Misc Stuff

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2859 thoughts on “Misc Stuff

  1. your website is asom

  2. lyrabela on March 27, 2017 at 3:14 pm said:

    Is there a thread about the K4 cipher? What about McCormick’s cipher (I know this one though has a lot of debate if its actually a cipher or not)?

  3. lyrabela: as a rule, I don’t cover unsolved ciphers whose creators are still alive, or where the solution is known by one or more people but has not not yet been publicly disclosed – hence I’m not that interested in Kryptos / K4 just yet.

    Ricky McCormick is an interesting topic, though:

  4. Joni on June 14, 2018 at 9:29 am said:

    Could it be possible that

    NCBE = (means) BE NICE

  5. Joni: given that NCBE appears so many times, it would make Ricky McCormick a very nice person indeed. 😉

  6. I’m looking at a stone inscription reading OUOSVAVV and framed by D and a M. The Shugborough Inscription.
    Can’t find it on a query (bit like steganography) but I like the way to two Vs look like a W – reminds me of a code in another topic.

  7. Peteb: If it helps; The D and the M could stand for ‘Detritus Matter’ and the crap between, may very well be just that….How about..’Over Use Of Salad Vegies And Vine Vinegar’?..

  8. Dusty, the drover’s dog. Gitonback.

  9. Gordon: Share this with Clive for a possible tie in with your Bayard LeRoy King file. Capt? Maurice Paul Charles Bellemans U.S. Navy Ret. ex 7th Fleet Brisbane Qld. 1942/43 (18mths), was charged with high range DUI in Adelaide 2/49. Claimed in court to have spent 19 years Singapore as contract engineer and been in Australia four months with no mention of his war service. Post WW2 background suggests Clan.Int. sanction boss for SE Asia region until late sixties, with cover as retired yachtsman out of Berkeley California, Hawaii, HK and Singas etc. with Oz high roller equine connections in S.A. I Can expand if interested, but I have no intentions to follow up for my own home grown SM inquiries.

  10. Peteb: You must admit that alleged connections between one dead body on an Adelaide beach on 1/12/48, does not a summer make, nor likely on it’s own, to draw many crabs of the red spy variety per se. Of course, whilst our boss’s view has been to leave clandestine input in the SM case, to blogs such as TS/ BS that prefer an Int. Ops. based involvement scenario, it does not mean that others in the Pelling camp (muppets), are totally opposed to a bit of the old ‘tinker tailor soldier spy’ lurk…Now take for instance my latest offering of M.P.C Bellemans, the fake retired WW2 US Navy Captain, who sets up shop in top-end Adelaide with a bevy of bimbos and perhaps his man Friday Arthur, just a month or so before SM. There can’t be much doubt that this man’s timely arrival, coinciding with the likes of Stepto and son from MI6/GCHQ whatever, could suggest Soviet intelligence agent placement; That, or he simply knew nothing of the visitors or their mission, merely arriving with his US Navy Liason spin at the same time by pure chance. He being the consumate self styled confidence man, coming to see if he could make a quid or two off the yokels in such a dead hole, which I strongly doubt…. It’d be nice if some competent paper trail researcher could step up to the plate and give this creepy man and his fancy dames, a run through the old sheilas mags like Woman’s Monthly, along with the high end boating, yachting and equestrian publications for a literal Bellemans smorgasbord. That’s merely my own, always ‘open to any new weird leads’ point of view, so others can chose to follow the new intelligence if it presents, or simply bury their heads in the Somerton Beach sand…. PS. Maurice and partner Ray died within months of each other at Adelaide in ’83. They had been living at Larggs and were cremated at Enfield. Such is life, after a long career in the Soviet secret service or Mossad perhaps.

  11. The Bellemans couple passed in 1993 not ’83, both being aged 83 apparently.

  12. Precocious – I never thought to use that word until today.

  13. peteb: Dunno sport. I’d be pretty happy with 83…and by the way, if he was a spook, his backers didn‘t let anyone in on the funeral details.

  14. Flash: “Bakewell pasties – Theos fish cafe – Community centre – Jessica. Another alternate list of Glenelg hasbeens”?..

  15. Strapps Stripes: Bleak House – Thespians Society – Com ba yah Party – Danetta. One more impromptu list of James Ellwood Wannabee quickies for Xmas cheer.

  16. A big happy 100th birthday to ex Detective Len Brown. Wasn’t for the likes of him and his boss Leon Leane, we latter day, ever confidentl SM sleuths, would have little to do with our free time….If you have anything you want to get off your mind Super, such as the trick with the book and T/S slip; perhaps, we’d like to hear from you; Also your best wise centenarian’s guess on the man’s ID. The old gent surely deserves to have one for his own 115th birthday and your input might provide the vital clue.

  17. Flash: How’s about Jess’s big brother Ted Harkness MID for your Russian soviet ship counter mate?. RAN CPO and senior telegraphy coms. operator aboard HMAS Shropshire from 1942 until Tamam Shud, with 7th fleet ops out of Brisbane, and all points north to Tokyo Bay by my reckoning…You really seem to be rattling the cage with such a celebrious mob of ratbag anti reds, the likes of William Simpson and an equally wild bunch of lunatics. All of them pompous, former General Staffers and raving right/white extremist ex choco commanders, now giving loyal service to Judge Bill’s old school pal and ironically El Supremo Commie-in-Chief, A.G Herbert Evatt himself. It’s quite obvious that our own lad SM had no chance against such a determined crew of ruthless killers. All alone there at Somerton Beach in his spit polished Oxford brogues, striped brown Stamina Crusaders and Yankee feather stitched, double breasted jacket, armed with two combs and a punched bus ticket. No contest in my view, so yet anther soviet threat successfully countered.

  18. Flash PS: Actually, I doubt very much whether your Lt. Col. N.W. Simpson was ever known to Doc. Evatt, or as being head sherang of the so called ‘Association’. That figure was most certainly Brig.William (Bill) Simpson of Marrickville, the one I mentioned as having gone to school with the great man…Nice photo though.

  19. Flash: I acknowledge your stuff-up with the other joker and agree to Colin Simpson’s pre war (post perhaps) association with Blamey and the ‘White Army’ brigade. However my chap William Ballantyne Simpson, Evatt’s Director General of Australian National Security and Radio Coms. was continually a thorn in his boss’s side due to his post war communist insurgency reports. I do think he, not Colin, is more likely to be your main intended link to Soviet spy doings and I might mention that your secret Ace-in-t’hole’ Bob Wake, who dismantled the listening devices at ‘Terror’, worked under him. This was during the war and well before Bob started up his as yet unamed ‘The Show’ in late ’48 just pre SM. Reid became the nominal head of the new organisation which ‘he’ named ASIO in ’49, to my knowledge, and so you might do well to go back and make any adjustments deemed appropriate, to your last post…Cheers and a HNY to you, Clive and Anonymous…

  20. Flash: Not exactly sure about why we should conclude that Russian radio or even telegraphic intercepts of Australian troop movements in February ’42 would be tantamount to warlike acts of espionage. After all Aussies were trading with their soviet allies in all sorts of agricultural produce and even L/L war materiels, so non nefarious coded ship to ship radio traffic would not take but a tick to reach the relevant ports of Vladivostok, Odessa and Archangel in the normal course of maritime communications. Actually the red ship to ship radio/tele? traffic was deliberately targeted and deciphered for some time, from listening posts in NZ, possibly during the non aggressiin pact early days of the war….While I have your ear mate, pray tell what goes with this Bill Moulds chappy; He seems to have come to the fore totally out of left field, having no SM qualifications and seemingly for no reason other than his middle name is which is somewhat ambitious, If you don’t mind me saying it. I would further hasten to add that he signs ‘Jestyn’ with their being no similarity whatsover to the verse 70 signature….Have you decided on whether to include my William Ballintyne Simpson in your interesting, though nebulous ‘White Army’ report at some a point. I recall that it was Bill’s information, likely obtained through your very own Colin Simpson’s doings that allerted Canberra to the soviet/jap intercepts on the final PNG and upcoming Borneo operational strategies. Timing of course would have coincided with the krauts finally twigging as to why their ultra five reeler was no longer paying dividends, but not having the heart to tell their little zip axis mates from the east that they’d been sussed.

  21. Flash: You did say 41, then I mistakenly replied ’42, naturally thinking of a troop ship being re-routed to the Middle East via Freemantle due to the imminent fall of Singapore (15/2). You didn’t mention the name of your ship, nor any detail about Russian civil radio getting the confirmed arrival details from the intercept wrong. It does suggests some intelligence stuff up with the sailing agenda, but no harm done in the long run and looks like a 7th division troop reinforcement draft, was fortunate that they didn’t sail a week earlier.

  22. john sanders on January 4, 2019 at 11:51 am said:

    Flash: Hey, no fair man; You promised to share. No matter, we have deduced what the standout capital ‘E’ cursive represents. ‘Quo Fas Et Gloria Du Cunt‘ (suc) or Ginger Beer in Oz speak. Is that about right?..

  23. Nick: Thanks for the Misc Stuff diversion apropos totally unrelated matters and thanks to Strapps Stripes (Peteb) for bringing it to our notice. I’m luvin it!…

  24. Flash: Right you are with Dottie. The cute saying has been around for as long as I have, even a tad longer in your case. It’s Just that it had become my by-word for a description of the general lines of discussion between folks the likes of Stripes, Clive, two young Nth American gals, Anon. and of course your good self. Nothing wrong with it I guess, but just like ‘question time’ in the S.A. Lower House, boringly predictable. Cheers mate…

  25. sunandshadow on February 15, 2019 at 6:10 am said:

    Does anyone know of an online community where people CREATE ciphers and codexes?

  26. Flash: There has been much across the board enthusistic applause to your enthralling revelations re: W.J.Moulds OBE and his now confirmed links to the dual language Boxall ROK with it’s fascinating secret inclusions. I note that the initial release of his ‘Officer’s Record of Service’ document reveals little more than the man’s name, rank and serial number, with the telltale signature of course, but little more. Have you subscribed to having Major Mould’s main WW2 file pulled for evaluation as you proposed doing quite a while back; There seems to have been a delay in its release; shades of a possible classified security intervention, which hopefully you can clear through your own AfIO ties. In the interim I have made inquiries regarding your former Water Transport officer’s rather mundane post service architectural career, but I’m much looking forward to exposing links to his old 12 Small Ships crony Alf Boxall which would be as icing on the SM spy cake for you, Stripes and ever dutiful Clive.

  27. Flash: I’d never be one to pour water on your work old melon, but this Mosquito analogy seems a little over the top. I guess it would be just like the navy to identify vulnerable parts of the aircraft and simply apply four inch ships armour over those areas without coming to terms with the original design concept. I’m wondering if you are cognizant (your swabbies obviously were not), of the fact that the mighty Mosquito was, apart from it’s engine, mounts, undercarriage, fuel tanks and armaments, for all intents and purposes, primarily of timber and coated fabric construction. That in fact was the whole idea of it’s remarkable success eg. lightness and cheaper composite components allowed for higher performance along with better manouvrebility at lower cost outlay and greater overall service economy…Can’t see how the RN got involved, as they only had a few Mk. 39 slicks used for target towing. Far as I recall the Aussie and Canuck bomber/fighter variants were much alike, but used available timbers ie. spotted gum as opposed to spruce for the frame components and similar for the local plywood fuselage moulding…Reminds me, any news on B.J. Moulds of verse 70 fame. Cheers js

  28. Gordon: Of course your mark XV111 ‘Tse Tse’ variant was developed and used in its primary specialised roll of a submarine hunter and as such was was said to have been fitted with the additional armour you have specified ie. engine cowlings, nose and under-cockpit to counter effects of devestating submarine deck gun fire. This had nothing to do with Abe Wald’s mathematically configurated extra armour, as fitted to American all metal bombers as protection from high altitude attack and air burst ground flack. To reiterate my earlier stated contention, the main problem for the Mosquito pathfinders operating over Germany, throughout the intense bombing campaigns ’43 to ’45 was their inherent vulnerabilty to ground flack due to their complete absence of armour. Same applied to the Mosquito bombers and fighters of all marks with regard to dealing with enemy aircraft in air combat, in which case their speed, maneuveabilty and superior height ceiling due to lightness, could in many cases, effectively overcome the odds and get them home safely…..Not narking you old mate, but there seems to be a complete absence of anything even remotely related to Tamam Shud in your recent posts, which is why your thread responses have been relegated to the rarely visited miscellaneous department. If you could work your way back towards the general SM themes that you covered so well before your facination with micro writing you might have broken the back of this investigation by now, possibly on your own professional abilities…By the way you’re giving Len Brown more credit than is either fair or due to the man in recent claims for his description of ‘micro writing’ beneath the code. He was merely refering to the diminutive size of the figures of a single phone number, nothing more than that, and somewhat doubtful in any case if Derick had an input in the claim.

  29. Flash: PS: Please pardon my impertinace but, as the tired old fighter pilot joke contends, “The Fokker was a ruddy Messerschmitt”. In other words your shot up Mosquito profile doesn’t quite come up to muster for the type or any variants that I’m aware of, especially with the long Mitsubishi nose and give away Nippon top mid gun turret that aint no Mossie, that I’m familiar with, ever had. My advice to you my well meaning (I’m sure) friend, is to disappear the related, though subject unrelated, post altogether and stick to things more within your particular field of expertise ie. highly imaginative espionage concepts.

  30. Flash: ….”Make me smile” indeed indeed…Caught out because of three wrongly depicted ‘second world war bombers’ is no time for mirth. Of course your needle nosed navy Sea Hornet (Mosquito in drag) circa. 1955 was real though irrelevant. It had no turret and seems to have missed hostilities by a decade. Then of course, honest Abe Wald, your man “who helped win the second world war without firing a shot” (Hollings) was long dead, as was his countryman and likely old college mate Tibor Kaldor. The article that I think you have mostly quoted from, concerns the clever suspected nazi, inspecting B29s returning from bombing missions over Europe which would have been impossibke, shot to the proverbial shithouse (swiss cheese) no less, which likewise could not have been….Do you really want me to continue mate?..Got a grin on my face like a Cheshire cat just writing about your untenable position, if you really want to know. I’ll go hunt for that missing Mosquito turret when I recover and get back and appolgise IF applicable tee hee. PS. Don’t hold your breath mate, might soil the old Staminas.

  31. Flash: Nice little joust there sport. Didn’t have to end badly for you, which was not my intention and of course retaliatory verbal insults have always been your forte when confronted with your obvious limited subject knowledge. Abuse can be a two way street my friend and I’m more than willing to join in, with some relish as you are by now familiar…PS: Your having brought up past presumed sleights to your self esteem ie. Sydney Harbour at Taylor’s Bay, is quite laughable and reminds me of how you even managed to get ..’It (the bell) tolls for thee’ barb totally at odds with it’s meaning and intent, thereby exposing your inadequate command of English as ‘she’ is oft times ‘spoke’ in prose…to err is only human, and making excuses for ones mistakes ensures that we might live to blunder once again. Cheers mate, js.

  32. The plot thickens, with startling new revelations concerning a child conceived out of wedlock in Oct. ’46 between none other than storming the storming lieutenant, Alfred Boxall, jestin from the islands, and his adoring pocket sized nympho nurse from RNSH, who’s brought her part namesake Maj Bill Jestyn Moulds OBE along for an intriguing ROK book signing fiasco. Something to do with opium dens and 70 malays running amok at some oasis tent town called Taman Shudder, deep in Nahuatl country south of the border on route to Mexico (gotcha).

    That’s not all folks; some crazy mafia hitman, Danetta is on the rampage scattering tiny writing hither and thither to thwart police inquiries and contaminate all other physical evidence of Murder at the Rue Morgue. This in order to suggest unlawful collusion between two alien suicide suspects known to be embeded therein; Not only on a Sunday, a deliberate mark of disrespect to deceased persons of A & TSI descent but also properly accredited disabled visitors checking out the stiffs. There’s Littlemore to add except to say that Alf appeared to give the hole game away when interviewed by a specialist perk jock for ‘Aunty’ TV, some forty odd unproductive years after the fact…. Of course all the headliners, along with the not so dearly departed bit players are mostly gone to their (hardly) eternal rest. In which case some of our more senior investigators will undoubtedly pursue them beneath high ground for answers, which most assuredly won’t take another forty years, rest assured!!…Just love this Misc. site, all thanks to me mate peteb.

  33. Stripes: Dunno. Usually not before your crafty angler decides to set his barb, would be my best guess. Though I’ve heard tell that some snakeheads don’t get the message until they’re in the pan gutted, scaled and half cooked. Why would you be asking two dogs f……?

  34. Not for the first time, and hopefully not for the last, I find myself agreeing to some extent with Tomsbytwo’s umpteenth post on the life and times of Ina Harvey nee Elliott. Gerry, our lately silent whistleblower in the Freeman/Francis saga, contends that the old tart was having a lend of us with her fanciful Strathmore stranger incident, which coming from our, at times forgetful SM biographer is fairly mean. To counter this bias, I’d say that such an intriguing yarn, involving innocent attentions paid to a lady of a certain profession, by a handsome well mannered stranger, might just be too fanciful “not to be true”…. We could go on for yonks about the Dr. Jeckle’s black gladstone bag and it’s solitary ‘needlelike’ thingo and not make any further mileage out of it. However when y’man talks about the gift of perfumed talc to the desk girl, that surely reeks of some fancy foreign deal that even the whimpiest local ‘sentemental bloke’ would have no truck with; cept on speshal casions like when li’le sister Sal had her first red scare at 11…..As for the rest, concerning clandestine lurkings in the hotel vestibule and such, we’d first have to tie in the as yet inncoent ‘minding me own f’n business cob’ alien, with our actual inquiry but sorry sir nithingbto report. Even if the old duffer had provided some deportment detail or description of clothing or whether he was a cleanskin, but sadly nada on that front either….. I seem to recall that Ina used to always reek of lavender powder scent, which put me in mind of my grandma who went and got herself flattened by the Eastwood bus coming home from ‘lousy housie’ at Parramatta one night in ’64. Yet our grand old dame from the Strathy, reckoned, in her tell all, tell f..k all deposition of 1959 that she never opened her treasured gift from ‘a gentleman’ and still actually had it somewhere safe at home. It could well have contained evidence of real importance, such as uranium oxide dust or spare trimmed Tamam Shud slips in aspic fir all we know, which is now sadly lost. Not only to us, but also to abscentFeltus and the many other hard working Somerton Man contenders.

  35. Stripes: aka “Nickolas nobody from Byron Bay”. Some Swede had, by 1930 or so, relocated his Federal match company to Grafton NSW in order to be nearer source materials grown in a forest area named for the large new enterprise…..Now what does that all have to do with Const. Moss, Murray Farquar, Coroner Cleland, Detective Leane and the latter’s own well detailed quarter box (15) of Victorian made Bryant & May matches? You may ask, and with sound reason too…..Had there been any matches at all, is the question your team have obsessively argued long and hard, shrewdly well knowing that therein, always lay an important piece of evdence, long overlooked, but at last unravelled. Of course you figured, and correctly so. that every one’s favourite polceman, was unlikey to have bothered even mentioning the particular brand name and its contents (15 sticks) had there not been been a very sound relevant logic involved. As for John Moss, well, there were several very important things that he omitted to mention in his statement, the matches being one….A quarter pack of Brymay Red Heads would have told the Leane team much about where SM had likely hailed from and even whence at a pinch. Certainly not NSW where the competition Federal match brand had had a monopoly for decades, but most likely Melbourne and on Monday 30/11/48, according to the 45 heads allready expended by 7.30pm the following day. He had almost certainly arrived at Adelaide that morning in a smoking carriage of the daily ‘overlander’ train from Melbourne, which would accord with everthing we’ve been told by the newspapers of the day…..Care to add anything Nicholas from Long Bay.

  36. Flash: Bill Moulds came through at last and well worth the twenty bucks I’d say. Everything is perpectly clear now about his guise, though well secreted within the file as you point out. With my week eyes, I can’t for the life of me find anything regarding involvement in the Returned Services League, or his secondment to 8th Water Tpt. I’m also battling to find any specific reference to “outstanding bravery’ in his M/OBE citation which seems only to deal with devotion to duty over a long period in a non combat organisational role. Apart from the 25 page file which you will probably need more time with to dig out a hidden agenda, I do indeed indeed wonder why the mongrel went to so much trouble to disguise his normal signature under the ROK verse 70. Fine work by the way and I look forward to the follow-up with gleeful relish. PS: Other evidence of this man’s apparent untoward behavior can be found on trove, which you are sure to have spotted.

  37. Clive: Next case for Coroner T.E. Cleland proved to be our poor young Clive Mangnoson; Cause of death found to be exposure, as attested to through the coroborated expert opinions of Doc Dwyer OBE and Prof. Jack Cleland CBE, neither of whom was decorated at the time. Had there been people in higher places as you suggest, they’re not likely to be so high these days.

  38. Matches (Federal): Some really great relief for both you and your well read brother in qualms Flash Gordon. The Yanks never came anywhere near Sth. Aust. with their weapons of anhialation, prefering to test their ‘big boy toys’ at Bikini Atol, home to the somewhat less parshial Marshall islanders. The relocated WMB natives were very well contented with the $125 mil. compo deal, along with endless supplies of their staple (RAF) ‘Spam’ and ‘Tabasco’. A very good outcome for the partnership and enduring what’s more…PS: Rest easy Flash; I have it on some authority that the American invasion of Great Britain which would have enriched Scotland & Ireland immeasurably, was put on hold per Congressional Order No.1776 some time ago.

  39. Gordon: RSL = Regimental Supernumerary List (Officers), Courtesy AWM on line.

  40. As a matter of interest N242437 H.H.T late 24th VDC 2nd AIF & 3rd Bde 1AIF. Harry was in the 1st landing wave on Anzac beach ex SS Derfflinger on 25th April, 1915 and subsequently wounded (1st of 3) on 8th May aged 19 years. Later to serve in France until 11/11/18 ceasefire and RTA’d with original Anzacs. He rejoinded the reserves for WW2 as a Major following Jap entry and served until the surrender in ’45. Harry was born in Mudgee 27/4/96, with dad James working as a Rlwy porter. We know that he married Bertha and had relatives throughout Country NSW including? Southgate via Grafton, however he gave addresses in Sydney suburbs of Croyden, Arncliffe and Cronulla, dieing on 8/12/53 and cremated with Methodist rites at Woronora. NB: Having the same middlename Harrison, it is likely that Harry T. Is a great grand father or at least a blood ancestor of the charged man from the recent ‘Ides of March’ (my words) massacre. PS. Submitted bolster support for an otherwise untarnished family lineage; nothing more. NP: Post or delete aytf. js.

  41. Gordon: On 7th March 1943, BIll Moulds, was most likely been enjoying 40 days leave with his family at Manly (Brisbane), having disembarked in Sydney on 27th February 1943, following 26 and a half months continuous war service in the Middle East…The only other time spent anywhere near Sydney according to his records, was in April ’44 when he spent an unspecified period on a course at SME out in the bush near Liverpool. If he had bumped into Alf Boxall, it could only have occurred there, but certainly not later in the Pacific theatre, as Bill Moulds was a civilian when Alf left Australia on 12th September 1945.

  42. Peteb on March 21, 2019 at 8:21 am said:

    Dusty, Mould’s ‘unspecified’ time at SME … why do you think that was the case?

  43. peteb: ‘special course’ probably for tactical and climatic re-conditioning from desert to island/tropical warfare, including seaborne landings. Nought to do with anything other than adaptation of his trade army engineering skills. Is my fair guess.

  44. Gordon: I think you’ll find Bill Mould’s Manly beachfront leave address was inserted (pencil?) in case of re-call whilst on extended furlough to accord with ROs. This probably extended through into April 1943 from memory and I recall his demob. date as being 6th September, 1945 or three days before Alf left from Cairns, to attend his post war duties in the islands.

  45. Gordon: You’ll note that Bill’s leave address was apparently c/o his brother? R.T. Carmody. By the date of his eventual RTA on 2nd September 1945, he was once again domiciled at Eagle Junction, QLD, his former enlistment PoA back in 1939. Bill’s date of discharge 6/3/45, was actually six (not 3) days prior to Alf’s overseas posting and one might presume that this took place at Brisbane, where 2/3 Field Company had been raised at the outbreak of hostilities. I guess it’s at least possible therefore, that Bill met with Alf for the clandestine book signing, as the latter was passing through NCPD on route to Cairns for his own departure to Rabaul?….

  46. It might be noted that Senator Jim Cavanagh’s alleged bi-lingual (EEU?) informant erronously refers to BBC in his accompaning ROK code preamble of 60s/e70s. Now we have a well known poster connected with a dedicated SM site also making a strange reference to BBC, as opposed presumanly to ABC. In her opinion, spy’s are at work, namely Alf Boxall at behest of the BBC and some unamed intelligence mob, out to undermine Det. Sgt.Leane and his boys. I seem to recall that Bob Wake’s (ASIO boss) son Val worked for the BBC in the 60s/e70s and Big Bob was known to have visited with him in Canada some time before passing about ’74. I’m not necessarily in disagreement with the proposal, and I do find the BBC cum ROK referal intriguing indeed indeed I do.

  47. BS: Lovely little set piece interaction with a conveniently Anonymous handwriting expert. We may look forward to similar (out of character) chummy interactions, until the Bill Moulds relevancy issue can be resolved without Clive having to lose face. A well contrived little stunt Indeed Indeed. PS: Might we dare ask our ADFA and NAA pals ‘Barry’ to pull old Bill’s award citation recommendation file, to see if the original field notation compares with that of his ORS.

  48. Thanks be to that indefatigable sleuthful threesome Clive, Byron and Misca, all of whom gave peteb the (unwanted) true post 1948 details, we can finally declare our gay mate Otis Pearce (sic) dead and buried, hopefully right side up….

  49. peteb on April 1, 2019 at 8:47 am said:


    You ought to get around more, Dusty, there appears to be a lot of it gathering on your shoulders.

  50. You only got the straight facts on your Otis Pearce (sic) Stripes!..The boss didn’t feel that the full yarn, “the rough end of the stick”, so to speak, was fit for publication, which is only fair, though they really did both die in 1985.

  51. milongal on April 1, 2019 at 8:11 pm said:

    @JS I can see where the anon is coming from (although I’ve been trying to ignore it rather than jump in, but I can’t help myself)….
    There’s two samples of handwriting both alleged to be Mouldy (neither which has been verified as definitely being Major Moulds). Unless you can definitively identify one of them as being Moulds’ then match or no match means nothing.

    I can sort of see some similarity in them, but I can also see some differences – and (short of an actual handwriting expert saying otherwise) I think on the balance of probability it’s the sort of similarity and difference you’d expect in two random samples of handwriting from the same era. Sure, I take the point that pens and paper and ambient temperature affect all sorts of style because ink flows quicker and slower (and equally someone’s current temperament might be a factor), but I’m a long way from convinced that those two samples are from the same person, let alone that either of them is Major WJ Moulds.
    And it will take an expert to convince me otherwise.


  52. 8109: According to reliable sources the Royal Australian Engineer (Corps) of WW2, mustered 33 thousand ‘sappers’ by war’s end, serving in diverse rolls, over all three theatres of operations. Engineer units were comprised of field companies, serving predominantly in support of the larger Infantry Divisions and were most often refered to as ‘troops’. Australian army engineers did not raise regiments, as has of late been erronously claimed elswhere. So to put all this in context from NAA records, is that our Major William Jestyn Moulds of 2/3 Field company Qld. and Lieutenant Alfred Boxall of 13 Water Transport NSW. Whilst being members of the same corps, they were never likely to have served together in the field as is being portrayed elsewhere. For such contrary advice to be constantly tauted is deliberately misleading it seems, perhaps in order to cement a conspiritorial federation between two fine men that never existed, being mere fantasy or BS, as the proposing brand name implies….By the by, your AfIO? designate number bares similarity to another Jestyn born the same year as our Alf, which we might call a ‘fun fact’.

  53. 8109: NB…in continuance…To the best of my knowledge it could only have been Jess’s daughter Kate or else Derek Abbott who first divulged Jessica Thomson’s alleged pseudnom ‘Jestyn’ apropos the verse 70 signature in the Alf Boxall ROK. Claims that it was Gerry Feltus who gave her the name Jestyn might come as both a surprise and as a deliberate slight to the integrity of the man, who always sought to prevent it’s divulgance. Theresa, ‘the nurse’, Tess &c..were about as far as Det. Feltus went to identifying her in his book, although he did once quote other players having used Jestine and jestin. So you can see that you appear to have been misled yet again with an inexpertly contrived furphy based on a most audatious though rather unconvincing scam; that is if you are per chance a real entity and not just a number.

  54. milongal: Yes I’d agree entirely, though the new comments on BS go even further by insinuating that Major Moulds was in the habit of signatorising his name in full, which is utter hogwash, there being not one example of such in either of his two NAA records. NB: You’ll see that his Attestation form is signed clearly W J Moulds, though his full name is written above and is possibly in his hand, but the obverse Oath section is blank, so we’re left in the dark somewhat. The only other obvious designated signature W J Moulds, appears to be where he signed for an RAS badge after the war. Similar printed and cursive script including the name William Jestyn Moulds does appear elswhere as might be expected and is so acknowledged.

  55. “……..and then I went back to the (crazy Somerton) seasteps and moved down them as cautiously as a cat on a wet floor..(toppling arse over tit through the hand railing to the storm wall below and breaking my fat flaming neck thereby”)…Now that’s certainly an improvement to your standard Chandler/Marlow ending Stripes; Perhaps someday you’ll get over your letter Q and matches too!..

  56. milongal on April 8, 2019 at 9:36 pm said:

    There’s a discussion (PB seems involved) on (of all places) BigFooty dot com. It dates back to 2012, but looks like people have been commenting more recently than that (I think the most recent comment is Saturday). Probably not much new there, but might be worth keeping an eye on…..


    Not real certain what it has to do with footy, but hey….

  57. Yes Clive, that was AB’s first cousin. Another bike rider and mechanic, whose wife, also a Boxall, got into tungstan mining at currie, during WW2, while he was doing home service in NT. Two years junior to our Alf, he later settled down Yerrinbool way after the war and died there. We did discuss Alfred John Boxall over here at some length quite a while ago, which you apparently missed.

  58. Actually Clive, our Evelyn, the axis tungsten miner from King Island, seemed to have had a dad named Brown Martin Boxall (chess master) and her mum had a wee dram of the old McTaggart blood coursing through her highland veins. Eve died youngish in the town where she was born, so it’s likely as not that Alfred J. Boxall didn’t agree with her having the same maiden name, nor choice of trading partners…No Stripes, brothers hardly ever have the same name for some reason.

  59. milongal: I can’t make head nor tail out of the BigFooty (wrong game anyhow), site but I don’t wonder that PB has found his way over there; The TBT bog seems to have been taken over by drones calibrated for time worn repetitious dialogue; yet retaining the same old chummy Q & A platitudinous style which it has favoured since its inception.

  60. peteb on April 10, 2019 at 6:24 am said:

    Dusty … you’re the clever fellow, can figure out what this code might mean.

    796 4916 5079 3286 0

  61. Stripes: No code my man; it resonated immediately as being the wire signal reset number for uncle Jed’s duplex pacemaker which sadly malfunctioned a while back. Always a jolly and seemingly healthy chap, of whom I was honoured to be made sole beneficiary of his substantial estate when he passed. I saw the end coming although it was perhaps a shock to his cycling mates. Fortunately I was able to connect with my favorite relative, from overseas via my wifi link just prior to his passing. I missed the moving veterans funeral service; unable to travel due to the sudden onset of a particularly nasty gout attack, however I recovered in good time to tackle guilt ridden will & probate issues that accomany any death in the family.

  62. Almost there, old son, in fact it is a representation of a glyphic codex transformation index codifier that can interpret covert communications from parties wishing to remain anonymous …
    My information is that it will be soon released by Amazon as a handheld device that once waved over any encrypted medium will immediately decipher it it a language of choice.
    Sensational though this may seem, old Bezo is having some teething problems with the English language as spoke by those with the disadvantage of being born with a plum in the eating aperture.

  63. Peter on April 11, 2019 at 7:53 am said:

    I found something interesting. I do not know if it belongs here, but I’ll just place it.
    The attempt how missionaries wanted to convey the biblical story to the South American peoples. about 1600


  64. It is noted that that our outstandingly couragous Major Moulds, seems to have missed a few ‘i’ dottings as well, whilst adding the odd floater for effect. I’d like to think Clive was also onto these obvious message indicators like a Flash too…In light of the new earth shattering ‘T’ disclosure, It seems that the galloping Major’s promised OBE citation has been put on hold for a bit, which is to be expected of course.

  65. Actually Clive, Errol Canney had not long returned from his Detective’s course with Sapol’s counterparts at Sydney CIB, with whom he continued as liason officer for some years thereafter. It has been infered that he knew Jessie and Prosper, which suggests that he had previous business with the couple. Errol worked as a debt collector when he wasn’t on official duties and I could imagine that the couple may have been involved in similar enterprise, hence the connection.

  66. milongal on April 17, 2019 at 9:02 pm said:

    @JS: Unfortunately I can’t check out Wolf. One of the files isn’t open, and the NAA site required me to flag I was coming so they could prepare the files (their reading rooms are currently temporarily in Old Parliament House (or MOAD as they like to call it these days (Museum of Australian Democray)). Anywho, so I cottoned on to the fact that I need to ask them to bring the files down, but couldn’t find any obvious way to do it on their site….naturally I sent them an email. They’ve now opened a case to answer my question on how I ask them to follow the process they’ve implemente, and – given most of Canberra has shut down for Easter already (ok that’s not quite true, but the buses are notceably emptier, the (barely existant) traffic has become non existant, and I’d imagine there’s daily traffic jams on the Barton, Federal and Kings highways, as the public servants flee to do equally as little work in other surroundings…

    Short Version: I need the NAA to take files from storage to a reading room, and I’m not confident I’ve left them enough time to do so given they don’t seem to know their own process.

  67. milongal: Thanks for the effort which is much appreciated. My Wolf’s been on my list for a while and more; waiting a while longer won’t hurt…

  68. How many times must we be subjected outlandish claims of perjured testimony by poor, well meaning John Moss, concerning existence or non existence of a box of matches at the time of his attendance at Somerton on 1/12/48. Actually the question has no particular relevance, simply because the good constable didn’t mention matches period, Brymay, red-heads, quarter full or three quarters empty no matter. Irrespective of what Det. Sgt. Leane himself may or may not have sworn to re presence of matches etc., in his own affidavit, there was never any suggestion that Moss had a case to answer for lieing, either intentionally or by omission… I’ve just browsed thriugh one early version of the SM case attributed to Wikipedia and chuckled when I read about there having been “… no matches found”.

  69. Had john Moss pocketed the quarter box of ‘red heads’ he could hardly be blamed, in light of recent disclosures, that the Brymay plant at Richmond had been in lock down since mid September ’48, only resuming production on 16th November, with an anticipated three months delay in supply to regìonal centres. It would have been appropriate and decent for Det Sgt. Leane to deftly throw a spare box in with the other inquest exhibits six months down the track with production then back to normal, to cover any claims of evidence tampering or retention thereof by junior officers. Well done Lionel, dad would approve…

  70. Anyone who has digested the very latest TBT thread ‘The Logics of Defeat’ (from memory), will immediately note the connection. The interesting little asterisk addendum, one to which we have been reminded on a fairly regular basis, refers of course to the t’wixt knuckle abrasions, with conclusion by the author, that SM must have got a good hit in before being overcome…. Anyone reasonably familiar with the finer points of aggressive bare knuckle pugilism (ala Ms. du Queensbury), would be aware that it’s only the knuckle points that normally sustain damage in a stoush; not the soft webbing in the hollows which is protected by the bony bulges. In Dr. John Dwyer’s ‘Sworn testimony’, he only refered to two slight abrasions in the knuckle hollows and added that the scrape injuries might have occurred just before death, being of no significance, in his opinion.

  71. Not if you smack him in the teeth, old son, and you can take it from one who has had the experience. Only to cop a full beer bottle on the back of the head immediately after, followed by a sincere kicking … at least the nurses were kind, but unsticking the scabby noggin from the pillow next morning was an exercise in fortitude.

  72. Couldn’t have been either of the Mangnoson boys as they were somewhat difficient in the dental department; so looks like they’re in the clear…Ever heard of Heinrich Becker, a S.A. Liberal MLA, early seventies to late nineties. His dad Johannes was leader of the Nazi party in SA and Tassie from ’34 to 36 and was a medico who came to Adelaide in ’27, aged 29. Cut to the quick, he spent 5 years in Tatura until ’46 and was deported to Germany on precisely 24/11/47 aboard the migrant ship Heintzelman ex Melbourne. Only thing being he couldn’t have gone, according to the records of that trip, the tub having arrived in Perth on 28/11 and set sail from there back to Bremen directly…Chap’s fine enough to look at with all the usual Arian features, thinning hair plus a couple of nice extras including a few scars on one hand and one on the same arm. He’d had some serious altercations with fellow POWs and he’d made one unsuccessful escape attempt aboard a Panamanian vessel out of Sydney, before getting his marching orders. He told the Sydney Sun that he would be returning to Oz as soon as possible using an assumed identity, although we are unreliably informed that he died in Bremen in ’61 but who knows…Perhaps Clive might like to have a yarn with ex MP Heini if he’s still aripound; never know what might come out if it. PS: Comparison facial geometry with SM is OK, based on one crook Sun newspaper image, but scars are reported to be on the right arm/hand as opposed to Dr. Dwyer nominating the left.

  73. Not so impressed now with Jo Becker’s features, worse even than Otis Pierce, but there could be hope for one of his Tatura storm trooper mates, Louis Burkhardt, if we could just find the nazi bastard. A rep for Krupp Steel pre war and may have been picked up in New Caledonia ’39. PS: Not listed at NAA which is very strange.

  74. Here’s an idea that Ellen put me onto, full credit to her. The renowed Dutch psychic Gerard Croiset worked with Len Brown and Dr. Hendrickson on another case at Somerton back in the sixties (true). The great man must surely have had some briefing on the SM mystery whilst there, upon which he may have had some ideas. Of course the mortal man is long gone, but I’m thinking that his living aura may still be tapped through interdiction of a similarly gifted medium, over a ouija board. Is it likely that someone with such talent is known to us and perhaps willing to give it a try for a share of any eventual rights that might transpire. Just a thought mind!

  75. Just picked up on a little trivia, whilst patiently awaiting news of an imminent SM breakthrough. It seems that around 5.30pm on Tuesday, 30th November 1948, Just at about the time when our victim was settling into position below the purpose built Alvington CCH Stairway, a distinctly alien saucer shaped craft appeared out over the Alvington Plains doing some drills. Local farmer, John Harkness made some observations about it in the local press a week later, after vapour trails were spotted by other well regarded locals. Perhaps not really relevant to our case, unless we consider that the craft might have been involved in some form of semi clandestine operation that connects with our friend on the beach, similar to the celebrated Roswell New Mexico UFO deal a year before. Just one other minute detail, almost overlooked, is that neither John, a well known local identity nor any of his many relatives, are known to have been laid to rest anywhere within an hundred miles radius of that Balaklava/Hamley Bridge district. That of course includes daughter Jessie , better known to us as ‘the other Sister J. Harkness’, Spanish Civil War volunteer circa. ’36.

  76. Alma Plains, not Alvington you fool. Many will recall Keith Mangnoson having been taken out to Alma near Hamley Bridge, by his mum in early ’41 to rest up following his strange lost experience in the donga out Loxton way. I wonder if our Keith also experienced weird contact with UFOs and that’s what sent him bonkers.

  77. Gordon: Rupert Long was never Director of Australian National Intelligence. He was a proud Naval Officer and Director of a combined joint services Intel. group from ’41. This was a year before his coastwatchers commenced reporting the long anticipated Jap incursions into the northern Island groups in early ’42. Another Association man by the name of Justice Bill Simpson, Doc Evatts lawyer mate from Sydney, had the honour of being the D.N I. for Curtin’s Labour Government and in so being, reported directly to his old pal the Attorney General. I seem recall saying all this once before so it looks like some body else was also confused about real differences between governmental and purely military roles.

  78. Peteb: Think I’m gonna play stooge to the master of the last line put down, you got another think coming my man. I’m merely endeavouring to get my most humble opinions on line for favour of a fair hearing, purpose being to assist in an inquiry. So long as I keep missing your strict deadlines for copy, there doesn’t seem to be any real insentive to post. That aside, not a great deal of sensible argument seems to be coming out of your, allbeit fairly well laid out threadlines of late.

  79. milongal on May 13, 2019 at 10:35 pm said:

    @JS: I have a John Harkness d27/12/1949 age 77, laid to rest at Owen (half way between Balaklava and Hamley Bridge)….
    I assume this is the same John Harkness who despite ‘varied health of late’ celebrated his Golden Anniversary Feb 1949 (his wife’s maiden name was Read, incidentally).
    They had 7 children, although their names are not mentioned in that article.
    Someone has collated a whole heap of trove articles with the tag “Owen Families HARKNESS” for those interested….

  80. milongal: Crikies mate, that’s all a bit of de ja. John Harkness was Jessie Read H’s dad and her mum was Sue Read. That family lived out Hamley Bridge way and were connected with merino sheep and wheat going back to the days of big pastoral leases nor west of Adelaide eg. the Duffields & Boyntons. Russian Kate made a big splash with the SS Moravia and Jessie Harkness, the nurse’s voyage to the Spanish civil war in ’36. T’was all released with great fanfare on TSBS not so long back, then just as quickly withdrawn when the lark was detected and the co-conspiritors took off to parts unknown.

  81. peteb on May 14, 2019 at 2:30 am said:

    The Moulds enquiry is ongoing. Images are being sought. And I’ve bought a lottery ticket, hoping for a double.

  82. peteb: Might not have to go to blighty after all Stripes, we got Moulds by the bucket load at Uraidla-Somertown-Careys Creek up in the hills on the old Mount Pleasant branch line to Adelaide. Ernest Roy (Peter) Moulds, son of E. A. (dec) got hitched there in ’38, not to Jessie, but there was some mention of Trotters in the same Ad/ads mix. All this is fresh, so I’ll await expressions of interest before I take it further if that’s fine with your talent.

  83. Peteb: My Moulds were apple orchardists (pink ladies?) and tykes, unlike Alf’s mate BJ who was Prod/Pres from memory. Ernest, 1915/98, whose dad was Ernie also, never bothered to go to war, unlike the other six lads in the family who were perhaps a little more earnest and played their part dutifully. If we’re not on the right track here, you’ll not hesitate to let me know, in which case I’ll stand aside and probe other likely leads.

  84. milongal on May 14, 2019 at 9:01 pm said:

    sorry JS, should’ve clarified…. that was re your post about John Harkness and the UFO (26/4/19):
    “… is that neither John, a well known local identity nor any of his many relatives, are known to have been laid to rest anywhere within an hundred miles radius of that Balaklava/Hamley Bridge district”

    He appears to be buried in Owen, pretty well smack bang in the middle of where he was well-known, hadn’t particularly searched for his family yet.

    While on topic, I still find this Jessie a bit interesting – if nothing else the idea of 2 Jess Harknesses in nursing (albeit from memory some 10-20 years apart agewise). I was sort of trying to work out whether Robert Ellis Harkness a mason from Victoria might have been related, but couldn’t find obvious links…

    “Read” jumped out at me (as in “Tommy Reade”), although I notice bny the 50s most references have become Reid….

  85. milongal: There’s the caution, just don’t trust too much in Billion dollar graves or their competitors F-A-G in the search business. From your info, I checked with totally reliable Lorraine’s list for Owen and bingo, like a ‘prayer for Owen Meaney’ John Harkness, his kids John Dunlop H’s and Jessica Read H’s our nurse, and dear old Sue Betsy Harkness nee Read, wife and mother of the above, plus a few ring-ins which would be comforting, particularly during the winter months

  86. TBT: Bob’s yer uncle lads, or more’s to the point, Jessica’s uncle, Rob Harkness of 16th Lancashire Fusiliers, who died in France 1918 Born in Essex around 1890 would be my fair guess, though you’d be better off asking Jessie’s distraught cousins Ida and Roberta who posted a nice little epitaph…About the frequent sisterly correspondence; the first letter from ’57 which complains about Prosper’s misbehaviour. It then must have been to distant Ellen, Jess being in country and within shouting distance of Joan and her neighboors the Mangnosons. With regard to the epistle from Cornwall circa. 1962, I’m thinking that our absent minded professor mentioned that Joan was the addressee for that one… we can’t help a lot in your desperate quest for news on Sqn. Ldr. E. Moulds, the Bomber Command, Avro ace, though I can imagine joy sticks are to the fore at 12 o’clock high, scanning the clear blue skies over Hanover for Ernie in his B1 Lancaster, ‘ Jestyn Time’

  87. peteb: Still working on Ernie, last seen walking away from a crash landing in Holland, MG ’44. However your new quest for info on travel from U.K. 1943/45 has produced one sure result for sea arrival to Australia from GB via TR. On 3/10/43, regarding a certain naval intelligence officer, that I once had the privilage of introducing, though without expressions of interest. If you feel free to provide more detail, as to the aims of your fishing expedition, I’ll dig out my UK transfer lists and pass on what detail I’m able to, so long as I’m satisfied it has relevance to the case.

  88. milongal on May 16, 2019 at 8:56 am said:

    @JS: FWIW was genealogysa no billion graves….

  89. milongal: Yes of course, but with the SAGS limit on detail, I followed up on BG/FAG and got zip…I’m guessing that’s what went down, though don’t have particular recall as to why I needed the info.

  90. Always at you service I remain, peteb on May 16, 2019 at 9:52 am said:

    I like my fiction better, Dusty, it makes for a more interesting read .. you, old lad, chuck it up like a shower of confetti .. not that I mind, probably because It takes one piss-taker to know another.
    Rip and tear Johnno .. you’ve got them all beat here.

  91. Roger that Stripes, all words after Rip and tear johnno..Out!..

  92. Stripes: Your desperate search for Harkness or Moulds arriving in Australia from UK between ’42 to ’43 got no takers on TBT; yet I secured one for you, reported dutifully, then stood by to provide full details as required…Should abort desure for follow-up on the suspect or await follow up instruction.

  93. peteb on May 23, 2019 at 1:00 am said:

    Everlastingly grateful old son, in your debt …. now looking for a Harkness exiting the Auld Darte for Aus prior to ’45 and after ’43

  94. A bloke can’t take a trick with the constantly changing travel plans. Yesterday I had Ted Harkness who just so happens to have been the top coms. rating on the Shropshire out of Blighty bound for Brisbane. Then, with some considerable good fortune, I managed to jag another tub departing Gourock in the last days of December and arriving Sydney late February ’43 with our old mate Bill Moulds on board. Seems now that neither of my soon to be decorated heros are quite up to speed for the purpose of new evidentiary needs. It would make a lesser man throw in the towel, t’would indeed, indeed.

  95. Well spotted there Clive; no tails on the verse 70 end ‘d’ letters and a couple of other marked similarities such as the two kinds of ‘s’ appearing for a capital and non capital along with the standard cursive lower case. This is all consistent with Alf Boxall’s typical letter writing style, which we have indeed discussed at regular intervals. We have indeed, indeed!…And you know what mate? I’m not at all sure that Alf ever denied inserting the lines himself, possibly before then allowing Bill or Ernie Moulds, perhaps even the wee (no more than 20yo) froggy nurse to do the Jestyn sign off.

  96. And for all that, whatever Alf might have said or didn’t about the innocence of his affair with the young nurse in late August ’45, might now be put into a more dubious, not so above board context. It appears that Alf, our likeable bumbling ‘snorter’, whose word we came to see as being almost credible, from his TV debut with quizmaster Littlemore in ’77, seems now to have suffered a blow. This being in light of certain adverse disclosures as to the old digger’s integrity; there being solid evidence that points to his involvement in fraud and deception of the most henous, kind imaginable ie. Stolen valour!…

  97. peteb on May 25, 2019 at 10:27 am said:

    Littlemore not quite the ace investigative interviewer … not a mention of the name Keane plus a fake news over-dub suggesting the little lady herself penned the boozer’s verse to the big man.

  98. Yes, it would seem to be a case of a ‘Littleless’ if anything, as his client Eddie Obead might attest from the comfy cell which he now calls home. Actually Alf, the big man, resplendent in dress uniform and Sam Brown, along with two extra self awarded medal ribbons in the posed file pic, just so happened to be quite well versed in classic prose. John Milton, Henry Lawson and Sam Clemens can be seen in the backdrop for his TV interview. So one could bet most assuredly that he would have no problem in penning verse 70 on the cover page of his ROK verbatum, without having to find it in the book…Sy &c. Jestyn be faked.

  99. peteb on May 26, 2019 at 1:37 am said:

    … and where did the Bryant and May matches come from? But wait, if the dead gent had a half-smoked durry on his person, how suspicious would it have looked if he didn’t have the means to light it?
    PC Moss’s list of items found on the body be damned.

  100. Byron Deveson on May 26, 2019 at 2:28 am said:

    Service ribbons are hardly “stolen valour”. There is irrefutable evidence (written into Hansard etc) that the Dept. of Defence “disappeared” thousands of service files dealing with the secret mustard gas trials carried out in Australia and the SW Pacific area during WW2. They “used” about 1,000 volunteers and managed to kill some and badly injure many more. The Dept Defence denied any and all Repatriation claims for ongoing health problems and told Repat doctors that their patients were lying nut cases. That there had never been any mustard gas trials of any sort. Bottom line? Absence of Service associated records isn’t evidence of absence. Alf could very well have been telling the truth about his service and probably was in my estimation.
    My father was involved in the mustard gas trials in some way and was the person who dumped the archival evidence that hadn’t been “weeded” into Parliament in the mid 1970s. The relevant Minister had the sense to immediately tell Parliament that he had been misinformed and that Australia had indeed conducted extensive testing of mustard gas on volunteers.
    Why was this covered up in the first place? Well, one of the RAAF pilots who carried out one of the combined USA/Australia mustard gas bombing was told by his USA debriefers that, contrary to what the RAAF pilots had been told (that the targets only contained test animals) in fact the targets contained “military prisoners” and all had been killed. The RAAF pilot was very distressed (you can read his statements in Trove) and the ambiguous wording leaves open the possibility that the RAAF was suckered into an embarrassing “incident”. There are political reasons why this might have occurred.
    It would explain why the indecent cover-up occurred in the first place. What if the “military prisoners” were Japanese? It is well established that the USA was playing dirty pool with its allies almost from the start of WW2.

  101. Byron: Alf had no entitlement to either the 39/45 nor the Pacific Star so far as the Army was cincerhed. He knew for sure about the strict protocols regarding specific areas of service, for some years after sitting for his incriminating fall bar photo. Much later writing off to the medals office with a plea to reconsider, explaining that he had actually seen active service during the Timor Sea conflict in 42/43 whilst with 1/NAOU. You may have a point about the veracity in part of his claim, for upon re checking records of other members of his patrol team, namely Dave and brother Xavier Herbert, it appears they were given part benefit of the doubt and issued with a shiny gold 39/45 star inscribed with their name….As for the other stuff well, my very own well tanned pop did six years up front with a Tommy gun in three theatres and you won’t find any mention of him on any AWM nominal rolls. All I can add in support of your obvious distrust of the military and it’s post war repatriation arm is, that I concur completely and for good reasons too. There can be no winners in warfare or for that matter, the nasty side shows accompanying, and as General William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army loved to hear himself say, “War is Hell”, eg. Just prior to ordering his boot licking sidekick Phil Sheridan to torch the C.S.A. state of Georgia, in the so called ‘scorched earth’ war against women and childer’ black, white and brindle “no matter my man, do it”.

  102. Moss paid for his faux pas with a transfer from his own dream station in Brighton, to the Henley Beach posting for such officers declining to fib a little in court for the better good of the Force. Of course there were no Maggie Thatchers, Bryant & May Redheads, Federal Green lights or S A Match Colonel Lights for that matter. We may suppose our man could have struck a saved old ‘lucifer vulcanic’ on his shiny boot heel and let it burn down after lighting up, which would have done the trick to get rid of the evidence.

  103. Flash: I think you’ll find that others, “less reputable” were talking about Alf having been the author of the verse 70 inscription long before your own attribution of same to the highly speculative, pulled out of a hat Major W. Jestyn Moulds OBE, who has, much to your horror, been replaced by part namesake Ernie the pom foran equally invalid reason.

  104. Response to TM/BS of even date. Gordon I was wondering if your “little extra research” into the life and times of our like decorated clandestine WW2 officers Maj. W. J. Moulds and Commander R. B. M. Long, revealed anything more about their possible rogue RSL affiliations. Seems that Rupert the navy man, may have been active until his passing in 1960, with the Manly RSL club in NSW and Bob, a former Army officer on the Regimental Supernumerary List (RSL), possibly with the Returned Services League (RSL) in far off Manly Qld…All goes to reveal what interesting things one can procure with a “little extra research”, as you say old chap…All the more extraordinary in a way; having two completely different meanings for the very same key military RSL abreviations, even more coincidental in that two beachside suburbs of two Australian state capitals over a thousand kilometers apart, should bare precisely the same name of Manly. Which the one in Qld, as it turns out was where ‘Jestyn’ Moulds stayed for a few short weeks whilst on furlough in early 1943 and t’other in NSW, to where ‘Michele’ Long retired some time in the fifties, long after his alleged involvement with lond dead Tom Blamey’s VDC & ‘the Association’ of red-rag baiters & urgers…It just might pay, when puting those extra hard yards in next time around , to get all the facts right before you trumpet, but don’t lose heart my man, just keep that leaking old kettle on yon hob and one fine day you might get the rusty basket to whistle dixie sweet and true, like Lee’s old horse Traveller.

  105. Check for my deliberate mistake Flash and we’ll share spoils for the Bozo prize.

  106. Peteb on May 27, 2019 at 7:50 am said:

    This from the bloke who didn’t know the difference between striped and plain.

  107. And from a bloke who couldn’t tell the difference between a normal stairway and one that had purpose built slats to prevent it’s use by adventurous disabled kids from across the road at Alvington.

  108. Peteb on May 27, 2019 at 11:35 am said:

    … ain’t nothin’ you don’t know is there Wally? You be like some of the other know-alls roundabout here.

  109. Now there’s a fine old name that we don’t hear often these days. Wally grew up in Partridge Street, moved to Collier Place as a kid thence to Pier Street, where he grew to manhood. Champion swimmer, consumate Adelaide city business man and Glenelg alderman, later becoming Lord Mayor no less. Fought the hun to a standstill in the Middle East, became Harbour Master at Madang, commanded the Itai POW’s in the SA camps and dared to carry his pocket copy of Hebrew psalms all through the war. I had no idea that you were familiar with the man Two dogs; are you Jewish by any chance? But you’re right to suggest that old Wally Bridgland was a most knowledgeable chappy and knew more than your average gentile in those heady days of Glenelg around ’48.

  110. milongal on May 27, 2019 at 10:06 pm said:

    I’m guessing I’m less reputable too, but certainly I’m not convinced in the differences being raised in the handwriting between the letters and the verse – and would be interested to hear an opinion from an actual specialist.
    It would be interesting to know the date the 2nd letter was written vs when v70 was written – because some of the ‘differences’ could be attributed to age-difference of the author (certainly my handwriting today looks different than it would have when I’d just left school. certainly the pen used in the letter is different so some of the differences happen there. I’d also note that the verse is written from memory whereas the other two examples are of someone thinking as they write – so the verse is potentially more hurried, which might explain why the ‘t’s keep gettting missed (and the more extreme lean on most of the letters).
    The first letter is nice enough to give us examples of some of the actual words from v70 for comp[arison (but, before, and) and of course the distinctive ‘I’…which to my eye show some similarity.

    The first letter talks about 2 demanding children needing to be clothed and fed so that probably gives some indication of when it was written. The second is obviously on a longish trip – which I originally thought might be honeymoon, but it doesn’t entirely sound like a holiday (3 months travelling followed by 6 months staying somewhere – and seemingly to ‘new’ places that still make it some sort of adventure). I sort of assume ‘we’ refers to her and Prosper (and possibly kids), but I guess there’s no reason why it couldn’t be her talking to a pen friend about her family or something….Maybe PB can give us a date for the letter?


  111. milongal on May 28, 2019 at 12:35 am said:

    Incidentally, how much do we know about Prosper? Abbot’s timeline has him born 1912, but I’m sort of interested (intrigued, even) in a P Thomson who arrived Adelaide 23/06/1924 on board the Moreton Bay with the Occupation “Motor Driver”

  112. Peteb on May 28, 2019 at 7:21 am said:

    Don’t have it Milongal … the image came from one of DA’s sites, maybe zoom on that pic of him with his hand over a letter.

  113. No need to look any further for a handwriting specialist and put aside the fake unrelated Moulds material which was posted on BS/TS and TBT as a joint ruse, concocted conspiratorily so as to divert attention away from other evidence yet to be anounced with fanfare nio doubt…. Some considerable time ago, I consulted with a well accredited handwriting comparison examiner, in and for both the High Court of Australia @ (FCD Maxwell P’matta) and in the District Court of NSW criminal jurisdiction @ (Redapple L’pool), two of many examples. From this I have concluded in general terms, that Alfred Boxall is more than likely to be the author of all the cursive handwriting within the inside cover of the duel language 1944 pressing of ROK/Shahir Omar, specifically in comparison with samples accredited to Jessica Thomson, but not necessarily including the figure 70 hand printing alongside….I have mentioned all of this in several previous short submissions which can be located and refered to if desired, or should it be contended that all this is new knowledge. For discretionary reasons I see no real need to reveal personal details of my consulted comparison expert per se, though I might refer any doubters back to the noted Court Registrars and or the Commonwealth and Australia Police Gazettes for the relevent periods 1974 through 1980, prosecution details of which I’m also reluctantly able to provide, upon receipt of a stamped, self address envelope.

  114. milongal: Could be Priestly Thomson for a very rough guess on y.o.b., but you could possibly narrow it down by trying to tie in Mr. P.Thomson’s travelling companions, Mr. E and Mrs. Thomson, all of the same Mile End address. I can’t see even a lad like Prosper wangling a driver’s licence at age 12.

  115. Nah. Probably not Priestly Morel Thomson WW1 (paywall) who was also from Gladstone out Port Pirie way and likely connected with Jessie Mcfarlane’s old man George Thomson from Gladstone which is a coincidence by similar ritious name, connecting in a way with Prosper’s Jessie Harkness.

  116. Righteous as in Brothers ie. Hooked on a feeling, Unchained Medley (sic). Yeah that’s riotous enough.

  117. milongal on May 28, 2019 at 8:52 pm said:

    @JS: No doubt a coincidence, but I can’t help but think there was the Jessica H who was a nurse who was a decade or so older than our Glenelg mob, and now a P Thomson who is about 10 years older (I should’ve mentioned the passenger record has him 21 in 1924 – so definitely not consistent with our Prosper b1912)….
    Thomson of course is a very common name (and P could equally be Peter, Paul (Pavel /tic), Patrick, etc), Harkness a little (but not a lot) less so.

    In particular, I was remembering reading somewhere that noone has found a record of North Shore/Glenelg Harkness as actually completing her nursign qualification (although clearly she practiced later) and was going out on a long, thin limb thinking about some identity theft in there somewhere – but of course I forgot we had a good ol’ dig into Prosper’s family in the past and verified dates and ages of him and his kin….
    consider it a post before thought.

  118. On a more coniliatory note it’s nice that we are able to join with Derek and Gordon to wish a fond farewell to our old SM nemesis of sorts, Len Brown. In the end, the uncommonly decent old detective and reasonably honest copper may have pulled one last trick Kenista smoke from the mystery railway cafeteria suitcase; As might well have been anticipated by the more knowing of his admiring devotees. The old bastard seems to have lied about his age to give himself advantage of seniority at the Gates. Onyer Super… ..Godspeed.

  119. Jon R, ha ha, back in early early 2014 made some interesting observations, based on a few of GF’s book notations concerning the nature of the Nurse’s relationship with Alf Boxall, as being somewhat at odds with what the detective had espoused. Feltus surmising that the couple had likely met by mid 1944 which is when Alf was posted back to Sydney from NT on compassionate grounds for the birth of his dughter Leslie. Going by what Alf told police which is at variance to what wife Susie said much later, he was presented with a copy of a dual language ROK by a shy young recently introduced nurse named Jestyn in September 1945 over a few snorts at Clifton Gardens pub and just prior to his active service posting “amongst the swaying palms”….According to G. Feltus, the particular fancy version of ROK was bought by the nurse from Craftsman books in Sydney, and we might note that this very edition, authored by A. W. Hamilton, then of W.A. was likely to have been used by Alf’s unit SME for a one off Malay language course run over several weeks in July ’44….In contrast, Jestyn as Jessie Thomson, claimed to SA police in July ’49 that she had given Lt. Boxall a somewhat different version of an English language W&T Courage & Friendship pocket version most likely, around Xmas 1945, by her
    own time reckoning. This would be significant if true, for Alf was then supposedly aboard ‘Crusader’ on U.S. war surplus recovery duties in northern waters off PNG. If one cares to peruse Alf’s own service records with care, as many others diarists obviously didn’t, there is a thirteen month unexplained hiatus gap between his being piped aboard Crusader as engineer officer at Rabaul in mid September of ’45 and his supposedly next return to Sydney in October of ’46. My contention is that Alf most likely got back to homebase around Christmas ’45, either on a short fly in fly out furlough or else perhaps aboard his vessel then offloading tanks, which might well support Jessie’s own claim for the book handover timing, along with its more sinister implications….But hold up, one might well counter; how do the two ROK editions work into this grand story of claimed deception. Thanks Ron R aka ha ha, we learn that back in 1949 when the fuzz came looking for a Lieutenant Boxall at Randwick bus depot, they were so disappointed at finding him alive that they completely forgot about his ROK. Undaunted, the news hounds later went to his home demanding satisfaction and in order to be rid of the intrusion, Alf reluctently showed them his W&T cleanskin copy of an ROK which he attested was the one in question as given to him by the little frog nurse. Pat Burgess of the Mirror reported years later that the book shown to his colleagues must in fact have been Jessie Thomson’s copy. So it seems that sly old Alf, later penned verse 70 into his A. W. Hamilton Sha’ir Omar edition, perhaps just prior to his TV debut with Stuart Littlemore or less in 1977, for reasons known but to God and one other. The imposter ROK had of course come into his possession in 1944, which also accords with wife Susies version as revealed by Alf’s daughter Leslie to Gerry Feltus when they met over tea and Arnott’s iced vo vo’s years after the tumult and shouting had died….So apart from the noted handwriting similarity which is quite telling of itself, one might also begin to see other like signs that the verse 70 attribution could only refer to Alf Boxall and in no part likely to have anything to do with Jessica Harkness the nurse or the falsely accused Major William Jestyn Moulds OBE…All of the above, to my modestly claimed, well researched opinion, seems to be more consistent with the few real facts known, than the ones attributed to so called reliable sourses and those merely invented as hopeful possibilities for a money spinning novel or two by fiction writers. What I have put down is merely intended for consideration and critical evaluation, as applicable, in order to report honestly on theoretical flaws.

  120. Peteb on May 29, 2019 at 6:36 am said:

    Old news about Alf’s missing time, Byron was onto that long ago.

  121. milongal: I know that Sister Jessie Harkness, the Spanish nightingale sounds inviting for possible name and title transfer by someone intending to use it for dishonest clandestine activities, but she really doesn’t fit the bill. She was very well known, almost famous in the near nor’west wheat belt districts around Hamley Bridge and Balaclava, besides she was twenty years older than her near namesake and I’d be inclined to think someone like the widow Thomson and her departed husband George, would have been perfect foils for a team like Prosper and Co.

  122. Good catch Byron and golly gosh, sorry about the unintended troll baiting…Time was, when the little toy dog was new; and the soldier was passing fair..And that was the time when Our Little Boy Blue…kissed them and put them there…..Just a bit of filler to offset a dumb piece of gotcha ha ha, from Kerry the king of sleaze… Appologies to any intelligent folk tuned in to Misc.

  123. How can we be so sure that Alf Boxall showed the press his nurse’s ’41 W&T to the exclusion of his ’44 dual language A.W. Hamilton job; after all they were both likely to be cleanskins in July of ’49. Two obvious reasons come to mind, though there may others that could also have relevance upon further consideration. Firstly the fact that the ‘filth’ had not demanded to see their informant’s gift copy, would have given Alf choice of which copy he showed the reporters, mindful that they’d be sure to want photos for their copy. So best show them the pretty one with the showy extra title Shahir Omar and a picture of an exotic woman on the frontise piece. Or else, to satisfy our TS/BS and Tbt spy theorists; perhaps the so called gift copy, passed to our deep cover PPK carrying intelligence agent ‘A’ by his shady lady ‘J’ three and one half years earlier precisely, contained need to know elements that he dare not risk exposing to snoopy news hounds. Another reason why a trainee nurse like the sweet almost innocent Jessica, was not likely to have given a fancy book, like the A.W. Hamilton edition to Alf, could be found in its list price of 7/6 or $20.00 Aud in today’s funny money terms, the cost of a lowly nurse’s weekly board. Besides Kerry, could you in all honesty see our sweet young thing, making a trip all the way into the durty dusty city ie.Martin Place , from her clean safe domicile on the other side of Sydney harbour, just to buy an overpriced book in a part foreign language, as parting gift for an old married man of her now requited aquaintance. PS: Apologies for repeating anything someone else may have posted previously, except Yours truly js.

  124. Clive: I love your sense of dedication to a grand champion of the lost cause. I think you may have remarked your good self as to being mindful of time altering writing styles, which from my experience are not so well defined. But in any case I’ll take your word for it, but dare to say that Alf’s ending ‘d’s’ from the displayed 1960 letter off his record are pretty much the same as in the ROK, even baring in mind fifteen to seventeen years variation to the verse 70 wording. Of course you and your team would declare these days, for one or t’other of the mouldy old Moulds to have done the deed along wuth accompanying Jestyn signature in 1945, whereas I’d go for it having been inserted by Alf Boxall sometime just prior to his chit chat with Stewart Littlemore who in all probability devised the scheme for attention seeking film footage (cut?). Each to his true belief old man and say a big “Hi” to Gordon for me..laddie. PS. Likewise we note Len Brown’s lamented loss.

    Now the little toy dog is covered with rust..But sturdy and staunch he stands.
    The little tin soldier is red with rust..And his musket Moulds in his hands.

  125. Byron: Regarding the missing thirteen months or so of Alf’s ORS from 9/45 through 10/46, I’m now able to fill the gap with a degree of certainty, based on the known movements of AV 2767 Crusader and its motley 13 WT crew. Alf was appointed as First Engineer between late 1945 and no later than February 1946, when it sailed for northern waters from Calmsie Qld, upon completing its sea trials and after also having undergone some modifications. As can be seen, this all fits with Alf having spent Xmas with his friends and loved ones, including the chance to have a few snorts with his friend the nurse?..So its probable that our man had earlier flown home or sailed back from PNG after just a couple of months, purpose being to prep the new heavy lift recovery vessel for work in the islands…Perhaps you will be familiar with these details already, going by Peteb’s kind “old news” reminder of your own earlier extensive service record enquiries, which strangely I’ve not been able to locate. If you happen to be able to advise on further details re his personal details such as claimed warlike missions in the Timor Sea campaign, the birth date of his second child Leslie? and his resting place which I have not as yet been able to locate in ACT or Sydney, that would be most helpful…NB ” indeed indeed ” for info as per Clive’s unanswered querie to TS/BS.

  126. There had been a delivery of the 44 surplus tanks from Torokina Bouganville to a Sydney storage/scrapping yard, most likely the sprawling Randwick tram and bus depot in July of ’46. Just one of many similar war surplus deliveries undertaken by Alf and his 12/13 WT crew aboard Crusader, monthly by all accounts, during its year long recovery mission in Pacific…Also included was the delivery of some thousands of exhumed bodies of allied servicement for re interrment in Madang war cemetery, so his post war duties were obviously not a holiday posting by any means…Knowing that Alf Boxall worked as an engineer for RBD before and after his war service, I was interested enough to check into that part of his life which I knew very little of beforehand. The vast Randwick depot, close to Woolloomooloo port, employed hundreds of mechanics just like Alf with various degrees of expertise depending on their respective trade skills. One thing they all did have in common was their membership of the communist led Amalgumated Engineering Union, whose introduction of rolling strikes during the late forties and early fifties had often brought Sydney city commuter services to a virtual standstill. Likely lads such as John Halfpenny and Laurie Carmichael, Stalinist strongmen were supreme in later years, which makes me wonder if our very bright Alfred may not have held some high office in the organisational structure himself, during his employment.

  127. Well Byron the least we can say on the old pinko’s behalf, is that he was most unlikely to have been a murdering Stalininist, with pacifist reading material such as ‘The Union Buries Its Dead’ close by in his impressive bookshelf. I’m talking about Alf Boxall of course not Len Brown, dyed in the wool pacifist Bolshie if ever there was one…So it must be true, then what ‘Henry’ Lawson wispered to Clive about him being a ship spotter along with Jestyn down at the old Woolloomooloo docks. Expanding along those lines, rusty Ruskie tubs from Vladivostok and the Japanese territories, were known to have been in and out of the Islands grabbing anything Nip or Yank made from metal that they could get their hooks into. Enter Alf the trader who might, for a barrel or two of Beluga caviar put them onto any lurks that his own scrounger bosses weren’t into. Then along with the delicate ship to ship exchange, some onboard mail bags go over the side by accident..Likewise Alf old Boss Dave Herbert had his own decrepit freighter in NG waters and was also into discarded communications equipment. Whereas brother ‘Capri’ Xavier, the former Faschist, turned red, was said to be cruising the military supply dumps in his blitz wagon through central Australia after guns & ammo for cash, with his black mate and fellow commie AWU delegate Joe McGuiniss…NB: NAA Crusader mail theft Torokino-Madang October 1945.

  128. Peteb on May 31, 2019 at 8:24 am said:

    Johnno, mate, thanks, but all we want to know is one thing – who was the joker on the beach?

  129. Byron: Deliberate mistake, mail theft was 17th June ’46. And for you Peteb me old China, the joker on the beach was the same joker as the one got caught trying to cut in on the secret military burial sites. Those that the brothers McInnis, the brothers Herbert and the cousins Boxall went dibs on near Larrimah in ’44, or else he might’ve been some joker with a similar sounding name to the first joker.

  130. Some good news on ‘The Ugly Duckling’, It seems that the army had given it their own designation of 1 ACV Crusader as opposed to its defence listing as AV 2767. which means Pierre Eugene Cau was part of the crew until arrival back from the islands in October’46 and the tub’s subsequent transfer to civil use. Bad news is that any interesting snippets regarding Peppy’s year aboard with Alf are hidden behind the NAA paywall.

  131. Peteb: I think we can scratch cousin Alf from our in the know list, but perhaps include two Freds, Morris and Gubbins, spooks from Pine Creek NT & Brighton SA who had recruited native labour for the dumps around Larrimah, Mataranka and out Rum Jungle way in 42/43 during the Jap air raids. There were other players known to Stanners lads, such as a pair of influencial Rex’s from Glenelg, a mysterious Bill Thomson from Dee Why?, the Taswegian Maj. Nettlefold and his very tough ex Timor Ind. Co. Mob. I can guess your SM joker might have been a former confidant turned liability who became a risk to disclosure re plans for consignment, thus rendering hisef expendable….Seems TS/BS intend sticking with the Bill Moulds ‘JEstyn signature with promised backing of his ever supportive on tap ‘Anonymous’ team.

  132. milongal on June 2, 2019 at 10:39 am said:

    @JS you alluded to an interesting point re the Rubaiyats. Was J ever shown the (courage and friendship or whatever) rubaiyat that was found?
    It’s sort of plausible that they mention the Rubaiyat and she links it in her mind to a version that looks totally different (because she doesn’t know anything of the one that is found). If she has seen it, however, it’s sort of unlikely she links it to the one Alf claims was from her (and there’s certainly a possibility he’s the one playing games, not her) – but it sort of would also suggest that the police also knew the book was wrong (not withstanding your ideas that it’s a totally different book)

  133. not ken howard on June 2, 2019 at 10:43 am said:

    If that’s your starting gate, Dusty, the first hurdle is where were your horses on or about October 1946?

  134. It would be London to a brick on that Xavier and the well shod McInnis bros, were mounted during their round up at Julia Crick in ’47, before the haul south to SA. In fact there is a yarn about a nag without a name in the U of Q files, with a pic of a horses arse hanging out the back of their tarped blitz , a rifle and a Hillman. A new post on Bill Stanners boys has a group photo of a ton or more of his lads, all named but with no sign of Alf, Dave, Xavier or Stanner taken in ’42/’43. I’ve partially checked it for obvious wop names like Styne and the midget Arnold Deucshbag that Nick had the hots for, but none show up on the nominal rolls so, we’re sort of fraked on that line. Any suggestions that won’t involve search fees?..If this doesn’t get a run on once reliable Ciphermysteries, I’ll send it under separate cover.

  135. milongal: There are several quotes in the local and interstate rags of the nurse describing the Ron Francis ROK as being similar to one she gave to the Lieutenant three and a half years ago when she was at RNSH in Sydney. That could only mean she was shown it, or else saw a photo of the front cover, pertaining as such to the the ’41 Kiwi Courage & Friendship edition and most certainly not Alf’s Jestyn signed A.W. Hamilton ’44 edition.

  136. Flash:
    Cmndr. R.B. Long OBE lived 7 miles from Sydney and a thousand miles from care!
    Major W. Jestyn Moulds OBE lived 700 miles from R.B. Long and didn’t really care! My own humorless take on an old promotional motto for the Sydney beach suburb of Manly. Only accessable to weekend picknic crowds from t’other of the harbour, by Ferry before the much celebrated bridge opening in 1932. Capt. Francis De Groote your own ‘New Guard Association’ cut the tape.

  137. Chuck Brownhold on March 1, 2020 at 8:48 pm said:

    Have you done an article on the “LUE” symbol map ?

    this blog article is probably the best description of it


  138. john sanders on March 2, 2020 at 3:41 am said:

    Pete: I Can’t begin to thank you for the mention of my visits to your blog over the years. Whilst the figures are impressive, I really can’t take all the credit, not in these days of digital automation gagetry. I’m usually far from the online action in the early morn, being out there pounding on my routine daily half+ marathon, or in the late afternoon, enticing hungry river snake head to strike. Sorry to disappoint.

  139. john sanders on March 10, 2020 at 11:50 am said:

    Talking about shooting oneself in the foot, poor old Gordon Cramer has gone and done it again with his Archbald (sic) Maule Ramsay nomination for having come to Australia with his pro nazi agenda in 1949; this being based on a Bob Wake’s CIS alert communication to his boss outlining the arrival of an unamed Scottish Captain purportedly to hook up with Tom Blamey’s anti communist ‘Association’ chaps. Problem is, Gordon’s hot new candidate Archbald likely never have set foot on our shores and besides, Wake made it as plain as could be that it coudn’t have been Ramsey, who afterall had served as an army Captain (no post service rank entitlement) with the Coldstream guards in WW1. Reminds us of Maj. William Jestyn Moulds from a while back who managed to get Peteb sold hook line and stinker on that good officer’s nefarious links to Alf Boxall and Jestyn Harkness’ in the verse 70 debacle. One thing we can give the old AfIO charlatan is his reluctance to delete (pride) his crap like his pal Pete when he gets caught out, so some misplaced credit to him for sticking by his guns under when under threat of exposure.

  140. john sanders on March 11, 2020 at 6:45 am said:

    For an even better example of a real con man at work, try this one taken from Bigfooty where Gordon has recently received a promotion and Redacted aka Gordon is now chief investigator on the Somerton case, along with Ruth Collins who has been recruited for her in-depth knowledge on Thomson genealogy matters

    Starts with Gordon as Redacted via his SM-A305 YN Tapatalk commenting off subject about a WW2 white tie victory ball from trove…Just to prep us for the finale on this at times occasionally interupted thread line.
    Gordon as Redacted comes on again requesting help re ownership of 90A Moseley St. Glenelg.
    Gordon as himself replies that he will instruct his shadow Clive Turner to get on the case, Clive being the all purpose ferrit whose phrasiology is much like Gordon.
    Gordon as Redacted seems to be worried on the cost, as if such triviality would be a concern in a matter of such wide reaching interest and need for total resolution.
    Gordon as hiimsrelf reports on Clive’s success and after some name shuffling he gives himself as Redacted a positive lead to 90A in the form of Prof. Alexander David Ross who just happened to have worked in secret govt projects during WW2. And to top it off we the fawning dupes are shown a nice govt. ball picture of Perth based (since 1908) ‘A. Ross’ in ’54 white tie and all.

    As it turns out, the old Thomson rental had been in the name of an Ernest John Ross and an A. Ross whom Gordon, as is his imposterial wont decided would be a fine fit for Alexander Ross, obviously on his files as a potential inclusion in links to espionage at some convenient stage.
    My suspicions were almost immdiately answered with a quick tapatalk of my own to S.A. Genialogy who correctly informed me that old Ernest and his dear wife Nita (Anita) are at rest in Adelaide, he from ’71 she from ’80. I very much wanted to inform someone until realising that not a soul was likely to give a rat’s bottom.

    This happens to be just one of the many instances where this villain has had the affrontery to deceive or attempt to decieve any body foolish enough to follow his line. Over the years he has also been aided and abeted by a well known group of unbelievably dedicated co conspirators, least of these being Peter Bowes who has now at least come to his senses to some degree, whilst going along full steam with his own rather easy to read and childish game.

  141. milongal on March 11, 2020 at 6:47 pm said:

    @JS: There’s a reason I stopped reading some sites (and why some I never read – I’ve only ever been to bigfooty to discuss read about footy – which I lost interest in last year as the Dees plummeted from their 2018 achievements….)

    NB: I think some of the above mentioned parties took over anemptyglass (which I’ve since stopped reading) with a view to promoting the idea that Fedosimov who was not really Fedosimov (that is, the picture of the man we have from the forties who is also Fedosimov of Venona fame (we’ll call him “Major” because MAJ wasn’t his alias – or something), but not Fedosimov who later represented the USSR at IAEA conferences) was SM…
    As I say, there’s a reason I quickly give up on such sites – it’s hard for a pleb like me to follow let alone understand some of the logic.

  142. john sanders on March 12, 2020 at 3:56 am said:


    Sorry but I’m not really seeing too much of anything I could have said to justify the childish rant for my perported sledging of your supportive online pals dude 1974 (temp), Ruth Collins 1955 and aka Gordon Cramer1947 your co-conspiratorial pal.

    Anyhow Pete you called the truce and I for my part will uphold it within reason. I’m trying to figure what’s with Tomsbtwo’s posted wartime snap of a young Fred Leigh and his babes, looks like Geylang 37 Singapore though must have been before 453 Sqn’s game changing non tactical withdrawal to DES a full two weeks before the nips arrived.

  143. For the record: Sanders is mocking my father’s part in WW2 ..

  144. john sanders on March 14, 2020 at 5:38 am said:

    …and as if I or anybody else including the Commonwealth of Austruckingfailure ever gave a damn, I still have a bullet lodged below my left knee, fragments of a bullet in my right hand (knuckles), along with various RPG fragments to scalp, right front shoulder, right costal margin (rib cage) and legs, all thankfully well settled after fifty years. I distinctly recall the fire coming from the side and rearwards so thankful for small mercies and I’ll go with the evidence even if it don’t neatly fit, just like I’ve always attempted to do with VM & Tamam Shud investigations.

  145. john sanders on March 14, 2020 at 1:42 pm said:

    Nick: Thanks for small mercies; not quite all that I wanted to say but good enough to get the general message across and the rest I’ll keep in obeyance.

  146. john sanders: you didn’t need those other ten comments to make your general point. :-/

  147. john sanders on March 14, 2020 at 2:05 pm said:

    NP: Not that I like to admit it, but at the end of the day you played fine, done good as the man said, and I’m totally satisfied with the way things panned out thanks to your better mindful insight than one under continual provocation.

  148. john sanders on March 15, 2020 at 3:28 am said:

    Some may have mistakenly thought for the barest milli second that the evil menace meant what he said about putting up the shutters at tomsbytwo. It now proves that our stalking deceiver had no such intentions, having recovered his tattered nerves.

  149. your nemesis on March 15, 2020 at 10:10 am said:

    Hullo sweetie …

  150. john sanders on March 15, 2020 at 10:48 am said:

    Hello y’self sweaty…See you’ve got your ‘mother goose’ truce up again. If it it’s not yet another ruse I’ll honour it, until any loose excuse for abuse is detected.

  151. john sanders on March 16, 2020 at 12:04 pm said:

    It seems to have been determined by our esteemed moderator, that in view of the fact that recent personalised sledging by Peter Bowes and John Sanders bear absolutely no relevance to the so called Somerton Man discussions, their continued sledging should be deemed no longer suitable for publication. So in the interestests of creating a more harmonious invironement, I’ve decided to step aside from further harmful banter and self isolate which should enable our more moderate Voynicheros a chance to resolve their petty differences without further disruptive interference…PS My self Isolation has nothing to do with the current international Corolla, Sars or R2 D2 viruses, all of which have been thankfully eradicated from my host nation..by decree.

  152. Ok with me, digger. All square.

  153. пожалуйста on March 17, 2020 at 10:06 am said:

    Nick, do you have a view on the value of a POLE-based database and graph for the SM “data” we have? It seems to me to be a superficially attractive proposition to be able to query relationships between nodes, especially with functions such as shortest path’ – but this isn’t my domain, so I may just be blinded by the pretty webs it weaves, and I’m not familiar enough with the known SM data/information to assess whether it would form a useful base. Perhaps there just isn’t enough to warrant it? And is there lack of appropriate public datasets to plug in to exploit the technology?

    Apart from plod, do you think anyone has attempted this, e.g. on an investigation /Intel platform or a db like neo4j?

  154. john sanders on May 25, 2020 at 2:41 pm said:

    Peteb: You’ve either got it in you or you don’t; as they say it’s all in the genes and Peteb always gets the last word at tbt…Anyhow mofo, did you note on your last most interesting but alas dreary threadline that Paul’s diary entry actually makes no specific mention of Jessie Thomson. He refers to a Mrs. Thompson with a ‘P’ who, for all we know could have been old Elizabeth Thomson of Hambley Bridge who visited at the morgue, then just maybe was shown the bust on 26th July, same day as our Jess. and we recall her futile attempts to intervene at the June 21st inquest. I think it was Feltus who came up with the good sort assessment in his book but young Jessie Harkness at 4′ 9″ with crook chompers was certainly no stunner.

  155. milongal on May 25, 2020 at 8:49 pm said:

    A very small thing….

    In a lot of the literature (including Dr Abbott’s “List of things we DO know”) it talks about Jessica’s number being unlisted. But that can’t be true….
    Didn’t GF find the number by painstakingly combing the telephone directory? An unlisted number (by definition) wouldn’t have been listed there – and if he found it linked to her (as opposed to ol’ Prosper) in the ‘phone book, then perhaps it explains why the police were interested in her not Prosper. But of course, that might tie back with JS’s point above – was it listed as Thomson or Harkness?

  156. john sanders on May 26, 2020 at 12:03 am said:

    GF’s claimed spare time search through the SA directory had to be contrived; for one thing the ’47 edition with it’s eight thousand private listings could have been covered in an a trice to find the required listing. Apart from that he and Det. Ron Thomas had been a team in the seventies and Ron was the known authority on all things connected to Somerton Man in those days including the Nurse’s likely residential details and Moseley Street phone numbers, one private, the other most likely a classified listing under medical professionals.

  157. john sanders on May 26, 2020 at 5:23 am said:

    Peteb may well have been a fine and creative compositor in a younger and less confused part of his life, but fudging numbers and keeing two copies of a client’s ledger books does not equate to spotting often overlooked criminal evidence; Case in point being his latest Paul Lawson diary notes in which he somehow manages to create an aura of suspicion that the old codger was somehow part and parcel to an intricate murder cover-up conspiracy. Of course when Peteb’s wild fantasies are themselves supported by ex Cramer stars Misca and Rob Nowak it must stroke his self proclaimed angry intellectual image no end, giving the old phony all the more reason to get on with the farce.

    Paul’s Diary entry for 15th June 1949 includes two separate sets of visitors, which includes detectives Brown, Noblet and Leane police to discuss matters pertaining to the completed job. Then we find him entertaining two complete strangers in the form of D. Cleland and a Mr. NBT who showed up to view the completed bust and to which Bowes seems blissfully ignorant. So who are these worthies who are not important enough to mention. Seems to me that one is probably David Fullarton Cleland a Lawyer and heir to the Chateau Tanunda/seppelts empire, a partner of Sam Jacobs, future Supreme Court Judge as well as Prosper Thomson’s one time solicitor of notice; As for the other cove I’d make a guess and say possibly a former top SA detective named Noblett who may have had an inkling about someone from the past. He would have been accorded full fraternal rights no doubt.

  158. milongal on May 26, 2020 at 9:05 am said:

    Incidentally fell down some other rabbit holes….
    There was a MISS AM Harkness at 32 Augusta St Glenelg
    I could imagine siblings sort of ending up in similar places, but there’s nothing other than a surname to suggest that here….

    (NB: Working off memory, not off notes)
    A Carl Thomsen mentioned elsewhere on this site (possibly by me) born 1906 and serving in WW2 is quite interesting (but I can’t fund any Riverland/Mallee connection).
    His full name was Wellmet Karl Grenfell Thomas Thomsen (might have got the order wrong). Wellmet was his mum’s name – and given she appears to have died the day (the records show day before) that he was born, it sounds like she died in childbirth (aged 22). Her husband (Charles Thomsen) and her biological family (mum HA Reynolds and 2 sisters (M Brisbane and E Buchanan)) continued placing “in memoriam” notices for a lustrum or two after she died.
    Papa Charles Thomsen appears to have died in the 1930s (1931 or 1933 I think).
    On 30th November 1946 (couldn’t help but notice the coincidence with the day of the year) WKGT Thomsen placed adverts in the papers looking to be appointed administrator of his Mum’s estate and Executor (or similar) of his Dad’s will.

    BUT. BUT. BUT. I can’t seem to make any links to SA with them (although there are a lot of gaps especially between Dad dying and Karl trying to take control of his parent’s affairs).

    There was a lot of Thomsen activity (by different Thomsen’s) in country SA. Most significant of that lot (as far I can tell) was a Niels Valdemar Thomsen originally of Adelaide who fathered the K Thomsen (Kingsley Bernard) that appears in the 1948 S&M in what is today Westbourne Park. He divorced his wife (Jessamine Charlotte Gamlen Thomsen) in 1934 (actually, more accurately she divorced him), and somewhere in between he moved overseas. Their daughter Gwendolyn married a Stuart Bowles in 1939 (but was given away by her (I assume Maternal) Grandfather….
    Either way, they’re not obviously related to the NSW lot, and neither are obviously related to the Thomsen of Mangnoson fame (but I found the Valdemar coincidence particularly….er….coincidental….)

  159. пожалуйста on May 26, 2020 at 10:20 am said:


    Somewhere on here, a little while back, PeteB posted a question that I’m hoping you can answer yet, possibly in order to put a further nail in the coffin of the long-haul body deposition excursion supposedly indulged in by persons unknown yet observed. The question was:

    Where is/was the location of the “dugouts” along the beach at Glenelg/Somerton?

    It’d be really helpful for someone resident offshore if you could provide any answer with a handy reference point (e.g. about level with X street).


  160. milongal on May 26, 2020 at 8:05 pm said:

    Short answer, I don’t know.
    Longer Answer: I vaguely remember trying to answer Pete’s question. I had always assumed they were further South (toward Brighton) (add this to the URL /tamam-shud-somerton-man#comment-368105)
    But even rereading my answer there it talks about the Broadway (North of where the body was found) and Whyte St (South of it).

    BD seems to suggest they were North – or at least that there were sand dunes North.
    Although I do recall sand carting because of sand movement (from memory from West Beach even further North to Semaphore and Largs) I wouldn’t really associate Adelaide metro beaches with sand dunes – there’s perhaps hints of them from Henley to Semaphore – typically where sand has been caught at a fence (and I suppose the existence of a seawall along much of that stretch of coastline suggests that those Western suburbs are built on large sandhills (which you really notice in the topography of streets around Henley and Tennyson).

    I sort of have a vague recollection (can’t find the thread) that though I’d originally thought it referred to some sort of location on the actual beach it actually referred to shack-like cabins or houses along the esplanade (but much further South). That is, that the reference was metaphorical rather than physical (the “have nots” who were digging out a life for themselves) – I *think* (have to find some references) that although even then beachside suburbs would have been largely for the affluent, that further South (in my mind Brighton to Seacliff) there were small properties with crude shacks on them between the beach and what is now Brighton Rd – but that’s a big crossover of reseach, speculation and imagination.

    But googling now the only dugouts I can find reference to is the housing at Coober Pedy and some artefact of Cornish miners around Burra (both nowhere near metro Adelaide),

  161. milongal on May 26, 2020 at 8:08 pm said:

    It’s always after you hit submit….found this from 1927 which might indicate another use for the term:

    Shortly after 10 o’clock on Saturday night smoke was seen issuing from a sideshow on the Brighton Esplanade known as
    “Dave’s Dinkum Dugout.” The alarm was given by Mr. E. H. Fryer, and the prompt arrival of the fire brigade -prevented the flames front threading to other booths.
    The whole of the contents of the shed, valued at. about £100, were destroyed.

    So perhaps “dugouts” was a local person’s reference to the sideshows at Brighton?

  162. milongal on May 26, 2020 at 8:33 pm said:

    Or perhaps it’s a little “all of the above”.
    This from 1943:
    Lived in Dugout
    Alfred Henry Bellman, of no fixed place of abode, was sentenced in the Brighton Court today to 14 days’ imprisonment for having had insufficient lawful means
    of support. It was stated that he had been living in a dugout on the beach.

    There’s certainly lots of pictures of tents around Brighton Jetty through the 20’s (and talk of “Christmas Camp” at State Library of sa (slsa) picture collection (collections slsa sa gov au )

  163. john sanders on May 26, 2020 at 11:36 pm said:

    RN: From as far north as Broadway right along Somerton Beach to John Miller Reserve, between Alvington House and Miller Reserve; thence all the way South along the beach and East to Minda Home at Hove were extensive dunes with their so called cave ‘dugouts’ being found right through to Wattle Reserve, Brighton. In fact sand hovels or douvers? as they were known in the 20s had been part of the Adelaide beach scene for many years… Peteb’s last unresponded related querie was undoubtedly a ruse leading up to one of his usual smart arse interrogatories; intended to give him the last word.

  164. john sanders on May 27, 2020 at 3:00 am said:

    We’ve been taunted by enough Carl Thomsens and Thompsons over the past dozen years now to drive us bonkers!…..and besides, according to poor, possibly deranged Keith Mangnoson or his interpretter of 7/12/48 Det. Erol Canney, the man from the cold snowy climate was named Thompsen. I recall mentioning a certain Carl ‘wheelbartow’ from just such an unclement part of the world, an itinerant farm worker with cameleering and dingo shooting experience who had jumped ship and married a nurse Davis from Clare Hospital who, after giving birth to young Peter-Boy in ’38 had sent him back home to treat a life threatening organic disease. For those who recall Bert Cleland’s “Britisher”, Dr. John Dwyer’s “The appearance of being an educated man” and Ina Harvey’s “..Polite quiet and didn’t murder the Kings English” descriptions, this particular Carl almost fills the bill and a very well schooled fifth column candidate indeed, indeed… PS: Carl was still living in ’48 though “we don’t know where he are” now unless…

  165. john sanders on May 27, 2020 at 4:02 am said:

    This one is intended for our ‘Grapes of Wrath’ micro writing scam scanner: When is a claimed 17th century German illustration not?…answer being when it’s labeled as being 19th century. We might concede that the faux pas was deliberate and merely intended to check on whether anonymous BS contributors be up to speed with the latest Major Moulds – Alf Boxall – Jestyn 70 news on recall to Bill Simpson’s Aust Int. mob following their pseudo war time links with the Godless commies.

  166. john sanders on May 27, 2020 at 9:03 am said:

    Well that was certainly a swift response from Gordon who has obliged us with a deceptive cover up in the form of a newly inserted 17th century portrait above the offending 19th century German original piece to negate his silly blunder. Should anybody wish to view the evidence of that single picture post, I can of course oblige as if anyone would doubt my call or give two hoots.

  167. пожалуйста on May 27, 2020 at 5:44 pm said:

    @Sanders @milongal

    To be fair to PB, he raised the dugout query on my behalf, as part of a discussion over at his place about body deposition and my general downer on things Feltus.

    Context: I’d overheard by way of the very good BBC world service documents about the Isdal Woman an interesting “fact”. The Norwegian copper in charge of this (quite literally) cold case claimed that no known recent murder involved (whole) body deposition further than 75 metres by foot from a vehicle or similar transport. The implication was that this was an academically researched, empirical fact. I haven’t found any relevant papers, but was curious to apply this ‘rule’ to “the dugouts” to at least form a preliminary view on the relevance of eye witness accounts of a “body” being carried along the beach.

    Fwiw: I think it’s very probably bollocks. As is all the bickering over the “wrong trousers”. The body was there all night. It didn’t move. The lividity is as expected, simply because the witness statements from the morning of discovery have been misinterpreted, influenced perhaps by the “classic” SM pose on the Feltus cover, together with the much later photos of the “sea wall”. Together these appear to paint a misleading picture of the scene.

  168. milongal on May 27, 2020 at 8:12 pm said:

    My understanding was the witness statement (keeping in mind they didn’t come forward until 1959) was that they (the witness) were walking towards the dugouts (so the body wasn’t necessarily carried from there).

    Some random hings that have occurred to me recently that may or may not have been covered/mentioned (only 1 about the dugouts)
    1) What if the “dugouts” was a more recent term (a term that described something in the 50s, not 40s) – that doesn’t discredit the witness, but they’re describing a 1948 incident in 1959 references. Did the witness mention dugouts, or is that inserted by someone else to try to clarify directions the witness used?
    2) Envelopes and air mail stickers have lots of sites suggesting “he clearly wanted to send some letters” – what about stamps? Presumably you have to go to a PO to get air mail stickers (and possibly envelopes), so why wouldn’t you pick up a sheet of stamps?
    3) Chewing gum? I thought the guys teeth were in pretty ordinary condition – how would you go chewing when you’re missing a few chompers? Would smoking and chewing have been common co-habits (I know they were later, but I think that was largely as a stigma started to attach itself to smoking)
    4) The coins in the suitcase – would people carry phone-change back then, or did that come later (a very brief google suggests that there may have been public phones around by the 40’s, and that a local call would likely cost 1p).
    5) The damn tickets, those damn tickets. I have so much problem with those damn tickets (but I’ve ranted excessively about them before).
    6) not 1, but 2 combs on his person. I sort of understand someone carrying a comb (especially if they regularly meet people and need to present well) – but why carry 2? Especially when you have a nice suitcase you could leave one in
    7) 6 pencils. Drafting pencils. Why do we record 3 of them are H (is that just to emphasise that they’re for drafting)? I know some people’s opinion on the pencils, but it seems a long bow….not least because surely we could get even finer grade pencils…..

    I think I had other thoughts, but they’ve skipped off for now….

  169. john sanders on May 28, 2020 at 4:41 am said:

    One can hardly blame poor Bowes for his ongoing confusion over Tamam Shud slip inconsistencies. I’ve done my level best to explain in simple terms the logical reasoning behind his dilema; Apropos suspicious time gaps on finding of a slip by Bert Cleland in mid April ’49, but then his subsequent recovery of same and finally the ROK fragment being taken into police possession for evaluation. Several follow up inquiries at the behest of Dets. Leane & Brown each of which confirmed the initial translation as reported in the April newspapers were done simply for favour of a second opinion. Nothing suspicious at all there, just basic detective work in play.

    No confusion at all really. However, if we then take into consideration, as we must, there have been in fact two identical Tamam Shud slips, from two identical ROKs reported by two different Glenelg entities on the very same day, that being 22nd July ’49, then we need to be delving a little deeper into the whys and wherefores and scratching our heads. I can recall discussing this all in some detail some time back but I doubt that the post survived a subsequent destructive ‘Flash’ flood; Suffice to say there is clear and irrefutable evidence to support the two TS slip scenario and it’s there for all to see in the inquest depositions.

  170. john sanders on May 28, 2020 at 2:23 pm said:

    Getting back to my Carl from the other day which everyone interested in Keith Mangnoson’s ID will surely recall, he was born on 13th August 1907, and was most likely affected by internal complications of sclerodermia or some equally diabolical ailment at the time of his repatriated back to his cold homeland from Perth in early 1939. Wife Chris and two year old son Peter then settled in South Australia with her mum Mrs. Davis nee Boxall where she spent the war years employed at Finsbury munitions factory. Both Detective H. Strangway and Bob Cowan just so happened to be ensconsed at that establisment for valuable wartime service in their particular fields, policing and chemical inspection. She would most assuredly have known Harry as a consequence of her CIS interrogations concerning her husband’s allegence to Germany in 1943.

    From 1940 onwards Carl who had apparently regained his health and studied to be a Chiropractor, worked as a translater of English, Russian, Polish and French with the third Reich in an economics portfolio. He corresponded with his Family and his letters reveal an apparent love for the classics, especially childrens works, most notably Wind in the Willows which he mentioned to young Peta-Boy along with some subtle snipes at the blundering Brits and much praise for Adolph Hitler’s condemnation of the Jews. When later interned by the Americans as a renegade, he relented in his facsist idiology and commenced a concerted though apparently unsuccessful course of action to reclaim his British subject status and reconnect with family in Adelaide, ably assisted by many glowing recommendations re his change of idiology.

    As for what became of Carl, I’m not at all certain though I’d think it likely that he made it back, allbeit not seemingly reconnecting with kith and kin for some reason. Whilst his Canadian birn wife Christobel appears to perhaps have spent some time in country Victoria, she is nevertheless buried in Cheltenham cemetery, Adelaide where her son still resides to this day and is an active member of Prosper’s Vintage Automobile Association of S A. He ended up an intellectual type like his dad and had a career in graphic journalism with the good old Advertiser. Attempts to communicate with the young fellow are ongoing and I have a good yarn to spin if and when he decides to come in from the cold.

    This is all just a hunch, that there might be a connection to the SM prize but hey, it’s at least as likely as all our other dud attempts at ID eg. Tom Keane, Arnold Deustch, Chuck Mikkelsen & Fedosimov etc. It just so happens that my Carl’s birthday, as can be seen falls just short of the commencement date for the Adelaide annual agricultural show; remember what we were told. So should flowers suddenly appear on the Unknown Man’s top bunk plot around mid August, we might have picked ourselves a winner..One never knows their luck in a such a fine and dignified old town.

  171. milongal on May 28, 2020 at 8:08 pm said:

    @JS – what 2 slips? I know the newspapers seemed to imply it (but I quite readily dismiss that as journalistic confusion). You seem to suggest there’s some other evidence of 2 slips (in the inquest?) – could you elaborate?

    I’m interested because I’ve neer been entirely comfortable that the slip they found actually was the one they were looking for (to me the fact that it had (supposedly) been ripped out and then neatly trimmed up so that it didn’t match the hole whence it came makes it difficult to imagine a purpose for it (other than a suicide note – but the fact it was cleverly hidden seems to dismiss that idea) – and I think the idea of it being planted becomes even more confusing when the book and the slip don’t obviously match)….
    So I’ll happily accept there were multiple slips but was wondering how we know that (other than speculation)

    Regarding your Carl (I’m assuming we’re talking Thomp?s[eo]n) – would he have ever been working out on the fruit orchards in the riverland (presumably immediaely before his return to Perth)? He doesn’t exactly sound like the labouring type….

  172. john sanders on May 29, 2020 at 12:00 am said:

    Milongal: Exibit C3 (f) tendered by Constable Moss following his evidence to the Coronial Inquest on 21 June, 1949, names the ‘Taman Shud’ Slip as part of the deceased personal possessions, being mindful in doing so that he did not find it…Later in the sittings Len Browns evidence concerning his paper match up enquiries culminated with him tendering the second slip in unmistakable terms, though perhaps confusingly described as being a ‘piece of paper’ and labeled exhibit C9 . Their can be no confusion on possibilty of one slip being tendered twice as the way evidence was collected, collated, presented and recorded, it could not have enabled such a stuff up to occurr. How folks could have overlooked the above is quite beyond the pale, me included especially in that I had raised the mysterious C9 exhibit often enough without really twigging to the ramifications. Makes me wonder what else might be amongst the SM ruins hidden in plain sight that could be a game changer.

    My Carl jumped ship at Port Pirie in 1927, made his way with an another young German to Alice Springs where the pair were knocking around looking for jobs connected with missions, a camel hire venture and dingo shooting on contract to the government. There is evidence to hand of his partner working with a mining company involved in gold exploration in early 31 but Carl was not part of that. Our lads then headed south to S.A. and became contract farm labourers working in and around the Clare Valley, Renmark and the Riverland districts for two years. When Carl met and married his Nurse Chris at Port Lincoln in ’34, his partner Paul moved to Melbourne, got into strife with car theft theft and was eventually jailed then deported from Brisbane. Carl went west to work farms near Ceduna from ’33 to ’38 when he moved to West Australia looking for similar employment. His son Peter was born there in February and he departed the Commonwealth in late January, 1939. PS: Note that Keith M. said his Carl was at Renmark in 1939 which wouod be a problem.

  173. john sanders on May 29, 2020 at 6:26 am said:

    D47: Dunno why I bother but some other mugger might get the drift. It was Harry Strangway’s case at the start and he worked out of Glenelg which was the nearest ‘D’ office. It took him only a trice to get to the bottom of things, especially after finding the TS which convinced this experienced old detective of no suspicious circumstances as might warrant a prolonged investigation. Next day being 2/12 the Adelaide press has him on a child sexual assault brief which to him would have been his idea of more useful police work. What later transpired to re start the brief is still subject of much speculation, such as would necessitate better pie in the sky fantasty theories than anyone including your TBT team have offered up to date. ….Peteb: I don’t usually lead folks down my garden path; that’s your specialty and I know from much cajoling that @milongal doesn’t bow to arse licking nor threats which as we all know are your greasy tools of trade.

  174. john sanders on May 29, 2020 at 6:56 am said:

    ….and I hasten to add, Harry was the longest serving detective in the force and legendary for his skills at deduction and observation (want examples?). A good family man who retired at 60 in 1955 and both daughters Trixy and Gweyth served with distinction in the RAAF throughout WW2; no clear blue bogey free skies for those dames.

  175. john sanders on May 30, 2020 at 12:01 am said:

    Having just received the desired evidence linking Carl’s wife and Harry Strangway that may well explain his having recused himself from the SM case I’m getting a better feeling abiut Carl. There was still some need at this stage of inquiries for a degree of fluidity due to unclear results of the autopsy and several ID attempts that needed follow-up so what gives. Chris knew Harry from Finsbury munitions establishment where both worked during the war and as OIC security, he would likely have been present when his former partner Detective Charles Trezona interregated her in 1943 for signs spousal contrition. …Trevona died suddenly not long after in non suspicious curcumstances aged 55.

    Chris may well have seen the early press accounts re the beach body, mentioning Detective Harry Strangway’s involvement and next day seeing the Advertiser photo of the deceased. If she then suspected, or had known for sure that it was her by now long estranged husband Carl, declared by Australia to be a persona non grata renegade from 5th November 1948; then why not go to Harry for advice. Having persued the available files I’d be confident that his wife would likely be the only person to know Carl’s identity, at least in Adelaide and she would have had no desire to have him named for a number of very good reasons…

  176. john sanders on May 30, 2020 at 5:27 am said:

    A high ranking police officer named was known to have used the term “Not too duck’n’fusty” when describing a lady he met at Adelaide mortuary in late 1948. This to a group at the Academy in 1973. From what I know now, he might well have been on about a certain Mrs. C. M. Von Czarnecki as his talk made mention of her name being of German or Polish origin. So if Errol Canney had been in the loop with his mentor Harry Strangway its pivital point, who else might it have included to enable a favourable, harmless and enduring outcome to be achieved for the merry widow One would have to include Harry’s old friend John Moss, though to what extent of complicity we can only guess; Scan Sutherland was on Harry’s SM case from the first though later selected to run interference between the Leane investigation other outside help, so he would be suspect. Then of course the ever so strange case of Robert Cowan, analyst who could find no trace of any chemicals amongst the viscal offerings in Dr. Dwyers guts bucket. Bob worked with Harry at the Finsbury plant and most probably knew the sad plight of the pretty factory first aid nurse Davis whose hubby was in an American military Gaol in Germany; Bob’s non discovery might not have been so surprising me thinks . As for the rest, I can only think of our Dr. Bennett the intern from from Royal Adelaide who left for Melbourne five minutes after inspecting the corps. He would also have bumped into Nurse Davis who may by then have resumed her pre war duties there and became complicit somehow thereby. I’ve done my best to put this all together without too much holding back and I’ll allow folks to decide what the path forward might be from their own perspective. I’d certainly recommend persusal of the two open NAA files on Henry Wilhelm Emil Carl Von Czarnecki to get a better feel for the man as a potential SM suspect and for those who wish to delve further there are two files behind a paywall with another under the name of Carl’s pal Otto Meier. ps: Don’t pay too much notice of file activity that goes beyond 1948; at the time the authorities had no idea where their man had gone to ground and assumed that he was alive in Germany…Carl of course from late ’46 or ’47 was likely to have been wandering around the S.A. interior, picking up odd jobs with other displaced persons and living rough in a humpy. He would surely have been tempted to see his son Peter one last time before his health gave out, but knowing full well the consequences if he was found and deported.

  177. john sanders on May 30, 2020 at 10:52 pm said:

    Violet Mangnoson, Keith’s younger sister, married a farmer named Symens from Renmark in 1933. In 1936 Lawrence Symens had some sort of dealings with Carl’s travel buddy Paul Johns which may have involved a commercial transaction. Paul had obtained a riders licence not long before this and given a Port Pirie address, but around that time he had been writing letters from Clare Hospital. When jailed for a second time in Queensland, before deportation to Germany in 1937 it did involve a stolen vehicle, possibly belonging to Symens, though the interstate police memos are not at all clear. Keith Mangnoson recalled that he knew Carl Thompsen from Renmark in early 1939 at which time C. Von Czarnecki was either in Perth or on his way to the Continent. This needs further exploration to determine validity.

  178. john sanders on May 31, 2020 at 11:00 am said:

    ……’The bus ticket produced and the rail ticket produced are similar to the tickets I found on the body. I did not find the slip of paper with the words Taman Shud… They happen to be the words in the affidavit of Const. John Moss attested to at the Coroner’s Inquest. In it he conceded however, that the slip was indeed part of the possessions taken from the body, by his having tendered it and having it exhibited C3 (f). When examining his words, a nuance, “I did not find the Taman Shud slip” stands out clearly giving rise to the alternate version, “Sure the TS slip was found, but not by moi, so leave me be”. Note that first responders PC Gollan and old hawk eye Strangway were not called as theur version would not have corroborared Leane’s differing explanation of the slips’ finding. Everything actually fell into place because Harry was probably not anxious to appear anyhow.

  179. john sanders on June 1, 2020 at 2:58 am said:

    I’m thinking that Christabel Czarnecki may well have returned to work at Adelaide Hospital, Finsbury plant was winding down in ’44. As it turns out that was the year that Somerton C.C. Home assisted the hospital to set up their cerebral palsey unit; so might I dare to be so bold in suggesting that a nurse Christabel Davis could have been on duty at Somerton on 31st November, 1948. I recall seeing names of some staff of that era in that great and informative rag ‘Adelaide Advertiser’.

  180. john sanders on June 1, 2020 at 5:19 am said:

    Nick: Albert Paul Johns and a partner established their car theft enterprise by means of a sophisticated enterprise for street snathes, engine/chasis number alterations and hasty disposal in major cities throughout Australia. Described in a Brisbane criminal court on 7/8/37 as a well educated German, he surprisingly copped the beef, as he had done previously in Alice Springs and was given 6 months, culminating in deportation which was contested by Sydney police who also wanted a crack at him. If we can show he was in cahoots with Carl Czarnecki aka Somerton Man than you may well have your TS slip (multiple slips) accounted for especially if an intrastate like consortium was involved…For the time being I’ll hold off on detail of Paul’s celebrated connection with another mystery death in 1931, which by volume of written related material, would leave Gerry’s Unknown Man in the shade. Johns later forged links with Moseley’s pro nazi group and was put away for the duration in 1939. In later life he ran a successful antiquarian bookshop in London, obviously dealing in fake 15th century manuscripts and the like and was still telling lies about his past to newspapers in the seventies.

  181. john sanders on June 1, 2020 at 10:41 am said:

    I have given much thought to the ’77 and ’80 outer Perth elecectoral roll entries for Henry Carl Von Czarnecki, aside from the ’37 WA regional mention under his full name of Henry William Emil Carl Von Czarnecki. From what I can gather the later listings were possibly registered by person who had obtained documentation in the earlier ligit man’s name. Other trap searches for the name only come up with several job seeking ads from ’36, and one being for the name C. Czarnecki and son on a ship from Perth to Adelaide in January ’39 which would have been his missus and young Peter heading, just before Carl’s own trip back to Germany. There are certainly no probate or burial records to suggest that any such person died in WA. but we I’ll keep trying for any post ’48 tie in…Speaking of ties, I suggest black and red with a nazi white pin stripe, not the red white and blue that has been pushed on us over the years by spy theorists.

  182. john sanders on June 1, 2020 at 12:05 pm said:

    A wild card possibilty for Henry Carl Von Czarnecki of Perth in that Carl’s son Peter bn. Perth 1936, only had one son Terry (no SA birth registration recorded) may also have had another son whilst still in his teens, say at 20 whom he named for his late father. If we go to SA geni. there’s a birth entry with the Von Czarnecki surname, but no christian name or birth year which cannot be Peter. Someone with paid up access to the site might like to check further, looking for a Henry Carl born around 1956 in S.A. who could have registered to vote in W.A. ’77 at age 21.

  183. john sanders on June 2, 2020 at 3:21 am said:

    Carl and his fellow nazi camel jockey friend Paul were both very articulate in a variety of languages and English with coloquial strine inflexion in particular. Following their their suspiciously means and place of entry to Australia in the late twenties they met and together took up casual itinerant farm work in those predominantly German settlements in the fruit bowl and grape areas with rail links to Adelaide. They were both prolific and competent writers with prose like pensmanship and economy of words that would not shame the likes of Graham Green. I note that most of their correspondents replied with fancy paper and letter heads that could later be bleached and put to good use in nazi Germany…A few of Carl’s work wanted ads from the Westralian for perusal and evaluation follow:

    15/2/36……Carl Von Czarnecki, MM, young man requires position in store ir sheep station in Nnarrogin-Williams district, refs. Fairbridge Pinjarra LL66.
    17/2/36……Carl Von Czarnecki, Manmanning, young man, 31, First class truck and tractor driver, handyman, trustworthy, abstainer, seeks employment NH22.
    17/2/36……Young married man, good knowledge general Ag. Farming, tractor or team, thoroughly capable manage small holding, sober, dependable, require decent cottage. Open 1 week. Apply C. Von Czarnecki Manmanning – Narembeen.

  184. john sanders on June 2, 2020 at 7:43 am said:

    A small volume entitled ‘Lasseter Demystified and two German Rouseabouts’ by Rev. Philipp Adolf Scherer (bn.1920 Tanunda S.A.) was published in 1996 and probably includes good detailed insight into Carl & Paul hopefully their adventures in Centralia during the late twenties and thirties. Perhaps it can be read on line somewhere though gaining access is a stretch beyond my capabilities. Of course it will depend on relevancy to SM at the end of the day.

  185. john sanders on June 3, 2020 at 4:58 am said:

    Boris aka Rob, will need to get used to Peteb’s pedantic tantrums or get a new sponsor for his “liberal views”. All the old fool has to go on, and filched from this blog at that, is Strapps’ striped duds that in his view, formed part of SM’s unseen suit. Details supporting the claim were paraphrased for young Gordon to sign off on, and to which the assisting constable also added the same non qualifying phrase thrice for old Jack Lyons, plus an ‘I should think’ for Olive. I doubt that any such terms would fit the legal definition of fact. ps: Bowes is guilding the lily with his insistance that Gordon thought that SMs ‘feet’ moved, and guessing about him not wearing glasses (wedding pics don’t count).

  186. john sanders on June 3, 2020 at 8:43 am said:

    A possibly important faux pas on my part is in my failure to pick up on the fact that Carl registered his first name as William in the Swan electoral rolls of ’36/’37 which he had never been known to use in his eleven years of residency in Australia. If it was deliberate as appears to be the case, then he was probably on the run from the authorities in S.A., NT or the eastern states where his confederate Paul Johns had moved around the same time. When johns was arrested in Qld he had mentioned that his car theft accomplice, possibly Von Czarnecki being placed into a mental institution from which he asconded.

  187. john sanders on June 4, 2020 at 5:45 am said:

    It seems quite likely that Detective Hector Gollan would have been our incomplete ‘I should say’ to the seventh power paraphraser prior to the Coronors Inquest sitting on 17th June. If so than perhaps he may be excused for omitting important directive pronouns, having himself the previous day faced a barrage of accusations in another jurisdiction concerning alleged infidelity with Coralie Bertram, directed through counsel by his lawful spouse Lurline Gollan. So now at last we have valid grounds for discarding almost all of what Gordon Strapps attested to; especially those unlikely striped trousers, that our friend across the way keeps hanging onto by a single Barbour thread.

  188. john sanders on June 4, 2020 at 6:31 am said:

    More news has just come to hand on me mate Carl Von Czanecki, though It’ll need some expressions of interest in order to draw it out.

  189. пожалуйста on June 4, 2020 at 4:45 pm said:


    Sorry, my English not so good. But I am interested in brown-trousered mystery. Could you elaborate your point? I had not previously heard these names.

  190. john sanders on June 6, 2020 at 7:03 am said:

    I’ll put Mr. Pozhaluysta down as an expression of interest and proceed with an update on Von Czarnecki which is sure to raise ripples: A Karl Wilhelm Emil Czarnecki (Karl with a K at front & sans Von) is recorded as being a persecuted baltic Jew sometime in 1945 and was given temporary solace at a camp in Fritzlar-Homberg where he remained until 16th January 1946 with no further contact. I have been hard at it checking all Australia bound refugee sailings for 1947/8, namely those coming under auspices of the Fifth Fleet sailings out of Bremin, examining the passenger lists of each without a likely hit. In amongst the legit displaced folk, mostly young fit men, there were recorded a few that didn’t fit the health and or security criteria for entry and were presumably sent packing without having their names recorded. This infomation will at least confirm that old Bill Simpson was never likely to have caught up with our man and his people were still in the dark on his whereabouts as late as 1952 when they quit looking. I’m still inclined to the view that they were perhaps about four years too late and might better have conducted their search closer to home.

  191. Tammy Shud on June 6, 2020 at 7:28 pm said:

    Does anyone know what Gordon is on about in his latest post about micro-writing and some sort of subterfuge he claims to have uncovered with his “forensic tool”? I’ve read it several times but can’t get my head round it.

  192. john sanders on June 7, 2020 at 1:46 am said:

    Don’t really know TS; I should say if anyone knows about Gordon’s tool Tammy Should would.

  193. Tammy Shud on June 7, 2020 at 3:31 pm said:

    This gal leaves the tools to the handymen, John.

  194. john sanders on June 7, 2020 at 11:32 pm said:

    Perhaps we could get one of the ex TS/BS anonymous posters to spill the beans on Gordon’s forensic tool, Tammy; doubt that they’d stoop so low as to get their head around it though!

  195. Tammy Shud: looks a lot like same-old-same-old to me… but I would say that, wouldn’t I?

  196. john sanders on June 8, 2020 at 1:29 pm said:

    We could go on about Gordon’s Boxall & Jestyn, Pav Fedisomov, Kaldor & Danetta, the gallopping major & verse 70 &c etc; until the cows come home. At least he comes up with a couple of unlikely suspects from time to time with help from his loyal anonymous followers. As for old Pete Bowes, our ace later day sleuth, he has been on a seemingly endless loop of condemnation of poor failed mounted counstable and acting Det. Sgt. Leane for missing a swag of vital clues; significant stuff like matches, striped duds and Tamam Shud slips, that he spotted straight off by doing a quick perceptive troll through the TS Inquest docs. But never an ID suspect from the clown prince of mirth in ten years which seems a sad enditement indeed, indeed. The old fox is sure to give us a happy Bozo birthday ‘how’s your father’ come Saturday betcha….76 trombones for his big charade and still on the bugle.

  197. milongal on June 9, 2020 at 2:20 am said:

    @JS – I’m slow and have been absent a while. Are you saying [CK]arl the Pole/Balt/Jew Czarnecki might be Carl Thompsen?

    Some thoughts (that occured as I was reading your posts) that may or may not be relevant
    – Clare (Valley) and Renmark are a couple hundred Kilometres apart (and are probably distinct districts – the Riverland (Renmark, Berri, Loxton, Barmera etc) and Clare Valley (Clare, Auburn, Minato etc)
    – There is a “Polish Hill River” in the Clare Valley – Not sure whether that might attract Poles to live (as Hahndorf and the like would have attracted Germans)
    – Czarnecki definitely sounds more Polish than Baltic (although I’ll admit I’m far more familiar with Latvian names rather than other Baltic ones)

    I find Gordon sometimes has interesting stuff (but being interesting doesn’t necessarily make it relevant to SM – or even necessarily factual). He (and Clive, and possibly others) certainly seem to go to a lot of effort to thoroughly research the background (but again, that doesn’t necessarily convince me of the bigger story). Finding the original ‘Danetta’ was clever, however I think some of the assumption and ‘proof’ that followed misunderstood the tool that was used to analyse the text (and as I tried to demonstrate we could find similar ‘patterns’ in other things if we tried hard enough). For mine, there’s SO much that has been dismissed or ignored to help create the story (not least of which is PIF and his wife both appearing later – and while I take the point that the picture isn’t necessarily PIF, there seems to then be a peculiar (and arbitrary) picking and choosing of which PIF bits still relate and which we can be dismissed – to me that’s a clear case of confirmation bias). That said, I still occasionally read some of the content and ideas. But like other sites, I’ve often found commenting is filtered (either doesn’t appear, or appears to have been edited/cut) – and while that’s a blog-owner’s prerogative it puts me off participating (and even reading) because it feels like any ideas that are ever so slightly contrary to the blog’s thoughts are dismissed and ignored (another sign of confirmation bias).

    Last time I dug through trove (I think a couple weeks back) I increasingly started to agree that a lot of the “other stuff” that happened in Adelaide around the time (including Pruzinski and Tibor and a whole host of other characters) was certainly strange – and somewhat coincidental that so much strange and not obviously related stuff was near-simultaneously occuring…..
    Maybe there was a full moon in late-Nov?

  198. milongal on June 9, 2020 at 2:29 am said:

    oh @JS I meant to mention…..
    I think the Polish are predominantly (and fairly devoutly) Catholic – probably too recent to be able to find Baptism records in Radelaide around that time (if it’s metro there’s a large Polish community down South…..possible around (but I don’t think at) Morphett Vale (not Morphetville!)? (Google suggests Ottoway in the Western Suburbs – which I remembered as being a different ethnic community (Slov(ak/ene) or Croation or something…) – but if their church is named for St Maximillian Kolbe then Polish would seem likely…..

  199. john sanders on June 9, 2020 at 3:01 am said:

    I guess a decent interval has passed since my prompt response to milongal’s query re the two distinct TS slips and his brief comment on my Carl identity, both bourne of a great deal of determined in depth investigation…What net gain after almost two weeks?, nada thats what and it goes not only for other punters that might have caught the posts on line, but also Adelaide Advertiser, Sapol and Peter-boy Von Czarnecki my nominees son, who had once been a staffer on their payroll.

    If anything I’d say the lack of comment by SM posters is not so much based on any general lack of interest or the subject not being considered worthy of reply. I’m quite hopeful that the abject silence is more than likely to be a sign of confidence that we are at last on to a very serious contender. As for the other nominal parties to the proceedings, I’m certain that they would have also responded by now if they had not taken the Henry Wilhelm Emil Carl Von Czarnecki identification seriously.

  200. john sanders on June 9, 2020 at 7:14 am said:

    milongal: Actually my Carl was neither Polish, Baltic or Jewish; He was in fact a home grown German and a Lutheran, though not devout. After the war, due to his ability for faking paper work such as legation letter heads and his near polymath language skills, he could well have used any ruse necessary to obtain whatever credentials required for his return to his family in Australia and ASAP.

  201. john sanders on June 9, 2020 at 11:12 am said:

    milongal: Apart from letters disguised as naked ladies in a certain well known book, my knowledge of their assigned values is admittedly rather scanty. Still I can’t see any cleverness about matching five rather common letters forming a word like Danetta to the ROK code, which just happens to comprise over two thirds of the alphabet. Of course at the time, Peteb of ” I’m a believer ” fame, thought it extremely clever and said so in glowing terms. So who am I to buck the trend, my only comments of that event being related to Danetta identifying with the devils number in Lapland which of course drew no replies….bloke can’t ‘ardly win a trick.

  202. milong on June 10, 2020 at 5:10 am said:

    I forget the exact specifics of how Danetta came about, but I remember originally thinking (despite etan being in the most common 6 letters, and d probably in the most common 10) that it was certainly intriguing (although in the absence of anything more nothing past intriguing).

    But beyond that all the excitement seemed to be about the output from a tool which simply tries to apply different code-breaking/analysis techniques…..but wasn’t particularly meaningful unless it was assumed to have been produced in the exact sanme order as this online tool had decided to output it….

    I haven’t considered the microwriting too much – not because I don’t think the technique doesn’t exist, but because if we’re struggling to get properly legible results from it today, then how on earth were people in the late 40’s actually reading the stuff?

  203. Tammy Shud on June 10, 2020 at 12:01 pm said:

    @Sanders @milongal quite apart from 1) the byzantine “recovery” techniques required; 2) the evidently pareidolic nature of the “micro-writing” (the harder you look, the more you start seeing feels like a give-away); and 3) the frequent opaque treatises regarding others’ subterfuges, “evidenced” with meaningless pictures that are presented as conclusive evidence of god only knows what…

    The thing that seems missing is the interpretation and the reasons. Why is “Danetta” meaningful? Why are the numbers relevant. How is micro writing that is concealed across huge swathes of page real estate to be sequenced in order to render it meaningful.

    I think others have asked this over the years, but I haven’t seen any answers.

  204. john sanders on June 10, 2020 at 10:56 pm said:

    @ Tammy Should: Danetta, ‘ as God be my judge’, is perhaps merely a reflexion of a great man’s liberal, humanitarian values…according to me mate Bob.

  205. john sanders on June 11, 2020 at 6:59 am said:

    Just a couple of days back I made mention of my Carl candidate having been a Lutheran which I would have left at that, but for a Beaumont crossover of sorts. 1948 was a time of some consternation between elements of the Lutherans in Australia, one of which had allegences to the fatherland and the other like Pastor Clarie Zwecks mob of 144 Jetty Rd. Glenelg to Blighty. I noticed that the church’s location between Partridge St. and Brighton Rd. (Somerton bus Sts. out & back ’48) was in very close proximity to Peter’s cakes at 152, Oliver’s bakery at 158 and Wenzels cakes at 164…..If Carl wasn’t in such a rush to die he could have de-bused to swing by Pr. Zweck for his confessional adieu, after which he may well have tucked into a pie or pasty, taking a spare for ‘ron’ (1/- no sauce) then hopped on the next bus to his destiny stop at Alvington-on-Sea.

  206. john sanders on June 11, 2020 at 12:35 pm said:

    Peteb: According to Alf Boxall, when the police accompanied him back to his house on 27th or 28th July, 1949, they did ask whether he still had the ROK given to him by the unamed nurse, but didn’t wish to see it. That particular verse dual language copy or another copy wasn’t produced until a gentleman of the press asked him to long after the cops had decamped, apparently satisfied that their assigned task was satisfactorily completed. Now apparently you have another contrary version which has been posted over your way; so show us the meat or else delete and beat a retreat as is your wont.

  207. john sanders on June 12, 2020 at 3:16 am said:

    Only response from our all knowing apropos the police lack of interest in Alf’s ROK, was his timely removal of two related posts from his site, which of course I had lifted in expectation. As for the remainder of threadbare thread, lets try to do them in order; Alf Boxall, 11 Parer St. Maroubra, Susie or Isobel, Lieutenant WT, Georges Head, Clifton Gardens, A/Capt Tom Musgrave & Joyce, 6th September ’45, Bismark Ils, AJS & Matchless.

    It’s no big deal to remember such detail after four odd years and Jessie was not likely to have forgotten events just before and just after hostilities. Off course the home address could have been found in the Sydney directory or off the letter alleged to have gone to her mother in ’46. As for Susie, I didn’t know that Jess ever spoke of her; anyhow her name may have come up at your ‘bar’ in general banter and I have a feeling that the other Mrs. Musgrave had been aquainted with Suzie.

  208. john sanders on June 12, 2020 at 6:57 am said:

    Peteb: Now in your little sideshow speel, you completely miss Alf Boxall’s point, that not only didn’t the fuzz care to see his ROK, they didn’t wish to visit his house either. You also may have misunderstood his version of how he came to be under notice. Again, from his own lips, he was informed that ‘the nurse’ read about a copy of ROK having had a message on the flyleaf which resonated and so she had informed police about having giving a copy to him. True or not it does make sense and I always considered that to be more likely than cops doing their illegal reverse phone number trick, thus allowing Detective Canney’s initiating contact with it’s subscriber, Sister J. E. Thomson.

  209. john sanders on June 13, 2020 at 9:06 am said:

    Turns out my memory ain’t as sharp as I had thought ie., 19 Parer St. not 11 as stated, Isabelle instead of Isobel (Boxall); Solomon Islands, not the Bismarks which are a little to the left. As for the bikes; Alfred John Alfred Boxall, was the dirt track specialist in the 30s, so the trove bike details probably refer to him and not our Alf who older and not so well known as his younger namesake cousin… My blue and always ready to fess up when I’m wrong.

  210. john sanders on June 19, 2020 at 4:52 am said:

    Any body still remember that fine day in mid January, 2017 when Cramer and his Misca-teers introduced Major Pavel Ivanovic Fedosimov to the world under proud tutelage of Clive Turner who manned the Russian desk in those days. We’re not to know who stuffed up, but Misca who was then in favour, blamed her boss who, due to his vast natural talent for pre post photographic imaging alterations, was the most likely offender as things transpired. Case in question resulted in one of the on line portraits depicting a digitally altered head shot sans glasses, of the then Soviet Ambassador to the USA Nikolai Novikov with the Fedisimov name caption in full below in thickest print format known to mankind. Gordon Cramer with his usual pomous aplomb remarked at the time how well the man’s natural features compared with those of the SM beach body photo….The weirdest part is that in the original Tas/Pravda press photo that Gordon had nicely cut and pasted for effect, standing right beside Ambassador Novikov, unloved & unwanted was our good old saddle nose Pavel, all of six five, narrow stoop shoulders and hands like a fairy’s. GC with his usual fine eye for detail having obviously deserted him, had apparently passed over Pavel Fedosimov, his soon to be one and only SM contender. At that time Pav must have been considered a mere distraction and a nonentity; which of course any wise ass would know to be God’s honest truth.

  211. john sanders on June 20, 2020 at 3:44 am said:

    I’m not going to deny our grand museum piece, Paul Lawson’s right to fantasize a little about those heady old WW2 days in which he was not personally placed in harms way. He is said to have given Gorgon’s man Clive Walker? the good oil on clandestine meetings between Alf the complicit dupe and special agent Jestyn. Apparently they met in the gardens of RNSH nurses quarters, though if such were for the passing of information or other doings, Paul did not stipulate but he did comment on exchanges of shipping information at another other harbourside location. I very much doubt that Paul, the Adelaide animal stuffer was a regular visitor to Sydney and I’m quite certain that he didn’t get to see any gardens like those depicted in the BS/TS fanciful assimily; reason being there weren’t any, but for the open expanse at front of the hospital. Built in 1909 (date at entrance) it was not so long in the tooth as Cramer would have us believe in his just posted ‘Come into the Garden’ dead thread makeover segment. PS. Had a trainee nurse, and her man in uniform been seeking a shady nook wherein to engage in hanky panky, the grounds of a major centre like RNSH, especially during war time, would not be an ideal venue for such discreet doings.

  212. john sanders on June 24, 2020 at 3:34 am said:

    I’m not normally one for stroking another’s ego or any other pliable fancy. In the case of Gordon Cramer’s rather top notch photographic kit and other sundry self imaging paraphernalia however, I make the exception. From the well detailed self serving description it is obvious that he has everything a dedicated detertmined crook might require to facilitate a well constructed fake ‘light lens and letter’ con if he be so inclined. Of course we could well imagine that such versatile equipment would be similarly well suited to inocuous enhancing of perhaps less than perfect images of field photographic surveys. Ones that a chap like ‘Flash G’ might find satisfying in his free time such as wetland bird watching from a well sighted ‘blind’ at Sunshine Coast’s Alexandria Bay free beach, and not far from our meglomaniac flim flammer’s home studio.

  213. john sanders on June 25, 2020 at 9:00 am said:

    I never can miss a chance to expose Gordon Cramer’s self serving lies whenever possible which means every single subject he has ever raised; such patholigical compusion makes it impossible for such a false pretender to avoid such devious habits. To-day’s deliberatate ‘mistake’ relates to his new ‘BOOM’ technology for lifting layer upon layer of script from 1948 press photos to reveal the hidden micro writing beneath. On this occasion we are treated to the tiny letters V1DR which according to the old fibber, represents a real V 1 DR rocket once stored at the Salesbury WRE Adelaide. For starters I doubt there was never a DR designate of the German V1, but no matter because there never was even a standard model of the mark at WRE. In the spirit of fair play there were two completely dissimilar V2’s without engines or war heads shipped through Adelaide, one of which was briefly displayed at WRE around 1947. Both being deactivated museum pieces and they can now be found at the Australian War Memorial Canberra. PS. Open BS/TS links at your peril. js

  214. john sanders on June 26, 2020 at 8:15 am said:

    What are the odds Peter Bowes..? Well pretty good as a hypothetical question and it’s not as if the whole Robert Victor Hemblys-Scales scenerio has not been done to death on all four dedicated Tamam Shud blog sites in recent times, all at urging of that dark horse from the golden west Petedavo who is not so well known here (tC). I have no personal views for or agin, but permit me indulgence to remind you, in particular, of our fiery past discussions pertaining to Big Bob Wake and his own fondness for taking on ‘wet work’ contracts when required. So your own current pursuits are quite within the framework of what I proposed originally and of course by your getting out and buying Bob’s bio ‘No medals or Ribbons’ bio you showed that my advice was accepted. I hope to be able to read it myself one fine day when all this has finally been done and dusted on my terms of course.

    Something you might not be aware of is that Robert ‘the brat’ Scales’, as the lads of 12th Army staff effectionately called him to his chubby face, left highschool in ’39 at age 18, went up to Cambridge for a three year quicky honours degree in some smartish subject, then in ’44 went directly into Military Intelligence and from recruit to a brevit Major on Monty’s planning staff for the big ‘D Day Operation commencing in June. By the time he got to Australia with Sillitoe and Co. he was on the rise in Brit. Int. circles coming from a lowly GCHQ post war operative to tea boy to the spooks over at the MI5/6 building. So at the tender age of 26 and some months brat was given the top secret job at most reluctant authorization of Ben the locomotive driver Chiffley to set in train a catch-me-fuck-me excercise of the Lapstone conference which the whole intelligence community knew about well in advance. It was an entertaining side show to be sure and some months later he got to sign his three page full and comprehensive after action report, compiled by an unidetified staffer in FF no doubt.

    As for Bob Scales relationship with dead Dr. Sprog and his dutch widow whose name escapes me; guess you got it all from the Geni page managed by noneother than Petedavo or the recent similarly worded post from Byron Devison which if correct suggests some form of game changing move is on the cards; especially now that Cramer has jumped in for his chance to star. For a start any ties would have to be with the dead doctor’s missus and Bob Scales fiancee, Ida Lupino? (whatever) and I’d suspect only some spurious cock relationship if any. Certainly not pukka British blood ties which I’m sure you were suggesting as part of a death before disaster honour killing perhaps. You also hinted of the Sprogs as being of a somewhat younger age group than our subject which seems not the case, as from memory the good doctor was at least fifty odd when he passed on in the thirties. Anyhow I wish you success in what you’re on about and hope things fall into place with young Robert Victor Hamblys ‘hiphen’ Scales sooner rather than later.

  215. john sanders on June 26, 2020 at 9:09 am said:

    So nice of you to reply Gordon but sorry no good news for you and although I didn’t dare open your newspaper link, I didn’t have to. Whether papers called your V1RD’s rockets, doodle bugs or buz bombs, it makes no difference because none came to Australia leastwise in March 1947. A single vastly different V2 rocket made it’s way via Fremantle and Port Adelside to Melbourne in March of that year and another was temporarily housed at Salisbury WRE in October whilst being broken down for it’s multi load road transport to Canberra shortly thereafter.

    Thanks for your concern my health. Let me assure that I’m holding together rather well for 72, still physically active and mentally allert, also well capable of holding my own against the likes of tinkers, tailors, beggermen and thieves like thee at 73?

  216. peteb on June 26, 2020 at 11:27 am said:

    I appreciate our precision, Johnno, and sincerely hope your health isn’t as bad as is elsewhere suspected to be.

  217. john sanders on June 26, 2020 at 12:22 pm said:

    There you go again Gordon. I’ve no idea why you completely twist the truth to push an argument based on fabricated evidence which shows up your marginal limitations when trying to put one over on better minds. I’m not saying that an Fi-103 is not part of the AWM collection, most military museums have one and yes a doodle bug did make it’s way out to the colonies. That was in October 1945 (not ’46 as you wrongly claim) aboard the SS Sussex from memory and intended as a museum display, it being then restored at Laverton Victoria for onward delivery to Canberra. This operation has naught to do with your claimed V1’s being housed at Salisbury S.A. in 1947 which you attempted to introduce as part of some espionage related deal involving your tired old Code Page/Verse 70//TS slip uplift bullshit. Not forgetting insuations of complicity concerning Paul Lawson’s spin on poor Bill Moulds, Jess Harkness, and Alf Boxall, with the help of PeteDavo and sadly Byron Deveson and Clive Turner. I’ll say it oncce and then it us done, your efforts to move these operations back to Adelaide where it all began falls short just like the buzz bombs that were, landed in the channel or overshot London and Coventry to bad homework, just like those that are part and parcel to your deception ploys.

  218. john sanders on June 26, 2020 at 1:05 pm said:

    What are the odds? says Peteb…”Updated just slightly” or more likely amended quite conveniently to compensate for wrongly construed relationships of Sprods and Scales to the sixth degree, as proposed in order to keep everyone honest at this most critical juncture in SM investigations..

  219. john sanders on June 27, 2020 at 3:50 am said:

    At Gordons somewhat suspicious recommendation I’ve been poking about here and there for Australian WRE connections for his 3RAR rocket (V1RD) variant. It turns out that it was most likely a 3 stage 1950s improvement on the original Von Braun 2 stage atmospheric bumper RTV-G-4 pressure rocket, based of course on his German V2 from ’44. The development facility in Alabama where Snowy Braun and his ex Nazi ‘Paper Clip’ team worked was called Redstone Arsenal Research (RAR)) and most of their rockets were launched from the White Sands test range NM between 1948 and 1950. Although the Brits and Ruskies also utilised the old V2 technology for their own rocket R & D pprograms, none were not up and going until the fifties. Somerton man’s premature demise in 1948 does not seem to have viable connections with any rocket development or testing coming out of Salisbury WRE period. Another fizzer compliments of BS/TS , their latest V1 RD never getting off the launch pad (ramp), just like all their bum leads, as usual and as expected. This non SM related topic (diversion) is now burnt out as far as I’m concerned and will not be part of any further discussion

  220. john sanders on June 27, 2020 at 9:29 am said:

    Peteb: I really can’t find too much to gripe about on your latest Robert Hemblys-Scales search out and destroy mission with my former fifth columnist nazi assassin team member as his probable target. The cove found dead on Somerton Beach was most likely involved in the death of a well known Australian who had been condemned to die for inciting commission of war crimes against the German trench soldiers in 1915. My main SM candidate Carl Von Czarnecki was on 6th November,1948 additionally condemed as being of ‘renegade’ status by the Australian authorities through Bill Simpson chief of National Security and Arthur Calwell Immigration minister, which by terms of it’s literal meaning rendered his life doubly forfeit. How could the poor fellow win with two guns pointed at his head?..

    Now it stands to reason that the two Bobs, Wake and Scales, through their own sources, knew about the wanted man’s pre war history in Australia, about his wife and son living in Adelaide, but most imperitive to their own separate missions, that the best chance would come using ten year old Peter Boy and long suffering wife Christabel as bait. Carl had somehow evaded detection since 1945 and eventually managed to re-enter Australia with false papers as a displaced Russian or Balt named Karl Czarnecki possibly in ’47. By maintaining a low profile in bush localities known to him he may have lived rough but was used to it, until his recurring bad health eventually forced his hand…Which Bob won out with the baited pasty is anyone’s guess though the big feller must be favourite you’d reckon.

    Anyhow Peteb, if you dice all the bitches along with Alf none of whom could possibly be connected to Carl or his own victim Harry in 1931 and carry on as if you are just getting started on the investigation on your pat, you’ll be on track to find out whether Bob the brat from Blighty or his namesake from Downunder gets the maze master badge. While you’re at it try to shake off your advisers without any hard feelings if at all possible because rest assured, I’ve been through all their so called good oil and it ain’t Castrol believe me. Apart from that my own modest experience as a trained observer of such folks gives me to believe that they won’t be around should you ‘wipeout’.

  221. Peteb on June 27, 2020 at 11:52 am said:

    Bravo mate, good shit that.

  222. john sanders on June 29, 2020 at 4:14 am said:

    The following is yet another fine example of where Peteb’s trusted informants in the ongoing Sprod/Delprat/Teppima/Hembly-Scales/Tamam Shud involvement gave him deliberate misleading information end on end. This was the case of the long dead doctor Milo Sprod supposedly having had his surgery right beside John Freeman’s pharmacy at the relevant time in the brief. As if it mattered, there were in those days at least twenty commercial premises along Jetty road between 24A (Freeman) and 25 which until the doctor’s death in 1934, was a surgery/resindence set on the corner of the Durham/Moseley St. confluence. So that puts paud to the suggestion of the ROK being found mere feet from where Freeman’s car was parked or that Lica Delprat must somehow have been the control. This just points to one of several instances where Peteb’s Tomsbytwo site put trust in those he considered knowledgeable on Robert Victor Hemblys-Scales, such as his perported blood relationship to the Sprod or Delprat family in 1948. To figure it’s derivation we need go no further than to note how well connected three of the informants are to another site, which has by pure chance itself, just covered the ’49 Hemblys-Scales, Teppima wedding in Canberra including a clip of ex PM Billy Hughes with the bride serving no purpose; compliments of Gordon Cramer and BS/TS for the fawning minions and anonymous devotees.

  223. john sanders on June 29, 2020 at 6:25 am said:

    I noticed not quickly enough, that the wedding photo is up on Tomsbytwo but the original source is likely the same. On Gordon’s latest Hemblys-Scales thread, his photos which also serve no purpose but ego stroking, are of the 1948 Lapstone conference along with Bob H-S’s acting minister’s (Chifley PM) authorization for the make believe security ‘excercise’. One that might normally have been a fair dinkum Bob Wake CIS ‘show’, he being uninvited, so therein may have led to the intense ongoing rivalry between the competing spook forces for SM’s scalp.

  224. Peteb on June 29, 2020 at 8:34 am said:

    Johnno, how many times? There were TWO investigations taking place at the same time, ok?

  225. Byron Deveson on June 29, 2020 at 10:03 am said:

    JS, Robert Victor Hemblys Scales wife’s aunt was married to Dr Milmo Sprod.

    Tania Virginia Hemblys-Scales (nee Teppema)
    Birthdate: circa 1925
    Birthplace: Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Daughter of Petrus Ephrem Teppema and Elizabeth Francisca Carmen Delprat

    Milmo Sprod’s wife was “Lica” Elizabeth Theodora Delprat
    BIRTH 1882 Jorga, Spain
    DEATH 18 JUN 1963 South Australia
    Father Guillaume Daniel Delprat(1856–1937)
    Mother Henrietta Marie Wilhelmine Sophia Jas(1858–1937)
    Marriage 11 Apr 1916 Victoria to Dr. Milo Weeks Sprod (1882–1934)

    In other words Elizabeth Francisca Carmen Delprat (Hembly Scales’ mother in law) was a sister to Milmo Sprod’s wife.

  226. john sanders on June 29, 2020 at 12:02 pm said:

    Peteb & Byron: I’ve no doubts about your dual investigation Pete, in fact I have tauted that case scenario all along so you get no arguments from me on that score. It’s the reason why Harry Strangway was most likely taken off the case rather expeditiously if you get my drift, being mindful of my belief that he knew SM’s wife Christabel…..and Byron I’ve made an depth study of the Delprat/Teppima families and know as much about them within reason as I need eg., like two of the Delprat sisters marrying diplomats (Portugal/ Netherland) and one to a knight of the realm in Doug Mawson. As for your Elizabeth (Lica) bn. 1882, she and Milo Weeks Sprod bn. 1882 had four kids including twins Milo & John bn. 1917 who were identical twins. Ex Aust. PM William Hughes of the ’49 wedding pic, was a friend of old Guillaume (Bill) the BHP revolutionary mine boss who went on to start Newcastle Steel, Port Pirie smelting operation and Iron Knob extractions. All these good folks were pure as the driven slush so could not hardly have been connected to clandestine activities in any way shape or form as you amigos suggest. As for Bob the brat Hemblys-Scales who knows, after all he was understudy to Roger Hollis and had studied at Cambridge, allbeit long after the five and turned out a to be a dud, let alone an assassin…If you need to know the truth about anthing related to espionage, don’t hesitate to ask Gordon Cramer because he’s with AfIO. js

  227. john sanders on June 29, 2020 at 1:50 pm said:

    Byron: A little confusion of which you are in no way at fault; there being two sisters named Elizabeth, one who we know as Lica and the other Eli(s)abeth Francisca Carmen, who of course was Tania’s mum, but of course the sisterly relationship leaves the niece aunt factor intact. In recent times it has been most often claimed that Robert was the blood tie-in to Lica and as we can clearly see in any case there would not even be a tenuous in-law relativity until his marrage to Tania in February, ’49 long after SM’s sad demise. Are you ok with that?…

  228. john sanders on June 29, 2020 at 10:58 pm said:

    Byron: “the Tamam Shud book was found a few feet away from where Robert Hemblys Scales niece lived. What are the odds?”…is what you wanted Peteb to believe and ultimately gave him cinfidence to erronously announce that “Milmo” Sprod’s wife Lica was the controller for Jessica and Alf. The poor woman was 67 years old and only came into play when Petedavo found that she had interest in poisons and a niece who was about to pay a visit with her boyfriend Bob Scales whom she likely new nothing about…Things can get out of hand this way and by playing up Nifty Nev, Bill Waterhouse and an alleged communist plant heading up the Aussie AG’s department in Lionel Murphy (my boss) doesn’t help old man.

  229. john sanders on June 30, 2020 at 2:23 am said:

    Poor GC has plainly lost it, now insinuating that his latest alter ego ‘an omnibus’ has aquired reverse hallucination syndrome based on his repudiation of the BS/TS widely accepted code page and verse 70 micro writing phenominon. Perhaps G. Cramer is himself suffering a bout of perverse elucidation which can be terminal if left untreated…I’ve been reliably informed that 3RAR can help.

  230. john sanders on June 30, 2020 at 4:50 am said:

    Detective Errol Canney by name and nature was also a very dominating and astute police officer who worked the SM case following Detective Harry Strangway’s likely forced transfer on grounds of a possible conflict of interest after just a few days. Errol worked with Hec Gollan and Harry’s usual partner Scan (Jock) Sutherland and during the first week they were kept busy taking people (mostly ghouls) to the mortuary in attempt to make a positive body identification. Two men likely to have come forward at the time were Alfred Davis, Carl Von Czarnecki’s brother-in-law who had not seen tge declared renegade (traitor) in ten years. The other Keith Mangnoson, just released from a mental asylum seemed positive about his Carl ‘Thompsen’, an immigrant rouseabout from Renmark and the body being identical in spite of the long interval. What Keith may not have told the cops was that this Carl and a German cohort had also had some questionable dealings with his own brother-in-law in early 1937. It’s more than likely that Canney may well have been told by Strangway about the need for discretion concerning a security matter that could create problems at a federal level if made public. One can well imagine that the nutter Mangnoson was warned off in no uncertain terms by Canney in his inimitable overbearing manner but it seems the warning fell on deaf ears. When Keith started mouthing off about his positive ID with publication of an upcoming inquest six months later, tragedy befell his family, later claimed by his wife Roma to be in consequence of her hubby’s loose tongue. In later years Commissioner Canney, in his role as head of the international police peace keeping mission in Cyprus, had tyrants like Greek Archbishop Makarios and the ruthless Turkomen warlords on their knees before him; so his role in the SM investigation can not be treated lightly Peteb.

  231. john sanders on July 2, 2020 at 5:51 am said:

    Peteb: I’m not so troubled about you getting MI5 Bob’s name wrong or timing of the Freeman? ROK handover eight months after the fact, as opposed to your six, a lapse based on the approximate date of finding given press release of 22/7/49. What really gets to me is that nobody will accept that SM’s Staminas as with the similarly styled Marcos in the suitcase, did not have a standard fob as the belt flap overlap would not give access . Instead it had a small concealed change pouch that was sewn into both side pockets. The Stamina brand was only made by L.S.Isaacs in NSW, so if SM’s duds had been knock offs from Victoria as seems possible then all bets are off. I note in Burt Cleland’s typed documents for the 1958 inquest plus some hand written jottings from much later, he only refers to a money pocket and does not lay claim to finding the Tamam Shud slip which is at odds with everthing stated by Feltus. Now that these little things are out of the way and we’re on track again, perhaps the inquiry can move forwards and with luck turn up something of more substance than that to which we are used.

  232. Peteb on July 2, 2020 at 8:12 am said:

    Thank you, Johnno, duly noted.

  233. john sanders on July 3, 2020 at 5:36 am said:

    Peteb: Duly noted, duly ignored, which is your perogative and so not for me to take exception. My concern is that you still manage to get the Hemblys-Scales surname wrong, more obvious when you post it as as a headline piece so you’ll perhaps take more care in future. PS. That’s coming from a bloke who just learnt that erroneous has an extra ‘e’.

  234. Peteb on July 3, 2020 at 11:09 am said:

    Yeah yeah yeah …. Doing it now.

  235. john sanders on July 3, 2020 at 1:56 pm said:

    Peteb: Just checked the correction; well done that man, and of course the new yarn appears to be loosely based on Gordon’s Delprat/Teppima/Sprod/Soviet/ MI5 links with his new alter ego supporting cast over at the Big Footy blog which seems to have impressed some punters, though still no closer to SM’s identity which can wait of course. Wonder what became of ‘redacted’ with his Samsung tapatalk gizmo and the little bimbo ‘Kinbru’ who sounds like Willow Cramer. Of course we don’t hear much from that great site these days and must as the question, why?

  236. peteb on July 4, 2020 at 4:19 am said:

    Well, a man did pick up a bit here and there, but overall I’m rating the failed entrapment yarn as pretty tight, which is a shame in a way as I was getting somewhere with an old boy in Footscray who had vague tales about a rubaiyat quoting villain in the 40’s.

  237. john sanders on July 4, 2020 at 8:34 am said:

    In acknowledging Cramer’s latest thread on External Affairs boss John Burton’s suspected far leftish leanings, I’m somewhat surprised that he did not pick up on his bogus top secret covering letter on Hamblys-Scales alleged after action report on the Lasptone security excercise which is undated and unsigned. The letter is dated 8/1/48 which although conceivably a typo, still does not account for Burton saying “I will probably be away when Hollis arrives……..” Some say that Hollis may have made a lightning visit in mid ’49 to check on Courtney-Young which has never been confirmed besides his own Soviet desk assistant Bob H-S was then in Cairo and in either case the letter still sucks.

  238. john sanders on July 5, 2020 at 4:15 am said:

    Tomsbytwo’s failed entrapment yarn could well have been tighter if Peteb had substituted long gone Hamblys-Scales for MI5’s new ASIO new nominee Courtney-Young who’s recent arrival in Canberra would fit the time line for that cold chill experienced in April. Lica Delprat’s cock nephew, sporting Safari suit & keppi, was by then at his new Cairo desk doing his best to lure soviet moles for Roger and trying to put the failed ‘orstruckinfailure’ mission behind him.

  239. Peteb on July 5, 2020 at 9:57 am said:

    Long gone bullshit. He was chasing NKVD goons let loose by the Lapstone Conference ..

  240. john sanders on July 5, 2020 at 1:46 pm said:

    Peteb: Only goons in Adelaide ’48 must have been ex nazis; NKVD had shut down by August ’46. Where to next?…

  241. Peteb on July 5, 2020 at 11:02 pm said:

    MGB then … whatever. Goons.

  242. Peteb on July 6, 2020 at 7:10 am said:

    … and a large vote of thanksalot for the Courtney Young number. Bob didn’t have a long stay for a ‘permanent MI5 resident, did he?

  243. john sanders on July 7, 2020 at 5:19 am said:

    As Aust. Minister for External Affairs and UN fondling father, it’s a wonder H. Evatt got an invite to the 1949 Teppema wedding, having just tossed their Regal Dutch sovereignty under ‘an omnibus’ by giving Sukarno free title to four hundred years of colonial rule in the Indies. Betcha he didn’t get to kiss Robert H-S or his virgin? bride, speaking of which It has now been confirmed that a home grown CIS hit squad and not Bob’s MI5 lads, took down the alleged Nazi renegade at Somerton Beach on 31/11/48. This recent filing courtesy of AfIO’s affiliate BS/TS G. Cramer (Stn. Chief).

  244. Charlie Chuckles on July 7, 2020 at 9:23 am said:

    I’d be looking at Tania’s letters before and after their decamp … and who would ever believe a foreign intelligence agency could contrive a plan complicated enough to implicate a relative of a highly placed allied intelligence agency officer in the hope of bringing him down?
    Bit of a chuckle, ain’t it.

  245. john sanders on July 7, 2020 at 11:26 pm said:

    Gold star certificate for Chuckler of the week Peter Bowes of ….. ….. I’d imagine Tania’s letters are by now in care, custody and control of one Peter Davidson aka Petedavo who seems to be the authorized Delprat and Teppema agent for those seeking genealogical data. Strange that Milo & Lica are not part of the haul so there is still hope of securing some decent dirt on their issue if there is any to dig up. I’d go out on a limb to say the Sprog family’s SM involvement would be about on par with Gordon’s clandestine secret agent Major Wlliam Jestyn Moulds OBE, ZERO!

  246. Peteb on July 8, 2020 at 6:58 am said:

    NAA’s got them. .. all of them, boxes of undigitised material. Dear Robert, why did we have to leave Australia so soon? And why didn’t auntie Lica come down to say goodbye?
    And who were those two heavyset gentleman who seemed to have an interest in your welfare?

  247. john sanders on July 8, 2020 at 8:13 am said:

    Madeleine: Dear Cousin, a big hello to the Sprods from Bobby and me, trust all is well etc., and happy 69th birthday wishes to Aunt Lica from niece Tania and Bobby in Shepeards Hotel Cairo. Hope that the new battery wheel chair enables Aunt to enjoy some outdoor time after being stuck in that stuffy old town city townhouse since Uncle’s passing all those years ago. Thank God she didn’t have to give up a medical practice or anything so drastic and never having owned a car in her life, she wouldn’t miss driving at all….etc..Love to all, Tania Virginia & Bob Teppema H-S

  248. peteb on July 8, 2020 at 11:47 pm said:

    Rubbish, she was playing golf and participating in road car races for most of her life. Or so I heard. You might just spot her in one of the Jessica / Prosper car rally newspaper shots.

  249. john sanders on July 10, 2020 at 4:55 am said:

    One doesn’t have to look far to find trove stories on the adventures of German born Nazi Paul Johns who, consequence of a stint in Australia from 1926 through ’37, became both hero and villain in turn; Initially as the tough gun toting dingo scalper and cameleer who guided gold seeker Lewis ‘Harold’ Lasseter on his futile trek into the empty interior, only to be then accused by some of murdering his hirer and being a thief and con artist to boot. This of course amply attested to by subsequent convictions for fraud and car stealing culminating in deportation to Nazi Germany.

    For much of his decade long sojourn in the Australian wilds, Paul Johns was in the company of another young German who traveled with him between farm labour work in South Australia, then into the dry interior regions around Alice Springs. From archival files, we know that the companion Carl Von Czarnecki spent the early years working with Johns in the Clare district before the pair headed north to try their hand at prospecting. The pair returned to work closer to the coat where Carl married a Clare nurse and sometime in 1935 the newlyweds ventured to the west looking for better job prospects leaving Johns to go it alone. Some time in 1936 the lads seem to have hooked up again for nefarious pursuits, the pair tgen moving between Port Pirie, Adelaide and the Murray districts at which point they separted when Carl fell ill.

    In all the time of being bum buddies, Carl seems to have spurned attention, leaving Johns to get all the media attention, but whether this was a deliberate ploy to remain incognito for some past indiscretion or not we’ll never know. It bares metioning that between the time of his arrival in ’27 and his voluntary departure back to Germany in ’39, our Carl seems to have gone almost unoticed by any one apart from the west around Margaret River, to the extent of becoming more ir less incognito an as such unlkely to be identified should his picture appear in the press, either dead or alive. Fortunately there is light at the end of the tunnel and some answers will no doubt be enlightening one way or another.

  250. john sanders on July 10, 2020 at 10:22 am said:

    For what it’s worth, Carl Von Czarnecki was a keen photographer and when Special Branch Police went through his left belongings in the mid forties, some years after his return to Germany, they found many images taken during his prospecting time with Paul Johns in the Centralia region circa. ’29 to ’33. In those early times small travelling cameras like the Kodak pocket and similar German Voigtlander were most susceptable to dust and moisture; the best place to store them when not in use, along with exposed film being inside thick socks. No doubt most will recall that there was a notable absence of spare socks in the so-called Keane travelling suitcase and one might be inclined to the view, as has been suggested, that any valuables secreted in socks would have been vulnerable. Too tempting a target for staff or police to overlook when going through the contents therein at the old Adelaide Station cloakroom…From my research into Von Czarnecki’s descendants, all including son Peter, grandson Terry and two great grandsons Ryan & Daniel chose careers related to graphic arts of which they are quite well known. In fact Carl’s father-in-law Arthur Davis was a commercial photographer in the old dart before he became a Baptist Pastor in Broken Hill pre WW1.

  251. john sanders on July 11, 2020 at 9:14 am said:

    Congratulations to Gordon Cramer on chalking up a half million visitors to his BS site and includes my own modest contribution of an estimated 30 hits per diem for four years or more. Then of course there’s those many anonymous posters from the Sunshine Coast who’d be good for a whack, with largest contributor by far being being Gordon’s own aliases making up most of the rest; Apart from those few plucky old ‘red’ baiters like BD and new kid on the block PeteDavo, both doing their level best to bump the number to 500,000 mostly misguided dupes.

  252. john sanders on July 12, 2020 at 5:13 am said:

    Peteb: All ado about nothing is my take on Paul Lawson’s work diary and not worth contemplating in the context of any evidentiary value. As for validity on the alleged claims of a post war ‘shipping news’ conspiracy involving Boxall and nurse Jestyn, we must wonder where they met to exchange notes; surely not Paul’s suggested venue of RNSH nurses garden, a non existant figment of the Cramer imagination, as was the whole ‘Lawson/Turner interview concept from the outset. You of all people must surely be aware it was all likely to have been fabricated and a front for Gordon’s self serving ‘reds in the bed’ rhetoric. Fallback if things went wrong resting square on the shoulders of ever dependable and prime BS/TS patsy Clive Turner/Walker? whoever he might be.

  253. You’re right of course, dusty, I’m way out of my depth here. Maybe I should just grab the Woodie and a couple of wahines, hit the wild surf and score a couple of wicked barrels.
    Then, when I’m sucking back white rum with the local bruddas, maybe I’ll put some outasight stories up on a surfing blog.
    Hangin’ ten, bro.
    Out there.

  254. john sanders on July 14, 2020 at 5:55 am said:

    In 1934 mining licences were taken out in the Tennant Creek district by Paul Johns and his rabble-rousing partners Beecher Noel Webb of Adelaide and claimed WW1 Lieutenant George F. Lee (doutbtful). Webb who was a solicitor was a known to be a persistent writer to newspapers regarding alleged ill treatment of inland blacks subject to goverment native protection laws. One of their known associates was a mysterious ‘journalist from Sweden’ a T. Anderson (never identified) who wrote damning reports in syndicated Swedish/German newspapers re attrocious living conditions and exploitatiin of natives that he witnessed during his seven years in the Australian outback. Just the type of stuff that one might expect from a planted nazi insurrectionist promoting insurrection in the lead up to WW2. Paul Johns hun mate Carl Von Czarnecki had left the territory by then, having travelled down to the coast probably via old Tennant’s original overland route from Port Lincoln which is described in detail by Anderson. There can’t really be much doubt that my Carl and the mysteryreporter Anderson were one and the same (ala Gordon and Mat B. Hall to name just one aka). Moving forward 15 long years there wouldn’t be too many that might recall a mate from the thirties in a 1948 newspaper pic of a dead face, besides, in this case potential identifiers Beecher Webb died in ’41 and Paul Johns was by then up to his neck in fake 15th century manuscripts at his antiquerian book shop in England.

  255. john sanders on July 14, 2020 at 11:58 pm said:

    From about mid May, 1935 the Australian government became most concerned about the level of critisism being leveled on it and Catholic missions re alleged native abuse, complainants being Messrs. Webb & Anderson. Fearing interational ramifications based on the falicy, authorities endeavoured to trace the so-called Swedish Journalist by all means but, not even a description could be had and infact no one in the places described in his news stories had ever encountered him. Noel Webb’s whole family were known to be Aboriginal rights activists in Adelaide and environs including his dad who was a lawyer and highly ranked member of the Sth. Australian judiciary. Carl Von Czarnecki had supplied an Adelaide address of 29 Seafield Ave. Kingsford when he departed Alice Springs, though he moved about constantly as if he might be evading those interested in his whereabouts, his last known S.A. abode being a farm at Penong, west of Ceduna. By this time Webb had put up his law office shingle in Alice Springs and his German mate Paul Johns who stayed on after Harry Lasseter died, was thought to be guiding Gold expeditions into the Petermann ranges in search of Lasseters fabled lost reef; that is until he was gaoled for fraud and eventually getting into the stolen car business .

  256. john sanders on July 15, 2020 at 3:37 am said:

    Detective Sgt. Leane’s billion to one odds on offer to the Adelaide press regarding the sought after ‘Collins’ ROK was lapped up by them and their SM case followers knowing full well that it’s location was a mere formality. Of course had Adelaide’s grandstand bookies been consulted they would likely have called ‘London to a brick on’ that the book would be in police hands by Friday evening, in time to make the morning papers (22/7/49) which was never in doubt. After pulling off the Ron Francis stunt without hint of suspicion and being able to cover all bets the wiley Detective dropped a loaded full house with the nurses telephone number, and the accompanying adhoc letter code for the readers to nut out. No wonder that his prized informant’s details were not revealed during his lifetime for In all probabilty there were none to disclose.

  257. пожалуйста on July 15, 2020 at 8:47 am said:

    The hostelries of Yekaterinburg continue to resound with mirth at developments over on the leading factually based blog.

    One thing exercising me is the likelihood of Spymaster Boxall adding the number 70 below Jess’s now famous dedication some 30 odd years after the fact and then taking the trouble to adorn those two digits with ‘micro-writing’.

    In the words of Smiley: “Now why would he do a thing like that”?

    And, perhaps more significantly, if he added the 70 and its micro-written adornment, who’s to say he didn’t add all the micro-writing that keeps popping up in letters, grapes and fezes?

    Perhaps Alf and Gordon just share a hobby?

    Or is Gordon going to suggest that the spider at the heart of the web is Prof. Karla Abbott, the most cunning fox in Moscow Centre? Maybe HE put the micro-writing in the Boxall Rubaiyat?

    We await the next installment.

  258. john sanders on July 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm said:

    19th century American bard James Russell Lowell coined the phrase ‘Onward and Upward’ in his epic poem ‘Fabled Critics’. It seems that this was then adopted by resident rhymer and fabler Clive Turner-Walker in his congratulatory offering to master yarn spinning Somerton Man critic, Cristopher Gordon Cramer for his own epic BS/TS 500,000 (5 year) milestone…Onwards and Upwards as well to Clive for the game changing Major William Jestyn Moulds fable without which input, verse 70 would be just another number, right Clive?

  259. john sanders on July 16, 2020 at 3:40 am said:

    Pete: You seem to be confusing “trolls” with we genuine ‘without fear or favour’ guardians of truth who have no qualms when it comes to their sacred duty of exposing crooks and deceivers like the Cramers of this world who prey on dupes and fawning crawlers. Such doings should merit your appreciation rather than condemnation Pete Bowes; unless of course you’d prefer the dog that didn’t bark or perhaps ‘Your Sprod that didn’t cark’…. Nick Pelling, no pal of mine, is also no body’s fool and can obviously pick up the vibes where others simply make excuses for downright dishonesty.

  260. Yeah, Dome’s right onto it, isn’t he, but we haven’t seen a contribution from him for how long, six months? And when you look up at his site header and see the Somerton Man Taman Shud by-line you’d think he’d have something to offer. But, in reality and for all his self professed researching capabilities he’s just another goose who didn’t read Strapp’s deposition.
    And neither did you.

  261. john sanders on July 16, 2020 at 8:23 am said:

    Peteb: In so much as this Great Pretender has always tried to ignor and remain resiliant to slurs on my character and intellect, I’ll beg forgiveness in knowing my tit for tat baiting (trollery?) has at times been somewhat excessive. My own profound predjudice towards Cramer is however, a little more personal, based on his recent accusations of my being a notorious supply chanel for untraceable international IT receptors saught after by purveyors of child porn and such on the so called dark web. If that therefore offends your newfound spirtit of forgiveness towards the man who made false and lurid accusations against your own sense of moral decency, then you’re a better man than I am Gunga Din and I salute you in your selfless act of turning the other cheek.

  262. Peteb: thanks for the vote of no confidence. Though I have indeed been quiet of late, I continue to research the Somerton Man etc, though my preference for silence when I have nothing to say is clearly a bit of a culture shock for some.

    Rest assured that when I do have something to say, it will be worth reading.

  263. Yeah, good man .. can’t wait.

  264. john sanders on July 16, 2020 at 11:36 am said:

    So, what was the quid pro quo re the non aggression pact between our two most vehement opponents of yesterday; we are surely able to offer possible grounds in consequence of Pb’s subsequent trollish abuse of poor Boris N., who can’t say he wasn’t so warned. Im thinking along the lines of GC’s “I swear not to divulge the northern rivers location of the Keane suitcase” for PB’s “I swear not to divulge details on your most comprehensive record of dishonesty”. Any better guesses?

  265. john sanders on July 16, 2020 at 12:13 pm said:

    Nick: Indeed, you have my concurrence on remaining tight lipped on your recent thoughts but, might I be so bold as to suggest your proposed, long awaited follow up thread on Keith Waldemar Mangnoson’s identification of ‘Carl Thompsen’, as being appropriate in the current circumstances.

  266. john sanders on July 16, 2020 at 1:02 pm said:

    Borris N: As far as suicides go, if indeed that’s what we might be contemplating. The Peter Borgmann case fits the bill for Somerton Man almost perfectly; as if the man had some prior knowledge of how he might succeed in affecting complete anonymity and thereby thwarting police investigations which were sure to follow. From the manner in which he arrived in the holiday town unknown to the locals, his inconspicuous hotel booking with an assumed identity, checking of bus routes to the beach then taking a taxi out the following day under pretext of a twighlight swim etc., etc. then by keeping to himself whilst preparing his destiny with desired dignity. Poor fellow was dieing of course but still managed to take sustinance in an effort to cover his own plight, as indeed did our own candidate before finis. Of course the 1948 Australian story would have been common knowledge by then and Peter, as a man of the world must have been familiar with the case from his travels and occupation.

  267. пожалуйста on July 16, 2020 at 3:49 pm said:

    Sanders, Pete: yes, Bergman feels like he’s a copycat almost. But I’m guessing SM’s autopsy would have revealed an underlying condition. We know he had the enlarged spleen, which suggests he was very ill some time before his death. But the coroner’s report makes no mention of tumours or the like. And I assume that those would have been evident to a coroner in 1948.

    What’s striking about Bergman is the enduring nature of the mystery. In 2009 he manages to arrive in Ireland, move through the country, stay in hotels, dispose of his belongings and kill himself… all without identifying himself through a trail of data. You’d hardly think it possible. But he did. It would have been easier in 1948.

    But let’s face it: Bergman’s true identity IS known. Someone out there knows exactly who he is. But that someone hasn’t claimed him. Maybe part of a deal, granting someone’s last wish. Maybe because of some past offence. This suggests that it’s thoroughly possible that SM was Australian, was known to people, etc.

    The Neil Dovestone case is also worth looking at. “Neil” was eventually identified. He’d arrived by air from Pakistan a few days before he was found. He was eventually traced via images taken at border control. But it took a year or so. He had (somewhat estranged) family in the UK. They never made the connection between the sketches (no photographs of the body were made public) and their sibling. Neil (real name: David) died by self-administered poison (strychnine… very unpleasant) in a seemingly random location. But of course that location (from which he got the temporary name “Dovestone”) sent investigators (cops as well as part-time nutters like us lot) down a whole lot of dead ends: the 1960s Moors Murders (Brady/Hindley); a 1949 air crash (G-AHCY) with a few child-age survivors. It will probably never be known why he chose the location (he had no apparent connection to it). He arrived at a local pub and asked for directions “to the Mountain”. He got only half way up it before lying down in the twilight, very well dressed, in a position very similar to that of SM and passing away right there, on the track.

    Chances are that it was the nearest “mountain” he could think of when he set out from London. So perhaps SM did the same thing, as did Peter Bergman: they all went to the end of the line, as far as they could before running out of road?

    There’s my “theory”. FWIW.

  268. milongal on July 17, 2020 at 12:21 am said:

    Surely the problem with any idea of suicide is all the other stuff we keep talking about….
    If this was a plain and simple suicide, then all the police coverups, multiple ROKs, planting the TS – and almost anything else are superfluous.

    Surely it’s one of the greatest difficulties in the entire case – for any story we can come up with, no matter how well it fits some of the evidence, we invariably come up against some other item of evidence that is difficult to explain away. Many of the storylines people come up with need us to simultaneously believe that the participants were on the one hand pulling strings and manipulating the facts, but on the other hand genuinely confounded by related detail.
    One of the big problems with the overarching conspiracy theories is that they’re not needed. If there were no TS slip, then the whole episode would likely have been dismissed as a mundane death. So what is the purpose of the slip if it’s planted post-mortem? It brings attention and mystery to the case – which is surely undesireable? Surely blind Freddie would see that planting something so obscure and “well-concealed” is going to beg more questions than it resolves? Surely if you want to hide such a thing as a mundane suicide you would plant something a little more obvious?
    Also Leane does not strike me as wily…..

    My main conflict is I don’t entirely trust the contents of the pockets – yet I can’t see the purpose of planting anything there (surely empty pockets are easily dismissed as “the poor sod’s been robbed….possibly by an opportunist after death”.

    The other thing we should remember is that there’s a chronology to how our narrative goes that tends to over-emphasise non-existant coincidences. E.g. It initially seems odd that Jack Lyons first appears as witnessing the night before, and later finds the body…..but if you think about it, the facts appeared perfectly explicably (but their appearance was in the opposite order). Lyons discovers the body and rings it in, and later at interview mentions “….I saw some dude lying in the same location last night” – and merely shifting the angle we view the facts, something that seems so coincidental is dismissed as fairly logical – Lyons was one of few witnesses the police found because they were already engaging with him because he found the body (yet so much weight is given (admittedly in the past possibly by me, among others) to the “coincidence” that Lyons both witnessed the man on the beach AND discovered the body. And all of that leads to pointing out that just because police only ever found the 2 (3 if you count the lovers as 2) witnesses doesn’t mean that hundreds of other people didn’t walk past the man on the beach that night – and simply didn’t recall or didn’t come forward. Especially if police weren’t actively looking for witnesses early on. How many people do you pass if you ever walk along a beach in nice weather? How likely would you be to remember a specific person being in a specific location (unless the situation was somehow unusual – which is why he was memorable to the young couple; and for Lyons it was only because he found a body in the same spot less than 12 hours later).

    I still think there’s a lot in the Pruzinski story that could prove to be linked – even if it doesn’t ultimately lead to car theft rackets.

    I’m not sure what this rant was even about…..but it’s been a while since I had one.

  269. john sanders on July 17, 2020 at 2:54 am said:

    Nick: Possible access to the A1066 unread Carl Von Czarnecki file has now been affirmed for 8th August following my earlier request, noting that the relevant online classification has been changed to ‘open with exception’. Archives are going to advise further and have asked if there is anything specific I’d be looking for, which is rather sweet of them. Obviously a passport photo or two accompanied by thumb prints for identity varification would come in handy and I’ll convey that to the designated research officer.

  270. пожалуйста on July 17, 2020 at 11:04 am said:

    Milongal, all… yes, the TS slip is the only link between a dead man on the beach and anything resembling a conspiracy. No slip means no ROK. No ROK means no code and no micro-writing. The connection on which the complex theories around this case are built is literally paper-thin.

    Without it we have what? An unclaimed John Doe who blew into town from god knows where, carrying a suitcase full of unremarkable stuff. He hung around for a while, had dinner then went to the beach and died.

    Just like Peter Bergmann.

    But the slip appears to be real. And as Pete has demonstrated, there are some uncomfortable feeling gaps and lags in the timeline. He suggests filling these with a conspiracy in which the SM is lured to the location as a patsy and pawn-sacrifice in a bigger, darker subterfuge at the sharp end of the Cold War.

    That’s possible, but very involved and very risky. There’s also no known precedent (which admittedly doesn’t have to mean much).

    May I propose, then, at least the outline and beginnings of an alternative scenario that brings these two radically different theories together in a way that has form: in this hypothesis, SM was the unknown man, the drifter who ended up on the beach. His body is duly removed to cold storage. Time passes – no, is allowed to pass – no one claims him.

    He is now a blank page. And the conspirators move in, in much the same way Pete sets out.

    The precedent here is Operation Mincemeat, billed as the greatest deception Operation since the Trojan horse. There, the John Doe cast adrift to wash up on continental shores with fake D-Day Landing plans was a Welsh homeless drifter whom no one would miss. Kept on ice for just such an occasion.

  271. john sanders on July 17, 2020 at 11:24 am said:

    Once in a while I go back to see if anything gives with Fred Pruzinski that we may have missed initially but nothing ever jumps out. I think that the best chance was with there having been two lads from the Hill with similar details (not exactl) who had different family backrounds. I recall that Fred who took Coffee’s bike from BH and rode it to Somerton Beach on 28th November? was charged as a 17 year old juvenile, yet my check of Richard Frederick’s death certificate would have him as an adult of 19 at the time of the offending. I also noted that his family origins were German and not Polish as one might have invisaged and that the drowning victim’s nephew Don is still big with SA Vintage car club as was Prosper Thomson and as is Peter Von Czarnecki, Carl’s lad.

  272. Anyone suggesting a mincemeat patsy would surely run the risk of being accused of dyslexia. 😉

  273. john sanders on July 17, 2020 at 12:58 pm said:

    Redacted might like to get with the program and refrain from making his false accusory remarks about a very well respected Adelaide family that for all intents and purposes have not had as much trouble with the law as he libalously suggests. Old man John who volunteered his service in the trenches of France with the oft lauded 50th Btn. was fined 2/6 pence for not voting upon his uncelebrated return from that hell hole, then a bob or two later for purchasing beer at an unlicensed premises which hardly makes him a criminal. Likewise his son Cyril John had been sought for deserting his missus as is attested in a number of Aussie trove articles between 1926 and 1940 in a divorce action, but still volunteered for the navy and later the army in WW2. As for his aspertions to effect that a certain Mangnoson worked for Commonwealth Investigation Service I’d like to see the evidence; truth being that an operative named MAGNUSSEN was named in ASIO files as a paid surveilance operative under Big Bob Wake’s direction in 1950 or thereabouts. This clown, obviously under orders from another who has an agenda totally at odds with establishing Somerton Man’s identity or reasons for his demise should be publicly admonished by all who seek the truth.

  274. john sanders on July 17, 2020 at 2:01 pm said:

    My heart goes out to all the Welsh homeless drifters who no one misses. I must say that I’d prefer dining on one of their toasted cheese, mustard and HP sauce rare whatsits than some NKVD tricked up Glenelg (sic) Patsy any old time.

  275. Tammy Shud on July 17, 2020 at 8:44 pm said:

    ‘A Pasty for a Patsy – The True Story of the Unknown Man’

  276. пожалуйста on July 17, 2020 at 9:15 pm said:

    Sanders, all… picking up your point on Bergmann’s potential knowledge of the SM case (a few posts up upthread now). I’ve had a read through all 37 pages of the Bergmann discussion over at German sleuthing/conspiracy site allmystery.de (yes, I can. And that’s as much as I intend to offer Pete by way of identification).

    What’s really interesting to note is that SM is not well known in German-speaking territories, except – clearly, from that discussion – among some hardcore nuts. Contributors over there seem to think the chances of Bergmann deliberately “referencing” SM in his MO are minimal. Also interestingly, they seem somewhat reluctant to buy into spy theories. Perhaps understandable after the End of History in 1991 (or whenever it was) and in the fly blown ends of Sligo. But why they then theorise Mr. B’s purple carrier bags might have been full of narcotics is a mystery to me.

  277. john sanders on July 18, 2020 at 6:11 am said:

    Big Tooty Team Captain Redacted’s latest shadow play of trying pin things SM related on Det. Canney’s ID witness Keith Mangoson, is really beyond the pale. For the record it was most likely something conjured up this dull witted captain’s command centre at another place, thus able to easily disassociate itself from any issues arising from possible false flag blowouts. For a start the badly faked 1948 Lapstone surveillance report compiled by the acting AG for it’s youthful MI5 designate Robert Victor Hemblys-Scales, does not include the name of any agent participatant named Mangnoson. Although page 5/3 of the farce does mention a CIS operative named Magnussen, this actually refers to one of Australia’s most celebrated behind the lines WW2 FELO field operatives Jack Magnussen. This chap’s real life mission immpossible involved by-passing Korean/Jap guards and allerting POWs in several Thai work camps, of Allied plans for their imminent salvation. He is so famously well thought if in the anals of audacious wartime exploits and to Clandestine field operatives internationally that to confuse Jack with our poor sick Keith Mangnoson shows either a knowing canivance, or else operational inepitude, both being likely norms for agent provocateur ‘SM-A305YN Crapatalk’ and his devious facilitators. PS: Jack (nmn) Magnussen 1918-2008 Adelaide, wrote modestly about his wartime exploits in Burma and Thailand Railway 1996. js

  278. john sanders on July 18, 2020 at 3:07 pm said:

    I for one am a tad perplexed that our loyal BS/TS SM correspondent from ‘down your way’ (Adelaide) Clive Turner, didn’t seem to take the initiative and record his three all revealing in depth interviews with key figure Paul Lawson; nor by logical extension for similat attemots with other known local informed sources such as Detective Len Brown, eye winesses Gordon and Olive Strapps, or death scene first attender Neil Day who seemed quite keen to oblige recent film opening night attendees with his recollections of events in 1948. Heaven forbid that a person of our Clive’s SM standing could somehow be left off the invitation list at such an all important gala event. More than likely his absence on the night came from a higher authority wherein social gatherings of such nature are deemed to be in contravention of AfIO Standing Orders on confidential liasons by agents.

  279. john sanders on July 19, 2020 at 1:08 am said:

    Whilst trolling (sic) through an old Keith Mangnoson thread it was noted from a Byron Deveson post of the same period that it was in fact C. G. Cramer, head honcho of BS/TS site who had first repirted Paul Lawson’s claims about the Russian Ballet dancer from KI, apropos an island based family having been brought by CIB to Adelaide, thereaby making a positive SM identification (twice); all this fine detail predating Clive Turner’s much more recent interviews. Sounds right, right?

    More bad news for Big Footy team captain Redacted who is by now re-emerging with a well thought out logical excuse for his Magnussen faux pas. His suggestion that our Keith could be considered a prime candidate for the 1st December, 1948 NKVD, MI5, CIA, Mossad, CIS sanctioned Fedisimov? assassination, seems to be countered by a fairly solid alibi. Namely in that a man named Keith Mangnoson had been secure sceduled patient of Fairfield mental facility at the time.

    Folks will recall that Keith Mangnoson had come forward to volunteer information to police upon his release from hospital in early 1949 and he was subsequently able to identify the SM body as that of a man known to him as a farm worker Carl Thompsen, who hailed from a cold climate (foreign?) and whom he’d met whilst a rouseabout in the Renmark district pre war. Some months later whilst in custody, related information was given to Det. Lance Bond prior to KM’s re addmission to Fairfield assylum in connection with another matter.

  280. john sanders on July 19, 2020 at 5:12 am said:

    In yet another of Clive’s claimed interviews with Paul Lawson, the latter tells of Jestyn’s reaction upon seeing the bust of the beach body and going into a near faint as if recognition had taken her by surprise. Of course some years before the old fellow had outlined precisely the same case scenario on 60 minutes so we are treated to near identical verbal and video accounts. Strangly it had also been Paul that told the inquest in ’49 that the bust was not such a great likeness of the original body due to it’s general deterioration in cold storage over time and that the press photos would be considered more reliable for identification purposes. If so, who might Jess have thought she knew, or could it have been that she was merely suffering a bout of morning sickness, precursor to the 1950 birth of her daughter Katherine…NB: Cramer or his clone had Paul add an inch to the dead man’s given height in order to get a better case for his lanky Soviet spy Fedisomov.

  281. milongal on July 20, 2020 at 12:38 am said:

    @JS: Maybe I’m playing Devil’s advocate (or maybe not), but what if J’s reaction was because she DIDN’T recognise him? What if she expected it to be someone, but was shocked that it was someone else? Especially if she knew WHY the man was dead, perhaps she was freaked out that somebody got the wrong guy…..

  282. john sanders on July 20, 2020 at 3:26 am said:

    It has been observed that one of those recently signed up to a strictly speaking non binding troll naming alliance, backed by a quid pro quo clause, showed his total disregard for compliance almost at the outset; a move nothing out of the ordinary for such types, a trait akin to honour amongst thieves. So when the senior partner had the afront to send one of his expendables into the former enemy camp under guise of friendship, sole purpose being to make ofv with a pair of SM’s most readily identifiable striped trousers, it came as no surpise ….’Two crooks both intent on spoiling the troth’ is a sure harbringer of renewed hostilities one might speculate.

  283. john sanders on July 20, 2020 at 5:08 am said:

    Part of the ‘Lasseter Golden Reef legend’ involves the namesake’s habit of keeping his favourite books close at hand when abroad; including his Holy Bible, Book of Psalms and other tomes of a more scientific nature. Some of these were found and kept in police storage for years after his strange death in the Australian interior, then passed on to his wife who had bye & bye taken up with CAGE member Green. A particular book that was not recovered, one that expedition leader Blakeley may have saught but couldn’t locate when he went through Harry’s belongings at the Billbila staging camp in mid ’30, was his pocket travel copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam from which he recited when not singing Mormon hymns on his treks. How does this fit with our Somerton Man truth quest; well it is a certainty that the last white man to see Harry Lasseter alive and well, camel jockey Paul Johns, was subsequently convicted of multile car theft and deported. Some may recall this gent from recent posts; So happens he and his German rouseabout buddy Carl Von Csarnecki travelled frequently together over a long (interrupted) time span, which included turf known well to the Mangnoson men. In fact in 1937 Paul Johns bought a motorbike from Keith Mangnoson’s brother-in-law Lawrence Symens who later divorced Keith’s sister Violet Isobel and became an army bandsman in WW2. My laboured point being the very real possibility that our crooked Kraut lifted Harry’s ROK when the latter was either dead or not looking, passed it on to his pal Carl who kept it as a talking piece and years later tossed the blighter into the back of a utility truck (Cleland notes) at Glenelg. Makes as much sense as anything else we’ve heard of late, like missing matches or Strapps Stripes surely?

  284. john sanders on July 20, 2020 at 7:46 am said:

    @ milongal aka Devils A: Some folks look tgemes & variations out of habit which is OK. What the hell; Let’s find someone who can give us Kate Thomson’ s birth details which might point to whose guess better fits the known facts, ie., A trained nurse’s likely reaction to seeing the plaster bust of an as yet unidentified deceased personmor, “Crikies looks just like Quentin Thomson, think I’m gonna Faint”.

  285. milongal on July 20, 2020 at 10:13 pm said:

    I meant more along the lines of she had assumed it was a certain someone because of the photo – and was totally taken by surprise it was the wrong person (especially if she knew how he came to be there).

    I don’t want to assume too much about who and how, but suppose she was involved with some shady stuff with someone we’ll call A (could be someone we already know, likeher husband, Prosper, or could be someone we haven’t come across yet – no assumptions). She knows A has had a falling out with some person B (or at least has some reason to literally want them dead). Now suppose A has never met B in person (but J has, or at least is familiar with what they look like), and has gone off to knock them off armed only with a vague description and/or photo. When she hears about a body on the beach, and sees a post-mortem photo that in her mind looks enough like Person B. She is called by the police, and readies herself to look nonchalant when the bust of person B is shown her…..instead there is this total stranger – Person A has obviously got some unrelated person in a case of mistaken identity – and she is spooked.

    You could apply various plot twists: Perhaps she did know SM, but it still wasn’t whose bust she was expecting to see….etc

    I guess my point is that we assume she was freaked out by the bust because while it was easy enough to not care over the photo it brought home some reality to her that someone she knew was dead. Granted, everyone reacts differently to death, and perhaps she went there thinking she could hide her emotions….but I sort of find it a bit odd that her reaction was apparently quite extreme – when she had presumably seen the photo before hand and knew who she was meant to identify (or deny knowledge of). Why did the bust take her by such surprise? Was it just that the bust looked so much more real than the touched-up photo? Or was it because for whatever reason the person the bust resembled was not the person she thought she was going to identify?
    [ Naturally we also need to remember that everything about her reaction is based on it being recounted a long time later – and possibly exaggerated, embellished etc (if you’ve been watching the Ch7 mini-series on Peter Falconio you’ve likely questioned how many of the “witnesses” who are “certain” they saw Lees or Falconio at some time around the 14th July have either convinced themselves something they saw was important (and genuinely believe it); how many are just making stuff up for attention; and how many REALLY saw EXACTLY what they claim?) Similarly, the specifics of her reaction to the bust seem to come from the 1970s – some time after the fact (I think there was mention she had reacted badly to it early on, but the specifics about looking down and not wanting to look back etc I think came from Lawson in a MUCH later interview (possibly for the Littlemore Doco) – That allows a lot of time to have retold friends the story where it gradually evolves to something you categorically believe, even though it’s not really how it happened….

  286. milongal on July 20, 2020 at 10:17 pm said:

    Double checked the timeline….
    So in particular at the time she may well have thought it was Boxall….and she may have been totally freaked out that it definitely wasn’t (or another tangent – that he looked so different to what she remembered).

