Not much to say about Tiago Rodrigues’ new d’Agapeyeff cipher site, except that he summarises the existing cipher analyses pretty well and adds a few of his own thoughts (such as splitting the search space into two 7×14 blocks to try to make it significantly more manageable). Apart from wanting him to change his outbound links from the Voynich News blogger site to the Cipher Mysteries WordPress site, I’d say he’s done a good job of putting together a pretty good starting point. 🙂

(Incidentally, my three d’Agapeyeff pages are here, here, and here.)

3 thoughts on “New d’Agapeyeff cipher site…

  1. Sean Andrews on April 3, 2010 at 11:29 am said:


    thanks for your book, btw! I loved your anagram of my name.

    Anyway, have you seen the allegation that the VM is anagrammatic? There is a report i saw online (and I am blanking on her name, now) and she goes through dozens of examples (the plants) where they seem to match up nicely. Granted, I don’t know medievil Italian much less their anagrams, but superficially it looks very intriguing.

    Have you run across this yet?


  2. Hi,

    thanks for mentioning the site. I’m currently experimenting with a technique for solving transposition and substitution product ciphers (I hope with it I can put to rest whether d’Agapeyeff cipher is a product cipher or not) . I hope to be able to update the site with this information in the following weeks, as well as the code to a few tools I wrote to help on the analysis.
    I’ll also do my best to update the links as soon as I get the time =)


  3. I know two places one ist a old stat ( 30000 year) and rock tunnel (70000 years) in Bolivia.

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