The story of what happened at Roswell is usually told in terms of two primary sites – the Foster Ranch site near Corona (where Mack Brazel and Dee Proctor found unearthly debris), and a site north of Roswell (where passing field archaeologists found a metallic ‘pod’ with four strange bodies, one still alive).
However, geographically between these two sites sits a third site, that Carey and Schmitt (in their “Witness to Roswell” book) call the “Dee Proctor site” or the “Dee Proctor body site”. By way of background, I’ve been looking for any additional sources on this (still somewhat mysterious) third site.
Hence I thought I’d summarise what I’ve found so far below. Which should pretty much double the amount of information on the Web. 😁
The Bluff
In 1947, Timothy William “Dee” Proctor (b. 07 Feb 1940, Corona, Lincoln County, NM) was just seven years old, and being paid 25 cents a day by Mack Brazel to ride along with him on the ranch for the summer. It was famously the two of them who found the first ‘crash’ site full of strange lightweight metallic debris.
But Dee seemed to have subsequently had a troubled life (described throughout Chapter 1 of “Children of Roswell”), keeping other things he had seen that fateful summer to himself. It wasn’t until 1994 that he drove his mother down rickety back roads to a specific bluff (“about 2.5 miles east of the Corona debris site”, WtR p.47), telling her “Here is where Mack found something else”. This was clearly The Big Secret (or at least part of it) that had been eating away at him for nearly fifty years.
What exactly was this “something else”? Carey and Schmitt say that this was “where several dead aliens were found who had been blown out of their crippled ship when it exploded” (CoR, Ch.1), though without giving a source. While Nick Redfern (via Anthony Bragalia in 2012) says that it was “body parts”, his source being a regretful retired intelligence agent (though unnamed).
But let’s not get too carried away, eh?
The Roswell Children
Other Roswell children claimed to have been to this “other location” (WtR, p.47): in 1998, Sidney “Jack” Wright said that he, Thomas Edington’s two sons and one of Truman Pierce’s daughters also saw what was there. None of these Roswell children has yet spoken of what they saw. But who exactly were they?
Sidney Jack Wright (b. 01 Jun 1934, d. 08 Aug 2019) was the son of Albert Sidney Wright and Celia Geneva (Clark) Wright: he was succeeded by his wife Wilene Wright of Odessa; his daughter Brenda Garvin (and husband Tim) of Waco, TX; and his son David Wright of Riverdale, CA. His memoirs are online (but with no mention of Roswell).
The Edington rancher family I have had no luck with. Any suggestions?
As far as the children (I’ve seen one son and four daughters reported on the Internet) of Edward Truman Pierce (1922-2001) and Wanda (McBride) Pierce (1922-1995) go: Suzanne “Suzie” Cox (nee Pierce) b. 12 Nov 1945, d. 25 Jan 2021, wouldn’t even have been two years old in August 1947, while Jean Hamill (husband Steve Hamill) and Joan Key (husband Collins Key) were even younger (I believe), so I’m possibly still missing a son and a daughter here, alas.
Oddly, the 1950 US Census only lists Truman (27), Wanda (27), and Suzanne (4).

Hines House & the Cattle Shed
Though it’s not completely clear, what seems to have happened next was that Mack Brazel took something (or maybe everything?) from this site to the cattle shed close to Hines House. (WtR p.50) Another account says that this was four feet by three feet by one feet, but the wires may be getting crossed here, it’s hard to say.
Given that Brazel later reportedly exclaimed “I should have buried that thing” (WtR p.80), my current guess is that that “that thing” was from the Dee Proctor site, and may possibly have been a bigger issue than the Foster Ranch site debris.
Carey and Schmitt report that Sheridan Cavitt went to the cattle shed (WtR p.206), but it’s not clear to me whether Jesse Marcel went there too.
What’s Missing Here?
Even though I’ve now read a ton of Roswell-related books etc, it still feels like I’m missing a ton of stuff. To me, it’s as though the key to the whole mystery is woven into the events that happened at this third site, but the accounts of it I’ve read are all fairly sketchy (at best).
Might Roswell researchers have over-focused on the two ‘glamorous’ sites (the Foster Ranch debris field and the ‘pod’ site), and not put the time and effort into the third site?
Or is there a huge bibliography on the third site I’m completely unaware of?