  287. john sanders on July 21, 2020 at 4:00 am said:

    Big Footy’s team Capt. Redacted has just posted a generally nebulous piece on government inter-departmental personell transfers necessitating different NAA file references or something. For our benefit he has put up a header page entitled MR. MAGNUSSON which reveals that it contains nothing but a file cover. Such a self explanitory notation should be all fine and dandy, but something seems amiss with the posted example as it clearly shows page 22 of 23. Simple math and logic would argue that it should be displaying 1 of 1, which surprise surprise is exactly what appears when cross checked directly back through NAA’s otherwise identical page….I’m sure there’s a simple explanation for this apparent anomally.

  288. john sanders on July 21, 2020 at 10:36 am said:

    Milongal: I’ll stick to my ‘keep things simple stupid’ scenario if you don’t mind. Ie. That a trained nurse, whether a hospital sister or bed pan aid becomes so familiar with seeing death close up that a glimpse of old Nick himself would not raise concern enough to have a fainting spell. If what Paul claims is true, then I’ll stick by my contention that something along the lines of morning sickness is more likely to have been the cause. I’ll stand corrected if we find that Kate arrived after say mid February 1950.

  289. john sanders on July 22, 2020 at 3:16 am said:

    It may yet come to pass, and I for one would not be at all surprised, that the Verse 70 ROK business with it’s cast of thousands, has absolutely nothing to do with the Somerton Man case, it being at best a sideshow brought about by crime scene locality issues such as our ROK star Sister? Thomson’s presumed residency nearby. As a possible ID witness she had come forward anonymously with her ROK/Boxall story to police on 26th July 1949 (my take), which was discounted upon her failure to reconcile any features of the SM beach body with her nominee Alf Boxall, found to be alive and well next day. The case had by then ran out of steam with no new leads to go on and was thereaby shelved. NB: Police said that they found her phone number (not so imho) in a book surrendered also anonymously which ‘when shown to her’ seemed to be similar (which it wasn’t) to one she’d had given to an aquaintance (Boxall) prior to his posting overseas years before.

    The case was inevitably shelved though re surfaced briefly adecade later when a NZ con man with knowledge gained from old papers, used it in attempt to obtain money and some custodial advantage. This, along with a mere proceedural inquest resumption in 1958 which had nothing new to offer, certainly not Jessie’s input which had come too late for inclusion (if deemed warranted) in the 1949 inquest, which both coroner and police knew would not suffice to warrant any mention at all this time around. We can blame well intentioned people like Mike Munro of Inside Story ’77, Gerry Feltus of ‘Unknown Man’ authorship and Professor Derrek Abbott of Adelaide University for bringing us to this point in time which it is fair to say, may not be all that far further advanced than when Detective Sgt. Strangway handed the case over a much junior officer A/Det Sgt Leane on 8th December, 1948….Struth was it that long ago? must seem like yesterday Paul eh mate?

  290. john sanders on July 22, 2020 at 5:11 am said:

    ‘I simply think, it is making something of nothing’, insists SM Smithsonian Barry Traish in his not altogether glowing review of the Peter Bowes histericly set ‘Bookmaker of Rabaul’ novel, dated 12 July and posted by the author who recently left in a childish huff, presumably intent on a course of self destruction or worse.

    I’m interested as to what line of investigation the novice writer’s first novel might pursue for it’s theme; I’m now seeking recommendation or otherwise from any SM deviates that might have read it, or perhaps know who has. Boris Pozhaluysta may have been lucky recipient of a signed free copy back in late 2016 from memory.

  291. Better to have a temporary huff than permanent shit on the liver, veteran, and you’re way off course with BH’s judgement .. as usual. One day you might make a contribution that’s worth the reading.
    In the meantime, I commiserate with the Voynich mob, who must be sick of the sight of all your bullshit.

  292. john sanders on July 22, 2020 at 2:04 pm said:

    Peteb: Others would have seen my play on Barry’s judgment as being the joke that it was intended to be, slightly overdone perhaps knowing your incapacity to take humour not of your own making. As for my humble contributions on discussion points re subjects other than SM related, folks usually take my offerings as they please, for I make no claims for expertise thereof or otherwise. Whats more, being an old so called veteran who took all his shots front on, I’m not one to take my bat and go home, which always seems to have been your trade and calling; but then again being a chip off the old block, one couldn’t expect anything more. You’ve always been a loser in my estimation old man, people can see you coming a mile off and take you to the cleaners as they often do…Any new thrillers in the pipeline.

  293. пожалуйста on July 22, 2020 at 2:51 pm said:

    Gentlemen, please.

    For the record, I am not and never have been in the possession of aforementioned tome, fabulous as I’m sure it is. Were I to be (and the postal service here in Yekaterinburg is perhaps to blame for the fact that I’m not?), then I’d be sure to praise the work of a fellow scribe. For we toil for little other reward.

    A bit like the very endeavour we are engaged upon here. In our different ways.

    Anyway, our brief hiatus gave me occasion to review Prof Abbott’s AMA. One does rather wonder about the MacMahon thing. Was that ever (un)satisfactorily resolved?

    Apart from that enticing little tidbit, I’m rather taken with the MINCEMEAT idea. What if there was a conspiracy, but the only thing that wasn’t in it was the SM.

    Quite a satisfying inversion? Thought it might shake a few things loose. As the Dude once said “my thinking about this case has become very uptight”.

    And apparently I owed Pete a theory of my own. I now await my golden shower.

  294. Wait, you’re talking about a Somerton Man conspiracy so incredibly deep that it doesn’t even include the Somerton Man?

    That does sound like 90% of the Web coverage, it has to be said. So perhaps my thinking too has become a bit too uptight. :-/

  295. john sanders on July 22, 2020 at 11:03 pm said:

    Brien McMahon 1903-1952, Gd Democrat from Connecticut, promulgated the US Nuclear Arms act. for limiting use (good luck) in1946 and The Peace Corps. May have given immpressionable Jessie Thomson the incentive to name her first born after him in 1947, the year of introduction.

  296. milongal on July 23, 2020 at 2:33 am said:

    @JS (feels like this is old ground): Was J ever shown the Rubaiyat?
    If she was, I agree the Boxall stuff is a most peculiar thing (being a totally different version in a totally different format – Bit like someone getting confused between a 3.5″ floppy and a USB stick….).
    But I’m not sure that she was. I’m thinking someit more like:
    Plods: “We found your phone number in the back of a book, know anything about it?”
    J: “Huh, what book?”
    Plods: “Oh, it was errr…the Rubaiyat…err….of erm….”
    J: “Oh, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam – yes I know the book well, in fact….blah blah….gave a copy to Boxall”

    Not sure there would have been any mention of format, translator, publisher or edition at that time (and the police worked fast enough to get onto Boxall the following day, so even if she found out it was a different edition (eg based on subsequent description/picture in the papers) the fuzz had already followed through that line of enquiry.

    Re conspiracies missing the main character…..While I chuckle at NP’s response, I think there’s obvious examples of that. A lot of what is discussed actually happened; some of the speculation may even have happened; but none of the connections to SM exist – so while the story is reasonably (or somewhat) factual, it all happened totally separate/unrelated to the body found on Somerton Beach – that is, it’s not the conspiracy itself that is necessarily wrong, it’s the leap to link SM into it.

  297. john sanders on July 23, 2020 at 8:42 am said:

    The manner in which a no nonsense, competent detective like Canney would have approached a witness of unknown quantity like Jess would have involved coming to the point straight off, gaining the initiative thereby and with a view to being in control of the interview, especially she having advantage of being on her own turf. That must have included producing the book or a close a copy and testing her reaction both visibly and verbally. He would have only needed to ask clarifying questions to obtain what he needed to know and let it rest there for the time being at least. We know it went down like this because the Newspapers confirmed as much that same day, along with the bust viewing. That seems hunky dory, but it does not explain how she made no attempt to distinguish between the W & T pocket version and the ‘Jestyn 70’ hardcover unless Alf Boxall also had a Courage & Friendship as some suggest. NB: My belief that Jess made the initial contact with police and not the long held alternative view, ie. phone trace etc., is not important in this synopsis.

  298. john sanders on July 23, 2020 at 12:23 pm said:

    Not to wonder that Paul Lawson showed a degree of consternation when on camera and a confronting interview with self assured old hand Stuart Littlemore’s somewhat unanticipated interrogatory style. Leading questions such as whether anyone who viewed his work had recognised it as being a likeness to some one known to them might well have placed him in a professional bind hence his defiant stance. It was Lawson’s initial foray into forensic reproduction of that kind and he had suggested at the time in 1949, that the the working conditions confronting him, particularly that of his subject were far from ideal. The deceased sitter SM was not in such great shape for projecting a good likeness of it’s former self as should have been expected and this has been mentioned frequently over the years. Paul points out the obvious truth that by viewing his work, people were less inclined to make comparisions, than if they viewed the original body or indeed photographs taken on the slab. I thought, in light of such difficulties, his presentation before the Insider cameras in 1977 was all that may have been expected. I feel that some latter day scrutineers are seeing something in the man’s first national television appearance that is perfectly reasonable all up, and jaundiced square eyes are quite out of order therefore.

  299. milongal on July 23, 2020 at 11:40 pm said:

    There’ s parts of the interview (including in transcripts that didn’t make it to production – I think that particular question is asked at least twice or thrice) where Lawson does seem to get evasive “you’re on tender ground”.
    Naturally he may not have known what he was allowed to talk about and what he wasn’t – and (as many people tend to) made assumptions about the sensitivity of stuff he knew (stuff that could easily be quite innocuous). TBH, my reading of that particular interaction with Littlemore was more that Lawson didn’t want to be the source of that information – remember most of the major players were still alive then, you don’t really want to be publicly naming someone you thought may have known more – even if that is just confirming what people already thought. (As I think you’re saying) His caginess isn’t some cover-up – it’s an attempt not to get involved in the story (beyond his involvement with creating the bust). It’s not for him to speculate who might or might not have known the deceased – and he finds it hard to dismiss Littlemore’s attempts to get him to imply something.

  300. пожалуйста on July 24, 2020 at 9:18 am said:

    Evasive, yes. Cagey, yes. Anyone ‘taking the fifth’ looks like that at first sight. But it’s a legitimate response. It’s a live investigation at that point, so it might just point to Lawson’s uncertainty about what he can say without prejudging an enquiry. After all, he’s not a cop. But he’s smart enough to spot a leading question from his interrogator.

    That could be tender enough ground for him.

  301. john sanders on July 24, 2020 at 11:50 am said:

    It was a live investigation (still is) on the occasions when Paul implored folks to consider that his bust was not well suited to making an identification being based on the 3D replication. Especially so when compared with the admittedly much better likeness portrayed in the flat image original Duham photograph provided to the press for circulation. I have no problems with milongal’s alternate explanation for Paul’s retiscence before the cameras during the Littlmore interview. So perhaps if we might agree in principle to combine the two theories we’ll likely be a good deal close to the mark; should that satisfy the punters not withstanding.

  302. john sanders on July 24, 2020 at 1:00 pm said:

    Not desirous of being in any way critial of a man’s pride in his work, the SM bust to my layman’s critical analysis, more resembles those marble busts reminiscent of cherished Roman emporers which we’re all familiar with; baring of course the one with a saddle nose (Heaven forbid) who was also carelessly dropped on his head as a babe, than the dead man found on Somerton Beach. Why the powers that be didn’t get an artist to splash a bit of colour on Paul’s creation to give it a human face with a bit of character and charm one can only wonder, the effect might just then have resembled something more akin to real life, thus being not so inclined to give it’s non admirers fainting spells as was experienced by Sister Thomson.

  303. john sanders on July 25, 2020 at 12:13 am said:

    Whilst @milongal and I do not always agree on many aspects of this case, his recent comment on Richard Frederick Arthur Pruszinski’s short life is fortunately not one of those, my belief being as milongal does that there must surely have been more information on the Pruszinski angle that we had somehow overlooked. First and foremost, as I have recently proposed, the young man from Broken Hill that drowned in ’53, was in my opinion, most likely not to have been identical with his near namesake the young bike thief who rode to Adelaide with an older man’s extra kit two or three days before both it and it’s apparent intended recipient were found on Somerton beach SA.

    For starters, and sorry for the repetition, the thief who later dumped his stolen bike and was caught by police in an also stolen car at Nooralunga? some distance along the coast on 29th November ’48, was a 17 year old lout named Frederick William Pruszinski born in 1931, as opposed to well regarded BH denizen, Richard Frederick Arthur Pruszinski, born 1929 was a fine young man on the threshold of a successful life holding down permanant skilled employment with Broken Hill’s biggest company BHP. Surely based on just those couple of inconsistancies, we must agree that the only commonality evident is in their surname which seems to have been almost akin to Smith & Jones in BH circa. 1948.

    There can’t really be much doubt that the teenagager stuffed up the drop off instructions and/or failed to make connection with the intended recipient, possibly by mistaking something as simple as not knowing one day from another. In the bag was a selection of clothing including a gent’s three piece suit, overcoat and a rifle (stock) and woollen socks, the one item of apparel missing from the case left an the Adelaide station ah ah ah refreshm..er (Brown) cloak room according to informed police sources. Common sense tells us that the two events culminating in SM’s demise at the same location is too much of a coincidence to consider any other alternatives and whilst it appears most unlikely that we are ever going to help clear poor Richard Pruszinski from involvement, we should at the very least give the man a pass based on what we perceive to be the true facts.

    It might be noted that a man of a similar age and physical description, who was also a known fugitive and former accomplice to a convicted auto thief, had been a multi linual itinerant farm worker all throughout Sth. Australia before WW2. His criminal cohort was known to carry motor vehicle alteration tools in his belonging, was holder of a motor cycle licence from Port Pirie and was described as being a dangerous gun nut. Although the authorities had him out of the country in late 1948, they had no firm evidence of it and his immediate family were at that time living in Adelaide. It might also be worth considering that his wife was known to have spent time as a child in Broken Hill, after returning with her preacher father and family from Canada and Great Britain; it being likely that her widowed mother maintained ties there long after. Her name was of course Cristabel Davis and her missing German born legal husband Henry Wilhelm E. Carl Von Czarnecki.

  304. john sanders on July 25, 2020 at 3:11 am said:

    Two feckless mocking birds await their master’s call;
    One called Peter, the other named Paul.
    Gordon their master, with his lies and pomp and gall;
    So its pay to play Peter, you’re good to stay Paul.

  305. john sanders on July 27, 2020 at 3:44 am said:

    What really should make more sense to Peteb is, that his Lica Delprat was the nonpracising widow of Dr. Milo Sprod who for some years until 1934, shared a consulting surgery at 25 Jetty Rd. Glenelg. It was not located next door or even close to the Freeman pharmacy at 24a which was actually next door to a market on one side and a rough pub on t’other, not at all suitable for secure street parking. MI5 office boy Hamblys-Scales was certainly not Lica’s nephew, despite Bowes ceaseless contrary claims, and so long as he keeps telling fibs, I’ll do my utmost to make sure he gets to eat them. Peteb’s latest crack at screenwriting, ‘end of the tether’ for many a failed short story scribe, has a romantisised Tamam Shud fantasy as it’s morbid theme as …., critiqued by no nonsense Clive Walker? as being “…a rather melodramitic thesis….”.

  306. Dunno what your problem is, dusty, everything looks kosher to me.

  307. john sanders on July 27, 2020 at 11:56 am said:

    A little teaser for the Adelaide ‘Brill’ small gauge rail enthusists like Gerry’s mate Tiny for instance. From my understanding, be it far from any degree of certainty, part time ticket officer Townsend worked the double star booth, commencing his shift at 6.00am and sold tickets for both the Henley Beach terminal line and the north line to very similar sounding Hamley Bridge which was also a terminal and major change station for wider gauge destinations further afield such as Clare. Whilst the frequent shorter Henley beach services commenced outward runs from around 6.30 am., the latter left Adelaide on it’s first run of two daily excursions around 6.15a.m. I’m wondering whether perhaps our man may have inadvertently been sold the wrong ticket and did not realise the young student’s blunder until he attempted to board the train for Hamley Bridge, his intended destination. By then it may have been too late to change tickets, resulting in SM having to check his baggage and delay until the afternoon service. This could have led to his decision to bide his time with a relaxing Beach layover rather than wait hours at the station with nothing to do. It could explain the unused ticket found in his brown herring bone Staminas, but not his shortage of money when found. I guess it’s still not too late for a competent Adelaide based sleuth like Clive, to ask young Neil Day the strapper about having seen anybody loitering around X marks the spot early next morning.

  308. Peter Bowes on July 27, 2020 at 1:27 pm said:

    John Sanders: No sweat bro, black lives matter, say what my man, we gotta stick to the creed right?

  309. milongal on July 28, 2020 at 12:44 am said:

    @JS: Google it (and limit results to this site)…..I vaguely remember discussing Henley Beach/Hamley Bridge stuff on here some time ago…..
    I think at the time there was some interest in a Mangnoson or Thomson connection to Alma (and we might have een looked into connections beyond Gawler/Hamley Bridge and back toward the Riverland (in particular Morgan).

    The question there, then, is whether the ticketing was split into metro and regional, or whether that sort of a confusion is likely to happen….

  310. john sanders on July 28, 2020 at 3:26 am said:

    John Ruffles, in his investigation notes for ‘Inside Story’, mentioned that Jack Lyons spoke of a witness at the inquest suggesting that the man on the beach was likely a native of a middle European country like Hungary Czechoslovakia or Poland? To extrapolate that, if we go through the list of people who saw SM’s features, we really have only two likely contenders apart from police, they being John Cleland who is automatically excluded by his ‘Britisher’ comment; leaving us with our pathologist Dwyer. An obvious choice in any case due to him being the expert conducting the autopsy and who was likely familiar with with Euro/Slav features from WW2 field experience. In his testimony he said something about SM’s looks being consistent with that of an ‘educated’ man….Ruffles notes also suggest thatt that it was the pathologist who found the Tamam Shud slip in April ’49 though he doesn’t elaborate…Perhaps Peteb might ask his pal from Bondi if that be the case.

  311. john sanders on July 28, 2020 at 5:27 am said:

    Peteb: Don’t get so excited by the frequency of my visits, it’s not as if I’m there in person, merely my auto site activity alert system telling my pick up that someone is making extended contact eg. Getting a line on your latest pseudo histerical fiction.

  312. milongal on July 28, 2020 at 10:23 pm said:

    Czarnecki is certainly interesting (I’ll have to revisit much of what you’ve dug there – because I skimmed over a lot of it)….his wife appears on electoral rolls in both WA and SA through the 1930s, however with him and his swag of names it’s difficult to work out exactly which details are his. As far as I can tell his “real” name is Henry, but he prefers Carl (it seems quite common that people from Europe from earlier times favour one of their secondary names over their given names). Every ad he places lists him as Carl (or Christabel as Mrs Carl), yet the granting and revocation of his naturalisation certificate have him “Henry William Emil Carl”….(his marriage announcement lists him as “H Carl von Czarnecki”)

    But I find it hard to think it could be him because he wasn’t claimed (despite the fact there’s articles about his son Peter being invited to a dance in Brighton in 1953 (suggesting they were local).
    At the same time he himself seems to drop off the radar – although Mrs C von Czarnecki is listed in several updates as collecting for Crippled Children in Glenelg around 1954….

    There seems to be a lot of information on him on Ancestry (but I’m not a member) – but I assume that’s where you’ve picked up a lot of your info…

    The Lasseter book seems not to have an online copy (as best I can tell), but trove lists it as available in at least 4 libraries (Alice Springs NT, National Library ACT, State Library Vic, State Library SA)….might be worth checking local libraries too

  313. john sanders on July 29, 2020 at 4:03 am said:

    Peteb: Not Flt. Lt. Bowes’ fault, that as a desk pilot he only got to fly his borrowed Mustang over the nip free skies of Papua a few times in late 44 to keep his flight rating, therby missing out on action and resultant ‘scab scar & bar’ awards. So in using that ‘chip off the old block’ phrasiology to describe Curley’s offspring Leigh when I should have been demonising his pansy ineffectual whelp perse , I deserve a big smack…When it comes to Marjorie and uncle ‘Gooney Bird’ Colin Bowes, I challenge you to produce evidence of alleged slurs on either or stand corrected in purpetuity as a compulsive fibber.

  314. john sanders on July 29, 2020 at 7:46 am said:

    milongal: I’ve never been a member of any of those swanky pay to play ancestral search deals either, making do with ‘trap’ alternaves which is as good as it gets for this old timer. If you go back through my earier related posts, you’ll understand why the beach body was unlikely to be claimed, at least not publicly. But don’t go letting the cat out of the bag just yet; you me and the Ruskie of C. Berg being likely the only people ever heard of a feller named Henry Wilhelm (sic) Emil Carl Von Czarnecki.

  315. john sanders on July 29, 2020 at 8:05 am said:

    Looks like probably no deal on Carl Von Czarnecki, having just seen his pic in the P. A. Scherer book courtessy of good folk at Lasseteria blog..An old man smoking a cigar with all the scars and discolouration from his old skin disease

  316. john sanders: surely you understand by now that a mere photograph of a person is no real hindrance to a proper conspiracy theory? Why, in many ways the photo’s very existence proves the existence of an international cabal covering up the real conspiracy by fabricating and disseminating such fake photos…

    Or so I read somewhere.

  317. john sanders on July 29, 2020 at 1:42 pm said:

    Nick: Don’t dispare, I jumped the gun and we’re still there, as you must be aware. This new photograph of Carl taken in 1939 for the folks back home and looking like death warmed up, surely without intent, is something to behold when you put all those dambed nuances together but I’m still stunned nonetheless.

  318. john sanders on July 29, 2020 at 2:23 pm said:

    Why oh why would NAA put an ‘exception’ caviat on a 1945 file, already done to death by Bill Simpson’s national security mob and a reluctant Immigration Dept. to declare our main man a renegade in two related open files. Doesn’t make a lick of sense. Let’s wait and see what my 660,000 hard earned Vn. Dong comes up with, though US military detention photos and fingerprints are unlikely to be part of the deal.

  319. john sanders on July 29, 2020 at 11:21 pm said:

    The chap that did the photo makeover was a true professional, a good man with graphics with a punk flare, someone like Peter Von Czarnecki no doubt. A grainy though clear mono chrome full figure portrait of an older looking man in casual attire with a number of writing instrument protruding from his breast pocket, an adhoc fob chain and a distinctive fairground photo badge hanging below the neck depicting a toddler on all fours posing for the camera. Subject is standing in front of a large dark metal ‘dungeon’ door, his head almost to the level of it’s topmost hinge and a standard unadorbed brick wall wing is set to the right. The man’s face has been treated to a pair of glasses of seventies styling as is his quasi GI belt buckle, and a large unlit Havana in his right hand, all accessories including the pens being after factory inclusions in my opinion. Carl Czarnacki presents as being almost bald with a silver fuzz which gives the viewer a good ckear view of his right inner ear, which is a pleasure to behold. NB: Later in ’44 he was said to have brown hair greying.

    The photo must have been one provided to Lutheran pastor Philipp Scherer of Tanunda, the Lasseter……author, by young Peter V Cz or his mum Christabel, a Lutheran herself in the mid nineties and it would most assuredly have served to reinforce the family’s long held secret that their father and husband had lived well beyond the age of 34 which was supposed to have been when he was last heard of in pre war Australia. Of course it would also reinforce that same position to any governmental types sniffing around, as is their wont, long after Carl had been declared a renegade on 6th November, 1948. It might be safe to assume that the photo came with one of the early intercepted letters to the family from Germany at about the time war was declared, those that told of his love for young Peter-boy, current state of health, there being residual dermatitus evident on the inner right forearm and of him being able to enjoying luxuries like cigars under th 3rd Reisch.

    At first bluff, when confronted with said photo and before I started to exprapolate the various peculiar nuances, I gave some thought to the NAA file information attesting to Australian government interest in the subject from very early days, following his departure from Perth in early 1939. Most of the indepth inquiries were handled by W.A. at behest of Canberra but also, and more particularly S.A. Special Branch which was headed up by none other than old Harry Strangway, first detective at the death scene in 1948. His office at Finsbury was used to interview an employee Mrs. Christabel Von Czarnecki regarding her foreign links and her loyalties to King and country in 1943. That telling interview is included in the NAA file and there was a follow-up which is missing. One might reasonably put forward the notion that the photo alterations may have been the work of investigators in possession of their own copy. After all the chief of Sth. Australian censorship office was also a man with connection to the SM case himself. That person being our old Coronor (B/Colonel) Thomas Cleland. I’d persobally go with the family connection in Peter V Cz., a former graphic artist with Adelaide Advertiser, and having access to old files as the more logical choice, motive being purely deception, family pride and defence of his father’s nazi past.

  320. john sanders on July 30, 2020 at 7:20 am said:

    milongal: My inadequacies are showing; having only picked up stuff on Carl’s missus from SA and WA rural ads. I know she had been at Clare/Adelaide Hospitals pre war and so considered it likely that she, as a single mother, returned to nursing after1945. I was not able to gain access to SCCH records for possible employment there, but did pick up on your note that she had charitable links to it. When her son Peter was a babe, he was in bad physical shape and it caused some concern amongst the German community in Perth; but what ever the ailment, he appears to have grown out of it, though Interesting possibilties nonetheless.

  321. john sanders on July 31, 2020 at 5:58 am said:

    Having been in touch with a S.A. church library, I was advised that they have a copy of a L&TGRs which includes detail on the life & times of Carl Von Czarnecki and photos including the one I have. They are only able to provide six scans due to copyright restrictions and while awaiting arrival, I’ll try my best to obtain the full publication elswhere. Perhaps Peteb and other respected researchers might help.

  322. john sanders on July 31, 2020 at 11:51 pm said:

    The scans now in my possession include a number of photographs of subject Carl Von Czarnecki from 1910 to 1940 plus others perportedly from rural Canada in cowboy regalia and one from S.A. in later years. Included is a part auto bio which amongst other things outlines details of his childhood as an orphan living outside Frankfurt. Later his life as a merchant seaman, his deserting at Port Pirie in 1927 and his early years working on farms in the Care district. Nothing read thus far appears to be a departure of what I already know, but I’m still short on continuity beyond the time following Carl’s hook up with Paul Johns at Clare hospital. Some inset notes refer to his sister’s death around the time he returhed to live in Clare in 1973 and my calculations seem to date the rather professional writing style to the early ’80s. While admittedly things don’t look so good for a tie in with our SM beach body, I’ll first need to study the remaining pages of the transcript before I can make judgement on it’s authenticity. There are things about the childhood photos that really do compare well with SM on the mortuary slab, and it can be seen that they are most likely the same person represented in the adult pics from the ear shapes. My major concern is how Carl could have gotten back to Australia, having been declared a renegade in perpetuity at ministerial level in 1948, there being nothing in his extensive files to suggest the p.n.g status having bern revoked; Also why arn’t there any records in his family’s papers or in S.A. newspapers or the like reporting his passing?.

  323. milongal on August 3, 2020 at 12:39 am said:

    behind the ancestry paywall there are records on the electoral role from the 1970/1980 with Henry Carl von Czarnecki (William and Emil seem to have disappeared from the name)….
    That would suggest that (if it’s him) he is once again a citizen (pretty sure he wouldn’t be on the electoral roll otherwise)….

    I was just looking through the NAA files on him…..it seems his family left to visit him in Germany in ’51 – and presumably bring him back (he seems not to have returned after the war) and the government cancelled landing permits for all of them.
    Either way, it sounds like he was alive and well in the 1950s.

    I wonder what’s in the 3rd file….

  324. john sanders on August 3, 2020 at 7:13 am said:

    milongal: Yes, I did cover the W.A. electrol roll entries a month back, giving some explanation on the name omissions; I also covered the family’s non visit to fetch Carl post 1948 and bring him home under cover of his pre war friend Otto Meier’s sponsorship. I Have reported extensively on various contents of the two open NAA files and have another on order, though I’m not hopeful that it will justify my outlay to date.

  325. john sanders on August 3, 2020 at 12:10 pm said:

    ” THAT CIGARETTE HAD NOT BEEN LIT ! “, said Jack Bain Lyons in a most emphatic, decisive and clearly spoken final analysis to his testimony before the inquest. That was his own accurate assessment based on what he saw before him when he examined the beach body, a considerable time before Constable Moss arrived at tge beach and who later provided a contrary view of events at the same hearing. So why was the policman’s late at the scene opinion given more weight in Coroner Thomas Cleland’s own evidentiary considerations?. Had the old digger’s expertise in the study of death scenes, gained from his experience as a corpsman in the trenches of France been accepted, the whole case scenario of cigarettes and matches would not have created the ongoing conundrum as it has ever since… I point of course to disussions taking place now on BS/TS between friends, which is actually quite a relief in it’s departure from usual duscussions of spys and hidden messages within the ROK cipher etc.

  326. Tamara Bunke on August 3, 2020 at 2:18 pm said:

    Gordon, Pete & co. may have stumbled upon something interesting and dismissed it out of hand. The awkward grammar (at least in Feltus) around the jockey shorts and singlet does rather suggest our man may have packed (his pockets) for an overnight stay.

    As far as I recall, there’s no such confusion in the inquest inventory, so I can see why Gordon dismisses it out of hand. If nothing else, it does make one wonder what other inaccuracies have crept in due to shoddy transcription, copy-editing, etc. over the years.

  327. Tamara Bunke: my opinion has long been that the suitcase had been packed for a short (2-3 day) stay in a shabby Adelaide hotel, by someone who had a specific job to do in town that could not be done in a single day.

    The item that bothers the hell out of me is the white tie. If we knew why he had a white tie, probably half the cold case would open up to us.

  328. Tamara Bunke on August 3, 2020 at 9:01 pm said:

    Is it clear what kind of tie it was? A necktie or a bow tie?

  329. milongal on August 3, 2020 at 10:26 pm said:

    surely less than half NP?

  330. milongal on August 3, 2020 at 10:47 pm said:

    @JS: I’m catching up with some of what you’ve speculated earlier – but I think there’s too much to explain away. While the authorities argued over de-naturalizing bim (through the mid 40s) he was not in the country, and even back then I think crossing the border when you’re being assessed like that would trigger a lot of alarm bells. I don’t think he was in the country when his naturalization was cancelled (although the cancellation along with the change of name etc does make the electoral roll record marginally more interesting – but it is also 20-30 years laster and things change….).

    I can’t find a second naturalisation attempt from him (there is a W Czarnecki that appears in a trove search around 1967, but I don’t think it’s naturalisation, I think it’s a Public Service appointment….and I think that might be the totally unrelated Witold Czarnecki) – so it would be interesting to know how someone came to be on the electoral role with that name (or could this be another relative – eg Peter’s kid ).

    I am interested to see if you dig anything further up, but I’m increasingly convinced it wasn’t him.

  331. john sanders on August 3, 2020 at 11:06 pm said:

    Who was the more credidable with the cigarette evidebce?, Moss (mostly smoked) or Lyons (unlit); Well in my opinion the latter for all reasons given over many similar posts (never commented upon), and he was an honest respected pillar of the community, president of the diamond traders assoc. and a local warden. As for the constable, he was for reasons not given, re posted following the inquest to Hindley Beach and put on general duties, a stark departure to his having been OIC of Brighton previously. He comes up in newspapers post ’48 eg., puting out grass fires, guiding stray ducks and saving a floating refrigerator in the ’53 storm during which he had to be rescued, age retiring in 1955 and passing in the sixties from memory..

  332. john sanders on August 4, 2020 at 3:21 am said:

    Tamara Bunke: Gordon, Pete & Co. likely used Feltus’ gaff to get a giggle at his expense, taking the seemed inclusion of underwear seemingly found in the dead man’s pockets, then one of the jokers adding ‘slightly soiled’ to get the last laugh. Of course none of this was likely true and in fact the phrasiology came from John Cleland’s ‘some slightly soiled’ description of unspecified garments in the Keane suitcase. There you go then comrade take your pick; and by the way, Cuba Libre & Che Geuvera ola.

  333. Tamara Bunke: definitely a normal tie, not a bow tie. I discussed one theory in 2014:

  334. Milongal: the lack of socks is a problem, but that’s actually such a big problem that it ceases to be a suitcase packing problem and becomes a where did the socks go problem. 🙂

  335. john sanders on August 4, 2020 at 7:58 am said:

    In ’46 our Carl the ex nazi, as Karl Czarnecki (sans Von) the Balt was registered as a persecuted person (ancestry free) and may well have taken up the offer of a single man quick resettlement in Canada is my best bet. From that he would have gotten hold of Dominion papers with possible asistance of his Canadian wife’s family; and shrewd man that he was, eventually made his way legally into Australia. I could imagine that the WA electoral rolls were set up by associates to ensure a smooth transfer back his old pre war identity on arrival. That’s my guess but there is absolutely no record of his death in Australia under Von Czarnecki, so the ruse, if so, was likely not put into effect. We’ll see what the NAA gives us to determine if there’s any point in follow up.

  336. Tamara Bunke on August 4, 2020 at 11:51 am said:

    Nick, I agree with Gordon that the tie isn’t necessarily white. The monochrome photo showing the T (?) Keane script is rendered with very high contrast that isn’t helpful in determining a shade. The Littlemore interview film (episode 1/3 on Youtube) renders it more like an off-white or very light fawn. The film does have a yellowish cast though.

    Still, I’d say it’s definitely not the pearly white of the monochrome photo.

  337. Tamara Bunke: it’s tricky, the colour is somewhere between white and off-white, which might just have been from being washed a lot (e.g. a work tie?), and the Littlemore documentary was decades later.

    But who, apart from American gangsters and French Nazi sympathisers, wore a white tie for work? :-p

  338. john sanders on August 4, 2020 at 1:07 pm said:

    Nick: Plenty of disgruntled German Nazi sympathers in those rural enclaves north of Adelaide for instance. I’m wondering if you ever got a fix on a contributor back in 2013 @ T Anderson who had some interesting things to say, or is that sort of information deemed not for general disclosure; perhaps a hint such as the city of cathederals or murder capital of Australia would suffice.

  339. milongal on August 4, 2020 at 10:46 pm said:

    @JS: Rereading an old post of yours (actually, not that old 2/06/20 in the thread above) you mention the possibility that the 1970’s von Czarnecki was a relative (e.g. possibly a child to Peter from teenage years)….did you get anywhere with that?

    I find it hard to resolve it to the original Carl not only because the names aren’t 100% the same, but because I can’t find trace of a re-naturalisation….

    I do know someone who might have Ancestry access, so next time I’m speaking to them I might see if we can find out any more about the von Czarnecki’s on there

  340. john sanders on August 5, 2020 at 3:04 pm said:

    mikongal: My understanding is that the ‘Von’ is unique to one family that settled on a large rural estate near Frankfurt, the patriarch Emil, being Carl’s grandfather who was Polish and took the title as part of his game keeping duties. So the only blood relatives these days are derived from the issue of Peter and his wife Naomi, all of whom were born in Sth Australia, unless Carl fathered children during his absence in the immediate post war years. His own father died in 1915 in WW1 and his only sibling was a younger sister, they being raised by their maternal granma so no chance for any offshoot Von Czarnecki relatives. Can’t see any help being derived from more genialogy research, suggest waiting for the other NAA file to open and to see if we can’t obtain the rest of his auto-bio.

  341. john sanders on August 5, 2020 at 11:44 pm said:

    In mid 1933 the Australian government through it’s Dept. for the Interior was very concerned about the activities of a shadowy Norwegian journalist using the byline T. Anderson who had been making derogitory comments in newspapers, local and throughout Europe on what he had observed on the treatment of N.T. Aborigines during his seven years in Australia. Investigations to track him down were very extensive but unsuccessful and nothing more was heard from him; although an accomplice, a young Adelaide lawyer cum gold miner named Barr, working out of Alice Springs/Tenant Creek unashamedly identified himself thriugh his own similar criticism in the press…Of course none of the above may mean a hill of beans with regard to Somerton Man and connections to my Carl Czarnecki as things seem to be headed, suffice to say that on his arrival in Australia in 1927, he posed as being Norwegian and his subsequent movements throughout the country mirrored those outlined by T. Anderson in his writings. Needless to say, when Carl returned to the fatherland in 1939 he secured work with its Ministry of Informatio as a reporter and translator….. PS. The lawyer Beecham Noel Barr, as a brave Infantry warrant officer was killed in action during service with 1/2nd Infantry Battalion in Greece in 1941 WW2 Lest We Forget.

  342. john sanders on August 6, 2020 at 4:12 am said:

    ….Beecher Noel Webb, (not Barr) for those interested. In the mid 30s he was listed as being co lease holder in a gold mining venture with Carl’s nazi mate Paul Johns and a George Lee at Tennant Creek N.T. Later when Johns was gaoled for cheque offences in Alice Springs, the lawyer representing the defrauded party was none other than PJ’s partner B.N. Webb. PS. Another twist for those into blasts from the past, is that Beecher and his dad Mr. Justice Noel Webb of S.A. were apparently well connected to ‘black lives matter’ anthropologist Donald Thompson the WW2 Intelligence operative, N.T. Special Recon Unit chief and suspected spy of course.

  343. john sanders on August 7, 2020 at 6:25 am said:

    Carl was confirmed to have sailed from Femantle (Perth) aboard SS Neckar bound for Antwerp enroute to Germany on 22/2/39 according to a Special Branch report on his NAA file. In Carl’s 1500 word epistle date lined Frankfurt 3/5/39 to one of his former employers Mr. Cheetham of Kumminin WA, he claims that the sea journey via Durban, Las Palmas and Dunkirk took a mere 38 days, arriving at destination on 1st April with onward rail and river transport to his village of a few more days perhaps. My enquiries for to-day’s sail times suggest closer to 50 days for the 11,500 sea mile trip alone, so 80 years back that old tub Neckar must have been shovelling on the coal. The question I’m asking, travel time inconsistencies aside; why does a retiring bumkin like Carl, five minutes after reaching his sister Dora’s house, suddenly go to press, going on about all the great things he’s experienced since his arrival in Germany eg. productive farms, autobahns and industrial superiority as well as some lower key nazi propaganda etc. This all to a fellow who according to police, had minimal contact with his former field hand, who’s work showed lack of experience and general inefficiency. Carl’s wife claims that she sent him home for treatment after he was given a year to live by a Perth skin specialist,
    now we have him at home six weeks thereafter describing in a letter to his ex boss, what a fine old time he’s been having of late with beer & skittles, cigars and jaunty fraufluffers to occupy all his free time. Something’s seems not quite right out there in which case we should not be overly hasty in closing the book on Carl just yet.

  344. john sanders on August 7, 2020 at 1:46 pm said:

    Erna Teske who saw what was coming and returned to Germany not long after Carl Von Czarnecki’s mercy dash in 1939, had been the honoury consul in Perth and was a dedicated Nazi from the mid thirties, always signing off her correspondence with ‘Heil Hitler’. When Carl’s young son Peter was sick in 1938 she took his wife Christabel and the child in and provided for them until they were able to get a birth on MV Duntroon and get back to better care in Adelaide with Mrs. Davis Snr. There can’t be any doubting that Chris had been indoctrinated by that time and when she was later interrogated as to her loyalties to both husband and country by Harry Strangway’s Special Branch 2IC Det. Trezona, she passed with flying colours. At the time (1943) she was working at Finsbury munitions plant and prior to that the kindred Salisbury facility under her maiden name Davis, most likely at the factory first aid station. Later she returned to nursing at her pre war employment with Royal Adelaide Hospital where she was at the end of hostilities in 1945. It has been reported that she went to Germany with her son in 1951 to fetch Carl home after he was declared a renegade in 1948, but that may have been supposition from what one reads into the confused back and forth diplomatic dialogue. Erna Teske and husband Paul, who had spent most of the war interned at Tatura Vic. seemed to have had no problems getting back to Perth in 1950. One might well ask the question, what measures were put in place to prevent Carl from doing likewise, and why, or did he have plans in place to thwart them. If so how did he achieve the desired outcome, when and what then became of him?….

  345. john sanders on August 8, 2020 at 6:48 am said:

    Way back in 2017, I put forward Keith Mangnoson’s brother Cyril John as a person of interest in the case and some discussion followed which did reveal some tid bits e.g. his bigamous marriage with a name change and a link back to one of the Mang. twins as well as deceptive dates and countries of birth over three service inlistment periods. Misca’s pay to play search engine, finally let it be known that a man with the necessary credentials was cremated at Springvale Vic. cemetery on 6/2/85, seemingly letting him off the hook. Only thing that worried me then was Cyril’s unlikely death place Sqam, Vic. and whilst I queried this with MM, giving her a likely Latin translation, I got no reply and haven’t had a civil word with her since then. But I never forgot; So just now whilst re hashing his good wife Grace’s family on MH, to my surpise Cyril John came up as being born in sone rotten burrough of Kent UK, an improvement on his last effort Capetown SA , but still a long hike from his birth town of Broken Hill, NSW…This should not be considered ‘well spotted’ or anything of the kind, just another bit of information which we may add to the pot.. ps: Cyril was born a C of E died as soul property of Uniting Church whilst Grace Olga nee McAlpine (1908) was similarly cremated in ’76 with Presbyterian rites.

  346. john sanders on August 9, 2020 at 5:36 am said:

    Happy 102nd birthday wishes to SM bust maker Paul Lawson, with the usual thanks to Ashley, Andrea and staff of S.A. (Adelaide) museum who are always pleased to pass on the many congratulatory sentiments; in lieu of direct contact which is prefered due to Pauls faltering senses eg. deafness and lucidity such as one might reasonably expect for a not so sprightly man of 102….Anyone wanting to get a good honest appraisal of his 1949 bust making process, as commissioned by Adelaide police, along with some not so well known side issues, I’d suggest going to the University of Adelaide related posting of 18/5/18 in which a realistic account of the mold casting process and other issues are clearly laid out. This as opposed to the travesty posted on TS/BS, that in keeping with all expectations borders on the ridiculous, including selected snipets of deaf Paul’s most recent alleged phone call to old chum Gordon, giving his own version of what transpired seventy two years ago. This of course included a centenarian’s in depth views of sideshow issues to which he had somehow become privy whilst busily engaged in his assigned work. No surprises when Paul declared full concurrence with the Gordon Cramer self serving and long held spy conspiracy drill with it’s usual bevy of prime suspects, Alf Boxall, nurse Harkness and accomplice W. Jestyn Moulds OBE.

  347. peteb on August 9, 2020 at 7:19 am said:

    ‘When you meet someone who oozes intelligence, inspiration, enthusiasm and has a gleam in their eyes as they speak with passion about their working life, it’s pretty amazing. When that person is 101 years old with no sign of waning, it is worth writing about.’

    Written last year by Che Wortley for cityofadelaide.com

    One day, maybe, people reading your posts will understand what a sorry specimen you are, Sanders.

  348. john sanders on August 9, 2020 at 8:44 am said:

    Norman Tindale was an internationally recognised Anthropologist who worked alongside Paul Lawson and their mehtor J. B. Cleland at Adelaide Museum for decades. My interest in him derives from his having spent his childhood in Japan and his grounding in the language which was exploited during his WW2 service, despite his admitted respect for Hitler and nazism (apparently).

    Why then would an expert in the field of Australian native tribal culture be invited to inspect the Somerton Man bust and probably the West Terrace mortury for the real deal in June ’49. Adelaide University offers us the rather lame suggestion that it was for him to make some form of pre DNA Anthropologic ancestry typing which might have helped police with a likely country of origin; Thus enabling them a better chance of identifing their body from amongst the many possible names provided by the public.

    I strongly doubt that he had that sort of expertise in specific race typing and for one thing the great man left no notes at all to record his findings, most out of character indeed for a man known for his manic note taking. I noted with some unusual interest that Tindale had spent the years 1929/32 engaged in field work based out of the Lutheran Hermansberg mission in N.T. That just happened to be in the same period that would be nazis Paul Johns and Carl Czarnecki worked there. So who knows? perhaps old ‘Tinny’ was there to try a more personal ID.

  349. milongal on August 9, 2020 at 11:27 pm said:

    @JS: How many Danetta’s can you find in the letter to Christabel?
    “….old England and the latter” – I’m sure I can see the letters for it in those 5 words alone….

  350. john sanders on August 10, 2020 at 6:08 am said:

    Milongal: 248 Danetta’s by my count…and while I have your attention, are you up for a new Pavel I. Fedosimov, even more positive SM comparison based on the Kangaroo Island witness description as elicited from Paul Lawson’s very latest paraphrased personal in depth outpouring to BS/TS’ Chief of Station. PS: unless this spoils the surprise value.

  351. john sanders on August 10, 2020 at 11:11 am said:

    In a rare moment of temporary distraction Gordon has apparently misidentified Constable Moss with jeweller Lyons of “that cigarette was not lit” more credible assertion (in the opinion of no body but me), It seems that our all knowing BS/TS head honcho may also have gotten his wires crossed with a bold claim that Det. R.L. Leane went across to A.S.I.O., perhaps confusing him with younger brother G.M. Leane, a Snr. Det. Inspector, who was sent off to Blighty in the early fifties on behalf of all states & the Commonwealth sans ASIO, to establish international cooperation in the newly created Interpol fiasco.

  352. john sanders on August 10, 2020 at 11:32 am said:

    Another well ducumented furphy is that Ray Whitrod joined ASIO which he most certainly did not in any shape or form; on the contrary he left Sapol to become director of Commonwealth Investigation Service, later to be installed as first Commissioner of the newly created Commonwealth Police Force which you can take as gospel…as for John Moss, he never got further than Henley Beach.

  353. john sanders on August 10, 2020 at 12:40 pm said:

    Chief Superintendent and former SA Detective Sgt. Errol Canney OBE, went over to the Commonwealth Police Force, not ASIO and in the early 1960s was appointed to the exulted post of Commanding Officer of the International Peace Keeping Force in Cyprus. So once again, for Gordon, Peteb and the die hard espionage theory collective, no joy I’m afraid.

  354. john sanders on August 10, 2020 at 11:53 pm said:

    I’ve been giving consideration to having a closer look at the first attenders and local hoops Horrie Patching & sidekick Neal Day who had no apparent need to stop and check on a man who was sleeping out on the beach; also to the likely ulterior motives of the widow Elizabeth Thompson and her career criminal accomplice Stanley Solotti who falsely claimed the body to be missing Morgan man Robert Walsh. This all having to do with an unamed stable hand and likely former Tatura internee, who may have been reported missing from Somerton racehorse stables. This homeless man would have known that he was not long for the world, as did his occasional attender, a nurse from Royal Adelaide who may have offered to put the dieing man’s mind at rest about his imminent demise and resultant concern for authorities charged with disposal of his remains.

  355. john sanders on August 11, 2020 at 3:48 am said:

    An otherwise important revelation on TBT of a newspaper interview with good Constable Moss apropos absence of matches is unfortunately deficit in legible affirmation of his verbatim wording. This is all due to the item being out of focus and publishing details likewise edited out…As for unsubstantiated claims of Det. Leane’s purjured evidence being punishable by ten years hard, perhaps our accuser might do well to consider their own dishonest childish stunt in terms of penalty. May I suggest a reasonable further period of self emoliation as being sufficient deterant from further offending.

  356. john sanders on August 11, 2020 at 5:35 am said:

    A word of caution to friend Gordon at TS/BS; not concerning untrue claims of my using various well spread IPs to deceive and commit preditory immoral acts upon minors which is to be expected when dealing with crooks. No not that, but your dreary persistence in making the most ridiculous mistakes then calling me out for suggesting that you be more careful, and having the temerity not to correct the error in question e.g. ‘Barry Traish 10/8 which is still up in it’s original text. As for your smug contrary assertion that Det. Ray Whitrod went to ASIO, you might be forgiven in having that view as there certainly are some inaccurate references to suggest same on line. Fact being Ray was still with Sapol radio patrols until the early fifties at which time he went to Sydney to take up an exective position with the NSW office of Commonwealth Investigation Service, before being promoted to Director in 1953. Thats a year before operation Cabin and the Petrov affair under charge of ASIO honcho Ron Richards (ex Wapol). My advice GC if I may be so bold is to take a leaf from your own AFIO standby, VERIFY..VERIFY..VERIFY, before falling into your own fool’s trap and being made a laughing stock amongst your clones.

  357. john sanders on August 11, 2020 at 6:17 am said:

    One thing Gordon and I can certainly agree on is his denial regarding mention of Errol Canney in his recent Q & A conversation with himself. Please be informed GC that, as much as you would like, my comments of 10/8 were not directed at you but for the education of your partner Peter Bowes who called for Errol’s ASIO status.

  358. john sanders on August 11, 2020 at 7:28 am said:

    A twenty word overview of Sapol’s Det. Ray Whitrod having ‘helped to set up ASIO’ in the late 40’s is just the sort of mixed metaphoric information that TS/BS and it’s Chief of gaffs is known and rebuked for. Other ex military Sapol officers with intercept and code cracking talents would also have assisted director Justice Read (based in Adelaide) with implementing unfamiliar intelligence gathering methods based on their own extensive WW2 experience. One such confidant would have been (Colonel) Det. Inspector G.M. Leane who never joined ASIO either, but ended up Sapol Acting Commissioner which is not too bad for an ex mounted constable like big brother R.L. of Somerton Man fame.

  359. john sanders on August 12, 2020 at 5:25 am said:

    Thought the cat had got your tongue Gordon. But that’s fine with me; I wasn’t really expecting a ‘whoops sorry’ from one who uses Wiki and Aust. Bio. hearsay to supplement fanciful ‘facts’ of their own making….With regard to your initial blooper that Whitrod took Canney over to ASIO; turns out they did both happen to be in Sydney in mid ’52, with Ray getting up to speed on Security Service ops. prio to appointment as C.I.S. Director and Errol doing a stint at NSW homicide prior to his promotion to Det. Sen. Sgt. or Insp. on return to Sapol.

  360. john sanders on August 12, 2020 at 8:24 am said:

    Hey GC what gives; first you’re saying “Hope you have a wondetful day”, then five minutes later your kicking the living shit out of my good name. What’s more your newly posted standards of decency rules for your contributor (sick) seems to have that ‘do as I say, not as I do’ double standard about it. Any how you try to have a wonderful day yourself Gorgon and maintain the rage as is your wont.

  361. Tamara Bunke on August 12, 2020 at 10:41 am said:

    Is anyone else bored by the spectacle of septuagenarian Aussies trying to land punches on each other? It’s like watching zombies copulate.

  362. john sanders on August 12, 2020 at 10:52 am said:

    It really is a shame that the early mortuary ID attemps, the names of those so nominated, along with police assessment on credibility were not apparently retained. I’m sort of intertested in a particular loner who was one of two stable hands reported missing, though not identified from what I can gather. I’m thinking along the lines of this bum being of the right age, deportment with a decidedly disheveled appearance and incompatable with the shaven, coiffeured, manicured, pedicured and decently attired beach body with polished shoes that was our SM. My man could well have been mentally deficient with a speech/hearing imediment and even an occasional patient of Parkside hospital like Keith Mangnoson was from November through January ’48. Anyhow, if anyone out there who is still serious about the Somerton Man case and has any, non spy or car theft ideas worth pursuing, give us a holler and we’ll see what transpires.

  363. john sanders on August 12, 2020 at 11:00 pm said:

    Bunkum Tamara: It’s really all ado about a clash of personalities and the cut and thrust of mortal combat ie., when one non compromising old street suit, single handedly exposes a pretender to similar background who is set on ‘fooling all of the people (fools) by devious means and no matter tge consequences. So you see it has nothing to do with copulation in any way shape or form, such suggestion being quite beyond the capabilities of your average septuagenrian, with one notable exclusion not withstanding.

  364. milongal on August 13, 2020 at 1:59 am said:

    How seriously have people looked into RAN man Thornhill – disappeared from QLD October 1948, his wife was messaged suggesting he was in Townsville (which proved wrong) and later from Sydney asking for money for a fare home (also proved untraceable).
    Potentially a lot of overlap with him and other theories – and he was a Coder in the Navy, so perhaps the Rubaiyat writings are a scratch pad for something he was working on…

    War memorial has an article about him (and there’s some articles on trove as well).

    Description varies but 5’7″ (or 5’8″ or 5’11”), light brown curly hair, grey eyes medium build, slight limp (missing joint in Right Thumb – might rule him out)
    You’d also have to wonder how QPol, Thornhill’s wife, and all of his 6 children didn’t recognise him if it was him…..

    (there is also a photo from the papers but I didn’t really get too excited over that)


  365. john sanders on August 13, 2020 at 7:30 am said:

    milongal: Thornhill’s missing joint would have taken some time growing back same as E. C. Johnston’s middle finger. Anyhow while you’re here, and sorry if I seem to be recapitulating on my old favourite of some time back, that concerning Tothill’s Somerton Stables where Horrie patching and young Neil Day hung out. New lines of inquiry disclose that the old family business transfered into the hands of top trainer Nick Plews during the war years, still on the same site and just five hundred metres due east of the beach, on some road (name escapes me), which runs south to Wyatt Street. I found a young stable hand who may still be with us but a long bow to be drawn for any personal memories as opposed to ledger records…I note that Nick Plews reported to police that a pair of field binoculars were stolen from his parked car in the area which brings to mind one of Prosper’s sale ads.

  366. john sanders on August 13, 2020 at 9:15 am said:

    While it’s still fresh; Harry Tothill set up the Somerton Stables in the ’80’s on an acre and a quarter along Walker’s Rd. which was mostly grazing land and a couple of mansions (Cudmore) towards Broadway. He died young and his only son? Harry James was killed on the Somme in 1918 aged 28, and as a consequence the big house was taken over by Mat Dwyer, a friend of the distraught widow/mother Elizabeth, who seems to have let out the horse stables. It get’s a little bit interesting from here on, if only because Mat was the dad of a likely young lad also, named Mat (barb) who caught up with the Quigley gang when they stole chooks from an enclosure at back. We’re talking of course about Pathologist John Matthew Dwyer who was still camped in closeby in ’46 nit long before he sent PC Sutherland off to Bob Cowan tge analyst with a bucket of SM’s leftovers for examination. From best memory Dr. Dwyer lived at 42 Moseley St. and Bob the chemist opposite and up some towards the Thomson’s and also quite near Doug Hendrickson’s place on the Pier St. corner. Good grouping what?. So if we put that all together we might well come up with all sorts of intriguing theories, even one that may include my almost unloved derelict ex internee? derelict from the N. J. Plews’ stables.

  367. milongal on August 13, 2020 at 10:03 pm said:

    Sorry if I missed it and am rehashing old ground – if he was an itinerant hanging around the stables, why did Patching and Day keep mum about him….I assume the implication was he wasn’t really meant to be at the stables, so they didn’t want to admit he’d been there – and possibly figured some relative would claim him in any event?

    (Among other things) I have a nagging thing about the “dugouts” – the closest reference I can get is an amusement arcade that existed before that time, and I recall some speculation you had some time ago about carnies and the Glenelg Fair. I don’t really know what I think, but it bothers me that nobody seems to know what the ‘dugouts’ refer to (IIRC there were some beach huts near Brighton jetty – but in that case why use the term ‘dugouts’ when you can say “headed toward Brighton”. So we have this conundrum that the dugouts are a significant enough location in their own right to be used as a reference point, but are sufficiently obscure that Adelaideans (even from that neck of the woods) of more recent eras don’t seem to know what they refer to….
    I’ll have to see whether I can find GF’s book again – I can’t remember whether he used the term or whether he was quoting someone else (but given he boarded at Sacred Heart I’d imagine he would be familiar with the local geography – even if that was a bit later).

  368. john sanders on August 14, 2020 at 6:58 am said:

    Mt. Gambier brewer Mattew Dwyer and his family moved from Mt. Gambier to the old Toothil stables at Somerton about 1928, by which time his son John was MD qualified and training in Pathology at Royal Adrlaide Hospital. By 1945 former Col. Dwyer was out of the service and working back at Royal Adelaide along with Dr. Hendrickson and the latter’s brother-in-law and ex Dr. Graeme Robson. It is fairly likely that Chris von Czarnecki, former aid station Sister at the Finsbury & Salisbury munitions works was by now back at the Royal where she had worked pre war, along with another wartime F&S associate, the analytical chemist Bob Cowan. Let’s see; In Moberley St. there’s John Dwyer at 74 or 24, Robert Cowan at 47, Doug Hendrickson at 51, E. Freeman at 49, Sister J.E. Thomson at 91A…and working at Finisbury we had Special Branch Det. H. Strangway, chemist Robert Cowan, Sister Christabel von Czarnecki and at Royal Adelaide, all the aforementioned plus Dr. Robson (ROK b-in-law Mk 1) but excluding Harry the disappearing first attender at X beach.

    I guess if we were to be looking at Somerton Man’s demise in terms of something similar to the WW2 ‘mincemeat’ operation, difference being that in this case the bait on offer was to be alive at the onset and whatsmore most excited to be ‘ the man who never was ‘ for as long as required. This destitute homeless and totally unknown bum was thus given his only real chance of Salvation and of puting an end to his long suffering terminal illness. With guarantees of professional post mortem care eg. mould free embalming, high fashion US feather stitch furenary togs and the promise of a well attended burial plus inscribed name plaque; what else could an unknown man ask for?. Only catch to all of this outpouring of Christian kindness being that in due course the beneficiary was to be deliberately misidentified as an undesireable recently disowned by the Austrslia he loved and most desired to be reunited with. Suffice to say that the pledges made were intended to be kept and not a living soul would be worse off for what went down if the plot came to fruition.


  369. john sanders on August 14, 2020 at 7:24 am said:

    milongal: Two things you might wish to consider: Patching and Day were not likely to have recognised him, cleaned up and dressed to the nines; or they were on the payroll for the sting, both grounds having equi-value in my opinion.

  370. john sanders on August 14, 2020 at 11:37 am said:

    when Neil Day’s mate Horrie Patching was prosecuted for drunken driving in ’51 he was domiciled at Broadway Glenelg, possibly 2A right down by the beach access off South Esplinade where old maps show yet another racing stable. I think I may well have mentioned this once previously as a likely entry point for the boys on the morning of their apparent run in with Somerton Man. On the other hand my other stables on Walker’s Rd. seem to have been closer to Wyatt street which would give good access via John Miller reserve, so place bets on whatever you fancy; both being equidistant from X marks the spot. PS., Leon Macdonald now has the place on Broadway and still trains nags there.

  371. john sanders on August 15, 2020 at 4:19 am said:

    milongal: John Miller Reserve, between College & Whyte Sts. was once set on an expanse of unuseable higher ground above the beach only a short distance from Alvington steps. There is little doubt that had there been any caves or dugouts around, this would have been a more likely site for them than along the South Esplinade road embankment. There isn’t really much about location in the Feltus ‘novel’ and besides Gerry was only at Sacred Heart for a single term in the winter of ’56 so forget about any recollections. It came to mind that the two old 1st AIF diggers, Jack Lyons and Arthur Lear would likely have used the two equine entry points mentioned, Whyte St. and Broadway for their dip, approaching each from opposite ends of Somerton foreshore with the body twixed them. I once tried to pin down old Arthur but all I could dig up was an ex ww1 blacksmith and camel jockey with a bad ticker, born in Bendigo Vic. and who in 1933 got himself stitched for running an illegal interstate horse betting operation at Bulli NSW.

  372. milongal on August 16, 2020 at 11:22 pm said:

    Not convinced there was a 2A Broadway back then (suspect it’s been subdivided since). And although Leon MacDonalds lists as being a “Horse Boarding Stable” there, I think it’s a home-office, rather than a stable (check googlemaps – I don’t think there’d be horsies there these days). Interestingly, though, there are a couple of buildings behind 2/2A (googlemaps shows them being part of 38 The Esplanade (with laneway access next to 2 The Broadway) and 24 Farrel St which might be consistent with old stables (and the garages on the houses at 6-7 Broadway look a little stable-like too

    If it’s any interest, S&M has a JW and HR Jackman @ 2 The Broadway through that period (and as a random coincidence, Egan on the other side of the road).

  373. john sanders on August 17, 2020 at 6:24 am said:

    After discovery of the beach body in 1948 and it’s attendant difficulties re I.D. and C.O.D etc., the S.A. Coroner was to have been informed without delay to accord with time honored common law practise. In this case PCC Sutherland was on hand to be the informant and we know by his then assignation as Coroner’s assisting officer, his orders hence could come only from that higher personage, not acting Det. Sgt. Leane who was free to run his own parallel investigation according to standard police practice. Having regard to specific prevailing circumstances in finding of the Tamam Shud fragment, it being primary evidence directly connected with the deceased, it would have been the Coroner’s prerogitive to withold such evidence if he felt that it not be in the public interest, right up until the inquest should it have been desirable. Actually police held the same discretionary powers to release certain information to the newspapers for publication if it was deemed likely to assist their own case for discovery. Necessary authority would have been by request of case officer R.L.L. Leane to his delegating supervisor Det Inspector W. O. Sheridan and only then released for publication.

  374. john sanders on August 17, 2020 at 11:56 am said:

    milongal: J.W. and H.R. Jackman who, from a real quick look at the old Adelaide nag scene, may have been an owner who went be the name of Jim Jackman in racing circles. So that would seem to fit with your Broadway address I guess. If we could only establish who the missing stable hand was and whence.

  375. john sanders on August 17, 2020 at 1:37 pm said:

    James Wheaton Jackman, big time real estate developer of Broadway Glenelg. Man Played for Norwood in his early years. Fatally ran down a kid on a bike in 1936 then had another prang in ’37, both of which recirded no liabilty and he died in ’59 from old age no doubt.

  376. milongal on August 17, 2020 at 11:41 pm said:

    is Real Estate firm “Jackman and Treloar” related if he were a big developer (I think J&R started around 1901, but could’ve been a relative?)?

    Found an interesting (and pretty sure unrelated) R (Ray?) W Jackman – a jockey originally from WA, later riding based at stables in Gawler and later Cheltenham and got in trouble early ’50s for a concealed battery in his sadle (presumably to shock the horse) and disqualified for life….There were claims the name on the saddle suggested it was another (SA) jockey’s…

    There’s also a H M Jackman that seems to be prominent on the horse park….

    but we digress.

    Forgot if I asked before, does anyone know when the South Esplanade was closed to vehicles North of The Broadway?

  377. john sanders on August 18, 2020 at 7:24 am said:

    Pathologist ‘barb’ Dwyer had lived with his folks and two sibs at 8 Baker’s Road Somerton on the corner of Phillipp St. which runs most conveniently down to the beach. When he retired from the military in 1946 he seems to have been living at Hindmarsh, his dad having gone back to Mt. Gambier to die, while his younger brother Desmond went to live over near Port Pirie. Nickolas St John Plews Jnr. had established his training operations at No 8 well before ’48 and remained through the fifties, though he ended up at Gwaler, passing in ’61.

  378. john sanders on August 18, 2020 at 11:34 am said:

    Peteb: Speculative glue is all fine and dandy, just so long as one follows directions on the tube. Like contact adhesive, the goo must be spread evenly to both dry and grit free receptive surfaces, allowed to become tacky before then aligning them exactly and joining firmly to create the bond. There is no room for error and in your particular case, that whimsical habit of shuffling non alligning bit clues of no real evidentiary value, like pieces of a jig saw puzzle, willing them to meld on call, is going to leave you unstuck mofo.

  379. john sanders on August 18, 2020 at 12:05 pm said:

    milongal: My understanding is, that from Broadway north to Glenelg proper, the original mansions along that part of the coastline were serviced from the rear by a narrow service path from the very early days. I seem to recall that it was called simply The Sea Wall, as opposed to South Esplinade, but I’ll stand corrected as to the truth of such an assumption on my part.

  380. milongal on August 19, 2020 at 12:04 am said:

    There’s a street directory from 1936 (might even be the first ever Adelaide Street Directory) that appears to show South Esplanade
    (page 98)

    Lots of unfamiliar suburb names, and sometimes no clear delineation (eg between St Leonards, Glenelg, Dunleath, Helmsdale, Grovene, Da Costa Park) – almost as though they’re intended as housing estates within Glenelg, rather than Suburbs in their own right (or maybe they all had the same post code or maybe they were so knew the mapmakers weren’t sure where the boundaries were or something?)
    You can see the tramline, which appears to follow the current route up jetty Rd and alongside Anzac Highway before merging into another service at King William Road.

    You can also see (maps 23/25 (pages 104/106))the Henley Beach train (with I think Mileposts on the station?) – the Kircalky station is on the opposite side of the road to where I thought (I thought you could still see where the old railway station was there into the 1990s (although hard to tell, because some of what I used to think was the old railway station might have just been retaining the sand dunes) – that’s near the corner of what today is Grange Rd)

    (Incidentally I also stumbled across a blog that fairly thoroughly covers a lot of the stuff from here (eg the small add analysis) and summarises with their own theory of an assisted suicide) – and some alternate explanations)

  381. milongal on August 19, 2020 at 12:14 am said:

    Ah yeap, Fuller’s 1948 map lists it as “Sea Wall” (Although it still appears as a street)
    Also appears to show the St LEonard’s bus terminating in Osmond St (which I think might be “Old Tapleys Hill Rd” rather than weaving through the backstreets off Adelphi St).

    I find it mildly interesting that “Terminus St” in Grange is already called that – given that the train line goes beyond there….

  382. john sanders on August 21, 2020 at 3:52 am said:

    milongal: I’d forget about St. Leonards, simply because it does not fit with SM’s final destination and what’s more Arthur Holderness (or one of them) did give an option of an alternate Somerton route, which is also clearly evident on the Fuller’s 1948 map of Glenelg . Not to say that Somerton Man necessarily caught that bus either, just that it would’ve been one more convenient to someone familiar with Adelaide suburbs.

    I’ve noted Gerry’s brief mention of a reported missing stable hand, as opposed to boring pages of other nominees who could not have any realistic baring on the case whatsover. SM may well have received a shave and good going over (see above), so as to present a very different likeness to usual appearance, hence no recognition. NB: Longish unkempt hair might be overlooked due to the attendant make over artist’s lack of abilty.

  383. john sanders on August 25, 2020 at 12:41 pm said:

    Boris: That fine detailed all encompassing answer was taken from Clive’s block buster alleged interview with Paul, as reported by Gordon Cramer some time in July 2017. I guess that takes care of all the doubting; right? BUT, if not you’ll be looking for a new job over this way where doubting Thomas’s are most welcome.

  384. milongal on August 25, 2020 at 10:10 pm said:

    As you would know, the bus stuff has been a bugbear of mine for ages. I know there was an alternate route through Somerton – I’ve spoken about it before (from memory it began in about ’36), and even proposed that it might still have been referred to as a variant on the “St Leonard’s line” rather than as a route in its own right. But I seem to remember someone establishing (based on the time that the bus issuing the ticket ran) that it was definitely the StL flavour not the Somerton flavour that was used). That said, agree that there’s not much interest in StL itself (just interested that the route shown in the street directories doesn’t seem to be the same route we’ve found through other means).

    One of the problems (stablehand or otherwise) I have with the whole thing is the lack of identification. Sure there’s a chance that people were afraid to come forward (as Nick has suggested), but I think more likely that the (edited) photo is not the best likeness (the bust and the photo aren’t obviously the same person).
    If he were an itinerant stablehand, wouldn’t his hands have been rougher?

    NB: One of the problems we seem to see with almost every idea that gets floated, is that we need to simply explain away some of the evidence (while treating other bits as absolutely critical). I’ll happily agree that most of the evidence is unreliable, however we can’t (as some do) choose that certain bits of it are absolutely certain while other bits can be easily dismissed as having been planted, manipulated or misreported.

    (As I think I’ve ranted about before) Most of the modern narrative is speculation. We don’t know anything about what he did that morning (we know there was a suitcase deposited at the Railway Station, we don’t *know* it was by him; we know he had a ticket for the Henley Train, we don’t *know* that he purchased it; etc, etc, etc). Basically all we know is that there was a body found on the beach….starting from there, we start choosing whose evidence we believe – and if we don’t believe the evidence from the authorities, then all bets are off about everything, because we don’t even know how accurately the beach scene and possessions were reported. There’s a bit of a conundrum that many people seem to happily accept that some part of the authorities were corrupt or deliberately confounding (for whatever motive), or incompetent – but if we accept that, we have to question the veracity of every piece of evidence – and suddenly can’t assume ANYTHING is reported correctly to us some 70 years later. Pick the coppers/analysts/scientists who we think are bodgey, and then consider which bits of the narrative they can and can’t affect.

    NB2: One of my favourites is that the TS slip was planted. It just seems such a pointless thing to do. The case is becoming a John Doe and people are losing interest, so we plant the TS slip (which only serves to reignite focus), and then somehow the rest of the Rubaiyat appears – either also manipulated by the original planter, or just some pranksters trying to get their name in the paper get taken too seriously or something….The more conspiracy that is involved in the whole thing, the stranger it is that we have any evidence. It’s sort of the biggest argument I’ve ever had with the BS site – we’re asked to simultaneously believe that this is orchestrated by the world’s greatest spies who are invisible and expert in their craft, yet they’ve left us a whole bunch of clues to work that out….

    I must have taken my grumpy pills this morning

  385. пожалуйста on August 25, 2020 at 10:51 pm said:

    I prefer ‘skeptic’ to doubter, John. I hope that’s a more constructive and honourable position.

    And I’m equally at home here, there and everywhere. Although I draw the line at Bigfooty. Two bear pits are plenty for this gentle soul.

  386. john sanders on August 26, 2020 at 8:21 am said:

    Pozalujata: I’ll keep your prefered ‘skeptic’ in mind; my view being that doubting Thomas sounds less accusory…Funny thing about Bigtooty is, despite it having been subjected to yet another GC hostile takeover, some of it’s weird content is occasionally found to contain elements of truth. Something rarely encountered on either the BS or cloned Tbt site; that stamp being confirmed by said content having nothing to do whatsoever with ourTamam Shud investigation or any other known topic of human interest.

  387. john sanders on August 26, 2020 at 8:51 am said:

    One additional piece for we ‘skeptics’ Boris is, that on 10 July, 2017 TS/BS posted that the clandestine meetings between Alf Boxall and Jessica Harkness were known to Clive’s informant Paul Lawson in 1949. Your recent Tbt nicely worded ‘let off the hook’ evaluation that it could have come about from the 1977/78 Stuart Littlemore interviews does not therefore pass muster…Never give these crooks an inch Boris, they don’t deserve it.

  388. john sanders on August 26, 2020 at 10:59 am said:

    milongal: The shave and the good going over that I spoke of seemed to be sound enough reasons, in my opinion to suggest people might not be able to recognise a man known to them. Lieing dead there on a slab well groomed and dressed nicely, as opposed to the same fellow always spotted loitering around the stables with a long flowing beard, unwashed and thread bare appearance, would be a test for mine.

  389. john sanders on August 26, 2020 at 1:38 pm said:

    If you don’t mind me saying so Boris, your problems with the Clive Turner/Walker interview rest squarely on the shoulders of Peter Bowes’ insistance that Len Brown put pressure on Paul Lawson (8/6/49) to keep mum on what conversation passed between the detectives during the final stages of his bust. Presumably it was all to do with two unknown entities sharing shipping news intelligence with Russians at clandestine meeting venues in Sydney back in the day. Turns out that one was an officer of engineers based at Georges Head t’other a petit French army nurse, both of who’s names were as yet unknown to police or ASIO. Does that fit your current line if reasoning? If so you’ve been had by the self confessed master of deception.

  390. пожалуйста on August 26, 2020 at 1:46 pm said:

    @Sanders, all

    well I confess I made a mistake… confusing the Clifton Gardens and the “grounds on the RNSH”. Sometimes it’s just too obvious that I come from the regional backwater of Yekaterinburg, rather than the wild lights of Sydney with it’s sawtooth littoral topography.

    I think my train of thought was going in the direction that Mr. Lawson may have inadvertently muddled some memories up and had found out about the Boxall/Harkness liasion from the Littlemore doc (and not some time earlier). But now that you have pointed me finally to the actual reference on TS/BS, I’m inclined to think that Clive’s reference to “they” isn’t to Boxall/Harkness at all, but to SM/Harkness.

    I’m awaiting Clive’s confirmation of that… so we’ll see.

    If it is indeed so, then it feels like Mr. Lawson either knows a hell of a lot more than he’s giving away; or he’s playing games with what he considers might be credulous parties. To be fair to the conspiracy-minded: Lawson clearly WAS cagey even in ’78 (or whenever the Littlemore film is from). But (and?) that caginess doesn’t necessarily scream conspiracy to me. There’s tender ground everywhere you tread. Even in Australia.

    Anyway, let’s cut it, boys.

    Just one more thing: if it is indeed so, then it firms up the Harkness/SM connection via her work as a nurse. So he’s very possibly a patient… as so many have suggested for so long. And if he was, then you’re not telling me no-one has been here before, with a badge and a warrant to have a peek at the records in the cellar?

  391. john sanders on August 27, 2020 at 7:15 am said:

    TAMAN is, co-incidentally, according to well informed GC, a so named peninsular in the former soviet territory. SHUD on the other hand, though not so co-incidentally, as defined in the urban dictionary, is a substance resembling both shit and mud but is in fact neither…By my own mean reckoning the latter could also well refer to the sort of murky crap churned out by several dedicated TAMAM SHUD blog sites that are hardly worth naming.

  392. john sanders on August 27, 2020 at 8:29 am said:

    Not surprisingly, there is quite a bit in the Adelaide press regarding theft offences from suburban horse stables, particularly around race courses and local training yards in the early post war years. For instance Keith Victor Lugg 19, stablehand of Broadway Glenelg was jailed for six months in 1947 for stealing clothing from his mates; then four local track workers reported kit stolen from their digs in 1951. There must have been some pretty rough types hanging around the traps in SM’s day and I’d think that there’s a fair chance that he could have been one of them.

  393. milongal on August 27, 2020 at 10:21 pm said:

    @JS: I’ve long chuckled at references to the BS site. Originally intended as BlogSpot, no doubt…

  394. john sanders on August 28, 2020 at 6:56 am said:

    Give it to Pete, white-anting GC’s ownership of all things Boxall/Jestyn, in securing his very own phone interview with Paul Lawson, is a coupe indeed, allbeit with some manipulation involved. Be assured that the taped interview with visuals wil be posted to apease the skeptics if I’m any judge of Peter Bowes the man

    Gordon Cramer’s four previous paraphrased, second hand Paul Lawson sessions with Clive being face to face format were likely not recorded as far as we know, so we are in for a treat with Pete….Of course his related post was not without it’s usual glaring errors whether by accident or other, an example of course being his assertion that Gerry Feltus was able to seek an interview with the long dead spy Alf Boxall at his Maroubra home. That was where we are told the original endorsed copy of deceased’s Sha’ir Omar Khayyam was produced, this version of course being at odds with what is stated on page 202 of Gerry’s Unknown Man ebook.

  395. john sanders on August 28, 2020 at 9:03 am said:

    Yes Gordon, plagiarism in every sense of the word for mine, but subject to content varification with a Tomsbytwo visual link. A thing in your favour, apart of course from your many failures to communicate truthfully, you usually do manage to get important historical dates correct; Pete’s two real bloopers being the years 1948 and 1978, both hi-lighted and both factually incorrect. For the record in June ’48 Len Brown was not yet a detective and SM not yet deceased; as for the Littlemore interview, it was taped in 1977, a year before it went to air in mid 1978 I recall.

  396. john sanders on August 28, 2020 at 11:17 am said:

    Good news for Pêt tge Plagiarist and I must hereby in all fairness to him stand corrected for fear of being labeled a big fibber. Although the production of Inside Story commenced in 1977, Paul Lawson’s interview with Littlmore was actually taped in March 1978. So there you go, Pete got it right and I was mistaken which is not unknown.

  397. john sanders on August 29, 2020 at 8:35 am said:

    My addled old noggin at fault once more I’m afraid, but full points to both Pete and Gordon for their well constructed means of effecting interviews with Paul Lawson sans any proofs of related conversations. For those who didn’t pick up on the dodge, our villains claim to have taken calls from Paul and not vice versa, thereby preventing taped visuals or recording of any SM topics such as the AB & JH ship counting exchanges etc. Looks like Borris also missed the boat yet again, Bowes for a change only able to put two questions to the talkative old gentleman in a full fifteen minutes, a sound enough excuse Peteb by any reckoning.

  398. milongal on August 30, 2020 at 10:18 pm said:

    Problem is that as we age our memory tricks us by remembering things incorrectly – and is especially susceptible to suggestion.
    How many interviews have “major players” had in their life, each one potentially twisting memories of how things actually happened to suit the narrative of the interviewer. And each subsequent interviewer honing in on some little detail (often misinterpreted) and cultivating that memory in a fresh new direction.

    There have been countless studies done on the susceptibility of witnesses bias through suggestion. There’s a documentary somewhere on Netflix (It might be in a kid’s series “Brain Games” – or it might not….) that simulates a bag-snatching, then interviews witnesses about. Ultimately it ends up in a “Court Room” where they have one of the witnesses plant seeds about what actually happened, and before long the bulk of the other witnesses are swearing that a camera was stolen, not a wallet…..
    It has an interesting segue to a detective who explains what sort of witness statements he finds credible, and which can be almost immediately dismissed (including excitable people who are certain that they never miss a detail), and techniques that can be used to maximise the likelihood of distinguishing between a genuine witness and a story-teller.
    Couple this with our human tendency to exaggerate a story (and over time re-enforce our exaggerated story to ourselves) and an interview so far after the fact starts to become quite unreliable.

    In short, I wouldn’t put too much weight on an interview with someone who was a small part of the show 70+ years ago – that’s being related through a third-party filter. But then I’m always skeptical that any interview on TV is twisted to some agenda too….

  399. john sanders on August 31, 2020 at 8:53 am said:

    I’m still pondering over Neil Day’s extremely short winded version of his visit to Somerton with his old hoop partner Horrie Patching to excercise their nags on the day. According to him they arrived around 5.30am and entered the beach via Farrel St. (my take) shortly after the big 9 foot spring tide reached it’s high water mark along the sea wall. He states that they saw our man SM, thought he was sleeping, rode a mile or so to Brighton along the foreshore, retraced their route back and then decided to check him out. That could not be achieved in my opinion due solely to the high water preventing southward progress beyond the sailing club outjuttings or even nearby Wilkinson Ave. sand spit. I’m sure Neil Day must have been grilled some on this business since coming in from the cold and it would be nice if results of any such proceedings could be posted. If SM had had some connection with Somerton or Glenelg stables as has been mused, then my guess is that the lads were likely aware of what was going down prior to their dawn arrival on the day..

  400. john sanders on August 31, 2020 at 10:47 am said:

    Both Gerry Feltus and his lodge mate from 2011 Gordon Cramer must share equal blame for misleading honest folks as correct details of the dual language ROK. The former in his novel says that it was printed by Australian Publishing Co. while the latter, has time and time again refered to Alf’s gift book as having been published by Collins as recently as today. One last time if I may; that particular copy of the Sha’ir Omar Khayyam was printed by the Australasian Publishing Company limited Sydney in 1944.

  401. john sanders on September 1, 2020 at 2:16 am said:

    The latest Von Czarnecki NAA freedom from information file has just been put on line for our reading displeasure eg. 40 bucks worth of repetitious bullshit by any estimation. Not recommended reading apart from the missing first pages which are still deemed too sensitive after 75 years for spies like us to feast our eyes on.

  402. john sanders on September 3, 2020 at 3:17 am said:

    The dud jumbo’s apparent early parole is welcome, it being a long held belief that even bottom feeders deserve a second chance if they repent. In saying this I would urge Boeing 747 to moderate his future personal character assassination slurrs, undertaken to gain the favour of his handler, a compulsive fibber and accused plagiarist no less.

  403. john sanders on September 4, 2020 at 12:37 pm said:

    Cramer’s BS/TS, claimed to be most authoritive of the dedicated Tamam Shud case investigation sites would have his fawning supplicants believe that a body found on an Adelaide beach in 1948, undoubtedly poisoned by soviets, was close to an allied nuclear testing ground. We the all knowing would beg to inform the dupes and BS supplicant blind followers, that there was likely no atomic testing ground even proposed in 1948, in fact it wasn’t until eight years later in 1956 that the British commenced ground testing their you beaut atomic ordinance at Maralinga far from Adelaide and a thousand miles from care. Another site even further away in another state (territory) called Woomera rocket testing range was almost up and running in the late 40s but that was even more distant, so BS couldn’t have the two locations and their respective activities confused, could they?..

  404. john sanders on September 4, 2020 at 1:12 pm said:

    OK, so Woomera is actually in S.A. but still a long hop through the desert. from the murder capital of Australia and rocket testing didn’t get going until 1949 anyway. A portion of their ordinance probably had been delivered from Salisbury munitions factory in distant Adelaide, but not the nuclear variety from my layman’s grasp on atom spys with their plottings and brewings.

  405. john sanders on September 9, 2020 at 7:51 am said:

    Peteb: Dr. Davide Ferorelli, of the RSLM in his forensic anthropology notes of 2017 with which I’m most familiar, should put to rest Cramer’s piffle on the convenient excuse for his SM nominee Pavel Fedosimov GRU losing the odd inch or two after discovery on Somerton Beach. According to Dr. Dave who made disclosures based on an even hundred spare cadivers, his findings revealed an increase in height of a centimetre or less during the first two hours following expiration, then a slight contraction of 0.06cm average, to bring his volunteers right back to their living length dimensions. Speaking respectfully of the dead I always do, are you still with us old cock? you’ve been quiet of late!

  406. Point me and I’ll shoot .. problem is there’s not many targets left. Cramer’s down, mine host is carefully ignoring the advances that have been made, the Professor is blind in one eye, BarryT has abandoned the case after such an excellent start, Clive’s gone quiet, Byron is lost in the mulga, misca to the eskimos .. which leaves you, me and dude47 with nowhere to go and nothing to do.

  407. Not to mention English Boris … mind like a rapier that bloke, admirable.

  408. milongal on September 10, 2020 at 12:14 am said:

    FFS, I don’t care about “this is the only picture we have” etc.

    Pavel Ivanovich Fedosimov and his wife Vera Sergeyevna were in New York until the late 30s. They then (traceably) worked in postings in Libya and the UK. They later (50s and 60s) attended IAEA conferences.

    PIF is not SM. And no matter how it’s twisted, it’s still piffle. If it’s a commonly reused alias (including, presumably the wife’s name) then how come we only have 2 instances of it? This is one of those arguments (all too common in SM land) where we’re asked to simultaneously believe 2 opposites (namely that the PIF name is uncommon enough to appear only twice, but also to have been so commonly reused that we have 2 instances of him in near identical roles etc….

    I don’t even see a resemblence with the photo and don’t buy the “actually, it might be SM, but wrongly classified as PIF). I quit reading the BS site because I couldn’t put up with the amount of counter-intuition and logical fallacies (or phallusies?) required to follow the theory (don’t get me started on Danetta). I hate to cite Occam’s Razor (not least because I think it’s often mis-cited), but the explanations to be able to turn PIF (or the photo that may not be PIF) into SM are so convoluted that I don’t even know how to finish that sentence…..

  409. john sanders on September 10, 2020 at 3:43 am said:

    Speaking of cadavers I still don’t see how, if SM was 5’11” tall as stated by press on day one, Laurie Elliott could have made do with a standard sized plain coffin. It is difficult to proportionalise the funeral photo of course with limited foreground comparison subjects but it certainly looks on the short side. I was able to come up with pall bearer Bob Whitington’s height at almost 5’11” of whose widow’s peak can just be made out in the graveside shot behind. He was the Advertiser police roundsman and photographer who was most knowledgeable on all the SM case details, hence his presence at the funeral. What a bummer that he didn’t leave some notes behind.

  410. john sanders on September 10, 2020 at 5:12 am said:

    Of all those who are known to have actually seen the Somerton man’s body apart from mortuary ID ghouls, ie. investigating police along with their forensic technical officers, medical examiners, chemical analysists, anthropologists and others of varying fields of expertise; Not a single one, apart from the autopsy pathologist Dr. John Matthew Dwyer made any comment concerning height that I’m aware of, in which event ‘tallish’ wasn’t giving much away. So where did 5’11” come from, the height that Det. Leane gave in his evidence and that which came through as the initial press release at midday on 1st December, 1948. The only person missing from the list would seem to be SOC man Harry Strangway who strangely went missing after his initial involvement. NB. John Cleland said ‘height to be advised’.

  411. john sanders on September 10, 2020 at 8:15 am said:

    On the question of whether Somerton man’s sponsored funeral actually made any difference to the type service he might otherwise have received if paid for out of state coffers, the answer would appear to be not in the slightest. His burial place was considered most appropriate due to it’s ease of accessability should later exhumation prove necessary, especially in that it was an expired lease and as the funeral pics denoted, the coffin being similar to one used in pauper burials and accompanied by the usual Salvation Army free service. There was some talk about the Grandstand Bookmaker’s paying for pauper burials in the past, though I don’t see how SM’s funeral could be put in such category or even deemed legitimate considering that the case was unresolved and investigation ongoing under state jurisdiction. I’m smelling a rat the size of a missing racehorse stable hand perhaps.

  412. john sanders on September 11, 2020 at 8:37 am said:

    Not being one to seek help with my research efforts, but I’m in a quandary as in whether to give up on Carl Von Czarnecki or struggle on in hope of enlightenment which I surely could do with. The Von title inclusion from it’s Polish roots is now extremely rare,unlike the original version which is as common as Nguyen in Hanoi.
    Of my knowledge, based mostly on Ancestry records and the like, only a single related? family in Australia (SA) and possibly Canada (BC) share the German landed gentry dirivitive and yet there seems to be an element of disassociation between my candidates which I can’t fathom due to their otherwise suggestive blood links.

    Working from top down, both being males we have Peter Wolfe Czar..aged 83 who lives with partner of long standing Naomi in suburban Adelaide and is a retired Advertiser journalist cum sketch artist. He and mum are members of the so called ‘Adalaide Club’ involved in any number of artistic fields such as Steam Punk art and vintage car restoration. All we know to date from his past is that he was born in WA to Christabel & Carl, schooled in Adelaide until at least ’54, travelled the world including Nth America til ’62, then for some shorter period with Naomi in the early seventies and nothing more including no record of them having a family.

    The difficulties arise with Terry, aged about 65, who seems on the cusp of being too old to be Peter’s lad but who doesn’t fit anywhere else. He was apparently from Clare SA where ‘Peter-boy’s’ doting dad and later renegade nazi H.W.E. C. Von Czarnecki worked variously during the depression years and met future spouse, nurse C. M. Davis. Interesting thing about young Terry is that he attended the Hastings St. Elementary school in Vancouver from ’68 to ’72 before finishing up at Clare High in ’73. He married into a German S.A. family in 1981 and wife Susan gave him two fine well accomplished boys in their respective like professions whose names I’ll withold for now. Sue died at Clare in 2009.

    If we go back to old Carl Czar.., when he took on his assumed short version name to avoid being arrested for colluding with the losers at war’s end and in so doing signed up for resettlement abroad as a persecuted nazi victim, only three allied countries that I know of were excepting refugees of such persuasion, they being NZ, Australia & Canada to which I was then able to trace him through letters purporting to be part of a detailed auto bio. Cross checking with three of four Aust. Govt Security Service investigation files dating from 1942 nothing correlates for me and I’m mostly at a loss as how the man might eventually have settled in Clare in 1973 as is claimed. There are no death records that I can find for him period.

  413. john sanders on September 12, 2020 at 7:57 am said:

    Peteb: If you say that the off white Keane tie is likely a symbol of the Masonic Lodge and it makes sense to you, the odds of making an ID would be shortened considerably. That is to say SM would most certainly not have been Irish Catholic, Communist, Musselman or even Orthodox Jew according to the draconian Lodge by-laws of the day. NB: Aboriginal & Torres Straights Islanders might also have had difficulties signing up which probably leaves me out too.

  414. Pete B + John S: it’s something I looked at a while ago, but didn’t find anything half as good as your (Pete’s) picture. The best I found on Trove was a 1978 article which states that “grand officers wear white tie and tails (a requirement which, these days, leads to some problems of supply)“, which – tie apart – the Somerton Man’s suitcase contents seemed a little short of:

    Oh, and you can add divorcees to the list of Masonic persona non grata back in 1948. Just so you know.

  415. Incidentally, while idly schmoozing through Trove looking for white ties just now, I found this nice white-tie wise guy smoking a cigar and carrying a violin case, from the Samuel Hood theatrical photographic collection (“File number: FL1008313, File title: 308. Smoker with violin case”):

    OK, it’s probably an unnamed actor pretending to be a wise guy, but he looks more like the Somerton Man than anything I’ve seen on… other sites I could name. So perhaps SM wasn’t a gangster, just an out of work actor who was reasonably good at looking like a gangster. 😉

  416. john sanders on September 16, 2020 at 5:27 am said:

    Seems we forgot to mention that when police asked the anticipated question of Mrs. Thomson (Jessica Harkness), she was able to respond with ” We were on our way back from Melbourne where my husband had been an invitee to the new Holden car launching, and why may I ask do you need to know Inspector? “…Some time if not too busy, those not up to speed might find that there were actually two watering holes within three hundred yards of Alvington steps in 1948; so the Pier Hotel on Jetty Rd. would not likely have relevance to distance walked by SM.

  417. Name them, boogie man.

  418. john sanders on September 16, 2020 at 10:20 am said:

    Peteb: Broadway Hotel with access to the beach; I’ll leave t’other as a challenge that any half witted SM researcher should be able to answer in a trice. But for any dunce that doesn’t know where the Thomson’s were wed or where Jessica was really born and schooled will struggle.

  419. john sanders on September 16, 2020 at 1:38 pm said:

    Jessica’s ‘delight in being back in the auld dart’ indeed Peteb, maybe you got that from Bookmaker of Rabaul which no one ever read. I seem to recall a similar letter from Cornwall or perhaps on the way home where she spoke about two brats in need of nurturing and summit to do with bed pans or the like.

  420. The Broadway Hotel was so badly damaged by the 1948 cyclone it was closed until re-opening for the Christmas holidays later that year .. and as far as Jessica’s background is concerned, don’t believe everything you read .. there’s a lot of undocumented bullshit floating around on the web, and most of it is yours. Mountains of the stuff, sometimes you take up the entire 15 comments slot in this place … it must drive the Voynich mob nuts. If Dome ever decides he’s had enough of you, which I doubt because he’s a charitable old Pom, you’ll have nowhere else to go.
    The horror!
    Fair dinkum mate, you might consider trying to get something to combat this attention seeking disorder of yours .. like a life.
    I mean this with the utmost sincerity.

  421. milongal on September 16, 2020 at 10:56 pm said:

    @NP: Just FYI, NSW governemnt link earlier is borked (I suspect they don’t understand how the internet works and never thought they’d have to reprocess the same search request or somethink)

  422. Tamara Bunke on September 16, 2020 at 10:58 pm said:

    Christ. I see someone’s turned the gaslights back on down under.

  423. john sanders on September 16, 2020 at 10:59 pm said:

    Not to worry Peteb, we had discussed tge professor’s withered virgin letter to sister joan from Blighty in ’61. jo got the mumps on the way across, some days in London, a nice stay in Scotland thence Cornwall; back to Oz on the Flavia in late ’61 with family taking up residency in Meningie SA.

  424. milongal on September 16, 2020 at 11:18 pm said:

    Hey Pete (ok, you sucked me into reading your latest:) ), re drunken stumblings, perhaps he stumbled along the beach rather than along the street – then he doesn’t need to navigate the steps. Further perhaps he left Glenelg mildly tipsy with a bottle of whiskey (or some other plonk) that he’s consumed as he went, throwing the bottle away somewhere en route.
    But even away from that, surely if he were drunk (or drunk to that degree) rather than drugged/dying/both:
    1) He would still reek of booze in the morning (enough that you’d think there’d be a mention of it in police reports)
    2) The autopsy would’ve reported it (Admittedly this is just me assuming they’ve always checked whether a stiff was under the affluence of incohol)

    Also re “Who was Jessica the legend?” type questions.
    Frustratingly, I struggle with a lot of this as well, with any “concrete fact” generally lifted from Abbot. You’ll recall some time ago here we all got very excited about all sorts of things about her (living in Pirie or somewhere from memory, and leaving for overseas in the mid ’30s and stuff) – only to discover that this was a different Jessica Ellen Harkness (who coinicdentally was also a nurse, and appears never to have returned to Aus and was within a couple of years of the same age). I seem to recall someone (possibly your mate JS) suggesting an identity switch – that a recently departed (never to return) nurse was a suitable identity to steal for whatever reason you felt the need you needed a new identity (although I also have some older recollection that somebody had found her (more likely her) at least enrolled in training in Sydney at some stage)…..But like most of us I’ve forgotten far more than I remember about some of the rabbit holes we’ve been on this one….

  425. milongal on September 17, 2020 at 12:16 am said:

    Oh, also I was reading somewhere (not GC@BS) a claim that you can see other (not necessarily micro) writing on the page . I couldn’t see it myself, but in particular there was a claim that there was a phone number either O,Q or G 2953.
    G, O and Q didn’t exist as prefixes back then, however Adelaide city seemed to somehow use ‘C’ (It’s not clear to me how, because as I understand it ‘C’ wasn’t one of the 9 prefixes either – so I’m not sure how you dial C, but nonetheless trove is full of C numbers for Adelaide City Centre).
    The closest match I could find then (I figured C is similar enough to O and G for it to be mistaken) is C2983.
    This number appears a lot in trove as:
    1) An electrician in the 1930s (as best I can tell in the Southern Suburbs – but possibly well South (there’s a mention of “Christies” which I assume is “Christies Beach”)
    2) Selling a block of land in Brighton in 1949
    3)in the 1950s Linked to 222a Hanson St (today Pulteny St*) – this is listed as “lic dlr” and appears among other things to deal in Cars (from memory although Duffield was also on Hanson St, he was at the other end closer to Wakefield) trading as Sallis and Co. While this obviously post-dates SM, car connections always seem to be of a little interest – and Sallis was there before that, even if they weren’t using with that phone number
    4) From memory between the electrical and Salis there was also some ads for clean fill or earthworks or something (but I think Sallis might have been part dealer part some sort of heavy vehicle operator – although the ‘a’ makes it sounds like a small lot for such a business).

    *Digression: Adelaide City is designed according to Light’s vision in a NS/EW grid. Although most people recognise Rundle Mall as the modern-day centre (and for shoppers it is), the geographic centre is at Victoria Square, with a Square Mile around it being surrounded by North, West, South and East Terraces (East Terrace is designed as a step ladder shape rather than a straight line as a defence against natives that were feared to be wanting to attack from the hills in the East. This sort of shape meant that you could defend on 2 fronts if you had to). So the centre streets in Adelaide are King William running North/South, and Wakefield/Grote running East/West (and there’s actually some nice pubs South of Vic Sq). You’ll notice that like Wakefield and Grote, every East/West St in Adelaide changes its name at King William. Adelaide folklore suggests that this is because the King insisted that “noone will ever cross me”, so we have Rundle/Hindley, Pirie/Currie, Grenfell/Waymouth, Flinders/Franklin, Wakefield/Grote, Gouger/Angas, Carrington/Wright, Halifax/Sturt, Gilles/Gilbert.
    Interestingly, what I’m noticing in the old street directory is that a similar rule seems to have been applied as we cross Wakefield St – so Hanson St was the Southern end of Pultney St (not it’s entirety) and number 40 (Duffield motors) would have been somewhere near the Coopers Alehouse (then the Earl of Aberdeen) while 220 would have been in the last or second to last block around Giles St…..

  426. john sanders on September 17, 2020 at 2:44 am said:

    Cripes Peteb: Attention seeking and rumour mungering jibes; that coming from the foremost non substance ‘picture and paste’ exponent with matching ego in the business. Ever known Sanders to use such fancy trappings to support his modest offerings for evaluation, or allow those who offer false witness to go unchallenged, without fear or favour..So Mr. Sincerity, while I check your most helpful info on Broadway pub closure, the second Somerton watering hole from my challenge awaits. It undoubtedly would have tried to keep it’s bar & grill open during the storm and tempest of April ’48 for pride. Best beer battered whiting on the coast in the mid sixties if you’ll trust my word..

  427. But Milongal, mate, the stiff they performed the autopsy on wasn’t the drunk seen waving his arm around on the previous evening.
    Check trousers wearing for the use of: they were different. Fact. Strapps the man for that. The drunk was in stripes, the corpse in plain brown-faun.
    And while we’re at it … what could have made Harkness so valuable as to warrant all the protection?
    This business about her and Alf exchanging shipping news is a little lame, seeing half of Sydney had a harbour view

    and Tamara, you sound like the kind of sheila I could get on with. But you’d have to be over 70 and know how to surf. You in?

  428. john sanders on September 17, 2020 at 5:51 am said:

    Tamara Bunkum: Actually you are getting a little tedious yourself, having not a lot to offer in the way of opinion, but for opinionated sledging directed towards our most esteamed (sic) elderly all knowing SM case advisers Messrs. Bowes & Cramer. Being a much junior, though very close observer of these great though very near depleted pretenders, I’d be inclined, if I were thee, to maybe cut a little more slack towards their constant incoherent ramblings and let the old phonies simply fade away. In the meantime I’ll do my utmost to keep them from straying off subject as is their wont and promise to promote SM, if you pledge to do likewise Comrade.

  429. john sanders on September 17, 2020 at 9:11 am said:

    Thomas Lawson Harkness Snr. 1888/1970 formed partnership with a Maitland based electrician named Charlie Allen in about 1920 at which time he moved the family, Ellen and the two boys (Ted & Tom) from Mentone Vic. to Newcastle NSW, taking out mortgages on a suburban dwelling in Hunter St. (details on hand). During the next few years or so two daughters were born, the first named Jessie in 1921 at Maryville (Ridge) nursing mother’s hospital and Jean in 1923 at a similar centre run by the Salvation Army. It seems that the contract business was not as profitable as hoped for, the partnership dissolving in late 1925 and old Tom going into voluntary singular bankruptcy (details of liquidation on hand) in 1926. From that point on things get hazy though it seems that the Harkness family minus Jessie went back to Mentone for baby Ellen’s birth in 1928. My source suggests our girl was likely raised by the Salvos and may have been fostered as well, going to local schools then starting her nursing career at about fifteen in an ‘Army’ run charity hospital. She may later have sought higher status at a training hospital such as Royal Newcastle where she may have qualified by 1942 though this is a logical assumption on my part. That was the year of her alleged start of training at RNSH Sydney at the mature age of 22. No wonder her name is not recorded as a tranee or in house fully qualified nurse through numerous searches over the years. Naysayers can believe what they like about most likely irrelevant Jo Thonmson’s upbringing but they’re not going to make much headway out Marrickville way, rest assured.

  430. Back it up mate …

  431. john sanders on September 17, 2020 at 12:50 pm said:

    Peteb: If you’re addressing me, perhaps a rumour of feigned civility might be in order. If not than accept my apologies for any perceived doubts concerning your provocative tone in questioning of my subject knowledge and integrity. Good manners maketh the man after all is said and done mofo.

  432. Tamara Bunke on September 17, 2020 at 2:33 pm said:

    @Peteb – the surfing’s not great at Vado del Yeso, I’m afraid. But there’s an airstrip at Vallegrande nearby. You dig?

  433. milongal on September 17, 2020 at 9:38 pm said:

    @Pete: If the drunk wasn’t the stiff then the wandering from Glenelg didn’t necessarily happen – so the wander from the hotel becomes a moot point, because in that case it’s not SM and was not necessarily someone tying one on at the broadway – or have I totally missed where you were going with that?

    While I agree there’s a good possibility the “drunk on the beach” wasn’t SM (I find it extraordinary that even Lyons who saw both wasn’t prepared to say he thought they were same), I think the stripes vs plain trousers is potentially just confused witnesses. I think I mentioned here before a doco on Netflix that shows the differing witness statements from people who were present at the same incident (to the point where people swear the offender was wearing a red jacket when they were in fact in a blue one – and that’s being interviewed almost immediately after the fact; with time the discrepancy only grows). How soon after the body was found were Strapps and Neil interviewed, and are they reliable witnesses? Both they and Lyons claim they couldn’t really see the face because it was dark (which I find odd given the time and the distance away they were), yet we accept with certainty that they talk about striped pants? And the reality is that despite our focus on them looking into history, at the time they would have been recollecting an incident that at the time wasn’t necessarily particularly memorable for them.

    One of the things we seem to forget in a lot of this, is that when the body was first found the coppers assumed it was a mundane death and that the body would be claimed shortly and everything would continue on as normal. By the time they realised they needed to be thorough the horse had likely already bolted – and had involved several different teams of investigators who potentially had different ways of recording and sharing (or not) what they found.

    So it’s easy for us to be critical of how the case was handled at the time, but the police couldn’t have known that this was going to become such a mystery. In fact I found an ex-copper’s assertion that every death is thoroughly investigated quite odd. Given the number of bodies the police must collect, and given the number of them that are probably quite mundane, I don’t believe that even today (when we should know better) there is sufficient rigour in a lot of bodies that are picked up – simply because it’s a routine task that you’re not expecting to turn into a major mystery. Couple that with a couple of inexperienced actors in there somewhere and you have a perfect storm.
    As I think I’ve ranted previously this is one of the reasons I struggle with too many ideas of conspiracy or cover up. We need to simultaneously believe that there were puppet masters very good at covering up after themselves, but stupid enough to keep facts leaking out that only bring attention to the case. And while I’ll accept if it’s not the authorties pulling the string but some ‘bad guys’, you still have to question their competence if they’ve left us the bread crumbs subscribers to some of those theories follow….

  434. milongal on September 17, 2020 at 10:20 pm said:

    @JS: Charlie Allen presumably no relation to the proprietor at the Broadway – William Allen?

  435. Fair enough. How about we move onto the box of matches. Not only didn’t Moss find any, he gave a newspaper interview to that effect.

  436. John Sanders … I repeat, back it up, mate.

  437. john sanders on September 17, 2020 at 10:47 pm said:

    milongal: Seems somewhat ambiguous I know, but whilst witness Lyons was not able to identify identify the man by his face or clothing, he was nevertheless quite certain in his belief that the evening man and the morning man were one and the same….Speaking of clothes, I note that friend Cramer has posted photos of Bob Wake whom I understand will now take a prominant role his big final drive to the who done it line. Pic on the right taken from a surveillance file is certainly Big Bob, the guy with him a young Doug McLellan (sic). Shot on the left also identified as Wake seems suspiciously dated as for the attire which to me looks 1920s, worn by a man of an age too old to be him at that time, besides Robert Frederick Bird Wake was a rather dapper dresser.

  438. john sanders on September 17, 2020 at 11:23 pm said:

    Tamara: I seem to recall sometime before the our comrade uncle’s uplifting from his temporary resting place off Vallegrande airstrip (circunvalacion 2do Ant.), grave robbers made a dig and found his pipe tobacco & pouch intact. An imperialist CIA puppet pilot had apparently souvineered the great patriot’s beloved briar pipe and Zippo at the time of his martyredom.

  439. пожалуйста on September 18, 2020 at 7:44 am said:

    Milongal expresses eloquently what others have also tried to say here and elsewhere too. I have always been suspicious of the ‘telling detail’ and ‘gotcha’, such as the striped trousers. There likely won’t be a Sherlock Holmes/Columbo solution to this one, however hard certain serious investigators on evidence based blogs want that to be true.

    Pete makes good observations around the long timelines in the initial investigation, but it’s hard to judge if these are even unusual for the time, let alone indicative of letting a cover up happen. And much of it seems to depend on the scant available record. The huge gap here are the police files, supposedly destroyed decades ago. It seems impossible to accurately reconstruct the investigation so as to be able to judge it. We don’t know what we don’t know. The constable, for example, told the inquest that he “made it his business” to search the body. But then he would say that, wouldn’t he. If there’s a cover up at work, isn’t it most likely to be covering up plod’s own shortcomings?

    And it’s easy to cry “spies!” whenever there’s something unsolved or in some way mysterious. The Isdal Woman? Spies! Because missiles. Or maybe art theft. Or IRA weapons deals. Or because Germany. Peter Bergmann? Spies! Because not on CCTV. But really it’s spies because otherwise: ordinary.

    Remember just how crap “spies” and “assassins” actually are in the field. Litvinenko, Skripal and Nawalny as recent examples. Wetwork is a messy business, never elegant, never in the shadows.

  440. john sanders on September 18, 2020 at 12:20 pm said:

    milongal: In re yours of 16 inst…BS/TS @ Old Codes New Codes & Concealment of 17/9/17 introduces accidental newcomer Russian Kate with news of Sister Jessie Read Harkness bn.1900, died 1985 Balaklava SA aboard SS Moldovia on her way to Spain in 1936 for service with the nationalists (commies). When I exposed the attempt to connect her with SM through an accessory Miss MM said informant pannicked and left town, though our usual suspects carried on their “Where’s Kate gone GC?”. “Dunno PB maybe the KGB got her!”. Truth being the co conspirator had departed for the Dominion in total embarrassment about being caught out. The other local lass was Jessica Moir Thomson nee McFarlane bn. 1918, dec. ’85? from Port Lincoln who settled with her infant son in Glenelg when husband George died at Gladstone SA in ’41. The name connections and location proximity to the other George & Jessie could have been used as a decoy I guess but????. You will not be surprisec that a much younger Pavel Fedosimov some how gets himself caught up in the Spanish civil war with the old nursing Sister from memory. Hope that clears me of any devious doings.

  441. john sanders on September 18, 2020 at 1:21 pm said:

    Heaven help me I’m getting to be as bad on names as some others I bitch about. Jessie Muir Thomson 1918/94; I think her daughter’s name was Janice or Pamela and she lived just a few streets back from 91A Moseley.

  442. Boris: you’re the rational one …. how do you explain the appearance of a box of matches, and what inferences can you draw from same?

    … still waiting, Sanders, treat the back up challenge as a small test of your credibility, ok?

  443. john sanders on September 18, 2020 at 10:23 pm said:

    Milongal: Two Allen’s don’t seem to be keyed alike; Broadway Allen being from the English immigrant monied William Allen of the counties clan and poor Charley probably convict stock like other Allens up Maitland way whom I notice managed to later serve in France. Tom’s partner wasn’t on of them so without more detail I didnt trace him.

  444. john sanders on September 18, 2020 at 10:45 pm said:

    Peteb: It’s your funeral MATE…and for anyone else hanging out for answers, go on over to ‘the Ultimate SM’ site and dial back to dusty’s post of 25/2/20 which refers to the contents of a response from the kind Salvo people which was a surprise considering the long delay. It seems to set straight their knowledge of a child who was almost certainly on their books named Jessie Ellen Harkness which they could not confirm because of a living relative (Kate) disclosure policy….Also note a reply from ‘PETEB’ one hour and twenty minutes later which made some brief mention of Prosper having been a fence which seemed out of place but totally consistant.

  445. john sanders on September 18, 2020 at 11:00 pm said:

    Peteb: Fair enough; guess It’s not worth considering that the matchbox floated off along with SM’s felt hat around high tide at 4.45am. Do you recall reading a trove article about a hat and box of matches having washed up on the beach at Kingston, Kangaroo Island? ….Neither do I Mate!.

  446. john sanders on September 19, 2020 at 8:17 am said:

    Peteb: A small test of my credibility, which might be too much of a test for thee unassisted, would be to check out the likes of Newcastle Herald, Maitland Murcury Singleton Argus or SMH for Thomas Lawson Harkness in banktuptcy to petitioner General Electric Co. I found three entries, but there must be others and also notice of an auction with a list of electrical equipment, all in said name. Of course your research team may find a thousand other electricians with that handle in greater Newcastle circa 1926 MATE but I think you’ll luck out as usual…Now SM’s second watering hole and pastie to die for if you please. PS. Tom was a linesman by trade.

  447. john sanders on September 19, 2020 at 9:06 am said:

    Peteb: In re your new quest for answers; unfortunately both the first question and the very last, are the least likely to draw any positive responses. Reason being that ex swab Gordon Strapp’s mistaken stripes and very junior acting detective Sgt. R L Lean’s short box of Bymay matches have well and truly run their race. Why not take my advice from four years back and go for broke on Big Bob Wake; Afterall you’ve got the text book and Gordon only has his ‘cheshire cat’ which is jack squat.

  448. Milongal .. according to Lyon’s deposition, the fellow lying on the beach was a only yard away from the bottom of the steps, and given that Strapps first observed him from that distance, and in good light, do you still think he was mistaken?

  449. Tamara Bunke on September 19, 2020 at 2:00 pm said:

    @Sanders… did those grave robbers happen to find a box of matches?

  450. john sanders on September 19, 2020 at 11:01 pm said:

    Tamara: There was some mention of ‘Federales’ but I naturally thought they were back up for the final sweep. If they had meant Federal matches (ave. contents 60) that would make sense also, but you would have had some idea, surely?.

  451. john sanders on September 19, 2020 at 11:26 pm said:

    Peteb: Milongal isn’t likely to fall for your arm twisting. Strapps and Olive were never closer to the body than 10 yards and if we think he be misunderstood, he repeats it, just for slow witted types that always need reminding…Of course the statement taking plod might have got the distance wrong, similarly the striped duds which of ciurse were a diagonal fleck, I shd say.

  452. john sanders on September 20, 2020 at 11:33 am said:

    So our deceptive friend Peteb in his misleading latest speel describes young Strapps as being CURIOUS does he?. Could have fooled us who have digested the details a little more closely, especially in light of the witness telling his future wife Olive not to be such a sticky beak in her own desire to check the man out for signs of his apparent afflicion or if inderd he might even be dead as she alluded to.

  453. john sanders on September 20, 2020 at 1:23 pm said:

    Still you’ve got to give it to the man. Only two advances made over the last 70 years according to our man Peteb; always prepared to give credit where such is due to Cramer’s ‘I’m a believer’ letter Q disclosure on micro writing then also from 20015 and equally enlightning, Byron Deveson’s modest observation of a certain witness’ spurious claim of seeing the evening live beach body in Striped trousers contrary to police findings. If only our poor bonzo had have found these clues first he’d be even more insufferable in pointing out the limitations of Feltus, Abbott and Pelling’s Voynich team.

  454. milongal on September 20, 2020 at 11:38 pm said:

    @Pete: As with many things, I really don’t know what to think. I guess while I agree it’s important to explore inconsistencies in any accounts, I wouldn’t necessarily assume any particular detail (especially coming from plebs who aren’t necessarily the world’s greatest witnesses). Consider why the two young couple went to watch the sunset. I’d imagine that the pants of the sleepy dude on the beach weren’t exactly at the forefront of their mind.

    That said, I’ve never necessarily been entirely comfortable with the man that evening being SM – or at least, if it was him, then time of death seems puzzling (especially given the partially digested food in the belly). I also tend to agree with JS that the tide that night likely came up to the rocks – as I think tides in that area often do, and we know there was a king tide that night…..so no mention of dampness on the body and/or salt staining on the clothes suggests the body hadn’t been there overnight…..but that’s as speculative as anything else.

    I’m hoping to get back to Adelaide soon, and specifically have a wander down Somerton way and maybe take some happy snaps.

  455. Name: Cyril John Wilson
    Death Registration Year: 1985
    Death Registration Place: Victoria, Australia
    Father: John Mangnosan
    Mother Maiden Name: Wilson
    Reference Number: 5246

  456. Name: Cyril John Wilson
    Birth Year: abt 1906
    Age: 79
    Death Place: Sqam, Victoria
    Father’s Name: John Mangnosan
    Mother’s Name: Caroline Ida
    Registration Year: 1985
    Registration Place: Victoria
    Registration Number: 05246

  457. john sanders on September 21, 2020 at 4:09 am said:

    Three posts to go for Gordon by his own reckoning and he’s making every post a winner, leaving we also rans floundering in his ‘Bob Wake’ just as our kindly S.A. Grandstand Bookies had predicted. Unless of course a certain allerted stalker of our sad aquaintance can sneak from the pack and flog his seemingly long dead ‘horse in striped pajamas’ over the line to win the Somerton handicap…which alas would be bitter cup and last post for friend Cramer. Got a match anyone?.

  458. john sanders on September 21, 2020 at 6:40 am said:

    Peteb: We’re told that the ‘shd’ word, as attributed to Strapps’ paraphrased ‘I shd say…..’ description of the brown fake Stamina duds, may instead have been an Arabic derogatory acronystic term for ‘shu hada’ or ‘go to the devil’, as opposed to recent quick on line era jargon for ‘should’ which I have always had doubts about.

    Anyhow check it out MATE and you might have to reconsider our young ex naval rating’s intended meaning. A word of caution, If invited into a Dar el Harb one shd avoid using the word in full for it is also used by uncouth Bedouin folk to invite an alternate use for the oral cavity exterior protrusions other than for sucking sorbet.

  459. Let me be the first to congratulate you, Johnno mate, as being Nick Pelling’s official spokesman for matters that pertain to the Somerton Man Mystery. A tough job but one you are well equipped for … I ‘m certain there are many others like me who just cannot get enough of your witticisms and depth of knowledge.
    And well done, Dome, you certainly can pick them, and my sincere congratulations again on a sterling set of visitor numbers.

  460. john sanders on September 21, 2020 at 8:21 am said:

    Misca: Sqam is not a Victorian place name. The letters SQAM happen to be a Latin legalistic acronym meaning ‘assumption of death’ which has been a sticking point for me since your last advice on this man’s life and family details similar to that kindly repeated above. In this case there happened to be two people of the same name and suburb in Melbourne from memory and I worry that their reported physical passing in 1985 and cemetery records of scattered ashes etc. may have been an honest online stuffup as is so common. In essence, for me to follow up and close the man out as a person of interest, could you advise on your source’s Sqam derivation. PS. I note no mention of Grace Olga Wilson nee McAlpine, born 1908 died 1977, the subject’s recorded legal spouse in your search details.

  461. john sanders on September 21, 2020 at 8:41 am said:

    Peteb: Pretty captions, logos and such to illustrate possible flawed assertions on your part, whether deliberate or not, are not going to make the grade with folks who know the details of this case at least as well as you. Take for instance your claim that Leane collected some items from the Keane suitcase to set up for press photos back at the office are somewhat spurious . Likewise I can’t seem to recall mention of his ever having visited with your ‘give us a call Paul’ friend Lawson or his customer at the mortuary. I’ll see if I can confirm either if the above and get back to you MATE.

  462. john sanders on September 21, 2020 at 12:07 pm said:

    Lucky seven for some, but not for Peteb which equates to his latest Tomsbytwo travesty, comprised of Detective Leane’s busy agenda of completed tasks, six of which were undertaken by others prior to his involvement almost six weeks into the investigation. The other relates to his days attending the West Terrace morgue to supervise Paul Lawson’s work and dress the body, there being no record of his ever going near the place. Of course there is mention of him in Paul’s work diary, to wit, he and others inspecting the bust/cast but that would have taken place either at the museum or upon delivery at CIB headquarters on the day after SM’s funeral. As for the famous Barbour threads and T. Keane white? tie shot with the perported brotherhood backing, I haven’t quite got to the bottom of its source yet, but rest assured I will.

  463. You know, mate, it’s only just occurred to the committee that you are the Somerton Man’s equivalent of Donald Trump. Like the President of the United States you don’t have problem in making up fake news, and of course here at Cipher Mysteries you have a host and an audience only too willing to accept it. Otherwise they would raise an argument or two against your various notions.

    However one problem that might arise for your ever obliging host is that what you write here might one day be attributed to him in an indirect way. As an example, it is almost impossible to disassociate Fox News from President Trump. They are one and the same.

    Cipher Mysteries and John Sanders. Nick Pelling and John Sanders!! A formidable team, don’t you think?

    Still, there’s got to be a home for blokes such as yourself and I’m only too happy to boost a further series of your comments here at Cipher M … so let’s see how many this post spawns, there’s only room for about a dozen on the side-bar, but that shouldn’t be a problem for you old sport.

    Nobody there seems to mind.

  464. john sanders on September 22, 2020 at 3:19 am said:

    Thank’s Gordon for kind advice on Paul Lawson’s hospitalision for what will hopefully be a short stay and of course our best wished for a speedy recovery.

    Paul in his interview with Stuart Littlemore relating to the various people who came to see his completed bust. In a part not shown on the ‘Inside Story’ TV show, remembering he was a much younger (57) man at the time, Paul had been rather emphatic that the Identity attempts were were all by people of the subject’s own age group, not younger. Thirty years on and then in his 90’s a more mature Paul Lawson wasn’t so discerning re ages when he did his demonstration tape of an out of place young woman’s reaction to seeing the bust back in July ’49.

    The 1978 interview did not include anything to do with a 27 year old female whom the interviewee had presumably forgotten was shown the bust. Such a mistake on Paul’s part might well have been ripe for plunder by a shrewd lawyer the likes of Littlemore, but in the end he choose not to call his man out, probably due to a perceived edginess and for favour of recording more important aspects which had not yet been raised. Stuart was still of the mistaken belief at the time that nurse Jestyn had positively identified Alf Boxall from the bust (inside story) and prefered to work on that perhaps.

  465. john sanders on September 22, 2020 at 5:06 am said:

    milongal: Sorry to find it necessary to negatively intercede on your late most compromising position as to the possibility of a body exchange during the night. I’m quite certain that Constable Moss, giving evidence at the inquest, was most emphatic in his assessment that the beach body’s state apart from the obvious, being that “It was cold, stiff and damp” or words to that effect from memory.

  466. john sanders on September 22, 2020 at 7:19 am said:

    Peteb: Then you’d be a Biden man no doubt and in so saying, a most devout Don Lemon CNN arse lickin rigger-in-the woodpile to boot. But politics aside, I’m not a fan of either man though most anxious nonetheless for word on any fake news at my humble undertaking in order to acknowledge and own it if applicable. That being so, I don’t hear any firm rebuttals to my latest list of your own outragous and foolish blunders. Here’s another sample to make eight on the same thread, which although nowhere near your worst will suffice to make my day…The dark brown flecked Wilson strides with the fake Stamina label, likely worn by the man in the evening and morning when found, were already subject of inquiries by Russell St. CIB a whole month before Det. Acting Sgt. Leane was even on the scene MATE.

  467. Love it, mate, you should be in the mushroom business.

  468. john sanders on September 22, 2020 at 10:13 am said:

    I can only do fungi and toadstools if that works for you MATE.

  469. There is a marriage record:

    Name: Grace Olga McAlpine
    Gender: Female
    Marriage Registration Year: 1930
    Marriage Registration Place: Victoria, Australia
    Spouse: Cyril Jno Wilson
    Reference Number: 8293

    There is also an electoral roll (1977) for her showing her living in Oakleigh, Henty, Victoria, Australia (as a house domestic at 20 Best St.). Cyrl listed as a “driver” is on the same electoral roll at the same address.

    There is also a Wills and Probate Record for him as follows:

    Name: Cyril John Wilson
    Death Date: 6 Feb 1985
    Death Place: Oakleigh
    Occupation: Rtd Truck Driver
    Grant Date: 13 Mar 1985
    Grant: P

    I realize that Squam is not a Victorian place name. I simply did a cut and paste of what appears on ancestry. Sometimes, transcribers have difficulty reading original documents and simply go with what they think it looks like. I have seen similar errors before and often correct them through ancestry when I can.

  470. There is another Cyril John Wilson (born 6 Oct 1911 – Kurrajong , NSW). He married Audrey Irwin in Sidney on 16 January 1940. She petitioned for divorce in 1946. He died in 1980 Katoomba, NSW. He can be found on Trove as he was regularly finding himself in trouble for speeding, theft and assault in and around the Richmond area. His parents were Timothy Wilson (1853-1922) and Mary Jane Mahoney (1879-1956).

    Just to add to all the excitement, in 1939, a Lorna Clarissa Wilson (formerly Shepherd) petitioned for divorce from a Cyril John Wilson. Their marriage (probably bigamous) was in April 1934 in Penrith. Given that Cyril John Wilson (1911) was living in Penrith from 1934 – 1939, I would take a guess that he is the fellow who originally married Lorna.

  471. Just realized I messed up the dates and unnecessarily accused our second Cyril John Wilson (1911) of bigamy. The dates imply that he was first married to Lorna Clarissa, divorced and then married Audrey. Apologies all around.

  472. john sanders on September 22, 2020 at 10:46 pm said:

    Misca: Many thanks for your efforts, much appreciated as usual.

  473. john sanders on September 23, 2020 at 4:53 am said:

    The Cyril John Wilson of Gembrook Vic. who was ticketed for speeding on his motor bike in Dandenong on 1/3/25 is not likely to have been my Cyril or any of those others mentioned, which gives rise to the possibilty of mistaken identities with regards death and probate records. I guess Grace’s place of abode Prahran on her demise while worth noting, is likely not all that significant in light of the death year spread of seven + years.

  474. john sanders on September 24, 2020 at 7:03 am said:

    Boris: For once I’m in agreement with Peteb, in that long retired Sen. Sgt. R.L.L. Leane was merely taking the piss out of the vulnerable young upstart ambulance chaser Stuart Wagstaff . His retort when asked about recollection of finding a Tamam Shud slip on yon body ie., “yeah it was in his coat pocket”, followed up by the snigger tipped curare spears, hypodermic syringe and outrageous claim to effect that, “They’re all still down in the place” (evidence locker) would have been cause for bringing down the house in any TV comedy clip….Of course you’ll have heard that the great man died at Victor Harbor golf course on 29/6/79, barely a year after the interview, shooting for an eagle on the 440 yd. par four 13th hole. His life long pal and former partner in crime Len Brown conceded the point and marked the boss’s card accordingly in very very tiny writing as was his old habit in the job.

  475. Tamara Bunke on September 24, 2020 at 12:03 pm said:

    What chance did any of us ever have? Or even SAPOL? When over on TS/BS it turns out everyone’s favourite wrestler-cum-gala-SM-impersonator transpires to be the hero of the piece, having sneakily kept back some head hair from those halcyon ’49 pre-DNA days. Amazing prescience… he should ask Crick & Co. to return their Nobel gong to its rightful owner.

    And there’s more! Our one-man CSI Adelaide had the stuff independently tested, it seems, by someone with a whole lotta lab, but perhaps very little curiosity (“Now, Paul: exactly WHERE – and WHO – did you get these poisoned and irradiated locks from, old chap”?).

    You couldn’t make it up.

  476. Tamara Bunke on September 24, 2020 at 12:03 pm said:

    What chance did any of us ever have? Or even SAPOL? When over on TS/BS it turns out everyone’s favourite wrestler-cum-gala-SM-impersonator transpires to be the hero of the piece, having sneakily kept back some head hair from those halcyon ’49 pre-DNA days. Amazing prescience… he should ask Crick & Co. to return their Nobel gong to its rightful owner.

    And there’s more! Our one-man CSI Adelaide had the stuff independently tested, it seems, by someone with a whole lotta lab, but perhaps very little curiosity (“Now, Paul: exactly WHERE – and WHO – did you get these poisoned and irradiated locks from, old chap”?).

    You couldn’t make it up.

  477. john sanders on September 24, 2020 at 1:06 pm said:

    Tamara: How could you dare to doubt the word of two original members of the Inner Sactimonious club, one presently ailing, of concocting such co-conspitatorial evidence to put self and pelf before truth and justice to promote Pavel Fedosimov the saddle nosed spy over all other non viable contenders for the role of Somerton Man. What evidence do you have to refute such a plausable story that has been at the forefront of discovery since one of Gordon Cramer’s most ardent and undenypiably honourable ferrets first interviewed the ever canney Paul Lawson in 2017. What hath God rort (sic) prey (sic) tell.

  478. john sanders on September 25, 2020 at 11:41 am said:

    Tamara: A long time between drinks for Big Tootie to come back on line with some news, but good news in the form of Rejected tapatalk’s convenient link in to the Kangaroo Island ferry service timetable that just happens to co-incide with Mr. Cramer’s latest blurb, hot off the dingla from a much improved Paul Lawson. This of course concerning Pavel Fedosimov’s prospective trip over to the mainland for his appointment with big Bob Wake and his CIS hoons on Somerton Beach. Can’t wait for the finale, can you comrade?.

  479. Tamara Bunke on September 25, 2020 at 7:35 pm said:

    Sanders, all: I’m also very interested to learn what technique was used to boil the inside of the Somerton Man’s skull in situ. The mind frankly boggles.

    Never has the phrase “go boil your head” seemed more apt.

  480. John / Tamara: all I feel when reading Paul Lawson’s recent comments is a deep sadness. What else is there to say?

  481. Tamara Bunke on September 25, 2020 at 8:05 pm said:

    Nick, it’s not Paul’s comments that worry me, personally. In fact, we don’t even know if they are his comments. We certainly don’t know how they were obtained. That notwithstanding, it’s the use to which others are putting these comments that concerns me.

    Some people out there might need to take a long, hard look at themselves.

  482. Tamara Bunke: there are websites where everything is carefully checked (but are perhaps a bit dry for some readers). There are websites that aim to provoke thought and discussion (but perhaps get caught up in the provoking bit). And there are websites that just make stuff up, week in and week out, and where you’d need to hire an army of forensic detectives to find even a single sentence that’s true.

    Doubtless you have your own opinions on this too.

  483. Provoke?

  484. john sanders on September 25, 2020 at 10:53 pm said:

    It seems of late, the former conduit between Paul and Cramer, has been cast aside for favour of more direct and reliable coms with his top informant. Apart from some minor doubts as to the quality of evidence being touted on his blog, I’m worried that these long telephone conversations, all instigated by Paul, must be a drain on his miserly pension payments. This only compounded by the news that Peteb is also now on the list for the old codger’s apparent need to impart long kept secret case facts through expensive trunk calls; unless of course the latter’s post reports of these are simply part of his well known plagiaristic forays into his former best pal’s exclusuve espionage domain .

  485. john sanders on September 26, 2020 at 1:52 am said:

    Peteb: Don’t know about Barry Traish, but the only Big ‘T’ I’m aware of is still firmly ensconced in his White House, to remain so unless the other crooked prospective tenant doesn’t dice his black power mask, cease making stuttered platitudes to any as yet uncommitted voters and give them some hope for the future.

  486. john sanders on September 26, 2020 at 3:09 am said:

    The BS/TS helpful map, second of his pretty travel brochures, this one allowing us imbiciles to track the exact route taken by tour leader comrade Pavel Fedosimov on his land/sea adventure to Kangaroo Island safe house. Strontium 90 is a by product of nuclear fission ie. via atomic explosion after which contamination is usually a consequence of resultant fallout. Somerton Man’s hair contained residue of 90 according to latest news reported directly by Paul Lawson, which if reliable means that exposure could only have come about through his near proximity to a nuclear bomb blast. Biggest problem with Gordon Cramer’s latest bungle (+map) is that it doesn’t include the US Bikini Island zone which from 1946 until ’49 was the only above ground atomic test site in existance, excluding possibly White Sands NM which would still be top secret. Most of us will be aware that the USSR’s very first reported AG test was not until their ‘Big Bolshie Boy’ bang on 29/8/49 at their experimental site in modern day Kazakhstan. Perhaps Gordon Framer might care to rectify his Bikini oversight by inserting a tiny dot for in the remot area of sea off micronesia so as not to spoil his well meaning, allbeit totally useless chart.

  487. john sanders on September 26, 2020 at 5:56 am said:

    I Don’t quite understand Peteb’s latest syrupy story line. At first bluff it appears to do with Ron Searl’s wartime sketches and his choice of pencils, then deviates to wards Gerry Feltus and his P76 Leyland which I know came out in ’73 when he made detective, same time as another new suit in Sydney @JS. Alf Boxall also gets a mention along with some convalescing Changi prisoner, taking advantage of a certain young RNSH bedpan nurse at Clifton Gardens hotel with rooms by the hour after 6pm. I wonder if an 86 Sqn. Flt. Lieut. name of uncle Colin was at the wheel of that converted Hudson bomber seen dropping Sci-ops messages to the ex POWs, ie. ‘Come home lads war’s over & don’t forget the duty free in Singas’… Nice Peteb.

  488. Tamara Bunke on September 26, 2020 at 11:13 am said:

    Pete, it seems to me that you have a twinkle in your eye much like Che’s. And he liked to provoke things too.

  489. Six pencils, Tamara, SIX !! WTF is going on there?

  490. john sanders on September 26, 2020 at 1:39 pm said:

    Tamara: And the CIA filth up an off with uncle Che’s Tanganyika Meerschaum pipe, as like swine probably did with a very similar one that our poor dead poet Joseph Saul Haim Marshall, was himself prepared to die for…’Just between you and I’.

  491. john sanders on September 26, 2020 at 1:56 pm said:

    Big thanks to Gordon for his post date inclusion of the Marshalls on his outward bound travel map; and I wouldn’t be surprised if Guinea Airways had a limited VIP evacuatiin flight for concerned Bikini island chiefs about the time of the the big bang.

  492. john sanders on September 26, 2020 at 3:08 pm said:

    Alf Boxall was never admitted to RNSH during his service career.
    RNSH was civilian and never used for convalescing ex POWs period.
    Alf Boxall thought that his ROK French army nurse was twenty, no older.
    Tom Musgrave backed up Boxall’s story to the letter thirty years later.
    Tom’s Mrs. Lived close to Suzie Boxall so Alf’s address was well known.
    In ’46 Alf was mostly at sea in the islands. What chance of a letter to Jess?.
    Jessica Harkness’ name was never found at RNSH despite contrary claims.
    Jess wanting discretion, lied about wartime military service under an alias.
    Sapol enabled their informant’s secrecy by supporting the bogus RNSH line.

  493. John Sanders: you keep claiming that there’s nothing connecting Jessie Harkness to RNSH, but p.158 (in Appendix D) of Margaret Rice’s (1988) “The Close of an Era: A History of Nursing at the Royal North Shore Hospital, 1887-1987” lists “Harkness, Jessie E.” as having graduated from the RNSH’s School of Nursing in 1946:


    So… this may not be your finest moment. :-/

  494. john sanders on September 26, 2020 at 10:59 pm said:

    Nick: First time I’ve ever seen the graduation paper and would like to know when and how it came to light. So many SM stalwarts over the years denied there being any such confirmation including Abbott and co. from which I took my lead. You’ll check back through many mentions of negative connotation in CM eg. your own venture into the world of Jestyn as Mrs. Willem Styn, which you’ll be first to agree
    Was not one of your better moments, what?.

  495. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 12:02 am said:

    Nick: I suspect that you may have got the wrong Harkness in your confirmation bias quest. Your mistake is perhaps excusable in that Jessie E. and Jessica E. May sound similar to some but not to the naming parents. I recall a Harkness living at Clifton gardens of all places which I thought likely to be Alf Boxall’s young army nurse. Turns out she was army but not a nurse and was a daughter of the NSW Premier’s private secretary. Anyone can make simple mistakes Nick but you’ll mind that it is certainly a caution against jumping to false conclusions. Our Jo is Jessica not Jessie as per the ’46 graduation notice and this is clearly evident in her Prov. Estate notice and on her grave, both of 2007.

  496. John Sanders: you claim that the Royal North Shore Hospital was never used for convalescing ex POWs period. Have you taken into consideration the thousands of liberated and demobbed POWs who suffered ongoing illnesses – some of whom lived in Sydney?
    Are you saying they were denied treatment at the RNS?

  497. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 3:49 am said:

    Anyone not afflicted with uncurable information bias syndrome might now like to ponder the ramifications of the almost certain pre conceived contingency planning behind the RNSH Jessie E. Harkness fake trail ruse. A nice one played on the cops and news hounds and latter day sloths alike all having been made easy targets for jessica’s fake RNSH nursing credentials claim, backed by a similarly named 1946 graduate which would pass muster if checked and which still makes some of us look rather foolish.

  498. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 4:09 am said:

    ….Confirmation of information bias to be precise.

  499. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 6:49 am said:

    It seems that Len Brown made the best of his police career of forty years and rising to the dizzy heights of Detective Superintendent would be considered metioric when you compared with the likes of his former partner R.L. Leane and historical fiction writer G. Feltus, neither òf whom got above Snr. Sergeant after their forty years of grafting in the Adelaide dens of morbidity, murder and mayhem. Browny was also the man that almost gave the game away in 1978 just prior to retirement, when he dropped the clanger about a suitcase “…..that we found in the ‘railway refreshment’ uh uh cloakroom”, then words to the effect that witnesses Gordon & Olive were parked in a car at Somerton, not to mention police calling X3239 and Sister Thomson answering. Numerous other interesting snippets that obviously have been diced for favour of a better story line can be found in the top detective’s record of interview. I’m sure that the fifty that he took for the appearance would have ensured a propensity to be generally truthful with Littlemore. So I’m happy with the alternate and more realistic refreshment room deal, with suitcase later lodged securely in the cloakroom and documented without issue of collection stub of course.

  500. John Sanders: it was published in 1988, back when we all had hair and knew basically nothing about the Somerton Man.

  501. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 9:31 am said:

    Yes Peteb, I can make the claim because it is true and varifiable. At war’s end 113 repatriation hospital was the biggest in the southern hemisphere followed closely by 116 in Melbourne and whatsmore these centres swallowed up all the returning POWs or put them into special trauma care facilities without need to swamp the general civilian hospitals with wounded diggers, nut cases and mallingerers which would have overburdoned the system and created medical mayhem. Additional convalescent units were also available throughout Australia and as you’d be aware from regular recent contact, Paul Lawson worked at one in the top end until ’46. Alf Boxall would certainly not have gotten any treatment at RNSH in 1945 before his departure for the islands nor upon his return or later, being an eligible returned man entitled free treatment at Concord Repat. Hospital. Hope I’ve been helpful.

  502. Tamara Bunke on September 27, 2020 at 10:19 am said:

    It’s a secondary source, Nick 😉

    Cramer will assimilate it into his “litter” theory imminently.

    “[…] Muddying pools, poisoning wells maybe. […] Pulling the rug out.”, as Percy Alleline put it.

  503. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 11:04 am said:

    Perhaps you knew nothing in 88 Nick; I knew flamming all, having based my SM knowledge on a couple of lectures at the Manly Police College and Manly Vale Hotel given by ex Sapol Det. Errol Canney in 73/74, by then a Compol Super. and full of great stories from his past including his partnership with ‘Verbal’ Kelly, Byron’s alltime favorite copper. I’ve also still got my hair thanks to Grecian.

  504. John Sanders: I’m pleased to hear that your hair is as intact as your hopes for solving this cold case. Though possibly both are more coloured than is entirely necessary. :-p

    Back in 1988, what was publicly known about the case would (in my opinion) have been able to fit on the back of envelope (or perhaps a particularly small Rubaiyat).

  505. If I had a dog that yapped as much as you do, John Sanders, I’d sell him to one of the Casino second-hand car yards … chuck them a bone and they’ll bark all night.

    And to put this into context .. it’s a little known fact that Jessica Harkness had a small poodle named Jake that she kept until 1946 before giving it away to a colleague named Judith Iscamabob, a fellow nurse who left Australia in 1953 to follow the zionist path where unfortunately she died within sight of the pyramids after falling off the lead camel of a string led by Abudazziz Abudaazij of Ethopia, whose father led the southern Tripoli Brigade in a battle against the infidel led secessionists wherein he earned the medal of Supreme Accomplishment for attempting to castrate one of the camels that were proving useful in Libya’s defence of it’s northern African borders.
    Man, this is so easy I might just make a habit of it.

    Hey Tamara … how you doin?

  506. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 12:13 pm said:

    Absolutely nothing was going down connecting the nurse or the lieutenant to any part of the police investigation beyond Mrs. Thomson’s two days of glory, but which fizzled with Alf Boxall turning up alive and well, to the best of my memory. Perhaps truth of the matter may be gauged from nothing coming of the 1958 inquest in which police had nothing new to offer. That only changed about the time of the ’78 doco which I never saw, but in which the postie got going about ’72 with his press exclusive in the Mirror, then it carried over from there to Munro’s Inside story deal. Even my ‘Mystery of the Sands’ book chapter title of 2006 lays out the investigation pretty well with nothing but the known facts, followed by the Sapol Hue & Cry article which claimed no knowledge of our two main characters.

  507. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 1:20 pm said:

    Nick: The only colours I’m interested in are primary colours if you get my drift. By the way, as Mr. Lawson so elequently interjected to put Stuart on notice “you’re on tender ground” to suggest otherwise. My quest is primarily to identify SM, how he died whither and whence. I’ll leave the accomanying not factual extras to those more concerned with hearsay, inuendo and self serving hyperbole if you please.

  508. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 2:12 pm said:

    Some kind soul might like to throw old Bonzo a bone. Poor dog doesn’t seem to know which way is home.

  509. Have you ever searched for a Jessie E Harkness? I did. I only found two mentions of her. I searched for her with the objective of proving that she wasn’t our Jessica. I could not.

    The first place she appears is in the Appendix – Graduates of the school of Nursing. There, she appears in the 1946 graduation year as “Harkness, Jessie E”.

    The second place I found her was in a 1943 electoral roll. There she appears as:

    Name: Jessie Ellen Harkness
    Gender: Female
    Electoral Date: 1943
    Electoral Place: Artarmon, North Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    So we now have a Jessie ELLEN. If one views the listing for her, it says:

    “Harkness, Jessie Ellen, R.N.S. Hospital, St. Leonard’s, nurse F”

  510. milongal on September 27, 2020 at 10:54 pm said:

    @JS re Brown and the refreshing cloakroom….

    Pretty sure that’s more to do with his knowledge of the railway station than any sort of slip up. AFAIK (happy to be corrected), the Cloak Room used to be on the right hand side as you come down the ramp from North Tce (behind what was Donut King in the 90s, but not sure what it is now). Later I think that area was converted to a refreshments area (and the area on the opposite side of the ramp was toilets). At different times that has shifted around, and later again I think TransAdelaide had offices (or at least Lost Property) in there (before I think most of there stuff moved to Roma Mitchell House, and their operations eventually onto the station concourse itself.

    So to me that sort of slip up could be more indicative of the mind mixing up 1970’s railway station vs 1940s railway station.

  511. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 11:09 pm said:

    Just say my name was Nicholas, but generally known by its short form Nick. But of course when it comes down to officizl documents, passport, driving licence or voting registrar &c., of my birth registration long form of Nicholas would take preceidence as a legal identity. I’d say that when Jessie Ellen Harkness went to vote and when her RNSH registration was recorded, she went by the name on her birth certificate which is unlikely to have been Jessica for mine. I’ll cheerfully stand corrected.

  512. john sanders on September 27, 2020 at 11:48 pm said:

    Back to those darned sox Nick ho hum. Well perhaps the first list of suitcase contents failed to record any simply due to oversight and the mistake was not picked up. I have seen a list on a rather impressive pre Feltus SM site (Crypto????) where three pairs were recorded so where did that come from. We can also see amongst the scattered belongings a more recent pic of a neatly folded pair that the majority of punters might insist were taken off our SM post mortem. Who would be so fussy with sox coming off dead man’s feet I’d submit as a counter, and by the way in the days before plastic ziplocks, sox came in handy to keep small items such as jewellry, cuff links and collar studs and coins &c., from going astray.

  513. milongal on September 28, 2020 at 2:58 am said:

    All this talk of Harkness raises a thought…..
    Surely he who has married himself into the case should have access to her Graduate Certificate (or whatever the qualification would be). Of course, not everyone proudly keeps their qualifications, many do proudly display their quals either in an office or at home – so wouldn’t it be worth digging through her belongings? Absence of such a certificate doesn’t prove anything, but presence of one would immediately either resolve or disprove whether Jessie is Jessica.

    NB: I tend to go by a shortened version of my name (let’s say “Mil” for now if “Milongal” were my real monicker) in almost everything I do, yet every qualification certificate I have (and even relatively minor ones) tend to my name based on my enrolment, originally based on my formal id (usually drivers licence and/or birth certificate, sometimes passport). As I recall, all my employers have always had my “correct” name on record, and while they would refer to me by nickname in conversations, any paperwork from them would always show my correct full name (granted I’m a generation or 2 later than those times, but in my experience it’s difficult to use a pseudonym in studies etc – so to me “Jessie” suggests “Jessie” not “Jessica” when it’s in a graduation list that (presumably) was taken from an official listing….

  514. john sanders on September 28, 2020 at 3:34 am said:

    Potentially gamechanging news courtesy of ace researcher Peteb, now on target for discovery of an intelligence office secreted somewhere within that huge military sprawl on Sydney’s northern shore called Georges Head. Well spotted Bonzo and as you say just around the corner from Chowder Bay and Alf Boxall’s domain. Other nearby places of most interest to SM sportsfans, Ashton Park fake suicide drop, RNSH & nurses rendezvous garden, then Neutral Bay, Castle Crag and Mosman for the estates of Messrs.Thomson, Hendon and Wake to name just three of our numerous co-conspirators, all so cosily and conveniently ensconsed for clandestine work as Cramer has been telling true believers like Peteb for ages.
    NB: Note the distinction between Georges Head and another huge WW2 military encampment at Georges Hall with it’s big American hospital, Royal Air Force depot and SME up the creek where Boxall and his Water Transport unit trained until early 1945, also where agent provocateur Major William Jestyn Moulds OBE attended an island invasion course prior to his seaborn landing on Morotai in May ’45.

  515. john sanders on September 28, 2020 at 6:16 am said:

    Some pretty standout questions arise in the alleged Boxall/Harkness story:-
    Sister Thomson was out in her timing for the ROK gift to Boxall of 6 to 12mths.
    Boxall was at sea & likely not contactable by his gift giver between 8/45 – 10/46.
    Sister Thomson’s ‘the same’ & ‘similar’ ROK descriptions in 7/49 not too accurate.
    Boxall spoke of ‘Jestyn’ as very young, shy, French and possibly an Army nurse.
    Sister Thomson was 24/5 in July, 1945, not Army nor un petit jeune fille Francaise.
    Boxall was at Georges Head only 2 months. Too short to mess with local fluff?
    Sister Thomson got potted in 10/46 at RNSH. All trainee urses have contingencies.
    Boxall RTA’d in late ’46 to be with Suzie, his daughter and baby Leslie not Jestyn.
    Sister Thomson’s (Jestyn?) pal Joy left WT Inst. Hubby & returned to SA in late ’46.
    Boxall in ’78 seemed not to recall much ado about his mid ’45 liason with ‘Jestyn’.
    Sister Thomson told cops that Boxall aka SM may have came a calling in late 11/48.
    Boxall told cops emphatically he’d never been to SA before his WW2 service.
    Sister Thomson was at 90A Moseley address latest early 1947. See ’47 directory.
    Boxall’s accurate service history makes no mention of hospitalisation at RNSH.
    SisterThomson was sure that her fake? story line would pass muster. How so?

    That’ll do for starters; Anyone including Bonzo like to continue the inquisition; go ahead, make my day!

  516. Pavlovpete on September 28, 2020 at 7:14 am said:

    You know, Sanders, if I was to sit on my duff all day like you do and not put anything up for discussion your life would change. You see, reactionaries have to REACT … like a dog does when it hears a noise. That’s when we get the yap yap f.cking yap.

  517. john sanders on September 28, 2020 at 7:32 am said:

    milongal: How should one respond to another’s better knowledge of a place I’ve only seen from the outside. Agreed Superintendent Brown was surely confused when stretching his memory bank on alternating layouts of Adelaide Station over the years. I suppose he was similarly confused as to what form of transort eye witnesses Strapps & Olive used on the evening of 3/11 to attend the death scene. And not overlooking Len’s apparent forgetting what he told Stuart earlier about being transferred to other duties before the book came to light on 19/7/49. Being quite certain that a Glenelg woman was Identified simply by calling the number he had found written thereupon in tiny writing; Not through tracing which was illegal and quite unecessary for any half smart cop. Give the man his due, he didn’t slip up too badly when asked by Stuart if he made the call, “ah, ah, No not me mate” or some suitable cop out.

  518. Did I miss something? I have been on and off this board for a while. Did we/someone find some officizl documents for Jessie/Jessica? Her passport, driving licence, voting registrar or birth registration?

  519. john sanders on September 28, 2020 at 10:58 am said:

    Far to neat and contrived for mine. Bonzo Bowes Ikea book shelf loaded with his great conasseurs edition favourite tomes you’d reckon eh?..Yeah well look again; the books are all generally of the same dimensions fore and aft, evidence of fake book facades once available Angus & Robertson with your choice of titles and authors. Compare his nibs’ with Alf Boxall’s humble living room honest man’s collection; hardwood shelves with a good mix of interesting titles ie., Long River (Darling) and Lawson’s essential ‘While the Billy Boils’, along with the usual hard cover Reader’s Digest condensed volumes. All well kept but and obviously well read, something our literary imposter wouldn’t appreciate. Most of my Maughams, Greene’s and Betty Sydney’s etc., are safely in storage in a big trunk under canvas up the back of my hovel, pages still dry enough to show many a former owner’s study notes. There’s also the odd hastily written interruption phone number on the back end face page, penciled in tiny writing that may later have been copied on to a police running sheet and left for others to ponder over.

  520. Misca: there’s basically zero on her afaik. I’ve often wondered not only why that should be, but also why Derek Abbott has said basically nothing on the subject.

    …unless someone knows better?

  521. Isn’t Derek Abbott’s wife, Rachel Egan, the paternal granddaughter of JEstyn?

  522. john sanders on September 28, 2020 at 10:08 pm said:

    All to easy Nick. A week back I mentioned the group conspiracy calling themselves Inner Sanctum, started by up by Feltus, our other Unknown Man about 2011 which included a selection of nominated worthies such as some that I had tentatively nominated, the likes of Abbott, Cramer & Co. In the years since their bust up, due to differences between Gerry, Derek and egotistical bridges, we latter day SM minnows have accordingly not been privy to their discussed topics of any known consequence. Reason being that at the time of their formation a secrecy pact with legal default clause inset was likely drawn up and Sworn to with a term validation which all the boyos signed up to. So in the interim, nothing from Elliott, Lawson, Ruffles or any of those above named, all but Derek who broke silence on Jestyn and Gordon who broke wind. If you don’t mind me saying so, we are not a band of brothers and are mostly not up to speed with such institutions and their enduring connotations for those selected few. Try if you will, to think of similar enduring ratbag institution with their white tie nights, black folders, trick handshakes and you’ll twig to what I’m so inellequently on about.

  523. john sanders on September 28, 2020 at 10:29 pm said:

    Misca: What we did find, though it was never lost, was the 1936 wedding certificate of Prosper and Queenie which included a witness Harley Burch who turned out to be an American family crime boss, into loan sharking, stand over door to door merchandising thouhgout Australasia (NZ) since 1923. He or one of his brothers was surely the overseer mentioned in Prosper’s WA forgery charges of 1938. A few years back such a disclosure would have been considered monumentous, but times have changed and obviously Prosper Thomson has ceased to be an SM name of consequence, for it didn’t get a mention here.

  524. misca: do we happen to know Jessica Harkness’ birthday?

    We’re told (e.g. on her gravestone) that she was born in 1921 in the Sydney suburb of Marrickville (and this may well be true). But has anyone gone looking in the BDM for everyone called Jessica (or Jessica Ellen) born in Marrickville in 1921 (particularly if we happen to know her birthday)?

    I don’t think Marrickville in 1921 would have had that many births, so that can’t be a hugely long list, right?

  525. milongal on September 29, 2020 at 12:14 am said:

    @NP: NSW BDM has a 100 year lag for births. We can’t look for her until next year through that channel

  526. milongal on September 29, 2020 at 12:31 am said:

    I sort of agree that DA’s silence on Jessica/Jessie is interesting (as per above, JS and I seem to agree that a nursing record would be unlikely to show a nickname – so “Jessie” was presumably on some formal paperwork somewhere…..), and it’s worth noting the Centennial Park record for her burial has “Jessica”.
    I do seem to recall there having been some generational falling out, so it’s possible that they have never seen any of Jessica’s docs.

    All of that being said, some online material (not overly reliable, necessarily) seems to imply she was born Jessie and may have become Jessica later (specifically referring to her as Jessie with her maiden name, but Jessica with her married name).
    e.g. Timenote notes: “Jestyn’s real identity, Jessica “Jo” Thomson (née Jessie Ellen Harkness, b. 1921 – d. 2007), finally became public. She was generally known as Jess Harkness, and then after 1947 as Jo Thomson.”

    So perhaps marriage was a point she decided Jessica was a more grown up name for her (and perhaps it’s an easy time to update name details since her surname is changing anyway).

    Trying to dig up a discussion from way back when where we went an chased a Jess(ica|ie) E(llen) Harkness – also a nurse (in regional SA) who turned out to be a couple of years older and demonstrably not Jestyn…..

  527. According to “Makara” on websleuths: https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/australia-tamam-shud-case-male-dec-1948.67163/page-7#post-10122510

    Most birth records in Australia have a privacy limitation, which vary from state to state. In NSW we are able to access birth records up to 1913, so there is basically a 100 year embargo on birth records. However there are other ways to calculate a date of birth. There is only a 50 year privacy limitation on marriages in NSW. A marriage record will (in most cases) state the ages of both parties. There is only a 30 year privacy limitation on death records in NSW and once again the age of the deceased is almost always listed. This information is obviously reliant on the informant on the death certificate and how well they knew the deceased. And then there is Trove and the National Archives. Both wonderful resources to help fill in the blanks of genealogical research.

    Jessica Harkness’ parents were Thomas Lawson Harkness and Ellen Lee. They married in Western Australia in 1916. They had at least five children.

    * Thomas Jnr. b. 1917 Victoria Australia.
    * Edmund. b. 1919. Victoria Australia.
    * Jessica. b. 1921. Marrickville, Sydney NSW Australia.
    * Jean. b. 1923 NSW Australia.
    * Ellen. b. 1928 NSW Australia.

    There is a five year gap between Jean and Ellen so there may have been another child born within this time frame that I’m yet to discover.

    Makara also offers up more on Prosper’s family here: https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/australia-tamam-shud-case-male-dec-1948.67163/page-9#post-10246851

    Sadly, that 2014 thread got somewhat hijacked by XLamb, but that’s how things were back then.

  528. milongal: wasn’t that a Jessie May Harkness?

  529. Nick – We don’t know her actual birth day. I (and assume many others) have been looking for her birth certificate for many years. I have done all manner of search for it and have not found it. Either her family does not know it either or they prefer to keep it confidential or they would have included it on her gravestone. Her sister’s bc are not available online either. Which I have to say, is quite unusual given the time that has passed. By now, bc’s in the 1920’s are generally “findable”.

    Harley Raymond Burch had a missing tip of his index finger of his left hand. Something that was noted on his WWII Draft Registration Card. So, I think we can eliminate him as a candidate.

  530. john sanders on September 29, 2020 at 1:39 am said:

    Nick: No she was Jessie Read Harkness 1900-85 Balaclava..As for Jessica’s DOB; if you care to check back to earlier this month, maybe on another thread header, I’m sure you’ll come up with the one I posted. Whether It’s correct or not, I have no idea but I agree that Misca could work with it better than we all.

  531. john sanders on September 29, 2020 at 5:30 am said:

    This is merely an ambitious ploy to stimulate renewed interest in the SM inqiry based solely on a confirmed Link between our man Prosper and the notorious Burch family of American style co conspiratorial shysters and employers of thugs to run their debt default service. There as been a noticeable waining of interest in this case of late, in which case the following recent research data might serve to rekindle the flames of desire and hope eternal existing in the few stalwarts who might just be pursuaded to give it one last chance for fame or at the very least, a face saving outcome to wit the Somerton Beach man’s identity etc.

    New Zealand arrival records reveal that the Burch clan from Scott City Kansas were well known flim flam merchants, including the USA ,were every bit as connected to Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch as they were to all the Australian state capitals and regional centres. There are many recorded (once important) Tasman crossings from 1925 involving all the family members ie. Harley, his Australian born wife Ivy (Crichton) and child Beverley Anne, brothers Elva and Leland along with their NZ & Aust. born spouses Margaret and Mary. Being tied in to a high turnover domestic door to door art scam empire and knowing that Whitcome & Tombs were wholesale suppliers in that field, it is likely that the family also dealt in book sales and greeting cards. Some of the Burch ‘Empire Art’ sales were probably generated by mail order so pocket books such as the various Courage & Friendship titles that came with post envelopes would have been easy to bring into Australia by family members then sent to their local D/D drummers…Any body interested?.

  532. john sanders on September 29, 2020 at 6:59 am said:

    Misca: We eliminated Harley Raymond Burch several months back as a candidate, subsequent to his having been found along with his wife and two brothers safely tucked away in Las Animas Co. General Cemetery. Though because of his known connection to an SM murder suspect called zprosper Thomson, he and his dead kinfolk can’t claim indemnity because of that otherwise possibly mitigating factor.

  533. john sanders on September 29, 2020 at 8:22 am said:

    Nick: I did find the posts from 17th &18th inst. refering to Tom Harkness Snr’s liquidity problem and birth of Jessica & Joan in Newcastle (Maryville) etc. but it seems I did not include an actual day date in ’21 for Jo. I’ll have to check my original source which isn’t possible just now, though it should present no problems directly.

  534. I’d like to add my two-bobs worth here but find the thread title a little too demeaning for my prognostications.

  535. john sanders on September 29, 2020 at 12:59 pm said:

    Peteb: By the way your slip is showing Kerrie Leigh and what’s more there appear to be traces of more than slight soiling a foot or two above the hem; to use J. B. Clelands polite jargonistic Keane suitcase contents phrasiology.

    Away from that, and were you aware that Det. Leane and I shared something in common, we being fair to muddling ‘lock-em-up’ street suits where paper work was not looked upon as essential to getting the job done and dusted.

    That all could explain to some degree, our SM biograper’s inability to track down the murder book which might give better portrayal of relevant police enquiry details, instead relying upon hearsay press releases from Scan the man.

  536. john sanders on September 29, 2020 at 1:24 pm said:

    Nick & Misca: I had found 18/2/21 some time back, though at the time I smelled a rat due mainly to the proliferation of other dubious personal details on the net. Based on Alf Boxall’s assertions that his ‘Jestyn’ character was very young in response to Livermore’s suggested 25 in mid ’45, I’d advance the DOB by a year to say 19/3/22 perhaps. I’d also go with Newcastle suburbia for the POB ie. Maryville as opposed to Sydney’s Marrickville, simply due to a perceived false lead scenario and because that’s where her family lived through most of the twenties.

  537. john sanders on September 30, 2020 at 1:40 am said:

    Peteb: It wasn’t too demeaning for you back on 11/12/18 when you determined that by introducing such topics as the D-OUOSVAVV-M code on Misc. Stuff, was the proper place for an angry Intellectual to postulate and vent his spleen. My own reasons for using the site initially was to make ‘snide’ responses to friend Gordon Cramer’s non Tamam Shud discussions on ships passing in the night and military aircraft design features etc. I certainly don’t feel demeaned using this site unless it relates to certain disturbing elements I’m having to share it with.

  538. john sanders on September 30, 2020 at 6:45 am said:

    Adelaide Advertiser 27/9/39 in it’s Undesirable form of bluff article relates to a company known as Empire Art, trading as Universal Dept Collection, 100 William St. Sydney attempting to obtain benefit by fraud. This is just one of many known cases of an international scam and extortion racket run by such as the brothers Burch ie., Harley (Dr.), Elva and Leland out of Kansas who, by employing rural travelers, some unwitting, some nit so, as agents to perpetuate their scam on gullible country folk all over. Perhaps our man Somerton was one of their portrait reproduction sales people who got wind of the rort and either threatened exposure or got in on the scam to make a better commission. Of course he may well have been representative of a like enterprise and whose take down was used to send a plain message for them to find other business. I can think of supporting evidence like the collection of ties, the newish coat shirts for use as portrait decor and of course template or frame adjusting tools (including mini coping saw) found in the Keane suitcase.

  539. john sanders on September 30, 2020 at 8:52 am said:

    In 1946 the Melbourne distribution house for Whitcom & Tombes Co. books was located at 332 Collins St. Just a short distance down from 258 a premises formerly leased by the notorious Burch brothers and managed by Clarinda Mary Burch wife of Leland Glen Burch. Leland the youngest brother and WW1 veteran was known to Adelaide police from a riotous court appearance in 1928 involving an evidence bag full of primed explosives. Anyway I’ve already touted the possibility that the family’s frequent travels to NZ may have been for liason with W & T courage and friendship (ROK) re distribution rights in rural Australia.

  540. Just this once .. I have to hand it to you, Johnno, you might be a pain in the arse, but in reality there’s not many who have your staying power in this case. Visit Prof A’s FB site and they’re discussing whether the bloke was poisoned by a someone soaking his jocks in cyanide, or something … Cramer is writing the history of Commie influence in Aus and our generous host here has given up the ghost .. Now don’t think this means I want to be your best mate, that’s never going to happen, but as I say .. you are one dogged old bastard

  541. john sanders on September 30, 2020 at 2:04 pm said:

    Peteb: I can honestly say that I have no problem with your latest piece of wisdom, even your reference to the dogeared old bastard bit. My mum was a Dee Why girl, adored the yanks, despised the nips and all who knew her said what a great sport good old Shirley was in the 40s…Back to the business though; those other bastard members of the former old boys fraternal order, most certainly still have in their possession vital evidence, obtained illegally from Sapol during the so called ‘spring cleaning’ of ’82 and should be either held to account for it, or given indemnity for passing it over post haste to those who best know how to test it’s mettle.

  542. JS – Where did you “find” 18/2/21? And how based on “Alf Boxall’s assertions” do you jump to “19/3/22 perhaps”? And how do you float around different “POB” based “simply due to a perceived false lead scenario”? WTF does your post even mean? Are you expecting everyone to be on here 24/7 following everything you write? You seem quite articulate and knowledgeable. It would be very helpful if you could also take the time to be concise and clear.

  543. john sanders on October 1, 2020 at 4:39 am said:

    OK! All in all we’re not doing so badly here of late; the Solomonson (sic) ID by the Kabara? patient at a Glenelg pub, The missing German ship deserter’s full handle and a resolution to Nick’s white tie affair which was an enterting side show. What we dearly need for an encore is a name for the missing stable hand and the horse he rode in on, in order to get a short half head (shd) clear of the field.

  544. john sanders on October 1, 2020 at 8:15 am said:

    Misca: In re your capacity as a fee paying conduit to a host of genialogical search engines, I for one am most grateful for your most helpful efforts in the past. No doubt you are good at your work as most would concede, only wishing I had your expertise and capacity, but each to their own. The techniques that I use to do skip trace checks comes not from any tool that I’m aware of, though they often produce results, as in the case of Jessica Ellen Harkness. My given background advice of late fits well enough, if not better in my opinion than presumptions based on hearsay reported over the years, none of which ever came up with anything concrete. My latest posts on her birthday comes from Gerry Feltus I believe and most of my knowledge of a Thomas Lawson Harkness’ work as a self employed electrical line contractor in Newcastle through the twenties is from trove newspapers of the period that provides his two addresses. I hasten to say that my previous report with reference to Alf Boxall’s thoughts on his nurses young age, hence a possible alternate date of birth, would not present difficulties to those who are familiar with my oft tangled words of wisdom.

  545. I found a manifest of the whole family travelling – returning from a trip to Italy. In one listing she is listed as shown here:

    Name: Jessi Thomson
    Departure Place: Genoa, Italy
    Arrival Date: 29 Oct 1962
    Arrival Place: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
    Vessel: Flavia

    Interesting that her name is spelt without an e. I would imagine that the information is transcribed from passports.

    On another manifest for the same trip, the entire family is listed with first initials only. Prosper’s age is listed as 50. Jessie’s as 41, Robin as 15 and Kate as 12.

  546. john sanders on October 1, 2020 at 10:40 pm said:

    Misca: Yes. You, milongal and I had somethings to say about this Genoa trip two or or three years back. I had picked it up on NAA passengrr arrivals and I’m sure I wasn’t the first because it was on the family’s return from there long stay in UK which in fact I spoke about on this very thread a week or two back. Thanks anyway It’s nice to have back up.

  547. I thought we had talked about it! So much info, so long ago. Well, helpful to have it again when trying to confirm name and age.

    I find it very difficult to search the Cipher site. I asked Nick if we could organize information differently a long time ago. Grateful that at least we have this as a spot to discuss but a shame that we can’t easily access information that has already been covered.

  548. john sanders on October 2, 2020 at 3:30 am said:

    Peteb: I detected a note of irony in Clive Turner/Walker’s latest suggestion that our man may have been caught trespassing on Prosper’s territory in whatever crooked venture he was engaged. There can be little doubt that the latter had been known to Harley Burch, so likely working for ‘Empire Art’ and ‘Universal Debt Recovery’ as a drummer & collecter with a set piece of assigned turf for himself. Just such a locality would be Clive’s ‘Waterloo’; Slap bang in the guts of the so called Kapunda triangle, only two hours from Adelaide, with it’s Prosper-ous rural landholdings being prime targets of the of flim flammers and always ripe for plucking by a man with wheels.

  549. john sanders on October 2, 2020 at 11:45 am said:

    It does seem quite clear that Jessi is the diminitive form of Jessica as opposed to Jessie which is a complete name of itself. It’s also most interesting that Jean and Jessica in Scotland are of a common derivation, but in our case moreso because our Jessica had a sister Jean born 1923, who you’ll surely recall as J. Harkness the under 12 sack race winner in the Cheltenham team for 1935. Ellen Mary was the younger sister born 1928 which thus presents a name conundrum of sorts for me at least. Could it suggest that mum and dad picked the names Jean and Ellen to remind them of Jessica Ellen, the daughter they had to give up at birth through poverty which is not unlikely.

  550. I think it’s more likely that she was born “Jessie” given that she had both an Aunt and Grandmother with the same name. She may have preferred Jessica and could have formally changed her name later or not. (If she converted to Judaism, she could have taken Jessica as her name and formalized it.).

    For example, Jessie’s mother was born “Nellie” and died “Ellen” on her formal documents. It happens.

    I have no skin in the game either way but try to keep all of this mind when searching.

    The “Jo” bit makes no sense to me at all as it’s usually a diminutive for either Joanne or Jean…Neither of which were her name.

    Her sister Jean was Jean Moir Harkness (GF John Moir) so not a big stretch…She apparently went by “Jenny”.

    Ellen/May/Mary – There are Ellen’s on both sides. Not so surprising.

  551. john sanders on October 3, 2020 at 3:45 am said:

    Any punters prepared to take a stab as to whither whence presence of the Sony Trinitron computer monitor in the background of the Keane suitcase colour picture htp://d6jf304m27oxw.cloudfront.net/mystery-of-somerton-man-the-tamam-shud-case/somerton-man-suitcase.jpo . While at it you might care to make comment on the other probably post ’82 spring cleaning objects also present ie. a bundle of 100cm slim line neon tubes, a red outboard marine fuel container and what looks to b a small spring steel saw frame with used blade inset, plus a blue auto oil filter canister amongst the tools and ties. This is your final chance of making the finals.

  552. john sanders on October 3, 2020 at 8:44 am said:

    Misca: I liked your fair and logical preference for the RNSH Jessie name, allbeit accompanied perhaps by a degree of confirmation bias derived from reliable ‘Tamam Shud Historically Known Facts’ for which to test the well stirred pot. I’d say no better or worse than my modest contrary views, although I feel that mine may tip the odds with some most convincing evidence from my own research which I doubt that the TSHKF team knew existed in the Jean/Jessica/Jessie link. I wonder did you ever give consideration to the alternative that Jo’s sister Ellen Mary may have been named for Newcastle’s Maryville maternity hospital and not past family members as you suspect?..

  553. Tamara Bunke on October 3, 2020 at 1:19 pm said:

    John, you’re going to have to type that link out again – and carefully this time. I’ve tried it with “http” and “.jpg” and still no dice.

  554. john sanders on October 3, 2020 at 2:07 pm said:

    Worth bringing up again I guess. On Victorian provisional wills and probates, we have both a Jessica Ellen Thomson and Ellen Jessie Thomson from 2007/8, neither showing up in Melbourne cemetery records. Jessica has Hamilton listed alongside her entry and Camberwell for Ellen, Hamilton being a city in Victoria, but is also second city of Newcastle NSW. Camberwell is a suburb of Melbourne and the only othet detail tells us that Jessie was retired. So it’s likely that first mentioned Jessica is our girl who died at Hamilton (probably Vic) and recorded as being interred in Centenial Park, Adelaide.

  555. john sanders on October 3, 2020 at 11:23 pm said:

    Tamara: I don’t usually do that http.jpg stuff. I copied it from Nick’s post of 17th June 2016 12.55 @ The Tamam Shud Was A Proof Of Identity thread which works.

  556. Yeah. Not the only other detail. There’s one more important detail…The “reverse” Ellen Jessie died on the 14th of July.

  557. “I wonder did you ever give consideration to the alternative that Jo’s sister Ellen Mary may have been named for Newcastle’s Maryville maternity hospital and not past family members as you suspect?..”

    Um. No.

    Honestly, I don’t think that the Harkness’ choice to name Jessie’s sister Ellen Mary after the institution she may have been born in will, in any way, lead us to determining who SM was.

    If you think proving that they may have been living in Newcastle could lead us there…Please show us the way! No one is disputing that they may have lived there. One can search trove and see that they did.

  558. You obviously have a subscription or access to someone who does. Why even post such a deliberately stupid red herring? Like people are on here biting their nails wondering if Jessica Ellen and Ellen Jessica could be confused for one another? Really? No one is wondering or knowing about these things. Just you, your paid-for genealogist and me fact-checking your bullshit. Why do you spend so much time adding to the confusion?

  559. Why is this “worth bringing up again”? It’s ridiculous and stupid and easily put down. Why are you doing this?

  560. john sanders on October 4, 2020 at 4:28 am said:

    Royal North Shore Hospital wasn’t such a big joint, about 300 beds in ’47 when it was given some serious credential by becoming a nurses teaching hospital. Better still, from the mid thirties it had adopted Sister Mary Kenny’s revolutionary Polio treating method by opening it’s dedicated child paralysis unit. RNSH being at the forefront in the field was thence accorded international acclaim which of course could not harm the career opportunities to any nurse that could boast of having been ‘imbedded’ there during those heady days…’She remembered giving a similar copy of the Rubaiyat to an army lieutenant about three and a half years ago whilst a nurse at Royal North Shore Hospital’ so said the press..Why need bring up RNSH? and don’t say because it is reasonably close to Clifton Gardens Hotel, so are plenty of other hospitals. I’d suggest our nurse was just as likely to have been putting on aires in much the same manner that she elevated herself to Sister J E Thomson for her X3239 number, just one more bald face lie by my reckoning and it’s likey they didn’t rest there.

  561. john sanders on October 4, 2020 at 5:18 am said:

    Peteb: You’re assuming that the folded pair in SC contents pic were from the body. I won’t concede that for obvious reasons ie. who folds dead man’s socks. Besides maybe ours wasn’t in the habit of wearing them apart from funerals and the like. You’d have to be familiar with Jack Reacher; shoulders like Somerton man and tall as Pavel Fedisimov who never wore socks after he left Iraq and nobody thought it was suspicious in the slightest. Your latest thread sucks mofo.

  562. john sanders on October 4, 2020 at 8:51 am said:

    Tamara: Guess you found the full frame suitcase shot by now, Meantime I’ve been checking other sites with the same photo and found five or six all obviously done off one original which I think was taken at least twenty years after the suitcase was last seen by Sapol. Interestingly, the only three places I can’t find it are in the SM Ebook by Gerry Feltus, Derek Abbott’s old web sight and the one belonging to Gordon Cramer, all inaugural members of Inner Sanctum as it turns out. A couple of points that I witheld due to their being of lesser importance, are background items such as a piece of interesting white styrofoam board and a black rectangular object with wheels resembling a modern suitcase. I also notice that the two light tubes are attached to a wall mount. I’m relying on your evaluation comrade, to verify the time element discrepency and such, all my previous attempts to bring out this factor having gone unoticed, by less vigilant & inquiring minds perhaps.

  563. john sanders on October 4, 2020 at 10:54 am said:

    Misca: I’m a tad disapointed in your wrongful assertion that there could be someone researching genealogy on my behalf for money. In the past I have put my trust only in the thee to guide me through the mire of family relativity; you were always my reliable pipline through the mire and mystique of those old family links. No problem though I have the time and energy to dig up a few old graves on my pat malone, if there be the mere chance of some new and relevant discovery coming to light. So thanks for all your help in the past and who knows?, a little more persistance with Jessie Harkness’ Marrickville birth details and graduation at RNSH might be rewarded, thereby giving your success rate of late, a much needed boost!….

  564. mofo – generic US slang for motherfucker. Nice moderating Dome.

  565. peteb: there’s plenty I do moderate out, which is a process almost as tiresome as receiving comments complaining about what I let through.

  566. Tamara Bunke on October 4, 2020 at 2:10 pm said:

    John, I found the image from the 2018 thread. I can’t see some of the objects you mention. Very difficult to date the picture on the basis of what is visible. I suspect the link shows a crop. I was a little struck by how digital the image looks, but I’m no expert.

    Perhaps you could mark up the image with what you consider to be the suspect items?

  567. john sanders on October 4, 2020 at 2:57 pm said:

    Tamara: Right on the money and I was confident you’d find an open door without promting if anyone could. What we need to do is get Nick to use his invasive tools to look through the top repro pixels and see what’s lurking beneath. If the photo was taken after 2000 or so chances are that a digital camera was used and if there be pixels present we’ve evidence to give Sapol about likely unlawful possession of police evidence. There is another similar colour photo that I suspect to be of the same late vintage and which might tell a similar story and the combination of both might just serve to flush a co conspirator or two out of hiding. Of course even if a film camera was used, we still have other good means to make the case worth pursuing.

  568. Tamara Bunke on October 4, 2020 at 3:24 pm said:

    Nick, do you have a view on the image? The color is quite saturated and despite being harshly lit (by flash?) from above, highlight detail is intact, save for the white tube, which is blown out. I can’t see any film grain… can anyone else?

    Do we know where the image has come from? Is it scanned from a print?

    This is the kind of question that Gordon could usefully provide an opinion on, too. In case he’s around.

  569. Tamara Bunke: I don’t know the source of that image, but I’ll have a look at my archives later, see what I can turn up.

  570. john sanders on October 4, 2020 at 10:30 pm said:

    Tamara: I’d be quite confident that Gordon could provide some of his expertise in this matter if he was of a mind. Whilst he never displayed the actual reproduction in his site’s suitcase pictorial, he did highlight numerous individual objects taken from amongst the scatter. It would not surprise if he was qualified enough to even identify what sort of camera was used, make, model, serial number and even film speed if appropriate providing his memory is still clear.

  571. john sanders on October 5, 2020 at 2:04 am said:

    Welcome to the parlour MD Bevan, but be warned that things happen a little differently on this side of the lake. For instance your on topic discussion points, whether they accord with our moderator’s views or nay, will be viewed with the this site’s renowned spirit of fairness and posted without fear of favour for opinion or query. Your having come out on the Tomsbytwo blog with all guns blazing was somewhat nieve and you can be assured that you may not be given a second chance to improve your game. That is unless you subscribe by instrument in writing to obey the site rule stipulating that personal opinions are not tolerated and that immoderstor Bonzo Bowes always gets the last word period.

  572. john sanders on October 5, 2020 at 5:38 am said:

    “…but I knew I was way out of my depth”. That’s Bonzo talking about his retreat from hopes that the lost tribe of Voynich would be universally accepted and be a boost to his nonentity status with recognised VM experts. Of course folks were polite enough in their rejection of his wacky views, most having seen quite enough of his overplayed obvious false sense of scolastic superiority. Some even making spot check visits to his single thread Grand Theft Auto platform to check that he wasn’t a zombie.

  573. milongal on October 5, 2020 at 9:57 pm said:

    @Misca: regarding awkward searching …..

    I assumed this was common knowledge, but just in case you didn’t know (apologies if you did)….

    I’ve found for searching it’s often easier not to use the site’s internal search, but use google and add “site:(partial)siteURL” (If you didn’t know this, I’m sure there’s plenty of references that explain all sorts of nuances to search domains and subdomains etc).

    The reason the approach does better for me on blogs (eg this one) is that the google search indexes the comments, not just the content. If you search for Keane in the searchbox on this site, you’ll get articles about Keane. If you do it through google you’ll get mentions in comments as well.

    The reason this seems to work on other collections like trove (and probably all the nla/naa sites) is that the rules on their searches seem broader than google (eg if you put a name or phrase in quotes, google assume you want a close match to that exact phrase….trove’s engine interprets it as you want a close match to any/all of the words in the phrase (so “Jessica Thomson” on google will match stuff similar to “Jessica Thomson”, but “Jessica Thomson” on trove will find all pages that have a Jessica and a Thomson – even if the names don’t appear together

  574. If you had another brain, Sanders, it’d be lonely.

  575. john sanders on October 6, 2020 at 11:45 pm said:

    General Colin Simpson was ‘Association’ head honco between ’47 and ’50 when it was disbanded through lack of support by it’s ex AIF base and to some extent the failing health of it’s titula head Tom Blamey. Simspson had served as Signal Intel. chief throughout the war and was used by the latter to tidy up things that might otherwise badly reflect on Australia’s reputation with it’s allies. After managing to
    resolve the catastrophies of the AIF retreats from Greece and Crete, he was sent to Java to put a better face on the apparent desertion of an RAAF squadron who were had holed up their, safely escorting the unit back to Adelaide in March ’42 thereby prevent threatened harm to the offenders. He was big in defence of the RSL’s far right agenda post WW2 and a firm believer in a military higherarchy run by civilian militIa officrs as opposed to regulars who lacked sufficient patriotism by his own reckonning and that of his boss Sir Thomas (to be Field Marshal) general Blamey.

    A very capable loyal and highly decorated officer who had been a pal of Blamey and other pro facist rabble rousers like R. L. Leane, Police Commisioner of South Australia from WW1and beyond, the man who may as well have coined the phrase that ‘the only good red was a dead red’, unless of course they happened to have done their bit for the war effort. Colin was a chemist in his civillian profession and a very capable one at that. In 1937 he started up the cooperative pharmaceutical retailing supply chain which still operates Australia wide named AMCAL. In 1945 an Adelaide family run business took advantage of AMCAL’s buying power and signed up after divesting it’s self of previous supply contracts and seemed to have done well. Charles, Colin and JOHN FREEMAN had a number of shops including those at Norwood, Unley, Glenside and of course the one at 24A JETTY Road, Glenelg.

  576. john sanders on October 7, 2020 at 4:14 am said:

    What would mission command for the 1946 Bikini atomic tests, be doing sending an irradiated Mk. 2 Somerton Man to Sydney for treatment. Great if he had a touch syphilis as Byron suspects, or even cerebral palsy perhaps, with it’s world class polio therapy clinic. Radiation poisoning cases would be better dealt with at a facility set up specifically for treating such cases ie.,Yokahama or the huge military hospital in Honolulu, much closer as well. Gordon might like to get his new man PeteDavo to revise his incorrect dates, as Jessica was in all probabilty still not too familiar with exposure cases in 1945, the year stipulated for her tryst with SM at RNSH.

  577. john sanders on October 7, 2020 at 8:36 am said:

    Tamara: If you haven’t found it yet, CM Somerton Man’s Suitcase thread gives a much brighter clearer photo of the background which throws some doubt on the computer monitor screen, whilst the scatter gives some clarity on other objects such as the folding coat hanger, readily distinguisable from the small saw thingo.

  578. john sanders on October 7, 2020 at 1:45 pm said:

    ….and a couple more identification errors, my excuse being failure to take in the aspect and film colour tones. M red outboard fuel container turns out to be a barrel type vucuum cleaner of typical Electrolux or Volta type. The other being the misidentified blue oil filter gizmo which turns out to be the little Green’s pipe and cigarette lighter, sans polished surface as displayed in Detective Len Brown’s 1978 presentation for Inside Story. My stuff up as usual.

  579. john sanders on October 8, 2020 at 7:11 am said:

    Let’s see if we just can’t help Bonzo Bowes out with a few factual errors in his latest comic capers text concerning a nest of Italian fruiterers that had once occupied barracks right next door to the army Water Transport Wing at Chowder Bay. This is the same location where spy master Lt. Alf Boxall 36 had just set up shop with his comrades, Maj. Bill J. Moulds 36 of Manly and a 29 year old red Jessie Harkness, a nurse at nearby Royal North Shore Hospital. The purpose of their collective being to oversee military shipping cargos destined for the Salisbury Weapons Research Establishment at Adelaide SA and report relevant details for favour of clandestine transmition via a ship’s third officer cargo marker and soviet conduit to his soviet consular handlers in Sydney.

    Problems arise, as most informed CM followers would know. They would include realisation that we’re talking mid 1945 and the Italians had ceased being the enemy a year earlier. Most of the internees had of course by then returned to their homes in suburbia and resumed pre war vocations, either in their market gardens fruit shops or fish cafe’s. Of course no ships were headed for WRE, reason being that it actually didn’t even exist unti 1947. The wartime munitions filling factory at Salisbury which it took over from had ceased it’s own operations down due to a marked diminisment for need since VE day in May ’45…Alf Boxall was 39 not 36 and Jessica was likely to have been 24 not 29…Alf Boxall’s daughter bn. 14/6/44 was Robyn Isobel according to his NAA file and Bonzo’s Leslie seems only ever to have come to light with Gerry’s book?

  580. Tamara Bunke on October 8, 2020 at 8:23 am said:

    Well, well, well, compadres. What do we make of Mr. Voshart’s rendering from the bust, photos and written descriptions, as broadcast by ABC and highlighted over on TS/BS? Artistic license aside, it’s the most compelling image yet. Gives the old bugger a bit more life.

    Is Master Robin a “chip off the old block”, as we say here in Bolivia?

  581. john sanders on October 8, 2020 at 1:36 pm said:

    Tamara: Voshart completely missed that standout groove on the top of SM’s nose in the finished product, having included it in his mortuary photo assimaly which was even included in the Lawson bust. So what’s his game here; seems like he’s been given a suspect without it to comply with a client’s whims. I recall when I first intruded into this case on CM, I made mention that old Glenelg money bags and racing man Reg Bickford who died at his Somerton home on 20/11/48 had that same characteristic which I though might well have come down from the original Alvington, Devon family. A good example can be found on the American born actor Charles Bickford who has kindly supplied us with a hundred clips displaying the very same feature. Check him out on wiki if your more adventurous than the rest.

  582. Tamara Bunke on October 8, 2020 at 8:23 pm said:

    Charlie Bickford sure is one mean-lookin’ mo’fo. Died only two months after I did, too. Anyway, if I was casting for a Somerton Man, old Charlie would get the part, for sure.

    But I’m not one for noses. I know from bitter experience that it’s the teeth that identify the man in the end.

  583. john sanders on October 8, 2020 at 10:54 pm said:

    Tamara: In that case, you’d be on the money with Dan having taken young Robin’s pearly whites as his model (conveniently). He certainly had not much to go on with SM’s abscence of a toothy smile on the slab and to me the man was not much of a grinner in life either.

  584. john sanders on October 9, 2020 at 3:23 am said:

    I’m pretty sure it was Lawson who brought us news of a falling out between our former pals, ( Bill & Jim fall). Two ‘joined at the hip’ (fore & aft) inseperable bum buddies and devout believers in spy theories, the art secret writing within a code format and soviet inspired beach slayings. When mates fall out it is of course a sad affair indeed and brings with it a sense of unimaginable loss for mutual friends caught between allegance to both. How could such a thing happen we might wonder; perhaps something as petty as mere mention of two little dicky birds and subsequent assumed connection to a strenuously denied stalking charge, thereby creating offence…So it’s fly away Peter, fly away Paul, have your way GC but get ready for a fall…

  585. john sanders on October 9, 2020 at 6:10 am said:

    *** would be awarded to C G Cramer according to Peter Bowes own simple rating system. Although it would seem to fall in a specified category by his very own reckoning, Gordon the Great Pretender is guilty of his rejecting his own ‘take it on the chin’ ruling. He would of course deny that his very actions led to the shutting down of a very finely set up Fandom sponsored ‘anemptyglass’ site, now a virtual SM wasteland due to the man’s manic jealousy, insecurity and spite.

  586. john sanders on October 9, 2020 at 8:44 am said:

    As far as the name Bickford goes, it is of course intrisically connected to our SM case for a variety of sound reasons, not least of which involves the inheritors of an original softdrink and chemical company set up in Adelaide by Devonish migrants William and Elizabeth Bickford in the 1850s. Although Bill died soon after, the old matriarch was startlingly successful in her management and in the raising of kids with similar business accumen…Harold, William and Reginald were all second generation inheritors of a new era and born Somertonians who spent much of their early lives at Alvington mansion across the from the beach.

    I spent a lot of time researching the family, heirs and successors to the Bickford empire which continues in much the same manner as it has for 150 years. I’ve gotten to know most of the twentieth century members quite better than most I would expect. Those that served their country in all wars and mixed services, those involved in civic affairs, sporting clubs, company directorships, those who were cut down in youth and even others who went through highly publicized divorces from rather sporty ladies with a penchant for men in uniform. I have all the details and histories of scores of this interesting ahd closeknit family

    All but one are more or less accounted for and I’m going nuts trying to extend the little I know about this particular mystery man, likely born before WW1. It seems that I overlooked him previously mainly in that his name didn’t raise flags. William Reginald fitted in well with the older governing patriarchs in a way that he could be taken for granted as a son or nephew and not likely an unknown. This chap now,
    does not appear to be part of the original S A family at all. The the only mention of him in the state is his marriage to the daughter of a well to do family of second generation woolbuyers in 1939 and when he and wife Elizabeth arrived in Adelaide from Singapore in 1947. Stated address on arrival proved to be a little windfall which I’ll elaborate on later when and if there are revelations worth revelation.

  587. john sanders on October 9, 2020 at 11:37 am said:

    Found William Reginald Bickford, but still doesn’t go beyond ’47. Likely an Anglo Indian public servant who was cited for bravery and exemplary service during Burmese relief efforts in a civil capacity. So doesn’t appear to be related directly to the Adelaide Bickford mob. Will now have to find out where he was evacuted to when the Japanese took Lashio. I’m thinking that he may have gone to Columbo, Ceylon, then possibly shipped to Adelaide on the Orcades with Colin Simpson’s exfiltration draft in March to be with his wife. That is unless he was captured and spent the war in Changi or like internment camp. Getting interesting and hope to expand.

  588. john sanders on October 9, 2020 at 2:51 pm said:

    After analysing raw evidence, I’m quite sure William Bickford was not captured in Burma, but instead was responsible for assisting all sorts of civilians to make the perilous one thousand kilometer journey to temporary camps in Assam province, India. The conditions encountered would have taken a huge toll on all including himself, due to infectious diseases, lack of medicine food and rest deprevation. There can be little doubt that he would have, like his charges have been prone to the effects of debilitating maladies such as dysentry, malaria, dengue fever and scrub mite typhus with it’s death rate alone higher than almost any other arachnid infection known. One might well imagine that without penicilin and other modern day care in 1942, reinfection might well have stayed with a so afflicted person for many years, indeed most probably never regained their pre war health. I wonder if a pathologist unfamiliar with tropical scrub typhus, such as John Dwyer would have been competent in detecting such organic breakdown during a routine autopsy.

  589. john sanders on October 9, 2020 at 11:00 pm said:

    I think we might well be on to something well worth pursuing in a broader manner than my reaearch limitations allow to expand much further. Could well be bigger than past initiatives the likes of Willem Styn, Arnold Deutsch, Jimmy Keane and a dozen more Keanes; even might I dare to say Pavel Fedosimov. We really need to get down to the nuts and bolts of my William Raymond Bickford who might have been of a type to give himself a beach funeral to accord with similar rites given to those witnessed by him during service in the East. I seem to recall E. Arthur Blair (Orwell) describing such a ritual in ‘Burma Days’. Speaking of which he and the great man almost certainly would have been aquainted in the twenties and I’d guess that they were of a comparable age. The only thing else I can offer at present is that in 1947, Reg gave the Adelaide address of his wife’s elder brother John Edwards who during the war was a naval Lieutenant and had served in both Sydney and Melbourne One Sydhey address happened to be a very short hop to that of Joseph Marshall’s Singapore teacher, noting that Reg and Elizabeth Bickford had arrived from there. As to what they had been doing there is anybody’s guess.

