A swaggeringly big tip of the Cipher Mysteries fedora to über-medievalist Lisa Fagin Davis (@lisafdavis) for posting this image to her Twitter feed, taken from “Black Widow & The Avengers” No.18, “in which Diablo steals the Voynich, not realizing it’s online“:
D’oh! (Sorry, wrong comic universe).
In our less-than-completely-superhero-saturated universe, however, Voynich-related interactions tend to be somewhat closer to those portrayed in A Voice For Pierre (Ep.5). *sigh* Enjoy!
Both are excellent!
There’s a nice historical progression. The ‘Voice for Pierre’ is totally 2012-13, while the Avengers strip is evidently au fait with the situation in 2015.
Perhaps the wiki-history approach to Voynich studies should be ditched in favour of a comic-book history?
Here’s my snap for Mary d’Imperio’s description of the board of an august institution who refused Friedman money. She called them “academics”.
Diane: I suspect that if you listened in to the Beinecke’s daily phone traffic, you might well be somewhat disappointed. :-/
*scream*.. run away.
The world of Beinecke public information telephone answering may well need a superhero or three.
The Pierre example is totally innocent compared to the stuff that is coming the Beinecke’s way by Email (no idea about the NSA). Regularly I may witness some ‘fine’ examples which I shall not repeat here.