if I studied this text long enough, I would actually know what it means“. And so here’s Gerone telling everyone in the world (via the magic of YouTube) how the Voynich Manuscript is all chemistry, stem cells, genetics, and stuff: and even how some of Q13’s diagrams illustrate ovaries, fallopian tubes and fibroids (etc). Almost, anyway:

The point of including this video here is not that it casts any obvious light on the Voynich Manuscript, but rather that (a) most broadly similar YouTube Voynich theory videos seem to have been done by confused men sitting on cheap sofas in badly-lit sitting rooms wearing only their tighty whities (and that’s not really something that has ‘shareable’ written all over it), and (b) unlike almost everyone in (a), at least Gerone seems to be vaguely aware that what is powering his particular decryption is not so much cryptologic or historical smarts as intense self-belief. Which alone is a rare insight to be blessed with.

Viktor V. Mykhaylov

After sixteen years of effort (yes, four times as much as those Ata Team Alberta wimps), Viktor Mykhaylov of New York has written a book about his Voynich decryption, entitled: Mystery of Senzar. And once again there’s a freshly-minted 2018-vintage YouTube video:

Sample translation of f1r: “Do you graze a goddess-cow? Where? Is this the former deity of the Sun?” And before long: “Have you born this goddess – Eye?”

Aye, indeed. Mykhaylov describes his decryption as follows:

The Manuscript was written in ancient forgotten Senzar language, like mix of Vedic Sanskrit and Devanagari, which was before them – Proto-language. The Manuscript was written in November-December 1417, in Vilnius, by Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus-Ukraine, Lithuania, Zhemaytia, Mlodovlakhia (Moldova), Gregory (Gavryil) Tsamblak (Samvlah), and his monks specially for the Queen of Bavaria and Bohemia Sophia, who was the wife of King Wenceslavs IV. This Manuscript was written because Queen Sophia considered herself a goddess Ra.

Metropolitan Samvlah by order of Grand Duke Vytautas, and King of Poland Jagiello, was the head of the largest delegation (about 300 participants) to the Cathedral in Constants. Among all participants were the ambassadors from Saladin – Ayyubid dynasty – An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub.

All of which may be oddly familiar to those who remember John Stojko (“Letters to God’s eye: The Voynich manuscript for the first time deciphered and translated into English”, 1978), who similarly proposed that Voynichese was some kind of proto-language from Ukraine. (I vaguely recall that Stojko lived and died in New York state as well, but I’m not 100% sure of this.) Incidentally, the “Cathedral in Constants” Mykhaylov is referring to here is actually the Council of Constance (1414-1418).

(And yes, I know that Saladin lived from 1137 to 1193. But let’s not bicker over mere details, OK?)

But then Mykhaylov goes and spoils it somewhat by skiing so far off-piste that nobody else can reach him:

Thanks to reading this Manuscript, I received the key to understanding and explaining the origin of all religions, and their names, that existed and now exist, the origin of all tribes and civilizations, and their names, those that existed and now exist, the origin of all languages that were used and that are used now on Earth. I will display all this information in my books, on which I am now working.

Oh well! 🙁

Given that most Voynich furrows have been heavily overploughed over the last two decades, it has become rare for something novel to pop up on my Voynich radar. On those rare occasions such a thing does happen (e.g. the Sagittarius crossbowman, etc), I do try to use my posts to communicate a sense of enthusiasm and excitement.

And so here’s something that might well prove to be interesting: an “Honors senior thesis presentation” courtesy of Adam Lewis at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma in Washington, entitled “An Anatomy of Failure: Analysis Attempts to Decode the Voynich Manuscript” – 6pm-7pm on 21st February 2018, at UPS’s Wyatt Hall, Room 109.

Incidentally, here’s a picture of the University of Puget Sound’s mascot “Grizz the Logger” in action:

So… why is it that the floor around the VMs is littered with so many dead bodies, so many foolish theories, indeed so many grotesquely idiotic theories? What is it about the Voynich Manuscript that draws out the airiest and least tethered of speculations from people? It’s certainly a topic I’ve thought a lot about over the years, and so I look forward to (eventually) reading Adam Lewis’s senior thesis: it should be fun.

Incidentally, I don’t believe I’ve ever talked with Adam, but I suspect this is his LinkedIn profile here.

On the down side, however, I should point out that the talk is marked as “Campus Only” on the website, so even if you do want to go along, you may not actually get in: hence I’d certainly advise phoning or emailing beforehand if you are considering this.

As a sidenote, fans of Alex Scarrow’s books will probably remember that “Timeriders: The Doomsday Code” features a computer hacker called Alex Lewis, who finds his name hidden in the Voynich Manuscript. That’s probably just coincidental (or possibly some time travelling geocache trickery), but I thought I’d mention it anyway. 😉

Incidental news: Cipher Mysteries recently had its 25,000th comment, while it has now also had close to three million page views. Which is nice. (Just thought I’d mention it in passing.) The remainder of the post is for tying up various Voynich threads that aren’t each enough for a whole post of their own.