  590. john sanders on October 10, 2020 at 4:08 am said:

    Some clarity is now forthcoming courtessy of various London Gazettes, Civil Lists and the like, but still nothing beyond a change of appointment from Burma to a Commonwealth Relations posting to recognised part of the Dominion gazetted 11 June 1948. During the war he had been given an Army reserve commission in the medical service which must have coincided with his arrival at Margherita with the motley collection of emaciated mixed nanionality of refugees for which he got his MBE. One thing we know from Bill’s citation is that he was a powerful swimmer who crossed the mighty Irrawaddi or tributary thereof; and by extension a man blessed with large hands and big shoulders perhaps.

    Of course for those who are not Keane on going over the SM cut off year of 1908, then some possible bad news comes up with mention of his age as being only thirty six in 1948 which is a tad under our bar set at of 40/45, if of course the list detail was correct. I’d personally reserve judgement on the number until we come up with confirmation, considering that means our hero would then have earned his gong at age 30 in 1942 and that his seniority date for promotion to department undersecretary way back in 1935 would be just 23 if that can be believed. I wonder where he married Liz in ’39; if in Australia there should be access to the B D & M record as oppossed to the S A Geni. entry in Adelaide press which is pay walled.

    I realise that it might be rathet difficult for such a well known officer of the King to end up dead on some beach in the Antipodes without there having been a hew & cry raised that he was even missing, exacerbated by nobody coming forward to recognise him or to claim his remains. Perhaps not so strange if our friend had for instance recently stood down from a recent posting to say FSM or Singapore after the war, which sounds right and then came to Australia (Gov. Gazettes are always a year off) perhaps for his medical condition where he would have been another face in the uncaring Adelaide crowd. If only we could come up with what became of his wife or her family, there’d be possibilty for connection which ain’t happening for most part although I think I just saw sister Claire getting hitched to an AIF lad.

  591. Anybody know if the Freeman Rubaiyat, whatever publication it was, had a fly leaf separating the back cover from the last page?

  592. john sanders on October 10, 2020 at 1:41 pm said:

    Peteb: Best common sense based calculated guess; no fly leaf and most likely no dust cover. That sit OK with you? or are you looking for better ammo.?

  593. Got all the ammo I need, just need to get the sights adjusted, looking for a clean headshot. Thanks.

  594. john sanders on October 10, 2020 at 10:37 pm said:

    Proponderance of opinion from past submissions suggest Minx edition was somewhat tattered which means no cover, and inclusion of penciled phone number(s) on TS page points to no fly leaf. Perhaps Cramer could share more reliable wisdom.

  595. john sanders on October 10, 2020 at 10:57 pm said:

    The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint the undermentioned to be officers of Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service…William Reginald Bickford Esq. MBE.
    From London Gazette 5th July 1966.

  596. They travelled to Australia in early 1950 as well…so, not him.

    In fact, they travelled quite a lot.

    He was born 14 Sept 1911 and died in Feb 1990 in Haywards Heath, West Sussex.

    Elizabeth Mary (Edwards) Bickford was born 3 Aug 1914 and died in Oct 1999.

    Her brother (John Warren Edwards) was born and lived in Australia.

    Their parents were Stephanie Whetham and Warren Edwards.

  597. JS – You could have provided the information you had and the information you were looking for in maybe 3-4 sentences. That would have been much better than rambling through all that stuff just to figure out what you were on about.

  598. Tamara Bunke on October 11, 2020 at 6:33 am said:

    The only true stopper.


  599. john sanders on October 11, 2020 at 8:56 am said:

    Misca: Always nice to get the good oil from such a reliable and obliging source and many thanks. If you’re not to busy, how about William George Bickford 5/3/05 (?). yachtsman, rejected for RAN and last seen 2/42 Perth. Missing Bickfords abound.

    I must admit with that I tend to be long winded and a real space waster at times, but by the same token, I love to inform others about brave deeds involving ligitimate SM candidates like y’man with the MBE. Helps me with my filing too.

  600. The man with the MBE:

    Medal listing of Bickford, William George
    Discharge number: R10223

    He was born 6 August 1905 in Tilbury, Essex and died 6 January 1973 in Thurrock, Essex. His parents were William George Bickford (1873-1945) and Florence Maud.

  601. john sanders on October 11, 2020 at 10:53 pm said:

    Misca: Another one down and well done as usual. Take a break you deserve it.

  602. john sanders on October 13, 2020 at 11:58 am said:

    It seems that when ‘bright spark’ Byron Deveson spotted young Strapps mention of the striped trousers way back when, he gave C G Cramer the ammunition he needed to create his by now well tabulated theme. That being to have SM carted off by Bob Wake’s team to have a late night snack and get his striped duds exchanged for a pair of plain brown hastily mended Staminas before being taken back down to the beach in order to take care of any later queries. Just a couple of amomolies arise with that case scenario from where I stand and it boils down to Strapps own words, supported by his companion to some degree. They both say they saw the man’s hand, in Gordon’s case fully extended, but with the added observation of seeing him only from the waist down, but assuming he wore a suit, the jacket was not visible. My point being if the left arm was outstretched and they had a clear view from the waist down, then they must surely have seen both the striped jacket sleave and at least several inches of the tail frock hanging below the belt line. Looks to me like the kids were mistaken in what they saw and that Cramer took advantage of the confusion to support his not so clever diversion. By the same token Bowes is not off the hook by playing his own misleading game for God knows how long, Byron of course seeing from the start that mention of stripes was not supported.

  603. sparky on October 13, 2020 at 9:17 pm said:


  604. john sanders on October 14, 2020 at 3:50 am said:

    For anyone bored with my manic persistance re possible missing Bickfords, let me fill you in on a few blanks that may not have been given too much blog spots over the years…Reginald ‘Joe’ Bickford, along with three of four siblings, was born at Alvington 17 Sth Esplinade Somerton in 1880 and died at 17 Tarleton St. Somerton on 20th November 1948 aged 68, leaving his year older widow Rosa nee Cudmore plus two married sons and a married daughte. At time of his passing. Sir Reginald was managing director of Bickford’s cordials and aerated waters division of the parent chemicals Company which was amalgimated with Drug Houses of Australia.

    Reg was no small fry in terms of wealth and influence within the upper eschelon of Adelaide society, he had been a racing man, was also on the board of several top sporting clubs and charitable organisations, not to mention board chair of the Somerton Crippled Children’s Home that was taken over by his doctor son Major Reginald Nevil Cudmore Bickford MID. When he passed it was the Saturday, start of the Parafield Air Pageant so happens, the message would have soon gone out, for widely scattered friends relatives etc., to roll up at Somerton and pay respects, which they did by the score, from near & far. Apart from Perth where his brother Sidney had settled years before, there were Rosa Cudmore pasturalist kin from Queensland NSW Victoria, and grazing districts along Murray in SA’s Riverland.

    In order to allow for far flung mourners desirous of attending the funeral there was a need to delay it for quite awhile which was a good idea for another reason, that being to allow local officials to make necessary provisioning for one of the largest turnouts in years, which most likely included arranging accommodation any other facilities to ensure a good press coverage. As for the main event, it finally went ahead without a hitch, the courtage leaving the family home at 2.00pm on Monday, November 29th 1948 and making for St. Judes Cemetery at nearby Brighton and puting the great man to rest in a celebration of life befitting a Royal.

    So, bearing in mind the mixed make up of the mourners from all walks of life who had arrived at Somerton from every far flung district of the Commonwealth, during the preceeding week, over the weekend and even on Monday 29th, the burial day. Anyone think it might have been likely that one of joe Bickford’s old racing mates, left his bush humpy, caught the old curtain flapper motor rail from up country to town, then attended on his ‘pat malone’ to pay his private homage. He may have drowned his sorrows alone at the wake or elswhere, spent his last night but one at the familiar Somerton stables, then next day, still in his funeral attire, wandered down to see the old Bickford family home. Then while descending the one off ‘disabled stairs’ to the beach, fell through the railing and landing on X marks the spot where he opted for Tamam Shud a la sine die.

  605. Tamara Bunke on October 14, 2020 at 9:48 am said:

    If that’s a solid coincidence of events, then it has some merit, John. Surprising that the two events were not connected (as far as we know) by press and police?

  606. john sanders on October 14, 2020 at 10:53 am said:

    ……Reg ‘Joe’ Bickford was not a Sir afterall and by extension his Rosa was no lady. On a brighter note however, her learned brother Arthur and cousin Collier of the Wentworth-on-Murray Cudmore clan, were both Knights of the Realm and would likely have attended the Requiem Mass for old Joe in ’48 in that capacity.

  607. john sanders on October 14, 2020 at 11:28 am said:

    No not even a whisper Tamara. Brings to mind what Sister Thomson was alleged to have said about the case being somewhat above Sapol’s status in certain matters pertaining to a superior class in Adelaide social structure.

  608. Tamara Bunke on October 14, 2020 at 1:02 pm said:

    John, I guess one of the questions is: what kind of people get washed into town for the event. There’ll be some good, some bad and some downright ugly.

    Lords and Ladies? Made Men? Bookies and spivs? Spies?

  609. milongal on October 14, 2020 at 9:19 pm said:

    Certainly an interesting coincidence, and as you say it makes Jestyn’s comments more interesting. I never liked the interpretation that she was implying there were secret agencies involved (which I guess is where a lot of people’s espionage angle comes from), but I can accept she was implying that money and influence can make all sorts of things go away.

    Incidentally, does that maybe also talk to the lack of a hat? Suspect you wouldn’t wear a hat to a funeral, and if SM was in his Sunday Duds (as opposed to someone who was always well dressed), is it possible he didn’t bother with a hat because he was dressed up for a funeral, not a normal day?
    Not sure the (contents of the) suitcase fits in well with that theory though….

  610. john sanders on October 14, 2020 at 10:55 pm said:

    Too true, and don’t forget the bent coppers. Speaking of which, I wonder what they might have missed at the all important crime scene. Plenty in my books and I’ve tried to allert others to some over time with little interest shown. If you’d care to test your powers of observation, please get over there and report back so we can discuss it. Best place to look is ‘Tamam Shud unredacted’ who did a better job of the CS pic than most. After that we might have a look at Grey’s Anatomy if you’re up for the gory outcome that comes with a heavy fall.

  611. john sanders on October 15, 2020 at 9:01 am said:

    Milongal: By degrees of coincidental probability, a mourner at Reg ‘Joe’ Bickford’s funeral, or one who came on Tuesday to pay private graveside homage to a mate from his racing days, must at the very least be on par with other contenders for Somerton Man status. I’m certain that the well attended local St Jude’s service was never put up there with other big draw cards ie., Parafield Air Pageant, Ballet World Premier, or side show carnival at Glenelg, as being of equal value. Baring in mind the number of out-of-towners, interstate family and even the odd lone cocky in attendance, we’ll never know why not. I brouoght this very subject up for mention in several earlier posts, but don’t recall that my raising it then was ever dealt with as a topic for extended discussion, certainly not that I can recall.

  612. john sanders on October 15, 2020 at 10:38 pm said:

    Peteb: I can’t see that the the Coroner, Sapol or the A.G. have any real say in the matter. According to Adelaide Cemetery Authority who are responsible for site leases at the dead centre, when your time’s up, your up, and that would apply to all three who have shared SM’s West Terrace plot way beyond their paid up date.

  613. john sanders on October 16, 2020 at 5:59 am said:

    Milongal: I’ts only little more than two and a half kms. from Joe Bickfords resting place to Somerton via Brighton Rd Wattle Ave. King George Rd. and Repton St. and Sth Esplinade to reach Alvington mansion. After leaving his hat on a rack in the St. Jude’s Church vestibule, it should have taken SM but thirty minutes on foot, though who knows what shape he was in. There was a rest stop if required at John Miller Reserve benches or, better still the Sailing Club where he might have forced down a plate of chips and a cold West End ale or two before continuing. ps: I wonder if the old church has a sign in register for mourners and a lost property book listing hats left in the vestibule closet on 30/11/48.

  614. Johnno … there has to be a reason for two governments of different political persuasions to have the one thing in common, that is, denying a privately funded exhumation, and scooping up the DNA work already done.

  615. john sanders on October 16, 2020 at 1:26 pm said:

    Peteb: The baskets didn’t seem to mind the offer of a privately funded SM burial service, but things were great in ’48 when socialist conservative (Playford) still held sway in sweet S. A.

  616. john sanders on October 17, 2020 at 5:02 am said:

    Peteb: I might have had a moment of distraction; but I think my point was that a big city mortuary has more than enough laying in customers at any one time for mix ups to occur. Who knows what the deal was with Const. Durham’s ‘original body’ gaff? or what y’man made of it, although it didn’t seem to perturb him at all. One thing of several that I have difficulties with in Henry’s case is that he went well beyond the pale in describing SM’s distinctive feet, calves and hands but not one word about missing incisors and weird lugs that might otherwise be worthy of comment. On the other hand you’ll recall that on D day plus one, re. the autopsy, Colonel Dwyer saw nothing note worthy about the limb extremities, which had so facinated Lawson; he did see fit to provide an excellent tooth chart nonetheless. Horses for courses perhaps, although for all that, one can’t help but to wonder if our resident professionals were describing the same cove, notwithstanding the six month hiatus of course.

  617. Fair enough. PL though was a known mat grappler and being so probably had an eye for good physique .. unlike your stoop shouldered pipe-smoking bespectacled quack.

  618. And by the way, the Adelaide morgue was about as big as a double garage .. I have found both exterior and interior pics.

  619. john sanders on October 18, 2020 at 6:11 am said:

    Peteb: Lawson gets an unwanted call from Const. Dinham not Durham, as Gordon Cramer continues to misinform a doubtful poster. Paul who at that juncture was having some bother with SM’s ears, they presenting more like pair of dried apricots than pinkies, is not amused, particularly when pressed as to when ‘the body’ might be made ready for disposal. “And what blessed body would that be mate?” asks a cagey old Lawson as known later from ‘Inside Story’. “Why, the the original blessed beach body of course. I was told you only got to do one body at a sitting”! was the sarcastic retort…..When you make exactly the same name error as pal Gordon, one can’t help but agree to his pliagerism claims.

  620. john sanders on October 18, 2020 at 12:23 pm said:

    “I also have some copies of some writing found on the deaceased” is what police photogropher Durham told the Inquest He had done the fingerprinting and slab pics on day three at the mortuary, some of which were returned to him after giving evidence. And yet his referral to copies of a paper with some wtiting found on the deceased did not prompt any desire for clarification by the Coroner or anyone in the years since ror all that. If it was the Tamam Shud slip, like most might assume, it certainly wasn’t described in those terms, indeed it certainly seems pretty vague; perhaps just as unclear as the later mention of C9 (piece of paper) in the index list.

    On day one a memo was received at police HQ from Glenelg PD advising a Det.
    Leane and Payneham OIC of a firm identity named E. C. Johnson of George Street that had come to their attention, though there was no ellaboration. During that evening the information was checked and discounted; affirmed next morn when Edgar Cyril Johnson presented himself and advised he was staying at People’s Palace (Salvos). Problem for me is that his description didn’t fit in a number of areas including his height of 5’9″ and that his middle right finger wasn’t., not forgetting that he was 55 and sported an arm in plaster. He was ex Aif and a cook.

    So whence had the information been received at such an early stage., surely not from friends or family and certainly not from any missing person file. I wonder is it possible that it came from that ‘piece of paper with writing’ that Durham had referenced. Perhaps something found on the body after a more thorough going over by Det. Sgt. Harry Strangway, of Glenelg who was regarded as the best SC man in Sapol in those days. We’re not to know of course because the old fellow was re assigned to local crime then Det. R. L. Leane took over the case six long weeks later. The piece of paper might well have said ‘E.C. Johnson Salvos’, a good place to camp for a sober bloke from the bush. Sounds reasonable to me…

  621. john sanders on October 19, 2020 at 8:13 am said:

    Gordon Cramer at BS seems to be of the opinion like many, that Durham’s paper with WRITING represented the TS slip which might have made sense had it been clearer ie. ‘a torn slip with Tamam Shud in print’. So I repeat, it does not tally up with the C9 ‘piece of paper’ exhibit tendered and besides, the man’s testimony, in essence seems to have dealt solely with his recollections of a single mortuary attendance to photograph the body some five months prior to the TS slip being found elsewhere by J B Cleland. Of course it may be that the deposition clerk mixed up the order or something, though it’s fair to say that if so, it would be one of more than one to many such mistakes evidenced for my liking. Having been in an occupation where the collecting and collating of evidence was paramount to obtaining a conviction. I’m still wary of being made to look inefficient due a silly oversight by a ciurt clerk. Of course CGC not having served in a like capacity is obviously not going to be fussed with sticking to known facts, if a fanciful storyline allows for better copy.

  622. john sanders on October 19, 2020 at 11:22 am said:

    Peteb: So nice of you to enquire on CGC’s behalf about our mental health issues on this side of the channel. Can’t speak for Nick who doesn’t come by much these days with little need it seems. I’m doing just fine thanks, but for that inferiority thing which probably has to do with a bad gene or two. I’ve noted that in reading between the lines, you still have fond memories of the old drunk, a bit loopy from need of a drink perhaps. I had been concerned myself of late, though after your little tet a tet with the old phony, he seems to have picked up somewhat and is showing signs of his old self, case in point being that he has resumed talking to his alter ego on line once more. A touch of that old repartee was evidenced when his Anon. made fun of SM’s dodgy ‘chompers’ and even dared to test his master’s vastly superior knowledge; all for effect of ciurse which would certainly fool some fools.

  623. john sanders on October 20, 2020 at 6:22 am said:

    Peteb: Well profiled facial impressions are OK for frontal comparison but as any old suit worth his well deserved stipen can tell you, to get the full guts on a dial, you better have a profile ala ‘portrait parle’ as they used to say in the job. There are several of SM out there, some of them good enough for a shot at the top score contest, if you’re up to it….ps. to include Cramer’s side views with all those red arrows he’s so fond of could be deemed an unfare advantage.

  624. john sanders on October 20, 2020 at 10:56 am said:

    No punters in need of stimulation I take it, okey dokey but I’ll just go right ahead anyway. The other day I was making enquiries with the helpful folk at Brighton Council re the old St. Judes cemetery and just so happened to obtain some rather useful information on street lighting at Somerton end of Sth Esplinade through to the dunes near John Miller park. In essence it appears that there were a few single bulb & shade pole lights up to Broadway from Glenelg, then nothing through to Wyatt St. where one was present in the 30s. “When we left (Somerton ) at 8pm the street lights were on”. is what young Gordon Strapps confidently told the ’49 inquest, along with a bunch of defencive fibs. It is quite clear in the panorama shot of the beach (Truth 10/7/49) that their are no staunchions visible between Ferris St. and further south of Bickford Tce. Digest that and I’ll treat you to another on John Moss at the risk of becoming another pliagerist..

  625. Tamara Bunke on October 20, 2020 at 6:29 pm said:

    Sanders – nice one. Strapps’ testimony is suspect from start to finish. Especially his curiously late and hasty blurting out of the bit about the stripey kecks.

    Whiff of the esprit d’escalier about that one. Almost like he forgot to mention something he was told to?

  626. john sanders on October 21, 2020 at 7:44 am said:

    Clive is wanting to know why go to the trouble of doing a bust of SM which was unlikely to achieve any better results than the original Durham, doctored slab photos of the body which was about to be interred. Two reasons that come to mind relate to CIB chief Bill Sheridan’s infatuation with latest policing trends from Scotland Yard for such fancies; then we have the connection between J B Cleland and a young museum pheasant plucker Paul Lawson who sought experience in that very field. Cleland and young ‘Henry’ were more or less dependant upon each other’s specialties one as an ornithologist, the other a taxidetmist, so when the old chap was called in by Bill to assist in other elements of the case, he naturally recommended his young mate for the bust. Similarly where there was an easy quid to be made for little input old john brought along his university colleague Cedric Stanton Hicks for his share of the SM spoils. Sir Ced had just been cleaned up in a messy divorce, then found himself saddled with a new bimbo to support and a mansion in the hills to maintain. Unlike nowdays, mates knew how to look after their pals in those days Clive and no one left their mates behind.

  627. john sanders on October 21, 2020 at 1:03 pm said:

    Aplologies all, but my promised semi plagiarised John Moss factual accounts of 8/1 and 20/6/49 didn’t pass muster, either that or I didn’t press the go button which is just as likely.

  628. john sanders on October 21, 2020 at 11:17 pm said:

    Boris: in re your Kramer v Anon. (Cramer) notes on Paul Lawson’s SM hair samples being contaminated by nuclear fallout from the US 1946 Bikini atomic tests; a couple of questions we might have the old gentleman answer while his memory of past events are still lucid. We’ll need to know firstly whether the samples were obtained at the time of the body casting, if they were plucked or cut from the scalp and for what original purpose. Then most importantly details of relevant testing methods, where they were done and when; perhaps they were undertaken on his trip to the Continent in ’56 where advaced extraction techniques were available.

  629. The case is all sown up … and you, Dome, were almost there. Thank you all and good evening, it’s been a rare pleasure.

  630. john sanders on October 22, 2020 at 8:20 am said:

    Peteb: You’ve got two impeccable sources in Clive Turner-Walker and Tweed Daily (Newscorp) rag telling you that the Thomsons were in Melbourne on 29/11/48 for the Holden launch; they rarely get it wrong. You’ll also need to know that the make do FX designation didn’t come until later, but even dud 4711 wouldn’t know that.

  631. Back it up, squire, show me the money (link) ..

  632. john sanders on October 22, 2020 at 11:10 pm said:

    Peteb: You know I’m not into links and pretty pictures. From memory though, the FX Holden came about as late as 1960 when auto dealers used it as a means of distinguishing between the original ’48 and its look alike ’52 model that came with new front suspension. In late ’53 the first factory model designator came into being with the FJ special and its flash new grill. As for the newspaper coverage of the 29/11/48 Holden launch in Melbourne, all newspapers covered it, though the Tweed Daily (your local) would have been the only one (if true) to mention that the Thomsons were amongst the invited guests.

  633. This is no mention of the Thomson’s at the new car unveiling at all … none, zero, nada .. sweet f.ck all in fact. It’s just another example of the standard Sanders bullshit … and speaking of duds, mate, you’re the template. Nothing you say ever has any merit. But you’re keeping Dome’s numbers ticking so there’s that.
    Meanwhile, the party’s over here. Check link.
    Read it and weep.

  634. john sanders on October 23, 2020 at 3:19 am said:

    I sure hope for his sake, Peteb’s new recruit ‘theslydog’ doesn’t dare to mention that Lyons was 15 to 20 yards from SM as opposed to ‘stripes Strapps’ 10 yards, which would refute Bonzo’s claim of being closer. Tbt’s other welcome novice ‘Dork’ brought up some old history for most of us, though his news on the ticketing and ROK drop off would have come across more like a breath of fresh air to y’man; so he’s on safe ground for the moment.

  635. john sanders on October 23, 2020 at 5:00 am said:

    Speaking of Sir Cecil Stanton Hicks, we have GC as ‘redacted’ now insisting that our knight should have known about Warfarin circa.1948 in terms of it’s potential as an assassisin’s tool. (uses debatable as disclaimer). On line history talks only about it’s use as an effective organic rat killer in ’48, but no advances with regards to human use until well after SM’s demise. In fact Ced Hicks would likely have known nought about ‘warfarin’ period seeing’s his part in WW2 was strictly a non combative role.
    You’ll pardon the pun, but infact the man does give an account of having served in the trenches as a private soldier in WW1, allbeit no confirmation of this claim has been found to date.

  636. john sanders on October 23, 2020 at 8:38 am said:

    Peteb: Don’t forget that I keep your numbers ticking over too MATE. Pulling your ‘running dog’s’ post on The Tweed Daily’s coverage of the Thomson’s 29/11/48 invite to Fisherman’s Bend, then substituting it for favour of informative scoops by your clones Snoopdog? and his not so self assured cobber Snark? whatever, ala GC’s supporting pals.. Speaking of Clive and Cramer, would you believe that your good friend Derek had discussions back in 2013 with a nuclear fall out expert in Taiwan, name of Gordon Turner-Walker, Gawdstruth. (Want the link and a pic)

  637. I don’t know what it is about you, Johnno, but you’re like the mongrel dog my neighbour keeps to bark off the brown snakes .. lovely smelly old bitch she is, do anything for a scratch and tickle. Loves the attention, always at the back door looking for a scrap of food.
    She’ll eat anything, trouble is there’s always a mess she leaves behind. Piles of it. Day after day.

  638. peteb: errrm… are you saying you’re the snake? You lost me there.

  639. john sanders on October 23, 2020 at 11:07 am said:

    So much for Snoopdog’s romp in the park with Peteb, an invitation to the ball and other glad tidings. It might be known that Bonzo Bowes offered me such a deal after I’d been on the job less time than he. Be warned, he is not one to tolerate opinions of those he can’t manipulate and control completely. In the dog’s thirst for humour and a good tempered master, I’d say he not only missed out on the bone, neither was there any friendly pat on the head in their parting.

  640. Yeah, Dome, I’m the deadliest in the business .. ask anyone. By the way, I see you are still headlining your interest in the Somerton Man case on your blog here, so how’s that going? Still working on it?

  641. Peteb: I’m always looking out for interesting research leads on the Somerton Man. And I’m almost always disappointed by how few I find.

    As far as the whole car scenario goes, I continue to think there’s likely to be a core of truth running through there – e.g. that it was George’s garage in Henley Beach the guy came to visit, but then diverted to meet in Glenelg instead, etc. But how that all fits in with the chemist’s car, the guy’s death, the Tamam Shud slip etc remains really hazy.

    I know there’s no shortage of people who read it all as evidence of conspiracy, but to my eyes it looks like a cover-up.

  642. john sanders on October 23, 2020 at 11:54 am said:

    Nick: Or could it be Sapol, through R L leane doing an ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ deal. Case in point; between ’41 and ’49 the Freeman family had four known serious interactions with the filth including one involving intervention of aforesaid Det. Leane in ’43. The most serious of these involving a death, had an outcome that may have had a different outcome, truth be know. Enter the unamed businesman’s timely attendance at Angas St. HQ on 22/7/49 with a million to one chance ROK offering that Sgt. Leane was so desparate for in order to close the SM case. Stranger things happened in my own policing experience, but not with any regularity mind.

  643. john sanders on October 23, 2020 at 12:15 pm said:

    ….and as an afterthought, Freeman’s chemists were known (varifiably) to be also connected with at least one, possibly two suppliers of patent (quack) medicines, most likely in contravention of pharmacy board guidlines. One in particular that contrived to fake another beach fatality (varifiable) and got away with it. We are not to know whether cops were complicit, though it would surely have been suspected. If you want the guts on that one, I have it.

  644. john sanders on October 23, 2020 at 1:12 pm said:

    Nick: Not so hazy at all. For a start Feltus’ little Minx (not little) was a convenient piece of make believe based on newspaper stories, as was the fake brother-in-law who didn’t exist, what’s more it was Colin, not Jack (Ron Francis), Leane’s informant who was most likely in residence at 24A Jetty Rd. in ’48. Gerry gave us a clue in his fantasy yarn as to what it was based on; big capital letters from memory ‘Toro Toro Toro’ = Bull Bull Bull. For those who don’t know and don’t want to know, Feltus was the kingpin of a mob calling themselves ‘Inner Sanctum (Sanctimonious) which comprised notables like Cramer, Lawson, Ruffles, Elliott and others who alledgedly signed an ‘Official Secrets Act’ (suggested by CGC) type non disclosure pledge no less….. You going to post this Nick, no bothet to me!

  645. John Sanders: the post where the “Inner Sanctum” was mentioned is here: https://tamamshud.blogspot.com/2014/09/somerton-man-suitcase-contents.html

    His list of initials and pseudonyms: “Grace, TJ, JP, BT, BB, JR”, so no obvious PL there.

  646. NickP, cover up you say. Got a who and a why for that?

  647. john sanders on October 23, 2020 at 10:39 pm said:

    Nick: ….and no Gerry Feltus, Laurie Elliott or Gordon Cramer for that matter, so perhaps Lawson aka ‘Henry’ also used a pseudonom as well, or was left off the list in keeping with the official secrets act rules and by-laws. Would that make sense?.

  648. john sanders on October 23, 2020 at 10:58 pm said:

    theslydog: You’ll have noted that your wise rejection of Bonzo’s invitation to hide your bone (bury) in a secret place (IP SFC) and the diatribe resoonse, has now gone like the dodo. So you now start on a clean page and you’ll do fine, just so long as you suck arse like you’re told!…

  649. john sanders on October 24, 2020 at 6:45 am said:

    I recall some long gone sleuth’s logical explanation for the Henley Beach rail mix up, could easily have involved SM’s unfamiliarity with Adelaide beach scene, there being at least three Jetty Roads to contend with and each having individual access means from Adelaide Station. Had he been a denizen of Melbourne, Broken Hill, Sydney or the bush, SM could be excused for his ‘getting off at Redfern’ blunder as none of the above cities or towns have listings for any Jetty Road in their respective high density settled areas…PS. The tiny port of Dromana Vic. is one town that does have a Jetty Road so we can assume that it might once have led down to a Jetty. Queenie Thomson hailed from around there so it’s likely that in their courting days, she and ‘the big fella’ knew of it’s romantic attractions.

  650. john sanders on October 24, 2020 at 7:44 am said:

    Nick: I’m certain there were other members and perhaps some, the less super-silly-assed were part of one group and deemed qualified for t’other. I recall that a highly respected CM past poster Sue D’Nimh being once connected with DA’s mob searching for a certain C&F ROK. She set up her own neat ‘anemptyglass’ web site about 2016, but it was subsequently sold for debt to Gordon Cramer, then trashed in a fit of spiteful rage apparently. As for ‘Four Fat Ladies’ who were also active in the early days, they seem to have lost their appetite for SM oversaturation and left the mess to the less faint hearted…And so we that are left have gone cold.

  651. john sanders on October 25, 2020 at 12:44 am said:

    Largs Bay, Semaphor, Grange, Henley Beach, Glenelg, Brighton; all spaced evenly along a 7 mile stretch of Adelaide foreshore in 1948 according to the old Fuller’s street directory. All were drawcards for intending local or out of town beach goers with their busy jetties, similar means of transport from town eg., rail, tram, bus or taxi. We might do well to consider Somerton Man’s dilemma in a new light and to appreciate what he was confronted with on that Tuesday upon leaving the train. Armed only with rough directions to his desired destination via ‘Jetty Road’ hastily copied from a fellow traveller’s Adelaide beach map onto the cover of his pocket ROK in an improvised short hand…

  652. john sanders on October 25, 2020 at 4:27 am said:

    BROWN FAUN TROUSERS in big bold letters could well be a clue to our fiction writer’s intriguing Tamam Shud finale to his latest ‘Riddle of the Sands’ novel which has been summarised at Tbt for review. FAUN is known to the ancient Greeks and Romans and takes the form of a lustful horned billy goat man (bit like your modern internet TROLL). The number 35 is a similatly named ogre in other ancient cultures, and if true could also represent horny old Prestige Johnson’s age in 1948.

  653. john sanders on October 25, 2020 at 10:54 am said:

    I T T M S A M S T G A B, If the last code line equates to: Interchange, Transit, Terminal, Moseley, The Broadway, Sth. Esplinade, Alvington, Mansion, Somerton?, Sailing Club?, Sand dunes (cross S no thoroughfare)?, Turnabout, Glenelg, Along, Beach…then it fits with a gent from the bush, come in to attend a dead mate’s wake at The Broadway pub on Tuesday 30/11/48. Next morn he misses the train home to Hamley Bridge due to ticket mix up with Henley Beach (same booth and platform). Takes a bus back out to Glenelg intent on doing a pre-plotted scenic walk of two miles to the Hove dunes and back…Some will see this as merely the variation on a theme I put forward earlier (more than once). It might be worth some thought and comment, perhaps not.

  654. milongal on October 25, 2020 at 10:02 pm said:

    There’s a jetty in each of the places you mention, but not a jetty road at each of them (Semaphore doesn’t have one, “Semaphore Road” leads to the jetty), and I don’t think Henley (Main St) has one either. In fact, just checking SandsMac and there’s only the 3 jetty roads (Brighton, Glenelg, Largs) – Grange is “Jetty St”. All of them (as you point out) on different rail lines – I think Brighton was on “Marino (Rocks)” (later Noarlunga, today Seaford line), Glenelg was it’s own (tram) line (originally it was heavy rail), Grange was on the Henley Line, and Largs was on the Outer Harbor (sic) line.

    Not that it’s important, but I would describe them as evenly spaced “in pairs” – Largs/S4, Grange/Henley, Glenelg/Brighton.

    Not sure if I ever mentioned it here (I don’t think I did because I came up with nothing), but I did pore over railway maps at one stage hoping to hind stations that matched bits of the “code”. Q is obviously problematic (Queenstown doesn’t have a train line and as best I know never has had (Port Adelaide and Alberton do – but they’re on the Outer Harbor line (which shares the line with Henley to Woodville)

    I also considered if ITT was something like “I’ll take train maybe, ….” – but didn’t go anywhere…..and I really think the last letter (or possibly as many of the last 3 letters) look like a signature…..possibly even a flourished R rather than a B

    Ranty as ever….

  655. john sanders on October 25, 2020 at 11:42 pm said:

    Milongal: You may need to get hold of older rail link maps to get the guts on the Jetty Road scenario etc. in the days of horse and cart, any sort of rail feeder leading down to a sea wharf extension was ‘Jetty Road’. From memory the on/off loading platform before Henley Beach terminus (later abandoned) was signnposted as such. As for Cramer’s ubiquitus flourished R which you seem to now favour, then why stop there; We could exchange V for the I before T T and D to replace O with it’s new X3258 phone number in micro on the vertical post too. I wonder if we might now re consider saddle nose Fedupimov who might give the new SM images a run for their money and the brilliantly conceived Danetta code, which I believe is coming hack into vogue.

  656. john sanders on October 26, 2020 at 3:09 am said:

    It’s a fact, says Cramer, a man known to fib through his teeth, that it is extremely unusual for a man of the SM’s estimated age (40/45) to have been missing so many of his teeth ‘in 1948’. I’d like to know on which planet this worthy might have spent his 73 years of pearly white existence. Most men of SM’s age would have been well short of naturals and many would have had full denture sets in Australia in the post war era. I suspect that their wives were likewise so indentured, which if true, might dispell belief that missing molars in adult males could be attributed to bad dental hygene during both wars. Go and get fitted with falsies Gordon; they’ll suit your phony persona.

  657. john sanders on October 26, 2020 at 4:46 am said:

    For those interested in a little trivia re ‘Jetty Road’ Henley Beach, known as Main St. for yonks, was the childhood domicile of SA Attorney General John Rau, the bloke who was adamant that SM would be exhumed over his dead body. John’s father Arthur and his grandma Margaret KEANE, had lived there from the twenties, dad serving with 352 Sqn. RAAF in WW2. On his RTA in ’45 he caught his wife Mabel in frangrant delicto with some stud from Pt. Perie (she didn’t learn) and Art married John’s mum in the mid fifties?..Not saying that ex AG Rau had any notion about the possibility of being caught up in an embarrassing family affair not of his making, but one could be well justified in asking whether his uncle Somerton might not be a little pissed with efforts to keep him down.

  658. john sanders on October 26, 2020 at 8:49 am said:

    Not that it means much to me, but to some it could well be the Holy Grail. It is on NAA file that John Rau’s German born elderly namesake relative was suspected by some of supporting a post WW1 German retaliation. A supportive police report was enough to have his old age pension restored although in 1986 some parts of the long dead man’s file were blocked for security reasons. Just goes to show to what lengths a barrister at law and budding politition will go to in protecting the good family name from exposure, no matter if it related to kin born in the 1850s.

    Prosper’s numerous ads are well known by now and they keep coming back to drive us nuts, especially ones like Peteb’s frequently trotted out gem about his wanting to spend fifteen hundred ill gained nicker on a bungalow in a better location. Most would be aware that Prosper was fishing and the flash of colour was likely part of some fiddle allbeit just before SM’s DDay. Who knew that John Rau’s dad Arthur and Prosper were the same age, both being ex servicemen and most interesting it seems that both were living in Main St. Henley Beach in 1947 at least.

  659. john sanders: in 1947, Prosper’s Henley Beach address was indeed 7 Main St (which, then as now, isn’t a very long street). Do you know what number Arthur Rau’s house was?

  660. 04 Jan 1947: WANTED car, tourer, sedan. or rdst., reasonable order. £50 to £200, by ex serviceman for business: consider buck-board Full particulars as condition and price. Will inspect 50 mile radius Adelaide. Thomson, 7 Main st.. Henley Beach, after 1 pm, or Sunday.

    22 Jan 1947: CAMERA Hertie F.4.5 lens, 5 speed shutter, takes 16 pictures on 127 film, small, compact job, carrying case, films, exchange for crystal water set and fruit set. Thomson, 7 Main st., Henley Beach

    22 Jan 1947: UTILITY Bedford coupe front. 10 h p.. 1935. NSPR £210. appearance as new. exchange for 8 to 14 h.p. car. 1938 or later. Thomson. 7 Main st.. Henley Beach.

    27 Jan 1947: WANTED 10 to 14 h.p. car or utility, urgent, pay your price, cash or take over terms. Home week-end or inspect anywhere. Thomson, 7 Main St., Henley Beach

    01 Feb 1947: MORRIS 10-h.p. 1940 saloon, series M, similar, as now being sold as 1947 models, for £635, previously owned by Melbourne doctor, exceptionally well kept. Just driven overland by me, averaged 38
    m.p.gal., performed perfectly, NSPR £288 Exchange for larger sedan and cash diff. Thomson, 7 Main st., Henley Beach

    15 Feb 1947: WANTED, 1928 to 1932 American sedan, tourer or roadster, pay good price. Thomson, 7 Main st., Henley Beach, week-end.

    15 Feb 1947: MANTEL 5-valve Mickey Mouse, good interstate performance, perfect order, modern plastic cabinet, cost £19/19/-. accept £14 cash. Thomson. 7 Main st, Henley.

    22 Feb 1947: CAMERA, Kodak, folding. No. 2A, double lens, as new; sell or exchange for auto. .22 rifle. Thomson. 7 Main st, Henley Beach

    25 Aug 1948: ELECT. eng., 50, many years’ exp., foreman, manager, contracts, maintenance, diploma “A” grade, Vic. licence, ex. refs. 7 Main st.. Henley

  661. 23 Jun 1933: The following applications for renewal of billiard licenses were also dealt with by the Adelaide Licensing Court on Thursday : —
    Ceduna. — Cyril T. Morgan.
    Cummins. — Arthur B. Rau.
    Kimba. — James L. Ware.

    29 Jun 1934: A new billiards licence has been issued to Arthur B. Rau, of Cummins.

    12 Jul 1935: Renewals — Billiards.— Cleve, Robert J. Bowshire ; Cummins, Arthur B. Rau.

    20 Oct 1944: Leading Aircraftman Arthur Rau has been spending leave with his wife and family at Pirie West.

    12 Sep 1946: Except where otherwise stated, decrees nisi for divorce were granted in the following undefended actions: —
    Arthur Bruce Rau, of Main street, Henley Beach, against Mabel Edith Rau, of Mansom street, Port Pirie, on the ground of adultery with Wallace Henry Yates, of Victor Harbor.

  662. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/118358594/arthur-bruce-rau
    Arthur Bruce Rau of 452 Spitfire Squadron RAAF.
    Birth 17 Sep 1911 Evanston, Gawler, South Australia, Australia
    Death 7 Apr 1983 (aged 71) Adelaide, Adelaide City, South Australia, Australia

    Mabel Edith Siviour Warner
    Birth 4 Aug 1915 Cummins, District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia
    Death 14 Apr 1982 (aged 66) Port Pirie Regional Council, South Australia, Australia

  663. john sanders on October 26, 2020 at 10:38 am said:

    Nick: Excellent, could’ve come from my old notes destroyed when Gordon Cramer started a fire under Sue d’ Nimh’s ‘anemptyglass’, but for the Rau’s holiday and the billiards bit which I can’t recall seeing.

    I’m not sure I checked with S & M for Main St. back then which of course terminated at Jetty Road station, last on the old Henley Beach line. I’ll try to get Derek’s 1946/47 search up and have a gander unless you’ve done so..?

  664. https://www.facebook.com/422543974561696/posts/memories-of-my-parents-john-joseph-doudle-and-alice-cora-wilsonwritten-by-kathle/1423416161141134/

    When wireless needed replacing with cabinet model, Mother wanted a Stromberg Carlson, Dad brought home on trial a Healing. Oh Boy! The silence was deafening! Mother must have “won” because a Stromberg Carlson, From Arthur Rau, Cummins, was duly installed.

  665. john sanders: everything I have (which isn’t genuinely a great deal) is here, so please feel free to look Arthur Rau up in S & M etc.

  666. john sanders on October 26, 2020 at 11:24 am said:

    OK, we have a Mrs. G.W. Rowe at 15 Main Street which is probably Gertrude Rau who should come up being related to Authur Bruce’s father John and Grandfather Johan Gustav of NAA security file fame. Four doors east of Prosper’s address and a little more digging this end will come up with some additional detail I suspect.

  667. john sanders on October 26, 2020 at 11:44 am said:

    Nah, Bruce William James bn.1890 was Arthur’s pop. It was Bruce’s missus Margaret Alice bn.1890 who’s dad was John Keane from Barossa and they married in 1910. Back a little and we’ll get to the Germans who were Port Adelaide and Gawler folk.

  668. NAA says: (date range 1939-1948, no digital copy available)
    RAU ARTHUR BRUCE : Service Number – 48442 : Date of birth – 17 Sep 1911 : Place of birth – GAWLER SA : Place of enlistment – ADELAIDE : Next of Kin – RAU MABEL

  669. 03 Aug 1933: CUMMINS
    About 40 friends gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alec Greenshields to celebrate the coming of age of their eldest son, Cyril. A competition was won by Miss Melva Siviour. Mr. Ernie Laube and Mr. Arthur Rau supplied the dance music. Mr. R. T. Torr was M.C.

  670. john sanders on October 26, 2020 at 1:16 pm said:

    One might consider that when Derek first sought the exhumation order through the appropriate avenue (AG’s Office) in 2011, John Rau would have sought all available records from police indices and followed it up for favour of approval or rejection along normal lines as might be expected. As a barrister by calling he would naturally have been very thorough which would have extended to Cipher Mysteries online threads without any doubt. As soon as he saw things to do with Prosper’s Main street adds and names like Keane staring at him, one might well imagine the basket almost choking on his lunch break pasty, especially as he grew up in the very street. His highschool at Henley being less than five hundred metres from the old home place would have given the mugger no choice but to put a big red line through the application, with notation “Not On Your Sweet Nellie Mate”.

  671. john sanders on October 26, 2020 at 1:29 pm said:

    Cummins (Tumby Bay) is Feltus country, wonder Gerry didn’t pick up on the name Rau from his folks.

  672. John Sanders: I’m just interested to know what Arthur Bruce Rau was doing to get by in Henley Beach post WWII. Not a lot of Spitfires to be flown there.

  673. john sanders on October 26, 2020 at 3:05 pm said:

    Yeah 452 Squadron don’t tell me..I’ve found some scraps of paper with names to follow up including relatives of Rau’s in Broken Hill. If it’s of interest Bob Bungey DFC of Somerton was Squadron Leader of 452 until Bluey Truscott DFC took over and after him I think Edgar C. Johnson DFC and two bars from memory. Bluey died in ’43 in NT, Edgar Johnson went onto be an Air Marshall. Poor Bob who had lived at 3 Tarlton St., a hundred yards from 90A Moseley St., and had just lost his wife to leukemia, blew his brains out just down the beach from Alvington in early June ’43 leaving Const. Moss to clean up the mess and get his critically wounded year old lad to the Crippled Children’s home across the street… Spitfire Leader by Richard Bungey 77 would be a good read and a CD comes with it I’m told.

  674. milongal on October 26, 2020 at 10:06 pm said:

    The thing with confusing Jetty Road for Main St, is that we have one of those conundrums we invariably find in this case where you have to simultaneously believe 2 opposing ideas – namely that SM was unfamiliar with Adelaide and assumed Jetty Rd referred to Henley even though Main St being formally Jetty Rd (if it was) would only really be known by people who had been to Henley and seen the sign. So if there is an old map that refers to it as Jetty Rd that he would be likely to have seen, or if some local is incorrectly advising him then *maybe*, but otherwise how does he even know the wrong Jetty Rd exists?

    With the obvious caveat/disclaimer that wen know S&M is not always up to date and/or accurate (and that they might list owner rather than tenant in some circumstances)…
    Rau went to Henley High (off Henley Beach Rd) which supports the idea they were local…..but can’t find them in Henley itself in SMd (I’ve had a look at random volumes from 1930 to 1970). I have:
    1950 & 1960 & 1964 & 1970 RAU A. B. Ferryden Park (Western Suburbs, inland from Henley)
    in 1946 there’s a Mrs E M RAU in Mile End (First suburb from City of Adelaide toward Henley) (possibly Mabel Edith?)
    It caught my eye that there’s a W Rau (Driver) at 64 Shierlaw St Richmond – I’m sure this is coincidence, but I think this is 2 doors up from a JJ Keane who we’ve mentioned in passing before….

    That said, I think there were appartments on Main St that might have been short-term staying (if Rau is holidaying away from Pirie or is in the process of moving to Adelaide and living there while he finds more permanent residence).
    Incidnetally, 7 Main St comes back as “Miss Ward” – who we may have mentioned before (name rings a bell) – but might be in looking up specifically that address before

    And re the Billiard License at Cummins – that’s on the Eyre Peninsula – about a day’s drive from Adelaide (other side of the Spencer Gulf from Pirie, and considerably South)

  675. milongal on October 26, 2020 at 10:33 pm said:

    Forget EM being Mabel Edith (there’s a lot of EM Rau)

    @JS: I hve AB Rau’s father as Bruce William James RAU d1960 Gawler (not John).
    Which as a side means he has an older brother Douglas Keath (sic)
    and younger siblings Daphne Alice and Leslie Leonard

  676. milongal on October 26, 2020 at 10:37 pm said:

    @JS: Your Edgar Johnson wouldn’t be that same EC Johnson? I assume that was sort of why you’ve included him (sorry if I’m a bit slow)

  677. john sanders on October 27, 2020 at 3:52 am said:

    The difficulties with tracing Arthur Bruce’s post war activities are examplified by a seemingly determined attempt to bury him good and deep to kerp away the flies. I’d be surprised if he didn’t stay with his pre war occupation of involvement in SP operations, as evidenced by the billiard hall licence at Cummins alongwith dealing in receiver radios and expertise in electronics. It would seem more likely that the ’47 S & M people made a double blunder at the 15 Main St address and B. W. Rau was recoded as G. W. Rowe, easy enough for me and milongal is hunting around town trying to expand on some crooked ex polititians attempts to put us off.

    As for Bruce William James Rau’s wife Margaret and the all important Keane side, it might have proven rather difficult in light of her sixteen sibling family (1884-1906) background; but made easier by the simple fact that we already know most of family and the Dicker rels. from our old disasterous ‘two new Keane’ thread. Could bw we have additional connections to illegal gaming, unlicensed radios, if memory serves me correctly. We might also be mindful that the Barossa Keanes were Kains until 1886, then by 1908 John Richard had moved his tribe to Adelaide where He died in 1935.

  678. john sanders on October 27, 2020 at 8:21 am said:

    milongal: Most of the Rau/Kean mob are covered at Willaston cemetery, not Arthur who’s down Enfield way with no sign of a lady who would be ex AG John’s mum. Notice he’s cleverly arranged for no family background to polute his fine online bio…..As for ‘Johno’ Johnson RAF, no not related to ‘four fingers’ Edgar Johnson.

  679. john sanders on October 27, 2020 at 12:10 pm said:

    A gut feeling let me down with the Rau/Rowe deal for 15 Main street which turns out to be a blessing in disguise as it confirms that those two related families tie in with the Kean/Kain clan to form a close knit blood relationship. Better still the revelation that old County Cork born Patriarch John Richard Kean lies at rest in the tiny Willaston, Gawler cemetery with the second and third string Rau mob is quite encouraging. In the words of old Zulu hero Colour Sergeant Bourne, “There’s thousands of them” so all we have to do is to consentrate on the third generation and come up with a viable contender for a T. Keane or two amongst them (unlikely bonus) to sort the wheat from the chaff. It’s on with the motley then and no truer words spoken, if you get my drift.

  680. john sanders: even though we know the date when Arthur Bruce Rau got divorced, we don’t know when they actually separated (it would surely surprise nobody if his wife’s affair had started during the war). So it’s entirely possible that ABR was staying with some friends or relatives in Main street, Henley Beach, right? I guess the place we would (eventually) be able to find this would be in the 1947 Australian census.

  681. john sanders on October 27, 2020 at 1:35 pm said:

    Nick: You certainly have a point, but to contend that he might only have been at the address temporarily is in doubt when one considers his 1943 RAAF sign up locality of nearby Grange, as opposed to Gawler where many of his family had moved to and that he ran a billiard hall in far off Cummins way back in the thirties Truth is we just don’t know but I still feel comforted in the knowledge that son john went to school just half a click from Main Street. It also turns out that two of his aunts married into Rowe families, which of itself connects with number 15. I guess the best way to find out is to pull his WW2 file which may help, or as you say local electoral rolls and see where it takes us….

  682. john sanders on October 27, 2020 at 2:36 pm said:

    Up date of sorts concerning John Rau QC is that he still resides in Henley Beach but his home address although restricted could be Seaview Road; though must take care as another John Rau (electrician) is in nearby Military Rd., likely a relly. I have his PO box and home/office emails and phone contacts which are all in the public domain. Oh and John is said to be Keane on gardening, cooking and reading non fiction (sorry Peteb and Gordon).

  683. milongal on October 27, 2020 at 10:52 pm said:

    @JS – not sure how well you know Adelaide, but Gawler (these days part of metropolitan Adelaide) was a district in its own right encompassing Willaston (and to my mind Two Wells, Mallala, Virginia and Hamley Bridge (which you may recall as being touted as possible mix-ups with Henley Beach – in fact from memory there was a train station at Hamley Bridge, though I don’t remember whether I worked out if you could easily reach it from Adelaide railway station (it would be recorded somewhere on this site, so I’ll have a search)). (not far) beyond Gawler to the NNE you hit Tanunda and Nuriootpa – the Barossa Valley. I don’t know the exact history, but I associate Willaston and Lyndoch more with Gawler than the Barossa (even though Angaston is clearly closer to the Barossa – so perhaps I’m confusing it with Willaston).
    Slightly straighter North (through Kapunda) you get to the “other” Northern Wine district – the Clare Valley (which I think also gets a mention in some of the stuff we’ve been digging through). Point I’m getting to in a roundabout way is that if the Rau’s are all ex-Gawler and the Keane’s are all ex-Barossa then they’re not all that far apart (and if they have farming backgrounds likely mixed at rural markets and shows from time to time).
    Interesting that Arthur is down Enfield way, but if he was the only metro-Adelaide of the clan it’s probably one of the most likely places to end up (Enfield is other side of town to Henley, but there isn’t really a cemetry I can think of in that area (although Cheltenham, West Tce, Brighton and probably Centennial Park would be just as close if not closer – not that any of them are any more or less logical).

    Regarding the Henley connection….I think AB Rau (that’s not bad for the flourished AB/AR at the end of the code?) recently moved to the area, and might be staying in temporary appartment (or even a holiday house), and later moved somewhere more permanent (I have him in Ferryden Park by 1950 (haven’t worked exactly when he apperars there, but from memory after ’48).
    I also have him on the electoral roll in Gawler in ’41 (can’t see the record, but can see the existence of the record)).
    FindMyPast lists his birth as Evanston (which these days is a suburb within the Gawler council, but back then would be vast open space). I can’t find a record of a hospital in Evanston (not helped that google finds one in Evanston, Illinois – and called North Shore 🙂 ). I’m not certain whether “Place of birth” refers to “where parents were living at the time” or “actual locationl (normally hospital) where birth occured”.

    According to the ever misleading ’49 S&M, we have Rau’s at:
    Balaklava (AC Rau)
    Gawler (DK Rau 21st st) (HGW Rau 20th St)
    Longwood (AC Rau …gardener)
    McLaren Flat (Wm….junior labourer (I think))
    Whyalla (Lawrence A Rau)

    And in the metro area:
    Mitcham (AL Rau 4 Tutt st)
    Everard Park (AL Rau 12 Grove Ave)
    Flinders Park (EA Rau)
    Wayville (J Rau, Taxidermist, 7 Goodwood Rd)
    Colonel Light Gardens (J Rau 12 Tidworth cres)
    Torrensville (Mrs EA Rau 40 East St)
    And the Shierlaw St Richmond one mentioned before

    Noticing that occasionally names in general are listed in the index in one order and in the street listing in another (eg EA Rau is also AE Rau – so don’t put too much weight on initial ordering).

  684. john sanders on October 28, 2020 at 6:50 am said:

    I’m certain that I’ve eliminated all john Rau’s great uncle Keane(s) from contention, if that had been what tge AG’s exhumation denial was based on. In fact his grand mother Margaret’s Keane brothers were all too old apart from young Horace (04) who’s cleared. That doesn’t necessarily exempt John A. who was older brother James Edward’s first born (1907) and who has managed to defeat my searches thus far. It seems that another John (Jack) was born in 1916, so maybe Beatrice Marie Keane nee Rowe’s first issue didn’t live long enough to have a death record. The old dear was a widow of sixty years when she passed on at 105 in ’95.

  685. john sanders on October 28, 2020 at 3:10 pm said:

    For those genealogy lovers into family trees and work connecting charts, it’d be a fairly straight forward task to connect S. A. Attorney General John Rau, from his grandfather Bruce William and father Authur Bruce’s immediate family through to the SM finish line. It involves participation by South Australian Museum boss Herbert Hale and his most able co-opted field team J. B. Cleland, C. S. Hicks, Norm Tindale with assistants Alan Rau, Charles Rau and last but not least John James Rau, who mentored a ‘Keane’ young Paul Francis Lawson to take over his role as chief taxidermist in the late thirties. It was Hale and Cleland, through CIB Chief W. O. Sheridan (see press) and Snr. Det. Sgt. Geoffrey Leane (not Lionel) who must have set up the SM dud bust ID sting in my opinion, but to what end, I have no definitive notion…as yet.

  686. milongal on October 29, 2020 at 4:13 am said:

    NB: the Hamley Bridge / Henley Beach thought seems to have come up in relation to Mangnoson and Alma:


  687. milongal on October 29, 2020 at 4:17 am said:

    also re the other J Harkness (and Fedosimov??):

    and also on a long 2018 post:
    “Incidentally, while looking up SAR stuff on Wiki I found a suggestion that Hamley Bridge was listed as a post-WWII route from Adelaide Railway Station….”

  688. john sanders on October 29, 2020 at 5:08 am said:

    The mistakes made by John B. Cleland in attempts to cover-up his involvement in the Somerton Man death are now more obvious and provable than when raised initially some time back. It is unfortunate that no one then, nor since has raised doubts on the great man’s related claims which stand out as fibs even moreso now that his motives are more clearly defined. NB the following examples in support:-

    1. J C claimed to have found the TS slip in an easily missed fob during his search of SM’s trousers and had difficulty in finding it again, to absolve cops of any tardiness.
    2. J C claimed not to know what Tamam Shud meant; yet he was multi lingual and must surely have known the Persian word for ‘The End’ which later when informed, said it supported his view, that in all probability SM had suicided hence his farwell.
    3. J C did not let cops in on his find for 5 weeks, an ommission based on not having yet decided whether there would be need to go ahead with the ROK back-up ruse.
    4. J C could not name a likely COD with any confidence. Cleland was a pathologist and an authority on exotic potions known to him from his anthopological studies. He was also a world authority on antipodean toadstools plus divers organic/plant based poisons like curare.
    5. J C Having a need to access the body before it’s disposal and becoming manic when prevented. He was not interested in a brain that he knew to be missing; in fact he was likely intent on planting a seed in the cavity, not harvesting tissue.
    6. J C erred with regard to his misidentificatiin of the ROK dump car, timing, place and proposed method of placement therein, plus later handover story.
    7. J C Making bold claim to the effect that SM was obviously a Britisher. Had he had not seen the body until at least March ’49, by which time such accurate profiling would not be impossible. SM was probably not of British ancestry based on this.

  689. john sanders on October 29, 2020 at 7:03 am said:

    Looks look like John James Rau’s son Alan and not Paul Lawson, took over as top taxidermist at the SA museum in ’39, a post he held til the fifties or later. By then Paul seems to have gravitated to entertaining fossil search archeologists in field studies. He had been assigned to do the bust as a one off for his boss Herb Hale who had himself originally signed on for the SM job at Cleland’s urging. Paul would certainly remember working with the Rau’s and must be well familiar with modern day AG John Rau rejecting Derek Abbott’s exhumation petition. I wonder if he has anything on his mind worth airing for peace of mind.

  690. john sanders on October 29, 2020 at 8:49 am said:

    Milongal: Hamley bridge was positioned conveniently to be used as a switch depot for several interconnecting inter/intra state wide and narrow gauge lines, as well as being the inland railway marshalling yard closest to Adelaide. It’s usefulness was reduced with introduction before the WW2 of a common gauge but it’s lease of life renewed during the war years for troop movement re supply and munitions. Even though I was based closeby in the mid sixties, I can’t recall ever passing through there and I had not heard of the place until you introduced it, as per your kindly reminder. Like to visit one day; just picture it ‘Country town with willows & squares and farmers bouncing on barrel mares…..and 1860 over the doors &c’. (Slessor).

  691. john sanders on October 29, 2020 at 11:44 am said:

    milogal: As an adendum to the Henley Beach/Hamley Bridge conundrum, I do believe that my previous related post has an air of some credibility in view that both services likely sharing the same XX ticket box purchase and platform 9 departure point. I know that over many years people hold the wrongly held view that the found Henley Beach ticket was not punched, as offered by Feltus in his flawed assessment. If one cares to analyse the newspaper reporting of the case, it becomes clear that most held the view that the departure platform access was in fact punched. This confirms that the ticket holder had gone through the gate to board, but never did for some reason. a reasonable assumption would seem to be as I suggested, that he only realised the mix up then by a check of his ticket and/or turned back upon finding that the morning service to Hamley Bridge had already departed…

  692. milongal on October 29, 2020 at 11:01 pm said:

    With the obvious dislcaimer that the 40s/50s are (well) before my time…..
    And that railways in SA have changed significantly since then (the abolishment of routes, and various gauge changes, the casino etc etc)…..

    I *think* the ticket offices were at the Northern End, Western Side of the concourse (where there used to be access to the Festival Centre – back then II don’t know if there was an entry there there back then (but from memory I think that’s where the city baths would have been). Roughly in the spot where these days the old clock (and I think a historical display) is. I assume that the gates to the platform were still roughly in the same location they are now (Halfway between North Tce and the ticket boxes, although I don’t think the entrance from the tram stop (down the stairs) existed, but rather the main entry was the ramp down from the corner of North Tce, and what today is Station Rd (I suspect this roadway didn’t exist then, but not sure) bringing you down just South of the middle, coming down in an Easterly direcion. Back then, the platforms would have been open air (the were enclosed in the 80s or 90s when the Casino (and possibly hotel?) took up residence). Most of the Southern end (eg the walkway under North Tce) is much newer, however near there I suspect the toilets (SOuthern End, Eastern Side) were likely the station Baths, and the newsagent next to them may have been a refreshment room. On the other side of the ramp was the Cloak Room (at some stage I think this might have been a refreshment room too), and I think more recently that has become a driver meal room (or at least a place for drivers to retreat from the public). Because Adelaide is not through-running, trains are usually left unattended at the station between runs (I have no idea whether this would have been the same in the age of steam, but I’d assume there were all sort of tasks associated with running engines around).

    Through the gates, I assume the platform numbering was much the same as the current set up (although not sure whether the current count of platforms (9) reflects that age). I remember reasonably major work around platform 9 in the 90s – but I can’t remember whether that was a platform extension (or similar) or (I think more likely) a re-alignment of the track coming out of the station. I have only the vaguest recollection of interstate trains (more specifically the Overland) using Adelaide Railway Station, as interstate movements were moved to Keswick Railway Terminal when it opened in the early 1980s (I have a vague idea that AdMet remained on a different gauge for some time (but pretty sure eventually the gauge was eventually converted from Broad to Standard – even on the metro lines, but not sure). I don’t remember whether the interstate station was part of the metro concourse, or whether it was a separate platform or two deeper into the Adelaide Yard (I have mixed recollections about this…..to the point where I can even imagine access to the interstate platforms almost directly off North Tce near Morphett St Bridge)
    In any event, I assume railways try to minimise the amount of switching required (even though I think by then it would have been centralised to the swtiching booth (might still be there, albeit obviously unused) between the branches where the Southern (Noarlunga/Brighton/Bridgewater/Mt Barker – these routes all leave to the South even if they end up travelling East) and Northern (Outer Harbor/Gawler/Henley Beach) split (just in front of the Torrens, near the Old Adelaide Gaol). So this meant as a general rule, service would leave from a particular platform.

    In my lifetime, I remember 9 platforms, with Gawler Central line typically using platforms 7,8,9. Outer Harbor 5-9, Grange 4-7 (not sure why they rarely used 8 and 9 – it shares track with OH), and the other routes 1-5 (they’re not services I often caught, so I couldn’t elaborate which ones where). There were also some other minor services (Dry Creek) and at different times some unusual ones that bypassed the yard and station (I remember a service that used to cut from Dry Creek onto the Outer Harbor line (I think entering somewhere near Alberton); and I’m almost certain that for a few years there were special Glanville to Goodwood services during the Royal Adelaide Show (September) – though I don’t ever remember catching one (I think it used to come to the edge of the Adelaide Yard, and then sweep around the swtiching booth from earlier onto the Southern lines)
    That said, the Adelaide yard (as any yard) has very many switches, and I think in extreme circumstances (breakdowns, maintenance and situations where for whatever reason a different train was allocated than expected) I think I have caught an OH service from almost any platform (probably not #1, and possibly not #2).
    I also vaguely remember there might have also been some non-metro special services still using the Railway station (definitely the Barossa Bluebird (platform 9), and there was a steam train that used to run the OH line on some weekends). I also remember the Bridgewater (possibly even Mt Barker) line being shortened to Belair – but I don’t recall whether this was more driven by patronage, gauge compatibility or something else (I do know that as Mt Barker has boomed more recently, there has been an increased voice to reopen the line to there (my mail is morning peak service buses are leaving Mt Barker Railway Station (their 1st stop) absolutely overloaded and not able to pick up through the town before even reaching the freeway).

    But we digress…..

    So the short version of that, is that the Northern lines (like Hamley Bridge) likely would have left from platform 9 or equivalent (however as I sort of implied above, I wouldn’t be surprised if interstate services (in particualr Vic) had a separate set of platforms sort of detached from the Railway Station concourse. Which actually makes sense, because visitors transferring from an interstate line would likely need to get a fresh ticket (and potentially use the baths) so there’s no real advantage having them on the same platforms….

    Incidentally, if Wiki is to be believed, Hamley Bridge ceased to be the Gauge Break in 1927 when Broad Gauge was extended to Gladstone.

    Finally, re the ticket. I’ve often tried to find out at what point the ticket should have been punched. At the gate or on the train? (until relatively recently (2000s) tickets on AdMet were required to pass through the gates at the station __but were not actually cancelled/activated/validated until onboard a train__. I have a vague recollection that in the most recent age of punched tickets (80s maybe 90s) you could get through the gates without a ticket and buy one from the conductor on board. Clearly SM’s ticket was purchased at the booth, but whether it was punched on the station or on the train (or somewhere else) is anyone’s guess. There’s a trove article that I think best describes the confusion, where it explains something like “…the ticket had been cancelled, but as he had a tramways ticket to Glenelg, presumably not used….”
    So my interpretation is that given the presence of 2 tickets that both appeared used, they assumed the one to the closer location was actually used (with as far as I can tell, very little to base that assumption on, other than the bus ticket must have been purchased on the actual bus, therefore whoever bought it had definitely been on the bus (and since the bus left after the train…..). But IMO we don’t actually know HE used any/either of them, and I’m not sure the St Leonard’s assumption is all that much better than a Henley assumption (and someone, possibly you JS suggested at one stage he may have caught the Henley train 1 stop – or jumped off in the yard – or something similar (in fact….I don’t know that the yard was necessarily fenced back then, and (especially if there was another interstate platform like I suggested above) it would be easy enough to leave the train while it’s slowly navigating the yard and make your way to a bus stop – possibly nearer Morphett St (or where UNISA CityWest is now), or even on West Tce). Remember the bus conductor could only agree the ticket had been sold in the first section, not the specific stop…..

    apologies for the long, and largely off topic rant

  693. john sanders on October 30, 2020 at 9:17 am said:

    I recall bringing up another case scenario of SM having being more familiar with the Henley Beach line set up than we might suspect, that is to say he may have bought his ticket for use on the Henley Beach to city trip later in the day. He would have known that Jetty Road platform (Main St.) was unattended and valid pre purchased tickets would avoid possibility being had up for fare evasion. I don’t necessarilly hold the view that this was the case, but I can’t see a problem with the concept. It should have occurred to Feltus to discuss such foibles with his Adelaide rail expert ‘Tiny’.

  694. john sanders on October 30, 2020 at 2:02 pm said:

    They don’t give a bloke too much help in the Rau camp, though it appears more likely as not that ex AG John Rau’s mum is Audrey Robinson bn. 1923 Gawler, which would have made her 36 at his birth. Sad part is that she passed in 2013 and unlike her old man Arthur Bruce Rau, has nothing to tell grave searchers at Enfield anthing about her past life. At the time of her passing her son was the member for Enfield, but did not reside there as we’re well aware.

  695. john sanders on October 31, 2020 at 6:24 am said:

    Ever heard of ‘The Unknown Woman’ who went missing from NSW in 2005, later gaoled in Qld without charge and later transfered from an Immigration detention centre at Port Augusta to Parkside in Adelaide suffering from a Bi Polar condition. She was suspected to be a German overstay having no valid papers but she had identified herself as Anna Schultze. Turns out our alien had spent most of her 39 years in Australia, worked a decade or more as a Qantas flight attendant and spoke with a clear Australian accent. After authorities in three states and the Feds realised their error and notified a releived family, they did a whip around and gave the not so frauline $2.2 mil. to deep six her false imprisonment claims including solitary confinement. Don’t know whether MP John RAU SC had known of Miss Cornelia RAU’s ordeal, I suspect so. Nothing like his own deep six solution for the Somerton Man’s exhumation which he would likely have invoked as a means to defray any assertions of RAU/Keane family connections to the 70 year old case.

  696. john sanders on November 1, 2020 at 1:04 am said:

    Familiarity of Latin alphabet capital letter forms, a propos the sign off flourish of our ROK code last line terminal letter points to it being a fairly normal B according to most mainstream analysis. Suggesting that it could be a letter R is incongruous with any variations revealed on line, though I’ll admit that Gordon Cramer’s long held contrary view in this case does seem to have found favour amongst his alter anonymous believers and some others. Perhaps we might consider toning down any assertions that such nonsence could only have come from by a devious and seriously demented mind.

  697. I’m the one who is supposed to be devious and seriously demented, and I object most strenuously to having my status undermined by such an ill-informed opinion. You haven’t heard the last of this.

  698. Peteb: happy to provide a character reference if it will help.

  699. Thank you … but we hardly know each other. Does that matter?

  700. Peteb: that’s never stopped other people for even a heartbeat, don’t see why the same rules shouldn’t apply to me.

  701. john sanders on November 1, 2020 at 1:24 pm said:

    Peteb: I know nothing. Still trying go get my head around the Russian translation for your ‘caravanserai’ deal which is apparently some KGB code word that you picked up from your old mate.

  702. john sanders on November 2, 2020 at 12:17 am said:

    Cleland reportedly found the Rubaiyat Tamam Shud slip sometime in March or April 1949, after having gained private access to clothing worn by the dead man, from West Terrace mortuary and it would seem that he was alone when this most fortunate event occurred so there was no eureka moment. This occasion must not to be confused with the well covered event in June at police heaquarters when, in company with chemical analyst Robert Cowan, John Cleland described trying on clothing, including some from the Keane suitcase, as well as the Stamina trousers worn by Somerton Man when found.

    A fair assessment of the above would include strong possibility that Cleland’s delayed report was in order to do so at an appropriate point in time so as to coincide with a stage of the police investigation most suited to his discovery. This would prevent accusations of his having planted the slip to support a case for suicide and put any like suspicions on the police along similar lines. His description of the concealment factor and chance find would also serve to take heat off the cops in any suggestions of negligence during their initial body search.

  703. milongal on November 2, 2020 at 1:19 am said:


  704. john sanders on November 2, 2020 at 7:12 am said:

    I guess the passage of time and a decent interval will allow mention of a possible skeleton in John Rau’s closet, with due respect for his long departed half sister Mabel. It seems that his father Arthur and first wife Mabel Edith nee Siviour lost their only child at birth in Tumby Bay hospital in 1935. There are no burial records for the poor infant so it may well be that a still birth was recorded and her passing is unlikely to be known at all within the Rau family.

  705. john sanders on November 2, 2020 at 7:40 am said:

    milongal: With respect, your comment is acknowledged. Some elaboration would have been desirable just for the record, and in consideration for those who aren’t so familiar with Farci as she is spoke!

  706. john sanders on November 3, 2020 at 12:47 pm said:

    Looks like four more turbulent years of the Don. Only thing worse would be four dreary months of dismal Joe. God help America.

  707. Tamara Bunke on November 3, 2020 at 9:41 pm said:

    We can only hope your judgement is premature, Sanders, and that the yanqui tyrant is on his way out.

    Hasta la victoria siempre!

  708. Tamara Bunke: I think if you were to take all your betting advice from online commenters, you would soon be sleeping under newspapers in a shop doorway.

  709. john sanders on November 3, 2020 at 10:08 pm said:

    Tamara: But not any newspaper and not a shop doorway. The rag would have to be the Washington Post and Dade/Miami’s Domino Park would be fine for a short siesta before the Yanqui filth moved you on.

    Viva Cuba Libre!

  710. john sanders on November 5, 2020 at 8:21 am said:

    We’re all aware of the dozen or so Keane derivitives in common use with early settlers, mainly immigrants to South Australia in the mid 1800s and convicts to other states from earlier times. My research suggests that variations are likely to occur even within the same family clans over several generations even. If thinking that those known to us namely Keane, Kean or Keen should be able to identify an owner of items so marked in the left suitcase, think again and keep looking.

  711. john sanders on November 20, 2020 at 5:31 am said:

    Re-Pete: In re your quest for a detailed title description of ‘Gentleman’ Alf Boxall’s tastefully stocked bookshelf, plus evidence of a Sister J.E. Thomson being resident and phone subscriber at 90A Mosely St. Glenelg by early 1947, I invite you to re visit my authoritive related dual posts, 10.58am & 6.16am of September 28th. Don’t understand how you could have missed them, you being on the Misc. thread yourself shortly before and shortly thereafter with stuff about plain brown duds in the evening and boxes of matches found on a dampish body from memory.

  712. Trouble is, Sanders old fellow, I don’t believe a word you write … and I mean that most sincerely.

  713. john sanders on November 20, 2020 at 11:57 am said:

    Re-Pete…..And of course I wouldn’t expect you to believe otherwise, but don’t let it concern you for I’ll concede that you’re not Robinson Crusoe by a long stretch. Nontheless I’ll just keep on hammering away, trying my level best to convince poor weak minded souls like your good self, to maybe better understand the difference between fact and fancy. If you persist in depending upon others, similarly deficient in natural intuitive skills to slake your thirst for knowledge, then you’ll be in good company for a long dry spell in an SM limbo land my man!…Sincerely Yours.

  714. It wasn’t that long ago, was it Johnno, when you wrote about the Thomson’s being present at the unveiling of a new car at the time of the unfortunate death of T Keane.
    Well, we took the trouble to try to confirm this sighting by visiting Trove and generally asking around .. but found nothing.
    Which reminded us of those earlier claims of yours that sent a Canadian colleague off chasing wild gooses.
    You see, old sport, I’m onto you … but by all means have your fun, like me you’re nought but a harmless old duffer with too much time on his hands.

  715. Peteb: ‘harmless’ is perhaps a bit of a stretch.

  716. john sanders on November 20, 2020 at 10:54 pm said:

    Re-Pete: You referring to snow geese surely, not gooses unless plurals are no longer cool, and they fly south in winter in a big ‘V’ formation from memory. Anyhow you will need to apologise to both Byron and Bob for providing similar false information on the Thomson ’47 phone connection and gentleman Alf’s book shelf selection, for their information aped mine, allbeit with less detail and a lot later. As for the Thomson’s being definately in Melbourne for the Holden deal on 29/11/48, sounds like a reasonable synopsis and I’ll give it some more thought. I also checked with Trove and for starters found that a bloke named Ben Chiffley attended along with some hundreds of potential car thieves..

  717. Which reminds me, NickP, do the yanks have the equivalent of the Aus National Archive? Been looking and getting nowhere.

  718. Peteb: as far as I know, the Americans don’t have anything even 10% as useful as the NAA (there are paywalled newspaper archives, but Trove is miles better). At least with a needle in a haystack you can kid yourself that one day you’ll come back with a bloody great magnet.

  719. A pity no pic exists of the bobby pin found in suitcase, If Dude is right and the tools were used to get into and steal cars it would have been bent out of shape.

  720. john sanders on November 21, 2020 at 2:49 am said:

    Peteb: Here you go, two quotes from Clive and one from each us on the hilarious Black Market Scenario thread, all dated 22/10. Can’t imagine anyone with a spirit of fairness puting a fibber spin on that, unless you have some previous attribrution . I certainly remember a ‘scenario’ with the Thomsons and SM meeting on the train after a trip to Melbourne. Perhaps the Holden opening day came up or maybe not; who cares?.

    Clive Turner :- ” I read somewhere that Prosper & Jessie were in Melbourne on Monday 29th November for a new Holden unveilling. (Tweed Daily 29th November, 1948) “.
    ” Nothing more on P & J, but, ‘Tweed Daily’ NSW via TROVE gives infomation on a Holden event.

    Peter Bowes :- ” Sanders mentioned that event, also that PT etc. were there, the old stirrer. ”

    Response from john sanders on CM Misc. 22/10 8.20am. :-
    ” Peteb: You’ve got two impeccable sourses in Clive Turner-Walker and Tweed Daily (News Corp) rag telling you that the Thomsons were in Melbourne on 29/11/48 for the Holden launch; they rarely get it wrong. You’ll also need to know that the make do FX designation didn’t come until later, but even Dud 4711 wouln’t know that.”

  721. john sanders on November 21, 2020 at 6:10 am said:

    Nick: I must confess that whilst I find the tenuous Inside Story doco’s claims for the Boxall-Jestyn-Thomson-TS/ROK Somerton Man death involvement having the same level of credability as your Beale treasure cache, I’m still hooked on the unwavering facination which it provokes. Any trained investigator worth his detective’s title might be appalled at how so many false leads created by hearsay and inuendo could still hold sway in theories vis. likely identity, death attribution, causation and so on. A properly constituted investigation of these crucial elements was deemed to have been carried out satisfactorily by Det. A/Sgt. R.l. Leane and his team of uncorruptables and also through the Coroner’s inquest derived therefrom. As a consequence of the post inquest events in late July 1949 there was only a few proceedural formalities involving the nurse’s uncertain nomination of a Lt. Alf Boxall for SM. This being quickly and effectively dismissed upon Alf being found and subjected to questioning by Sydney’s finest under caution no doubt. Thomas Cleland, had he so chosen, would most certainly have re-convened the inquest had he considered the Freeman? ROK handover and the nurse’s well intended though unreliable information to be of any assistance whatsoever…That be the end game as far as expectations for any forseable outcome is concerned by my estimations. Notwithstanding I still have a number questions that need answers on plottings and brewings of Sir John B. Cleland in some perhaps personally motivated issues not necessarily to do with the beach death perse. One or two people still living could help resolve this dilemma including Paul Lawson and Neil Day for starters.

  722. The gentleman doth protesteth to much, methinks.

  723. john sanders on November 21, 2020 at 1:54 pm said:

    There can’t be any doubt about Clive’s gentlemanly credentials. In my mind any perceived protestethstation was as a consequence of his promter’s inability to come to terms with the possibilty that the Thomsons could be in Melbourne and Glenelg/Somerton at the same time. There’s a sucker born every day…Barnum

  724. john sanders on November 22, 2020 at 9:03 am said:

    Peteb: So now you know where the wild goose goes, perhaps you might try this one on your esteemed Canadian Colleague? MM as a favour…..On the once free and most informative SA Genialogy site we have a Rita Kathleen Chapman of Park Holme, near to Somerton, who is cross indexed with the name ThompsEn (K.M’s mate?). She is also listed in Centenial Park records for her presumed burial or cremation on 13/4/88 at age 85….But hang on; what about the Rita Kathleen ThompsOn happily ensconsed alonside hubby Oscar Edward Thompson down at Noaralinga, whose death is recorded also for 13/4/88….If we can sort this one out by pressing a few Jail break buttons on a smart board, then perhaps we can try something similar with Ellen May or Mary McLeish nee Harkness bn. 1924 or 28 just to get our currupted SM related files in order.

  725. john sanders on November 22, 2020 at 1:42 pm said:

    Repeateb: Re two million to one odds of finding garments from a second hand clothing store post war marked Kean, Keane (or Keanic) being in the order of two million to one odds. Obviously you and your toffee nosed crowd have never been in an op. shop. And anyhow what about the odds of Leane’s request for an ROK sans Tamam Shud slip on a Thursday and having one miraculously anonymously being delivered to his door step by Friday evening. London to a brick against in my estimation and of course the press wouldn’t have a bar of it either. Proof of the pudding being Les Wytkin’s copy that was conveniently dismissed as being a little over the top for safety.

  726. milongal on November 22, 2020 at 10:50 pm said:

    As ever a couple steps behind play….
    So, if J&P in Melb on 29th
    Catch the evening train back, arrives Adelaide early AM.
    Run into SM in the station (whether they know him or planned to meet him or other….)
    Convince him to abandon his plans to Henley (if he already has them), and go with them to Glenelg
    They explain the Somerton Bus goes from across from the station
    He makes his excuses, but jots down their number
    He makes his way to the Henley train, mulling it over, and decides “What the hey”
    He rushes to the bus stop and asks the driver whether the bus goes to Glenelg, and the bus driver agrees
    and then he ends up dead on the beach

    Couple of things to note before we argue about St Leonards bus vs Somerton bus. I drove buses for a couple of years and can recall several occasions where I might have accidentally misled passengers – or even when routes are so close explained that “you can wait half an hour, or you can come with me part way and walk the rest” (and as per my example above if he asks about “Glenelg” rather than “Somerton Park” it’s even more plausible.

    NB: originally I would have said travels with them (which is part of the reason he goes unnoticed (which I think I’ve floated similar before) – because he was not alone). The problem I have with that is that I can’t seem them catching the St Leonards bus to get to Moseley St when the alternate bus goes right past where they need to get to…..

  727. john sanders on November 22, 2020 at 11:00 pm said:

    Peteb: While we’re talking up proliferation of the Keane name in Commonwealth and Dominion countries as per your latest Tbt thread, we must never forget the Fatherland Keanes where it is said to rival Schmidt & Slitze in popularity. Brave and bold being it’s translation, almost like a dare if we go back to Detective Len Brown’s refreshment room suitcase….Oh and were you aware that Jessie Thomson’s remains are apparently held at two cemeteries, with both Centenial Park and Port Lincoln to have her. Perhaps your Dominion Colleage could get to tge bottom of that as well, if he’s not too busy.

  728. john sanders on November 23, 2020 at 11:21 am said:

    Had there been shenanigans afoot in respect of the ROK delivery to police HQ by a motorist on July 22nd with Les Wytkin’s unrequired fail safe copy almost exposing the ruse without quick thinking by the cops to bury it. This might well have been enough of its own to satisfy a case for suicide which the Coroner could sign off on. The nurse’s unplanned for appearance on 25/7/49 with her story on SM’s possible identity, might have been seen as a blessing in disguise to convince any suspicious press hounds that everything was above board afterall.

  729. john sanders on November 23, 2020 at 12:09 pm said:

    Peteb: Senator Brien McMahon was an up and comer American liberal democrat of staunch leftist principles and darling of the imaginary bleading heart Huxleyite social order, whose Atomic Energy Act was promulgated to ensure that civilians and not military warhawks might be better placed to halt prolifaraction of nuclear weaponry. The act was ratified and passed by both houses uncontested in late ’46, coming into effect on January 1st 1947 just a few short months before baby Robin McMahon Thomson made his way into a not so perfect ‘brave new World’. Mother must have seen this as assurance for his future well being which of course by 1984 was found to be a hoax.

  730. milongal on November 23, 2020 at 9:57 pm said:

    @JS: Some time ago I suggested that the ROK from Jetty road could have been a prank gone long – that some randoms came forward with a book with a ripped page, and instead of being dismissed it took a life of its own. The page was ripped but the TS slip was trimmed up neatly. That means if we have the right ROK, the purpose of removing the TS slip wasn’t for identification purposes as has been suggested (because surely the identity idea requires that the shape of the slip is a match to the shape in the book). It might be possible that the book subsequently ripped more, but not sure I’d really buy that. Remember at inquest the best the government analyst could say was that the paper certainly seemed to have the same composition. But if we took 2 books published around the same time by the same publisher, I suspect we would be quite likely to find this similarity. The result is a bit like the earlier conclusions “I can’t dismiss…” rather than “I can categorically say”.
    For mine, I think there’s also some pressure on the analyst to get certain results – so there’s an inherent confirmation bias to begin with. He is asked to demonstrate the 2 samples come from the same place – so anything that might prove otherwise is simply ignored, and anything that is consistent is flagged (perhaps with more weight than it needs to be).

    Re Port Lincoln, their site’s database (which seems to be semi-statewide (it’s like there’s multiple SA Cemetry Authorities…..)) has:
    – an 84 year old Jessie Thompson buried 14/11/11 (but the 11 is 1911)
    – a Jessie Christine Thomson buried (actually, cremated) in Mt Gambier in 1993 aged 60 .
    – a Jessie McTaggart 5 months old in Port Augusta (can’t find date) – obviously this isn’t her, but it caught my eye all the same

    I will note that their search seems to get strange results (“THOMPSON” finds the 84 year old Jessie, but “THOMPSON, J” doesn’t (yet “THOMSON, J” does bring up the other one, which doesn’t seem to appear if you just search “Jessie” – although I’m not certain the order is alphabetical, even though it looks like it at times). So maybe I’ve missed her at Lincoln….

  731. john sanders on November 23, 2020 at 10:57 pm said:

    In South Australia from 1980 to 2000 which probably covers a goodly number of people in Robin Thomson’s age grouping who were born and died, without there being actual DOB details (I could assertain this), 33 McMahon middle names are recorded and all but one were males. It would seem to me that Jessica was not alone in her desire that Robin might grow up in a nulear free world, although the phenmina could easily have been a soviet orchestrated conspiracy.

  732. john sanders on November 24, 2020 at 6:27 am said:

    My blunder. There are more like forty pages in the C&F ROK with two numbered quatrains on each face page only with some sketches. A strange press set up with wide unadorned borders, looking as if the print layouts could be glued though that possibility has never been discussed far as I’m aware.

  733. john sanders on November 24, 2020 at 8:06 am said:

    Right the first time I think. Struth what tiny thin little books they were, and at the risk of being compared with Repeat Peteb, just made for sending to a pal in one of those white Keane suitcase envelopes instead of an Xmas card.

  734. Tamara Bunke on November 24, 2020 at 8:22 pm said:

    Regulars may be interested in this new, short BBC Radio podcast on SM that canters through the basics with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Somewhat bizarrely, this is a thrown together bonus episode in a series that has something to do with HP Lovecraft. Indeed, it makes an explicit connection between the bust of SM and something Lovecraftian. I haven’t listened to any other episodes yet, so can’t comment further.

    Anyway, here it is (look for “Bonus episode 1”):


  735. milongal on November 24, 2020 at 9:54 pm said:

    Thanks Tamara – Good find!

    Their cleaned up version of the code is interesting….and seems to follow some observations we’ve previously had (naturally that would have influenced the copy, rather than proving our point).
    – The Beginning of the first 2 lines could be W or M or N
    – There are several distinct styles to the ‘A’s (equally some of the D/P/B have much sharper loops than others). (the last A and B are totally different to the others (maybe the first B in the code is slgihtly similar – although less emphasised)
    – the letter T seems inconsistent too, and bith G’s look different (these a less obvious differences to the A and loops on P/D/B, and may be a result of the tracing rathemore than anyuthing else
    – the C after Q does not look like a C – top of an S perhaps, or maybe an ampersand? Similarly the ‘S’ in the last line looks like it’s intended to be something else. In fact the other S in the bottom line doesn’t really look like an S either (maybe an S – or perhaps some letter from a foreign alphabet (e.g Greek Koppa)

    Probably a result of being cleaned up, but there’s a flatness to the stem of the last letter that I can imagine a straight line under the letters touching the right-most stem of the M and the bottom of the S like symbol (but the ITTMT don’t align with it).

    Incidentally, JS, I’ve speculated before that Fedosimov was anti-nuclear (from a weapons, not an energy perspective). Can’t remember the exact angle, but basically I think I theorised it was what ultimately saw him shifted from diplomatic missions to his role as advisor on the Russian delegation to the IAEA conferences. I think it might have been a counter argument to the idea he had deeply offended the Kremlin (which I think was the justification for him disappearing from the US and “appearing on Somerton Beach”). Rather, I proposed that he may have had unpopular views regarding Nukes as weapons, but because of this was a tactful (or at least non-controversial) voice to have representing Russia’s view of Atomic Energy. Noting, of course, that it was (and remains) pure speculation.

  736. john sanders on November 25, 2020 at 12:05 am said:

    milongal: Couple of interesting snippets re Jessie Muir Thomson bn. 1918 for anyone interested in long bows. She came from a prosperous Port Lincoln family, her Dad being Walter McFarlane a local auctioneer who must have been active when Prosper Thomson was doing auto business up there in the late forties. Jessie’s mum Christain name was Douglas then there were two sisters and two brothers all with Muir as their middle names, little sister Glen hooking up with young Harry Cleland who’s immediate connections were wealthy Adelaide spirit merchants, along with uncle John and cousin Tom both achieving great success in their respective professions. Jessie’s own husband George Archibald Thonson son of George Thomson a wealthy grazier of ‘Burnside’, who she married in 1940 and to whom she had a child Janet in 1942, up and died at age 29 in 1942 (for no good reason) and all that remains is his granite headstone with George sans Thomson still in place at George town cemetery near Clare. His sudden demise prompted a young and very presentable new widow into making a move to Somerton Park in Adelaide where she remained, apparently unclaimed and unheard of for another fifty two years until her life was celebrated with twin services at Port Lincoln and Centenial Park. Co-incidently her near namesake Jessica Thomson rests nearby as does the latter’s husband Prosper (George) though without the glamour of his loving wife. no need to comment as to how a dodgie auto dealer may have come to be known as George Thomson from the time of his AIF discharge in ’43, through til the day his ashes were shoved under a rock at Passadena.

  737. john sanders on November 25, 2020 at 3:40 am said:

    @My Name, a newly inducted dupe over at ‘heart of darkness’, has offered his thoughts on the probabilities of a chap name of Thomas McMahon using his wife Hilda’s maiden monicker Keane, as intimated by Gordon’s man Clive. Let me assure you my man, the Hilda Mary Keane who died on October 30th 1940 and that was subsequently laid to rest at Babina (sic), could hardly have been married to Tom Keane or any other bloke one cares to nominate. You see the poor wee bambino interred at Babinda cemetery happened to have died on that very day, her actual birthday. PS Nice work Clive, GC will no doubt be pleased with your continued loyalties.

  738. john sanders on November 25, 2020 at 4:53 am said:

    I’ve just noted for the umteenth time both here and on our colleague Peteb’s most compelling site, frequent referal to a certain black powder residue having been shaken from a small stencilling brush that was part of the so-called Keane suitcase. It seems from past similar references y’man would have it that said black powder residue is likely to be something akin to graphite dust of a kind used to lubricate keyways for auto theft. A most convenient nomination in light of Tomsbytwo’s absolute certainty that this case revolves around grand theft auto.

    Going back through the SM inquest deponent affidavits, only one reference to the brush and it’s residue is contained; it being in Detective Leane’s testimony where he talks only of black substance found on stencil brush?, which chemical testing by anylist Cowan could not identify. I’d be interested to know if anything else has come to light in regard to what form said substance took, as it certainly doesn’t seem consistent with the powder that Pete harps on about as if it’s form were a given. I’m more inclined to the view that it was more like dried crumbly ‘gunk’ but I’ll allow to having been wrong occasionally in the dim and distant past.

  739. Milongal: given Leane said the original code was in faint pencilling, do you think that whoever overlaid the photo taken of same may have been faced with some gaps here and there, and was required to improvise?

  740. john sanders on November 25, 2020 at 7:40 am said:

    Tamara: Comrade; Here in our southern Liberated zones, our respected party elders have chosen in their estermed wisdom, to not expose our patriotic youth to devisive capitalist propaganda aimed at their vulnerability; this been ratified at party level, thanks to the firm guidance of democratically elected comrades of our beloved Politbureau. We of course are well aware of capitalist BBC’s Tamam Shud re hash with it’s “This beat the Navy” cipher text. Solution proved not to be difficult for our year 7 young pioneer youth collective students using simple letter word association taken from passages of comrade Wilfred Burchett’s ‘grass hoppers and elephants’ using a ‘Danetta’ substitution key…Hope you enjoyed it though!

  741. Tamara Bunke on November 25, 2020 at 11:09 am said:

    John, here in the high Sierras, our heroic freedom fighters have laboured in comradely union with the oppressed campesinos to erect an antenna that acts as a beacon of la revolucion to friend and foe alike.

    Thus we are able to spread the message of hope against the imperialist aggressor norte-americano far and wide. An attendant benefit is that we can reverse polarity at sundown and listen to the class enemy’s transmission.

    We marvel at capital’s ingenuity, while remaining steadfast in the cause of liberation.

  742. milongal on November 25, 2020 at 9:30 pm said:

    @Pete: Yes. Depending on whether it was faint penciling or indentations as though it had been rested on (or something else in between), I think there’s potentially interpretation. If there is some cyrillic/greek/other script with unfamiliar characters, then there may have been a tendency to interpret them as similar Latin characters. At the risk of repeating my previous, most obviously to me there’s multiple types of ‘A’ in the code (look at the slant/symmetry of the letter, sharpness of the angle/straightness of the sides, angle of the crossbar, how well the crossbar connects or crosses the stems etc. There also appears to be 2 or 3 different styles for “bowled” letters – some ‘B’ quite definitely meet and turn at the stem, others roughly approach it, and the loop of the bowl is far deeper and sharper for the D, P and B/R on the RHS of the page than the B’s or D/P in the middle of the text.

    But in terms of interpretation and light penciling perhaps the C is the most obvious. It’s much shorter then the Q, very shallow and really feels like it’s the top half of an S (or some non-Latin character) rather than a C (note also the similarity of the top of it to the first S in the bottom line – which you’ll note is totally different to the 2nd ‘S’ – although the straightness of the bottom of the S is very unusual in both of them – especially when you could argue that a lot of other letters (the ‘G’ in the top line) are unnecessarily curved).

    I also can’t help but wonder why sometimes we seem to have included other detail (the X and the 2 lines…..the crossbar on that last S, the double stroke on the ‘I’. Sometimes it seems like we’re misinterpreting stuff into letters, other times it feels we’re conscious of the fact that these might not just be letters that we’re familiar with.

    There’s an interesting gap between MLIABO and AIAQC (compared to how squished the WTBIMPANETP line is) – is this a pause, or has a letter been missed here? Not sure why, but the ‘E’ looks out of place with the rest of the font too (I think it might be that bars on it aren’t angled – but every T, L and many A are (I would have throught someone with a tendency to cross the T upward would have ‘E’, A’ (H etc) similar. In fact the whole code seems to be written generally upward – which I think would be consistent with someone who strikes crossbars upward.
    The more I look at it, the more I think it was written by multiple people and/or hasn’t been reproduced very accurately

  743. Tamara Bunke on November 25, 2020 at 10:35 pm said:

    We find it easy to accept that GCHQ’s micro-writing is pareidolia. Could the entire code be?

  744. Tamara Bunke: I think there’s precisely zero chance that the code itself is pareidolia, though my best guess remains that what we are looking at in the well-known image is a marked up photograph (with some mistakes), and that there is a print (perhaps in a Durham family loft) of a photo of the unmarked up code that nobody has seen in 50-odd years.

  745. Bumpkin on November 26, 2020 at 2:36 am said:

    What do you mean by “Durham family loft”? This case doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Spinning completely out of control. Total nonsense. Dig him up. Get his DNA. Check it against genealogy databases. That’s the best we can hope for. IMHO.

  746. john sanders on November 26, 2020 at 7:11 am said:

    Much has been said for the S & Mc. listed occupants of 90 (a/b) Moseley Street at the time of Sister J E Thomson’s telephone line into the same address, which may well have been a common convenience for all in the divided dwelling. The names Farrer, Ross, Lyndan, Shipham, Allen and Proudman (92) are well documented. The 1947 occupier of the front main entrance 90a seems to have been a 23 year old seminarian rom Flinders Ranges, Raymond Ignasius Pope come down to try out for the Catholic Priesthood. Some doubts surround this identity of course, for instance his dad was a methodist and it is well known that niether of these most unlikely God fearing contenders for salvation were ever closer than spitting range. NB: I took note of a Raymond Pope, passenger aboard SS Fairsky ’61 Tilsbury who gave c/o St. Marks Cathederal, Port Pirie as his address, so the boy may have been on his way to becoming Pope Pope of Oz afterall.

  747. Bumpkin: Jimmy Durham was the police photographer and fingerprints expert, I’ve blogged about him a number of times. His son (who has sadly since died) gave after-dinner talks on his father’s work.

  748. Tamara Bunke on November 26, 2020 at 9:16 am said:

    Bumpkin, I think Old Nick is referring to Durham the photographer (?), albeit it in an occulted manner.

    It’s a sideline, yes, but questions around the veracity, accuracy and even existence of the “code” haunt this case.

  749. milongal on November 26, 2020 at 10:02 pm said:

    @JS: As I think you’ve pointed out before, S&Mc is quite inconsistent (even with themselves – their alphabetical listings are often different to their street listings, so I assume they were maintaining 2 lists (pre-computers this probably makes sense) and sometimes they weren’t updated consistently. I’m interested to know where they get their data from, because sometimes I suspect they list owner rather than tenant (which could be down to people not recording aspects of tenancy – perhaps because they let/sub-let directly without an agent or something – even today I’m sure there’s a lot of people that don’t follow the processes that might be required or expected).
    the Thomsons are interesting, because from memory newspaper ads suggest they owned (or at least tried to sell) Moseley St (or another house in Glenelg??). Also from memory (when I get a chance I’ll double check) I don’t think I’ve ever found them in any S&M before or after SM – which might be something simple as them being fairly transient (and/or possibly living in share houses) or something stranger that they were trying to mask their identity.

    But you have reminded me that I wanted to cross check 90A Moseley with Main St Henley.

    Re the code, if it was written in pencil (as opposed to recovered indentations), then I’d expect a reasonably accurate copy with the texta – the only exception being that some characters might inadvertently (or deliberately) be “cleaned up”. This is particularly if the person tracing has a presumption that all they are seeing are characters of the English alphabet. Even within the languages that use the Latin characters, there are a large number that add diacritics – which an English speaker wouldn’t even be looking for.

    For example, there has been some speculation about Baltic origins. The Latvian alphabet use a caron, cedilla and macron to modify letters….
    So vowels can be lengthened (Ā would be more like ‘ar’ like in “park”, whereas without the macron it’s a shorter sharper sound (like in “puck”) – the lazy English ‘a’ sound comes from the Latvian ‘e’ or sometiumes ‘ej’ combination (the ‘j’ is like the English ‘y’ which Latvian doesn’t have, and the most common English ‘j’ sound would come from mixing a d and a ž (think of it as being the sound ‘zh’ would make if we followed the English in their treatment of ‘s’ with an ‘h’ (ie ‘sh’) and ‘c’ (ie ‘ch’))). As well as the caron on ‘z’ (and s, c) and the macron on all the vowels (except o – since the 40s), a cedilla is used on g,k,l,n (and formerly r) to make softer constonants (it’s hard to describe them to English speakers, perhaps the easiest is Ļ which is sort of the sound Italians get from ‘gl’ (as in the definite artivle ‘gli’ or in a word like ‘tagliatelle’ (the ‘g’ disappears and the l is sort of softened, maybe blurred).
    Now couple that with the fact that Latvians (and possibly many other languaghes) are painfully phonetic and bastardise words (and names) into their phonetics (masculine names (usually) get an arbitrary ‘s’ on the end, feminine ones an ‘a’ – actually their not arbitrary, it has to do with the language having a large number of cases (I think 7 different cases) – so just a result of the nominitive case, I think (and in the genetive it would sort of be the opposite…..but digression).
    So Džons Sēnders is a regular poster on this site run by Niks Pellings, and occasionally Pīts Boz (I don’t know how they’d get the right ‘o’ sound, actually because the Latvian ‘o’ is a longer softer sound (almost more like ‘uo’ ).
    Curiously (maybe this is onlky the ones I know), when anglicising they seem more likely to translate to an equivalent – eg Jānis would become John, Miķelis becomes Michael (although maybe that should be Mitchell), Andrievs becomes Andrew etc, etc. (plenty of info probably better explained on Wiki search for ‘Latvian Names’, ‘Latvian Phonology’, ‘Latvian Orthography’, ‘Latvian Names’, ‘Latvian Declension’

    Equally, Germanic languages use umlauts – and of course the Eszett (which might mean that the less point “B” are actually ß (of course, that’s unlikely/impossible IF we’re talking about the start of words)).
    And I’m sure many other languages use similar but nonetheless different symbols that might be forced into an English-looking text.

    In short, even ignoring other character sets, the implicit assumption that any text MUST be English might mean that useful diacritics or other unfamiliar marks might have been ignored

  750. john sanders on November 27, 2020 at 6:11 am said:

    Don’t know too much more about the 104 Partridge St. address, excepting it was owned by a somewhat flighty character named jim Murnane bn. 1907 who had hailed from tiny Cummins (Feltus country) like ex AG John Rau’s dad James Bruce, a mechanic & billiard hall prop., who settled in Main St. HB during WW2. So the J.G. Murnane family were living in Glenelg by ’39 at least, being well known to the local archdiocy and with a phone listing of X3639 according to my impeccable source. Jim, served with the local ‘choccos’ through the war and was a wetwork subbie by vocation. He moved back to Cummins to die a good Catholic in 2004 at 97, likely managing to avoid the odd close shave along life’s journey if it must be known. NB: The James George Murnane, buried at Brighton in ’55 is most likely an uncle or grandfather who also near made the magic ton himself.

  751. john sanders on November 27, 2020 at 8:59 am said:

    There are only eight modern built dwellings in Alta Mira Crescent at Belair, the only permanent structure at that time seeming to be the Methodist Church (uniting) which is numbered 18 Sheoak Street. In ’47 I’d say their were a few chicken yards in the two wide vacant blocks (still vacant) between the Church and the house on No. 15 with a massive town water tank (one of three) fronting onto Sheoak Street. The Thomson (no initial) advising pitch on 23/3/47 was in wanting a prewar model Bedford truck and that he could be found two doors from the church or c/o a local post office box and that’s all. Got me buggered but maybe some genius will come up with what was supposed to happen; not as if a bloke with an old truck to sell was likely to spot the vacant lots upon arrival and so check with the post office for further directions.

  752. john sanders on November 27, 2020 at 11:27 am said:

    Apart from the 2A Jetty Rd. Glenelg address for Freeman Chemists in ’48 having been non existant according to the generally reliable S & M directory, it seems likely that John Christian Freeman, our unlikely nominee for Ronald Francis, may actually have been living at 2A Palmer Ave., Myrtle Bank near Adelaide University. Similarly, according to the same directory, John Bain Lyons is not listed at any address close to the Somerton Beach, though a J. B. Lyons is recorded at a Glandore residence closesby Adelaide Cricket Club.

  753. john sanders on November 28, 2020 at 6:16 am said:

    Peteb: Depends who you believe; a respected business man and WW1 first aid man in Jack Lyons, or a career copper of the same age in Constable Moss, with a lot of court appearances under his belt. Lyons made his point with ‘When we saw the man raising his arm in the evening, he was not holding a cigarette; When we saw him in the morning, there was a cigarette behind his ear but that cigarette had not been lit’. Moss was in no doubt that his cigarette, positioned in the jowl had been smoked fairly well down, and backed this with a copper’s standard clincher ” I made it my husiness to know”. Moss didn’t have a clue what brand the bumper was which, along with having no idea about the matches either, led to a thanks for your service posting to picturesque Henley Beach.

  754. john sanders on November 28, 2020 at 7:38 am said:

    Direct pencil application or indentations through the missing ROK cover, this age old conundrum shall remain unknown it seems, unlike the direct printed X3239 phone number which an afterhours detective added in tiny letters alongside the end of line ‘P’ of the code. In Gordon C’s very latest cracked offering, we see a heap of years old micro crud rejuvinated with red highlighting to conceal evidence of nothingness. The long acclaimed letter Q, once a standout advertisment for the micro technique and reason for Peteb’s ‘GC scoooored’ eureka exclamation is now unembellished lieing forlorn to one side with only C for company. There appears to be a neat burn hole beneath the badly overwritten first line M? that wasn’t there before but which could be a failed test of BS/TS’ long threatened secret lifting fluid based on glass penetrating Goanna oil from Bullimba.

  755. pits boz on November 28, 2020 at 8:50 am said:

    JohnS … the way some folks see it, is that Strapps was wrong about the striped duds and the man who saw a man carrying a man was wrong about the date and PC Moss was wrong about the lit smoke and B&M matches.

  756. john sanders on November 28, 2020 at 3:04 pm said:

    Pitz Boz: Way I see it, both Johns had corroboration with their sworn testimonies. John the jeweller had back-up for the discovery in the form of RSL King pin of the time and future Knight of the Realm, Colonel James Lee MC and bar, whilst John the plod had Det. Sgt. Harry Strangway, longest serving and inarguably the most capable major crime investigator that Sapol owned as his SOC supervisor. So what became of these worthies; who were never mentioned beyond Strangway getting named on day one as OIC then nothing after. In the words of Jo Thomson’s alleged admission to fibber Feltus, “The case was at much higher level than the Adelaide CIB ” and so say most of us!

  757. milongal on November 29, 2020 at 10:15 pm said:

    The man carrying the body story appeared a decade later. Not saying it didn’t happen, but the further we get from an event, the less reliable the memory is – and while I accept that it’s something you mull over, you sort of need to consider why not come forward earlier if you’re certain it was that night? I suspect the person had some recollection of seeing someone carrying a person (or more likely helping an intoxicated or incapacitated person) along the beach, and over time they convinced themselves it must have been on that night.

    Clearly I fall into the category of the “…don’t believe a whole bunch of the recorded evidence…” type. But there’s a reason for that – many seem to be reading old accounts of often unreliable witnesses and then using same as absolute certain proof that today’s pet theory is infallible. The reality is, that while perhaps I seem a “negative Nancy” too often, every theory that I’ve seen proposed needs us on some level to dismiss some evidence as “unreliable” or even “wrong”. Even among the official records we have conflicting accounts – meaning there is at least some unreliable evidence from the get-go. So to some degree, before speculating on specifics (and then showing our confirmation bias as we choose the evidence that suits our story) it’s sort of necessary to consider how reliable different evidence is likely to be. In particular, consider:
    – In the earliest stages of the investigation this was a mundane death. Because the body was in a public place, the police had to make some investigation, but from early on they likely expected a finding of “natural causes” (or suicide), and for someone to come forward to claim the body. It was only as time past and this didn’t happen that they started to look into things more thoroughly
    – A young chap going to watch a sunset with his girl is probably not paying too much attention to the pants a random sleeper on the beach is wearing
    – Government analysts are (accidentally) told what to find. They’re not given something with no background and told “tell us everything you know about this”, they are given a piece of evidence with a story and asked whether they can make a specific conclusion about it. Aside from the obvious confirmation bias this causes, it also means that they word things in that frame of reference. The Rubaiyat page literally came back as a “…can not confirm or deny this slip came from this book” yet is presented as “The paper was certainly similar enough that it *could* have come from the book”. Incidentally, I have been in a situation (actually more than 1) in a Government department when I’m asked to show someone accessed something that shouldn’t – and a response of “I can’t prove they accessed the data, but I can see they used the system that day” is reduced to they “accessed the system that day” (maybe with an addendum of “…possibly to view those records”
    – The railway station staff are in the same boat. They are asked to show things about 30 Nov. We don’t know how good their processes and records actually are, but they are potentially told to “cover your asses and make a good story of it that doesn’t expose holes in our record-keeping”. The ticket seller explaining that he can definitively say it was that day because of how they rule lines through the top ticket at the end of the day certainly sounds awesome in a court room (especially if the process existed and people were actually good at doing it) – but what checks did he make when looking up the record to be sure that he was looking at Nov 30? What if he accidentally looked up Mondays ticket numbers, or Sundays? Was the ticket booth the only place where people could buy tickets, and is it normal on a warmish (I’m not going to the unseasonal – I’ve argued against often enough) day only 3 tickets to Henley are sold before midday?
    – Likewise the bus conductor. Sure 7d tickets are sold in Section 1, and 6D tickets are sold in other sections – but what record does he have of which run they were sold on and how accurate are they? In a shift, how many times did that bus pass through the city? At what point does the driver update his records? At various times during my time on the buses, I was required to count passengers (usually when for some reason we weren’t using ticketing – including something related to strike action (that I wasn’t part of and don’t recall the specifics), and several instances of free travel (New Year is the most obvious, but I vaguely remember something weird possibly related to an event like the Clipsal 500, and Football Runs which had tickets that didn’t use the Crouzet system). Differnet drivers had different methods of taking these tallies, from anally updating their count each time a passenger boarded, to counting in their head and updating at time points or termini – to just making up numbers (some probably more accurately than others). Just because processes are there, doesn’t mean they’re followed to design in the actual case – but I’ll bet you if any of those drivers had been called to explain the numbers, every single one of them would have claimed they meticulously counted and got it right.
    – Witnesses in general are unreliable. It’s not on purpose, it’s just that they’re usually not paying attention, and when something is exciting enough to catch their attention, the story they interpret is often more fanticised and/or involves their assumption/conclusion about what was going on. A man and a woman yelling at each other might be described as “a lovers argument” (even though the witness has no idea if there’s even any connection between them)….kids yelling at each other might be “an altercation about the game they were playing” etc, etc, etc.
    – By the time anyone started to think this case might be something more than a (typical) body found in public much evidence had likely been missed or inadvertently destroyed – but very few people are prepared to admit “We missed stuff because I F’ed up” – so instead an increasingly false narrative grows (possibly with multiple players even from the get-go twisting the facts to suit their personal theory on suicide or murder).

    So yeah, some people are quick to say a lot of the information we have is unreliable. I’d consider that an accurate appreciation of what we (don’t) know…

  758. milongal on November 29, 2020 at 10:26 pm said:

    Changing topic.
    Had a thought at the weekend around the well developed calves (calfs?). Perhaps he lived or work somewhere where he was often up and down the stairs (it occurred to me this might fit with him being a nitkeeper keeping watch downstairs and bolting upstairs at the slightest hint of trouble, but I’m not necessarily going that way yet). I’d imagine 2 story houses were uncommon in Adelaide in the 1940s and hotels would have elevators (beachside apartments or institutions might be more likely to have stairs – but you’d be unlikely to be up and down them all dat), so very few people would get that sort of exercise in situation normal.
    That said, I think the calves impression came from Lawson – who while possibly experienced in anatomy, wasn’t necessarily used to seeing and assessing dead bodies.

  759. john sanders on November 30, 2020 at 3:08 am said:

    Peteb: D’you hear there, that Gordon’s fellow swabbies aboard Barcoo gave him a well suited shipboard nickname, as young naval ratings are apt to do. In ordinary seaman Strapps case ‘Tatts’ might have worked for his known artistic display, or even Goggles due to his requiring ultra thick lens for extreme short sightedness; However, the lads came up with a real gem in Radar; not because of any related shipboard assignation, but simply because the poor fellow was blind as a cave bat. PS: Note the on site wedding snap, telltale dark rings around his peepers and how Olivetti appears to be guiding her man like a seeing eye dog.

  760. Milongal: one piece of a jigsaw puzzle doesn’t make any sense until the others are fitted around it.

  761. john sanders on November 30, 2020 at 10:43 am said:

    Just so long as the jigsaw piece in question is part of the actual puzzle Peteb. Two questions without notice for yourself and Boris the flipper to chew over if I may. Regarding the Greenwood ‘Riddle of the Sands’ Good Weekend article, of which includes the standard Keane suicase contents list; same but for the four pair of sox and an extra pair of Jockeys; question of course being, how are we off for sox and underwear these days?. Next one is a Cramer type quiz to which I do know the answer. Whats wrong with the knife pose in the supposed Mason’s folder picture?

  762. milongal on November 30, 2020 at 9:13 pm said:

    @PB: Some days it feels like somebody put the wrong pieces in the jigsaw box, and we’re building the wrong picture.

  763. JohnS .. nothing wrong with the knife pic at all … just a bit of double protection for a sharp blade: tinned-zinc is handy for that, being bendable.

  764. john sanders on December 1, 2020 at 10:51 am said:

    Peteb: Thought you’d fall for the durex protection, but actually the tinned zinc could well be a great clue to the correct answer..A little more close scrutiny and you’ll get it.

  765. john sanders on December 2, 2020 at 5:03 am said:

    I’m indeed honoured to be given the same ‘Brinksmanship’ award ala the great John Foster Dulles, a past master and unequalled in the field of international duplicity sans diplomacy for his ‘two step shuffle’. In fairness to the great man, Peteb no doubt meant his so named thrust in a less complementary light, for I notice I wasn’t included in his short list of SM good guys vis. Abbott, Cramer, Pelling, Boris and milongal…Whilst Peteb’s labouring over how to resolve the Brymay matches impass &c., with a little help from his named confidants to his liking, along with having another go at SM’s (?) utility knife riddle, I’ll just rest on my laurels and await opportunity for another no risk feint and fade ambuscade.

  766. Here’s one for you … and anyone else who might like to participate.

    How did the Somerton Man light his cigarette ?

  767. john sanders on December 2, 2020 at 11:00 am said:

    Peteb: At the risk of being repetitious to the nth degree I’ve put all my faith in the old digger Jack Lyons, who’s powers of observation in the trenches of France must have saved a few lives including his own. “That cigarette was not lit” from big Jack should win over Moss the plod in the minds of most punters by a Somerton mile my reckoning, so there you go, a mute question by all accounts.

  768. So what was the unlit cigarette doing lodged under his chin, seeing he had no matches to light it?

  769. john sanders on December 2, 2020 at 1:49 pm said:

    Peteb: Your lit smoke assumption is based on the law’s arrival at 6.45am or later, whereas Jack Lyons, Arthur Lee and the hoops were there from about 5.30am to 6.15am, so trying to take a doubtful later spotting by constable plod has gaps and reeks of convenience to me. As for your unfamiliarity with Prosper Thomson’s Sapol connections, you might like to see what your Bondi mate John Ruffles had to say re Det. Ron Thomas who claimed to have known him socially; but spare your known research limitations and Let one of the lads do it for you as usual..

  770. Tamara Bunke on December 2, 2020 at 2:01 pm said:

    The very first page of the 1949 inquest concludes that matches were found among the few possessions on the body. It’s there, black and white, on the record and undisputed.

    What we are seeing here is the normal to and fro of witness testimony. Smoked, unsmoked; matches, no matches. Witnesses differ, their testimony is subjective and self-serving.

    The inquest is clear: matches were found. It’s the only source we have. Others have said it before: the case is not going to hinge on a Columbo-style “gotcha” worked into the plot by a skilled, omnipotent and omniscient author.

    Matches and trousers are not where the answers lie.

  771. john sanders on December 2, 2020 at 2:12 pm said:

    Peteb: How did you arrive at your assessment that the smoke, unlit or otherwise was lodged under the dead man’s chin. Can’t find it in Moss’ sworn testimony anywhere and of course first attender Lyons attests to it being above his ear so maybe your unamed informant was a late arrival known but to you and Foo.

  772. Tamara: PC Moss was interviewed by The Truth (Adelaide) where he stated that the body ‘didn’t have a match on him.’
    I have a pic of the article …
    It’s in black and white, and like any jigsaw puzzle, finding a piece that fits can only help.

  773. milongal on December 2, 2020 at 9:32 pm said:

    Somewhere (possibly inquest?) there’s a mention that the cigarette was on his collar (as though it had dropped from his mouth).

    But I’m with Tamara on this one – picking little anomalies in people’s recollection statements isn’t really helpful. A good witness is the exception, not the rule – and little differences or omission of detail isn’t a massive red flag about anything,

  774. john sanders on December 2, 2020 at 10:37 pm said:

    Tamara: Take a bow comrade, now that smoko’s over, perhaps we can resume our struggle towards a world without risk of further Bryant & May discovery queries.

  775. Tamara Bunke on December 2, 2020 at 10:47 pm said:

    While Pits, Sanders and Angliski Boris (one wonders if he really IS the Prime Minister of that poor benighted isle?) indulge in epistemological dick-waving over what is knowable about matches and/or sundry other sources of ignition for blunts and bifters, I have taken time out to watch that 2019 ‘Stuart Littlemore’s Greatest Hits’ video that TBT linked to recently. It’s the usual retread for the most part – but there are one or two new morsels for our delectation – chief among which is Prof Abbott’s revelation that he’s found lots of American 4th cousins in his wife’s bloodline (his working hypothesis being that she’s Somerton Man’s grandchild) and that he expressly ponders, therefore, SM’s likely yanqui heritage.

    Assuming that ol’ twinkle eyes isn’t kidding us, this does seem potentially significant, although perhaps the more genealogically aware (Nick, Sanders, Milongal?) could comment?

    Superficially, of course, it’s a great fit. It matches some of the physical evidence (clothing, personal effects) as well as the mitochondrial DNA (which suggests he’s likely Irish, which in turn matches the name Keane, and helps position in East Coast USA). And it provides a certain fig leaf for the failure to identify him to date: US records are held to be less comprehensive and accessible of those elsewhere, I understand.

    Again, thoughts from anyone here?

  776. john sanders on December 2, 2020 at 10:58 pm said:

    Peteb: Where did you come by your information that Det. acting Sgt. R.L Lean was an administrative type, hence a sticker for paperwork. Once again the evidence shows the exact opposite. My advice is for you to read through Len Brown’s full interview with Stuart Littlemore ’78 and all will be revealed which of will satisfy all but thee on how dilligent your dishonest senior case officer reall was.

  777. john sanders on December 3, 2020 at 5:26 am said:

    Full credit to Tamara and Boris (+ Rob) for sticking it up Peteb and his startled black cat; I had at one point thought the pair had capitulation like his other lackies & running dogs in the past. A couple of additional shots across his bow if I may be so unusually critical. Constable Moss made no specific mention of NOT finding matches on the body as y’man has steadfastly, strenuously and so tediously proclaimed to be vertum his inquest deposition. As for Peteb’s ace in the hole vis. Gordon Strapps generally non committal ‘I shd say’ striped duds description with an additional waver in their being part of an unseen suit is the clincher a total lack of credability. Olive Neill hinted more than once of concerns they might well be disturbing the dead, and was rightly suspicious that the blue suited gentleman on the railing above could be connected as a strings puller, either metophorically or literally (partly my take). She show support for her man on some key elements pertaining to events on the evening at the inquest, that being her prerogative.

    Constable John Moss, OIC of Brighton Police in an early January phone hook-up with the once most eagerly digested Adelaide Truth daily scandal sheet dated 8/1/49, offered details about his having found cigarettes on the beach body and noting nicotine stains suggesting SM had been a heavy smoker, also remarking that strangely ‘he never had a match on him’. All this along with his policeman’s tell tale suspicions arising therefrom, but he said not one word about the all important though highly speculative half smoked fag. Of course none of what he told Truth newspaper came out in his deposition anyhow, which does say more for the dirty blue Hamilton fiver earned from story than his honest copper’s Sworn duty to pass on any relevant facts that might have been beneficial to Coroner Cleland with his deliberations on likely death cause, whither whence etc…

  778. Tamara Bunke on December 3, 2020 at 10:32 am said:

    Bit of a tangent this. But given the Prof’s renewed focus on ballet, I wonder if anyone picked up on a point made by Sanders about 4 years ago now: the premiere of Joanna Priest’s ballet ‘The Listeners’, in Adelaide on 30 November 1948.

    That point doesn’t seem to have been developed at the time. But it might be worth another look.

    Without wanting to introduce too much melodrama, the ballet’s subject matter is rather close to some of the assumptions about SM’s relationship with Sister Jo. While the poem that the piece is based on is less explicit, the ballet builds upon a Gothic premise and adds in the dimension of fatherhood.

    That poem, BTW, is Walter de la Mare’s “The Listeners”. And it’s curiously close to home:

    For he suddenly smote on the door, even
    Louder, and lifted his head:—
    ‘Tell them I came, and no one answered,
    That I kept my word,’ he said.

    I can’t immediately see an acrostic connection to the code. But I’m sure I won’t be the only one taking another look.

    But back to the ballet. Has anyone had a chance to review the following, which includes notes on the Adelaide production:


  779. milongal on December 3, 2020 at 9:39 pm said:

    LFMAO – where is this Angliski Boris (that’s “English Boris”in Latvian**).

    The “ballet connection” has bothered me some of late – in particular that people sort of seem to mix in the fact that Robin was a ballet dancer (and DA even seems to think his kids liking dance is somehow related).

    So if SM was Robin’s biological father (and if SM was a dancer), why would Robin become a ballet dancer? Even if his parents knew SM was the father, wouldn’t they (especially Prosper) try to push him away from trying to connect too much with his real father? A love of dancing (or anything, for that matter) is not (as far as I know) genetic – so Robin becoming a dancer in the footsteps of his father only really makes sense if his family were open about the fact Prosper wasn’t his father and it wasn’t a cause of angst in the household (note that this is all speculation – I’m not suggesting that Robin was or wasn’t SM’s son).

    **Today’s Latvian Lesson
    Anglija = England
    Angļu = English – possessive (e.g. Angļu Valoda = English Language)
    Angliski = “in English” (e.g. runāsim angliski = let’s speak (in) english
    Angļi/Angļieši = English – people (PoMS) (e.g. Angļi spēlē Austrāliju – the Poms are playing Australia)
    So “Angliski Boris” would appear to mean something like “The English equivalent of Boris”

  780. john sanders on December 3, 2020 at 10:45 pm said:

    Tamara: Another comrade had mentioned the listeners further back but Sanders had not known this, picking up on it through coincidence derived from the opening night at Her Majestys in Adelaide and interest in a particular dancer who had once had very close romantic ties to Joanna Priest. It turns out that he seems to have died and though his widow was then living near Glenelg and he had a brother and an associate, both Worth Circus trapeze artists through the war years, holed up in Ferris St. fifty yards from the death scene. No one showed any interest in the case scenario and more particularly since the chief suspect was presumably tgen deceased although there were reasons a plenty to check through lists of European dancers that were known to have stayed in Australia including Joanna herself. Another coincidence that went unoticed is that she was Roma Thomson’s ballet mentor years later. Ho hum, right Nick?

  781. john sanders on December 4, 2020 at 5:00 am said:

    Yes of course Robin Thomson’s first missus was Joanna Priest’s student Roma Egan whom we assume to be our absent minded Professors mum in law. Jo herself was Adelaide born but became part of the famed Rambert ballet in England. Priest had hooked up with my TS who had first come to Oz as partner to the great Pavlova. He encouraged Joanna in her desire to produce her own work and ‘The Listeners’ was a theme that he developed and had performed in Sydney about 1942 or so. It was all ado about a confused door knocking traveller seeking direction in his life. There was a woman who loved him and bore his child to whom he gave the flick, and another tart that he was pegging, hence his dilemma. The scenario actually mirrored TS’s own life, he being married to Maria with whom he had three kids and left in favour of a Tivoli performer named Marie that he married bigamously before the war. Up until at least 2012 his US based daughter Elizabeth was asking about her once famous dad whom she did not know had died in NZ on 22 January ’45. Cut a long story short Maria TS gave up her children to English relatives and lived well into her nineties in Gibralta, while Marie D. who missed hubby’s funeral due to ‘the show must go on’ type stage work, married a WW2 fighter pilot cum chemist (an orphan from Port Pirie) in ’47, the couple settling at West Beach and running a pharmacy til in death they did part &c. One part of an interesting family saga indeed involving talented performing Polish brothers, but not so worthy of inclusion according to SM grand theft auto deviants (sic) and soviet assassins on the beach that was all ago in 2016 or so. Seems things never change!….

  782. john sanders on December 4, 2020 at 9:00 am said:

    Got to give it to the man; Peteb is the master of facetious (sic) and that’s saying a lot for such an abject failure in all his other attempts at humor or in humanising the SM case. Of course the Tamam Shud slip as a means of demonstrating total legitimacy between two covert operators is bunkum, be they spys, stolen car raqueteers or Melbourne market mafioso standover men. Whoever it was that made the TS slip mean something that it wasn’t needs a right royal roasting for unloading such baloney and allowing it to take over fifty percent of all on line discussions. Had it it been me wanting to invent proof of intent I probably would have used the Henley Beach rail ticket. Buy it date stamped at the double star box in the open concourse to insure discreet coverage and then have it gate punched as full and undeniable proof of good intent. Goofproof but if it went down that way, it would in Somerton man’s case lead him to his Tamam Shud.

  783. john sanders on December 4, 2020 at 11:38 am said:

    Boris: Bonzo Peteb seems to have taken care of that little faux pas ‘tamam’ as you must have known he would; intollerable discention in the ranks and all. Perhaps Nick might consent to you repeating them over here for approval or otherwise, so long as it doesn’t upset the apple cart with our like minded critic and comrade Tamara Bunke!…

  784. Tamara Bunke on December 4, 2020 at 1:21 pm said:

    Sanders: I’m sure Angliski Boris can answer for himself. But as we say – with good reason – here in Vallegrande:

    “History is written by the victors. But it’s edited by the losers”.


  785. john sanders on December 4, 2020 at 1:48 pm said:

    Tamara: Here in Can Tho, queen city of the liberated south, we have a saying which in effect translates almost verbatum, with a minor ammendment to effect that the beaten capitalist editorial running dogs may please themselves!…

  786. john sanders on December 4, 2020 at 2:18 pm said:

    Some breaking news for those familiar with the Kean suitcase contents vis. the cut down Johnston & Sons scissors, the converted bone handled Sheffield butter knife the Barbour linen threads and accomanying craft needle, all possibly circa. turn of century (20th) or thereabouts.; Seems that from a number of recent closely linked earnest discussions over the way at Voynich Ninja our Somerton Man’s vocation might well have been finally established. SM seems to have had more than a few attributes common to bookbinders of that era which include those discribed plus the tiny Cramer loupe, useful in closely replicating work of 15th century Venetian artisans.

  787. Tamara Bunke on December 4, 2020 at 4:44 pm said:

    Sanders: the loupe is not a loupe. It is one half of a pair of scissors, listed as “broken” in the description of suitcase contents. In my view, “broken” is an unfortunate term, as it suggests “no longer serviceable”. But this tool is anything but broken in that sense. It’s customised.

    Anyway: there is no loupe.

    Back to ballet (indulge me, won’t you, for a moment): my interest is piqued by the Abbots’ now very public interest in the subject. Viz. the lengthy shots of ballet classes for their kids, etc.

    Call me cynical, but I’ve always thought that ol’ Professor Twinkle Eyes knows more than he’s letting on, especially now he’s got help with from stateside. So I’m wondering if what we’re really watching here is a trailer for the big reveal.

    I’ll let you pirouette on that for a moment.

  788. john sanders on December 4, 2020 at 10:46 pm said:

    Tamara: Note my reference to ‘Cramer’s loupe’…If you you go to google and look up equine harness gear you’ll find that a our loupe looks very much like a the short lead strap and ring that connects the nose chin piece to the neck halter along the cheek. Within the connecting ring a three tiny lock notches which are intended to prevent slippage. There are numerous referehce to my description in past posts and also to the likelyhood of Somerton man’s having been likely connected to the gee geez.

  789. john sanders on December 4, 2020 at 10:58 pm said:

    Tamara: Our absent minded professor even has a daughter named after a ballet; I recall that it was one of Stravinsky’s better known ones, something to do with a fleet footed antelope of African origins which escapes my feeble attempts to spell it. Of course there is the long awaited exhumation to come and the paltry amount of twenty thousand couldn’t possibly be any barrier to somone on an achedemic’s salary. So something’s not kosher here, especially since the SA AG’s starring roll in Dancing with the Dead a year ago.

  790. john sanders on December 5, 2020 at 2:51 am said:

    Tamara: Jules Perrot (not Hercule) and Adolphe Adam were creators of Giselle the ballet in 1841 so forget Stravinski who was impressario Diahilev’s tempremental composer for his own Ballets Russes extravaganzas. Sure Derek’s having hooked up with the S.A. AG for Dancing with the Dead gives rise to there being something up his sleeve despite having nada under his hat. Perhaps he’s thinking what failure of his highly speculative DNA deal might bring, especially after having ‘sucked’ the future Mrs. Abbott into pre marital indepth and pervasive oral cum aural cavity intrusion under a false pretence.

  791. Tamara Bunke on December 5, 2020 at 11:08 am said:

    @sanders … interesting that you’re connecting the leathery-thing-with-the-ring to the nags. I always had that down as the razor strop that was listed in the description of suitcase contents.

    A model of such a strop – pertinently known as a ‘Russian Leather strop’ – is shown here:


  792. john sanders on December 5, 2020 at 1:38 pm said:

    Tamara: You’re looking at the wrong piece of kit for crying out loud. Go to the ring with the three small internal nodules and the partly concealed blue lead which is what equestrians like to call a nose ring and lead. How could it possibly be broken scissors with bumps in the finger hole, worse still a loupe with no way to insert a lens as Cramer suggests. Leane should have known that seeing he spent ten years as a mounted constable before he aquired his suit.

  793. milongal on December 6, 2020 at 9:49 pm said:

    I went to anemptyglass, but I noticed someit other than what I went there for.
    GC has posted a picture there from the police files that includes the “code”. despite seeming to have enough room, each line is split in 2 – bit not really consistently. I would have thought (space permitting) you would try to reproduce as similar as possible (they’ve left a line’s space where the line is drawn), so it seems odd that they’d split the lines like this – if anything, it seems to waste space (I get they’re using typewriters and can’t plan out the page as we would on a modern Word Processor…..but still).
    There’s also a couple of transcription errors (as well as starting the first 2 lines with ‘M’, they have the first ‘B’ as ‘D’ and the ‘N’ in the 3rd row as ‘W’. They seem very careless errors – those letters aren’t particularly close on the keyboard, so perhaps someone is rushing through the transcription (and losing their place), or maybe someone migth have some idea on what they think might be represented – which is perhaps influencing what they type. Of course it might also be that they’re working off the actual pencil marks (rather than the cleaned up version we’re seeing) – which might have some letters looking less definitive.

  794. john sanders on December 6, 2020 at 11:14 pm said:

    Milongal: If you’d be kind enough to point out where on the site you’re refering to I’ll take a gander. You must appreciate that Cramer has played around with nearly everthing listed under Sue d’s original key categories to express his personal bias. Please don’t take anything you see on the site as being connected with reality even copies of seemingly official papers; they likely have been doctored to facilitate the author’s own warped mind.

  795. milongal on December 7, 2020 at 10:13 pm said:

    on the page “Somerton Man’s Rubaiyat” – in the comments GC has posted some excerpt from a Police Report….

    For the sake of it….
    IMP at the end of a line could be “It Might Pass” or (maybe a touch of Tolkein) “In My Pocket”. Just a bored doodler on a train.

    My railway grinds onward
    And downtown and boroughs disappear.
    My ticket’s buried in my pocket
    And we expect travel disruptions.

    My love, I’m almost burned out.
    Although it’s a quick connection,
    I’ll try to make the station
    After my service to Glenelg.

  796. Tamara Bunke on December 23, 2020 at 3:03 pm said:

    Someone on Big Footy has posted a video summary of the case, hosted by an English gentleman speaking at 1.5 speed.

    Curiously, the presenter is insistent throughout that the Rubaiyat found by “Ronald Francis” was an 1859 first edition. He emphasises this several times, commenting on its rarity and value and making the assumption that this is the reason “the code” can’t be “cracked”.

    I assume this is simply a mistake (not least because, of all editions, I’d assume a first could be found… FitzGerald’s estate or archive?), but wondered if there is any good reason it might have been made?

  797. Tamara Bunke: the 1859 first edition thing is a mistake much repeated by not-very-good websites. It says more about the sources of the summary than about the Somerton Man himself. :-/

  798. john sanders on December 23, 2020 at 10:25 pm said:

    Tamara: I can’t see anything at all wrong with a case summary which denontes Fitzgerald first edition of 1859 which is axactly what it is, although the inquest Coroner’s summary mistakenly refers to a second edition. I should point out that the 1859 does not refer to a year of publication or printing which always seems to confuse some whi shiuld know better.

  799. john sanders: it’s not the facts that are the problem here, it’s all the (politically correct modern equivalent of) Chinese Whispers that those websites bla and amplify.

    Not that you would ever do such a thing, mind.

  800. Tamara Bunke on December 23, 2020 at 10:57 pm said:

    But we’re talking about a 1940s Whitcomb & Tombs edition right?

    BTW: have colleagues seen this learned essay on the thorny subject of W&T Rubaiyats?


    More immediately accessible version here, including some nice images of covers and inside pages, aspect ratios, etc.


    Gordon is all over the case, of course.

  801. milongal on December 24, 2020 at 12:14 am said:

    I’m going to chip in hear as well and point out that “first edition” can mean many things. Fitzgerald did (at least) 5 translations (I think) each of which might be considered an edition by some people.
    Whitcombe and Tombs did several runs of the FG translation in their Courage and Friendship (or whatever) series – each of which might be considered an edition by some parties.
    1859 implies the former, but with the confusion people get into it’s not hard to cross some wires and reach a solution that isn’t quite right.

    In some ways it’s not so different to the Henley Ticket being “unused”.


  802. Bob Forrest gave me the ok to pass this on …

    There are two things which do strike me as odd about the involvement of The Rubaiyat in the Tamam Shud Case. Firstly, that two editions are involved – Somerton Man’s W&T edition and Alfred Boxall’s Sha’ir Omar Khayyam. Secondly, that the latter should be given by ‘Jestyn’ (the nickname of the woman whose phone number was found on the back of Somerton Man’s copy) as a gift to Mr Boxall, it being a translation of FitzGerald’s first edition into Malay by Arthur W. Hamilton. Why not give a more regular & less esoteric edition – like a W&T Rubaiyat, for example ? Perhaps the answer is as simple as that it was a newly published (1944) and unusual edition – a novelty. Presumably, too, it was given because Mr Boxall was interested in poetry / the Rubaiyat, and perhaps in Malay / Malaya ?

    Bob Forrest

  803. john sanders on December 24, 2020 at 9:01 am said:

    Peteb: And well might we ask who was this man was who called himself Jestyn. Methinks your recall may be somewhat awry, for wasn’t it thee and thy brothers in arms ie. Clive the initiator, Misca the geni tech, and Gordon the facilitator, who declared with much fanfare not so far back that a Major William Jestyn Moulds OBE was indeed said perpetrator. I seem to recall that the discovery was picked up by Bill’s consistant overlapping record with and serving in the very same unit as one Lietenant Alfred Boxall. Misca found connections to a certain Miss Flossy Harkness and her Flt. Lt. Intended, a Moulds namesake co-conspirator which seemed to put everything in harness for a victory parade on the morrow. That seems to be just around the time that the nasty people at Big Footy decided your contract was untenable old chap and therein lies a lesson for all….Ya gotta have a good memory and not tell so many fibs if you dare to compete with the big boys from Big Footy.

  804. No, I’m more inclined to think the gent who signed himself as such might be worth looking for in what records exist of Corn Cobs Small ships crew lists at about the time Alf came and went down under

  805. john sanders on December 25, 2020 at 1:02 am said:

    Peteb: MacArthur’s rag-tag fleet was disbanded on cessation of hostilities in August ’45 according to the books. Alf didn’t go to sea until September of that year and most certainly coudn’t have met up with any CCSS crews, none of which were based in Georges Head, thereby leaving no window of opportunity to liase with some yank off a boat in the harbour. So if all of Cramer’s figmental imaginative clandestine meetings between Alf Boxall nurse Harkness and your lily white Yankee seaman led to the Jestyn signing, we’d better have some more specifics cause your tub sunk. You should have stuck with Major Moulds, after all wasn’t it his handwriting comparison that sealed it for your own motley crew.

  806. john sanders on December 25, 2020 at 12:26 pm said:

    A merry Christmas to all who still hold onto the sanctity of Noel from we the silent minority of presumed non believers flocking by the untold thousands to celebrate in unity the coming of Christ during our festive season. Can Tho City is arguably the most ecclesiastically tolerant city of all multi dominational Christian diocies in the People’s Republic of Vietnam. Not so many corpulant Santas but plenty of fervent helpers.

  807. A charming gesture from one such as yourself, John Sanders, and a Season’s Greetings back your way.
    On another note: we are well aware of disbandment of the Small Ships in ‘45, as we are of the allies rapid deployment of ships and boats and planes in getting their war materials back home out of the rain before Lend Lease could activate the penalties in their various contracts.

  808. I’d start at Ambon. The Crusader berthed there for a while, probably in the close company of a couple of vessels on war material repatriation duties. So many inactive airfields on the north coast of NG, not everything was left to rust.

  809. john sanders on December 27, 2020 at 9:17 am said:

    Peteb: Looks like Major William Jeystyn Moulds is likely to get another shot at redemption with your knowall mate and mentor Cramer according to his new related thread whose characters Harkness and Boxall appear to be competing against parallel themes of your own which is both repetitious and droll. I’m thinking if you could make up and continue the Clive/Lawson ship counting farce as a team, you’d become a force to be reckoned with indeed. Goes without saying that you’d have to caution Flash on his typical silly errors of fact to which we are long accustomed vis., Neil Monro was producer of the 1978 inside story show and not Stuart Littlemore, whatsmore Gordon’s central characters Boxall and the nurse met first at Clifton Gardens about June, then again for the ROK handover in July or August 1945 according to legend. Definately not, as he asserts, fifteen months before in September of ’44, a year before his departure north to NG and islands.

  810. An old-style Bookmaker with time on his hands might trawl through the NAA’s Keane collection to see if one of them was in Ambon at the time Alf Boxall was ashore. Then go for the double. Put him in Brisbane in Oct 46.

    Nobody else has tried.

  811. john sanders on December 28, 2020 at 6:34 am said:

    In discussions re the Alf/Jessica Sydney/Rabaul/Ambon consoiracy of late ’45 appropos connection to the Crusader and T. Keane, a knock about Yankee crew member of MacArthur’s small ship flotilla, one must be careful to get the timing right, it being part and parcel for viabilty of clandestine missions. Take Peteb’s Crusader as case in point on how things can go awry if input dates don’t gel and assigned crew members be elsewhere. We can’t argue that the vessel worked northern waters from war’s through ’46, bone of contention being that Alf Boxall did not board her until a year later in 1947 when she undertook civil assignment cargo voyages between Melbourne and Tasmania with seconded military crew. If that fits the bill for Lawson’s Sydney Harbour allied ship countings, Cramer’s verse 70 book signings and Peteb’s Jestyn impregnations, then we must stand corrected; if not, someone is due for a right royal careening.

  812. john sanders on December 28, 2020 at 7:21 am said:

    Wonderful little sign of total capitulation over at the BS/TS covid free zone with revamping and complete makeover of the inital, detail flawed Jessica Harkness thread vis. Inside story’s incorrectly named research directorship thereof and change to the now corrected September ’44 ROK gifting to Alf Boxall date of mid 45. No body need be surprised that ever the egotist Gordon Cramer would fess up to his blooper; just as well we have the original to humour us in dark times.

  813. JohnS. I suggest you check Boxall’s NAA file … surprised you haven’t already, you’ve been around long enough. Ambon. Clear as a bell it is.

  814. john sanders on December 28, 2020 at 2:11 pm said:

    Peteb: Looks like you missed the boat again cause AV 2316 at Ambon’s got naught to do with Crusader AV 2767 and even so, that was all going down in mid ’47 like I pointed out. Not only the wrong tub, but way too late to get a bit of nursie nookie in Sydney 10/46 you’d have to agree. If there be anything else on your confused mind I’ll help set you straight again Bonzo.

  815. I’m not talking about boats.

  816. john sanders on December 28, 2020 at 10:26 pm said:

    PB: Well you certainly ain’t talking right time frames either and I can’t blame you. Alf flew to Ambon in June ’47 about the time Robin arrived and flew back to Darwin four months later in October. His task had been to prepare an unamed AV 2316 for handover to her new owners. The war had been over more than two years and you should get over it as well…Take a leaf from Alf, change ships and get your ass back over to Adelaide to deal with Dud 47’s grand theft auto king T. Keane. And don’t worry about fessing up to yet another blunder, your mate Cramer never has.

  817. Well, there you are. Boxall spent time in Ambon. Not too hard, was it? And AV2316 wasn’t being prepared for a handover, Boxall was commandeered to fix a lifting hydraulic system.

  818. john sanders on December 29, 2020 at 10:41 am said:

    “I’d start at Ambon. The Crusader berthed there for awhile…..” says Bozo to start this tedious irrelevant conversation, then followed almost straight after with “I’m not talking boats”. So if we’re not talking about the Crusader which is boats, then pray tell what the hell is the idiot on about. Of course he’d never heard of AV2316 before I mentioned it. As I recall it was handed to the indians in early ’47. Thank Nick for having the forsight to create this Misc Stuff site where decrepit fools like us get free reign to strut our stuff.

  819. John Sanders: I think you’ll find that’s “free rein”. :-p

  820. No, reign is about right .. This is the John Sanders Show after all.

  821. john sanders on December 29, 2020 at 11:06 pm said:

    Being caught out by spoilers intollerant of my poor spelling is acceotable; Just so long as they don’t tro to reign on my parade. “This is the John Sandrrs show after all”.

  822. john sanders on December 30, 2020 at 9:17 am said:

    A parting gift for our naval historian in his quest for news of Jessica Moulds who was likely to have been the pivital connect between William Jestyn Moulds of ROK verse 70 notoriety and T. Keane ‘the man from uncle’. He had served in the same unit as Alf Boxall according to G. Cramer of AfIO and was landed on Morotai Nth. Maluku in May ’45 to act as engineering facilitator for the coming battle. Plenty of time to cast a stern line from his supply vessel to one of the McCahails’ Navy craft, pull her alongside, make exchanges with the Ruskie helmsman and then attempt transmition of orders to Jessica Moulds at the safe house. She’s still there it seems, probably awaiting orders for disposal of evidence no longer needed in the ’48 SM case vis. matches and striped mens trousers not needed in the operation…I’ve managed to track her down in Adelaide of all places and she must be one really pissed lady to have been left stranded in such a dangerous, unfriendly and isolated hole all these years without contact.

  823. milongal on December 31, 2020 at 3:31 am said:

    toodling along, of 4 ‘s’ starting words in Jestyn’s verse, there seem to be 3 different variations…..and none of them too similar to the ‘s’ in jestyn (which definitely doesn’t look like the ‘s’ in other places in the middle of words). Couple that with the ‘E’ (that firstly is uppercase and secondly appears not to match the colour/weight of the rest of it) and we’re back on old ground looking for a J. Stijn (not sure “stijn” itself is a name, however it would be a fairly common name ending in some places (Netherlands?).

    Modern looking (unrushed/complete) ‘s’ at first swore
    e-looking s in sober
    rounded almost n-shaped s in second swore and spring

    Digressing, the Jack London “indeed, indeed” bugs me. Not saying there’s a direct connection (there’s obviously some 40+ years between the two), but what motivates people to write that particular verse to people? Is it pure coincidence, or if we work out the motivation behind one we might be able to speculate the motivation for the other? maybe there’s a left-leaning political link to using the verse (much like “Solidarity Forever” later became the song of the unionist movement, perhaps there’s some socialist idea that links to that Rubaiyat verse – or at least was embraced by socialists).

    Some of the writing looks similar enough to appear copied, but I’m guessing that’s a cross between old writing styles and me not being used to seeing things in them (equally two hands writing a character set I’m not familir with (e.g. Chinese) I’d probably not recognise obvious differences.

  824. Jezuz. It’s shocking how many bunny holes you’re willing to jump into JS! Go go go! Be great if just one of them actually led somewhere of relevance! Every frickin’ day a new one! Honestly, with the hours you’ve put in, I would be relieved for you if just ONE F’Ing thing panned out!

  825. john sanders on December 31, 2020 at 10:55 am said:

    misca: Just doing my job in catching you pair of like minded phonies with that crazy hunt for Jessica Harkness and Ernie Moulds in England some time back (may 19) is obviously telling. Like the similar stunt you pulled with GB as Russian Kate earlier that went down like a cacky footed Canadian two step. Then on the matter of my approach to research and unorthadox methods thereof, I’m never likely to find favour with you or your shifty mates on the dark side, but I can offset any remorse by recalling one of Benito Mussolini’s failed attempts to move things along in ’44 ie., complaining about his modern day Rome not being completed in a day as was directed, keeps me on the straight and narrow, irrespective of any competing fiction from you bad guys.

  826. john sanders on January 1, 2021 at 4:30 am said:

    Peteb: You must be talking about the non existant Australian official secrets act that Gerry Feltus signed on a stack of Dick Trace mags. The UK had one as your friend Cramer asserts, gave full dominion coverage as we more liberal colonials never had need for one it seems.

  827. john sanders on January 1, 2021 at 11:55 pm said:

    Unlike our WT engineers Alf Boxall and Tom Musgrave, A/Capt. George French was in Signals and an instructer at Water Transport on sophisticated communications quipment, Q & Z codes, prosigns and the like according to one Gordon Cramer of AfIO…Of course that officer’s NAA file offers us a contrary opinion of this man’s credentials, namely in that his trade and calling was that of a seaman, spending a great deal of his service career at sea as First Mate aboard Small Ships in New Guinea waters and later in Borneo. Nothing shows for his having anything to do with signals or instructing at Chowder Bay, though he did attend an uncompleted course in another category at SME Liverpool NSW. Cramer contends that Captain French was the ‘Third Man’ in the sophisticated ‘Jestyn’ spy ring during ’44/45 and he points to a similarly fabricated espionage syndicate in a 1949 film of the same name for affirmation. It seems that Gordon needs to spend more time in the library and less at the movies.

  828. milongal on January 3, 2021 at 11:26 pm said:

    Incidentally (since we mentioned the non-existent Secrets Act) ,if you love a good coincidence, Australian Secrecy legalities used to (until recently) be enforced by the Australian Crimes Act (1914).
    The specific section that deals with secrets? Section 70.

    70. (1) A person who, being a Commonwealth officer, publishes or
    communicates, except to some person to whom he is authorized to publish or
    communicate it, any fact or document which comes to his knowledge, or into his
    possession, by virtue of his office, and which it is his duty not to disclose,
    shall be guilty of an offence.

    (2) A person who, having been a Commonwealth officer, publishes or
    communicates, without lawful authority or excuse (proof whereof shall lie upon
    him), any fact or document which came to his knowledge, or into his
    possession, by virtue of his office, and which, at the time when he ceased to
    be a Commonwealth officer, it was his duty not to disclose, shall be guilty of
    an offence.

    (NB: Section 79 is also relevant, but I couldn’t help mention 70…..”Indeed, indeed…..but was I sober when I swore?” – standing by for the conspiracy theories…..)

  829. milongal: that would indeed be pretty much the best Somerton Man conspiracy theory I’ve heard so far. 🙂

    Just don’t say it too loud! 🙁

  830. john sanders on January 4, 2021 at 5:54 am said:

    Section 70 re disclosure of state secrets might be a capital crime in countries that take such petty breaches far too seriously. Not so in the land of Oz where one’s right to talk openly on any subect with their pals at the local after a hard day’s yakka in building ’59’ shall not be infringed upon. Then there’s the maximum penalty of two years imprisonment to disuade persistant offenders; whereas in the case of a first time transgressor, a nod to the bench at a local court will have them heading back to work with a severe reprimend and their job securety intact.

  831. I can do something with that ..

  832. john sanders on January 4, 2021 at 8:12 am said:

    Peteb: One last chance for a correct answer on what’s amiss with the knife pose on the mixed bag photo with the big ‘A’ for Adelaide Station ledger backing…If you can’t answer, say so and save some face. If you don’t answer or say domething stupid eg., ‘durex’ tape and zinc plate like last time, you’ll not look so sharp.

  833. Steven Siew on January 4, 2021 at 9:36 am said:

    Monoalphabet substitution with homophones
    Language is in English
    Want to have some fun in a SF short story where the hero breaks the following code. Just wondering if it can be broken by complete strangers.

    julia> ciphertext


    julia> length(ciphertext)

    julia> get_freq(ciphertext)[1:5]
    5-element Array{Tuple{Char,Int64},1}:
    (‘v’, 13)
    (‘d’, 12)
    (‘y’, 12)
    (‘N’, 12)
    (‘F’, 12)

  834. milongal on January 4, 2021 at 8:21 pm said:

    “…back to work with a severe reprimand and their job security intact.”
    Depends on the classification of the breach. If you’re in a PV job an share some stuff about what you do, they might not throw you in the clink, but I suspect you’d struggle to maintain your clearance (in fact I suspect you’d struggle to get higher than NV1). That makes job security hard (especially since the clearance usually seems to be more important than any skill or qualification you can bring to the table).
    Pretty sure under anti-discrimination laws advertisements that require you to already hold a clearance (as opposed to ones that require you to be able to get and maintain one) aren’t really legal – not that it stops them being advertised as such (and when you look into what they cost and how long they take to be assessed you sort of realise that it’s not really worth trying to vet a candidate with no (or a lesser) clearance…..especially for a contract on an “…initial 6 month project”.

    Side rant for another time and place: I actually think it’s one of the biggest things Australia (and possibly other countries) need to look at – ways to ensure they get the right talent in highly-trusted positions. Currently they get highly trusted people who don’t necessarily have the skills required because they’re scared of getting highly skilled people who they can’t trust. Somewhere in between there should be a happy medium (or change your trust model – e.g. a developer or tester (or their management stream) doesn’t necessarily need access to a production systems or the data in it, so while there are capabilities that are probably classified themselves, there are many situations where a role requires a classification because of data that might be encountered during day to day activities (Interestingly for a long time local offices of global companies have been engaged for certain roles, and when they need their international talent are able to sanitise any data to allow troubleshooting without a data spill….so you wouldn’t think it would be that hard to separate other non-operational staff from the really interesting stuff that has nothing to do with their job. Perhaps it makes more sense to lock-down access to classified material to the smallest practical audience, rather than waste money arbitrarily vetting people for positions where they might accidentally come across something sensitive….
    Maybe that wasn’t another time or place.

  835. john sanders on January 4, 2021 at 10:59 pm said:

    For anyone at all interested, the origins of this tedious OSA discussion arose a year or so back when AfIO man Gordon Cramer had the temerity to insist that Gerry Feltus would have been obliged to sign one in order to become a Sapol officer. I politely informed he and the house that the old Commonwealth Crimes Act was the best OZ could manage in 1914 and no body was ever compelled to sign a copy (breach of Sec. 30) nor to Swear an oath upon it.

  836. This business with the matches.

    By my reckoning, Cleland had all the clothes from Late Jan to April 19 when he told Leane he’d found the slip. During that time Cowan and he tried on some of the clothing. A jacket and pair of slippers.

    Plenty of time for a smoker to mislay his matches, have them gathered up with the evidence and listed as ‘later established’ because they didn’t match Leane’s first count

    .. verdict: Moss is a dill.

    That’ll do me.

  837. john sanders on January 5, 2021 at 7:29 am said:

    Brother-in-law Peteb. Now what brother-in-law might that have been, got a name in mind have we?

  838. I’ve got one name in mind and it isn’t himself.

  839. milongal on January 5, 2021 at 8:00 pm said:

    As ever, I think many forget that when the body was found it was a simple unexplained death in a public place where the coppers expected someone to come forward and claim the body. Despite what others might say about the thoroughness of the fuzz each time they attend, the reality is that if this sort of thing was happening often enough (and a dig on trove suggests it may have been (haven’t got trove open, but from memory there was a couple of bodies (I think later ruled suicides) at Henley shortly before (one in Marlborough St, and one or more on the Jetty/Beach), North Adelaide and others) through 1948 – so I’ll put an “at least once a week” out there) for even the most rigorous plod to become copmlacent (that was a mistake, but it made me laugh so I’m not correcting it). So a lot of the inaccurate reporting, confusion etc is likely caused by the police farce simply following procedures and correcting them later (as the case became more critical). So at the time you dump all the belongings in a bag and when you later assess them you find there’s matches missing (which perhaps you recall seeing at the scene) so you report they were there, but someone else who either wasn’t on scene or didn’t see them attests the opposite.

    In reading through the police statements, consider who was on scene on the morning of the 1st, and when each copper first checked out Somerton. I wouldn’t be surprised if the inconsistency we’re seeing in the SM debacle is actually all that unusual in an investigation – where different investigators see different “clues” at different times – and interpret them their own way. But I’m sure there will be some dissenting ideas on that view.

    Easy Reader Version: Complacency does not equal conspiracy.

  840. Tamara Bunke on January 5, 2021 at 8:47 pm said:

    Nothing I’ve seen makes me doubt Milongal’s conclusions. Poor old DS Leane has travelled the whole spectrum to make the story fit the preconceptions and biases of us latter day spooks and dicks: a commie one minute, a mason the next.

  841. Milongal: was Leane being complacent when he delayed 51 days in getting an image of the TS slip out to the press?

  842. john sanders on January 6, 2021 at 2:32 am said:

    Peteb: Is (was) Moss a dill and was Leane being complacent?…Goddamn right they were!

  843. milongal on January 6, 2021 at 8:33 pm said:

    @pete: Maybe I haven’t followed something (I thought there was under a month between finding and releasing detail, which I think is perfectly explainable). Would you normally expect a picture of such a discovery to be released? It might be complacency, it might be incompetence – or it might simply be that the police thought that was a lead they’d be best following up themselves to begin with.

    Slip is found on the body, and causes interest with police. Police now work to identify what it means and where it comes from (no need to release publicly).
    TS is identified as being from a rubaiyat, and police decide maybe it’s worth publicising – but this causes some internal argument. If they release a picture they risk people (for whatever motivation – most likely publicity) trying to fake one (which will just waste time and resource to analyse), so decide to publicise they’re looking for a book, but not a picture of the slip. Don’t forget, most people think at that time they thought the ‘Tamam Shud’ was a suicide indicator – surely in that light the book it came from is mildly interesting, but not something they critically need.

    Why was there any need to publicise the slip or release photos? In hindsight, we migth think it would have been useful, but looking through historical lenses is a lot easier than peering toward the future.
    Maybe we should start with: At what point did the police really realise that they were dealing with an extraordinary case? It starts as a mundane death, and as the body remains uncollected becomes mildly intriguing. Various clues might make it more or less interesting, especially as results come back from analysts. The slip is found, which adds even more intrigue, but “the end” might simply endorse their view of suicide (and while it might bug them that they haven’t ID’d the body, ultimately they’re not too concerned). Eventually they get around to telling of the slip, and the book is handed in. At this point, how interested are the police in the mystery? The identity is a mystery, and there are maybe some interesting anomalies, but ultimately many of them think it’s an unidentified suicide. Once they start to realise it might be something bigger, they have to retrospectively make sure their records are accurate enough, and by this time they’re basing a lot on memory not fact.

    I think someone previously posted when different officials first started on the case (but I can’t find it). Perhaps when different people became involved gives us some indication of the view the police had of the case at different points.

  844. Milongal, thanks for that. What strikes me as extraordinary is that Leane delivered all the evidence to Cleland then waited for over two months for him to find the slip.
    Why give a pathologist a job the police could do in a day?

  845. Tamara Bunke on January 7, 2021 at 9:02 am said:

    @Pete – Leane didn’t give the pathologist the job of finding the slip. No one knew there was anything to be found beyond the effects identified in the in situ search and later searches by police.

    Didn’t Leane simply give the pathologist the evidence so that the latter could perform whatever analyses he considered necessary in the task of identifying the circumstance and cause of death?

  846. Exactly, I talked myself out of it today. The delay was perfectly explainable. That just leaves Leane’s 51 days.

  847. Which can also be explained ….

  848. milongal on January 13, 2021 at 3:01 am said:

    Wow, just remembered why I;m careful where I go areading.

    BIG (TODO: use thesaurus to better articulate the magnitude of the bigness) statement from across the hallway:
    “Make no mistake, the Somerton Man case is quite definitely an espionage case, and any serious research and/or study done on the case without reference to this find and the presence of microcode, is just not credible.”

    someone’s just gone “all in” (if they hadn’t already)

  849. Tamara Bunke on January 13, 2021 at 6:22 pm said:

    @Milongal … it’s depressing. Thing is, he’s being doing this for years and not one person appears to have visibly come out in support (except the mysterious Clive?). He runs the premier blog (his words) on the subject and (as he says) blocks very little comment… and yet there are almost no comments on his work. Heart-breaking, really.

  850. milongal on January 15, 2021 at 12:08 am said:

    Agree it’s depressing, although I am certain he blocks a LOT of comment (or used to when he used to get it**). I used to read the site back when Pavel was a certainty (except that was before we knew Pavel as Pavel, but instead thought Novikov was Pavel, who might have looked like Tibor).

    I used to regularly challenge him (under different identities, most often simply the default “Anonymous”) and they’d get culled – sometimes with a passive-agressive follow-up about “anonymous commentators”…..fun times.

    **I think over time a lot of people have stopped reading for all those reasons – which is a shame because in between the craziness there’s sometimes some interesting ideas coming out (The Pavel stuff was interesting, but it got held on for AGES even after it was demonstrably wrong – at which point it becomes hard to follow). But there was a time when I think most of the readers here were also readers there. Part of the other thing that’s turned people off I suspect is the abrasive manner that’s sometimes seen when dealing with detractors – in fact I think there’s entire posts dedicated to attacking (almost personal attacks, not just criticising a particular viewpoint) our host here (and possibly at different times PeteB too).

    NB: I think somebody (possibly JS) used to suggest that ‘Clive’ is likely his own alter-ego. I think there were a couple of times where a reply to a post appeared to be made by Clive but came out as GC (afterwards clarified as ‘Clive told me’ or something).

  851. milongal: if there is any information there that genuinely throws any kind of light onto the Somerton Man, I’ve yet to find it. And the personal attacks don’t help, no.

  852. Guilty in that respect. Reformed for the better. Now love ❤️ is in the air.

  853. john sanders on January 22, 2021 at 7:40 am said:

    To all you Tbt ‘follow my leader’ believers. “Fools! your reward is neither here nor there!”…Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam’s letter Q count found randomly through all editions be seven at the very least, including one in the second quatrain of some editions…But if you really want some high letter Q yeilds, try the Vietnamese spy version!

  854. john sanders on January 22, 2021 at 10:43 pm said:

    Correct Byron..and of course we also have the original Omar K’s ROK text with some hundreds of verses, now thankfully translated into Latinised Turkish and known as the ‘Persian Version’ or ‘Perversion’ for short. I’d think that it would include as many letter Qs as we could expect in an Urdo dialect and we might be lucky and find the odd one with micro writing inset for effect.

  855. john sanders on January 23, 2021 at 4:18 am said:

    Above mention of ‘Urdu dialect’ was a little off. Persian script, as with it’s modern Turkish form plus ‘Q’ laiden Romanised lettering being Farsi of course. Not to be confused with the English hoax word ‘farcicle’ which alligns to the Tbt inspired quest for multilingual coded ROK translations.

  856. john sanders on January 23, 2021 at 11:28 am said:

    Farcical also works just fine for those fastious spell freaks.

  857. Tamara Bunke on January 30, 2021 at 4:56 pm said:

    Anyone know what the “big changes ahead” are that GC is trailing? The suspense is killing me.

  858. Tamara Bunke: let’s just hope it doesn’t involve microwriting or spies… but best not hold your breath waiting.

  859. john sanders on January 30, 2021 at 11:35 pm said:

    I fully concur with Anon’s bca breaking news, change being merely any artful dodger worth his or her salt’s contingency escape hatch. It’s the shake-up that has my attention, specifially GC’s feeling of euphoria (sad in away) that denotes some form of harmful plot against a perceived hostile force, vis. “The fake John Sanders character’s detected 20? IP listings that denotes connection to the dark web and affiliations to organized paedophile links” circa June ’20.

  860. john sanders on January 31, 2021 at 7:14 am said:

    Blowie on me dunny wall claims that Anon’s “big changes” relates to unauthorised pliageristic regurgitation of fake microwriting by Peter Bowes for which he was censured. “Surprise to some”, probably involves commencement of formal legal proceedings for misappropriation of an indentured gopher, to wit Clive Turner through coersion, hence the “sad in a way” (poor Clive) after word. Forget what the other threat involved but it shouldn’t ‘t deter us from exposing those who try to push their on line flim flam ploys on unwary dupes.

  861. A book has just been published about a 1950 espionage case involving ASIO, the NSW police, a young mother and MI5 where they set up a spook sting on a Russian Tass rep working out of Kings Cross, name of Fedor Nosov.
    And as much as I don’t like to blow this trumpet lying idle by my side, it does sound a little like something someone we all know wrote about some years ago.

  862. Whether or not news here: “Minoan Language Linear A Linked to Linear B in Groundbreaking New Research,” Greek Reporter, Jan. 28

  863. john sanders on January 31, 2021 at 11:18 pm said:

    That’s right Peteb, Nostov was exposed by our esteamed resident trumpet blowers Cramer, Deveson, Abbott and co. way way back around 2013/4 before my time. Something to do with ASIO’s amazingly efficient plant/operative Makarov, parties in Wollongong with Wally Klod’s boys, chess comps. at Pakies in Elizabeth St. and the like. I think you may even have regurgitaed some of that heady mood as late as a few months back, like a bugle blast from the past which to your credit you have modestly glossed over as is your infernal wont.

  864. Two things, Johnno: the pasty he ate shortly before he died and the graze between the knuckles on his right hand.

  865. Tamara Bunke on February 1, 2021 at 1:16 pm said:

    Out of interest… can anyone see the micro-writing in the Hays Banknote? I think I can maybe see some (very unclear, can’t be certain), but only in the stacked horizontal “lines”. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that’s nowhere near as much as the Kenilworth Copper is seeing.

    Just wondered if there was a consensus on whether he’s fantasizing about that too?

  866. john sanders on February 1, 2021 at 1:41 pm said:

    No witness attested to any pasty having been consumed before expiry, that being a proposition based on some undigested spud found in the bread basket during Doc Dwyer’s probe from memory. As for the knuckles, we should certainly not discount Nick’s confident claims re boxing/wrestling, perhaps in a local Glenelg Sharman tent or the like. My pet view of those strange, recently inflicted webbing lacerations has always been that they were the consequence of SM’s assisted arm raising/dropping motions, seen by Lyons and capably performed by some string pulling puppet master at the railing above.

  867. john sanders on February 1, 2021 at 2:08 pm said:

    Tamara Bunke: I’m sure theres micro writing, though I’ve never bothored to conduct any close scrutiny, to what end anyhow. The uncirculated novelty non legal tender monopoly notes certainly have nought to do with a 1948 beach body, though perhaps we should not underestimate CGC’s ability to spring a big surprise when pressed.

  868. milongal on February 1, 2021 at 8:38 pm said:

    I reckon I could see it on the Banknote. A long time ago I said something along the lines of “Nobody doubts microwriting exists, but there’s a significant problem with it being on the SM stuff” (I think it was in relation to the banknote). GC seemed to take it as an endorsement of his ideas, and even that I’d somehow suggested the rest of the lunacy had some merit…..

    I’m comfortable there’s teeny tiny writing on the banknotes (although from memory I agreed it was in the barbed-wire design (or whatever it is ) on either side of the note, and not necessarily other places it was claimed. I have a feeling, though, that I concluded it would be bigger than the writing claimed to be on much of the SM stuff.
    I also (as ever) reiterate that the purpose of such a code would be that it can be read and understood. Aside from needing to believe that the microcode has transferred through multiple mediums (the pictures we have aren’t tracings on the original paper, they are photos of tracings on a separate paper – I think someone (maybe NP?) suggested possibly via glass)….We are talking about something that needed to be visible in 1948 using 1948 techniques – and yet here we are finding ‘something’ but not being able to discern it. Of course, the obvious argument is all those changes of media I mentioned before made it harder to recover….but I call BS on them simply because I can’t understand how the microcode was transferred.
    In fact, maybe that’s the bit people need to demonstrate for me to be less skeptical. Write some tiny writing (doesn’t have to be as small as the microcode – I get it’s difficult) in light pencil on a piece of paper. Put another piece of paper (or tracing paper, or glass) over the top, and trace the shape (not the teeny writing) with a texta. Then show me you can recover your original writing.

    Short Version: There’s a difference between “Microcode is real and was used” and “Microcode is on everything linked to the SM case”. I have no issue with the idea the Hay Banknotes have microwriting.

    Aside: As many would know, since Aus has had polymer banknotes there’s been micro-printing on them. The “old” $10 (the blue one before the current one) had “The man from snowy river” in the background to Banjo Patterson’s picture. And of course everyone was frantically collecting the “new” $50 note after the first batch(es) came out with ‘responsibilty’ instead of ‘responsibility’ in the microwriting of Edith Cowan’s speech in the background behind her picture….

  869. john sanders on February 1, 2021 at 11:02 pm said:

    Most observant pub punters could find the name of the Aussie sailing ship on the five dollar bluey? from memory. It was on tiny flag up in the main mast staff and I remember it was Waverley. Likewise the old prewar Kraut Reischmark notes were covered in micro from memory.

  870. Champagne, anyone?

  871. john sanders on February 3, 2021 at 4:23 am said:

    Peteb: All credit where credit’s due. “An interesting find….” indeed, indeed (GC).
    Byron D. hit a nerve for me with mention of press ‘word skill’ competitions….An internationally renowned chess guru and word games inventor who got himself seconded to the S.A. Dept. of Education for his letter/word/numerical tuition skills, was a George Abraham Wilson/Brown GAB?. He was best known for his columns in all the big city publications and editors couldn’t get enough of his unique styled brain teasers. No doubt some of the talent carried through to his closest relatives, eg., daughter Alma and grandson Keith Waldemar Mangnoson, which I seem to recall mentioning…Sure hope your like efforts draw crowds rather than crabs.

  872. john sanders on February 4, 2021 at 2:55 am said:

    ….Still, that struck second code line does not bode so well for the one way type of IQ test set up we’re reviewing so favourably. There can’t be much doubt as to it’s acrostic behaviour as such, though perhaps the deal may have been set up as a double teaser for the more competent gamer of yore.

  873. john sanders on February 4, 2021 at 7:14 am said:

    Seems like the promised big shake up was simply to do with Moya, S.A. born ex wife of U.S. Diplomat and alleged spy Bayard LeRoy King from the BS/TS files, seen to be consorting with SM founding father Mike Dash of Smithsonian Inst. Redacted, who’s real identity is not a well kept secret, has resumed activities over at Big Footy with his Samsung crapatalk device back in service. There is a file photo of the once glamorous twin and promise of more revelations pointing to a hot deception plot though dates might not align. Sad in a way, I was hoping for some down and dirty in house cleansing.

  874. john sanders on February 5, 2021 at 6:59 am said:

    Peteb’s four letters A at position 7 on lines 1 3 4 5 with eight starters would indeed take some beating Clive, though the four letters M on lines 1 2 3 4 at position 1, plus two more at position 4 gap 4 on the last line might take running down in a two letter field.

  875. john sanders on February 5, 2021 at 8:40 am said:

    ….take 4 more brisk paces from M along line five and the next 4 letter gap will land us back on an anither letter A which missed out on Peteb’s final solution….Anyone up for a glass of S.A. Barossa Sparkling Porphyry Pearl.

  876. Way to go, Johnno, the narrative has changed.

  877. milongal on February 7, 2021 at 9:01 pm said:

    @JS – no offence, but I’m starting to hear Danetta as you manoeuvre your ‘A’s

  878. john sanders on February 10, 2021 at 9:04 am said:

    Tamam Shud Blog Spot: One Prediction for 2021……No Comments…No Wonder!

  879. milongal on February 10, 2021 at 8:31 pm said:

    I’m partiuclarly interested in #9 – the resurrection of PIF. Can’t imagine too much new information pertinent to SM about him (although there was no assertion it would be pertinent, I suppose).
    Mind you many of them are potentially self-fulfilling – write a post about Tibor, and *bang* #7 is covered…..

    The extrapolation from ‘Online Abuse’ to ‘trolls’ is an interesting one. I suspect a lot of what is claimed to be abusive by different online commentors might not be considered “Seriously harmful” by ACSC (and partner/parent agencies) – not to mention the ever-present challenge of applying Australian Law in an international jurisdiction….and it’s currently draft legislation – on Monday we might have a better idea where Labor and the crossbench sit on it – much as they would broadly support the intent, the devil is often in the detail, and you would expect many stakeholders will have concerns around stifling free speech (I’ve not read the Bill itself, merely what’s presented in the media – but that doesn’t always paint a complete picture).

    Oh &@PB re caressing with one hand and slapping with the other (which I assume didn’t intend any innuendo) – I’ve learnt from the best in persuing the sites of SM tragics :).

  880. john sanders on February 11, 2021 at 9:20 am said:

    I had been wondering on retrospectivity until just now, when Gordon Cramer kindly made mention of an overly generous five years for back issues. Less than a year back our concerned champion of troll impeachment made a “fraudien slip” for which I contemplated doing something drastic until sense redirected my ire more towards judicial payback. Whatever notion direct the spited to stoop so low I’ll never know, but now legal options are at hand for we innocents who have suffered too long at the hands of such fiends. Legal recourse for the falacious on line charges back in June 2020 pertaining to me using up to 20 IPs for my dark web affiliations ie., international criminal cartels and child porno outlets will be sweet indeed. Knowing that justice for evil acts by evil carniving micro handed frauds will no longer be tolerated must be the big shake up that ‘Anonymous’ was on about. I guess some commenters might best be wary of what they hope for in this coming year of the buffalo…Cong Hee Fat Choy to all Asians and Ang Pow. there.

  881. john sanders on February 27, 2021 at 8:47 am said:

    Salacious..Salacious..Salacious with it’s regular misrepresented meanings could once only be confronted with on old but now newly designated leading dedicated Somerton Man espionage site with ever so clever and manipulative CGC as master of mystery just waiting to pounce on any opportunity to strutt his lies and inuendous spy fi clap trap. Gone, it seems are the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander and AFIO affiliated intro headers we were all once so impressed with.

    Well guess what folks; that word Salacious is now cropping up under CGC’s well known ‘Redacted’ by line, not on the BS/TS blog but over at Big Footy where most of us can’t get a gurnsey these days. The most imaginative con job yet attempted under cover of the Samsung Tapatalk sign off is, that our imposter has reverted to using Aussie slang to disguise his quaint Cockney accent vis. ‘Blokes & Sheilas’ indeed, indeed. If that’s the best GC (sick) can manage we’re still in with a chance.

  882. milongal on March 3, 2021 at 2:59 am said:

    A little offtopic……if you can find a pic of SM that’s bigger than 300×300 pixels you can “bring him to life” at https://www.myheritage.com/deep-nostalgia

    Not creepy at all

  883. milongal on March 10, 2021 at 8:20 pm said:

    I just read this somewhere, and I’m laughing so hard I’m not even sure how to articulate what’s wrong with it:
    “… where it is clearly related to espionage, you cannot use the code lessons or maths learned at Uni….”

    I’m guessing we train our intelligence officers with code and Maths that’s not taught at Uni.
    There’s part of me that almost sees the point being made, but even so I disagree with it most vehemently. I take the point that researching Pure (or even Applied) Maths is not necessarily required to become an intelligence agent – and that people could be taught how to encrypt or decrypt information without necessarily understanding the Maths behind it – but the thought that agents have “clever” techniques that they make up on the fly that would resist any statistical or mathematical analysis is ridiculous. Perhaps more ridiculous is the idea that they can make a code on the fly that some intended target will understand how to decrypt. This is a new level of fantasy land.

  884. john sanders on March 11, 2021 at 2:19 am said:

    milongal: I honestly don’t share your grounds for mirth but then again I have no real concept of what form of math one might expect from a university education. Now if you really want some ideas on how we train our intelligence officers apropose of their lectern taught cryptic skills and techniques, the one to ask might very well be the bloke before you in the queue. David Oranchak could go toe to toe with the very best of the spooks in coded lines and other espionage tradecraft generally, without need for math skills, pure, applied or even polymath at a pinch.

  885. Peteb on March 11, 2021 at 8:47 am said:

    Mick Herron … reading him helps, plus he’s a very funny fellow.

  886. john sanders on March 11, 2021 at 12:17 pm said:

    Peteb: Despite the ‘up to Oxford’ Balliol College credentials no less, which goes against the grain of what milongal suggests for espionage spycraft intuitive drill, young Mick sounds like the sort of spy yarn teller a bloke should make some effort to zone in on. I’ll definately make the effort… Thanks for the tip.

  887. peteb on March 12, 2021 at 2:59 am said:

    “Perhaps more ridiculous is the idea that they can make a code on the fly that some intended target will understand how to decrypt. This is a new level of fantasy land.” Milongal.

    What’s not to say the two Farsi words, Tamam Shud wasn’t a code made up on the fly intending someone to understand how to decrypt?

  888. Peteb on March 12, 2021 at 9:44 am said:

    Let’s draw Nick the Honourable Pelling in here by asking him if he considers the characters in the Voynich manuscript comprise a language.

  889. john sanders on March 13, 2021 at 9:15 am said:

    Peteb: I’m inclined to agree with you again; unfortunately it’s becoming a habit since taking on Gordon’s suggestion that we should try to be nice. Anyhow, it’s obvious to all that the unamed nurse recognised her former deep cover associate from their war years together ship counting. Not withstanding that she must also have been taken in by the starkness of the white plaster bust, unadorned but for a few non pubic hairs protruding from it’s broad shoulders which would make many a strong constitution feel woozey. Of course the assumption that she may’ve also been suffering yet another bout of dreaded morning sickness with Kate in her womb is no excuse for the rudeness shown towards her grey suited interrogators. As for how SM could have gotten her phone number upin arrival in Adelaide, might I suggest that he did as Detective Feltus did and look it up in the 1947 phone directory.

  890. But how did he know she’d renamed herself?

  891. john sanders on March 14, 2021 at 4:17 am said:

    You’ve lost me there Peteb. I’ve been operating under the assumption that Alf’s 20 year old companion Jessie Thomson, printers assistant from Melbourne was in the habit of using an actual given monicker during her time in the service and beyond. So your SM’s obtaining of the number(s) would thus have been an elementry ‘let your fingers do the walking’ through the Adelaide white pages directory for Sister Thomson of Glenelg or perhaps a new pink pages listing under ‘Clinic Distributors’ of Hindley St. City for the second number that Feltus knew nothing about.

  892. john sanders on March 14, 2021 at 6:34 am said:

    ….and as a matter of interest to those so inclined; the phone subscriber beneath Sister J. E. Thomson in the ’47 directory is undoubtedly the young widow Jessie Muir Thomson nee MacFarlane formerly of Port Lincoln. Following her hubby George’s sudden death at Gladstone just a year or so after their gala wedding reception at the local Pier Hotel in 1940, she removed to Toorak Gdns. Thence to East Glenelg. There she lived out her days and passed in 2009, soon after that of her imposter near namesake.

  893. heh heh … someone’s back in the chaff business, eh Dusty?

  894. milongal on March 14, 2021 at 8:19 pm said:

    Not sure if you missed my point PB, but I’m not sure I get yours.

    From memory I was referring to an assertion loosely along the lines of spies and foreign actors literally making up how to encrypt things as necessity dictates. This *might* almost make sense if you’re trying to hide something that you want to recover yourself later – but it makes no sense at all if you’re expecting to pass it to someone else expecting them to decrypt.
    It would be sort of like encrypting something with a one time pad, but not sharing that pad with the people you want to share the message with.

    @JS I thought I posted something along these lines the other day – you don’t necessarily need a formal education in math to encrypt/decrypt (or even analyse or break ciphers), but the notion that a method of encryption someone uses in the field is resistant to statistical analysis because it was created without a knowledge of Math is nonsensical. Hiding from (or strengthening against) mathematical analysis is incredibly difficult – and many ciphers can be identified by analysing the ciphertext (even without necessarily being able to break it despite knowing the method). Even measuring the entropy can often flag whether a (long) series of characters is likely to be an encryption (I’d imagine this is discussed in Beale articles on this blog….it certainly is elsewhere). So I accept (as I always have) the point that agents are not necessarily formally qualified in Mathematics – but that actually makes them LESS likely to be able to produce encryption mechanisms that resist Mathematical analysis on them by nerds with mortarboards. If only ignorance were such a valuable tool in strengthening a cipher.

  895. My point being, Milongal, is that language itself can be used as a cipher.

  896. john sanders on March 15, 2021 at 6:21 am said:

    We’re now being asked by self confessed non research fellow Peteb a simple question vis. “When did Harkness flip to Thomson?”… Simple answer is, nobody knows and nobody ever will, in so much as the original identity of the woman connected with the Somerton Man inquiry, one Jessica Ellen Harkness is a rather fanciful conclusion based on little. Offered up by a non blood related academic with feined cover interest in a particular pressing of Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam back around 2009…There’s no doubting that the sought woman existed, but exactly who she was, where she came from and what she may or may not have had to do with the dead man of 1948 is just as much a mystery as the unknown man perse. Of course we do know what became of the professor’s lady following the events of ’48 and ’49 and should DNA samples be of value at some stage, we know where to go for them. If some 100 watt brain can come forward with a definative answer to the ‘nurse’ enigma, than perhaps we’ll either have a means to progress, alternative being we’re destined to continue forever down a proverbial long lane.

    NB: The Sapol Historical Assoc., through their archival journal Hew & Cry, do not recognise any significance to a particular unamed nurse, listed in their indices merely as being number (314?), an unsuccessful ID witness’s. I’m fully agree with their take on things.

  897. Peteb on March 15, 2021 at 9:11 am said:

    Well, we know when it wasn’t. The first mention of Harkness’ phone number in the classifieds was July 47.

  898. john sanders on March 15, 2021 at 10:23 pm said:

    Peteb: There was never any mention of a Harkness’ phone number in the classifieds that I’m aware of; perhaps you’re referring to the Nth. Glenelg Harkness. Or is it Thomson of 90A Moseley St. you’re on about.

  899. peteb on March 16, 2021 at 1:12 am said:

    JohnS: Jessica Harkness, as she was once known in Sydney, changed her name to Thomson either while she was in Melbourne or soon after arriving Adelaide about July 1947, being the first month I could find that the Moseley St phone number appeared in the classifieds. Prior to that there was evidence that George was house-hunting using another phone number. That puts him in Adelaide waiting for her.
    Whoever wrote her (Harkness / Thomson’s) Glenelg phone number on the back of the Rubaiyat could only have learned of it after July 1947.
    Either he knew where to look in the phone book or was given the number.

  900. john sanders on March 16, 2021 at 11:16 am said:

    A couple or three thoughts that Gordon might like to consider while revisiting the SM crime scene, apropos tidal fluctuations etc. Firstly we must understand that the beach filming was undertaken from a better suited stairway further north of the original site close to the kiosk on the Broadway. Next relates to a suggestion that the the later beach panorama shot may have been comensurate with the ABC documentary date in the mid to late seventies. I see a 1960 PA Vauxall Cresta, a 1963 EJ Holden SW and two undentifiable vehicles of older vintage which could date the particular still up to a decade or so earlier hence need for re evaluation . Lastly and most important in my view concerns the original Alvington stairway which clearly shows an angled set of risers but no stair treads and I’ve always wondered why this should be. While Gordon is dealing with his all important ‘Time & Tide WFNM’ overview, perhaps he might like to consider my humble appraisals.

  901. milongal on March 16, 2021 at 8:35 pm said:

    Thanks for directing me there JS. Seems GC is just figuring out what we’ve asserted for a long time – that the tide must have reached the rocks that night.

    I think, though, that we have to dismiss some of the step calculations. It looks to me in those pictures that although the later photo appears to have steeper steps on the upper flight, the actual step size looks smaller than the original – and obviously the calculation using average step height assume not only that all of these sets of steps have the same height step, but that they all are the average height.
    I also think the state of the beach today is less relevant, because for the last few decades (since at least the 80’s) there’s been concern of sand eroding from one beach and washing or blowing to another. As a result, Sand Carting became a regular thing between beaches. I particularly remember activity around West Beach, Henley/Grange, Semaphore and Largs – but I wouldn’t be surprised if it also happened on the more Southern beaches.

    Anyways, piqued my interest enough to watch the developments on that one….

  902. john sanders on March 18, 2021 at 4:45 am said:

    Peteb: Confirmation bias is always great for dramatic effect, especially when such drama arises mainly from long accepted and improved hearsay. Examples might include one single ROK being found near the body, a single secreted Tamam Shud slip, a rigid last meal and expiry time frame based on a most uncertain pathology. All these and more convenient known facts in your humble estimation, ‘Truths’ that a bright minded person will take issue with by offering alternatives in fair rebuttal. I’ve tripped you up on this sort of caper in the past and enjoyed it mostly when my taunts were inevitably ignored. As they say it’s just a game of wits played out mostly by decrepit fifty percenters and we may as well act the goat while the boat’s afloat. Right?…

  903. john sanders on March 19, 2021 at 4:59 am said:

    For Gordon’s help in his current project appropos tidal effects on the Somerton seawall near Alvington beach stairs, particularly to ascertaining X marks the spot inundation heights, he’ll still need to fully comprehend the strange stair setup of which I have alluded to frequently. In order for the steeply angled stair risers to correctly abbut and securely connect with the horizontal foot treads for safe normal useage, there would need to be some rigid overlapping or full interjoin with both ends. There is no evidence of any such provision noted in the very clear 1948 photo and whatsmore the foot treads are only noticeable by their complet,e absence…Further to my comment about dating, I’m quite sure, apart from the vehicle year models, that other objects such as the comparison size of the Norfolk pine, telegraph pole condition and general street level landscape scene does lend weight to the second photograph being mid sixties as opposed to mid or late seventies vintage.

  904. Peteb on March 21, 2021 at 2:51 am said:

    He had a couple, three scars on the inside of his left (?) arm .. what were they, an erasure?

  905. john sanders on March 21, 2021 at 4:30 am said:

    Heresay be the weapon of choice whenever punters of the ‘scenes we’d like to see’ fraternity gather to compare their SM yarns in a competition for the title Fantasy King of Somerton shores. My money’s on the local fancy.

  906. john sanders on March 21, 2021 at 12:50 pm said:

    The three parallel scars relate in all probability to the original direct person to person transfer method of smallpox vaccination, common before more modern means of innoculation which was later universally adopted and derived from animal syrum applied by scratch needles to the upper left arm region. Numerous examples can be found in the individual service records of WW1 diggers, particularly, those hailing from country Victoria.

  907. Smallpox vaccination was usually done on the upper arm .. I can vouch for this as that’s where my scar is, vintage 1963.

  908. milongal on March 22, 2021 at 4:30 am said:

    Been having a look at the Mangnoson inquest and what seems to leap out is that (other than the war-related issues he had) the fire at 10 Magarey shook him up. Although he seems to have a sketchy employment record, they didn’t seem short a few bob, specificially:
    11/11/1948 He disappeared with 20 pound and house plans for some land they planned to build on in Richmond, and reappeared some time later in a state unable (or unwilling) to discuss what he’d done with the money and papers. Later it discusses he was granted a pension of just over 10 pound a fortnight (later reduced closer to 5 pound) so 20 pound seems a reasonable whack to blow.
    Further, he had bought his Mother-in-Law out of the house in Magarey St (although they didn’t insure it – or at least they lost a lot of uninsured stuff in the fire) – and had bought the land in Richmond (although I get the impression that might have been some sort of returned-service helping hand, so it might have been cheap).

    A lot of Mangnoson’s behaviour is dismissed as mental instability (post-ware neurosis) but it’s easy to imagine something shady going on behind it all. While reading about his land at Richmond, I’m reminded of a J Keane that appears in S&M in Shierlaw St Richmond around the time (from memory the record persists into the 1950s so we’ve dismissed it before). I’m also sort of interested that if they already had house plans, they had presumably engaged an architect and/or builder (which in itself would cost a few shekels you’d imagine) so it would seem they had (or had had) some money around somewhere. They also seem to have some sort of arrangement with Harmstorf the wood merchant on Military Rd – where it sounds like they’d pay him a fair chunk, and then grab wood as they needed it one wheelbarrow at a time (I considered whether perhaps that’s where the 20 pound went, but can’t resolve in my head how much wood that sort of money resolves to – and why all the mystery about where the money went then).
    And if we look more broadly at his parents as well (not just his situation) we have the house at 12 Magarey plus seemingly links to some land on the Alma Plains. It also talks about a train return from the Nadda district (can’t remember if it was immediately after he got lost) to visit the Royal Adelaide Hospital – but from memory with his mum. So it seems the whole family travelled there for he and his father to work there. In any event, although they definitely seem working class, they don’t sound like they’re struggling.

    But in terms of the incident with Clive, assuming they didn’t go for a long-winded wander (which is not impossible), he took Clive up Magarey to Military Rd, presumably turned left toward the Wood Merchant, and then disappeared toward Fort Largs (It seems Strathfield Tce didn’t exist then, and I’m getting the impression even if some of the roads were there, the housing would have run out before Seafield St. That being said, because he wasn’t found for a couple of days there’s nothing to say he went straight to the bushes on the beachfront.

    There’s a lot of strange to the story (some of which I’m still scratching at) – and down to probable mistakes (like the inquest quoting Roma’s mother calling her Mona – I don’t know whether this is likely a stenotypers mistake?). It also seems at the time he was working as a “trimmer” for ETSA (Electricity Trust of South Australia – no longer exist, the infrastructure is now run by PowerNetworks SA (or similar)). I assume a “trimmer” trims grass, trees and bushes that might be in the way for electrical infrastructure. It seems odd, then, that at the time of him absconding his wife talks about him having been working night shifts…..Maybe I’ve totally misunderstood what a “trimmer” does (maybe they cut cable as its rolled out?) but it seems hard to imagine what sort of work (other than emergency service restoration) ETSA technicians would be doing at night.
    But we’ll see whether it goes anywhere it hasn’t gone before – I know others have had fairly thorough looks into his story in the past.

  909. john sanders on March 22, 2021 at 9:21 am said:

    I would implore you to check for veracity of the multiple skin scratch deal on google under headings like smallpox/variolation/inoculation/Jenner 1792.

  910. john sanders on March 22, 2021 at 10:00 am said:

    ….Peteb, a smallpox scar is actually wide spread and overlapping like acne. An upper arm smallpox vaccination on the other hand is indeed singular and mostly crater like follow a succesful take.

