You don’t have to have the hundred eyes of Argus nor Watchman Ozymandias‘ wall of screens to notice that most stuff on the Internet is, errrm, a bit rubbish.

And yet… every once in a while, something unexpected pops up that (almost) makes it all worthwhile.

So, here’s a page that takes you on an unforgettable historical journey into a basement in Portland, Oregon. No ciphers, but great pictures, great text, great punchline… basically, I love it all. Bless you, Cabel, I hope you have a great 2013. 🙂

8 thoughts on “What lurks in the basement?

  1. Nick & Cabel:

    The photo display and beautiful commentary is 1drful !! Thank you – and may you be blessed in the coming new year.

    Is there any way you could get your local historical society interested in documenting the basement (photograpically, at least)? Perhaps it might even be of interest to your local newspaper publishers as an addition to their archives?

    Being a former records management/archivist, I was very much gratified to see your post. As much as I love the internet, I am concerned about how much we depend on electronic or more “ethereal” and “transitory” methods of communication world-wide.

    Maybe you can now understand my sign-off from these posts?

    bdid1dr 🙂

  2. Thanks, Nick, and a happy new year to you and all the voynicheros.

  3. Tangentially related – a very dark looking blog – but I would be glad of your views about the argument made on Ellie Velinska’s blog for the month-names’ having been written by Peter of Candia or his secretary.
    The post is at

  4. Diane: another interesting post from Ellie… I’ve been meaning to post about her Voynich thoughts for a while, so will try to get round to that very soon. 🙂

  5. Dennis on January 1, 2013 at 12:43 am said:

    Thanks, Nick! A great page.

    Unfortunately, this reminds me of one of my college dorm rooms. The last occupants had pasted not-very-interesting newspaper clippings all over the walls, and I and my roommate decided we were tired of it. The newspaper had been glued with Elmer’s Glue to cinderblock walls. It took us a whole weekend using trowels, knives, brushes, and hot water to remove the newspaper, and the next weekend to paint over the cinderblock.

    In any case, have a great 2013!


  6. Hi, Diane, you are right about the dark looking blog – I changed it so it is easier to read. It was meant for photos before I started the VMS adventures.
    Hi, Nick, even I myself can’t sum up my thoughts about the Voynich manuscript, but thank you for the thought 🙂

  7. That basement has a nice collection of swimsuit editions – they can sell that wall – it would make a nice decoration of a retro cafe if no museum is interested.

  8. Diane, I just posted the hats, sand and sweet vegetables story on my blog if you are still interested

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