…where I’ve been filming in Venice and Milan for a Voynich documentary to come out (I guess) in late 2012. So, I’m very sorry if I’ve been somewhat quiet of late, but this process has involved a fair amount of behind-the-scenes preparation to try to get the most out of all the different locations.

Apart from nearly getting sunstroke in the 35-degree heat one of the days, 🙁 it turned out to be a thoroughly great experience. The crew were all fantastic to work with (even at the end of a 12 hour working day), while the impressive historical and technical experts assembled by the production team were also a pleasure to meet and work with. What’s more, in all the different filming locations, we managed to gain access to unusual corners of places that normally remain locked to visitors, and this turned up a good number of historical surprises I for one wasn’t expecting at all… but more on all those once the programme has aired.

You may be wondering whether this documentary will somehow resolve all the unanswered questions about the Voynich Manuscript. Errrrm… of course not, that would be ridiculous. Even so, the things I saw were historical eye-openers for me (and I’ve seen a lot of stuff), and I very much hope you will enjoy the ride! 🙂

4 thoughts on “I’ve just got back from Italy…

  1. Diane on July 20, 2011 at 6:49 am said:

    Welcome back. Hope the show is taken up by some southern networks. I missed seeing the last one.

  2. How exciting!

  3. Great, any idea what kind of length this will be: 40 min? 60 min? Looking forward to it, nice to the see the factual historical side of the italian trail being investigated. (IMO, there should really be a mention of the Ghibelline aspects of the manuscript in any respectable Voynich theory.)

  4. Tony on July 26, 2011 at 7:55 pm said:

    Welcome back – should’ve wore a sunhat – look forward to your film

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