  911. john sanders on March 22, 2021 at 11:14 am said:

    Keith Mangno. had been under doctor’s orders, presumably inhouse at red cross veteran’s centre Glenelg with possible day visits to Glenside psych. clinic between 14th November ’48 to 7th January ’49. On that day he contacted Errol Caney and Hec Gollan with his Carl Thompsen story, having seen the newspaper photo whilst undergoing convalescence during the three preceeding weeks, the identified his old work mate at the morgue. Following that he returned home, got work with ETSA as a line trimmer and the rest is history…Keith was inclined to go off the rails but no fool, being from a family of wiz kids on mum’s Wilson-Wistrand side. When located with his dead son in the briar patch, he had his pencil, eraser and Saturday’s Advertiser crossword to work on. NB: Another id witness name of Salomonson was also staying at the Kapara red cross home in Nov/Dec, 1948.

  912. john sanders on March 22, 2021 at 11:29 am said:

    ….be interesting to know if Keith had been tackling the cryptic puzzle and if he got it out!

  913. milongal on March 22, 2021 at 7:49 pm said:

    Weren’t they different Red Cross homes? I had an idea that at different times Keith was in ones in the inner North East (Klemzig, Hampstead, Enfield etc). Couldn’t really work out why he’d go there – it’s possible that they were considered closest (or best equipped), but I would have expected there to be one at Sempahore – and Henley would have to be a similar distance as Hampstead, you’d think…..
    In between he also visited the RAH and Glenside.

  914. john sanders on March 22, 2021 at 11:01 pm said:

    Kapara in Moseley St. had been operating to receive convalescing WW1 boys after they came home wounded. It was re-vamped in 1940 but much bigger to prepare for the WW2 war neurosis cases that were expected. Keith was certainly there at some point presumably at my stated time and that is evidenced by his making contact with Glenelg police about Carl Thompsen.

  915. milongal on March 23, 2021 at 8:20 pm said:

    From inquest into Clive’s death:
    – Roma introduced as “wife of Keith Waldemar Mangnoson, now a patient in the Mental Hospital Parkside”
    – On his return from his wanderings 11/11 (ie around the 15th Nov 1948) the visiting doctor ordered him to Enfield Receiving Home (presumably at Enfield – Inner NE suburbs)
    – After his discovery with Clive’s body he was referred to RAH for treatment
    – Oct 25 1948 he had been referred to RAH for possible Gall Bladder issue
    – Late ’39/early ’40 he went to Nadda for some wood chopping (‘for about 3 months’)
    – After his Nadda wandering he was taken to Loxton Public Hospital
    – Drs advised he should transfer to RAH (he and his mum journeyed by train – which I misinterpreted in an earlier post). During this time he was nervous and Excitable at any noise.
    – He was then transferred to the Magill Convalescent Home (inner Eastern Suburbs) for a few weeks
    – A Dr there recommended that he be transferred to Enfield as he wasn’t responding to treatment for 3 months
    – From there he was taken ‘home’ to some ‘friends’ on the Alma Plains for a few weeks
    – His AIF service was AFTER this incident and in the Middle East, then Pacific (in between he stayed at Magarey St)
    – His return from the pacific saw him taken to Northfield Military Hospital (Inner North East – I think that’ might be what became Hampstead Rehab (I know that side of Hampstead Rd is Northfield/Northgate (Northgate is a new (<20 years) housing estate and I think that entire area was Northfield before that). That said, the Hampstead Barracks (on Mullers Rd, Greenacres) may have had an on-base hospital.
    – After discharge from the army he returned home to Magarey St and lived there until he got married and moved next door
    – 8 June 1949 he was removed to Parkside Mental

    The above is taken from Wife, Mum and a policeman at the city watch-house. Ida's recollection seems to be quite thorough in terms of which hopsitals/homes he went to – but doesn't mention Kaparra (or anything in the Glenelg area). If I get a chance, I might try to build some of that into a timeline to see if there is any period of time that he might have been able to be in Kaparra – but all of the hospitals and military service are from mid-late 1940…..which doesn't on the face of it seem to leave much time for a stint down Glenelg way.

    (Maybe) Interestingly, Clive's death certificate is for 6th of June – the day Keith was found, even though the attending doctor seemed to suggest Clive had been dead for 24-48 hrs.

    NB: his original wanderings with the lost 20 pound and house plans was on remembrance day 1948 (and for 4 days after) – something I only realised as I was typing the date out myself…

  916. john sanders on March 23, 2021 at 11:39 pm said:

    milongal: Whether Keith was in Kapara red cross or nay is not the point, I merely suggested this in light of his having been in the immediate area when SM died, as indeed was witness Salomonson, substantiated by contemporaneous respective reports to Glenelg Police. All his pre/post war meanderings, military service and later institutionalisations, along with lead up to the sad events of May 1949, plus Mona’s related testimony have been essentially covered on three separate CM threads. Imo recapituation of these events without introducing any new issues for consideration is not going to advance our knowledge one iota. Sorry but I mean it!

  917. john sanders on March 24, 2021 at 5:20 am said:

    Peteb: So what about your old Bondi buddy John Ruffles, who in effect started the whole espionage ball rolling though missing it’s eventual race to the bottom of the harbour. Unrelenting hoards of soviet assassins dressed in hand-me-downs, make believe bedpan nurses, gentleman officers, a treasonous knight of the realm or two and a plodding gaggle of SA’s not so finest just to name a few; what a furtile immagination. Did he ever get to write his promised answer to ‘Atom Spies’ or just continue with his patriotic OHMS deliveries until retirement ..You’ll recall that veteran Journo Ray Burgess worked on an SM special report with him around 1974, well before the in depth interview with Littlemore in ’78 and claimed that honest John worked at Vic. Barracks (?) in some undisclosed military capacity. Yet hear we have him in 1975 dressed to the nines in his PMG kit & Kaboodle for an NAA ten pic filing as if he’d been at the job for years…Perhaps you could get im on the blower to see what gives; tell him you know a cove who was anhialated by his his big brother Ray at White City.

  918. john sanders on March 24, 2021 at 7:44 am said:

    Peteb: Nice little synopsis on Olive’s disclosure to Feltus about her man upstairs. Only one minor point needs attention but not to worry, I’m not about to squeal just yet and I’m sure Gerry will keep his counsel as always. Meantime you’ve got five minutes to change the wording and none of the punters will need know you took advantage of their SM case ignorance.

  919. Peteb on March 24, 2021 at 9:16 am said:

    What have I got to be worried about now, punctuation?

  920. milongal on March 24, 2021 at 7:43 pm said:

    @JS: Sorry, I must have misinterpreted some of the comments, including
    “Salomanson was ALSO there” and
    “Keith was certainly there at some point”

    I read them to imply Keith had actually been admitted to Kapara, not might have wandered nearby at some time. TBH, I don’t even know where “…having been in the immediate area when SM died…” comes from. While I’d be surprised if any Adelaidean hadn’t been near Glenelg at some stage, I can’t find anything to suggest he ever was – at least not in or around 1948.

    And FWIW: I think going back over stuff often triggers new avenues to investigate – it’s sort of what everyone does here, no? Keep revisiting different aspects of the case in the hope that some side-diversion will lead to something new. In any event, I’m happy to dig back into that stuff – even if to find that whatever Mangnoson’s troubles were they had nothing to do with SM.

  921. john sanders on March 24, 2021 at 10:17 pm said:

    Peteb: Never got high grades for punctuation nor spelling for that matter, but in later years name recognition and association were better than average. I don’t ever recall the name Feltus ever beng connected to a latter day interview with Olive Neill about her man upstairs on 31/11/48.

  922. john sanders on March 24, 2021 at 10:33 pm said:

    milongal: Fair enough on possible new leads from recapitulation. I seem to recall that as a fugitive from Parkside/Glenside, Keith was known to have been hanging around Glenelg beach before being subsequently recaptured in the Adelaide foothills near his brother’s house or some such but that was circa. 1950…Brother? Andrew from memory an inventor, eventually went missing from his home at Payneham, never to return and leaving £10,000 in his bank account unclaimed to this day.

  923. john sanders on March 25, 2021 at 5:09 am said:

    Every thing old being new again, a few little rinky dink facts re the Mangnoson clan for digesting at leisure. In the years 1900 through 1973 only a single Mangnoson is mentioned in S&Mc. alphabetical listing, that being I for Ian Andrew George who lived at Campbelltown in 1960 and Eden Hills when he hit the road. But not to worry, ample sufficiency of Magnussons in later twentieth century listings including mention of an unidentified S.C. at 12 Magarey Largs in 1948 and Keith & J. at 26/28 Warwick St. Largs North in 1960 and other newcomers also from Port/Largs district in 1970 with unfamiliar initials. Interesting is the mix and match Mag/Mang name variations plus a double ‘S’ with Magnusson which we’ve discussed in past threads, also that poppa John and mama Ada never cropped up in residency the Sands. Mac. stats.

  924. john sanders on March 25, 2021 at 5:30 am said:

    Peteb: That’s better my man, sometimes it pays to do a little research. Actually I might have to do a little back pedalling myself on a possibly inaccurate critique of Redacted or PeteDavo, the twin GC deep cover agents who cover the alien blog sites.

  925. john sanders on March 25, 2021 at 6:02 am said:

    milongal & Peteb: Actually I really stuffed up with John Salomonson too. Of course it was the as yet un-named witness staying at Kapara rest home who claims to have met fellow veteran JS over a wet one at a Glenelg pub on the Tuesday before informing local cops that he looked like SM. I’m of the opinion that this episode may indeed have been a ruse orchestrated by John Salomonson himself, who came forward voluntarilly to deflect suspicion down the track of his being possibly involved in SM’s suspicious demise. Convicted criminal Salomonson and his wife Audrey had arrived in Adelaide from Blighty the month before and were living a mile or two away in Nth. Brighton…to remind anyone else so interested.

  926. milongal on March 25, 2021 at 8:39 pm said:

    Incidentally, in the inquest (I think the first one – although a lot of statements seem to be reused verbatim for the second) they talk about the bus going to Somerton, not St Leonards (and explicitly talk about SM getting off the bus at 11:44 or 11:48 (I’ll have to double checkk – but it was a fairly specific time). I sort of took this to mean the terminus time (I don’t know how the rest of the world works, but in (most of) Australia buses aren’t timed to every stop. Rather there is a series of “time points” along a route that the bus is “guaranteed”** not to pass before the scheduled time (** theoretically that’s up to the driver but the attitude of the bus companies is “There’s a million reasons for running late, but there is NO EXCUSE for running early” – when I was with TT this came with a threat of dismissal for passing a time point more than a minute early (the pedantic trainers used to drum into us that this meant even stopping a millimetre past the post at a time point – although I’m pretty certain even if someone was monitoring buses they wouldn’t be so pedantic – the most common types of monitoring was “secret shoppers” (which I think I could identify with high accuracy) and visible bean counters at interchanges)). Anyways, so my point is that the specific time probably comes from a time point (or maybe someone’s extrapolation from a time point).

    POinting out the obvious that routing and timetabling have changed since then, let’s have a look at timings on the 263 (the most similar route – noting it starts in King William heading South rather than North Tce heading West).
    A3 (closest corner KW/North Tce): 11:16 NB: Time Point is actually stop 2 King William Road (across from Adelaide oval) where an inbound 252/253/254 changes number
    Stop 11 Anzac Highway (near the Highway Hotel just past Marion Rd): 11:41
    Stop 18 (listed as a guide not a time point for this service): 11:47
    Colley Tce Zone C: 11:52 (Note the 1948 bus would have turned off before this….I forget the exact route, but from memory it wenteither Brighton Road or Gordon/Partridge)
    Stop 28 Whyte St: 11:58

    Assuming consistent timings (a bit of a stretch – I’m sure they’ve been refined over time and adjusted for traffic – although traffic lights would have more impact than traffic in those days – and it’s possible there were fewer stops and/or less allowance for loading) that suggests he alighted before Glenelg. The commonly held story (if we’re considering St Leonards rather than Somerton Bus) is that he would have got off roughly where stop 21B Anzac Highway is these days (I think the stop used to be a block further along – but again I think the Somerton Bus would have turned off before this). This is the stop immediately before the Colley TCE “Interchange” (I’m sure they call it an interchange, even though I suspect it’s just 2 or 3 roadside stops). In any case, the estimated time there is 11:50.

    So if we consider there’s probably more traffic lights than there used to be, and accept that traffic lights have the biggest impact on running times then it’s reasonable to think that the 11:15 bus would be due at Adelphi Tce by 11:44 – and I could believe a time point being wherever the St Leonards and Somerton routes split (which would be near there).
    Equally, you would think there is not enough time to get to Somerton or St Leonards by 11:44.

    It does, however, sort of raise a question on why/how we’ve come up with this time and this location. Is it simply that it’s the closest stop on the St Leonard’s route to Moseley St? Or did the driver/conductor assert at some stage that they definitely had no passengers after that point (I don’t recall reading that anywhere). If you think about it, if the former reason is the cause of this fact, that’s actually a pretty big leap – one of the biggest assumptions in the case to persist this long. This is massive confirmation bias based on:
    1) We know he ended at Somerton Park
    2) We know JH lived in Moseley St
    3) We know he had a ticket from a St Leonard’s bus

    But in even the shortest scenario (i.e. the man on the beach that night was the body the next morning) he’s not at the beach until somewhere around 7PM. So there’s about 7 hours between the bus arriving at Adelphi St and the body being found. To me, that means all bets are off. He would have had time to go almost anywhere (even return to Adelaide and come back if he really wanted to) – so any assumption about him not going to St Leonards or not getting off the bus somewhere well before Glenelg are tenuous.

    Some time ago JS was looking into the idea of him being related to the stables at Morphetville Racecourse – Stop 15 Anzac Highway. We might even be able to clutch at a few straws and put the Henley Train into the frame. I previously speculated that it’s possible (actually this is on my TODO list to follow up) that the Henley, Semaphore and Outer Harbor lines were all ticketed as Henley – they share the same track to Woodville. Beyond Woodville, there’s St Clair. St Clair is a new suburb (maybe last decade or a little longer), and before that suburb was built that station didn’t exist, but there was one just the otherside of Cheltenham parade. This stop was “Cheltenham Racecourse” – and was eventually serviced race days only – the St Clair suburb is the land that used to be the racecourse. It’s also worth considering whether he might have intended to walk from Woodville (about 1.2km), or whether his plan was to transfer at Woodville (possibly buying another ticket – his not short of cash given he ends up buying a bus ticket elsewhere).

    So just sort of wondering whether his travel that day is based around the 2 racecourses (Morphetville and Cheltenham) rather than Glenelg and Henley. For completeness it’s also worth noting that Adelaide’s other reacecourse (Victoria Park) is just East of the city boundary – probably less than 1.5km from Adelaide Railway Station.

    All very speculative and not really evidence based – but we assume that the Henley Ticket relates to Henley and the St Leonards ticket relates to St Leonards – but in reality either of them could relate to any place anywhere along those routes.

    I also remember some link to Grenfell St (maybe related to a hostel – possibly impossibly related (e.g. the EC Johnson link – which turned out to be nothing)?). Just East off King William St along Grenfell is “Harry’s on Grenfell”. This is a 3-tier establishment (I think partially owned by Corey Bernardi’s brother as a fun factoid) with the Wurst and Stein in the Basement (who sell the “Wurst Lager” – don’t try it, it’s just a cleanskin from Lion Nathan), Harry’s Bar on the ground floor, and The Historic Tattersalls on the first floor. This last one celebrates the building’s heritage – it was, after all, the South Australian Tattersall Club – a club devoted to horse racing, and still today there is a variety of racing trophies and memorabilia in cabinets scattered around the dining room (Either there’s some clever photography or it’s recently been renovated because I remember it a lot darker and dingier than the photos I find today).

    I’m reluctant to read too much into the Bookmaker’s Association paying for the funeral – my understanding is it wasn’t uncommon to try to improve image by paying for pauper’s funerals – but it does potentially add an interesting slant. And what better reason to knock someone off and steal their money than for a gambling debt?

    In any event, if JS hasn’t exhausted that avenue, maybe it’s time to revisit what was happening in the Adelaide Horse Racing scene in late 1948.

  927. milongal on March 25, 2021 at 10:45 pm said:

    EDIT: A Lot of this I notice I’ve been over in the past. SO I’ve deleted a lot fo what I was going to include, but apologies if it still seems old hat
    I’m increasingly agreeing with JS’s advice from 2017: ” Don’t give up on this family is what I’m suggesting, they’re hot.”

    Not sure if we’ve crossed this entirely before.
    S McIntyre appears 10 Magarey S&M in 1941
    S.C. Mangnusson appears at 12 in 1944/1945

    But rewind to 1931 (first time Magarey appeats, I think):
    G Mangnonson (Carpenter) (yes it has ‘n’ everywhere)
    same for 32, 33, 34,35
    then 1936-1938: Mangoonson G
    1939: Justice T
    1940-1942L Germeine HCS
    1942 Jeffries CH
    Then our mystery Mangnusson

    So is our garbled Mangnonson/Mangnoonson related or just a bit of a coinky dink?

    There’s aunt/uncle surname SLATER somewhere in the Woods Flat (near Blanchtown North of Radelaide, and West toward Wikerie and the Maggea parts) in the 1930’s when may of them seem to be up there.

    In the 2017 thread I mentioned earlier, you dismiss Ian as not being related. Not sure if this is the Ian you refer to, there’s a DEARMAN-MANGNOSON engagement in 1950 of Pamela of ‘Orontes’ Highbury East to Ian youngest of J Mangnoson Largs Bay – who are married in ’51 and have a daughter Raelene Pamela in 1953

    It did occur to me (And again, apologies if this is old ground), that the ‘C’ in SC might be Clive (not young Clive, obviously, but perhaps he was named for someone).
    I did also consider whether ‘John’ might be some obscure translation of ‘Sven’ (or similar) – but while the two are considered similar in terms of being common and generic (John Doe ~= Sven Svensson apparently), an anglicised version of Sven is more likely Steven or similar – so I think I was barking a long bow on that one.
    NB: When Keith played cricket as a young adult he seemed to get out Caught and Bowled a lot.

  928. john sanders on March 25, 2021 at 10:59 pm said:

    Well tabled and a good model for punters wanting to put the possible SM travel routes and diverse ticketing arrangements to lose any tail perhaps…ITTMT… Interchange Train-Tram Moseley Terminal….Y’never know ?.

  929. milongal on March 26, 2021 at 2:14 am said:

    I’m starting to think J Mangnoson whose house at Swansea is inundated with sand in 1927 might not be old man Mangnoson (unless that was the trigger for the family to move bush to Wood’s Flat?). It’s almost certainly not Magarey St – which didn’t exist that early (although I suppose it could be in a similar location).

  930. john sanders on March 26, 2021 at 4:46 am said:

    Folks desirous of taking TBT’s 5 minute man upstairs test or preceeding Rubaiyat challenge then you’re too late, seems the man down stairs has bolder moves in store.

  931. john sanders on March 26, 2021 at 6:55 am said:

    Might be of some interest to ascertain Keith Mangnoson’s address in Glenelg at the time of his death 28/9/91. Perhaps something to do with the dog that returns to it’s own vomit (no disrespect intended). Kapara comes readily to mind as being suited for a returned man with long record of PTSD.

  932. john sanders on March 26, 2021 at 8:04 am said:

    milongal: Ian Andrew George bn. 1926 is indeed a mystery but a Mangnoson, by birth nonetheless. The alleged seventh and last of Ida’s kids who at 45 she seems a little long in the tooth to have been nursing, especially in that her first, a rather retiring daughter, was born in the previous century..ifn you get my drift. Young Ian never gets a mention in the family album to my knowledge, unlike the other ankle biters apart from a minor hit or two in Trove late 40s. First we really hear of him is his marriage to the shortlived Dearborn lass about 1950 and of course he later becames nominee as account holder for the unclaimed small fortune mentioned. Can’t find him dead anywhere so, as I said an enigma as the saying goes.

  933. john sanders on March 27, 2021 at 8:12 am said:

    Seems to be quite a few third and fourth generation unabased Mangnosons about, mainly in the Adelaide hinterlands and likely to be descendants of Ian & Pamela or Ian’s second marriage, many being quite socially active and well represented in local government, charity circles etc. Some of the family must be familiar with the 1949 trajedy re Keith’s lad Clive with possible connections to our man; so we might need to be on the look out for recent references in some of their on line writings.

  934. john sanders on March 28, 2021 at 12:25 am said:

    An Omnibus: Apropos Gordon’s latest post on the revealing graphics of TS slip’s saturations of micro magic overlays, there are also a number of apparent land feature charts for consideration. I’ve only been able to identify one thus far, it being a map of the far eastern tip of Rio Grande do Norte above Natal. CGC has thoughtfully labeled this one ‘an interesting image above’ but neglected to give actual details. The other four have insufficient cartographic features to identify wit
    apart from one with ‘Tamam Shud’ interposed, but I’m thinking these could be of the well documented Atomic test sites very close to Somerton. If you could you get your AE to give a little more detail as an aid to precise locations, no need for the distracting micro code drivel, that would likely suffice.

  935. Tammy Shud on April 2, 2021 at 12:05 pm said:

    I want to love GC. I really do. He can do some good work at times. But he has this habit of drawing the entirely wrong conclusions from it.

    Witness his latest high tide exploration. I’m willing to buy in and say: yes, this is sufficient evidence that Keane’s body had been lapped by the tide that evening.

    But instead of now shooting at the open goal his dribbling skills have presented,good old GC manages to trip over his own feet while taking an unnecessary leftward jink toward conspiracy territory involving the assumed third man and some Byzantine body-swap plot.

    Oh yes: the open goal? Nixing Pete Bowes’ missing matches ‘gotcha’. They bobbed away on the tide, old son.

  936. Tammy Shud on April 2, 2021 at 6:43 pm said:

    … and the other thing that floated away was probably the biggest spoiler of them all. A little bottle or wrapper that had contained the drug he used to end his pain.

    Who knows? – it might even have had his name on it, like prescriptions do. But of course, we know his name already. And we know the type of drug he used.

  937. john sanders on April 2, 2021 at 10:26 pm said:

    Don’t be disappointed Tammy. Jesus loves us all, even the shonks of this world. Tomorrow, Sunday He’ll be back to prove it…King James said so and he’d be one Pom you could count on to tell the truth if push comes to shove…Somerton Man was known but to God according to his funeral eulogy and I doubt that a chemist would put F KeanJr on a prescription label.

  938. john sanders on April 3, 2021 at 7:25 am said:

    SMUG, through it’s TS truth in reporting task force holds that it can no longer support certain claims relating to the so called ROK code page, namely regarding the first letter of line five vis. I T T M &c., which since 1949 has been continuously misidentified. We hold that as it shows no resemblance at all to an (I) or for that matter a (V) as held by a lesser authority. Of course this decree will not go down well with supporters of the so-called seven count four ‘A’ proposition which, by being reduced to three, may yet retain some of it’s long odd status nonetheless.

  939. Peteb on April 3, 2021 at 10:20 am said:

    Dang! I knew I missed something, thanks podnah.

  940. john sanders on April 4, 2021 at 3:57 am said:

    Peteb: This to renew your faith in lady luck and get a happy ending afterall. By simply counting back the four lines from right to left, you’ll reach the straight A letters with five moves as opposed to seven. Note the overhanging AB on line five being a pro-sign for ABort or nullify, is not therefore part of any count; as with the fourth line crossed 0 (zero not O) insert which would have conversely put a big dampener on the champers party…..So all’s well that ends well and we can leave Dang! to the Vietmanese.

  941. milongal on April 5, 2021 at 8:59 pm said:

    GC’s tides have come up before here, and invariably start an argument between several for us over whether “damp and cold” implies it had been washed by the sea, or whether a body swap (or equivalent) occured (some time between 4:30AM and 6AM – if we believe when the tide peaked).

    Of course, then we deviate into the question of whether the clothes had any salt marks (which are never mentioned if they were there). Dark coloured clothes that see salt water followed by sunshine (“It was unseasonably warm…” the next morning) tend to get white staining (for lack of a better word). Certainly the notion of a partial submerge let’s us speculate that missing evidence (be it bottles or vomit or footprints) washed away with the receding tide.

  942. john sanders on April 5, 2021 at 10:12 pm said:

    milongal: “….and it had been very warm” said Stuart on camera fron the substitute beach stairway in ’78, but lawyers can be careless abiut weather ” unseasonably warm…” (warmer than yesterday) is better though I’d be inclined to use the term ‘seasonbably average’ for the first say of summer…Point taken about likely salt residue bleaching, which is refreshibgly new but matters relating to time and tide must await expert opinion, likes of which can surely be gleaned through auspices of GC’s new accredited man John,

  943. john sanders on April 6, 2021 at 4:58 am said:

    Guess I’ve mentioned never having been impressed by GC’s Wittners 204B shoes having been hand made by a Bulgarian refo from Melbourne, nor am I a big fan of the lustre shine they bore as mentioned by the Coroner (?) some months after having been exposed to GC’s lately conceded big tidal serge and/or other dulling influence on the day. It’s seems quite within reason that the Somerton Man’s clothes, including his only pair of shoes had by that stage been seen to by the undertaker in readiness for his upcoming burial. Of course it’s not out of the question that the Coroner’s man Scan had borrowed the brown brogues for an outing, then dutifully shined them. Perhaps the later remark about the toe lustre was made tongue in cheek for fun…NB: Gordon made note that both the shoes and Stamina Crusaders were made in Melbourne. Perhaps the footware, though there’s no doubt that Stamina/Marco brand of NSW never farmed out their pants with the unique fob pockets. Both Feltus and the Victorian detectives of the day identified with Wilson Co. of Footscray for the up market Crusader herring bone weave Stamina duds. Leane mentioned the spare Marco pants being strangely of a different design as Marco elastostraps and Stamina exactofits are identical but for weft variation and the label.

  944. milongal on April 6, 2021 at 9:03 pm said:

    Sort of talked about salt staining and weather previously**, I think……it might be a small point, but I would expect to hear about it if it was there. Somewhere there is a site (I think it’s worldtimeanddate dot com) where I’ve previously found tide data – it peaked at 4:35 from memory – but from memory that would have been measure at Glenelg or Noarlunga. So we’ll see what the tide guy comes up with.

    As you might know, I’ve always had a problem with “it had been unseasonably warm”. 1/12 was a warm morning and day (as you point out, being the first of Summer you would argue it wasn’t “unseasonable”), but 30/11 was quite a mild day.
    There’s 2 things problematic about that
    1) People put a lot of weight on SM being overdressed for such a warm day – but he was dressed for the cooler 30th Nov, not 1st Dec.
    2) Gordon and Olive went to the beach “….because it had been warm”. That simply doesn’t ring true. I think in the whole month of November there had been 2 days around 30C (I’ll have to double check). I forget whether this was something introduced by Littlemore, or if their original statements said as much.

    **Previous rants re seasons and salt

    NB: In revisiting those, I seem to have asserted that Gordon’s comments about the temperature were from the 1959 inquest (I’ll double check that, because I thought his testimony in ’59 was copied from ’49 not re-testified)

  945. peteb on April 7, 2021 at 9:03 am said:

    The envelopes, the great big bloody envelopes! For what?
    Sir Hubert, arise once more, be our Moby Dick.

  946. Tamara Bunke on April 7, 2021 at 10:03 am said:

    Peter Bergmann, one of the closest modern analogues to Keane, likely sent a series of letters on the day prior to his death. In his case, he paid for worldwide postage stamps and was given airmail stickers with them. The letters were never traced.

    Did Keane simply buy the envelopes in order to send his final farewells, perhaps including items that would require a larger envelope? Things like documents, photographs, etc.

    Had Keane simply sent everything he was going to send? He just had a few envelopes left over?

  947. john sanders on April 7, 2021 at 10:41 am said:

    Peteb: Let me be your slick dick; just to remind you that the big bloody envelopes were likely used for posting the not so ruddy big 7d copies of 1941 issue W&C – C&F Rubaiyats to pals or rels on the west coast of the US for Xmas (says J.B.C.). Proof being that they came free for the very purpose, as advertsed and you know what?…the dimensions were spot on.

  948. Peteb on April 7, 2021 at 11:54 am said:

    So who addresses a letter in pencil? The bloke had SIX of them and no pen … This is all seriously out of order.

  949. Peteb: six H pencils, surely you know that?

  950. milongal on April 7, 2021 at 10:00 pm said:

    If you send your final farewells, how come noone came forward having received them? Further, why why are the rest of the envelopes in the suitcase – if you’re know you won’t need them, why not leave them where you wrote the letters or dump them?
    If we entertain the suicide theory for a second (which I think I’ve been clear in the past doesn’t make sense to me for a whole host of reasons) why bring a suitcase to Adelaide at all? Is it because he wants to be in his Sunday best but doesn’t want to wear it on the train (all the normal disclaimers about assuming he caught the train)? But why the other suitcase contents? Was it 5 ties? Had he not decided which tie he was going to wear? Why 6 handkerchiefs? Dressing gown? Why any of the stuff that isn’t clothes? You could argue this was all his worldly belongings (or something) – but then you have to look at what’s missing (e.g. the socks that always come up).
    (inserting normal caveats again – especially assuming the suitcase was his, and was left at the station by him) At the time he packed the suitcase he doesn’t seem to have been planning his final journey. And I think there’s even a question as to why he would check the luggage if he was hoping to disappear. Why not leave it on the train? On the platform? On the bus? ANYWHERE. It seems a wasted effort to check the suitcase (especially given his limited timeline) if he wasn’t planning to come back. Doesn’t it?

  951. john sanders on April 7, 2021 at 10:39 pm said:

    Could’ve done the addresses with stencil “Xmas Greetings from Somerton Beach from Unknown Man” he certainly had the kit for it and just the right size for it.

  952. Peteb on April 8, 2021 at 6:43 am said:

    One thing you can be reasonably sure of, Milongal, is that he had no home address, everything he owned was in his bag.

  953. Tamara Bunke on April 8, 2021 at 6:53 am said:

    @milongal take a look at the Bergmann M.O. You could ask very similar questions about his actions. And yet he was a suicide. He has never been identified (Bergmann is the false name he used). Letter recipients never came forward. His behaviour leading up to his death appears suspicious. His remaining belongings “made no sense”.

    With respect, the questions “why…?” that you ask with regard to details (ties, socks) are evidence of a kind of narrative thinking where everything has to have a reason and every reason would (if ascertainable) be significant. This is also the downfall of the likes of Pete Bowes and Gordon Cramer, who consider the “solution” to lie in the “gotcha” of a single fact (matches, trousers, little writing, etc.).

    Episode 3 of the recent BBC Radio 4 series on conspiracy theories (I think called ‘Conspiracies: Secret Knowledge’) explains this really well. I think it is accessible world wide.

    It is here in Vallegrande, anyway.

  954. Peteb: apart from the socks? :-p

    I’m not convinced that the suitcase had all his earthlies, but that’s perhaps a debate for another day.

  955. Peteb on April 8, 2021 at 7:41 am said:

    Today will do me. I’ve got less birthdays.

    A bloke who packs six ties doesn’t leave much behind.

  956. john sanders on April 8, 2021 at 8:44 am said:

    Nickpelling: With respect, another day to some of us weary sleuths might lie in the lap of the gods, similar to the chances of an end of journey lucky breakthrough. ….Considering that neither Peter Bergmann or the Isdal lass were known to be into ciphercoding as Somerton Man appears to have been, I think we should put them on hold to your suggested ‘another day’ subject for debate category. That might give our seniors a little time to get their papers in order, time perhaps for the old wacky theorists to have a final shot at the more elusive SM goal and Glory.

  957. Tamara Bunke on April 8, 2021 at 12:29 pm said:

    @Sanders The Isdal Woman left a cipher behind. It’s never been conclusively unbuttoned, although it looks like a simple list of location “codes”. And as others – recently including Pete – have correctly pointed out elsewhere, Keane’s association with a ciphertext is not established at all. The Rubaiyat may never have been in his possession.

  958. milongal on April 8, 2021 at 9:29 pm said:

    So Pete, everything he had was in a suitcase, yet he wasn’t hard up for it – he trivially changed travel plans from train to bus (or something) without seeking a refund on the train ticket (even if SAR weren’t prepared to refund the ticket, surely the clerk would remember someone arguing the point?). I guess maybe at this point he’s decided he ain’t gonna need the coin where he’s going – but if it’s all planned so meticulously, why does he have the spare coin to do it – and why bother changing transport? Is Somerton a better beach to die on than Henley?
    If we assume suicide, then we assume noone tampered with evidence (other than possibly someone flogging his wallet and hat or something). This means the Henley and the St Leonards tickets were bought by him. But why the change in travel plans if he’s just going to die? Because he wanted to meet someone first and he had their address wrong? Maybe, but doesn’t that seem a bit odd (which I’ll happily elaborate into a rant if you want and/or disagree that’s odd).

    As per my original (and Nick’s reiteration of same) – if that’s all he owns, how come he has multiple ties and zero socks…..surely you’d expect the opposite – someone to have multiple socks and few ties.

    Maybe his socks are still in the laundry….

    @Tamara – I take your point to some degree (and though I’ve heard it mentioned occasionally, I’m not overly familiar with Bergmann). Nonetheless, there’s a whole load of reasons I find the suicide a difficult pill to swallow – from carefully hiding the slip the was either meant to remind you or alert investigators that this is the end, to the peculiar nature of the poison disappearing (from memory the analysts concluded that if he had been poisoned it COULDN’T have been by mouth – which would surely be the most likely way to self-administer) – and where is whatever receptacle the poison came in?
    Granted, it’s difficult to imagine what a suicidal person is thinking and/or why they do the things they do – and granted after the fact we are prone to make assumptions based on ‘complete’ pictures we can see that may not have been obvious. And we suffer from confirmation bias with ‘most every theory we came up with etc….but there’s not much point looking into and speculating on stuff if we’re happy with “it is what it is”. The whole reason people get fascinated with SM and similar mysteries is because we want to make some sense of the why’s and how’s (and to that end, even if someone comes up with seemingly conclusive proof of who he was and how he died there will be people who will continue to deny and find holes in it).
    So (perhaps paradoxically) we either accept that “it is what is” and leave it there, or we speculate that “this is solvable” and start analysing from any and every direction – which basically presumes not just that the mystery on the whole is explicable, but that there is also an explanation for every minutia (and we tend to miss the idea that all of us have our quirks and probably do stuff which to an outsider analysing our activities might be baffling).
    So for the time being (to quote (or possibly paraphrase) Adam Savage’s shirt) “I reject your reality, and substitute my own”.

  959. john sanders on April 8, 2021 at 10:56 pm said:

    Peteb: Yep. Five ties, six snot rags, five pair of underdaks (one slightly soiled ?), gown & skippers. Make shift tool kit with knife, scissors, brush and dual purpose screwdriver. Shaving kit including cut-throat razor with strop, brush and dish for lathering….All a travelling man might need one might think; but not quite right, because apart from no extra sox which we might put down to other forces being involved, he didn’t have a can or crown seal bottle opener, a mirror for shaving or a magnifing glass for firing up on the track, nor a waterproof pouch or a poncho for inclement weather. Some of these items would be as indispensable as writing material one might expect but not so our feller.

  960. john sanders on April 8, 2021 at 10:59 pm said:

    @Bunke: Your putting us off our game, also playing divide and conquor which is only barely noticeable y’hear?

  961. peteb on April 9, 2021 at 2:33 am said:

    Tamara … Keane’s association with a ciphertext has been long established.

  962. john sanders on April 9, 2021 at 3:31 am said:

    For those caught off guard, self included; It does seem certain that we now have consensus/quorum on a confirmed surname in Keane and a fair assortment of initials/number ie. F T L I J & 7 for the invalidated Unknown Man. A digitalised two l two dimension face compupic made to order by a renowned ‘make up artist’, plus two almost true to life assimillies generated by photo touch up and a death mask plaster cast ommissioned by police in the day. Of course Mr. Keane’s trade and calling, being most likely involved in the second hand motor trade seems to be agreed on by the big names of the case, bar one whose abject rejection might be result of a manic obsessive disorder developed from overexposure to spy films.

  963. john sanders on April 9, 2021 at 1:37 pm said:

    @Tamara Bunke: Sincere apologies and congratulations are in order. By electing the clever ploy of comparing Peter Bergmann and the Isdal woman with our very own Somerton Man, you may just have made the case for plausable suicide, if you know what I mean? It never really dawned on me that the three were typecast personaties with visions of grandure that must end with such grim finality, if their ultimate aims were to be fulfilled. I once had a like experience with a perp who tried to have us believe he was part of an espionage sting operation in which he was key to it’s success. The guy spent 12 years complaining to authorities of his ligitimacy, about our interfering in clandestine operations and committing offences against GC’s non existant Australian Official Secrets Act. Give him credit, he never gave us a clue as to who he was or where he came from. Reason most likely being that he was living the same lie as Messrs. Keane, Bergmann, the Isdal wonan and a host of others with similar traits…There but for the Grace might well go we right?…

  964. Tamara Bunke on April 9, 2021 at 8:35 pm said:

    @Sanders … not sure what you’re trying to say, old chap. Try again for us foreigners, would you?

  965. john sanders on April 9, 2021 at 10:52 pm said:

    @ Bunk … Solving crimes like the Somerton Beach mystery depend to a great degree on trying to understand and overcone evidentiary quirks that don’t fit any of the usual patterns ie., where human nature such as predictability, motivation and passion form part of a solution. I’m thinking that SM and others of his typeset concentrated on pol8ce frailties and planned their departures well ahead thereaby confounding investigators through laying false trails just as a Go player might. SM may just have been the best in the business, but technological advances may yet prove his downfall.

  966. john sanders on April 10, 2021 at 6:42 am said:

    Following results of testing of three bust hairs, Nick Pelling came to the conclusion that the original owner had become used to a diet of canned fish in the weeks before death. Whilst conceeding that the hairs could be from a mortuary occupant including our unknown man, other more likely sources came to mind eg., the ferral West Terrace cats, no doubt well used to canned sardine scraps, as an alternative to suspicious tidbits lying about the mortuary. So let’s suppose it had been a lone traveller like SM afterall, an itinerant who survived, even thrived for extended periods on Safcol canned Australian salmon at a few pence a tin, much cheaper than bon ton chop shop fare in 1948 Adelaide. Only problem being is that steel cans of that era were not self opening and I can’t recall there being either a ration pack P38 opener, a handy little army folding KFS utensil set, nor a two in one S&P shaker, the odd tea bag or even a billy for water, all standard travel kit for on the wallaby loners of the immediate post war era. One thing our man did have which was of absolutely no use to him was a fancy little Greens pocket lighter that he had in his Keane suitcase, minus fluid or flints.

  967. John Sanders: I have not the faintest idea what fishy conspiracy theory you’re on about here, so I’m pretty sure it’s not one of mine. :-/

  968. john sanders on April 10, 2021 at 8:34 am said:

    Nick Pelling: How soon we forget the things that we’d like to. Do you not recall some time back, putting a question to our resident scientific expert of that time, words to the effect of, “in South Australia circa 1948 what kinds of non fresh seafood might have been available, presumably cans?”. The question arose as a consequence of results on tests of hair taken from a plaster cast by Derek Abbott’s students. It was considered most likely that SM had eaten fish containing high levels of certain metals (stronium?) in the period prior to is death, hence your ‘Lead in the Somerton Man’s Hair’ thread….which I just happened to be talking about in my last post, interfused with a bit of missing kit to spark up a dull subject.

  969. John Sanders: good catch, I’d completely forgotten the whole strontium thing.

  970. john sanders on April 10, 2021 at 1:09 pm said:

    Nick: Not a problem. We all have our moments and it is a fact that you have more to dwell on than moi. You’re still doing a Stirling job of work in my estimation..

  971. john sanders on April 11, 2021 at 10:58 am said:

    Peteb: Good to see you’ve given old Alfred a pass though not before time. You’ll recall it was poor Alfred who copped the blame for burning the scones and he’s been the prime suspect for every wrongdoing ever since. That was around a thousand years before the Voynich Manuscript and an hundred or so before Canterbury Tales.

  972. milongal on April 11, 2021 at 8:28 pm said:

    Where are the cats getting sardines from on West Terrace?
    From the Elephant and Castle?
    Perhaps they wandered up Grote St to the Central Markets where The Cappo and Angelakis brothers fight for control of SA’s seafood (I’m sure there was at least one more fisher family there too).

    NB: A quick google suggests Angelakis wasn’t around ’til the 1960’s – and while Cappo seafood existed, not sure whether it would have been at the Central market

  973. milongal on April 11, 2021 at 9:26 pm said:

    Cappos 1948 were in Port Pirie (I’d associate fishing with Port Lincoln rather than Pirie – but could be that mussels or some other seafood attracted them to Pirie….) and in Grote St with premises related to “Cappo” at 16, 28 & 128. I remember them having a shop opposite the markets near #28 in the 80/90s (I thought it was a couple of shops further West), before they moved to their current premises within the Adelaide Central Market.

    (Although I think I’ve digressed to stuff that’s totally unrelated) Interestingly Pirie at the moment has a seafood contamination problem (google: Port Pirie Fishing and look for the SAHealth advice) which begins:
    “Sediments in the Port Pirie River estuary and parts of Germein Bay near Port Pirie are contaminated with lead and other metals after more than 100 years of smelter operation. There is no safe level of lead exposure. Lead can be harmful to your health, particularly for young children and pregnant women. Eating seafood caught in the Port Pirie River estuary and nearby waters may be a source of lead exposure, which together with other sources of lead exposure around Port Pirie, will contribute to elevated blood lead levels. There are precautions you can take to prevent this source of lead exposure.”

    NB: Sadly through overfishing and prawn-trawling and other things I think a lot of SA seafood stocks have dried up – I know in recent history (last lustrum to decade) the Torrens Island Markets went from having several regular fishing boats on a Sunday dropped to 2 and possibly then none at all – But that’s in the Gulf of St Vincent rather than Spencer Gulf.

  974. milongal on April 11, 2021 at 9:37 pm said:

    NB (aka SPAM3): I notice with some amusement they refer to Trumpeter’s nickname “shitties” (this is what we used to call them, and I assume it’s because they are considered by many to be “shit” – they have a lot of bone to pick through).

    Thay also refer to Australian Herring (formerly Tommy Ruff – as they point out) and Australian Salmon – which I think is actually the white-flesh “Salmon Trout” (I know it’s strange that that’s a combination of the names of 2 orange flesh fish) rather than actual Salmon (it’s very similar looking to Tommy Ruff but has yellow spots on the outside and the fins are more yellow).

    All of that said, most of the above comes from being an “expert” fisherman in my teens – not actual fisheries knowledge, and it’s possible my older siblings (who were even more “expert” than me didn’t know what they were talking about). In any event from the metro jetties (usually Semaphore, occasionally Henley or Grange) we would usually bring back Tommy Ruff and Salmon Trout (and occasionally squid and sand crabs) – but there were some occasions when a large number of shitties seemed to be around as well. So they’re 3 fish I’m pretty familiar with (very occasionally we would also catch a Flathead, Whiting or (when we used floats) Garfish).

  975. john sanders on April 11, 2021 at 10:42 pm said:

    milongal: Perhaps I overstepped the mark when half jokingly suggesting feline hairs in SM’s bust. The idea came to being as an alternative to general acceptance that the three or four protruding hairs came from the deceased and not from some alternative source such as dogs, cats or horses or other clients of the West Terrace mortuary. Actually my bringing on the subject derived from an old thread suggesting that our man’s diet in the weeks before 1/12/48 might well have been made up of canned fish in above average proportions which I found intriguing at the time.

  976. john sanders on April 12, 2021 at 8:55 am said:

    ….Operative word being ‘canned’ as in fish and linked to raised levels of lead or strontium in a couple of the back hairs plucked from the plaster cast of a man described by pathologist Dwyer as being not so hairy. Anyhow back in 1948 your average Aussie navvy, such as urban shovel men or in our case grave diggers typically lunched on easy to carry, easy to eat and easy to serve King Oscar style sardines from Norway. As a matter of interest I remember from my youth, a great time honoured method of feline erradication without to much fuss or danger to endangered species, but agonisingly painful to the erradicatee, involved cheap cans of fish, a piece or two of split lead shot a little patience and ear plugs. I can recall that council park rangers used it to get rid of magpies, snakes biting pests and other beasties such as ferrral cats, swaggies and camping gypsies from about late spring. And wasn’t it suggested that Somerton man could have purchased his 7d bus ticket as far west from town as Anzac Highway turn off, along West Terrace near the old cemetery…. Just a thought, nothing to get excited about Peteb et al.

  977. milongal on April 12, 2021 at 8:39 pm said:

    Re the 7d ticket you’re right.
    Adelaide’s current system (which by the sound is not *quite* the same) is sectioned**. I think they claim each section is on average 1.3km but in any event it’s a small handful of stops on most routes. For most commuters the sections mean nothing – because they travel on a 2hr “3-zone” (they no longer have zones, but for historical reasons the tickets used to have a Z3 on them – and last time I was down Port Adelaide way there was still at least 1 sign I saw indicating a zone change. These days they probably refer to it as a “singletrip” or “transfer” ticket). Anywho, the whole of the CBD (bus stops labelled letter-number rather than just number or number-letter) is “Section 1”. My (admittedly limited) understanding of SM’s time is that travelling from Section 1 was a more expensive fare, and that the price changed once you left the city. The current section change is stop J1 – near the corner of West Tce and Gilbert St – out the front of the Elephant and Castle (whose publican was a pallbearer, from memory).

    Deviating WAY off course as per normal, some cross town routes are a bit confusing with Sections – the Port Adelaide to Tea Tree Plaza services (360 & 361) used to go from Section 10 to Section 16 but overlapped several other routes in different directions (237 would have been Westbound on parts of Grand Junction Rd (from Valley View) but eventually heading up Churchill Rd to the city, while 25x buses (originally 253,255 later 252, 254 as well) would have been Eastbound from Port Adelaide toward Hanson Road and on to the city – so some of the signs were misleading about what section the bus was in – because it usually showed the section for the city services (the numbering of the stops on Grand Junction Rd was weird too – from memory at least one stop number was repeated 3 times) – although at one stage multiple sections might have been shown on a sign.

    In any event, my understanding is that boarding a bus in the city cost 7d, boarding a bus in the suburbs cost 6d. And by the sound of it at least at the change of price the conductor would make a note on what ticket sequence they were up to (although I suppose there’s no reason this couldn’t wait until they reached the terminus).

    **Since writing this, I looked up some timetables and it looks like sections no longer exist on AdelaideMetro…..I’m guessing that’s happened in the last lustrum.

    I was going to point you to a timetable for the 263 (current Anzac highway route), but as I said I’ve now noticed sections no longer exist – however if you’ve nothing better to do, get on google maps and look up Gilbert St, then using streetview wander back along West Tce past the bus stop and turn around. The post for the bus stop has a yellow sign, with a blue bit on top. In the blue bit there are two triangles with “section” in between them. The top one points upward and has a ‘2’ in it – indicating you’re entering Section 2, and the bottom one is ‘1’ and indicates downward (leaving Section 1).

  978. john sanders on April 12, 2021 at 10:58 pm said:

    milongal: Picked up the bus stop near Glibert St. next to E & C pub opposite the West Terrace cemetery entrance. The next stop north between Alfred & Gouger is quite obviously a city section fare (7d). It brings to mind this is where Maisie, Tom Handel Nelson and the billy lids would have caught the bus to and from their unit which was right about there. Amazing!

  979. milongal on April 14, 2021 at 8:56 pm said:

    From memory there was a Kean that lived further up West Tce (maybe near Currie St). have to double check, but have Margaret in my mind….

  980. john sanders on April 15, 2021 at 9:25 am said:

    On Saint Nick’s day 6/12/18 the seventy year SM post, I dropped my bombshell on the mysterious disappearance in ’47 or ’48 of a pair of German friends who had landed by ship from London in ’39 from to entertain Tivoli goers with their gay trapeze act. Due to outbreak of war soon after, they spent six years travelling about from state to state with Wirth Circus and were last officially located at Albert Park, Melbourne where their citizenship applications were approved. I went to the expence of pulling their respective files from NAA (Arno Kohler & Felix Slawinski) and it is quite evident, even from the limited contents that they were scammed, likely murdered by Melbourne market mafia and their identities converted to obtaining Australian Passports and the like for big bickies.

    I’d almost forgotten that at some stage during my interest in this intriguing case (it leaves SM in the shade imo), I had obtained the given address of Adelaide port arrivals from Germany in 1954 of two passengers of the identical names above mentioned, the former being accompanied by a wife and child. 39 (A) Devon St. Goodwood, next to the Glenelg tram line dep. terminus to be precise. Because any links to our SM case were, by then considered tenuous at best, I put the file away for at best a rainy day. Today along with the first downpour of the wet season, using my newfound skills with the SA S&Mc. search facility, I inexpertly sought to checked out said address ranging from 1946 through 1957. I thus received the news I expected, no trace of our shipboard buddies, the connected names of tennants being long term and decidedly Australian in flavour.

    Some years back, I put all the details on both Arno and Felix through all indices I could think of and so did manage to track the impersonators through voting enrollment records around Sydney for Arno and Melbourne for Felix. One was buried in Rookwood as a Lutheran (not Jewish) in 1986? and t’other at Altona in 1979, having died of a cerebral haemorage in an assylum at 63 years (Felix was born in 1903 so should have been 76). Neither seem to have had families at the time of their passing so who knows what happened to Arno’s wife ‘E’ and child aged two in ’54. As I said, a very intriguing set of affairs which undoubtedly points to all sorts of duplicity going on in the post war years and who knows how many were murdered to enable others to re settle with stolen identities and where are the bones. Perhaps Somerton Man himself was a victim of the black hand villains.

  981. john sanders on April 15, 2021 at 11:27 am said:

    …All the handwriting experts out there, Misca/nada being one that comes to mind from her Thomas Leonard Keane signature comparisons, then feast your eyes on the contrast between Arno Kohler’s (sic) copperplate job of 1939 and the Italian style imposter of 1947. Similar but d8fferent deal with Felix though, his own fancy 1939 signature apparently not even attempted in 1945, his citizenship certificate having being signed by some bimbo named Teresa Caldera bn. 1909 Italy. I was able to trace her from arrival by ship in the mid thirties, nominating an Innisfail black hand relative’s farm for place of intended residence, though in 1946 she was in Sydney then Melbourne and gone. I might have picked her up years later at rest though not at all sure.

  982. john sanders on April 15, 2021 at 10:19 pm said:

    Teresa Cordera gets three mentions in Australian Security/Intelligence records along with her relatives from Nth Qld. who were interned at Loveday POW during the war and it may have been a twin sister Michele who died in custody from illness in 1943. Some records have her buried in Murchison Victoria and some at Centenial Park. This same family, or parts of it settled in Adelaide post war and at least two are listed amongst the Centenial interments, so it might be of intetest to ascertain where abouts they were domociled and their occupations.

  983. milongal on April 15, 2021 at 10:20 pm said:

    Very minor/pedantic (if nothing else to prove I was listening) re ” next to the Glenelg tram line dep. terminus ” – I don’t think that’s right – I assume you mean “next to the Goodwood flyover”. Goodwood is halfway up the line, and isn’t a terminus (it was until the late 19th/early 20th century, and *might* have had a terminating line there a little later, but not sure it would’ve still been there in ’54.

    Also what does the “dep” mean? I was originally going to say the depot isn’t (and AFAIK never has been) at Goodwood (It was a Tram Barn in Angas St until the mid ’80s at which point it was moved to a new location behind Morphetville Racecourse on Morphett Rd).

  984. john sanders on April 16, 2021 at 6:57 am said:

    Teresa Cordera was single when she was granted citizenship in ’47, whilst some other Corderas from the same region of Italy in 1954 got theirs in ’57 and ’59, the family settling in Adelaide around Prospect and Enfield Hts. I think Teresa of the blackhander extortion mob must have returned home to get in on the increasing demand for Australian entry docs. amongst her fellows.

  985. john sanders on April 16, 2021 at 7:46 am said:

    milongal: Since the 1800s there has been some form of important direct tramline connection between Goodwood and Glenelg but exactly what transpired after the tram/rail gauge change and separation in ’27 who knows. What can be said is that the Goodwood terminus, interchange, call it as you will, has always been a key line crossing and link up for any number of suburban services including Glenelg; still is if one cares to check the available on line grid layouts. PS dep stands for depot in my jargon and a bit lax on my part I’ll own.

  986. john sanders on April 16, 2021 at 12:47 pm said:

    Peteb: Nice to see you picked up on my ode to HRH Sir Phil the Duke, no body else did. You’re plagiarisation is not word perfect of course but neither is the original RLS gravestone epitaph in Samoa. Well spotted, though of course Alf Boxal was not a man into hunting so far as we’re aware so more power to you. Could have ended it with “Home is the soldier, home from active service” but that don’t fit the bill right?

  987. Peteb on April 17, 2021 at 7:15 am said:

    Some days everything falls into place.

  988. john sanders on April 17, 2021 at 9:08 am said:

    A worthwhile mission for anybody keen on digging up a bit of old dirt under the cover of historical research might like a trip in the old KIA to Brisbane where former ASIO vice chair, Robert Wake’s diaries, operational and personal papers including those connected with his secret ‘O Group’ at the Parafield air show in November ’48, lie in wait. They can be accessed at University of Queensland library Fryer collection reading room, by appointment and I’m betting there are many more golden nuggets to be found amongst the big fella’s ‘The Case’ papers of ’49 than there ever was to be found in a dead man’s suitcase found abandoned in Adelaide Station restroom? about that time. I’ve always intended to do the research myself but unfortunately intervening events will not make it possible any time in the foreseable future, I therefore reluctantly cede all rightful claims on the said Wake/Augenson treasure trove forthwith..

  989. john sanders on April 17, 2021 at 11:01 am said:

    Peteb: And so it should, though the same can’t be said for our SM Leader. Feller has more brave, clean living Kean suspects et al, sadly dieing on his watch then is fair to be sure. Must’ve trod on a leprechaun’s big toe at some time in his crooked past.

  990. john sanders on April 17, 2021 at 2:37 pm said:

    Lets try to fathom this little doosey. Harold North, senior porter, attested that the unknown suitcase owner deposited same with cloakroom attendant R. (no first name) Craig between 11am and midday, after presumably bathing at a nearby hotel or the city baths. Mr. West could not attend at the inquest due to annual leave taking priority over the Coroners subpoena to witness. Unfortunately Harry, who was 65 and had been employed by SA Rail since who knows when had no idea of times for two key arrivals in the Broken Hill express or the Overlander from Melbourne. He could not have been unaware of ablution facilities including hot showers and shaving basins being the norm on board such blue riband trains in that era, negating any need to alternate facilities on arrival. To those who are not in the picture now will never accept that the whole cloakroom deal was a sham I’m deeply sorry. I hope to convince others that the ruse was to overcome problems with arrival times and to satisfy the bogus suitcase drop off along with ability to catch the 11.15 bus to St. Leonards on time and cover a few other bits in need of substantiating fir effect. Proof of old Harry’s contrivance, possibly under duress with who ever mastered the scheme will never be known. Our head porter Harry North conveniently died in ’49 soon after he testified, though I’m not able to say specifically what date for that detail is strangely not available through my sources. Could it be that one of the regularly nominated hit squads took him out; GRU, MI6, OSS, ASIO or even MMM (Mebourne Market Mafia); Go ahead and make my day.

  991. john sanders on April 18, 2021 at 3:53 am said:

    Forget my Mr. West, he had naught to do with Adelaide cloakroom and Harold North’s related deposition at the inquest in June ’49. In fact if the named attendant R. Craig turns out to be Ralph (Feltus), there are no military or S.A. geni records for him. I do recall a chap with that name attending some SAR course at Port Augusta around 1929 but Trove is not what it used to be. By the way, it seems that Harry North’s pergured testimony may have caught up with him earlier than expected for he succumbed on 14th July ’49.

  992. john sanders on April 18, 2021 at 7:27 am said:

    A bit of previous research brought to light a true story of the body of an infant being found in a suitcase left at the railway station cloakroom one month prior to it’s gruesome discovery. The Adelaide Advertiser story of November ’47 follows that, in line with Victoria State railway cloakroom regulations, a deposited item, not having been collected within one month of it’s ticketed stowage date, must then be delivered to the nearest railway lost property office for contents checking and subsequent disposal accordingly. I might point out that the incident in question was not at Adelaide station but in Melbourne the next main one over the border but you can be almost sure that cloakroom storage time policy would be similar.

    In the matter of our so called Somerton Man suitcase, it apparently remained untouched for six weeks, a bit of a delay according to the rules, though with due credit when Harry North realised a similar situation may be at hand as with the dead baby, he summoned a duly appointed railway doctor to conduct the initial inspection and overseen apparently by a constable. Then we can get back on track with events from handover of the suitcase to Det. Leane on 14th January and the rest is simply ancient and mostly contentious history. PS I don’t believe for a minute witness North’s explanation of the ticket time punch clock not being set to record the exact time.

  993. milongal on April 18, 2021 at 8:39 pm said:

    @JS: Craig – any ancestor to Neil Craig who played for Norwood, Sturt and North Adelaide through the 70s and 80s (and captained SA’s state of origin side at one stage, I think) and later coached Adelaide Crows (and very briefly Melbourne)?

    Regarding the suitcase (playing Devil’s Advocate as ever), that’s always been a nagging thing in my mind – at what point do items in a cloakroom become lost property? Gotta say, though, even when policy is “every month” that lazy implementation could easily see that slip to longer – especially if they check on a particular day of the month for “all items that have been there longer than a month”. Suppose they check on the 15th of the month then on 15th December that suitcase has been there less than a month, and it won’t be until 15th January that it will be identified as lost property. In fact, what if it was the Railway peeps and not Leane that flagged the suitcase?
    Also, we don’t actually know that the suitcase wasn’t already considered lost property by that point – do we?

    BTW: I chose the 15th because it was halfway through the month – not because the discovery was on the 14th (which I didn’t realise at the time). Transport – especially rail – is highly time managed (even regimented) and they would likely plan to spread different activities throughout the month – so the the first and/or last are not much busier days than the others (people in IT might recognise similar efforts to not schedule regular tasks all at the same time – so in a busy cron you’ll see scripts scheduled for seemingly random intervals). So while I’m not going to assert “This is how it was…” in terms of identifying lost property, a policy of “monthly” could quite easily be implemented in a way where it was possible for as many as 58-61 days (almost 9 weeks) to pass before property is deemed lost.

  994. john sanders on April 18, 2021 at 10:23 pm said:

    @milongal: Reg Craig the cricketer who captained Sth Australia before and after he stepped up to the crease for war service, was a handy right handed batsman and a right leg break googly bowler of some note. T’was born Adelaide in 1916 and after puting his bat and ball away settled at Walkers Flat. Don’t know if he was related to Neil Craig of Norwood et al but he does not appear to have had any close links to Ralph Craig of no fixed abode, the ace SAR Cloakroom man who was conveniently absent for court attendance in June ’49 ‘and we don’t know where he are’.

  995. milongal on April 23, 2021 at 11:13 pm said:

    Apparently Saturday Advertiser reports SM to be exhumed (I’ve not read the article, just heard from elsewhere)….checking if it’s behind a paywall (normally that sort of thing would be, I think)

  996. milongal on April 23, 2021 at 11:15 pm said:

    Google returns a headline, but it’s subscriber only (might see if I can find a paper here here)

  997. john sanders on May 10, 2021 at 11:43 am said:

    Seems a few of the Tibor Kaldor punters are having another crack of the whip, trying to building his case to accommodate perceived links to SM, tha it will cause friction in various camps as to ownership is understandable. Far as I can see he was Clive’s baby at the start and even now that he has changed allegences, that should not deprive him from the intellectual rights attached to original discovery. I was just musing on the co-incidental aspect of T.K.’s suitcase(s) going missing with the discovery of his body (Errol Canney and Hec Gollan(?) on 14/1/49 and the long delayed discovery of the Keane suitcase on that very same day date.

  998. john sanders on May 10, 2021 at 11:49 am said:

    No, my blunder with the dates for Tibor’s day of passing was a full month before on 14/12/48…but still that doesn’t change the scenario too much.

  999. peteb on May 11, 2021 at 6:00 am said:

    Clive put up the theory that the evening body wasn’t the same as the morning body waaaayyy before the striped duds came off. The man holds legendary status.

  1000. john sanders on May 11, 2021 at 7:23 am said:

    Be assured Clive, I think no ill of a man prepared to accept his own limitations. As for legendary status; well that be a long row to how. I’ll think it over and get back.

  1001. Peteb on May 11, 2021 at 9:19 am said:

    Speaking of limitations, given the massive and not quite secret escarpment of secret Anglo Aust industries in Salisbury SA concerned with the manufacture in the simplest sense of guided missiles and happily employing men and and women of all nations to assist, all of them free of vetting of any kind (what was the real reason for so many MI5 visits in 1948 I wonder) and be able to remain free of the notion that contrary parties might be interested in aforesaid proceedings to the detriment of those whose future they hoped to insure, cue our esteemed Anglo host, I remain in a sort of transcendental wonder. It must be the drugs.

  1002. john sanders on May 11, 2021 at 10:43 am said:

    Couple of our best people who came up empty handed spent their war years at Salisbury when it was merely making ordinance, they being Harry Strangway in SB and Bob Cowan in the explosives inspectorate. I know nothing at all about visits to WRE Salisbury by Pommie Secret Service types in ’48 specifically, but I guess they had as much need to see the goods on offer as did our wartime allies, the Ruskies, Jews and curious Kiwis.

  1003. misca on May 14, 2021 at 3:11 am said:

    “There are at least two people related to this case who had clear connections to Christchurch New Zealand. Bartlett Adamson and Walter Seddon Clayton. Adamson actually worked for Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd. there for a time and was very well versed in the printing industry. He frequented Pakie’s. He knew Clayton. He also knew Ada Frances Scott. They travelled in the same circles and sometimes wrote for the same publications. Bartlett quoted the Rubaiyat in one of his published articles.”

    “Adamson and Scott might well be players of consequence. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Jessica was part of the EYL and both of these characters were also a part of that movement at the right time and place as she. My hunch is that she most likely knew both and their connection to Whitcombe and Tombs and Clayton are not insignificant.”

  1004. john sanders on May 19, 2021 at 4:34 am said:

    Peteb: Your not so well researched very latest post war Operation Matchbox respons on the Rocketry thread could prove to be une distraction for some serious sleuthes who rely on your vast well of knowledge for all their reliable case history information. Next time you might like to try something new, even out of left field like Operation Paper Clip or similar.

  1005. john sanders on May 19, 2021 at 5:57 am said:

    It really does vex one to have to continually expose deliberate falsehoods that emminate from C. Gordon Cramer’s website, supported perhaps by a few fawning anonymous supporters. The latest short misadventure relates to Hellmut Hendon, a German Jew who landed Adelaide in 1937 on the SS Otranto, behaved himself from what we know, served in the AIF from ’43 to war’s ending, and from then on ran a jewellery business plus dabbling in ABC’s migrant radio. We can forget about the Marshall/Graham business, that’s known to be a fair account covered at length by more forthright and reputable bloggers. TS/BS’ new accounts suggesting that subject Hendon may have been a WW2 internee is flatout nonsense, and further that he was in hospital (somehow suspicious) when Augusta MacDougall was run down in Sydney 6/5/45, is not supported by any known documentation. On the contrary as records clearly show, Hellmut was in fact AWL from late evening roll call on 6/5/45 until morning muster on 7/5/45 if that means anything….Don’t tell fibs and don’t read other folks mail is my best advice Gordon. It don’t pay at the end of the day, yhear?…

  1006. john sanders on May 19, 2021 at 1:37 pm said:

    Tasmanian poet Bartlett Adamson, was a simple soul who still saw some good in mankind following upheavals brought upon it by the great war and the sorry aftermath. Adamson was a truly great Australian who’s misguided phillosophy of seeing some residual decency in the human race, was probably his own Waterloo, briught on by purceived untruthes to satisfy the whims of a new wave of soviet inspired socialistic aimed at total universal dominance. He was a decent man who died as he would have wished, standing on a pedestal in Sydney’s domain, puting forward his wholly reaonable ideas for a better world. Not as acclaimed nor as talented as his mentor Henry Lawon, antipodean equal of Canada’s renowned bard Robert William Service, yet of a similar class and full of confidence for a better world nonetheless. I can’t imagine that he would have had any respect for the likes of a crank like Wally Clayton or even Ada Scott of whom he is said to have been on good terms. A column published in Sydney’s Herald Saturday Magazine on March 3rd 1951 is well recommended. It might give folks some understanding of Bartlett’s romanticised views of everday life in a once great city of beauty, sadly now devoid of such charms. The lengthy item mainly concerns his familiarity with Sydney ferry journeys from the early days of settlement, and should any SM orientated reader continue through it’s dialogue there’s a nice little surprise in store towards the end. Indeed, indeed.

  1007. misca on May 19, 2021 at 2:26 pm said:

    I have already posted about the reference to the Rubaiyat. Many years ago.

  1008. john sanders on May 19, 2021 at 10:19 pm said:

    misca: Must have missed it, before my time no doubt. Well spotted anyhow and bully for you.

  1009. milongal on May 19, 2021 at 11:37 pm said:

    @JS: protip: Stop reading sites full of nonsense rather than worrying about the deliberate falsehoods they may promote.

    In other news, Drivers Licence for one Paul Ivanson Fedorson found in pockets of exhumed body at West Tce 8) /tic

  1010. milongal on May 20, 2021 at 12:00 am said:

    I should take my own advice.
    I chuckle with the disclaimer about “Sure there’s references to Fedosimov after 1948, but that’s just the same name”.
    I’ll point out:
    1) He is mentioned not just in IAEA attendances, but also working in Embassies (from memory in the UK, Libya and somewhere else) after 1948
    2) The Fedosimov at the IAEA (not to be confused with the Fedosimov who also worked in a diplomatic role in the US in Venona times) had a wife with the same name of the Fedosimov he’s not to be confused with
    3) Rewind to the earliest days of Fedosimov – when we were selling the same story, except we thought the other guy in the photo (Novikov) was Fedosimov and “when you remove the glasses a good match”.
    4) There is no evidence of Fedosimov ever coming to Australia – so we dismiss diplomatic postings after 1948 as “not him” and we dismiss IAEA attendance as “definitely not him”, but despite an absence of any evidence he’d ever even heard of Adelaide decide “IT’S HIM!!”.
    The idea that “PIF” is common enough that there’s 2 of them in equivalent roles, but rare enough that there’s only 2 of them – especially when we take into account their wives had the same name (admittedly the marginally more common Vera Sergeyevna) is absolute nonsense. No matter how much we might want to clutch at straws the idea that SM is PIF (not to be confused with Piff the Magic Dragon (Steve’s brother)) requires drawing such a long bow that I can’t think of a good way to finish that analogy…..

    Maybe that will be the best thing to come of this exhumation. That we can finally categorically dismiss the notion that Pavel Ivanovic Fedosimov was SM (although I’m sure the claim he was somehow related to the case will continue to be propagated).

  1011. misca on May 20, 2021 at 3:02 am said:

    No. Not before your time. My original post was in August 2017 and you responded. You did the exact same thing you did this time. You diverted away from it.

  1012. john sanders on May 20, 2021 at 7:11 am said:

    misca: Sorry, all I can find on Adamson from your posts are a couple I found while back checking on matters more relevant to the Somerton Man case which I rather enjoy taking an active role. Yours were a couple of days apart in 2014 relating to Ada Bernies letter to Catholic Weekly on 26/4/45 in which she briefly referred to Adamson being a poet CPA member and a some time guest speaker at Pakies Club. I guess by then I already knew of Bartlett’s talks on Bertha Lawson’s special events night in memory of her Dad Henry of who’s own works, he was a most loyal devotee (as I am) and I doubt that he would have been into Bohemian lifestyle like most regulars. As for your mention of his association with the Rubaiyat, I found not a trace apart from your interesting mention just a day or two ago, which is why I was inclined to follow up on and cheerfully report results thereof. I certainly wasn’t trying to plagiarise anyone’s work and if that was the insuation than I’m sorry for your apparent sense of insecurity. Strange as it may seem I enjoy being a team player just so long as my efforts are appreciated, and now that you’re back I’ll need to check my style which you seem to find so objectionable.

  1013. john sanders on May 20, 2021 at 7:32 am said:

    milongal: Yeah you’re absolutely right. Can’t help going into offensive mode when I spot pretenders lurking around and up to no good, then high tailing it back to base for mustering another raid. Sadly I’m inclined to give them a serve or two before they depart and that’s when I’m not always at my very best…. Aw shucks!

  1014. milongal on May 20, 2021 at 10:24 pm said:

    I’ve recently been questioning a lot more than just the SM related claims (down to the author’s own background). If I cared more I’d actually check a few things out…,.

  1015. john sanders on May 21, 2021 at 3:19 am said:

    milongal: I’m going to throw up….”All credit where credit’s due Petey….”Good on you Gordon”….Feud’s over, hail fellows well met once more. Hopefully the brothers grim will get their motley crew together, board the good ship Hazbeanus and set sail on the same fateful course Laparuse took after being evicted from Port Jackson by the Poms in 1788….As for our our ‘Unknown’ author all I can come up with is “Lovely cuppa Leslie? Funny you were never mentioned in Alf Boxall’s NAA folio. Tora…Tora…Tora…

  1016. Peteb on May 21, 2021 at 8:03 am said:

    The bloke who reckons you’re a mug Dusty is no fool.

  1017. john sanders on May 21, 2021 at 10:35 am said:

    You been far too moderate with the sledging lately Petey; nobody was fooled by the fake barney with your boss. It’ll be refreshing to have our old antagonist back, that is after you and misca get done with the job you started re Harkness/Moulds nuptuals in GB circa. ’43.

  1018. john sanders on May 21, 2021 at 1:50 pm said:

    Any mug who reckons you’re a fool Peteb is certainly not alone.

  1019. john sanders on May 22, 2021 at 5:45 am said:

    milongal: I had similar thoughts a while back and did some digging, then gave the game away upon finding the Streaky Bay mob has a cast of thousands dating back to the 1860s and with no on line tree branch to pursue. Those that I researched on NAA were C of E denomination when I was expecting majority Catholic. I recall that our man mentioned having attended Sacred Heart Glenelg for one term as a kid but of course Church schools were mostly multi denominational by the 50s as I do recall. Speaking of NAA and on a semi personal level, Do you have access to their Canberra reading room by any chance. There’s a job of work to be done on an open but unread file of a major SM player and whatsmore, it’s right down your curious alley.

  1020. john sanders on May 22, 2021 at 9:19 am said:

    All too easy for a trained and gazetted investigator Peteb. What we’re really looking at is not so much Alf’s dual language ROK with a pudgy open hand afoot, but in fact a Sydney finger web spider with a fez head between his spread legs ..NB Only dumb aged antipodes are likely to get the guist of this little gem.

  1021. Thequizmaster on May 22, 2021 at 9:33 am said:

    Two words, or maybe just one. There are prizes.

  1022. milongal on May 23, 2021 at 9:04 pm said:

    @JS – Will find out. Last I heard (early days of COVID) the NAA reading room was actually at Old Parliament House (or MoAD) and you had to book exactly what you wanted to read so they could ship it up there. Pretty sure other than that it’s public access.

  1023. milongal on May 23, 2021 at 9:23 pm said:

    NB: When I said “author” earlier I meant blogger, not author…..I’ve long thought the amount of confirmation bias was curious for an ex-copper, and I started to wonder whether “ex Detective” is not the same as “ex Police (Detective)”, and noting also that there’s no actual claim to having been a Defective in the Police Farce – so I wonder how much we are being misled not through a deliberate lie, but through not correcting a mistake that gets propagated on news sites.

    In terms of Sacred Heart, it is (or was) a boarding school – and that often means denomination goes out the window – because people who need a boarding school are limited in choice. I suspect SH, Rostrevor and Immanuel (also down Glenelg way) would have been the more affordable boarding schools for boys back then (for some definition of affordable) while St Peters and Prince Alfred would have catered for the higher end of town. Not sure whether Scotch, Westminister and Pembroke were taking boarders back then….(I’d imagine Scotch would have been upmarket, not so much Westminister and Pembroke).

    Of all of them, only Pembroke would be non-denominational (as I think its predecessor King’s College was). 2 of the 3 (SH and Ros) I mentioned that were definitely open (and reasonably affordable) would be Roman Catholic – so someone requiring a boarding school could easily end up in the Catholic system without necessarily being a Mick.
    Not sure of the history, but in the last 30+ years Rostrevor and Sacred Heart have been very strong footy (Aussie Rules) schools – so its also conceivable that someone would be sent to them if they’re expected to be a talent.

  1024. john sanders on May 24, 2021 at 3:13 am said:

    Peteb: What finger in what shot you be on about min. The original ‘News’ photo depiction that you’ve been on about lately and to be found on your own most authoritive TBT web site which I mentioned yesterday, is not the one displaying “Good on you” Gordon’s telltale fingeprint.

  1025. Peteb on May 24, 2021 at 7:36 am said:

    No mate, the original before Eric the editor chopped it out. Google it then get back into the classroom with all of us else.
    And NickP, you need to change 90a Glenelg St to Moseley on your cipher foundation site. DA’s followers have found you and their attention demands accuracy.

  1026. john sanders on May 24, 2021 at 8:35 am said:

    Our author went to Marist Brothers at Paringa Hall for the winter term in ’56 from memory and in the book spoke of walking down to beach and X along Whyte Street. He joined the cops around ’64 and became a detective in ’74 same as someone else comes to mind (not Christoper Gordon Cramer ’47). I’m vaguelly aware of a case involving the body of a Japanese girl who was found in a wool press in which Gerry ran as a successful murder investigation, so I’d say he knew his job well enough to have achieved the rank he did.

  1027. Peteb on May 24, 2021 at 9:27 am said:

    He collared a few in his time, some of them very nasty.

  1028. john sanders on May 24, 2021 at 10:44 am said:

    I think I mentioned Eric somewhere just now. Anyway when you look closely at your own two pics of the page young Kerrie you’ll spot the big difference. If not please take up the dunces cap and stand in the corner til playtime…..Now for a little song clue to the big gaff….What a difference a day makes…”Twenty four little hours that fooled Cramer and Bow es”.

  1029. Peteb on May 24, 2021 at 11:35 am said:

    Yeah well, sometimes you have to let one ball go in to get a better shot at the next.

  1030. john sanders on May 24, 2021 at 12:39 pm said:

    Whilst I can’t find anything to the contrary, I can”t see how ‘The News’, being an afternoon rag, by then under Murdoch control would bother going to press on Saturdays, thereby missing out on the day’s sports forcasts and results including half the footy scores or worse still the nation wide racing roundup. That would surely have to take precedence over mundane stuff such as news on some bloke who offed himself at Somerton the year before by any astute reckonning. In anycase a dyed in the wool sportsfan like Leane would likely have been at the track or out watching his beloved Norwood wallop Port Adelaide, rightly expected of a copper on the ascendency. Of course by then he already had the evidence on ROK that he desired and with which he hoped to put the dreary Tamam Shud case to bed. At that stage he would never have countenanced the idea that a fake nursing sister named Jessica Harkness would come out of the blue and pull a stunt like she done.

  1031. john sanders on May 24, 2021 at 1:21 pm said:

    And rightly so my man. Even greats like Bobby Charlton were known to take a dive in the goal mouth occasionally, draw a free on some upstart no name to get set for a sitter. Sometimes it pays to play the man and not the ball.

  1032. milongal on May 24, 2021 at 9:14 pm said:

    Although I’ll grant that’s an interesting point – with footy traditionally being 2PM on a Saturday in Winter and in cricket running most of the day in Summer, scores wouldn’t start to roll in until about 5PM (not sure how quick Vic results would filter through too) – so an afternoon rag on a Saturday would certainly miss it.

    I guess there’s a reason “The Advertiser” survived while “The News” went bust in Adelaide.
    Neither news nor sport is what them papers are about….

  1033. milongal on May 24, 2021 at 9:24 pm said:

    @JS let me know what you want from the NAA….if you don’t want to discuss here, I have an email (I don’t use it normally but if you send stuff there and tell me it’s sent I’ll find it) at:
    fredbobmagee at gmail.

  1034. john sanders on May 25, 2021 at 4:34 am said:

    milongal: No need to be sneaky about doing something that’s above board and on the record as a file open to public access. I’ts an immigration case from 76/77 vintage in the applicant’s full name of Christopher Gordon Cramer bn. 1947 and lists four dependants, one of whom is still close. Don’t know why it hasn’t been pulled before as there may be a couple of useful tid bits like his police career, trade skills etc., which may serve to put him in a better light than his post immigration reputation suggests. NAA search details are easily accessed on line and if you can hook up with the goods at the old PH reading room for nix, as they say, nothing ventured etc.

  1035. john sanders on May 25, 2021 at 7:01 am said:

    How is it that such a reportedly well schooled fellow and self claimed angry intellectual to boot, goes to such extraordinary lengths to portray himself in an opposite and contrary light….Peteb: Guess you’re still pushing the ROK Leane handover on Saturday and not Friday arvo despite majority opposing views, and are you firm on both torn page pics being derived from a single, albeit photo fitted exposure…No need to admit your embarrassing stuff up with Leane and Brown re the Littlemore interview, I would have but then I have nothing to lose..

  1036. Peteb on May 25, 2021 at 10:21 am said:

    This is no place for intellectualz, Dusty, we are the miscellaneous people.

  1037. john sanders on May 27, 2021 at 6:15 am said:

    I’d go along with the theoretical ‘Who saw the Freeman ROK and who didn’t”, but only to the tune of three our of four and nine out of ten respectively. Those for the motion being all those listed, bar the alleged brother-in-law who only ever existed in the minds of Gerry Feltus his proposer, Peteb the poseur and his colleague misca nada. Those unsighted being represented by all but Len Brown, of the small writing and fondness for weekend duty, who claimed to Reg Livermore off air in ’78 that he had seen the ROK though well after the handover.

  1038. Peteb on May 27, 2021 at 7:22 am said:

    How about we add Canney, Horsnell, Sutherland and whoever else was on the bandwagon in July 1949 to the have nots. It only gets better.

  1039. john sanders on May 29, 2021 at 1:16 pm said:

    Peteb: Adrian Ernest Thomson 2/11 Searchlight Battery was Prosper’s older brother bn. 1911 but seemingly of no significance according to our old pal Xlamb from many years ago. There was also a daughter same name as your sister from memory and doesn’t seem to be of much concern though I never followed up.

  1040. john sanders on May 29, 2021 at 1:35 pm said:

    …Belay my last, I’m thinking Isobell [sic] for the Thomson lass, same as Alf’s missus Susie though my memory ain’t that great these days.

  1041. john sanders on May 29, 2021 at 11:24 pm said:

    Noted on Big Footy yesterday a Cramer @ redacted link to an interesting Adelaide Advertiser article of 23rd May sans the usual NL paywall. What GC has done was to cunningly inserted his own pics amongst those supplied by the rag, including his own marked up code page, the Jestyn 70 endorsement of Alf’s ROK and Cleland’s notes which I had located for him, but which he claimed to have found his redacted AO. All cleverly made to appear part if the story, so I’m wondering if old Rupert Murdoch’s News Limied, owner of the rag, takes exception to people who doctor his copyrighted stuff. I’d be inclined to sue ifvI were he.

  1042. john sanders on May 30, 2021 at 7:18 am said:

    And they keep right on coming Peteb. Just recalled Ernest and flossy had an older daughter in between Prosper and Rollo from memory, also born in Townsville or Charters Towers and was a nursing sister during the war. Can’t think of her name off the top of my head but It’ll come and I recall from my own humble efforts that she died old and Rich in Qld. If you go over to Web Sleuths you’ll get the Thomson lineage courtessy your old flame Ruth Collins who was hooked up with James, out of Africa at one point.

  1043. Peteb on May 30, 2021 at 7:59 am said:

    I’ll get onto it as soon as the quack sets plaster on me broke fetlock, stepped into a rabbit hole and something snapped.

  1044. Peteb: at least you escaped, there are some I’ve seen who have been stuck down a rabbit hole for years.

  1045. misca on May 30, 2021 at 11:48 am said:

    Correct JS.

    Ysabel Alice Fortune Thomson (b. 1915 d. 5 Feb1993). She never married. Not sure if she was rich.

    This all does seem a bit deja’ vu. I thought we had gone over all of the siblings years ago?

  1046. john sanders on May 30, 2021 at 10:47 pm said:

    misca: I’m sure that my girl was married and ws still with us when I last checked in 2016. She was definately Rich and was living in Brisbane at the time so Ysabel [sic] and this slightly younger were more likeky to be sisters. That makes five boys and two girls for Alice and Ernest.

  1047. john sanders on May 31, 2021 at 5:50 am said:

    The simple explanation is that Sister Y.Thomson actually started life as a Murphy and she married galloping young Sargeant Eric Thomson four years her junior about 1943 after the pair received some news of an unplanned upcoming event. Same as was inflicted upon our Sister Jo Harkness in ’46, with no fellow decent enough to take the blame until gallant Prosper Thomson stepped up to the plate. Yolande Mary Thomson, Rich at last, passed on in 2016 aged 99/100 thus having been exhonorated by default, deserves all the rest she can get.

  1048. misca on June 1, 2021 at 1:12 am said:

    Sure. Simple explanation is that “Sister Y.Thomson” just wasn’t a sibling.

  1049. john sanders on June 1, 2021 at 3:29 am said:

    Peteb: “Have we got a Thomson family tree”? you ask hopefully…Have we ever, thanks to GC’s field operatives, noted students of genealogy in their own right, Peter Davidson for the Thomson Aussie line dating from 1867? with birth of family patriarch Ernest Chalmers, and retired scientist Byron Deviant who follows the Hawkes/Fortune dam lineage way back to the first Earl of Leicester from memory. Sadly for us hard pressed geriatric researches with a will, but sans ‘Pay to Play’ funding, So it’s a matter of what scraps are thrown our way and when, unless your ever comliant colleague Misca can come to the rescue. NB (must check Ern’s DOB).

    I’m sure this little observation must have dawned on the lads above, but who were not in a position to conceal it and it only came to my attention through somthing or other in your thread that caught my attention. Old Ernie must have been a good stayer, a but like Grecian Vale an honest old plodder from the sixties; For starters he was a score older than wife Akice and whilst his boys seemed to pass muster for age limitations, unless our man Davo hasn’t stuffed up, then dad had to have been in his mid to late fifties when he sired them ie., 1921 (Jess) 1923 (Jean) and 1926/8 (Ellen).

  1050. john sanders on June 1, 2021 at 4:13 am said:

    Anyone picked my gaff re Harkness sisters being begat through genes of Ernest Thomson, quite deliberate of course, picking up on new disclosure of likely gene interplay between the families by Derek’s Colleen Fitzpatrick. Some won’t agree naturally but, Ellen Harkness had two of her daughters at Maryville on the NSW Central Coast, where widower Ern Thomson retired to and died in 1956. Anyhow Alice’s last child Quentin in 1922 still leaves Ernie a bit long in the tooth for siring at 55 and she at 36 a tad old herself having regard to those times, so who can tell?…

  1051. Peteb on June 1, 2021 at 7:13 am said:

    Saffron and Gaston .. bullshit or what? Johnno?

  1052. john sanders on June 1, 2021 at 7:43 am said:

    Misca: Exactly spot and jolly perceptive of you. With the highly circumstantial lead background and amazing coincidentals, I now plead my case, ie. E. Thomson fits both Ernest and Eric for Yolande with initial ‘Y’ (my only availalable search target) and also Ysabel both Thomson girls being of the same age and birth region. Not bad considering all I started out with back in the day was a brief detailing of Yolande’s credentials as a nursing sister, presumably unmarried with Thomson as her maiden name. Keeping in mind I was only interested in compiling Prosper’s family detailsm nought else. Some will always find fault in my small outlay research methodology which I’ll learn to live with.

  1053. john sanders on June 1, 2021 at 12:31 pm said:

    Peteb: Keeping in mind, Colleen Fitzgerald’s impeccable credentials with her assertion that Robin’s daughter Egan shares the Thomson bloodlines, there can only be one viable explanation. That is that Ernest Chalmers Thomson fathered Jessica in 1921 by Ellen Harkness. It falls readily into place based on my certain knoweledge that she was born at Maryville (not Marrickville) Salvation Army lying in hospital for children born without known fathers or alternatively out of wedlock. Whatsmore it answers all the mystery surrounding Sister Thomson’s own obvious early life disconnection with the rest of the Harkness clan. Very simple if one has an open mind and can put together how it all transpired. I posted quite a bit on this when trying my best to placate your rather impetuous colleague a while back to no avail but that’s where intuitive research outside the defensive mainstream circle wins out in the final analysis. No need to go out on any limbs in telling it like it can only be. Jessica and Prosper are half sibling related, which is of course why there no birth certificare or marriage papers have been produced and as to why Katherine Thomson is so apprehensive. She must be in on the game too as is her newfound prick relation and protector Dereck Abbott, along with the whole kit and kaboodle of the weird Marshall mob if needs be known.

  1054. Bumpkin on June 1, 2021 at 3:08 pm said:

    JS; There is also the possibility that Prosper Thomson was the biological father of Robin Thomson and, therefore, was the paternal biological grandfather of Rachel Egan Abbott.
    It will be very interesting if any SM DNA matches Kate Thomson or any known Thomson kin.
    Only time will tell.

  1055. Bumpkin: yup, bullshit talks but DNA walks.

  1056. john sanders on June 1, 2021 at 10:47 pm said:

    Bumkin: If Robin was fathered by Prosper, would that not negate the chances of Rachel Egan, she being theoretically twice removed off the Thomson male lineage, testing positive to that gene pool. Thought that only a female relative like Jessica Harkness could make that scenario work, though I’m probably confusing this set up with crossbreeding merino/ border Leicester come backs.

  1057. milongal on June 3, 2021 at 1:36 am said:

    I get confused why people dismiss Prosper as a possible father given Thomson DNA. There are different types of DNA that are traceable different ways, so I’m not sure you can categorically say “it didn’t come from Prosper” (But I know SFA about DNA so could be wrong).

    The one that interests me is PeteB in his comments suggesting at the Jessica level of the tree another Thomson male might have been involved (there’s also a bit about Roma not being Prosper’s sister which I found strange – wouldn’t you be looking at her as a missing daughter/niece?). While possible/interesting (maybe…. there’s the early adoption of the Thomson name) surely the most obvious meaning is that Prosper Thomson was Robin’s father?

    Next we’ll be hearing that Prosper was Jessica’s dad (and was also Somerton man). The other Prosper was an impostor who’s game was spoilt when the real Prosper turned up. Somewhere along the way JE decided to pretend to be a Harkness so that she could marry Prosper (the impostor, not papa). etc, etc, etc….
    – Harkness’ past is trange
    – reaction to the bust
    – Early adoption of Thomson name
    – What a load of bollocks.

    Why make things more complicated than they are?

    More seriously, am I missing something really obvious (that noone is actually saying but everyone knows) or are people trying to make this more complicated than it actually was?

  1058. john sanders on June 4, 2021 at 4:19 am said:

    Just watched ‘Missing Pieces’ for the first time courtesy of a BF link and must say it presents as being by far and away the best for it’s reasistic coverage and chain of events including Jessica’s old work mates and relatives even her younger sister Nell McLeish. Something that I was not made aware of before, was when strapper Neil Day revealed that when he and his mate Horrie Patching arrived upon the scene at dawn, they looked up and saw big wig racehorse owner (Comic Court) and new S.A. RSL El Supremo, Col. Arthur James Lee descending Alvington beach stairs. No doubting that he and top Jock Patching recognised each other but as Neil did not elaborate further we’re left to wonder. I think it likely that soon to be Sir Arthur Lee in his role of Federal Government key advisor on immigration, grew wings and made like the proverbial pigeons…T’other interesting piece relates to the surprise appearance of Gordon Strapps who, after repeating the crap about he and Olive visiting Somerton to cool off after work, admitted that the pair, did infact have a full unimpeded view of the body as they left the scene, this being at variance to their Sworn testimonies of the inquest which we had suspected all along.

  1059. john sanders on June 4, 2021 at 9:07 am said:

    Peteb: Sorry to jump in so quickly but, Qeenie and Prosper’s Elizabeth only lived for a very short period after her birth in 1938 if memory serves true, which may solve some issues re Prosper’s fathering capacity to which I just made reference.

  1060. Peteb on June 4, 2021 at 9:43 am said:

    Copy that

  1061. john sanders on June 5, 2021 at 2:25 am said:

    Peteb: We know for an absolute certainty (one of the few) that Queenie Thomson flew into Adelaide on 18th May alone to all intents. Prosper was still in the eastern states, as was the unknown, un knocked up nurse according to your proposed timeline brief. What then might the good lady have been up to in a town to which she had no personal connections so far as we know. It could not have been to do with divorce proceedings as the marriage to Prosper had been in Melbourne, unless of course it was to look into business opportunities pending the couple’s intended relocation. Perhaps it would have been once worthwhile to having had a closer look at her own background for character traits that she may have shared with her main man. She claims to have been a hair salon stylist, but of course she would on her marriage rego. wouldn’t she?…

  1062. Peteb on June 5, 2021 at 8:27 am said:

    I’m thinking that a go-getter like George wouldn’t leave his Vicco turf unmanned, and the old lad would have had enough readys to swing for a return airfare to there from Adelaide .. either that or a one-way, the drive home in the almost new deal of the century. New plates our speciality, and that’s the dude’s territory.

  1063. john sanders on June 6, 2021 at 2:40 am said:

    Seems that old 4711 is no longer on his pat malone, with Nick and Derek also wanting to present their claims to a bit of the GTA action, nervous apprehension to the recent uplift no doubt. Somewhat surprising in that two presumably well read fellows with fortunate university educations might wish to go down such a bunny trail. One that started out with no more on offer to prove SM’s asserted vocation than a few everday tools in an abandoned suitcase and a most unlikely means of confirmating ID. Not that I’m totally panning likelihood of a well dressed elderly car thief lurking on Somerton Beach on a summer evening it may well be true just as the Dude has so often pontificated. So too are many other possibilities for a variety of different trades and callings of no lesser appeal. Such as might tempt a betting man with a spare blue Franklin or two tucked carefully away in a barely accessable fob (non Stamina) pocket for which with to have a flutter.

  1064. john sanders on June 6, 2021 at 6:16 am said:

    Peteb: Guess we can let you get away with “The 60 minute interview….” for that’s about how long it lasted truth be known. Your assertion that Jessica and Prosper were not yet in the public domain in 1978, does not seem to hold up even by her own alleged admissions to Feltus about speaking to the press in the sixties? and further proof of her identity coming from Dets. Ron Thomas in ’73 when telling John the postie that he knew the Thomson’s socially. Another copper suggested something similar to Max Burgess, ace Mirror columnist back around ’63 from memory. Of course most is press gossip which we must try to avoid passing on to believing punters who call it fact; still you and I are not the only offenders by any stretch. I sometimes cringe in desperation with Nick incredulity for plain fact and showing preference for undisguised hearsay in many of his thread leads, even having the gall to critisize others who might deign to do likewise, much of it in a genuine belief that the offering to be God’s Truth, which is a reasonable out .

  1065. Peteb on June 6, 2021 at 10:12 am said:

    Pity none of those chatty coppers ever mentioned spotting the book in question … looks like old Leano hid it in his desk drawer then forgot about it. You reckon?

  1066. milongal on June 6, 2021 at 8:36 pm said:

    Given Thomson DNA maybe we have to reconsider why Harkness called herself Thomson before she was married. It’s easy enough to dismiss (as most of us have in the past) but perhaps there’s something more significant there.

    Alternatively, perhaps SM was an illegitimate step-brother of Prosper’s or something. Perhaps we’ll find that SM is a Thomson carrier too…..

    Or perhaps, as ever, we’re overthinking it….

  1067. john sanders on June 7, 2021 at 9:00 am said:

    Peteb: Re your thread on Mrs. Thompson [sic] upon her reaction to seeing the bust; It might pay to bare in mind that here was a woman 4′ 9″ led into a small room with four hefty 6 foot suits and expected to act like she was in her own boudoir. With Lawson doing his magician’s trick in exposing the black cloaked monstrosity bust with stark white countenance and ginger animal hairs sprouting from it’s huge shoulder not blinking an eyelid. Had she been about to faint or more likely fearing for her dignity we can only wonder, but one thing for sure it wasn’t because of any confronting likeness to anyone she knew, for as Lawson was to testify , the bust was not a good likeness of SM or another one might care to name.

  1068. john sanders on June 7, 2021 at 9:31 am said:

    …Then of course, here we have a scientific man meticulous in his diary entry notations but for incorrectly calling the museum visitor Thompson with a ‘P’. There was of course another Mrs. Thompson who was a regular pest in her attempts to convince cops that SM was woodcutter Walsh. So you can bet she would have loved to see a mask likeness of the mortuary stiff and what’s more she appears no taller than your average Jo from the pics..Food for thought what?

  1069. Peteb on June 7, 2021 at 11:06 pm said:

    JohnS: re your comment on Mrs Thompson (sic) … What a remarkable memory the woman had when confronted by Det Canney one morning out of the blue about a chap being found dead just down the road (what a surprise!!) with her phone number written on the back of a Rubaiyat somebody has yet to see. Remarkable too was her memory when picking out details of a long ago acquaintance …. his name, address, marital status, workplace, social habits, foreign postings, rank, friends, meals and drinks shared etc etc … wonderful stuff remembering all that after two moves interstate, a new boyfriend, a new baby, a new home in Adelaide, a new job .. just remarkable.

  1070. john sanders on June 8, 2021 at 3:05 am said:

    Peteb: Your latest on a Jessie (sus.) Harkness’ birth registration taken from NSW bdm and posted by @ No Name, initially seemed deficient in detail to what we’re used. I cross checked on findmypast’s excellent UK version with known back-ups and you can guess the result. No Name!

  1071. john sanders on June 8, 2021 at 8:40 am said:

    So having read and digested GC’s first installment of Paul ‘Old School’ Lawson’s 1948 remeniscences entitled ‘Boom or Bust’, whereupon at the insistence of S.A. Museum big wig Hale, under supervision of our Leane team of four blue suited mortician assistants, the start of a bust of the Somerton beach body was born. I must say the way Paul and his ghost writer expand on the the yarn beats crap out of the dreary true version of events. The one where S.A. CIB chief William Sheridan (old school detective) puts the idea for a plaster cast to John Cleland (old school fungus fan), who in turn talks it over with his best mate Herb Hale (old school prawn peeler) who has been at the museum since Queen Vicki’s reign. Tis followed in due course when ‘Henry’ Lawson (old school bird stuffer) is asked if he wants in on a ‘foreign order’ for the filth at best mates rates, which he’d be silly to pass on. The rest being too dreary for words…Good on you Gordon, can hardly wait for the next chuckle choked chapter.

  1072. john sanders on June 8, 2021 at 10:46 am said:

    Peteb: What’s no less remarkable is that early AM the day following her celebrated bust bust, reporters from three Sydney newspapers plus the Woman’s Monthly were outside the Boxall’s front door demanding information from Dulcy in her dressing gown. Alf had started work early, missing the confrontation and the cops who seemed in no hurry. Not so remarkable is that by close of business that same day Adelaide time, the body on Sumerton Beach investigation was past history.

  1073. milongal on June 8, 2021 at 8:35 pm said:

    @JS: Are you saying a private site is more reliable than the official record**? It’s worth noting that in some states (including NSW, I’m pretty sure) only release birth records 100 years after they’re created, so findmypast (or other private sites) wouldn’t necessarily have been able to confirm the detail before this year (that’s if they even confirm it – if it’s anything like ancestry it often requires plebs to do the hard work – so records only exist where someone has been digging).
    I *suspect* when they have records not yet released by official sources, they come from church records – which aside from often being unreliable/incomplete/unmaintained, need people to be baptising their kids.

    It is a little interesting that (admittedly after only 5 min of searching) I can’t seem to find any newspaper records of her birth – but I’m not sure that means anything. Although I know people who seem to live their lives on notifying newspapers, that certainly wasn’t the experience in my family.

    The problem (like so often in these things) is, if you can’t trust the official record from Births/Deaths/Marriages, then why can you trust other sources? These days I think *some* personal notices are semi-verified by the papers (if they can’t trace a funeral director dealing with a death you’re trying to post about it doesn’t get published, or something), but even today, I’m not sure marriages and births are verified (could be wrong). So it’s easier for a bodgey newspaper record to exist, than a bodgey Govt record. Even if we rely on parish records, I would imagine it’s far easier to manipulate a parish record than a government record (largely because churches tend to be very trusting of the volunteers so keen to maintain their records). So for me, the absence of “other” sources does not outweigh the presence of an official record.

    NB: I don’t know how pedantic they are about the 100year limit, but I think the presence of the record suggests the actual date is before June 1921 (I’ve seen “19221” often, I don’t recall seeing an exact birth date).
    NB2: I’ll grant that it’s a tad odd that even DA’s site (who you’d think was most likely to know her birthday) lists her birth as “1921” while Prosper’s is the slightly more accurate “October 1912”.

    **NB3: I do sit in a funny place with official vs private – and I’ll use wikipedia as an example. If you have topics that people are passionately geeky about, then often their knowledge is beyond official records. Find a wiki page about specifics of a particular model of bus or train, and change some details – in less than an hour some geek will be calling out “….You’re wrong because….”. But that’s for a specific type of niche topic that attracts a lot of “experts” (I remember reading a thread on busaustralia where someone got upset that someone referred to a “Denning” as an “Austral Denning” – apparently while there are buses branded Austral Denning, the brand didn’t exist at the time the bus was built – it caused a lot of angst and consternation amongst the geeks who were incredulous that someone could be wrong on so trivial a fact).

    Easy Reader version: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

  1074. john sanders on June 8, 2021 at 10:57 pm said:

    milongal : Not saying nothing, especially anything suggesting that pay to play BDM would be more reliable than the NSW govt. mob and all the good oil if only they’d release it. I don’t have an account with findmyarse or anyone else for that matter, but at least I can access details of any hits on a name and in the case above there were none. Of course had our Jessica (not jessie) been born/registered in 1921, we would expect in light of the 100 year access rule, that her record can be found. That is, providing input details are accurate and therein lies the problem mate!…

  1075. Peteb on June 8, 2021 at 11:28 pm said:

    It was the Woman’s Weekly, JS, run by my old neighbour Frank Packer in Eureka. The sign on the gate still reads ‘Gretel’ … and his macadamia plantation is home to some very hefty wild dogs.

  1076. milongal on June 9, 2021 at 12:31 am said:

    After all of that, I might walk back some of what I said…..
    Centennial Park Cemetry records:
    Jessica Ellen THOMSON b 30/12/1899 d 13/05/2007

    If the 30 was a 31, and the 1899 was 1900 I would’ve said it was generic. Hmm…..

  1077. milongal on June 9, 2021 at 3:26 am said:

    NM….that does seem to be their generic date (they have the correct age too)

  1078. john sanders on June 9, 2021 at 7:58 am said:

    Peteb: Sometimes it seems like weekly, yeah you’re right run by the goanna and Ida Buttroast from memory. Why has no one cross checked MyNames Jessie H. BDM search result, what sez misca.

  1079. john sanders on June 9, 2021 at 8:13 am said:

    milongal: What search was that, I just get D.O.D up on the Centenial site and FAG though no mention on BG. Nothing on her DOB or age on the headstone.

  1080. Peteb on June 9, 2021 at 10:49 am said:

    JohnS: not the goanna old mare, Frank was his father: Gretel a lovely woman and a very sleek America’s Cup racer. Wish I was there when it was built.

  1081. john sanders on June 9, 2021 at 1:13 pm said:

    Peteb: That’s right how could I forget Kerrie was the goanna, which reminds me what’ve you got going for the big 77 next week Kez old mate. I don’t need to be reminded of important dates.

  1082. john sanders on June 9, 2021 at 1:52 pm said:

    Boris: Ancient history on Prosper’s GB bond in WA ’38. Facilitators were Dr. Harley Burch of Universal Collections Sydney and his Perth agent Detective Ron Richards Prosper’s arresting officer. Ron later went over to Asio and ran the Vladimir Petrov defection in ’54 but Ron always kept in touch with his old low life informants from his shady past. Almost sure I mentioned this some time back though maybe a bit before your time.

  1083. misca on June 9, 2021 at 6:30 pm said:

    JS -“checked MyNames Jessie H. BDM search result, what sez misca” but I don’t know who MyNames is or what they have found. If you clarify, I will do my best to check.

  1084. milongal on June 9, 2021 at 8:58 pm said:

    @JS click on “Internment Details”, then select “View Map”, then on the page it directs you to click “show me more”.
    I haven’t found any graves with a headstone pic (although the broken picture icon on the pages suggests that might be a work in progress).

    There’s also a Jessie Muir THOMSON recorded at Centennial Park. She’s previously been confused with JE and I think has been (reasonably) thoroughly dismissed. The confusion seems to stem from her last abode being listed as Somerton Park. Byron and JS seem to have covered her extensively in the past, but it’s hard to go past some of the coincidences.

    Did Prosper call himself “George” sometimes (as has been said elsewhere), or is that confusion with this Jessie whose husband was George?

    More interestingly (IMO) is that some time back JS has Prosper’s dad as:
    Ernest Chalmers Muir-Thomson

    I don’t know where the Muir came from, but it seems another interesting coincidence…..

  1085. misca on June 9, 2021 at 10:05 pm said:

    There are three headstone pics available via FindAGrave and they come up on ancestry. There is a menorah with a line in Hebrew and then it states:

    In Loving Memory of
    Jessica Ellen Thomson
    Died 13 May 2007

  1086. john sanders on June 9, 2021 at 10:25 pm said:

    Misca: June 7th @ Tbt ‘In 2002 I had a length conversation with Jessie thread, MyNames Jessie search result appears and it is directed to misca. The two posts above his are yours…All are still up.

  1087. john sanders on June 9, 2021 at 10:52 pm said:

    milongal: Yes Jessie Moir T. nee Mcfarlaine bn. 1918? moved to Adelaide from Gladstone with daughter Janet after the death (possibly suicide or….) of her husband George A. Thomson in 1941. She lived at Toorak Gardens for awhile then moved to Glenelg. Byron picked her up in Dunleath from about 1959 and she was still in place 1970 until her passing…The Muir name comes from Dumfries Scotland and is quite prolific as a double bunger with common surmames like Thonson and Harkness, usually present with no hyphen and family members either stick with it or drop it according to their whims. Jessie’s Port Headland sibs. all kept it alive from memory.

  1088. john sanders on June 10, 2021 at 1:26 am said:

    I don’t generally hold with the input and subsequent manipulation by half truths and facts of convenience courtesy of GC’s cronies James, Byron and Peter Davidson of the Geni site which is now totally under their control However, I was recently heartened to see one new listing that independently agrees with my own oft stated fact of Thomas Harkness and his family resided in the Central Coast region of NSW through the twenties. It relates in particular to the birth of Jean Moir Harkness at Newcastle in March of 1923 and younger sister Ellen Mary’s 1928? no place birth, plus marriage to a William Lippiatt McLeish. The team insists that big sister Jessica Ellen was a Marrickville, Sydney rather than Maryville, Newcastle birth sometime in 1921. I’ve always held that three Ellen’s in one family maybe one too many, thus supporting the proposition of there having been a split in the Harkness family around 1920. NB: my earlier posts lay out all the associated facts in much (some would say too much) detail.

  1089. john sanders on June 10, 2021 at 4:18 am said:

    Peteb: Only light at the end of the tunnel with all due respect, would have to be the big headlamp above the cow plough on the Overlander from Melbourne coming out of the Belair tunnel and about to swing by Prosper’s spread adjoining the new Methodist? church in Alta Mira Crecent. Hey now can you see the impressive big Tamam Shud sign above the entry gate that Farsi savy rail passengers might easily associate with some ‘The End is Nigh’ Old Testament psalm. NB: Prosper was said to have had some sort of parking affair next to the church extension from about mid 1947 according to a GC gopher’s claim that may even be true.

  1090. Peteb on June 10, 2021 at 9:11 am said:

    randomfh.blogspot.com needs help. Please assist.

  1091. misca on June 10, 2021 at 3:03 pm said:

    I cannot search this site. Not sure why. Nick, do you think that you could link the conversation that JS is referring to?

  1092. misca on June 10, 2021 at 6:50 pm said:

    Got it. Thanks for the help!

  1093. milongal on June 10, 2021 at 10:29 pm said:

    @peteb: Lol – dI thought you were taking the p!ss (let’s say I didn’t realise “fh” would be “family history”

    You talking about the “finding Jestyn’s Phone Number” post?

  1094. Peter Davidson on June 11, 2021 at 4:07 am said:

    JS. Being born in a hospital far from where the parents reside was not outside the realm of possibility. Remember there was no free, midwives, nor hospital treatment in government hospitals before the 1970s. If you wanted to minimize your time in debtors prison, you found the cheapest if your wife had complications. So I wouldn’t take the NSW BDM records for where that sister being born as indicative of where the parents were residing without further evidence like an announcement in a local paper or something.

  1095. Peter Davidson on June 11, 2021 at 5:20 am said:

    or until NSW BDM releases the original birth certificate which should contain the parents addresses

  1096. john sanders on June 11, 2021 at 7:51 am said:

    Peter Davidson: Being more advanced in years, I must correct you in your likely assumotions that good midwivery centres for needy woman and unmarried girls were not so readily available as in lying in birthing hospitals run by benevolent institutions. Case in point being the Salvation home in suburban Newcastle that had been operating twenty years before Ellen’s daughter Jessica was born there probably in late 1921 and I was able to get virtual confirmation from kept records. When answering my request re a certain Ellen Harkness’ delivery at the home and after being informed of no access due to privacy etc., they regretted inabiliy to confirm birth of baby Jessica Harkness (nudge nudge wink wink). It must stand to reason that if Jo’s sister Jean Moyr (Jenny) was born at Newcastle early in ’33, as your Geni mob put up for us punters, this during the family’s pennyless years there, then it’s a good bet that her big sister was too….Nice to have you swing by PeteDavo, see if you can’t make it more often should you need of company and so long as you get thumbs up from the Super.

  1097. Peter Davidson on June 12, 2021 at 5:37 am said:

    JS. Yes the Marrickville listing on the NSW BDM website is an enigma.
    I personally wondered if there’s a women’s prison in the area at the time.

  1098. john sanders on June 12, 2021 at 1:57 pm said:

    PeteDavo: Matraville (Boxall country) female penitentiary, a few miles from Marrickville was the main Sydney based lockup for the fair sex until Silverwater, though if you don’t mind my asking, what’s the connection to the Harkness tribe? Harkness was indeed a very common name in the times we’re talking about and Jessica’s mum was probably born in Marrickville (Illawarra Rd. Nee Princes) Many very well known Harknesses like Don, the internationally renowed engineering marvel of yesteryear had his workshops nextdoor in Leichardt. E.B. Harkness the NSW Secretary was from the same area, although he later settled over the harbour at Clifton Gardens with daughter Cynthia. In my earlier posted research notes we even had an Ellen Harkness working (no rel.) in Marrickville at the Australian Woollen Mills in the thirties. The mind can be boggling coming to grips with this confounding SM stuff what?

  1099. Peter Davidson on June 12, 2021 at 6:59 pm said:

    JS. What Tin Edhouse said in the film Missing Pieces about his grandmother, Vera Lucy Langley (nee Savge) possibly influencing the young Jessica Harkness into dabbling with communist ideology in Mentone lead me on a bit of a deep dive into the background of these connections. Vera gained a CIB dossier in 1918, at this time she’s in Fremantle a few years before John Samuel Langley who’s soapbox anti religious orations gains the attentions of the Rationalist Society which he subsequently joins and builds his commune at Mentone with Vera years later. Anyhow, I remembered the of the Battle of the Barricades occurred at Fremantle around this time so i looked it up and there it was, a ship that you mentioned SS Dimboola
    connected to HC Reynolds and someone else whom you mentioned had tried to set up a stevedoring company. So could this idea of communist ideology that Tim suggested actually been before Jessica? Her parents perhaps? So I discovered a history of Port uprisings along the East Coast too. Could Jessica’s mum of been locked up at the time of her birth due to one of these riots, hence the place of her birth not being in Newcastle?
    All these deep dives are to look for pictures of progenitor of family’s to find evidence of what looks like the Somerton Man’s ears. Most are to no avail. This recent deep dive to look for any evidence to sustain theories that Jessica Thomson was playing with communists.
    The later now seems to have some probable support, but the former, well it hadn’t until I found Vera’s daughter’s (Tim’s mom, Margaret Cohen) headstone on billion graves. There was one name on it that I couldn’t fathom as to why at first, Dr Elef Jorgensen. Anyhow I figured out the connection, but what intrigued me was the notion of whether Jessica Thomson the girl whom was Margaret’s best friend in childhood also was acquainted with the Jorgensens, because after a deep dive into their ancestors I find someone by the name of James Levick, who died in Ryde NSW on 12/11/1883 with the same damn ears right down to the connected lobes and upside down hollows. What are the chances of this being genetic, and what are the chances of the Levick family being an ancestor of SM?
    A cursory glance at this might indicate that we’re going to be looking at a he’ll of a lot of potential descendants, https://eehe.org.uk/?p=25611 however the confluence of time and proximity to knowing Jessica Thomson may narrow down the field. Although I think the DNA detectives will still get there first.
    So here’s a starting point. Madeleine Tudway Jörgensen (Levick) (1900 – 1960). Does she have a contender for Somerton Man amongst siblings or cousins? Or is this another dead end. A pure coincidence in ears? A spontaneous mutation, or is it a common condition amongst many families? We’ll keep looking

  1100. john sanders on June 13, 2021 at 1:09 am said:

    Peter Davidson: Sorry Pete, but I’m on the Tamam Shud case these days, which you may recall is appropos the missing stable hand took ill and sadly passed away at Somerton Beach a while back. Folks wanting discussion on the Rationalist/Red Langley’s, now ensconced at Stirling SA, you’ll get an (H.C. Reynolds) earful and more from Redacted the nice chap with specs and head like a robber’s dog at Big Tootie blog. Alternatively try the TS/BS training cell wing under tutelage of Chris G. Cramer Esq. BS. who’s also keane on the SS Dimboola Hay Banknote case with links to Simon Weizenthall’s post WW2 nazi purge…. Luck on your quest js.

  1101. Peter Davidson on June 13, 2021 at 4:08 am said:

    Here’s a response to Jon Sanders that is awaiting moderation on Nick Pelling’s website. I’ve noticed a few changes made by predictive text so I’ll edit them here.

    What Tim Edhouse said in the film Missing Pieces about his grandmother, Vera Lucy Langley (nee Savge) possibly influencing the young Jessica Harkness into dabbling with communist ideology in Mentone lead me on a bit of a deep dive into the background of these connections. Vera gained a CIB dossier in 1918, at this time she’s in Fremantle a few years before John Samuel Langley who’s soapbox anti religious orations gained the attention of the Rationalist Society which he subsequently joins and builds his commune at Mentone with Vera years later.
    Anyhow, I remembered the of the Battle of the Barricades occurred at Fremantle around this time soI looked it up and there it was, a ship that you mentioned “SS Dimboola” connected to HC Reynolds and someone else whom you mentioned had tried to set up a stevedoring company.
    So could this idea of communist ideology that Tim suggested actually been before Jessica? Her parents perhaps? So I had searched for and discovered a history of Port uprisings along the East Coast too.
    Could Jessica’s mum of been locked up at the time of her birth due to one of these riots, hence the place of her birth not being in Newcastle?

    All these deep dives are to look for pictures of progenitor of family’s to find evidence of what looks like the Somerton Man’s ears. Most are to no avail. This recent deep dive was to look for any evidence to sustain theories that Jessica Thomson was playing with communists.

    The later now seems to have some probable support, but the former, well it hadn’t until I found Vera’s daughter’s (Tim’s mom, Margaret Cohen) headstone on billion graves.

    There was one name on it that I couldn’t fathom as to why at first, Dr Elef Jorgensen.

    Anyhow I figured out the connection, but what intrigued me was the notion of whether Jessica Thomson the girl whom was Margaret’s best friend in childhood also was acquainted with the Jorgensens, because after a deep dive into their ancestors I find someone by the name of James Levick, who died in Ryde NSW on 12/11/1883 with the same damn ears right down to the connected lobes and upside down hollows. What are the chances of this being genetic, and what are the chances of the Levick family being an ancestor of SM?

    A cursory glance at this might indicate that we’re going to be looking at a hell of a lot of potential descendants, https://eehe.org.uk/?p=25611 however the confluence of time and proximity to knowing Jessica Thomson may narrow down the field.
    Although I think the DNA detectives will still get there first.

    So here’s a starting point. Madeleine Tudway Jörgensen (Levick) (1900 – 1960).
    Does she have a contender for Somerton Man amongst siblings or cousins? Or is this another dead end. A pure coincidence in ears? A spontaneous mutation, or is it a common condition amongst many families?
    Is it a recessive condition that only shows up when both parents carry the gene and affect a quarter of their children? We’ll keep looking

  1102. misca on June 13, 2021 at 4:30 am said:

    Jeez Peter. That’s a shitload of info…And I hope you/we (sm collective) make it there before the DNA detectives! (Just for fun.)

    I jumped down the Justus Jorgensen’s rabbit hole when DA mentioned Monsalvat and what you post is most definitely interesting! Elef/Ellif was Justus’ brother. He married Madeline Tudway Levick…but in the spirit of commune, there was a lot of fornicating and sharing. Elef and Madeline had a son Michael.

    I have come to your same conclusion about Jessica’s “dabbling” through another suggested “friend” Ada Francis Bernie. They travelled in similar circles, influenced by the same people. Ada’s real name was suppressed by her “fellows” so I wouldn’t be surprised that Jessica’s “fellows” would help out in the same manner. It seems to have been the thing to do.

    I am in the most locked down part of the world. They opened up outdoor pubs tonight. I stubbled in to this most wonderful post but I cannot fathom going back to my notes/bookmarks this evening.

    Vera appears to have had 5 children. Three most definitely with John Samuel Langely, the other two; it’s unclear.

  1103. john sanders on June 13, 2021 at 5:00 am said:

    Peteb: Developments aplenty over at your nemisis’ site. We got our AfIO trainee Redacted driving forward with Margaret Langley’s childhood link to our Jo causing chins to wag, along with cameo appearance by the old lag himself (good onyer GC) in a tutorial role. And if that’s not enough action, we have some spill over right here with Tbt man PeteDavo crossing the floor and to whom I’ve exchanged some banter. Sadly none of this seems to have anything whatsoever to do with the SM dilemma which of course has always been the Cramer orchestrated diversionary agenda.

  1104. Peteb on June 13, 2021 at 9:15 am said:

    JS: agendas are like brothers .. they like to fight it out. You know that.

  1105. john sanders on June 13, 2021 at 10:53 am said:

    Peteb You’re right of course. Agendas might also be equated with birthdays, they come and go and hopefully come around again if we’re lucky. And speaking of birthdays and luck, 77 is beyond comparison considering human life span does not allow for the magic triple seven bonanza. Anyhow anyone fortunate to have been born on June 13th 1944 for example must be feeling pretty mellow to-night..M H R P B.

  1106. john sanders on June 13, 2021 at 10:56 pm said:

    Misca: Guess your Peter D is Peter Davidson @ PeteDavo and who put you on to ‘Missing Pieces’ from 2018 in re revelations on the Jessica Harkness link to sisters Jean and Maggie Langley et al. Guess I casually referred to the interesting show some days earlier after Redacted recommended it over at Big Footy…Of course redacted frequently uses ‘could of’ and Pete says “would of’, which would/could settle any doubts on links between the pair. Probably twin bros.

  1107. john sanders on June 14, 2021 at 5:22 am said:

    Hard to imagine that any of our top notch research team might not have been aware of the ‘Missing Pieces’ existence until…well just now. This of course was the very same film that premiered at Adelaide in the spring of 2018 to which we had been allerted and that the Dude 747 had attended on our as an uninvited in house SM combined blog rep. Besides giving contemporary updates including coverage of the gala celeb arrivals ie., Feltus, Lawson, Abbott etc., he also sent off shots of the stars attending the aftermath drinki poo session and gave a summary of the shows main points next day. We got some new stuff from Neil Day the hoop, a word or two from Len Brown, Elliott the undertaker’s nephew? and various points of view from from a collective of old Jess cohorts and her personal physician to show solidarity. Her alleged connections to former reactionaries the Langley’s and by extention Manning Clarke seemed more to accord with them all having lived in Mentone during the roaring twenties than direct evidence of kindred association..

  1108. john sanders on June 14, 2021 at 10:32 am said:

    Something hit a nerve when Jo’s sister Ellen came on to say her piece, well two nerves actually. Did anyone notice that her name was flagged as Nelle and not the birth name Ellen (reverse) which takes care of a problem I mentioned a day or two back on having one too many Ellens in the family. Problem two and not so frivilous is that ‘Nelle’ Mary McLeish (1928) in 2018 would have been 90 years of age, and while this lass appeared to be of advanced years, I would have put her at least 8 to 10 years younger in both physical appearance and her general manner.

  1109. john sanders on June 14, 2021 at 12:07 pm said:

    I also noted from the ‘Missing Pieces’ clip that Margaret Langley-Cohen’s son and daughter, who claimed to have good recall of their mum’s friendship with Jo, that they both appeared to be no more than say mid 50s. That would have meant Maggie begat them in the mid sixties when she was a fair age being born in 1920, though that could be explained away had the pair been character actors playing virtual roles and the producers merely forgot to tell us.

  1110. JS.
    I’ve been waiting awhile to finally see Missing Pieces show up somewhere where I could see it without a pay wall. It’s no mystery that everyones just seeing it now, that someone on BF found it on the daily motion website.
    And you know Redacted is me. You previously commented when my old phone went kaput and I lost the authenticator app to be able to log onto WS and BF under my old username of petedavo. Anyhow keep throwing ideas and I’ll keep looking, but I don’t expect any of us will find SM anytime before SAPol except by chance. So it those chance coincidences that I look up to see what chance discoveries are available. I’ll watch NP GC or anyone else to see if deciphering squibbles in the book will give us any names, or anything else to look at. I’ll go back over what others have researched to see if there’s anything that can be added.
    There’s no agenda other than that. If anyone uses whatever I find, it’s upto them, but they should do their own verification as whatever anyone writes is their own interpretation of what they see. We all can feel that we get lead up the garden path sometimes, but really it’s only our own fault if we have a emotional response to our own infallibility or to anyone elses. A dead end in a rabbit hole is not a bad thing. It just means that there is one less hole to go down, and that’s a good thing for everyone else looking at the rabbit warren.

  1111. misca on June 15, 2021 at 3:04 am said:

    Hard to imagine perhaps, but sometimes people need to do other things and I took a break from all of this for a few years. Following every day, year after year, is a hobby that few can/want to entertain.

    Nonetheless, I agree regarding “Nellie”, Jessica’s sister. She seemingly would be in her late 80’s/early 90’s and is holding up very well.

  1112. milongal on June 15, 2021 at 3:09 am said:

    Struggling through such a tedious video – everyone seems more interested in making some sort of nice story than necessarily offering any fact.
    Jockey’s claim of a bloke with an overcoat wandering the beach toward Glenelg is vaguely interesting – it had been 20C overnight, but it would beg the question where they came from (presumably they wouldn’t have brought the body from Glenelg – too much chance of being noticed).

    I’ve always assumed the jockeys weren’t interviewed because the police didn’t really think it was a crime early on….but if they’d disappeared already, maybe Lyons didn’t mention to the coppers they’d even been there?

  1113. misca on June 15, 2021 at 4:21 am said:

    “Guess I casually referred to the interesting show some days earlier after Redacted recommended it over at Big Footy”

    Sorry JS…That I’m not following your every post across all platforms.

    I keep asking and no one is providing a link to this Big Footy shit. I have searched for it and only find links from several years ago. As with the “Missing Pieces” bit – do you guys actually expect everyone interested to be following every day over the course of years? Why is every reference obscured? Can’t you just post a [expletive] link? I have followed and read for 10 years now and still missed it. People have shit to do other than this.

  1114. john sanders on June 15, 2021 at 4:52 am said:

    Coupla fluffs in young strapper Day’s movie debut in ‘Missing Pieces’. To start off, Neil speaks of he and mate Horrie finding the deceased leaning with his back against the sea wall with legs crossed, yet soon after he tells ABC that SM’s face was stairing straight up looking skywards and body flat out on the sand. Now with regard to Neil naming a man seen at the steps as Arthur Lee trainer of Melbourne Cup winner Comic Court which ain’t quite right. A. J. Lee was a part part owner of the stallion and well into his seventies, so not likely to be taking to the waters at 5.30am, especially on a race day. With due respect I’d say the passage of time has taken toll on Neil’s memory and so was merely trying to be helpful under pressure. In fact he was on the right track in that his old horse ‘trainer’ Arthur lee, had a returned soldier son who, whilst not knowing one end of a brood mare from the other was, along with two local RSL ex diggers Jack B. L. and Cleve M. S., a regular dawn beach reveller hence Neil’s confusion. PS: J.Cummings trained Comic Court.

  1115. Peter Davidson on June 15, 2021 at 2:39 pm said:


    There’s a couple of threads on the Somerton Man case on big footy



    The post from Zedx which alerted me that the Daily Motion website had the Missing Pieces film for free to view including a link to the film, is this one.

  1116. milongal on June 15, 2021 at 8:39 pm said:

    @JS: I think a lot in that video have been encouraged to tell a story, not recount facts (either that or they all have some romanticised ideas about what the facts are).
    A while back the ABC released something that included an interview with Day (I’ll hunt the link). At the time, his story interested me, because when asked about how they knew AM was dead, he talks about “Horrie lifted his leg and dropped it, and he didn’t respond” (or similar). To me, this immediately makes the “crossed leg” bit irrelevant.

    I also still muse of Gordon and Olive – “We went there to escape the heat” – on a 25C day. Is this simply because they didn’t think “We went there for a slap and tickle” was appropriate, or…..

  1117. milongal on June 15, 2021 at 8:44 pm said:

    Also, not necessarily particularly relevant but might interest soem people (and I don’t think it’s been mentioned yet)….
    Another mystery with suspicious death, tags cut out of clothes and unidentified bodies google: “Jennifer Fairgate Oslo” (I think it was also on the Netflix remake of Unsolved Mysteries”).

    Short version: Woman found shot dead in hotel room locked from the inside with all sorts of peculiarities

  1118. john sanders on June 15, 2021 at 10:38 pm said:

    Agreed, actors playing up to the histerical facts ie. ‘Went down to cool off’ was a set piece and identical to what he recalled from 1949. If you say it consistently enough and long enough its bound to stick just like the ‘all tags removed’ from the clothes when infact, from the evidence we are aware of several that were still in place ie., the Stamina tag on the worn duds, another on the spare pair, one on the Pelaco shirt, one on the underwear ‘Jockey’ et al. possibly….Nice to have Peter Davidson come in from the cold at last and relay got a chuckle out of his espionage denetta spy links with Gordon’s input about the wicked troll on the long inactive ‘anemptyglass’ blog.

  1119. john sanders on June 16, 2021 at 7:03 am said:

    Peter Davidson: My compliments to Bruce Hubbard, but to remind him that Adelaide’s Vic. Square at 6.00pm on Tuesday November 30th would likely have been a little more crowded than he’d have us believe. The morning Interstate train/plane passengers, many aboard the overbooked Overlander from Melbourne and other packed rail services including one from Broken Hill, would at that time have been along with local Ballet lovers thronging the city centr. Grote Street in vicinity of the Tivoli theatre would have been abuzz with expectation, prepretory to attending the gala world premier of Juliet Prouse’s ‘The Listeners’…So I doubt that SM the soviet spy might be seen mixing with the thousand plus ballet crowd in the not so deserted city centr prior to surruptitious uplifting then conveyance to Angas St. lock-up for interrogation.

  1120. john sanders on June 16, 2021 at 9:03 am said:

    My mistake, it was Joanna Priest not Juliet Prowse what composed ‘The Listeners’, she was an Adelaide girl who went to Europe and done good under direction of Marie Rambert and her mentor cum occasional dance partner T. Slavinsky. He had composed and correographed a similar Walter de la Mare based ballet ‘Illusions’ which never played due to his unexpected death in 1945….For anyone interested WdlM wrote hundreds of clever little rhymes for kids as well as his main stream stuff as well as spy novels and the like over a fifty year span. He used W’s most frequently for starting stanzas and many times repeated the use for second lines with questioning words like when, where, why and what. I won’t be surprised if some smartarse determined geek researcher jags one of the great man’s less known pieces and connects it with the code somehow or other.

  1121. misca on June 16, 2021 at 8:57 pm said:

    Peter Davidson – Thanks for the links! Lots of interesting information.

  1122. milongal on June 16, 2021 at 10:08 pm said:

    I must’ve missed the evil troll. At one stage I thought anemptyglass was going to develop into something vaguely useful (long before Mr Marketing got into it).
    Did I ever mention that GC’s linked in has a review by DA on it for some work they did together (I think at the time DA’s Electrical Engineering post-grads were being
    (mis?)used to investigate the Somerton man. I found it interesting because I thought (could be wrong) more recently they weren’t the best of mates.

    Why would morning arrivals be hanging around the city at 6PM? Granted, they might have been staying in the city, but I don’t think there would’ve been many rooms around Grote St (There’s a few hotels on Grote and KW – I’ll double check when I have a chance, but I think most of them are “pubs” rather than accommodation). I think there would have been some accommodation on Grenfell and Hindley, but I think the bulk of it (as it was until recently) would have been on North Tce – largely to support the people coming in by train). I guess North Tce would probably have been a pretty major Tram hub – so anyone heading into (or returning from) suburbia would be around the place….

    Other than the trams, I’d expect that part of town to be less busy than today. The markets would have already been there (but I think they tended to be open later in the week, and not at 6PM). Frankie X Cathedral might attract a few Catholics for an evening mass but not sure whether they would have had one (I think in more recent history they used to have a weekday evening mass at 5:45 – but I don’t know how long back that would have been normal – maybe I can dig out an old Southern Cross on trove if we’re interested). The Hilton wasn’t built until much later (70s or 80s I think), and a lot of the non-market day around the markets that exists these days (Little Chinatown and the Coles supermarket) are also more recent additions. The Franklin St Bus Station came later too.
    So much of the activity would have been directly related to the Theatre and (possibly) some Government workers heading home from offices in Vic Square.

  1123. john sanders on June 16, 2021 at 11:27 pm said:

    Peter Davidson: Bruce Hubbard’s reference to Adelaide’s six o’clock swill in ’48 was timely considering that Adelaide’s West End brewery which would likely have supplied it’s share of that swill, announced to-day it was closing down. Established in 1886, West End has long held title to being the world’s worst beer along with Southwark, another S.A. lethal brew. One of the evil pair could well have been the poison that took out Somerton Man.

  1124. milongal on June 17, 2021 at 12:07 am said:

    Random thoughts:
    – Jessica was not married to Prosper at the time SM was found (even if she was using his surname). Perhaps this is why the police focussed on her (as the phone subscriber). Did Prosper live there at that time, and would the police have realised it?
    – How much could the “genetic similarities” that DA and his uni mates have often looked at occur throughout a wider family? Is it possible that SM was a Thomson (obviously none that we know, but what about in a more extended family), and could that explain genetic anomalies, or do you expect those sort to be passed directly?
    – Is it possible Jessica took the Thomson name for someone other than Prosper, and Prosper later married her to cover it up?

    Probably other stuff.

  1125. john sanders on June 17, 2021 at 4:49 am said:

    Peter Davidison: In re your Retracted tapatalk hat at GC’s behest. You described how Paul Lawson, Bert Cleland and Bob Cowan conspired to interfere with dead remains, contrary to S.A. Crimes Act provisions, to wit removing skull and internal matter from deceased remains pending death cause and replacing it with a mock substitute with intent to deceive. Such a hienous act could only have been concocted with a view to undermine the outcome of an Inquest determination, which of itself is a serious crime and one in which offenders have no limitation of time protection against prosecution. In that Paul seems to have made admissions in this regard to GC then he is compelled to report any crime arising therefrom to police or risk prosecution of being knowingly concerned with the commission of an offence after the fact. In view of GC’s own recent confession to being familiar with morturial matters from work in homicide, a ‘mea nil culpa ignoramus’ defence would not likely hold weight….Struth it’d be such a shame if our great fiend and associate had to do time for something three crooks conjured up in 1949 to thwart a justicial outcome, the law can be an ass as well.

  1126. john sanders on June 17, 2021 at 5:51 am said:

    When next communicating with S.A.A.G. Vickie whatsit, I’ll see if there be any alternate means of punishing a centenarian returned man found guilty of serious crime. Perhaps there is provision in the Act’s penalty clauses that might deign a plea for leniency to be granted in Paul Lawson’s case. As for accomplice GC’s threat to publish or be damned in respect of his ‘prestine empty head cavity extravaganza; It will undoubtedly be labelled continuity and with his form we must fear the worst unfortunately. As most of our S.A. old lag contributors would be aware, Yalatla’s cell block ‘D’ can be fairly tough on any 74 convicted criminal with haemorrhoids

  1127. john sanders on June 17, 2021 at 7:31 am said:

    milongal: The interstate travellers who arrived 30/11 in the morning and those that arrived by air in the arvo had come for the ballet, thought I made that clear; and of course they’d have been milling around Vick Square around pub closing time (6pm) having noshed at one of the flash city pastie stands, in eager anticipation of the old Tivoli opening to the sellout first night crowd from all states and dominions. That’s how the upperclass got their kicks in them days according to Woman’s Day ’48 era social pages.

  1128. john sanders on June 17, 2021 at 8:17 am said:

    milongal: Random Thoughts sound pretty reasonable in light of all the Thomson DNA/RNA confusion we are now being subjected to in awaiting news of results on the box full of dirt taken ceremoniously away from West Terrace the other week. That the nurse had adopted the monicker in time to register Robin’s arrival in July ’47 does support your suggestion that the name was not necessarily adopted from her ties to Prosper. I recall once looking up commonality of Thomson in it’s various forms and was not at all surprised to see it appear consistently amongst the top order in English names since Adam was a boy….On the Evil Troll, his name be ‘We’ and he was having a fine old time all alone, going about all manner of useful commentary fir self gratification on the well set up (now presumably abandoned) ‘anemptyglass’ board. That is until late 2019 when a pair of suspicious visitors in Peteb and PeteDavo dropped by each with a question designed to be responded to with less than savoury vernicular. Coupla days later the blog mistress blocked poor ‘We’ out of the site for highjacking thus forcing relocation to a more upmarket ameniable site.

  1129. john sanders on June 17, 2021 at 12:22 pm said:

    Peter Davidson: Anyone with a midicum of sense and sensibility (Austen) must surely be able to figure out who the person with the golden invisible stitching technique was that Paul Lawson was refering to. It could be none other than undertaker Laurie Elliott, mortuary mate of pathologist ‘Barb’ Dwyer and by association, a certain pub owner close to West Terrace cemetery. Gawd the plot does thicken don’t it just and all about to be fully laid out as a well orchestrated non covert conspiracy of criminal deception. By my count it implicates no fewer than five maybe more. So ‘good on you Gordon’ for by your own admissions we seem now to have solid evidence for solving the question of who knew what, when and how. Sadly the where and why of SM’s demise still remains a mystery. If I were you Peter @ Redacted, I’d be getting out of Dodge and soonest, if you get my drift.

  1130. john sanders on June 17, 2021 at 1:56 pm said:

    Of course all of the above can be explained away, if the sole motive for the multi faceted part by part spin on Paul Lawson’s involvement with the SM bust job be based solely on the premise of promoting purfidious duplicity for self serving engrandishment. Most well informed bi partisan observers, including a collective of the author’s fawning confidants are surely ont the lurk by now…nes pas?

  1131. milongal on June 17, 2021 at 9:03 pm said:

    @JS: RE the clean skull.
    Perhaps it’s artistic licence, but it seems odd the way the clean skull stuff is described:
    “Paul had commenced skinning the head to a point where he had removed the skull cap when a Detective suddenly entered the morgue and told him to immediately stop what he was doing and that the man was going to be buried that day.”
    “Paul stated that what he found when he skinned and opened the skull surprised him. The inside of the skull was pristine, immaculately clean which could only have been achieved by pouring boiling water into the brain cavity. ”

    1) commenced skinning
    2) Detective came in and said “don’t do that”
    3) Surprised to find the skull totally cleaned
    4) Cleland was annoyed
    5) The stitching was professional

    Let’s think about that. #1 & #3 seem to imply that he didn’t notice the skull had already been opened once before (i.e. had been stiched up, per the later descriptions). If it’s all stiched, then it’s not really skinning, it’s reopening – and clearly he wasn’t surprised the head had been opened, but was surprised someone had “boiled” the skull. I can sort of believe that it’s not unusual in this situation that the head has been pre-opened, but that’s not what the story implies.

    Now consider point #2. “A detective”. Which detective? One already in the story, or a new one? If it’s the latter, how do we know it’s a defective?

    As for #4. Cleland was annoyed. Not ropeable; not incredulous; just annoyed. This would suggest that such an occurence was not unusual. ‘Annoyed’ doesn’t suggest “WHAT THE FARK?” but more like “Damn, I hate it when they do that!”

    And if it’s not obvious, the fact that Lawson doesn’t seem to have thought the pre-opened head was unusual (see #1, #3 above), and that Cleland being annoyed suggesting this isn’t overly unusual (see #4) then it seems reasonable that stitching bodies back up would be quite normal in the morgue (especially during/after autopsy). On that basis, wouldn’t it be stranger if the stitching looked hodge-podge?

    GC puts a lot of weight on Lawson’s opinions – and it’s sort of reasonable given he was directly involved in the case. However, Lawson’s experise was taxidermy of animals (I think), and it was unusual for him to be involved with this sort of activity (on the human level). It is possible (probable, even?) that he had never dealt with a post-autopsy body before – so the observations while useful don’t necessarily say anything for whether what he saw would be “normal” or not in a similar circumstance.

    NOTE: To be clear, I’m not challenging what Lawson saw or how he understood the situation. I’m merely pointing out that he wasn’t necessarily in a position to know whether things he thought were strange were actually all that unusual given the situation, given that he didn’t regularly have to deal with dead bodies, autopsies and morgues.

    Short Version: Reading between the lines the observations of Lawson are probably innocuous and might be normal in a post-autopsy body.

  1132. milongal on June 17, 2021 at 9:04 pm said:

    @JS: My bad – to me it sounded like you were talking travellers AND ballet-goers rather than suggesting one was a subset of the other.

  1133. john sanders on June 18, 2021 at 5:17 am said:

    A tough ask to be sure, but I’ve found away out for Paul Lawson through an entry in his work diary covering the bust making excercise June 7 through July 26 of ’49. The item of relevance particular was the signature of S.A. Museum Director H.B. Hale when he signed off on satisfactory completion of the bust mould , thus proving he had authoritive controlling influence over his worker. The other point in Paul Lawson’s favour, not to mention a smart decision to record in good faith, daily connected tasks in his official government issue diary. This despite it not coming under the critea of a museum taxidermist’s sanctioned duties, the one off job being to all intents an unofficial foreign order and unlawful by rules in place for unclaimed bodies under control of The Coroner. End of the day Paul gets a rising of the court wrist slap sentence for aiding and abetting a criminal act of body tampering; then we go one step further and plead insanity for his biographer in showing evidence of similar acts over a prescribed period to suggest a depraved mindset. Might not work but pro bono legal advice comes cheap, besides who cares so long as the punishment fits the crime.

  1134. Peter Davidson on June 19, 2021 at 3:26 am said:

    Why would Cleland contact Lawson to retrieve the head?
    Cleland either had a tip off or had a moment of spontaneous inspiration for further examination?
    Why would Cleland not ask Dwyer, instead of Lawson?
    Dwyer would of removed the brain to weigh it, examine for obvious things, like stroke, same as other vital organs.
    Presumably they were put back and the body stitched up.
    If Cleland had a tip off from someone attending the autopsy then presumably they would’ve been the brain put back, so when Lawson reported back to Cleland that the brain was missing, it’s understandable that Cleland would be annoyed as it would indicate that after the autopsy, someone else retrieved the brain and destroyed evidence.
    But nothing gets mentioned at the time?
    Nothing is reported to SA Police?
    Incredible or is Lawson misinterpreting what significance there was to Cleland’s request to retrieve the head?

  1135. john sanders on June 20, 2021 at 2:55 am said:

    Peter Davidson: Sorry my reasonably not so serious response didn’t seem to fit the strict critetia that our moderator be so insisant upon whe of a mind which should be a caution for anyone like me having a differing non mainstream point of view or, perhaps an occasional humourous take on other people’s well meaning thoughts..

    I note that Peteb, firmly back in the darul harb camp, put to GC a question along similar lines to your good self, as to why pathologist Cleland would seek to have the Paul Lawson bust sitter’s head in his possession. It goes without saying that the question might answer itself had elementary line of thought be applied. Note that Bertram Cleland in his multi faceted natural science role, wore a variety of hats including some that would be relatively unkniwn eg., Old Bert was the world authority on S.A. fungus varieties for starters, but also being an avid bird fancier, animal stuffer and mullosc shell gatherer. In the field of anthropology he had some odd fancinatoin with PNG cannibal tribes, so much so that he had expressed a desire to sample their fare on an upcoming visit which had to be cancelled due to hostillities (whether tribal or WW1/2 ?)…..One step further would have the great man surely desiring a fine collection of exotic skulls with which to conduct brain cavity space race comparisons and/or to impress his like minded egg head mates. He would certainly have seen in SM a unique prize, there for the taking with little chance of being caught due to his elite status and his having willing dupes to takes the heat if necessary. PS: Trophy value would of course be enhanced by the bust skull having, in the great man’s learned opinion belonged to a well educated type, a ‘Britisher’ no less and thereby unique, if he could only have pulled it off.

  1136. john sanders on June 20, 2021 at 3:31 am said:

    PD: Yes of course, I am familiar with Bert Cleland’s interest in the largely debunked theories and facination with phrenology, I thought that you might not of been.

  1137. Peteb on June 20, 2021 at 8:59 am said:

    John Sanders: two points of order – it was an illness that prevented Cleland from taking on the NG expedition, and he wasn’t planning to sample the human stews, his interest lay in the herbs and spices they added to the broth.

  1138. john sanders on June 20, 2021 at 10:19 am said:

    Peteb: The occasional snippet of licence helps to stir the stew pot whether the additives be boiled heads or coconuts. I’m sure you’d be reasonably familiar with such stress initiatves that may enhance an otherwise tedious yarn, just so long as the fundamental points hold true. Got it?…

  1139. Peteb on June 20, 2021 at 12:49 pm said:

    You want licence? How about 130 new and unusual suspects, any of whom might be our dead red-head?

  1140. john sanders on June 21, 2021 at 4:37 am said:

    Peteb: A few seasons back when German ex internment camp suspects were still in vogue, I had ‘Bluey Somerton’ done up and accoutrered in the guise of a high ranking Oberst commander H. R. Wagner. Hans ran all pseudo nazi resurgent activities in the antipodes, none of which ever achieved desired objectives before his premature demise in ’45. You want to regurgitate that tired old Kramer versus Kramer ticket, with accent now on Lithuanian Jews opposing V2 rocket techos, then that’s your prerogative. PS: The Bonnagilla yarn about the displaced hebe and his nazi helper recognizance recalls similar tales tracing to other camps and also to war crimes tribunal evidence, it seems.

  1141. john sanders on June 22, 2021 at 1:36 pm said:

    Peteb: Yes indeed Kate Thomson said on her 60 minutes show and tell debut that, according to mum…”his identity was known to a level (of authority) higher than the police force” then stuff all else to back up the outlandish claim. But she was not alone in her well rehearsed and rather generously subsidised generous morsel to we the undignified SM punting few. I’ll keep the other informant’s details to myself for the immediate time being in hope that some case savy cove twigs to who that might have been and save me the trouble of spilling the beans..

  1142. john sanders on June 24, 2021 at 11:59 am said:

    Peteb: At the inquest, Jack Lyons who was first cab off the rank went on to say , “The following morning when Constable Moss was there, we found a smoke behind the dead man’s ear which he may have been trying to get at. That cigarette had not been lit”. Moss who was next up on the liars podium humed and ahed as if trying to win best and farest wanted to talk about the same cigarette having been smoked more than half way down to the cork tip…So who you gonna believe, the guy who was in situ first and with Keane eyes used to picking real Rolex’s from Honk Kong fakes at his watch shop; or an S.A. plod who hadn’t risen above local Constable in twenty five years of faking evidence to stay where he was at his shitty Brighton post. Ball’s in your court and not for the first time.

  1143. milongal on June 24, 2021 at 9:57 pm said:

    re “higher authority than police”
    1) Jess could be lying
    2) Kate could be lying
    3) Kate could have misinterpreted something
    4) Could mean a lot of different things
    5) Could be taken out of context (on a whole bunch of levels)

    Total hearsay, with not the slightest to make it even worth considering.

    I come back to a point I’ve often made, the problem with the “higher than normal copper” conspiracy is that it’s a pretty poor effort to cover up. Too much information is allowed to leak out. If “higher authorities” were at play, a lot of the evidence would have been stifled – even if the coppers were unaware. I find it too paradoxical that we’re expected to simultaneously believe “untraceable super spooks could do stuff without anyone knowing” and “the police didn’t know they had to keep sh!t secret”. We’re asked to believe there’s an agency at work that can control any situation, but allows a whole bunch of evidence to point to something other than a mundane suicide (and lets it all leak out via sapol).
    If there was a higher authority, they would be trying to promote the mundane, not create intrigue. There’s too much stuff that attracts attention rather than diverts it – and if you want to play the “no, they were so clever they were creating double blinds” game, you’re an idiot – it literally makes things more interesting when you want something to go away.

    Perhaps the most significant thing is the missing wallet. Let’s assume it was taken by an opportunist (rather than someone involved in SM’s demise). WHy are the contents of the pockets in tact? If you have time to get to the wallet, don’t you want to see what else is in the pockets (what if there’s a loose pound note or something). If you have time to inspect it there, why shove it back into his pockets, and if you don’t, why not take it with you to go through later? If you’re planting stuff to make it look like the wallet was stolen, doesn’t the same thing apply?
    Where would a 1940s chap carry their wallet? Perhaps in a coat pocket? Of course, if he’d had a coat on that morning, how do the tickets get into his pants (surely they’d be easier to thrust into a coat pocket)? So definitely not a long coat (ie something like a sports/suit coat that doesn’t cover the pants). Contrary to the narrative, it wasn’t a horribly warm day and a suit coat may not have been as out of place as people would suggest. But I think any time I’ve warn a suit the tendancy is to store valuables in the inside breast pocket, and anything else in other pockets (suit pockets when they’re available, but sometimes they’re stitched shut because they’re just for show). So would this explain the wallet? It was never in his pants, it was in a suit coat – and an opportunistic robber took his coat and never thought to search his pants pocket?
    Alternatively, perhaps wherever he was that day he’d taken his coat off and it had been left there (and whoever took him to the beach either didn’t realise or didn’t care that the coat was left)?

    As a(ne even more) random thought, is it possible he wasn’t recognised because he wore glasses – so noone was used to seeing him without them? Would the pathologists have picked up marks on the nose, ears and possibly side of the face (I know of people who wore very tight glasses to the point they would cut into the side of their head) if someone was regularly in the habit of wearing glasses, or is it possible noone thought to look because there was no reason to?

  1144. milongal on June 24, 2021 at 10:15 pm said:

    PB: Hanlon’s Razor – Don’t blame malice for what incompetence can explain

    1) Matches could have been missed by Moss
    2) Someone (innocuously) asking about whether there were matches might make people change their statement to mention them…. “Cigarette? There must’ve been matches, right?” – “Oh, yeah, I guess so”

    I briefly worked with people involved in investigations (not police, admittedly) and court. Many investigators are aware of the sort of things that become problematic in court and invariably statements seemed to evolve to minimise the likelihood of them being awkward in court. From what I saw this might mean things like:
    1) Items found in a search are attributed to different people than the person who actually found them (in particular there was an attempt to minimise the number of people required in court – more statements = more opportunity for fuzz, so you’d have this situation where 10 people executed a search and ALL the items of interest were found by 1 or 2 people; the other X number of statements were something along the lines of “nothing of interest was found”.
    2) Investigators don’t always have a good understanding of what might make good evidence (and/or where to look for it). A deposit slip for $20K in $50 notes is dismissed as “yeah, but the guy owns a business so it might be the takings” (think about that – why would a business’ takings be in ONLY $50 notes and be a nice round number)
    3) A search or scene may be a confusing place, and contrary to what TV tells us, not everyone walks around with a notebook (some of them literally think they’ll remember the important bits). The one time I was involved on site, I didn’t notice any of the people there (including people in my agency and people from the local constabulary) taking notes about what was going on. Granted, this was a search not a dead body, but I think the point remains that the extent of note-taking is different based on the situation and the individual person. If coppers think they’re attending “another mundane death” I would guess they rely more on “I’ll remember stuff to write when I get back to the office” than they might if they’re attending a suspected gang shooting (or equivalent).

    I for one am comfortable that a lot of inconsistency in evidence is based on incompetence/complacency/apathy rather than conspiracy.

    And extrapolate that 10-fold for evidence from plebeian witnesses….they’re not trained to pay attention, and their memory is easily manipulated (not necessarily deliberately). Refer to Netflix’s “BrainGames” that I’ve referred to in the past to see how unreliable witnesses can be (especially when you introduce people deliberately giving wrong information and seeing how many others agree).

  1145. peteb on June 24, 2021 at 10:38 pm said:

    Coroner calls: John Bain Lyons of 52 Whyte St., Somerton, Jewellery store proprietor. Sworn.
    Question by coroner Thomas Erskine Cleland: Please describe what you observed the night of the 30th November and the following morning.
    John Bain Lyons: I live at Somerton. It is my practice in summer to out on to the seafront every evening. My wife and I every evening took a walk along the seafront, and on the evening of the 30th November we did so. I remember that day. During my walk I saw a man lying on the shore, on our return. We had been to the Broadway, and on our return my wife pointed out the man saying “Look at the way the man is slumped”. He was lying adjacent to the steps in front of the crippled children’s home, within a yard of the steps. It was in quite an open position. I should say the closest I was to the man was 15 to 20 yards, on the beach. We had walked along the beach. I could not see his face from that distance. I did not see his face until the following day. There is a seawall up there, and he was leaning up against that, supporting his shoulders and head. While looking at him, he moved. I had a watch on my wrist, I said “I will report this to the police” in a jocular way, and as I said that his right arm moved, his right arm, moved upwards and fell down.
    Page 2

    John Bain Lyons: I assumed he was drunk and was sleeping it off, and took no further notice of it that night. My remark about informing the police was quite jocular. I had no intention of doing so then. I did not suspect anything unusual at the time. He was lying on his back, with his feet crossed, and towards me. I was on the sea side of the man. I do not think he was wearing a hat. As he moved his arm, I should say it extended fully upwards, and then dropped. I passed on without taking any further notice. We just stopped momentarily to make the observation and remarks. In the summer time I indulge in an early morning swim. On the 1st December I went down the sea early, at approx. 6.35 a.m. I had my swim first, and then went along to meet a friend, (3 of us swim together). He was further along towards Glenelg. I met him and we were speaking together, then I saw some men on horses looking at the body. I had not noticed it before that. I then became suspicious, and then went over and told them that I had seen the body the previous night. After that I went back and communicated with Constable Moss of Brighton Police. I just casually examined the body without touching it. I made sure he was dead as I did not see the face the previous evening, I could not identify the man, nor could I recognise the clothes, as I was not close enough the previous evening. I would however (say) that it was definitely the same person.
    Question by Prof John Burton Cleland: Was there anyone else on the beach at the time? Was there any disturbance in the sand around the decease? Did you see the deceased do anything such as smoking? Did the position of the body change from one day to the next?
    There was one man on a horse, and another leading a horse, 2 jockeys. When Constable Moss came down, he looked to see if there was any disturbance of the sand and the body, and he was sure there had not been. When the hand went up, there was no cigarette in it. I feel sure I could have seen a cigarette if there had been one, as it was fairly light.

    The following morning, when Constable Moss was there WE FOUND* found a cigarette just above his ear, which he may have been trying to get. That cigarette had not been lit.

    I should say his head and top portion of the shoulders were against the wall, using the wall as a support. The body was in the same position the next morning, with the legs crossed.

    My caps.

    Coroner calls: John Moss, Police Constable stationed at Brighton. Sworn.
    Question by coroner Thomas Erskine Cleland: Please describe what you observed the morning of the 1st December.
    John Moss: At about 6.45 a.m. on 1st December 1948 in consequence of a telephone message I received at the Brighton Police Station, I proceeded to the beach at Somerton, where I saw lying near a sea wall opposite the Somerton Crippled Children’s Home the body of the deceased which was fully clothed, lying on its back with feet towards the west, with the head resting against the sea wall, slightly inclined to the right. His right arm was doubled over, palm upwards, and fingers bent towards the palms. His left arm was lying on the sand alongside the body. There was a portion of a cigarette on the right collar of his coat, and held in position by his cheek. I inspected the body, but found no mark of violence. I conveyed the body in a police ambulance to the Royal Adelaide Hospital, where life was pronounced extinct by Dr Bennett. The body was later conveyed to the City Morgue. Dr Bennett made a statement. He said “In my opinion death had occurred 8 hours previously. I am unable to ascertain the cause of death.”

    The cigarette I FOUND* had been partly smoked. I made it my business to make an accurate record of what I found, and I am quite sure it had been partly smoked. More had been smoked than what remained. I was unable to form any opinion as to whether it had been kept behind his ear, or whether it had come out of his mouth. It is my opinion that it may have been in his mouth, he was smoking it, with his head sideways in the positioning which I found the head.

    If found nothing near the body which gave me any suspicion. There was no undue disturbance of the sand. There was no hat found at all. The face was quite visible from a distance, from the right. The spot was quite open, not secluded. Anybody lying there might expect that they would be seen easily by anyone going up the steps to the esplanade to the beach. Those steps are used a lot, particularly on a summer evening.
    Page 4

    John Moss: I was not on duty on that particular evening. I know the locality very well. At 7 o’clock on a summer evening, there would be many people about, and that night was a warm night. I do not remember what the weather during the preceding week was like, but I remember it was hot on this morning. I searched the clothing, found a railway ticket to Henley Beach, also a bus ticket, a tramway bus ticket. There were cigarettes on the body, which were in a packet. I did not compare them with the one that was partly smoked. The packet produced looks like the cigarettes I found. The comb produced was on the body, also the chewing gum and the metal comb. The bus ticket produced and the railway ticket produced are similar to the tickets I found on the body I did not find the slip of paper with the words “Taman Shad (sic)”.
    Packet containing these articles put in, marked Exhibit C.1.
    The body was taken to the City Mortuary. What I have told you is all I know of the incident.
    Question by Prof John Burton Cleland: Were there signs that the cigarette had scorched the man’s cheek? Are you able to say if the body was warm or not?
    John Moss: The cigarette was not smoked as far as it could have been smoked an ordinary person would have smoked it further. There was no sign of blistering or scorching on the cheek. I examined the cheek, and found no sign of blistering or scorching. The body was cold when I examined it, cold, damp and stiff.

    *caps mine

  1146. milongal: “higher authority than police” could easily have been “higher authority than state police”, interstate crime was where a lot of the money was back then.

  1147. Peteb on June 25, 2021 at 8:34 am said:

    NickP: it should be noted that the SA state police also handled what we would now call (state exclusive) security matters .. a special police division was created in SA but I don’t know who got a desk. John Sanders, here’s a chance to show your intelligence-gathering skills. Are you onto it?

  1148. john sanders on June 25, 2021 at 8:52 am said:

    Peteb: Good on you, on your longest post ever. Don’t know who you were responding to, but most observers will surely have noted that my own summation of the Lyon’s v Moss evidentiary difference of oppinion, stating precisely what you took 99 lines to say, I managed in 10. I didn’t see need to make clear the Moss gloss over vis. “There were cigarettes on the body…….”. more of an ‘oh yeah’ sort of add on; …”in a packet…..The pack produced looks like the one I found.” Not a great deal of accent in an important discovery, almost a non issue and of course this evidence might normally have been offered by the attending detective who was stangely a know show.

  1149. john sanders on June 25, 2021 at 9:13 am said:

    Nick, milongal, Peteb and good on you Gordon: Some will recall the setting in which Kate Thomson was being interviewed at the time she made her “Higher authority” claim., Just behind her on the bureau or mantle was a brass set of seven traditional Jewish candelabra. She was puting forward her mother’s belief in the one Supreme being (GOD) the Highest authority of all; So that’s probably all that was meant by the much overblown declaration if it were to be believed.

  1150. john sanders on June 25, 2021 at 11:41 am said:

    Peteb: The National Security Directorate during the war years was a Federal authority run from Canberra with each state supplying seconded officers to perform as ‘Specials’. Sgts. Trezona and Strangway headed up the Sth. Australian field office and were stationed at Salisbury from memory. They would have been called Special Branch in peace time but had more wide ranging powers so as to enable them to deal through both State and Commonwealth jurisdictions.

  1151. Peteb on June 25, 2021 at 10:49 pm said:

    Thanks JS, appreciated.

  1152. Peter Davidson on June 26, 2021 at 9:16 am said:

    I take your point regarding the Missing wallet. If it was missing prior to him being at the beach, then it opens upon the possibility that if he knew he’d been poisoned then he might’ve sequested the wallet in a location to implicate his killers. This premise would lead to the same possibility with the book. Take a piece of the book and hide it in his trouser pocket, and leave the book where it could be traced back to his killers. The book might’ve not of even been his, but one that he lifted from his killers residence for the exact purpose of leaving a trail of evidence directly to his killers.
    Hence why Freeman s care should’ve been searched. To see if the wallet was hidden in the car.

  1153. Peteb on June 27, 2021 at 6:14 am said:

    John Sanders: I’ve got Leane stepping away from the Somerton Case and handing it over to Brown pre-inquest … that about right?

  1154. john sanders on June 27, 2021 at 6:55 am said:

    Peter Davidson: Hate to rain on your parade but there’s something you should be critically aware of in that the only men who carried wallets in 1948 were ones who had dosh to put in em, which would have been scarce as SM’s back teeth. I don’t recall my dad or uncles ever having flashed a wallet to hint that they were doing just fine thanks and I’ve certaintly had no need for one in the past three decades, apart from a spare my daughter gave me in London to keep my ‘oyster’ tube card from getting lost.

  1155. john sanders on June 27, 2021 at 8:18 am said:

    Peteb: Dunno what could have given you that idea. Leane was still on the game throughout June though the investigation had run out of gas somewhat. He made the news when Lawson was brought in to make the bust and he also came out to tell us that his Egyptian butcher had come up with J. Keanic as a new lead. Don’t forget Brown was an absolute novice having been made detective only the month before SM came to town, Len claiming in ’78 (Littlemore) that he took up other duties right after the inquest and before Freeman’s ROK hand surrender. Well he would wouldn’t he?.

  1156. peteb on June 27, 2021 at 8:27 am said:

    John Sanders … fair enough. Another item that’s perplexing is the fine-fingered expertise someone took to pin-mount the much photographed tools, tie and thread. Who do you reckon put that little exhibition together?

  1157. milongal on June 27, 2021 at 8:27 pm said:

    @JS: (If we believe the traditional story) The guy happily bought a train ticket he didn’t use. Also checked luggage (which I assume has an associated fee), and found some shekels for a pasty. Doesn’t that sound like a guy who has enough dosh so as not to be too fussed when he wastes some?

    I do like the thought “Higher Authority” could be the Almighty, though…..

    @PeteB: Moss talking about it being a warm night suggests he’s got his dates confused. The overnight minimum was about 11C. By Adelaide standards that’s cool (especially at that time of year).
    The following day was a stinker, and by all reports it was already hot in the morning. To me this suggests that the minimum was early in the night. In any case, after a day that hadn’t reached 25C (from memory the top on the 30th was 24.6C if my conversion from Farenheit is correct) I think the assertion “the beach would have been busy because it was a warm evening” doesn’t sound likely.

    Slightly random addendum to the wallet…..if you’re pinching a wallet from a dead body wouldn’t you grab their ciggies too? The previous speculation about brands has suggested that smokes were a luxury that many people struggled to afford.
    But I will dig into JS’s thoughts that not having a wallet was normal (I would have thought at the very least you have something like a coin purse to keep coins from falling out of your pockets when you sit down – although, I guess a lot of trousers have a coin pocket for that purpose too…)

  1158. milongal on June 27, 2021 at 8:56 pm said:

    @PeteB: 2 questions re your latest
    1) Why conceal the TS in an obscure pocket, why not just chuck it in with the train tickets
    2) If the Rubaiyat was Jestyn’s why would she have her own number in it?

    I do think it’s worth having a deeper scratch at Prosper’s relationship with J.
    J was the phone subscriber at that address but was Thomson despite seemingly not being married. This is why the coppers were interested in HER not Prosper (yet we know Prosper was actively using that same number in his advertising). From that we infer they were living in the same house, and most have assumed acting as though they were married – possibly because she was with child and Prosper was protecting her. But how many other ways could we lace the known facts together? On the face of it the actual facts are:
    1) J was the subscriber to the phone number as Thomson
    2) P was using that number (and address) in ads
    Is there other situations that might see them cohabiting and seeming to share surname without them being in a romantic relationship?
    It does sort of seem to be clutching at straws and ignoring a simple explanation in favour of a muddled one (which is generally a silly idea), and slipping down the slope to a ideaously far-fetched one. I think particularly if there’s a line of thinking that SHE had Thomson genes it might need some rethinking of how could that be and what does that mean (and does it explain how some people have described her marriage with Prosper as unusual – I’ll chase down the exact wording, but I seem to recall someone making the point that although the relationship may have been loving it didn’t seem intimate or something…..).

    According to Geni (I think maintained by the same PeteDavidson who visits here – so I’m sure he can fill in the bibs and bobs), we accept that Robin was not Prosper’s biological son. We also know that he had a half-sibling to another child of Prosper’s but there are no other children from Prosper and Jess. Is it possible that while their marriage was presumably to protect some honour it might also have been hiding a bigger family secret (e.g. that they were actually related in some way not publicly known – remember, we agreed above we could get to the ludicrous). To some degree, this might tie in with JS’s allusion to “Higher Authority” referring to their chosen Deity…..

    Of course, none of that helps explain who SM was and how he ended up on the beach and how he fits into the whole story.

  1159. Peteb on June 27, 2021 at 10:29 pm said:

    Milongal … I was thinking she may have jotted down the number as a reminder soon after it was allocated. And a fob pocket couldn’t really be called obscure when practically every pair of men’s duds had one.

  1160. john sanders on June 27, 2021 at 10:56 pm said:

    Peteb: I’d hazard a guess and say Scam Sutherland who was the designated press leak man. If it was him what done the fine-fingered expertise pin work for mounting the select items from the suitcase…he stuffed up! Which gets me back to the unanswered question I put to you about this very same subject a month or two back…So here’s your chance to set things straight on Q & A tit for tats.

  1161. john sanders on June 28, 2021 at 3:41 am said:

    milongal: Sure SM needed change for his ticket to Henley, his left baggage and a pasty or what ever, all up about a shilling, so nothing that would require a fellow to be reaching for his missing wallet. Of course the so called “Higher Authority” story told to Feltus or 60 minutes by Jo’s daughter Kate Thomson could only have meant her Jewish God Jehovah, that she put above the law. Sherlock Holmes elementary intuitional logic one might assume.

  1162. john sanders on June 28, 2021 at 5:59 am said:

    Peteb: Hope you haven’t gone and wasted good money on NAA files for your name and blame roll call on the Bill Simpson/Longfield Lloyd’s set up to identify pre fifth column insurrectionists and post war Nazi fifth fleet loop holers. I covered all this a year back in respect of a pair who came to notice for their scams, Hitler leanings, a suspicious death and involvement in sophisticated tri state auto theft. These so called ‘L…..r and two German rousabouts’, got on the bad side of the Australian security service, both at home in Adelaide/Perth then Abroad in London, Geneve and occupied post war Germany. I was so confident of their connection with SM (dealings with a Mangnoson) I pulled up their enthralling files which you are now able to access for free all the relevant names you’d be needing to close your case. H.W.E.C.vC @ ID 447747 & 778189 and A. P. J. @ ID 771241.

  1163. Peteb on June 28, 2021 at 7:46 am said:

    Damn! I’m exposed. And what was the question?

  1164. john sanders on June 28, 2021 at 9:11 am said:

    Peteb: My new awareness is that from ’49 L.A. Isaacs’ Unanderra made Stamina self supporting duds came with a very deep fob in the usual place right of the buttoned fly, but were invisible to all intents if the maker’s claims be true. I’m not so sure about the pre war or unelastised war models that our man sported which may not have been so fitted from the factory. I can get hold of a new pair from the 1940s in Adelaide for $280 if you’d like; not sure on sizes or colours but be quick for stocks won’t last.

  1165. john sanders on June 28, 2021 at 10:44 am said:

    Question 1/..What one bladed sharpish object is mispresented in the pin pic.
    Question 2/.. What did three nazi generals from Brest and a German born Lib. staffer from Canberra have in common.

  1166. milongal on June 28, 2021 at 8:36 pm said:

    Let’s try a different angle….if the fob pocket was so common, why did it take all parties so long to find it…..even second time around?

    For mine, the TS as a suicide slip (whether an actual one or a planted one) is problematic because as I see it there’s 2 purposes it might have:
    1) some sort of comfort for yourself in your final moments
    2) some sort of message to investigators of what happened (possibly planted by someone trying to suggest suicide)
    For #1 I would expect you’d have it in your hands for your final moments. For #2 wouldn’t it make most sense in an obvious pocket?Even if we accept fob pockets were common enough, why roll it up as tight as possible – doesn’t it suggest some effort to conceal it (by making it as small as possible)?
    In fact, I would argue it’s a bit obscure to be #2 – while the Rubaiyat was common enough at the time, the fact the authorities took some time to work out what it meant suggests a bit of obscurity. Easier to find something English, surely (bibles are a dime a dozen and depending on translation there’s an obvious “It is acomplished”/”It is finished” you could tear out from there – although I guess that assumes familiarity with Christianity). If you want to be clever, surely you can find more obvious “The End” or “Fine” or something that would be more broadly familiar? I suppose if you believe it was planted it *might* be someone overthinking it and trying to be too clever.
    And why get rid of the actual booklet so cumbersomely? Why not chuck it in the nearest bin? Even if it’s a third party trying to make it look like a suicide it seems stupid to put it in a car (with a high likelihood of being found and considered out of place) than in a bin (or as I’ve said in the past, chuck it in the sea). So as ever we’re in this conundrum where whoever the party is are smart enough to come up with a staged suicide, but dumb enough to stage it in a way it’s likely to ask more questions than it answers. Or should we speculate that someone discarded it on the kerb, and someone (possibly the BiL or possibly some random passerby) assumed it had fallen from the car and thought they were doing the right thing reuniting it…..

    It’s one of the reasons I prefer the TS as an identity confirmation. It’s concealed on his person to minimise the likelihood of it being found if things go awry. I’d almost speculate that it’s presence in the pocket suggests either he hadn’t made contact with the intended target, or had managed to re-conceal it unnoticed after contact (either with the target or, as I have speculated before, someone trying to intercept).

    One thing that did occur to me a while back was what if the Rubaiyat was thrown/blown out a window (or from a moving bus) and just happened to land in the car? Of course, that would require a large open window or convertible roof (or utility vehicle)…and probably quite a bit of coinkydink…..

  1167. Peteb on June 28, 2021 at 11:30 pm said:

    Milongal … Moss said he didn’t find the TS slip, he didn’t mention not finding the fob pocket it came in, and Cleland’s problem was trying to find the fob pocket the second time around and for the inquest, three months after he and Cowan took possession of the suitcase and clothes SM was wearing … this info courtesy of a GF email some years ago.

  1168. john sanders on June 28, 2021 at 11:50 pm said:

    Bit of trivia whilst awaiting Peteb’s long awaited game changer. A Brit named H. Taman, a tram man aged 33 arrived Oz in 1923 with the missus and 9 yo nipper.
    NZ born T. Tamam bn. 11/1948, butcher of Bondi flew home to Bondi (where else) in the late 70s. Problem being this Kiwi Maori man’s name was Toni Tamati though misrecorded in incoming arrivals records through no fault of NAA. The final TI appearing as an M, which is indeed a pointer towards other similar misspells in the SM case history.

  1169. john sanders on June 29, 2021 at 6:15 am said:

    Peteb: I have at hand the names (ranks) and cabin numbers of all the alleged displaced Balts delivered by ship to Australia from ’47 onwards, Just one of Arthur Calwell’s ideas to reinvigorate the country’s post war industry by capitalising on a plentiful supply of pre-unionised cheap labour to ensure a future prosperity for all…A tip to get you started would be to read about the good ship SS Derna out of Marseilles in 48 with a mixed bag of jetsam comprising both pro and anti nazis, harmless freedom loving communists, along with genuine Baltic refos and some disguised wealthy Jewish business folk with allegiance to none of the abov. All of them most anxious to populate but not perish in Australia’s sunny clime…The time of their life by Diane Armstrong 2001.

  1170. Peter Davidson on June 30, 2021 at 1:10 am said:

    If anyone is still looking for a Harkness family with the funny ears, wearing American clothes and having some North American DNA going back to the Revolutionary War Leaders, and a smigin of native American. Then there’s the Harkness family of the Standard Oil company
    Example https://www.geni.com/people/Bill-Harkness/6000000002525872704?through=6000000002526222631
    One of his wives was right into ballet too, and she was once married to a Keen.
    But of course, there’s no Somerton Man

  1171. Byron Deveson on June 30, 2021 at 8:07 am said:

    That is an interesting find Davo. A 1962 photo of three American male ballet dancers at the Robert Joffrey ballet company summer workshop at Rebekah Harkness’ Rhode Island mansion shows that all three appear to have the SM ear. I have surreptitiously checked the ears of over a thousand unwitting subjects (standing in queues mostly. I suggest that this can be a dangerous pastime and could get you a smack in the mouth if you are not careful) and I have not seen one SM ear. So, three is a row seems to be anomalous. Maybe it is a genetic feature of male ballet dancers? That isn’t so silly as it sounds because I previously noted that all of the sub ten second 100 metre record holders for whom I could find photographs that showed the structure of their ears, all had SM ears. However, only two were not of west African heritage; one was a white Belgian and the other was a part Australian aboriginal. But that is still two out of two. That is why I suggested a while ago that SM was probably a good sprint runner. This suggests that ear structure is genetically related to the genetic characteristics that make a sprint runner. Maybe somebody might like to check the ears of ballet dancers? I suggest that looking at photographs will save you from getting a smack in the mouth.

  1172. john sanders on June 30, 2021 at 8:14 am said:

    No fair Peter, you forgot to give us the spiel about how some new queen of song (Taylor Swift) recently took domocile in the huge Harkness mansion at Watch Hill RI. Furthermore, some time after the old Standard Oil monebags demise in ’54, a body had washed up on a nearby beach. Big difference to our SM being, in that it happened to have a wallet with ID. The offending officer made a rather snide comment to a young Harkness heir who, made a poignant hand guesture towards his house in reply.

  1173. Peter Davidson on June 30, 2021 at 12:44 pm said:

    BD. Yes Rebekah, is an interesting woman. 3 husbands. 1 was named Kean.

    Anyhow check out the ears on her husband Bill Harkness, his dad, his uncle, his cousin, and their grandfather. The ear deformities are definitely genetic and in the male line.
    I’ve gone b back to Scotland in 1500’s with this ancestry looking to confirm where our Jessica’s ancestry intercepts, which it will eventually. I just need to take her tree back much further that you’ve discovered so far Bryan to find it. I’m still looking for where the Jewish part plays in this too.

    In an unrelated, curiosity inspired dive into the ancestry of one of my grandfather’s old flames, whose surname was Crane, I discovered that they were all Jewish, simply because her mum’s maiden name was Cohen, which sort of explains how a surname that is usually associated with anglophiles could be entirely Jewish within a generation just by a marriage.

    All this, is sort of like seeing faces in Martian rocks, as far as finding SM. His ears seem to be everywhere when I look for them.

    An interesting sideline are the war service records of these Standard Oil company Harkness’s. You might find their service histories interesting.

  1174. Peter Davidson on June 30, 2021 at 2:16 pm said:

    Why look for the common ancestor you might ask.
    To look at other descendant trees to confirm something that I’m seeing in the photographs of the Harkness’s of the Standard Oil company fortune.
    My hypothesis is that all males have the ear deformity but not the females nor descendants of the females males. Which would mean that the mutation is in the Y chromosone, which ultimately means that Robyn’s ear deformities could not of been passed down from his mother.
    It doesn’t prove that SM is a Harkness, as SM’s ear deformity could be from another tree that has an ear deformity, but if the hypothesis is correct about the Harkness Y chromosome carrying an ear deformity, then it’d prove that this particular deformity could not of been passed down from Jessica.
    But l need to prove that it is on the Y chromosome first, so i need to find it’s progenitor and compare male and female descendants.
    It would also show that Derek’s wife and kids don’t have it nor carry it.

  1175. john sanders on July 1, 2021 at 9:21 am said:

    I see what Byron meant about the three ballet stars and their large right side cymbas. My understanding is that right lugs are more phisiologically prone to the affliction by an incidence of twenty percent. The awesome dancers show features resembling Thomas Jefferson’s right facing portrait on the two dollar bill; which of itself is about as rare as SM’s own right ear cymba according to antropologist Mike Henneberg of Flores fame.

  1176. john sanders on July 2, 2021 at 1:07 pm said:

    Nick Pelling: You’ll have picked up on the two simultaneous (offhanded) fawning compliments from both enemy camps, with two agents in place to capitalise on any judgmental errors as deemed applicable and, as usual nothing to add to the mix but promise of some proof of stuff all.

  1177. john sanders on July 2, 2021 at 11:45 pm said:

    Peteb: Time’s up old cock, so you miss out on the coveted maze master badge. The following answers have been verified by Foo and found to be generally correct.
    A1…The famous SM pin photo has the knife upside down in it’s sheath. Sellotape has been put on the sharp blade at the bolster to prevent cut wounds to handlers.
    A2… The four Germans were still well inside Brittany when caught attempting to pull out unseen (Australians audiences only).

  1178. john sanders on July 5, 2021 at 5:36 am said:

    In R.L. Leane’s somewhat deranged interview with Stuart the year before his passing, he mentioned a couple of things that stood out that I don’t think were touched on previously…..One related to a journo Dougie Burdon [sic] who was said to have placed flowers on SM’s grave indicating (according to Leane) a possible affair of the heart connection. Douglas Burdolph 1893/1951 had once ran a rag ‘Unley News’ who then became a vocal Labour/unionist most active in local issues, brother Ken being of similar ilk at Federal level. I can’t find much on line to go on but it might be worth a punt checking for an ulterior motive…R.L. Leane also told Littlemore that he had been an avid ROK reader (presumably pre ’48), but that neither he nor any of his intellectual associates had any clues on ‘Tamam Shud’ what/whence etc. That is not until Prosper McTaggart Thomson’s vintage car club mate Frank Kennedy came up with a timely translation..PS: Burdolph’s mum from Sydney’s North Shore may have been a McTaggart from memory.

  1179. john sanders on July 5, 2021 at 9:10 am said:

    Humble apols. Douglas Bardolph was the trouble making poli’s name and he’s got both an Oz and Wiki Bio along with younger rudder Ken. At the moment we have father Henry, mother Mary, Doug and (strangly) youngest bro Clem all tucked away in the tyke section of West Terrace under a big stone cross, with Ken over the way a tad. Back in Melbourne two older brothers, Don and Harry who died from the Flu in 1919 are tucked away under a very well wearing marble slab at Brighton, and to all intents that should take care of Det. A/Sgt. R.L. Leane’s SM flower man Dougie whose name he got wrong like moi….but there’s something weird going on here; not that Clem should have been sent to Vic. in ’26 to be interred according to the Chronical but, there also appears to be another brother James T. and at this stage we ‘don’t know where he are’ (Lawson).

  1180. john sanders on July 5, 2021 at 11:23 am said:

    Peteb: As i was saying a week or more ago and a year ago also from memory, I have all the names of the 100,000 odd folks who arrived on 170 plus ocean voyages from Europe between ’47 and ’51. If you’re up to a little researching go to Fifth Fleet. net, rather than misca’s paywall Ancestry and you get all the other good oil for nix.

  1181. john sanders on July 5, 2021 at 10:30 pm said:

    Sadly we’ve found James. He was the missing Bardolph boy, same dad but different mum and the bastard died in 1936. Six strapping brothers and not one stepped up to the plate in 1914.

  1182. john sanders on July 8, 2021 at 10:42 am said:

    Peteb: I’d say you’re almost certain to be barking up the wrong tree in having SM traded from the Ruskies to service salvaged V2 write-off rockets in Australia. Not a great window of opportunity either, vis your 14 August ’48 letter of interest to agents in occupied Germany and dead on the beach at Somerton by 1 December. The warning pen shall write in vain, the warning voice grow hoarse. I think I told you that old sport but you know best of course.

  1183. Peter Davidson on July 8, 2021 at 1:49 pm said:

    JS, jimmy’s mum Anne Pounder did a tremendous lot of work with the Red Cross during the war. So much so, that she died of exhaustion in 1918.
    And a step brother Reggie, that he probably never met, probably did enough to cover for all of them. https://www.geni.com/people/Sir-Reginald-Narcissus-Macdonald-Buchanan-M-C/6000000034209636999
    Interesting bunch of in laws, but no SM contenders amongst them

  1184. john sanders on July 8, 2021 at 3:02 pm said:

    Peter Davidson: Thought the flowers might have been for one of Dougies old union buddies, with an aging Lionel Leane getting the wrong message. Brings to mind an old bush saying vis, ‘A union always takes care of it’s dead’. Anyhow we’ll see if anything else comes up along similar lines…Liked the story on Reg Mac. Buchanan; one fighting man in the family is better than none at all and a hero to boot.

  1185. john sanders on July 9, 2021 at 2:15 am said:

    Peter: There appears there may have been some sort of mix-up with Sir Reg Macdonald’s connection to the Bardolphs of Adelaide through his mother-in-law Annie Pounder’s earlier marriage to a Henry Bardolph. What we could have here are separate entities with the same monickers (before & after), one who married my Dougie Bardolph’s dad Henry, and yet another (your Anne) who, in 1891, by then widowed with two young children, re-married to a manored whisky distiller Sir James Buchanan 1st Baron of Woolavington. She and Sir James had a daughter Catherine who married Reginald MacDonald, she predeceasing him in 1918, then when the old Baron died in 1935, the estate valued at £7,000000 & change, along with Cottesbrooke Hall was handed down in part to a most humbly greatful son in law Sir Reggie ‘Mackers’ MC. Theres always the chance that I’m mistaken in which case I’ll stand corrected, though at the end of the day it’s true what you say re no SM contenders ok!.

  1186. john sanders on July 9, 2021 at 5:06 am said:

    Peteb: You say the ‘Red Bull’ was where the bloke slipped you the Top Secret Nazi Salisbury bound rocket contingent files, plus a one way ticket to Coventry. Only Red Bull hotel comes to mind is quite a ways from Woomera. Sure it wasn’t a pub closer into town like ‘Hero of Waterloo’ down Millers Point, an aptly named blood house for mugs on a mission of no return.

  1187. john sanders on July 9, 2021 at 1:55 pm said:

    Peteb: So all the best layed plans of mice and men are raining on your parade. See you’ve now got Regine S. the new blow in, set on making a mockery of your Nazi rocket man solution, the one with SM flown in from Canada with all the necessary credentials for getting the V2s up and running like in ’44. What a dambed hide trotting out that tired old death wish bogey man at a time like this and backed to the hilt by Clive Walker it seems. Better send the disturbing element over here out of harms way so we can try re-education to get the fool back with the program as required.

  1188. peteb on July 11, 2021 at 3:50 am said:

    The first file I’ve obtained contains a master list of German scientists, chemists, doctors, propulsion technicians, nerve-gas technicians (Sarin @ Tabun), rocketry designers and administrators to name just a few of the specialised fields that looked attractive to the UK in their efforts to recruit the best talent left available after the Russians had taken first choice. The file is dated from 3 Aug 1948 to 29 Aug 1949 and includes all the correspondence. The master list is of Germans yet to be recruited at that date.
    This file is 1 of 3.

  1189. john sanders on July 11, 2021 at 7:32 am said:

    Peteb: Hope I’m not raining on your parade. My understanding is that had any German nazis been brought to Australia, it could only have been via Canada. Seems that when Bob Wake flew to Ottowa at behest of Canberra in ’47 on a Govt. ANA charter to debrief soviet deep throat George Brown, he also had several undocumented meetings with new High Commissioner Frank Forde (ex Defense Minister) re the Dominion’s offer of pre vetted German engineering techs that were surplus to their needs. Regular DC4 Flights via Vancouver, San Francisco, Honolulu and Nadi to Melbourne would provide adequate security as opposed to a long crowded sea voyage in which the necessary discretion would be impossible to guarantee. On the upside, all such passengers would have been made to conform with tight US Immigration laws by completing departure cards in Honolulu before leaving US air space. Fortunately these records are retained and accessable to any Keane researcher of ample means.

  1190. Peter Davidson on July 11, 2021 at 4:34 pm said:

    JS, There’s 11,375 pages of airline Departure records for Honolulu
    Only a few named Keane. None of which I think are contenders for SM.
    There’s a Gerald Keane in the right age bracket but he’s flying to Seattle, not Australia. Still, it’s a nice collection. I just need a name to search, and we don’t really know what SM’s name really is

  1191. Peter Davidson on July 11, 2021 at 4:48 pm said:


    This page of passengers on a flight from Auckland will interest Brian Deveson. Line 9, and the following lines. These appear to be Charles Mickelson/Mikkelsen/Lund’s relatives whom he stayed with in Wellington. There’s a bunch all sharing the same address with different surnames. I wonder if his former fiancee is one of them?

  1192. Peterb on July 11, 2021 at 9:12 pm said:


  1193. milongal on July 11, 2021 at 9:24 pm said:

    If we have the power to delay the “suicide slip” being released, why do we release it at all? If we are trying to cover things up, why does the book itself (complete with suspicious scribblings) get found?

    There’s 2 problems I have with a deliberate coverup. Firstly there’s a lot of “evidence” that really only serves to keep the case interesting – something you want to avoid if you’re trying to cover things up. Secondly Hanlon’s Razor (something along the lines of don’t blame malice when you can blame incompetence).

    On the latter point (as I think I’ve flagged before) the incompetence may be organisational rather than individual. On day one the coppers simply think they’re dealing with a mundane death that will resolve itself. It isn’t until later (when they still haven’t identified him) that they start investigating – but by this point they’ve lost their crime scene and have probably mishandled a whole heap of evidence (despite what other people have claimed, I do not for a moment believe that every dead body is treated as a crime scene). Haven’t got the dates in front of me, but from memory Leane isn’t engaged until about 6th Jan. So anything he says about the crime scene (“there was a syringe nearby” (not sure if it made the cut or whether it was in the interview notes for Littlemore)) is horse sh!t. If anything, Littlemore’s doco seems to me to highlight personalities who are trying to make a story for the camera – Leane is clearly thrilled to be called as an expert, and Brown’s deliberate attempts to be the “matter of fact” copper are overdone. Even Lawson’s (“We’re not going there”) and Boxall’s (“It’s a melodramatic thesis”) caginess reek more of trying to make a good story rather than retell the facts. The question, then, is whether this is a whole bunch of inadvertently exaggerating story-tellers (“I once caught a fish that was this big”), or whether Littlemore is being puppeteer and directing the narrative to suit Ruffles’ theories.

    I’m sure I’ve said it a million (may not actually be a million) times before – the cover up conspiracy requires us to simultaneously believe there were puppeteers with enough clout to steer the conversation a particular way but that those same agents didn’t have enough clout to suppress evidence that would only attract unwanted scrutiny and speculation.
    Surely if you’re covering stuff up then you want to propagate a particular narrative. This starts by planting evidence that will allow others to work toward your narrative, and then you introduce ideas and/or other evidence to steer them toward the story you’re telling.

    So why muddy the water with Henley and Glenelg tickets? Why introduce the TS slip (it just reinvigorates a mystery around an unidentified body)? If the TS slip was introduced to point to suicide, why introduce the Rubaiyat itself (how easy it would be to never find such a book – and simply assert it’s probably at Wingfield by now)? Having introduced the Rubaiyat, why not suppress the strange acrostic and the phone number (attracting so much attention not only about those who already had some interest in the case, but flagging a challenge to an even broader audience)? Having talked to Jess, why publicly bring Boxall into it (surely by this time at least we must be at a level within the puppet-master’s influence)?
    It seems when we start to ask these questions, one of the common responses relates to dictating the narrative exactly as we have seen it play out – that the authorities not only predicted/directed that SM remains unidentified, but that they managed to second guess every speculation around the case that has occurred – not only in 1948, but at every point up to the present.

  1194. john sanders on July 12, 2021 at 7:22 am said:

    PD. You didn’t get the guist of my advice to Peteb the nazi hunter. I’m certainly not interested in anyone named Keane flying out of Hawaii, such info is more likely to concern ‘the dude’ who still is of course. I’d be looking for uppity kraut names like Wernher Von Braun or Martin Borman for instance. Peteb’s hot list contained one name that I did take a fancy to which was Freidrich, surname of a mystery man from Mt. Davies, but if he was real that would change modern Australian criminal history somewhat. By the way your Ancestry link sucks, being pay as you go and not within my budget; whatsmore Peteb reckons it’s full of shit for some reason.

  1195. Peteb on July 12, 2021 at 7:34 am said:

    Milongal: pretend I’m Tom Cruise and ‘Show me the Book!’

  1196. john sanders on July 12, 2021 at 8:13 am said:

    milongal: For some weird reason people we know, one or two in particular, feel that Leane had deliberately set out to deprive the newspapers and it’s readership of minute by minute updates on results of his inquiries. This could possibly have given the game away to a dangerous assailant on the loose or others involved who be laying low, such unknowns being what any competent detective would need to be allert to. I could never understand Peteb’s goings on about Det. Leane’s witholding information on finding of the TS slip, as if somehow such knowledge was meant to have been realeased immediately for public consumption. I think
    the man did the responsible thing by releasing sufficient enough detail to keep the punters satisfied, even gain information by doing so, but not at the risk of loosing the iniative.

  1197. Peteb on July 13, 2021 at 3:16 am said:

    Sanders: the rubbish comment was meant for your contribution. Pete Davo on the other hand has my utmost respect

  1198. john sanders on July 13, 2021 at 6:14 am said:

    Quite to the contrary rain man, for I beg to disagree. Fair enough I’ll own to your ‘verbose’ claim, but bare in mind I’m only a contributor having my rightful say on a forum that, unkike yours is open to all with opinion to share with no fear of the dreaded shafting or shut out. So unlike that offered by a certain plagiarist host we all know and distrust, whose main agenda is to peddle reconstituted dedicated original efforts of others, thereby belaying need for personal input apart from self engrandising boasts. Sole purpose of this being to convince a most undiscerning readership that, the latest unlikely subject for discussion (one way) be the ‘big SM gamechanger’. How many times have we witnessed such a hardly captivating performance, one which invariably runs short on promise, then next day it’s back to the ubiquitous striped duds, no matches, Jestyn’s phone number, Sgt. Leane’s incompetence and continual delays on press releases to which we’re so used. It’ll be as if the great per war nazi invasion of Adelaide was another’s nutty idea..which it was, right GC?