Edith Zimmerman

Here’s a Voynich amuse-bouche: any page with drawings taken from the Voynich Manuscript’s Quire 13 that includes the following quote is more than OK by me:

Anyway, so then we got to the part in our performance where Shelly and Mathilde stand in giant pipes covered with rhinestones. They hold up large balloons that have fishtails dangling off them, Chinese dragon-style.

Voynich LOL

An example of the per-section language use in Voynichese is that the word EVA “lol” appears far more often in quires Q13 and Q20 than anywhere else. Here’s the lol cluster in the top paragraph of f77r (1 x loly, 3 x lol, all at the end of lines):

Aside from Q13, EVA lol also appears here: f48v f86v6 f103r/v f106r f107r/v f111v f113v f115r f116r. Incidentally, the first word of the last paragraph of f116r (which I suspect contains a colophon from the author) seems to me to be the same kind of thing as the heavily digraph-structured labelese words, though with the extra twist of EVA l sometimes standing in for ol, as I discussed elsewhere):

Brian Hendley

The recent talk of Canadian academics’ rogue AI’s preparing for the enslavement of Mankind by solving Voynichese triggered some memories in the head of Brian Hendley, a philosophy professor at the University of Waterloo:

Your recent story about deciphering the mysterious Voynich manuscript took me back to my graduate school days at Yale and my dissertation supervisor, Bob Brumbaugh. Bob was a recognized Plato scholar but he did have a crack at deciphering the Voynich manuscript, resulting in some published articles and a book, “The Most Mysterious Manuscript: The Voynich ‘Roger Bacon’ Cipher Manuscript.” I recall Bob saying that you could spend your entire scholarly career trying to decipher the Voynich.

Ain’t that the truth, eh? *sigh*

Gerard Cheshire (yes, again)

Polyglot linguistic Voynich theorist Gerard Cheshire (whose theory I discussed here back in 2017) has hurtled into 2018 even more convinced of his utter rightness (and of everyone else’s abject wrongheadedness).

If you really, really want to read his all-new polyglot interpretation of the nine rosette page (which he calls “Tabula regio novem”, which I don’t believe is grammatical Latin, whatever Google Translate may say) which is all about Italian volcanoes, it is online here.

For those whose appetite for such things would be easily assuaged by a single dim sum, here is Cheshire’s elucidation (I hesitate to call it a decryption or translation) of the text around the bottom-left (SW) rosette:

om é naus (people and ship)
o’monas (in unity)
o’menas (take charge)
omas (mothers/babies)
o’naus (of ship)
orlaus [orlas] (to protect)
omr v asaæe [vasaie] (life-force pots: pregnant bellies)
or as (yet in)
a ele/elle a (he/she at)
a inaus [inauspitica] (inauspicious/unfavourable),
o ele e na (he/she is in)
æina (a/one)
omina (omen)
olinar (to look)
n os aus (it is)
omo na moos (man not mouse)
é ep [epousee] as (and embrace)
or e ele a opénas (an opening)
os as ar vas (thus you go)
opas (but carefully)
a réina (to the queen)
ol ar sa os aquar aisu na (to facilitate not getting wet with seawater).

J. Michael Herrmann

One little-noted Voynich theory from last year was J. Michael Herrmann’s The Voynich Manuscript is Written in Natural Language: The Pahlavi Hypothesis. Exactly as it says on the tin, it’s a linguistic Voynich theory:

Here, we provide evidence that the VM is written in natural language by establishing a relation of the Voynich alphabet and the Iranian Pahlavi script. Many of the Voynich characters are upside-down versions of their Pahlavi counterparts, which may be an effect of different writing directions. Other Voynich letters can be explained as ligatures or departures from Pahlavi with the intent to cope with known problems due to the stupendous ambiguity of Pahlavi text.

Herrmann followed that with his 2018 paper The Cannabis Page of the Voynich Manuscript. This finesses some of the claims in the 2017 paper, now suggesting that Voynichese uses an “alphabet that has similarities to Pahlavi and Mandaic script”.

The “Cannabis Page” referred to in the title is f16r:

In Herrmann’s translation (which is accompanied by extensive notes, presumably to help readers overcome the “stupendous ambiguity” of Pahlavi), the first paragraph of f16r emerges as a tirade against the evils of cannabis:

Cannabis [is] vain. Stay away from the impudent crowing man. The pipe is a debasement. Jaundice [is] the overly happy face of the adherent. [He is] puffed up with pride. Security does not come [to him]. In the evening peace of mind does not come [to him, as] the serpent of nightly lust spoils him. [What is] concealed,
will become public.

If you are interested, Herrmann’s rendering of the first paragraph of f1r is as follows:

(1) The humble grass shames you. Obediently hold the law. You cry for help for the tribunal commanded (2) for being insolent. Verily, you are frightened out of your wits by the troops in fury. Crowds and crowds of abled ones. (3) Woe, the well ordered line (of troops) is driving forward. If you see this, you will. Don’t start to count and to number the men, woe! (4) Refrain form [sic] the uneducated baldhead, the storyteller, the teaching of the “light bringer”. Remember the time of the fathers. (5) Heaven shield those who are weak for debasement. The man of doubt guide right.

If only I had an open letter I could use, if only… :-/