  1199. john sanders on July 13, 2021 at 7:14 am said:

    Jack Reicher: I trust that you’ve checked out your nominated ROK authorities, vis. SSchwarzburg and Kaiser-lian to confirm their loyal credentials. The names remind me of certain alien faciast/nazi pre fifth columnists that I heard went to S.A. in the late twenties. Did you hear that your pre war gentile fritz ‘polm’ fancier much prefered Fitzgerald’s English translation to either the German or Persian version. Just so’s when they marched on Paris in ’40 quoting eg., verse 70’s indeed indeed the frogs thought it was the poms coming to their long promised relief indeed.

  1200. john sanders on July 13, 2021 at 7:58 am said:

    That’s the Kerrie Bowes we all love to loath and lambaste, been missing our old tit for tat stand offs of olde. F’rinstance John Sanders the Vietnam era cowardly battlefield deserter, then countering retorts re good old Curly Bowes’ unofficial DFC (duck for cover) award or uncle Colin Bowes’ post war Jap free milk runs over once contested islands in his converted Mitchell or C47 gooney bird. Fine old times for kith & kin plus all the silverware one could wish for from a greatful nation…

  1201. Peteb on July 13, 2021 at 7:59 am said:

    Sanders… Love to stop and chat old mate, but you carry on like a couple of sheilas in a shop.

  1202. john sanders on July 16, 2021 at 6:54 am said:

    Peteb: speaking of sheilas, I’m trying to chase down Const. Noblet, the dickless tracey who rang taxidedermist lawson second week of June, ’49 regarding disposal of the ‘original body’. It was the only mention ever of this woman officer? being connected to the case, though if she’d been part of the Leane Team, she could have attended to the female ID witnesses including the two ‘Thompson’ ladies. In Paul’s diary there’s also mention of Mr. NBT who, along with Dr. Cleland inspected the finished bust. Appears that this must have been ex Det. Spt. J.E. Noblet of Port Adelaide, an old gent of the Dr’s vintage, though reason for his presence draws a blank. We do know that he was once dressed down scathingly by a Coroner for neglect in not properly recording the movements of dead remains between place of discovery to point of delivery at the charnel house. There was another Noblet mentioned on the SM case though he was a ranker, possibly of the same original Mick family, many of whom joined the filth…That enough carrying on for you pal.

  1203. john sanders on July 16, 2021 at 7:37 am said:

    Bowes: Detective A/Sgt. R.L Leane “senior administrative background..” If you got that from Feltus, than it’s totally in keeping with expectations. You’d make a good combination for a follow up novel, based solely on fiction which is your forte of course. In the real world it is highly likely that upon SM inquiries being wound up, your man was relegated back to senior constable, staying at that rank until getting his third stripe in ’52 where he remained until age retirement in ’62….Yes I know that Gerry Feltus who joined the cops in ’64, mentioned working with Lional Leane and Ron Thomas on the job which I guess you will have no problems with, but that be your creative accounting edge right?

  1204. D.N.O'Donovan on July 16, 2021 at 12:44 pm said:

    Good lord, I didn’t know anyone in Australia still used the Irish ‘sheila’. I’ve not heard it since the last Chips Rafferty film was re-run on late night t.v. Do people in your part of the country still say ‘fair dinkum’ and ‘cobber’ too? I don’t intend sarcasm – I’m genuinely fascinated to discover linguistic relics.

  1205. john sanders on July 16, 2021 at 12:53 pm said:

    Peteb: That was a pretty definate “yes” to your buddy Gordon who says Brown was adamant that the slip was a perfect fit for the Freeman ROK. No need to ask where that dubious claim first surfaced. Seems that it was from GC’s brief association with Derek Abbott’s old face book page club, so on that basis you feel that we can vouch for it’s validity right?. Far as I’m aware the book came to light a month after Brown had been reassigned, so if Leane’s old partner made such an assertion it must be mildly questionable on that basis surely.

  1206. Peteb on July 16, 2021 at 10:30 pm said:

    Diane O D .. We are a sophisticated race of people, rarely given over to the old ways and expressions you’re expressing an interest in, however when confronted by someone in dire need of a fat lip our instinct is to get into the face of the offender and remind him in terms common enough for him to understand that his immediate presence is unwanted. In this case a Mr John Sanders, who follows me around like a bitch in heat as you have no doubt observed. It’s part and parcel of this blogging game as you know to have such infatuated individuals dogging your footsteps, and I don’t dispute that this behaviour is caused by a general aimlessness, or lack of purpose. That said, if I was ever to run into the man in a more convivial place, say the public bar of an east Sydney hotel in 1964, I’d be standing with my back to the wall. Fair dinkum.

  1207. john sanders on July 17, 2021 at 2:31 am said:

    Diane: depends somewhat on what social standing modern Australians wish to see themselves portrayed or represented upon the world stage. Ausdie blokes and sheilas were once content to share their good fortune with the flocks of sheep and free range chooks that provided all their needs for survival. They perceived that less privilaged counterparts across the seas both awed and reveared them for their adaptiveness under great adversity, not for their free and easy manner of speech. Long gone is ‘the you beaut lucky bloody country’ where under educated Dad & Dave types yokels tamed the land, revered by sheilas who played their role as home keepers, nurses, lovers and mothers, both equally proficient in use of coloquial Australi-aise or strine for general lines of communication and terms of endearment. Nowdays a greater than thou, toffee nosed type set that embodies a bland impersonal manner defined by it’s stuffy outdated Kings English guide lines, competes for favour with good old revised Anzac cobber slang with the undecided punters. Points for against in my opinion, but then fortunately, I no longer have to choose between the two forms of expression thank Huey!

  1208. john sanders on July 17, 2021 at 3:22 am said:

    ….actually Dianne, I’m almost certain that I once came across your own use of an archaic nonsence word in a long forgotten SM thread comment. I was even more dumfounded to pick you up using the very same awful word again soon after, one presumably picked up in childhood oblivion and never rescinded for reasons best known to thee. I might add, respectfully of course, that I would never deign use of such an ineloquent, undignified non dictionary? word to describe God’s ‘creatures’ of the wild in collective terms.

  1209. john sanders on July 17, 2021 at 6:42 am said:

    Dianne: just as well I took the initiative to intervene on Peteb’s behalf in answer to your explicit, politely phrased question on out moded colonial linguistic relics. Most smart SM punters know from experience not to expect any sort of even half witted response from our clown prince, for Bozo (answers to that) seems to be intellectually incapable and/or too arrogantly pig headed to contemplate simple tasks like polite reciprical exchange, especially with those he has no respect for. From his reluctant recent hollow exchange with you, I get the feeling that our fiend may prefer to deal with those, once coloquially labelled ‘poofters and urgers’ as opposed to well spoken ladies of a certain age…’any port in a southerly buster’ as old time fishos would insist, right?

  1210. john sanders on July 17, 2021 at 9:58 am said:

    Nick: Guess you’ve checked already and decided to let it go. I’m not on about petty sock puppet barbs from Cramer and, of all people Clive/Turner/Walker/Lawson but, the one and only laughing clown puppet who put his unsocked goofy foot in it yet again. Of course most half allert sports fans could have told old Bozo that ‘the Poms did not play a series against Australia, either union or League in 2012, so the 10 quid bet is a mute point. They next played three Rugger tests in ’13 though with your lads winning the series 2/1 so there’s no gains to be made anyway he tries to shield the blatant fib, besides this old spoiler is always onto his lurks…Pull it down mate, you’re looking like a not so spruce goose.

  1211. john sanders on July 17, 2021 at 1:03 pm said:

    D.N. O’Donovan: Here’s one that many an old Sheila from the bush new by heart from the war years 1914-18. Immortalised in C. J. Denis’ Australaise from Songs of the Sentimental Bloke circa 1909/15. Seems your mob were back in blighty when it got special mention acclaim in the Anthem song quest. We had so much pride in our new Commonwealth, rough edges and all.

    Fellers of Australiar, blokes an’ coves an’ coots, Shift yer lazy carcases, move yer flam’n boots. Gird yer blasted loins up, get yer bloody gun, See the nameless enermy and watch the bastards run.

  1212. Peteb on July 17, 2021 at 10:27 pm said:

    Priceless … now we’ve got Sanders rooting around in a rabbit hole where no rabbits are to be found.

  1213. john sanders on July 18, 2021 at 6:08 am said:

    Diane: you can believe what y’man says for once. Since first becoming allert to the fellow’s churlish lack of manners and downright evil disposition I made up my mind to keep him under constant scrutiny and sticking close for any chance to catch the miscreant out at his own game. Just like his proverbial bitch on heat, right flank rear and ready to ream the nameless sob right up the the ring at first opportunity. Over time the the reamings have been more or less effective in reducing incidence of attempted fraud eg. yesterday’s attempt to defraud our moderator, though same can’t be said for the endless libal put out to discredit opponents. Almost goes without saying that those amongst us who have no use for pride and no consciense, also bare no responsibilty or remorse for their anti social behaviour. Only defence is for old diggers to be vigilant and never give bums like Bowes or Cramer an even break, in other words strike hard and strike deep.

  1214. john sanders on July 18, 2021 at 8:37 am said:

    [verbiage deleted] Case in point being a recent espionage thread which gives us a speel and a pretty picture of an all Australian rubaiyat publication of pre WW2 vintage, thoughtfully over marked in Cramer red as key to the relevant passage. I’ve just been going through the author’s credentials which I found rather impressive, only problem being I needed time to research correct Christian names (Edgar Allan) which of course did not tally with that provided by y’man. It’s only fair that Gordon be given a chance to correct two minor glitzs in his post prior to giving fuller details of book’s publication….if anyone be at all interested.

  1215. john sanders on July 19, 2021 at 12:05 am said:

    Sanders did in fact ferret out one rabbit, Peter; a particularly irksome rabit old buck with myxamotosis that he euthanised on the spot with extreme prejudice.

  1216. D.N. O'Donovan on July 19, 2021 at 8:03 am said:

    PeterB – I thought so. I lived in Australia for decades and never heard the words ‘shiela’ or ‘cobber’ spoken except in fake Aussie tourist advertisements or old, old films. First time in my life I was ever addressed as ‘mate’ was, I think, in some comment left here on Nick’s site.
    I have heard men call each other ‘mate’ but it only seems to happen when, if they didn’t, they might come to blows. Or am I misreading those situations?

  1217. milongal on July 19, 2021 at 8:15 pm said:

    Peter Rabbit had myxomatosis????

  1218. john sanders on July 19, 2021 at 10:23 pm said:

    Diane: Horses for courses mate. I lived in Australia many years too and just about everyone including the sheilas used the words of which you deny familiarity. I do recall once or twice hearing city dwellers copying Americanisms like ‘critters’ for God’s creatures and the like, but that’s the smoke folk for you. When it comes to Sydney or the bush, I’ll take back o’ Burke and Booligal any day cobber.

  1219. Peteb on July 19, 2021 at 10:53 pm said:

    D.N. O’D … Two instances
    A man walks into a crowded bar, spots a friend, walks over and sez ‘G’day mate, howyezgoin, orrite ?’
    Same man spots another drinker staring at him and sez ‘What the f… are you looking’ at, mate?’
    There you have it …

  1220. Bruce on July 20, 2021 at 2:41 am said:

    lol – reminds me of a Brit tabloid quote from ‘92 that described Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating’s hands-on (!) escort of Her Majesty to a guest reception as like “leading a sheila to the sheep dip.”

  1221. john sanders on July 20, 2021 at 6:52 am said:

    milongal: Too right me old china, myxo plus rabies. Peter Bunny went and got bit by an RTA bug or maybe one of Diane D. O’Donovan’s God awful critters.

  1222. Peteb on July 20, 2021 at 7:32 am said:

    and then …
    The starer says, ‘sorry mate,’
    And our man’s response is, Don’t f….en call me mate, mate, orrite?’

  1223. Peteb on July 20, 2021 at 9:21 am said:

    So, as you can see, D.O’D .. We know how to deal with pretenders, is’nt that right John Sanders, old mate?

  1224. D.N.O'Donovan on July 20, 2021 at 9:33 am said:

    PeterB- thank you. So funny.
    It is true that I spent most of my time, when not out on a dig, in places like universities and museums where, just as in England, the dialect is different. ‘critters’ is an archaic English form, preserved in America – or so I’m told. I liked it. Almost onomatapoetic and so adopted it.
    What I most loved about talking with locals in the rural towns of the east coast in Australia was that (a) the older and more distant from towns, the more civilized the ‘bushie blokes’ tended to be and (b) their detestation of people who expect to be deferred to not for personal character or accomplishments, but because some long dead forbear did something-or-other. And yes, everyone gasped and/or cringed at Keating’s behaviour – but what can you expect of a man who collects clocks?

  1225. john sanders on July 22, 2021 at 11:18 pm said:

    Diane: I Never was a Keating fan but, Peteb’s reference to y’man being a pretender is akin to the pot calling the kettle black or a skunk saying the stump stunk, not t’other way around. In that Paul Keating predicated on Malaysias PM Mahathir becoming a recalcitrant and Australia a potential banana republic. Any old corn stalker colonial politician who can walk with ‘Queens’ yet keep the common touch, or give you the time of day to boot, surely ain’t no pretender I kid you not. PS: I collect clocks too, but only French of the carriage variety and particularly very fine Jappy’s.

  1226. Peter Davidson on July 23, 2021 at 5:02 pm said:

    John, you remind me of my mum’s cousin, Jim Passfield, B Coy 6 RAR 1969. 1 legged Cranky bastard, stayed in the Army and retired as a WO2, with a body full of shrapnel, because “the Army owed it to him”, as “he couldn’t do anything else with 1 leg and body full of metal”. His heart gave out almost 3 years ago. Miss the old bugger.

  1227. john sanders on July 23, 2021 at 11:41 pm said:

    Peter Davidson: I seem to recall the name from my time at six, though possibly only by reputation. Seems to have been a chip off the old block with his UK born dad attempting escape from at least a half dozen stalags in ww2 and getting an MM for his efforts. Good on them and pity that their breed are extinct.

  1228. john sanders on July 25, 2021 at 1:58 pm said:

    Peteb: J.B. Cleland, when describing the position of the body, stated in part that
    ” ….it would depend on how much his head was supported, it may have been only slightly supported, perhaps no more than one’s head is supported on a pillow”. It appears from such concise wording under Oath that your set piece paraphrasing of said witness is conveniently at odds with what he intended his words to mean. No wonder folks get confused about SM’s lividity state and the like when they take heed of deliberately misrepresented Sworn evidence laid out before a Coronor’s inquest.

  1229. john sanders on July 26, 2021 at 5:51 am said:

    “Interesting word pillow” says Tbt’s Peteb, but note he doesn’t elaborate. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that he’s reminded of have bitten into the odd pillow himself and more often than he cares to let on. Then again SM was found staring skywards which of course could add lustful connotations to old Bozo’s interesting choice of words.

  1230. Peteb on July 26, 2021 at 8:06 am said:

    Thanks for letting this troll-bait through, Nick. All bets are now off.

  1231. john sanders on July 26, 2021 at 12:51 pm said:

    Crikies Nick, looks like the usual seasons greatings from his nibs are off this year. But at least you’ll have saved ten nicker; footy tests between Oz and the Poms being yet another non event just like 2012. Poor feller can’t win a trick it seems.

  1232. misca on July 27, 2021 at 3:48 am said:

    So nice to drop in and read…lovely sharing of ideas here!

    From what is now the second stupidest place on earth to what is (without question, the first) aloha (the third)!

  1233. john sanders on July 27, 2021 at 12:31 pm said:

    misca: Always happy to have you swing by, if only occasionally. Don’t know if you got any responce re your query on Hellmut Hendon lodged with Tbt., but we’re flat out with our SM updates as usual over here as you’ll surely appreciate. Seems he finally gave up the ghost on a visit in ’82 to Fiji of all places, this according to Peter Davidson our reliable roving Geni authority, which you can rest assured is Gospel.

  1234. milongal on July 27, 2021 at 10:08 pm said:

    I notice there’s a little interest about the dugouts again. In the past I’ve flagged that there’s very few references to dugouts, other than a games arcade at Glenelg and a Wesley/Methodist church at Brighton.
    Broadening the search terms it seems it was reasonably common for people to have dugouts on their property (almost like a Granny Flat). We’d sort of imagined them to be some feature on the beach – with a fairly literal interpretation of “dugout”, but I wonder whether it was also used to refer to more shed-like structures or fishing shacks that were minimally sunken (if at all) (e.g. the Wesley one seems to be referred to as a dugout more for the fact that it wasn’t really a proper building (and had a boat as a roof) than that it was necessarily dug into the ground at all).
    So then we might consider whether it’s a feature of the beach at all, or a feature of the houses on or near the Esplanade (either a row of houses with dugouts in the yard, or a row of little shack-like houses). Aside from everything else, it’s important to remember that beaches (or certainly SA beaches) have 2 types of sand texture – compressed damp sand (in places that regularly get wet by the tide) and soft dry sand (in places that are rarely submerged). Neither of these surfaces would lend themselves to make very effective dugouts (assuming the point of a dugout is to save on material). The wetter sand would hold shape reasonably well – but is presumably in a position where it’s not suitable to build (because you don’t want to be under water) and the dry sand has zero structural ability (so you’d need timber or something to hold the sand out). I also want to point to (another rant I’ve often had) about the narrowness of the beach South of Glenelg. There simply wouldn’t be many places where you could have such structures – even if the sand itself wasn’t problematic.
    I think when we’re looking for dugouts, we shouldn’t be focussing on sand that you might dig on the beach, but rather structures along the foreshore and its surrounds.

    That said….it does also occur to me that life savers or sailing clubs may have had some sort of beach structures that are partly submerged by sound and referred to as dugouts – but the lack of references to such structures seems to discount this idea.

    so 1937, 1941, 1944 has the a few ads like:
    “…unique card room (a dug-out den in the garden surmounted by a rockerry….”
    “At Glenelg……trim garden, dugout…..”
    (many of these ads use “surmounted by rockery” but not all have address – so it’s possible it’s the same property being sold every few years – or being on the market for a long time because it sounds like a top end of town type)

    As well as ads looking for housing in 1945:
    “Wanted by young couple with child 12 months, flat, rooms, dugout or anything….”

    There is, however, also this (from 1943):
    “Alfred Henry Bellman, of no fixed place of abode, was sentenced in the Brighton Court today to 14 days imprisonment for having had insufficient lawful means of support. It was stated that he had been living in a dugout on the beach”

    I can’t remember which device my Feltus book is on so I can’t look up whether the dugouts not being on the beach would make much sense. It does seem to me a touch odd that they’re mentioned as though someone from that area would immediately know what was being referred to – yet it’s hard to find a reference. IIRC it was the 1959 “witness” – so there’s also a possibility that it describes old things using current landmarks – that is, that the dugouts existed in the 1950s and are used a s a reference point by the witness, even though they weren’t actually there in 1948 (although I can’t find such a reference either).

  1235. john sanders on July 28, 2021 at 3:43 am said:

    milongal: could the beach ‘dugouts’ equate to no frills granny flats fitted out for shared temporary accommodation, also known as diggings or digs in latter day jargon…My own long held view on best guess location for the Somerton beach dugouts of circa. 1948, based on pure logics, must have been well south of Collen Terrace where the sea wall terminated and John Evans park towards the deserted Hove Dunes region. This would be near Mena Home orphanage where in later years, Det. Len Brown had Dr. Doug Hendrickson conducting extensive digs for the then missing Beaumont kiddies.

  1236. Tammy Shud on July 28, 2021 at 10:22 pm said:

    The reason the smarter-than-Andy-Baader avatar raised this originally, IIRC, is that the current lead copper on Norway’s ‘Isdal Woman’ case has supposedly done some research and finds that there are no known cases of body deposition involving more than 75 metres of manual carrying. This might therefore be an interesting benchmark to apply to the scenario.

  1237. john sanders on July 29, 2021 at 12:38 pm said:

    Tammy Shud: Not saying that I’m into the bloke seen carrying his drunken mate along the beachfront towards Alvington steps, but your 75 metre ‘Isdal woman’ concept does make sense re maximum distance. For example Ferris street beach access was used exclusively by strappers excercising their horses because it provided the only access point without having to negotiate their steeds down a difficult stairway from The Boadway, allbeit closer to all the stables located in that street. In my rough estimation the well known Ferris St. bridal pathway off Sth Esplinade would have to have been roughly fifty metres distance and thereby a more logical point of entry for someone with local knowledge intent on lugging a dead weight down from above and on a further short distance to the dump site.

  1238. Byron Deveson on July 29, 2021 at 8:40 pm said:

    JS, from memory there are aerial photos of the beach taken about 1937-38 somewhere in the archives. These should show the dugouts.

  1239. milongal on July 30, 2021 at 3:53 am said:

    @JS: I think that was exact;y the page I was on – i.e. that there was a cluster of houses with dugouts/diggings as opposed to some feature on the beach.

  1240. john sanders on July 30, 2021 at 7:01 am said:

    BD: Actually I’m not the least bit interested in Tbt’s very latest go around on GF’s fabled dugouts and it’s relevance to SM. Others with an interest may like to chase up your helpfull advise re availability of period Glenelg beach photos which are pretty easy to find on line.

  1241. milongal on July 31, 2021 at 3:15 am said:

    At the risk of being labelled a naysayer (oh never mind, too late) the bit that a lot of people seem to miss is the nuanced balance between a mundane death and a subsequent inquiry when it turns out it is not mundane.
    Statements like “I searched the clothing” are boiler plate in a testimony but have no bearing on actual fact.
    Imagine there’s a checklist of all the things that should be done, but (as in any profession) things go off script a bit when you’ve presumed the result. The coppers on 1th Dec expected the body would go to the morgue, be dismissed as a non-suspicious death and be claimed by relatives.
    At what point do they think “Shyte, this is not normal, we’d better go back and work through this properly” (I couldn’t give you an exact time, but in any case too late). Their later statements are then attempts to show due process _even if it didn’t happen_ and it doesn’t make too much sense to read too much into the intricacies and inconsistencies.
    I think I’ve mentioned before that in a previous capacity I attended a search warrant with various groups including SAPol. Aside from an amusing attempt to make other agencies resbonsible for a find (less paperwork) and a whole bunch of things I had a problem with (not in terms of ethics, but in terms of thoroughness and critical thinking) the one thing I did notice is that (if we read the statements) one person found a lot of things and lots of people had statements saying “At about (apparently “about” is important so people don’t try to disprove specifics) I attended the premises at *redacted*. I found nothing.”
    What a coinky dink – one person finds everything (I’ll leave you to speculate why). The statements are not descriptions of fact, they are simplified versions of what happened with an attempt to gloss over any mistakes and gaps in process.

  1242. john sanders on July 31, 2021 at 9:45 am said:

    Covering up for omitting to report some easily overlooked item connected to a possible crime or, incorrectly detailing what may later prove to be a key piece of corroborating evidence in a search context is a skill well known to CIB case officers. This can simply be achieved by placing blame for such on another’s incompetence, preferably the first uniformed officer in attendance at a potential crime scene who, not being trained specifically for it, might be excused afterall. Enter Constable John Moss of Brighton police, soon to be seconded to Henley Beach station where plain clothes officers are always on call and the chances of re-offending be slim.

  1243. john sanders on August 1, 2021 at 3:18 am said:

    Slow Sunday in lockdown land VN. For what it’s worth back in the day when our Jestyn was said to be domiciled at 90A Mosley St. Glenelg, younger sister Jean Carr and hubby Norm were camped in Brenda Tce. Largs Nth. no more that 100 yards from the Mangnosons across the way in Maggarey St. Norm Carr had worked as crew on a Kangaroo Is. cargo steamer and later third mate in the merchant navy serving in Borneo WW2. He claims to have been born in both GB and Morgan on the Murray where SM suspect Bob Walsh was shacked up with Liz Thompson (nee Salotti) before he went missing; then we have Keith Mang. and his Dad John also working out around Morgan pre war. It’s a small world if you want it to be eh?…

  1244. john sanders on August 2, 2021 at 12:40 am said:

    Correction is in order in that the Carrs may not have moved to Brenda Tce. til later in the fifties presumably while Norm was still a merchant marine with the Adelaide steamship Co. His pre war military papers indicate that he was at 568 Military Rd., Largs Nth., opposite 549 where Keith Mang had gone to buy firewood with Clive, before the pair were reported missing mid ’49. That area would have still been pretty sparsely settled in that early post war period and it’s on the cards the Carrs and Mangnosons were casually aquainted at least.

  1245. Peter Davidson on August 2, 2021 at 4:24 pm said:

    JS. I need help with confirming service history for my wife’s Deceased uncle. Platcher, Frederick – service number 552530 according to the Exmouth RSL Sub-Branch. He told me a lot of stories when he used to ring up here when he got my wife’s number mixed up with his sister’s. There was one story that was so outlandish, that it’s either dead set true or utter make believe which has had significant impact upon what scenarios I consider are possible or even probable in the Somerton Case. Anyway, he managed to obviously convince at least one person that was interviewed by the ABC whom alluded to these stories, however I’ve found nothing else to back up what he told me, which he only ever mentioned whilst intoxicated.
    Here’s the ABC radio program that includes the interview where somone mentions his insertions into Laos and Vietnam to arrest and extract turn coat miscreant gun runners, but doesn’t mention the assassination/execution of those that refused to surrender which Fred talked to me about. Since there is nothing that I’ve ever found in any of the Provost Case Files to back up one iota of Fred’s claims, let alone that he was ever deployed in Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia on behalf of the Provost Marshall for a fortnight at a time directly from Holdsworthy with nothing more than a gun, a fortnight’s rations a picture of the wanted man, a radio to call in a pick up and a camera to take a picture of the dead body in the absence of an arrest. It beggars belief, but if it’s at all true, then all his stories will make the TV character of Callan a sissy by comparison, and the nature & extent of covert action and the withholding of the true facts surrounding some deaths somewhat beyond the realm of what tinfoil hat nutmegs even imagine I suppose. And of course this has implications about what might be possible in the Somerton Case.
    Anyhow is there anyway to confirm anything, since he’s not even on a nominal roll?

  1246. john sanders on August 3, 2021 at 12:20 am said:

    Peter: Regarding uncle Fred 50/13 of Madras who apparently immigrated with his family whilst still a student in 1969. Only evidehce of army service I can see after a most cursory scan of usual trapchecks, arise from a car accident in ’82 at Canley Vale and subsequent million dollar (reduced on appeal) injury award. At the time he was apparently a non com at a Quarter Master’s store at Holdsworthy military depot, unmarried and obviously partial to boozing whilst off duty. His name does not come up on the Australian military imposter’s register which is pretty thorough in chasing down Vietnam era wannabes, but the same storyline of dangerous missions of derring do eg. incursions into Laos to hunt down deserters gone tropo ala ‘Apocolypse’ Now or ‘Heart of Darkness’ is rather par for the course. I’ll listen to the ABC interview when I get the chance and get back if anything worth pursuing stands out.

  1247. john sanders on August 3, 2021 at 2:51 am said:

    PD: From what I hear from Platcher’s mates, he was a man who lived a sin free life, a good Samaritan, a true friend and supporter of many a charitable cause eg., sick elderly & disabled, disadvantaged youth, plus the poor and downtrodden including the boozers, fisherfolk and other feckless sandgropers in his sozzled community. Old Fed was not such a bad Chinee cook either (online recipees) so I’m thinking he may have done a course during his six year military inlistment from 1976/7 thriugh ’82, possibly during a stint in Singapore before his drink fuelled accident. Feller had quite a weird sort of accent, almost central European to my ear and nothing close to his assumed birth tongue of Hindi. Best I can do mate, hope it helps.

  1248. milongal on August 3, 2021 at 6:03 am said:

    I’m sure you’ve seen it, but NAA has something on him from Dept of Immigration in Perth.
    Not sure date range (it’s not clear)
    Contents dates
    01 Jan 1928 –
    Accumulation dates
    01 Jan 1955 –
    Contents date range
    1978 – 1978

    I’m guessing it dates to ’28, was sent to the archive about ’55 and maybe it automatically declassified in ’78 (or something?)

    Anyways – there’s obviously something there – not that it relates to his military service

  1249. Peter Davidson on August 3, 2021 at 6:06 am said:

    Correction. Fred wasn’t given a radio, just a date, time and place to rendezvous with a helicopter. He missed one such rendezvous and had to escort his prisoner through the jungle to the nearest allied base which happened to be American, where they both came under fire because apparently the Americans used passwords. Took him a long while to convince them to stop shooting and let them in, or so the story went.

  1250. john sanders on August 3, 2021 at 9:04 am said:

    I think if uncle Fred was into those sort of sanctioned black ops. in Laos post ’75, his insertions could only have been by STOL or a Bell from Thailand, not a C130 from the MCE gaol at Holdsworthy NSW, a day of Cs plus read and burn orders with memorised map locstats etc. Sounds like one of the 80s Rambo First blood films where Sly Stallone must rescue POW’s from the dastardly Viet Cong from a camp on the Lao border. Closest I can get is where a couple of gung ho fellas known to me, named Barry who were often strangly recalled to HQ from the bush and rumoured to have been sent in to Laos doing who knows what with friendly minority tribesmen. Their experience as linguists in Malaya during the early sixties meant they could communicate well enough with related Lao tribal groups, hence their being chosen. To my knowledge they never let on what they did or didn’t do, but I’m thankful for lack of language skills, at a time and place when us cowards had to be mindful not to boast any sort of education that could be used against us.

  1251. Peter Davidson on August 3, 2021 at 5:05 pm said:

    Thanks JS.
    Enough to clear up the booze fuelled stories. Most likely derived from those movies if he never left the quartermaster store.
    Regards PD

  1252. john sanders on August 9, 2021 at 7:38 am said:

    Peteb: How about we compare your snide personally targeted ‘with my back to the wall in a Sydney pub in ’64 knowing Sanders was about’ post of 16th July last as apposed to my own non explicit and jestful ‘pillow talk’ response of 26th instant which got a lot of laughs from lots of folks….Best to leave Curly and uncle Colin Bowes rest in peace, their respective non combatant service records having no baring at all on your pitiful current gripes. Also If I were any sort if honest lawyer I wouldn’t take on something so spiteful, childish and petty for risk of being laughed out of court with costs, as neither Pelling nor I could possibly have case to answer worthy of their efforts. PS: I’m most greatful that our moderator has not seen any reason to delete the so called defamatory material, nor it’s homophobic off colour precursor with the Peter Bowes proud seal of approval.

  1253. Tammy Shud on August 9, 2021 at 12:57 pm said:

    Pete, Sanders.

    This is schoolboy stuff, you know. It’s no surprise the rest of the world laughs at the whole Australian machismo act as something so obviously insecure and seeking to conceal. The fact that grown men can get a rise out of each other (pun very much intended) with the word “poofter” is absurd in the 21st century. What are you thinking!?

  1254. john sanders on August 9, 2021 at 1:25 pm said:

    At the risk of being labelled a spoiling mofo (so be it), my take on the bard’s words ‘Lest We Forget’, should only apply to those brave men and women who fell with their faces to the foe or at the very least actually went forth to face the foe in times of conflict and luckily lived to grow old ljust as the old Aussie/Kiwi (Anzac) Ode of Remembrance suggests. It should not apply to those who, despite their just service credentials never actually fired a shot in anger. Truth be known those borrowed and oft misinterpretted strains from Rudyard Kipling’s (like him or loath him) immortal Recessional Hymn, were actually meant as plea to put an end to wars waged solely for the sake of power and glory at any cost.

  1255. Tammy Shud: it should be so far beneath all of us that you’d need the James Webb Space Telescope to see it (and then only if you squint really hard).

  1256. john sanders on August 9, 2021 at 6:00 pm said:

    Tammy: You used the word p—–r to accentuate the same word uttered by your fiend Peteb to accuse me of a like utterance which was a lie…Use of such words is rightly frowned upon in a deogitory manner these days and should not be at all condoned. I never did make such utterance if you’d care to check back on my in jest ‘pillow talk’ post. Next time you feel like chastising this simple old schoolboy make sure of your facts first b—h…OK !!!!!

  1257. John Sanders: I feel quite sad that someone can become so consumed with rage over a perceived slight (despite having themselves spent years dishing actual insults out left, right and centre) that they leave themselves looking so utterly foolish.

    But I suspect I may now be the only person who has an ounce of sympathy.

  1258. Tammy Shud on August 9, 2021 at 6:40 pm said:

    Sanders, I’m not your mum trying to get to the bottom of some fraternal playpen spat. I don’t care what you two Aussie snowflakes actually said verbatim. It’s beyond pathetic. Two geriatric dinosaurs trying to land punches from behind their walking aids is not my idea of a cause worth taking sides on.

    You know what the biggest problem with all this is? You both make Cramer’s cod-psychiatrist diagnosis actually look correct.

    Congratulations! That’s some achievement.

  1259. john sanders on August 9, 2021 at 10:49 pm said:

    Nick: Any bloke that chooses to drag his close relatives, living or dead to a shit slinging bout, is hardly a man in my books and not even close to being a bloke by Australian cobber rules as I recall. Sympathy to the missus and billy lids sure but let the swine stew in his own spiteful rage for mine.

  1260. john sanders on August 10, 2021 at 2:28 am said:

    NP: but of course, how naive can one be. Tbt’s last thread header ‘Lest We Forget’ is intended solely as a veiled threat and to whom is elementary, no doubt about it. Squire. Posted under cover of a fake RSL in memorium plaque complete with the names of two long dead relatives. Quite a few presumably entitled WW2 veterans missed out on the honourary for reasons best known to the legion concerned and or family of the reternee. Sadly no such plaques are to be found at the gravesites of either deceased nominated by our not so clever informant.

  1261. john sanders on August 10, 2021 at 4:47 am said:

    Nick: Before you bother yourself in overviewing the mostly non active flight logs of a certain disturbing element’s late father Fred, perhaps you might be advised to gain a more reliable insight into his Sqn.’s not so glamourous credentials from the nominated RAAF pilot’s commanding officer during a relevant period of WW2. Said events relare to a period between July 1941 at RAF Kangaw (Singapore pre war) and 18th March at disembarkation in Outer Harbor [sic] Adelaide S.A. aboard SS Fairsky?. As a lead-in, Sqn. Ldr. William John Harper bn. 1916 India, joined the RAF in 1939 as a trainee fighter pilot and in an interving period prior to his secondment to 452/21 Sqn. RAAF Malaya, had become a DSO and Spitfire/Hurricane Ace over Dunkirk and the 1940 Battle of Britain. After the war he settled into life as a farmer cum politician in the Rhodesian parliament at ministry level, then upon retirement writing up his own true accounts of service life, warts and all before his passing in 2006…..See ‘RAAF 21/453 Sqn. The Secret Report’ It is one of a number that should give valuable insights into less than exemplorary conduct and of initiatives (not) taken in thwarting preventable WW2 disasters such as the sinking of HMS Prince of Wales and Repulse off Kwantan Malaya in Dec. ’41 and in the subsequent fall of fortress Singapore three months later in March ’42…Bill Harper’s reference to his three new pilots from Aust. who professed not to have joined to become fighter pilots, one of the trio, presumably P.O. F. S. Bowes carelessly? put his Brewster Buffalo down on it’s flimsy bare belly, thus leaving his mates to patrol all of Jahore State until repairs could be effected on the plane….The full account is thankfully easy to access online and I have a feeling that the two later commissions of inqiry (one post war from memory) at Australian military command level might also still be found on NAA if anyone be interested in tired chronicals of a most shameful past that was not my desire to re gurgitate.

  1262. john sanders on August 10, 2021 at 5:56 am said:

    Crikies, some clown at records sure stuffed up with Bonzo’s dad who only gets credited with 17 operational sorties at 76 Sqn. In the clear blue Zero free skies over New Guinea in ’44. Some relative or RSL fixer should ensure that the number be corrected to 47 sorties (according to Peteb) over a home leave interrupted six month period comprising 90 odd hours of actual flying time. And while at it, the careless desk pilots at AHQ might also re instate the Airman’s time of effective service in the far eastern theatre between 15/8/41 and 15/3/42, details of which are ostensibly absent from the official RAAF WW2 record of service held by NAA.

  1263. john sanders on August 10, 2021 at 9:37 am said:

    Tammy Shud: Should you per chance, in your wide sphere of travels, happen to bang elbows with a Bumpkin or Misca of our aquaintance, please convey sincerest best wishes and hopes for an impass in the China/Dominion childish standoff. A pair of foul mouthed ultra feminist activists they most surely would own to and most adept in the art of male put downs too. Seldom of a cheerful disposition, but not to wonder with the constant barrage of piss canning directed their way, from a bunch of near death misogynists in the guise of honourable schoolboys no less.

  1264. john sanders: ah, I remember now. That was the 16Jul2021 comment – https://ciphermysteries.com/misc-stuff#comment-429266 – where Pete Bowes wrote:

    “Diane O D .. We are a sophisticated race of people, rarely given over to the old ways and expressions you’re expressing an interest in, however when confronted by someone in dire need of a fat lip our instinct is to get into the face of the offender and remind him in terms common enough for him to understand that his immediate presence is unwanted. In this case a Mr John Sanders, who follows me around like a bitch in heat as you have no doubt observed. It’s part and parcel of this blogging game as you know to have such infatuated individuals dogging your footsteps, and I don’t dispute that this behaviour is caused by a general aimlessness, or lack of purpose. That said, if I was ever to run into the man in a more convivial place, say the public bar of an east Sydney hotel in 1964, I’d be standing with my back to the wall. Fair dinkum.”

    How do you think this is supposed to work, then? Am I now supposed to trawl through the 35000+ comments on my blog, drawing up two lists (one of shabby comments made by him, and another of shabby comments made about him) and removing them in matching pairs? This whole moderation business is so trying when people are immoderate.

  1265. john sanders on August 10, 2021 at 11:55 pm said:

    NP: It’s got the best of me fair dinkum. Peteb’s ‘back to the wall’ comment was supposed to be in response to Diane O D’s ‘ocker’ jargon query, the homophobic inference to my own sexual preference being typical of the man’s poor judgement in dealing with humourless ladies like our Diane. The snide false reference to my own prefered mode of sexual gratification did not warrant immediate response, though when I got around to it, my reply was of a kind though with a slightly more poignant punchline, not meant to offend anyone living or dead. I wouldn’t worry too much about trawling old cock, I’m almost certain that others will take care of such frivolities and you can match the pairs as they come to light.

  1266. john sanders on August 11, 2021 at 7:11 am said:

    The rightious one who never served, dares to declare my visceral hatred of all WW2 veterans. Not at all my man, only the malingers and braggarts who never shut up about their brave exploits on land, sea and the wild blue yonder, or who urged their miscreant doubtful offspring to boast about daddy’s heroics. To make my point clearer at risk of becoming a like enthipusiast of archaic Aussie blood sports; Of seven uncles what served of His Majesty in WW2, only one half brother ‘Jacky Man O War’ didn’t come home and remains of that warrior bold lie beneath a genuine island style marker at a cemetery in Egypt. Uncle Bertie whom I also never met, lost a leg along with his mind apparently, in the Solomons and died years later in an asylum unsure of what befell him. Of the remainder we have were Sandy (my dad), Charlie, Percy and Stevie who signed up in Pine Creek N.T. well before hostilities commenced and sailed away together aboard the Queen Mary in early 1940 to a fate they knew not nor cared in the slightest. Two were captured in Greece, opting to give up their freedom for the sake of the other two who got out in the nick…on HMS Ajax, later seeing action in Tebruk, thence the Pacific theatre where Charlie (arty) helped thwart the Jap landings at Milne Bay, while Sandy a real Commando scout and skirmished in the Salamoa campaign of 42/43. These coves were not recognised heroes, just diggers doin their bit for the Empire and who mostly died too young but uncomplaining. My memories of these fair dinkum blokes relate mostly to their disdain for spit polished REMF pogos cringing in their fox holes, whilst unarmed medics, perhaps mum’s brothers uncle Vincent or Arthur were getting straffed by the japs attending to their own bleeding wounded in the jungle below. I also remember the typical grudging respect shown for my uncle’s Dago, Kraut and even Nip adversaries, front liners all without any distinction. Plenty of hilarious unlikely yarns as well…like one about the half starved jungle cow mistaken for japs carrying a stretcher under cover of darkness getting a boot up the bum and letting out a moan to wake the dead., or the huge jap who bumped into my stocky old man, both coming around different sides of a jungle monolith; Initial shock both mouths agape, spontanious cheshire cat type grins and a pair of cowards off like scalded cats to their respective digs, mum being the word. Of course none of these tall stories were told with strangers about the calf yards or within cooey of womenfolk….

    Peteb: Wherever did you, a once respectful (not respected) accursed accuser get such a weird mindset vis. Sanders, a 6 RAR deserte and now traiter to some duty bound allegance, hating and disrespectful of ALL WW2 veterans to the knot of his entralia etc…I can take all that in my stride as you well Pete old pal o mine, it’s no sweat, but I sure hope you’re only joshing about the viscera part. I suffer from peptic ulcers caused through wartime exposure to agent orange. Medbank refuses to subsidise my expensive Zantac ulcer medication because I contracted said malady overseas ie. Vietnam circax1967. What a bummer, hope I get an RSL plaque sent over for me funeral, as I did take a shine to that recently posted on Tbt, one with the Kiwi WW1 trooper on a short surf board.

  1267. Sanders. This whole thing started years ago when you called me an overprivileged draft dodger, my response was to call you a coward and deserter. You were wrong and so was I and now I reckon this shitfight has now gone on long enough.
    I’m for stepping back.
    But that doesn’t mean Pelling gets off, his research on the Somerton Man case is not up to standard and it will be my pleasure to prove it and without intending any innuendo, it’s his Pommie arse I’m after.

  1268. Tammy Shud on August 11, 2021 at 7:46 am said:

    None of you are going anywhere with your research at the moment. The only vaguely insightful thing we’ve seen in months is much-maligned “An Omnibus” take-down of GC’s images of the Tamam script, where he or she demonstrated that the old copper is using the wrong scale in his measurements.

    Should have been the final nail in the micro-writing etc coffin, but everyone was obviously too busy nurturing their butt-hurts.

  1269. Peteb: I have no problem at all with people disagreeing with (or even disliking) my research methodology, my research programme, or my research conclusions. In fact, I have so little problem that I happily publish comments here opposing everything I think, propose, suspect, believe, and conclude. Given that we’re all basically in the dark with historical mysteries, heavy moderation would come across as intolerant and just a tad insecure.

    So if there are things you want to comment on or correct, feel free, I’m not stopping you.

    But as for shitposting my face over the front of your blog, you can fuck right off.

  1270. Fighting words from a bloke with shoulders like an arrowroot biscuit …

  1271. D.N.O'Donovan on August 11, 2021 at 8:44 am said:

    second that. (August 11, 2021 at 7:57 am)

  1272. john sanders on August 11, 2021 at 9:24 am said:

    Peteb: Sure, I know darn well you were no draft dodger, age exempt unlike brother Anthony who would have had to register in 69 or 70 and my beef’s not with Tony right. As for the overprivilaged jibe, I really can’t recall saying it though as it’s my style I’ll fess up in the spirit of foulplay [sic] for which I’m renowned. Anyhow it all depends on perspectives somewhat and so long as folks came by their privilaged means through self motivation, who am I to begrudge them a tad more than they need. As for Nick Pelling and the rest of us Keanie online Stamina Man sleuths; the progress to date, being no better or worse that that shown by Det. Lionel Leane and his Keystone Cops of 1948/49, suggest that we must concentrate more fully on our own past best initiatives….if any such animal exists in our files.

  1273. john sanders on August 11, 2021 at 11:21 am said:

    Strewth Nick, I’d give half my monthly pittance to have my swarthy facial likeness on the front of any darned blog, I always relished the thought of seeing my dark handsome dial on the front cover of a true detective mag. blond bimbo real close and a look of enraptured lust in her beautiful green eyes. I wonder, with all their fancy digital gagetry and any number of clandestine informants, neither Bozo or Good-on-you-Gordon ever managed to give me a face, even though I think GC claimed to have seen one just recently.

  1274. john sanders on August 11, 2021 at 11:38 am said:

    ….Could have inserted ‘and dangerous’ in the space after ‘dark’ on the second line but modesty prevailed thank Goodness.

  1275. milongal on August 11, 2021 at 8:57 pm said:

    @Tammy – I did miss it – largely because I long gave up reading stuff there on a regular basis. Occasionally might have a looksie at where the world is at (and then roll my eyes and move on). But I guess for mine the microcode appearing everywhere (from memory at one stage there was apparently even some on the cover of Feltus’ book according to the believers) has long been a bunk. I do believe there could be some in the Hay Banknotes (of varying size) – but not necessarily in all the places being claimed (and any there doesn’t have any obvious bearing on SM).

  1276. john sanders on August 11, 2021 at 11:28 pm said:

    Diane: I recall light years ago, you suggested biscuits to our moderator. it was done in a jestful palsy guesture, but I don’t detect any signs of camaraderie or mirth in your latest blunt force quip. Must give Peteb satisfaction and vindication that his prefered mode of full on character assassination works. PS: your tongue in cheek offering to NP back in the day was for Scotch Fingers..from memory.

  1277. john sanders on August 12, 2021 at 2:12 am said:

    NP: I note that ‘Diane’s’ last post is not directed to anyone which would be a first for that most meticulous lady me thinks. Also the unusual bracketed post time of 7.57am differs with CM’s time of 8.44 am and I’m wondering if this requires status confirmation. Not so long ago there was a bogus post in my name praising the virtues of some rogue on another site, to which I responded in kind, so maybe an IP cross check would be the simple solution, or better still ask the good woman in question. PS San Francisco was once the top location for imposters and crooks, something to do with it’s convivial middle of the road time zone from memory.

  1278. john sanders on August 12, 2021 at 3:28 am said:

    milongal: problem with micro writing is that GC claims to have identified it from closer scrutiny of the copied code page in 2013, there being no denial by all and sundry, SM punters inc. in existence of the form elswhere. MW was a means of secure administrative correspondence in the renaisance circa. 1500 and likely known to illegal Hebron SP bookies at the time of JC’s stewardship of the Mighty Nazareth Disciples in their Galilee Shield defence against the Haifa first X13 1500 years before L.DV’s huminist hand revival. BS/TS Good on you Gordon’s bullshit claims for HIS very own clandestine Micro crap insertions would also include the Marco trouser pocket laundry marks, verse pages of the Boxall ROK, the original TS slip which he never sighted (????) and from memory the ubiquitous T. Keane(i) tie.

  1279. milongal on August 13, 2021 at 5:18 am said:

    yes, yes and yes. with regards to SM’s page, I don’t see how the micro writing is transferred to (and subsequently lifted from) the code page. Equally finding it in all sorts of other stuff (as I mentioned, at one stage I think there was a claim GF’s book’s cover had some on it) makes it all the less likely.
    My basic point was that I could believe it exists on the Hay banknotes in some way, shape or form. The rest of it is a crock.
    I didn’t know he’d claimed the laundry markings or the tie – I can’t even imagine how you could get that sort of size writing on cloth.

    In all honesty, even if I trusted the method and understood the transfer I have a massive problem with them being in a big suspicious code that attracts attention. Why hide it in some random retters that attract attention when you could neatly hide it in a verse of the Rubaiyat (or equivalent). As I’ve said before (which at the time I think GC took as me endorsing his stuff – obviously I was as unclear as ever), nobody is questioning whether Microwriting exists, we’re just dismissing the idea that microwriting exists in the SM case.

    I have a suspicion that following the method provided I could find microwriting on just about anything – but TBH can’t be arsed even trying because I know I’ll never convince him it’s a crock even if I had results (I remember him explaining that my choosing words in Psalm 23 to make “Danetta” was somehow less validly random than him choosing it in other texts). In any case, I don’t doubt he works hard researching his ideas and stories – but I think he is totally blinded by confirmation bias and always looks to explain how his “facts” fit the story, rather than considering or challenging that the ideas might be wrong.

    I quite like Boxall in Littlemore’s flic – “It’s a melodramatic thesis, isn’t it?”. Whether Boxall knew something about it or not, you can’t help but think he was quite amused at the attention it gave him.

  1280. john sanders on August 13, 2021 at 2:37 pm said:

    After a quick review of GC’s latest revelations in which the undisputed master of BS/TS seems to have put Jessica back in top billing as authoress of AB’s ROK verse 70 and accompaning JEstyn signature; as opposed to Clive Turner’s Maj. William J. Moulds nomination, I feel obliged to ape Peteb’s lead with a well deserved “Good on you Gordon”, his gutsy back down being duly recognised. Might we dare hope that he also sees fit to review the not really unexpected misinterpretation of army service records pertaining to Alf Boxall and Tom Musgrave vis., 1944 & 1945 M/O posting dates, or else save face and take a high dive into the deep briny off Clifton Gardens jetty.

  1281. john sanders on August 14, 2021 at 4:50 am said:

    Here one minute, gone the next. Takes some grit, owning one’s guilt in havin done their best to put one over on his followers. Only response worthy of such honesty would be to say, “Good on you Gordon, being truthful can have it’s rewards”. It seems like yesterday that I was discussing with comrade Bunke how unlikely the chances of y’man pulling a flawed BS/TS post, even in the face of having had three possibly fair dinkum comments on the farce..

  1282. Peter Davidson on August 15, 2021 at 8:15 am said:

    Without knowing the actual Provence of the ROK nor the Taman Shud slip, and how they actually came to be where they were allegedly found the value of them to any investigation of the Somerton Mystery is merely speculation. My thoughts are that he stole the book from his killer, tor the piece out and left the book in the car that took him to the beach, where doing this to show police a chain of custody back to whomever were complicit in his poisoning, as he assumed correctly that the slip would not be found by those complicit in his murder, when rifling his clothes before placing his body. But this is only what makes logical sense to me.
    IMO Somerton Man did not write anything in the ROK because it wasn’t his book. But he took it knowing that it would identify his killer, because he Knew that his killer did something with the book, which would identify her.

  1283. john sanders on August 15, 2021 at 11:31 am said:

    Peter Davidson: As you so rightly infer, mere speculation, just as your theory is but no more so than most others put forward, some well thought out and with merit, others less so though well meant. Then we have GC’s foreIgn intelligence style clandestine hit on Stamina man, special effects and all, a well organised sanctioned beach killing with or without exteme prejudice and none of the usual left behind promotion only scatter? Mere speculation as well.

  1284. john sanders on August 16, 2021 at 8:55 am said:

    Nice of his nibs to inform his Tbt blogsters that the Sanders-Bowes disputation has been resolved along mutual lines and under harmoginous no fault terms, without need for further correspondence or apologies to be entered into. That’s mostly fine by me, for the ebb and flow of battle is something an old soldier rellishes, so long as he’s ahead at the end, which is why we never die, but fade fade away.

    In saying that which was not difficult due simply to the fact that during that brief period of conflict, most of the bitter tirades whilst being obviously about me, didn’t actually mentions Sanders by rote, so theoretically the insults might well have been intended for some other scum bag eg., ‘Good on you Gordon’ or Professor. Derek Abbott for all we know. Same can’t be said however for Nick Pelling who took a real shellacking and if it were moi on the receiving end…..well?

    Put’s me in mind of something came up about the Presidential Bush family and there personal way of handling harmful and insulting accusations made against them during time in office, like George H. W. deciding to invade Iraq in ’91 quite contrary to world opinion, or son George W. when he fabricated Iraq’s nuke building intentions as an excuse to go in again in 2003, plus all the nastiness said critical of their respective lack of nouse.

    George H., most fervent in adherance of God’s ways and modern interpretation thereof, declared he was thus prepared to forgive and forget unreservedly. George jr. who was a little less fervent though no less a God fearing man to a degree, was himself quite happy to forgive but not to forget. Martha Bush, wife and mother to both great men, more aquainted with psalms of the old testement, declared that if so slighted, she would neither forgive or forget..Here endeth the appistle Peteb.

  1285. John Sanders: let’s just see where the science leads now. Being continually blog-bollocked for the supposed ‘sin’ of wanting to see even one piece of evidence supporting a loudly-held theory is getting a bit bloomin’ boring. 🙁

  1286. john sanders on August 16, 2021 at 2:46 pm said:

    It was Charles Darwin, who in a letter to a young Mary Boole, well read authoress in later years, responded to her need for some assurance that creativity fitted with the terms of his essay on ‘Origin of the Species’. He informed that it was inately so and added succinctly that God’s word was telegraphed with the help of Jesus and a dozen of his yarn telling disciples from Gallilee, who intern were allowed a degree discretionary licence to get the main point across, initially to the simple denizens of Nazarith and so on throughout humanity. I’m sure he also explained to this very astute young woman of many hidden talents that there was also one heck of a lot of science in play to back up his own fantastic though unchallenging conclusions, and that Creativity was not in danger of becoming old hat any time soon. How does that fit with CM Misc. Stuff Nick.

  1287. milongal on August 16, 2021 at 10:29 pm said:

    PB IMO (like so many other equally melodramatic theses out there) the problem is that there’s too much unnecessary fluff that brings attention rather than dismisses.
    The TS and Rubaiyat and scribblings are totally unnecessary. Like other ideas, your scenario seems to imply the code was a message to someone – but it sounds like the people who would be interested in the message are those creating it – so it’s redundant. To me, the scenario doesn’t explain why the code page was necessary (and why given it’s presence it’s necessary to have something that looks cryptographic on it). Nor why that same paper should publicly point toward Harkness. IMO, a series of 4 ‘A’ on a piece of paper would be far less suspicious than a “code” trying to hide 4 ‘A’. If we are to consider this scenario (which as I say, I dismiss quite easily), the rest of the code must serve some purpose.

    While I accept that local spooks were new at what they did back then, to me the evidence seems to clumsy – especially the 2 tickets. I would imagine the best way to create fake evidence is to come up with a backstory in your mind and then plant things based on that (and if we’re feeding TS slips and stuff to the police then we can also direct them (or indirectly suggest) they follow the evidence a particular way. The 2 tickets do look very much like a plant – but not by a competent state/intelligence actor.
    Similarly, the only purpose of planting the suitcase would serve for such a thesis is to establish that SM had been in the railway station that day. Surely the Henley ticket does the same thing….but why is it important that he was in the Railway station? Is this just to sell the idea he is an interstate arrival? Was the Henley ticket originally meant to do that and something got muddled in between?

    Every step of the way there seems to have been an effort to keep the public engaged and to create more mystery – something that you would surely be looking to avoid if there’s something clandestine going on? It would be far easier to suppress this as a mundane death – either by not releasing detail about it after a few days (it would disappear from the public interest quite naturally), or have a plant claim the body and bury it. The public were only interested because the body remained unclaimed, and then all this other stuff was discovered. It seems to me that the actions of the authorities are far more inline with wanting publicity around it, than trying to cover up an embarrassment or some other type of whoopsie.

  1288. john sanders on August 17, 2021 at 1:02 pm said:

    Milongal: Despite what Peteb would like everyone to think, namely that Leane was a senior detective with experience as a team leader and administrator, he was nothing of the sort though he certainly had ambition to be up there with the best, like his little brother Geoffrey who in 1948 was already at Inspector level and one of best Adelaide CIB had at the time. Likewise his sidekick Len Brown had only just made Detective and would have been eager to show his credential by being on a big case.

    From all appearances a mundane beach death investigation, passed over by ace Investigator and former Special Branch top dog Harry Strangway, on the surface was not likley to help either eager beaver to where they needed to be career wise. From both their interviews with Littlemore years later when the lads had run their respective races, with little more than average passes and no longer at their best memory wise, bot were nontheless quite resolved to the probability that the SM case was suicide. Most likely a bushy come to town, got bored and offed himself.

    And why not, if as appears reasonable that the death was not at all suspicious and at first bluff seemed quite munane at that. One could well pursue an angle along the lines of, our suits, not wishing to pass up an opportunity that might not come again, merely created their own little diversion, one full of mystery and intrigue to make the death look like something more mind bogling than a Sherlock Homes mystery sans elementry dear Watson. Starting by telling all and sundry that the body’s discovery with all clothing labels missing (not true) was not right along with journey tickets and other little quirks that looked shady which is just what the press hounds needed and who couldn’t get enough of.

    The rest of the story speaks for itself, the whole lines of investigation developing a life of it’s own and getting more and more difficult to control without adding to in the most convuluted ways, police adopting all manner and means of plants, false trails and other people like the nurse becoming embroiled for little reason but to enhance the case’s universal attention. One can’t deny Leane’s brillance, even his knowing when to call it quits with no loss of face, the exhaustive though inconclusive outcome satisfactorily put to bed by yet another member of the famous Leane clan

  1289. john sanders on August 17, 2021 at 2:18 pm said:

    To-day 18th August marks the 55 aniversary of 6 RAR’s battle of Long Tan in which 18 members of Delta Coy lost their lives on active service in Vietnam. A memorial in the form of a concrete cross had been errected by veteran’s of the action in 1969. This being at the battle site and which was removed by war’s end in 1975, a replica being thus rededicated in 1989 to mark the 30th anniversary. In 2018 a fake cross of 1988 vintage, tauted as the original was bought by the Australian War Memorial at great expense and now takes pride of place within the hallowed halls. Only trouble is that it rests in imposing grace with it’s front up against a wall in order that evidence of it being a cloned imposter are cunningly concealed from anyone who per chance, may have been present during it’s fabrication.

  1290. john sanders on August 18, 2021 at 2:19 pm said:

    Had Harry Strangeway, arguably Adelaide’s longest serving and most expienced detective been motivated to follow through with his mundane duty in investigating the beach death case, to which he had attended as duly assigned call out officer on December 1st, it may well have been resolved fairly smartly. Of course we’re not to know what he ascertained from the crime scene search in the way evidence, but it certainly was nothing out of the ordinary or it would most certainly have come out at the inquest. As things turned out he was called to give evidence in a committal hearing the following day involving a man accused of indecent assault of a four year old girl and as a consequence nothing more was heard from him regarding the SM case. Years before he had arrested a suspected house thief and discovered a missing hundred pound note rolled up tightly and secreted in the perpetrator’s bicycle handle bar. What therefore might be the odds of this fastidious suit missing a rolled up Tamam Shud slip in a dead man’s fob pocket. Not a hope in hades would be a fair guess and so it makes the subsequent chance finding of same by a retired professor in the course of unrelated matters seem slim by a any stretch. If this assumption has merit, than we can justifiably pass on the mysterious ROK, the code, the nurse and her husband, Alf Boxall and the Clifton Gardens affair, KGB assassins and nazi rocket men, Pakies place and Hellmuth Hendon. These just to name a few of a whole host of unlikely suspects in a murder that wasn’t, one that the hand of Gerry Feltus so deceitfully dealt us.

  1291. milongal on August 19, 2021 at 9:42 pm said:

    But the point everyone seems to miss is that it wasn’t a crime scene – it was just a dead body on the beach (I was going to say “happens all the time” – which is an exaggeration, but not a massive one). When you know a crime has been committed (e.g. apprehending a thief) you investigate thoroughly. When you’ve presumed that you’re dealing with a mundane stiff that’ll no doubt be collected by family you tend to be less thorough.
    Whether someone is a competent Defective in the Police Farce or not has little bearing – when you come across something that doesn’t seem to warrant a thorough investigation you don’t bother with it. Everyone seems to harp on about all sorts of evidence that appears to be missed, or to have been thrown together for inquest as though there’s some sort of conspiracy. I put it to you the answer is far simpler – they didn’t think much of the case until it was too late – and they then retrospectively had to fit their statements to how they understood the case.

    I think I’ve asked it before (and heard crickets in response):
    At what point did the police realise they were dealing with something more than a mundane death (e.g. give me a date they decided this was unusual)?

  1292. john sanders on August 20, 2021 at 12:31 am said:

    milongal: Not nit picking, you know I wouldn’t but, notwithstanding the likelyhood of a mundane death or more to the point suicide which must be a top contention, Stamina Man’s discovery site is considered a crime scene nonetheless. Cases of self destruction are always treated as crimes and prosecution is thus mandatory if unsuccessful. As far as a time factor for suspicious death goes, it may have been considered as early as when the autopsy findings hit the papers early on. When Leane was assigned to clean up a matter that the press continued to persist with it created an aura that the matter was more than routine. Subsequent release of the suitcase finding was to start the chain of events lending itself to all sorts of fanciful espionage crap and such that persist. Good on you Gordon and you too Peteb.

  1293. Walking down the aisles of a used book sale you pick up a
    an old worn book and leaf thru the pages. You find some words
    underlined, passages highlighted and writing in the margins.
    Now comes the question, how do you find the additions in a
    600 year old Manuscript ?

  1294. milongal on August 21, 2021 at 11:46 pm said:

    News dot come reports a witness has come forward claiming they saw SM on the beach when they were a kid….

    @JS: Whatever the procedure, what I’m suggesting is that coppers can’t help but be more ambivalent (or maybe I mean apathetic) about some investigations than others based on their presumptions.

  1295. Dog P!ssed on him….maybe that’s where “damp” comes from?

    A man has come forward for the first time, claiming to have seen the Somerton Man’s dead body on the beach more than 70 years ago when he was just a child.

    Rural Victorian resident Rodger Todd has been sharing the incredible tale with family and close friends for decades, but has never gone public.

    That was, until a friend of the 84-year-old dobbed him into the media.

    In his first ever interview, the Poolaijelo resident told NCA NewsWire he had been walking along Somerton beach before dawn about 7am on December 1, 1948 with his terrier called Dandy when he made the discovery.

    Mr Todd, who was only 11 at the time, said he spotted the man on the sand, slumped up against the fixed stone wall with his head perched on his chest and thought he was sleeping.

    He said he walked within about 50m of the man when he realised Dandy had run off towards the person he believed was sleeping and urinated on him.

    “I was a bit embarrassed about it at the time, but there was not a soul around,” Mr Todd said.

    “I thought it was a bit strange because it would have woken him up, so I went over to him, looking very closely to see if he was breathing.

    “The closer I got, the more I realised he wasn’t breathing.”

    The Somerton Man’s body was found on Somerton Beach, in Adelaide’s southwest, on December 1, 1948. Picture: Supplied
    The Somerton Man’s body was found on Somerton Beach, in Adelaide’s southwest, on December 1, 1948. Picture: SuppliedSource:The Advertiser

    According to the grandfather of one, he got within one metre of the unknown man, then ran back to his family’s holiday home along the Esplanade and told his mother he’d seen a dead body.

    She replied that she would call the police.

    Mr Todd said he asked his mother if he was allowed to go back and have another look at the man but was told he couldn’t leave the house.

    Peeking from the front window of the home, he said he saw two police cars and two ambulances arrive at the beach within the hour, as well as about 20 spectators.

    Mr Todd has always been curious to know if his mother was in fact the first person to contact police about the Somerton Man.

    “I remember talking to mum very briefly about it a couple of years later but she wasn’t very interested in it. She was a private person.

    “The reason I haven’t got back to the authorities since then is because I (only) saw him and that’s it.

    “I could only describe how he looked and where he was.

    “I can’t see that it would be of any interest to them for me to own up because I didn’t touch him.”

    Mr Todd said he couldn’t clearly remember what the Somerton Man was wearing at the time, but described the clothing as “dark” coloured.

    He said he thought he was wearing a jacket.

    “I could see a fair bit of his face and I remember having memories of his face … There was a bit of colour in it.”

    Mrs Todd said her husband first told her the story when they were courting almost 60 years ago. Picture: Supplied via NCA NewsWire
    Mrs Todd said her husband first told her the story when they were courting almost 60 years ago. Picture: Supplied via NCA NewsWireSource:Supplied

    His wife Marjorie, 76, said her husband of 56 years had “been sticking to the story” she had first heard when they were courting almost 60 years ago.

    “I’ve kept him in very good health so he’s able to tell the story,” Mrs Todd said.

    “This could not have been told because it happened such a long time ago and nobody else has come forward.”

    Their youngest of three children, Kristine Todd, said she thought the story was “hilarious” and was her dad‘s “cool” claim to fame.

    The Vale Park resident, 51, said she first heard it about 10 years ago when she brought the Somerton Man up in conversation after reading about it in the newspaper.

    “(At the time I thought): ‘dad’s been keeping this secret from me for so long. This is so exciting’,” Ms Todd said.

    “I tell people about it and I have one particular friend who was gobsmacked and wanted to ask dad about it straight away.

    “I think with that generation, their fathers had been fighting in wars, so I guess death wasn’t a major, weird, freaky thing to an 11-year-old compared to this day and age.”

    The identity of the Somerton Man remains a mystery, more than 70 years after his body was discovered on the beach.

    Questions around who he was and where he was from have captured the imaginations of generations of Australians, with many waiting with bated breath to find out if his exhumation unveils the truth about his life.

    His body was exhumed in May this year with forensic experts working to extract DNA to try identify the man.

    An SA Police spokesman said there was no further information to provide about the exhumation.

    When police found him in 1984, the man had an unsmoked cigarette resting on his chest, his hair was perfectly in place and his double-breasted jacket was pressed and in perfect condition.

    A number of clues were left but none have yet helped to crack the case.

    Officers found an aluminium comb – which was unavailable in Australia – that suggested he had recently been in America.

    There was an unused rail ticket from Adelaide to Henley Beach, and a bus ticket from the city. This led police to the train station where they located a suitcase they assumed belonged to him.

    Pathologist Professor John Burton Cleland found a small rolled up piece of paper in a hidden fob pocket in the man’s trousers that read: “Tamam Shud”, which was Persian for “it is ended” or “finished”.

    The paper from that note was later found to have been ripped from the final page of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, specifically a 1941 edition.

    In the back of that book there was an encrypted message which was five lines long.

    Code-crackers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Scotland Yard were tasked with decoding the message, but were unable to.

    An unlisted phone number belonging to a nurse named Jessica Thomson was also discovered in the book, but the woman denied knowing the Somerton Man.

  1296. john sanders on August 23, 2021 at 5:20 am said:

    130 Todds Rd. Poolaijelo Vic. is where our latest SM informant Rodger Todd lives, the isolated district having been developed for soldier settlement dirt farming post WW2 and wife of 50 yeas Marjorie can help with additional local history. It would seem that all’s fine and dandy with Rodger’s memory of his dog’s name etc., there being no outward signs of of disillusionment or tendency for distraction, although the fellow is known to be a Keane fisherman and tall tale telling must be therefore considered..

    By the way Poolaijelo being to all intents a mere speck on the map malley town less than a kimometer from the border, is more South Australian than Victorian and a deal of it’s administration and local affairs are controlled from over the line including Mr. R. Todd’s S.A. fishing license. So when, young Rodger aged eleven, was holidaying at Somerton instead of doing his sixth class primary finals he was likely not too far from home, the family travelling overland by their own means.
    Todd family history is scanty and y’man is not on national service rolls for 1955.

    As for his recollection of that day at the beach in big day, first thing amiss is of course the timing of his discovery which of course goes against the grain of what we know or might assume from evidence deduced through three alternate witnesses in Neil Day, Jack Lyons and John Moss, strapper Day and his mate Horrie and their nags the earliest from 5.30am. Young Todd in his version states that the beach was deserted when Dandy cocked his leg on our SM at 7am. Who to believe.

    So after determining that the man was a gonner, he heads off home to tell mum about his lucky find, is ordered not to go back for a second squiz and she up and calls the cops, their subsequent arrival, two cars and an ambulance, thought by young Toddy to have been within the hour. We know that because our informant tells of having sighted the vehicles from a front window, which by my reckoning must have been the house adjacent. The Nunns who were tennants therof, may have been overseas at the time so holiday occupation by the Todds is possible.

  1297. john sanders on August 23, 2021 at 11:02 am said:

    If it turns out that our Rodger’s middle name is Norm with a DOB of 11/3/37 and a mum named Lillian, then things could get a little interesting, but all is lost without said links…. I’m not so confident.

  1298. milongal on August 23, 2021 at 8:51 pm said:

    @JS: the 7AM stuck out to me too…especially with “before dawn” thrown in. official Sunrise was 4:56AM that day – but I’m never certain quite what that means (is that the first bit of sun we see, or what). I remember reading about civil twilight vs nautical twilight vs astronomical twilight…..and while I assume sunrise refers to civil twilight (sun is less than 6% below horizon) I actually don’t know.

    In any event 7AM is not consistent with what we know, and is not consistent with “before dawn” (anyone who has been in Adelaide late in the year would know the morning is already quite bright by 7AM – and as the coppers reported that morning “quite warm”). Not quite prepared to dismiss it entirely (memories embellish themselves over time, and facts that seem quite vague concrete themselves wrongly as you retell the story)…..
    Sort of interests me the “20 spectators around”. Even if we assume that includes the fuzz and the ambos (which it sounds like he doesn’t) let’s say 2 coppers, 4 ambos (in 2 cars), 2 jockeys, Lyons….and 11 other people hitherto unmentioned…..

  1299. john sanders on August 24, 2021 at 4:13 am said:

    @mil Looks like ‘Good on you Gordon’ has given Roger [sic] a pass on mistaken timing of 90 minutes, so as to add more weight of evidence when substantiating his beach body delivery after the pre dawn high tide inundation. GC once argued that the nine foot Spring tide was not a factor, but of late is seen to be the leading contender for pushing it in his latest ASIO cover-up contention…As for the kid of 1948, I have a feeling that he may have lived at Gilbarton S.A. and moved to the malley after hitching up with Marjorie, plus his daughter lives in Adelaide so that connection is valid. I’m still needing a DOB if someone can help.

  1300. milongal on August 24, 2021 at 8:47 pm said:

    I would expect no different. It’s a lot easier to make up a nice story then choose the facts you want than the other way around. Probably not the only one guilty of it, but certainly one of the more obvious ones.
    Sometimes it’s a wonder we haven’t decided 1st Jan 1948 is an inconvenient date and chosen a new one to fit the story.

  1301. john sanders on August 29, 2021 at 9:30 am said:

    Peteb’s latest tongue in cheek Nhangreta/black hand mafia sanctioned hit on SM may have been intended to show up Mario Puzo’s limitations as a novelist apropos his rather tame Godfather yarn of ’69. His own thrilling parody is set in post war Glenelg S.A under the notorious “Freeman” (?) family’s mob rule as opposed to the fictional Correleoni ‘Family’ who once terrorised NY. It does serve to remind us of certain similarities with former mainland Italian immigrant ‘mafiosa’ style mobster standover tactics adopted during much the same historical period in countries like Australia…some time back this site covered Rosie Barbero’s mob set up in Hindley St. Adelaide and invirons which including Glenelg; search under Melbourne market gang/Nhangreta

  1302. milongal on August 30, 2021 at 9:42 pm said:

    He’s a story teller (and to be fair he’s good at it).
    La Trattoria wasn’t on King William St in the 40s. In fact, La Trattoria wasn’t established until 1975 (even Marcellina’s which has a linked history only dates to about the 60s). A minor point, of course, but an indicator nonetheless of the broader accuracy of the narrative.

  1303. john sanders on August 30, 2021 at 10:27 pm said:

    …and about as funny as a wet fart in a sleeping bag. He would have done better to star Lionel Leane’s genuine mafioso NY ‘tailor’ Antonio Ugo Pozza (call me Huey) and his gorgeous sister, the madam Josie Piazza along with mother Teresa and any number of newly arrived made men brother’s in law from Napoli via Coney Island.

  1304. john sanders on September 1, 2021 at 6:18 am said:

    Just so you’s know re Peteb’s latest ‘scenes that could have been’ fantasy sketch, …Mrs. Thompson’s [sic] “year old urchin son Robin” had actually turned two by the time Det. Canney showed up at 90A Moseley St. Glenelg for his cuppa tea and a bit of crumpet on 26th July ’49. Time folks got a proper picture of Jessica Harkness the interviewee; her nice smile, if indeed she flashed one, would have shown that her Ipana dental plan wasn’t worth a beaver’s berm. And as for the author’s other minor mistaken physical perception, the Errol Canney I met in the seventies had a glorious full head of hair, so I doubt he would have been scratching at a bald spot back in ’49.

  1305. For those interested in the ‘ballet dancer’ theory, watch “Hit & Run” on Netflix, series 1, episode 7, from around the 18 minute mark. Seems like dancers did use code for choreography (according to this action/drama series anyhow..).

  1306. john sanders on September 1, 2021 at 10:37 pm said:

    Matt: Shipboard life for Ballet Russes artists on route to the colonies from Europe in the thirties was notball bear and skittles during the dreary six week voyage. When not keeping up to mark on their stock in trade skills, they played their own bilingual word code games to relieve the tedium. Can’t see why this didn’t extend to dance steps and choreography. No need for the net flix fantacy deal, I’m a believer

  1307. john sanders on September 2, 2021 at 2:12 am said:

    ….bare with me Matt, trying to catch deadines can at times effect one’s usually tight spelling efforts and if you don’t know where I’m from beer is spelt bia which is how people from Adelaide pronounce it. Back to ballet and the onboard word puzzle code games, they were devised as a form of entertainment by two opposing Poles (so to speak), one was Leon Woizikowski a Krakow born choreographer with soviet links, the other a Warsaw native with like credentials in Tadeuz Slavinsky of who’s allegence favoured the third Reich (Aust. Nat. Arch.) Strangely they were the best of pals when it came to having a flutter on the nags at the track throughout the antipodes whilst touring and both were married to Brit born ballerinas with odd names. Such information was reported over some time in intercepted mail to a conservative MP Maggie Power by American dancer Thomas Armour, the US counter operative. His snippets of intel. were presumably for joint British/USA interests and his letters dated from mid 1937 are out there. Tom went on to become a Major in the US Army Signals Directive (Intelligence) during WW2 and afterwards opened several high end dance academies in eastern states (still there)….And by the way, none of what you just read, likely has anything whatever to do with Stamina Man who died of unknown causes on Somerton Beach in 1948.

  1308. Matt .. I considered this approach many years ago when attempting to use the code agains a ballet index, then I joined a ballet forum and put the proposition that, say, WRGOABABD was code for a ballet sequence .. A for arabesque, B for battlement and so on, they responded by saying it was an interesting thesis but the first line of code, once interpreted in such a manner made no sense as a series of ballet moves.

  1309. john sanders on September 2, 2021 at 8:55 am said:

    As I was about to make an Abbott & Costello joke on which of our Tbt. team is the straight man and which is the clown, along comes Bozo with his favourite foil name of Gordon ‘stripes’ Strapps in a renewed effort to convince us of some crazy point that serious SM punters will reject out of hand. On the other hand this young former naval rating whose first hand knowledge of mosquito swarming habits was not considered at the inquest is another matter. Witness Strapps, was surely trying his best to exstrappolate that whilst mosquitos would naturally have been drawn to a natural food sourse, they did not alight on the body, merely buzzing about it in confusion at meal time. To metelot Gordon it was a dead give away, the buggers knew they couldn’t get blood out of a stone or, more to the point unoxygenated skin poors that were thereby untappable…And well spotted once again to the original disclosure by Mr. Deveson our connective tissue authority, for his astute assessment of what young Strapps was getting at in his testimony, when other so called scientific minds seemed not in the least cognisant of it’s potential impact.

  1310. john sanders on September 2, 2021 at 1:44 pm said:

    One thing can be said in favour of Peteb’s new temp. Alan. H, is that he must be a clean living codger ie., abstaining when it comes to non tailored smokes or trick substitutes, and he obviously has no notion whatsover as to where Green’s patent lighters were manufactured, not Bradford PA if that’s what he imagined. His last post mention of USMC (United States Marine Corps?) has me baffled unless of course some thieving rascal’s been white anting my letter box again.

  1311. john sanders on September 2, 2021 at 11:07 pm said:

    No secret Gordon, Beyond the grave (Australia Story ABC 8pm 6/9/21) is merely part two of the 2019 SM saga which includes tired repeats of the stuff already aired, plus a not very informative post exhumation up date with bits of pieces of a lower jaw with a few teeth that may or may not prove relevant. Why all the intrigue all man, it was promo’d last Monday.

  1312. john sanders on September 2, 2021 at 11:26 pm said:

    …..no dice on the sneak preview of a nondescript lower jaw bone. I’m confident that it does not compare with Dr. Dwyers autopsy tooth chart, so could be an old archival set belonging to Piltdown man or Adolph Hitler for all we know.

  1313. john sanders on September 3, 2021 at 7:29 am said:

    Peteb…I’m sure Alan Hamell means well and we know he thinks a lot of ‘good on you Gordon’ GC. Sounds youngish and a little forward with his insinuitous Tamam Shud evaluations and without experience for this line of work it seems. I think he got that message from his one visit here, in fact I had to gently steer him off in a direction more suited to his yen for coming to conclusions (erronious to a fault). Hope you don’t mind?….I’m reminded of y’man’s belated birthday wishes to our mate Paul Lawson which reinforces my stated character analysis.

  1314. john sanders on September 6, 2021 at 5:00 am said:

    The Boxall/Littlemore (silkman) interview has not only ‘been done to death’ in the words of our master of “let’s do a re-Pete”. It’s impo been gone to hell and back with Just one comment deemed necessary to cover all the hearsay and second guessing of Tbt’s very latest. It would seem to be that the only lie Sister Thomson told that we’re aware of for sure, is one concerning her assumed name and marital status which she fibbed about to prevent loss of face.

  1315. Forget about the little Q and A at the museum did you, Ace … plus the tell-all by daughter Kate? You know, it’s occurred to me you’ve never owned let alone read a copy of GF’s book … a simple test would set that straight.

  1316. john sanders on September 6, 2021 at 7:16 am said:

    Occurred to me long long ago that you have no concept of what weight second hand testimony, like that of Kate Thomson, especially like that of a centinarian discussing recall from seventy years beforehand and particularly when that same person didn’t mention Mrs. Thompson’s diizzy spell at the interview with Steuy In 1978. Hearsay is not statement or fact, Peteb…..only to writers of fiction.

  1317. Exactly old sport, writers of fiction … and here you are, a lifetime member of that exclusive club. Because it takes one to know one,

  1318. john sanders on September 6, 2021 at 12:17 pm said:

    Standing by for an update from ‘Beyond the Grave’ if someone would be so kind; Someone with a reasonable grasp on reality would be preferred.

  1319. john sanders: I think it stayed in the grave. It was like a “Stars on 45” compilation of all the TV Somerton Man clips you’ve come to know and, errrm, “love” so much.

  1320. milongal on September 6, 2021 at 9:07 pm said:

    When any “new” program goes first to the same old sources of information they will get stuck in the same rabbit holes.
    There seems to be 2 twists on it:
    1) the “DA is a professor directly involved in the case and this is fascinating”.
    2) (more in print media) “The Ruffles/Cramer theories” – all a melodramatic thesis.

    Randomly aside (as ever) if Littlemore and Boxall rehearsed lines when did they do it (and why, and how, and which one demanded that)? It doesn’t really make sense Boxall dictating – Littlemore wouldn’t be so desperate to have him on there that he’s happy to manipulate the narrative, so if there’s any manipulation it must be directed by Littlemore. But that doesn’t really make sense either – he’s an investigative journalist, not a story teller – so what motive would he have to rehearse lines?
    Might be worth checking through the NAA’s collection on the Littlemore Doco. You’d probably be able to work out how much time was spent with each interviewee (I suspect only 1 or 2 days for most of them – but I stand to be corrected). Then you look through the transcripts (which include everything that was filmed even if it was cut and/or repeated – including from memory some cuts where Boxall isn’t happy with a question or at least isn’t forthcoming). Then (aside from wondering why such out-takes would exist if it were a carefully choreographed interview) you decide how much time there is for one party to convince the other to change the narrative and agree on the story line. Collusion from that angle simply doesn’t seem to make sense (and if you suggest they met up offline somewhere to align the narrative that’s heading to a new level of crazy).

  1321. john sanders on September 6, 2021 at 10:33 pm said:

    @milongal…..Boxall fits nice and snuggly with the others(?) according to Peteb’s recent take on the Boxall/Littlemore deal. But contrary to your own intuitive take, I’d say that’s stuck in a tired old level of crazy.

  1322. john sanders on September 6, 2021 at 10:51 pm said:

    Nick Pelling: or more like the 33.3 longplay version. I’ll get it Wednesday on Aust. TV if it goes ahead. But all in all, it suggests that the police spokesman’s ‘well preserved’ state of preservation graveside assessment of the remains could have been merely for the sake of an uplifting public presentation which he didn’t feel deep down.

  1323. Excellent question, Milongal, what indeed would have been Littltmore’s motive to provide a backstory when he could simply have asked Boxall ?

  1324. john sanders on September 7, 2021 at 8:37 am said:

    NP: got it thanks…Two or three minutes from finis, an overhead shot of the cast brought to mind earlier depictions of Robin which I’d not noticed before.

  1325. May I say, John Sanders, that it does me good to see that at last you have found a permanent home at Cipher Mysteries, as I’m certain most cryptologists would agree.

  1326. john sanders on September 7, 2021 at 12:02 pm said:

    …on the other hand, Peteb, most cryptographers probably wouldn’t.

  1327. milongal on September 7, 2021 at 9:13 pm said:

    That felt like exactly the same thing they had in 2019…..except with a brief intro about the exhumation.
    Same footage, same interviews, same speculative leaps. Maybe they missed a little bit of footage with Abbott in the car talking about how he met Rachel….but I guess they needed some time to add a minute about the exhumation at the start.

    It sort of bothers me how these sort of things promote opinion as expertise. They talk up people’s qualifications (despite not really being helpful to the case) to make them sound like they’re not just any pleb telling a story (e.g. it’s interesting that they have Professor Henneberg speculate about how the TS slip ends up in the pocket; or they have the Attorney General make the off the cuff “Of course I’m interested in the case, I studied it at Law School”).

    Repeat my earlier thoughts: If you keep asking the same people you’ll keep getting the same narrative. Perhaps that’s why the series is called Australian Story – they’re not looking for any sort of resolution or truth, they just want a nice story.

  1328. milongal: what was supposed to be interesting about talking heads explaining why they made bad choices?

    Once DNA has been extracted, we should be able to definitively discard almost all of the fantasy narratives. And boy oh boy, am I looking forward to that day.

  1329. milongal on September 8, 2021 at 2:16 am said:

    @PB: Thanks for the mention – wasn’t necessarily quite where I was going, but it’s certainly one possibility, and an interesting take.

    Maybe I’ll have to rewatch Littlemore’s film (or at least re-read the transcripts).

  1330. john sanders on September 8, 2021 at 3:14 am said:

    Nice little piece of plagiarised satyre courtesy of GC of TS/BS. Gordon warns us in his all knowing way, not to be taken in by demented rumor mungers that are apt to prance, dance and babble along merrily before rushing forth with torrents of lies and slander. Not unlike your average charlatan of course, who will bide time but stand ready to pounce on any unsuspecting foolish muppet that comes within range. Only difference being that they enjoy having an accomplice of a certain type ready to take the heat when needed………Q: What well documented physical characteristic did English poet Alexander Pope and our Jessica Thomson share?

  1331. john sanders on September 8, 2021 at 4:20 am said:

    milongal: It’s surprising that they decided to give Mike Henneberg another run, considering that his credibility has received a good hammering over the years whether justified or nay. Not only with regards to his involvement with the fake Reynolds Seaman’s Card and similar Robin/SM hereditary links which I’m thinking may not be quite within his area of expertise. I recall his involvement long ago with discovery of a skull in a cave on the Indonesian Island of Flories? and subsequent bitterly contested disputation that arose on what part of humanoid evolution it belonged to, if any. That may be as yet ongoing, though fortunately a possibly related claim of him defrauding $400.000 in funds from the University of S.A. was found to have been a mere oversight. As for his comment on the TS slip, I guess an anthropologist has as much right to opinionises as anyone…accept for charlatans and sock puppeteers of course.

  1332. How is it that in the Boxall Littlemore interview Alf wasn’t asked any questions about Harkness, leaving Littlemore to provide all the answers in a studio voice-over?
    And why do you think the Jestyn sign off was obscured by a piece of tape?
    It’s got me beat.

  1333. john sanders on September 8, 2021 at 10:46 am said:

    Peteb: Still awaiting your GF/UM ‘read it on not’ test. Make it as simple or as tough as you like whatever. I’d say my grasp on the sadly though necessary content of same would equal or most likely excell that of someone not so particular about factual content in an historical novel.

  1334. john sanders on September 8, 2021 at 12:54 pm said:

    Peteb: Pretty tough task for Littlemore to quiz poor Alf about a name that didn’t even exist until Derek Abbott revealed it thirty years later. Sure enough Jessica Ellen Harkness proved much more popular for eager punters circa. 2013 than the Theresa Johnson alias that Feltus trotted out, to honour a 1949 pledge by Det. Leane of forever anonymity…

  1335. john sanders on September 9, 2021 at 3:27 am said:

    Peteb: from the NAA’s files on Inside Story 77/78 vis. Littlemore had 25 questions for Boxall on his recollections of a girl/nurse named Jestyn whom he met with at Clifton Gardens pub in 1945 and who can be identified as your ‘Harkness’….About the obscurred Jestyn sign off, I’d suggest that Mike Munro was concerned that it’s presence might create problems for a proposed part two segment (shelved) and possible legal hurdles should Jestyn be openly identified by their intended star witness who knew her personally.

  1336. milongal on September 9, 2021 at 5:10 am said:

    @JS the name might not have been known, but her existence was – that’s why he’s talking to Boxall in the first place (or have I missed your point).

    In any case, people have often talked about running the letters against a large corpus/corpora. Has anyone actually done that ever? And does anyone know of any readily available , extensive corpus that fulfills any of the following (preferably free or at least dirt cheap):
    – Can be downloaded (I suspect any meeting this criteria are not nearly big enough)
    – Has an API to search it
    – Has an interface supporting regex
    I’ve heard Project Gutenberg mentioned before, but couldn’t find an easy way to scrape it (and it pretty explicitly says “no bots or automated accesses except via wget”) – it seems more of a “free books” site than anything else these days.

    Slightly related if anyone knows of a large biblical (or better yet generically religious – spanning more than christianity) corpus (preferably of translations that existed in the 40s) please advise.

    I’ve recently had 2 thoughts re the “code” (which may have been mentioned in the past).
    Firstly, suppose the owner of the Runaiyat was converting to Judaism and had to memorise some prayer of conversion or equivalent (I would sort of expect a few ‘Y’ (Yahweh) in the code if that were the case, so unlikely), but I sort of like “GOA” for “God of Abraham”, and the W at the beginning of lines for “We”. Perhaps “AIAQC” is “And I am Questioning Commandments” (in which case this would more likely be a home-made response to something than a verse, and our chance of deciphering it usefully is Buckley’s).
    Kind of similar (but not Jewish) I’ve considered whether this might be a couple verses from the bible (more likely Old Testament, I think, but can’t quite articulate why, so I’ll call it “gut feel”). In this case, MLIA could be “My Lord is a”, or “My Lord, I am (borne of Adam/Abraham)….” (Perhaps we could even consider if AB together represent Abraham if someone is trying to remember a specific A among a sea of others).

    Anywho, if anyone knows any good and easy to search corpuses (both religious and broader) let me know. Most I have found search for words easy enough, but don’t work for anything but the most basic pattern matching.

  1337. john sanders on September 9, 2021 at 6:21 am said:

    …and of the six, perhaps seven questions put to Alf, two or three connected to his knowledge of the girl Jestyn, most relevant being one to do with the man’s military intelligence background and if she (Jestyn) knew of it.. “Not unless someone told her” says Alf. So Peteb, it seems that you have been misled by your handler once more which has a familiar ring. I saw from the visuals that Stuart revealed his lack of face to face experience by not eyeballing the wiley 72 year old Boxall on camera at any time, such display perhaps one of subservience due to age disparity, hence a quaint old fashioned show of respect for his elders. In 1978 Stuart was relatively young at 34, only three months and ten days your senior, from memory…Wonder if Alf Boxall, Paul Lawson’s ship counting spy team leader, then being cognisant of Littlemore’s sissy middle monicker, held it over y’man to reduce the impetus of any questions. Unlikely but possible with our villain’s known soviet links, courtesy GC.

  1338. john sanders on September 9, 2021 at 6:50 am said:

    milongal: my point being based on Peteb’s insistance, vide. 7.55am 8/9 post, that “Alf wasn’t asked any questions about Harkness”. His retort will likely be ” I told you so, milongal backs me on that, so sit on it”.

  1339. john sanders on September 9, 2021 at 8:25 am said:

    Another solution could be that the line capitals represent key letters only and do not of themselves combine to make a completed verse perse. There’d be a non fixed amount of twixt letter filler text that would naturally come to mind with practice thus making up the completed verse format. We learnt many wacky worded Act definitions, legal jargon and the like in that simplified cipher parrot fashion manner and I can still recount many by rote, having not the slightest idea to what they relate., eg., When the Laws of the Commonwealth be inconsistent with those of a State; Laws of the Commonwealth shall Prevail and Laws of the State shall be disregarded to the extent of the Inconsistencies…W L C I S L C P L S I . Note that some filler text has a natural flow order and therefore may have reduced need for mem triggers depending on the individual’s recall ability….(2) Might code letters represent key words of a catchy 1948 top ten Bill Board hit…Slow Boat to China or similar? The mind boggles!

  1340. john sanders on September 9, 2021 at 9:09 am said:

    “Off they go, muddying the waters etc.,…..predictable” so said Gordon Cramer at 18:33 to day. Who the heck is “they”, couldn’t be from anyone here as the last likely post addressed to milongal would still have been in the pipe line at the (adjusted) time. Nothing at Tbt worth bitching about to my eye, only his helpful complete run down of the Australian Story @ ‘Welcome to a Quagmire’ doco just aired. Whence comes Gordon’s trigger for annoyance I wonder, almost as if he’s got his head in someones windows to me.

  1341. Well, all I can can say, Johnno old veteran, is if I wasn’t putting up so many scenarios you’d be out of a job .. face it, old boy, you must have been a ranking officer to have such an Aristotelian view of the unrewarded foot slogger. Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy. I only hope one of them scores the big money.

  1342. john sanders on September 9, 2021 at 11:10 am said:

    Muddy Waters: Great to get a copy of the Aust. Story transcript for reference and thanks for thinking of me. Didn’t realise that Horrie Patching, first to declare SM deceased, was a mere trainee jockey, always thought he was one of Adelaide’s top hoops. Nor that all the labels/tags had been removed from the body, this news from the world SM authoritiy DA. So we can only wonder where the Stamina labels came from. One never stops learning in (from) this case.

  1343. john sanders on September 9, 2021 at 1:11 pm said:

    Remains to be seen young fella-me-lad, I’ve always championed the underdog and if, for instance GC Scooores, I’ll be first to say that I was always a firm believer in his Lofty Fedosimov ID, no doubt about it at all.

  1344. Byron Deveson on September 9, 2021 at 8:02 pm said:

    JS, you asked “What well documented physical characteristic did English poet Alexander Pope and our Jessica Thomson share?”
    Alexander Pope was four feet six in height, and Jessica only two inches taller. It is said that Pope contracted tuberculosis of the spine (Pott’s disease) in infancy and this would explain his slight stature. There is no suggestion, judging from photographs, that Jessica suffered from this disease but her diminutive stature is very anomalous for a woman supposedly born in Australia in 1921 to relatively prosperous parents. This, coupled with my suspicion that Jessie was adopted, probably from overseas, suggests that Jessie’s might have been conceived during the Russian famine of 1921-22 which claimed 5 million lives. Peter Wilson “Spy Catcher” claimed that Lionel Murphy was born in Easter Europe and that a false birth record had been inserted into the Registrar Generals records. When Murphy was standing for pre-selection for parliament (about 1960 from memory) one of the unions published a dirt file on Murphy in their union newspaper and this claimed that Murphy was born overseas and that his claimed background was false. In the 1990s I went looking for this union newspaper but was unable to find any copies for the relevant time.
    It is on record that the KGB/GRU was still “tomb-stoning” in Australia in the 1970s. See John Alexander Symonds, the “Romeo Spy”.

  1345. milongal on September 9, 2021 at 8:50 pm said:

    @JS – definitely makes things even harder to resolve on the Code Page (and had sort of occurred to me). Even if we assume a total acronym it’s unlikely we can ever definitively make sense of it, but if we consider dropped prepositions, articles and other grammatical fluff it exponentially increases the complexity. I tend to think the prevalence of A, T and presence of some O and I suggest dropping ALL irrelevant words is unlikely – although the idea that some are dropped can’t be entirely dismissed.

    If we further consider that as well as that sometimes more than 1 letter might be used it complicates further again (especially if the writer is inconsistent) – although I think the spacing of most of the letters to me suggests total independence – that is 1 letter per word.

    So between the letter spacing and distribution I’m reasonably comfortable with the premise this is acrostic of ALL letters rather than some. Additionally, it does seem to be arranged in similar length lines, each with a break in the middle – which I think wouldn’t be quite so neat if dropped out the in-between grammar. I absolutely agree it’s not the only way it could be, but it’s certainly a good enough starting point for me.

    NB: I’m assuming despite a lot of talk about it, noone has actually played with this against a corpus of any sgnificance?

  1346. milongal: Barry Traish went looking in the Gutenberg corpus for matching acronymic sequences: https://ciphermysteries.com/2015/09/12/barry-traishs-backronymic-poem

    I think – as I thought in 2015 – that we would need a copy of the original picture in stupendously high resolution to enable us to see past the topmost layer to the writing beneath.

  1347. john sanders on September 9, 2021 at 10:50 pm said:

    BD: for want of better knowledge I’ll bow to yours. It had been reported in some circles that Jo was only 4′ 6″ as was Alexander Pope, the satirist of Scunthorp (?). My underderstanding is that Pope’s muppet like stature was maybe due to a spinal disconnective tissue disorder though perhaps, as you say, it was more likely to have been Pott’s disease. I was also of the belief that it had been James Thomson (Rule Britania) who was GC’s ‘dancing, prancing, cavorting, babbling’ poet of the same era; So once again I must stand corrected, which leaves me blabbering to myself as usual.

  1348. john sanders on September 10, 2021 at 9:26 am said:

    A FOND FAREWELL…in bold cursive like icing on a cake; It made me think all our prayers had finally been answered..Alas all we got was more of GC’s muddled waters in a never happened account of a by then long since disbanded fleet of rag tag auxilliary craft “small ships” steaming through Sydney heads in October 1946 to a phantom fanfare ticket tape parade and a none to fond welcome back from the war that had ended fourteen long months earlier. Truth be known Peteb’s unconnected AV Crudader [sic], a substantial state of the art recovery vessel of 13 Water Transport RAE likely arrived alone and unanounced, depositing Alf Boxall and his crewmate Pierre Cau at their home port for furlough (discharge for Peppy) before heading to Tasmania or alternatively back north on a gruesome mission of body retrieval and/or Arms & war surplus materiel recovery. Farewell to Arms was the only farewell intended in the latest Tbt loose thread…sadly.

  1349. Come in spinner ..

  1350. john sanders on September 11, 2021 at 9:41 am said:

    I was thinking much the same Peteb. With Crusader apparently sold off and in private hands by early ’47 with a name change and running back and forth between Devenport and Melbourne with logs, how come she’s still crewed by WT lads. Alf seems to have spent a month or two at SME Casula LHQ following his home leave at Maroubra from mid October ’46 before boarding her, though it gets messy with page 1 of his OSR missing. Certainly doesn’t appear that he ever relieved on her during the previous year in the Islands on other vessels. That matters not with regards to his unlikely hooking up with the long gone Aussie rag taggers a 3rd matey name of Keane. Perhaps you could check through the 13WT association newsletters for any pointers to port calls in Melbourne or Adelaide through 1947. Can’t see that means much from my perch though

  1351. milongal on September 12, 2021 at 12:27 am said:

    Thanks Nick – I seem to have missed that one in the past….

  1352. john sanders on September 13, 2021 at 6:13 am said:

    Peteb: You got me worried about the validity of your Thomson family tree in re your new indepth probe into young Robin’s father. I realise that your misca & another fine researcher with a similar name followed identical leads going back to early ’13. From detail given by your other colleague Ruth Collins @ Xlamb, Quentin and his fatherhood from two marriages cannot be discounted off hand. Whilst his post war life seems to be centered in country Victoria, trips to UK with a grandson (?) Carl @ James sound suspiciously contrived but who knows. Something new, arising from his conflicting years of birth (19 & 22) provide yet another going back to1916, taken from page 37 of his RAAF records which seems to be supported by info of his school year results at Blacktown Primary and Westmead Tech. If that aint enough there is detail of his having spent 18mths in 17 Infantry Btn. in the early forties, though the service number on his discharge in ’42 (sighted by RAAF recruiter) comes up blank now. Whether he fathered a Caroline Alison Thomson to Ellen Sarah in 1948 is not confirmed though likely in my estimation, stemming from notes I once made, namely that his second marriage ro a widow, included two stepkids and the one by deceased (1974) Ellen. I also had brother Adrian down as having a nipper with Blanche but could not varify same, so I wouldn’t be giving up on the possibility at least that one of le freres Thomson got the odd angry shot away around October ’46. Oh…and by the way, if as the world’s most credible SM authority proclaims, Jessica left RPAH in the same month as she was potted then went down to Mentone and Prestige Johnson [sick], what might have prompted her desire to move. She certainly couldn’t have known then that she had one in the oven, based on my understanding of women’s problems.

  1353. john sanders on September 18, 2021 at 3:45 am said:

    Hosea 8:7 …… “For they who dare to soweth the wind, so too shall they reapeth the whirlwind” – A fine old Psalm dedicated to Tbt’s new sleuth Xlamb, fresh from her stretch down Port Adelaide (Northfield) way it seems. Happy trials Peteb.

  1354. john sanders on September 19, 2021 at 6:15 am said:

    @Peter Bowes…..ex 3RAR (refer GC TS/BS) ex 1RAR ex 6RAR ex 7RAR ex 118 LAA Bty. ex 1RTB ex ARU ex RHU ex 28 Cwlth. BdeTerendak/Selarang/Changi/Kangaw ex JWS Jahore ex Woodside S.A. ex Compol/Austpol/Fedpol ex Pine Gap ex Woomera ex Dee Why ex Miranda ex Wagga Wagga ex Holdsworty ex Tamworth ex Collector ex Goulburn ex Yowie Bay ex Cheero Pt. ex Epping ex Concord West ex Cronulla ex Lake Cargellico (via Avalon) Ex mouth Gulf ex Campbelltown ex Picton and the list goes on for this wandering ex factored sorry son. Nice of you to show an interest, and so now’s your turn, if I might be likewise so arrogantly & abruptly intrusive; anywhere else besides Sydney subs. and lately Federal (Love Is.), I havn’t gotten round to checking, Job’s honour. Too busy with dedicated ciphermystery cases of late for that boring crap Squire.

  1355. milongal on September 19, 2021 at 6:54 am said:

    Honestly didn’t realise Yatala was part of Northfield (thought GJR was the suburb boundary)…..I assume that’s what you meant?

    Random story….
    The Greenacres Football club plays out of the oval next door(Grand North is their clubrooms – I think it’s actually owned/controlled by North Adelaide Football Club….but stand to be corrected). Many (,many) years ago I played an SAAFL game (Div 10 North) against Greenacres, and a whole bunch of low-risk prisoners got day release to fill their team. I can’t remember the result (we weren’t very good, but from memory neither were they, and they were one of the clubs we occasionally beat), but apparently a good number of them stayed in the club rooms for a few ales and ended up returning late (and feeling somewhat sophisticated). As far as I know, as a result they were never allowed to play footy on day release again.

    I also remember in my bus driving years picking up a pax on the 360 (or 361) route in Port Adelaide who didn’t have a ticket but “had to get back to Yatala by 5PM”.

  1356. Peter Davidson on September 20, 2021 at 12:27 pm said:

    “what might have prompted her desire to move?”
    Usual suspects, spring to mind.
    Being caught out by the fellow’s missus.
    Non consensual sexual assault.
    In trouble with the law.
    Failing nursing exams.
    Anything really

  1357. john sanders on September 20, 2021 at 1:06 pm said:

    Peter Davidson: If you’re meaning her move from Sydney, I’d root for the number five suggestion. It’s a no brainer!

  1358. Byron Deveson on September 20, 2021 at 7:26 pm said:

    JS, I note that Dr Milo Weeks Sprod 1870-1934 was a first cousin of Rosa F Cudmore 1879-1954, wife of Reginald Bickford 1870-20/11/1948. Milo’s wife was Dr Lica Delprat and both Lica and her husband Milo have had a gallop on these pages in relation to their connection to the MI5 gent.

  1359. @John Sanders … you asked

  1360. john sanders on September 21, 2021 at 2:20 am said:

    BD: I was aware of a link between Milo Sprod and the Cudmore’s likely through Rosa’s dad James Francis (Paringa Hall Somerto) who got around a bit and had huge pastoral tracts throughout the land including one in Qld. called Milo before going broke. The gallop you refer to was instigated by PeteDavo and turned into a cluster phuc of fantasy involving the widow Lica and an as yet non existant chemist J. C. Freeman of 24A Jetty Rd. Gleneld. The MI5 gent married Tanya? a niece of the BHP boss and turned out to be a bad investment, both for British Intel. and the well healed Delptat family. PS. At the time (1948) Lica Sprog was long gone from Glenelg and Freeman Chemist FSMA, managed by G.A. Lean was at 62 Jetty Street between Milton & Chapel.

  1361. john sanders on September 21, 2021 at 7:27 am said:

    @peteb…you responded
    About… IP locater ?

  1362. Google it Ace

  1363. john sanders on September 21, 2021 at 12:38 pm said:

    Google can be aced Ice, try again!

  1364. john sanders on September 21, 2021 at 1:18 pm said:

    No body could possibly be getting kicks from this Peteb/sanders idiotic off thread tit for tat baiting crap. I’m gonna just cease and descist at the risk of being dubbed a party pooper or worse. It’s all likely Clive Turner/Walker’s doings to uphold an alternate loyalty pact of some long standing if truth be known.

  1365. milongal on September 21, 2021 at 9:25 pm said:

    I think PB was going to look into bakeries. If we assume the pasty came from Glenelg (or nearby) these are all the Bakers listed in S&M. Pretty sure a lot of them seem to be home addresses, but a lot are on main roads and might be shops (the fact there’s 2 at 116 Jetty Rd with different surnames suggests that could be a shop).

    I’ve also included 2 in Henley Beach – As best I can tell, the numbering (and street layout) has changed and the Esplanade one would be where Henley Sq (GoogleMaps now has Henley Sq as the shopping centre between Seaview and Military – I always thought Henley Sq was the area between Seaview and the Jetty…..which is where the bakery) is now, and the Seaview Rd one would be opposite the Ramsgate. The Railways Station would have been on Military Rd, Just North of Main St (so same area).

    A thought occurred to me about the Railway ticket – were tickets for the route or for the service? Even if they’re for a specifci service rather than any service on the route, what if an out of towner didn’t know that? Maybe the ticket was purchased for future use? Does it change anything? Probably not, other than it might help dismiss an item whose presence has bothered me for some time…..

  1366. milongal on September 21, 2021 at 9:26 pm said:

    Helps when you paste the bit you promise

    Allen Bros. 282 Brighton Rd Brighton
    Badenoch w. R. 414 Seaview Road Henley Beach** Henley Sq
    Beard R 93 Brighton Rd, New Glenelg
    Brockhurst F. 16 Jervois St, St Leonards
    Conolly and Sons 93 Jetty Rd, Glenelg
    Dymond E.C. 101 Partridge St, New Glenelg
    Eclipse Cake Shop, 61A Jetty Rd, Glenelg
    Figg, E.T 101 Partridge St, New Glenelng
    Gehlert L 415 Esplanade, Henley Beach**
    Hepworth T.H 25 Brighton Rd, North Brighton
    Holmes T.P 120 Partridge StNew Glenelg
    Leopold S, 39 Jetty Rd, Gelenelg
    Oliver L.H 158 Jetty Rd, Glenelg
    Phillips A S 116 Jetty Rd, Glenelg
    Proudman D 3 Boundary Rd, New Glenelg
    Rose Mrs M 116 Jetty Rd, Glenelg (same as Phillips)
    Rudd A 75 Jetty Rd, Glenelg
    Terry Mrs E.R Jetty Rd, Glenelg

  1367. milongal: maybe everyone has forgotten about Glenelg’s All-Night Cafe that I mentioned a few times here, if you remember Thomas John Kean (in court 29 Jan 1937 in Trove) or the Misses Robinson who ran it. That would seem to be the #1 place for a late-night pastie. 🙂

  1368. john sanders on September 22, 2021 at 3:28 am said:

    Then there was Wenzels, best Cornish pastys in town, was also in Jetty Rd. had SM alighted closeby and thought to pick up one for ‘ron. Best thing about them, they came with their own travel case for portabilty and unlike your humble pie, they slid neatly into into a man’s coat pocket to be consumed later cold whenever hunger pangs called for abatement….Whence the mention of pies & pastys in the first instance pray tell; there doesn’t seem to have been a definitive, if anything it derived from suggestions of partly digested potato by the pathologist? and later sadly taken out of context by who knows, probably Wikipedia. I recall some time back, reminding punters at large abiut the you beaut ocean view dining facility above the Brighton & Somerton Sailing Clubhouse which offered up a menu wherecon could have ordered fare containing potato, ie, scallops or chips to go with fish meals, or the Tuesday night special, shepherd’s pie with topping of lightly browned mashed potato. The Somerton Yacht Club, premises had moved to the beach front from Farrell Street stables in 1947 so it was just a short stroll south along the shore line or Esplinade above from Somerton Man’s final resting place alongside Bickford’s unique stairway. As such it makes for a perfectly sound option to the much over blown pasty which is getting a little stale by now don’t you think? reckon.

  1369. john sanders on September 22, 2021 at 6:21 am said:

    A big ‘Good on you Gordon’ for having the decency to delete attachments to your current RIP Paul Lawson feature; claimed to be the results of agent Clive Turner’s strangely unrecorded face to face, espionage tainted interviews with the respected centenarian gentleman prior to his sad passing last week. A decent period of grace for the newly dead is always best no matter how tempting an opportunity for further advancing one’s dedicated SM themes.

  1370. john sanders on September 22, 2021 at 11:03 am said:

    I take that all back, fact being that Mr. Gordon Cramer (thanks @redacted) is doing his old soft shoe shuffle routine of ‘now you see em now you don’t’ under his dedication to Paul Lawson sketch which will surely spook his Aboriginal and Torres Straights Island followers..My intuition perceives that the old rogue, being up to his usual tricks, is merely preying on the easily led whilst feeding off the newly dead.

  1371. milongal on September 22, 2021 at 8:50 pm said:

    @NP &JS: TBH didn’t look at Cafe’s and the like, and this might be why a lot of those addresses look residential – this list is an extract from the “Professions” section of (the not always reliable) S&M under “Bakers, Cake Makers and Caterers”

    I do agree with JS that the “pasty” connection seems to have been a leap based on a casual comment (e.g. “It definitely has potato – maybe something like a pasty?”). It would be interesting to get a better idea of exactly what was said, but sadly it seems it wasn’t recorded. I think typically a pasty has carrot, pumpkin, swede/turnip and sometimes peas (and of course pastry). I’m no expert in digestion, but I would imagine some of those would still be recognisable by an expert some hours after a meal, so it is a little interesting if potato is the main hero here. To that end, I take JS’s fish and chip suggestion and raise it to what SA people call “potato fritters” (and the rest of the country brawls about whether they’re potato cakes or potato scallops) – that could leave some potato and something resembling pastry…..(oops, I just noticed he did mention the scallop – so it seems we might agree).

  1372. john sanders on September 23, 2021 at 3:33 am said:

    Second thoughts, or at least a viable alternative for Jerry Somerton’s last meal would of course have been chef Muriel’s house special of corn beef, cabbage and boiled spuds with mustard sauce. Jack James Silver Wings dining room was located next door to Freeman’s FSMA pharmacy at 60 Jetty Rd. Glenelg so as to give our man a place to eat seated and alone, to prepare his TS slip, torn from his pocket rubaiyyat, then to carefully secrete same in the convenient lavatory while taking a last dump and later tossing the book through a convenient open car window upon departure for the beach. The FSMA premises at 62 was actually managed by Lance Manning, qualified chemist (1929) for the Freeman chain but, seeing as the family lived nearby at 31 High St (Verco), it’s quite likely young Collin would be there to oversee the busy establishment (a few yards G. J. Coles emporeum).

  1373. john sanders on September 23, 2021 at 1:22 pm said:

    Next week we meet Kate @ jestyn, Peteb’s lascivious pre pubescent fantasy of earlier posts. It’s a caution, Indeed, indeed…couldn’t resist Bozo, forgive?

  1374. All good …

  1375. john sanders on September 24, 2021 at 7:00 am said:

    Milongal. Trying to figure the FSMA (chemist) meaning, probably accrostic code, noting that the SM is smothered by F A. In the forties the business title came with the managers name ie., Lean or Manning but, by the early fifties Freeman had taken their place but leaving the FSMA code….Had our man shown up a couple of years earlier he would have found Jacobs the pastry cook next door at 60 Jetty Rd. Maybe he’d tried their pastys years before; From memory their was also a Jacobs residing in Esplinade Somerton not far from X around 1948.

  1376. Byron Deveson on September 24, 2021 at 10:47 am said:

    JS, FSMA = Friendly Society Medical Association. See Trove 1940-50.

  1377. john sanders on September 24, 2021 at 12:18 pm said:

    BD: Thank Heavens to betsy, one more un crackable accrostic was gonna be one too many for our mottley crew to fathom. I put the damn thing up every which way and got FA. Good on yer mate. Remember when you gave us all the lease holders in Jetty Rd., and it was there, but at the time we had not much to go on so it did’nt raise any eyebrows.

  1378. john sanders on September 26, 2021 at 9:17 am said:

    Benji, a Vietnam war historian with whom GC has been known to offer research advice re nominal rolls, one name in particular of which he provided a photo in need of unit varification and the like. Thought I could be of assistance also and offered it but, alas Benji didn’t reply so I put the matter to rest as one might. Just to-day Benji popped back up once more on Gordon’s BS/SM Sunday special slot, a must for those Keane on reparty and mirth. Twas then I realised that the usual spy news was in fact comprised of a compilation of slightly recalibrated old shite. The eighteen comments including Benji’s original from June, proved no less fahciful than they did when originally posted….I’d still love to get a copy of Benji’s posted snapshot of said veteran. Might make a valuable gift to the Saigon Vietnam war attrocities memorial photo gallery.

  1379. Peter Davidson on September 26, 2021 at 4:35 pm said:

    JS. Either he changed his clothes after eating, or it wasn’t a pastie.
    No crumbs. Pasties leave crumbs.

  1380. milongal on September 26, 2021 at 11:16 pm said:

    @PeteDav: Maybe if you eat a pasty standing up it’s possible the flakes don’t end up on your clothes….but….
    We have a man who kept a used bus ticket, but didn’t have any hint of takeaway. No greasy paper pie bag, no napkin (no receipt either – although maybe that’s not so unusual). And of course, no change in the pockets – but that at least could be a target for an opportunistic thief even if a napkin or paper bag isn’t.
    I’ve always had a bit of an issue with the bus ticket – it’s an unusual memento to keep (and I’m pretty sure there were bins in the stairwell of buses for the exact purpose of disposing of used tickets). Assuming his food was takeaway, at some point he’s found a bin to dispose of the wrapper – but all the same the Rubaiyat has ended up in a car (rather than the bin he chucked his food waste in) and the bus ticket in his pocket. In any case it suggests when he ate he was still well enough not to be lying on the beach – which as flagged by (almost) everyone who’s ever looked into this, is REALLY problematic on 2 fronts:
    1) The person on the beach the previous evening
    2) The time of death

    Maybe he wasn’t the sort to put rubbish in the bin – maybe he was happy to dump it on the beach somewhere – but doesn’t that make his bus ticket even more peculiar? The horse has long bolted, but what if his fast food bag ended up in the car too? Someone who owns a car where their relative is not surprised to find a random book on the floor might have a messy car where you don’t notice other rubbish their either. But it sort of seems a bit odd to be getting rid of stuff in a random car unless you’re non compos mentis (drugs or booze) which I supposed isn’t entirely far fetched.

    And while on the book. Why does he need to get rid of it in the first place? It’s presence in the car is the one small thing that maybe supports a conspiracy (or at least that he thought he was being followed and had to dump it for some reason). Otherwise why chuck it in a car? Why not find a bin – or throw it in the sea?
    Can’t remember if I’ve ever brought it up, but what if the book was thrown (or less likely picked up by a gust of wind) from a window (bus or building) and happened to land in the car? Of course, that’s still one hell of a stretch to land through a car window….

  1381. john sanders on September 26, 2021 at 11:30 pm said:

    Peter Davidson: Soviet housekeepers took care of the pastie crumbs, thereby negates the need for any change of clothes. Well though out, a no brainer in fact and sure to please the punters.

  1382. john sanders on September 27, 2021 at 6:32 am said:

    In NAA files open to all from the 1978 Inside Story interviews, lionel Leane was assigned as case OIC with low rank of Det. Senior Constable in 1949 not Sergeant as noted by the press of that impressionable era. According to Len Brown, the pair never had any dealings with Jessica Thomson or the ROK in July ’49 both having been assigned to other squads by the time of her being interviewed by Canney. This was a lead up to the subsequent Alf Boxall Randwick bust which concluded the SM inquiries perse. Regarding the suitcase Len gaffed by saying it was left at the railway station (sans cloakrooom), then the refres….(room?) before cloakroom in a rush as if recalling his briefing lines. His chat with Littlemore is peppered with similar little gaffs if one cares to study the full non edited version. Likewise we have incredible inconsistencies in Paul Lawson’s carefully worded responses to Stuart’s failed attempts to ellicit perceived truths, infact the man denied emphatically showing the bust to a person under forty at any of his SM peek shows This being totally at odds with what the man revealed? to Gordon Cramer more recently and also at a graphic reconstruction of claimed events including a demonstration of Jessica’s reaction to the bust and her negative responses to quizzing on ID by the supposedly re-assigned Det. Leane. Sadly too late to ask either Browny or Paul for their reflective thoughts but when you have a confessed bullslinger in Feltus of Toro Toro Toro fame and ‘Inner Sanctum’ co-conspirator Cramer pushing every dubious utterance in order to maintain the initiative it is a caution; Indeed, indeed.

  1383. John Sanders: You say Brown and Leane were both hands off the case in July 49, but that was the month Freeman handed Leane the Rubaiyat ..

  1384. john sanders on September 27, 2021 at 8:42 am said:

    Then there’s the little brown collector ants that thrive in the cracks of Adelaide’s foreshore seawalls scavenging pie and pasty crumbs for breaky around dawn, They would surely not have overlooked such tempting morsels, there for the taking off the jacket and duds of the body laying alongside Alvington beach stairs at sun-up.

  1385. Clive J. Turner on September 27, 2021 at 10:31 am said:

    milongal, Didn’t Freeman state that he found the Rubaiyat, in the car, around the date of the Parafield Air Pageant, i.e. 20 Nov 1948? Question I find odd is why, did he keep the book for so long, according to others the Rubaiyat books were two a penny in the 1940s. Why not toss it away? After all, it was torn/damaged wasn’t it? Perhaps, the Rubaiyat wasn’t found in the car but, had been left in his chemist shop, Freeman had a quick look and decided to keep the Rubaiyat in his car/

  1386. john sanders on September 27, 2021 at 11:15 am said:

    Peteb: that was the month when you say that Freeman handed Leane the book. See Brown’s related claims which are well ducumented on the NAA SB file, that seem to contradict your version of what went down between 22 to 27 July ’49 when he and Lionel were not on deck for the end game including Paul’s show. Don’t get confused with what Feltus claims to be fact in The Unknown Man. There are numerous well ducumented errors of fact, both mistaken and otherwise to be found throughout the book to my reckonning..

  1387. john sanders on September 27, 2021 at 11:54 am said:

    …..try the last four questions to Brown on page 41 of Inside Story that might set things straight for you, but then again maybe not. There were strange things afoot that afternoon at CIB HQ, Friday 22 July ’49 to which you even alluded to (23rd incorrect), least of which involved Les Wytkin’s alternate ROK finding. Could be grounds for the lads having been posted to other duties. Leane’s delayed promotion til ’52 might be food for thought and by the way whence did his alleged ASIO secondment furphy derive.

  1388. milongal on September 27, 2021 at 8:10 pm said:

    @Clive: It does seem a tad odd to hang onto a useless booklet like that, but I sort of believe the idea of an in-law finding it and assuming it was something the kids were destroying and putting it in the glove box. I think the Parafield story raises 2 thoughts – firstly that a lot of the facts are (possibly inadvertently) manipulated to match the story:
    “When did you find the booklet?”
    “Uhm….I can’t remember……I know I’d been to the air pageant at Parafield….”
    “So it would have been after that?”
    “Uhm….I had a clean out of the car before we went there, and it definitely wasn’t there then”
    “So it happened after the pageant?”
    “Uhm….I guess so”
    “So it could have been on the 30th Novemeber”
    “….I guess so”
    Secondly (and sort of related), we don’t really know how good people’s memories are. As PB keeps highlighting there are numerous inconsistencies with a lot of detail – and while some of it might indicate conspiracy, I suspect some of it simply indicates that most people are not naturally good witnesses.

    @JS: Your talk on the suitcase does sort of flag something. How was lost property handled back then? Is there any possibility this was lost (rather than checked) property? Even if the station didn’t make a mistake, what if someone found it and in an attempt to bring the station’s attention to it managed to check it in? It might explain why there’s no stub AND it destroys any hint of a definite timeline insofar as that case could have been sitting wherever it was found for hours or longer (and what if the suitcase wasn’t even found in the station, but instead out on North Tce or something)?
    So picture someone has found some lost property and in an attempt to gand it in…..
    “Hi, I’ve found a suitcase do I leave this with you?”
    “You want to check a suitcase?”
    “Yeah, it was in the Cafe and I figured you guys can look after it”
    “No problemo….”

    As for the ants….it reminds me of “left-handed moths”.

  1389. john sanders on September 27, 2021 at 10:57 pm said:

    The oft asked questions surrounding the police version of the rubaiyat and when it went missing has been cause for some added concern at Tbt of late. Seems that Peteb doesn’t go with what Feltus spells out quite clearly in his own tattered copy Unknown Man. GF’s explanation being that it was known to have gone missing around the early fifties, which would coincide with when both Jimmy Durham and Det. Sen. Const. Leane’s younger (high ranking) brother Geoffrey headed off for Blighty on unspecified business.

  1390. John Sanders: the one thing Brown and Feltus have in common is that neither set eyes on the Freeman ROK .. Brown tellling Littlemore he last looked for it unsuccessfully six or seven years earlier. Feltus writing that ‘two reliable sources’ told him they had seen it.
    That’s it … apart from a newspaper picture of a Whitcombe and Toombs (sic) edition mocked up for an early edition soon after Freeman left the shop, one that wasn’t pocket sized.
    There is no proof that the Freeman ROK ever existed. All we have is a policeman’s word, and fortunately for him (Leane) he didn’t have to swear it on the Bible.

  1391. john sanders on September 28, 2021 at 7:59 am said:

    …….A comparison of the type used in the printed words “Tamam Shud” was found to be identical with those on the [BACK] of the paper found in the victim’s clothing”
    A strangely worded paragraph from a lead story in The News of 27th July, ’49. Is it merely a bypassed editorial gaff or could it mean precisely what it says that might cast doubt on validity of the multitude of press last page copies. If Taman Shud was printed on the end page verso, as suggested then we’d need to find a copy with that unique TS slip setting and the means of proof. Brings to mind some unusually similar wordings connected to inquest exhibits C7 and C9 from memory..

  1392. …. and who was Dave Bartlett in the scheme of things? That’s him anding stage left in the suitcase shot with Lionel and Len.

  1393. john sanders on September 28, 2021 at 2:13 pm said:

    Possibly David Evan Bartlett, former cabbie and mechanic from Unley but that’s his only claim to fame, shows likeness to Sapol’s Chief Superintendent Bartlett of more recent times so could be a relative but guessing don’t count for much in this business.

  1394. john sanders on September 29, 2021 at 4:45 am said:

    Peteb: Sure looks like David Evan Bartlett’s the D or PCC in the pic and perhaps father of future Chief of Detectives Graham John Bartlett to boot. Big coincidence is that when Dave moved from Unley in the 50s or 60s, he found a nice bungalow at 78 Partridge St. Glenelg. You’ll recall Les Wytkin of ROK wipe-out notoriety lived at 75 in the day, and wasn’t it said that Jessica Harkness also lived in Partridge back that time or am I fantasising again.

  1395. Same bell ringing here … and I’m thinking Bartlett must have been up to his armpits in the investigation to get into the prime publicity shot with the case’s big boys. So, how come he’s off the radar?

  1396. john sanders: 18 Jan 1949 in Trove – “Det-Sgt. R. L. Leane, who, with Detective L. Brown and Plainclothes Constable D. Bartlett […]”. Bartlett was apparently working out of the Glenelg police station in 1950, and seems to start getting flagged in Trove in 1943. But Trove has a Constable D. W. Bartlett, a Constable D. J. Bartlett… which is which?

  1397. clive J. Turner on September 29, 2021 at 8:05 am said:

    Nick, Take a look on TROVE at News (Adelaide) 31 Jan 1948, Page 8.

  1398. john sanders on September 29, 2021 at 8:30 am said:

    Choice is twixt David Wilfred 1922 and David Evan 1909 for mine.. Best I can offer up for D. E. is his CMF photo for comparison with Peteb’s SM ‘big boys’ pic which is not bad. As a cab owner he did have minor form for rego. non compliance pre war and is even Gazetted, though that could a be Sapol internal stuff. Hey maybe he knew those other Glenelg cabbies, names have slipped my mind.

  1399. john sanders on September 29, 2021 at 9:11 am said:

    Two pics, one holding the tartan scarf t’other with the spare duds. I’ll go for my man D. Evan simply in that his age of 38 fits nicely. I note also that he married Liz in ’37 and on inlistment ’42 states one child. Supt. Graham John Bartlett born ’39 is spot on for a family Sapol connection. A dampener would be his army ‘D’ med. discharge for ‘insipid brain herniation’, or that military jargon for plain stupid.

  1400. john sanders on September 29, 2021 at 12:56 pm said:

    Yet another negative ID on the Darwin typewriter mech. R.E. Davis. What’s that got to do with current threadlines. Perhaps Clive has something new and significant to reveal for the selected few which would be a treat Indeed.

  1401. Byron Deveson on September 29, 2021 at 10:59 pm said:

    JS, you noted that “Supt. Graham John Bartlett born ’39 is spot on for a family Sapol connection. A dampener would be his army ‘D’ med. discharge for ‘insipid brain herniation’, or that military jargon for plain stupid.”
    That is fascinating and, no, not military speak for stupid. Brain herniation has various causes, and, particularly in the 1940s the outcomes were all bad (=fatal), except for the hereditary condition Chiari malformation which can sometimes not be inevitably fatal. Brain herniation usually causes death by cardiac arrest.
    So why do I think this is fascinating? Well, firstly Bartlett must have had a Chiari malformation rather than the inevitably fatal other causes of brain herniation. Secondly, remember all the mucking around and obfuscation concerning SM’s brain? Damned strange. Thirdly, Chiari malformation is associated with connective tissue disease. Previously I have laid out why I think SM had a connective tissue disorder. Connective tissue disorders aren’t common so this apparent connection is intriguing.
    If I had the time I would look into Supt. Graham John Bartlett’s family tree to see if there are any contenders that fit SM.

  1402. john sanders on September 29, 2021 at 11:14 pm said:

    I recall when the gala premier of ‘Missing Pieces’ by Wayne Groome and Katherine Thomson opened in Adelaide with friends of Somerton Man including Derek, Gerry and Paul mingling with the crowd. Even the Dude of ‘Grand Theft Auto’ showed up cause he was a local and so saw the need to get contemporaneous coverage and report back his thoughts. What I don’t recall is hearing anything from another well respected Adelaidian SM fan in Clive J. Turner who should have been present and provide us with his own comentary but, alas no, not one word…Now that he’s over this way on a rare fact finder, perhaps CJ might care to account for his strange non attendance.

  1403. Clive J Turner on September 30, 2021 at 12:27 am said:

    JS: Simple answer is I was not invited

  1404. john sanders on September 30, 2021 at 3:36 am said:

    BD: Must be more Bartletts in S.A. than Nguyens Cabramatta, also a 1939 birth is no longer listed on their once free geni site. Back to David Evan Bartlett, I recall his NAA file noting non specific head scaring suggestive of some pre WW2 surgical intervention for his herhiated brain condition. While we’re with him, David moved to 78 Partridge in ’56/’57 and I note with interest that Edith (Sadie) Wytkin was still living at 75 then as Mrs. L.L. Hole. It was thee who reported former husband Les (ROK Mk 1) having taken off to Swan Reach with his new squeeze May in 1950.

  1405. john sanders on September 30, 2021 at 7:01 am said:

    CJT: neither was Tbt’s man on the scene, but he attended and did a fantastic review of the show and post viewing happy snaps of VIP attendees. No invite no excuse!

  1406. john sanders on October 1, 2021 at 9:24 am said:

    PCC Bartlett with no initial get’s around a bit from mid forties to early fifties in general street crime briefs. So does a PCC Hole, once in company with Det. G. M. Leane (R.L.’s bro). Only Sth Aust. born Hole could’ve been a cop amongst a trio of WW2 RAAF brothers was Lionel Leslie Hole, Les Wytkins replacement who didn’t serve (2 weeks in ’42). He took over at 75 Partridge St. Glenelg from memory.. Stranger things have happened.

  1407. john sanders on October 1, 2021 at 1:41 pm said:

    Mission accomplished sez Peteb , though what that mission entails is not clear. Anyhow, for what it’s worth (FA by any logical accounts) GC got in first with his evidence based Boxall/Jestyn closure details sans W.J. Moulds links.

  1408. I’ve set the puzzle, John Sanders, see how you go.

  1409. john sanders on October 2, 2021 at 10:30 am said:

    You mean a puzzle like Chuckler’s Weekly?, nah got a life to lead here. Ask Xlamb to give it a burl, she learnt all sorts of advanced puzzles from her dad Allan McIntyre.

  1410. One down. Who’s next?

  1411. john sanders on October 3, 2021 at 4:45 am said:

    Peteb: more riddles than leads to be found in your ‘puzzle’ page old man, not to mention Fitzy’s baited four liner. Getting to the heart of the matter, we appear to have as a given SM’s intent on self destruction contrary to Omar’s prophetic guide lines, in a rash move no doubt promted by Jessica’s latest rejection. How he was able to get her address from a phone number penciled atop the last blank page of his own W&T we can only wonder. Accepting death before dishonour as the only way out, Jerry penned a cheery devil may care letter coded farewell stanza for the heartless bitch to find beneath the phone number. No need to boor readers with all the gorey details of what then transpired; suffice to say our man then tore out the TS slip, placed it rolled tightly into his deep slick dick fob pocket, then having tossed the book into a parked car, hoofed it down to the beach. Thence a last sup of cynide dosed spud, a contemplating fag and Tamam Shud on his own humble terms….. Got all that digested Boss so hơw’s about the key to Rebecca, like how could Jerry be sure Jo would be able to pick up the left clues. recalling the trouble Cleland had finding the first a full of six months on, before happen-chancing to become aware of the code, both million to one chances that you seem to have omitted in your puzzler. PS: hows about the overlooked instrument in writing , pen, pencil or tooth pick in your opinion?

  1412. Her number was in the 47 phone book, plus address .. that’s very old news, available my way on the post list.

  1413. john sanders on October 3, 2021 at 9:32 am said:

    Mr. Paul Francis Lawson MBE, to we lesser lights, the dude 747 included. A larger than life man to be sure, especially in that he had suffered with defective hearing since his teens. Didn’t stop him from voluntering his service through WW2 in an essential role caring for wounded diggers up north and attaining the rank of Sgt. Regarding his part in the SM case and of those who sought audience with him due to it, most if not all seemed somehow ignorant of Paul’s deafness and of the high honour bestowed on him way back in 1973; a modest fellow to go with the gongs it would seem……Peteb: Last Post might be a fitting salutation to an old soldier on Tbt site from one who knew him well.

  1414. john sanders on October 3, 2021 at 9:54 am said:

    Next: yeah Bonzo, but as you’ll recall, to find her address in the manner alluded to took Feltus an eternity, our Jerry didn’t have time on his side. All your news is either very old as you correctly point out, or otherwise lifted from sites like this.

  1415. john sanders on October 3, 2021 at 11:55 am said:

    Peteb said…”Thanks to John Sanders for the heads up on the ’47 S.A. phone directory” as posted first on ciphermysteries and re hashed on Tbt’s all inclusive colour spread thread on both ‘Dancing with the Dead’ and ‘Missing Pieces’ docos. Short memory what and still there as testament to original authorship what’s more.

  1416. john sanders on October 3, 2021 at 1:10 pm said:

    By downloading and reposting Paul Lawsons obituary taken from Adelaide’s Sunday News of even date on his TS/BS site, Gordon Cramer appears to have fragrantly abused copyright non authorised publication provisions clearly belonging to that organisation. Whatsmore by additionally posting other articles puting forward his ‘related’ labelling, he has shown discredit to a great man’s legacy of truth and service to his country. Shame, shame on you Gordon Cramer.

  1417. john sanders & Pete Bowes: I hate deleting comments, but I’ve deleted the last four from the pair of you.

    Get a grip, the pair of you.

  1418. john sanders on October 4, 2021 at 7:23 am said:

    104 Partridge St. Glenelg is an address given for where the Thomsons moved to after their presumed period of tenancy at 90A Moseley St. Glenelg from ’47 to ’49. As with the latter, S & M directory does not record them being at 104, listing in their stead a certain J.G. Murnane as owner occupier of many years standing and for long after our period of concern. So how did this very impressive still standing federation home come to be connected with such a flighty pair. Having researched the Thomson’s later known suburban occupancies, derived from the same reliable source, the aforesaid is the only disconnect and it is therefore a genuine puzzle in need of resolution.

  1419. john sanders on October 4, 2021 at 9:13 am said:

    Gordon: thanks for the heads up, though nothing of interest to me on the given page 8 which seems to be from a monthly news sheet that DVA sends to war buffs. Better they tacked on a dollar or two to the pensions of those adversely affected by their service. I’m not on the mailing list due to my non residential status and my bad attitude towards the bastards. Far as the photo op, it didn’t work for me but if you want to post it be my guest, but be sure to check copyright provisions before doing anything you might later regret. Not so sure on the 217178 reference, the 3RAR first tour book gives 21717 which can’t be right either 2192446 is what they gave me when I signed up in early ’66..Cheers js

  1420. Clive J Turner on October 4, 2021 at 11:19 am said:

    JS: Look on TROVE, “The Advertiser” 3 Mar 1951 Adverts on pages 18 & 19. Same newspaper on 16 Jun 1951 Pages 12 & 13.

  1421. john sanders on October 4, 2021 at 1:44 pm said:

    Thanks Clive prompt too. I was thinking of postal redirection orders like Miss J & E Thomson of Methodist Church res. Bath Street, but the change of phone number at 104 Partridge with long term occupiers doesn’t fit any scenario I can recall. It wouldn’t work with for sale ads either unless there be arrangements with house holders, fact is old Prosper seems to have been a loner, certainly later in life. Got me stumped.

  1422. john sanders on October 4, 2021 at 2:40 pm said:

    Old George Murnane, 1865/1955 wife Christina 1890/1960 and three girls were at 104 Partridge forever, pure as the driven and no chance of association with our Thomsons 50/51 in flim flam deals me thinks.. Interestingly J.Thomson lived at 40 Penzance, the next parallel St. after the war and left without any trace of a re-up in 1947 according to S&M. So it’s possible for it to have been yet an earlier abode for Jessica on arrival in S.A.

  1423. john sanders on October 5, 2021 at 7:51 am said:

    In re the Thomson 7 Main Street, Henley Beach sale and want ads., I can’t see any potential customer hoofing it out to the given addess to find it possibly unattended or else the deal not worth the effort. So I’m guessing that the rag’s small ads dept. Must have provided an intermediary customer service to make it feasable, ie. by them providing either or both parties with mutual contact links thus enabling the deals to proceed. That would be one solution, but as for the alternate form, I still can’t figure how it works when the phone number and addess are not always in sync as seems to have been the case, either that or the vendor was not a resident thereof. Someone help me out, I’ve yet to run a ad or answer one for that matter.

  1424. john sanders on October 5, 2021 at 11:06 pm said:

    We now have a good idea about the large Main and Partridge St. addresses both occupied by old preople in 1947 who may have needed home care, even a live in nursing attendant, eg. Mrs. Jessie Seary who had lost her husband of fifty years in ’39 was resident in 1947 before Miss R. Ward, was in her mid eighties, likewise Mr. Murnane was of a similar vintage. Our Sister J.E.Thomson could have been a carer to both and having gained some good level of trust, ran Prosper’s business from both address with the occupants oblivious or unphased by such doings…Looks like former S.A. AG john Rau’s mum and dad lived two doors up from the old ladies at 11 Main St. through the forties and up until two years before his birth in 1959. No wonder you can’t get anything on his family background, including of course his paternal gran Margaret Keane who may well have nursed the wiley barister before her passing in the sixties.

  1425. milongal on October 6, 2021 at 10:13 pm said:

    Some of Prosper’s ads are trying to sell fridges and the like…..

    Suppose Jess is caring for people (as you suggest) and as they downsize and/or move off to homes Prosper is pinching their white goods (or alternatively makes some sort of legit deal with them) and selling them for cars. No point lugging the fridge around to Moseley St, have the punter pick it up from the correct address.

  1426. john sanders on October 7, 2021 at 8:20 am said:

    milongal: I can imagine a devious nurse carer setting up a front purely around pinching white goods and other goodies from her helpless charges but, why must unkind people always put shit on Prosper too. Do you really think an ex AIF man with such solid credentials would stoop to such a low caper as being an accessory.

  1427. milongal on October 7, 2021 at 8:04 pm said:

    I think it’s a little naive to think someone is honest purely because they were in the military. I’ve worked with several current and ex-Defence people who I’d be more than a little nervous leaving alone with anything of even the slightest value – in fact at least one I would count my fingers after I shook hands with him (I’ve also worked with some solid ex-military as well – but from what I’ve seen, the military experience itself doesn’t seem to in and of itself solidify someone’s character).

    That said I did leave you an out that he could have been making legit deals to sell people’s stuff if it makes you more comfortable.

  1428. john sanders on October 7, 2021 at 10:50 pm said:

    milongal: ermm…I know it ain’t like me son but I was being mildy facetious, man was never AIF though claimed to be in his ads. I wouldn’t put it past the pair to be into old family heirlooms, jewellery, silverware, porcellan, glassware and top notch stuff for the collectors market plus any convertable deads or bonds whatever. That of course is what the pair were up to and how they became wealthy by the fifties. Prosper using all the cagey skills taught to him when working for the US Burch Bros. and their Empire Art scams back before the war that he never attended.

  1429. john sanders on October 10, 2021 at 2:37 pm said:

    With great fanfare way back in 2016 Gordon announced, thanks to Len Brown and supported by some very exacting lens work, that he had finally located Jestyn’s phone number. Concealed twixt two narrow juttings lower left of a dark area atop the code page and quite clear to anyone with Xray vision and good imagination. In 2018 again with assistance of Browny he told an ‘associate’ (alter ego) that the nurse’s number might actually be located beneath the code itself and not where he imagined it to be, though did not disclose exactly where for fear that it might be pounced on by other pretenders. Just to-day GC posted with his standard reversal that the number had apparently moved, this time to a position north by north east of it’s original position. Len Brown was only credited with ‘tiny writing’ (his own?) this time around, most acclaim belonging to the master’s fine lens manipulations. I’m sure others will recall their own favourite X3239 locations eg., left of the letter P centre right of the code, along the arms and curves of various other letters or even on Major Mould’s Boxall verse 70 inscription etc., etc. What the heck it’s all in fun; Indeed indeed it is!

  1430. milongal on October 10, 2021 at 11:48 pm said:

    At the risk of looking even more silly, I thought he was (second) AIF ?

  1431. john sanders on October 11, 2021 at 7:51 am said:

    milongal: In theory you’re quite correct, having a prefix ‘VX’ meant that you were AIF and a volunteer for Active Service in a war theatre, which P. Mc. Thomson obviously never signed up for. To be called ex AIF was to be considered a returned front line soldier who’d fought for King’n country and earned favouritism over those who didn’t ie. your everyday part time CMF or certain militia men who were either too old to fight or else were engaged in an essential home service. Prosper spent most of his eighteen months in hospital, on sick call or taking recouperative leave to go fruit picking according to his file. The fellow was not of much value all round but doesn’t seem to have had the wherewithall to cause physical harm to some bushie eating a pastie outside his Moseley St. digs, a furlong or two from where he was found carked next morn.

  1432. john sanders on October 13, 2021 at 4:15 am said:

    Any fast deteriorating Unknown Man punters in need of a ‘you-beaut’ therapeutic recliner, Kate’s mates Gerry & Lesley Feltus have just announced opening of their up-market custom Posture Care Chair showroom at 270 Angas St. Adelaide (near CIB ’48 office). GC’s old school detective bullshitter looks in great shape from the online promo pics, so why not swing by and say Hi. Clive, Kyal, Ruth, dude 747 and other crow eaters. Try Hard Talking Gerry for the very latest bone shaking news from TCN Channel 9/Newscorp Exhumations who are no doubt also helping out with his top downtown rent.

  1433. john sanders on October 13, 2021 at 5:32 am said:

    ….In the meantime South Australian Parliament (LH) is a total mess and Hollering for a Marshall (70s battery ad) ain’t likely to up the amperage. Premier Marshall says today that politicing be more important than worrying about mucking Covid 19 after all. As for SM’s best friend Queen Vickie Chapman AG., she’s now facing a serious government inquiry over some biased decision on a deep water port over KI somewhere which could see her back on the island without a job real quick and soon. What’s left of our man’s remains (?) will likely be stuffed into a wooden pencil box and tossed unceremoniously back down the hole whence he came, never to be heard from again. Hope Gerry gets to keep one of his fancy recliners when News Corp forecloses on his new shop premises.

  1434. john sanders on October 14, 2021 at 5:09 am said:

    Some of the originals, such as Prof. Abbott will recall Feltus’ use of substitute names of his own invention supposedly to honour a non disclosure agreement made by police and two of those concerned, John Freeman and Sister Thomson. The lie to this ruse, which Gerry maintains as an unbreakable pledge, is that the book treats others similarly, they not being subject to any so called binding oaths. For instance we have Prosper Thomson as Prestige Johnson and Robyn nee Boxall known to readers simply as Alf’s daughter Lesley, like Lesley Feltus of ‘Posture Care Chairs’ Adelaide. My own view is that when setting out to write his histerical novel the old school suit liased with Jessica’s daughter Katherine, hence the agreement not to name mum & dad directly. The Francis/Freeman fiasco might be put simply as an ill advised attempt to ‘fool all the people all the time’ truth be known.

  1435. Now here’s a thought: you don’t buy a poisoned pasty at the local, late night pie shop.

  1436. john sanders on October 14, 2021 at 9:23 am said:

    Indeed, indeed: yet another thought: why won’t the local, late night pie shop let you buy a poisoned pasty. I happen to have a meeting tomorrow which may clear the air so folks can munch on their maggot bag without fear of ingesting soylent green. Whatsmore the socially obedient fully vaxxed can feel free to fart without a mask….Watch this space

  1437. milongal on October 14, 2021 at 9:21 pm said:

    One of PB’s recent posts poses “Why didn’t he use the phone?”

    I think this has been mentioned before, but…..
    What if he did? What if he originally planned to go to Henley to find her, and after ringing her discovered she lived at Glenelg and changed plans to the bus?

  1438. Clive J Turner on October 15, 2021 at 10:10 am said:

    I don’t suppose that Detective Canney or, anyone else in SAPOL thought of checking the telephone calls to 90A with the PMG? Who knows what might have been discovered.

  1439. john sanders on October 15, 2021 at 10:51 pm said:

    HMV: In those days and still, police had/have no carte blanch on intrusions like checking incoming phone call without a very good cause such as imminent disaster or life threatening situations calamity. Likewise tracihg private phone numbers could not be undertaken willy nilly for purpose of low level general crime police inquiries.

  1440. john sanders on October 17, 2021 at 8:16 am said:

    If anyone has recently visited Somerton Man Ultimate Guide, the last few posts appear confounding, illogical and potentially libelous to me. Perhaps someone with a clearer perspective of the proposition being tauted might care to make an unbiased evaluation. Seems that the main thrust proposes Roma Egan getting herself potted by Somerton Man to begat Robin Thomson, then by the latter who inturn fathered Derek’s ace-in-the-hole (so to speak) Rachel. It’s little wonder that devious blogger Kyal be a self confessed insomniac.

  1441. John Sanders: it’s certainly not causing me to lose any sleep. I’d have thought most blogs would be a cure for insomnia rather than a cause. :-/

  1442. john sanders on October 27, 2021 at 6:23 am said:

    Ex Det. Sgt.Gerry Feltus, proprietor of ‘Posture Care Chairs’ a devoted Papist of the Carmelite barefoot order or similar, is also known for his Unknown Man historical publication. I seem to recall that the book’s back cover includes a number which the author claims as being for artistic reasons only. Said number W4890, along with another L*5888, appear as being period telephonic links to the old Brenan Theresian Carmelite Hall annex to St. Vincents Hospital Melbourne. Nice fit though coincidence of course; am now searching old Adelaide directories for a T. Keane, known to have been an occupant of Commonwealth Bank Building 96/100 King William St. In the 30s which may need some help.

  1443. john sanders on November 1, 2021 at 6:13 am said:

    Bell, yair Bozo dunno about Gordon, but I hear the bastard too. Not like your old fashioned Czech alarm clock jingle jangle, more like a solemn one tone death knell if you be wanting my honest bi partisan opinion.

  1444. john sanders on November 1, 2021 at 12:35 pm said:

    Looks like our chop and change merchant has taken his question to his mentor GC re ringing bells down, should have expected it. My blunder. Sorry folks.

  1445. john sanders on November 10, 2021 at 5:12 am said:

    Latest BS/TS blog outlining 16 points for successful tradecraft outcomes is just a diversional ploy for Cramer’s main purpose of boasting his blog’s time honoured success in facilitating all facets (fantasies and faux pas) in the Somerton Man case. One based on absolute truthfulness, dedication and professionalism;in addition to pressing home the amateurish incomptence of its rival also ran SM dedicated blog sites the likes of Tomsbytwo, Big Footy and Anemptyglass, who apparently provide ready cart blanche access to trolls for their evil pursuits……Good on you Gordon, with truthful outpouring such as yours, who needs false testimony.

  1446. milongal on November 10, 2021 at 7:47 pm said:

    @JS: Gave up on that site ages ago. Much as I found GC’s blind double-down on demonstrably flawed guesses, I think you need to apply Hanlon’s Razor here (loosely don’t assume malice where over stupidity).

  1447. milongal on November 16, 2021 at 2:32 am said:

    Have to say I like Pete’s latest. He seems to be of a view (that I’ve long had) that we don’t know half as much as people seem to think. Although I’d take it a fraction further.
    – We don’t know that he had caught the bus that day
    – We don’t know that he had been in the Adelaide Railway Station that day
    – We don’t know that the suitcase was his in fact….
    – We don’t know the clothes he was wearing was his (the suitcase tenuously links to the clothes)
    – We don’t even know that the TS slip was his (and not some previous owner of the pants)
    – We don’t know if he knew Prosper or Jess
    – We don’t really know that the book the coppers were given was really the one that TS came from

    I think I’ve got a more complete list elsewhere…..but I think if we start with a “what we know” it might be more helpful (it’s a smaller list). DA once compiled such a list…..but looking at it now a lot of the items are “we assume…”
    One of the big problems with many people’s storylines is that they report the conclusion, not the evidence (e.g. He caught the St Leonards bus – we don’t actually know this. We know he had a ticket for the St Leonards service, and we know that the *authorities say* that that ticket had been sold on the 11:15 service somewhere between Railway Station and West/South Tce – but we don’t know that HE used it (and we can’t even verify the authorities had properly traced it back) etc, etc, usw….

  1448. milongal: yeah, but it’s easy to point out that we know almost nothing for certain, that’s how things have been since the start. Far more difficult to come up with testable hypotheses and ideas for new historical sources to check. Ho hum etc.

  1449. Clive J. Turner on November 16, 2021 at 11:28 pm said:

    Too many assumptions, Too few concrete facts. i.e. You would have thought that someone in Adelaide would have recognised him, especially if he didn’t wear a hat?
    If he was a stranger in Adelaide, he would have asked for directions? We don’t even know for certain that the suitcase at the station belonged to him. How/when did he arrive at the steps down to the seawall? How come his shoes, he wore, were so clean? etc, etc

  1450. john sanders on November 17, 2021 at 6:58 am said:

    NP: That’s three against one by my count soTbt’s riveting status quo rules OK…along with the Pancho/Gordon/Zedex generated insult of the day which doesn’t get a guernsey in my ever handy Funkenwagnel.

  1451. john sanders on November 17, 2021 at 11:49 pm said:

    GC: Wow did not expect that !! But that’s only a small part of the story, cant wait to hear more..on latest revelation that Hay micro code bank note’s creator Georg(e) Adams maybe maternaly rooted with ‘The Adams Family’, (Sam-John-Quincy) and perhaps even our own Thomsons of Moseley St. thereaby. Makes a good case for espionage involvement in Jerry Somerton’s sad demise more unlikely than ever IMO..Good on Zedex (Club Legend) for his input in this most unlikely load of utter crap. PS one thing that the John Adams and Thomas Jefferson did in unison was to die on the very same day, 4th July no less (?)…from memory

  1452. milongal on November 18, 2021 at 1:01 am said:

    @NP: Agree – which is why I liked your original Pruzinski speculation – it wasn’t perfect, but it covered a lot of unknowns.
    In particular, it would seem to potentially cover the Rubaiyat (we might extrapolate that it wasn’t an ID per se’, but something more like a marker (“Steal the Minx on Jetty Road – I’ve chucked the Rubaiyat onto the back seat” – except then there’s no need for him to kep the S slip). My problem (I guess) has always been the lack of verifiable fact – and most speculation begins with the “traditional” story of “man arrives in Adelaide that morning” (I take Clive’s point that it’s likely he wasn’t a local because we wasn’t id’d, but that doesn’t mean he’d just arrived).

    @Clive – yeap, That hat might be an interesting one. He went unnoticed so perhaps he had a hat IF he travelled on the bus…..but at what point did it go AWOL? Although another thought about being unnoticed (which I may have raised before) is that IF he travelled on public transport (pedantic: I think technically they weren’t public back then but ho hum) perhaps he wasn’t travelling alone. The ticket clerk at the station was asked whether he remembered selling a man that ticket; the bus driver was asked similar…..so you might not immediately recall selling to a pair of people (or even a group) – even if there was something odd all the same. The polished shoes bug me too – we’ve speculated in the past that the king tide must have reached the body (if it was there around 4:30), but there’s no salt staining on the shoes. Further, any walking on the beach would scuff them up pretty quick (or at least make them sandy), so it seems reasonable that IF he got to the beach off his own steam, he likely came down the steps he was found near.
    But all that said, I do wonder whether the lack of people coming forward is simply because the photos in the paper look too different. I’ve always wondered about the pictures GC had (which to me more closely resemble the bust) that don’t really look like the pictures propagated in the media (I’m not suggesting anything malicious, just that post-autopsy the face looks sufficiently different to be dismissed) – of course, the problem here is that it still suggests “out of towner”, because we haven’ got an obvious missing person candidate….

    I also wonder (I’m forgetting the timeline) whether that was part of Jestyn’s reaction – from the pictures in the paper she thought it was (or wasn’t) a specific person, and was rather taken aback that the bust was someone else entirely….

    So maybe as well as a “What we know” list we also need a “what seems peculiar” list (some less than others)….e.g.
    – presence of multiple transport fares
    – lack of hat
    – lack of wallet
    – lack of socks in suitcase
    – TS slip (maybe more broadly the Rubaiyat, including timeline, “code” etc)
    – Jestyn and Alf
    – Shiny Shoes
    – Possibly conflicting narratives (I’ve often been dismissive of this, but maybe it bears some scratching)
    -ec, etc, blah, blah, blah

  1453. john sanders on November 18, 2021 at 4:47 am said:

    Refering to TS/BS latest litany of lies vis. SM’s Remains Hypothesis, Gordon Cramer was wont to score points on poor process namely re tracking of the body from beach to burial…The following excerpt taken from the 1949 death inquest of the body found on Somerton Beach 1st Dec.1948 is the Sworn testimony of expert police witness James Patrick Durham;

    On Dec. 3rd, 1948 in company with Mounted Constable Knight I went to the City Morgue Adelaide and I was pointed out a body by MC Knight who said “THIS IS THE BODY FOUND ON SOMERTON BEACH. I PHOTOGRAPHED THE BODY FULL FACE AND SIDE FACE”…..

    As opposed to the that of un Sworn false testimony assertions of a British born confidence man. Readers be the judge Durham v. Cramer on truther and fraud.

    On 17th November, 2021 Christopher .G. Cramer said. “Similarly when Jimmy Durham took the photographs and fingerprints of the body, there is NO RECORD OF ANYONE IDENTIFYING THAT BODY TO HIM AS BEING THE MAN FOUND ON S9MERTON BEACH”.

  1454. john sanders on November 18, 2021 at 12:33 pm said:

    As far as we can reasonably tell, in total contrast to what our resident fake police procedural ‘expert’ would have us believe is, that from go to woe, the Somerton Man’s remains were always under close scrutiny with a dilligence required by law. PC Scan Sutherland, who attended the crime scene along with Dets. Strangway and Gollan, reported to the Coroner ASAP as was his duty and remained close throughout the investigation. He oversaw the whole process from immediate post discovery to attendance at the autopsy and later identified SM prior to interment, attending the subsequent funeral as tasked. Can’t ask more than that Gordon!!

  1455. Clive J. Turner on November 19, 2021 at 6:33 am said:

    Milongal, It’s certainly intriguing whichever way you look at it. If the X3239 telephone number had not been found on the Code page, we would never have known about Jessie. What are the chances that Jessie’s viewing of the bust, was just a theatrical performance for the benefit of the police and PL? She didn’t receive an Oscar, nor was she further questioned by the police, which, in hindsight seems strange?

  1456. milongal on November 19, 2021 at 9:20 am said:

    @Clive: the whole Jessie connexion is strange. Retrospectively we see how GF finds Sister Thomson (and there might be good reason she’d want to be listed against that number), but that’s not the mechanism the police at the time would have used – so it seems she was actually the line subscriber (rather than Thomson), although we’d expect it to be Prosper’s house, not hers (especially since she’s adopted Prosper’s surname by then). The fact they didn’t probe further is most interesting….it suggests their opinion of her reaction wasn’t wuite the same as Lawsons (maybe it was acting and they picked it, or maybe they were used to reactions like that, or maybe something else). I find Jess one of those perplexing things that cause as much problem whether we want to consider them involved or not involved (but to be honest there’s probably about 100 things in the case that similarly make just as little sense included or excluded…..)

  1457. john sanders on November 19, 2021 at 2:02 pm said:

    Clive: no Oscar but, she did deserve an Occams Razor for a great one liner “This is above the S.A. Police”. I’m pretty sure in err on her not having been further questioned by the police; she seems to have made a contrary claim, also to Jerry Feltus as logged in his novel.

  1458. john sanders on November 21, 2021 at 1:16 pm said:

    Might be worth a well spotted mention dunno?. From an NAA 1949 report on the NAA carley float body incident, Australian Chief of Naval Intelligence at the time, Captain George Oldham, poured cold water on any suggestion of the Chrismas Island body being crew of HMAS Sydney. Man in question, a later to be most highly decorated rear Admiral, hailed from Glenelg and his covering memo of 1949 suggests that he may well have been Sapol’s navy cipher expert on the TS code as well. I’ll check back and report on whether he was on home leave in July of that year.

  1459. john sanders on November 21, 2021 at 2:24 pm said:

    Good chance George Oldham took home leave to visit his ailing widowed mum Cathy from Navy HQ Melbourne prior to taking operational command of Flagship Australia thence aircraft carrier Sydney from October ’49 for extended service in the Korean campaign. See his fine record of service in Aust. Biographies.

  1460. Peter Davidson on November 23, 2021 at 3:30 am said:

    One hopes that Oldham was a better expert at ciphers than he was on his expertise on rescue equipment provisioned to naval vessels.


    Considering there’s a nice picture of the very same Carley float that Clark used sitting on the stern of HMAS Sydney taken on 4/9/1941 at awn.gov.au/collection/C1018129

  1461. john sanders on November 23, 2021 at 9:26 am said:

    Peter Davidson: might need a little more info for yiur Carley Float site. The one you gave doesn’t get me onto the stern of HMAS Sydney mate.

  1462. john sanders on November 23, 2021 at 12:51 pm said:

    I must say I’ve yet to see a Christian funeral, apart from one hastily convened due to circumstances beyond control, where a body was deliberately placed facing downwards to the netherworld as opposed to the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes we know that the Chrismas Island body assumedly that of a gentile, came ashore in a more or less scrunched fetal position which can be varified by numerous witness accounts. However one might reasonably presume that the attending physician and assisting locals would have taken the time and had the inclination to at least rearrange his mortal remains. This being to making them more presentable for a decent and fitting burial according to Christian rites…Something about the whole accepted history and subsequent exhumation many years later doesn’t add up.

  1463. john sanders on November 24, 2021 at 12:14 am said:

    Peter Davidson: by-passing your coded site co-ordinates I found the photo of 4/9/41 which depicts H.M.A.S Sydney heading out of Port Jackson with SS Queens Mary and Elizabeth in her wake. The small triangular land feature in the frame is likely to be Clark Island which is pure coincidence. I take it that you identify the smaller of three carley floats on her stern quarter deck as being “the very same float that Clark used..” however, the all important distinctive hull number 2 as mentioned in early reports by observers on Christmas Island at the tiime, is not depicted in your cited shot. Perhaps you might re appraise the factual basis for said assertions and report back for the record.

  1464. john sanders on November 25, 2021 at 8:38 am said:

    PeteDavo: while you’re figuring where No 2 carley float was likely to have been stowed on board the Sydney, I’ve dug up info that may assist you and GC with delving into George Adams familial links to dead Presidents. Good ol’ boy from Tucson Arizona name of Kirt Schall Adams might like to connect with descendants of the above, he being a nephew of Georg Adams dec. off the Dunerra 1940 and WW2 internee of hut 24, camp 7 Hay c/o Liverpool (?) Australia. I’m thinking if you could get your boss’s daughter Lorraine F. to swing by, say Howdy to Kirt and see what gives; Could be the big breakthrough you’se are looking for..

  1465. john sanders on November 25, 2021 at 11:17 pm said:

    …..and a correction for Gordon’s faux pas in claiming..”it was most unusuual for the United States to allow so called ‘enemy aliens’ passage through their Panama Canal zone”. He is as usual out of his depth historically, a caution to be sure poor chap, in that friend Teltscher was no more an enemy alien to the US than Panama’s fascist President Arias; though more to the point, they were not at war in mid 1941 so George was home free whatever his status with belligerents at that time.

  1466. john sanders on November 26, 2021 at 11:45 pm said:

    PeteDavo: should you wish to touch base with the Furness family of Arizona in hopes that contact with Kirt Adams can succeed, best advice is to seek help from your boss who is surely in close contact with them, they being family and all. Just make sure that Lorraine doesn’t confuse him with Kirk Adams, the former Arizona House Speaker out of Mesa, a GOP LDS, who likely knows as much about our particular Adams family as Gordon knows about wartime Sydney/GB shipping route contingencies or, much about the conflct at all, ie., it was between the Allies and Axis powers 1939/45.

  1467. milongal on November 28, 2021 at 8:38 pm said:

    @JS – Some people don’t bother with facts and when challenged just double down with “but what would you know”. Sometimes I’ve wondered whether my challenges to his Fedosimov ideas just drove those ideas even more so.
    Not sure whether it’s just normal conspiracy theorist stuff (once you start to believe there’s some sort of conspiracy, then any anomaly is easily dimissed as “covered up as part of the conspiracy”) or whether there’s some extra special attempt to create their own facts based on hearsay and interpreting language any which way you please….

  1468. john sanders on November 29, 2021 at 9:44 am said:

    milongal: was it just coincidence or your inbuilt ESP coming out. Anyhow you sure caught Peteb’s famously branded ‘CHARLATAN’ Chris G. Cramer out. Now back on the blood trail of ‘his’ still unaccounted for chompers a-plenty Pavel Fedosimov @ Jerry D. Somerton. Well (pre) spotted indeed, indeed.

  1469. milongal on November 29, 2021 at 10:20 pm said:
      @PB – devil’s advocate – How sure are we the bus/train tickets were purchased that morning.
      If you were asked “When were these tickets purchased” you would approach the task a particular way.
      If, on the other hand, you were asked “Can you verify these were purchased on 30/11”, then you might find some indication that they were purchased the day before (or some other time), but you dismiss it (and even manage to “find” a book-keeping error that corrects it to 30/11).

      Purely speculative – this is more an example of what COULD happen rather than any assertion about what DID happen.
      The railway process (as I understand it) involved recording sequences numbers and then ruling a line at the end of the shift (or at the conclusion of the day – not sure which). Suppose someone forgot to rule the line. When asked to show the ticket came from 30/11 you discover that one (or more) daily sign offs are missing. You recollect that you probably sold about X number of Henley tickets and back track it. Turns out that puts the ticket on the 29th – so maybe your recollection is flawed – better put that rule a bit further back. Even less clumsy, suppose you begin a shift and a short time later you realise yesterday’s clerk didn’t record yesterday’s ticket sequence. Now we need to think back how many Henley ticket’s we’ve sold this morning….
      Of course, if these numbers were for accounting purposes (as opposed to “mindless busy-work”) the missing rule can only be there so long until upstairs asks – but if they tried to resolve them weekly (rather than daily) then it’s easy to imagine certain inaccuracies.

      Side story: Many years ago when I was a bus driver I was doing a New Year’s Eve shift. Fares were not collected on NYE, so the crouzet system couldn’t count ticket validations. We were given a paper spreadsheet to record numbers on different shifts. Because the ticket machine wasn’t in use, I logged onto it and used a manual override to increment each passenger (so I didn’t have to remember the numbers), but speaking to other drivers about how they counted passengers a good number of them said “guesstimate”….Rinse and repeat

      Similar with Footy express (which was ticketed with paper tickets). I remember doing an Alberton to Footy Park run. From memory, there were 2 buses and 3 or 4 runs (I can’t remember if we both did 2 runs, or if one of us did 1). Unlike some services (which ran a single run with the driver selling tickets) we had a supervisor selling tickets at Alberton – but it meant they didn’t know how many passengers were on each run (something they cared about in terms of future planning, I think). Again, I was required to record the number of passengers on each journey (and again on the return runs). The accuracy of the actual records was bodgey at best – and any numbers that didn’t make sense (e.g. more travellers than tickets sold) was simply dismissed as “oops”.

      Even more recently I had a role where I thought a certain level of record keeping was important. After a particular issue, we flagged with another agency that the details of one particular person were inconsistent/wrong/other – and I was surprised at the apathetic “add it to the list of thousands” response we got.

      In any case, I have worked inside and alongside enough Government departments to know that record keeping often is nowhere near as accurate as it should be. Worse still, many insiders are scared to give answers that might upset their superiors – “I don’t know” or “we can’t tell” are never used, and there is often an obvious confirmation biased when asked to “confirm” something (I have literally had conversations with people when they come up with certain results where they say something along the lines of “The system was wrong and didn’t show what they were asking…I think it was for _reasons_….but I’ve fixed it up now”).

      While we’re on the buses, I’m interested how the bus shifts worked back then. In my time, we got a run sheet that would see us doing multiple different routes:
      – Take a Rigid bus, and depart Port Adelaide 8:14 showing 808 (Not in Service) to West Lakes Interchange.
      – Set STC code 1395 (155 City, via Port Road), and Depart West Lakes at 8:24 (then various time points from memory at Albert Park, Woodville Rd and somewhere near South Rd).
      – B2 North Tce, Set STC Code 858 (145 Glen Osmond, via Burnside)

      I *think* at that time it was a bit different, though. I think firstly it’s likely that buses were simply assigned to 1 route all day. Secondly (and I’m really not sure if this was the case), you may have a marshall (or equivalent) at the terminus who would set the buses off (roughly in the order they arrived). So if you had a full load and were overtaken by the service behind, they would potentially leave before you). Once again, however, we have the conductor keeping track of tickets (originally I thought this was Section based, but I think the reason he knew the Section 1 tickets was because they sold more expensive tickets in section 1 than along the rest of the route. Even so, though, we’re relying on the accuracy of his record keeping to conclude that that ticket was sold that day, at that time, and on that particular service.

      By all means, speculate about the tickets, but don’t get too caught up in them not making sense – there are literally* squillions** of explanations (some more cromulent*** than others) on why they might seem contradictory.

      *or maybe not
      ** legit quantity
      ***legit word

  1470. john sanders on November 30, 2021 at 9:42 am said:

    Dunera…Derna…Danetta.., likely part of a sequencing encryption code to chill all compliant dupes seeing connections to a spy-fi conspiratorial sanctioned KGB hit with it’s sad ending still a mystery whatsmore. Top performances by Tibor Kaldor, Georg Teltscher, a pair of US dead presidents John & Qunicy with a founding father, all named Adams, There was the successfully targeted KGB cipher expert Pavel Fedosimov, plus the supporting cast in Sister J. E. Thomson, Lt. Alfred Boxall and Major William Jestyn Moulds OBM all of the Loyal Australian Ship Spotter Corps, along with 100 ex Nazi rocket scientists of SAlisbury WRE. Those above named being connected with distribution of Japanese payment scrip and tons of Hay internment camp funny money to disrupt the Batavian separatist movement of ’47/48. The scheme was devised by T.T. a pretty Dutch agent hooked up with an MI5 dud fuck, but ably assisted by distant relatives from Glenelg named Sprogg. Her scheme was uncovered by Peteb and one of GCs other all nonsence AfIO affilliates who shall remain internally nameless, Details of the operation including no fault takedown is classified as ‘Top Secet’ & ‘no need to know’ so sorry about that folks.

  1471. john sanders on November 30, 2021 at 1:08 pm said:

    Peteb: Good on you Ruth, your new found blunt honesty is to be commended, and better late than never in my humble etc..

  1472. john sanders on December 1, 2021 at 7:15 am said:

    JEstyn: ‘Her tremendous Courage’ versus PETeb: ‘His Stupendous Cock-up’ in refering to Jessica’s own loving daughter Kate as “Harkness’ step sister”. No joking, just now over in Bozo land and whatsmore the clown repeated it, the topic being his tired old re take on JEstyn’s interviews with Feltus, Littlemore, Canney plus Daughter Kate’s follow-up on 60 minutes….Surely we’re being set up by our cagey old conman; or has ‘auldtimers’ finally caught up with the bum.

  1473. john sanders on December 1, 2021 at 11:36 am said:

    Our poor sorry son has taken care of the second cock-up in fine order but he’s yet to take care of the first. So we’re left with an even bigger conundrum. Folks unfamiliar with his style must now be wondering what gives with JEstyn’s true relationship with Kate, daughter or step sister, take your pick and take pics of Peteb’s last post before he picks it up, makes the correction and carries on as usual. SNAFU…..

  1474. john sanders on December 1, 2021 at 10:02 pm said:

    Now he’s attendend to the embarrasing ‘Kate JEStyn step sister’ stuff up, Pete might do me the courtesy of a hearty ‘good on you arsehole’ for bringing it to his attention, the heads up would be a pleasant surprise.

  1475. john sanders on December 2, 2021 at 12:34 pm said:

    Peteb: I’ll be mighty pleased to convey your recenthastily deleted message to my Bundjelung people of the northern rivers for adjucation of tribal elders accirdingly. They’re sure to take the Federal pfella’s lack of tact and respect with grace and foregiveness in keeping with their rites. YOU BETCHA BOZO.

  1476. john sanders on December 6, 2021 at 4:27 am said:

    Peteb: not intending to further sully a man’s reputation but, methinks you’ll find that the lady accompanying Musgrave to Clifton Gardens on both 1945 meetings with Alf Boxall, besides Jestyn, was her friend Joy ‘big but nice’ and not his wife as you contend…Gotta be careful in this game where correct Christian names are all important and facts are preferred over fiction or downright lies.
    Note: for you, stuff the uninitiated, Musgrave was Thomas Edmund not “Pete”.

  1477. john sanders on December 6, 2021 at 12:56 pm said:

    To put things into a clearer light, Tom Musgrave and Alf Boxall were both transfered to 13 water transport Georges Head from SME Casula LHQ on 20th June 1945 to start up their instruction course. Tom was married to Heather Jean Morris known as Jean and the couple eventually having three kids, poor lady dieing in 1961 aged forty, so when John Ruffles interviewed Tom in ’77 he lied about his single status in ’45. Not important that he was a cad, but more relevant that their flirtation with the nurses? at Clifton Gardens was indeed fleeting. Boxall being sent up north on 12th September and Tom to Brisbane the next month. As we’re aware Alf didn’t get home again until October 1946, so he and Jestyn could not have been cavorting when Robin was conceived in December. That’s right Bozo if you hadn’t twigged, Jessica didn’t deliver until 20th June, (not July) 1946 so Alf get’s a pass on that one which does allow for speculation on who the dad may have been. Not some Rusky off the Derna that’s for certain, which opens up a myriad of possible suspects for us to pick from such as Tibor who was running loose in Melbourne or one of the brothers Thomson including Prosper himself.

  1478. john sanders on December 6, 2021 at 1:03 pm said:

    20/6/47 was Robin’s birthday as given by his sister Kate who should know, not ’46 as wrongly stated above, blunder.

  1479. john sanders on December 6, 2021 at 10:32 pm said:

    Fluffed it twice for attention, Robin”s birthday was 10th June, 1947 and that would close any window of opportunity for Alf Boxall unless Jestyn came early.

  1480. john sanders on December 7, 2021 at 12:48 am said:

    For those who can smile through covid face masks yet still enjoy a good belly laugh, this post, spotted on Tbt blog will crack you up with it’s subtle humour and deliberate errors of fact, courtesy ‘Tom’ Bowes.

    Clive, it would seem Jessica was close to PETE Musgrave and his WIFE, seeing as she accompanied them to Clifton Gardens hotel on one occasion when Boxall was there, then, on her second visit, she came alone with MULGRAVE, that being the case it wouldn’t be surprising if the MUGRAVE’s knew a fair bit about her circumstances.
    Note: for the uninitiated, Musgrave was ‘the other instructor’ mentioned in the interview, and his WIFE JOY, was a nurse.

  1481. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on December 7, 2021 at 2:32 pm said:

    John Sanders
    In the text 4 verses. Is written :
    Báj. Sup. Ten. i. Pták. Tu. Tři. ( Czech language )

    Myth. Sup. This. and. Bird. Here. Three. ( English ).

    Meaning. Jessica writes that substitution 3 is used.
    That is, the same supstitution as MS – 408 is used.

    ( the word SUP, means Substitution ).

  1482. John and ants.
    If only a scientist and Diane didn´t understand . So let´s look at page 2r Manuscript Voynich . There he has a substitution of 3. The root is the base of the plant. Without a root, no plant can emerge. The root is made of the letters C,G,S,L. The flower means the number 3.
    No word can be formed without a letter. The letter is therefore the basic of the word. This is meaning of page 2r.
    Of course, it is also written inthe text of the manuscript. In the Czech language.

    Substitution number 3 = C,G,S,L.

  1483. milongal on December 7, 2021 at 9:10 pm said:

    And of course the reason the Fuzz/Government failed to do most of those things is because it took them so long to think this was anything other than an uncollected body that was going to resolve itself.

    Insert my normal rant about collective incompetence, confirmation bias and the machinations of Government departments…..

    Short Version: By the time they took things seriously they were retrospectively asking different parties to prove a particular conclusion. And at that point, any normal evidence-gathering goes out the window, as potential discrepancies are adjusted to fit the narrative.

  1484. milongal on December 7, 2021 at 9:39 pm said:

    True story (some details deliberately vague):
    I nearly had to testify for ACLEI once (it didn’t end up going to court). Essentially they wanted to know what someone had accessed on a system, and my response was “Here’s the logs that show they accessed the system on a day they weren’t working, but we can’t see what they accessed” (clearly long before modern systems which often have far more detailed logging). For them, this happened to be enough, because they were trying to prosecute for “unauthorized access” (so it only mattered that they’d touched the system when they shouldn’t, irrespective of the data they may or may not have looked up). But interestingly, a lot of my colleagues had managed a much more interesting narrative into the same log files – which literally only showed a log on and a log off (they’d inserted speculation about how things must have been accessed given the time frame that the system was logged into).
    And therein lies part of the problem. If the request was “all accesses on this date”, or even “all accesses for this user” (or even “all accesses for this user on this date”) then you simply get the data you ask for. OTOH, when you are asked “We want to know what this person was doing on this day”, then you’re inadvertently asking for “expert speculation”.

    We end up with a similar problem if you deliberately don’t invite speculation and instead gather information from multiple sources (or from one source in multiple bits) and then try to reconstruct it.
    Consider the St Leonards bus ticket.
    First we ask the conductor what sort of ticket it is: “It’s a 7d ticket”
    The we ask about other ticket types: “Well, within Section 1 you pay 7d because you’re travelling the whole route, but once we’re out of Section 1 the remainder of the route is 6d”
    So now we know this ticket should have been purchased in Section 1, but what is Section 1? “Basically, that’s the city square mile. In buses headed up the Anzac Highway, that means the Section change is on West Tce, near the corner of South Tce”
    And is there any way we can tell which journey it was purchased on “Sure, when we reach the terminus, we have some layover time, and I record what sequence number each of the ticket books is up to”
    Can we have a look at the register? “Sure, here tis”.

    What if this register isn’t clear? What if they just have time and sequence number. Is that the time the journey commenced? Or finished? Or the time you happened to make the entry?
    The conductor likely knows, but now that the register is being analysed by someone else, the conclusions they make might not match the facts. Even if they understand what the log means, the risk of someone unfamiliar mis-interpreting the detail is more likely than the conductor.

    In fact, since we’re already so speculative, what if the tickets aren’t recorded at the terminus, but rather when you return to the city? This would be an hour or longer after the original journey commenced – and if we’re recording the entry time, this could throw someone off based on their assumptions about trip times and the like.
    Now the conductor is questioned again – but this time we have a hypothetical narrative that we’re asking them to confirm, rather than asking for the facts. Now you’re opening a plethora of reasons why detail might go askew:
    – blind trust that you’ve checked the data
    – path of least resistance is to agree
    – “facts” sufficiently match memory, won’t bother verifying
    – etc
    Devil’s Advocate: Wouldn’t it make more sense that the ticket was purchased on a Somerton bus? Might have to see if I can dig out my old BusAustralia account and pester them some about the operation of Public Transport in the 1940s.

    Even if the conductor does his own analysis, there’s a chance he misinterprets his own records or makes a mistake – and how many people at that point might realise and say “whoops, I got it wrong, let me check again”, or how many might realise and then double down on the narrative they have created refusing to admit they messed up?

    The most obvious example of assumption becoming the narrative is when people tell you SM got off at the corner of Adelphi St and Anzac Highway – as far as I can tell the only reason this stop has been selected is because it is the closest to Somerton – but there is literally no evidence whatsoever that IF he was on the bus, he alighted here.

    Totally off the beaten track I seem to recall a discussion some time ago around “torn vs trimmed” on the slip. At the time I speculated that perhaps SM was impersonating someone else and didn’t realise the importance of the paper exactly matching the hole in the book. I have a recollection that our Bus Conductor reported having found a Rubaiyat and placed it in Lost Property. makes you wonder a little…..

  1485. john sanders on December 7, 2021 at 10:31 pm said:

    Josef: OK. I’ve picked up your root clue and am now Czeching on corresponding text for the solution, thanks. While we’re rooting around, you might have some ideas concerning the fake root ball on facing page 1v that is an amateurish attempt at concealing the Tepenec signature seap through from 1r.

  1486. john sanders on December 7, 2021 at 11:04 pm said:

    Peter Davidson: If you’d be kind enough to share this tidbit with the boss. I’ve noted that your ships Pobeda and Derna both burnt and subsequently sunk on their respective home journey’s in 1948. I’m wondering if these events were merely coincidence or whether they were deliberately contrived to cover-up passenger substitution and/or murder most foul.

  1487. john sanders on December 8, 2021 at 11:23 am said:

    Josef Z. Prof: C,G, S, L = Crinum Grandis Stemen, Latifolim (Lilium or Lily) seems to be what we’re confronted with in VM 2r. It’s supposed to have a bulbus root system similar to that seen in 1v but it may well have been one artist Maggie Boole’s frequent mismatches.

  1488. John Jakub Tepenec? And his name on 1r. James could have the manuscript in his hands. He could have tried to decipher it. And so he signed into it. His key on the right is deleted. Voynich knew that Tepenec would be of no interest to America. And so he deleted it. He needed to stuff Bacon into it. Bacon means more money. Otherwise, Voynich had been deciphering for 12 years. And of course he also found out that it is written in the Czech language. As it is written in a letter that is at Yale in the Beinecke Library. There are also Polish words in the manuscript. Eliška was polka after her mother. It is also drawn on the last page. Why should Tepenec write about the Rosenberg family? That makes no sense at all. Although, of course, he knew them. Rosenberg was the most powerful and richest family. He was the first after the king. He had many castles and chateaux..

  1489. John Sanders…. Jakub Tepenec? And his name on 1r. James could have the manuscript in his hands. He could have tried to decipher it. And so he signed into it. His key on the right is deleted. Voynich knew that Tepenec would be of no interest to America. And so he deleted it. He needed to stuff Bacon into it. Bacon means more money. Otherwise, Voynich had been deciphering for 12 years. And of course he also found out that it is written in the Czech language. As it is written in a letter that is at Yale in the Beinecke Library. There are also Polish words in the manuscript. Eliška was polka after her mother. It is also drawn on the last page. Why should Tepenec write about the Rosenberg family? That makes no sense at all. Although, of course, he knew them. Rosenberg was the most powerful and richest family. He was the first after the king. He had many castles and chateaux..

  1490. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on December 8, 2021 at 3:14 pm said:

    John Sanders.John Sanders. :-)Yes. You think very well, colleague. We are confronted with a Jewish cipher. I’ll look at the first page and write to you.

  1491. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on December 8, 2021 at 3:45 pm said:

    John Sanders.Page 1v. It is very simple.
    It is written in the text. There are 14 green leaves. And the golden leaves are 6 and 6. That’s my date of birth. This means the year 1466. This is the date of birth of Eliška of Rožmberk. (Eliška does not write: there are 12 gold letters ….. but she writes 6 and 6. If she wrote 12, she would not be able to show the date 1466). Root = Claws – Fox …. Thorns = Rose. Skin.

  1492. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on December 8, 2021 at 3:53 pm said:

    John Sanders.Page 1v. It is very simple.
    It is written in the text. There are 14 green leaves. And the golden leaves are 6 and 6. That’s my date of birth. This means the year 1466. This is the date of birth of Eliška of Rožmberk. (Eliška does not write: there are 12 gold leaves ….. but she writes 6 and 6. If she wrote 12, she would not be able to show the date 1466). Root = Claws – Fox …. Thorns = Rose. Skin.

    Green leaves – characters = J and T. ( no Jacobo Tepenec :-))) …). J = 1…T = 4. Meaning 14. + golden 6 and 6 = 1466. E liška.

  1493. john sanders on December 9, 2021 at 4:25 am said:

    Anyone who really cares what happened to SM’s brown knitted pullover, go to Abbott’s facebook page and Gordon Cramer’s most recent link to Derrek’s own Len Brown Bio sheet. There’s a nice picture of Det. Brown at work with a hard copy of S.A. Crimes act on his desk for effect and phone in hand; impeccably besuited as required including a perfect pass for SM’s ‘V’ necked brown knitted pullover. Seems Gordon and his old buddy from Feltus’ forum days John Ruffles, are pushing their spy shit on Derrek’s unwary dupes. PS. Now only Tom Keane’s yellow handled electrician’s screwdriver remains unaccounted for.

  1494. john sanders on December 11, 2021 at 8:54 am said:

    Barf 747: think I may have located a suspect for the screwdriver theft in Lance Johns an electrical fitter from Hindmarsh post war, but his sibling Frank is still missing. Perhaps they were only half brothers, the latter having been welped when dad was a mounted cop in Darwin pre WW1. Athough a Frank Johns does show up on a 1933 arrival card from GB it offers no leads and most unlikely that SM is the son of the 1948 police commissioner W. F. Johns anyhow, just a wild fancy on my part.

  1495. john sanders on December 12, 2021 at 8:35 am said:

    Can you guess how the falacy apropos Prosper’s need for digitalis as treatment for a old wartime bronchial haemhorage came about. Yep you guessed it; had Dr. Bowes bothered to check, he would have found that digitalis is for most part taken to increase flow of blood to the heart, not stop it in asystol. The man was not known to have symtoms of a cardiac arrythmic disorder for which digitalis might be deemed a useful inclusion in Jo Thomson’s home medicine cabinet. Better cross it off the list Bozo, the other dated stuff is more than enough.

  1496. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on December 12, 2021 at 6:15 pm said:

    john sanders.
    Moi. You understood the difference between 6+ 6. And number 12. 🙂

  1497. john sanders on December 13, 2021 at 7:28 am said:

    Josef Prof. My guess would be that sest sest (6 + 6) in Czech VM glyph speak would look & sound more poetic than dvanact (12), something similar to four and twenty black birds, or four score and ten. Otherwise no difference to the green/gold leaf counts on f1v. Eliska’s birthday 14/2/1466 reminds me of a like date in Australia’s denominational history ie., £1 = $2 five hundred years or a half millenium on to ‘fourteenth of February nineteen sixty six’ for decimal currency intro. & jingle. All things being equal your contention of 1466 +12 =1480 = B 408 might require some advanced math in order to square with my position.

  1498. john sanders on December 13, 2021 at 8:14 am said:

    …of course it’s 1478 for ‘rose red’ Eliskas’s VM date. Make a mistake to see whose awake.

  1499. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on December 13, 2021 at 10:40 am said:

    John sanders :-)))))

  1500. john sanders on December 13, 2021 at 12:43 pm said:

    Josef Prof: OK your Czech chart has 16/2/66 as opposed to my 14/2/66 for Eliska which might be explained by a Julian/Gregorian calendar mistake. My search field also comes up with her son Julius bn. 1500, she being suspiciously ancient at 34 years old, but then there’s another lad Ulrich plus one more unamed child in no particular order and no details but, all fathered by Heinrich on his second time around. Are we talking about the same Sheila or has somone stuffed up.

  1501. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on December 13, 2021 at 9:26 pm said:

    john sanders. :Eliška’s children. 3 children. 2 births.
    1st childbirth. Ulrich Graaf van Hardeeg 1485 – 1535.
    Johan Graaf von Hardeeg 1485 – 1539.
    Second childbirth. birth Julius I. Graf van hardeeg 1500 – 1557.

  1502. john sanders on December 13, 2021 at 10:29 pm said:

    Josef Prof: Twin boys at 19, then a layoff for Eliska of 15 years before big julie came along. Must have been a shock for poor Henry Hardass learning he was gonna be a dad again after such a gap and all the kids survived which is great news moreover.

  1503. john sanders on December 14, 2021 at 9:03 am said:

    On a different note, in re George Boole’s widow Mary and her five smart kids, none of whom would be known to Ninjas bar Ethel, wife of Polish author Wilfrid Wojnicz a novelist in her own right. Margaret on the other hand is virtually unknown when compared with her well documented sibling sisters. Maggie was born in Cork Ireland like the rest and trained as an ontology nurse under the eminent physician Dr. Henry MacNaughton-Jones MD, M.ch, M.A.O. & F.R.C.S.I. This doctor had set up practise initially as an Eye Ear & Throat surgeon in the 1870’s, then took up obstetrics, his main area of specialty in later years when practising in Harley St. London. In 1879 Maggie Boole had won a major art prize, although she modestly gave ‘art student’ as her occupation on her return to London (with Dr. Mac.) in the early eighties. By that time she was in fact a very deft hand with pencil and brush, having done all the intricate artwork and colour plates for the good Dr’s numerous treatment textbooks althoug she was not named in the credits. Margaret’s husband Edward Taylor, artist in his own right and renowned for delicate botanical notebook sketches and landscapes can be researched for varification. Not only his works can be found on line, there are also a number of her highly detailed anatomical drawings of the inner ear with related colour tints of infection areas obtained from a book on ear disease also up…Won’t boor people to tears but, be reminded we aint finished with Margaret Taylor just yet, she being the primary candidate for artistic supervision of a so called ancient manuscript that has come to my attention of late.

  1504. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on December 14, 2021 at 9:33 pm said:

    john sanders.
    See page 70v. there is also clearly drawn. Big circle. So there are all the children. There are a total of 10. There is also Elička and 9 siblings. There are also twins drawn. The twins have the stars drawn together. These are the children of Anna Hlohovská and Jan II. from Rožmberk. Then a small circle is drawn there. It is drawn in it. Two women (same). This is Eliška. Two women have 2 births. Then 3 men are drawn there. Children. The two have cartoon stars together. These are twin children. If you will be able to read the text, it is also written there.

    And why are you confusing Voynich’s wife here too ??? The one that has nothing to do with the manuscript. You’re already driving like Santa Richard. The only one in America who understood the manuscript was Voynich. He found out that the manuscript was written in the Czech language. Boule ne. she didn’t know it.

  1505. john sanders on December 14, 2021 at 11:46 pm said:

    Josef Z. Prof. : I found another stylised flying circle etched by aTaylor circa 1890s with 10 nymphs on the rim plus two in the middle on an open sleigh being drawn through the heavens by a crown plumed bird. Also there’s an undated ornate mono chrome siluette of a tree with spreading branches and fancy shaped roots, by Margery Taylor. I’m assuming both might be attributed to the Taylor/Boole clan though such assumations are made reservedly…. As for your assessment of Voynich being the only one in America &c….I have no argument with Czech language perse plus you should be aware that Santa Richard and I have differing views as to authorship of VM. You were possibly also unaware that, at the time of VM’s first documented appearance in 1915, Friddy’s inlaws from London, Ted & Maggie Taylor just happened to be in New York too. Makes one wonder what the pair might be doing in Manhatten far from home, with the war and all.

  1506. john sanders on December 15, 2021 at 8:24 am said:

    In re Tbt’s latest beat up “Who was the ‘real’ Jessica Harkness” our master of verbal creativity makes the point that “she lied to his (GF’s) face”, yet in a link to his claimed interviews with Jessica, Gerry merely states that she ‘diverted the topic’, was ‘evasive’ and ‘did not wish to to talk about it’ (iho). Lieing to his face? maybe to one so accused, like the fibber who’d have us believe Somerton Man was a nazi V2 rocket engineer who got nobbled with Prosper’s haemhorage tonic, carried four hundred yards along the beach to a (recently vacated) spot marked X and left to the effects of time and tide.

  1507. john sanders on December 15, 2021 at 10:54 am said:

    …and there’s a nice shot of Gerry leaving Yatala after a visit with Gerry Preston, from a piece in the Herald Sun datelined 7/12/14 re the earlier execution of his wife. Would have been a nice intro for a Feltus yarn.

  1508. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on December 15, 2021 at 11:26 am said:

    john sanders.
    Many scientists are trying to figure out what the stars, handwritten, mean. Maybe the scientist already understood. After all I wrote about childbirth. Even today, it is said that when someone is born, a star shines in the sky. So everyone who is born has their own star. And why do you call a nymph? When someone is born, they are without clothes. He’s naked. So it must be taken by anyone who can reasonably understand. Naked or naked means = born. It’s very simple. Or not ? The manuscript is not as complicated as it is generally written about. He just wants to think normally.

  1509. milongal on December 15, 2021 at 7:38 pm said:

    FWIW I think there’s a lot about Harkness that is at least curious, and probably deeply mysterious. There’s part of me that even wonders whether SM himself was quite mundane, and a lot of the weirdness around the whole thing is Thomson/Harkness weirdness rather than dead body on the beach weirdness.

    The strangest thing about SM really is the TS slip…..and perhaps ironically that’s what brings Harkness into the frame (despite my earlier insistences that the link from the TS to the Rubaiyat with the “code” isn’t as clear cut as some would have you believe).

    That said, I have to say, although I don’t often agree with PB’s conclusions, I often (or at least sometimes++) think he’s looking in interesting directions – even if only to categorically dismiss an idea.

    In terms of (easily) lying to a (veteran) copper I’ll make a couple of observations:
    – 60 years after the fact it’s probably easier than a week after the fact
    – I suspect as we get older we lose some of our “care factor” – same reason why some older people lose their filter and are prepared to say the most inappropriate things
    – When your whole life is a lie you’re used to it so it’s effortless (perhaps this was Pete’s point)
    – What if there’s a totally unrelated background lie? You’d imagine it’s easier to be evasive about something else (that you might not have been involved in – or at least not from the angle you’re being questioned).

    To return to my earlier point, what if there was some deep dark secret about Harkness (or Thomson) and they were barely involved with SM, but the secrecy/evasion comes from trying to protect a bigger secret from escaping. So people correctly recognise there’s “something going on”, but make the wrong assumption that it DIRECTLY relates to SM. In fact, PB sort of alludes to this when he talks about the policeman in the mirror. You’re pulled over for failing to indicate, but you need to hide the fact that you’re a drug courier – the cops might twig that you’re being evasive, and in that context it flags that there’s something more to it – but what if you’re being questioned about a murder and you’re trying to hide the fact you’re a drug courier? Perhaps then your evasiveness appears to be because you’re involved with the murder….
    (Not suggesting drug couriers in terms of SM – that was a random crime I came up with for the “cop in the mirror” bit)

  1510. milongal on December 15, 2021 at 7:43 pm said:

    @NP – I don’t know how or why, auto-fill (or equivalent) but GC’s website in the Website field on my last post…..I noticed right after I clicked “Post”. Not sure if that can be manually fixed up…..
    It looks like when I click that field it occurs several times in auto-complete (curiously alongside 2 long-defunct sites – so no idea where or when it’s cached that stuff from)

  1511. john sanders on December 15, 2021 at 11:45 pm said:

    First reliable record for Wilfrid Voynich’s arrival in New York is 27/11/14 by sea from Liverpool. It seems reasonable to surmise that he was accompanied by sister-in-law Margaret Taylor and artist husband Edward, both in their tail end fifties. Someone with the dope on travel records from GB to USA might like to check my intuitive skills on this for it may become important later. Germany, on 4/2/1915 declared open season on British ‘commercial’ shipping on the US/UK Atlantic run, a threat put into immediate effect and followed up with sinking of of SS Lutsitania in May of that year; So it’s unlikely that Wilfred or his visitors dared making the return voyage until later 1915 or even early 1916 (see travel chart for Wilfrid), by which time the threat of them being indiscriminately torpedoed had eased. We might assume that the trio set up quarters in DT Manhatten and there is definate evidence of Ted having painted in NJ during his forced stay. He probably also accompanied Wilfred on his ventures to Buffalo, Cleveland, Philadelphia then westward via Chicago to San Francisco for book shows and no doubt looking for show of interest in his recently acquired 13th century ‘Bacon’. It might be mentioned that Lily Boole’s sister Mary Hinton, the math guru with husband Charles, lecturer/inventorauthor/Polygamist had settled in the US with sons George & Sebastian by the 1890s. Their gifted boys (botany/engineering) known to be in continual close contact with their kin from The Dart after loss of dad & mum in 1907/8..

  1512. john sanders on December 16, 2021 at 4:51 am said:

    I’m somewhat in sync with the general suggestion that there be things about Jessica that are curious and shrouded in mystery; if even to the exclusion of involvement with SM, which I’ll hold firm on. I’m not going to be sucked into a web of deceit where burdens of proof don’t mean nuthing and facts be cast aside in favour of idle hearsay and/or inuendo. Such might be fine for those accepting that the TS slip, inexplicably missed by an experienced scenes of crime team in Dets. Strangway/Sutherland/Durham could be recovered purely by chance when an ancient professor was trying on the dead man’s duds months after the fact. Well go for it then if that be seen as an easier pathway to yon Holy SM Grail and best of British…!

  1513. john sanders on December 16, 2021 at 7:01 am said:

    …a couple or seven names from Wilfrid’s heady days of WW1 in ‘The Apple’ spying for the team at Whitehall through his most reliable cable connection to Blinker Hall of Rm. 40 at the Admiralty. By my own reckoning experienced agents like Voynich & Sid Reilly were recruited and sent off to the Americas to watch over the cousins, gain their confidence in order to report similar German initiatives. In the case of Wilfred, he also had a good intro to the US intelligence document office in NY run by a chemist friend, not forgetting his pre war pals from Chicago, John Manly and Edith Rickert, both seconded MI 8 Intel. section field agents. It was Manly and Rickert who along with Wilfred’s language skills translated the infamous Lothar Witzke double tranposition pin code letter to the boss, it having been found secreted on the spy who was attempting to enter the states at the Mexican border. During his extended stay in New York Wilfred was known to frequent habits of top enemy spies likes of Ritalen, Papen and Boy-Ed, as did his mate and Lil’s, Sid Reilly AOS when in town from Brazil. Another convenient bipass for communications back to London from south of the border was Mr. ‘H’ of Zimmerman Telegram fame who was never formally identified, thoughTiltman likely knew but kept it from Bill Freidman. It’s highly probable that he was none other than Wilfrid’s nephew George Boole Hinton, Mexican/British dual citizen of Mexico City who collected, catalogued & shipped unique MessoAmerican plant specimens to custoners world wide including Aunt Lily Voynich and nephew Sir Geoffrey Taylor DSO. Seems that Wilfrid Voynich, noted bibliophile, chemist, author, translator and smooth operator, had other talents far and away more exiting than his trying to fool folks with a poorly doctored Roger Bacon manuscript. PS another amigo of Wilfrid was General Manuel Mondragon, arms inventor, minister for navy, bibliophile and father of Nahui Olin (pin up girl). They likely hooked up during the latter’s stay over at the Manhatten Hotel on his way into exile in Spain mid 1915 from memory.

  1514. john sanders on December 16, 2021 at 7:51 am said:

    Could be wrong but this time around Peteb’s so called interesting directions, suggest that in 1948 hoards of soviet trained paediphilic spies were hanging about Alvington Crippled Childrens home at Somerton. Gazing through loupes with leary fantasy filled eyes hoping to catch a glimpse of kiddies with crutches, moving about in wheelchairs, sporting metal leg splints or perhaps enclosed in an iron lung. Well I guess he should know better than most having written on the subject at some length but, for the life of Pye what connection does he see with orphanages and errant boys homes, subject to a recent state run inquiry.

  1515. john sanders on December 16, 2021 at 9:59 am said:

    Before we leave the Boole/Taylor/ Hinton/Stott clan, for people who might not be up to date: Sebastian Hinton, prior to his untimely escape from the cruel world by his own hand in 1922 , left soon to be famous in her own right Carmelita & kids destitute. He had been a Chicago patent lawyer then during WW1 he was in intelligence, in his sparetime he improved his dad’s jungle gym appartus and other outdoor leisure equipment (can’t find his name on any above ground pools to date). Cousin Geoffrey Taylor was just your everyday wave theory physicist, meteorologist, botanist and ocean chartist who was one of ten selected to watch the first atomic bomb test in July ’45, he also mapped the arctic coast in a sail boat but never made it to Vinland. His young brother Julian was a WW1 surgeon who whilst a POW in WW2 performed revolutionary brain surgery using make do primitive tools and undertook developement of unique knee & ankle joints for artificial limbs. He spent his later years in sub Saharan Africa tending the needy and died amongst them from memory. There were a host of others, all tops in their field including a world renowned entomologist and a female Manhatten atomic scientist who converted to communism and died in China and doctor Leonard Stott that made Xrays into laser guns or something clever. So last but not least is youngster Geoffrey Everest Hinton the neural scientist from Canada who won the 2018 Turing prize for his work in artificial Intelligence so you can bet he knows a thing or to about his great uncle’s ugly duckling.

  1516. milongal on December 16, 2021 at 9:31 pm said:

    There’s a pretty big leap in his logic on this one….
    The report was brought in 2005 – there’s no mention WHEN all of those institutions had instances of abuse, and no suggestion that it was sustained perpetually throughout history.

    So “Going by the list of homes and the number of people responsible….” would seem to assume that all of these places had active abusers in 1948 (unless the actual report states it). IMO it would make more sense that the abuse in the report would refer to is later – not because I don’t think abuse happened earlier, but because this sort of inquiry would need witnesses (except if someone kept a record of it – but that doesn’t seem likely). So the further into hitory you go, the harder it is to establish an accusation, let alone try to verify its veracity. So while it’s perfectly plausible that a 2005 report includes evidence of abuse 57 years earlier (after all, the victims would only be inn their 60s), I think the bulk of the evidence likely refers to more recent abuse.Mansfield House
    It’s also perhaps worth mentioning that Alvington/Crippled Children’s Home is NOT in the list (many other long-defunct institutions are).

    Lastly, I went through each one to see when they were open :
    – Convent of the Good Shepherd “The Pines” (1942-1974) – Plympton (a couple suburbs from Glenelg)
    – Kumanka Boys Hostel (1946-1980) North Adelaide
    – Mansfield House (curiously is known to have existed, but nobody knows where or when – There is a suburb Mansfield Park North of Woodville (however not sure it predates 1950)
    – Oodnadatta Children’s Home (1924-1974) (this is halfway to Alice Springs….)
    – Sacred Heart Orphanage (1940-1979) Crystal Brook (Halfway to Oodnadatta…..not quite – but out near Port Pirie)
    – St Joseph’s Orphanage (1907-1960) Largs Bay (we all know where that is)
    – Seaforth Children Home (1946-1975 – Somerton Park) – Not certain on this one. There was an inistituion in Somerton Park called various things including “Seaforth Home”, but couldn’t find exact name)
    – St John’s Boys Town (1941-1954) Brooklyn Park (near Adelaide Airport)
    – Struan Farm School (1947-1969) Naracoorte (St Mary MacKillop country – 3.5 hours from Adelaide)
    – St Vincent De Paul Orphanage (1866-1975) – Various locations, from 1888 Millswood (couple of suburbs South of Adelaide)
    – United Aborigines Mission (1895-2019, Sa locations Oodnadatta from 1924, Quorn (out near Port Augusta) from 1927
    Vaughan House (1947-1979) Enfield (Inner North East suburbs)

    So while that big long list of places of abuse is obviously concerning, it doesn’t really suggest that in 1948 there were more paedophiles than spies in Adelaide (depending on how many spies you think there were, I suppose).

  1517. milongal on December 16, 2021 at 9:32 pm said:

    ** those not included in the list above did not open until after 1948.

  1518. milongal on December 16, 2021 at 9:35 pm said:

    Addednum 2…. I missed one or 2
    (not sure if I had Colebrook Home (1927-1981) Blackwood (Southern foothills))
    Morialta Proteston Children’t Home (1924-1972) Norton Summit (foothills)

  1519. milongal on December 16, 2021 at 9:44 pm said:

    I’ll stand ever-so-slightly corrected. The report does talk about abuse _from the 1940s_

    But I’ll maintain that still isn’t evidence of more paedo than spies

  1520. john sanders on December 17, 2021 at 4:07 am said:

    Xlamb: struggling a bit with your off beat yarn about Allan L. Carver. If his birth year of 1914 be correct, doesn’t fit that he’s in reform school in 1932 aged 18. What’s his gig anyhow, you saying he and Doc Carver were complicit in some child exploitation raccket or some such or are you simply laying out a new more intriguing angle on daddy dear? I have it from nonreliable sources that young Carver died at Glenside asylum in 1946 and that he had no felony convictions to his name. If you’ve got any dirt on him hooking up with the Yank doctor apropos messing with kiddies undergoing polio or cerebral palsy rehab at the Alvington HCC then that would surely support Peteb’s insinuations of an international paedophile collective on the loose in 1948. Brings to mind the Nunns next door who were US trained osteopaths, particularly Ella who according to our ever reliable informants Deveson and Cramer? was suspected of being a nazi. Could be groundbreaking Ruth and if you can get your Tbt crew to dig a little deeper down Allan’s old place, there’s sure to be a spiderman suit plus remains of six Wenzels pasties and a pie with sauce at X marks the spot.

  1521. john sanders on December 17, 2021 at 11:05 pm said:

    Byron Deveson: re your John Moir Harkness, of Proserpine Queensland, the Pharmacologist, erronously referred to as Jessica’s father back in 2013 (H. C. Reynolds) from memory. It gives a good account of his credentials as an expert witness in one particilar unauthorised poison distribution case before the courts. It’s relevence to Jessica and her possible knowledge of the subject be spurious however and I think you may find that most deliberate poisonings are not, as you suggest, undertaken by family members but, by persons intent on self destruction the likes of GC’s Tibor Kuldor, a particularly fine example.

  1522. john sanders on December 18, 2021 at 4:51 am said:

    Xlamb: couragious of you to admit your silly blunder re Allan Carver’s release from juvenile detention in 1932. Regarding father Henry’s outrage against he and his mum in September 46, sort of weird that they are recorded together in loving terms on the same brown granite tombstone at West Terrace cemetery. Also strange is that Allan as Allen includes Pvt. (Private) suggesting a ‘Returned Man’ truth being known Al spent just two weeks at an induction centre in 1941. Incidently brother Norman served in the same S.A. Field Ambulance unit during WW2 with Dr. R. N. Bickford, first duly appointed medical director and chief administrator of Alvington House crippled kiddies home. A bright fellow who would have been onto Peteb’s Dr. Carver, the suspected paedo in a heartbeat had the allegations been ligit…You’ll recall from days of yore that Bozo tends to get excited when topics akin to child molestation, grooming, stalking and such are broached, don’t mean nought, not unless I’m mistaken for which I’ll stand corrected..

  1523. john sanders on December 19, 2021 at 2:09 pm said:

    Xlamb: Would you be kind enough to inform your forgetful friend and colleague that the photo he’s so desperatly seeking can be found on his websight and that the thread is entitled ‘Jestyn’s school days’. The pic is one obviously from the sixties and not thirties as Clive and Derek insisted, the highlighted Jessica being another student from a different era. A cool looking teenager looking for all the world like Robin Thomson stands out in his flash Mordialloc College togs at which institution Jean Harkness also attended and excelled at sport (see trove bag racing champ 1935?).

  1524. milongal on December 19, 2021 at 7:46 pm said:

    @JS: Hasn’t Moir/Muir come up before (or is that the same one)

  1525. john sanders on December 19, 2021 at 10:31 pm said:

    milongal: both have come up many times, the names being derived from a Scottish clan, possibly Mcfarlane which was Jessie Muir Thomson’s maiden monicker. There was also Jean Moyr or Moir Carr as above plus of course uncle John and his father from memory.

  1526. john sanders on December 20, 2021 at 6:00 am said:

    Xlamb: yes I see your point, twasn’t you but misca that backed me on the school photo faux pas that Peter Bowes and Clive Turner promoted as being one of a teenaged Jestyn and classmates in the early thirties. ‘Twas I who identified Mordialloc College in a trice and who twigged to the scene as being of a more modern era for starters. So from initial post status of game changer according to the ‘master of disaster’ to a cringing shut down true to form, took no time at all.

  1527. john sanders on December 22, 2021 at 12:16 pm said:

    Xlamb: 2013 you say, since your last comment here. I guess you’ll stand be prepared to stand corrected if I remind you of a cherrished compliment you made to me, namely concerning a post that I made in late 2016 or 2017. It was in reference to a particular unamed words thief who was in the habit (and still is) of brazenly filching copy from this site and transfering same to his own dull, uninformative blog. Do you recall? perhaps not, though I remember. Unlike your newfound Tbt Bowes site that prefers to delete all of it’s embarrasing history, Ciphermysteriies on the other hand is complete going back to 2009 and I’m sure with a little digging I can put up the beautiful comment you made. And a merry merry Xmas to you too Ruth.

  1528. john sanders on December 23, 2021 at 6:23 am said:

    Dem bones, done numbered 21 (of 200) according to Xlamb/Ruth’s latest which offers usual complimentries to Ciphermisteries. Back to the bones of her post, temporarily up on Tomsbytwo, where/whence did the 21 count derive? We know from the dig team top cop that they considered the remains to be in fine fettle well preserved and intact. This being seemingly at odds with Ruth’s low number of testable specimens. Perhaps the good lady would be kind enough to further enlighten us on her information source, to resolve this bone of contention.

  1529. Sanders … you oaf, Happy Christmas.

  1530. john sanders on December 24, 2021 at 12:56 pm said:

    Peteb: foa you to, Don’t eat the Viet prawns, they’ve been dosed, cheers.

  1531. john sanders on December 27, 2021 at 11:03 am said:

    Dunno about the six year old Bozo but, I always prefered Robert Zimmerman’s ‘Don’t critisize what you can’t understand’ version to Einstein’s in which his ‘condemnation’ part is too harsh, even for a contemptable smiling charlatan. Irony is that both Bob & Albert, although born of the faith and men of peace ended up confirmed non believers as adults.

  1532. milongal on January 16, 2022 at 8:49 pm said:

    There’s something I sort of like about PB’s latest.

    But first let’s go off topic.

    When I was in year 10, I was still considered reasonably good at Maths. After finishing in the top 20 in the IBM Maths competition, I applied to attend “MathSearch” – a “camp” at Seymour College (Glen Osmond) where we did exciiting things like learning about fractals and cryptography (not all at the same time). Perhaps it shaped my interest in programming (although that might also have come from my best friend in primary school being the class’ Commodore64 expert).
    In any case, somewhere around this time, my Math teacher “proved” that 1 = 0 (or more accurately x = x -1)** and challenged me to explain the flaw in his logic.
    it’s not important (and I won’t talk about) how long it took me (and leave it to you to decide whether it’s because it took me longer than I’m comfortable admitting, or whether it’s because I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging), but the point is the approach.
    I started by evaluating each line on its own, and once I found the line was wrong, I knew there was something wrong with the step that got us there. And I sort of think this is where PB is going (perhaps not on purpose, not sure) with his latest….Instead of trying to fit a whole bunch of stuff into a narrative, why don’t we approach it the opposite way and look for the bit that spoils the story – If we can decide which part (or parts) makes the whole story break down, then we can think about WHY those bits are the way they are…..or something.
    The obvious elephant in the room (or perhaps cat in the box) is deciding which things we actually categorically know to begin with (so perhaps we’re still where we started)…..

    let x = 1
    x^2 = x
    => x^2 – 1 = x – 1 (minus 1 both sides)
    => (x-1)(x+1) = x – 1 (simplify)
    => (x-1)(x+1)/(x-1) = (x-1)/(x-1) (divide by (x-1))
    => x+1 = 1
    => x = 0 (minus 1 both sides)
    BUT we defined x = 1

  1533. john sanders on January 17, 2022 at 4:46 am said:

    E = mc^2 as being somehow connected to Peteb’s second crack at stepping on a scalded black cat in as many months is a most implauable. The equasion which of itself centres precisely on speed of light and expended energy has no bearing whatsoever on poor Robin Thomson’s relativety or nay to African American loving president Thos. Jefferson in my calculations.

  1534. milongal on January 19, 2022 at 8:08 pm said:

    BSTS (or TSBS) claims biggest finds of last year were:
    Tidal stuff that we have long argued here some obscure PIF itinerary that ignores his stints in the UK and Libya (and subsequent appearance at IAEA conferences which are clearly still figments of our imagination).

    I feel like the word ‘conclusively’ is thrown around without understanding the meaning (much like a lot of people use ‘literally’).

  1535. milongal on January 19, 2022 at 8:12 pm said:

    NB: previous post was missing words or punctuation (the tide and PIF were meant to be separated by at least a comma or an ‘and’….not sure if I inadvertently deleted a thought in between)
    NB2: There’s a reference to the tidal stuff in the thread above (by JS ~Aug 2020 – and if memory serves me correctly, I think that wasn’t the first time the king tide was mentioned), I can find a reference (by Yours Truly) dating back to 2017….and I suspect we were talking about it even longer ago (I know JS has maintained ‘body was damp’ for a LOOOOONG time).

  1536. john sanders on January 19, 2022 at 10:59 pm said:

    I can well recall, in answer to initial duscussions here back at least five years ago about how a nine foot King tide could well have been significant apropos the seawall and inundation of the body. Gordon responded directly that such an occurrnce be normal and thereby not a factor worth contemplation in any way re saturation. Guess he changed his mind after consultation with his alleged tidal expert, then chose to claim it as a coupe for the leading dedicated SM blog which is ot unexpected..

  1537. john sanders on January 20, 2022 at 1:57 am said:

    …..Deverson 20/11/13, Sanders & milongal 4/01/17 @ last twenty four hours re effects of 9ft tide at dawn on 1/12/48…good on you Gordon, who’s a horses ass?

  1538. john sanders on January 20, 2022 at 10:55 pm said:

    Could be a breakthrough from our Lameland bros. with confirmation that the Barbour thread(s), part of SM’s alleged belongings came on a spool and not the carded substitute, as depicted on A/Det. Sgt. Leane’s first suitcase contents press reclease. But that’s not the end of Sapol’s deception; those of us with long held beliefs that only the suitcase woven khaki? tie displayed the iconic inked T. keane monicker might note brother Mal’s assertion that a singlet and washing bag were affixed with that same unabreviated T. Keane markings also. Seems there is now reliable evidence that the names Keane and or Kean (Mal’s second take) can be met with amongst natives of Tennessee, an eastern US state which is significant for Robin Thomson’s DNA. match as we’re all well familiar by now.

  1539. john sanders on January 21, 2022 at 10:52 am said:

    …..could be mistaken boys but isn’t that a bloody big needle sticking out of yon Barbour card in your accompanying thread head post pic. If not don’t fret for a spare is listed amongst ‘possessions’ in Gordon’s long unattended ‘anemptyglass’ blog….Guess the man from Tennessee didn’t pass the Tbt conformity test eh?

  1540. john sanders on January 22, 2022 at 8:00 am said:

    Cripes, hope our subtle trollery had naught to do with Davy Crocket’s summary dismissal but, he knew the rules and anyhow three’s a crowd on that sort of well rehearsed Abbott and Costello format. We recall when the lads first paired up on Mike Dash’s in depth Smithsonian SM review, the show came to life only when they performed signature comic capers. Now it’s game on again for 2022 and we’re in for a treat with the very same zany Q & A agenda in play at Tbt., the corriographed dumb Leylandish questions from Clive and dumber quips from our host, promises a virtual repeat of Smithsonian review all those weary years ago. Upanatem!

  1541. john sanders on January 23, 2022 at 5:20 am said:

    Byron: Sorry but, your suggestions re post production signature on Tbt’s Barbour ‘spool’ are undoubtedly of factory origin, possibly ‘Bill Barbour Ltd’. As for my own suggestion of a needle protrusion therefrom, this has now been invalidated by an inspired part deletion & blow-up of the original thread header picture, a standard Bowes/Cramer ploy plus ammendments to the script, the trade and calling of all smooth operators…Anyone desiring a more detailed look into Barbour’s Thread Co. Ltd. and it’s nominal links to Australian Intelligence (ASIO), it was well covered right here not so long ago. (wait out).

  1542. Clive J. Turner on January 23, 2022 at 6:39 am said:

    “Who’s on First?” certainly not you, JS

  1543. milongal on January 26, 2022 at 7:08 pm said:

    Apparently I have mental health issues – says the kettle** who can’t rationalise that the “same name being commonly used for spies” is not really evidenced when ALL the references we can find to Pav (whether pre 1948 or post) would consistently line up with being a single entity. Oh, and all of them have the same wife.
    My question remains, if Fedosimov was an identity that was so oft reused, how come we can only trace it through one generation – almost like it’s just one person?

    **I’ll take the point that he accused me of being a troll, and I’m not sure that someone casting aspersions from a blog is the same thing as a troll. But I meant more on the mental health front. When I see some of the leaps to conclusions from a claimed ex-defective I worry about the state of the world’s investigative services – and how many people might be sitting in the clink because similar plods preferred their gut-feel over actual evidence.

  1544. milongal on January 26, 2022 at 7:20 pm said:

    NB: At the risk of exposing mental health issues (which for what it’s worth are no laughing matter) and appearing a touch OCD, I’ll point out that while I’ve rarely agreed with GC, I’m somewhat amused that his latest “concerns” for our health are based not on the fact that we disagree, but because we agreed with his tidal speculation long before he came up with it (I vaguely remember pointing out that if you check out google street view you can actually see the tide that high in that location).

    But I do find the negging (or perhaps unsults) quite amusing (insert some witticism about insults coming from salty people or something).
    *If* he genuinely believes that some of us have mental issues, then his comments are simply public microaggressions which speak volumes of his character.

  1545. john sanders on January 27, 2022 at 4:01 am said:

    milongal: for a want of a better alternative, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to put our faith in the old kettle kicker’s past experience with mental health issues of his own to deal with, hence his all knowingly well considered advice thereupon. For example, a while back one of our erstwhile colleagues accepted similar advice on a rather petty breach of trust disputation. It concerned our first aforesaid ‘KK’ accusing his once devotee of mental incompetence after being found stalking aimlessly about in t’others sacred hen house. The ensuing melee included use of inflamed words of profanity like charlatan, surfer, con man, stompy wompy, flim flammer, all of which we all gleefully witnessed on our Samsung note pads. The shameless antics only subsided after mutual threats of impending legal recourse being bantered by the agrieved parties, each having nominating three partner city law firms known for their expert handling of numerous successful bitterly contested past litigations.
    Well take a look at our lads now will you, bossom buddies yet again with recent exchanges being sensually seminal in terms of their flow and intercourse. So shall we bite the bullet and see ourselves a good shrink on the best advice of course?

  1546. john sanders on January 27, 2022 at 11:06 am said:

    Far as our friends the Hebe’s are concerned and that includes Kate Thomson and kids, the only relevant ‘Higher Authority’ that her mum could have been referring to was Gehwah, God of Moses, Abraham and all devout Jews. Most punters would agree with that profound analogy, so we can bypass MI5, CIA, KGB, Ampol and the rest, even Jimmy Durante as likely contenders. So up your up date mate, it don’t pass the Kosher test for mine.

  1547. john sanders on January 28, 2022 at 10:34 pm said:

    milongal: looks like you’ve given Pavel a new lease of life over yonder and his bum buddy @ Schnoz, has joined the fray. No longer taunting with his Fedosimov ‘old saddle nose’ jibes, bloody turncoat…ps message for you from CGC, GET HELP!!

  1548. john sanders on January 29, 2022 at 6:37 am said:

    Right you are Dome, no point in lifting fingerprints unless in connection with a crime, reported, detected or ongoing, in order for said suspect or victim to be identified by such means. In the case of SM he may have satisfied both critetia according to first officers on the scene who reported this tentatively to Adelaide CIB for consideration. Accidental death or suicide was deemed most probable to the absence of any contrary evidence up until the inconclusive June inquest and beyond. So nothing to gain by rummaging through a chap’s suitcase looking for clues or dusting/fuming for unnecessary confirmation of ownership. Anyway by that stage the unsuspicious contents had been handled by both cops seeking spoils of war plus well qualified scientific experts ie., Cleland & Co. checking items of clothing for fit and the chance of secreted Sir john Hamilton five pound notes. Not forgetting as some have, that the beach body was printed soon after discovery without there being a match reported, thus negating any need to sully personal belongings to achieve that same end. So as we say in paraphrased venacular, no sense digging up turned earth for the carrot that ain’t there no more; that’s for clowns like CG & Peteb his Bowsie Wowsie lapdog; more praise be to the top cop R.L. Leane and his dedicated Safcol forty niner invincibles.

    PS: It was Tbt’s eagle eyed Byron Deveson what reported to Peteb on a dubious Wm. Barbour&Sons Ltd signature hidden beneath the Barbour threads card; Now archived (forever) as being of no relevance at all. It could it have hidden clues of unimaginable plotting & brewings, alas that line has been permanently shelved the culmination of ineptness along with immense loss of face..Seems the goodfellas win & the bad uns go down the sewer drain yet again & again..refrain.

  1549. john sanders on January 29, 2022 at 1:00 pm said:

    If understanding the basic principals of criminal investigation, apropos police fingerprinting concepts doesn’t work for our erstwhile fiend, perhaps he might consider changing hands occasionally and putting a little more milk in his porridge. I’ve been reliably informed by a retarded former AfIO operative that it worked wonders for him.

  1550. john sanders on January 30, 2022 at 4:03 am said:

    Seems our shrinking violet has been lured from his? ordered fairies lair intending to wrest Queen of trolls title off the billy goat gruff’s bridge guardian beast. A warm reception now awaits our mighty wee mouse that finally decided to roar, a most welcome change indeed to a career of no aspirations prissy opinions and self demeaning questions based on the pathetically predictable ‘follow my leader’ or else formula. Go right ahead little big man, make my day !!!

  1551. john sanders on January 30, 2022 at 1:01 pm said:

    The worldly wise and cagey old street Troll came upon a two pub town out in the parched corner country after camping dry for a week under a bridge waiting with patience for the off chance of nabbing a stray billy goat gruff for to fill his empty tucker bags which sadly did not come his way. Before figuring his next onward move, he rode into the little two pub town and sought out the commercial hotel intending to slake his wicked thirst and the possibilty of some decent company. At one end of the bar sat a pleasant looking chap possibly English with an agreeable countenance knocking back a pint of Coopers pale and seemingly bored shitless. At the other end was a dead set imposter, this one much older with an unruly shock of grey locks a liars smile, sucking up something from a straw and peering furtively about for a potential victim. Lounging slovenly all over the centre counter, all of five foot six, badly in need of a bath and a trim, stood a weathered ancient looking piece of nothingness staring glumly at an empty half flask of rotgut rum while picking his nose like mad…Just as the wicked Troll seemed about to select which of the three undesireables he might consider giving the pleasure of his refined upbringing to, a plaintive cry from somewhere in back was heard to address the amigos ..”Nuver pinta black for you Clive me dear; Get you a fizzgig for the road Mr. Cramer Sir; You’ve had ya fill Bonzo, better sit before ya drop ya creep and give ya snoz a rest will ya, we got us a classy troll to entatain”..Tarrying not a moment for any response from the bar flies, the by now allerted Troll made a quick exit with a new resolve. He crossed to the shearers Arms opposite more confident of finding a class of drinking companion more in keeping with his dignified trollish ways..”hey there Gerry old man, got a few of your fans over the way if you’re into spinning SM furphies”.

  1552. john sanders on January 30, 2022 at 2:14 pm said:

    Tbt’s new tactic of selectively posting the musings of a more fertile mind can be of some benefit in the long term, especially to targets of their twice posted implied shorcomings. These dupes might as a consequence now be encouraged to garner a newfound sense of self worth and with it a desire to become their own keeper. Why stick around as mere whipping boys for grandstanders like Cramer and his fawning disciple Bozo, to be at beck and call and to be desposed of at whim.

  1553. milongal on January 30, 2022 at 9:12 pm said:

    *shrugs shoulders*
    “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”

  1554. milongal on January 30, 2022 at 9:24 pm said:

    I like your point a few comments back (and I suspect we’ve often said the same thing in different words). The initial investigation assumed something mundane.

    At what point did the plods decide this was more serious? It would seem about the time Leane came onboard (from memory about Jan 7 – but happy to be corrected).

    I half agree the lack of fingerprinting seems a bit odd, but a flustered, disorganised investigation (which by all accounts seems to be Leane’s style) could easily forget – or even delibertely (but not maliciously) dismiss – fingerprints.
    In terms of the book, they think they have a connection already.
    In terms of the suitcase, perhaps someone suggested that it was a medium that wouldn’t easily show fingerprints (microcode, on the other hand….).

    Repeat the oft cited Hanlon’s Razor – don’t attribute to malice that which might be explained by incompetence (or similar).

    Totally off topic….
    Regarding that other place that claims expertise in everything including mental health, I would have thought obsessive behaviour is an indicator of underlying issues. Of course some would point the same finger in my direction, however I like to think when I’m throwing grenades it’s at specific ideas raised yonder or in response to other people’s comments about it here – I don’t recall poking the beehive for the hell of it (but as ever stand to be corrected)**. When he directly addresses comments at me I would say that suggests some sort of obsession….

    ** The closest may have been that I did once challenge his qualification/background (although presumably that’s not what’s got his goat, because I don’t recall noticing any response to that).

  1555. john sanders on January 31, 2022 at 3:57 am said:

    Gerry the old school suit and the intruding troll were now locked in an eyeball to wary eyeball in a ‘who blinks first pays’ gaze for a minute neither prepared to give way to their innermost feelings. Then an all knowing crooked grin formed on the parched dial of the wicked troll and he was heard to mutter “you spotted em first right?”. At this honest injun Gerry stared ahead dead pan, blinked with his dexter eyelid shut and dryly corrected with “Smelled the wannabe mongrels first..what’s your poison anyhow, mines Glycoside with a dash if that’s OK”. “I’m game, stuff is said to go well with a pint and something solid to keep it down” reasoned t’other now all matey for a chaange. “Hey Jessie coupla lion tamers, pair a Resches with ears and a bag a potata chips fer me fusdy mate if you aren’t to busy me lovely” …and thats how a chance meeting in a bush pub twixt an ancient detective and a missunderstood vigilante troll on a mission might well have gone down…if only it were true we’d be living harmoniously in a cleaner greener world sans wankers.

  1556. john sanders on January 31, 2022 at 4:47 am said:

    Peteb: might as well confess that, that due mainly to lack of opportunity and rather modest upbringing I’ve never been too fussed with big words nor grammer and as you most certainly couldn’t help but to have noted, I was never a candidate for the yearly far western districts interschool spelling bee. I’m guessing that when push comes to shove, athough well aware of my many scholastic limitations, I’d put my vast experience up against most when it comes down to investigative prowess and ecpertise; talants born of half a lifetime in successfully exposing crooks and cranks the likes of three dim witted bar flies I could mention.

  1557. john sanders on January 31, 2022 at 7:47 am said:

    Peteb: kinda knew you could be goaded into coming back to your original Barbour spool confusion and happy for that as it all justified my time in putting your team on notice that good research gets good results ie., my Wm Barbour&Sons Ltd. (Sic). Identification. Anyhow we can might pass on my humble revelation and now try to understand why the ‘card’ was used (so effectively) as part of a prop for public appeal. firstly let’s dicount all hearsay evidence which has hever been known to be usefull in solving crime. SM bloggers, who should know better are wont to rely on it and are wont to quote it out of pure habit; to get to the heart of a crime we must first take on board ‘things that you’re liable to read in Gerry’s Bible ain’t necessarily so’ …. We can at least be reasonably sure when and where police put the press display of suitcase paraphernalia together, in that it occurred some days prior to police taking actual possession around 19/1/49. Far is things go it was a pretty clever move by the Angas Street detectives, the objects being especially selected to give maximum effect on an impatient public demanding news of progress in the SM case, the names Barbour and Keane being used to highlight the fact that the cops were getting close to making an identification. All put down to leadership of ace Detective Sgt. R. L. Leane whose cunning & wile will fail to impress the likes of those non acheivers who will never appreciate police logic so long as their brains remain in reverse gear.

  1558. john sanders on January 31, 2022 at 11:22 am said:

    Clive: You’d be a made man in Peteb’s estimation if you were to subject the back of the Wm. Barbour & Sons Ltd threads card to Xrays, then got GC to use his lime juice and Marvolin solution to bring up a reverse image from the negative. You’d still need to have Byron Deveson swing by to identify it as being the writing he first thought of ie., FOO WAS HERE 1948? Bozo could then take credit which is only fair.

  1559. john sanders on January 31, 2022 at 12:53 pm said:

    Peteb: a bit of reciprocation might help the situation if you could take my silly crap in the manner intended my man. Sorry that GC seems to be no longer sympathetic to your mixed agenda, if that be part of the problem The bastard’s a hard nosed unapologetic charlatan, as you so eloquently stated some time back, should you dare to recall.

  1560. john sanders on February 1, 2022 at 6:45 am said:

    For want of nothing better I’ve been doing some new years (tiger) on-line spring cleaning. Nothing of any consequence around the other traps apart from a few apparent past patronage omissions at Gordon’s health & happiness site. The SM Ultimate blog which I once had mostly to myself @ Dusty, is now done and dusted. Speaking of which a punter with that same NdP shows up lately on Peteb’s once favoured alternate Big Footy blog; this imposter being represented by an off white pooch (dusty) whereas, my class dogs were all black and named for your average nonindentured cotton picker of pre emancipaption days, there being no disrespect to either man or dog. Another blow-in at BF, a mysterious personage ‘The Dude’, might well be a GC take-off like Zedex and occasionally redacted on our own Dud who once showed hot wire expert Peteb how to start his KIA with a lifesaver wrap. No go at the once impressive (pre 2020) dishonestly aquired anemptyglass site and same goes for Websleuths but for the tasteful advertising blurbs. Apart from DA’s Facesaver page full of news from yesteryear, all’s quiet on the Somerton Man front. .

  1561. milongal on February 1, 2022 at 7:54 pm said:

    @PB: Firstly the “strictly speaking hearsay” lines at the beginning of the response to you is incorrect. The exact definition of hearsay might vary between jurisdictions, but the Australian Law Reform Commision highlights it doesn’t have to be verbal:
    “The hearsay rule applies to evidence of representations made out of court—whether oral, written, or in the form of conduct—that are led as evidence of the truth of the fact the maker of the representation intended to assert by the representation.”
    So IMO, referring to much of the noise in this case as “hearsay” is A-OK.

    I think a LOT of the “facts” in this case come from how the media at the time reported things – and in a hurry to get to press first, some of it gets jumbled (e.g. was the report of 2 rubaiyats being handed in – did that actually happen, or is that just confusion in a busy newspaper office that has an impending deadline to get the paper out (and a desire to report information before someone else breaks it) – even more recently in the 90s Yahoo was caught out repeating urban legends in an attempt to report “breaking news” without properly fact checking).

    The surname stuff is mildly intriguing, but I played footy of years with people whose surname I probably still don’t know. In terms of espionage, I think if we jump down that rabbit hole it’s probably stranger that they knew each others names at all (and J knew Boxall’s surname, than the fact he didn’t know hers). But at best I think all bets are off on that one – I don’t think too much can be read into that at all.

    The Freeman rubaiyat is a more interesting angle (for mine). I’ve proposed before that perhaps it was a fake (but set up by the people handing it in) that took off in their face – but any number of other ideas might work too. Although Cleland didn’t give it a microscopic examination, a Government analyst did (I think they even say as much at inquest). That said, that has always sat uncomfortably with me. I don’t know exact printing processes (you presumably have a better idea having published stuff) but the conclusion “yeap, it’s the same type of paper” to me really only indicates it was from the same printers (possibly from the same printing run – as I say my understanding here is limited).
    I struggle with “torn vs trimmed” – because a difference here seems to dismiss any usefulness to the slip (if anything it makes the suicide theory more compelling – but I have a problem with secreting the slip to that extent in that case) – which then brings me as close as I could possibly get to agreeing it was planted (for the record, it doesn’t have me agreeing with it, it simply brings me closer to that).

    Your note B and D bear some thought, although someone (possibly Gordon) has previously proposed exactly how that page fits in as a back-leaf to a book – but as others have speculated in the past that the code may have been transferred onto a different piece of paper (traced possibly via glass in some speculations). This sort of seems likely (you wouldn’t want to destroy the existing page) – but of course if that were so then all the little smudges and anomalies elsewhere on the page mean SFA (which probably doesn’t sit well in some quarters).

    I will say I have a slight problem with “the book never existed” (as opposed to something like “the police got carried away about the wrong book”) – because if the book is created by the fuzz, the code page seems totally unnecessary unless you’re trying to plant a particular narrative….Or is that kinda your point?

  1562. john sanders on February 2, 2022 at 5:02 am said:

    milongal: Saw yourTSS/ROK gaff but too late to save your bacon, put it down to GMT time factoring at my end. Gotta give it to on-the-ball GC who allerted h8s man Tbt with news of the rare CM own goal guffaw. Speaking of ROK irregularities,
    supposing Sapol brains trust including Leane bros. G.M & R.L were vexed by the less than prestine condition of their stock copy including a missing cover and unwanted identifiable overwriting. Things obviously got out of sync on time factoring for press release shedualed for July 22 or23 & unsuitable miss matching of the slip with the preferred so called Wytkin copy. Fortunately none of that high level of intrigue concerns me now that I’m quite in agreement with the much less problematical (most unpopular) Harry Strangway contention that the Somerton beach death was most likely a case of suicide.

  1563. john sanders on February 2, 2022 at 7:22 am said:

    Peteb: Gordon..Dusty’s disease? pardon Moi, I take issue with that but, not here, not now, perhaps next time around but, for the record, I have grave doubts on whether Alf ever met Jessica Harkness, let alone recall her name etc., from many years earlier…Now let’s get down to tin tacks with your intriguing little piece on the Brown/Littlemore jamb session to wit page 13 where, then still serving top notch Det. Supt. Brown spins his yarn about having taken the ROK to some analyst down town for an opinion on paper or some such. It could only have been after Sapol took possession on Saturday? 23rd July of course, so it could only have been some time in the following week, say Monday 25th. So that would be the day before Errol Canney interviewed a Sister J.E. Thomson whose phone number had came with the ROK…Reason that officers Leane & Brown didn’t speak to the nurse themselves, according to Len Brown, as attested on page 14 of the interview was that both ace detectives had by then already been reasigned to other cases and that new cops including Canney, Gollan & Co. had taken over the case…Guess Browny had been second guessed by the wiley young lawer in affirming that he had taken it upon himself to have the ROK expertly anylised for paper or tear mates to the the TS slip whatever, not relevant imo.

  1564. milongal on February 6, 2022 at 8:29 pm said:

    Disclaimer: I’m not a fan of conspiracy stuff

    Just noticed a letter from Brown to Neil Munro (producer of Littlemore’s documentary) – there’s also a response for those interested (page 28 and 29 in the bundle). I’ve tried to include punctuation much as it is in the letter (and any words which I’d spell differently):

    Dear Neil,

    Thank you for your letter of 17th. July and hearty congratulations of the quality of production of ‘Inside story’ Not only the ‘Somerton Body’ but the story the week before. I have heard nothing but very favourable comments about both.

    At present, the office is agog with the very commendable ‘journalistic’ twist of a spy link – very well done.

    I have now retired and set off on Monday for an extended holiday to Greece, Y(o)ugoslavia, Norway, Sweden and England.

    Again, thanks for you patience, tolerance and understanding in endeavouring to make me a T.V.personality.

    Note…. Sacked on my first appearance.

    Yours sincerely,

    Len D. Brown


    The journalistic twist of a spy link seems odd to mention – especially once you put journalistic in quotes. I’d probably disimiss it as friendly banter (especially as it moves to the last lines about being a TV personality) – but thought it at least interesting enough to flag.

  1565. milongal on February 6, 2022 at 9:21 pm said:

    Brown describes Julius Combes as a “paper expert”. To me “leather and grindery” (Julius Cohn) sounds more like a bootmaker. Alex Cowan and Sons next door appears to a wholesale stationer (If we can leap from Combes to Cohn, why not Cowan – and maybe Julius was son of Alex).

    Leigh St is not a long street (and seems a bit of distance from the Cop Shop – if they were on corner of Angas and Vic Sq). Presumably they thought whoever they went to there was more an expert than anyone closer (sidenote: a bit interesting Brown remembers Leigh St so clearly – it’s an insignificant st that connects Currie to Hindley (and I think these days is full of cafe’s largely shut to all but foot traffic) – there is a slightly more prominent (albeit mainly residential) Leah St in Forestville ( – and if you’re going to a specific location to find an expert, why is it assumed to be in the city?), but there’s no obvious paper expert or Combe there.

    If we ignore the name (because it could refer to a person working within any shop, it doesn’t necessarily mean proprietor) and assume Leigh St, City is correct there are a couple other shops that warrant at lest a passing mention if you’re looking at paper and/or book:
    1) Canterbury Book Shop at number 22
    2) SA Paper Bag Co at 18

  1566. john sanders on February 7, 2022 at 3:36 am said:

    Simple answer regarding Jestyn’s uncanny ability to avoid difficult SM questions throughout her later life was possibly due to protection offered by the little known Australian Official Secrets Act It’s existance was varified by Gordon Cramer and only came to light fom his favourabe blog comments on a former respected IS colleague Gerry Feltus. who had to sign off on it whilst a member of Her Majesty’s S. A. Police Service. If true, than investigators and professionals such as lawyer Littlemore should have been aware of severe penalties for non compliance should they dare intrude on privacy of the protected witness known as Theresa Johnson.

  1567. john sanders on February 7, 2022 at 3:56 am said:

    ….of course there never was an Australian Official Secrets Act, so my advice Peteb, would be to take Gordon Cramer’s word with a jaundiced eye if that be in accord with opinion on who your mates are and who’se the foe at any given time..

  1568. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on February 7, 2022 at 10:47 am said:

    @ John Sanders. The case of Somerton will be very complicated. As I look, it’s a pretty complicated mystery. Lots of people involved in the case are already dead. This seems to be a more complicated case than, for example, the case of Zodiac in America. He went to crack quite well. I even have a photo of him at home. In the case of an Australian dead unknown man on a beach in Somerton near an orphanage, what Robin said is very interesting. And that her mother was a spy. And that she had a lot of cover now. There is, of course, a great resemblance to that Zodiac, because as I found out, he also had great coverage. From this it can be concluded that the one who has a large cover will be very difficult and difficult to find out what we need to find out. That’s right. (Zodiac was also Siajej’s agent).

  1569. john sanders on February 7, 2022 at 11:57 pm said:

    Josef Zlatodrj Prof., wasn’t Zodiac the Green Bay packer or spray painter who offed a thousand whores down by the riverside and ended up opting for a shared pizza pie and a dawn firing squad; Yair Garry Bundy, guy with the Ted Gilmore eyes. It’s all coming back now, they even wrote a song about him, ‘Put on your red dress mama and your high heeled sneakers cause you’re going down tonight’. Seems to have been a basic sub. code followed by a score more in copycat form that the cops and local papers had lots of fun with over the years….. Jerry Somerton’s own downfall was different, he tripped while descending the disabled childrens stairs opposite Alvington House, fell through a loose side rail and landed on X marks the spot. He had just enough time before passing to tear a slip with his last thoughts f ‘Tamam Shud’ from a ’59 ROK and pocket same for the Coroner’s second cousin to find in Gods good time…Death by Misadventure..easy as pie (pasty) right?

  1570. john sanders on February 8, 2022 at 9:18 am said:

    Giving Gordon a break, cranks don’t crave the attention. Here’s one for @ Mike and Mal to ponder if interested . Altogether seven sites seem to have been nominated over the years for SM’s alleged shit canning of his no longer required ’59 Rubaiyat. ..front seat, front floor pan, rear seat, rear floor well, front parcel tray, locked glove box and one other…name it if you can, otherwise buzz off and annoy some other sucker.

  1571. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on February 8, 2022 at 2:00 pm said:

    @ John Sanders. (ZODIAC) like this elusive criminal of 70 years. So what I found out from his reports is this:
    1st was in the Vietnam War – 101, Alca.
    2nd rank – sergeant.
    3. was a training instructor.
    Further research:
    4. was a CIA agent.
    5 worked at the embassy in certain years. USA.
    6. He had the task of fighting communism.
    6. Traveled and commuted between Europe and the USA.
    7. He then retired. He focused on esotericism and surrounded himself with his students. He was something like a Guru. I lost his last clue in India.
    8. According to all the marks and according to how old he would be today. So it can be concluded that he is dead.
    9. I compared the drawing of his face. With the photo I got. And the result is 99 percent. It’s him.
    10. What is important here. The important thing is that when the journalist asked him his name. So he answered her. I won’t tell you that. But call me SAM.
    11. He had Polish roots.

  1572. john sanders on February 9, 2022 at 8:29 am said:

    @Josef Zlatodej prof… Does the name Samora do anything for you, his spook connections in Bangkok, Cambodia, Philippines and Vietnam called him Sam. Go to man for Asian business leads requiring special needs. WW2 service Aust. PNG. Philippines 44/45 aged 18/19 then long NCO career in infantry ie., 101 Airborne SE. After retirement Involved in Sen. Sgts club management Vietnam. Came in from Manilla 1991, had his ‘Samora Coy’ rep office in up-market down town HCM City 92/94 then suddenly left. Bn 1925/26. med/solid bld., fair clean comp, bald, oval features, friendly disp. with air of confidence though otherwise a loner and oh so mysterious….Could he be Zodiac?, you betcha but so could a million others right?

  1573. milongal on February 9, 2022 at 7:22 pm said:

    mainly @PB….
    Someone (might have been him) floated the idea that perhaps the inscription in the Rubaiyat pre-dated Jessicam and PB’s latest speculation would be consistent with such an idea. Apologies if I’m just regurgitating that idea….

    Why she should feel the need to present Boxall a book I don’t really know, but she has had a discussion with him before about the Rubaiyat. She’s a young nurse early in her career, and while she wants to give him some parting gift. Perhaps there was an ‘inside joke’ about the Rubaiyat; or perhaps she had some sort of admiration for him and she wants to show she’s educated too; or to be honest the exact reason doesn’t really matter. In any case, somewhere along the way she finds a Rubaiyat in a second-hand shop and buys it for Boxall. She doesn’t inscribe it – hell, she doesn’t even open it and passes it on “as is”. There happens to be an inscription in there – which also happens to be from someone whose name starts with ‘J’ (not that unlikely when we consider that could be male or female – so John, Joseph, Jennifer, Jessica etc…..).

    Boxall (who doesn’t know her surname – or claims not to) thinks nothing of the J. Styn (with or without E) inscription and quite naturally assumes it’s aimed at him. When he tells Littlemore he has no idea why that verse he’s telling the truth.

    The bit that bugs me the most is the bit JS pointed out a few years ago – Boxall’s Rubaiyat is an actual book. (Assuming there’s no deliberate deception) Clearly the police didn’t show Jessica the Rubaiyat (or even the page from it) – or she has opportunistically (and possibly unplanned) seen an opportunity to point the police to Boxall (perhaps in her mind she thought it was an obscure way to appear she’s not involved: “Why would I have sent you to Boxall if I knew what was going on here?”).
    I think it’s plausible (despite his shifty demeanour on the Littlemore doc) that Boxall wasn’t involved beyond a passing acquaintance.

  1574. john sanders on February 10, 2022 at 8:20 am said:

    milongal: For a start, if it was a second hand book, it must have been newly second hand because it was published in ’44 and retained the ‘Craftsman’ specialist book shop stamp. I don’t have too much of a problem with that case scenario infact, I’ve suggested more than once that it probably belonged to a former WT member who did the Malay course and passed it on to Alf. Something everyone forgets is that the Boxall household had two ROKs, the dual language Aust. Pub. Coy. hard cover and another cleanskin pocket job like one described in contemporary newspapers. Perhaps this was the one which the press hounds were shown by Susie Boxall in ’49, neither copy was seen by police. A thing that gets on my goat immensely is when well meaning people talk of Jessica Harkness as being little more than a kid when, as best we can tell according to Feltus, she was an adult woman in her twenty fifth year by mid 1945, further more not merely a bedpan nurse aid but, likely in her penultimate year of a Sisters qualification nurses certificate course, started in 1940/41….Remember Maj. William Jestyn Moulds MBE AIF engineer who was falsely accused by Clive and Gordon (peteb & misca later) of being the prime candidate for the verse 70 inscription plus JEstyn sign off and likely head of a clandestine operations cell which included foreign agents Harkness & Boxall. Well good news for the family is that both his WW2 files at NAA have been stripped of their service history so trolls like those aforementioned can no longer use their content to discredit a fine loyal soldier of King George and his own country of birth.

  1575. John Sanders … ‘trolls like those aforementioned can no longer use their (the NAA) content to discredit a fine loyal soldier of King George and his own country of birth’
    Well, old veteran, let me congratulate you on behalf of the sons and daughters of the 453 and 76 fighter squadrons for being a hypocrite beyond belief.
    And Nick, it’s been both good and bad here over the many years … but the bad has won. Goodbye Dome, and all the very best.

  1576. Pete: so long, and hope to see you at the Somerton Man name unveiling ceremony.

  1577. Josef Zlatoděj Prof. on February 10, 2022 at 3:13 pm said:

    @John Sanders + Pete.
    I looked at what is written in those Bookal books. You read the word there. PENITENCE. Bottom left is 10. You have to take it this way. Jesica “JO”, she could encrypt. So where is the magic? I’ll show you. Everything is in the word PENITENCE. Replace the characters P + T in that word. You will read the word TENIFENCE. And now divide it (TEN and FENCE). In the word FENCE. That means in English – a fence. But in the Czech language, you will exchange the sent character T for D. And you will read the word – (PLOD. Jessica knew Jewish encryption. Number 4 = D, M, T. The word PLOD means child. English Fetus.

    The word TEN is also important. when you look at how Jessica spelled the word JO. So you could read it as the number 10. And the rain is English TEN.

    So what follows from that. Jessica writes that I have a baby from Baxall.


    But – TEn i fence = in Czech there is the word -ten, indicative pronoun. So he’s pointing at someone (Boxalla). And rika mu tim. You have a baby.

    Jessica seems to like having sex. Boxall prepared it for the milk. It was wild and the hair was behind the pictures in the hotel.

  1578. john sanders on February 10, 2022 at 10:58 pm said:

    @A Known Troll: Mighty magnanimous of you on behalf of sons and daughters of RAF 453 and RAAF 76 Sqns., fellows of true grit like Bluey Trudcott who paid with his life and others of the type. Regards to siblings Judy and Anthony for their own congratulations to you especially ‘Peter Bowes’, wish it could be a fond farewell but, I doubt your sincerity, afterall, people of your form and known preference arn’t likely to leave their mates behind to hold the fort, or am I mistaken.

  1579. john sanders on February 11, 2022 at 2:32 pm said:

    Got a newby on a surfboard over WS/TS asking stupid questions on the need for a Barbour thread card on the tools of trade first suitcase contents press release pic which of course deserved the answer expected. Here’s one at least as good for a mug, the card in question came from the Lisburn plant in Ulster NI, not Australia where factories were churning out the stuff by the shitload for war contracts by 1940. Could it be that SM was therefore a Kean/keane/Keen from Ulster, in fact the name was big on linen thread production in its own right, even now. There was a William Keene and a Bethia Kean aboard the SS Stratheden in 1938, along with a John D. Barbour heir and successor to the original Barbour yarn spinners. John & William gave Sydney addresses while the colleen was booked through to Auckland on another tub. Hope it’s of some use but, not to me it isn’t.

  1580. Byron Deveson on February 11, 2022 at 10:11 pm said:

    JS, Yes, not the unrelated other Barbour company. I note that the Lisburn Barbour company waxed linen thread was mainly used for fishing nets and leather work.

  1581. Byron Deveson on February 11, 2022 at 10:46 pm said:

    JS, there are two Barbour companies that deal in waxed linen thread and, name apart, they appear to be unrelated. The SM associated Barbour thread card carries a date 1784 on some sort of company advertising spiel and there is a company, Viyella, who make waterproof clothing that could have come with a Barbour (of Lisburn, Northern Ireland, not the Barbour company in Yorkshire that has previously been assumed as the source of the waxed thread card) waxed linen thread repair kit.
    A company, Hollins, “ … started business in 1784 in Pleasley, about 20 miles away on the Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire border. Later their offices were at Viyella House in Nottingham.” Hollins, later re-named Viyella. The Viyella Wikipedia article states “Officers in the British and other Commonwealth armies purchased their own uniforms during the Second World War, and Viyella shirts were a desirable option.” Viyella did, and still does, make waterproof clothing so might have included a Barbour repair kit with their products in the 1940s such as a sou’wester.
    Bottom line for me? This strengthens the possibility that SM was a British or Commonwealth serviceman, possibly a naval man.

  1582. john sanders on February 11, 2022 at 10:57 pm said:

    BD, Yes what. I’m not picking up your drift. Hey about the mystery writing on the card and also what’s your take on the company logo vis. left hand palm outward

  1583. john sanders on February 12, 2022 at 2:51 am said:

    Byron: We’re talking about a specific purpose repair card produced by ‘The Linen Thread Co.’ of Linburn northern Ireland (Hilden plant); A cost saving 19th century amalgamation of several local flax spinning mills, largest being William Barbour & Sons. They became by far the worlds largest linen thread manufacturers pre WW1, expanding operations to countries as diverse as Brazil, Germany and largest of all Paterson NJ USA. New Zealand (flax mills) and Australia (spinning) came into their sphere of foreign involvement much later. Back now to keeping things simple and logical, it can be shown that the suitcase threads card was an Irish import brought to Australia either as trade goods or else in a passenger’s kit which is not for us to know. You seem to be delving in an area that is of doubtful significance eg., mere mention of some high end weather resistant clothing repair kit, which SM didn’t possess, doesn’t accord with the old KISS axiom or Occam’s Razor by extension.

  1584. john sanders on February 13, 2022 at 4:53 am said:

    Latest from Toms on the Abbott v Feltus rivalry is centred on Derek’s rather tiresome and rambling saga which, for want of a better title, ‘Somerton Hour’ is quite appropriate. The video of 60 minutes duration is thankfully time frame and essential for bypassing the crap for any slim signs of substance worth a gander.
    Peteb has kindly come in from forced retirement to give his own afterword on certain subject matters. Ones that relate of course to his unshared views, all long discredited but, of which he is not allowing reason to get the upper hand.

    19min 7 secs.

    “They, (the box of Bryan & May matches) were found later, before the autopsy when the man was undressed and found in one of his pockets”…. Dereck Abbott.

    “A reasonable man would have expected that a find this important would have merited a word or two on the deposition of whoever it was that found the matches, yes? But, search as long as you like you won’t find one”…Peter Bowes.

    This might not be quite what our indignant blogger friend was unable to find in the inquest affidavits but, the following which forms part of that given by case officer Det. R.L. Leane get’s pretty close to mark one might think. but not Peter Bowes.

    “……The cigarette packet was Army Club but contents were Kensitas a different
    brand, there was also found a box of Bryant & May’s matches a quarter full….”


  1585. @ milongal: that post about the Boxall Rubaiyat signature timing might have been mine. It was triggered by a paper by Brewster & Reid (1988) which was essentially a biog of A W Hamilton. In the absence of any available records from the Australasian Publications company, they contacted ex-staff who said the company tended to do commission-based printing for a specific client rather than taking on the risk of printing for distribution and sale. That fits with the conventional wisdom (restated by the ubiquitous JS) that this edition was an “uncirculated” text. They postulated that it was Hamilton that ordered the printing with the idea he could “unload” them later. A theory strengthened by his apparent offer of the half price sale of his books to the AIF when promoting the teaching of Malay to servicemen. All this fits with the changes made from the first edition which, like Hamilton’s earlier nursery rhyme texts, targeted Malay speakers. In the 1944 edition a Malay-English glossary and a pronunciation aid were added, suggesting its more targeted for learners of Malay. So it seems they were most likely printed to order to support the teaching of Malay by either AIF or Hamilton, himself.

    The fact they weren’t destined for retail distribution made it surprising to me that there was a bookshop label in the front of Boxall’s copy. I can’t find any evidence that the Craftsman Bookshop had a second hand department, but I know their contemporaries did and I’d be surprised if they didn’t with shortened print runs and a lack of raw materials during the war.

    So assuming it was second hand, I think the unusual capitalisation of the ‘E’ and the very different weight and script of the rest of the signature, make the most obviously supported scenario that these two parts of the sig have been written by different people. With Jessie and Alf both claiming no further contact (beyond a single contact Alf denies), I think it also makes more sense that a second hand book would be handed over to a new acquaintance as something to read during planned travels. So as a hypothesis, it sits nicely with the witness statements of those most closely involved. Including Jessie’s ex-work colleagues who suggested Jestyn was a mash-up of Jessie and Tina; so I’m still guessing the unusual signature is most likely due to the alteration of an existing inscription simply signed ‘E’. Probably originating from some casual chat: “so which is it, Jess or Tina?”; “Both!”; “so Jestyn, then?”… etc.

    In other words: the reality might actually be very close to how the key parties described it.

  1586. milongal on February 14, 2022 at 8:29 pm said:

    Thanks Jamie, although not so sure about adding J Styn around the E (I was thinking the opposite – adding an E into J Styn, or something – or the possibility none of that was touched by her at all).

    That said, with PB having re-surfaced Jessica’s letters there does seem to be some similarity in the writing – although I’ll admit some of the differences I dismiss somewhere between “different type of pen” and “evolution of handwriting over time” – but there’s things like “and then” that appear in both, and have some striking similarities (larger ‘a’ than other chars in ‘and’, similar shape ‘d’ and ‘then’ with the ‘h’ rather than the ‘t’ crossed) – which kinda makes my “what if she didn’t write it idea” a little more difficult to sell.

    The “Tiny Jess” = “Jess Tina” = “Jestyn” I have a bit of a problem with too. Aside from “was she really so small people called her tiny”, it just seems a peculiar explanation – although maybe there’s a bit of an inside joke if Boxall called her Tiny (or forgotten her name and called her Tina at their first meeting, or something). But I still find it a fairly strange name to end up with from that.

    There is a (slightly obscure) Jestyn mentioned in a 1944 newspaper – nothing particularly linked, but might be the source of some sort of joke. Col. John Jestyn Llewelyn was food minister in Britain at the time, and appears in the paper announcing that Scotch Whiskey production (which had halted for the war) was to resume – but only for export. From memory Boxall talks about having a few beers at the Clifton rather than whiskeys – but perhaps he’d commented at some stage that he’s on the beers because of a whiskey shortage…It’s one helluva stretch (especially given you’d imagine the Rubaiyat has much nicer “the world is getting it’s whiskey back” quotes) and it still leaves the capital ‘E’ difficult to explain away.

  1587. milongal on February 14, 2022 at 8:39 pm said:

    Not sure whether trove has hidden tags someone has been adding, or has a surprisingly good relevance algorithm. I searched for ‘Jestyn’ and selected articles from the ’40s – and the story of Boxall comes up – despite no mention of Jestyn in the article…

    It also comes up with the following from June 1941 (which reminds me of something JS may have mentioned in the past – except I thought he was talking about a Henley drowning):
    An Inquest into the death of Frederick Alexander Webb, storekeeper, of Moseley
    street. Glenelg. was adjourned by the Acting City Coroner (Mr. G. Ziesing) yesterday until 10 a.m. tomorrow. Webb’s body was found on the beach at Somerton on June 4. Dr S. Krantz. of North Terrace said that he had formed
    the opinion that death was due to drowning. There were extensive wounds on the right arm which could have been caused by a shark. In the body were found 2.8 grains of a drug group which included veronal. The actual dose
    was five grains although the body could absorb quantities of the drug and leave no trace. This group of drugs could cause depression.

  1588. milongal on February 16, 2022 at 2:09 am said:

    Incidentally, I thought I’d mentioned but can’t find it…..
    Craftsman Books specialised in books related to the Arts. They seem to fairly regularly have written book reviews and recommendations. Through the mid-1940s I notice a lot of them seemed to be Ballet related.

    Doesn’t particularly mean much, but I know how much everyone likes speculating on such things.

    Also had a bit of a dig into how much a Rubaiyat would cost (adverts in the papers) – and naturally there’s a lot of variation (presumably depending on the format, cover etc). The ones I found range from 5s/6 from Whitcombe and Tombs (NOT the “Courage and Friendship” series)) to 35s/- from Dymocks. One that I think sounded comparable (but not the same) to Boxalls was around 20s/- brand new (most of these were also available to be posted – but since none of them came from Craftsmans that’s probably a moot point).

  1589. Yes, I found a site that talked about the Craftsman Bookstore being “well known for its salon-like atmosphere”. Not sure what that means but it sounds pretty laid back and arty.

    There’s a used bookshop in Melbourne advertising a Malay-English Rubaiyat for 7/6 by mail in the Sydney Herald of 16 June 1945. Doesn’t say what edition, but it must be a Hamilton. Thats the only example I can find.

    I managed to buy a copy a while back. It was sent to RE Foulger (Malayan Police) by AW Hamilton in Oct ’46. Can’t for the life of me see any microwriting in it.

  1590. John Sanders on February 20, 2022 at 6:30 am said:

    Byron Deveson: your remark on limited use of needles in 1948 is clearly untrue, as you point out by refering to exceptions like everyday use of anti biotics and commonality of vaccination jabs by then.. Anyway we can live with a tiny gaff like that but, as for your post and caption of Somerton Man’s face cast with tape clearly to be seen covering the left side bridge of the nose, there is nothing but white plaster. I note also that similar claims you’ve sighted over the years of like mortuary photos, durex is once again absent from the snoz.

  1591. John Sanders on February 21, 2022 at 8:17 am said:

    Most people familiar with SM’s missing autopsy and contested results given to the inquest must wonder, as does Peteb’s new fancy, Matt on how the heck the man managed to appear in fine fettle, yet be afflicted with just about every internal malady known to medical science. I’ve been wondering lately about how the three learned anatonomical experts all concurred in unison that poison taken orally was without doubt the culprit and, affirmed while complementing the skill of Bob Cowan and his team, who found no trace of poison. So I’ve been doing a little background sleuthing lately, interest being fuelled by Dr. John Dwyer’s missing autopsy report for one, and the fact that big names Prof. Cleland and Sir Stamford Hicks seemed to have a lot of poison based input despite, neither having made any physical evaluations of their own; basing their evidrnce on what Dwyer had already attested to…Results of my delving, whilst revealing nothing notably dishonest in Bob’s background at all (apart from having been a former resident of Moseley St., as was Dr. John, both before the 1948 dead line), not the same can be said for the threesome of Dwyer, Cleland and Hicks. In the case of our knight of the realm Cec Hicks who married his nurse and wrote dietry manuals, also dabling in being a most complient expert witness on just about anything, he told blatant lies about his non existant WW1 military service as a teenaged expeditionary NZ subaltern. Something similar applied to Doc Dwyer; not being satisfied with his WW2 MBE award, the crook tried to pull a swifty to get an extra gong on his medal rack by claiming to be at the front tending wounded, seems he was over in London well out of harm’s way. As for Prof. John Cleand, he was once caught out giving blatant false t3stimony at a death inquest where a young gaye medical student died in suspicious circumstances on the banks of the River Torrens before being tossed in. There you have it, three star witnesses in collusion to validate their particular stand on death by poison, a result befitting their game plan whatever it may have been.

  1592. John Sanders on February 24, 2022 at 4:18 am said:

    Matt: hopefully in time, you’ll get used to Peteb’s re phrasing of your otherwise well thought out comments, if meaning and intent be incongruent with the true facts: Particular case in point being (late) editing of your mistakes re., ROK editions and print run history (not fakes) etc., which can be confusing to many Americans not familiar with British publishing nuances. Also becoming familiar with Bozo’s strict ‘speak when spoken to’ axiom will likely keep one in the good books at TBT.

  1593. John Sanders on February 25, 2022 at 6:16 am said:

    Apotheosis eh, nice pitcher Bozo, love the murder of crows not sure about the nests though. Could of fooled me too, I’d of swore blind it was a half decent Russell Drysdale from part of his ‘Back O’ Bourke’ series. Never heard of your Visili joker, sounds like a Ruskie but doubt he’s our Jerry Somerton if that’s what you’re on about.

  1594. John Sanders on February 26, 2022 at 5:39 am said:

    No place on SM blogs for peace overtures imo; especially coming from one that never had to fight for it like you GC. Sometimes it’s best to give war a chance, if there be no better alternative. Mankind never had any lasting benefit from such a rotting deadly peace as one like ours that’s lasted too long. War is afterall in the very nature of man and no matter the cause or cost. Hopefully when he gets the call to arms he will dutifully gird up his loins and join the slaughter, with God’s blessing of course. PS: old RAR sub unit motto Gordon…Duty First & Who Cares Who Wins.

  1595. Clive J. Turner on February 26, 2022 at 10:57 am said:

    Where would the world be if war criminals like Putin had free reign to do what they wanted? You and I and, countless others would find themselves in prison or dead.

  1596. John Sanders on February 26, 2022 at 12:40 pm said:

    ….Or red, so long as we’re prepared to abide by the US Wink’n Blinken and Nod philosophy that, ‘the yanks aren’t coming til it’s over over there’, for we all that care to remember twentieth century history Clive.

  1597. John Sanders on February 27, 2022 at 3:18 am said:

    Pretty low of Peteb to run down Det. R.L. Leane for incompetence going back to day one 1st December, 1948 at the beach. Truth of the matter being, the officer was on unrelated duties and only assigned to the SM case on 8th January, six days before the Keane suitcase came to light. One can hardly blame poor Lional for any oversights made prior to his involvement, merely to satisfy the whims of a clown who deals in ‘facts’ made to suit a specified agenda..his own!!

  1598. John Sanders on February 27, 2022 at 11:16 am said:

    Well, thanks for the heads up Peteb but, you’re still well off the mark in respect to acting Det Sgt. Leane having been adminstrative case officer. That honour goes to Lionel’s high flying brother acting Det. Inspector G.M. Leane MC., understudy to CIB boss Supt. Bill Sheriden from memory. Geoff was a decorated Colonel during the war and was responsible for setting up Interpol in 1952. Oh yeah, he also eventually became acting Commissioner of Sapol, so you might as well blame him for all the mistakes made during your faulty TSM [sic] investigations.

  1599. milongal on February 27, 2022 at 8:49 pm said:

    Sure I’ve mentioned it before…..despite Leane not being in the pic until a month and a bit later, in Littlemore’s doco (or the out-takes thereof) he mentions a syringe being found nearby. Suggests to me (something I suspect I’ve oft flagged) the tendency of (most) people to create a story rather than admit they don’t know something (and the biases when you’re asked to confirm something rather than offer an opinion).

    Littlemore actually asks him what happened to the syringe, and Leane’s best response is “probably still in evidence”.

    +++ (p61)
    Littlempore: Suicide, did you think?
    Leane: Well I – I – yes I think that he – he suicided because back about 100 yards from where he was sitting on the seat I found a hypodermic syringe

    …. (p62)….
    Littlemore: What happened to the hypodermic syringe, do you remember?
    Leane: It’s down there in the place, still

    … (p63)….
    Leane: Injected himself. Dropped the syringe as he went.

    … (p64)….
    Littlemore: What about the hypodermic syringe? – You reckon they’ve got it?
    Leane: They’ve got it

    Incidentally, while looking that up I came across some arrogance I’d missed originally…
    Leane: “Well it might have been solved today if I had [been on the case from the start”

  1600. John Sanders on February 28, 2022 at 8:23 am said:

    milongal: Gotta be fair on the old gent, that’s Lionel Leane not Peteb in this case. A man of a certain age long into retirement and notably senile when intervirwed by Littlemore in ’78. In fact he was dead less than a year later at 76, nearly as old as the aforesad Peteb, par for course in those days. He made several spontaneous gaffs, my favourite being when asked about the TS slip’s finding, his rosponse of , “Yeah it was in his coat pocket” was quick as a flash. I always respected him based on statements in the ’49 press; a dambed sight more than the joker who wrote the book I might add; whatsmore his taste in piss (Coopers) was a mark of the man.

  1601. milongal on February 28, 2022 at 7:47 pm said:

    I agree with the comment about Coopers, although in that age in Adelaide you basically had a choice of two Coopers or SA Brewing (West End/Soutwark). Given that choice, Coopers i s no-brainer (cue the West End fanbois telling me otherwise).

    The note of “Cooper’s Beer for Leane” has me picturing 3 longies of Sparkling….although given others got about $50 for their appearance on the show, perhaps it was closer a slab for Leane….

  1602. John Sanders on March 1, 2022 at 9:37 am said:

    Peteb: An old soldier mate of Alf Boxall’s named Xavier Herbert authored a book circa. 50s entitled ‘Soldier’s Women’. After a few pages you’ll come to the early realisation that loose shielas’s, married or nay, had a rather socially acceptable time whilst the lads were either fighting and dieing or else slaughtering eyeties, Krauts and nips in far away places. Not Alf or Xavier though, too long in the tooth.

  1603. John Sanders on March 4, 2022 at 7:35 am said:

    So despite being caught out on poor date framing just days ago, Peteb is still prepared to blame Det. A/Sgt. Leane for all that went wrong, by his estimation, even though Lionel wasn’t on the case until weeks later. No worries folks, the incompetent plod should’ve been prepping to take over from day four when SM’s prints were fast tracked to Sydney for Australia wide search and further afield as was the case. This was not done at R.L. Leane’s instigation as Bozo incorrectly claims but through SC Dudley Aebi, OIC Adelaide FP Bureau.

  1604. milongal on March 9, 2022 at 7:24 pm said:

    Going into the nay-saying mode that I have a reputation for….
    The problem with having too much conspiracy about the Rubaiyat itself, is that it simply doesn’t need to be there. The suggestion that the TS slip was deliberately introduced, but then the Rubaiyat itself needed to be covered up seems at odds with itself.

    – The easiest way to stop the Rubaiyat stuff is to never find the slip (which some suggest was planted)
    – If the powers that be didn’t get in in time to stop this, the next easiest way is to suppress the find of the Rubaiyat itself(“Someone brought one in, but believe it or not, it was the wrong one” (sidenote about press confusion over 2 rubaiyats))
    – Having admitted the rubaiyat exists it would still be possible to suppress the presence phone number (and the code)
    – etc.

    The typical response to this is that not every orifice in the police farce was a puppet – but this still makes no sense (see almost every rant I’ve ever had). This requires us to simultaneously need to accept that the string pullers could manipulate things almost at will from some angles, but were totally hamstrung from others (that seem simpler). This seems to be particularly problematic if Leane or Cleland is puppeteer or puppet.

    So if we accept that Boxall wrote v70** at the direction of others, we need to ask “to what end?”. The whole rubaiyat story could have been stifled well before we get to Boxall….so it seems unnecessary to add an obscure clue that just befuddles things – when that whole angle seems totally unnecessary.
    One of the problems I have with people who talk about ‘fake clues’ (or similar), is that there needs to be a reason for them. Plant a bus ticket to make it look like we have an origin – sure. Plant an unused train ticket – maybe explainable, but things are getting more difficult. Plant a verse in the Rubaiyat that seems meaningless to everyone (and isn’t even flagged by the people trying to steer the investigation a paricular direction) – what’s the point? If I plant (what I think is) an obvious clue and the simpletons don’t catch on, wouldn’t I try to steer them toward the narrative I’m trying to set up?

    This is one of my biggest problems with too much of a conspiracy. We have the power to plant these powerful clues, but we don’t have the ability to make sure those involved reach the right conclusion. Seems odd.

    **to my eye there are aspects of Jessica’s letters that make the writing look very similar to hers – although I’ll accept there’s some differences too (the use of different types of pen/pencil could account for some of it)

  1605. John Sanders on March 20, 2022 at 7:48 am said:

    Sadly Peteb needs to be reminded once again that our Somerton Man’s fingerprints were reportedly forwarded to Sydney CIB Central Fingerprint Bureau for a full Australasian comparison search following negative checks of S.A. indices on 3/12/48, the day of their taking. A number of newspapers listed on the Tomsbytwo site reported this event a day later so we can thereby assume validity of same.

  1606. Peteb on March 20, 2022 at 9:13 am said:

    Then why send same to all police stations in the country on January 3?

  1607. John Sanders on March 20, 2022 at 7:30 pm said:

    Peteb: Stories put out by rags like the Cairns post and Hobart Mercury on 3/12/49 do not give specific dates, just an overall take in their shared aspertions that every State police HQs had been sent full copies of your so called TSM’s prints. Whereas on the ball mainstream tabloids of a month earlier provided a much more detailed overview of contemoraneous events. Anyone not obsessed with connections to hoardes of infiltrating nazis rocket scientists and the threatening red menace of that late forties era might reasonably conclude, wouldn’t you think?

  1608. John Sanders on March 20, 2022 at 9:06 pm said:

    PS…….and you might care to adjust the year of the latest ground breaking news with highlighted date for priority international release of ‘TSM’ fingerprints to 1948 lest the implications of such an otherwise earth shattering event, be taken as fact by a bevy of the usual Tbt punters not allert enough to spot the mistake.

  1609. International release you say, John Sanders. If, say, I was a South Australian copper in 1949 and about to mail copies of fingerprints to the UK and Canada in the hope they would have them on file, where would I have sent them?

  1610. milongal on March 21, 2022 at 12:13 am said:

    Found something mildly interesting – Channel 7 has a FOI request to SAPol to do with the National DNA Program for Uniidentified and Missing Persons (I don’t think that the request is SM related).
    So far it seems pretty mundane email exchanges between AFP and SAPol, nut at page 61 it lists all their UHR (Unidentified Human Remains) cases. I suspect first on the list is SM (although the case number listed as 49/01 – which implies 1949 not 1948, but perhaps that’s the date the UHR case was opened rather than when the remains were found).
    It has “Skull Present: No” and “Teeth Present: No” which is mildly interesting (of course I’m not CERTAIN this is SM, and the “no” may refer to the fact that SAPol don’t (or didn’t when the report was made) have the skull – this report may have been generated before SM was exhumed). In any case, the bit that interests me a little more is that something is redacted under “Other testing completed”.

    NB: if someone wants to trawl through it (it’s not about SM so it might bore most people) google “SAPOL-FOI-Determination-21-0821”
    Some of the requested documentation was not released on the basis it had been released elsewhere – but appears to be behind a paywall

  1611. Hopefully this will find Nick Pelling, John Sanders and Milongal in a receptive, if not reflective mood, and anyone else who likes a challenge.

    I’d like to talk about taking fingerprints.

    The suitcase suspected to belong to the Somerton man held a cornucopia of identifiable items fingerprint-wise but DS Leane preferred to adopt a different approach in his efforts to positively identify who owned it and instead took a few bits and pieces back to the station to be photographed and distributed to the press, hoping their publication of same would do the job for him.
    Remembering that Leane’s suspicion that the case belonged to the Somerton Man was based upon the dated ticket found in his pocket and the similar date the unclaimed suitcase was lodged at the Railway Station luggage office.

    The last time I mentioned this, Milongal, always quick off the mark, opined that the glass dish, scissors and knife, comb, cigarette lighter etc would not have yielded clear prints despite the expertise of james Durham, a man renowned for his skill in print-taking, and despite it would have been more than likely that they were only handled by whoever packed them. The police of course would have known the drill and not messed them up themselves.

    So, given all that, why do you think the Detective Inspector failed to fingerprint these items? Surely they would have given him a result faster than waiting for someone to read a newspaper and recognise them as belonging to someone they knew.

    And this itself begs the question as to why the Barbour Thread was included in the pic in the first place as its particular usage by TSM was only made known some months later by Professor Cleland when he informed Leane of it in April 1949, yet Leane appeared to have known this the day he first opened the suitcase.

  1612. John Sanders on March 23, 2022 at 8:39 am said:

    Peteb: For starters how can you be so sure that your so called Detective inspector didn’t have the suitcase and it’s contents examined for prints by Dudley Aebi at CIB HQ upon discovery ? Just because Feltus nor the Adelaide press club weren’t so informed don’t mean it didn’t happen’. As I’ve said time and time again, to what end anyway?, seeing as your TSM’s post mortem prints lifted by Glenelg man Jim Durham on 3/12/48 and immediately circulated far and wide did not get any hits. That was surely the sole objective, police being satisfied by then of ownership status. As for the rest of your tiresome re-Pete crap, perhaps the likes of Nick and Milongal will respond more kindly as is their prerogative

  1613. milongal on March 23, 2022 at 7:41 pm said:

    Peteb: Have you got a reference somewhere to Durham’s expertise. I can find a lot of information about him being a fingerprint expert, but my reading is that he was an expert in comparing prints, not lifting them (more than happy to be pointed to a reference that says otherwise – because I accept I may have just been looking in the wrong places). This includes a cited case from 1932 (from memory) which Durham solved by matching fingerprints – but my understanding is it was a fingerprint in a blood smear on glass – that is, a patent (ie visible) not a latent print. It’s difficult to find when trying to reveal latent prints actually became common – there’s references to powders existing in the 19th Century, but most resources I can find talk about recording and comparing fingerprints rather than exposing them.

    From much of my reading (and as before, happy to be directed somewhere that suggests otherwise) Durham absolutely understood how to show 2 fingerprints were the same, but I’m not convinced finger-print lifting was his game. It’s also worth noting that early “dusts” used were highly toxic (largely because of the colourings they used) – and so I could easily believe that the use of them was limited to “formal crimescenes” (and a lost property suitcase linked to an unidentified person doesn’t immediately fit that bill).
    On that basis it wouldn’t surprise me that it either never occurred to them or that they dismissed any notion of checking for prints as “not worth it”.

    Short Version: I’m not particularly troubled by the fuzz not looking for prints. In any event, point me to some articles about Durham’s experience in revealing latent prints and I might reconsider.

  1614. John Sanders on March 23, 2022 at 8:36 pm said:

    No word yet from GC pertaining to his own vast experience with lifting prints and other items of more personal interest…It might also be noted that our good fiend has of late reverted to the international 24 hours time system and stated locstats in order to conforn with GCHQ SOI’s, so good on you once again Gordon and hope your emotional health holds up old man.

  1615. John Sanders on March 24, 2022 at 3:54 am said:

    At least both GC and his fellow micro brained buddy Peteb have chosen to stick by their non conformist stubborn ways in critising the plod for apparent dereliction of precedural duty to routinely fingerprint the Kean suitcase & contents; Though the former, to his credit did at least concede the remote possibility that Leane may have undertaken the task without informing dead-eyed Peteb or the press. I thought that both put their respective points across quite reasonably and with appropriate degree of indignance as expected of both. Whilst the latter’s opinion of milongal’s sole reliance on his own boastful lead taking role seems unfairly harsh and out of order, claimed impertinence on the part of one considered by most to be an unseemly troll is understandable. Regarding our host choosing not to join in offering contraversial, perhaps biased personal opinion, well surely that be the prerogative of all moderators…and to their credit I guess.

  1616. milongal on March 24, 2022 at 3:57 am said:

    Found a lot of stories about Durham on trove (consistently called fingerprint-expert) but few if any talk about lifting prints.
    There are a few stories about him identifying dead bodies by their prints – but that’s a bit different than matching possessions to people – and I might almost double down on the plausibility that his angle for fingerprints was to cross-reference with known records, not to link to evidence.

    So I’m thinking:
    1) He’s the guy that knows how to match fingerprints not necessarily how to get them
    2) His angle here isn’t about proving links to inanimate objects, it’s literally just a hope he can identify the body

    There is a quaint story where he’s called to a pub to investigate brandy thefts. Almost Holmes-esquely (maybe that exaggerates) hhile “noone is looking” he brushes some “special dust” on a batch of the bottles, and when he’s called in to investigate them going missing the next day he uses an ultra violet light to catch the culprit.

  1617. Sanders, really? So how do you explain all the SAPOL high-fives in April when Prof Cleland phoned in with news of the thread match? Get on the ball, mate, or the game might leave you behind.

  1618. John Sanders on March 24, 2022 at 9:26 am said:

    The phone call in April was your smart arse idea cobber, made with reluctant backing of GC and his man from Leeds, both now strangely absent from your mailing list. Most of the Feltus believers took the word of honest Len Brown when claiming in his interview with Stuart Littlemore that said event went down just prior to the inquest (17/6/49), claiming elsewhere that he was actually present for the alleged handover. Unlike your good self who picked on April possibly for some timeline convenience or else it matched with your birth month for easy later recall.

  1619. Ah yes, good old honest Len, bit of a stumblebum though when giving Littlemore a few straight answers, like where is the book? ……. er, says Len, ……..aaaah, says Len, ……. well, says Len.
    Do better, Sanders, come up with a winner, we know you’ve got it in you.

  1620. milongal on March 24, 2022 at 10:13 pm said:

    @PB I didn’t notice the research bit…..well maybe I’ll bite. This is my angle.
    Your assert that Durham was a master of lifting prints off any surface known to man. I haven’t found anything that suggests that. I’ll happily concede that you may well be right – but then why the reluctance to point me to where that opinion comes from?

    It’s easy to say “bugger off, do your own research”. But I question that you can assert something as gospel and then when anyone challenges it (because they’ve been unable to corroborate it) you get defensive and say “find it yourself” – when the very reason I’m asking is because in looking for it, I can’t find it. Perhaps ironically, it reminds me of my exchanges with your ex-mate GC when I challenged some of his Fedosimov claims and he dismissed my thoughts based on information that he claimed he knew, but expected me to go looking for. You pulled me into the conversation, and I obliged with my opinion. I’m guessing you expected roughly the response I gave (although I won’t go as far as you had prewritten the comment on your blog ready for it). Clearly you expected it and still don’t like it – the onus seems on you to show me I’m wrong – I haven’t asked you to do any research – I merely explained my view and told you (quite specifically) what might help alter that view….given it’s not forth coming, I’ll continue not wasting my time digging in that direction.

    It does sometimes fascinate me how protective and adversarial people in this space are. We’re all convinced we’re correct, but when challenged about any aspect of our opinion we insist that others shouldn’t be privy to the information that brought us to that opinion. (I say “we” because I’ll accept I might have been guilty of similar in the past (*might*)).

  1621. John Sanders on March 24, 2022 at 10:21 pm said:

    PB: now that you mention it, in re concealed messages concealed beneath every single word of ROK origin, worth reminding folks with memory loss that, ever since your over exuberant accolades for Gordon’s original letter ‘Q’ micro poop scoop, nothing more was ever forthcoming. Guess he realised you were taking the micky out of him eh?

  1622. milongal on March 24, 2022 at 10:36 pm said:

    @PB: the 2nd part of your comment (which I think I’ve ranted about more times than I’ve changed my jocks (so at least 3)). The problem with a puppeteer telling them what to find and not find is “to what end”?
    Why did we need to find the TS slip – let alone the Rubaiyat – let alone the phone number in it or the scribblings in the back.

    Why would someone be desperate to suppress the identity, but ensure that the case remains interesting in the public eye. It doesn’t seem to make sense (at least to me). It requires us to simultaneously believe that someone had the clout to be able to control what information went public, and that all sorts of things leaked out that shouldn’t have.

    Someone (I don’t think it was you, perhaps your phantom) argued that they needed to send a message to someone, so certain things had to be public. But surely blind Freddie could see that creating the TS/Rubaiyat/Code was going to cause furore in the public space – surely there are more subtle ways to get the same message across (even if there is some reason you can’t contact them directly)?

    FWIW I think you current number 1 fan (Sly One) makes an interesting point (I’m not sure it’s quite what they meant) about fingerprinting a suspected weapon vs fingerprinting other stuff. I think there’s a lot of weight you put on a fairly mundane observation. And the possibility exists (as I think JS suggests above somewhere) that the suitcase was fingerprinted and came up with nothing. We don’t actually have very accurate records of what was and wasn’t done – and the details people remember are the ones that they thought were signifcant to them.

    I hope you realise I’m not saying “You’re wrong” – I’m saying “I don’t agree”. It’s not personal, it’s that (as I’m sure you realise) my default position is to disagree until there’s evidence that convinces me otherwise (and most people see me as quite negative as a result). At this time, I haven’t seen evidence that convinces me that avenue is really even worth going down….mainly because I don’t think the apparent lack of “fingerprint everything” in this case is all that significant – and nothing has convinced me otherwise.

  1623. Geez, Milongal … there’s a post on tomsbytwo headed The part James Durham wasn’t asked to play blah blah …. Look down the list of posts on the right hand side to find it, click on it, read it and click on the link.
    Job done, ok?
    Your second question is a beauty, haven’t been asked that before and if you don’t mind I’ll make a post out of it as your question deserves a more permanent response, rather than being lost in Dome’s misc category. Speaking of whom, where is old temple-top? Just because the poms were THRASHED at the Ashes series doesn’t mean he should hide under the bed.

    Sanders, I’ll admit being an early believer of Cramer’s work on micro writing, especially the letter Q … don’t know how he did it but I’m pretty sure I can get the local photo genius to get the same result. He’s got a shop window full of happy family images on one side and another of the same family minus the missing the divorced husband or wife on the other. I’m thinking of getting him to pair me up with Kate Moss.

  1624. John Sanders on March 25, 2022 at 6:52 pm said:

    Simple about Durham PB and, you’ll excuse the repetition. When Jim did the inltial scenes of crime and fingerprinting at the morgue, he was with Strangway working out of Glenelg, not Angas St. where the Leane team were formed six weeks later. Your constant mention of his not being called in for the suitcase does not hold water therefore. Durham had worked the beach districts and as far east as Mt. Gambier since 1934, under jurisdiction of Glenelg where he raised his kids and resided through to his passing in 82 from memory. More experienced though much younger Dudley Aebi ran the show in town and if photos, dusting or testing of SM’s kit were needed, he was the go to man…Take it or leave it Bozo, I couldn’t give a rats bottom either way y’hear.

  1625. John Sanders on March 25, 2022 at 7:31 pm said:

    …..think you’d look better posited alongside Stirling Moss fully kitted out with the weird racer’s flap collar and all. As for Nick’s absence of overly bold comments in rebuttal of late, I’ve noticed that in his editorial tip toeing as well. What I said of mice and men in a late deleted post was not meant to be a categorisation of the man in question, merely a personal gripe apropos being denied copy of late.

  1626. No Sanders, I don’t think I’ll leave as you see, although as you say Durham was on another turf the Glenelg station didn’t hesitate to call him in to do the complete series of photographs as submitted as evidence at the inquest, all of which deposits you on back the shaky ground that is forever your own. Not that I give a sh.t.

  1627. John Sanders on March 26, 2022 at 12:37 am said:

    Yet another really rivetting case overview of Sapol blunders from re-Pete and we can vouch for every single fucking word of it through having it stuffed down our throats often enough. Only question I would contend to be disputable and in any case irrelevant, concerns pants man Boxall’s quite reasonable claim to not recalling Jessica’s name; so I’d ask our Mr. nice guy Pete Bowes, in all honesty, would you have cause to remember some loose piece of crumpet you met at a pub after only two bites at the cherry?

  1628. John Sanders on March 26, 2022 at 1:51 am said:

    Glenelg had Jim do the death pics but as you picked up on, perhaos even the TS slip, reason being it was their case initially and he was part of the discovery team I’ve lready explained it clearly enough that even a drop kick might be grasp it all. Seems I was mistaken and that said drop kick was grasping somit else entirely.

  1629. Well, what can I say to that, Squire, except to remind you of the vision of Alf clutching the Jestyn Rubaiyat together with a document with the Crusader’s MV number, all eager to unload his memories into Littlemore’s shell pink.
    Not that I give a toss.

  1630. John Sanders on March 26, 2022 at 7:05 pm said:

    History of the ‘MV Crusader’ and your claims of it showing up in destinations way beyond it’s fuel range, have not been kind to you in the past old cock so tred carefully; And as for Paul Lawson’s entirely uncorroborated and fifty year delayed claim re a young female witness to his SM bust (denied in his 1978 interview) which you quote ad infinitum, experienced a touch of delayed morning sickness which is not exactly unknown, all my tarts complained of it.

  1631. You don’t say, and here’s me thinking that there might have been fuel depots up there in the north, established maintained and topped up regularly ……. keep them coming old sport, you’re good for target practice.

  1632. John Sanders on March 26, 2022 at 10:02 pm said:

    Not in Ambon there wasn’t, the place was virtually deserted when Boxall aent there to work up to work and besides Crusader was elswhere. I’m right on target my man and, as for your good self, you missed it completely as usual. Sorry about that cob.

  1633. Good old Alf, swam ashore then did he?

  1634. John Sanders on March 27, 2022 at 4:06 am said:

    Not even close Bozo, Alf was actually flown in from Brisbane on 24/6/47 according to his record of service which I strongly recomment to beginners. Perhaps he swam back to SME after the refit but that detail is somewhat vague on his posting orders. Read the file, it’s on NAA, when you’re free and get back to me if you dare.

  1635. Eggzackely Johnno, I had the pleasure of corresponding with Keith Role (spell) who served with Alf, and he assured me that the old lad was not only a porpoise in the water, but he unravelled an errant hawser from the Crusader’s screws whilst in harbour in the Sou’west Pacific. This of course can be read in the book published discreetly and read widely by the author of this comment, who, unlike your good self, has researched the subject to within an inch of its bloody life. Nevertheless we appreciate your amateur attempts to change history, benign as they are, and wish you all the very best in your doomed endeavours.

  1636. Tamara Bunke on March 27, 2022 at 2:40 pm said:

    Anyone know why Bozo’s website is offline? Getting an SSL error message when trying to access.

    Worse than GC’s, which comes with a security warning (ironic, if you recall he used to berate old Nick for the very same thing. This here site is the actually the only one that’s properly maintained).

  1637. John Sanders on March 27, 2022 at 6:52 pm said:

    Rolie Polie Keith is old hat and merely a diversion ploy, also old hat for a dick (sleuth) like you Pete. My amateur attempts to knock some sence into your noggin are certainly doomed but, aside from that I’m still OK with history of war in the Pacific. Of course your post has nought to do with Alf’s hauser handling in the Sth West theatre, so if you’d care to get back onto your original issue with milongal, now deleted from your comments, I’ll stand head to toe wuth you. I somehow doubt you’ll chose that course, saying that from sound previous experience.

  1638. Subpoenas? Anyone?

  1639. milongal on March 29, 2022 at 7:43 pm said:

    @PB – re the Durham – already read that link before, and it talks alot about him being a “fingerprint expert”, but doesn’t talk to him lifting latent prints (other than from corpse). To me, it still sounds more like he was an expert in getting prints off a body and then matched to a known set. It doesn’t seem to mention him lifting latent print (it has a vague expression about “pioneering many methods” – but given the rest of the description I think those methods are more likely getting the prints off a body. I don’t really see anything about “. ..well known ability to lift prints from almost any surface…” – which from memory was my original point.
    In any case, I had already read that before my previous, and I’m not convinced to change my mind.

    Regarding Subpoenas – I thought I posted yesterday, but perhaps I didn’t hit the button.
    From the coroner’s perspective what does Harkness and Boxall add to the inquest? You’d only subpoena someone if you think it’ll get somewhere. As for Lawson, his testimony is included in the files.
    On that, I notice a lot of people talk about 2 inquests (not saying you did FWIW). I don’t think that was the case. The 1949 one was adjourned, and then 1958 was a continuation (or conclusion). If you read the files as they are on DA’s site you’ll notice the testimonies are identical and there’s just a few little housekeeping additions (and some evidence pictures). Most noticeably, is the cover page that describes the inquest as being held on “17th and 21st June, 1949 and 14th day of March 1958” – which to me suggests the 14th was just a wrap up of a file that was sitting in his inbox too long….

    Short Version: Predictably, I’m still not with you on Durham, and I don’t think the Subpoenas (or lack of them) is all that interesting either

  1640. Milongal …. Cleland adjourned to wait for new evidence.

    Harkness’ reaction to the cast was new evidence
    The finding of the Rubaiyat was new evidence
    The identity of the finder of the Rubaiyat was new evidence
    The finding of the code was new evidence
    The finding of Harkness’ phone number was new evidence
    Harkness’ relationship to Boxall was new evidence

    If this doesn’t satisfy you then I’m in the wrong company.

  1641. John Sanders on March 30, 2022 at 4:13 am said:

    PB: Tom Cleland, in weighing up the viability of original tainted information didn’t consider Liz Thomson’s input to be of any Judicial value, despite her insistance that SM had been her former house tennant? Bob Walsh. I’m sure he did something similar with her near namsake Jessica Thomson’s assertions re Alf Boxall and thus coming to much the same conclusion ie., not worthy of pursuance based on his time tested professional assessment of her story’s unlikey evidentiary input… A better understanding of legal precidents and applications thereof would not be amiss in your case counsellor Bozo.

  1642. Johnno, Milongal … good lads you are but I have the same fond regard for you two as I do for a mixo-dosed rabbit bailed up in the spotlight … either way, the poor little bastard is destined for crow meat.

  1643. milongal on March 30, 2022 at 7:41 pm said:

    Didn’t say it wasn’t new evidence, but what help is a statement when that evidence appears to have led nowhere?
    I’m guessing they get excited when Harkness introduces Boxall, and then disappointed when they find him alive and well. At that point, they think that evidence has run its course. In hindsight many people speculate that Harkness and Boxall are more closely linked to SM – but I’m comfortable that they thought that evidence had reached a dead end. Why would you subpoena someone that (in their opinion) has turned out to be a dead end? Almost all of the speculation about how Harkness and Boxall fit into any story comes from LONG after the inquest was concluded (maybe as late as Littlemore’s doco). While the phone number *potentially* involves Harkness, her assertion “That might be Boxall” is sufficient for the investigators to decide that she isn’t of any help to the investigation – because anything she’ll offer will relate to Boxall – who is alive and well.
    You could equally make a case that anyone else who came in to identify the body should have been called at inquest. Bottom line is you only call for testimony from people you think might have relevant input.

    If I’m investigating a bank hold up, I don’t need all the possible suspects to appear in court – only the ones that are relevant to the story I’m trying to prosecute. I’m comfortable that *at the time* Harkness and Boxall simply weren’t interesting enough for the coroner to involve in the inquest – it was an angle that had proved fruitless.

    On one of them big boards like they have on TV crime shows they had crossed out Boxall as potentially SM, and as a result Harkness’ involvement had run its course.

    As for ending up as crow meat – we all end up integrated back into nature one way or another, so I’m happy to keep burrowing….

  1644. milongal on March 30, 2022 at 7:42 pm said:

    Should have read JS first – he said much the same thing in far fewer words.

  1645. Milongal …Here’s me saying the whole thing was an elaborate ruse and the one question nobody has asked is why then was Harkness implicated.
    Answer that can you? Johnno? Anybody?

  1646. John Sanders on March 31, 2022 at 7:48 am said:

    PB: don’t be asking us know nothings. John Ruffles, Gerry Feltus, Derrek Abbott and Gordon Cramer could help you with all facets of Jessica Harkness & her co-conspirators, after all they invented her….didn’t they?

  1647. Clive J. Turner on March 31, 2022 at 10:16 am said:

    Jessie ‘helped’ the police on condition that her identify was not made public. They, apparently agreed, then she lied to the police by stating she was married. Very shortly, after her interview with Canney, she was shown the bust, and she reacted by a near fainting episode. I would have thought, and it’s my thought only, that the police would have checked her background, marital status, nursing history etc. Apparently, nothing like that happened, so that only left her reaction to the bust, it would seem that only Paul Lawson had his suspicions, the police officers in attendance must have been tying their shoe laces. As they say, Jessie must have had the luck of the Devil, or friends in high places

  1648. Johnno … unlike you to be struck dumb, although others might appreciate it. Clive, the question stands, why implicate her at all when without her phone number she wouldn’t have been connected at all?
    Milongal, still waiting. Tamara .. speak to me .. I know you have it in you. Bumpkin, you inveterate lurker, suck it up. And Nick Pelling, old sausage, ou est vous ?
    Such a shy lot, but not so pretty.

  1649. Pb: now that the Somerton Man cold case has gone from FSSA back to SA Police, I’m hoping it’s just a matter of time before we get something factual to work with. Which would be a nice change.

  1650. John Sanders on March 31, 2022 at 6:47 pm said:

    Nick Pelling: FSSA will likely get SFA, that is if they ever get around to testing what’s left of Somerton Man, no more than a planted West End mortuary toe tag iin my estimation but, Best of Britidh old chap.

  1651. John Sanders: that’s your opinion, sure, but such pessimism seems to be swimming against the broader forensic tide. All I know for sure is that FSSA has handed over to SA Police, so it would seem they have concluded their phase of the analysis.

  1652. milongal on March 31, 2022 at 8:21 pm said:

    @PB – not sure what you’re waiting on (Incidentally, always give me at least 24 hours – I only read the comments here once a day tops, so between you posting and me reading there will be a lag), so I’ll say what I’ve said before but differently. Harkness was of interest because her number was on the code page. They spoke to her, she sent them to Boxall. They found Boxall alive. At that point, she was of no interest to them.

    Or are you saying it doesn’t make sense to even have the Harkness angle if all of this is a conspiracy? In that case, I agree – it’s one of the main reasons I don’t think there is a big cover up/conspiracy – because we need to be able to believe the same people who could suppress or control information flow are the same people that let out a whole bunch of stuff that only serves to keep the case in the spotlight.

  1653. John Sanders on March 31, 2022 at 8:34 pm said:

    Nick Pelling: nothing pessimistic in my realastic assessment; realism based on honest opinion generated by research of kniwn facts and refined case annalysis not fanciful scenarios. Admitted, fortune might factor in for a poor outcome as well, in that ‘master of disaster’ Det. Supt. Des Bray has been involved in many poor remains recovery outcomes in his long career, eg., ‘Castaloy X 2 Beaumont’ and more recently the well reported optimistic but, failed attempt in locating a known gangland murder victim within a confined bushland setting. “a useful method evaluation excercise all in all” from dauntless Des Bray.

  1654. Tamara Bunke on March 31, 2022 at 8:53 pm said:

    @pete … As I said above, I can’t speak to you because tbt is inaccessible due to an SSL protocol error. It’s replicated on multiple devices from here in Vallegrande. Are you getting any traffic at all? It’s a blackout here. No other sites affected.

  1655. Tamara, no problem with traffic, asamatteroffact it’s gone a little nuts. NickP, DNA or not, this mystery is like a jigsaw puzzle that can be put together a hundred ways,. Right now the only piece that’s missing in the latest iteration is the answer to the question just put forward. My interest has always been in what he was, not who, though I’m sure one will follow the other.

  1656. John Sanders on March 31, 2022 at 10:06 pm said:

    Just my usual fanciful ‘out of the box thinking’, as usual in that, had it not been for the nurse’s phone number being errantly inserted on the last page of a coverless nondescript book left open on an a forgetful case officer’s desk, by an unassuming weekend duty constable, the whole concept of her alleged role could have taken on another meaning altogether. Alternate possibility being that she, having called police with her claim as opposed to them contacting her first. A very credible ‘cart before the horse’ scenario by my reckonning but, of ccourse that would go against the grain of more logical intuitive thought wouldn’t it.

  1657. Peteb on April 1, 2022 at 9:38 am said:

    Don’t disagree with that, though wonder whether the other phone number found written on the back of the Rubaiyat may have had something to do with the outcome.

  1658. John Sanders on April 2, 2022 at 2:51 am said:

    Peteb: in reviewing old running sheets; the second number was said to have been traced to ‘State Savings Bank of S.A. at 23 Currie St. though they pulled out in ’42 leaving private tenants and A.G.’s plods plus renovators behind, until CSB bank re established there in 1949. I recall that that the main switchboard remained so if had that been t’other number, without additional extension line ID Sapol would have been stumped. NB: CIS had an internal board for their Federal operations.

  1659. John Sanders on April 2, 2022 at 8:13 pm said:

    Ahh Gordon, late as usual though not in your snide accusations of plagiarism as consequence of my having highlighted your typical lies and bluster as usual. To any punter interested at all in the dreary facts pertaining to Tomsbytwo’s new take on the ubiquetous second ROK phone number, you might request GC to reprint my true accounts re ‘Savings Bank of S.A. buiding tenancy of the 1940s. but without added micro crap input of curse…Good on you Gordon.

  1660. Peteb on April 2, 2022 at 10:08 pm said:

    Running sheets? I suppose they were kept in the same secure spot at Canney’s interview notes, and Leane’s account of meeting Freeman, and Brown’s notes on comparing the slip to the book, the cabinet Leane kept the Rubaiyat until he lost it. Seriously Johnno, all you’re doing is parroting DA’s line, and he’s the fellow who reckons TSM was wearing a buttoned up cardigan when found.

  1661. John Sanders … seriously mate, I believe it’s about time you acknowledged being a bit of a lurker in that for all this time you’ve believed in old GC’s micro-writing routines, and well done you, though you may find yourself in thin company.

  1662. John Sanders on April 4, 2022 at 7:04 am said:

    Peteb: Bit of humour courtesy of Gordon at ‘Troll-ops Central’ in reply to three benign posts of bygone times his errors relating to your current worthy thread.

    ” Oh dear me little Johhny Tenpence, you have quite a problem there, psychotic really. Your relationship with the truth is strange indeed. When I read through your comments you are rather like a little boy who pooped in his bed and then spread the excrement all over the sheets in the mistaken belief that he could then tell his Mum that someone else had done it. Sadly little Johnny, the evidence is all over your face, your hands an through your hair. Goodness me, you can almost smell it. I suggest that your stench will take a long time to dissipate if ever, but just soldier on Johnny tenpence, miracles do happen”.

  1663. John Sanders: you have hair? Lucky bugger.

  1664. Psychotic indeed. Ever thought of asking for assistance Johnno? … that’s some weird stuff from an over 70 year old.
    Little boys and poop … bit of a giveaway sport.

  1665. John Sanders on April 4, 2022 at 8:22 am said:

    Yair Nick, enough hair to weave an Indian blanket, plus five pound of testicie and a 44″ chest span to boot. The prick has the out & out gall to call me Little Johnny, just like Deni and her bimbo sidekick no less

  1666. John Sanders on April 4, 2022 at 8:38 am said:

    Peteb: call me a lurker, a shirker a jerker even a shirt lifter, all of which I’ll answer to but, never ever accuse me of being a letter Q micro crap believer. That’s your cross to bare my man and, you’re saddled with it..who could forget those immoral words ‘Gordon has scored’ and ‘Good on you Gordon’. So well done yourself.

  1667. John Sanders on April 4, 2022 at 10:15 am said:

    Peteb: looks like your on the money, Adelaide C’wealth AG’s C.I.S letter heads between April 1948 and May 1949 with Director’s sign off do not match Cramer’s December ’48 job, phone detail states ‘Central’ 7407 and address was at 100 King William St. not Curry St. from my old NAA file notes.

  1668. John Sanders on April 4, 2022 at 8:08 pm said:

    Note where GC placed his patent orange curve cornered rectangular box aound the telephone number C 7407, that the print is not aligned with other detail, nor with the squared edge of the page but, all in all if it were to have been a photo shopping excercise on his part, it must have related to another subject matter when originally posted as nothing in the context seems to be amiss.
    PS. The Commonwealth Bank Bld. was (is) at 97 King William Street.

  1669. milongal on April 4, 2022 at 9:36 pm said:

    I feel like addresses on King William St vs Currie St we’ve visited before sometime….

  1670. John Sanders on April 5, 2022 at 12:58 am said:

    milongal: yes indeed and on a number of occasions, most recent being my mention of a certain engineer named T. Keane perportedly an engineer who according to reliable records (S & Mc.) was domeciled at Commonwealth Bank Building in 1934 but not thereafter. Perhaps he was Peteb’s long lost nazi/commie infiltrator or Heaven forbid a deep cover G’man who got his marching orders in 1948 at Somerton.

  1671. Peteb on April 5, 2022 at 7:00 am said:

    John Sanders, you have me seriously mistaken as I believe the whole mystery is nothing more than evidence of a car stealing racket and the crook who sold the car left the book inside minus the slip in case the buyer didn’t settle, then of course he would be able to produce both and demand payment.
    Well, I think that’s how it went, perhaps the fellow who thought it all up might put me right though I don’t think so … nobody likes being ridiculed.

  1672. John Sanders on April 5, 2022 at 6:50 pm said:

    ….You mean Nick Pelling’s version of GTA or, the original no frills method of exchange submitted to the panel by Dude C7407; Sans input of Cramer’s soviet assassins or your nazi rocket scientists doing foreign order contracts for pocket money?

  1673. No, in the absence of any contribution of your own because, dare I say it, you appear to be incapable of constructive thought, preferring destructive, I’d suggest the only individual exempt from your withering diatribes is the host of this site. Well, not these days so much as I do recollect you were a little more courageous years ago and prior to being closed down everywhere else, leaving you now a smorgasbord of just one course of ordinary fare.

  1674. John sanders on April 7, 2022 at 12:58 am said:

    How dare your impertinance, and just I was about to send off a numbered flaggon of Inner Circle for your 78th next week. I may yet do it in spite of your casting aspertions on my undeniable ground breaking SM initiatives of late….C.O.D freight should be fair penalty for your damned hide Sir!

  1675. Inner Circle eh, what strength are you thinking of, Squire? The 98 proof burnt my lips off in ‘94.

  1676. John Sanders on April 10, 2022 at 4:35 am said:

    I’ve noticed that Mr. Cramer deliberately alternates the print shades for his ’42 (actually ’44) dual language Rubaiyyat editions from pink to grey and shades in between. In his latest three copy open cover spread, he suggests an unsatisfactory excuse about paper shortage which doesn’t wash. The changes have shown up in the same indididual copies ever since being put on to the to micro scam idea by an hallucinating Inner Santum colleague of yore. PS: was it GC who introduced us to other copies in his library, namely one with an agents stamp (Walsh not Wells) and also a 1932? copy with minor differences, or was that Derrek & his team?

  1677. John Sanders on April 25, 2022 at 3:22 am said:

    I note that our usually punctual TS/BS sage seems a little remiss with his Anzac Day fake Flanders poppies and solemn sentiments this year. Fella’s never late for a fair old Peteb payback concerning Strapps striped duds problem though….and by the way wasn’t it he revealed years later that the beach body was attired in a brown jacket and non matching trousers with a brown/grey herring bone pattern. That might solve the conundrum if we could find any such reference to it ‘I shd [sic] say’….Greenwood, Ballinte or one of our more discerning lady historeans perhaps.

  1678. Fuck off Sanders, sincerely.

  1679. Thanks [cheap generic bald insult], needed to be said.

  1680. Pb: it was the “sincerely” that did it for me. May not work next time round, though.

  1681. Love you [cheap generic bald insult], the secret’s out.

  1682. Pb: all this sincerity is making me gag

  1683. Mark Knowles on April 25, 2022 at 2:32 pm said:

    Well it is good to know that “Cipher Mysteries” is a hotbed of scholarly debate.

  1684. Mark Knowles: it’s an Aussie thing, I try to stay out of the way where I can. Just mopping the blood off the floor afterwards can be a full-time job.

  1685. John Sanders on April 25, 2022 at 8:23 pm said:

    Mark: yes, it’s like awakening to a new new dawn of conviviality in the embattled Somerton Man camp at long last. Put it down to sincere scholarly discourse. Well done to the former antagonists for their compromise. All due in essence to the convenient late unearthing of a perfectly preserved 1949? mortuary toe tag…I shd [sic] think.

  1686. milongal on April 26, 2022 at 12:09 am said:

    What APS equivalent is “assistant Analyst”? The Government is sometimes a little bit funny with their titles (and state ones might be more complex again) but have begun to refer to EL2 (Executive Level 2) as “Assistant Secretary” and SES1 (Senior Executive Service 1) as “Secretary” (before that it probably varied among agencies, but I remember “Manager” being EL1, “Director” or “Regional Manager” being EL2 and “National Manager” being SES1 (with SES2 and above being for specific roles like CEO, COO, CTO, CFO etc….). For me it was complicated by the fact I was within what was then still called Customs (or ACS) which had it’s own internal levels (EL1 was CL4 (Customs Level), and EL2 was CL5 , and in general a CL4 would be an airport manager (although Sydney at least was run by a CL5 (can’t recall if Melbourne was too)). Then all of that is complicated by the fact that APS ties all it’s levels to pay scale – and while that works well in a regimented operational service (Uniformed, Disciplined Force to use their later mantra), some of the non-Operational support roles (Finance, Legal, IT etc) would try to match levels to industry salaries (so for example many of us were EL’s even though we were non-operational grunts).
    [Side note: I think BOM used to address this by having a technical scale and an operational scale – so you might be APS4 at technical level E – the former would define your responsibility, and the latter your pay grade].
    From memory, my title (shared with others in my team) was the really meaningful Senior Technical Officer (even though I was very much in a business unit and not even remotely an officer) – and was probably one of about 5 or 10 people who might have been called to court as an SME in specific systems (we would regularly prepare statements to outline particular processing that had been logged, although the only time I was nearly called to court was an ACLEI matter).

    Obviously SA Public Service is never exactly APS – but I’m sort of interested at Assistant Analyst, is this a 2IC role for Cowan, or is he just an “expert grunt”?

    I also wonder whether the long stream of “didn’t find anything” is as much related to the case simply not being interesting enough for it to be afforded much time….”Hey Cowan, can you just have a quick look at this one and write up a report for the coroner….usual stuff, don’t let it take too much time away from the other stuff you’re on, it’s just an unclaimed stiff that we need to wrap up”.

    Long, oft-regurgitated rant follows (Easy reader version: I have a lot of difficulty with puppeteers and deep conspiracies)

    I guess my problem remains that when you want to take someone out subtly, you do it….well…subtly. But we have all these flashing lights and associated bells and alarms begging us to speculate – especially the TS slip (and associated Rubaiyat). I think GC has previously asserted the whole idea is to send someone a particular message (presumably “we got one of your guys, don’t mess with us”) – but you can do that without a whole load of the hoo-haa. We’re literally expected to see that someone was sufficiently in control to choose how Government employees and coppers came to conclusions, but couldn’t stop inadvertent information (most notably the TS related stuff) leaking to a public and fueling interest.

    If we want to talk about super spies (or Government agencies who think they’re super spies) then wouldn’t it make sense in considering how they want the situation to play out? Surely they would want John Doe found (possibly with the TS), but then they want it just to go away – and this leads to the conundrum I often flag….we get to a position where we simultaneously have some conductor orchestrating the most elaborate coverup, and a series of significant mistakes that make it appear as anything other than the “mundane death” that we’re trying to pass off.

    Suppose the TS slip is a signature. We want to make it clear to someone “make no mistake, this is one of ours”. How can we be so careless as to leave the Rubaiyat somewhere where it will almost certainly be found? Throw it in the gutter, throw it in the bin, hell, throw it in the sea….Does that mean the Rubaiyat was intended to be found? Does that mean the code is a signal? Or JH phone number? Surely blind Freddie can see the code will cause intrigue and the phone number might identify someone.

    So what if we look at it from a different angle – suppose the TS slip is an insurance that SM placed himself. So that if the inevitable happens, he can flag “I was one of them and they got me”. Perhaps then he’s happy for the Rubaiyat to be found – but what if he hadn’t passed? Is the Rubaiyat innocent enough that you can guarantee it won’t flag interest? Can we rely on the fact that worst case scenario it finds a forever home in a lost and found somewhere? But even in that case, why/how do we know that we need to have such an insurance/id at that time? Wouldn’t it make more sense to permanently have something like that? Further, wouldn’t we want things to be as obvious as possible? How can we be certain a slip in a fairly well hidden-pocket will be found? Why do we think the Rubaiyat has enough information to expose what we want (especially given if this were the case, we all seem to have missed it)? How do we even know that the TS will be recognised as a Rubaiyat ending, and trigger the attention that will uncover the booklet?

    To me, the conflicting idea of partial control littered with giveaways suggests this isn’t a coordinated thing by espionage experts, but rather any suspicious or weird stuff (like TS) appear by design – bt by people who have no control over the authorities that will be dealing with it. I can buy into some aspects of conspiracy theories, but I haven’t seen one that satisfies me simply because for each concrete “fact” there’s a “counter-fact” that questions it.

    Incidentally @PB adding to your post(s?) dismissing Fedosimov, I’d like to point out (as I’ve often mentioned) that we can trace Fedosimov’s postings in Britain and Libya (and from memory somewhere else) after he leaves the US (and well before the IAEA), and that if there was more than 1 Fedo, they all had the same wife’s name too…..The notion that Ferdosimov dropped off the radar shortly before SM appeared is incorrect – and has often been pointed out to those who continue to promulgate that story. (But I’m pretty sure I’m preaching to the choir).

  1687. What Rubaiyat are you referring to, Milongal, the Freeman one? If so, can you prove it existed, please. Many thanks.

  1688. milongal on April 26, 2022 at 8:22 pm said:

    @PB: No I can’t prove the Freeman Rubaiyat actually existed, any more than I can prove that the bus ticket was used on the 11:15 St Leonards service (or almost anything else in the case – every single element we’re trusting the reports we can access today (some official, and some merely from the media)).

    But wouldn’t it not existing go even further to making my point? I can’t think of any reason to introduce the Rubaiyat – especially if you’re hoping the public will just ignore this body because it’s boring. Introducing a Rubaiyat simply invigorates the story and keeps the public speculating about it (which I’d imagine is a bit problematic if you’re part of a conspiracy keen to hide some crime).

    That said, if the Freeman Rubaiyat didn’t exist, where did the MLIABO come from, and to what end? (call me naive, perhaps, but) I can’t really see how making up the existence of a Rubaiyat is gonna help anyone with some conspiracy (although I think I have previously speculated that it’s possible the Freeman Rubaiyat was a prank that took off)….

  1689. Thanks for that, Milongal, I suppose it all depends on whether you like a puzzle or not and if you do this Somerton Man case can be put together a dozen different ways .. at least. That’s the appeal for some. As far as the Rubaiyat is concerned, if you seriously doubt it’s existence then it follows that you must also doubt the author of the code, the authenticity of the code itself, the phone number(s) reported to be written in the back, Freeman’s account of finding it etc … the whole given structure disintegrates … all based on the one doubt, the unproven existence of the Rubaiyat, the piece that doesn’t fit. The cornerstone if you like.

  1690. Clive on April 27, 2022 at 3:10 am said:

    If the Rubaiyat was found in a car, was it intended to be have just been picked up by the driver/occupier, given a quick ‘once over’ and forgotten about? And, if this same copy of the Rubaiyat was found to have a code page, indentations only, again was it a ploy, And, then it’s claimed that a certain local Glenelg occupier had their contact telephone number on the code page, but this telephone number is nowhere to be seen. Accept, of course, if you believe in micro-writing. As for our Soviet friend, P.I. Fedosimov, born in 1910, apart from making him ‘too young’ for being a candidate for the SM, he was, as Milongal states, working for the embassy in Libya etc and later at Atomic talks in Vienna etc.

  1691. John Sanders on April 27, 2022 at 9:43 am said:

    Freeman family chemists were victims of safe breakers at Prospect in ’43 and it be known that Detective R. L. Leane was the attending police investigator named in the subsequent inquiry…Flash-Bang-Alakazam. What does that tell those who seemingly never tire of debating pros and cons of the code Rubaiyat’s existance or non existance ad infinitum? Nothing obviously, as my frequent mention of same has never once drawn comment. Based on this proven prior connective link-up between police and victim plus all suspicious and confaluted associated chicanery, only one reasonable conclusion can be made imo…take a good guess Clive and explain to Bozo and like fact finders if you’d be so kind.

  1692. The only reason it’s ad Infinitum Sanders is that nobody, including you, can come up with a believable explanation as to why the most important piece of evidence was never photographed or displayed.

  1693. John Sanders on April 27, 2022 at 10:51 pm said:

    PB: Think not about what’s in your hand most of the time but about other cintingencies that may have precluded Sapol’s possible no go on the ROK photographs, if that’s what you’re referring to. One reason could be that publicly displayed pics relating to a false flag operation could come back on them, or else perhaps Dud Aebi’s film order from Illford had been delayed, leaving the our Leane team in the lurch. How’s about those for starters?

  1694. I give up ….. see you on the other side Johnno.

  1695. John Sanders on April 28, 2022 at 11:27 pm said:

    GEORGE HAYYAM MARSHALL really? and who might that be you ask? No fret it’s merely Gordon Cramer’s sustitute reference to Joseph Saul Haim Marshall @ George Marshall the latest DANETTA thread subject. He likely got the man’s middle name confused with Omar Khayyam, not a big deal though it is becoming more prolific of late according to those that know him best.

  1696. John Sanders on April 29, 2022 at 9:12 pm said:

    Over the course of time since 1949 one single SM statistic has reduced with some regularity that being the distance from Jessica’s then residence at 94a Moseley Street, Sth. Glenelg to the Esplinade seawall opposite Bickford Tce., Somerton where the body was located. Some high profile opportunistic bloggers have thus seen fit to reduce that distance in stages, for effect to improve their very latest fanciful delusions. The distance has decreased noticeably from the original 700 yards according to Feltus? to Gordon Cramer’s very latest bold claim of ‘barely 100 metres’. Truth can be found by simply Googling requested distance between the two points if reference which turns out to be 1.3 kilometers via the shortest Tarlton Street route or (my estimate) 1.4 kms for the alternate beach route and roughly 900 metres as the crow flies. Is it possible that we might now set this as a factual statistic for future discussions on the subject?…not on your sweet nelly me thinks!!!

  1697. John Sanders on April 30, 2022 at 1:38 am said:

    NP: From between the lines analysis of certain suspicious post deletions that you may have been doing some in depth private research into the Ransom &c., Von Stieglitz, Comrie-Smith and Thomson/Thomson family history of late. If so I’d be pleased to share my own updated research results with you, either on the forum or elsewhere, this, all of course being relative to a potentially revealing DNA match up somewhere in amongst the mix. Just so’s Misca and I get our share of any due credits, if and when a positive ID is put forward by Sapol.

  1698. John Sanders on April 30, 2022 at 3:24 am said:

    ….slight miscalculation on proximity of 94a address on Moseley St. would take 300 metres off my stated 1.3 kilometer route, making the journey an even 1000 Mts., but, still well shy of GC’s deceitful self serving 100 metre punt.

  1699. John Sanders on May 1, 2022 at 5:02 am said:

    PB: by using pieces of your colourful (lingua franka) link/ thread examplars for reference, I’ve just broken your weekest link and thinnest thread. Nothing to do with Moss’s assumed search of a ‘hidden’ fob which failed to locate the TS slip or any fair game pound notes above it. No, the main contributing factors in the breakdown of your case handling ctitique is simply due to you having carelessly guilded the lily on two clear counts. Remove the offending porky pies soonest and there’ll be no need to give detractors cause for their usual gleeful ‘chuckle or smile’ as is their wont.

  1700. John Sanders on May 1, 2022 at 4:00 pm said:

    Byron: have a speedy recovery young fella me lad…and, well spotted.

  1701. milongal on May 1, 2022 at 9:30 pm said:

    @JS – Googlemaps has a “measure distance” feature when you right click. Using that I have Mosely, along Tarlton and up Bickford as 767m (or Ferris which is were “SM site” is marked as 677m) – as the crow flies that’s 575m and 505m respectively….

  1702. John Sanders on May 2, 2022 at 7:46 am said:

    milongal: whatever strikes your fancy sport but, don’t forget to add 150 metres give or take for the wrongly placed SM site near Ferris St., courtesy of Googlemaps. Either way Peteb’s current 200 metre punt and 100 metres by GordonCramer’s latest reckonning are both a trifle misleading wouldn’t you agree…and stuff the Crows, they’ll be hard pressed to stay in touch imho.

  1703. milongal on May 2, 2022 at 10:01 pm said:

    Yeap I took the 90 metres into account 🙂 – I had both measures in the previous.

    But yeap. 100m and 200m doesn’t even get you 1 dimension of distance.

  1704. John Sanders on May 4, 2022 at 5:19 am said:

    The Sly Dog is trying to explain the pertinant facts of discovery and first official assigned job responsibilies of first attender Constable Moss in that connection.
    We have been onto this very matter almost since Peteb began his association with the case as a self styled lounge detective with all of the characteristic off target ramifications that hamper us to this very day. Constable Moss was assigned in his capacity as first uniformed officer called to the death scene was to check for signs of life, make rudimentary attempts at identification, then to preserve the scene pending arrival of Detective Sergeant Strangeway’s team of professions. They were then tasked with the more more detailed investigations including various elements of discovery a crime which would have included posdible cause of death and more extensive examination of clothing belongs and the surrounding area for evidence. From that moment the case became their ‘puppy’ and the only remaining task for John Moss was to remove the body for transfer to hospital thence deliver it to the mortuary which he proceded to do and job well done imho. Unfortunately top dog Harry Strangeway was soon called away to more serious matters pending, as he then believed, handing over to his most reliable PC offsider Scan Sutherland who continued the investigation under direction of the Coroner and to some extant Det. R.L. Leane from early January ’49. Of course Peteb and his associates wouldn’t have a bar of any such deal and he for one remains resolute concerning alleged dereliction of duty by the much maligned constable who did all that was asked of him to the best of his ability and then some.

  1705. Matches, Dusty, how do we talk our way out of that, know what I mean?

  1706. John Sanders on May 4, 2022 at 8:49 am said:

    Horse shit Peteb; Moss would have considered such a task as being beyond his sworn duty to look a messy blob of manure or more (two nags) and neither would in his place. So guess where the matches were just as likely to have been?

  1707. Slip and slide, Johnno, maybe you should clean your own boots. Bye for now.

  1708. milongal on May 4, 2022 at 9:41 pm said:

    I think I’ve pointed this out before, but the systems we use between investigation and court can be somewhat corrupt. I don’t mean that people are deliberately perverting the course of justice, but the machinations are exploited to simplify the job for the prosecution. The more witnesses we need to call, the more risk there is that one of them might be shown unreliable,
    Admittedly many moons after SM I know of a specific warrant execution (not for SAPol, although they were also attending) that might illustrate where I’m going. I don’t know (or don’t want to say) how many people were involved but afterward agents from the lead agency ‘coached’ on statements to prepare. Not just in terms of how they should be written, but the overwhelming majority simply said something along the lines of ‘on X/Y/Z I attended the premises at *address*. About 8AM I entered and assisted in executing a search. I found nothing of interest’.
    Finds were ‘allocated’ to particular people who would write a statement (and potentially be summonsed to court) – in general this was the people from the investigative team, rather than extra bodies who had been brought along to help. The idea behind this was to reduce inconsistency in statements, and reduce the likelihood that a particular piece of evidence is dismissed as unreliable. I don’t know how well it works – and it grated me then (and grates me now) that the officials don’t necessarily follow processes that are designed to maintain the integrity of an investigation. Personally, I think it risks a major scandal that not only destroys your case, but seriously questions every case those people have been involved in…

    In any case, I wasn’t coming here to be sanctimonious but rather to make the point that a lot of the unreliability or inconsistency in evidence might ironically come from an attempt to be consistent. Once people start to manipulate statements, details get left out. Then if they realise they got some details wrong, they start to manipulate what they can to get their intended storyline back on track.

    While I think it’s certainly worth digging around any inconsistency, it’s worth remembering that there are many fairly innocuous reasons why these inconsistencies might occur. To me, conflicting reports, or changing (or impossible) testimony doesn’t scream “conspiracy” as loudly as it seems to for others. No matter how many processes an orgnaisation might introduce to stop these sort of mistakes, human laziness, incompetence and perceived intelligence (most people corrupting the system like this believe they are doing it to simplify rather than pervert the process) will invariably circumvent processes and create such mistakes.

    As a side note, it seems the transport industry is most consistently (or successfully) pedantic about following arbitrary processes. Pilots will repeat control tower instructions to prove they heard them, and even discussions between pilot and co-pilot will be a series of repetitions to affirm they heard and understood. Checks on aircraft, trains and trucks (and probably ships) are pedantically repeated at every turnaround. And yet even in there we see incidents that occur because that process wasn’t followed properly…

    ** NOTE: I’m not for a second suggesting that any of the above story is appropriate – and I’ve tried to be vague on detail because I don’t particularly want it to be too identifiable. My point is mainly to illustrate that internal processes (especially unofficial ones) can absolutely corrupt how the facts appear to come out. **

  1709. John Sanders on May 5, 2022 at 3:18 am said:

    The Sly Dog, due to his late arrival on the scene, may not have been made aware that a second fob pocket located on the right side of the Stamina trousers within the internal belt gusset lining that, according to Prof. Cleland, was hard to find, it consisting of a narrow slit opening of about two centimeters. In the 1930’s original design concept, an elastised belt had existed opposite an overlapping waist flap and invisible as such. That space would have ben perfect for concealment of the tiny rolled Tamam Shud slip, so that even a most detailed search might well have overlooked it…that all depends on whether Prof. Cleland’s testimony holds any weight at all. PS: most punters would be aware that due to war shortages, the elastised gusset belt was missing on duds made between 1941? and the end of hostilities in ’45.

  1710. milongal on May 6, 2022 at 1:30 am said:

    I thought the fob pocket was concealed and closer to his ol’ fella too…..

  1711. John Sanders on May 6, 2022 at 4:28 am said:

    Peteb’s back onto the digitalis as an all purpose remedy for most human maladies including Prosper Thomson’s chronic lung bleeds which could have potentially fatal consequences according to Grey’s Anatomy. Besides The Sly Dog ain’t likely to fall for such horse shit which since the year dot old Bozo’s been serving up to his pliant punters with no complaints.

  1712. Google it, genius.

  1713. John Sanders on May 6, 2022 at 7:41 pm said:

    Wilco..wait out…In the meantime, question of relativity; seeing that Roma is by law Katherine’s sister-in-law by virtue of one time marriage to Robin, woudn’t that tend make Miss Egan a niece to kate as opposed to your step sister crap?..Get your new puppy onto it, he’s not so dumb.

  1714. John Sanders on May 6, 2022 at 8:04 pm said:

    Peteb: A review of available evidence suggests that patients with pumonary disease may be more susceptable to the toxic effects of of cardiac glycosides than patients with normal lung function..Digitalis cor pulmonal – Hargreave FE. Br Med J. of 1965….Hopefully, athough I strongly doubt it, this will hold you over until I go through my notes for a more detailed analysis on the dangers of using ‘fox glove’ preparations for chronic heart patients with lung haemoptysis. Anyhow lucky for George his heart function was not a factor as far as Feltus and GC are concerned.

  1715. No banana for the monkey. . try harder

  1716. John Sanders on May 8, 2022 at 1:54 am said:

    Try this’n Bozo, so obvious even a rhesus monkey could have guessed it. Prospers haemoptysis diagnosis was obtained through Dr. Harley Burch MD, his local quack and best man at his wedding, besides his discharge papers had cleared him of any lingering pulmonary disease. No, it was most likely that our SM himself had a ligit chronic form, one attributed to heavy smoking as indicated in the Dwyer autopsy including heavily stained fingers, blackened lungs and internal haemoraging throughout his system, cranial capillaries included. Poor bugger likely drowned in his own blood from natural causes or by taking a glucoside or like herbal anti coagulant to set his mind at rest. Done and dusted champ, anything else on your mind ie., Frederick Henry Phipps OAM the most fancied Beaumont kids abductor f’rinstance?…

  1717. John sanders on May 8, 2022 at 5:54 am said:

    Just a couple or three items of passing interest for those still pursuing Harry Phipps @ Satin Man as their villain. First is that a Frederick Henry Phipps of Glenelg was a Queen’s birthday honoree for the coveted Order of Australia award in 1983, even though his dad had been a thief. Secondly we understand father-in-law William O. Walters was a thirty year detective in Sapol 1919 through 1949 when he died, much of which was probably served in the Glenelg AOR. By the way anyone still checking the midirected Marden and Malvern suburbs for narrow lanes, Milton Street breezeway to the bus stop on Moseley St. is what you should be looking at with respect. js

  1718. Wrong again old parrot .. keep trying.

  1719. John Sanders on May 8, 2022 at 10:41 pm said:

    Can’t win a trick on CM of late and I’m thinking that it would need a man with a gun, as opposed to a monkey on a stick to sway the odds against ignorance.

  1720. I’ve got a neighbour who has a little white Poodle called Fluffy, and every time it sees me it goes yap yap yap bloody yap. Just like you do old sport. One day I’ll tread on it.

  1721. Pb: until that day, Fluffy will keep pissing on your lawn.

  1722. Yeah, but the little fella keeps jumping over your fence to do it, and you ain’t no Alsatian, are you?

  1723. Pb: to be fair, I think the pair of you both piss on my lawn just as you wish. Asking me to put a fence up just on the other guy’s side isn’t the strongest of arguments.

  1724. John Sanders on May 9, 2022 at 7:17 pm said:

    Me mate Glasses, is rough as guts and now lives in Cambodia but, originlally from Snoswellia SA. Had him a pomeranian called fluffy that he took on his bike travels all across SE Asia and the Sub Continent for years. Broke him up when the poor thing up and died about a year or so back of old age. Now he’s got one of those new fangled Kiwi dark tan mini Poodle jobs with all the proper frog trimmings which seems to have filled the void nicely; y’can have a fair shot at what he named it. No Peteb, it’s not Nick and, no Nick Pelling not Bozo either.

  1725. John Sanders on May 21, 2022 at 8:57 pm said:

    Peteb: ‘Scott Morrison done like a dinner…Anthony Albanese romps home’ is what you meant to say, right?….now that’s all done and dusted and all fair dinkum aussies no longer need to be embarrassment for having pansy names like Scotty and Josh to contend with, we can get back to more topical agendi likes of Ben Chiffley, the red leaning ex engine driver and ‘pig iron’ Robert G. Menzies (Ming), his Nip loving partner in crimes against national security.

  1726. I feel their pain, and poor old Tim Wilson, ex hard man reduced to tears after losing his Liberal seat, he had to be comforted by his husband.

    ………. It’s me, isn’t it?

  1727. John Sanders on May 22, 2022 at 10:08 am said:

    Poor Tim, in for a good old bunting tonight I suspect. They don’t call hubby Ryan ‘Billy’ for nothing.

    ……….Yes, it’s you but, never stop plugging or you’ll end up like Kyal over at TSM.

  1728. John Sanders on May 23, 2022 at 3:36 am said:

    PB: in re your latest Ina Harvey sketch you topped it off with a nice pun based on Ian Harvey (TV reporter)..I’ve gone one better which will at least impress your TSM punters. Every sports fan knows that Neil Harvey legendary cricketer commenced his test debut in1948, year of the rat but, that’s not the clanger folks. this Harvey was known to his loyal followers simply by his nickname ‘Ninna’…so top that young Harry!

  1729. milongal on June 15, 2022 at 10:33 pm said:

    PB @ TB2’s latest is somewhat interesting. I think I’ve ranted along similar lines before, but in particular his speculation (in the comments) that there’s a 3rd person involved.
    While it is a bit odd to dispose of a book in this manner (especially if you know the Harkness number is in it) I don’t necessarily entirely follow the entire logic. Some other options might be:
    – The book was discarded in a hurry by someone who thought they were being tailed (I think GC is (or was) big on this idea)
    – SM has passed on the book to someone (who is meant to pass it on again to the person he is to meet) but they don’t know of the code page (and number) in the back
    – The person dumping the book IS the intended target, but as it wasn’t their book (it was given them by a mutual connection) so they have know idea about any significance to scribblings in the back.
    – (Perhaps obviously but I’m guessing this will stir some hornets) Harkness has nothing directly to do with the case (e.g. the original book owner (possibly SM) was in contact with Harkness (or Prosper) and happened to jot their number in the book, but the number itself isn’t related to the actual purpose of the book, so they think little of the fact the number is in there).
    – What if the booklet (code and all) was intended to be dumped in someone’s car but was put in the wrong one? (let’s say SM has kept the slip and passed on the book to a trusted acquaintance to put into a car on Jetty Road so that the owner of said car can verify SM as an intended contact. The book ends up in the wrong car so the contact never gets the proof he needs, so the meet goes sour and SM ends up on the beach**

    It might also be worth noting that PB and others have often pointed out that although we have a picture of the code we don’t seem to have a picture of the phone number. So is it possible that the phone number was transfer scratchings (e.g. they’d noted the number on something else while leaning on the booklet) – in which case the owner doesn’t necessarily realise the number has been left there.

    ** The last of the options above might bear some thinking about. We have normally looked at the booklet as having been “dumped” in the car because the car owner came forward and couldn’t explain it – but what if it WAS meant to go in a car, it just ended up in the WRONG car? “You’ll find a blue car on jetty road with the back window open….chuck it in that…”

    But with all of that being said, I still think there’s a bit of a question mark about whether the slip originally came from that booklet anyway.

  1730. Hello Nick, I found something that i think you will find very cool. There is going to be an auction of old and new cryptology machines including various countries version of the Enigma. Kind of pricey, but there are many kinds. I just thought you would find this interesting. Its from Bonhams. sharon lindimore 8:52 PM



    👍 I did not do this on purpose.










    👍 I did not do this on purpose.




  1731. John Sanders on April 23, 2023 at 12:33 pm said:

    Shit’s hit the fan in Khartoum Sudan, and as for Uncle Sam, the Yanks are running, the Yanks are running, and they won’t be back til it’s over over there. True to form!

  1732. Levitating on May 25, 2023 at 11:34 pm said:

    Hey, awesome website.

    Sadly you’re subscription box returns a 400, so I can’t subscribe for notifications.

  1733. Levitating: alas, you are correct, Feedburner (that I use to handle site update notifications) has finally entered its terminal phase. I’m looking for replacements now…

  1734. John Sanders on September 14, 2023 at 4:27 am said:

    Peteb: although not posted as such, I guess your latest offering be CH 9 and that the young lady being tagged to her clandestine liasons a certain Jewess since deceased. I can guess that your character ‘The man sitting in the corner of the bar, watching’ could only be big Bob Wake of CIS, and side kick Val, the stalker. As for the fella that she was meeting here & there and who followed her to Melbourne then Adelaide after she got potted, I’m somewhat at a loss. Can’t wait for CH 10.

  1735. It will be an untidy passage, JohnS, dangerous yet fulfilling. Or that’s the plan.

  1736. David Morgan on September 18, 2023 at 8:53 am said:

    I have been trying to locate a car a 1973 DATSUN 240K coupe reg RXX-820 linked to a Port Lincoln address with phone 82 2135. Any ideas how I can track the car and the address from the phone and reg?

    I suspect the address is somewhere near Flaxman Street, Port Lincoln.

    I saw another Datsun 240K coupe in Port Lincoln which was RXY…

  1737. John Sanders on September 18, 2023 at 10:00 pm said:

    David Morgan: have you tried @citymotorsnissan (Port Lincoln). If it’s still around town and being driven, a desireable 240K Datsun (Nissan) should be pretty well known, especially in an isolated SA port town like PL.

  1738. David Morgan on September 19, 2023 at 3:24 pm said:

    Prof Abbott has decided (again) to make me a criminal on his SM Facebook account by restricting me to 1 post per day and probably no pictures.

  1739. David Morgan on September 19, 2023 at 7:01 pm said:


    Thanks for the idea. In fact it was historic. I wanted a way to search a car registration database for the owners. It was interesting when I posed the same type of question in Norway 2018 they were able to locate every owner of a vehicle. The same with telephones I wanted to track it to an address – in Port Lincoln, I searched numbers either side and it pointed to Flaxman st. But it could go around the corner to another street.

    Curiously, coincidentally I found that the Adelaide family murderer Stuart Pearce had a 240k Datsun. As they lived near the Parafield airfield i wondered whether he was an aircraft buff. It might be a clue to where he presently hangs out for the $1m reward. It was an amazing story that the lodger killed himself and the brother of his wife murdered their parents. His living son became a criminal.

  1740. John Sanders on September 20, 2023 at 12:38 am said:

    DM: can’t help much with the Datsun 240K’s whereabouts or that of Stuart Pearce for that matter. In the first instance your phone number seems likely to be a 1300 job followed by six digits; and all I could dig up at short notice on your “murderer” is that he arrived in Australia with parents Dick & Liz as an infant aboard the SS Strathaird out of London July ’58 and that the family gave an address of 11 Shinkel St. Mount Gambier at Fremantle.

  1741. John Sanders on September 20, 2023 at 3:39 am said:

    Clive: need to know what happened to Derek’s knitted cardigan/pullover?. Dunno but, you might ask the Leyland brothers; sure to get an honest answer from them. On your initial query regarding an apparent blood soaked morgue trolly, I have frequently alluded to y’man Bill Cohen who was booked in to West End’s mortuary just prior to our SM so you might like to keep that in mind.

  1742. John S … ‘wooden’ mortuary trolleys? Real or unreal?

  1743. John sanders on September 20, 2023 at 8:21 am said:

    David Morgan: I checked out Stuart Pearce’s murdered in-laws who are interred alongside his poor wife (Wayne’s sister) and kids at Mt. Gambier lawn cemetery. Bit strange about the border what necked himself and also that Allen Maynard sports an AIF returned badge on his shared grave plate yet there’s no record of his war service at NAA. So you reckon there’s something suss about the two like numbered cars at Port Lincoln and maybe you’re onto something that the cops missed. Well I’ll leave it to you to check out but, give us a hoy if I can help out.

  1744. David Morgan on September 20, 2023 at 11:19 am said:


    The NAA records say ‘not yet examined’. Where are you getting your info?

    I had contact with a young bloke (sounds like a child) who can search across electoral registers in Australia. Likely LDS.

    Who gives out these superpowers?

  1745. David Morgan on September 20, 2023 at 11:26 am said:

    @Js by putting 1300 in front it becomes
    Airport Dr Melbourne Victoria 3045 Australia.

    Which doesn’t fit with an advert in Port Lincoln though bizarrely with the criminal if he likes planes.

  1746. Hi John, Seems the pullover was just another item that was never photographed and shown to the public. We’re the police being selective or what?

  1747. David Morgan on September 20, 2023 at 7:14 pm said:


    It was the boy racer car, knitting machine and telescope with wooden tripod from the same number in Port Lincoln made me think of another 1990s home invasion kidnapper.

    When the police jumped on video recorder they may have missed out on telescope. None of the children mentioned him running to change tapes and they weren’t entirely silent when you opened the side to switch them out. Usually some cluncky tune.

    My other bigger line of research was an LDS train driver with his dad a former JP in Lower Plenty with a grandad in Yinnar who had previously raped a child but was found innocent in a higher court.

  1748. John Sanders on September 20, 2023 at 10:18 pm said:

    Peteb: dunno about trolleys but, it’s mentioned in SA morturies travel guide that the old West Terrace facility had three slate post mortem slabs with grooves along the edges and both ends to facilitate discharge of unsightly blood & offal. As for reception and short stay customers in Somerton Man’s time, I’m thinking sturdy timber frame gurneys were quite satisfactory and no complaints entertained.

  1749. Thanks John Sanders, appreciated

  1750. John Sanders on September 21, 2023 at 9:22 am said:

    ….re Prof. Clelands hand written notes from 1970? (my discovery), his mystery sign off comment “Jerdoze E. Fltriam” with “word for posts” beneath hasn’t raised much interest since GC & Co. claimed it and kindly put it up on his TS/BS for our viewing. Seems it could be of Latin origin though I can’t find a translation unless it refers to a form of gold thread embroidery or else it’s some sort of clandestine message.

  1751. David Morgan on September 21, 2023 at 1:12 pm said:

    @JS, – wooden tripod

    In 1993 the vicar Geoff Diment Port Lincoln was selling a telescope – a tasco911tr which had a wooden tripod. I saw some old 1993 Google group discussing it. I can’t imagine he would have a boy racer car as a vicar. But his wife Liz seemed to be running craft courses – so she may have had a knitting machine. Her name for her craft course Linc’n’Learn was quite clever for Lincoln. But she may have taught men to knit.

    It may be Rev. Diment was given the telescope by a resident in 1992 and then sold it 1993 using the church phone number.

    But although the newspapers seem to have stopped he is still there in PC. Perhaps I should ask him about the telescope and the car.

  1752. David Morgan on September 21, 2023 at 2:47 pm said:


    It sounds almost like an insult – Yer Dozy ? word for posts – Staves or Pillars.

    Sounds like he’s saying Yer dozy effin pillock.

  1753. Sounds almost like a Groucho alias, although not sure how to pronounce Fltririam.

    I can imagine a sarcastic “Yer dozy effin….” as Dave suggests

  1754. John Sanders:

    Hope all is going well for you and all.

    Sorry I can’t add more given past trials and not to waste more of your and others’ time (and mine), but just to respond to this among your often perceptive catchings of something that end up being important for you or others (I won’t cross my fingers), and to prevent letting more decades pass by wondering what Jerdoze, and perhaps even what I read as E. Eltucan (or, E. El tucan) means, here is my two cents.

    Prof. Clelands is referring to a label he has seen on the suitcase. He is asking, “Does the suitcase label?” (… “mean anything?”). And after giving a sense of what he has read on the suitcase, he is saying it may be “useful” (or “word” as you read) “for poster” (i.e. to publicize in newspaper ads, to see if anyone can tell what this means).

    Jerdoze, is a transliteration of جيردوز (or Jir Dooz). It is Persian, but given its rendering, I think it is expressed with a Turkish pronunciation, so the company making the suitcase must be Turkish, more likely Azeri, or even still perhaps Persian of Iranian Azeri or Azeri of the then Soviet Union source (at the time the now independent Azerbaijan was still a part of the Soviet Union); technically a Russian firm in the caucuses could use the term as a name, but the words are Persian.

    Both words are what Persians use even today most commonly. Jer or Jir or جير is a term used for suede leather specifically, but it can be used for any quality leather, as the word is actually borrowed from French (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuir), which simply means leather. Persian has internalized many terms from French as a sign of class and status (implying foreign made, so to speak) and “jir” is one of them. So, using the word jer (in Turkish pronunciation of it as a Persian word, not Turkish, since in Turkish Suede is Süet, though some Turks may be quite familiar with using the term Jir or Jer as well, since it is actually a French word used for leather implying high quality leather) or jir (in Persian pronunciation of it), gives a sense of high class leather work, and using it in a company name or on a suitcase as a brand makes it sound more classy.

    Doze or Dooz or دوز means sewing, or sewn in Persian, and can be used in Azeri and Turkish as well, but if so, used as a Persian bran word, since it is a Persian word. It has the same root as does the word دوزنده (doozandeh) meaning tailor, or one who sews.

    So, to make this short, Jerdoze means “leather sewn.” In Azeri Turkish (which is my mother tongue as well, may parents having been Azeris both), El Tucan, or El Tican, means “hand sewn.” El is hand in Turkish, and I grew up learning that ticmak, means to sew. So, Eltican can mean “hand sewn” (if that is the word Cleland read, but it is not entirely clear from his handwriting, I must add). Given the E. at the beginning, it may well be the trade name of the person owning the company or the tailor making the suitcase (i.e., one who hand sews). But, the expression goes to convey the quality nature of the hand sewen leather work on the suitcase (of course as exaggerated by its maker, as is done in trade). If El tucan is what I am reading it to be, then clearly this suitcase was made by an Azeri or Persian or Turkish sourced company using a Persian expression in Azeri or Turkish pronunciation as its brand name.

    Of course, now the most interesting question for those curious (or not) to answer is how a suitcase with that label (be it a suitcase manufacturing company name, or just a label to refer to the quality or brand of the suitcase) has ended up in Australia and in Adelaide used by the Somerton man. If it was a common label of suitcases at the time, imported to Australia in bulk, of course that would be some explanation of it. But Cleland and others seem to have not even known what it says or means, or seen a label as such in their market. So, given the post war situation, the shortages, etc., the high volume import of the suitcase from such an overseas source must not have been likely. Another possibility is that of its being used by someone, a migrant, entering Australia from a Middle Eastern, the Caucasus, or Russian region, broadly considered. But then, the suitcase seems to have been new and hardly used, like the shining shoes of TSM. And TSM having bought it used would not be too plausible, since it does not seem to have been used at the time.

    I think you have noticed something important that has slipped by for decades. It is one of those things that turns a lot of things and assumptions upside down.

    Sorry, that is all I can say, and apologies in advance for not responding further. I hope this is helpful, if not, just ignore it as usual. It was for me interesting, and even I was surprised by what you caught.

    Best wishes,


  1755. John Sanders on September 22, 2023 at 2:31 am said:

    David Morgan: found your irreverend reverend living with Elizabeth and family in the lower Adelaide Hills. He’s back to preaching folloeing his indiscretions and far enough away to be remembered it would seem. I have all Geoff’s contact details including phone numbers and email etc., if’n you don’t have them already.

  1756. John sanders on September 22, 2023 at 9:12 am said:


    Really good to hear from you, I’d been watching for any update on your SM thoughts as late as yesterday. What you’ve been able to provide regarding the suitcase and likely origins is clearly what Cleland was on about with ‘Jerdoze’ etc., and the ‘missing’ manufacturers label in Persian which had been brought to our attention by Det Brown in his ’78 ‘Inside Story’ interview (Utube). In fact we had discussed the subject at some length in earlier threads eg., ‘Crossing the Tasman’ thath dealt with Polish refugees from ‘Persia’ being evacuated to NZ early in WW2. Mention was made of the new arrival’s suitcases which were obviously of a foreign make due to latch design and absence of the Australian ‘Cheney’ marking suggesting SM may well have been amongst their number. All very interesting and many thanks for swinging by with some relevant input at long last. “Indeed, indeed” (Q70).

  1757. David Morgan on September 22, 2023 at 10:45 am said:


    I didn’t know he did anything wrong other than sell a telescope with a wooden tripod. Probably a Haleys comet purchase. Though I noticed in 1996 he had some dispute with the church about homosexuality in the church (I think). Which side he was on in the dispute I don’t know. I was hoping he would know ‘the other guy’ with the car, knitting machine and telescope with a wooden tripod. Though it would make sense if his wife was teaching craft such as knitting and sewing and wanted to involve men. Perhaps he was the first male student.

    I noticed his wife visited Melbourne with some school type trip as the responsible adult no doubt. But I couldn’t find a record for him in 1990.

    I have emailed him asking about the car (c/f Stuart Pearce) is the line of argument…

  1758. @ Behrooz,

    Welcome back!

    Another use of Jerdoze;

    Bandhej Salwar kameez: Bandhej Salwar kameez are the most popular designs of Jodhpur in India which have now gained popularity in UK also. Bandhej Salwar kameez UK are made up of rich silk, cotton, or chiffon fabric having beautiful jerdoze embroidery over it.


  1759. Would you say this suitcase looks like an aged version (and different colour) of the one found at Adelaide Railway Station)?


  1760. His suitcase reminds me of these ones recovered from asylums in New York and the evacuee suitcases of WW2’s children (minus the teddy bears).



  1761. John Sanders on September 22, 2023 at 9:31 pm said:

    David Morgan: thought you knew that in 2004 your good reverend then aged 50 pleaded guilty to six counts of indecency behaviour at Beaumont Uniting Church.

  1762. I realize I am breaking my promise so soon by sending this, but, to avoid misunderstandings of not responding, I am sending this. Nick’s site is addicting and hypnotic, not just as figures of speech, but really. It is where genuine and real research action is happening in TSM case anywhere. But, once one opens its “suitcase” it is hard to close it, and before you blink, decades have gone by, and all other projects and life gone on the back burner. Not sure how he does it, taking the burden of everyone at once. Moderating things is hard and not enviable, so kudos to him for keeping things going here more moderately.

    Hi Pat, thanks, nice to hear from you as always. As usual, you found (in your first suitcase link) exactly a match, even more a match, as far as its suede version goes. Latches are exactly the same. If you locate the site and manufacturer, you can perhaps discover where or which company it originated from and let all know. The others you sent were not the same, so perhaps focusing on the matching ones is better. Your link was to image and not to site, so you may want to let others know where you find it. It is a very good find. Pat, everyone appreciates all your energy and research. John Sanders, especially, does, I can tell, and he does it even in Portoguese, just that’s how he shows it because he likes you to do some research on his topics too, since he knows you are so good at it. But you have good reasons to follow what you think is important; they are. He has raised insightful questions also. Sorry to everyone if I have not been able to catch up with questions you have asked in the past, hopefully someday I will.

    John, nice to hear from you too. I found the background discussions, and your apt notes about suitcase latches on another thread (it was on “The Very Social Somerton Man’s Suitcase” but the polish refugees from Iran to NZ issue you referred me is an eye opener and very promising also as a possible lead; I had no idea that could be a path to pursue). I see so many different suitcases online, that it is odd more has not been done trying to find the exact style (perhaps it has been and I am not aware of it), as you have pointed out. It is worth looking into the types (if not done already) and I think Pat has already found a very good match, if only it could be further traced. Thanks for checking my site, a rarity from this site, so I will reward you one day with a very interesting update, but not yet. When I left last I got a chance to attend to fallen-behind projects and still I have to attend to more (finished a volume and many more to go). I have been following things related to TSM also, but still they are cooking so no need to take everyone’s time on them yet. Your finding yesterday changed things again in the stew recipe, so it is prudent to be patient with these things. It was one of those 0.01% things that can overturn or at least question entire 99.99% assumptions.

    While I am here, hi to Jo (you won’t realize how important that x is until you care to see my solution to the code, but nothing of the sort has been of interest, so that’s fine and I wish you well), David Morgan, Poppins, milongal, and others. David, the file you were looking for Comber’s will was already online in the link you had copied. Now that I am sending this, I may as well send a few other things I found where David had linked the Comber will. Most likely you all already have them (I know Poppins had found the one on T. Keane’s accident/passing file, being so resourceful as always). They can be accessed here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NbKOVA740_7zy-sryX68bd_Y6cKetIPE?usp=sharing

    Ok, time to close the suitcase, otherwise absolutely nothing gets done on my end. This time I am really, really promising!

    Best wishes

  1763. David Morgan on September 23, 2023 at 4:47 am said:

    The guy who sends in witty articles in 1927 to a newspaper with the name Tamum Shud with a mixture of pretentious algebra and poetry sounds like a young Carl Webb in 1927 who was rejected by some young girl he admired when he popped the question because she didn’t like his “tousled topknot”. Though possibly it was an American under the heading “Sandplain Nights”

    “The childish hope we set our hearts upon
    When courting one whom we might love anon”

    Sounds like someone who is reading the ROK a lot.


  1764. David Morgan on September 23, 2023 at 10:31 am said:


    If they ever pay me a reward I owe you.

  1765. David Morgan on September 23, 2023 at 10:34 am said:


    On to Stuart Pearce next…perhaps there is a link.

  1766. @Behrooz

    Thanks for your input, always appreciated.

    The photo of the suitcase is from an expired ad on Gumtree Australis. And it says brown leather suitcase, not suede, by the way.

    I have contacted Gumtree and they said they can’t disclose any information regarding the original ad unless it is for legal purposes.

    The only information I could gather from the original ad is that the seller was from Victor Harbor, South Australia.

    Thanks for the links!

  1767. @ Behrooz

    The link to the ad


    There is other vintage suitcase advertised by the same person (judged by the same mat underneath the suitcase), but it’s unfortunately expired as well.

  1768. @ Behrooz (Sorry Nick!)

    Yep, you’re right! This one is probably suede, I have looked at so many suitcases, I thought I was referring to the other one advertised by the same seller, which was leather.

  1769. @ Behrooz,

    The second suitcase looks similar. I have contacted the seller.


  1770. Last one, Nick.

    If it weren’t for the metal rivets, this one looks very similar, and probably for left-handers!


  1771. Oops, last one I promise, Made of Fiber but latches are the same and handle are the same.


    Brand: Travel Goods Pty Ltd. – Victoria

  1772. The seller of of the leather suitcase has replied. No brand/manufacturer but this attached writing:

    ‘Presented to
    Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Smith
    from friends of Saltlake Church
    February 1947’

    It’s in Adelaide, right? Exciting!


  1773. This one looks exactly the same.


    I’m not of FB any more. Anyone interested in sending a message to the seller?

  1774. Correction, the manufacturer of the fibre one is ‘Star Brand Travel Goods’, NSW, Australia.

  1775. John Sanders on September 24, 2023 at 1:33 am said:

    This is for Pat or any keen punters wanting to aquire a Globite or, near enough look-alike Keane suitcase, back in the SM dark ages when such was all the rage, good pickings could to be had at ‘ye olde antique shoppe(s) in the Adelaide Hills hubs of Stirling, Hanhdorf or Mount Barker eg.,’Head over Heels’ pre loved barn at Mount Barker. Only problem was that none could be found with tell tale? luggage label intact, as indicated in Clelands notes (diagram) and alluded to by Det. Feltus in his book and Supt. Brown in his ’78 Inside Story interview. An important recent disclosure supports my own earlier stated opinion that when J. B. Cleland became involved in March 1949, the ‘JERDOZ’ label must stil have been in place; and yet it was never mentioned by police or the press during the initial investigations.

  1776. John Sanders on September 24, 2023 at 7:13 am said:

    No One: might I reminded that not all caterpillers turn into beautiful butterflies.
    There are them’s that metamorphise into death’s head moths. I’m sure AI is well aquainted with such quirks and has the ready capacity to arrange trade offs with mother nature or old Ned accordingly.

  1777. John Sanders on September 26, 2023 at 1:04 am said:

    PeteDavo: tried to have GC set you straight on a number of honest errors re your version of the Brown sisters Phyllis & Mair’s service history, e.g., “Signit” postings as code breakers and treatment at RNSH during Jessica Harkness’ tenure there. In your latest BS/TS post you incorrectly maintain that Mair had been admitted to 108 Gen Hosp and 115 HMH whilst in Sydney NSW. I’m informed that both nominated hospitals happened to have been in distant Victoria, namely Bonegilla (Wodonga) and Heidelberg. Gordon has been very busy of late but, you may see fit to have him make any necessary alterations to your related erroneous posts when time permits. Cheers JS

  1778. John Sanders on September 26, 2023 at 5:05 am said:

    A real treat in store for any Gordon Cramer followers real or imagined. In his very latest serving on lady spies of WW2 and the cold war era Gordon offers two 1950 linked newspaper articles from a alter ego correspondent outlining an extended adventure cruise aboard ‘Northern Star, a converted RAN Fairmile motor launch. The apparently Trove accessed newspaper articles give details supplied by author Helen Fry, of those onboard including some from government agencies plus VIPs the likes of Sir Thomas Blamey. The only problem with the otherwise riveting yarn is it’s involvement with espionage is not made clear and GC’s helpful online web source details are no help at all due to their non existence as expected. The story is further complicated in knowing that Sir Thomas Blamey at the particilar time, May through July 1950 was himself indisposed due to poor health, having himself been admitted to Mercy Hospital in mid June, then later Heildelberg where he remained until his death in 1951 following a prolonged period of palliative care…good old GC man should be knighted for his services to the blind and gullable.

  1779. John Sanders on September 26, 2023 at 5:22 am said:

    …Gullible or not, we gotta give credit to Christopher Gordon Cramer for audacity.

  1780. I lived on a converted RAN Fairmile in Gibraltar for a while in the 60’s .. vey handy those boats were for running cheap smokes over to Italy and bags of kief from Ceuta.

  1781. D.N. O'Donovan on September 26, 2023 at 9:12 am said:

    I sent you an email about a week ago. My VPN sometimes triggers alarms, so it may have gone to the bin. Will re-send if necessary, but it was not-particularly urgent or important question.

  1782. @ Johnno – I’d give him far more credit if he’d acknowledged Phyllis Latour Doyle, a past member of the CWA!


  1783. As soon as I managed to contact the seller of the suitcase on bloody Facebook, she (Rhonda in Satwell, NSW) blocked me and withdrew the ad. That’s why I hate FB. Rude!


  1784. John Sanders on September 26, 2023 at 9:00 pm said:

    Pat(sy): Seems to me that Rhonda with her rotten box (Keane suitcase clone) from Sawtell ain’t no bunny honey. Goodonya Rhonda, FB rules OK?

  1785. John Sanders on September 26, 2023 at 10:07 pm said:

    Jo & Co… and then there was Helene @ Mdm. Fiocca @ Capt. Forward of Special Operations Executive & formerly the French Resistance WW2. Check out her other credentials, nothing to scoff and, guess what, Mrs. Forward and hubby John settled in Sawtell (see Pat’s ‘last post’) after her political life. She died in ‘Blighty’ aged 99 it is said with a gin’n tonic in her ever staunch right hand and the great lady’s ashes being scattered over her old Resistannce stamping grounds of Montiucon France. Seems these days no one gives a rats arse for the exploits of wartime heroines eg., Nancy Wake, better known to the remaining few of her pals as The White Mouse.

  1786. John Sanders on September 27, 2023 at 12:15 am said:

    Pat: actually, if not for pressence of the other blue port, signs of age allong with different backround clutter, your Satwell [sic] job be identical with the discarded? Sapol suitcase, or it’s double as seen on the CM’s SM’s ‘The Very Social Somerton Man’s Suitcase’ pic. Even the concrete floor looks somehow familiar. How about that, see what you missed by trying to do a deal in worthless Brazilian Real?

  1787. John Sanders on September 27, 2023 at 1:05 am said:

    PeteDavo: a number of recalibrated enigma machines were aquired by OTC for use in PNG around 1955 and were still in service until the eighties from memory. When I posted on this some years it didn’t raise any eyebrows although I’m sure Gordon himself must have have seen it and been quite impressed nonethless. Details were taken from an OTC operators newsletter story by Xavier Herbert’s young brother David and you see for yourself the ‘no bullshit’ post here on CM if so inclined.

  1788. John Sanders on September 27, 2023 at 9:01 am said:

    Jo: according to a Wiki bio, Nancy Wake upon retirement and her hubby ex RAF officer John Melvin Forward, settled in Port Maquarie and not Sawtell which is a bit further up the NSW coast. John died there in 1997 after which Nancy was disposed to selling up everthing of value (medals included) and returning to England where she stayed in her favourite wartime pub, gratis. Whilst there she wrote her AB with a few stiff drinks daily as an aide memoire, content to spend her remaining days in good company and modest comfort.

  1789. Something interesting in Behrooz’s cache of PROV files – at the time of Freda Keane’s death in the early 1960s, Leo Keane lived at Rutland Court flats, 409 St Kilda Road. These flats were opposite the Melbourne Synagogue on the corner of Toorak Road, literally around the corner from Carl and Doff’s Bromby Street apartment. I wonder whether there were memories of or discussions about Charlie and Doff.

  1790. John Sanders on September 27, 2023 at 10:02 pm said:

    Jo: a kilometer between the two Sth Yarra addresses nominated by my reckoning, over half a mile in old terms which is a fair distance in suburban sprawl terms as anyone familiar with that part of Melbourne must agree. I’m sorry but I honestly don’t see any commonality berween the two addresses you’re on about.

  1791. John Sanders on September 28, 2023 at 1:53 am said:

    Our absent minded professor seems to have goofed again, this time in his FB critique of yet another fairly average Somerton Man mystery doco. In it he takes task over their naming of the attending RAH medico being Dr. Barley Bennett as opposed to Dr. Barkley Bennett (sans John) his correct monicker. Yet another, one of the unfortunate gaffs Derek has made with some regularity over many years, though not the biggest by a long shot. Surely the name John Barkly Bennett is not too difficult for a proclaimed world authority on Tamam Shud to remember.

  1792. David Morgan on September 28, 2023 at 4:30 pm said:


    The point of all the discourse was me trying to track an offender who started in Lower Plenty. I quite liked the idea of a mormon offender with fantasy child brides which would have tied in the Yates line. But it fizzled into at best forgery of a will.

    So then I started on the other religious guy with his 6 offenses.

    Along the way I bumped into the Stuart Pearce plot.

  1793. John Sanders on September 28, 2023 at 9:47 pm said:

    For a bit of good old Australia nostalgia but, still on unsolved suspected family oriented killings suggest you try the Gatton Qld murders of the three Murphy siblings in new years eve 1898 and the brutal slaying of Bertha Schippen 14 in her bed in 1902 at Towitta S.A. while Herr and Frau Schippen were out. If you’re still Keane on the Webb family genre there’s always the 1931/32 unsolvolved brutal Melbourne south side murders of two young women near their homes in about ie., Mary Dean and Hazel Wilson when whore mongering Thomas Blamey was Police Commissioner. Should keep you busy for a day or two.

  1794. John Sanders on September 29, 2023 at 4:08 am said:

    I guess it’d do any harm at this point to mention the 1899 murder of ten year old Sydney Pearce of Winton Qld. Whilst details are scanty the shooting death of the child caused quite a stir when it broke and was compounded by Police delays plus their failure to make an early arrest. Far as I’m aware the case remains open and the five hundred pound reward offered by the police for information leading to a conviction is possibly still on their books.

  1795. John Sanders on September 29, 2023 at 5:58 am said:

    As it turns out young Sydney Pearce of Winton was himself probably alive and well in September 1899 but, his namesake Sid Pearce, a district carter aged 25 was most assuredly not. The latter having been bludgeoned to death whilst tending to his loaded horse & wagon on 5th inst. Rockhampton Morning Bulletin in its report of even date equated the killing being as being likened to that of the three Murphy siblings at distant Gatton the previous year which included death of an innocent animal. As for the Pearce lad, there is record of his starting school in 1897 aged 8 and the LDS mob lists a person of the name being born in UK in 1889 so likely not a child of the victim thank goodness.

  1796. John and all.

    I may be mistaken, and I don’t want to presume to speak for our host, but my feeling is that it’s time we’ll all took the Somerton Man party somewhere else.

    Just a thought.

    Count me gone for one.

  1797. John sanders on September 29, 2023 at 1:23 pm said:

    Diane: I for one don’t have too many problems with Somerton Man perse, it’s the FB Carl Webb SM imposter and supporting cast of many that gets in my craw but, I do see your point and respect your decision to bale out.

  1798. @ Johnno – it’s obviously not your ‘hood. One tram stop apart – the old Domain interchange & Toorak Road stops. In their times there would be Melbourne Grammar, the ex Kellow Faulkiner car show rooms (now Royce Hotel), Southern Cross Garage, a chemist, Coonara Private Hospital, the Jolly Roger Cafe (now Gentleman George) and the synagogue between them… no suburban sprawl. And for what it’s worth, Victoria is correct on the adoption.

  1799. John Sanders on September 30, 2023 at 1:51 am said:

    David Morgan: I’m wondering whether there was ever any committed online discussion on the 1991 Pearce tragedy as there seems not to be a great deal of information on the case for sleuthers to digest. My initial interest which fizzled out through lack of press follow up ala., the Beaumont & Adelaide Oval abductions, was gleaned from a case study in Andrew Rule’s ‘Australia’s Greatest Mysteries’. I have a feeling my treasured reference book disappeared along with my Keane suitcase clone that went missing a during ‘a fit of spring cleaning’ in my absence.

  1800. John Sanders on September 30, 2023 at 11:06 am said:

    Jo: that’s fine by moi. You stick to “literally around the corner” and I’ll hang my ‘hood’ on half a mile and half way to town…I’ve forgotten who was adopted by Victoria? and when, if you could kindly run that past me again.

  1801. @John Sanders why are you a Department Store chain in the UK?

  1802. John Sanders on October 1, 2023 at 8:03 am said:

    @Curio: I’d much prefer to be ‘a rare, unusual or intriguing object’ like your good self but, being a UK Department Store chain with links to Marks & Spencer and Toys-for-Boys, I’m not complaining.

  1803. David Morgan on October 5, 2023 at 9:48 am said:


    In my search to match the 2004 guy to Mr Cruel I have ended up at the home later owned by MP Liz Penfold (or her agent) in Port Lincoln. But as always I can’t get back to 1995. I have a car that doesn’t match its registration advertised as a coupe but listed as sedan in offical records. I had already emailed the suspect prior to knowing about 2004 – and he first replied he had recollection of the telescope but sold the car around 85 not 95. Then he sent a separate email later just saying ‘no recollection’. In fact, the evidence is solid that he or his co-minister in PL sold the telescope with a wooden tripod. His co-minister also has some obsession about introducing porn into church services – but doesn’t seem to have been convicted. He had a special group who paid $100 to discuss it. He also followed the dodgy vicar around like a lapdog. Always youth working.

    The premise of my argument about Mr Cruel was ‘he knew too much’. I originally followed the Dr Elkner ASIO plot on NAA and assumed one of his pals was bugging him – I assumed a Yates. I then ended up in Lower Plenty following the JP Arthur Penn Yates assuming the young guy (his son) was part of the Vietnam Peace Movement in Yinnar/Morwell. But the LDS genealogy plot shows his son to be a train driver. So that route came to the end of the tracks.

    I have written to the Port Lincoln Historic Society to see whether anyone in that group remembers the Datsun 240K in 1995. The two other possible addresses was a house for sale for 12 months in 1995 in 13 Morgan Street and the other I think may have been old people’s housing where the person may have taken the number with them, perhaps from Morgan street.

    Likely former MP Liz Penfold could solve the house mystery knowing who lived in her house (or her agents) a few years before her. I have msg her but no luck.

    I found a potential record to show the dodgy vicar had worked in the MOD in London in communications making him a candidate bugger – which goes back to my original premise of a criminal who knew too much – e.g. knowing where the sock drawer was. The police believed he was watching from outside but I think a man with binoculars wouldn’t see the sock drawer. He also knew the family nicknames. I think he was bugging the houses. So that he knew when they went out or had gone to bed and could hear the small details about clean socks.

    He seems to be have been treated over-nicely in 2004 suggesting he had powerful friends. I suppose by bugging you could know all the secrets of all the vicars and powerful people and they can become your best friends.

    It as fascinating that he was video recorded committing his sex offences. Was his own recordings used as court evidence? Was the bugger bugged?

    He also video recorded church services.

  1804. John Sanders on October 6, 2023 at 4:04 am said:

    David Morgan: in re your Mr. Cruel quest. One of poor murdered Templestowe schoolgirl Karmein Chan’s sisters said that the intruder spoke to somebody called Bozo or Bowser on the house phone and whilst no record of any call was found it makes little difference. I’ve now just by chance come across the pet name ‘bowser’ for a former associate of your present reverend suspect who was known by that rather untowards monicker. If you have anything I may have missed on Wikipedia that I could follow up with, you’ll let me know of course.

  1805. John sanders on October 6, 2023 at 8:34 am said:

    DM: you’ll be aware that the Bozo threatening phone call (?) lead relates to the 1987 Lower Plenty home invasion and came from the rape victim herself, not the Chan sisters of the later abduction & murder of Karmein, as I’d assumed.

  1806. John Sanders on October 13, 2023 at 7:31 am said:

    A tragic outcome in an attempt to make off with Paddy Hannan’s heavy bronze head from the Statue in down town Kalgoorlie last night. The chief ‘assailant’ in misjudging his cut angle was compelled to jump clear as poor Paddy’s severed noggin plumetted earthwards, thereby crushing the foot of a female accomplice The city plods were quick off the mark for a change in response to loud screams directing them to a scene of utter carnage and accusory filth laden expletives. The unofficial story is that some codger with an unusual middle name was arrested on suspicion of vandalism and reckless behaviour whilst his attendant lady is now in hospital demanding that the city pay injury compensation. Don’t bother looking for the true facts as such would be deemed socially unacceptable, or else are being witheld until such time as the injured ‘bystander’ gets her justifiable million dollar plus victims payout.

  1807. David Morgan on December 15, 2023 at 5:36 am said:


    I have written repeatedly to Colleen about the hair samples she said Abbott had from the police:



    In his book the Unknown Man former policeman Gerry Feltus says that:

    “Considering the possibility that something may happen to the cast of the Unknown Man or some serious contamination could occur, I decided to obtain random hair samples for future reference. In 2006 I was fortunate to make contact with a past acquaintance who was an expert in hair samples and DNA in the forensic science field. This person agreed to examine the hair samples.”

    That might mean the policeman who gave you or prof Abbott hair samples was Gerry Feltus after he retired in 2006?

    But is Gerry telling the truth? If he didn’t know about DNA until the late 1980s. Were the hair samples stored by Lawson when he shaved hair from Carl?

    [pictures shown of rows of Australian clay death masks – mostly bald men, then dead Carl in profile then his clay bust showing raised hair but no hair in clay above his ears]

    The last time I raised this she said it was tautology. But the facts are important.

    I said I did not believe the police sought out Prof Abbott to give him police evidence 10 years ago. But it does make sense if it was Feltus but he also lied in his book as he wouldn’t have known about DNA until after the 1980s and I doubt he extracted hair from the bust with tweezers. It was more likely from Lawson’s ‘private collection’.

  1808. David Morgan on December 15, 2023 at 8:24 am said:

    Colleen’s latest reply 15/12/2023


    Don’t think too hard about this. The hairs we used were from bundles embedded in the plaster. Derek had a forensic anthropologist remove hairs from the center of the bundles using tweezers and a magnifying glass – that is, hair that had not been in contact with the plaster. We have a video of that.


  1809. David Morgan on December 15, 2023 at 8:30 am said:

    My reply 15/12/2023


    Gerry Feltus – The Unknown Man

    On 2006 examination – possibly a written report?

    “No suitable DNA could be obtained, possibly due to formalin and other contamination. There was noticeable insect damage to the hair shaft. One hair looked like it had a putrid root, which is common to see when the hair is attached to a dead person. (There is not much literature on how long it takes for a root to get putrid following death) it is around 8 hours. Other than the above observation – not too much more – looked like caucasian hair.”

  1810. David Morgan on December 15, 2023 at 8:39 am said:

    This is a weird bit from Feltus:

    “Witnesses have made reference to the Unknown Man having a red tinge to his hair. From my own observation of the cast I agree”

    [image of clay bust]

    Does anyone know how his hair colour can be transferred to clay?

  1811. David Morgan on December 15, 2023 at 1:45 pm said:


    For Mr Cruel, I tried Behrooz’s High Court contact (who had lived in PL up to his teens) – but his admin sensibly told me to forward to the police. I am surprised others can break through the ‘sensible’ wall. But his local PL knowlege would be valuable. For example, were there rumours…

    I sort of slyly forward that to SAPOL thinking – it looks like it’s forward from Adelaide high court…but no-one took the bait.

    It may be up to you if I pop my clogs.

    I had hoped you knew someone in a SAPOL cold case team. I could be wrong but I suspect in 2004 he targeted girls who had learning difficulties thinking no-one would believe them.

    I will have to write up my simple evidence without a name. Let someone else figure it out.

  1812. John Sanders on December 15, 2023 at 10:32 pm said:

    David Morgan: to the very best of my knowledge, my last contact with Sapol was likely to have been late December 1974 or early January 1975 when I had reason to debrief Det. Sgt. Swain who was at that time seeking information on suspects of the Beaumont/Adelaide Oval abductions cases. Attempts to communicate with Angas Street CIB cold case OIC Det. Spt. Des Bray through S.A. Attorney General and Police Minister in 2019/20 have not been responded to, so sorry can’t help.

  1813. You debriefed whom and when and for what? You
    Aren’t a copper. You aren’t an officer. You’re a twat.

  1814. Byron Deveson on December 16, 2023 at 6:41 am said:

    Gerry was commenting on the colour of the hair protruding from the plaster bust. When a death mask or similar is made some hair is pulled out and remains in the plaster. When a plaster cast is made the reverse happens to some extent. I have personally seen this.

  1815. David Morgan on December 16, 2023 at 11:03 am said:

    After a lengthy back and fore during the early hours (for me) with Colleen it ended up with her saying.

    “absolutely not interesting to me”.

    I was trying to say to her people are not just DNA and biology and that what they do identifies them to us. It also makes us human to be interested in them as people and not just biological organisms. I wanted to know what happened to Carl as a human being. It was not enough for me to know his name.

  1816. John Sanders on December 16, 2023 at 9:46 pm said:

    LCMc…..None of us can be sure of anything in this life, and all to soon it’s done…most don’t see it coming but, I’ve a feeling you’re not one hon!
    As for your “whom and when” query, you have the answer..Stan ‘Killer’
    Swain, you’ll find him on trove,1952 from memory; His motto webt along
    the lines of, “I never killed a man that didn’t have it coming”. Nice one eh?

  1817. And you worked for Killer Swain? You must be ninety then! Even if you worked in the 70s as a private dick in Adelaide and not just as a freshly turned out turd for LBJ. Why don’t you write an autobiography? It could be called ‘the lies and lies of John Slanders!’. With a foreword by me, Lady Cynthia.

  1818. Lord CoB on December 17, 2023 at 7:45 pm said:

    @David Morgan

    My team have seen that video that Colleen was talking about and mentioned it here before. For example:

    Steve Hurwood
    on June 25, 2023 at 1:41 pm said:

    “@David Morgan There is another video on YouTube that shows Derek and the students “finding” the hair on the bust in the police museum in 2009:



    Colleen told you: “The hairs we used were from bundles embedded in the plaster.” There was indeed a surprisingly large clump of hair in the bust which was in the SA police museum. Trouble is if you look for that video now it says “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines”. It was a Stateline Report – Part 2 is still available:


    The same students were shown walking into the police museum and looking at the bust and were talking about collecting some of the hair for tests.

    DA is prolly busy now helping politicians out with the Israel/Palestine conflict:

    “The problem with violent approaches to conflict such as wars, is the destruction and loss of life. Also because the world is a complex social network we never can predict, in advance, whether any proposed war is going to result in a continuing cycle that breeds further endless wars or fizzles out in peace. Some conflicts end in a dramatic halt, but some just seem to drag on and on without an end in sight. The Israel-Palestine conflict is an example where warfare seems endless. We need constructive rather than destructive solutions to problems. It is vital that we have more top engineers closely advising politicians how to problem solve in a constructive peaceful way. How would an engineer go about solving the Israel-Palestine conflict?”


  1819. David Morgan on December 18, 2023 at 1:07 am said:

    @lord Cob,

    You can clearly see the hair…design…


    The hair was shaved and like a good taxidermist he might put the sweepings in a bag since he was watched intensely by the police.

  1820. David Morgan on December 20, 2023 at 1:11 pm said:

    Clues for which logic always seemed to be suspended.

    When presented with the electrical screwdriver – people assumed Carl broke into cars
    when presented with H grade pencils people didn’t immediately say “technical drawing”
    When presented with the poetry book thrown in the window – he was using it to break into cars not an educated person.

    Just the first 2 clues we have electricity and technical drawing. The codes on the back of the Rubaiyat might suggest some sort of telephone wiring connections/junction box.

    Then he has the stenciling – items. Anyone who has worked in a drawing office (just me?) would have had duties like putting letraset onto the physical item being made – such as an electrical cabinet for a telephone company. They might label things like Power, On/off.

    Feltus suggests the image we use of the torn-out Tamam Shud is incorrect and that it should be smaller and more precisely extracted. If so, it is more likely Carl would draw a rectangle with his H pencils and by repeated over-drawing eventually push through to extract it more neatly – like a label on an electrical cabinet. He might use a cigarette box for a template.

    Again in a more modern drawing office you might have aluminium pieces with letraset on the top for labels that would be stuck above a switch or control with on/off. This was the sort of job I did every day for 18 months as well as using my pencils (and pens) for technical drawings. I suspect that was what Carl was doing for Sher. Perhaps designing drills.

    But it shows we tend to think badly of people when they lie dead on a beach. He couldn’t be a draughtsman in a telecoms company who lost his job. He had to be a criminal.

  1821. John Sanders on December 21, 2023 at 5:34 am said:

    David Morgan: All fits neat’n trim, now that we find our former Sherr siren maker equiped with non conductive screwdriver and technical drawing aids for labeling of electrical control switch boxes. All in accord with his trade and calling as a precision instrument maker electrical fitter. All that is, except for the clever cigarette packet template which is unlikely to have been part of any kit carried by a confirmed non tobacco smoking ether addict, going on evidence found in Doff’s divorce petition; but hang on, what about them tobacco strands and tailories found on the body? perhaps a rethink be in order.

  1822. David Morgan on December 21, 2023 at 9:20 am said:


    He had a box of matches. He just has to draw around it to create a rectangle around “tamum shud”. Even pipe smokers used boxes of matches when their lighters failed.

    This is the best I could get with AI but you have to imagine the stencil is the box of matches.


    The point really is to say he was likely a skilled engineer designing drills/sirens not fixing them. The fixer doesn’t have H grade pencils.

  1823. John Sanders on December 21, 2023 at 9:50 pm said:

    David Morgan: might you be reminded that there was no mention of matches until seven months after the fact, apart from first offender Constable John Moss’ most emphatic “…he never had a match on him”, statement made to top selling scandal sheet Truth Newspaper just days following the beach death. Anyhow what’s that got to do with Carl Webb’s assumed engineering attributes which have yet to be validated.

  1824. David Morgan on December 22, 2023 at 4:13 am said:


    It goes back to how someone does something. If you wanted to extract the words tamum shud from a poetry book. If you had worked (like Carl at Sher) with a drawing board and pencils and pens it would affect the way you solve problems. With his drawing board he would stick the page on the board – draw a rectangle around the words with his H pencil and then cut the rectangle out with a razor blade.

    If we believe Feltus then this is similar to the cut-out he observed not the media recreation we see.

    We know the SM had a small electrical screwdriver. It was speculated electronic not heavy electrical engineering. More like the small insulated screwdriver we would use to wire a plug. We know Carl’s sister said he was an electrician in Cottesloe.

    SM had soft hands – no callouses and neat fingernails. Even electricians who wire houses get cuts and bumps on their hands. It is quite a manual skill more than a design skill.

    The SM probably got muscular doing sport – weights. His leg muscles from riding a bike. A fitness nut. A wannabe Charles Atlas or pro Aussie football player.

  1825. John Sanders on December 22, 2023 at 11:04 pm said:

    David Morgan: If “we know that SM had a small electrical screwdriver”, then how come it didn’t appear alongside other tools in the posed police photo of suitcase contents or at any time thereafter?…End of the day mate, we don’t know F. Hall.

  1826. John Sanders on December 23, 2023 at 12:44 am said:

    …never saw, nor heard of anyone speak of the ‘light board’ described as such in a couple of ‘suitcase contents’ lists; Seems it might have been confused with the folded piece of sheet metal by some but, why not an electric board, not to forget the ‘piece of light chord’, if that was something separate?

  1827. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-24/red-letter-mystery-anagram-at-tweed-regional-museum-solved/103255592?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=safari

    Just a good story! This is the man we need for MLIABO etc.!

    Best wishes for Christmas and the festive season, thanks Nick for another year of Ciphermysteries!

  1828. John Sanders on December 24, 2023 at 10:35 am said:

    Jo: Surprised to see Erica still on the job at the Mur’bah museum, wonder if folks want details about her tatoo also. I can ask if she’s happy let us know though reckon you might already eh?…Merry Xmas to all God’s children and give peace a chance for Christ’s sake.

  1829. Merry Christmas everyone 🎄✌🏻

  1830. David Morgan on December 26, 2023 at 12:59 am said:

    What are the chances of a little Charles and Webb street in Melbourne.


  1831. David Morgan on December 29, 2023 at 8:50 pm said:

    This could be a possible Carl around 1942 at K. Bowes & Co. The photo collection seems to be part of a Holden collection implying they were making stuff for vehicles. I can’t imagine in 1942 it was parts for standard cars but I guess people had to get around.


  1832. David Morgan on December 30, 2023 at 10:24 pm said:

    K.Bowes & Co fits with a company with protected undertakings during WW2.


    They were diecasters in 1948.

    Die casting is a process that involves forcing molten metal under high pressure into a mold cavity. The main diecasting alloys are zinc, aluminium, magnesium, copper, lead, and tin. Lead and tin: high density; extremely close dimensional accuracy; used for special forms of corrosion resistance.

    Company Location (1950s):

  1833. Sharon Lindimore on January 15, 2024 at 9:47 pm said:

    Hi Nick, my favorite intellectual of all time. You might find this interesting. I bought a box at an auction for 30.00 It had Marie Byrd on top and it was from a barn. It of course, from Admiral Byrd. There were encrypted telegrams from FDR to Mr Byrd. I decrypted them, I have had no experience with decryption. What they were is descibe to T how they wanted their quarters to look like down to the silverware in the Byrd compound. He sent this to flee from the WH to the Byrd compound after the kidnapping of the Lindberg baby. There were also letters from Lindberg inside. I mean this whole box is the lost box from the Admiral Byrd museum in Columbus, we willed it to them. I still wonder why. No one seemed to understand the significance. FDR always encrypted his telegrams. BTW, the solutions on the Zodiac killer ciphers were correct, they are arabic translations. I did talk to Don Wildman, he said we need a forensic pathologist to investigate the pictures found. One is very suspicious. Thanks, your fan, Sharon

  1834. David Morgan on February 7, 2024 at 7:40 am said:

    One Somerton suicide was Mr Max Grant Jacobs of Napier Terrace, Unley Park.


    He told his family he was going to the beach for a blow. There was no inquest.

  1835. David Morgan on February 7, 2024 at 7:44 am said:
  1836. John Sanders on February 7, 2024 at 9:03 am said:

    David Morgan: Looks like Max Jacobs got himself in over the top with one of Clarrie Hatly’s get rich quick ponzi schemes which preceded the 1929 London and NY SM crashes. Good thinking being able to hide a decent stash for to take care of mum and the family.

  1837. David Morgan on February 7, 2024 at 3:56 pm said:

    1929 Max Grant Jacob – no S – is interesting it says here he was a hotel proprietor in Colombo with a wife Gretchen.


    In 1918 his military record was Home duty-based because he had poor vision yet he was a mechanic.

    In 1927 he had a daughter Dorothea. Not Dorothy. But why didn’t she return from Colombo with them? Did she die?

    In 1929 he died a salesman on the Somerton beach after he shot himself with a revolver. Yet he had enough money.

  1838. David Morgan on February 7, 2024 at 4:26 pm said:

    Gretchen Kindermann (max grant jacob’s wife) was a promising writer. She wrote about an arranged marriage where the girl died at the altar. She liked acting and singing but then became a housewife with a young child that seems to disappear.


  1839. David Morgan on February 7, 2024 at 8:13 pm said:

    I have a love of coincidences when researching crimes for example the coroner in Brighton (UK) in 1948 was named Charles Webb.
    In 1957 when they were discussing Woomera the Labour member was named Charles Webb. He asked whether it was used to test US missiles.
    When Max Grant Jacob committed suicide on the Somerton beach his wife’s name was Gretchen Dorothea and Carl’s wife was Dorothy. He was 12 years older than Dorothea, Carl was 15 years older than Dorothy. He was listed as a salesman when in fact he had been a hotel proprietor. Carl was thought to be a cabinet maker when he was an electrical engineer. Originally, it was speculated Carl might have made musical instruments not drills.

    The difference was there was no inquest for Max yet he left a sizeable amount of money giving his wife a motive to bump him off whereas Carl seemed to have no money not even in a bank account yet it has been speculated Dorothy was a black widow.

    In her prize-winning essay Gretchen highlighted the bridesmaid dying from a broken heart on her wedding day being made to marry someone she didn’t love. Perhaps her marriage to Max was arranged and she kept feelings for someone else. Her 2-year-old daughter Dorothea seems to have disappeared from the scene. Perhaps again a similar plot to Brenda Webb that the child wasn’t the father’s child and it was the reason Gretchen plotted to get rid of him and Dorothea back with the real father.

  1840. John Slanders on February 7, 2024 at 10:28 pm said:

    David Morgan,
    (Chad Morgan’s fatal wedding)

    The wife she died at the alter
    The groom up and died next day
    The parson dropped dead in the church yard
    As he was about to pray
    The hearse capsized at the crossroads
    It couldn’t make the turn
    And the congregation cheered like mad
    As they watched the old church burn
    And then the Heavens broke open
    And the rain it started to fall
    And the whole flamin’town got washed away
    And there was no one le-eft at all

  1841. David Morgan on February 8, 2024 at 8:21 am said:


    It was the coincidence of Gretchen’s curious essay of death of a broken heart and then Max gets shot through the heart at close range.

    I wonder how many men shoot themselves through the heart as a means of suicide?

  1842. john slanders on February 8, 2024 at 9:03 am said:


    Reckon I’d follow Max..Probably be inclined to flinch otherwise and either blow me one good ear or worse still me flamin’n nose orf. Couldn’t live with that.

  1843. Alan H on February 9, 2024 at 3:11 am said:

    This may be quite miscellaneous for a miscellaneous page but here goes:-
    Is there anyone that can tell me the registered owner of a vehicle or registered address in the UK by rego number?
    The UK was in the midst of changing rego plate style about 1960 when some were geographic and some weren’t but I am after details on a Blue Austin A40 Farina MkII from about 1961. White numbers/letters on black background. It searches as registered at London NW but I think it resided elsewhere. It was new at the time I mention.
    570 DGK
    Thnx, fingers crossed.

  1844. David Morgan on March 4, 2024 at 1:08 pm said:

    Is anyone in the group a forensic expert? Generally, if wounds were wide and deeper would that indicate overarm angular blows and if from the same weapon narrower would they be wounds from underarm stabbing with the victim stood up?

    Wounds about 7cm and 4cm in width from a 5cm blade. Could the 3 x 7cm blows also break ribs – from example upto 6 ribs at the back and upto 6 six at the front? The 4 narrow stabs could break up to 8 ribs at the back. In total up to 20 ribs.

  1845. Peter M. on March 5, 2024 at 2:55 am said:

    Are you thinking of the Middle Ages?
    With a battle axe. It cuts, but mainly smashes bones.

  1846. Peter M. on March 5, 2024 at 5:32 am said:

    In this day and age, length and width in relation to depth, and the broken bones, I would guess a splitting hammer without seeing it.

  1847. David Morgan on March 6, 2024 at 2:19 am said:

    The surviving victim described machete but it was recorded as a butcher;s knife by the FBI,

    I was trying to guess a way to arrive at a large number of broken bones – I assumed ribs but front and back, But with only about 8 wounds I am struggling to get to above 16, I suppose either side could be 16 and 16. Bone above and below x 2 = 32.

  1848. John Sanders on March 6, 2024 at 8:00 am said:

    David Morgan: how about a HD meat cleaver (bone chopper). I dare say that’d get the job done according to the discription given of the skeletal and bodily damage.

  1849. David Morgan on March 6, 2024 at 5:17 pm said:


    Yes it would be easy to think of some deadly weapon to match the injuries but the FBI gave a precise description of a serrated butcher’s knife. It is the 30 bones cut with just 8 obvious piercings described by the victim that troubles me.

    The victim says she was lying on her side. The guy stabbing had an injury from her penknife in his palm so he might have been just a bit cross with her. But only half seem to be full thrust as it were and the others seem like tentative stabbings as the width ‘seem’ narrower than the blade. You’d imagine not bone – breaking front and back.

    But my theory is she lied. I wondered how much injury a person could self-inflict with a machete. The clustering is all top left corner. I mean the guy was supposed to be angry – but he kept a tight grouping on the left. None to her right side on her back. But sawing with a serrated blade on your own back may be a step too far even for a psychopathic liar.

    But she made a huge mistake about the time forgetting sunset times. An easy mistake to make when you end up in court years later and it’s bright sunshine.
    She should have been struggling back to humanity in the near-dark.

    I have been trying to research whether the FBI agent who wrote the report herself was killed by a guy saying he was an FBI informant who went AWOL. Perhaps she started to question the original statements and perhaps sent disclosing emails that got her bumped off.

    Never question the official truth. I tried that once with a simple speeding fine and they sent 2 barristers and 3 policemen to court. The magistates got bullied by senior police officers sat at the back of the court ‘observing’.

  1850. David Morgan on March 6, 2024 at 6:03 pm said:

    I was reading the new book In the Blink of an Eye (99p on Kindle – I was pushing the boat out as they say) and she arrived at a fictional human-like AI working out the height of a person disarming CCTV with a laser pen with a formula. What she didn’t explain was the step of converting pixel length of an arm at any angle from a photo/CCTV image to physical length. I have been trying to achieve that for years. @NP take note!

    For example, we could then work out teenage Carl’s height.

    But real AI says:
    There are several formulas used to estimate height from ulna length, and they can vary based on factors such as age and gender refs:1,2,3,4,5,6. One commonly used formula is:

    $$\text{Height (cm)} = a \times \text{Ulna Length (cm)} + b$$

    Where a and b are constants that can vary. For example, one study found the constants to be 3.958 and 664.72 respectively (3). Another study suggested different constants for males and females(5).

    Assuming an ulna length of 26 cm [from book], and using the formula from the BAPEN chart12, the estimated height would be approximately 1.73 meters for men under 65 years, 1.75 meters for women under 65 years, 1.62 meters for men over 65 years, and 1.66 meters for women over 65 years.

    To convert these heights to feet and inches, we can use the conversion factors 1 meter = 3.281 feet or 1 meter = 39.37 inches. Therefore, the estimated heights in feet and inches would be approximately:

    Men under 65 years: 5 feet 8 inches

    Women under 65 years: 5 feet 9 inches

    Men over 65 years: 5 feet 4 inches

    Women over 65 years: 5 feet 5 inches

    Please note that these are rough estimates and actual height may vary. It’s also important to remember that this method is typically used when more direct methods of measuring height are not feasible or practical (1,2).


    1. Alternative measurements: instructions and tables Alternative … – BAPEN

    2. Estimating Height from Ulna Length – hauoratairawhiti.org.nz

    3. Estimating body height from ulna length: need of a population-specific …

    4. Frontiers | Predicting Body Height in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit …

    5. Height prediction from ulna length – Wiley Online Library

    6. Determining the predictive equation for height from ulnar length in the …

  1851. David Morgan on March 6, 2024 at 10:44 pm said:

    The new version of Claude.ai called Opus, I don’t know if available yet. But they did an intelligence test on it called ‘the needle in the haystack’. So this is my own analogy of the test – but imagine someone inserted into all the Works of Shakespeare a single sentence on one page “cheese is the best topping on pizza”.

    So they asked Opus a question like based on the complete works of Shakespeare what is the best pizza topping.

    So it came back with the answer cheese. But then it came back with more detail that it thought this was a test of its own ability to find a needle in a haystack as the sentence didn’t fit in the complete works of Shakespeare.

    So there are interesting times ahead with AI like finding the facts that don’t fit in a criminal investigation.

    For example, I heard that only 2% of people are ginger-haired in a population like Carl. But Australia?

    In australia, Victoria there were 986 mentions, 1940 to 1949. But it is likely most will be about the same person within a few months of each other.

    The last straw for Carl was to find Persians find red hair ugly. The End.

    Now imagine AI could race through every record on Trove and find what percentage of people were described as having red or ginger hair in a newspaper. My guess would be less than 1%.

  1852. David Morgan on March 7, 2024 at 9:35 am said:

    In the novel I was disappointed that having got AI to work out the height of a person from the length of the ulna it was not used at the end when the person was found nor was their age determined.

    Also why the AI wasn’t narrowing down who the suspect could be. The ulna solution ‘should’ have got AI to the possible answer almost straight away.

    In Carl Webb’s case if the ulna solution says he’s 5′ 11″ +/- ? and as a missing person that would eliminate anyone missing/body say 5′ 6″ for researchers who don’t trust the autopsy height.

    But pixel size to physical length is the issue. You need a known object in the picture to know it’s size.

  1853. David Morgan on March 8, 2024 at 7:35 pm said:

    For example, I was told that the width of a tie at the knot is 3.25″. That could be used to determine the pixel to inch ratio in the Somerton Man picture. Just as a test run.

    Then for the school picture there must be another indicator of a physical object that could be measured and then calculated in pixels to detertmine its pixel to inches caculator. I suspect you’d need a pixel to inch formula for each seated row as you move away from the camera position.

  1854. David Morgan on March 10, 2024 at 7:42 pm said:

    I was trying with https://www.rapidtables.com/web/tools/pixel-ruler.html

    But I couldn’t get consistent pixel measurements to use because he is at a strange angle and that SM tie could be 4″ wide.

    It needs probably 3 people to take measurements and then create an average for example the distance between the outer edge of eye sockets is supposed to be about 5″. Could be about 100 pixels on the view I was using with a photo width of about 316 pixels.

  1855. john slanders on March 11, 2024 at 9:25 am said:

    David Morgan: Like Gordon Cramer @BS/TS I feel you could be out with the pixies.

  1856. David Morgan on March 11, 2024 at 4:17 pm said:

    @JS (et al)

    Here is a practical demo. The tin is about 17cm in length. Actually 17.2.


    If we measure the pixel length it is 2499.

    If we convert we get 1 cm = 147 pixels

    If we then measure the label it comes to 1414 pixels which we can convert to 9.6 cm and we can check it with a tape and it is correct.

    If we know the physical size of ‘an object’ in the image and we measure its pixel length ‘in that image’ then we have a pixel tape measure to measure any item ‘in that direction’ but only in that image.

    So Pixels are not for the pixies.

    In the book In the Blink of an Eye the AI detective uses video image distances (but he has lidar and can visit the scene to get physical distances) for his pixel to cm tape measure and then can work out the length of the ulna to work out the height of the person.

    We can do the same with other parts of the human body. The distance between the outer eye sockets (including SMs) is quite constant. But it can be used as a test to see what his height was.

    It needs people to ‘have a go’ and see what answer they arrive at.

    You can’t rely on sick old men to do the techie things!

  1857. john slanders on March 12, 2024 at 12:25 am said:

    @DM (& Alan H.)

    Forget the late Gordon Cramer’s ‘on the slab’ Safcol measurement which neither Pathologist Dwyer or Prof. J. Cleland seemed to be cognizant with. According to generally accredited shoe size to height ratio conversion method, the beach body with varified size eight brown brogues was no taller than 5′ 9″ though more likely 5’7 to 5′ 9″. NB. Not sure what to make of Barb Dwyer’s “Tallish” description for his slab subject, he being on the shortish side by comparison

  1858. John Sanders on March 12, 2024 at 7:38 am said:

    Peteb: you may recall not so long ago and far awray, my mention of recruit photo hight charts and why we should not rely absolutely on their accuracy. I just looked up Doc. John Matthew Dwyer’s WW2 record details and his accompanying photo. He was listed as being 5′ 7 1/2″ and whilst that figure is not disputed, the height inch markers seem somewhat askew in my view. Take a squiz and report back.

  1859. David Morgan on March 16, 2024 at 4:31 pm said:

    Sizing the ashtray with pixels to mm

    luckily the coin is likely a thrupenny bit which would be about 21mm

    so we end up with:


    286 x 21 pixels /70 mm = 85.8

    Which makes it just over 3 inches – which is bigger than the tin of polish.

  1860. David Morgan on March 16, 2024 at 5:34 pm said:
  1861. John Sanders on March 16, 2024 at 10:21 pm said:

    DM: if you care to browse Burch brothers posts here or on the SM Ultimate blog, you’ll find mention of the glass prize dish with sunflower motif made in USA. No links but you’ll pick the match easily enough on related sites. Yep you’re right about the size, comparison with the Kiwi tan shoe polish can being well known from the SM suitcase scatter photo.

  1862. Byron Deveson on March 17, 2024 at 1:16 am said:

    David, the “Trey”/”Thruppence” was 16 mm in diameter. See:
    This is my recollection as well, about 16 mm sound right.

  1863. John Sanders on March 17, 2024 at 10:58 am said:

    David Morgan: Sorry pal but you and Byron Deveson are both off key. Study your thruppeny bit in the glass dish a bit more diligently and I’m sure you’ll find that it be a brown button instead; most likely it’s the one missing from his trouser fly.

  1864. David Morgan on March 17, 2024 at 1:25 pm said:


    It was the sizing that mattered. it gave a point of reference suit button or coin the size was probably the same. It was to develop the idea that if you know the size of an object you can work out another. You could guess it from the polish tin.

    The same is true with facial ID. If you can store the sizes of facial landmarks from one fae when you compare it with another ‘if enough’ match – say 80% then you can say with some confidence it is likely the same person.

    If you knew the size of say the wing mirrors in a car and the bonnet and side doors you could determine the model of the car. The same is true with facial iD.

    So the doppelganger Roy is most likely to be Roy Webb because I tested it with 4 different facial ID systems. Each system uses its own software using different measurements but each arrived at the same conclusion. Roy is Roy.

    You can accept facial ID when it says Roy in family photo is Roy in his army clothes but a neutral person might say they could be brothers. Remember many people saw Roy looking like the Somerton man’s face mask more than Carl. You are informed by your research not your eyes.

    Facial ID does no NAA research – it measures pixels accurately and then compares pixel lengths with pixel lengths and then with a pixel tolerance it judges whether it is the same person. It knows about yaw and pitch and so uses mathematics to adjust some distances. We ‘sort of do it’ when we recognise a person in profile and we don’t really see the whole face.

  1865. David Morgan on March 17, 2024 at 1:39 pm said:


    I don’t really care whether it was a button or coin but looking at the situation of the SM’s suicide he prepared well. Clean clothes, immaculately polished shoes, shaved. He took time to rip out the final message and stuff it in his fob pocket. He took time to get rid of evidence that tied him to himself and he seemed to want to point to Keane to mislead. But for some reason (in your estimation) that small detail of a button falling off his clothes he couldn’t be bothered?

    It doesn’t matter to me. But perhaps it insults SM’s detailed preparation.

  1866. John Sanders on March 17, 2024 at 10:49 pm said:


    You can promote theories incorporating pixies and Chatterbox distortions til the cows come home. Just so long as it substantistes your self serving ideas of what constitutes evidence and that it convinces disoriented “Charlie Webb” devotees, than it be justified. I commend your owning that the silver threepence in the glass dish be masquerading as a brown button. Of course it has F Hall to do with pixel counts, highly polished shoes, or having only one spare pair of sox in his suitcase.

  1867. David Morgan on March 18, 2024 at 3:50 am said:

    One bizarre clue

    “500 played by non-dancers”

    Does anyone know what it means?

    Is it a signal for some illicit activity?


  1868. David Morgan on March 18, 2024 at 5:56 am said:

    Why is the spoon in his luggage called a teaspoon?

    I have been looking at standard dessert spoons and it should be 7.9 inches. But it looks a bit shorter and perhaps antique.


    That’s a dish that’s just a glass dish and a spoon that’s just a spoon. No wonder the solution was never found if they ignored the clues. Both could have been stolen from a hotel or passed down through the family.

    The glass dish could be by lalique potentially some 1930s tour de france item. The shorter dessert spoon potentially from the 1800s taken from England by Richard Webb.

    It could be the Tour de France was Carl’s cycling ambition. Who was Keith Webb?



  1869. David Morgan on March 18, 2024 at 6:20 pm said:

    Keith Leonard Webb who took part in Tour de France looked like this:


    So nothing like Carl.

  1870. David Morgan on March 18, 2024 at 9:50 pm said:

    Does Carl’s ashtray look like a French lalique design – with tobacco leaves or ferns?


    The glass seems quite frosted not clear.

  1871. John Sanders on March 18, 2024 at 10:09 pm said:

    @DM: the dish doesn’t have the smoky mystiqe of trad. Lalique for mine but why not New England, or cheap replica Indiana fairground ware that I chanced upon and offered for consideration some years ago … As for your KLW TDF photo, he be a dead spitter for the SM body on the slab though sadly Imgur doesn’t give dates. “So nothing like Carl” also sits well with me in that case.

  1872. john sanders on March 18, 2024 at 10:17 pm said:

    DM … “500 played by non-dancers” means precisely what it says; can’t be any clearer than that mate. Sorry.

  1873. john sanders on March 18, 2024 at 10:58 pm said:

    CM Admin….Is it your take up or my output that sucks? Behrooz had similar problems just recently!

  1874. John Sanders on March 19, 2024 at 1:32 am said:


    Can’t find nowhere suggesting Richard Webb ever put a foot on England’s fair shores. So maybe it was an Edward Lear runsable spoon and the glass dish 18th century Stratford soda ware, both items lifted from Ina Harvey’s Strathmore Hotel dining room; Not by anyone named Webb of course but, most probably old Jerry Somerton the Man himself.

  1875. David Morgan on March 19, 2024 at 10:33 am said:

    @JS there is only 1 person on the planet who will put the “hey diddle diddle” to bed ..and the dish ran away with the spoon”. Her royal highness Pat L. She can spot a lalique from cheap gift giveaways at a fun fare or an edwardian spoon from a Woolworth’s knock off.

    My money is on hand-me-downs. Rich A. Webb (as we should call him) seems to have adopted a French way of writing with his W’s with flags on them. The spoon again may have come via England with his dad. Perhaps he broke into some stately home to get his ship passage money to Australia. He was not averse to breaking in and robbing cash from a till. Farmer/robber/baker he could turn his hand to anything. Perhaps he was Gavey’s fence and Carl took over the business during WW2.

    I always wondered why hard hands 12 st tough guy JC Robertson was scared of soft hands 12st tough guy Carl.

  1876. David Morgan on March 20, 2024 at 10:07 am said:

    Apparently, facial ID doesn’t work. Roy after 1943 can’t be Roy.

    This must be a fake image I created.


  1877. john slanders on March 20, 2024 at 11:56 am said:

    @DM: So, did you ask HRH Pat Valle to validate your glass dish as being Lalique?

  1878. John Sanders on March 20, 2024 at 11:00 pm said:

    @DM: Think you’ll find as I did many moons ago, that Indiana glass Co. with its Tiara patern depression dish is hard to go past for a match of the button bowl.. As an aside you might like to ask your glass expert if she can pick between Lalique and Etling.

  1879. David Morgan on March 21, 2024 at 5:54 am said:


    They choose to pursue if they wish. I was hoping for some Tours de France contestant giveaway or some local cycling event with a hill climb.

    Someone with photoshop could perhaps pull out the leaf design on the edge of the glass with some filter.


    It suggests to me a 1-off competition design not a repeat pattern iike a cheap ashtray.

  1880. David Morgan on March 22, 2024 at 3:34 am said:

    Another possible idea to link Carl Webb to the ashtray and suitcase of the Somerton Man. A holder for a soldering iron that would be used by an electrical engineer.




  1881. john sanders on March 22, 2024 at 7:50 am said:

    @DM: I can see you can’t be drawn on Lawson’s dubious claim of bulging calf muscles on his embalmed seven month dead pztient, former mountain bike champion Charles de Webb. Nor will it be possible to get expert opinion on glass miniture prize plates now that Pat Valle has deserted “this blog” and the good ship Facebook as well. In that case what is left for us to argue the toss on in that case? How’s about X marks the spot…nah some debate about that too.

  1882. John Sanders on March 23, 2024 at 6:26 am said:

    @DM: You can push & pedal the theory that Lawson’s bulging calf muscles claim equates to SM being a plate winning bicycle wiz. The theory doesn’t wash for a host of reasons you seem to have passed on, ie., calf muscles playi only a minimal role in pushing power used in road racing; also goes without saying that pro/am cycle riders ssre likely to suffer more physical scaring than any other competitive sport you like to name, so where are SM’s scars, don’t say he never came off during his long career. Forget it champ, Isdal woman be more in your line of work and that’s no joke, your impressive deductions are not to be scoffed at.

  1883. David Morgan on March 23, 2024 at 11:12 am said:


    The fictional book “In the Blink of an Eye” is about the technological AI cop v the gut instinct of the senior police officer.

    It is the same scenario with Carl Webb and the Somerton Man – in your case. You think something smells rotten in the state of Denmark because dodgy Abbott leads the way and not the police with the actual DNA. Your gut instinct.

  1884. David Morgan on March 23, 2024 at 5:53 pm said:


    You must have seen through my evil plan to get you to research the cycling Webb and ashtray. I’d actually told Pat of my evil plan by email (100% true!).

    I shall have to come up with another evil plan. It would be only fitting that after all your efforts and countering research you proved SM = CW, not Abbott – but following the evidence.

    If only Feltus’ files (or via Ruth Balint’s copy) could be accessed to find the potential record of Dorothy Webb saying her electrician husband was missing in Melbourne in 1948 and a Rubaiyat expert.

  1885. David Morgan on March 23, 2024 at 6:06 pm said:

    This was my 5am research via Ms Copilot AI on the SM code:

    If we were to use the Vigenère square, the [SM] code you provided, and the key “Tamam Shud” (repeating), the result would be:


    Perhaps someone could test its accuracy with just a few characters.

    the SM code it used is:

    The square it said it used was:

    A Vigenere Square:

    The key: Tamum Shud.

    It took me a long time to get it that far step by step.

  1886. John Sanders on March 24, 2024 at 12:46 am said:

    DM: guess you picked my Renmark for a blooper. Seems that I’ve made the same mistake in times past, sans “…in the state of……’ but, so far you’re the only punter not to have made the connection to the SM non mystery. Suggest you give it some more thought.

  1887. David Morgan on March 24, 2024 at 11:24 pm said:


    No other theory will ever wash with me because I rely so strongly on facial ID to match people. I constantly find people this way. I found the niece of the American Woman from the Isdal Woman plot recently in Las Vegas. With a full version of Pimeyes I could say exactly where she was – which company. But I can’t afford subscriptions on these services. If I had had full Pimeyes I could have said which person was concealing the truth about Roy Webb. Perhaps they didn’t know ‘at the time’ but it would be an amazing coincidence that they had a picture of Roy and were in the CM group and then deleted it from their site. It would be a fantastic irony if someone is working hard to conceal the truth in the CM group and giving us red herrings to waste our time on.

    In terms of facial ID I started with this and then resolved the others:


    You could also say ‘match-ematically’ if A=B and A=C then B=C.

  1888. john sanders on March 25, 2024 at 11:09 am said:

    David Morgan: seems your MXFACE comparison ap has fallen foul to it’s own gift, in this case by matching Paul Lawson’s admitted imperfect SM bust to a poorly recreated reverse image of same from a young fellow appearing in a 30s era family snap (see my related post of 19/11/22). No need to name the likely culpret, the video Webb album opening segment speaks for itself. If you be in need of their expert credentials in digital photo imaging (amongst other handy skills), you won’t have to bother with Pimeyes they’re splashed all over under the inits. S.W.

  1889. david morgan on March 25, 2024 at 3:18 pm said:

    I think the black background is the 3d scan. Ihaven’cobsidered reverse images but then perhaps the scan did the same.

    When I get this far I see no other answer other than blond Carl and ginger Carl possibly two entities. But the facial id expert got them to match. So worstcase ginger and blond twins.

  1890. John Sanders on March 26, 2024 at 5:48 am said:

    @DM: wouldn’t be overly concerned by not being able to access Ruth Balint’s short story version of the G. Feltus novel. The information you’re so desperately seeking, concerning the woman who’s electrician husband went missing along with a learnt by rote copy of ROK, can be found in the 27th July ’49 Advertiser according to Ruth.

  1891. @ David Morgan,

    At times you post things that do not really make sense. I try hard to understand why you do it, but it defies understanding.

    Your coding post has absolutely no significance. All it is is a listing of alphabet letters each line, with one of the letters starting each line, going through the cycle. You don’t even bother to explain what a relation it has with the SM code. Nothing.

    You say you got up at 5 am to do the research. Ok. Then you say it took you a long time to go that far. But all it is is a list of alphabets on each line, starting with one of the letters going through the cycle. I am trying to see what relevance it has to TSM, and I can’t, and believe me it is not because of a lack of trying.

    Why do you do this sort of thing, David, post things without them making any sense, taking others’s time, just to show you posted something? Believe me, I am trying hard to understand why you do this sort of thing, and cant. Other times you have posted helpful things, so I am not saying something in general, but regarding some posts like the above.

    Then, you speak about your strong strategy of relying on face recognition, with your linked examples. That is the same. Even the public face search engines warn you how unreliable they can be (see here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tF0iiU2qr4WnkJx6HvA3w4F8xFmm-_Uv/view?usp=sharing). But, fine, with super powered intelligence caliber tools one may achieve something, with very careful photos taken, in high resolution, and so on. But you are claiming with all these grainy photos we have at times, and of masks even visibly different looking, you can arrive at your strong conclusions?

    The added problem is that the examples you have linked themselves actually disprove the claim you are making. So, if they are not the right examples you wanted to show as proof, why did you post them? It is like saying, guys, today is raining look out the window (in the picture), and then in the picture showing that of a perfectly sunny day!

    In the photo, the first line shows a comparison of the mask, and the 1929 photo. The mask itself is highly doctored, in my view does not even look like the actual mask. As John Sanders says, it is also in negative. The 1929 CW photo is an enhanced photo. Fine, the original is grainy, but for someone claiming a conclusions reached based on face recognition, are you claiming that the quality of originals used, and their being manually enhanced, does not make a difference in the outcome?

    I searched with the face of 1929 CW, as you had it, and it came up with a whole range of folks, beautiful or movie zombies, including also Anthony Hopkins the actor. You want us to believe that the first line proves TSM was CW? The mask was made after months on a facially changed face and body. Even the body’s face did not look like the original autopsy photo. Then Lawson made a mask of THAT, well made or not. It looked nothing like the autopsy photo. Yes, you find these irrelevant to your strong face recognition strategy?

    Ok, second line, it proves, according to your own big red cross, that mask does not match the actual autopsy photo of TSM. So, your own example photo did not prove your point, with a big red cross.

    The third line supposedly proves the young school photo of CW is the autopsy photo, but that same childhood photo is not matching the 1929 photo on the fourth line, again with a big red cross.

    So, why did you all these self-disproving photos, and yet expect us to agree with your point?

    As you know I am inclined to think, based on my own studies, that TSM is CW, but what you are doing does not really help make that case. You are offering photos that disproves your main point in the post, that you rely so strongly on face recognition.

    I realize the mask hair reasoning has not been acceptable to you, and to most of us, so you have tried to find other reasons to support the DA/FB conclusions. But your face recognition strategy is so highly unreliable that it simply does not make sense for someone trained in criminal justice to be so sure of it, yet provide proofs that undermine his claim. Do you really feel it would be fair to send someone to jail based on your face recognition, and others free based on the same?

    The comparisons you are making also fails for the same reason the self-fulfilling prophecy of DA and CF has failed. You need to gather photos of folks who are seriously same in their looks, and show that your software is able to tell one from another. Just proving one case won’t do it for me, at least, since you are leaving perhaps thousands in same looking category you have not tried comparing.

    But, my point above is beyond that. You post things that do not even support your own post claims, or do not even clearly explain why you did the 5 am research on that supposed code and going so far into setting a table that is just an elementary row of alphabets cycling through each letter at the beginning. What is it that you were trying to prove?

    The problem I see with such posts is that it gives a false sense of alternative perspectives on TSM topics, and completely ignores more serious and reasonable arguments made, yet unnoticed as usual on CM. As if you are trying purposely to derail others’ perspectives and make the water muddy just for the sake of doing it. That certainly ends up serving the diversion tactics of DA/FB, whether that is your purpose or not. There has been and continues to be a strong trend of doing that sort of thing on in CM.

    @ John Sanders, you have two good points. One is regarding Lawson making judgments about calf muscles and body quality, yet having seen it months later in pretty bad shape when the body had deteriorated significantly. Another good point is whether the kinds of foot injuries we know a young CW had suffered where visible enough in outer skin to be expected to show up in the autopsy report (unless the foot injuries were related to the shape of toes, which then can prove the link perhaps, having to do, in part, with problems with footware back then and the horrible shoe qualities used and repaired, as reported on widely in Trove). I have wondered for a TSM of nearly 6 foot height a size 8 shoe is rather small, and that may have been a cause of some problems with running and balancing things. The last point, the Balint reference was not to newspapers, but to actual files of Gerald Feltus, which can explain why you did not find that reference in the newspapers. She offers the reference in her endnote, and that is why many have tried to reach out to her or GF to see if there is more about that in GF file.

  1892. David Morgan on March 26, 2024 at 10:27 pm said:


    the site is ciphermysteries – so that is why I explore ciphers especially the SM code. I was looking at using the Index of Coincidence as a means to determine whether the letters in the SM code would be defined as potential code and not just normal text. In the exploration with AI I found anomalies. Some introduced by AI and some by the nature of more constants than vowels starting words. So if the code is initial letters of words in a poem the potential to be a code is skewed by this fact. I worked through children’s poems like incy wincy spider to work out the index of coincidence. But I found I couldn’t get an absolute answer to my question. It was 5am (representing tired thinking).

    The picture of facial IDs with Carl shows a development step. I resolved one myself by resizing the image. The other with an expert. The Pimeyes searches with Carl Webb show other images – but I think your own brain would tell you those are not the same and are ‘image padding’. Pimeyes and Yandex used to intermix pornographic images so you were lucky. Imagine if you showed your wife those searches and explain that. I used to warn people not to do it at work! Both programs seem to add in ‘novelty’ like AI. Betaface adds in statues and signposts.

    The only free reliable test is OpenCV demo. Mxface is no longer available for free in demo mode. I corresponded with the MXFACE developers and brought about changes in their software. You’d think they’d give it to me for free…

    I worked with one developer on a program called Facehunter where we would collect a group of faces of the same person – to use for comparison. But he believed image copyright would lead to issues for him and he pulled the development. I had the same problem writing about the Isdal Woman where my
    facial ID test would break US law to show the other image (of a teen).

    Searches with the post-1943 Roy Webb face only find Roy Webb. Roy used to find post-1943 Roy and images of himself.

    I tested the post-1943 Roy with various facial ID systems and they all agreed it was Roy.

    I used to search for spies and it was surprising how you could find East German spies in images.

    If I search with our glorious leader Nick I find Nick in many places. But he keeps sending the blackmail money so…

    I tested images of myself as a child as there was some family dispute as to whether it was me or my brother. I was never convinced it was me. Facial ID said it was me as did most people who saw it.

    Familysearch has a new novelty app to find your doppelganger and it says mine is Yuri Gargarin. Though probably only even an 80% facial ID likeness – definitely not 100%. Betaface I think places us at only 70% alike. But I suppose a similar score to brothers.

    I am battling the same ground that Dr Palmer Benbow faced in the 1940s. People are pleased when the police use facial ID to track down offenders but then say it isn’t accurate. I find it a little bizarre and undermining to a legal argument. The police in London use super-recognisers.

    Two examples from the home office web site and use of facial ID:

    “At the Arsenal v Tottenham north London derby on 24 September 2023, it led to three arrests, including a suspected sex offender.
    A wanted sex offender was sent back to jail after being identified at the Coronation of King Charles. An image of his face matched that of a wanted suspect. He was arrested and sent back to prison for breaching the terms of his release.”

    So sometimes facial ID is OK?

  1893. john slanders on March 26, 2024 at 10:29 pm said:

    Behrooz & David Forgone,

    Quoting Ruth Balint word formucking word fellas: from ‘Between 4pm and 11pm yesterday police headquarters received 49 phone calls from people stating that they possessed copies of the “Rubaiyat”, an article on the front page of the Adelaide daily The Advertiser on 27 July 1949, the day after the discovery of the scrap on the dead man was printed. One woman, trying to locate her missing husband, an electrician by trade, told police he had a copy of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and could quote ‘nearly all the poetry in this book and was very conversant with same’. NB: No mention of Melbourne and nothing about hubby being a ‘fine instrument maker’ perse…Any counter claims or queries, go ahead make my day.

  1894. john sanders on March 26, 2024 at 10:52 pm said:

    Behrooz: I can see no reference to your end notes in any copies of the Balint story apart from her giving her credentials and accreditations to three senior advisory academic associates of UNSW; certainly nothing more on alleged Gerald Feltus’ file notes that I very much doubt if taken from still confidential ongoing Sapol case.

  1895. David Morgan on March 27, 2024 at 4:06 am said:

    Sorry ~@behrooz, more 3am ramblings…

    I was looking for refs to the Rubaiyat which might have influenced Carl Webb.
    This one was striking because of its use of ‘Twits me about”.


    Science v practical experience and gut instinct theme. I remember a schoolfriend whose ramblings on guitar in school assembly had the whole school stood and clapping. He later failed to get a job with the BBC sound dept because he couldn’t draw a polar chart of sound around a loudspeaker.

    I imagine Carl v Gerald having these same discussions about the science of sound systems v Gerald’s practical knowledge. But without the Carl’s we would not have stereo sound.

    5AD broadcast – on behalf of John Martin and Company:

    In a Persian Garden by Dora Labette


    Continues to 1939


    and 1939


    she doesn’t even mention Rubaiyat here


    But I imagine Carl agreed with Shelley
    “A solitude, a refuge a delight”. It seems Carl crawled under the RoK for peace and quiet in his marriage.

  1896. David Morgan on March 27, 2024 at 4:35 am said:


    I asked Sketchcop how it was possible his sketch scored more highly with facial ID than any other picture of him Carl himself.


    I wanted to know how he drew it, But he wouldn’t fill in the details.


    But it is likely some system of tracing the picture.

  1897. David Morgan on March 27, 2024 at 4:41 am said:

    and this image of Carl Webb hints more strongly at Sketchcop’s drawing


  1898. David Morgan on March 27, 2024 at 10:46 pm said:

    BBC Iplayer – true crime is showing a skull being superimposed on top of a picture. This is raw facial ID matching. The expert identifies the body as likely to be the person in the photograph. It is resizing the image of the skull to match the photo. This is what facial ID is doing with relative measurements of two photographs.

  1899. David Morgan on March 27, 2024 at 10:59 pm said:


    The interesting aspect is that Sketchcop’s drawing matches with the body of the Somerton Man with facial ID. It was such a high score match I wanted to know how he drew it but he wouldn’t divulge his secret. Abbott referred to him as the criminal/?pirate drawing and strangely didn’t trust it yet it is the highest scoring facial ID you will likely ever see from two different images.


    I previously compared the ears of Carl Webb when young with this sketch and they matched.

  1900. David Morgan on March 28, 2024 at 4:35 am said:

    Sketchcop had no knowledge of the case other than SM with ginger hair but ends up with Carl Webb


  1901. David Morgan on March 28, 2024 at 5:50 am said:

    Coincidences only get you 99.9% of the way to solve a case:


    The last 0.1% can throw your case upside down.


  1902. David Morgan on March 28, 2024 at 10:54 am said:

    Copilot’s View of JC Robertson makes a nice genealogy picture:

    John Comber Robertson, often known as “Jack”, was born on October 15, 1894, in Ensay, Victoria, Australia. He was the son of Robert Robertson and Mary Kate (Coomber) Robertson1. He had two siblings: Maude Easton (Robertson) Burnett and Robina (Robertson) Charles.

    John married Alice Stratford, the daughter of Charles Stratford and Louise, on June 2, 1919, in Mildura. They had two children: Dorothy Jean (Robertson) Webb and Phyllis (Robertson) Crick.

    John worked for the railways after his father died in 1910 and served at Gallipoli in World War I. After the war, he and Alice took up a soldier settlement block at Cundare near Colac as a mixed farm, which they ran until the drought years of the late 1920s. Later, he became the manager of the Benevolent Home in Royal Park for five years and was responsible for much of the landscaping at the Zoological Gardens. He also worked as a factory manager for O Gilpin Stores, a drapery chain, and then manager of Oliver Gilpin’s property in Balwyn.

    During World War II, both he and Alice were in munitions, and then John went to Darwin with the Allied Works, making airstrips, etc, from 1941 until 1947. He retired and took a job at Ballarat Air Port for a few years and then moved to Melbourne as caretaker at St. Michaels School in 1960.

    John Comber Robertson passed away at the age of 94 on January 6, 1989, in Heidelberg West, Victoria, Australia.

    So we are to believe in 1946 he popped home from Darwin to sit outside Bromby St in his car an easy 3600km car drive.

  1903. @ Nick, I sent below yesterday, it showed the “to be moderated” notice, but apparently did not go through, so I am sending it again, with this note and a correction to a link I was sending.

    In the meantime, John Sanders and David Morgan have posted other items, that still I was trying to address with the below. So, I won’t comment on them again, to save others time in reading same answers. @ David Morgan, thanks for your elaborations on the code trial and face posts. I am still not convinced of the value of face recognition in this particular case (TSM); I can see when folks are looking for people without any photo, they sketch things, but making sketches and then using them in face recognition seems even more unreliable. Also, the code trails can help if in the same post at least some conclusion is reached about the relevance of what is being said. That will be my suggestion. It will help readers not to see partials of a longer try. With the parts we become confused as to what you are trying to do. I am still not sure what you were trying to do, but can see why you were doing it.

    Here is the post from yesterday that either did not go through, or Nick has yet to get to it to post (if the latter, Nick, please post this one instead, which is the same except for the above; in the meantime, I have corrected a link I was trying to offer to JS). So, just post this one, if possible, than the earlier I had sent, in case it did go through. Then you can ignore the earlier one I sent yesterday.

    @ JS, perhaps you downloaded a different, truncated, file for Balint’s article. The one I have clearly suggests she first quotes in quotation marks from the newspaper (giving its endnote reference), and then, outside any quotation marks, relates the story of the woman, endnoting it with reference to a “file in possession of Detective Gerald Feltus …” So, they are two different, separate references.

    It seems clear to me that she was not quoting that particular passage about the woman from a newspaper, hence your claiming that she was doing that is not warranted, to be fair to her. She wrote that article in 2010, so there is no reason to doubt her having been quoting it from a reliable source (whatever the details), since at the time she had no idea there was a DJR around in the Somerton man case.

    One thing that bothers me with Balint’s attitude is her not responding to inquiries. She is an academic, I am an academic. She officially published a piece on the Somerton man case in 2010, and obviously must expect, or even appreciate, folks trying to reach out to her with further question. There is no indication that my email did not reach her, but she must been either too busy or personally unavailable, or have felt it not necessary to at least acknowledge an email sent to her. I realize the Somerton man case has become a sideshow for many, such that even electrical engineers are treated as nonscientists and taken not seriously. So, academics are staying away from the case, now also by Prof. Balint, perhaps. But, if she did not find the topic a serious topic, why did she research it?

    Any ways, here are the links to her passage. It seems clear to me what she was doing there, John.



    @ David Morgan, thanks for your replies. I am even more confused what you are trying to do with that sketch, or anything like that. Sorry, but, now that I have seen the material you are basing your “strong” facial recognition proposal for TSM being CW, it does not work for me at all; again this does not mean TSM was not CW, it is just your reasoning is unreliable (for me).

    I also am not sure what you are referring to with the citations about Khayyam, one going back to 1913. There are tons of references to Khayyam in Trove across decades, and there are even more interesting and relevant discussions of him there (as has been the case anywhere).

    I am generally very skeptical about using facial recognition as a sole basis for anything, especially when there are no reliable photos, or of good quality, available. It may be entertaining or interesting as a secondary try, but I would not rely on that as strongly as you seem to be making. I have no idea why you think making such hand sketches can be a basis for facial recognition. Derek Abbott at some point did that sort of thing, thinking that a better photo may lead relatives to recognize him. I would NOT even use those for facial recognition purposes, let alone the poor sketch you linked. Of course, you are entitled to your own opinion, but nothing you have said seems to be for me a reliable basis for what you claim, at least to the extent shared. Sorry.

    @ RichardD,

    When I shared the full Lockyer vs. Lockyer contents on CM on Oct. 27, 2023, I had hoped you could comment on them, to say whether you had the same additional info that I had been given officially.

    However, I never heard back from you, which is surprising for this reason. You seem to be a good researcher, leaving no stone unturned to find more info about DJW. So, one would assume it is much easier to at least comment on something already shared on CM (which I did, especially the clause on its page 17, in the Lockyer in the file), than traveling to Adelaide for this or that.

    You either did not even know about what I shared, which is odd, since you contribute to CM for people to exchange feedbacks with you, yet you do not engage with them, or try to read if someone is trying to reach back to you, or you did see my finding important and did not care to reply for one or another reason.

    I had not seen you share the additional information I was given officially about the L&L file, so, I had assumed you did not know about the Lockyer statement therein. If you had seen it, though, I would be surprised, since it is certainly a passage worth letting others know about, and you had not shared it.

    Any ways, this is my second and last time trying to reach out to you to see what you think about that passage on page 17, given the additional elaborations I offered later in that guest page (https://ciphermysteries.com/2023/10/27/lockyer-vs-lockyer-divorce-files-continued). The point is, why would, not customarily, Lockyer be asked to offer such a statement on the very last day the file was supposed to become absolute, having already been decided three months earlier. Legally, even if a party dies after the Nisi decision, the divorce can be finallized as if already decided. So, there was no reason for Lockyer to be asked to add that statement. In the Webb vs. Webb file we do not have such a clause added by DJR, so, why it is different in the L&L case?

    I can myself allow for the possibility that given she was already reported ill and in hospital, though legally represented fully, the judge may have wished to ascertain if she was alive. But, legally, as a matter of procedure, there was no reason for Lockyer to be asked to do so on the day the divorce became absolute. So, for me it still remains a puzzle, and hope it may also raise your curiosity about it.

  1904. David Morgan on March 28, 2024 at 9:30 pm said:


    It is impossible for anyone to comprehend the depth of my interest in facial ID other than perhaps Dr Palmer-Benbow – whom Australia owes a big apology. Especially Criminology lecturer Evans and his book on the Scottish copper with ginger hair. For me, it’s like stabbing your teacher in the back. Et tu Evans?


    It is interesting that the religion of Islam believes Jesus was replaced by a doppelganger. Go Figure. If only they’d used facial ID…

    In the 1970 Isdal Woman plot we have two women in identical clothes with identical appearance and suitcases. In the 1971 Mjavatn mystery the case was closed because a doppelganger was thought to be the body. What are the chances of two 6 feet 6 inch blokes wearing identical ski clothes in Norway.

    Then the Pyjama Girl – what are the chances that people believe the same body is two women?

    But what are the chances 49 people thought the body of the Somerton Man was their dad, husband, brother..etc But none of the people who worked with Carl in 1946. or even Leo Keane working in TV who was obsessively fascinated by the PG case but not the SM case.

    To believe humans are good arbiters of facial recognition beggars belief when cousins can’t recognise uncles. I much prefer to trust the mathematics of facial recognition.

    If I wasn’t completely sure I was me as a child (and had to use facial ID to check) what chances does a stranger have?

    Look at Stuart Webb and family they had little idea who anyone was in his family photo. It has taken years of research to work out who was who in his own family photo and we still have some uncertainty.

    Pat has set herself an impossible task to work out the truth of Dorothy’s genealogy when if you look at the Aldborough family court case you realise no-one was sure who was who and the title awarded perhaps to the guy with the money. You wouldn’t want a poor Earl.

    I have my doubts that all the Webb children even share the same dad perhaps even Dorothy and her sister are from different stock. There has to be a reason for the family bust-up where dad disowns daughter and does not include her in his Will. Unless he knew she was already dead…

  1905. John Sanders on March 29, 2024 at 1:23 am said:

    David Morgan: recommend you take a squiz at John Coomber Robertson’s WW2 civil service file which, whilst it gives clear details of a furlough return flight to Melbourne in April? 1943, there is no mention of his staying on as a ganger in NT beyond hostilities like his bio suggests..Might be helpful if you give us an update on your health mate; I’m well experienced with big C intervention and up to speed on post op survival stakes, courtesy of my surgical/oncology providers over the years.

  1906. John Sanders on March 29, 2024 at 2:32 am said:

    Behrooz: hate to have to say it but, realist that I try to be , I think you might have had a better chance for more timely comment processing or indeed a prompt response from likes of Ruth Balint or RichardD had you posted under a name like Babe Ruth…NB: My version of Ruth’s article was published 2007 and yours 2010 which may explain some variation in text.

  1907. John Sanders on March 29, 2024 at 3:50 am said:

    Behrooz…minor gaff in my reported date of publication re Ms.Balint’s report, it being as you mentioned September 2010. And yes I see that author claims to have had access to Feltus’ perloined (?) copy of the Sapol SM case file in July 2007 which of course he flatly denies. Truth or nay, there be much room for questioning many accounts in both their stories that at this late stage be of little or no relevance to the procedings.

  1908. David Morgan on March 29, 2024 at 5:51 am said:


    I also have a sense of humour about facial ID:


    and a sense of trepidation (about false positives in life-critical situations)


    Only this week it was said facial ID is being used to determine Hamas affiliation and whether you live or die in Gaza and the article said it might be only 50% accurate because they were matching only 50% of an image. Toss a coin live or die.

  1909. David Morgan on March 29, 2024 at 11:25 am said:

    Index of Coincidence

    Here is Python code created by MS Copilot (not me) to work out the Index of Coincidence of WRGOABABDWTBIMPANETPMLIABOAIAQCITTMTSAMSTCAB (but you can amend to your own version or block of any text in the code)

    You simply run it and see the number it provides (or amend and run).

    Random Text: For a random piece of text where every letter has an equal chance of appearing, the IoC is approximately 0.03852. This is because there’s no correlation between the positions of the letters in a truly random sequence.

    Natural Languages: Natural languages have a structure and certain letters tend to appear more frequently than others. This results in a higher IoC. For example, for a generic piece of text written in English, the IoC is approximately 0.06672. It varies for each language as the letter frequencies are different. For instance, French has an IoC of 0.0694, German has 0.0734, and Spanish has 0.07292.

    Encrypted Text: The IoC can also be useful in cryptanalysis. For example, a simple substitution cipher will preserve the IoC of the original language. Therefore, if you compute the IoC of an encrypted text and find it close to the IoC of a natural language, it’s a good indication that the text might be encrypted with a simple substitution cipher
    Simple Substitution Cipher: If a simple substitution cipher (also known as a monoalphabetic cipher) is used, the IoC of the encrypted text will be similar to the IoC of the original language. For example, for English text, this would be approximately 0.06671.

    This took less than a minute to create asking MS Copilot (precise mode) to create this code.

  1910. David Morgan on March 29, 2024 at 11:29 am said:

    Index of Coincidence (IoC) 2

    So looking at the value provided running the Python code:


    This is almost precisely the IoC value you would expect for German text.

    So it might be worth considering a German poem his dad recited to him as a child.

  1911. David Morgan on March 29, 2024 at 11:56 am said:


    Perhaps Carl was translating a verse of the RoK to German and writing down initial letters. It could also be he wasn’t too sure changing M to W (or vice versa).



  1912. @ John Sanders, I am glad that matter re. Balint’s article was cleared up. The citation she has is actually very important interpretively, if folks bother to consider it “objectively” (which must include being aware of one’s own biases in the matter, but then, that may be why it was not pursued).

    If the woman was indeed DJR, and she did see the body, two options open. If she found him to be CW, then that proves she knew he was dead when she filed her divorce against CW in 1951, so it will be a crucial proof for the fact that she lied under oath. If she, as DJR, found TSM not to be CW, then that proves TSM was not CW; that would not not be something helpful for Derek Abbott, or his followers on FaceBook, or here on CM, to pursue). Now, the body’s deteriorated state at the time could not be an excuse, since autopsy photos were available (the mask being irrelevant). If that woman was not DJR, then, that is also quite interesting, since it shows there was an electrical engineer with intimate knowledge of the Rubaiyat, who had also gone missing at the time. Then you have to wonder why he did not make Derek Abbott’s 4000 list, was it the averaged Astrea DNA, or because the DNA profiles of relatives of that person were not uploaded to Ancestry. Reasonable doubt counts in any court of justice, but not in electrical engineering, it seems.

    Your suggestion about Babe Ruth is actually not bad, that is what some folks in the US initially call me, when they hear “Behrooz.” Then I have sometimes compromised with just “Bruce.”

    In any case, we are now realizing RichardD’s lack of response may not be due to deep research interests, and that is itself an important research finding (in my book), nor with seeing the feedbacks he wishes to receive when posting here. I have over time realized how prevalent it is for DA’s FaceBooks folks to come here, not intending actually to engage with folks here, forming their own favorite lists to celebrate things with, but just to spread their wisdom to make CM Derek Abbot’s backyard playground, doing things here they can’t do there.

    @ Jo. I am still trying to learn what it is you celebrate in the images on FaceBook demonstrating new discoveries about a young DJR. I appreciate folks trying to find something, and I have appreciated your own important findings in the past, but can you explain further? They/You traced correctly DJR to a primary school somewhere, then found an image of older debutantes, thinking one is DJR, most or all were traced and found not to be her, regarding others still doubt being readily acknowledged by yourselves. So, let us suppose you even found one to be DJR, which no one even claims they did as far as I know, and they acknowledged failure in finding it (even Mitch Whalmi, who folks say is the came as Curio, liked it-that’s another curious thing that happens when folks come from FaceBook here, changing their names and invite their favorites back). But, let us suppose you found it. So what?

    What is it that you all were trying to prove, that DJR went to some school somewhere, and was a part of a debutante line up somewhere, when she was young? So, what?

    We know she existed and lived and had a childhood somewhere and went to school somewhere, and had relatives X, Y, Z. The value of the research presumably was to find if the older DJR, hopefully post-separation from CW, was staying with one of those relatives, or the past history may shed some light on the missing DJR post-1955.

    But neither of all those streams of copy pastes of family tree relatives, nor any of those photos led to anything tangible as far as DJR whereabouts go. No?

    So, what is being celebrated, for not being found? It reminds me of a scene in Robin Williams film, based on true story actually, Awakenings, where at the beginning, when being interviewed, he is asked about his achievements, and he says (well, here is its clip, paused on that spot https://youtu.be/wZXhlWw2UeI?si=Quw-kuORurpEFFwM&t=109), about his immense earth worms project. I can see even that can be scientifically worthwhile, but not even proving anything yet, does that call for celebration?

    So, you post high thanks for debutante findings that never resulted in anything helpful (hope they will, of course), just because you wish to list your favorites as usual (and then deny you are playing favorites, also as usual), and minimize the (unmentioned) contributions of others, or better mask them under an “anything”? Is that what the FaceBook mission is on this site?

    Your favorite RichardD, a high caliber researcher for sure, does not even respond to an inquiry here, then why does he post here, and not just limit himself to the FaceBook page? His latest report does not seem to include anything helpful, and it is all about conjectures on this and that, mostly about Lockyer. I was trying to see what is helpful in what he offered in search of answer about the illusive DJR, and that was nothing. Did he mean to suggest that Alma is DJR, reminiscing about “good times” (after such a divorce, where GA Lockyer accused her and confirmed her being habitually cruel to him, even him, with that background and reputation?)

    @ David Morgan. I see why you are so strongly for facial recognition, but as a matter of logic and reasoning, I think we/you should distinguish between a broader usefulness the AI and face recognition may serve where high res photos are available, and the specific case of TSM, and the limited photos available. You can’t just assume since it was helpful somewhere, that is helpful here. So, let’s just say we agree to disagree on the “strong” attribute you are generally attributing to Face recognition, so as not to spend more time on it (as far as I am concerned). For me, it is a matter of case by case evaluation, and even that as secondary material. Your own examples from specific cases show how mistaken it can be to rely on faces, resulting in mistaken actions. I sincerely wish you well, and we all need it. If I was a doctor, I would recommend getting as much sleep as you can and definitely not doing those codes at 3 or 5 am.

    @ Peter B, I was lucky enough to catch that entry you had about new SAPOL media feedback, before it was removed, an act which you can add to the list of your mysteries. I hope you will let us know more about it. I appreciate your keeping track of a response from them. I will not be surprised if, they all being in Adelaide, something has already been passed on to Derek Abbott through the grapevine, and as usual he keeps it from others, unless begged for.

    Perhaps that explains why despite all that claimed effort in championing giving back a name to the Somerton Man, he does not still bring up “Carl Webb” in the invite for his talk in May (https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/secrets-of-the-somerton-man-with-professor-derek-abbott-tickets-802251083587). That is quite odd, actually. Even if he believes in TSM being Carl Webb, not mentioning his name just shows how much he cared about giving the man his name back.

    Ok, one hour for that talk. We, with academic background, know how those 1hr or 50 minute classes go. 10 minutes introduction and name roster reading (or praising someone), 10 minutes (hopefully Q&A at the end), assuming all arrive on time. That leaves 40-50 minutes of lecture, to be very optimistic. 10 minutes for background to the SM case, 10 minutes for the DNA mask analysis and achievement, and hopefully 10 or more minutes left for the “secrets of the SM” to be divulged, if there is anything new, which I doubt, given his track record. Obviously, that does not include giving TSM his name back, if he still thinks it is Carl Webb, but then, may be that is the secret he wants to remind us, or to tell us that in his view now, TSM is not Carl Webb after all, tentatively speaking.

  1913. David Morgan on March 29, 2024 at 10:38 pm said:


    The mysteries of cancer may have evaded you. But it is like having some gremlin living in your body dictating your life. Every day visiting a hospital and every night woken up with some issue week after week. I use CM to distract myself at 3am. Perhaps I should start cancermysteries dot com

    Eventually, I did get to an answer with the index of coincidence and it said the SM code is German text. But there is one key problem – Q.

  1914. David Morgan on March 30, 2024 at 4:54 am said:

    Those who think SM wasn’t Carl Webb could provide evidence Charlie boy was alive in 1949 or subsequently.

    I did try to help you out with the Roy Webb ‘doppelganger’. Find him and you might find Charlie boy.

  1915. RichardD on March 30, 2024 at 10:21 am said:

    @Behrooz, I have just noticed your comments here and am happy to respond.

    I am just an amateur researcher with an interest in historical true crime in SA and mysteries like this. Some of my previous research has been in tracking down people and descendants so like a lot of other people I thought I’d have a go. I also have a particular interest in Bute for a number of reasons so it captured my attention when it was found she lived there for a few years.

    I guess I don’t tend to post too often because I prefer to share confirmed facts rather post my speculative thoughts or make negative comments. Although speculation can sometimes be helpful in deciding what avenues to research. I have done a lot of other research into finding Dorothy in NSW without success which I haven’t shared because there is nothing to say. As we know, privacy laws prevent us from viewing death records under 30 years. Without that we could of course find her very quickly and work backwards to research her life.

    I am always interested to hear what other people have found and if we all share our research it might lead one of us to use that for further discoveries.

    Your sharing of the divorce document of 1955 was very interesting. My take on Clause 17 is that it simply means that Geoff has no personal knowledge that Dorothy has died since starting divorce proceedings that would mean his action could be cancelled. I think that would have happened because I presume she had left Bute soon after divorce proceedings commenced and they had no further contact. As we know, she did not file a defence of any kind, so I suppose she had no desire to have anything to do with him. And given the fact Geoff married a day after the divorce was granted, I suggest he was already seeing Mary by the time he launched divorce proceedings. There appears to be no evidence for her death. Her nephew supposedly states she died in the 1990’s. She was mentioned in both her parent’s wills (1980 & 1989) with her age listed as though she was still alive. She was mentioned in a death notice for her father in 1989 as though she was still alive.

    I will have another look to see if I can see any evidence of her death anywhere around the mid 1950’s.

    Anyway, my apologies to you if you feel I have not supported this site as I should. I enjoy reading many of the posts but don’t always feel the need to comment unless I think I have something relevant to say or share. And I don’t necessarily read every separate blog and its comments so there will be things that I miss.

    All the best!

  1916. David Morgan on March 30, 2024 at 11:04 am said:

    Omar K was a genius not just a RoK:

    Omar Khayyam’s measurement of the year as 365.24219858156 days is remarkably accurate. The mean length of the Gregorian calendar year, which is the calendar system we use today, is 365.2425 days. This means that Khayyam’s measurement was off by only about 0.0003 days

    The main feature of his calendar reform was the introduction of a very precise 33-year intercalation cycle. This involved making eight of every thirty-three years leap years. This is more precise than the Gregorian calendar introduced 500 years later in Europe. His calendar, known as the Jalali calendar, provided the basis for the Persian calendar that is still in use after nearly a millennium. This level of precision and foresight truly underscores Khayyam’s genius.

    But he went downhill with poetry and wine like Carl Webb when death visited his door:

    Khayyam, who stitched the tents of science,
    Has fallen in grief’s furnace and been suddenly burned,
    The shears of Fate have cut the tent ropes of his life,
    And the broker of Hope has sold him for nothing!

  1917. @ David Morgan

    Sorry to hear about all the troubles. I wish you well again.

    Your AI solution searching for a way of “German coding” is another of your oddly concocted ways to derail real and serious conversation on this site, and must be directed at Derek Abbott, who expected Nobel Prize (or less in compromise) for proving it could not be European. Actually, like Robin Williams, even that could have been a worthwhile finding, had he had a scientific soul in play in the Somerton Man case.

    What I am surprised is that you yourself peer reviewed using another AI my AI illustrated solution (for which I really don’t need even need an AI proof, having explained it in detail elsewhere, and I assure you you will not find anyone as qualified to decipher it as an Arabic transliteration, being myself a native Persian speaker with working knowledge of Arabic alphabet, that is, I can correct AI’s on that point, not the other way around). Yet, you said nothing about it further (something one would expect from a serious researcher), and now you are pushing your German solution for me (without that Q being accounted for)?

    In other situations, I would take that as a deliberate insult. In your case, you perhaps don’t even realize how you can insult others’ intelligence in a benign way. I am not sure why it is you do this, other than that you, knowingly or not, are also playing Derek Abbott’s game as a FB rep. here, having perhaps been instructed in your backstage email communications with your FB friends, what to do or not.

    We have seen here Abbott’s Mr. Hyde personas serving his Dr. Jekyll persona on FB; you seem to represent, or acting as, knowingly or not, a Dr. Jekyll persona of his Mr. Hyde., and you are not alone. Sorry, but your directing that point about the code, after I have tried to do and say, is insulting to me.

  1918. David Morgan on March 30, 2024 at 5:47 pm said:


    I am merely sticking to the purpose of the website to look at cipher mysteries and then engage with tools out there without pre-conceived notions. That may be your problem that you ‘assume’ as you can read Persian and that it is written on the RoK – you make the link that the writer wrote on it knowing the contents. That’s like saying if you wrote on the back of a matchbox you were a smoker.

    I got to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_of_coincidence#:~:text=6%20See%20also-,Calculation,%2F%20length%20of%20the%20text).

    by accident.

    because of


    and the site owner ‘our glorious leader’ will know

    Friedman spent much of his free time trying to decipher the famous Voynich Manuscript, said to be written sometime between 1403–1437. However, after four decades of study he finally had to admit defeat, contributing no more than an educated guess as to its origins and meaning.

    You should not be insulted if people don’t engage with your research nor should you take offense at the research of others.

    You should also be open to being wrong. I thought Carl was Rudolf Mons for years – my secret thought that I only researched when they said Carl was about to be exposed. The more I researched Mons the more I found ‘similar’ – coincidences. I am willing to admit Carl Webb wasn’t Rudolf Mons. Though they were likely photo doppelgangers a some time in both their lives.


    I got all the Mons experts to send me photos. But all those coincidences don’t make them the same person. But as I say likely doppelgangers ‘at one time’.

  1919. David Morgan on March 30, 2024 at 6:16 pm said:


    Perhaps Carl Webb (SM) and Rudolf Mons were death doppelgangers. Mons died around the same time as Roy Webb – 1943.

    An average image of both faces:

    Similar intense interests in engineering and physical fitness.

    But it still doesn’t make them the same person.

    In fact Rudolf Mons is a greater mystery than the Somerton man as his background was put out by the Nazis and not really documented at all. It is said his dad was a factory manager. But none of them have any genealogy.

    Potentially they changed their name from Monsberger – possibly a Jewish family?

  1920. David Morgan on March 30, 2024 at 6:35 pm said:

    More coincidences:


    so it is easy to wrongly assume correlation = cause and effect.

  1921. David Morgan on March 30, 2024 at 6:39 pm said:

    More coincidences of Germans and Woomera


  1922. John Sanders on March 31, 2024 at 2:24 am said:


    I concur with your contention that David Morgan’s Jekyll and Hyde hypothesis be born of an evil ploy intended to deceive and distract from honest ongoing alternative initiatives under discussion. The shananrgans being Just one of several ploys engaged in ‘under the counter’ by Keane FB cronies, sole purpose being to divert attention away from many inconsistencies with the Carl Webb case exposed employing genuine research methods by CM dedicated old school guys and gals.

  1923. David Morgan on March 31, 2024 at 11:43 am said:


    So you believe that the index of coincidence is Shanagans?

    This site is Ciphermysteries. That’s like saying talking about ciphers is a distraction on the site.

    Plus I put it in ‘MIsc’ to avoid the main paths of your SM research. I haven’t seen any new SM research lately other than Richard D. and his Dorothy research.

    I just felt I could offer some progress on the SM code using the techniques that the guy that decrypted Japanese secret code during WW2 developed. He knew his stuff. Just like that Omar Khayyam guy really knew his stuff on astronomy and mathematics.

    His techniques say the code is German – but it could be interpreted to be “Germanic” perhaps other languages e.g. Norwegian or Swedish may follow similar structures of letter repetition. Someone could test all languages with the code if they wish. Just paste in a sentence of text (in code below).

    I just felt I’d stop at German as it fitted with Carl Webb. But if you think he’s Scandinavian now’s your chance.

    Here is the Python code:

    from collections import Counter

    def index_of_coincidence(text):
    freqs = Counter(text)
    length = len(text)
    ioc = sum([value*(value-1) for value in freqs.values()]) / (length*(length-1))
    return ioc

    # Example usage:
    text = “WRGOABABDWTBIMPANETPMLIABOAIAQCITTMTSAMSTCAB” # replace with your own version of the 1948 Somerton Man code

    You just drop it into any online Python app and it will work.


    You can replace the text above with any string of text you like. I am being entirely open about this method. It’s not microcode of dubious origin.

    Plus William F. Friedman studied Voynich (to death, and admitted failure) which has been a major interest of this site’s owner.

    As I say I put it here in Misc. Miscellaneous I believe – not the main place on the site for SM research.

    It is reasonable to assume it could be German text it even looks like “Samstag” in the text.

  1924. David Morgan on March 31, 2024 at 12:06 pm said:

    My theory about the Rhona incident it was a set-up.

    1. A radio operator said he had ‘accidentally’ left the radio at a frequency which matched the secret transmissions of the guided bombs and he recorded it and sent to the Pentagon.
    2. The Rhona lost all communication before the attack.
    3. The Rhona was the only ship that wasn’t protected by a barrage balloon.
    4. The Rhona sank after 1 misslle strike.
    5. The Rhona had lifebelts that were old stock and useless. The lifeboats rusted in place.
    6. The crew had been replaced with largely new Indian crew who didn’t know there way around the ship.
    7. Many of the German bombers and missiles had serious issues. So they only sank the one ship.
    8. The Germans themselves believed the mission had been sabotaged with one of their transmitters not working.

    Mons apparently had to crash land. One account said his burnt-out airplane was found in Algeria but no body or bones inside. Another account it sunk in the sea. It suggests to me Mons may have been the wrecking insider who had some deal with the Americans so they could record the transmission of a successful hit on the Rhona. Perhaps the bodies on the bottom of the sea were dead already and held in a hold to be released in their dodgy lifejackets – a large-scale version of operation mincemeat.

    It would be an interesting exercise to track the dead soldiers on the ship and where they may have died prior to the Rhona incident. It would explain the Rhona remaining top secret for many years.

  1925. David Morgan on April 6, 2024 at 6:49 am said:

    All this Aussie research someone should be able to knock off a short story for a prize:

    Aussies only:

  1926. David Morgan on April 7, 2024 at 5:50 am said:

    Don’t think anyone has ever mentioned John Lees before. The criminal mastermind with the clothes like the Somerton Man.


    another earlier report:


    Though he was rearrested in 1945 after the first escape and was only 33. Probably too young at 36 but it would be interesting just to make sure.
    That was as far as I got.

  1927. @ Nick – Poppins messaged me & said that her comments to CM are no longer getting through. There’s also a rumour that Steve has been blocked!!
    I suspect our SM researches & speculations have now peaked as we wait for news from SAPOL & the SA coroner.
    I’d be interested in a longer piece from Johnno, explaining his George Phillips speculations.
    Thanks for your long and tireless hosting & moderation. I think you’ve opened up the affordances of Trove for good vernacular history & sleuthing! A few of us got a bit hooked & some of it was fun!

  1928. Jo: I’ll check through the 1000+ messages in the Spam folder, I’m certainly not rejecting anybody at the moment. Hopefully I’ll find them there…

  1929. Oooh! Davo! – I’m very tempted to try for a Furphy! I’m currently juggling three work contracts and caring for both a parent and a couple of teenagers, it might be out of reach this month! What do you think about a “Choose your own adventure” version of the life of Carl – thespian’s lover man, dodgy car bloke and Somerton listening post odd jobber… all chased down by a trio of women on Trove! It’s certainly an Australian life in all of it’s diversity. We could all share the spoils! Furphy also happens to be the pseudonym of one of my favourite Cipherians! Such is life! Anyway, I’m hoping that Johnno takes up the challenge and weaves a good tale about George Phillips, whoever he was, with a bit of Henry Lawson thrown in for good measure of course – I think the colonel could give Thomas Pynchon a run for his money!

  1930. D.N.O'Donovan on April 7, 2024 at 11:49 am said:

    Definitely a ‘miscellaneous’ question.

    I’ve received a couple of messages asking if my site is being mirrored, because mine is supposed to be ad.free (which it is).

    I haven’t the faintest clue how to work out whether it’s being mirrored, or cloned or whatever, nor what should be done about it if so. Members’ comments and advice welcome.

  1931. @ Nick Pelling, Ah, looks like you have become nostalgic for your Frak! game again, and are starting the game again, Jo coming in to the rescue and cheering you on, to enable the zapping while sitting and enjoying it (despite the occasional complaints for the sake of appearing polite, playing her game as well), singing praise of your moderation prowess and making you happy and proud for another round.

    It seems Mitch Whalmi’s machinations are working on behalf of Derek Abbott (see links below), and how soon you forgot! It is interesting how things show up under the click-rich surveillance folds of the FB page, engineered well for the purpose, and get edited and deleted after a few days, to maintain the FB site’s sanitary appearance for the professor.



    Now you play your game of innocence, “ah let me check the spam folder, I didn’t mean it.” Shame on you, Nick Pelling!

    You are just as bad as Derek Abbott (actually, being even more duplicitous, you are worse) and are running your site as his backyard playing game to settle scores Derek does not find worthwhile to risk his reputation for, relying on your site where his and his followers’ dirty laundry is supposed to be taken care of. Cheer on, Jo, and Pat in absentia, just make sure your lists are alphabetized so as not to hurt your favorite’s feelings.

    As a saying goes, the pot lid may be open, but where has gone the cat’s shame? Nick Pelling, you have stated on your moderation policy page: “In the unlikely case that you (the reader) think I have moderated / allowed a comment that is abusive and/or hateful, please email a link to it to me (nickpelling at nickpelling dot com) straight away, and I will – almost always – remove that comment, from https://ciphermysteries.com/2016/03/05/internet-troll-policy). In other words, you let the comments through, presumably pretending not having noticed that they are offensive, and then leave it to us to beg for its deletions?

    You have been taking us as fools to play your Frak! game and enjoying it with a cup of coffee, or English tea, each time you click your zaps through. That certainly allows a way out of being blamed for the harms of your gamification scheme gone wild, of actual “hilarious trolling” behavior regularly allowed by YOU to roam this site, so it ends up shifting the burden to the victims, rather than avoided preventively.

    Offensive language is stated as a policy not to be used, in words, but then, used, repeatedly, with you, Jo’s favorite moderator, allowing it, reluctantly or not, and not even finding it necessary to dissociate yourself from the usages you have allowed, even to your invited page guests, even as a matter of courtesy, at least as your own personal opinion contribution, and yet ask us to beg you after the fact to remove anything found offensive! As you know, that’s something I have not done, as you know, since in my view such words used showcase more the character of their users than those used against, and the character of those who cheer the behavior on.

    Any ways, even AI may even end up needing some healing from all that’s going on here. Some studies that may be helpful: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-20319-0_12#:~:text=In%20addition%20to%20the%20loss,of%20public%20pride%20and%20humiliation. or https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/when-and-how-is-gamification-harmful-8e37c076d4f5 or https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gamification.asp or https://www.plecto.com/blog/gamification/top-10-gamification-mistakes-avoid/ . I am sure you have seen the above and are aware of their ramifications.

  1932. Behrooz: by my estimates, roughly 0.5% of perfectly valid and otherwise sensible comments get sent by Akismet to the Spam folder, where they sit with the roughly 500-1000 actual spam messages I get each month. It’s more than I’d like, but that’s statistical filtering for you.

    Of course, that’s nowhere near as humorous as blaming it on moderatorial manipulation, but in this instance the unfunny explanation is correct.

  1933. Darius on April 7, 2024 at 9:51 pm said:

    Diane, that’s what my bot recommends:

    Here are some steps you can take to determine if your website is being mirrored:

    1. Check for duplicate content: One of the easiest ways to check if your website is being mirrored is to search
    for your website’s content on other websites. If you find identical or nearly identical content on another site,
    it could be a sign that your website is being mirrored.
    2. Look for suspicious traffic: Check your website’s analytics and see if there are any suspicious traffic
    patterns, such as a large number of visitors from a single IP address or geographic location. This could indicate
    that your website is being mirrored by a bot or a malicious actor.
    3. Check for duplicate URLs: Check your website’s URL structure and see if there are any duplicates or variations
    of your website’s URLs appearing on other sites. This could be a sign that your website is being mirrored.
    4. Use a plagiarism detection tool: There are several online tools available that can help you detect plagiarism
    and duplicate content on your website. These tools can compare your website’s content to other websites and alert
    you if any duplication is found.
    5. Contact your web hosting provider: If you suspect that your website is being mirrored, contact your web hosting
    provider and ask them to check for any suspicious activity or unauthorized access to your site. They may be able
    to provide additional information or assistance in resolving the issue.
    6. Check for typos and variations of your URL: Sometimes, scammers or malicious actors may create typo-squatted
    versions of your website’s URL in an attempt to direct traffic away from your site. Check for any misspellings or
    variations of your URL that could be leading to mirrored content.
    7. Use a reverse IP lookup tool: If you suspect that your website is being mirrored from a specific IP address,
    you can use a reverse IP lookup tool to identify the owner of that IP address and determine if they are associated
    with any other websites or suspicious activity.
    8. Monitor social media and online forums: Scammers and malicious actors may promote mirrored versions of your
    website on social media or in online forums. Keep an eye out for any suspicious posts or discussions that could be
    directing traffic away from your site.
    9. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN can help you detect and block mirrored content by analyzing traffic
    patterns and identifying duplicate content.

  1934. David Morgan on April 7, 2024 at 10:01 pm said:

    I would have entered Furphy myself …but not Aussie. I realised i have spent 3 years researching Aussie plots especially Dr Palmer-Benbow. I wanted to write about him and facial ID for a dissertation but by that time my cancer was starting to exhaust me and i was lucky to even write anything and i was told to focus on Brit stuff for a criminalistics module. I churned something out just to scrape by. I wanted to write about facial ID but criminology lecturers hate it. Yet it was what got me started writing to famous researchers and sketch artists about facial ID and why I started the degree. I wrote to Evans who wrote about the PG for his MA (and book) and then as a criminology lecturer himself insulted Dr PB in his new 2022 book. Not nice!

  1935. john sanders on April 8, 2024 at 9:38 am said:

    Darius: can’t believe that anybody in their right mind would want to plagiarise or mirror any arguments re early to late Byzantian origins of VM that Diane N. O’D., has inflicted upon we long suffering CM Voynichese over the years, ad nauseum.

  1936. john slanders on April 8, 2024 at 11:29 am said:

    Frak Man: Yeah I’m on to your plot too Nick but, for Heaven say don’t stop the rot, give it all you’ve got. I’m lovin’ It. And as for Jo’s part in the con, let her take the lead while you just sit back and enjoy the ride…Behrooz: don’t be such a party pooper it’s a hoot if you know the rules of the game mate.

  1937. D.N. O'Donovan on April 8, 2024 at 8:57 pm said:

    Thanks very much for the advice. In case it’s of any help to others, it turns out there’s some means – magical to me, an ignoramus about such things – that the ‘like’ button function can be misused.

    John Sanders,
    Surprised to find you a trusting sort of team player, willing to believe what you hear at second-and-third hand and to obey orders not to read what you’re told not to read. Boy scout material.

    I’ve never so much as suggested that “the VM” is of “early to late Byzantian origins.”

    I accept that the balance of evidence has the manuscript’s quires inscribed during the early decades of the fifteenth century, but from my own research I must agree with Panofsky’s opinion that they were made in southern Europe (which must include England at that time, for historical, political and cultural reasons). I do not attribute the origin of *all the content* to that time or region, nor all of it to any one period and region. The drawings’ history is not a story as homogeneous and simple as are most Voynich theories – but then some have been around, and argued, for more than two decades, so they probably made you sick too. Give my love to twit-talk, won’t you?.

  1938. David Morgan on April 8, 2024 at 9:57 pm said:

    There is a common thread of cold case mysteries in that there is a locally-based inner core of trusted advisers to the relatives of the participants often either victims or accused, The trusted advisers are usually journalists who got to them first and operate as go-betweens to the researchers who start to get close. It is strange when you write to the relative of the accused and the go-between (who you will have got to know and trust) will message you say “leave them alone, they know nothing”. You will have that wow, conspiracy, I’m on the right track moment. But it undermines your relationship with those trusted advisers who you thought were helping you. In one case one trusted adviser told me he was taking his holidays to look up the crime mystery in his local library and scan and translate. But I got nothing. Another trusted adviser said she “appreciated all the work I did” and I sent her all my contact files then nothing. Another sent me badly photographed police evidence so I didn’t see the beginnings and ends of sentences. Then as I got closer started putting odd responses in fact other group members thought he had finally lost the plot and asked him to remove his post to prevent him being reported. Nice old man turned to vitriolic misogynisitic hate fest preventing exploration of a police-woman in the police evidence. He had a deep hatred of the attractive police-woman from his teenage years. I could only guess at a reason but she was moved to another police force where his ‘elderly’ dad worked. He threatened some copyright legal action. He had really lost the plot – it would be like saying he owned “Somerton Man”.

    But looking on the bright side, someone like a DNA/Genealogy researcher LInda Ziemann (the kind and possibly even cleverer version of Colleen F) spent weeks researching for me. Paying to download marriage certs and then creating genealogy records. She only stopped because Covid19 caused her severe issues within her family and she lost interest in research beyond her close family. Even though she likely disagreed with some aspects of my facial ID methods “as many do” she was willing to fly 2000 miles for me to confront a suspect which local journalists were unwilling to entertain even though a short journey. But Covid19 stopped Linda in her research tracks. Americas top isotope expert was willing to work for free for me during lockdown if I could get him the source files. But the inner-circle refused to take up the offer. It reminds you of SAPOL with the SMs DNA. A German developer used his own HAT2 software for me to show how handwriting could be compared for crime suspects. Even sketchcop said he would help me with my dissertation but refused to divulge how he made the SM sketch havea perfect facial Id score since he too disagreed with facial ID and would never use it. So that was what i wanted to include in a dissertation but I was battling crimnologists and experts so I gave up on the idea to write something in praise of Dr Palmer Benbow. I thought I should fail my degree gracefully but in the end I compromised and got the degree – playing the long game. I didn’t want to be Dr PB version 2.

    One day I may get to know what Leo Keane wrote exactly as the words of his song on the Pajama Girl. it might give clues to the SM code (who knows!) he might have been remembering it on the beach.

    In the words of Deke Leonard “Many are called, but few get up”.

  1939. John Sanders on April 8, 2024 at 11:46 pm said:

    Miscellaneous post No. 1948 where older pages and irrelevant codswallop can be swiftly swept under the carpet including anything unrelated to VM theory or or SM fact v fancy.

  1940. David Morgan on April 9, 2024 at 5:39 am said:

    I’ve just realised Leo Keane must have had some radio connection to Wally Portingale as he likely composed the Pajama Girl music (or song). It could have been their collaboration or even with Jack Carter from Albury.


    Wally was married to Kitty Bluett for a short time. It may have been some strange marriage of convenience during WW2.


    After the war Kitty was at the BBC in London

    Divorced (as Catherine Zepp):

    Described as fickle:


    Wally’s NAA record “Walter..” suggests he died 1977.

    He had a tenuous link to Albury:


    Jack Carter was the Albury Town Clerk in the 1970s.


  1941. john sanders on April 9, 2024 at 9:53 am said:

    @DM: can’t imagine that after all this awfull waste of time and deception you haven’t yet managed to fulfil the manic desire to resolve your PJ girl song quest. Seems everyone and their FB contacts knows how to get hold of Leo’s boy John but David Morgan esq.

  1942. David Morgan on April 9, 2024 at 11:19 am said:


    In the interest of balance someone should write a 5000 word Furphy essay on Mrs Somerton Man. It could include details of her dad, mother and sister and then her choice of a second husband who seems to have been a womaniser having an affair with a barmaid and possibly divorcing her when she didn’t conceive another child for him. That could have been a fundamental in her marriage with Carl – no kid to distract their bickering about each other.

    Though I was pursuing the womaniser involved in the Isdal Woman plot and Giovanni Trimboli must count as possibly an Olympic gold medal womaniser who not only could juggle perhaps 6 women per year but could be accused of rape and get off, have women committing suicide over him and yet if you look modern FB records of all the women in his ‘family’ they all seemed to be great friends messaging each other “I love you”. Some people have counted 11 children. I suspect more.

    So Geoffrey Lockyer was not even an amateur womaniser on the Trimboli scale. Personally, I could never see what women saw in the good-looking, wealthy, multi-lingual, photographer and interesting character with intellectuals as his mates and friend and business partner with Schultz of Peanuts fame.

    Something I responded to in 2021:


    Law lecturer Dennis Zacher Aske wrote Kvinnen i Isdalen in 2018 in an attempt to stitch him up, perhaps? Trimboli as the murderer of the Isdal Woman based purely upon his postcard being in her suitcase. He believes she was a prostitute and Trimboli her pimp. I mean a 1-woman brothel isn’t going to make him very rich when she flies all over Europe.

    The greatest irony of all crime books is Aske believes the postcard in the suitcase effectively proves Trimboli is the killer but another postcard sent by an American Woman proves she cannot be the victim. Remember he teaches law. I’d love to see that court case.

  1943. @ Nick Pelling. Thanks for your explanation, sorry for my rushed judgment, seems I was running out of my usual benefits of doubt, not knowing exactly what had happened, given how your site filtering works. The doubt benefits were just about ending, but your patience helped as usual, so a bit recharged. Glad you made the right decision, recently and now, and your filtering AI seems to be working intelligently, more consistently than I thought.

    The issue is really not about gamification per se, Nick, but what types or conceptions of games are being gamified. Binary win-lose games only produce failures in social life, and in cipher mystery solving, since we are all in this together. So, my suggestion is, please put your creativity to work by going back to the game drawing board itself, and create a game that rewards win/win situations, awarding overlaps, both/and kisses and hugs, or just pats on the shoulder full of joys, than zaps, perhaps with some big heart icons popping out with large letters “Bravo, we did it!” said (instead of Fraks!), when all win, seeing overlaps in their findings, connecting each others’ dots, listening to each other. But remember to share a piece of the 10B cake, if it works.

    What’s been happening over FB over the past few days is actually helpful. Now the guru(s) over there, or some may prefer to call them, in their own language, “cult leaders,” must own the behavior of their own condescendingly called “minions,” on their own turf, their posts speaking for themselves. Please use your good site for fostering independent thinking, free of unnecessary verbal games gone to the extreme.

    @ David Morgan. Thanks also for your explanations. I had heard your complaints about FB before. I had said I see your independence, but at times, not hearing each other correctly, leads to mischaracterizations of views that only plays into the hands of those who seem to benefit from obscuring alternative narratives. I hope you find those lyrics in Leo’s songs.

    @ John Sanders, party is still on, just shifted to FB now, where it belongs, showcasing its runners’ true nature. Hope Derek Abbott and Colleen Fitzpatrick will enjoy their researchers’ work at home. At least Nick Pelling does not have to deal with the headaches here.

    Last point, I had a chance to open some of the Coroner report pdfs on the page link Pete Bowes has been offering on his good site, encouraging us to question everything (which as you had said, must include our own views). I had seen the page, but never actually opened the pdfs, just to see what kind of report the Coroner is offering in each case.

    I had wrongly thought that SAPOL/Coroner report would be limited just to taking a position on the matter of exhumed body’s DNA, and physical aspects of the investigation. But, I see now that the Coroner report aims really to give the last word on a case, broadly including life stories and answers to unsolved questions.

    So, that may explain the delays, since, it seems, even if they have decided TSM is or not CW, they want to have clarity about the whole case before going out with their report, and that has so far been not coming through. I have been waiting, out of respect for their decision, of offering anything I can as a matter of interpretations, so perhaps it is better to share them before the decision. Will consider that.

  1944. The references I made to FB pages in my last post seem to have been based on one of those subatomic particle flashes posted there for a day or two under hidden clicks, then gone, as if never existed. They are not there any more, in case folks were wondering what I was referring to. Perhaps the posts will come back again, if caught at the right time, or they were moved elsewhere less visible.

    I guess I must improve my screenshot skills; but some reading this site know what I am talking about, since they were liking each other a lot, or talking to each other amid what is no longer there. That’s all I wanted to clarify.

  1945. David Morgan on April 9, 2024 at 10:33 pm said:


    Back in the day I developed a lose/lose game – Hi/Lo for a student addicted to gambling. I wanted to show him he would lose at the end of the day because it did it mathematically. He could see the code. My idea was for him to become fascinated by gambling code not gambling. I did similar with another student who learnt to program in 6502 machine code with my help and got an instant apprenticeship. Gambling boy simply got addicted to my Hi/Lo gambling game – not the code.

    I had also developed auto-routing on a PC before anyone had Google Maps – I was routing for printed circuit boards. 2 years before I had attended an interview with GEC who said ‘if only someone could develop autorouting -laughing at me really’. It was like one of those magic interviews where you don’t get the job but the idea. A director of GEC gave me a lift back to Wales and we talked about the software for the Space Shuttle they were developing. But 2 years is a long time and they had their autorouting. I phoned the same director up and he said “double-sided PCB boards and I’ll take a look”. In the meantime, Dragon Computers went bust and the SW company I had the deal with went bust in the space of 1 month of my phone call. I was in a state of deep shock. So I created one last instance of my autorouting for one day – a spider game. I was like the teacher in a bad mood who couldn’t speak to anyone. I had been up at 3am with a screaming baby developing it. My wife had thrown my computer down stone stairs at one time because the baby was crying and I was the nightshift. My training boss bought me another new one the next day – like he knew magically.

    The spider in my game had AI-like intelligence and worked out the logical route – it autorouted in the direction of where it thought the fleeing man would run in the spider web. Like you’d plot a Google map route (a to b) except it was predicting where you’d go next – based on where the prize was. One student played with it all day and said I should have put it out as a game because ‘she’ found it addictive. It was a virtual Lose/Lose scenario. I turned it off and never programmed again for 5 years. Whenever I developed some amazing stuff I lost/lost – time, money, my contact with humans and my family. To this day my wife says “you were just a bad programmer” because she always witnessed our lose/lose – we never had money like Mr Nick. She never saw engineers at Ferranti shake my hand after I developed a demo of their submarine system that to be honest they didn’t understand until they saw my demo. Some Argentinian student flew over and wanted to replicate it for their military. I had developed it in my lunchtimes unpaid. A month later Ferranti went bust and no-one ever saw it again.

    I repeated my lose/lose programming scenario dozens of times. Losing bigger money each time. I was obsessed like the gambling kid on having my personal programming win.

  1946. David Morgan on April 10, 2024 at 6:32 am said:


    I felt compelled to do this


  1947. David Morgan on April 10, 2024 at 6:42 am said:


    Facial ID is coming to the UK. Pilot in Croydon – caught 17 criminals in Croydon. It is suddenly getting backing from the Tory government.

    ” a highly effective weapon in public protection” 10/4/2024 – 7.40am Laura Farris.

  1948. David Morgan: I’m sad to hear about your early programming career, it sounds like you had lots of persistence and good ideas but no luck. I can attest that being an independent software developer is a path fraught with difficulties at the best of times (and with shocking peril at the worst of them).

    As for money, I’ve always found it to be a slippery thing that finds clever ways to avoid landing in my bank account, so I’m not sure what secret path to financial success you believe I have access to.

  1949. @ David Morgan and Nick Pelling

    Seriously, do you know of any games that set their goal as being a win/win game? Of course, we don’t want to end up with win/lose games becoming collectively so, with sects winning and other sects losing. That would just be a collectivized version of the win/lose model. I mean, something that would encourage players to see overlapping, both/and, situations, sort of quantum games focusing on transposed solutions of ideas that would at first seem contradicting, but found to be complementary.

    At this point, I am not even asking about the code writing aspects which you both seem to be expert at. Just the idea of how one would conceive of such a game. Quantum games would be very different from Newtonian billiard ball games, or even rethink the latter in quantum terms, which essentially teaches how things can be at once in two places, or particles and waves being the same, depending on the frame of reference.

    In the game, somehow we find the zapper and zapped realizing they are playing a lose/lose game, since they are not seeing how they are in one and the same game, seeing their differences as pathways to agreements, since they are just sharing pieces to the same puzzle to be solved.

    David Morgan, whether you like it or not, I have listed to you in my mind as a confirmer of my deciphering the code as explained, having taken the trouble of running my ChatGPT session with Claude.ai. Actually, your try perhaps was a first time (for me at least) someone thought of doing AI-peer reviewing, which can be done even with other engines. Not that I depend on AI for my confirmation, but for those not wishing to learn more about the basics of transliteration from Arabic, AI should serve as even just a plausible trial to explore.

    Try your lose/lose game idea with win/win version. It reminds me of the session in the movie Arrivals, where she is seeing waking dreams (which are actually her visions of a real future) of her daughter asking about a word she is looking for, and the word ends up meaning win/win, being the “weapon” the “aliens” were trying to share with earthlings, the secret of time, so they can be in turn saved later.

  1950. david morgan on April 10, 2024 at 2:52 pm said:


    Yes a slippery path. I switched from self Dev as i was old and out of touch to paying developers. I found someone who was absolutely brilliant and then he had another brilliant brother. They were both biligerent and reluctant to let me win any argument. I had developed a site with them called accident book dot org with the intention of being a national site for accidents in workplaces. We went a step further so users coould report to HSE. We had approvals and the most bizarre had to be from the DWP. Just then Cameron who said he wanted to destroy the health and safety culture in the UK had some committee decide to change the system just as we had sign-off. I couldn’t afford V2. I was hoping say £10/yr licences with 100,000 users in the end.

    We had also developed a side project binreminded dot com which initially was a refuse bin reminder service because the new system was so complicated. We had the design template so it was knocked out quickly but councils refused to help me. We were offering free flood warning etc system under the hood. A reminder system for local disasters. Then we expanded it to be twitter scheduling and then a payment system so we could make a scheduled payment instead of DDs. The tweet scheduling was popular with German businesses. Who were a bit cross when we closed down. I pointed them to alternatives to try but they said they were not as good.

    I’d also started a 3rd project with them as contractjob dot nnet which ran itself with a job feed and generated a all income. I could get 2 dollars per application accepted.i had reached the end of my money and closed them all down

  1951. Behrooz: I strive for win-win in everything I do, but people seem ever more determined to project and impose their own win-lose (and indeed lose-lose) mindsets on top of it.

  1952. David Morgan on April 10, 2024 at 7:27 pm said:


    I expect we’ve all written to the Coroner by now just like we’ve all written to Ruth Balint. Perhaps we were all blind-sided looking for Carl and it came out as some 80 year old buried in the wrong grave.

  1953. D.N.O'Donovan on April 11, 2024 at 1:35 am said:

    Nick, David, Behrooz,
    I hesitate to comment, though your comments about games got me thinking about what a game could be like where there wasn’t such emphasis on ‘win/lose’. Two models suggest themselves, one where it is an indirect ‘win’. A western charity worker reported that they organised games in an African village, including races where the winner received sweets. The children all ran together, the leaders holding back so all reached the ribbon at the same time. The foreign workers explained that the game had to see one person cross first, so the children adapted, one reached the ribbon first and was given the reward, which he promptly shared equally with all the others. The worker protested that the prize was ‘all yours’ for the winner, to which he replied, ‘How can I be happy if we are not all happy’. So the there are two sorts of win – the social ‘win’ and .. what I suppose could be called the ‘consumer win’.

    Another set of games – by SIerra – I played years ago. It had great graphics and was partly military but largely city-design and construction. I often wished it were possible to turn off the military bit. Any effort group-play even in city-building was sure to lead to social-striving and thus to conflict if more than a couple of people were involved, so I didn’t play with more than those I could see. But here’s the thing – Might it be possible to have game where, though you interacted as one of a larger online group constructing imaginary cities (or whatever), the game would automatically generate a parallel universe should divisiveness within the group reach a certain point – so that both solutions would be realised, and the like-minded receive their ‘social win’ as well as their preferred consumer win? Would this end up with a hundred or more one-person universes, do you think?

  1954. John Sanders on April 11, 2024 at 7:40 am said:

    Brings to mind an Atalantis v Hippomenes fixed race scenario which came upon me this morning while out on my special ‘JS Developer’ highway machine. On my homeward course along the busy airport road, bowing to temptation and good fortune I was inclined to make frequent stops to a retreive new thousand Đong funeral notes blowing willy nilly along the highway over a distance of two or three kilometers. At the lights on Nguyen Van Cu I caught up with the wreath covered coffin barge and it’s uniformed jazz band, followed by the cortage. Mourners by then being onto my lurk halted the cash flow but didn’t seem fased to any degree. At that point l made my turn, doffed me old hat as a mark of respect plus thanks for the free breakfast and sped off. Pedaling away towards home and out of harms way, I could hear cheering intermingled with the delightlful strains of ‘happy days are here again’. I doubt that there could possibly be any more delightful place on God’s earth for a bloke to end his sin filled life then here in paradise lost.

  1955. @ Nick Pelling,

    I understand your own sense or wish that you strive for win/win situations and that you are disappointed when things don’t happen that way. One thing I have to always remind myself is that folks don’t do things intentionally always, but it just happens that things can go astray, even when not intended. Sometimes I myself miss the nuances of your moderation system here, as you explained in the last few posts. Nick, you are trying your best, I am sure. But things don’t always go where you or I wish them to go, so not as a matter of blame, but understanding, I wish to share you an example of where, from my/our end, things do not seem to go the win/win way always.

    Multiple pseudonyms are supposedly not allowed on this site (as you had indicated years ago), but then, allowed in practice, as it is of course obvious, and you can’t be blamed for others trying it, I admit, but still, as moderator, it is a challenge faced. What that does is that it leaves folks wondering if a new pseudonym is one of them, posing differently again (I am not talking here about a rather obvious self-deprecating pun one can make with his or her name or pseudonym occasionally in a transparent way, sometimes even as a matter of understandable protest).

    The problem is that when a new pseudonym used is justly found to be offensive (while having slipped through your moderation for mysterious reasons, and I assume this is not a case of your filtering caught it, since, obviously it did not, and you personally let it go through), existing folks wonder if it is one of them trying to say something disrespectful. So, a whole cycle begins, and someone who reads them half-way, may not realize how it all began, so may blame the wrong side for what is going on.

    In other words, the new offensive pseudonym is let through any ways, and it is not at least explained by you as the moderator immediately to avoid existing folks accusing each other of being the offensive pseudonym user, and days go by without any moderator clarification or explanation (let alone any apologies) and then those who have accused others first of being the offensive pseudonym users not being asked to retract and/or apologize for their accusation when proven wrong. But, you are the one who let the cycle begin, and then you end up putting down your own site’s good contributions for not offering things intelligent enough? Does not such a moderation policy itself contribute to what you have noted as its weaknesses? Is not that a good example of a win-lose, or actually lose-lose outcome. Then the very good site that you have spent so much time building and moderating becomes perceived, even by you, as less than what good it is.

    It is something that could have easily been avoided by a simple warning, rather than letting it linger, not even considering it should not have been allowed in the first place. Then it appears that the moderator lets things through like that (admittedly others not, automatically caught, while other folks reputations is fair game amid the barrage of verbal abuse launched were let through, hopefully no longer), sits back and watches the zapping game move forward, and then blames the contributors for not contributing good enough knowledge.

    In your reply, I see the same resentment and blaming of the other, and it does relate to the matter of moderation.

    To your credit, I have learned that actually your cool-headedness often helps defuse things. But, there was no reason for that abusive pseudonym to be let through, then not explained and clarified immediately, and erased on your own.

    I think David Morgan has also offered a good example of cool-headedness on this site, when, no matter what, he maintains a substantive approach to his posts, even though some of his crime stories get too graphic at times 🙂 I don’t know how he does it given the health issues, but good for him for setting a good example, from which I have to also learn.

    Any ways, I am just sharing the above to clarify why it matters to take win/win gamifications seriously, since otherwise, intentionally or not, we may end up playing the win/lose, lose/lose versions. I think the moderations have gone in a better direction lately, so thanks again.

  1956. @ D.N.O’Donovan,

    Those are really good, inspiring examples. The one in African village is especially good since its play relies on the heart (of the person) than rule structures, in fact goes against the rules, when found to be unreasonable, in favor of happiness for all values desired. That’s what make it more powerful. Rules really are as good as the hearts playing them. I agree that somehow the win/win games should be able to reach the heart, not based on following a rule, and/or the rules could include “one who follows the heart to bring happiness to all wins.” How can we translate that into a game design to achieve the feeling “How can I be happy if we are not all happy”? You distinguished between social and consumer win. Interesting. Got me thinking too. Your second example, offers a choice of doing it different universe models. The advantage of that is it offers players a choice of experiencing which game system they enjoy best. Translated to real life, not sure if the tests can be risky. Will think about that, thanks for sharing (I like the parallel universe idea …).

    @ John Sanders, so, yes, good example, a game of trying to win your adversary’s heart by enticing apples you appreciate they like. Interesting idea, the winning being defined as making your (perceived, or previously regarded) adversary happy! Very interesting, I agree that can bring a lot of happiness, despite sadnesses in paradise lost.

    Thanks for sharing the above. A lot to think about, so will be thinking more on the examples.

  1957. D.N. O'Donovan on April 11, 2024 at 9:42 pm said:

    About your comments on Nick’s moderation of comments here.. I think it’s important to remember that Nick’s blog is his blog, not a forum. No blogger is under any obligation to post *any* comment made under a post. Nick is absolutely free to decide what he will let pass, and what he won’t. Any ‘rules’ he declares are not ‘forum rules’ but notice to others about his decisions, and he is also free to change those at any time he likes. About ‘pseudonyms’ – I one had an embarrassing moment when, coming back to add an update, I accidentally used another email address (with associated pen-name) which I’d made for conversations in a certain forum. The result was not only that it not only looked as if I was using a ‘fake’ pseudonym, but trying to talk to myself with it. 🙂

    But if Nick does, or doesn’t choose to allow a comment, it’s entirely his choice. Let’s be duly grateful that this is one of the very few places where the blogger offers such latitude. There aren’t many.

  1958. john sanders on April 11, 2024 at 11:15 pm said:

    Nick Pelling: whether we’re elated or deflated at games end, has to be some sort of simple message to take from Behrooz’ lesson on the relative quirks of winning v loosing. My own take, without giving my philosophy on life is that it can be just as reward8n to ‘break even’ end of the game, just like Kenny Rogers ‘the gambler’ did on the train going to nowhere.

  1959. Darius on April 12, 2024 at 6:16 am said:

    Diane, your win/win game example made me think of Bernard Mandeville and his classic economic theory book The Fable of The Bees, actually a poem. A scandal and box office hit in Queen Anne’s England 1714. Probably you know, Mandeville was accused of using his fable to undermine social decency and public morality and to encourage a life of vice full of ostentation and drunkenness, gluttony, self-interest, greed, pride, vanity and sex. The rich live at the beginning in luxury, the upwardly mobile try to become equal to the rich through trickery and exploitation, and the poor toil to stay alive.
    At some point there is a rethink when Jupiter makes a moral statement. From now on, all bees live virtuously, without vices, which surprisingly leads to the decline of the bee colony. The economy collapses because there is no longer any demand for products and win-will.
    Only later was it realized what he was actually postulating. He wants an intelligent community that doesn’t abolish vice but through clever laws makes it profitable for everyone. But this is now not propaganda for even higher tobacco and alcohol taxes… the right to temporary intoxication should remain affordable for everyone.
    The thing is, in my opinion, that the world is multidimensional and the way to win/win and happiness is not simple straightforward

  1960. David Morgan on April 12, 2024 at 10:18 am said:

    I still think the anthropologist Professor Maciej Henneberg may have been on to something seeing SM as ?Hubert Cyril? Reynolds.

    Perhaps father and son. Mother Webb. So really Charles Reynolds not Charles Webb.


    and Hubert when younger (if you believe in Facial ID)


    and to show the scale of the match:


  1961. @ D.N. O’Donovan

    Gee, how soon you reverted back to win/lose (of the absolutist kind) model, being actually a lose-lose model in my reading! I was about to leave this topic of moderation, but since you commented, just want to say this. I know you mean well in what you said, as far as Nick is concerned, and the example of your pseudonym error is really not relevant to what I was saying, since that is just a technical error.

    Obviously, whether called blog or forum, Nick Pelling can do what he wishes. That is really not the point here at all. He sets up a house, says, “folks, come here, be my guest at times (actually requested from the guest in advance, seeking his or her permission, which is a polite thing to do), let us have a conversation, with rules x and y, I have stated and expected as a matter of decency.”

    Others, at times guest-accommodated, join in, also on their free will, not obligated to do so, having depended on, written or not, rules of constructive conversation. They did not join to be verbally abused, under his watch, and we are not talking about posts filtered or allowed wrongly by AI; he even has recognized those situations were verbal abuse can happen, and has stated rules for them, problematically applied, but nevertheless he has said how he will treat his invitees.

    Once passes the filter, he chooses to let in or not. Yes, he can act like an absolutist ruler, and say, “oh, I will now violate my own rules and do what I want.” But, he, or you, can’t expect the invitee to obey and oblige and remain silent forever, since under his watch, things have happened that has violated others rights to a constructive conversation! He can of course decide not to post what I say, realizing also that I can have other ways of letting him or others know about what happened. But, he is cool-headed enough to let it come in, answered seriously or not.

    What you said does not fit at all your African village model, obviously, one I best liked, actually. The Western parallel universes version is really suspect in my mind, just a clever way of letting back in the absolutist games under the veil of “choice,” in the name of science, military options offered or not. Somewhat disappointing, but of course, it is your opinion to share. I don’t see what you said as being an example of a win-win solution at all, sorry; so, back to square 1, unfortunately.

  1962. John Sanders on April 12, 2024 at 11:00 pm said:

    @DM: Hubert Cyril ‘Bert’ Reynolds would have been 13/14 when Charles Webb was born.

  1963. D.N. O'Donovan on April 13, 2024 at 12:49 am said:

    I’m not sure how either of my examples relates to Mandeville’s work or the reactions of his contemporaries. I was trying to show that the ‘pyramid’ model of gaming and of life – a model which has just one ‘winner’ at the top and which is so ingrained into western thought – isn’t the only possible, or practical way to look at things. I’m not suggesting a return to pre-Industrial social organisation – westerners in fine climates tried that during the 1960s; but one reason I’m attracted to the *principles* of traditional English scholarship, and to the actual practice of English-style Quakerism is the way decisions are achieved.

  1964. john slanders on April 13, 2024 at 9:27 am said:

    Bit of Kippers might be in order IF I may.

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
    And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe [sic] a word about your loss.
    If you can dare to take the hand of he who beat you,
    And call him ‘brother square toes’ later at the inn,
    You be nothing but a crawler and should be seen to,
    And, you’re a better man than I am Gunga Din.

  1965. Darius on April 13, 2024 at 10:58 am said:

    Diane, you were looking for a game where there wasn’t such emphasis on ‘win/lose’. The second phase in Mandeville’s example was such a game, only the hypothetical result was not candy for everyone, but the absence of any candy at all. Maybe generalized too much, but aren’t the small examples mostly small reflections of the big topics…

  1966. Darius on April 13, 2024 at 11:23 am said:

    … there are questions that can and should be decided by consensus (do you mean that with „Quaker-Style?) and there are truths that are not debatable, once found…

  1967. D.N.O'Donovan on April 13, 2024 at 7:54 pm said:

    Darius – The same pattern has evolved in many older societies, not many European. Basically, the matter to be considered is known for some time before hand and each person thinks it over until the meeting (meeting for business among Quakers). Each person speaks their own thoughts on the matter, with a pause so that all have time to think on that view. Each person speaks once. There’s no debate. By the end, the group recognises a feeling that they have come to a common view, or it doesn’t. If not, the issue is left for another time. You’d be surprised by how effective a system it is, but as I say it’s not unique to Quakers.

  1968. David Morgan on April 13, 2024 at 8:02 pm said:


    Perhaps Mrs Webb liked them freshly baked. I’ll let you fill in the bun reference in your own mind.

    The only one I could track to North Carolina was actually younger than Charlie so a time travelling ‘Cyril Hubert’.

    I was trying to help out the anthropologist I mean he saw something in HCR and not just fame and glory for himself. It was quite a reputational risk to say he was 100% sure he was SM.

  1969. John Sanders on April 13, 2024 at 10:59 pm said:

    @David Morgan: Professor Maciej’s Henneberg’rs anthropologicl credentials were further tarnished somewhat following his 2014 disertation on the origins of Homo Floresiensis, a recently dscovered race of cave dwelling Hominin, be merely small bodied humans with down syndrome.

  1970. John Sanders on April 13, 2024 at 11:41 pm said:

    @DM: I fail to see what Mrs. Webb’s fresh baked buns have to do with the price of eggs. Same goes for your time traveller Bert Reynolds (all dogs go to heaven) or are we talking about another HCR altogether, maybe the one from Lansing Michigan?

  1971. David Morgan on April 14, 2024 at 5:25 am said:

    Interestingly the drone strike on Israel by Iran was described as a win/win. Iran had its retaliation and Israel got its allies roped in to defend it.

    If only the US and UK would dare to shoot down real drones will real weapons over the Ukraine which kill real people that would be a real win/win for human lives.

  1972. David Morgan on April 14, 2024 at 11:11 pm said:


    The anthropologist believed HCR was the SM. 100% convinced. The facial ID match to HCR was a student in NC in a college yearbook. The only young guy I could find in NC was CHR not HCR. CHR was 21 in 1930 living as a nephew with relatives – so not a native of NC.

    How old was HCR in 1948 in Australia? CHR would be 39.

  1973. David Morgan on April 14, 2024 at 11:16 pm said:
  1974. John Sanders on April 15, 2024 at 4:06 am said:

    Thought there were a goodly number of cruise missiles and ICBs, not just drones involved in Iran’s failed retaliation strike against Israel and it must represent a net win for the defenders. Unfortunately for the Ukraine it doesn’t have allied air/sea support on call or Tel Aviv’s iron dome which if they had, could even the score or win the rubber against Russia’s relentless bombing campaign.

  1975. John Sanders on April 15, 2024 at 8:20 am said:

    @DM: Phoenix HCR gave his age as 61 in 1954 :- 1893, though 1891 was given by another source. Don’t worry though, novelist Graham Greene is quoted from his best seller The Quiet American that, a phoenix is known to rise from its own ashes.

  1976. David Morgan on April 16, 2024 at 2:27 am said:


    The UK and US claim no prior knowledge “from Iran”, But the UK held a COBRA meeting 2 days before the attack, but one wasn’t hurried together on the night of the attack. Considering they thought 300 drones with bombs would smash into Israel and start WW3 it seems a bit lax. Similarly Biden the day before.

    One downed drone landed on a pavement in Jordan but failed to make a dent – not even a pothole.

    Then Israeil shows images of some giant missile that had been intercepted in space and landed nicely on a beach. Not even a crater. Iron dome with levitation perhaps?

    It was fairly obiously signalled as a nonevent and that Israel would allow 3 (1%) through knowing they had no bombs. To show it was an attack on Israel yet 297 on Jordan?

    The child injured was likely hurt by iron dome debris which are bombs.

    That was the win/win.

    But now we face the lose/lose. Petrol prices will rocket and economies will plunge into deep recession because Iran control ?1/3 of the oil?. If Israel bomb the oil – then Iran might bomb their nuclear plants and then we have WW3.

  1977. John Sanders on April 16, 2024 at 12:23 pm said:

    @DM. Not for the injured Bedouin child, who by some unconfirmed reports has since succumbed to her injuries. But yes the rest of the plot does suggest much bigger targets for both sides be inevitable, sooner rather than later.

  1978. David Morgan on April 16, 2024 at 6:19 pm said:


    All the Israeli children were in bunkers so where was the Bedouin kid – out in the Negev desert. The family had received a destruction order on their property 2 weeks prior to the missile landing on their property. Bedouin have no access to Israeli bunkers and are treated somewhat like travellers in the UK. Their numbers have decreased from 92,000 to 11,000. Where did they all go?

  1979. David Morgan on April 17, 2024 at 10:57 am said:

    Donor 59 in Queensland has dozens of kids in Australia (perhaps even more globally). Now that will be an off-the-scale genealogy challenge if one of them commits a crime.

  1980. John Sanders on April 17, 2024 at 12:34 pm said:

    @DM: gotta be some sorta wanker, what? Reckon misca and co. are up to the genealogy challenge. Didn’t have an problems with the Samomonson family!

  1981. David Morgan on April 17, 2024 at 5:01 pm said:

    donor 59
    probably an athlete, blond hair, blue eyes who looks in the mirror a lot.

    Tracking down donor 59 would be interesting. and costly for him with all those kids wanting his money. That’s a real genealogy challenge.

  1982. David Morgan on April 17, 2024 at 5:11 pm said:


    this might work – showing some of donor 59s kids – so all brown haired?


    it could be the biggest scandal in Australia if 12 Mrs X’s find out their dad was not their dad and didn’t know.

  1983. John Sanders on April 17, 2024 at 10:27 pm said:

    @DM: If you check your source material more thoroughly, I think you’ll find that the deflated figures you quoted for Bedouins numbers date back to 1948 with formation of the modern state of Israel. As such they have no bearing on current estimates of 220,000 inside Israel and 40,000 in Palestine. It seems likely that due to events over the past six months some Bedouin tribes have likely returned to their wandering habits to sparse desert regions in hope it might put them out of harm’s way.

  1984. @ David

    One of my favourite episodes of the ABC’s Australian Story is the one that tells of how Aminah Hart, a London born advertising executive met, fell in love with and married her baby’s sperm donor, a dairy farmer from Phillip Island, in country Victoria. Incidentally, Aminah never really knew her own father, Tony, but she has excellent footage of him acting as an extra in the film Spartacus!


    Onwards and upwards! As we wait for the coroner’s coda!

  1985. David Morgan on April 21, 2024 at 10:27 pm said:

    The only useful thing I got from P. Bowes was “Warm Sepia of Ridgway” which he didn’t investigate. Not curious?

    Robert Ridgway, an American ornithologist, developed one of the first and most important color systems for bird identification. His work, “Color Standards and Color Nomenclature”, aimed to standardize colors and color nomenclature1. However, the specific color “Warm Sepia” from Ridgway’s color system is not directly mentioned in the search results.

    Robert Ridgway (July 2, 1850 – March 25, 1929) was an American ornithologist specializing in systematics. He was appointed in 1880 by Spencer Fullerton Baird, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, to be the first full-time curator of birds at the United States National Museum. He held this title until his death.

    Ridgway was an outstanding descriptive taxonomist and was unmatched in the number of North American bird species that he described for science. He also published two books that systematized color names for describing birds, “A Nomenclature of Colors for Naturalists” (1886) and “Color Standards and Color Nomenclature” (1912). His color system was precise and consistent, which made it highly valuable for various applications.

    In general, sepia is a rich, warm, reddish-brown color. It can range from a very dark and powerful brown to a delicate glowing light wash, depending on its dilution. It’s similar to burnt umber.

    Please note that the exact shade of “Warm Sepia” in Ridgway’s system might be slightly different. If you need the precise color, I recommend referring to a physical copy of Ridgway’s “Color Standards and Color Nomenclature” or a reliable digital source.

    Is this a possible link to Bird Boy Carl Webb?

  1986. David Morgan on April 21, 2024 at 10:59 pm said:

    Warm Sepia Ridgway


  1987. David Morgan on April 22, 2024 at 1:44 am said:

    Warm Sepia Ridgway 2


    If Carl was the Cottesloe bird watcher Mr Webb selling caravan, truck and boat from the property 3 Wentworth St it also sold budgies and chickens/cockerals after his demise.

    Leo Keane was later the chicken farmer I believe.

  1988. David Morgan on April 22, 2024 at 5:56 am said:

    The Ridgway colour scheme used by for SM …just a cotton-picking minute…


  1989. John Sanders on April 22, 2024 at 8:10 am said:

    @David Morgan,

    Ridgways were 19th century Staffordshire potters (porcelain) who hit on sepia brown hues to compete with 17th century Delftware’s blue & white range.

  1990. David Morgan on April 22, 2024 at 12:07 pm said:

    Madame Stephen Hurwood up to her old tricks again and using poor research to disprove a truth.


    She claims Jack Norris wasn’t from the Essendon club who worked for Webb’s bakery based on a premise he was from WA. When the articles tell you his background. She only had to read the articles.

    Showing it was more likely Carl Webb was a cyclist not a russian ballet star spy as they chose to believe.

  1991. John Sanders on April 22, 2024 at 11:52 pm said:

    @DM: now who’s being the policeman. Mind you don’t get charged with wrongful arrest. Plenty of Jack Norris candidates including a W.A. radio electronics engineer who probably rode a bike (scars on arse and thighs) on inlistment)

  1992. John Sanders on April 23, 2024 at 1:24 am said:

    @DM: I believe that Jack Norris from Nth Beach/Fremantle be at one with your amateur bike racer who rode for Essendon in the1939 Wanthaggi bash. Ask your foolproof Ap to do a comparison scander of the 39/42 profiles and you’ll find It’ll agree with me. Don’t really care about how your fellow Carl Webb losers see it.

  1993. John Sanders on April 23, 2024 at 7:40 am said:

    @DM: my very brief research shows clearly that Jack Norris the road racer, spent most of his life at North Beach W.A. apart from periods spent interstate competing. Before his inlistment in 1942, he provides details of his employment both casual and fulltime since 1930 and in 1970 he was apparently residing at nearby Trigg Island.

  1994. David Morgan on April 23, 2024 at 3:16 pm said:


    The notes say Essendon club. Just read them. I didn’t make it up! He may have spent a brief period there to be a winner amongst losers. To shine who knows. But since he was at Essendon club he was in the environs. They didn’t make him cycle from North Beach to Essendon just to take part in a low-ranking club. It wouldn’t make sense for a cycling star – unless there were other personal reasons. Perhaps Mr Webb gave him free bread. Some Webb girl he liked who knows.

    I don’t know why people can’t read ‘Essendon Club’ in the article and in another where it says ‘former WA’. Former WA I repeat. Why does that concept pain people so much? Why can’t he be a cycling bread carter for the Summer? Pals with Carl or his brothers or Webb sisters perhaps,

    Perhaps the Cottlesloe Webb with a boat to sell got it from Norris.

    I can understand why the Russian spy-nut gets obsessed because Russian ballet is part of the mystique of spies. But why you? You were into radio operators so cycling radio operators wouldn’t upset the applecart or why he can’t know about ornithology colour charts?

    The Cottlesloe Webb had his budgies and special breed chickens sold after his death. Perhaps Leo Keane bought them to start his chicken farm.

  1995. John Sanders on April 23, 2024 at 10:01 pm said:

    DM: There were three top ranked touring road race racing Norris lads from WA. in the thirties, Tom, Alf and Jack, all of whom travelled from Freo to Vic. for the big meets every year. Suggest you read Cycling Life by their good mate Doug Cash, on Line @ Museum of Perth. It should give you a more realistic perspective than you have now on the bike crazy racing culture experience of the Bert Opperman era.

  1996. John Sanders on April 23, 2024 at 11:51 pm said:

    David Morgan,

    Jack Norris competed for Essendon because, he was a top ranked interstate amateur needing a sponsor and the club would’ve jumped at the opportunity to get their hands on such a quality rider for the season in exchange for expenses As for his working for Webbs delivering bread in Springvale back in ’33 when good time Charlie took a break can’t see it personally but you stick to your guns.

  1997. David Morgan on April 24, 2024 at 5:14 am said:


    I have upped your status on Abbott’s FB page to prescient investigator, You should welcome it.

    Whereas Hurwood says I am misogynistic to him. These complex gender roles are hard for even a student of criminology.

  1998. John Sanders on April 24, 2024 at 5:47 am said:

    David Morgan,

    Your 1939 article says ‘former W.A. champ.’ and that’s precisely what it means, not former resident of said state (now settled in Essendon) as you would have good readers believe. By similar knave like twisting of words, so easily led ‘FB Charlie fans will believe that John Cleland’s “warm sepia” hue be named after some yank named Ridgway, whereas the colour claim belongs to Staffordshre potters of that handle who’s product range was named for it. That sort of caper be best left to the not so scrupulous charlatans on other sites more used to such devious schemes.

  1999. John Sanders on April 24, 2024 at 7:41 am said:

    @DM: knowing my standing within the FM fake SM conspirators league, your PI nomination would likely go down like a lead zepplin. Notwithstanding, a GLBLB for services to migrating shearwaters of Holdfast Bay be on its way before you can say look out Jose.

  2000. David Morgan on April 24, 2024 at 9:56 am said:

    by way of a find:


    Mrs Bateman – Freda Scott and he saw Roy Webb and Pat Campbell 1942.

    Who was spotter?

  2001. john sanders on April 24, 2024 at 10:56 am said:

    NG NZ OZ Remembering ANZAC DAY 25/4/1915 & beyond. Lest We Forget.

  2002. john sanders on April 24, 2024 at 12:24 pm said:

    @DM: don’t matter much who the spotter was; naught to do with our Freda and certainly not Roy Webb who was a POW in Malaya in July ’42, soon to be sent to work on the Thai-Burma railway and his death in October 1943.

  2003. @ Johnno – Freda Scott & Roy Webb were remembered by “Spotto” of the Camperdown Chronicle as being foundation students of Camperdown Higher Elementary School, so yes, it’s Roy, RIP. Spotto was looking back, not at. Roy was remembered even though he’d left Camperdown more than twenty years before 1942.

  2004. David Morgan on April 24, 2024 at 9:55 pm said:

    I have been trying to determine the method of writing taught in Aussie schools in 1905 and on..


    In the US they used the Palmer method from the 1910s and a bit before. The purpose of this method was to write from the arm not the wrist.


  2005. John Sanders on April 24, 2024 at 10:29 pm said:

    Jo: nice try but, pray tell, what would Roy Webbhave been doing at Camperdown 130 miles from Melbourne in 1920 (?), exchange boarding student or summit. FB Webb sloths will go to any lengths it seems to push their forlorn hopes. NB: George Webb and sons Alex, George and William were original Camperdown settlers and they spread the Webb gene far and wide around the district. Still think you’re on the money honey what odds you be giving?

  2006. David Morgan on April 25, 2024 at 1:52 am said:

    I often think of this poem for Carl Webb:

    But I’ve a rendezvous with Death
    At midnight in some flaming town,
    When Spring trips north again this year,
    And I to my pledged word am true,
    I shall not fail that rendezvous.

    I’m certain Carl thought events conspired to put him at that beach at that time.

  2007. John Sanders on April 25, 2024 at 6:32 am said:


    Oh what a tangled mess not all your doing I confess. POW Roy Webb was born in Yarraville 1904 not Camperdown as some claim. Another gaff that you must wear alone I fear is that Camperdown H E school started in 1921 which sort of puts our Roy out of contention for a foundation student. I have a feeling that you may have mistakenly got the school mixed with Camberwell where sister-in-law Dorothy was said to attend. I’ll leave you to figure whether a curt beg your pardon might suffice. Meantime luck to both the Bombers and Magpies in this arvo’s Anzac Day bash.

  2008. John Sanders on April 25, 2024 at 9:30 am said:

    Got to fess to going too far in efforts to kill the messenger which I’ve managed to do quite effectively it seems. Problem being informant ‘Spotto’ far as I can tell be having a lend of her readership and for reasons thus: Freda Scott what married Wilfred C. Bateman was born in 1903 which would have her 18/19 when the new C.H.E. school started in ’21 so she could not have been a foundation student by a factor of at least three years. My reasoning be that kids started at age 11/12 and did three years before chosing to continue at a higher learning college or leaving which most did at 14 or 15 years. See the problem my school teacher friends, but no matter, it started out as a ruse and ended with a final win for truth and beauty.

  2009. john sanders on April 25, 2024 at 11:07 am said:

    jo: Perhaps you can prevent David from taking this silly game any further than he has to date and start on something not likely to catch him napping. He needs to be told by a strong willed teacher type, and in firmer tones than I, that Camperdown lies two hundred kms south west of Melbourne and even now has only a standing population of a little over three thousand plus with a million or so sheep and five hundred really good muster dogs. I doubt that Freda Keane nee Webb or younger brother Roy had ever been anywhere near the place, probably never heard of it.

  2010. Oh Johnno! Who knows what Spotto of the Camperdown Chronicle drank that day! It was all so long ago! The Chronically is still there, on Manifold Street, I’m sure they’d still appreciate the services of a sprightly and diligent sun editor such as yourself.

  2011. David Morgan on April 25, 2024 at 12:37 pm said:


    I don’t think Bird Spotter was saying Roy was a student. He was remembering them walking around Camperdown and that Freda Webb/Scott was the student. I think they call it reminiscing. Perhaps even a romanticized version of events – a name drop for war heroes Roy and Joe (perhaps). I was more interested in the other guy Joseph Campbell. Now who was he in the Camperdown Chronicle?

    This one?

  2012. David Morgan on April 25, 2024 at 5:04 pm said:

    Baker wanted Adelaide Oct 1948 – someone left?


  2013. David Morgan on April 25, 2024 at 8:48 pm said:


    It is strange his dad Richard and brother Russell lived in Camperdown but you say Carl/Freda/Roy could never have lived there?


    Yet he was born 1905 and would have been a child of 12 in 1917 when his brother married and his dad lived there.

    In the 1940s could Camperdown represent the ideal time for a child (Carl – bird-Spotter) who returned to it ‘in his mind’ as an adult for stories of happiness – the fox hunting scene is my favorite. He may have transported his grown-up brother and sister into their childhood happy hometown (perhaps).

    You have closed your mind to the idea that Carl could have loved Camperdown and its characters and wrote about them for perhaps 12 months in the Camperdown Chronicle. He may have gone to ‘happy home’ for a while after his father died? Even perhaps a mental breakdown and they sacked him in the end.

  2014. David Morgan on April 25, 2024 at 9:20 pm said:


    Mental health is a complex thing as we know from certain CM members. When my brother died my employer wrote to my wife as I had changed from sunny disposition to dark and quiet. Exactly like Carl and Roy I suspect. He may have felt he could have protected him had he gone to war with him and taken the metaphorical bullet for him. Spotter may have been Carl’s safety valve. Camperdown his metaphorical childhood heaven.

  2015. John Sanders on April 25, 2024 at 11:02 pm said:

    @DM: two potential applicants for the vacant position of baker and both fine upstanding ex AIF men, E.C. Johnston of Payenham and Charles Webb of Glenelg. We may have covered them elsewhere and often. NB. £11 a week was a kings ransom in those days, I was only getting £5.05 when started as in the workforce.

  2016. John Sanders on April 26, 2024 at 8:32 am said:

    @DM: Guess I prefer to keep my own counsel on any mental health issues I might have experienced during my eventful life, trials and tribulations notwithstanding.

  2017. David Morgan on April 26, 2024 at 8:55 pm said:

    I revisited this for Behrooz just to add some more details and links.To show the facial ID matches that worked.


  2018. David Morgan on April 27, 2024 at 1:47 am said:


    my first job was bread delivery with my brother I was about 10. Some old woman had twisted her ankle and my gran suggested she could tell us what to deliver. I think the job didn’t last long as we lacked the social etiquette – i.e. knowing stuff like no 6 has got a man in again. She was a gossip bread monger. We also sped up and down knocking the door and dropping the bread off like a tag team. With customers shouting “I want a cobb tomorrow”. We had complaints like “he left the gate open”. It was my first lesson in how people lied about children. I think she gave us £1 and a cake each and my gran probably a loaf for pimping us out.

  2019. John Sanders on April 28, 2024 at 3:43 am said:

    @DM: A possible partial reprieve in that, despite the Cronicle in 2021 reporting on Camperdown Higher Elementary School’s centenary, technically eliminating Roy and Freda (not Gladys) Scott from attendance by age, I’ve just seen a Trove article via Poppins giving lie to the first, in which Charles Webb aged 11gets his qualifing certificate for HES in 1916. There be a further trove Camp. Chron. link of October 1918, courtesy Pat naming a Charles Webb of Camperdown HES as contributing to the local hospital egg drive. That being the case it might well disqualify our Charles from the CM/FB Gould League prize for spotting re his now famous pic in the 1917 Swinburne footy team (Jamie S @ Misca). I had been indisposed during the relevant Peaked News Cycle thread; period, so my apolgies for not catching up with the FB SM fake news upon my return.

  2020. David Morgan on April 28, 2024 at 4:50 pm said:

    Gerald Keane’s mother in Manifold street, Camperdown as well. I mean how many links to Carl Webb do we need to find Webb family members in Manifold steet, Camperdown? To prove my point that it is a credible theory for Carl.

    “Perhaps” post-1939, Carl stayed in Manifold street, Camperdown explaining why Spotter Carl bumps into Webb family members there. Spotter in hospital 1942 which might explain why he’s not a soldier but not a journalist working on a Scott-owned newspaper, perhaps?

    Keeping it all in the family. Nepotism.


  2021. David Morgan on April 28, 2024 at 8:05 pm said:

    Another Keane in Manifold st, Camperdown. Gerald’s brother.


  2022. John Sanders on April 28, 2024 at 10:38 pm said:

    @DM: NP gave us the gen. on Mrs Keane at (130) Manifold St. Camperdown in ’22. So it seems to have been the common link for at least five soon to be Melbourne families, they being Webb, Tomkinson, Scott, Keane and Stratford, plus Dorothy’s (“f…ing be ach”) Robertson family too. Keep plugging away and you’re likely to hit on Somerton Man’s forbears being par of the Camperdown mix too.

  2023. John Sanders on April 29, 2024 at 12:05 am said:

    @DM: Re your FB update: More likely, it suggests that your mischievous self and not “the writer” got Freda Webb mixed up with Gladys May Scott, until I discretly brought the f…up to your notice, over the way. Say that isn’t so and everyone will know.

  2024. David Morgan on April 29, 2024 at 2:42 am said:

    This is getting silly now..126 Manifold st, Camperdown “Chronicle Office”. Like taking candy from a baby..,


    looking around – Spotter 1942

    …”smiling through the tears”.

  2025. John Sanders on April 29, 2024 at 7:51 am said:

    like a lot of ex army bait layers, Sir Cedric Stanton Hicks was out of work and on the bones of his arse when asked by his Adelaide University buddy, soon to be Sir John Cleland if he wanted to make some dead easy cash by lending some of his useless chemical grounding to an upcoming death inquest. As you are aware Stan the man jumped at the chance. He having just gotten rid of his first trouble and strife and been saddled with a hungry divorcee from Cottesloe a week after; not to mention the ongoing problems with his neglected estate in the Adelaide foothills. Man had bought himself a Colonel ranking like his new father-in-law ‘old mother’ Hubbard andneither had fired a shot in anger during their claimed service at the front in two world wars.

  2026. John Sanders on April 29, 2024 at 8:36 am said:

    David Morgan,

    It was in Abbott’s july ’22 briefing that his Carl was a poet of some standing, and yet we were never shewn any of his works,. Wouldn’t surprise if the professor had access to the very same source that you be now quoting. Think I the picture now?

  2027. David Morgan on April 30, 2024 at 6:13 pm said:

    This has taken me all afternoon of quarreling with AI because it believed Dr Palmer Benbow was an unreliable witness in the Inquest for the Pyjama Girl. He had observed during WW1 as an experienced surgeon in Serbia and France bodies carried slung on the back of a horse showed signs of blood pooling to the head – liver mortis taking the pool of blood to the head.

    AI was happy to say a supine body would have blood pooling on the back but argued about head because it kept referring to Benbow being deemed an unreliable witness and not necessarily a horse, just lower. Really, Australia needs to add footnotes to every article on Trove on Benbow and don’t mention Richard Evan’s 2022 book to me! It has even corrupted AI about Benbow.

    # Answer
    #### Opinion Based on Available Facts

    Given the context and Dr. Palmer Benbow’s extensive experience as a surgeon during WW1, it is plausible that he could have observed a pattern of blood pooling in the head when bodies were carried with the head positioned lower than the liver [Yeh on a horse, it refused to add this context!]. This would be consistent with the principle of livor mortis, where blood settles in the lowest parts of the body after death due to gravity.

    #### Need for Further Investigation

    However, it’s important to note that this is a hypothesis based on observational data and would need further scientific investigation to confirm.

    #### Conclusion

    In conclusion, while Dr. Palmer Benbow’s observations may be plausible based on his experience and the principle of livor mortis, further scientific research would be necessary to definitively confirm this phenomenon.

    So if Carl Webb had blood pooling to his head. a) He was hanging upside down by his feet perhaps on a trapeze or b) slung over a horse? AI would choose A just to avoid the horse theory.

  2028. David Morgan: to end up with blood pooled at the back of the head, you’d only need to be a tallish dead guy laid down on your back on a bed a little smaller than you. No need for horseplay.

  2029. David Morgan on April 30, 2024 at 7:29 pm said:


    Every week i seem to be told i got my data from them – somehow or I’m part of some colluding Abbott and Costello gang. I just search Trove, post and work alone. Often i forget to search on CM. I usually do it when accused site: CM… “what he said”. I emailed Abbott 2/3 times – twice to ask about Sketchkop sketch. Third time with the results of facial ID from the Skripal GRU checking guy marching Carl with Carl. No reply. No thanks.

    I have been more active than ever because I am up all night with pain and I do it to distract myself. it works for a few hours. I get to the early hours and go back to bed and sleep and then awoken by pain after about 2 hours (I repeat). it could be said it is the cocodamol speaking as i write… the brakes are off…

    I also purchased a monthly AI subscription to You.com so I am trying to get my money’s worth. If they don’t give features like Harvard referencing in a better way I’ll switch back to MS Copilot and get MS 365. I can get Oxford referencing with Word. But I did make progress with my old “break even analysis theory” with AI. So it just takes the right question and parameter definition and the answers ‘nearly’ pop out. Then I run ideas through Copilot or Claude and if you get lucky you get a snowball effect.

    I asked You.com about accessing Trove with AI. That is a bigger ask.
    I tested whether it could give reviews of book reviews strengths/weaknesses. I noticed some ‘no sale’ authors cheat by adding their own reviews within the description. AI sees these self-made reviews and says what a great book. Lesson for authors.

  2030. David Morgan on April 30, 2024 at 10:53 pm said:


    Yes, your head hanging out of of the bed would do. But when he walked the sandy beach to said wall you imagine some contact with the sand. There was the thing about the hyperclean shoes and no indication of footsteps in the sand or sand in the socks. Obviously 3 people had stirred up the sand quite a bit and possibly a few more on the way. My fav. from the 1970 Isdal Woman scene forensics was a boot on a stone of one of the police stood on evidence. I discovered it by colorising. I guess forensic searches lacked the discipline of modern police. We never saw that in the Skripal case did we…

    It was just the echo of the PG case. I don’t even know where the blood-pooling head evidence came from originally – apart from CM. Even in the PG case his pal FC Nield omitted PB’s past surgeon experience and the blood pooling.

    Lucy Collin’s evidence did Benbow in:

    ““Is there a Ginger Quin?”
    “Not to my knowledge.”


    But Overend said in court he was known as Ginger Quin.

    So Lucy stayed in the shack of Overend/Ginger Quin’s cousin after moving from the shack owned by another Quin – perhaps Overend himself where the bedding was burnt.

    Perhaps Carl just toppled the fence dead by the bench for a few hours resulting in blood pooling and then somersaulted as a corpse onto the beach with the cigarette still welded by dry spit in his mouth with his shoes and sock avoiding the sand. Possible…

  2031. David Morgan on April 30, 2024 at 11:28 pm said:

    Carl Webb scenario avoiding sand in socks and blood pooling in head.


  2032. John Sanders on May 1, 2024 at 12:55 am said:

    David Morgan (Author – Top Commenter)

    Could have fooled we intrepid FB spotters mugger. Word around the traps be that you have taken over from Mitch Whalmi aka Curio as enabler and leg puller. Poor fool having stepped down from the role after learning a few home truths about SM imposter Carl Webb that he had not been briefed on during his tenure at the helm. Seems that Derek has now given you carte blanche to run riot with disinformation at your disctretion, so be it!

  2033. David Morgan on May 1, 2024 at 12:56 am said:

    It is interesting what you discover using AI to review books.

    1. Authors cheat AI by putting reviews of their earlier books in the description which get attributed by AI to the new book.
    2. Same-name authors may steal your identity and income ‘by accident’ and never contact you to give you your money or book feedback.
    3. Americans tend to give bad reviews of books on Kindle/Goodreads whereas Europeans comment when they like things. It seems Americans buy books without reading the preview and so resent having paid for something they didn’t like.


  2034. John Sanders on May 1, 2024 at 3:25 am said:

    David Morgan,

    Don’t put the blame on co codamol 30/500 happy chats for your distraction. I was on efferalgan (frog fizzies) for many years. When taken with black opium balls and booze back in the nineties I was such a happy chappy; That is until my body didn’t like it no more so rather than ‘pack up and shoot through the old soldiers used to do, coward that I be, I went off all the junk cold turkey and I’ve been clean for nigh on twenty years. How about that and guess what pal, I’ve learned to live with the pain and I’m on a winner with a new burst of health and vitaliy that could earn me an unexpected repreive. You can have the same if you’re game and what’s more with luck you might well get to bring old Charlie Webb back home to Camperdown.

  2035. David Morgan on May 1, 2024 at 9:11 pm said:


    I have had no prior experience of sleeping for 2 hours and then sitting for 2 hours and taking Coco every 6 hours. So I have no basis for comparison. Maybe it’s normal for the police or doctors. Anyway, CM with Trove and AI with medium.com are a good way to distract myself while eating endless cold calippos. Otherwise, what would i do? Watch endless films on Amazon Prime. My son said I could read books. Those paper things – I saw one once and didn’t like it. If I can’t search it I never read it. They made us get a paper book for one Uni project but the nightmare of post-its…makes me shiver…

  2036. John Sanders on May 1, 2024 at 10:09 pm said:

    David Morgan,

    That might’ve’ve been more realistic had SM toppled over the loose stairway railing to X marks the spot but, seems I’m alone there so you may as well stick with your unrealistic imgur version

  2037. Curio on May 2, 2024 at 6:42 am said:

    @John Sanders I have two new contacts with both Peter Crick nephew of Dorothy Jean Robertson on the Ancestry Website and a 107 army trainer from Albury still sharp who remembers some of our SM characters. When are you going to get a paid Ancestry membership, so then you would know? The ASIO file will soon be released for Carl Webb on NAA, too.

  2038. David Morgan on May 2, 2024 at 6:06 pm said:


    To have blood pooling in the head during WW1 for Dr PB to see required some journey post-mortem on a horse back to a surgeon behind the lines. Perhaps a 1+ mile journey? Were the stables 1 mile away from X marks the sport?
    Someone was flying their drone (sorry plane) over the stables perhaps to disturb the animals before a race?

    To get blood pooling to the head on a fence would require some period say 10 mins lolling on the fence. Why did it break at that precise moment after say 10 mins ‘post mortem’ not instantly?

    In the PG case the period would be a similar period of time post-mortem I assume on the back of an animal (horse/bull).

    I would like to see the origins of the blood pooling in the SM case. It seems CM?

  2039. john sanders on May 2, 2024 at 11:00 pm said:

    DM: first person to spot SM insists that he was lying flat out on his back staring skyward, Lyons said something similar. On a beach tidal effects tend to raise and lower the sand level and elevation over the run in, run out. Stands to reason the body was brought up to a raised position against the wall at some point to keep it from becoming saturated. Best case scenario be that blood pooling effect occurred from about 4.30am as the run out tide started to take hold. But don’t tell anyone.

  2040. john sanders on May 3, 2024 at 5:19 am said:


    My interest in matters pertaining to Dorothy Robertson and the Carl Webb = SM side show could be described as of a casual perfunctory nature at best, and which I’ve maintained from the very start of the FB charade. As for paid membership to Ancestry and the like, I’ve managed to get by without help from such latter day sinners and like scammers for quite awhile now, all through my own initiatives.
    Hope that answers your question and trust that you find yourself back in favour with Webb site admin real soon.

  2041. David Morgan on May 3, 2024 at 9:55 pm said:

    Draft dodging
    Trump had his bone spurs, my dad had a white collar, yet we are not sure with Carl Webb whether he had a medical issue or electrical engineering skill or both. Had he studied religion not engineering he could have avoided call-up. considering his liking for poetry it is strange he hadn’t seen that as a clever option if he was an objector to war.

  2042. John Sanders on May 4, 2024 at 8:21 am said:

    @David Morgan: I seem to recall repeatedly bringing it to your notice that Charles Webb was too old for WW2 national service call up. He being thirty seven years old in 1942 when CMF service became compulsary for men aged eighteen to thirty five, he was nit required to register. Will this be the last time you need to be reminded, though I doubt it as you just don’t seem to pay any heed.

  2043. David Morgan on May 4, 2024 at 9:29 pm said:


    His older brother had signed up.

    Similar in my dad’s family. His brother did national service, his dad had been in WW1 remaking Warhorse and my dad was on a farm in Pembroke with about a dozen land-army girls with an elderly farmer. His bible kept him up all night.

  2044. David Morgan on May 4, 2024 at 10:24 pm said:


    and this…

    The age limits set for enlistment in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in 1939 were 20 to 35 for recruits, with higher limits for officers and some NCOs. In 1914, the corresponding limits had been 18 to 45. The maximum age for the Second AIF was raised to 40 in 1940, and the minimum was lowered to 19 in 1941, and 18 in 1943, with written parental consent required for anyone under the age of 21.

    In 1939 he was 34 whereas Roy was 35 and he signed up. There was also VDC (home guard). But no evidence of Carlo being a VDC guy.

    In 1939 he was 34 so was age compliant with the enlistment age and then later to be an officer if somehow he claimed to be sick in 1939.

    I was only talking about Spotter (Carl) in 1942 as someone trying to enlist by having some feet surgery in Camperdown hospital and he married the girl at the chemist who gave him foot powder. I wasn’t saying the War started in 1942 when he was bit older and technically didn’t have to enlist. With his brother, cousins away in uniform he would have been under some social pressure to sign up as an officer with his engineering skills. Perhaps the Chron thought he was avoiding his duty and sacked him.

  2045. David Morgan on May 4, 2024 at 10:56 pm said:


    We could run imaginary scenarios of young-looking blond Spotter Carl Webb with retired WW1 generals in Camperdown visiting the offices to put an advert in the paper for their wife and Carl taking their money and advert.

    “It’ll make a man of you and tidy up that hair”. “A clever guy like you will be an officer” “your wife will manage without you”

    Normally he was slap bang in Bromby st in the middle of hundreds of uniforms – morning to night people surrounding him. Out of his window..everywhere he looked. He would have felt like he was in hiding if he didn’t have his engineering job in 1942 and was loafing about after the bakery closed and visiting his sick mother. Going around in a roadster wearing tennis gear would have been a no-no. Yet Dorothy seemed to want to go to the cinema and holidays in 1946. When in the UK people were in a rationing lockdown. My gran was selling old medals and stuff at pawn shops to buy bread such was their poverty and my grandfather was visiting street boxing events on the weekend to get beat up for cash as his coal mining job was probably too many men and not enough work – post war.

    We can’t really grasp that level of poverty which relied on credit with a shop to buy milk with a promise of a payday payment. My dad worked for such a grocer as a teen delivering on a bike – like Carl probably. My dad used to cycle to the relatives in the countryside probably 20 miles and take a gun to shoot rabbits.

    The credit-providing grocer had a roller. Prices may have increased for credit. We owned that same local shop years later when it was no longer a gold mine and people went to supermarkets.

  2046. David Morgan on May 4, 2024 at 11:41 pm said:

    @JS ‘top commenter’ is from DIIV FB not Abbott. I’ve kept their FB alive with 41000 members since 2018. Almost the sole poster other than people posting crap like “Is the IW like the Somerton man – yes/no” and think they are geniuses.

    I am restricted by Abbott admin to 1 post per day as i was back in the day.
    FB DIIV had the crazies like SH as well who would write to admin and say I was rude to them or using Facial ID with their great great gmother who objected. It was often touch and go whether they wanted real input or crap commenters who did no research. I hammered NRK, BBC, Digital archives so it was fraught with danger. Even now I am writing a detailed research on why the Karolinska dental report is crap when they are lauded as a trusted scientific body. I wanted you.com to give me Harvard referencing and submit to a criminology journals and put the cat among the pigeons. I was hoping for a response from the world of science to tell me how the lies are good lies.

    i have seen so many papers quoting the original excellent pyjama girl dentist and assassinating him. Modern kids who take the lazy way and take 2nd hand research without question. No critical thinking. Benbow’s name is sheet in Aussie land and there should be a monument to him as inventing facial ID.

  2047. David Morgan on May 5, 2024 at 5:30 am said:

    Tare weight and stencils.

    Mitch Whalmi posted a video about phonetic alphabets on Abbott’s FB site. Fast and furious… But I asked YOU for brief summary for the Aussie equiv.

    The phonetic alphabet used by Australia during WWII included the following words to represent each letter of the alphabet:
    A: Able
    B: Baker
    C: Charlie
    D: Dog
    E: Easy
    F: Fox
    G: George
    H: How
    I: Item
    J: Jig
    K: King
    L: Love
    M: Mike
    N: Nan
    O: Oboe
    P: Peter
    Q: Queen
    R: Roger
    S: Sugar
    T: Tare
    U: Uncle
    V: Victor
    W: William
    X: X-ray
    Y: Yoke
    Z: Zebra

    I didn’t know what Tare was. I think previously V was Victoria not Victor. If Carl had been listening hard in Bromby St to the sounds from Kellow House (abbreviated “King How”, perhaps?) he would have heard “Baker Charlie” a lot. That could make you paranoid – “they’re talking about me again”…That’s enough to make you move to Camperdown for a break and surgery.


  2048. David Morgan on May 5, 2024 at 5:33 am said:

    Or should I call him S-ugar P-eter O-boe T-are T-are E-asy R-oger in Camperdown.

  2049. David Morgan on May 5, 2024 at 5:45 am said:

    and this “i think the American influence is to blame”


  2050. David Morgan on May 5, 2024 at 9:22 pm said:

    The SM code replaced by the Aussie Phonetic alpahabet – how AI worked it out.

    [ignore if TMI]

    But It even gives an app you can use to perform the replacement if you have another SM code basis i.e. W = M.

    But the answer it gave was:
    William Roger George Oboe Able Baker Able Baker Dog
    William Tare Baker Item Mike Peter Able Nan Easy Tare Peter
    Mike Love Item Able Baker Oboe Able Item Able Queen Charlie
    Item Tare Tare Mike Tare Sugar Able Mike Sugar Tare George Able Baker

    It doesn’t follow a rhyming AABA for a Fitzy RoK. No poem in sight.

    You could imagine some phonetic song made up in Kellow house to the tune of “it’s a long way to Tipperary” that they all sang in unison on a Friday at close of play.

    At one company I worked the IT mgr had set up a way to play a song across all Intranet-connected PCs. It was always at 5pm on Friday:

    Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
    Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
    Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
    Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’

    Eventually (after weeks!) everyone would join in. Someone would have a teatray to hit with spoon. A fabulous memory. Just came back.


    One for Nick to try at Pelling Industries Corporation to stir the doggies broadcasting across his Intranet to his staff of 1000s across the World. Americans/Aussies would love being woken up at crazy hours to Rawhide with their kids screaming.

  2051. David Morgan on May 5, 2024 at 10:13 pm said:


    Sad postscript to happy Rawhide office. At Christmas, the same IT manager had organised a staff party at his home. Unfortunately, I took my wife who wouldn’t stand for no nonsense. He kept playing Oasis or similar records on repeat. My wife lifted the arm of the record player and switched the record “screech…..”. It was his expensive top-of-the-range turntable. She was also holding his prize dust-free record collection and sliding them out on to the floor. His mistake was to replace lemonade with vodka so everyone who drank mixers/shandy to drive were hammered. My wife was drinking Port with lemonade. There was no way she was giving him his records back to play Oasis again. A battle ensued where he kept saying “tell her David, tell her…” and I smiled laughing after drinking my beer shandies laced with vodka. I knew he was going to lose the battle with my wife. Everyone always did.

    Then he stormed off to bed followed by the company top executives to his bedroom. Like some IT conference over his record collection now spread over the floor covered in dust on the carpet. He lay in bed.

    He never showed for work the next year for over 1 month. He was ‘overspanning’ over his dusty records. When he returned the project was 1 month behind and they started to cheat. Rawhide and happiness was dropped.
    Every day I had the evil eye from the top execs.

    I then compounded the evil by writing the online guide for their new banking product. I had included the things that should have been there but weren’t with TBD! Gaps in the program that were clearly identified to Barclays bank. 100% Success meant £1m pay-out and they failed for trying to cheat the banker. Project closed. The Barclays spy-in-the-box “we always suspected” thanked me for my honesty.

    But they then they had to move on to Chase bank who told the Finance mgr – our rules are not like Barclays. We play tough. One cheating slip up and you have an accidental slip up. The Finance mgr was almost crying to me because he knew the boss couldn’t stay honest. He felt compelled to cheat the client. They were paying our high wages with about 30 credit cards.

    The few staff that moved to Chase with him in the US had to fund themselves in hotels. Until their money ran out. I never heard of him again. He had brilliant ideas but was dishonest.

    We never got to live “high and wide” from the £1m Rawhide project as the cattle remained Barclays/Chase unbranded.

    The IT Mgr is probably washing spoons and t-trays listening to Oasis in some US hostel dreaming of what might have been if it wasn’t for David’s wife. Plotting his Rawhide revenge at the O.K corral drinking vodka.

  2052. John Sanders on May 6, 2024 at 6:16 am said:

    I’m not gonna fall for the phony alphabet game, no one with a modicum of nouse could make such a blunder t’wixt standard British & AIF. wireless voice procedure phonetics and the US Victor/Peter equivilent of WW2. The FB stooge can stick GF’s Unknown Man TORO TORO TORO up his nose with a rubber hose for mine..

  2053. David Morgan on May 6, 2024 at 12:50 pm said:


    Not my research and I will tell you if the man/woman or ?? wants to say. I am not stealing their limelight. Just sharing their Know How..(note not phonetic for Kellow House).

    if only the other Aussie boys were so kind or clever. I removed many from the extensive list trying to focus around the Webb family. I didn’t want to track down too many.

    I may have filtered a useful one but I thought this was enough
    Trove work..

    Gerald Thomas Manifold St
    Julia Kathleen Manifold St
    Emma Camperdown
    Freda Grace Ferguson St

    Ada Elizabeth Walls St Knitter
    Elizabeth Camperdown Home Duties (HD)
    Gladys May Walls St HD
    Leslie William Walls St Rate Collector
    Mary Elizabeth Camperdown HD
    Samuel William Camperdown Journalist

    Eliza Amelia Manifold St HD
    Margaret Camperdown Rd Lismore HD ? just to check…
    Richard August Manifold St Baker
    Russell Richard Manifold St Pastry Cook

    Emma Manifold St HD
    Julia Kathleen Manifold St HD

    Ila Alys Walls St HD
    Mary Elizabth Walls St HD
    Patrick Walls St Compositor
    Samuel William Walls St Journalist (Died 1939 – owner of Camperdown Herald (he started this himself) having previously worked at the Camperdown Chronicle)

    none blatantly obvious

    Julia Kathleen Manifold St HD
    Gladys Grace, Gnotuk
    Mary Elizabeth Walls St HD

    ?Dorothy Mary West St Lismore? I left that in just to research myself…

    Note: too fast a response meant you knew already but was being deliberately secretive. I have set the clock.

    Thanks Able Baker Charlie… I’m just hooked on that now. It must be drug time soon, nurse…..

  2054. David Morgan on May 6, 2024 at 4:29 pm said:

    John Sanders half german..1915 trying to fight everybody


    I always wonder what your real name is…

    Why do people feel the need to hide from their past on social media? So many unreal people.

  2055. David Morgan on May 6, 2024 at 7:18 pm said:

    I just picked one at random – just to check whether PS Scott was in Camperdown and could be Spotter


  2056. David Morgan on May 6, 2024 at 7:35 pm said:

    Mrs Mary Eliz Scott of 4 Wall st, Camperdown was a governor at the Camperdown District Hospital. If Carl Webb needed somewhere to go privately for feet surgery he had the connections in the family.


  2057. David Morgan on May 6, 2024 at 7:47 pm said:

    We also see her daughter Mrs Freda Scott Bateman who was referenced by Spotter in the same article about Roy Webb :


    A potential Spotter link to Roy and Freda Scott and the family of the former newspaper owner and Lesley Scott in the Webb family pic in 1929.

    A bit like set theory we only need to get some more circles to intersect with this one and we may end up with Carl as Spotter after hospital treatment.

    We already have 1929 Webbs intersecting with 1950’s Camperdown Scotts with 1942/42 Patrick Scott. 3 circles intersecting in Camperdown and the 1929 photo place. We can add the Keane circle to get another intersection and the Camperdown District hospital another.

    What happened to PS Scott…

  2058. David Morgan on May 6, 2024 at 8:02 pm said:

    Link to Spotter and a so-called crippled child – again a potential link to SM and the children’s home on the Somerton beach. More circles to intersect.


  2059. David Morgan on May 6, 2024 at 8:31 pm said:

    Spotter said Tom Crosby was his host – suggesting landlord/hotel/pub.

    But Trove aint playing anymore in the UK.

    I can’t find him.

    But if Crosby can be linked to Webb/Scott/Keane more circles to intersect.

  2060. David Morgan on May 6, 2024 at 8:45 pm said:

    Perhaps more likely across the street to the Commerical Hotel across the street. It seems a bit cheaper for a newspaper temp non-jounalist to pay out for for a few months.

    But unable to check for Tom Crosby and the Commercial Hotel or Leura Hotel with Trove playing up.

  2061. John Sanders on May 6, 2024 at 10:32 pm said:

    David Morgan,

    Morgan, Anna Philomena. 1933, Victoria Street, Kings Cross Sydney, escort.
    Keane, Irene Emily, 1942, Royston St. Kings Cross Sydney, wife of Leo Vivian.

  2062. John Sanders on May 7, 2024 at 1:27 am said:

    David Morgan,

    Platt, Linda, arrived Syd. per Baranbool c/o Italian consulate Sydney 6/2/30.
    Platt, Miss Linda hair dresser arrived Syd. per Jervis Bay ex London 12/8/26.
    Agostini, Antonio bn1903. arrived Syd. per Regina d’Italia ex Genoa 15/9/27.
    Pozza, Mr. A Ugo bn 1910, arrived Adel. per Cita d’Genoa ex Genoa 27/8/27.
    Routledge, jeanette Constance Routledge bn Martineau 1899 dec. 20/8/47.
    Webb, Carl/Charles @ “Somerton Man” @ “spotter” bn. 1905 dod unknown.

  2063. David Morgan on May 7, 2024 at 2:51 am said:

    Tom Crosby – humorous articles and poetry in 1937


    1912 the bakers burnt down Mr Freudenthal?

    Leura hotel – Tom Crosby

    Mr Thornley was always building camouflage nets..

    1943 spotter type article:
    Tom Crosby, licensee, was
    charged with impersonating
    Bing Crosby and shouting out
    out of turn

    licensee of the leura hotel?

    Oct 1942 and Spotter has gone and left a wager about the war and a 2nd front with Tom.


    “From 1942 to 1944 one subject dominated Allied strategic debate – the creation of a Second Front in Europe. Churchill argued a large buildup of forces in Britain was necessary to ensure success. He urged a strategy of attacks along the edges of the Axis empire instead, beginning with North Africa and Italy, while preparations took place for the big invasion of northwest Europe.

  2064. David Morgan on May 7, 2024 at 3:53 am said:

    NL Scott camperdown sydney..i presume

  2065. John Sanders on May 7, 2024 at 8:29 am said:

    @DM: can’t say I agree with your “crank” terminology for characterising shonky Dr. T. Alexander Palmer-Benbow. The shonk bought his Philopena Morgan witness ex nurse Collins off with McRobertson’s chocolates first visit to Quinn’s shack, then a long neck Melbourne bitter second time around. Just as well his facial lines theory didn’t wash with the line-up of expert witnesses at inquest & trial of Toni Agostini.

  2066. David Morgan on May 7, 2024 at 11:38 am said:


    You have a fickle friend in Richard Evans (PHD I believe).


    He got an MA from Dr Palmer-Benbow’s research saying how great he was and crap Mackay was and then a PHD for Mackay saying how good he was and crap Benbow was. He overprices his books to ensure nobody ever reads them even on Kindle – especially his Criminology students.

    It is a shame he is an excellent researcher and good writer. But has serious flaws about Benbow who he viewed as some cruise ship doctor screwing grannies out of their fortunes when Benbow had been a surgeon on two war fronts – voluntarily! He probably saved more soldiers lives than were killed on the Rohna.

    Dr Palmer-Benbow:

    “In June 1914 he graduated with a degree in medicine from the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia with a £75 prize for being the most worthy graduate.”

    According to Evans, one minute Mackays the rotter covering up the killing of PG by his son Ginger Quin and then he’s the genius ginger Scottish crime fighter who put Agostini behind bars.

    Evans lectures in criminology now I believe not journalism. I contacted his Uni (and him) for his MA which they sent to me at my Uni (a few years ago). He used to be involved in radio broadcasts – a bit like early podcasts.


    There are also numerous WRONG! modern forensic/dental articles saying how crap the original dentist was who extracted the fillings for the PG, They blame ‘him’ for a delay of 10 years in solving the case not the police.

    They all ignore the fact it was the research by Palmer-Benbow that led to the inquest.

    Ask Leo Keane and his Pajama Girl song on CD in a library nearer you than me. Carl and Dorothy as well on the cover of the CD. Perhaps Leo thought Ginger Carl (not Ginger Quin) was the killer of the PG when he used to disappear on his holidays in the 1930s using his roadster with her in a potato sack on the bonnet so blood pooled to her head. The Albury witnesses all saw a car race away from the crime scene back to Melbourne. Was it Carl’s roadstar or Tony’s roadster?



    They also don’t explain how ‘apparently’ migrant waiter Tony could afford such an exclusive car outside Mr Hutton’s – only one of two in Australia. Auburn’s stopped production in 1937. Even then it was a car likely owned by a millionaire. He must have been getting good tips from drunken customers. Yet living in relative poverty so much so that it is thought his wife had turned to prostitution to buy alcohol.

    Also apparently, weakling Tony could carry a dead-weight corpse from his car in a potato sack down a steep embankment in the rain and then set it on fire with kerosene in the culvert. He worked in the library given a hard labour sentence.

    “This confession was later challenged by Agostini. He said that MacKay had
    told him the police had already identified the body as that of his wife, and that if he did not confess he might hang for her murder.” Evans’ MA.


    “It commenced on 23 March 1944, and sat for 19 days, with several adjournments, until 28 April. The inquest quickly developed an adversarial character, with Palmer-Benbow and Routledge arguing that
    the dead woman was Philomena Morgan, and the police arguing that she was Linda Agostini.’

    That led to the trial:

    “After the trial, Agostini said that the body was not that of his wife, and that he
    did not take any responsibility for it. Agostini was released from custody on 21 August 1948, and immediately deported. The authorities attempted to do this secretly, but the news leaked and Agostini was even photographed aboard ship”

    [Just months later Carl Webb did himself in. Strange Leo Keane was writing a song about the case. Carl had a roadster, ginger hair, physically strong. Tony had a roadster, weakling – but he carried a body!]. We always wonder about what Carl was doing in the 1930s and then living in Domain road. Was he linked to Hutton?

    It was obvious Tony didn’t know much about the death and crime scene and had been fed the script by Mackay because he had previously killed his wife but likely by a paid Italian assassin). The assassin accidentally hanged himself with his belt back in Italy. An easy mistake.

    READ Lezli-An Barret’s 2017 PHD thesis, The Pyjama Girl and Submerged women, liminal voices: A feminist investigation of feature film screenwriting as creative practice

    A brilliant script and research for a PHD. An amazingly accurate film script. I tried to persuade a scando-drama producer to make it. It leads to the conclusion that Tony was set up.

    Perhaps Jo can find an Aussie film-maker. It deserves to be made as a film so people get to see more of the real Benbow and his smarter and more methodical female side-kick.

  2067. David Morgan on May 7, 2024 at 12:45 pm said:


    The scientists disagreed with Benbow simply because faces are curved not flat. They wanted to see Haversine-style measurements for curves. Yet your bio-metrics on your passport would be a flat Earth face and then can identify you with facial ID. How does that work?

    Benbow also said hands can be used to identify a person – with measurements. he believed even more uniquely than faces. Lo and behold – some modern research echoed his findings (but better than facial ID …not sure?).

    You have Mackay saying the PG body was transported from Melbourne on a roadster in a potato sack – slung over the bonnet? or Benbow saying it came from a local place (shack) 1+ miles way across the fields on a horse.

    The PHD thesis (script) on PG has the body transported locally where she was working as a waitress at a posh party…I’ll have to check where killed… Though Ginger Quin went to hospital after being thrown from his horse – too much blood perhaps in the potato sack?

    It was also said Ginger Quin was riding his horse along the Riverine around that time with his relative. A witness to his innocence.

    “Horses and cows do indeed have reactions to the smell of blood. Horses are known to dislike the smell of blood, predators, and smoke, as these odors are associated with danger and can be threatening to their survival. The smell of blood can trigger a strong survival instinct in horses, causing them to become stressed or anxious.

    Similarly, cows have a highly developed sense of smell and can detect odors from a significant distance. The smell of blood can stress cows, possibly because it is associated with the presence of predators or the fear and stress signals from other animals”

    In the evidence the guy leading the bull past the culvert said the bull became distressed from the smells…which made him stop.

    Top of a roadster in a potato sack or back of an animal in potato sack – take your pick.

    Benbow had seen 100s of bodies transported on the back of horses with blood pooling during WW1. It was a logical conclusion on his part.

  2068. David Morgan on May 7, 2024 at 5:24 pm said:


    For example, the PHD’s script gives a major role to Mabel Blackett as the smarter Dr Watson to PB’s Sherlock Holmes. Or perhaps the other way around since PB was the doctor.



    The PHD researcher has Mabel working with Benbow.

    She seems factually accurate about most things…but she may have wanted a romantic plot in her film and in the drama and her real life her hubby died.

  2069. David Morgan on May 7, 2024 at 5:33 pm said:


    Copper Gallivan said Morgan was alive in 1934 as he’d seen her so she was not the body. But Gallivan was sacked from the police for intimidating witnesses and lying. I believe he was mentioned in Parliament as a really bad copper.

    If he was your dad you’d want to change your name to Sanders.

  2070. David Morgan on May 7, 2024 at 5:45 pm said:


    from the script

    Mabel walks up the Sydney platform. She admires the
    shirtless SHEEP SHEARERS train hopping and loading goods
    trains with wine crates and bales of wool stamped
    ‘Griffith Estate – London.’ A handsome RED-HEADED MAN
    catches her eye. Later we will know him as GINGER QUIN.

    Exposition but a clever way to introduce Ginger linked to Griffith Estate and that he’s a ‘ladies man’ that Philomena would swoon over. If you see him on NAA he was a good-looking bloke. So she did research him.


    The Women’s Employment
    Agency.’ A glass cabinet displays vacancies. Mabel adds a
    new job card. A crowd of eager women push in to read the
    notices. ‘Experienced Waitresses for Society Events,
    immediate start – Albury – interviews 1pm today.’
    Philomena looks at the new card.

  2071. David Morgan on May 7, 2024 at 8:12 pm said:


    Being critical of LAB’s Mabel who judges Philomena couldn’t work as a waitress in Albury because she wore makeup etc.

    “She notices Philomena’s expensive clothes and perfectly painted face”.

    That’s a domestic service job. You don’t look like you’re used to service work?


    Bugger your bloody job. You’re no different to the rest of them. You’ll
    regret this..

    remember it’s titled “Submerged women, liminal voices”
    In summary, “Submerged women, liminal voices” is a metaphorical representation of the marginalization and exclusion of women’s voices… but supposedly in film – not domestic maids.

    Mabel won’t let Philomena have the job because she’s judging the book by the cover and her painted fingernails. But also perhaps she has a notion that maids should never be prettier than the maid owner.

    Gender stereotypical rant – fragile attractive Dorothy (eyes fluttering) gets a judge to get Carl to give her £1 10s ‘for just existing’ they don’t have a child so was it to pay for his cat? But it’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Carl goes AWOL. She never gets her money but when she has Geoffrey L with the Roller perhaps she thinks she’s minted…F Off loser Carl with the 2-door roadster..,we have a 4-door Roller like Lady Penelope and the Thunderbirds. “Step on it Parker and don’t spare the horses” and run over that guy Carl on the way…

    When Liz Taylor was in Ireland with her monkey,,.her Roller chauffeur ran over an elderly woman. Her jewels got stolen. Chaffeur’s kid was killed in Paris. Who did he run over the head of the IRA’s mother?

    In 1969/70 she was filming the Lucy show with Burton impersonating a stereotypical TV German Nazi. Somewhat like TVs Ello Ello. Few people realise she was Swiss and probably could speak German as a kid. I think she wore that mega ring that Burton boy bought her. He was a golden-tanned plumber as they always are. They often escaped to their chalet in Gstad. I wonder if she spoke German there.

    The war correspondent for the ?Sun Pictorial? talks about how when his wife was ill she wouldn’t let him adopt the female role in the home. He said he tried and accidentally tipped all the tea down the sink, he couldn’t buy food for the home because he didn’t have a ration book with meat in it. Deciding he’d eat out in restaurants and sod the wife and kids. Let them eat toast without butter or jam seemed to be his solution.

    I forgot his name I keep thinking Rod Laver…but that’s wrong..

    Getting to the point…whew!

    He was the one who talked about the change of the phonetic alphabet with the loss of Ack Ack etc. to Able Baker Charlie..,

    So doubters about the Aussie phonetic alphabet during WW2 should read his article Search on Trove “Able Baker Charlie”. It’s almost like Carl Webb wrote the phonetic alphabet for Aussieland or he was that journalist. He too disappears after a brief somewhat like Spotter. I believe he accompanied soldiers to battle..Perhaps he got killed like Roy.


  2072. John Sanders on May 7, 2024 at 10:14 pm said:

    DM: putting the bullshit aside for a mo, what’s with Linda Platt’s return to Aust. on the Baranbool as a fare paying pax to Sydney on 6/2/30 from wherever and giving Italian (embasy) consulate as her contact address. I don’t know what to make of all that but it’s right there in the file. If you need to know the lay of the land around Potts Point, Kings Cross and Darlinghurst (same place), where all your main players including Benbow, your “crank” from Arrarat were known, then I’m y’man, man.

  2073. John Sanders on May 8, 2024 at 3:32 am said:

    DM: guess you’ve picked up on my suggestion that the Agostini’s had been agents collecting evidence of Ndrangheta (Mafia) activities amongst Italian immigrants in the ‘colonies’. Evidence shows that individually and as a team, they were constantly changing address or moving between states and territories. Also between US, NZ and back home to the continent, under orders of their fascist masters no doubt. Then there’s the information gathering nature of their respective vocations eg., bon ton restarants, Italian Mano Nera giornal’s, plum jobs on US bound pleasure cruise liners (Aorangi) and Coiffeus at a mafioso moll’s salon in uptown Melbourne. …Guess you would also have had a laugh over Elspeth Margaret Platt’s wild claim that Linda Agostini was her daughter (MH says born Chewton Vic. 1906 and died in 1934 at Wye Vic). Sally Morgan of Chewie cemetery soc. be a wealth of knowledge on Mrs. Platt’s interrment in1957 and she’d be thrilled to chat with a like minded and self published namesake on her pet subject….Phone now before offer ends on +61414142097

  2074. David Morgan on May 8, 2024 at 1:06 pm said:

    We can see from Feltus’ book there was a strong focus on trying to find a Victorian dock worker linked to ‘Leo Kain’ [very close to Leo Keane].

    We have the Keane tie and the stencil kit which could have been used to add the Tare weight to boxes at docks. A documented procedure.

    We know Feltus used fake names for people in his book – like Tessie Powell. He complained about Abbott exposing Tessie’s ID who he had promised secrecy. Well Abbott was marrying into the family. Did he expect him to call his future wife Miss Powell?

    So was Leo Kain = Leo Keane and that was another Feltus secret. Like perhaps he knew that Dorothy Webb had phoned in to say Carl Webb her electrician husband who knew the RoK back to front was missing in 1948. Balint exposed it searching his filing system.

    Like that image of a matching Roy Webb I found searching with Pimeyes that then mysterously disappeared from the web. I mean it must have been there for years. What are the chances it just got removed after I found it?

    Recently I tracked down the female police officer involved in the Isdal Woman case that NRK kept secret. Newspapers kept it secret she was at the funeral.
    When I located her she put a mask on her face – but too late I had matched her with facial ID.

    What is it with the police and keeping secrets in crime mysteries. Mr Sanders might know?

    “Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive”

  2075. David Morgan on May 8, 2024 at 5:08 pm said:

    The problem of police trying to keep secrets is it exacts a high price. In the Isdal Woman case another teenage girl had to die in Strasbourg in 1972 because her mother had given detailed evidence in 1970. Perhaps this was their way to scare her off. We don’t know what was going on in Bergen 1970 to 1972. Perhaps she remembered some detail in 1972. It appears the mother ended up in an asylum. The female police officer Turid transferred out of Bergen and was never heard of again except in terms of local activity near Stavanger and she had almost near zero profile in newspapers. Not even taking a speeding motorist to court. When previously she was involved in two major criminal cases.

    So we have a similar scenario with the Webbs/Keanes/Scotts. They fail to identify their own relative in 1948. Did he have a big bust-up with the Keane family because they put the advert about JR Keane in the newspaper 29/11/1948 with no mention of the Webb family? Charlie seems to be persona non-grata with the Keanes. Perhaps because he had not gone to fight and die in the war or they had reports of his behaviour with Dorothy and they believed her not him. They may have felt he was constantly sponging off them for meals or a place to sleep etc. They didn’t want the body on the beach to pay for his funeral as well.

    I suspect Feltus either knew more details than he was willing to disclose or he had his pet theory (like Sanders) and it couldn’t be Carl regardless of evidence.
    He may have thought he was protecting the so-called Tessie Powell family from exposure the child was Carl’s. He may have seen Abbott moving in on the Powells and wanted to shut the investigation down.

    The body will NEVER not be Carl Webb regardless of what convoluted exposition you develop. Truths are simple lies are complex.

  2076. David Morgan on May 8, 2024 at 11:30 pm said:

    This guy Rod Travis is another Spotter who had another short journalistic life – mostly 1944. Perhaps he swapped a gun for a pen and died during WW2 with his real name.


    If this had been Thanby… it could have been Carl.


    and jungle experience


    Meat coupons discussion with sick wife – with a sketch that looks like Carl Webb living in Melbourne. Suggests he has children but where are they in the sketch or in his article about feeding them and not just his wife with toast without butter? very Carl and Dorothy.



  2077. David Morgan on May 8, 2024 at 11:59 pm said:

    Perhaps Rod Travis took this 1944 war graves photo at Salamaua. All the graves are flat – no bumps. Are they all grave markers or did they use a steam roller to flatten the graves?


    Perhaps Thanby is the same for Roy Webb with a lot of flat ground with grave markers.

  2078. John Sanders on May 9, 2024 at 9:21 am said:

    David Morgan,

    So what would a sweet modern get about woman of the world find in a short dull balding immigrant Romano’s hat check attendant, a question nobody asked. Was it love at first sight or were they brought together as I expect to infiltrate and gain intelligence of black hand activities for Ben Mussolini. Can’t think of any other reason why she’d give the Italian Consul at Double Bay as her intending address upon return in early 1930, Bet no one else has mentioned my disclosure to date and you must be wondering where your yarn might be headed as a consequence.

  2079. David Morgan on May 9, 2024 at 11:03 am said:

    I discovered these accidentally thinking i was looking at another FB group’s files.


    Something to run through AI.

  2080. David Morgan on May 9, 2024 at 11:51 am said:

    The RSPB pdf report for bird Spotter Carl Webb:

    The document does not explicitly state that the hair tested from the Somerton man had been buried. However, it mentions that the hair showed evidence of post-mortem banding, a degradation process that occurs after death. This finding can be instrumental in forensic investigations. For example, if hairs exhibiting post-mortem banding are found associated with a suspect, it implies that the suspect has been in contact with hairs (and possibly therefore a body) that have been buried.

    A little too inconclusive for my liking but further Qs…

    While the information found does not definitively state that post-mortem banding (PMB) in hair is a direct result of a body being buried in soil, it is clear that PMB is a recognized phenomenon in forensic studies and has been observed in various environments, including soil. The specific conditions and rates at which this banding occurs are still being studied and understood.

    Not conclusive again. I was hoping to say the hair in Abbott’s stash bag came from the grave. Obviously, I’m not saying Abbott was a grave robber hanging around Adelaide with a bucket and spade – just a stash of exhumation hair from the SAPOL cops – not the plaster-cast.

    See, no bucket and spade in sight…


    Perhaps the PMB banding was from hanging around with migrating birds too much.

  2081. David Morgan on May 9, 2024 at 12:06 pm said:

    Me thinks the Austin Allen 2016 poem in Abbotts files knows too much about RoK AABA quatrains.



    Perhaps it should be AABA RoK…

    The Eurovision version:
    Where are we?
    RoK bottom
    We got ’em
    Why don’t we rub it out and start it again

    Who remembered Mike Moran…not me. Hung around with Freddie Mercury.


  2082. David Morgan on May 9, 2024 at 3:37 pm said:

    The other document in the Abbott pack talks about a code used to transmit chess moves the Gringmouth or Uedemann Code.

    Here are the letters for each square in the Gringmuth notation:**

    – **A1** – AN
    – **A2** – AT
    – **A3** – AD
    – **A4** – AG
    – **A5** – AK
    – **A6** – AB
    – **A7** – AS
    – **A8** – AH
    – **B1** – ET
    – **B2** – EN
    – **B3** – ET
    – **B4** – EG
    – **B5** – EK
    – **B6** – EB
    – **B7** – ES
    – **B8** – EH
    – **C1** – ID
    – **C2** – IN
    – **C3** – IT
    – **C4** – IG
    – **C5** – IK
    – **C6** – IB
    – **C7** – IS
    – **C8** – IH
    – **D1** – OD
    – **D2** – ON
    – **D3** – OT
    – **D4** – OG
    – **D5** – OK
    – **D6** – OB
    – **D7** – OS
    – **D8** – OH
    – **E1** – UD
    – **E2** – UN
    – **E3** – UT
    – **E4** – UG
    – **E5** – UK
    – **E6** – UB
    – **E7** – US
    – **E8** – UH
    – **F1** – AD
    – **F2** – AN
    – **F3** – AT
    – **F4** – AG
    – **F5** – AK
    – **F6** – AB
    – **F7** – AS
    – **F8** – AH
    – **G1** – ID
    – **G2** – IN
    – **G3** – IT
    – **G4** – IG
    – **G5** – IK
    – **G6** – IB
    – **G7** – IS
    – **G8** – IH
    – **H1** – OD
    – **H2** – ON
    – **H3** – OT
    – **H4** – OG
    – **H5** – OK
    – **H6** – OB
    – **H7** – OS
    – **H8** – OH

    Pawns: AN
    Rooks: ID
    Knights: ET
    Bishops: OD
    Queens: UD
    Kings: AD

    Now AI says moving the Knight in front of the Queen the code would be ETUT (i.e. E3, 3rd row)


    on this grid on the number 53.

    It is hard to see where they saw the match since you would need to group letters into 2 letters for a piece then 2 for grid square.


    What piece is TG moving to AG?

  2083. John Sanders on May 10, 2024 at 1:32 am said:

    DM: I won’t comment on Carl’s hair, however it was stated by a witness at the ’49 inquest that SM’s was NOT very hairy, contrary to Abbott’s opposite view. In that case it can be argued that shoulder hairs removed from the bust were not from the body, but more likely out sourced solon fixing hair. Talking of Derek scratching around with a shovel at SM’s grave, not so silly in pracrise. That sort of caper is not unknown and, in fact Dets. Gollan & Thomas, back in 1970 uncovered a piece of skull casing while showing the grave to a visiting Sydney Ace Journalist Pat Burgess.

  2084. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 6:21 am said:

    I am staying in the 1942 Camperdown Spotter lane until I resolve it. There is so much to research in every article he writes it can keep you busy for a fortnight.

    Two names he drops in Colin Roberton who married Hazel Spicer then lived in Geelong. Spicer seems to have been a grade V musician in Camperdown and had some scholarship – a bit like Carl but more like Vernon Lisle who was on Carl’s course until he switched to a music scholarship like Hazel. I’m not sure her scholarship worked out. But Spotter’s interest in clever musicians (male/female) is one focus.

    Anyways. I assume Colin was a WW2 soldier/pilot…tbd.

    But you never know…


    This book the Amazing Corpse was reviewed at the start of 1942 about a good and evil twin. The evil twin dressed up as a woman. It gives an idea of the influences on wartime men. Almost an implication that for a man to be bad he has to become a woman.

    It would be fantastic though if Colin Robertson was Carl’s author name – assuming Spotter = Carl = a journalistic researcher (like he was accessing Trove, paper version) = a book author.

    The breadth of Spotter’s stories imply he knew and was interested in a lot of things – Arts and Sciences. Unusual for someone who wants to write for a local rag with a circulation of only 5000.

  2085. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 6:40 am said:

    This was Colin Robertson the author – Peter Gayleigh.


    But so many diversions along the Spotter highway.

  2086. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 8:31 am said:

    Spotter Week 2 in the Camperdown Chron:

    He has only turned for work the 2nd week and he smacks of arrogance. Already he has a confrontation with the experienced female hack who insults him back. She must be annoyed the non-journo has a job as a journalist. It was probably much harder for her to get her job.

    But the clue she gives to Spotter is GPO. If Carl Webb had worked in the GPO in 1941… that would seal the deal.


    He returns to his theme of aluminum but no poem.

    But his in his article about bombs has the name Judith – I’m assuming she’s the Chron sub-editor?

    But one other clue is the editor thinks he’s no Philip Gibbs or John Masefield.



    It shows his own reading material.

    But Judith the sub-editor also touches up a bad odor in the office – bad smell – nepotism?

    But he sounds like already his relationship with the editor, sub-editor and other journalistic staff isn’t going well because he’s been dumped there by nepotism by the owner.

    Alternatively, it was all imaginative writing and Judith didn’t exist – the editor picked one of his old writing samples to publish to create the idea of an edgy journalistic office at the CC.

    My own experience as an ?11-year-old on a trip with the editor of the Western Mail and my interview with comedian Marty Feldman didn’t go that when as we sat in his hotel room I asked him what brand of cigarettes he smoked. Cutting-edge journalism. He failed to reply and looked at the editor to say please move on…On return to the offices the journalists were all pretending to be busy. It was obvious acting with fake typing and no sound. Then as we walked by they all rolled up a sheet of paper into a ball and threw them at each other.
    The editor said “That’s more like it”…

  2087. John Sanders on May 10, 2024 at 8:37 am said:


    Now that we’ve convinced DM that he backed the wrong horse in the mysterious Leo Keane inspired Pyjama Girl case, we can get back to his fascination with the Camperdown Chronicle Spotter and see if we can’t disuade him from pursing this more wortying SM mania sideshow distraction before he goes completely over the edge.

  2088. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 11:03 am said:

    Looking at Spotter’s poetic hero Masefield

    “When I am buried, all my thoughts and acts
    Will be reduced to lists of dates and facts,”


    just in case…

    He often had a rhyming scheme of AABB
    I thought that quote was apt for SM researchers.

    It is another potential target poet for the SM code (assuming Spotter = Carl)

    In others he moved to AAAB showing he was exploring and where the B rhymed with the previous verse AAAB

    At one time Masefield lived in Cholsey and many weekends we drove to the graveyard where Agatha Christie and my mother-in-law were buried to tidy up the grave. They were not buried together…

    There was always the regular joke about one grave with Mr or Mrs Duck about whom no-one gave a flying fig. No, they were all mostly well-tended. The Duck required a poetic ditty every visit with a limited choice of rhyme to lighten the mood.

    Agatha’s gravestone was large and required only the mower. Not that many people stopped there for a photo. My wife sought solace in the graveyard many weekends and we sat on a bench and watched the train go by. I wondered whether Carl visited his dad’s or mother’s grave regularly. He might have dropped his last possessions there (old Webb house keys etc) on his final visit. A final farewell.

  2089. @ David – I’m sure if you wrote to the Chronicle they would be able to tell you who Spotter was. The Chronicle still operates from Manifold Street, next to where Emma Keane’s fish shop once was (I think Emma Keane’s store is now a pizza shop). I was in Camperdown a year ago & spoke with the descendants of Nellie Lafferty, the young songstress, for whose music scholarship the Webbs & Keanes were raising money via their Camperdown Players concert over a hundred years ago… The Laffertys might be able to help if you don’t have any luck, they run the Laffs clothing store, opposite the Chronicle and are very involved in local musical theatre.

    Here’s the Camperdown alarm clock!


  2090. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 1:58 pm said:


    Convinced of 0. Anna Philo is the PG. Carl W is the SM. Both based on facial ID effectively. Dr Palmer Benbow’s evidence for APM. My own for CW with modern facial ID.

    I’m not sure where you get convinced from?

    I am looking at Spotter as further evidence CW = SM and really out of interest in his background. I know already from facial ID SM=CW just like PB did with APM. I can NEVER be convinced o another alternative reality.

    I can be convinced RA wasn’t his dad (if the evidence can be shown with DNA) but that’s another plot of finding a ginger dad.

  2091. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 2:04 pm said:

    @JS if you want to find a theory shapeshifter talk with Richard Evans criminology lecturer at the Deakin?

    Gets his MA saying Dr PB was a genius forensic crime clue finder. Gets his PHD saying he was a crank. That is critical thinking taken to extreme.

  2092. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 2:39 pm said:

    The problem with the police theory is the waiter having a millionaire’s car to take a body in. “Yeh boss, Romano, I need to move a bloody body to throw under some culvert. You know that annoying pretty singer Anna P that copper Mackay was obsessed about. Did you see what he was doing under the table? I have potato sacks on it so the blood shouldn’t get everywhere in your car. What do you mean a roadster doesn’t have a boot to put a body in… I can sling it on full display across the bonnet. I’ll explain the blood to the police if stopped saying it’s a sack of beetroot.” Oh, do you have a can of fuel as well as it might take a lot in your roadster going 70mph. I can’t exactly stop for fuel. I’m certain it will be OK on those rough farm tracks. The suspension will take it.”

    That’s somewhat like the Mackay’s theory. Body taken in/on a posh roadster all the way to Albury.

  2093. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 3:02 pm said:


    Tony – OK boss Romano I’ve done a deal with Mackay cos they found your car to say I killed my wife – but it was her own fault so I’ll get manslaughter. 3 years and back home for mama’s pizza. I knew those compromising pictures we had of him would come in useful.

    Versus a better reality,

    Pretty young girl gets a job in Albury as a waitress at a posh party. Drunken party-goer corners her smoking in the barn and tries it on. It gets out of hand and he’s injured her slamming her head on a metal post as she fights back with those sharp long nails. Boss phones up Ginger Quin to fix it. He takes the body from the barn to the Albury culvert just a mile or so from the party and shoots it in the head to make sure then sets it alight with kerosene. Quin’s horse is spooked by the blood and fire and Quin’s leg gets injured. Months later he finds he needs surgery in hospital to fix it.

    Nobody suspects the rich landowner. His son even finds the body walking the bull along the road because he sees a cyclist coming and thinks on his feet.

  2094. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 8:19 pm said:


    I tried. No reply. I used my Uni email address and usually I get a 99% reply rate. I’ve had replies from a French magistrate, the head of a cold case team and a Swiss multimillionaire but journalists are a strange lot.

    I thought it could have been a story for them to run with and a local old gal/guy might know it was X and prove me wrong.

    To be honest, researching Spotter plots suggests to me someone extraordinary in the breadth of their research and knowledge and yet not a journalist. We know it’s a bloke from the 2nd article but he’s not involved in the war. He says he was in hospital briefly – so you have to think what was that for.

    If you’ve ever dealt with a local rag the kid in the office is not going to win a Pulitzer prize. But Spotter is a big fish in a 5000 circulation newspaper yet not a qualified journalist mixing art, science, politics and poetry. Some of it takes time to research. I even think his 2nd episode of Judith the potential sub-ed is a fiction. I mean he’s a week 2 newbie and putting his feet on the sub-eds desk/chair. It’s just not going to happen if he wants to keep his job. Then he’s not going to write about it and have people talking about Judith the sub-ed and his odor.

    One truth might be he was working at the G.P.O in 1941. But as what – a postman or installing phones?


    Interestingly AI struggles with GPO and phones so it shows Trove is still an island of knowledge without a bridge for AI.

  2095. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 8:44 pm said:


    Some new evidence found by happenstance searching for GPO and Charles Webb. But it is a recollection of Charles and Leo from a catering college? It might be possible to pinpoint tracking other people in the story or via the college if it exists.

    So obviously not March 1942 crashing into Spotter in Camperdown. Phew it could have ruined my plot and then you’d have the ‘tell the truth’ dilemma that seems to face a lot of people involved and they go the wrong way.


  2096. John Sanders on May 10, 2024 at 9:40 pm said:

    …and the cyclist coming down the track on his Malvern Star racer at a rate of knots towards the ghastly crime scene on his Malvern Star, way out in front of the trailing pack….be none other than Carl ‘Calves’ Webb on his way to yet another victory.

  2097. David Morgan on May 10, 2024 at 9:45 pm said:

    Could Vox from Adelaide have become Spotter explaining his 2nd article having a sub editor named Judith. A dig at his old Job?


  2098. David Morgan on May 11, 2024 at 3:43 am said:

    Stuff Spotter knows/thinks about:

    Knows Japanese royal family crest is a chrysanthemum.

    3 march 1942 – attends theatre royal – refs ben turpin and louisa fazenda
    something like:
    remember silent version from 26 years prev so 1916 when Carl Webb was 11.

    13th refs the scarlet pimpernel

    17th refs a world made of plastic things – made very quickly (interest in science)

    27th mar 1942 he does some mathematical puzzle dividing a loaf of bread. Hard to read.

    10 april talks about a ship Benalla sailing from Australia WW1
    and 4 muscovies – muscovy duck

    21st mentions Hitler’s birthday ‘yesterday’ (20th) and quotes lines from Eden Phillpotts (poem)
    Music 6-8 tempo, singing girl cabbies.
    ..and Hitler again in joke about poem “oh to be in England…” Robert Browning.

    24th Apr people in Ballarat asked to live on rice – POW fund
    6000 Americans billeted in Ballarat
    Bishop of Ballarat former gas meter maker

    …more to follow have to sleep…

  2099. David Morgan on May 11, 2024 at 8:34 am said:

    More spotter

    28th April 172
    Knows about Padre WE Moorhouse – classical/psychological knowledge
    Strange two Moorhouses in australia – his son?
    Interviews expert on home economy said he only had 1 suit, sharpens safety razors, measured blade left as 1.68 cm (not shown in inches..curious) expecting 1942 readers to know metric measurements in Australia. suggests someone like Carl working for European Sher with metric measurements
    May 1942
    1st – “Pedal extremeties” it is a shame it’s not readable as it may point to him being a cyclist, the next bit about fishing (someone with Photoshop may be able to make it readable)
    5th – Thomas R. Crosby (his host) at the Leura hotel – cows in his yard. Does not have vocal talent of Hollywood namesake. He means ‘Bing’ Crosby.
    tea made from wheat – tested – took an hour to cook
    buying yard of ribbon for neighbour suggests enjoyed visiting female underwear shops
    Banjo Paterson? possibly a street beggar/musician
    Says “hey gedorf my corn” – suggests spotter has a foot problem
    Harry Armstrong leaves Camperdown – was rejected from military service WW1 (Perhaps like Carl Spotter – feet problems)
    Knows about the pre-1915 fire at the Commercial hotel (like Carl Webb would). May explain movement of Webb family
    12th – food concentrate given to soldiers, milk concentrate
    makes Spotter think of future where dining out would be a tablet (futurist thinking)
    Making fun of Noble Fenton’s scratched face – fighting with a startled chicken?
    22nd unreadable – Eric Brittain singer?
    USA Bureau? wholesale (petrol) prices perhaps? shows interest in US economic data/newspapers
    2nd June – Andy ?Hose of Port Campbell sends him a poem Remeniscences – claims previously memorised not written down – theme – city vice v countryside beauty/innocence – SM code idea?
    JP Barber composer – rabbit trapper

    taking a break there.. but so many themes to follow in Spotter’s writing..

    Focus on music, poetry, humour, science, future, war, past memories, economics.

    Personal expose – foot corn(s), enjoyed having excuse to look around women’s underwear shops for ribbon. Was this the time he bought the thread if Carl Webb?
    Use of metric measurements by Spotter in 1942 highly unusual. Suggests European influence – like Webb (his dad)/Sher (his day job). I don’t think I used metric measurements in the UK until the 1970s in a Grammar School.

    Metric measurements, bread mathematics puzzle, foot problems and obviously massive interest in poetry leads to a potential Carl Webb. His knowledge of pre-1915 Camperdown commerical hotel fire shows a local from that era. It may explain Webb family move if bakery property/hotel job burnt down.

  2100. David Morgan on May 11, 2024 at 10:23 am said:

    Going back over other refs to Andy Hose at Port Campbell initially by 1942 Spotter.


    mentions CODES.

  2101. John Sanders on May 11, 2024 at 10:57 am said:

    David Morgan,

    Waltzing Matilda, by Andrew Barton Paterson “The Banjo” be equivilent to Land of My Fathers by the James’ or Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau. Thought you might have heard the Aust. unofficial anthem at Cardiff Arms Park once or twice, though not lately!

  2102. David Morgan on May 11, 2024 at 11:50 am said:

    One interesting sub-plot about Andy Hose from the 1942 Camperdown Chron article by Spotter. Spotter said Andy had memorised a poem (and never written it down). He was working as (Deputy) Chief Air Observer in Port Campbell and after all the praise of Spotter about knowing aircraft and codes was suddenly replaced by Mrs Don Hose as if he was sent to jail or perhaps hospital.

    The family had earlier involvement with fishing inspectors and had received fines. Don Hose seemed to be involved in tennis and football in the 1930s like Carl Webb.

    The Hose family were linked to Camperdown and Port Campbell. Carl would have known them pre-1917 – perhaps he went to school with Andy or Don Hose in Camperdown. I think their dad may have died during WW1.

    Not proof yet that Spotter=Carl. But he would have known the Hose family in Camperdown before 1917 and his exit to Swinburn College.

    But you have to think why did Andy Hose send his memorised original poem to Spotter the new guy on the Chron if he didn’t know him?

  2103. David Morgan on May 11, 2024 at 12:06 pm said:

    This article points to the news arrivals of the Webbs around 1915 with Gerald Keane as a resident. So it may be this was the event where he met his wife and Russell met Amy. The Irish Justice sketch has Gerald as a judge. Amy was a girl dancer.

    I can’t tell the two Webb sisters apart (like twins) I wonder how the husbands knew which was which unless one always wears black and the other white?


  2104. David Morgan on May 11, 2024 at 12:55 pm said:

    This article mentioning Judy Thornley is interesting because it names her as Mrs Manifold which is a bit of an irony for someone who lived in Camperdown. Manifold street – where the CC newspaper offices were.


    Previously she was married to an RAF ace Henderson who excelled at all sports he took part in and they had 2 children. Spotter in 1942 didn’t mention her husband was dead as she seemed to be setting up the Aussie women’s army in 1942 unless he was being polite and still calling her Mrs Hendersen.

    But everyone seems to call her Judy Thornley not Mrs Hendersen. She had her own identity which was good.

    I wondered whether Judith (if she was working in the Camperdown Chron as sub-editor) was really Judy Thornley? And if Spotter/Carl liked her…the reason for the sudden return to work on the 5000 circulation newspaper in 1942. He wanted to impress her with his writing and be close to her.

    But going back to the original article that person in 1946 knew of Judy from Camperdown because he says “the years have been anything but unkind to her” a convoluted way to say he still found her attractive from ‘their’ younger Camperdown days.

    It also hints at Carl Webb/Spotter writing it.

  2105. David Morgan on May 11, 2024 at 3:39 pm said:

    Impressed with the ability of some trove volunteers:


    Surely scanned pages don’t fade in the sun inside a server?

  2106. David Morgan on May 11, 2024 at 4:30 pm said:

    I am impressed that 6 foot black-haired Don Hose aged about 36 was ‘after a good run’ of military service was deemed unsuitable for service but his wife could run the coastal observer defences taking over from Andy Hose. They were spotting boats and planes off the coast and understanding their secret codes – presumably lights flashing morse-code on ships or submarines. You have to wonder what he did to be kicked out.

    Their job would be to phone someone I guess to describe the plane/ship or sub they saw or write the flash-light morse codes down on special pads and send them to Kellow House perhaps to be decoded.

    Perhaps they had a special pad with silhouettes of planes, boats etc. to be spotted and then write down any morse codes on the pad.

    AIs idea of how it might work


    Presumably, the actual Campertown Spotter wasn’t working with Hose spotting planes?

  2107. john sanders on May 12, 2024 at 1:10 am said:

    From an article in Camperdown Herald of January 23 1915 entitled Camperdown Entertainers…. ” A rollicking patriotic song in which the evergreen Tipperary was first Favorite and the prelude to a good programme”. Said evergreen could only refer to the Tommy marching anthem ‘It’s a long way to Tipperary’ but, if so, we have a problem in that the song itself, written in 1912, wasn’t recorded until 1915. If so how does it get “evergreen” rating in far flung regions of the Empire. Seems incongruous that the article could be a crock, but it wouldn’t be the first time that Trove links have been seriously queried. If you don’t believe, then what’s with some hick town rag’s preference for using American Webster spelling over propa English.

  2108. john sanders on May 12, 2024 at 1:52 am said:

    Not many ceptin’ old timers will recall there being a WW2 diggers version of Tipperary with the locality being changed to ‘Riverina’ (MIA region of NSW) with Piccadilly and Leicester Square subitituted for Wagga Wagga and ‘dear old Hay’ plus ‘Sweetest girl I know’ amended to ‘sweet bush girl named Jo’. There was a Rugby ditty with ‘Tickle Mary’ and Jo sung to the same tune but I forget the lyrics.

  2109. John Sanders on May 12, 2024 at 4:01 am said:

    @DM: Les Scott’s brother Wally ‘ginger’ Scott bn. 1907 had somit up with his left foot and spent the war years on naval shore postings, ship spotter most likely.

  2110. John Sanders on May 12, 2024 at 4:56 am said:

    T’was actually Wally Scott’s brother Pat the printer who was born 1907, Ginger being of 1905 vintage; same as Charles Webb, FB’s wannabe Somerton Man.

  2111. David Morgan on May 12, 2024 at 6:58 am said:

    What intrigues me is Carl sells his Roadster for £110 cash. Then Spotter arrives in Camperdown for a new job staying in the hotel Leura. How many months would that last in hotel prices in 1942?

    If Carl = Spotter, he would need to live for 190 days on his £110 from 30th Jan to 14th August 1942. He would have about 10 shillings per day.

    Leura three course meal about 1 shilling and 6 pennies

    It depends on the cost of the Leura hotel and whether he could get a discount from Crosby if he paid £100 in cash.

    If you read another Spotter article it was said Crosby held cash for gambling wagers so putting £100 in his hotel kitty would be doable.

  2112. David Morgan on May 12, 2024 at 7:24 am said:

    Did Carl Webb take the Spotter job because of Judy Thornley


    Judy’s RAF ace and sporting hero husband had died in England. Did she return to the Camperdown Chronicle as the sub-editor Spotter calls “Judith”?

    Did he sell his car and take the job for no money so he could sit with his childhood sweetheart Judy? He writes poetry to impress her. But she’s moved on to the practical matter of setting up a female Aussie army. A woman who has just lost her war hero husband sat for nearly 200 days with Carl the draft dodger. Perhaps that was the bad odor of Spotter Judith was talking about.

    Perhaps that encouraged him to go for feet surgery for his draft dodging corns thinking that would show her he was serious about joining Roy.

    In 1946 we see another journalist in praise of Judy Thornley’s return from England this time named Mrs Manifold?

    Could that be Carl again? I mean who would be talking about Judy’s physical appearance in 1946 as Mrs Manifold?

    Also is it true – did he just make up the name – after Manifold street – where they shared nearly 200 days together in 1942?

    Perhaps his SM code is a love poem to Judy.

  2113. David Morgan on May 12, 2024 at 10:43 am said:

    On 10 shillings per day Carl aka Spotter from selling his roadster for £110 could easily afford his hotel room in the Leura typically £1/week in Sydney in the 1940s. He could afford beer and gambling or even £1 wagers with Crosby like ‘when will the 2nd front in WW2 begin’ was one wager he had.

    I wondered when Judy returned to the UK to marry ‘Mr Manifold’. Spotter said he was shocked women were able to set up a women’s army in 9 months. Carl was gambling perhaps Judy would be around longer in Camperdown and their hotel affair would begin. Judy may have had more of a high-ranking token part to get funding from the UK so potentially was gone before the end of August 1942 ending Carl’s need to stay in Camperdown. Perhaps she had made it clear to him she wouldn’t have sordid affairs with newly married men in their hotel rooms. Perhaps like Lockyer, Carl felt he had to marry Dorothy because she was pregnant in October 1941. But then she was sick for an extended period and perhaps there’s a baby Webb somewhere Or Roy’s wife got in the picture.

    If Carl was Spotter it would mean the honeymoon period only lasted from October 1941 to January 1942 and perhaps he dropped Dorothy off in low-rent Bromby st and went to work in Camperdown in his Leura hotel to persuade Judy Thornley.

    Some Thornley dates
    1934 formerly Miss Judy Thornley, of Camperdown leaving London for Australia this week
    4th April 1934 she married RAF hero Hendersen. i wonder where Carl went.

    Interestingly one guest at her wedding “the Bishop of Ballarat” – another person Spotter Carl talks about. Perhaps her wedding guest list were Spotter’s friendship target. If you’re friends with her friends…

    Spotter’s hero Mrs E.A. Thornley. Judy’s mother. The circle is closing on Spotter’s ambitions or was it Carl Webb?


    It would be interesting to find which ship Judy Thornley was on to/from the UK and whether with her 2 children. If she only stayed around for less han 8 months it explains Spotter quitting Camperdown.

  2114. David Morgan on May 12, 2024 at 11:09 am said:

    It must be frustrating for newly married Carl (or Spotter) if his one true love Judy Thornley is sat across the desk from him as his sub-editor he calls Judith.


  2115. David Morgan on May 12, 2024 at 11:31 am said:

    Spotter again over-praising another of Judy’s wedding guests.

    Hard to find an equal…


    So mother – tick
    Bishop – tick
    who was next on her guest list and were her friends he needs to suck up to so they say “that Spotter is a lovely guy you work with – Judith”.

    She might have started to see through it.

  2116. David Morgan on May 12, 2024 at 11:41 am said:

    Looks like some guest appearance by Spotter in August 1943..

    To talk about a letter from England…


    Is he opening Mrs Thornley’s mail back in the GPO checking for spies?

  2117. David Morgan on May 12, 2024 at 11:47 am said:

    Of course Mrs Thornley had died Sept 1943..so Spotter returned to Camperdown hoping to see Judy at the funeral perhaps.


    Women are like elephants he says…

  2118. David Morgan on May 12, 2024 at 12:15 pm said:

    One for prof Abbott,

    Spotter (or Carl Webb?) shows an interest in practical jokes at race courses on hitting a starter’s gong.


  2119. David Morgan on May 12, 2024 at 12:52 pm said:

    It seems logical that Spotter’s interest in Camperdown was the Thornleys. Heaping praise on Mrs Thornley can only mean one thing he’s after her daughter Judy.

    He only appears when Judy’s in town or should I say Judith for Spotter Webb?

    How did he get a copy of a letter sent to Mrs Thornley?

    Was he back at the GPO going through letters looking for spies but focusing on the Thornleys and Camperdowners for his personal ambitions?

    It might explain how he had built a catalogue of knowledge reading the letters of the Camperdown folk. He must see Judy/Judith’s letters talking about her hero husband.

    Perhaps Carl was the Victoria handler for the Aussie Echelon system during WW2 spying on people – letters and phone calls.


    Perhaps Carl Webb (Spotter) was an Internal Aussie spy – Echelon – spying on his own people (letters and phone calls). It was strange one minute he’s praising Andy Hose in the Camperdown Chron and the next minute they’re saying Andy Hose won’t be back for a while (prison?).

  2120. john sanders on May 13, 2024 at 2:54 am said:

    David Morgan,

    Guess you noticed that Spotter claims to have been an old friend of Judith Violet
    Thornley’s daddy, so going by that seems to pour water on two of your theories. I strongly doubt that Flt. Lt. Roger Henderson was performing any sort of heroics at the time of his death, at least his obit makes no mention, and as for Jude’s second hubby, Sqn. Ldr. Robert E. Manifold, he seems to have spent his six year career in the RAAF on training flights in Zero free blue skies including over his family’s vast pastoral holdings in three states. It might bear noting that all these well bred original settlers including the Thornleys were part of the Australian Squatocracy, influential, disgustingly rich and therefore far too classy to be seen fraternising with likes of the lowly Scott, Keane and Webb peasantry. About as close as they ever came according to your old file entries would have been in the early war years when some of them had holiday apartments at 268 Domain Rd. Sth. Yarra.

  2121. john sanders on May 13, 2024 at 5:42 am said:

    Sorry to break the news mugger but, I think you’ll find that Spotter Webb’s make believe obsession, Judith and her billy lids never rejoined Roger in blighty before his sad demise, so no point in looking for their return home which wouldn’t have been pre ’46 in any case, as there just happened to be a war going on. As for the twins, if I may be so bold in my assumption, don’t have f… Hall on young David but Davina did OK by hooking up with a Ballieu, richest family in Australia in their day. It may pay to point out that the kid’s gran had visited with her Camperdown family twice in the thutties prior to her son’s illfated trip home..If you dare refer to SM imposter Carl Webb as being a draft dodger once more, knowing it to be a big fat lie, someone is likely to jump down your throat and rip out your ‘you know what’ starting with O.

  2122. David Morgan on May 13, 2024 at 7:34 am said:

    This article shows Spotter likely returned to Camperdown in May 1943 for 11 days.


    The use of the fictional ‘Baron’ matches his use in 1942.

    But ‘Leslie Gordon Lock’ is similar to Geoffrey Lockyer. Perhaps a bit of a stretch …but he is making names up. A fictional world of Camperdown as well as the real ones?

    His 1942 supposed list of school chums seem initially plausible and you think ..then it can’t be Carl Webb. But now this is where you prove yourself to be a researcher.

    For example Alice Coward his supposed high school classmate (in a court case)…
    Alice Coward December 1917 she had resided in Camperdown and said Mr Sutton [I think] ‘raped her’ but then on two other times, nothing and then he had permission but presumably underage sex but her friend said she ‘goes about the streets’.

    But you still think.. well she could have been in his class in Camperdown in 1917 and fell on hard times and became an underage child prostitute.

    But the problem is the headmaster did indeed become the head of the school in Camperdown but first it was the elementary school and then the high school. At the earliest it was 1918 when he was head of the high school. So Alice Coward would have had to have been the pupil who by night was walking the streets and by day in high school with Spotter. Perhaps she caught the train from her night work to school.

    But why would Spotter build a detailed list of Camperdown classmates from potential Camperdown residents?

    You have to ask yourself could you remember after 25 years the names of all the children in your class when you were 12? Most likely you will remember those that progressed with you but the ones who left and became plumbers or housewives – do you remember all those as well?

    Even street walker Alice said she ‘had lived’ in Camperdown. Spotter would need some sort of autistic memory of Camperdown with every name written down in his 1917 diary that he accessed 25 years later in 1942.

    You can find some of his fictional classmates getting qualifying certificates in Camperdown but never collectively. You’d think you’d see at least 5 or so getting the same QC if they were all in elementary and then high school together in Camperdown.

    Perhaps we need to ask JK Rowling living in her relative squalor why she wrote about Harry Potter and Hogwarts for years and years with her children likely saying mummy can we go to the park now..

    The only fine thread I can find is court cases. It could be Spotter had been a young court reporter (of sorts) and his court lists became his classmates. He saw Alice in court and thought..if only she had a chance she could have gone to High school – she seemed intelligent. So perhaps he put her in his Camperdown Hogwarts.

  2123. David Morgan on May 13, 2024 at 8:51 am said:

    Spotter references Judith as if his sub-editor at the chronicle not Judy Thornley (as everybody else does) – so you might think Judith was a different person.

    If Judith was the sub-editor of the Camperdown Chron working with Spotter in 1942 it is likely he returned for 11 days for the funeral of her dad and hoping to catch up with her in May 1943.

    Perhaps the object of Spotter’s (or Carl Webb’s affections?) his little ‘Pierette’ – the posh girl living in Gnotuk who was always out of his league.



    Miss Judith Thornley is the
    younger daughter of Mr. and
    Mrs. Edmund Thornley, of
    Gnotuk, Camperdown. Miss
    Thornley made a charming
    Pierrette at the recent fancy
    dress ball at Camperdown, Vic.”

    Is it possible Thornley owned the Chron and that when his daughter returned from England after her RAF officer hero husband died he put her as the sub-editor and perhaps asked vastly experienced Spotter (Carl Webb?) to be her editorial minder for 6 months before she’s back in England and marrying Manifold?

    I still don’t understand how Spotter had such intimate knowledge of the Thornley family like he’s living in Gnotuk in 1943 for 11 days and can read Mrs Thornley’s post.

  2124. David Morgan on May 13, 2024 at 10:55 pm said:

    Spotter has problems with his lower limbs and feet. Like Carl Webb?


    Carl seeks out Jestyn in Adelaide who works at the crippled children’s home and marries Dorothy a foot specialist working in a chemist.

    Perhaps his relationships were all about sourcing ether (under the counter) so he can sleep.

  2125. @ David – email sent to the Camperdown Chronicle. Let’s see if there’s a response!

  2126. John sanders on May 14, 2024 at 12:36 am said:

    David Morgan,

    Not likely, seeing as Judith never went to England in the first place, Roger (sans Ace or hero), having gone home to his sad fate leaving mum on the farm to take care of the littlle ones Davina (Darrina) and David (not twins). From that it sure looks likely that there were two Judy’s in your mix-up, the editorial minder and t’other a stay at home window; that is until she married Bob Manifold in 1946 and moved into the family mansion in Domain Rd. as I may have mentioned.

  2127. John Sanders on May 14, 2024 at 6:35 am said:

    Jo….and if that doesn’t get results, I’ll chip in with details of all Judith nee Thurley’s children from both husbands, Roger Henderson & Robert Manifold plus grandkids and even great grandkids; if’n you think that might help match DM’s “Spotter” with FB Charlie?

  2128. John Sanders on May 14, 2024 at 8:33 am said:

    DM..and of course there’s no evidence that Jestyn ever worked at the Somerton Crippled Childrens home or that Carl had ongoing problems with his lower limbs and feet. These being just two additional ‘scenes we’d like to see’ figments of your fertile imagination that don’t seem to impress Tbt, yet get top billing at FB central.

  2129. @ David – no luck at the Chronicle – their records don’t go back to the 40s. They suggested trying the Camperdown Historical Society.

  2130. David Morgan on May 14, 2024 at 1:14 pm said:

    Spotter lists his school chums in 1942 yet none ever sat an exam together (I could find!) to get from elementary school to high school. One was an underage prostitute whose record appears in court and she did live in Camperdown ‘previously’. Was Spotter junior a cub reporter for the Camperdown Herald attending court trials?

    He must have been impressed with the girl who was a child prostitute who said the first time it was without permission, the second time ‘nothing happened’ and the third time she gave him permission.

    Mr Sanders had a fine…[joking..]

    The only scenario I could imagine where they did attend school together is Mr Thornley picked his dirty dozen to sponsor in places like Swinburn.

    But more likely Spotter kept his court cub reporter notebook from his youth and reflected back ‘as if they were his Camperdown classmates’ and no-one would check. He must have been confident they were all dead.

    I know one was a plumber and he was dead some years after his court appearance when his vehicle overturned.

    His class were the original Dead Poets Society.

  2131. john sanders on May 14, 2024 at 10:00 pm said:

    David & Jo

    So AI figured out that Carl had debilitating lower limb & foot problems according to your diversive T/S linked assertions and based on nothing more than a small item in a Dandenong rag telling the world that a Charles Webb missed a football game due to yet another leg? injury. I note that AI ‘Big Pumpkin’ didn’t jump in to support your baseless assertion about Jestyn’s employment at Somerton CCH. As for Jo’s surprising non access to the Camp’down Chronicle’s morgue re info on Spotter’s ID and Judy’s employment, do you wish to take up my generous offer to supply David & Darrina Henderson’s details?..

  2132. David Morgan on May 16, 2024 at 1:21 pm said:

    Ok I haven’t quite looked at all Spotter articles – since i get diverted by his research.

    But now I have The Loiterer I think his other 1940 Identity. He is in Melbourne which is also a good fit for Carl Webb.

    He talks about Bernoulli in Scientific American from 1927. I noticed Spotter referenced American literature but the scans were too poor.


  2133. john sanders on May 17, 2024 at 7:49 am said:

    I picked “Spotter” for an American by his spelling; not unusual as there seems to have been more than a few stayed on after the gold rushes with onset of the Civil War. Seems that Camp’down was a ‘favorite’ with the Yankee doodle dandies and Johnny Rebs alike who got on fine in the Colonies. Bit of a bummer though for Carl = Spotter =SM chances mind.

  2134. John Sanders on May 18, 2024 at 3:48 am said:

    @DM: looks like my ‘Personalised AI assistant’ courtesy of ‘you.com’ may not have understood my wanting to access your latest series of links posted on Facebook re Spotter/Loiterer etc.=CW=SM. Can you advise on any recourse to the dilemma.

  2135. David Morgan on May 18, 2024 at 3:23 pm said:


    you could try this if no-one gets it before you. it may be 1-1 and not 1-many.


  2136. David Morgan on May 18, 2024 at 3:43 pm said:

    @js Total sidetrack

    but I was researching a house in Hawthorn owned by Mayor JS Disney. I checked him out on NAA.

    One strange thing is ‘his mother?’ wrote for medals for the ex- Disney. Then from his motorbike shop he asked for medals for the AIF soldier.

    I think he was the AIF horse-driver and suddenly he’s a pilot getting medals.

    Someone else wrote in asking whether someone named “Disney” had died [not even a first name, so not a relative] and they said No. Perhaps he got a pal to write in.

    So JS Disney becomes a WW1 war hero pilot and he had the medals to prove it.

    There was a bit of a clue that the horse-driver stole a motorbike,

    The medals seemed to get him contracts to sell Nortons to the military. Wealthy Disney gets his posh house and becomes Mayor.

    From horse-driver with a motor-bike shop to Mayor and the posh house in Hawthorn that you can’t see with Streetview.

    I was interested in the house not the mayor and who owned it in 1940, 1941, 1942.

    Anybody know the owner(s) in those years?

    Carn Brea, 5 Harcourt Street, Auburn, Melbourne,

  2137. David Morgan on May 18, 2024 at 4:19 pm said:


    I said from the beginning he was Spotter in 1942 about 6 months (Feb to Aug 1942) and again for 11 days in 1943.

    It was Spotter’s interest in Masefield who could be a Death Poet if you chose only his death poems, then people from Melbourne like wealthy Tait he meets in the Leura and chats by the fireside with and finds out about coal and BTUs over a pint. Science, poetry, literature. Who works for a 5000 circulation rag with those contacts and ideas? Unless Thornley was your pal and you think he’s dying.

    Then in 1943 he’s reading Mrs Thornley’s post. I was thinking how could he do that unless he could access their mail through the GPO (his stated previous job) but then I thought it was easier for Spotter to be invited to Gnotuk and read the post and to help out again with the newspaper as EA was dead. Perhaps Judith has sold it and cleared off back to the UK until 1946 and then she’s back with Mr Manifold.

    The Loiterer is an even more convincing Mebourne intellectual than Spotter. using “Jesting Dominies” I asked my literary son what does that mean. He didn’t have a clue. Imagine if the Sun newspaper had that headline. I thought the Sun News pictorial was the Sun but with more pictures for people who liked coloring books. Actually, the cartoons on his articles I kept trying to see the signature but LC? I could never get close enough. I hd hoped he drew them himself – hence the pencils in his suitcase. But they were more engineering than cartoonist.

    The thing about AI is it quite literal – if I ask it about dogs it doesn’t tell me about cats or nurses. But it can expose links.

    For example, if you ask MS Copilot about Kellow house it may reference Carl Webb. It could become a permanent part of the history of Kellow House forever – even if it gets smarter and says yeh he was a neighbour.


  2138. David Morgan on May 18, 2024 at 10:23 pm said:

    Intersting to compare Judith and the Leo Keane wedding guest with Carl Webb. Is it Dorothy or Judith or are they the same person?


  2139. John Sanders on May 18, 2024 at 10:42 pm said:

    DM: try ‘jousting Knight dominoes’ although there could also be a similar set with ‘Jester’ motif for all I know…About Carn Brae, you’ll find a lovely B&W Street view photo by John Collins from 1983 on line at State Library of Victoria or get your free copy (plus postage) by calling 03 86647002 today while stocks last.

  2140. John Sanders on May 19, 2024 at 1:05 am said:


    Amongst a host of other fabrications , you deserve to be severely sanctioned for demonising a man’s good name. Sir James Disney served his King and country in the great war from go to whoa, initially as a soldier at Anzac in 1915, later as pilot officer on the western front in 1918. In later life Disney served three terms as Lord Mayor of Melbourne also being co-founder of the Australian Liberal Party with Bob Menzies in 1946. In his spare time Sir jim was a champion motor cycle rider, chair of the Auto Dlrs. Assoc. of Vic., and businessman plus, at the time of his death, due most likely to overwork, was chief proponent for the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. Based on your general on line insane ramblings I doubt you feel need to comment for scandising the name of a loyal soldier, Knight of the realm and true gentleman. So be it!

  2141. john slanders on May 19, 2024 at 1:58 am said:

    As for Carn Brea in Harcourt St. Auuburn, seems it was taken over by the Federal government at onset of Japanese entry into WW2 and used to confine the Nippon Legation including Minister Tatsuo Kawai, for the duration of hostilities ie., 12/42 to 9/45. As to who actually owned the then mayoral mansion in 1940, 1941 and 1942; buggered if I know, presumably Melbourne City Council. Why two dogs?

  2142. John Sanders on May 19, 2024 at 5:15 am said:

    @DM….Seems Minister Kawai got himself a free pass in September ’42 as sprecial peace emissary of the Curtin government along with remains four sub mariners off the Nipon midgit subs that were netted off Alfred Head with help of Alf Boxall’s WT spotter team, so the furphy goes.

  2143. John Sanders on May 19, 2024 at 7:01 am said:

    @DM…As for your Melbourne Consul Tsuneo Hattori, wishful thinking that during his brief intermentment, he could have shared lodgings at the Buesst house with the Webbs. In fact being number two san to the Japanese mission, he was given a more luxurious billeting at the old Nicholls residence Carn Brae. As proof you don’t have to look far to find a picture of him in the camelia japonicus garden circa. ’42.

  2144. John Sanders on May 19, 2024 at 9:58 am said:

    Jo: adding insult to injury perhaps, had Richard entered into a partnership with Charles Moon of Glenferrie Rd. Malvern in late 1916, it would be reasonable to assume that his teenage sons Roy and Carl would have left Camperdown about then.

  2145. David Morgan on May 19, 2024 at 8:48 pm said:


    Not really wishful thinking it was the movement of people 1941 to 1942:

    Carl and Dorothy get married Oct 1941 in 274 Domain “Gowan Brae” in Buesst’s propery – mil. intelligence – we ASSUME as document gives us that date!
    Roger Henderson dead Nov 1941 (assumed – but what if October?)
    Leaving wife Judith alone at 268 Domain Rd with 2 kids (or were they in England?)
    (note she seems to be living with Manifold there afterwards, Manifold with links to Parafield- RAAF flight instructor?)

    Hattori interned in Carn Brae – can you intern a consul in a consulate?
    It was their paid rented property so effectively a consulate surely protected from being interned?

    Meanwhile. Spotter goes to the Leura in Feb 1942 and leaves Aug 1942
    With Judith as sub-ed at the Camperdown chron living in Gnotuk.
    Hattori appears in Hongkong ?1942 – or when?
    You have to think Hattori knew what was going to happen so he walked into self-internment with 8000 others?

    Why didn’t he return to Japan why Hongkong. The Imperial Japanese occupation of Hong Kong began when the governor of Hong Kong, Sir Mark Young, surrendered the British Crown colony of Hong Kong to the Empire of Japan on 25 December 1941. But Hattori was complaining about mistreatment by Aussies after WW2 – not during in Melbourne.

    Buesst was senior in mil intel and yet he doesn’t want to intern Hattori in his own property and an area protected by military – he left him in Hawthorn instead – the Japanese rented property? Like being interned in your own house. Doesn’t make sense unless a consulate and protected so not actually interned.

    He had a chance of Carl as nitkeeper for Hattori and Dorothy to cook his rice (after her home economics course). Then as Spotter he could take him to Gnotuk (or the Leura hotel) from Feb to August 1942. They might be worried about his assassination by Japan for not being hirakari Hattori.

    I wondered whether his dad was Mr Seiko..

    I’ve also got lost in the plot of Henderson all day as Aussies said his brother was a twin who died pre- his brother. The national portrait gallery didn’t even notice different people. One with long trousers and the other short. A bit of a clue.

    Buesst and Henderson were competitors at squash and real tennis just 3 doors down. Manifold living in Henderson’s house on his miltary record? Very strange or was it vice versa?

    I was hoping Manifold from Wiridgil could really have been Carl/Spotter. The cuckoo in the Webb nest and that Judith was Dorothy. So he gets to marry her in 1945.

    Another fantastic coincidence 1941/1942 Somerset Maugham was asked by British mil intel to write a story of Roger Henderson “the hour before the dawn”. What are the chances? covered extensively in the Aussie papers.

    Henderson’s younger brother John died in Belgium after him as a captain in the Welsh guards.

  2146. David Morgan on May 19, 2024 at 9:06 pm said:


    also wiridgil is a weird word. A horse? They named the house after a horse?

    I kept asking AI:

    Yes, “wirid” is a word in the Malay language. It refers to a citation from the Quran which is read repeatedly as a way of asking for God’s forgiveness. It is also used to refer to a prayer read after praying. In the context of Islam, wirid and zikr (remembrance of Allah) after prayer is a sanctioned worship. It should be from the zikr of the Prophet PBUH mentioned in authentic hadiths. The same applies to supplication after prayer, whether it is a general or specific supplication. So, “wirid” is indeed a word in a language, specifically in Malay, and it has religious significance in Islam.

    One for @behrooz. Another reason to think Carl was Manifold?

  2147. David Morgan on May 19, 2024 at 9:18 pm said:

    Roger and John fool the National Portrait Gallery as the same person. Judith thought they were twins.

    They would even fool a super-recogniser …believe me…


  2148. John Sanders on May 20, 2024 at 12:57 am said:

    GC: not much point correcting me mate; for a start I ain’t no Papist and my Lingua Latina is confined to Voynich Manuscript marginal transliterations. Besides you and I be wasting our time trying to teach young David how to win at dominoes on wits alone.

  2149. John Sanders on May 20, 2024 at 2:29 am said:

    Now that you’re semi resigned to acceptance that Judith never set foot on GB terra firma before Roger Henderson’s accidental death over Britain 1941, We can get on to more intriguing issues that “Spotter” glossed over before his own tragic demise in late July ’43; For instance was Robert Manifold canoodling off court with Judith while Roger Henderson, her fiance was defending his Australian squash title at the Melbourne Club in 1933. I’d say it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that Bob had been Judy’s first pick from the very start, but she opted for the pom due to his Peerage prospects; not forgetting that soon to be Sqn. Ldr. Mainifold was himself likely spoken for at that juncture. Anyhow all’s well that ends well, Judy ending up in the Manifold Mansion on Domain Road and her heir David getting to attend the same school as one Bonnie Prince Charlie, lately King Charles III . D . G. Rex.

  2150. David Morgan on May 20, 2024 at 5:54 am said:

    Carl Webb’s acrostic (to himself):

    Are U Satisfied To Remain A Loafer in Australia?

    He likely has another newspaper identity Jonathan Swift with strong links to JC Williamson. [I suppose it could be Leo Keane but he doen’t seem so mathematical in background as Carl. But I think he was another Buesst recruit].

    JS cites Ken Tuckfield as a pal and waxes lyrically about Judith Thornley’s hubby which the Camperdown Chronicle recycles citing Jonathan Swift from the Sun News Pictorial.

    He also says one of his JS poems was in a Red Cross calendar.

    He ends abruptly Dec 1941 at the SNP. Just as Spotter revs his engine in the Camperdown Chron with Judith Thornley.

    Why did he dump Dorothy in Bromby st or was she part of their fictional constructed identities by Buesst for their new mil intel assignments together during WW2? In JS’ fake World Dorothy was Diana.

    He was no longer satisfied to remain a loafer during WW2. Perhaps the death of ‘playboy’ Roger Henderson 3 doors along was the drumstick that broke the camel’s back.

    With the 3 newspaper IDs there should be enough clues to pinpoint Carl Webb. – he was more off his guard as JS dropping in the names of people he knows.


  2151. john sanders on May 20, 2024 at 8:05 am said:

    @DM: Sounds pretty werid I know but, seems that the local Camperdown pre colonial Djargurd Wurrung people used a word sounding like ‘wiridgil’ to early settlers, as a name for a native species of flying squirrel common to the region. You’d think that most folks would have known that ‘werid’ be Malay for ‘beg your pardon’. The locals that is, not the poor dumb Manifolds who knew F…. Hall.

  2152. David Morgan on May 20, 2024 at 8:14 am said:

    Repeated here for @PB

    You will be ridiculed if you don’t look at Carl Webb as newspaper hack Jonathan Swift, the Spotter and the Loiterer.

    Up to 1941 he was taking his role as just fun as Swift putting in some amazingly difficult puzzles for readers. But then Pearl Harbour happened and he has decided he needs to do his bit following his own acrostic:

    Are U Satisfied To Remain A Loafer in Australia?

    Likely he’s had a chat with Buesst about what he can do using his special skills. He may have even roped in Judith Thornley.

    When Roger Henderson was dead British Military intelligence asked Somerset Maugham to create a fiction about Roger Henderson.

    Was the Somerton Man part of a similar Buesst plot called Carl Webb and Dorothy Robertson (aka Judith Thornley).

    The Hendersons (including Judith Thornley) and then the Manifolds (including Judith Thornley) just 3 doors down from 274 domain Road.

    The Thornleys owned Gnotuk. The Manifolds owned Wiridgin.

    All roads lead to Camperdown Carl Webb and Judith Thornley.

    Dorothy may be an invention – Judith Thornley.

    Carl Webb may be another invention – Mr Manifold.

    Roger Henderson is shown on the National Portrait Gallery they believe in 2 pictures. But they don’t realise he had a brother John. One picture he is in short trousers and the other in long. But it is understandable because Roger and John are visually identical. They fool the NPG photo experts. The Australian newspapers (and Judith) thought they were twins. They even say John died in 1941 as well. In fact he is recorded as dying 1944 as a captain in the Welsh Guards.

    The Somerset Maugham drama for Roger Henderson may not have been as smart as Buesst’s for Thornley and Manifold.

  2153. Peteb on May 20, 2024 at 9:32 am said:

    Repeated here for Dave Morgan .. I’m not going to publish any of your comments as you appear to have enough exposure here to satisfy the biggest ego. And believe me squire, your ego is of world standard.

  2154. David Morgan on May 20, 2024 at 4:55 pm said:

    Judith Thornley’s hubby linked to Ballistics Pty. 1937 Gun recoil system. Probably just an investment. Died 1941 so perhaps he never had a return on it from WW2.


    1950 Ballistics Pty struck off companies register.

  2155. David Morgan on May 21, 2024 at 12:23 am said:

    The point is this is 3 doors down from Carl/Buesst. How come Buesst – his tennis/swash pal – didn’t want a recoilless gun? How come Henderson didn’t know smart guy engineer Carl?

    SNP Journalist Jonathan Swift who knew Henderson played drums – seemed like the smartest guy around why didn’t he promote his new Ballistics brand through him? So the military come a runnin?

    But more importantly when SM was dead on the beach how come Judith his 1941 neighbour didn’t phone the police? She was back in town 1945 and must have seen the news in 1948 even if in Wiridgil. Carl must have been walking around. Even Manifold had to remember the Webbs from Camperdown They all must have ate bread from 1917 to 1939.

    Carl was hiding in plain sight.

    She said she remained in London – what even when her parents died?

    Now Mrs Manifold:

    Did Dorothy mention holidays in Lorne?


    The name Stribling…mmm I need to research that one..comes up somewhere.

    Thornley horses and Manifold horses.



    skunk cape and Mr manifold…


    Carl to Dorothy in Gowan Brae “I’m gonna go ballistic if that Henderson doesn’t stop banging those drums at midnight. I’ve had to get ether from the doc to get some sleep,”.

    Dorothy to Judith “Miserable Carl says he’s gonna go ballistic if beautiful and talented peer Roger doesn’t stop banging those drums. Did I ever tell you I’m related to Lord …”. I should be Lady Dorothy.

    Judith [thinking] “I’m too busy with Manifold. Note to self, fix headboard”
    Outloud “Ballistic you say..I’ll tell Bob to stop Rodger…. I mean Rodge to stop drumming.”

  2156. John Sanders on May 21, 2024 at 2:14 am said:

    Roger Henderson’s co shareholder and inventor of the unwanted weapon recoil system Frank Barnes happened to be in Britain at the behest of the Admiraly and Munitions Directorate concering his skip bomb and magnet hull shield inventions. Arrival records show a Franklin George Barnes aboard Nestor early ’42 so we can assume that he was aware of his wealthy financiers fatal accident and may even have attended Roger’s funeral. That seems to have put a final nail in the coffin for future defence contracts and a search of inventions makes only one reference to F.G. Barnes, it being for patent application of an exhaust heat vulcaniser device for tyre puncture repairs.

  2157. David Morgan on May 21, 2024 at 4:08 am said:

    There is an interesting inconsistency in that there is no record of the crash of Avro Tutor, K8171 in a US crash database where Judith Thornley’s hubby died.

    Further, has any other peer of the realm ever been cremated?

    The pilot had a proper burial but not the peer.

    Surely Judith wanted a posh peer funeral?

    Then search this gazette for henderson and tully.


    It means his brother John was already dead as the Aussie newspapers said along with Tully.

    Criss-cross – had John been the passenger in the mysterious flight but 1940 not 1941?

    It seems Henderson may have decided to give up his very public Aussie marriage to be agent/spy Henderson and then die 1944 as his own twin brother.

    They were both identical (delayed twins – or always twins?).

    Perhaps they wore long/short trousers for their mother to know which was which?

  2158. David Morgan on May 21, 2024 at 4:38 am said:

    The implication of Henderson and Thornley is she was part of a spy plot. It is strange she jumps into bed with Manifold living at 268 Domain Road with her young children there.

    If the Aussie press who read Gazettes were right that John died with Tully in 1940. Roger could then be dead John (later) in 1944 and return as Bob Manifold.

    Remember Somerset Maugham was asked to write a fiction about Roger Henderson.

    Could Carl Spotter Webb (with his inbuilt facial ID) have made the mistake of recognising Bob Manifold at Parafield and said “Hi, Henderson!”. Throwing his poetry book in the Chemist’s car with the open window – tearing out tamam shud to get it back later.

    Manifold doesn’t have a picture on NAA.

    The code could be about Manifold – first two letter MR – Robert Manifold.

  2159. John Sanders on May 21, 2024 at 4:55 am said:

    Just wondering if following Roger Henderson’s death, first born son David might in that case be entitled to an Honorary Baronetship in accordance with UK hereditory peerage custom. If so I hope Judith got in for her chop with allowances and such.

  2160. David Morgan on May 21, 2024 at 6:56 am said:

    Revised plot (see I’m allowed to change my mind)

    John Henderson has died before Feb 1941 as 90618 AAF. See gazette notices.

    His bro peer Roger Henderson in Australia now has the British Mil Intel plan put into action. He will swap with his dead bro John Henderson. Then as John he can be posted to Belgium and perhaps work undergound as a spy and then die 1944 and can resume a new life after WW2 in Australia perhaps.

    Thee Biritish Mil Intel get Somerset Maugham in 1941/1942 to muddy the water writing his fictional account of peer Roger Henderson and they release it in an Australian newspapers. Fact and fiction mix. People are talking about Roger Henderson the fictional hero and his bro the objector who won’t pick up a gun [BOO!].

    The one true observer is SNP journo Jonathan Swift who even knows Roger played drums. No-one else knew that. He could pick his face out in a crowd.
    But something makes JS suspicious about Thornley and Henderson. He finds out peer Henderson was cremated not buried and John was dead already. Now he is very suspicious. Judith didn’t want a funeral in Oxford for her peer husband yet there was for the Scottish pilot. The pilot couldn’t have been less injured than Roger as supposedly they flew upside down.

    JS quits his job at the SNP (end of the Loiterer and JS) and moves to Camperdown Chron but now he’s Spotter. same style – poems, science, art, facts and people watching and lo there is Judith Thornley as his sub-ed and not in England. He does this because he saw them publish his JS article on Roger Henderson verbatim in Dec 1941. Spotter is curious about CCs relationship with the SNP. Seeing Judith is working there explains why she published his article and then why she takes him on but as Spotter not JS.

    Judith is helping set up a female army recruitment system and succeeds by August 1942 and leaves for the UK. But why is she leaving – as Roger is dead who is she seeing – his mother?

    Judith doesn’t remember Carl Webb the real identity of Spotter/JS/the Loiterer though he knows them. He’s followed the life of Judith and the Thornley family for years in SNP photos. He has memories of their exotic parties and racehorses alongside the Manifold family. They were a social level he aspired to belong to as a child.

    To be continued..

  2161. John Sanders on May 21, 2024 at 10:03 am said:

    @DM: it’s a pity you couldn’t have found a nice pic of the Manifold family in their beautiful Carn Brae garden. Bob looking like a Collins St. farmer, Davina with her movie star looks, much like mum and young Dave looking sharp in his Timbertop digs, early fifties perhaps.

  2162. David Morgan on May 21, 2024 at 11:16 pm said:


    this show a link of Manifold to the girl’s grammar and his generous donation. At the end it suggests Carn Brae was a linked property.


    I am trying to find a definitive proof of the upside-down crash over Oxford. US site suggests no such accident. No funeral for his brother or him it seems. Perhaps someone with Times archive or newspapers com access can find the funeral. I can see researchers on the Scottish pilot.
    Also their Grove Manor, Oxford is a bit of a secret place. One photo perhaps which you can’t copy. I’ll have to use my phone to photo.

  2163. John Sanders on May 22, 2024 at 2:27 am said:

    DM: Wrong again mugger, both of us actually. Namely in that Judith Henderson & the kids accompanied Roger to blighty in 1938. After the death defying acrobatics stunt in November ’41, (Roger was not at the wheel), the family were committed to remain at least until war in the east had ceased before returning to Mebun with a host of pregnant peasant war brides…I’ve got the full guts but looks like you’re done with Spotter and the merry widder of Camperdown plus related fiction.

  2164. David Morgan on May 22, 2024 at 7:03 am said:

    The swiftian nature of Jonathan Swift, the Spotter and the Loiterer works for me as death poet, bridge puzzle solver and engineer Carl Webb. He needs to have an extremely high level of mathematics/problem solving ability to be Swift. Might be at Pelling level.

    Plus he keeps singing:
    “Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts”
    [Swiftian joke]

    It could also explain living near newspaper owner Fink. I don’t know who owned the Camperdown Chronicle but I suspect looking at local people like Manifold or Thornleys might be a good start who both also lived in Domain Road.

    When I was a teen I went on holiday in Richmond – we were dog minders for a BBC editor. The whole community were TV people or pop celebs. I imagine in the 1940s Domain Road had a similar kudos. You could be in a pub with the lead singer of the Who then shopping next to Biddy Baxter from Blue Peter.

    Carl could bump into Fink then Judith Thornley and return to Dorothy saying “You’ll never guess who bought Kensitas in the corner shop..”

  2165. John Sanders on May 22, 2024 at 7:39 am said:

    Dorothy could bump into Loiterer then Judith nee Thornley and return to Carl saying “you’ll never guess who bought Kotex at Freeman chemists..”

  2166. David Morgan on May 22, 2024 at 7:39 am said:

    If you wanted to find the generous person responsible for Carl’s scholarship to Swinburne it was most likely Manifold or Thornley in Camperdown.


    So his loyalty would be with one of them.

    Spotter’s loyalty to Mrs Thornley suggests they were his educational guardians – assuming he’s Carl Webb.

  2167. David Morgan on May 22, 2024 at 8:01 am said:


    When they got to Adelaide on the ship they had to fly some processed milk for her to feed the baby. She may have realised without a wet nurse she had to head home.

    I doubt £8 of frozen milk would last the whole ?40-day journey. It would be a high-risk strategy. it may be they kept their heads down in Domain Road.

    After my son was born we had a similar situation as my wife was rushed back to hospital with sepsis. I had to feed a baby days old. Without
    modern solutions from chemists you’d have a real problem like Judith.


  2168. David Morgan on May 22, 2024 at 8:19 am said:


    Plus a cremation of a peer sounds really dodgy. Someone with newspapers dot com can find it. I bet it’s not there!

    The Scottish pilot had a proper funeral. But not Roger the peer – something rotten in the state of Berkshire.

    Two Henderson brothers (John and Roger) who had no funeral.

    You can find pilot Tully in the gazette but not Roger, how’s that?


    There is a J Henderson. But it doesn’t appear to be his bro…

  2169. David Morgan on May 22, 2024 at 8:32 am said:


    Plus the national portrait gallery believe there was no John yet supposedly at Eton.

    Roger only went to Radley. So where was he educated after that?

    Then why did the Aussie media say they were twins – how did they make that mistake?

  2170. john sanders on May 22, 2024 at 8:52 am said:

    Flt Lt. R.A. Henderson & Sqn. Ldr. M.J. Tully took off from Bicester for local flying practice (accrobatics)…crashed while flying inverted at Hardwell Farm, Caversfield on the west side of the airfield…death certificate says no evidence of what caused the aircraft (Avro Tudor) to crash…Oxford crematorium left hand column…need more mugger?

  2171. John Sanders on May 22, 2024 at 1:43 pm said:

    …What baby mugger? looks like you done got the wrong Judith again!

  2172. David Morgan on May 22, 2024 at 2:53 pm said:


    I have read it all. But here are Qs/discussion points:

    1. Why was a peer cremated but the pilot had a proper funeral in Edinburgh. Body flown – so even Australia was possible?
    2). Why was the death of the pilot mentioned in a Gazette notice but not the peer? One Henderson was a J as in John, Julian, James or Jack but not R.
    3). Where are the Times/newspaper refs for his death/funeral/cremation for a peer?
    4). Why did Australia believe John was his twin and he had died that year as well – Gazette notices – misread 1941 mentioned in despatches with death?
    5). Why does the National Portrait Gallery show two images of mother with child and they believe both are Roger (not John) – could it be they are twins? One has short trousers and one long. Or, do they believe he ran behind a screen and swapped his trousers and pose to pretend to be his own brother?
    Potentially when a brother (a peer) had serious ‘issues’ the family buried them from view. See recent Royal family reveal of the secret sister.
    6). How was older Roger stunted at Radley with lots of sporty photos but supposedly John went to Eton but no photos were they ashamed of John?
    In my family the older brother went to Uni. Others didn’t follow. So Roger should have been the one who went to Eton then possibly Oxford.
    7). When Swift in Melbourne said Henderson was a ‘playboy’ why did the Camperdown Chronicle repeat it verbatim. Not nice for Judith, mother and children to read it – like he was picking up different women?
    8). Henderson started his Ballistics PTY company at 268 Domain Road. Presumably he put in £10,000 as a minimum of the £30,000 investment. There is no other record of it trading. A gun with a recoil damper/silencer invented by a known good inventor would seem like he was backing a winning horse. But it closes down 1950. Presumably it never traded. It never sold one gun?
    9). He played squash and real tennis frequently against Buesst. Buesst at one time was 3 doors down just like Carl Webb. Buesst was involved with military intelligence. It is rather bizarre that Buesst wasn’t approached by Roger about his gun with a recoil damper/silencer and Buesst wasn’t interested.
    10). If by chance only Webb was at number 274 and no Buesst at that time of the invention – we know puzzle genius Jonathan Swift was Henderson’s close friend. Again no sign of Jonathan Swift involved. I mean if you wanted a mathematical genius to present to military experts – he was the man. He could work out the “height of the observer” of an aircraft using Haversine or the weight of a cone cut from a sphere. Imagine Swift in court – the aircraft observer was 6 feet tall and therefore he did not see the plane at that distance because he is 5 feet tall. Henderson ignores his genius pal Swift?
    11). Swift sounds like he was Carl Webb his neighbour who was an engineer with a scholarship. So potentially he had Swift on his doorstep. If Swift/Carl was the high IQ genius why was he close pals with low IQ drum playing Radley-boy Roger who beat Buesst at squash and tennis and dared to fight pros at boxing?
    12). Who funded Carl’s scholarship? We can see Mr Manifold paid for the Girls Grammar school and also sponsorships. We know Carl was in Camperdown as a pre-teen and Mr Manifold might have been his sponsor. Mr Manifold owned 268 Domain Road.
    13). Mr Fink owner of the SNP lived in Domain Road ideal if newspaper owners congregated like ‘birds of a feather’. Who owned the CC? Who was Judith mentioned by Spotter at the CC, Was it by chance his neighbour Judith Thornley in Domain road because Spotter was Carl Webb?
    14). We know Bob Manifold of Wirridgil married Judith Thornley and they lived in Domain Road after 1945. Bob had links to Parafield as a flight instructor where the chemist had visited with the RoK in his car.
    15). We can see the SM code starts MR almost first crossed out – where ‘if it was MR’ – it could be M-anifold R-obert…if it was Spotter it could be his way of recording long lists of names at social events writing down initials of who he saw.
    16). If the code is MR for Robert why did he get it wrong initially? Who in the Manifold family would have looked like him? Could it be he wrote down HR for another pilot. Henderson Roger – he wrote down who he saw. If after a friendly chat with his pal Roger at Parafield he said ‘change it to MR old man’…as Swift’s close friend Roger he might know his system of recording who was at events.
    17). What happened to Gnotuk and Wirridgil and 268 Domain Road. All that wealth? Kept in the family for generations and they could afford to buy 1000 guinea race horses, sponsor buildings and people and suddenly all broke?
    18). The modern generation of ‘the lineage’ show they have no inherited wealth and no knowledge of Gnotuk/Wirridgil just like Stuart and Carl Webb. How did that happen? My pleb family have photos etc going back generations even my g-grandather who was my body language twin. They only have to search Trove for Judith Thornley and all would be revealed to them. Do 2 super-rich familes go broke at the same time?
    19). The SNP has only just revealed its bounty of info on Trove. who decided that the SNP should not be digitised for all those years so we couldn’t see Jonathan Swift at play?
    20). Why did Spotter mention a bomb in the CC when the first attack on Australia was a week or so later by Japan. How could he know 2 weeks in advance?
    21). Spotter mentions wealthy Tait the chemist he meets in the Leura. But how come this implied millionaire coal owner is so invisible? George William Tait seems to be an investor. Is he the Brisbane tennis one in 1939 or the 1920 Melbourne one who bought strychnine he said to poison rats? The name seems to be associated with “mercy killings”
    22). If Judith was unable to breastfeed her own 2 month child why did she attempt a ship-crossing to the UK perhaps 40 days and forget the processed milk she needed? Would the £8 of milk be enough? Was she planning to hop off at Adelaide and did she?

    …really I could go on for weeks…

  2173. David Morgan on May 22, 2024 at 3:56 pm said:

    some AI insight on the 22 Q’s:

    – The difference in funeral arrangements for the peer and the pilot could be due to a variety of factors, including personal wishes, religious beliefs, or family traditions
    – … the peer might have preferred to keep a low profile (really – see Trove..)
    – The difference in clothing could suggest different occasions or seasons, or it could be a way to differentiate between the twins
    – The difference in schooling and photographic evidence could suggest a difference in treatment or expectations for Roger and John. It could also suggest a desire to keep John out of the public eye
    – The label of ‘playboy’ could be due to Henderson’s lifestyle or behavior. The repetition of this label could suggest a widespread perception or rumor.
    “a desire to shape public perception of Henderson”
    – The closure of Ballistics PTY company could suggest a lack of success or a lack of demand for the product [if you can’t sell a gun during a war – no chance]
    – The lack of interest from Buesst in Roger’s gun could suggest a lack of faith in the product or could suggest a professional disagreement.
    – The lack of involvement from Jonathan Swift could suggest a lack of interest [but Swift said he had a list of soldiers whose medals weren’t delivered – so he did have an interest in military things]
    – The friendship between Swift and Roger could be due to shared interests, a shared location [same road?]
    – Carl’s scholarship could have been funded by Mr Manifold due to a personal connection. Mr Manifold’s potential sponsorship of Carl’s scholarship could indicate a close relationship or a philanthropic inclination.
    – The marriage between Bob Manifold and Judith Thornley could suggest a close-knit community or a shared social circle.- The marriage of Bob Manifold to Judith Thornley and their residence in Domain Road could suggest a close connection between the Manifold and Thornley families.
    The ownership of the SNP by Mr Fink, who lived in Domain Road, could suggest a close-knit community of newspaper owners.
    – The mention of a bomb could be a coincidence, a prediction, or a leak of classified information.
    – The code could be a way to record social interactions or a personal shorthand.

  2174. John Sanders on May 22, 2024 at 10:08 pm said:

    DM: also how come the Int. Squash/Raquets Assn. records show that Robert (not Roger) Henderson of Australia (not GB) was the 1932 national title holder. Could Buesst of the Melbourne club have had a hand in it, being a bad loser and all, or was Roger using an undercover alias to conceal his true identity from Intelligence; Bearing in mind his family (minor Peers) had some close ties to Germany ala Saxe-Coburg & Gotha ‘Windsors’.

  2175. David Morgan on May 22, 2024 at 11:03 pm said:


    You could be on to something there. Henderson’s mum was a German. Also John Henderson’s wife’s dad a German. Perhaps Ballistics pty was Buesst’s spy scam to rope in Henderson and to follow the money. How did he get the £30,000 etc..

    Perhaps Spotter was set up with the bomb story to see where it went.

    Andy Hose seemed to get sacked and never showed up again. Did he fall off a building with his binoculars spotting aircraft?

    Jonathan Swift did his quiz challenge to calc the height of a spotter if the distance of the aircraft was known. It’s a little more than Pythagoras. I guess a rectangle under a right-angled triangle but he would have been educated in Haversine so perhaps a triangle on a rectangle with a curvy surface.

    He knows about calcs with spheres etc. so he’s not going to make it GCSE level maths. Like PHD with real-World experience.

  2176. David Morgan on May 23, 2024 at 12:09 am said:


    I had an interview with the MOD on leaving school but my brain had a habit of packing in not knowing whether it was a times tan/sine/cos b (and radians) or whatever and I would get annoyed and want them to stop asking me. Give me the formula and i was away. So the MOD wanted me to solve Jonathan Swift’s challenge but under pressure with a professor asking me the Qs. In the end they stopped when I pushed the paper away.

    But then they went on to radio wave propagation in space and I laughed and said “Well none of us know the answer to that one. They used to believe in the Ether. Perhaps it’s dark matter/energy propagation. But who knows”.

    I had read about it.. in Scientific American as a 10-year-old:

    James Clerk Maxwell developed his electromagnetic theory of light and postulated ether as the medium that transmitted electromagnetic waves.

    Thomas Edison also coined the term “etheric force” to describe a phenomenon later understood as high frequency electromagnetic waves, effectively radio.

    They didn’t give me the answer or the job.

    A-level physics doesn’t address it. It talks about methods of propagation but not medium. Anyway, I had been expelled from school by the physics teacher for not having a pen in his lesson. I was cheeky and said just tell me the page numbers you want me to copy tonight from the text book – cos that was what we did each lesson – he wasn’t a proper physics teacher. The headmaster said he knew and the guy was leaving. But I had to be expelled otherwise he’d walk.

    so now I use AI to make up for my lack of memory. I keep pushing it about Roger Henderson etc and Buesst but so far no success.

    It doesn’t even know this – it says no info about it.


    Yet it knows the following:
    Tristan Noël Marchand Buesst (1894–1982) was a soldier, barrister, and collector of Australiana. During World War II, he served as a Major in Australian Army Intelligence from 1940 to 1944. He belonged to a family that had lived in the Midlands for several centuries and had emigrated from Staffordshire in the UK in the 1870s. His family established a prosperous manufacturing business in Melbourne. Tristan Buesst was the first president of the Friends of the La Trobe Library (1966-1972), president of the National Gallery Society (1953-1955), and federal president of the Australian Institute of International Affairs (1951-1955). He was admitted to the Bar in 1925. His published works focused mainly on international affairs and art. He donated his collection of foreign language Australiana to the La Trobe Library in 1974.


    Yes, Tristan Buesst did live in Domain Road, South Yarra, Australia. He resided in an apartment in Amesbury House. However, the exact years of his residence there are not specified in the sources I found. It’s known that he was living there at least in 1966 when he hosted a working session for the Friends of the La Trobe Library. Additionally, architectural drawings from 1935 exist for three maisonettes at 216 Domain Road, South Yarra, for Tristan Buesst, suggesting that he may have lived there around that time as well. However, without more specific information, it’s difficult to determine the exact years of his residence.

    So when did he sell Osmington – or did he give it away for the nurse home?
    1936 — withdrawn from sale.

    Jo said Buesst didn’t have much to do with the property (Osmington/Gowan Brae) I always wondered how she could possibly know that from 1936?
    Perhaps he was cutting the grass every Sunday and having to fix the plumbing for renters every week. She didn’t have spies keeping tabs on him in 1936, surely?

    So if he still owned it in 1941 Carl and Dorothy were Buesst’s tenants ‘living in sin’. Personally I don’t believe Buesst would have allowed them to share a flat unmarried even if the vicar didn’t care about it.

    Buesst lived in Clowes st again never mentioned/verified by AI. so AI has a very selective ‘wiki’ memory of Buesst.

    Control the wiki and you control the AI facts on everyone, everything on the planet. You could say the somerton man wore a dress on the beach and that is what everyone would learn from wiki about him.

    Someone should have a go at introducing small false evidence like he had a cigarette lighter in his pocket discovered later..

  2177. Byron Deveson on May 23, 2024 at 2:43 am said:

    The Bystander, 22 March 1939.
    “Mrs. John and Mrs. Roger Henderson.
    Two sisters in-law were presented last Thursday by their mother in-law the Honourable Mrs. Arnold Henderson. Mrs. John Henderson is German, was Anne Marie Sorrensen of Berlin before her 1938 marriage. Mrs. Roger Henderson is Australian and married the late Honourable Arnold Henderson’s elder son in 1934. Both wore white court dresses.”
    There is an attached photo of Mrs. John and Mrs. Roger Henderson in their “white court dresses”.

    The Bystander was a British tabloid that merged with the Tattler in 1940.
    Judith appears unhealthily thin in the Bystander photograph and I note that she died early at age 51 in Victoria and could not breast feed her baby. Constitutionally unhealthy, anorectic or a substance abuser?

    A German woman being presented in 1939? I find that hard to swallow.

  2178. Byron Deveson on May 23, 2024 at 2:47 am said:

    JS, An Avro Tudor flying upside down doing aerobatics in 1940? Only in a Hollywood movie. There are five major errors in that one sentence. Is AI re-writing history already?
    I note that Judith’s sister in law was apparently a German noble yet she was presented in March 1939.

  2179. John Sanders on May 23, 2024 at 2:55 am said:

    DM: next you’ll be wanting us dubbos to accept that twins Roger and John, born six years apart, were the consequence, not of a hangfire birth but a devious plot to obtain more peerage handouts by delaying announcement of John’s birth by six years. This being so as to convince the GB peerage adjudication board that Roger would become sole heir to the barronetcy title and related estate gratuities upon his father’s death. All came to nought in the final analysis when neither twin lived long enough to see any benefits. According to the rules of engagement Judith’s first son David Henderson-Thornley ended up with the title and whatever other perks went with it. I sort of get the feeling as I’m certain you do too, that this may have how it was all made to pan out, done with input of some parisitic plagiaristic skills to manipulate Trove by… none other than AI Catbox of course!

  2180. David Morgan on May 23, 2024 at 4:35 am said:


    Swift’s cartoonist was Fred Aldridge and he was angry about Moseley in the UK – implying he had a trip to the UK. Beneath his long article is a smaller one with a cartoon in the style of an old Swift one – with stats.


    I would say that is a definite 1946 fingerprint of J. Swift. The cartoon is like his ‘old digger’ ones. The nose of a street-drinking alcoholic implied. A possible self-portrait?

    In an earlier article he said Aldridge objected to him crossing the line into his cartoon land especially if he modified an Aldridge one. That’s like defacing a work of art for a cartoonist.

    What intrigued me about the SM code is why did they need to overwrite it – with a biro? What fiendish method made it invisible? Like a fine pencil. An engineering – one not a typical cartoonist one who would want thick and thin for his drawings,

    The implication is Fred and J. Swift go the UK in 1946 and see Moseley. Earlier Fred Aldridge had gone to the front to make sketches – like a military sketch artist. I bet there are Fred Aldridge drawings in UK military archives.

    I think Carl/Swift was a Moseley-ite and that was where they disagreed. I noticed the Bulletin says for white Australians with Aldridge sketches in it. But I suspect Aldridge after his war-front experience realised people were people – including Japanese. Carl was static living in his old racist digger World because he hadn’t been involved for real in the War.

    My point to the rant is the person who travelled by plane/boat with Fred Aldridge to the UK in 1946 was J.Swift/Webb/Spotter/Loiterer. Find his travelling companion and find yer man. Carl Webb/Manifold or J. Swift – other.


  2181. David Morgan on May 23, 2024 at 5:07 am said:

    Fred Aldridge military record.

    Looking at his military record you have to think how did he draw sketches for the newspaper SNP and was a soldier 1940 to 1944 when he was older than Webb.

    This was a 1946 sketch:

    I am starting to think the NAA files contain fakes to get pensions.

  2182. David Morgan on May 23, 2024 at 8:57 am said:

    Roger Henderson played Real Tennis against Buesst for the Manifold trophy:


    1935 Henderson star of Royal tennis.
    1937 Buesst seems to be a rising star of Royal tennis.

    Henderson is the most annoying rich kid who is better at sport than everyone, boxes with pros, walks on the stage at his own Embassy club and takes over the drums. Robert Manifold who attends Roger’s wedding with Judith Thornley must have cried himself to sleep that night. He had to wait 12+ years for Judith and no apparent other girlfriend in between.

    Genius Jonathon Swift at the SNP is impressed with Roger and wants to be his pal. Judith ditches Robert for the peer and Royal parties. Everbody loves Roger apart from Robert Manifold and possibly his tennis enemy Buesst.

    They both get lucky 1941 when his plane crashes over Bicester. Strange the instructor decides to show him how to fly upside down. Not a nice way to crash in a plane if the family want a whole body to bury. it might explain the lack of a funeral and no news in newspapers. You couldn’t have an open coffin event for a peer.

    It is amazing how Judith switches back to Robert. Potentially they now own Gnotek and Wiridgil yet manage to lose the lot. There is no inhritance to pass down the generations.

    Bizarrely it seems Judith’s mother may be Robert’s mother. So he marries his own biological sister or step-sister? Almost an incestual story of Romeo and Juliet or ‘Federation’ as Spotter might have said.

  2183. John Sanders on May 23, 2024 at 11:04 am said:

    The little Avro Tutor, as opposed to the large four engined piston driven Tudor (Lincoln bomber descendant), also by Avro, was a radial engined two seater bi plane of between war vintage used as a trainer and said to be easy to maneuvre but sonewhat unsuited for dare devil acrobatics.

  2184. John Sanders on May 23, 2024 at 12:10 pm said:

    No hint of coming war with Germany in March ’39; after all Neville Chamblain got a promise on 29 Sept. ’38 from Hitler that there would be no further land grabs on European countries territorial rites. It was nifty Nev who told his prople that their would be “peace in our time” from memory. Pretty easy to swallow by fifty million peace loving British shop keepers.

  2185. David Morgan on May 23, 2024 at 2:17 pm said:

    I’m just trying to figure out where the Manifold/Thornley fortunes went….


    So we have Gnotuk joining with Wiridgil by 1945.

    ..and all those accidents around Wiridgil…

  2186. David Morgan on May 23, 2024 at 9:30 pm said:


    As a side plot for you Edmund Thornley who went from 15st to 12st after shell shock was determined unfit for military service.

    I think he had 2 incidents while in the military.

    1919 he seems to be involved in kidnapping his own niece.


    The appeal succeeds and the doctor gets his daughter back.

    Bu where did Edmund go next?

    Bought Gnotuk. So he was the owner until 1943.
    “majority of guests were young people”

    goes away with her daughter
    So Judith’s dad liked young girls..

    and takes his daughter away on his own to the Quamby club.

    I wondered why Spotter talked about Mrs Edmund Thornley but never him.

  2187. David Morgan on May 23, 2024 at 9:34 pm said:


    But I’m a bit shocked that she knows what Edmund is like but travels to London to stock Australia with young vulnerable girl migrants.


    I wonder how many and how young she took into Gnotuk.

  2188. John Sanders on May 23, 2024 at 10:12 pm said:

    David Morgan,

    Your conundrum rests with the late Gladys May Manifold departure in 1992. Can’t recall whether she hooked up with Bob, before or after Judith, though something tells me before. She could have been a divorcee or a merry widow when they married but she certainly hung onto the Manifold name and maybe got her hands on the loot too.

  2189. Byron Deveson on May 23, 2024 at 11:02 pm said:

    I stand corrected, the aeroplane was an Avro Tutor as you pointed out, not an Avro Tudor. But, being a 1930s aeroplane I doubt that the Tutor was fitted with fuel injection, and carburettors don’t work upside down. Maybe that is why it crashed.

  2190. David Morgan on May 24, 2024 at 8:17 am said:


    US sites have no record of this crash. There was one in December.

    Another identity of Jonthn Swift/Spotter/The Loiterer is SERFCO.

    I am certain if you could map them all (semantic search) they cross-reference each other. I am hoping to style match/check them with some software if I can find it.

    For example: Jonathan Swift references Cowper’s The Task. SERFCO talks about Cowper in detail.


    SERFCO may be calling himself ‘Mr Grips in the article’. Reference to his own huge strong hands – like a Nitkeeper?


    I suspect Buesst gave Carl Webb his renter at 274 Domain Road access to his vast La Trobe library.

    If you trawl SERFCO (as Mr Grips he discusses)
    – William Cowper
    – Thomas Carlyle
    – John Lothrop Motley
    – Washington Irving
    – Thomas De Quincey
    – Richard Brinsley Sheridan
    – Richard Jefferies
    – William Shakespeare
    – Wordsworth
    – Daniel Defoe &
    – Jonathan Swift – “the creation of the novel and essay”
    “tragedy is written across his life”
    – Hans Christian Anderson

    No mention of the RoK..

  2191. john sanders on May 24, 2024 at 10:48 am said:

    @DM: America didn’t commence hostilities in the Eurpopean theatre til 11/12/41. So why would they have records of Roger’s mishap which occurred on 23/11/41?

  2192. David Morgan on May 24, 2024 at 6:50 pm said:


    I can’t answer that but they are all detailed. It is strange they only miss out the one I am looking for.


    21 December
    RAF No. 4 Operational Training Unit (OTU) loses third Saro Lerwick flying boat, L7265, when Flg. Off. Armstrong hits water hard near Invergordon while practising landings, wing distortion leads to total loss of control, all crew escape.[53]

    This is the same on other database sites.

    I have been using software to compare text and ‘one test’ only it said Jonathan Swift uses pronouns in simialr pattern to Serfco – but one swallow (swift) I guess doesn’t make a Carl Webb.

    But I ‘suspect’ I can show all 4 are the same person. But then what.

    It shows a movement of the person from Melbourne (x2) to Camperdown to other parts e.g. Rutherglen, Chiltern Valley or Wodonga.

    If Carl Webb can be found there in 1947 then a match. 1 becomes 5.

    Mr Grips is intriguing. I wondered whether it is about his handshake being too hard or some device.

  2193. David Morgan on May 24, 2024 at 7:09 pm said:

    Mr Grips – seems to be loitering near Albury.


  2194. John Sanders on May 24, 2024 at 9:58 pm said:

    @DM: More’s to the point one ‘Joe swallow’ (Henry Lawson poem) a Somerton Man does not make!

  2195. David Morgan on May 25, 2024 at 5:11 am said:

    I conducted comparison tests between 4 journalists between 1941 to 1947 Serfco, Spotter, Jonathan Swift and the Loiterer. I used the site:


    I tested 3 by the same writer just to get a benchmark of alikeness.

    The results:

    Sample 1 (Serfco) v Sample 2 (Serfco)
    Your LSM score is 0.89

    Sample 2 (Serfco) v Sample 3 (Serfco)
    Your LSM score is 0.86

    Sample 1 (Serfco) v Sample 3 (Serfco)
    Your LSM score is 0.84

    Sample 4 (J. Swift) v 5 (Serfco)
    Your LSM score is 0.86

    Sample 4 (J. Swift) v Sample 6 (Loiterer)
    Your LSM score is 0.91

    Sample 6 (Loiterer) v Sample 7 (Spotter)
    Your LSM score is 0.89

    It shows that the sample 4 (Swift) v 6 (Loiterer) scores were the highest and they both appeared in 1941 in the same newspaper. Spotter appeared in 1942 in the Camperdown Chronicle and then the last identity Serfco appeared in 1947 in various local newspapers near Albury.

    My conclusion is that these LSM scores are high.

    “Compared to other general writing samples that we have analyzed, your LSM score is far above average. To give you an idea, most LSM scores for general writing samples range between .60 and .90, with the average being around .78. The more the authors of the two samples are thinking in similar ways, the higher the LSM.”

    These high LSM scores indicate it is likely these identities are the same writer.

    The writer moved from Melbourne in 1941 to Camperdown in 1942 then back to Melbourne, The writer then dissappears until 1947 where he emerges as Serfco in local newspapers around Albury. Potentially disappearing again – but he may appear somewhere in 1948. It is just a lucky find to locate them again.

    This movement from Melbourne to Camperdown and back to Melbourne and reappearance in 1947 around Albury “could suggest” the movement of Carl Webb (the Somerton Man).

    It is the nature of the writing about poetry following quatrains rhyming schemes, science, people and also setting mathematical puzzle challenges makes it likely it could be Carl Webb educated with his Swinburn Scholrship having lived in Cameperdown as a child and then Melbourne.

    It is the clues from Spotter in Camperdown remembering back to to a time (Carl’s childhood aged 6) and then knowing details about Roger Henderson as his ‘Jonathan Swift’ identity while living in the house of Tristam Buesst in 1941. Buest was the military intelligence chief who played squash and tennis with Henderson before his death in 1941.

    As Spotter he mentions Judith Thornley’s mother and mentions the name “Judith” about a WW2 bombing incident which doesn’t make sense unless Spotter was in London with Judith in the 1940s as the first bomb in Australia occurred in Feb 1941 – just after Spotter.

    The coincidence of the Camperdown Chronicle in Dec 1941 effectively RT’ing the Swift article about Henderson before Spotter starts in 1942 suggests a strong link between the SNP newspaper and the CC and Spotter and Jonathan Swift.

    We know Henderson is linked to Buesst is linked to Carl Webb in 1941. We know Judith is linked to Henderson and Camperdown in 1941.

    It is like a Jonathan Swift puzzle to solve. If Serfo is Carl Webb then he may be living somewhere near Albury in 1947.

  2196. David Morgan on May 25, 2024 at 7:55 am said:

    I have collected all my research on spotter/loiterer/Jonathan swift/serfco into this:


    I think there are some other small identities such as Odd Spotter – he may have created some cartoons. But I was hoping to find an Adelaide ID in 1948.

  2197. John Sanders on May 25, 2024 at 8:03 am said:

    it be well documented that Bomber Harris didn’t share operational details with his American counterparts in the early days post BoB, indeed a deal of friction and distrust existed between them. That is until Churchill got them together under a mutally acceptable fair share in the glory arrangement with accelerated bombing of Germany from ’42. Guess that would answer your failure to understand why the USAF didn’t have any records of RAF Bomber Command accidents until after 1942.

  2198. David Morgan on May 25, 2024 at 2:32 pm said:


    Confused…they did have all the records..?? I gave you the link.

    Henderson was not in bomber command. He was just a guy supposedly having a flying lesson? – not even the pilot and flying upside down in an unsuitable plane. Was that the excuse for being ‘unrecognisable’ to Judith?

    He was his own operation mincemeat.

    A bit like JR Keane carrying out a flying stunt – probably chasing sheep.

    More Aussie pilots linked to Carl Webb died from stunts than warfare.

  2199. David Morgan on May 25, 2024 at 7:31 pm said:

    M. J. TULLY (39911) Gazette – 31/12/1940 and 9/12/1939 and 20/7/1937.


    Roger Arnold Henderson – NEVER MENTIONED IN GAZETTES

    Brother John Alexander Arnold Henderson Gazette 5/7/1940

  2200. David Morgan on May 25, 2024 at 11:30 pm said:

    Slighty off my-topic-ish but i wondered whether Carl took a bicycle and left it. I was trying to find a missing bicycle x7384 but the nearest i got was mr lewis from diagonal street losing his rainbow bicycle at the Ozone theatre end of Dec 1948 not Nov.

    Feltus talks about the police being restricted to bicycles

    “Transport included bicycles and motorcycles (some with a side car outfit to allow two officers to attend particular duties). A very limited number of motor cars were available.”

    On ticket G52703 on the unclaimed suitcase on a shelf was written ‘The charge for each article (Motor Bicycles excepted) is for day of lodging and one clear day thereafter 4d. It was a normal brown suitcase, in good condition with no stickers or travel identification attached. It also appeared that a label had been removed from one side. He took formal possession of the suitcase on 19 January.

    The Cloak Room at the rear of the Adelaide Railway Station was a convenient place to store bicycles, parcels and suitcases on a short or long-term basis depending on the needs of the person.

    Strange that police officers with bikes should have looked like Carl with muscular legs.

  2201. John sanders on May 26, 2024 at 6:33 am said:

    DM: Not sure what you’re on about; Roger bought his RAF reserve AO commission before the war and John earned his 1st pip in the WG’s on the date gazetted. No intrigue there mugs.

  2202. https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/149215996?searchTerm=Roger%20Arnold%20henderson

    @ David – Here’s Roger Henderson with his 18 year old bride, Judith Thornley of Gnotuk, Camperdown (new 34 Gnotuk Lane, Gnotuk, Mr Camperdown). At one stage they lived near Bromby Street & Domain Road, at Mayfair Court, (now demolished), on Marne Street, South Yarra. I’m not sure how they got caught up in this saga!

  2203. David Morgan on May 26, 2024 at 8:51 am said:

    If Carl Webb was journalist Jonathan Swift in the SNP in 1941 then we can look at the things that interested him to understand how he ended up on a beach at Somerton in 1948.

    One example is the work of Walter Burley Griffin whose life he seems to have tracked. He was massively impressed with “how far ahead of his time” he was:


    The Capitol Theatre’s ornate plaster ceiling is a standout feature, designed to evoke a crystalline cave and illuminated in four colors by over 4,000 concealed light globes. This design was intended to create a unique and immersive viewing experience for the audience, with the colored lights synchronized to the theater’s organ.

    The 1919 Palais de Danse exterior (designer unknown?) was dominated by a large arched form following that of the roof, anchored by large square piers each side, decorated with delicate classical details, and topped by fanciful stepped turrets. The interior design created c1920 was designed by the renowned American-Australian architect Walter Burley Griffin (1876–1937) and his wife, Marion Griffin (1871–1961). The dance floor was surrounded by seating areas behind abstracted fluted Doric columns, which supported a remarkable frieze of complex, prismatic, up-lit panels. The ceiling, at first just the exposed metal trusses of the roof, was soon concealed by low-pitched angled ribbing, from which hung three rows of large geometrically decorated prismatic lamps.

    The experience the Griffins seem to be creating was a sound and light experience – ceiling lights pulsing with the music. Observers seem to suggest it forced people to tap their foot in time to the music.


  2204. Peteb on May 26, 2024 at 10:14 am said:

    I would love to make a comment here that would astound the thousands who are part of this discussion.. but for the life of me I can make no so sense of it .. given the subject at hand.

  2205. John Sanders on May 26, 2024 at 11:41 am said:

    DM: Something Just picked up on the Beeb about a fatal Spitfare crash at Conningsby, Lincolnshire yesterday during a BoB memorial service flypast that may be of interest.

  2206. David Morgan on May 26, 2024 at 1:02 pm said:


    My collection of Henderson intrigues

    There are also some strange anomalies about Roger and his brother John:

    – the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) with photographs of two children with their mother say both are Roger Henderson. Yet one child has long trousers and the other short trousers which would fit with two children of different ages.
    Australian newspapers believe his brother John was a twin had died before him in 1941. They did not know they were a different age nor that John was younger and a Captain in the Welsh Guards. But also another brother ADC to Sir Winston Dugan may be confused with A.D. Henderson of Bathurst.
    – There are no Eton or other photos of Captain John Henderson as an adult and nor did he attend his brother’s wedding in Australia in 1934 with his parents. Though he had married Anne Marie Sorrenson in 1938.
    – dropped the gazette one..
    The older son Roger went to Radley college and John the younger son went to the more prestigious Eton college. In families in the 1920s it was usually the older child set the way at the more prestigious college.
    The peerage site clearly shows two children Roger born 1909 and John born 1913 and with Roger dying 1941 and John dying 1944. John was a Captain in the Welsh Guards whereas Roger was a Flight Lieutenant in the RAFVR (a voluntary reserve).
    The investigation for the aircrash in which Roger died said the plane was flying upside down but it did not explain the reason for the crash or the reason for the reckless aerobatics performed by the pilot Squadron Leader Tully.
    Roger’s 1937 company Ballistics Pty never seemed to trade and sell guns during WW2 after he had invested a large amount of money and it closed 1950.

  2207. David Morgan on May 26, 2024 at 1:20 pm said:


    I tried to show Carl Webb was spotter/jonathan swift/the loiterer/serfo using technology to score the likeness of writing styles. They did this for JKR and her crime writing. It suggests we all have a writing fingerprint.

    First I needed to show the 4 were the same person.

    Sample 1 (Serfco) v Sample 2 (Serfco), LSM score is 0.89

    Sample 2 (Serfco) v Sample 3 (Serfco), LSM score is 0.86

    Sample 1 (Serfco) v Sample 3 (Serfco), LSM score is 0.84

    Sample 4 (J. Swift) v 5 (Serfco), LSM score is 0.86

    Sample 4 (J. Swift) v Sample 6 (Loiterer), LSM score is 0.91

    Sample 6 (Loiterer) v Sample 7 (Spotter), LSM score is 0.89

    These high scores show ‘likely the same person’.

    Then by tracking the moment and contacts of Swift and Spotter a pattern emerged. for example spotter goes back to 1911 in his memories of events and talks about Mrs Thornley. Whereas Swift talks about Roger Henderson who was married to Judith.

    Then events can be tracked and dated for each ID.

    Swift disappears Dec 1941. Spotter appears CC Feb 1942. Leaves August 1942. Returns briefly 1943 talking about returning to Melbourne by train.

    If we assume 1943 Carl starts with Redpoint and ends 1946/1947 it gives Webb (serfco) time to sell his articles in Albury for local rags in 1947.

    There is a good fit.

    The best fit are the range of interests matching with Carl Webb and the people each newspaper identity knows.

    I haven’t trawled back pre-1941 for Swift – except to try to solve his puzzles with AI.

    But you can spend a long time researching each name drop and check the validity of his historic references.

    Sometimes I think he is running Echelon/NAA in Victoria and managing the files. His level of accuracy about №2961 — Pte. Landrigan, M.D. A. Coy. 31st Batt. A.I.F is astounding.

  2208. David Morgan on May 26, 2024 at 1:44 pm said:


    The most convincing parts are the level of research by Serfco about historic characters. Without a university library it would be impossible – I use AI to replace that. Some historic things he says which he was likely taught can’t be checked. I think he accessed Buesst’s books to write essays as if for a university degree.

    But when Swift talks about puzzles, palindromes and acrostics you think he’s part of CM.

    In fact, Swift makes some mistakes ( I think!) unless there’s another genius level of solution. But it could be some of the numbers are typos.

    I noticed the guy who set up the Murdle puzzles deliberately messed up one cipher. It encourages people to write in..you find your genius codebreaker.

  2209. David Morgan on May 26, 2024 at 2:06 pm said:


    for his company Henderson gave the address 268 Domain. Though it seemed to have been owned by Manifold.


    I suspect he sold his interest in the New Embassy with the idea of making weapons for war.

    Judith’s dad seemed quite dodgy I think he kidnapped his niece. He stayed with Judith minus mother in a Melbourne club. Then Mrs Thornley seems to want to bring over migrant teenage girls presumably to be maids?

  2210. John Sanders on May 27, 2024 at 12:18 am said:

    Peteb: don’t critisize what you don’t comprehend. Just sit back and enjoy the show, put together by FB’s David Morgan & his AI catshit box especially to annoy the crap out of cranks like we.

  2211. John Sanders on May 27, 2024 at 12:57 am said:

    DM: I think you’ll find that parents what put their sons through elite boarding College, Oxfordshire would disagree having such a swank school placed below decidedly overated Eton on quality of education or high tuition fees. After all Eton College, be better known for it’s sporting blues, not necessarily for the intellectual quality of it’s product.

  2212. John Sanders on May 27, 2024 at 1:11 am said:

    ….and name of Roger the lodger’s swank Oxfordshire boarding school, Radley.

  2213. @ David – your yarn certainly exceeds that of Somerset Maugham & I have to say I find it difficult to follow… If you read the Melbourne club article it actually says Mrs Edmund Thornley, not Mr…

    268 Domain Road is certainly a house with a bit of a history… From the 1960s until more recent times it was the home of Peter Rand, a key Melbourne underworld character.


    I know one of its other residents – Peter Strover, a man who once had a scheme to sell real estate on Mars. He explained the scheme to his mother who took a long look at him before pulling a calculator out of her hand bag and advising him to make the plots smaller…

  2214. David Morgan on May 27, 2024 at 8:57 am said:

    Gregory Parable (organisation A.C.T.S = Australian Catholic Truth Society)

    Might explain return to ginger hair.

    Another (last?) potential writing identity for Carl Webb – Gregory Parable — Another LSM high score match with Jonathan Swift (0.88).


    Gregory Parable – Pamphlet writer:

    “Communism fights religion”

    another pamphlet ‘The people’s front’

    It suggests Carl Webb was a communist who had become a catholic?

    Review of his pamphlet

    Self- review?
    ‘Swift’ Dickinson writes

    March 1948 – a speedboat with red lettering – ?stencil used? “communism fights religion”

    St Patrick’s Day – has a significance for puzzle guy ‘Jonathan Swift’.


  2215. David Morgan on May 27, 2024 at 9:57 am said:

    If Carl Webb’s last lD was Catholic Gregory Parable:

    Interesting cross-over with Feltus:

    The Unknown Man was contemplating his journey to South Australia, I was observing acts of nature that would cause me to distinctly remember 1948. There was a very severe drought with no cereal crops of note on the farm, not a blade of grass anywhere, and most of the animals slowly dying of starvation. I was with my father as he drove around the 8000 acre (3240 ha) farm, through the masses of bush, trying to locate and assist the starving stock.

    I have vivid memories of being with him on one occasion when we came upon a nice black cow, lying on her side with every bone showing through her skin. He tried for some considerable time to roll her upright, and eventually placed a dish with a small amount of oats near her mouth. She was obviously too far gone and could not lift her head without assistance. I watched as she rolled onto her side. I saw my father walk to the old Rugby Buckboard and return with his .22 rifle. He loaded the rifle and shot her in the head. I was horrified, not because he had shot her but because the cow belonged to Auntie Isobel. I did not think you were allowed to shoot other people’s cows! I could walk through those thousands of acres of dense scrub today and find the exact spot where the cow died.

    I received my initial schooling at Chandada Primary School which was about 8 km in a direct line from the farmhouse, through some open ground, mallee scrub and neighbouring paddocks. The single schoolroom under the control of one teacher contained about 30 children from Grade I to Grade VII. I completed Grade VII at the age of 12 years. The nearest high schools were at Streaky Bay and Port Lincoln, which meant my parents would have to find somewhere for me to board there. Instead they decided that along with my older brother and other boys from the district I would attend Sacred Heart College at Somerton Park as a boarder. I attended this Catholic college in 1956.

    It might explain why he ignored the information that Dorothy Webb had phoned the police about electrician Carl Webb a man obsessed with the RoK and other death poetry who could be tracked down as Catholic Gregory Parable in 1948.

    It might also explain Ruth Balint not exposing the Carl Webb and Dorothy link as she seems to have a lot of catholic co-editors on all her books.

  2216. David Morgan on May 27, 2024 at 10:01 am said:

    Is is fascinating how the catholic idea of Carl Webb as Gregory Pastor falls into place with Feltus’ own education:


  2217. john sanders on May 27, 2024 at 10:35 am said:

    Feltus only did one term at Sacred Heart, Somerton aged 12 in mid winter, and yet he recalls vividly visiting the stretch of beach near X marks the spot with his mates. He apparently still lives in the area and probably goes down there to reminisce.

  2218. john sanders on May 27, 2024 at 11:08 am said:

    Jo: wasting your time mate, man doesn’t care for facts unless they come to him from deep stinkers like us, then he’s able to twist then turn them into something he can use to good effect as factual connections for his next phase. Only reason I stay with the game be due to my interest in prescription pain killers and how they can affect logic functioning in the strangest of ways. I’m sticking with Muggers for now anyhow.

  2219. David Morgan on May 27, 2024 at 2:49 pm said:


    I am just following the high-score LSMs (like follow the money). There are some borderline ones – e.g. the trip of Love the Melbourne wireless operator as they mapped the wilds of Aussie land who invented the equip. used by sigint in North Africa. A possible Carl Webb story. Love has detailed records on NAA.

    The Catholic Gregory Parable the 2 pence pamphlet publisher follows a similar LSM pattern to “Unhappy Arcadian” who gets a roasting off an Albury reader for using “r” in his title – perhaps because he dares to talk about Catholics negatively. The editor interjects supporting Mr Albury. Keeps his job that way. Those Albury Catholics ‘ll get you sacked for a typo “that wasn’t”,

    Arcadian/Acadian what’s in a R? Reader living in Albury/Albuy – a nice coincidence with Serfco in 1947.

    Now if you you look at the horse trainers – I bet one was a catholic one – with a horse called Arcadian. Trainer died 1946. They brought back Arcadian – perhaps he had a long gallop on the Somerton beaches with Feltus praying over him.

    Now it’s your job to find the head honcho at Feltus’ old school and guess what the BIsh was named. Obviously, not his real name. But named after a horse on the Somerton beach? – like Indiana Jones named after the dog?

    JS to find the real name of Bish?

    But he made a mistake with the R again. He’ll get letters from that Albury reader.

    The Bish of the Somerton catholic college was a maths genius like Jonathan Swift named after a Dean.

    I have tried this 1 minute Swift Puzzle with every AI system on the planet. They really don’t like it…

    “A MAN bought six barrels of liquor, five containing wine, the sixth beer. Each was marked with the number of gallons it contained. The numbers were 15, 31, 19, 20, 16, 18. The buyer sold a quantity of wine to one man and twice the quantity to another, leaving over only the barrel of beer, which he kept for himself. The barrels were sold just as they were, without the contents being manipulated in any way. Which was the barrel of beer?”

    I wonder why the genius Bish named after a horse and Swift named after a Dean didn’t solve the SM code?

    Two math genii around 1948 – at least one on the Somerton beach and no clue?

    All that obsession with Arcadia/Arcadian I reckon clouded their judgment.

    AI had a go at an ABBA hit:

    In Arcadia, Serfco did dwell, his anger at ‘R’ he’d often tell,
    In Acadia, he sought peace,
    where ‘R’ could cease.
    But alas, Acadia bore the ‘R’ as well [?, back to Arcadia, his anger to quell.?]

    Have a go yourself and don’t be a technophobe..

    take 2 paras from Feltus and compare. Check he wrote his own book.


  2220. David Morgan on May 27, 2024 at 4:01 pm said:

    Serfco – arcadia

    Jonathan Swift – arcadia

    Letters to the editor from Albury

    Gerald Keane perhaps? (untested with LSM) but can’t be Carl 1910.


    Steeplechase won by


    More untested? what do you think…



    Perhaps Catholic backstage Jerry Keane is Swift/the Loiterer/Plotter/Serfco..
    But the maths genius Swift..??? Visits his mum in Manifold street. Perhaps I have the wrong guy working for the SNP and CC?.

    But the Bishop in Somerton …no surely not – or Gregory Pastor in 1948?

    It could be Carl immitated Jerry’s writing style who got it from the Somerton Bish.

    Hopefully Somerton Bish isn’t the Bishop of Ballarat who made gas meters. Big friend of Judith Thornley.

  2221. David Morgan on May 27, 2024 at 4:09 pm said:


    Albury Mr Angry is marking his own homework?

    Your LSM score is 0.79 [above average similarity]
    Compared to other general writing samples that we have analyzed, your LSM score is above average. To give you an idea, most LSM scores for general writing samples range between .60 and .90, with the average being around .78. The more the authors of the two samples are thinking in similar ways, the higher the LSM.

  2222. David Morgan on May 27, 2024 at 4:19 pm said:

    Way off course.. but I tracked the Weekly Times Reader Social Club where I suspect journalists kept a joke running for 10 years. Then WW2.


    I wonder if they actually made and sold the badges?

  2223. David Morgan on May 27, 2024 at 8:05 pm said:

    It might be worth finding the research notes of


    Why did he change his views about his hero Mannix?

    P.S. The lead singer from the Mannix (sorry Manic Street Preachers) is stood in front of a plaque online for my English teacher Mrs James. He was never in our school. She wrote BBC radio plays. She was the one who said I should be a writer in my school report. The last time that building was open in its original state she gave me and her son tickets to see a pirate film after I said that William Henry Morgan was a pirate and that my father and his father…down the generations etc had that same name. My first lesson in correlation does not equal causation but it was the first time in my life I had ever seen a film in a cinema.

    The original building was paid for by deducting money from my grandfather’s poverty wages as a coal miner. The restoration from lottery tickets bought by poor people hoping for a way out.

    But was Murtagh – Swift/spotter/the loiterer/Serfco/Pastor? or was his maths not good enough to be Swift?

    Spotter seems to get access to the Bishop of Ballarat as a friend of Judith Thornley. Were they a Catholic family?

    Was that the original issue – Thornleys were Catholics and Manifolds were Protestants? She couldn’t marry Manifold her true love until 1945 until her parents were dead. I saw in one Aussie family they had it in the Wills that if they married a Catholic they would lose their inheritance. Luckily for the son his parents were attacked in the night with a hammer which put pay to their control over him. The hammer attack meant he effectively became a millionaire and could spend his playboy days with the fastest car in Australia. Fortunately, his brother died on his inheritance birthday in a car with some salesmen where he flew out of the car and died. His mother’s first and only words out of the coma were the son’s name. He spent his days at the races while his mother recovered. It’s what she would have wanted.

  2224. David Morgan on May 27, 2024 at 10:50 pm said:

    The Love stuff someone else can research. There was an excellent link provided by ?Jo (I forget) with his name in it a mass of stuff! Could take you 12 months!

    LOVE HOWARD KINGSLEY : Date of birth – 09 Oct 1895 : Place of birth – Unknown : Place of enlistment – Unknown : Next of Kin – LOVE
    Contents range
    1939 – 1948
    Series number
    Control symbol
    LOVE H K
    Access status

  2225. John Sanders on May 28, 2024 at 12:58 am said:

    DM: regarding the suicide of your S H Somerton student Malcolm Field, found hanging in the sleepout of his home by his dad Dr. William Field; Reminds me of another historical suicide by prussic, which you might keep for future reference, offender on this occasion being Sir Dr. William Field of Manifold St., who had just lost his chief cook and bottle washer, as reported in your reliable Camperdown Chronicle of course.

  2226. David Morgan on May 28, 2024 at 9:53 am said:


    I don’t have the capacity to track them all. Love is such a good case to research for someone on signint. But you’d have to commit to it and write a book probably. I’m certain a title like ‘From Melbourne with Love’ might work. They said his amateur equipment was superior.

    Interestingly AI thought my Serfco example 1 was inferior to 2 and 3 and perhaps not him. But I could imagine some hokey rag editor tore bits out of it so it lost the plot.

    When I was testing Swift, Spotter and Outsider I realised the limitations of reading age checkers. He defies modern systems and they all get graded A except my Serfco 1.

  2227. David Morgan on May 28, 2024 at 12:58 pm said:

    Strychnine doping

    A theme I explored before but it only takes 10 mins to collect refs


  2228. David Morgan on May 28, 2024 at 3:24 pm said:

    AI’s latest analysis on the clues:

    Additional Observations:

    – The address “268 Domain Road” seems to be a significant link between many of the individuals. It was owned by the Manifolds and was the residence of Judith Thornley and Henderson, and later Judith and Robert Manifold.
    – Camperdown is another significant link, being the birthplace of Judith Thornley and the location of properties owned by the Thornleys (‘Gnotuk’) and the Manifolds (‘Wiridgil’).
    – The year 1941 is significant as it is the year when Carl Webb lived in the mansion on Domain Road owned by Tristam Buesst, who was a major in military intelligence
    The clues suggest a possible connection to military intelligence, with Tristam Buesst being a major in military intelligence and Carl Webb living in his mansion
    . There are also speculations about Webb being a spy, but these are not confirmed.
    The clues also suggest a connection to Germany, with Tristam Buesst’s family having links to Germany.

  2229. David Morgan on May 28, 2024 at 3:52 pm said:

    Somerset Maugham was asked to write a spy book about Roger Henderson called the Hour Before the Dawn which was serialised in Australian newspapers.


  2230. David Morgan on May 28, 2024 at 9:41 pm said:

    Who was the most famous Australian soldier in WW2?

    You will be surprised to find it was Staff Sergeant Ron Churchman from Renmark.

    What did he do for such fame? He got caught in Greece and was a POW in Germany who he/other soldiers wrote home about a lot. For which he got promoted to Staff Sergeant.

    His/other letters from Italy and Germany were massively detailed about deprivations and how the Italians didn’t want to fight but how the Germans wanted to die with honour rather than be a POW.

    He traversed at least 3 POW camps (according to NAA) in Germany where he details the guards begging the POWs for chocolate for their children they received via the Red Cross.

    His NAA record shows he arrived in Liverpool and was back in Australia 1945.

    After all that celebrity and newspaper coverage what did he do?


    Ron Churchman had no visible life after WW2 and died 1961. Even that doesn’t seem to get a mention in a newspaper.


    What does it all mean?

    Were the stories of Ron Churchman wartime propaganda?

    A construct by a journalist and his NAA records constructed to match.

    Who created the Echelon files?

  2231. John Sanders on May 29, 2024 at 1:48 am said:

    Gotta take care with POW Churchman mugs he’s not new; hailed from Renmark pre war and possible aquaintance of Keith Mango’s Carl Thompsen. Dead ringer for Jerry Somerton too going by is hairdo, the ears and general features as usual. And yet, unless Ronald up and changed places with Spotter @ CW, couldn’t be him (died ’61)..right?

  2232. David Morgan on May 29, 2024 at 5:57 am said:

    One Australian propaganda guy was the poet Victor Purcell.


    He is enthused about by Gregory Parable (My last Carl Webb candidate).


    I think Parable/Webb had been trapped all his poetic life by quatrain rhyming schemes and he enthused about the free form of Purcell.

    Scoring Serfco v Gregory Parable.

    Your LSM score is 0.91
    Compared to other general writing samples that we have analyzed, your LSM score is far above average. To give you an idea, most LSM scores for general writing samples range between .60 and .90, with the average being around .78. The more the authors of the two samples are thinking in similar ways, the higher the LSM.

    According to James W. Pennebaker these people ‘are thinking in similar ways’ but with a score of 0.91 it’s a little bit like saying the same person looked like himself in a mirror.

    As Serfco he sees himself as the old man going to the library as the pillar of wisdom. If we look at The Birds of Killingworth (enthused about by his Spotter identity) we see the poem has a Preceptor and it matches with Mr Grip in the library written about by Serfco. The Preceptor is the one in the BoK poem who tells them:

    “You put to death, by means of a Committee,
    The ballad-singers and the Troubadours,”

    From Webb’s point of view his brother Roy was sent to war by committee because he was a borderline candidate in 1939. He shouldn’t have gone.

    I wonder whether he knew Purcell was a propagandist for Australia?

    As the theatre and music reviewer for the Catholic Advocate he quotes:

    This is the age of Youth, and we will not, Like Everyman, grow old and deeply set In ways of pleasure, profit and success. And turning, only at our death, to God.”

    By 1948 we can see Webb is disillusioned with religion (reading the RoK)
    “The Rubaiyat also expresses a disenchantment with philosophies and religions. For example, one verse states, “Logic and sermons never convince; The damp of the night drives deeper into my soul…Now I re-examine philosophies and religions. They may prove well in lecture rooms, yet not prove at all under the spacious clouds, and along the landscape and flowing currents.” This theme reflects Omar Khayyam’s robust skepticism towards established philosophies and religions”

  2233. David Morgan on May 29, 2024 at 4:13 pm said:

    I hope you appreciate how long this took to research…

    In one article the Loiterer (aka Carl Webb) refers to a 1941 dance craze – (I bet he heard it from Dorothy) and says “the children of darkness and kin of the diel”. I think he was joking.

    I asked AI where such a phrase might come from. I thought instinctively Scottish.

    But Diel was a typo. It should be Deil.
    “The phrase “Whaur’s the deil o’ a dog” is in Scots, a Germanic language variety spoken in Lowland Scotland and parts of Ulster. It is sometimes considered a dialect of English, but it has its own distinct vocabulary and grammar. In this phrase, “Whaur’s” is equivalent to “Where’s” in English, “deil” is a Scots term for “devil”, and “o'” is a contraction of “of”, so the phrase translates to “Where’s the devil of a dog” in English.

    Now, if I was a child of the darkness and kin of the deil I’d leave you hanging there for a week.

    It is not a direct quote. The loiterer has made it up (perhaps). But then he’s never original. It may be Gerald Keane made a stage play about a Scottish dog.

    Not any closer?

    Here’s a hint. Of course too late for Carl as the Loiterer.


    But the author https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_Stackhouse_Atkinson
    Was likely the book he read. But he may have been referencing her source – not her book. She had never been to Scotland yet uses “Deil” what was her source?

    But going back through the Scottish links

    e.g. Poppins “There are a surprising amount of dancing Dorothy Robertson’s around the country ”
    curio “Robertson being the fifth most common Scottish name”
    As for “Blondie”, see the photo from the early 1960s of the blond Scottish dancer claiming to be “Wendy Virtue
    JS “Jean Moir Carr née Harkness, a name to which uncle John the chemist took a shine to and borrowed from John Moir and Sons, famous Scottish marmalade Manufacturers”
    BD “Three were SAPOL files and I conveyed this information to SAPOL. The detective (a Scottish name from memory) asked if I would be willing to access the file”

    Too many to list them all..

    One of the Carl Webb identities also references a medal that fell off a dress at a highland fling – a sword dance – and he was trying to find the owner. I have documented it.

    Why was ginger Carl at such events?

    Scottish Germanic?

  2234. David Morgan on May 30, 2024 at 2:28 am said:

    One crazy plot of Jonathan Swift (aka C. Webb) is artist “Duncan Melvin”. He says he has deals to make busts (like his own SM head) of famous people. But that he arrived on the Orion as a waiter – working his passage.

    Chances are you will never find a Duncan Melvin bust.

    But he gets other newspapers into the plot because Duncan insults Australian woman saying they are all debutantes with horrible hats.

    He may have been the original click-baiter.

    I was able to find the NPG may have been conned with a Duncan Melvin photo and it can no longer be viewed.


    But photos still exist



    ” Found that Duncan Melvin, a British photographer, was active in the 1950s has two portraits in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery in London”


    He may have been a ship photographer on the Orion who likes Australian men?

    But comic ballet may eventually lead to Swift’s identity – 50;50 – Carl W or Jerry K?

  2235. David Morgan on May 30, 2024 at 7:59 am said:

    Key players in 1941/1942 for Jonathan Swift (aka Carl Webb) were Oswald Bishop and Robert Butt. Oswald was in the army from 1942 so he lost contact with him – presumably. Robert died 1944 as an RAAF pilot.

    They all have theatre, magic stunts, comedy in common. It makes Swift sound like Jerry Keane.

    Perhaps Robert’s grave marker was his best magic trick.

    The aircraft exploded but bodies recovered and exhumed and identified. But then it says “fiancee for communication?!” I thought he was married ‘on stage’.

    His mother was concerned that his personal effects sent to her were not his! e.g. ring with initials FM and she had made him a special wallet with religious symbols on it – Catholics? A magic trick wallet perhaps.

    None of the crew had initials FM.

    That’s like Mrs Keane with JR’s possessions. They seem to throw them in a big bin and pull out any random items.

    One thing Mrs Keane missed was his bicycle. Pilot officers were given bicycles. Mrs Butt asked about Robert’s.

    Regardless of SM an interesting mystery to solve..

    Also some crew bailed out of the plane – before it exploded some killed, some POW.


    Fiancee Audrey Dumbrell probably means not the right one linked to Swift,…but who knows..still worth researching. Who was Dumbrell – was she linked to the theatre?

    [But it could mean Jonathan Swift was Jerry Keane. But he would need to be a mathematics/puzzle genius like Swift or Carl. TBD!].

    Potentially another aircraft mystery linked to Swift.
    Henderson over Bicester and Butt over Germany,
    We never see a request in the NAA files for personal effects for Roger Henderson. You’d imagine he had a posh watch handed down through the generations. Judith may have picked them up in Bicester with ‘Swift’.

    Swift himself said he owned a really posh pocket watch. If Swift was Carl Webb we would know exactly the watch that SM owned! It may have been sold by some thief in Adelaide,

    So many threads to follow….and I have 2 days of NHS.

  2236. David Morgan on May 30, 2024 at 9:20 am said:

    1947 Lottery fever grips city:


    I think one £1000 lottery was won by a racehorse trainer/owner. What are the chances?

    An odds-on favorite?

    Obviously not fixed.

  2237. David Morgan on May 30, 2024 at 1:59 pm said:

    Everything about RAF pilot Robert Butt is weird. I can’t find a record of the missing/dead pilot in a UK newspaper just like with Henderson – Swift’s other pal,

    Everything around Swift seems like an invented fiction.


  2238. John Sanders on May 30, 2024 at 10:49 pm said:

    @DM: How about Cardigan St. Stanmore; those old inner Sydney suburb localities close by the Everleigh factories and railway workshops of the late Victorian period could be confusing unless one lived there.

  2239. David Morgan on May 31, 2024 at 5:21 am said:

    The other minor celebrity wedding linked to Jonathan Swift (aka Carl Webb/other?) is Bishop and Glew. Bishop’s dad was a successful magician who disappeared to Honolulu (bigamist?) and Oswald may have been an understudy to the Great Levant whose daughter potentially married pilot Robert Butt (tbd!) – on stage at least.


    Swift said he signed as a witness to the Oswald Bishop wedding. It is an opportunity to know whether Swift was Keane, Webb or other. Knowing stage people would suggest Keane.

    I’m still not sure whether Butt or Henderson really died in a plane crash. It was very strange they returned the wrong personal possessions to his mother Mrs Butt – so they dug up the wrong body? But they did the same to Mrs Keane after his plane crash. Also Judith Thornley didn’t make such a request via the same system nor his children for their dad’s medals like everyone else.

    Mrs Butt exposed that flying officers were given bicycles. Keane’s mother never asked for his bike like Mrs Butt.

    But 3 flying officers – Henderson, Butt, Keane – all involved in plane crashes. 2 were stunt flying. Linked to Carl Webb (or Swift). In two cases the parents had the wrong items returned. Judith Thornley never made a request but I guess as she was in the UK she could walk in and ask for his personal effects. There were no CYPHER coded messages for peer Roger Henderson

  2240. John Sanders on May 31, 2024 at 8:42 am said:

    David Morgan,

    Three more flying officers, all RAAF that died within six weeks of each other in ’43;
    Rollo Thomson of NSW (Prosper’s sib), Keith ‘bluey’ Truscott DFC of Vic. (BoB ace) and Bob Bungey DFC of Somerton (BoB ace). Haven’t gotten around to checking what goodies they might have had in their kit bags yet, will leave that to you and “The Spotter”.

  2241. David Morgan on May 31, 2024 at 12:39 pm said:

    I tried to get Trove involved. It may need someone to find it physically in a library and photograph it.


  2242. John Sanders on June 1, 2024 at 3:58 am said:

    DM. Your mention of bicyles being issued to serviceman reminds me of A. Jestyn Richardson, mining engineer of Port Augusta who was presented with one when he volunteered for duty as a dispatch rider at the Boer War in 1900, only a month after becoming the first person to circumnavigate Australia by such means. He had been sponsored by the fledgling Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. of Australasia who then published a best selling book on Richo’s amazing ride. He later worked at his profession around the globe with partner Gwendolyn Bedwell, retired to Scotland and eventually died in 1939 of a self inflicted gunshot wound along with his second wife, same day? as retired baker Richard August Webb nee Weber of Melbourne.

  2243. David Morgan on June 1, 2024 at 10:20 am said:

    Jonathan Swift and Diana are an item in the Sun News Pictorial until Dec 1941.
    Dorothy said in her affidavit Carl “disappears without notice”. I could imagine the SNP editor said to him “No Diana, no Swift” because female readers would be writing in to the SNP.


    But in reality Carl turns up in Camperdown as “Spotter”.

    One of my favorites is the link up to the chemist story – V for Victory
    He never directly mentions the affair of the local chemist but does indirectly mention the innocent accident of a trouser repair by the respectable married woman to the [chemist’s] trousers with V for Victory on them. Only the locals would get this reference to the scandal with the chemist who ends up in the divorce courts. But the sexual innuendo other readers would get with reference to Churchill’s V for Victory.


    Again it parallels the real Jonathan Swift whose letters to Stella were edited before publication which at the time might have been seen as pornographic content. The real Swift needed Churchill’s symbology so the reader ‘knows what he means’.

  2244. David Morgan on June 1, 2024 at 10:56 am said:


    If you can accept Swift = Carl Webb – we don’t know which is the fiction. He references Diana with Scotland a lot – which would be a good fit with Robertson. Her acute obsession with money he sees as a Scottish thing. He says he leaves his cheque book at work so she can’t spend money.

    In the happy years he shows himself to be fallible and Diana (aka Dorothy) right. I think he even talks about her as a picture of loveliness.

    He ends with in Dec 1941 “Diana…who cares”…and ends his Swift column at the SNP. I could imagine a bitter quarrel about her at the SNP that day and the shock letters from 100s of female readers that followed.

    They would have formed the #Diana-me-too movement to get her reinstated into Swift articles.

    There is a fake SNP pretender in 1949 (after he’s dead!) going through the
    Swift motions. They probably dug out his rejected stuff and revised it. They made it boringly repetitive always a section on medals being found.

    He had said back in the day he didn’t want to do the war medals thing. But I guess the editor won. Dead men don’t get a vote in editorial meetings.

  2245. David Morgan on June 1, 2024 at 11:08 am said:

    It would mean Carl Webb was the forerunner to Leo Keane and his script writing for radio with Vernon Lyle his old school chum.

    It could be ‘Swift’ was real and Carl Webb the fiction of Buesst. He only had to create some records – like the wedding certificate and add some “, Charles Webbs” to some newspaper adverts in the blank spaces.

    Perhaps the name Swift could be searched for in local records.

    The proximilty to the 1951 SNP article with Jonathan Swift, the photo of Carl and the divorce affidavit is a bit suspicious.

    Though my money would be on cartoonist Fred Aldridge who was mighty peeved post-war with the fat slugs moaning on about everything when he had gone to the war front to witness the massacre of great heroes.

    He had created a cartoon for almost every article for Carl Webb/Swift. I suspect he wrote the joke at the end with the cartoon. It was Carl who gave him the opportunity to become a journalist and not just a low-paid cartoonist.

  2246. David Morgan on June 1, 2024 at 11:35 am said:

    C.J. Dennis had everything Carl Webb wanted – a lovely house with bird spotting every day, writing poems and approval of the education system. He mentioned this as Swift.


    C.J. Dennis



  2247. David Morgan on June 1, 2024 at 10:25 pm said:

    I have found two good friends of Swift (who remember also isn’t doing national service – like Webb – and also like Fred the sketch Aldridge he doesn’t become a war correspondent.

    His friends are Jim L Thornley previously linked to silent movies. Though I saw JLT had a patent for a remote control. it could be linked to Carl.

    Another of his pals was air commodore U.E.Ewart. who he seems to rush to meet as he arrives from England (he was a squadon leader at the time – pre-1940s)

    Ewart was getting his degree 1917 in Melbourne. Carl was still in Camperdown a young pre-teen? an unlikely friendship?

    There was the Australian society/Association of Magicians.

    In 1920 the Melbourne, Victoria, branch of the ASM was formed at the proposal of The Great Levante (Les Levante) who happened to be in Melbourne at the time. Later a charter was also granted to an ASM Inc. in Adelaide.”

    They all seem unlikely close pals. Their magic circle might be the best direction to explore. I have written to the society about Swift.


  2248. john sanders on June 2, 2024 at 12:33 am said:

    C. J. Dennis, ‘A Morning Song’ (verse1/9)

    The thrush is in the wattle tree, an’ “O, you pretty dear!”
    He’s callin’ to his little wife for all the bush to hear.
    He’s wantin’ all the bush to know about his charmin’ hen,
    He sings it over fifty times, an’ then begins again.
    For it’s mornin’! mornin’! an’ the world is wet with dew,
    With tiny drops a-twinkle where the sun comes shinin’ thro’.

  2249. John Sanders on June 2, 2024 at 2:27 am said:

    As a coincidental though totally irrelevant after thought apropos my bicycle man Arthur Jestyn Richardson; You’ll know by now that he was born in Brazil, as was the other Charles A. Webb, an early SM contender from Victoria. Speaking of origins we hain’t heard nothing from your Brazil nut ‘get slanders’ co-plotter Pat o rato Valle. Wouldn’t doubt for a NY minute she’s still on the ‘locate not so dear Dorothy’ snail trail.

  2250. John Sanders on June 2, 2024 at 4:43 am said:

    End of the day I reckon you’ll find that your ‘Jonathan’ Swift (1910-76) might have been just your average Jo. Say a married, qualified grade seven clerk aged 30 who was a grocer and casual columnist for a local rag when conscripted for p/t duty in December ’41. He seems to have later volunteered for full time duty, and spending 90 days on active service in PNG post hostilities, then years later wrote a very well composed, word perfect letter to Caro concerning long overdue delivery of his well earned RAS badge. Oh, and my man had Jonathan as a middle name, got married to Poppy as did Charles Richard Webb, and like him. was also of the Catholic faith.

  2251. David Morgan on June 2, 2024 at 8:35 am said:

    Does anyone know what ‘slinging me Webb away’ means?

    or cold-footed cobbers?


    It is curious Jonathan Swift is repeating this and one month later effectively said he didn’t care about his Diana anymore.

    From a Carl Webb perspective – his dad just died 1939. His brother is away fighting and it is likely there is lack of information coming back (no letters), he just married Dorothy,

  2252. David Morgan on June 2, 2024 at 11:33 am said:


    The problem is the ordinary clerk needs to be having meetings with the magician the Great Levante, besties with Air Commodore U.E. Ewart, New Embassy club owner Roger Henderson, Jim L Thornley – silent movie guy, Max Meldrum – artist, John Dale – chief medical officer..the list goes on..

    The kid Charles R Webb wouldn’t have had the profile to meet those people. Also, he needs to be a genius puzzle setter/solver like C. Webb. Write poetry, and aware of political gossip – not just the local grocery store. It would require him to spend his days in a library reading American media etc.He wouldn’ t have had the time running his grocery store.

    The only other candidates are Leo Keane or Gerald Keane. Leo writing sports radio scripts – possible. Gerald – who knows – but he may just be too busy working to have his ear to the ground in terms politics and the arts.

    I’ve never rated Leo to be honest. He works in marketing and then representing farmers and he has a record on NAA which fills his time.

    You need someone not called up with either medical issues or objections about killing but then why was he pals with a future Commodore?

    The direction I’m looking at is like someone in the magic circle who are joined by tricks and magic and not political beliefs.

    When he has his curry supper with Levante and pals they talk about phenomena (like fire walkers etc) not war. I just don’t see those old guys being pals with the young grocer. I would have no problems with Jerry Keane being Swift except he has to be in Camperdown for 6 months. I think Jerry would have been here there and everywhere following some ballet or acting troupe. I doubt they were fixed in Camperdown for 6 months.

    Charles is just too young to be Swift or Spotter and to have memories of the fire in the Commercial hotel. He was never in Camperdown as a kid in 1911 with memories of events,

    It has to marry up with Camperdown and Domain road and Henderson.

    Ultimately there is a choice of 2 – Carl and Jerry.

    I tend to think Carl. Finding his Gregory Parable catholic ID might just be him exploiting them to get his ideas out and get money for a pastie.

    His Serfco ID was likely stuff he had written almost post-student and he could make some money from it.

  2253. David Morgan on June 2, 2024 at 12:34 pm said:


    One other interesting party is Dr CN Raphael – he had played and medic for Fitzroy – which was where I think Carl played – but I can’t find a trace of him at Fitzroy in lists of names.


    His horse was Jonathan Swift. He died June 1948.

    He married Ida 1934 – which fits with Diana in the Swift plot. He was mentioned by the Advocate – catholic?

    He could have been in Camperdown with the new polio research unit.

    Raphael would explain the high-level social mixing.

  2254. David Morgan on June 2, 2024 at 2:32 pm said:

    DR. RAPHAEL owns a strong team, including My Boy, Prince Sardis, Johnathon Swift, Enterprise, Mary Fils, Lady Marcia, a youngster by gilt Edge from Oakland Belle, and another yearling by Stardrift from Aurie’s Star’s dam, Aurie Anton. Peter Lowry prepares all his horses at Mordialloc, just opposite the Epsom racecourse. Lowry, according t Dr. Raphael, has fully 20 horses under his charge just now, and has met with a good deal of success this season.

    Just checking whether these could be the SM code:

    – Bobbin, Aurarla, Diplomacy, David Copperfield, New Yorker, Philande, Glenfin, Assura, My Boy, Jonathan Swift, Enterprise, Mary Fils, Lady Marcia, Aurie Anton,


    But no JS.

  2255. David Morgan on June 2, 2024 at 2:56 pm said:


    I suspect Pat has had to get REAL. This extended SM research is well suited to pensioners but younger people with a need to pay rent, feed the cats etc. It becomes a terrible burden. You can end up like SM on the beach when it occupies your waking hours and not how many burgers can a worker flip and increase productivity. So much more worthwhile to society.

  2256. David Morgan on June 2, 2024 at 3:33 pm said:

    There are 5:

    The Loiterer (1938 to Jun 1941) SNP wanted to kill him off?
    Jonathan Swift (1933 to Dec 1941)
    The Spotter (Camperdown Chron) 1942 Feb to Aug.
    Serfco articles in various rags near Albury 1947
    Gregory Parable – 1938 (around 50/month) – 1948 (1 only) (Advocate). His pamphlets advertised 1949.

    The fact Gregory Parable ends 1948 could suggest either CN Raphael or Carl Webb. They both die 1948.

    LSM software says all articles by the same person.

    Dr CN Raphael with wife Ida makes sense as JS but not running 5 IDs when he could stick with 1 as JS. He didn’t need the money.

    I wonder whether a library has Gregory Parable’s pamphlets or perhaps the Sacred Heart College in Somerton?

    Ida seems to be the wife admired by everyone. So ending her (as Diana) with “who cares” seems to be an odd way to kill her off if he was CNR.

  2257. David Morgan on June 2, 2024 at 4:05 pm said:

    The Raphael’s get a mention with JS:


    Could be a clever ruse to talk about them in the 3rd person if JS was CNR.

    Glenfino mentioned.

    Diana returns Dec 1939 – Ida or Dorothy?

    mentions ” Dame Swift” which he says was named after Diana by his friend Jim Thornley – the silent movie theatre guy JS is pals with.


  2258. David Morgan on June 2, 2024 at 4:24 pm said:

    Of course nurse Ida and Doctor Raphael may have got their wealth by other means – Glenelg Guardian..


  2259. David Morgan on June 3, 2024 at 7:05 pm said:

    OK. this is where the plot gets really interesting about Dr Cecil Raphael. His wife Ida’s dad was J.D. Williamson. His best pal Jim Thornley – silent movie guy and theatre owner. His other pals the Great Levante magician etc.

    In 1945 his daughter Marcia was critically ill with pneumonia but he uses penicillin around the clock and she recovers.

    He decides before 1947 to sell up all his race horses (perhaps he had 20) and become a breeder. All top-notch prize-winning horses.

    So the wealthy extremely clever doctor who has more qualifications than race horses dies suddenly aged 44 just months before Carl Webb.

    In the 1930s he was witnessing army manoeuvres in the UK like he was some top-notch general. He was also in Europe on medical training. The local police were a bit suspicious but accepted that he wasn’t some paid assassin because of all his medical buddies. But he is invisible like Carl on the NAA site. Yet on weekends he visits the recreation for soldiers that he helped set up. Something like 1500 get fed and entertained over 2 days leave. Did he wear his uniform?

    But Marcia Raphael left alone in the World? [mother?] becomes a model. But she wants to set up a union. She ends up in court – but I haven’t checked all the facts. There are lots of pictures of her.

    Potentially Marcia aged about 90 is still alive.

    But some strange facts. Dr Raphael’s horse was named Jonathan Swift. His friend JTs horse Dame Swift. Now in the column under Swift he says Thornley named his horse after Diana Swift – the fictional wife of Swift in the newspaper.
    Does it make Swift = Dr Raphael and diana Ida – perhaps 90% likely.

    Except if the LSM software is correct he’s left the SNP and moved to Camperdown. Though he does say in one article you just need the GPO to send in stories. Did he just get local gossip in Camperdown and write it up – like the chemist with his pants down on Manifold street. You imagine he saw it but perhaps he was told by Gerry Keane’s mother living in Manifold Street.
    Judith in the CC says its better than the GPO meaning he turns up every week?

    But did Doctor Raphael commit suicide aged 44 like Carl Webb aged 43.

    Why did his wife Ida give him the cheapest grave marker she could find when they had a lovely home and life together – “on the surface”. Just like Carl and Dorothy. Ida had diamond jewellery stolen that today might cost £10,000s and she spent £3 on his grave marker?

    It would explain Swift’s link to peer Henderson with Raphael being a high-ranking officer. Just nothing on NAA about him – very strange?

    Was he a medical miitary assassin who killed himself/others or a horse/football doper found out?

    Dr Raphael gave the Fitzroy team the name the Gorillas. He was their medic.
    but I believe he was part-responsible for their change to focus on fitness at the start of each season. Again there was a suspicion about doping in football.

    What also makes sense is the expensive precision chronograph that Swift says he owns. Raphael would be timing his horses precisely.

    So Raphael will know his own father-in law JD Williamson who will know Jerry Keane who will know Carl Webb.

    if Raphael (as Swift) is the puzzle maestro then Carl would be his man. There is a period when Raphael was in the UK – 2 years – but the column continues. Was Carl his understudy -studying Ida or was Ida in the UK as well?

    They travel extensively at one time to the Far East and they bought back plants.
    The breadth of Raphael’s real knowledge and qualifications match with Swift, Spotter and the Loiterer. Though the drift to Serfco and Gregory parable is hard to explain.

    Again another war hero who may have no grave and marker because he fell out with his wife. Even Carl Webb was treated better.

  2260. David Morgan on June 3, 2024 at 7:21 pm said:

    I have asked the Melbourne magic circle guys whether Dr Raphael was a member. His signature may be on amateur magician Bishop’s wedding certificate. A doctor the sort of person you’d want to sign. Bishop’s magician dad had cleared off to Honolulu – probably a bigamist. But he may have been uncle Cecil to Bishop.

    In 1942 he may have got medically serious because of WW2 and they set up some unit in Camperdown for polio. Perhaps other stuff was tested like Penicillin he used on his daughter in 1945 to save her life.

  2261. David Morgan on June 3, 2024 at 7:30 pm said:

    Penicillin was tested by the Army Medical Corps during World War II. Recognizing the potential of the drug to aid wounded soldiers, the Army conducted large-scale human trials in military field hospitals. These trials involved American doctors treating patients in the Pacific theater for infections related to compound fractures, soft-tissue wounds, and septicemia (blood infections)

    By May of 1944, the production of penicillin had increased to a level that allowed for civilian access in the USA. In summary, the Army Medical Corps tested penicillin during World War II, and by May 1944, the drug was being produced in sufficient quantities for civilian use.

    The first use of penicillin to treat an Australian civilian occurred in 1943, a year earlier than previously claimed by historians. This discovery was uncovered by a researcher sorting through old hospital documents at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. In summary, penicillin became available for therapeutic use in Australia by 1943, and efforts to produce it domestically were underway by mid-1943.

    Raphael was likely the researcher who tested on himself and his own family.

  2262. David Morgan on June 3, 2024 at 10:06 pm said:



    Despite opposition by the Crown, Mr Justice Martin, in the Practice Court yesterday, granted an ad-journment sought by Mr J. M. Cul-lity, for the defence, until next Thursday of an application to have premises in Swanston st. city, occu-pied by Christos Paizes declared a common gaming house. His Honour said that it appeared highly suspicious that defendant should have to go to hospital the day before he appeared in court.

    Mr Gregory Gowans, for the Crown, in opposing the application for the adjournment, submitted an affidavit by Inspector Abley, of the gaming police, in which he stated that he had reason for suspecting that baccarat was played on the premises. Mr Gowans said that there had already been delay since the proceedings had been instituted on May 18, and the Crown suspected that further delay would enable the occupier to carry on what the police suspected to be a baccarat school.

    Dr Cecil Neville Raphael, of Brunswick st. Fitzroy, and Glenferrie rd. Hawthorn, gave evidence that Paizes was suffering from lumbar osteoarthritis and fibrositis. Witness had ordered his removal to a private hospital, and had visited him there.

    His Honour: Would there be any danger if he were brought here today?

    Dr Raphael: No danger to his life, only aggravation of the pain. He could be brought on a stretcher. As long as he was lying down he was out of pain.

    His Honour said that he felt that he must grant the adjournment. If the matter came before him the defendant would find it very hard to get another adjournment. His Honour suggested that a doctor instructed by the Crown should examine Paizes in hospital.

    Mr J. M. Culllty and Mr T. W. Smith (instructed by Mr R. H. Dunn) appeared for Paizes.

  2263. David Morgan on June 3, 2024 at 10:17 pm said:

    Army Medical Corps.

    Australian Army Medical Corps.—To be Captain
    {provisionally) supernumerary to the establishment pending
    absorption—Cecil Neville Raphael. 17th October, 1930.

    Yet no NAA record?

    Travels to Europe (medical training, police suspicious?) and to the UK – observer. Noticed injured flown from pseudo-battle field ‘in training’.

  2264. David Morgan on June 4, 2024 at 5:31 am said:

    Fixing the tree for Cecil Neville Raphael, I haven’t located his birth certificate but he may have been born in the UK/other I guess. No NAA record to check.


    The automated AI’ers of familysearch say he was born 1905 like Carl Webb. His vague stone in the crematorium seems to suggest 1904 based on ’44’ but it could have been put years later as an afterthought by the cemetery not by a wealthy family. Was he really cremated with a Jewish doctor dad still alive?

    It would be interesting to find his will and codicil. I suspect he left Ida without money as she died 1948 as well. His daughter became a model, She wasn’t starting at the top with race-horses and villas like ida.

    Maria also may have been born in the UK on his 2 year visit where perhaps he spent time with Roger Henderson so he could write about him in 1941.

    But amazing that Raphael had a degree in Science (like metallurgy) then medicine and then surgery. His dad was a doctor. Some of his surgery examples exist in Australian academia. But he treated his own daughter with penicillin in 1945 when it was the new wonder drug.

  2265. David Morgan on June 4, 2024 at 9:27 pm said:

    One aspect I have not seen written about is an arrival of a Greek mafia-style groups to Australia during WW2. Suddenly they own everything – shops, property and racehorses. They may have bought up debts and then everyone was in hock to them.

    The professional gentleman who had gambling debts who in the past could keep it a polite conversation in a club would now have thugs demanding payment and they had to think of ways to pay up. Take their wife’s jewels and claim robbery.

    For example Dr Cecil Raphael I noticed was suddenly ‘a partner’ with the Greek fish shop guy. I mean how was the fish shop owner buying up the best race horses in Australia?

    1941 – I think at that point the doctors solution was to get off the tracks. But then as the skilled medic who would they ask to fix races or patch up the thugs after turf wars?

    We all see the big noise of the war taking Australian lives but we may not see the music of the thugs controlling the day-to-day activities in Australia who controlled the price of fish and if you didn’t pay up you would be swimming with them.

    That could be why Carl was on the beach.

    Years later the Greek mafia families were everywhere controlling some chaotic world event which usually involved money and death.

  2266. David Morgan on June 4, 2024 at 9:49 pm said:

    I wondered why the wealthy Jewish doctor who had owned all those racehorses had such a shabby cremation grave marker and Carl Webb the Unknown Man a proper grave paid for by the bookies. Criss-Cross?

    Perhaps they kept the doctor on ice for a proper burial away from the gaze of the mafia guys.

    His daughter seems to have lost all the property and wealth and was working as a model when years earlier she was living a luxury life-style. Now she was presenting a luxury life-style as a model that was no longer hers.

  2267. John Sanders on June 5, 2024 at 7:59 am said:

    DM: “slingin’n me webb away involves the dicing of all accessory carrying straps (webbing) that a soldier in the field is encombered with. As for “me cold footed cobbers”, I weren’t at ‘Caper Helles’ a’course but poor blighters what was suffered orribly from frost bite and trench foot towards the end of the lurk so I guess that works.

  2268. Johnno’s Aunty Flo on June 5, 2024 at 8:07 am said:

    Johnathan Swift is actually John Saunders! His trademark is his ability to produce a prolific output on any subject you’d care to raise. He once had a job writing the jokes inserted into Christmas crackers! They’d go off like a bomb and were completely unrepeatable! They were cypher mysteries unto themselves!

  2269. John Sanders on June 5, 2024 at 8:18 am said:

    DM: gotta admit it was nice of Ida’s second husband’s folks to give Cecil a mention on her own plaque and besides, at least he got to be put to rest on his pat malone, not like Jerry’s bones what got squashed down on top of two other skellingtons from Queen Vickies reign.

  2270. David Morgan on June 5, 2024 at 8:45 am said:

    Remember the early days trying to find the car plant guy. He was likely Dr CN Raphael. He was a qualified scientist in metallurgy I believe as well as a surgeon/doctor.


  2271. David Morgan on June 5, 2024 at 2:36 pm said:

    Keith Simeon (aka Simeon Keith) Raphael was BOTH cremated and buried in 1947.


    Born in Glenelg.

    Keith’s son Lewis seems to have died 1940 living at the same address previously occupied by Dr Cecil Raphael. You would imagine Lewis was Cecil’s brother or dad?

    I say dad because Michael Lewis was married to Emelier Raphael the former Gilbert and Sullivan opera singer who lived in Alma st, St Kilda.

    Which is a curious twist that the SNP journalist Swift’s friend Oswald Bishop chose the name Alma the Court Magician.

    Is that proof that Cecil Raphael was journalist Swift because his friend Oswald Bishop lived in Alma Street with him as a child? That his mother was the opera singer Emelier who died 1944 who was also taken to the same crematorium as him?


    Potentially if Keith Simeon was cremated (like the rest of the Raphael’s) at West Terrace cemetery it means we have an empty grave in Glenelg with his name on it.

    It’s a bit like the Good the Bad and the Ugly where they are looking for the treasure buried in Arch Stanton’s grave.

    In the Hungarian Circle crime the girlfriend of one of the criminals keeps visiting a grave in Germany. She spends a long time on the ground crying. The police use elderly retired cops to spy on her. Eventually, they figure out that she is looking at one grave but her hands seem to move in the grave behind. Like she’s stealing the stones from it to put on her relative’s grave.

    After she leaves they search the grave behind and find it is full of diamonds. She visits each week to get one diamond to sell. I wonder if the grave said Arch Stanton?

    The point is the Glenelg grave may contain the treasure – a missing body?

  2272. John Sanders on June 5, 2024 at 11:47 pm said:

    DM: pretty sure you’ll find that the treasure was buried in the grave beside Arch Stanton’s, I’ll check with Blondie (Clint) it’s not too late. As for the mix up with the burial/cremation of KS/SK Raphael, Same gig with Jessie Muir Thomson, just one I’ve encountered; her burial at Centenial park and cremation up the coast at Port Lincoln, or vice versa…What’s with sister his Mrs. G. Phillips or is that just another enticing AI diversion ploy?

  2273. David Morgan on June 6, 2024 at 5:25 am said:

    Jonathan Swift makes you question your research reality.

    He writes about the wedding of Oswald Bishop and Betty Glew in Dec 1941 but the records say 13/6/41.

    Whereas Oswald Bishop (the younger) says he was married until 1947 to his 1st wife.

    His dad


    Who knows best – the journalist, the person themselves or the record?

    The phrase that was popular in Australia during the silent movie era was ” the moving row of magic shadow shapes”. I’m certain you can guess its author.

  2274. John Sanders on June 6, 2024 at 9:42 am said:

    David “unknown Morgan,

    OK so we got the two halves of Keith/Simeon Raphael sorta sorted out; The big problem now be trying to figure out the rest of Cecil’s kith’n kin, in that the tribe seem to be like your proverbial wandering Jews, all over the goddam shop; Make an attempt to track down an individuals rels eg, parents or siblings for instance and you get bamboozled from the very onset and when then they all end up at the same dambed address you know you’ve fallen into the trap. Worst of all there’s no connection to Somerton Man so you bin wastin your valuable time. Looks like you got us in a real bind this time mugger and Jo ain’t gonnna be half pissed with your abra cadabra Mr. Magic antics one iota.

  2275. David Morgan on June 6, 2024 at 1:01 pm said:

    There was a strange visual similarity to Charles J. Webb WX12725 and ‘assumed’ Dr Raphael.


    Was he a Red Cross chocolate silent movie soldier with an organised photo shoot with his silent movie mogul pal Jim Thornley?

    A propaganda soldier who could write long letters home published in newspapers who disappeared after the war.

    His NAA file photo negatives seem to be of a young man and woman. Swift did have a story about missing photo negatives of a chap and his girl…

    Is the other dead body Dr Raphael whose magic trick was to try to disappear in June 1948 with the Greek mafia money collectors in pursuit?

    did he need to meet up with magician Bishop to discuss the vanishing Doctor trick?

  2276. David Morgan on June 6, 2024 at 1:03 pm said:

    You can see the comparisons here – CJ Webb and Dr Raphael.


  2277. David Morgan on June 6, 2024 at 8:28 pm said:

    I was just reading the account of Yvonne Raphael who seemed to involve herself in an assisted suicide with Nembutal. She did work alongside doctor Raphael’s daughter Marcia for a while selling fashion stuff at “Raphael’s”.


    Like all wealthy people Dr Raphael’s money was written in trust – in his case at 333 Collins street. It shows there is money in managing wills to avoid paying tax.


    She said the guy she helped was a dancer. This was the nearest in 1949.


    The police believed he had quarreled with “yvonne?” and she struck him then he took her pills.

  2278. David Morgan on June 6, 2024 at 9:38 pm said:

    Look registered tomorrow from a UK perspective. Now that’s what I call magic…


  2279. David Morgan on June 8, 2024 at 12:13 am said:

    This Dragoman Quiz has some interesting quiz questions that makes you think of the Somerton Man and engineer Carl Webb.

    Dragoman – A dragoman was an interpreter, translator, and official guide between Turkish-, Arabic-, and Persian-speaking countries.


    An apocryphal story, it’s said that during World War II, the British Government Code and Cypher School recruited Geoffrey Tandy, a marine biologist expert in cryptogams, to Station X, Bletchley Park, allegedly when someone confused these with cryptograms.[4][5][6] However, the story is a myth; though Tandy did indeed work at Bletchley, he was not recruited by mistake

    Sure, I can help with that. Here are the answers to your questions:

    In the ancient Persian Empire, a provincial governor was a: Satrap.
    The poem “The Lady of the Lake” was written by: Sir Walter Scott.
    The term “Savoy operas” still attaches to the works of: Gilbert and Sullivan.
    A patronymic is a: Family name.
    Omar Khayyam’s homeland was: Persia.
    After World War I, some Western Democracies helped the Russian White Army to fight the: Bolsheviks.
    A cryptogam is a form of flowerless plant, and means literally a secret: Marriage.
    A crustaceologist must be well-versed in such crustaceans as: Crabs.
    Musically, a crotchet is a note equal in duration to half a: Minim.
    A crotcheteer is simply a: Faddist.
    The month of March was named after the Roman god: Mars.
    Nepotism is official favoritism, from the Latin nepos indicating a: Nephew.
    Being on the qui vive still means being on the: Alert.
    A quinquangular figure has: 5 angles or corners.
    To the physicist, a point against which a lever is placed to get purchase, or on which it turns or is supported, is a: Fulcrum.
    Iago, Cassio, Emilia— all figures in Shakespeare’s: Othello.
    Jonah was supposed to remain in the belly of the big legendary sea monster that swallowed him for: Three days and three nights.
    The novelist who wrote “The Call of the Wild” was: Jack London.
    Italy’s Stromboli is a: Volcano.
    When two straight lines intersect, the resultant vertical (opposite) angles are: Equal.
    A shillelagh (in song and story and grim reality) is an Irish: Cudgel.
    The positive pole of an electric current is the anode, and the negative pole is the: Cathode.
    The two great rivers of the fertile plain where Babylon was built were the Euphrates and the: Tigris.
    In the movies and in true history, Kit Carson was a: Fine US Army frontiersman.

  2280. David Morgan on June 8, 2024 at 7:41 am said:

    Going back through the quiz answers I tried to match the mindset of the quiz master with newspaper articles:

    Is the answer 5 times to Dragoman quizzes in the SNP in 1946. It suggests someone trying to educate the public into the ancient Persian empire. Like a RoK reader.

    Sir Walter Scott.
    “lame boy who became Britain’s most successful writer” SNP

    “Savoy operas” but used widely.
    SNP: Jonathan Swift.

    e.g. SNP Swift 1941.

    SNP – covered widely. Swift 1933 and 1940.

    Douglas Wilkie SNP but also Swift 1936.

    SNP Dragoman – 1937.
    “cryptogam correspondence must now cease, please!”
    but not by JS.

    Crustaceologist SNP 1946 Dragoman.
    A crotcheteer SNP J.A.V.S.

    Mars – SNP Dragoman (Roman gods frequent topic)

    Nepotism – covered widely – politicial/banking including SNP

    qui vive SNP (JS’s article by JM Rohan – sporting globe “usually”)

    quinquangular – SNP 1-off Dragoman

    Fulcrum. best example: JS. 1941.

    Othello – widely covered inc SNP.

    Jonah – often a quiz question/answer inc SNP

    Jack London – during WW2 old films returned to cinema. Covered widely.

    Stromboli – The name Cincotta was in the news about a legless US guy evicted by his dad. but it may relate to a local migrant GIUSEPPE CINCOTTA who was from Stromboli in various news media – or ‘local knowledge’

    When two straight lines intersect, angles are: Equal Dragoman quiz question. SNP.

    A shillelagh – song in local concerts – might suggest Irish person. Also name of racehorse in the 1930s. covered widely in newspapers.

    anode – repeating quiz question from 1940 SNP. Dragoman

    Tigris. in the news covered widely.

    Generally the SNP and quizzer Dragoman and some Jonathan Swift.

  2281. John Sanders on June 8, 2024 at 1:38 pm said:

    DM: @Percy Favatt and Billy O’Brien teamed up in 1936 to compose the number “With me Shillalagh under me arm and a twinkle in me eye I’ll be off to Tipperary in the Morning”. Irish as Paddy’s poodle so you can bet not too many got that’n right.

  2282. https://lens.monash.edu/@medicine-health/2023/11/21/1386242/a-forensic-feat-solving-the-mystery-of-the-sandy-point-man?amp=1

    There is an Australian precedent for coronial confirmation of identity using genetic genealogy. Last year the Victorian coroner formally confirmed the identity of Christopher Luke Moore, a Gippsland farmer who drowned in 1928. DNA was extracted from his skeleton, which was found by a snorkeler in 2017. Colleen Fitzpatrick was a key player in the investigation & forensic genealogy work.

    Thank you to Furphy who gave me details of an event discussing this case, being held at the Public Records Office of Victoria later this month.

    @ David – I’m not sure whether you saw my comment on another thread, the columnist Johnathan Swift was C Spensley Waight. I think Marcia Hill, Dr CN Raphael’s daughter, is still alive. She featured in a Victorian racing magazine in 2022.


  2283. David Morgan on June 8, 2024 at 6:53 pm said:

    Between 1936 to 1948 Melbourne Journalist Jonathan Swift (a self-styled name) made at least 5 references to the RoK.

    He made one reference to Sir Granville Bantock’s musical interpretation which he praises.

    Another reference references him.

    He probably leaves the SNP Dec 1941 with a final article for Jan 1942 with a parody RoK version ending “May Allah go with thee”

    The SM code may be another parody version.

    If you were to compare that to any other journalist in that period they would likely mention the Rhubaiyat ZERO times.

    Mr R.F, Hodge who was a headmaster who had taught literature and gave public talks – gave one on the RoK over a similar time-period.

    What does that tell you about Melbournian Jonathan Swift?

  2284. John Sanders on June 9, 2024 at 12:21 am said:

    Jo: good yarn about poor C. L. Moore (no more). A million other stories out, some of them more embellished than yours. Lke f’rinstance, Buffalo farmer C.L. Moore was identified by his family from local dental work found on a washed up detached lower mandible a month after his disappearance. This being ratified by affirmation of the then coroner following a short inquest, the remains then being interred in the Moore family plot. Couple of things that bother me a bit, in hindsight of course, being (1), how a skeleton could remain preserved and intact sans lower jaw for so long on a particularly wild & rocky stretch of coast line? (2), why the forensic team, as far as we’re aware didn’t submit the intact fully toothed manible to comparison testing which would have circumvented need for years of gene tracing for family matching &c.?..and (3) from my own skeptics point of view, how is it that the intact skelington measured 170 cms or just under 5′ 7″ whereas the subject on signing up for WW1 at age 18 and 1 month was over 5′ 9″ or 176cms and likely to be a deal taller when fully mature?

  2285. John Sanders on June 9, 2024 at 1:52 am said:

    ….and of course what senior reseach fellow (sheila) Dadna Hartman didn’t bother with is what happened to Christopher Moore’s eternally faithful widow Liz and four year old daddy’s girl Mary..Well worth researching and will not take up too much of your time.

  2286. David Morgan on June 9, 2024 at 6:35 am said:

    I have tried to write up my account of Charles J. Webb. It may be a little tricky to follow when I have so much ‘assumed’ knowledge of events.


  2287. John Sanders on June 9, 2024 at 7:54 am said:

    Jo: of course you’re right about Marcia, and for what its worth, F… Hall imo., the old girl is still punching above her weight at the track of a Saturdy. Not so ancient at 87 but certainly not up to flitting between London and Paris for freelance Manequin gigs no more; nor off on extended trips to exotic island destinations with Siddy and the billy kids as she had once been used to.

  2288. David Morgan on June 9, 2024 at 9:53 am said:

    “8 large and 1 small envelopes” “air-mail envelopes” – and “a very recent arrival ” by Jerry Feltus would disappoint the Somerton Man.


    He was sending off articles to newspapers and magazines (UK &US) hoping to be published. Up to 1942 he had been a great success with newspapers taking all his articles in Melbourne and Adelaide with his various identities (Jonathan Swift, Bodleian etc) but post-War the World had turned. His high-brow approach to music, art and literature was of the past.

    This was the pattern of his earlier success:


    It is likely he was sending off manuscripts to UK and US newspapers and some may have been published. We may find Somerton Man articles around the World in 1947/1948 on topics ranging from poetry, religion, politics and science.

  2289. @ Johnno – CL Moore’s jaw had been buried in the family plot. As for the height, I think Pete Bowes is the man to pursue this one!

  2290. John Sanders on June 9, 2024 at 10:17 pm said:

    Jo: thought I just said that. As for Pete Bowes, I’d say he might like to give us his take on how a skeleton could ramain intact and unoticed in a shallow rockpool; being subject to all sorts of tidal plus wild weather vageries for near on a century. And what’s more that the forensic team and journalists would have us take that at face value. Got the whiff of the Lindy Chamberlain / baby Azaria blood under the Torana dashboard forensic claims that turned out to be Holden factory overspray or somit.

  2291. John Sanders on June 10, 2024 at 4:10 am said:

    DM: your presumed man of letters is unlikely to have been @Jonathan Swift or Carl Webb, due to their preference for strict protestant values; nor in the case of Cecil Raphael; bearing in mind that the “May Allah go with Thee” praise is not a term of Grace encountered in the Torah. I wonder if it may have been Henry Salomonson or even my G. Phillips, neither of whom were known to be of a particular religious denomination. How does that sound mugger?

  2292. Peteb on June 10, 2024 at 9:45 am said:

    Pete Bowes is aloof from such mundane exclamations.. being so, we retire to our plantations.

  2293. David Morgan on June 10, 2024 at 1:20 pm said:

    I was hoping Raphael’s 20 or so horses would solve the SM code I haven’t found them all but…

    Madame Coue
    Lady Marcia
    Prince Sardis
    May fils
    My Boy
    Jonathan Swift
    David Copperfield
    New Yorker,,,some more…


  2294. John Sanders on June 11, 2024 at 12:18 am said:

    Peteb: only to be be expected after four score years in the wilderness; “may Allah go with thee”.. We to our many Mansions for some well earned respite then back on the trail of Somerton Man sans Robin.

  2295. D.N.O'Donovan on June 11, 2024 at 3:12 am said:

    Appeal to long-term readers of ciphermysteries (and to Nick, of course).

    About 18 months ago – or so – a reader claimed to have broken a longstanding ciphermystery (I thought it might have been the Dorabella, but apparently not). The cipher had defeated modern decryption methods, but turned out to be created by combining two well-known and fairly basic methods, both of which were known in Europe as early as the 13thC.
    At the time I commented that this might hearten people working on the Voynich text, but today I cannot find that person’s name or comment.

    Does anyone else remember the details?

  2296. David Morgan on June 11, 2024 at 1:55 pm said:

    Referencing “function words” that we all use unconsciously – like ‘Geddit’ help identify us.

    I kept touching upon this phrase “[apologies to] the shade of Samuel Pepys” which seems to track back to a diary pretending to be written by Samuel Pepys in 1920 when actually written 1916. Sounds like jokes of a young guy who is keeping up with WW1 and London.


    “My wife bestowing in her store-room the potted kittens and smoked side of jackass her aunt in Leicestershire hath sent us”


    Later newspaper articles seem to be apologising to it/him/her not Pepys.

    But then all the apologies to… were council meeting notes. Real or Fake?
    Somewhat like Leslie Scott.

    I wondered whether Leslie was left or right-handed and how he was working as a clerk unable to type etc. Even taking meeting minutes would be difficult. Did he have a note-taking secretary? How would the typist know what minutes to type if he didn’t make notes? Memory?

    The nature of the Loiterer, Swift and Spotter articles are Pepys-like documenting local and national events.

    other theme:

    Research coincidences:
    The Great Levante – Leslie George Cole lived in a 11-bedroom house in Sydney that became the Japanese consulate after WW2. 55 Drumalbyn Rd.

    Pre-WW2 the Japanese consulate in Melbourne we discussed before.

    Both houses are away from the road. A good security idea.

    One of Levante’s employees Conway was saved from jail by him saying in court he was obsessed with girls and was stealing to fund his girl-habit. Robert Butt was his son-in=-law and he also lived in the big house with Esme.They married on stage in the Tivoli. Oswald Bishop (Alma) was the magician’s understudy ‘supposedly’ married Betty Glew witnessed by Jonathan Swift. Her sister Bonnie hung around the Aussie theatre scene. Betty married an Aussie in the UK – so a bigamist?

    But all linked to Jonathan Swift from Levante to the Glews and all the consuls Greek/japanese etc -he met them all.

    You would have thought his ID was impossible to keep secret.

  2297. David Morgan on June 11, 2024 at 10:13 pm said:

    My theory is Dr CN Raphael was commissioned to be a war propagandist. He made up stories about soldiers for readers to be concerned about and to follow their story every week in the newspaper.

    Just like Somerset Maugham was asked to create a WW2 story by military intelligence about Roger Henderson and the conversion of a pacifist.

    For example, Ray Penhaligan who escaped an Italian POW camp in 1943. I think it was made up and with his Spotter identity he is talking about it.

    Then Gunner Gill – there was no Gunner Gill who escaped to Switzerland. There was a flight lieutenant Gill who crashed in training.

    My theory is Dr Raphael was getting frustrated with the fake plot lines and may have thought the only way to know the truth about POWs, the Red Cross and camps was to go there.

    You won’t find Ray or Gunner Gill on NAA. But you will find pilot Gill.

    C.J. Webb may be different in that he was an identity over-taken by Dr Raphael. A real person. Perhaps he insisted that his identity could be checked and not a fake Ray that would make you appear to be a spy. I imagine he disappeared in Jan 1942 for his Camerdown training. Perhaps he was being taught German and Italian.

  2298. Peteb on June 12, 2024 at 4:48 am said:

    Onya Johnno ..

  2299. Curio on June 12, 2024 at 12:23 pm said:

    @David Morgan

    Wendy Virtue as Wendy Garland has a death notice in 2014, but you can compare Pat’s debutante Dorothy Robertson photo suggested to the Wendy Virtue photo. Your discussion https://ciphermysteries.com/misc-stuff#comment-511794

  2300. John Sanders on June 12, 2024 at 11:31 pm said:

    Gordon Dreamer,

    Fifty posts in two days, mostly yours of course which must be a record. Well done. In re the suspicious writings in Alf Boxall’s DL ROK, my suggestion is that you go back over Bob Forrests notes on William George Stirling, illustrator for both 1932? and 1944 pressings plus the much earlier ‘Lotus’ all Engllish edition. There you will find the very simple solution to your conundrum, one hinted at by a late legitimate BS/TS poster. While you’re at it you may as well read up on WGS’ optical stereo lens for enabling police forensic detection of forged documents. Stay well & seek help!

  2301. john sanders on June 13, 2024 at 12:12 am said:

    Peteb: MHR

  2302. David Morgan on June 13, 2024 at 1:25 pm said:

    Just before giving up that the code is linked to Raphael’s 20 horses I wondered whether there is an Aussie pedigree database of horses for 1935 to 1948.

    Jonathan Swift – chaucer, comedy?
    Raphael wanted to switch to becoming a breeder.

    Interesting parallel (coincidence) of the mystery Isdal woman – my suspect’s dad bred pigs and they had complex triple-barreled lineage names for their pigs such as Lady Muck Swineland. She had the complicated burial as well like the SM.

    One story I liked was they turned down the name Pyjama Girl for a horse in the 1940s.

    To be a proper cold case mystery
    – complicated burial – not a cremation.
    – involved with animal breeding (horses, pigs, cattle)
    – use of fake names
    – body found at a mismatch location
    – body happened upon by witnesses (ideally 3)
    – suitcases found at train station
    – labels removed from clothing
    – DNA issues. Police blocking exposure.

  2303. David Morgan on June 14, 2024 at 2:11 pm said:

    I have tried to track chemist Douglas Clark Tait to see whether he was mentioned in connection with the Webbs or the Raphaels.

    It is more likely the Raphaels.

    1919 he played cricket for Tabulum.
    1924 He qualified as a pharmacist 4th in class
    1926 he became the chemist for the Melbourne Jewish Benefit Fund
    1926 married Clarice Atkin Prichard
    1933 lease of 111 Swanston St (next to Capitol).
    1938 paid in £10,000 to Atkins tonic pty with his wife (I assume)
    Holiday Manoora, Cairns
    1943 bumping into Spotter in the Leura hotel in Camperdown talking about his coal investments not his tonic wine.

    But that led me to search for who was selling his tonic wine and that led to Captain Samuel Phineas Ornstien who had some amazing illuminated van – like a 1-man fairground – with moving pictures, wireless, and giveaways and competitions.

    Supposedly (NAA) he was cremated in 1962 and has a grave marker in Springvale.
    Samuel Phineas Ornstein (familysearch)
    Birth 9 July 1883
    Death 29 January 1962

    But an offer of service 1939 linked to the Australian War Memorial?

    He may have been British or American.

  2304. David Morgan on June 14, 2024 at 8:06 pm said:

    I was discussing this puzzle with AI and it said Lewis Ornstien would have been a world class athlete compared to a marathon runner over the same distance.


    But was he?

  2305. David Morgan on June 15, 2024 at 7:16 pm said:

    Gangster Frank John Beaumont Allard was murdered in Jun 1948 but at the trial the police had not bothered to collect evidence. What happened next…

    In June 1948 a mysterious brown package of cash appeared £6900 addressed to a non-existent doctor. For some reason the police believed the money belonged to Allard without any evidence. People who tried to claim it were asked to provide evidence of the cash, twine and packaging. I guess where they bought it. I think the money went into the coffers of the GPO.

    Yet his will couldn’t be honoured cos he only had £54. He didn’t sound much of a big-time criminal.

  2306. John Sanders on June 16, 2024 at 10:29 am said:

    DM: Samuel Ornstein, bn. Camberwell UK has NAA files for both WW1 & 2. Can’t see how you could’ve missed him, unless of course you got your wires crossed.

  2307. David Morgan on June 16, 2024 at 4:14 pm said:

    Cameron Webb – modern engineer at BSE. Family likeness to Roy’s doppelganger?


  2308. David Morgan on June 16, 2024 at 5:49 pm said:

    Deidre Sylvia Wallach (Raphael)

    A Jonathan Swift lover died aged 96.

    “Proper words in proper places, make the true definition of style” J.Swift.



    Miss Deidre Sylvia RAPHAEL. What are the chances she was a teenage Swifty reading the SNP?

    Name Deidre Sylvia Wallach (Raphael)
    Birth Date 16 Jul 1924
    Death Date 25 Jun 2021
    Event Type Burial
    Event Place Springvale, Greater Dandenong City, Victoria, Australia
    Cemetery Springvale Botanical Cemetery


    Husband Stewart Nathaniel Wallach mentioned in 1944 Canadian despatches. Dad Franz a German. The Times called him Wallace and a correction was requested 1943.


    They were pals with the Finks whose dad owned the SNP who lived in Domain rd.

    At Scotch College it links him to student curator of museum and with a Bessie Aberdein bursary. He gets a degree in commerce years later.

  2309. David Morgan on June 16, 2024 at 6:14 pm said:

    Stewart Nathaniel Wallach.

    His dad Franz Wallach’s internment appeal. See how lucky Richard Webb was.



    Set free?


    High court


    Hun trading – so called an “enemy firm”


    Franz left more money than the race horse owner Raphael.


    Selling his stuff 1954

    I think Franz divorced his wife Mary after she was having an affair with John Brandon.

    It would be easy to imagine it was not easy for Richard/Carl Webb post WW1.

  2310. John Sanders on June 16, 2024 at 9:32 pm said:

    Frank Allard’s moll Dorothy Jean? Thompson, an ex St. Kilda Rd. whore had tried to brain the pommie bastard with a beer bottle at her Kings Cross Sydney apartment, before three hired thugs (two Melbourne) finished him of at Petersham near his digs. Couple of weeks before the hit Francis John Beaumont Allard had applied to Caro for his RAS badge for his time spent in the forces (MCE). Dunno what became of the hitmen, or Doff for that matter, could’ve hot footed it to Bute S.A. for all we know.

  2311. David Morgan on June 17, 2024 at 9:53 am said:


    it was the money bundle of £6,900 interested me.

    A man employed by the equity court stole £6,900 in 1926.


    the master in equity


    Herbert Smith (accountant to Master in Equity)



    This story points to the sort of betting scam I thought the SM may be exposing – my thought was horses being declared dead and emerging as a new horse when the odds were too short on a horse that was a favorite.

    We used to have a pub landlord in our village in Wales. It was a quiet pub – he didn’t care for the locals mostly empty. He was a scholarship kid like Carl Webb with some genius about horses. He would travel to stables – time horses (like SM on the beach) and then take his suitcase of cash to bet on one horse. Like the SM was he spotting the Ringer?


    King Tody = Wisdom… = Coil Boy.


  2312. David Morgan on June 17, 2024 at 10:03 am said:


    Herbert and Percival Smith disqualified.


    Perhaps Herbert took another path in the Equity Court.

  2313. David Morgan on June 17, 2024 at 8:02 pm said:

    I am still trying to find the definitive clue to who Jonathan Swift was in the SNP.

    This is one source of info – he is talking about a book? “Things I shouldn’t tell” by Anon in the Wattle club in May 1940.


    Did he co-author the books with someone like Gerald Keane who had collected celeb stories working backstage?

    Clues: Swinburne, ginger and dodgy legs.

    Was Carl/Charles Webb or Cecil Raphael a member of the Wattle Club?

  2314. Alan H on June 18, 2024 at 6:18 am said:

    David, if you want to learn of the writings of the era and area (or perhaps the predecessors) have a look at the friendship between Edwin Murrant and Andrew Patterson. The B in AB stands for Barton which was a popular group of families of the same era and area.
    In your vast encyclopaedia of bits and pieces would you have a list of German Engineers and Doctors who drove Operation Paperclip (Adelaide Division)?

  2315. David Morgan on June 18, 2024 at 4:24 pm said:


    Jo has just realigned my thinking so that Jonathan Swift was Jerry Waight. I am still processing why he seems to have left the Jonathan Swift character early 1942. Probably Dec 1941 – leaving some articles to print in January and where he went. My suspicion is he got divorced and moved out.

    I am trying to figure out how he was so connected to Henderson and Thornley (in Domain road?), the magicians (Oswald, Levante), the theatre (the Glews) and the poets and why he was singularly obsessed with the RoK and no other journalist in their articles.

    The Bread and Cheese Club seems to have been part of his life.
    It made sense to me he was the Spotter in the Camperdown Chronicle in 1942/1943 (for a short period).

    If he knew so much about the RoK why wasn’t he talking about the SM or was he dead before 1948?

    I suspect he was from Ballarat.

  2316. David Morgan on June 18, 2024 at 8:08 pm said:

    I don’t know whether I’m barking up the wrong Waight genealogy tree…

    But Henry (Heinrich) Ben Jahn left money to establish Ballarat zoo with Mr Waight (Jack or Harold?) as the zookeeper. The money was held in trust and invested.


    Harold Gerrard on his NAA file says he’s ‘zoological’ as an occupation. NX24501
    WAIGHT HAROLD GERRARD : Service Number – NX24501 : Date of birth – 12 Dec 1908 : Place of birth – BALLARAT VIC : Place of enlistment – PADDINGTON NSW : Next of Kin – WAIGHT NELLIE

    Yet Jack Waight was there for 30 years and hands over to Gillespie.

    ??lest we forget nx24501??


  2317. John sanders on June 18, 2024 at 8:12 pm said:

    David Morgan,

    A bit late to take the bait with Douglas Tait mate but, bet you didn’t know that your Gold Coast chemist late of Melbourne had earlier lived with wife Clara and pet hairy nosed wombat Carl at tiny NSW QLD border vil Tugun. Not only was Doug opener for the local cricket side post WW1 but, he likely shared the crease with 2 very famous Australians, a general who led his 40000 light horse division troopers into Palestine in1917 and an even more celebrated under height war reject who helped US trench fighters beat the Hun with tactical initiatives amongst other things. Both were named Harry, one dieing in bed, the second at the hands of a Nazi fifth columnist named John in 1930. Can you guess their last names, inits. C and L.

  2318. John Sanders on June 18, 2024 at 9:57 pm said:

    ..We both stuffed up with Tabulam, Nth. NSW (me nephew Jim lives there).

  2319. David Morgan on June 19, 2024 at 11:21 am said:


    Jerry/Gerald Waight had to be the witness on the wedding certificate of Oswald Bishop and Betty Glew – even though Betty got married again in England in 1955 to Aussie harmonica player Horrie Dargie. It’s as if the Bishop/Glew wedding never took place and there is no evidence of a divorce.

    Swift: “Among the pairs was one at which I had the privilege of being a witness” –


    I can’t find an NAA record for Gerald Waight – the nearest is Harold Gerrard – which could be Jerry? who says he was zoological in Ballarat and in the army a clerk. He seemed to have periods of sickness. His wife divorced him for desertion into the AIF?

    But he didn’t seem to care about her middle name Alexandra being written incorrectly which seems a misfit for JS.

    It suggests Gerald/Jerry Waight were themselves fake names for Jonathan Swift if they only appear when referencing JS. He would have had to start at college or somewhere.

  2320. David Morgan on June 19, 2024 at 7:36 pm said:


    I still can’t find a real reference to Jerry Waight (NAA/Prov etc) – outside someone telling me he’s Jonathan Swift in various newspapers and articles.

    The frequent catholic references by Swift, Spotter and Gregory Parable (in the Advocate) make sense. It is impossible to determine whether Serfco was catholic as he refers to Mr Grips in the articles.

    I wondered whether Gerald Waight was a trained English priest – previously in the military. It would explain Swift’s contact with high-ranking military officers.

    He mentions ‘sacred heart’ so I’m still trying to fish about whether Waight was linked to Somerton and the sacred heart college.

    The Burl Ives record about Australian ballads was linked to Swift (Gerald Waight) asking readers for ideas.

    I was asking AI for lyrics in the Ives’ ballads looking for an SM code.

    I now have 3 parallel plots – Waight, Webb and Raphael I
    have to disentangle.

  2321. David Morgan on June 20, 2024 at 6:46 am said:

    My theory is Swift (Jerry Waight) was aka Spotter was also aka Serfco was also aka Gregory Parable.

    Here they just start Mr Grips…

    Mr. Grips Talks About Pessimism and Cynicism

    Mr. Grips leaned forward in his chair and, smilingly, touched the arm of his somewhat austere companion. “Cheer up,” he said, “things could be a lot worse.” A grunt was all he received in reply, so he continued, “You know the trouble with you, my friend, is you have the wrong ideas about life. We are not the victims of fate. It is all very well for you to talk about Nietzsche and Voltaire, but are we to accept them as the authorities on life?”

    Then it was his companion who spoke, “Well, you see, Mr. Grips, I have known dismal failure in my life, have thought of suicide, but have turned to reading, coming here to this library to fill my mind, but only made myself more miserable. I thought I would chat with you today, so I came to your corner. I have read books of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Voltaire, but they seem to leave me still in the dark as it were, so I wondered if you could tell me anything about these men – as to their lives. Are their writings the experiences of their lives, or did they write for the sake of writing?”

    “Well,” said Mr. Grips, settling back in his chair, “Arthur Schopenhauer was a gloomy, irritable philosopher who cast a jaundiced eye on all women, shunning them like a plague as they indeed proved to be to him in his early life. He was born in 1788, and when he was 17 his father committed suicide, leaving him with his mother, who was of a certain literary standard, but morally irresponsible. Her behavior led to bitter quarrels in the home, and all this helped to further alienate the son from anything feminine. On one occasion so violently did they quarrel that she pushed him down the stairway, and he vowed he would never see her again. This vow he kept. But the real origin of his trouble lay in the contraction of a social disease, for which he underwent a long and unpleasant course of treatment, but was completely cured at the end of the course – at least physically. However, it left behind an overpowering fear which eventually became an obsession. He developed a phobia of infection which affected his mental outlook and influenced his conduct in many ways. He also exhibited suspicion of the actions of others. He became moody, cynical, unsociable, insisted on carrying loaded pistols everywhere he went because of a constant and quite unfounded fear of attack. He would not allow a barber to shave him lest the temptation prove too much for the barber when he saw the exposed throat. He was involved in lawsuits against Hegel, the famous philosopher as the result of a foolish outburst of that day. Because of his surliness and insane egotism he had no friends and spent the last 30 years of his life in a boarding house, a caustic and embittered man. In the final few months of his life his real worth was recognized. “His Philosophy of the will only slowly gained him a place” in the world’s thinkers. He explains in his three greater books as well as in smaller essays that his philosophy is ‘philosophy as set.’ It is true that he “has never founded a school; but as a critic he has an important place in the history of thought.” Possibly the pessimist was less in evidence when he sat down for that final breakfast from which he did not rise. That was in 1860.

    “Then, I think you mentioned, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche; he was born in 1844, and is spoken of as the tragic figure in modern philosophy. He was the son of a minister living near Leipzig, who, himself was a descendant of a long line of ecclesiastics. This background continually revealed itself, although he rejected the Church and its teachings. His parents had poetical minds, and a love for music. Nietzsche was an excellent student and a brilliant extemporizer on the piano. He was greatly influenced by the philosophy of Schopenhauer, but the solitude that he brought to his life was not of the same kind, or through the teachings of Schopenhauer. In 1869 he became professor of philology at Basel University where he remained 10 years. He was a careful and conscientious teacher devoting himself to his students. His first book, “The Birth of Tragedy,” appeared in 1872 and gained him a reputation. Four years later he obtained sick leave through eye trouble and in 1879 was pensioned from the University owing to brain collapse. It is said that this condition had been evident for some years due to one episode during his student days. A brief period of roistering resulted in a disease, which in later years developed as general paralysis of the insane with the typical delusions of grandeur, slurred speech, and collapses similar to an apoplectic stroke. He lived another 12 years, and died a bachelor. During those years he knew excitement alternating with depression, frequent seizures occurring with loss of power of speech and eventually a life of suffering ended with a convulsion from which he did not recover. He really loved his fellows, and strove in his writings to encourage them to ever attain greater mental heights at the same time his own mind was slowly deteriorating. He said of life, ‘It is not that life is terrible, but that it is so beautiful; for the desire to live is too strong in every mind to be overcome by pain or battle.’ Such were the views of a man whom some call the greatest philosopher of the 19th century.”

    Mr. Grips, looking at his silent and head-bowed companion, said in a gentle tone, “Come, we can go home together, and if you wish, I’ll be glad to see you tomorrow regarding happiness.” His companion smiled this time, and together they went into the street.

    But it is impressive how AI made sense of this transcript:

    Sucl Wre
    the views of n man wholl aism eoatb
    tlr. Grips, look ing t h sle raran at”
    ead Isen noddin i he iir. to i”
    teolonlt, “Come, we cns gOhelpp’
    geiiher, snd if you wish, l’ l bde in’s5′
    u to orrowg reggd a i
    to see yOO i- m Orro v s qed i hapP
    inoire.” His companion se s,, they
    smile this time, and togeelser
    went into the street.

  2322. David Morgan on June 20, 2024 at 8:16 am said:

    The point of looking at Serfco, Swift and Spotter is like a journey from Swift to Serfco – a journey to dark reflections and suicide. I suspect Swift (Jerry Waight) was on a journey leaving the SNP to the Camperdown Chron to adhoc musings. A period of upheaval where people they knew were dying in WW2 or old age.

    The same for Dr Raphael. He had sudden ill-health and some financial disaster seems to be forcing him to sell his race horses, quit his medical career and focus on horse breeding before he died.

    Carl Webb the same. Except he took hs dark journey to death to Somerton beach.

    But there is a common pattern of dark musings, ill-health, relationship breakdown and sudden death.

    Mr Grips article:
    “You know the trouble with you, my friend, is you have the wrong ideas about life. We are not the victims of fate.”
    “I have known dismal failure in my life, have thought of suicide, but have turned to reading, coming here to this library to fill my mind, but only made myself more miserable”.

    Two of them died 1948 and Waight may have hung on a bit longer. Perhaps as “getting around with..[Buzz] in the Sydney Sun up to 1953 “a career is fine, but you can’t go home and snuggle up to one”

  2323. David Morgan on June 20, 2024 at 7:07 pm said:

    4 identities – 1 person – ?Jerry Waight? – who starts 1933 in the SNP and ends 1947 in the Advocate?


    5th possibly Serfco (1947) …others.

  2324. John Sanders on June 21, 2024 at 3:46 am said:

    David Morgan,
    Seems Mr. Grips took his queue from Banjo Paterson eg., ‘The Man from Ironbark’.

    A grunt was all reply he got; he shaved the bushman’s chin,
    Then made the water boiling hot and dipped the razor in.
    He raised his hand, his brow grue black, he paused awhile to gloat,
    Then slashed the red hot razor back across his victims’s throat.

  2325. David Morgan on June 21, 2024 at 6:12 am said:

    Latest Claude 3.5 Sonnet AI

    Thank you for your question about the Somerton Man case. I’ll provide you with the information you’ve requested, including the clues and how Carl “Charles” Webb was identified as the Somerton Man.

    #### Background

    The Somerton Man case is one of Australia’s most enduring mysteries. On December 1, 1948, the body of a man was found on Somerton Beach near Adelaide, South Australia. For decades, the identity of this man remained unknown, spawning numerous theories and speculation.

    #### Key Clues

    1. **Body discovery**: The man’s body was found slumped against a wall at Somerton Beach.

    2. **Autopsy findings**: An autopsy was conducted, but the cause of death was inconclusive. However, three medical witnesses who testified during an inquest agreed that his passing was not natural.

    3. **Personal belongings**:
    – Unused train and bus tickets were found in the man’s pockets.
    – An unsmoked cigarette was resting on his chest.
    – His hair was perfectly in place, and his double-breasted jacket was pressed and in perfect condition.

    4. **Suitcase**: On January 14, 1949, a suitcase believed to belong to the Somerton Man was found at the Adelaide train station. This suitcase was lodged on the same day as one of the tickets found in his pocket.

    #### Identification as Carl “Charles” Webb

    In July 2022, Professor Derek Abbott from the University of Adelaide, working with genealogist Colleen Fitzpatrick, announced that they had identified the Somerton Man as Carl “Charles” Webb. Here’s how they reached this conclusion:

    1. **DNA analysis**: Abbott and Fitzpatrick used DNA from hairs found in the plaster death mask made by South Australian Police in the late 1940s.

    2. **Genealogical research**: They built a family tree of around 4,000 people and managed to find DNA matches with Webb’s distant relatives, including first cousins three times removed on his mother’s side.

    3. **Background information**: Webb was identified as an electrical engineer and instrument maker born on November 16, 1905, in Footscray, a suburb of Melbourne.

    #### Matching Clues with Webb’s Identity

    While the exact number of clues from the suitcase that match Webb’s identity isn’t specified in the provided information, several details align with what we know about Webb:

    1. **Profession**: Webb was an electrical engineer and instrument maker, which aligns with the technical nature of his background.

    2. **Age**: Webb was 43 years old at the time of his death, which matches the estimated age of the Somerton Man.

    3. **Origin**: Despite many believing the Somerton Man was a foreigner, Webb being from Victoria correlates with what police said at the time.

    4. **Marriage**: Records show that Carl Webb married Dorothy Jean Robertson on October 4, 1941, in Prahran, Victoria. This personal history provides context to his life, though it’s not clear if it directly matches any clues from the suitcase.

    It’s important to note that while Professor Abbott claims to have “definitive proof” of Webb’s identity, South Australia Police and Forensic Science South Australia have not yet verified these findings. The case continues to intrigue researchers and the public, with new details potentially emerging as further investigation is conducted.

  2326. David Morgan on June 21, 2024 at 6:26 am said:

    Claude Sonnet 3.5 after been given links

    Based on the information provided earlier and the context about Jonathan Swift, I can offer a description of Jerry Waight in his role as Jonathan Swift:

    #### Jerry Waight as Jonathan Swift

    Jerry Waight was an Australian journalist who wrote under the pen name “Jonathan Swift” for the **Geelong Advertiser** from the mid-1930s to 1942. This pseudonym was likely chosen as a nod to the famous Anglo-Irish satirist of the same name, though the Australian Swift’s work seems to have been quite different in nature.

    As Jonathan Swift, Waight was known for setting puzzles in his column for readers to solve. This suggests that he had a penchant for wordplay and engaging his audience in intellectual challenges, which aligns with the wit and cleverness associated with the original Jonathan Swift.

    #### Connections and Friendships

    Jerry Waight was well-connected in Australian literary circles. He was a **lifelong friend** of Percival “Percy” Jones (1914-1992), a Catholic priest and musician who was also known for his work in folklore. This friendship likely influenced both men’s careers and interests.

    Importantly, Waight was also friends with the renowned Australian poet C.J. Dennis. Their relationship is evidenced by a personal letter from Dennis to Waight dated March 3, 1936. In this letter, Dennis refers to Waight in friendly terms and discusses his own works, suggesting that Waight may have been writing about Dennis’s poetry in his capacity as a journalist.

    #### Professional Activities

    As Jonathan Swift, Waight’s column in the Geelong Advertiser seems to have covered a range of topics. While puzzle-setting was a notable feature, the correspondence with C.J. Dennis indicates that he also wrote about literary matters. Dennis thanks Waight for “the offer of a par” and suggests content about his books’ reception, implying that Waight used his platform to promote and discuss contemporary Australian literature.

    In summary, Jerry Waight, writing as Jonathan Swift, was a multifaceted journalist who combined intellectual entertainment with literary commentary, all while maintaining close connections with significant figures in Australian arts and culture during the 1930s and early 1940s.

  2327. David Morgan on June 21, 2024 at 6:29 am said:

    I wonder why it inferred Geelong Advertiser for Jonathan Swift..

  2328. David Morgan on June 21, 2024 at 6:43 am said:

    Claude Sonnet 3.5 explains C.J. Dennis – 1- verse from


    Jist to intrajuice me cobber, an’ ‘is name is Ginger Mick—
    A rorty boy, a naughty boy, wiv rude ixpressions thick
    In ‘is casu’l conversation, an’ the wicked sort o’ face
    That gives the sudden shudders to the lor-abidin’ race.

    Certainly! This verse is written in a distinctive Australian vernacular style, typical of C.J. Dennis’s work. Let’s break it down line by line:

    1. “Jist to intrajuice me cobber, an’ ‘is name is Ginger Mick—”
    – Translation: “Just to introduce my friend, and his name is Ginger Mick—”
    – “Cobber” is Australian slang for a friend or mate.
    – “Ginger Mick” is likely a nickname, possibly referring to red hair.

    2. “A rorty boy, a naughty boy, wiv rude ixpressions thick”
    – “Rorty” means boisterous or rowdy.
    – “wiv” is a colloquial pronunciation of “with”
    – “ixpressions” is a phonetic spelling of “expressions”
    – This line describes Mick as a troublemaker who uses a lot of crude language.

    3. “In ‘is casu’l conversation, an’ the wicked sort o’ face”
    – “casu’l” is a shortened form of “casual”
    – This line suggests that Mick’s crude language is part of his everyday speech, and his face reflects his mischievous nature.

    4. “That gives the sudden shudders to the lor-abidin’ race.”
    – “lor-abidin'” is a phonetic spelling of “law-abiding”
    – This line implies that Mick’s appearance is enough to make respectable people uncomfortable.

    Overall, the verse introduces Ginger Mick as a rough, crude, and mischievous character who makes law-abiding citizens uncomfortable. The use of phonetic spelling and Australian slang gives the poem a strong sense of place and character, typical of C.J. Dennis’s style in works like “The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke.”

  2329. John Sanders on June 21, 2024 at 9:10 am said:

    ‘”The Moods of Ginger Mick” and “The Glugs of Gosh”, C. J. Dennis. Published by Angus & Robertson 1916/17.

  2330. John Sanders on June 21, 2024 at 8:15 pm said:

    DM “Rorty” is manipulative, not “boysterous or rowdy”, ie., old Ginger Mick worked the system to his best advantage, he having gained experience in the cut & thrust of Melbourne Markets as a fresh rabbit seller pre WW1.

  2331. David Morgan on June 21, 2024 at 10:14 pm said:

    Spotter’s ref to Plain Ginger seems to be a nod to Ginger Mick.


    But another possible – Jonathan Swift is “typographical transgressions” starts 1941 ends 1942 with one 1946 appearance – or possibly something dug out of a drawer?


    The Odd Spotter – 1940 to 1942 back 1945. Seems like military service 1942 to 1945. But it seems quite late.

    It could be some imitation of Swift but the timescales match Swift again. Why would they both stop 1942 as well just as Spotter starts up in Camperdown?

  2332. David Morgan on June 22, 2024 at 9:16 am said:


    Considering AI has no actual knowledge of anything – it is just like dust settling on a glass table – and we say it looks like a picture of Christ – it is amazingly getting better each evolution.

    I am still trying to figure out the links and movements of Jonathan Swift. His Jerry Waight identity is hard to determine in Australia. No birth or death? 50% better than Carl Webb really for an unknown man. At least Dr Raphael had a birth and death – just a bit mysterious how the doctor died aged 44 in 1948.

    Stylometrics for Serfco – a baseline.

  2333. David Morgan on June 22, 2024 at 9:20 am said:

    Whether this means anything …tbd..stylometrics


  2334. David Morgan on June 22, 2024 at 9:31 am said:

    another stylometric Swift v Serfco v Loiterer v Spotter


  2335. David Morgan on June 23, 2024 at 4:19 pm said:


    I am still unable to find Jerry Waight other than aka Jonathan Swift. No birth and no death?

    Theodore Waight went out with a bang. Using gelignite on a funeral pyre.


    For someone who influenced writers, actors, musicians, poets, military commanders, politicians and even magicians it is very strange there is not a single photograph of him. The only attempt of an image of him was by a cartoonist.


    The only image of him looks like Carl Webb.

    The last reference in the SNP to the real Jonathan Swift included a football player who looked like Carl Webb. It was around the time Dorothy was asking about Carl Webb for her divorce affidavit.


    I showed these images to someone who had heard about the SM but had never been involved and they thought they were the same person. I.e. JW was JS was SM was CW.

  2336. @ David

    C Spensley “Jerry” Waight is certainly enigmatic. He is everywhere in the 1930s and early 40s and then disappears from the record. He wasn’t a member of the Bread and Cheese Club in 1943 (there is a memorabilia program with members’ photos – including a young George Dreyfus – Attourney General Mark Dreyfus’ father). There are a couple of records on Ancestry under Cecil and Cecil S Waight – including a birth record but I no longer have a subscription. I don’t think Cecil Waight had any connections to our Charlie, although the cartoon is uncanny! I’m wondering if Mr Waight went overseas after the war – eg to Britain or the US. I once knew two women who were columnists for the Sun in the 1930s and 40s – Moira Ward (Corinella) and Marjorie Tipping (wife of journalist Bill Tipping) – they’d have known, but both died some time ago.

  2337. David Morgan on June 24, 2024 at 10:40 pm said:

    It is the uncanniness that Swift was the only journalist referencing the Rubaiyat of OK over those years and creating hard puzzles that even AI struggles to solve. Some were designed to be impossible to solve. Like finding the genius needle in the haystack who tells you the question you should have asked.

    Swift was likely a member to 1941 of the Bread and Cheese Club.


    He stopped working at the SNP Jan 1942 – but probably Dec 1941.

    Cecil Waight was a draft dodger. A misfit for Swift’s constant WW1 digger refs and high-level military contacts.


    It was suggested to me that Jerry W was also a pseudonym for J.S.

  2338. John Sanders on June 25, 2024 at 7:25 pm said:

    For anyone at all concerned, I’ve been rather fortunate to have convivial and most fruitful conversations with two very personable cousins from the formerly affluent Phillips, Barton, Cudmore and Crawford clan. Both recall living in very near vicinity to Somerton Beach, one at rear of the Crippled kids home, in Tarlton Rd., t’other right nextdoor Cnr. Esplinade & Bickford Tce. as a ten year old with his war widow mum Nancy at No. 21 Both gentleman spoke freely about the topics raised that of course were about genuine family related matters that I have come to know quite well, and there was no mention Somerton Man, not yet anyhow. A couple of rather interesting points raised, is that my so called G. for George Phillips, radio dealer who is recorded in S & M as being at 21 Bickford Tce., same time as my elderly informant, is not known to him, though he is aware that one of his kin had served with the merchant marine in WW2 as did my George Ambrose Phillips of recent posts. The other point of interest being that an aunt Merran Phillips is thought to have suicided at a young age which, this along with my James Phillips being initally rejected for service due to malformed toes, may be of some interest.

  2339. D.N. O'Donovan on June 26, 2024 at 6:45 am said:

    [Nick, please delete previous; here is corrected version]
    Dear Cm followers,
    I have just read a bit of ‘wiki talk’ concerning the Voynich manuscript article, and in which Nick’s evidence for a correction references research he has published.
    The information was rejected on the bizarre grounds that Nick couldn’t, or wouldn’t prove that anyone had ever described him as a ‘Voynich expert’.

    In the usual way, a person with expertise in a subject has formal qualifications and experience that they apply to a given problem or object.

    A specialist in medieval scripts might apply that knowledge to the Voynich script – among many others – but then they are not a ‘Voynich expert’; they are a specialist in a sub-section of palaeography who applies that expertise to this ms.

    Within the Voynich ‘bubble’, I have seen the term ‘Voynich expert’ created out of thin air and applied to persons who have no formal training, or professional experience in, and who have yet to contribute a single piece of solid original work in any aspect of manuscript studies, whether medieval history, or codicology, or palaeography, iconography, or cryptography.

    The tag is applied by mates of the self-promoting sort of ‘Voynich expert’ who has little objective claim to any such expertise. But since what enough people say often enough tends to be believed, much mayhem has resulted – imbalance in the consideration given one theory or opinion over another, for example, and several publishing disasters when presses who have supposed that the tag ‘Voynich expert’ must imply the person an expert in some relevant field, or at the very least that they have earned the title by producing a great mass of valuable and entirely original research –but who then find after publication that the book is thoroughly panned by people genuinely expert in one or another relevant field.

    I don’t expect that any great attention will be paid to this comment, but I want to put it on record *somewhere* that by reason of the sheer amount of original research (and research worth the name) which Nick Pelling has contributed, and for his work in interacting with others, and clearly explaining not only how he reached his own opinions, but also matters of cryptography and statistics, and his years’-long efforts to keep codicology and palaeography to the fore when the interfering sort of ‘meme-makers’ were telling newcomers such matters ought to “paid no attention” because they were ‘too complicated’ and ‘unnecessary’, I would add my vote to Pelling’s being given that tag if he should want it.

    For my part, though, I think a greater honour would be to be described as a ‘Voynich scholar’. Handsome is as handsome does.

    .. which is not to say I think he should claim expertise in comparative art history or iconographic analysis. [smiley]

  2340. David Morgan on June 26, 2024 at 5:53 pm said:


    Old people are unreliable witnesses after such a long time.


    Sun Sea Sand and Sigarettes


    partridge street Glenelg


    Her parents will be selling her off the pier next.

    1938 only Margaret left so perhaps she couldn’t get a husband after the Rembrant picture.


    Unless Merran was the cousin living with them.

  2341. David Morgan on June 26, 2024 at 6:28 pm said:


    I still have my 3 candidates for Jonathan Swift (Raphael, Webb and Waight) but Dr Raphael seems to edge closer to the front. He can walk home from the newspaper (through Fitzroy Gardens) as he said he did and he did have some experience of writing about the Fitzroy matches and also as a younger man writing poetry. His background with 2 degrees one scientific and one medical also makes him a smart candidate for the puzzles. Diana is also like a super-anagram of Ida with letters added. Swift did mention a child once. Swift also talks about going to the UK and Raphael went on military manouevres as an observer/medic I guess. There is mention of horses by Swift – Lady Diana, Jonathan Swift (Raphael owns).


    My theory is he separated from Ida, quit as Swift and he moved to Camperdown for 6 months as Spotter in 1942.

    My only problem is I sense a Catholic guy not a Jewish guy because of the religious refs.

  2342. David Morgan on June 26, 2024 at 6:50 pm said:

    One other thing about Raphael is he had a dispute with one of the Fitzroy players about buying his hotel. I guess that ended his career there. He gave up horse racing and decided breeding would take up less of his time – I guess. He gave up his medical practice.

    After he’s dead in 1948 his daughter ends up replicating the life of his parents for magazines – except it was fake. She didn’t have the money.

    Perhaps Swift had a thing for Judith Thornley – as Henderson was dead and he decides to leave Ida.

  2343. Diane on June 26, 2024 at 11:52 pm said:

    Very few people are reliable witnesses, regardless of age. A barrister once told me, as a matter of accepted fact, that the best witnesses are agreed to be children of between 6-10 years of age and the worst, people in their late ‘teens and then self-important people between the ages of 30-60. It’s about the distinction between observation and over-confident interpretation of what is observed.

  2344. David Morgan on June 27, 2024 at 6:35 am said:

    This article is also like ‘exposition’ in a film where the actor tells you his name. I suspect “Leander” is a pseudonym for Dr Raphael. But why would a journalist use fake names?


    Like Dr Raphael – the journalist “Leander” seems to have detailed knowledge of horse genealogy.

    In 1934 Jonathan Swift discusses ‘Hobart’ convict bricks with arrows on them used in a building in Melbourne for a doctor. Which property Dr Raphael lived in used Hobart prison bricks?

    Leander was a name used in 1885 in the Fitzroy City press – how could a journalist in Tasmania in the 1930s have such knowledge?


    Swift also mentions Cowper in passing who is one hero of Serfco (I think one of Swift’s other IDs). When Swift/Serfco/Dr Raphael visited the UK on his military manoeuvres in the mid 1930s did he visit Slough and then Olney to see Cowper’s home?

  2345. John Sanders on June 27, 2024 at 6:45 am said:

    DM: it could well be that as juviniles, Campbell Phillips and younger cousin Hugh Crawford were conditioned into not mentioning a relative G. Phillips living in their neighborhood or possibly with them. As for Merran of the starlet looks from ’41 & ’42 page three Adelaide Ad. poses, her youngernephews has her death in ’43 at age eighteen, as being an abortion gone wrong or a related suicide; or in the case of my older informant, she having succumbed to asian flu. I wouldn’t mind laying odds that a certain Jerry Somerton aka G. Phillip carried the sad truth of his niece’s tragic demise with him to the grave.

  2346. David Morgan on June 27, 2024 at 6:53 am said:

    Dr Raphael makes a big thing about never betting on his horses. But was he lying?
    Did he lose his fortune gambling on horses and playing Baccarat with Carl Webb the Melbourne nit-keeper?

    Perhaps Carl Webb had two roles – nit-keeper and bookie/baccarat hard-man debt collector in 1948. It could be Carl Webb broke into Dr Raphael’s car and found his doctor’s bag full of drugs. But Raphael was a tough guy as well – former Fitzroy player. The police said it would need 4 men to move Raphael’s safe from his home but perhaps it just needed one Carl Webb.

    Why did tough guy Raphael lie in bed when supposedly 4 men stole his safe at 5am with his dog barking?

    Was Dr Raphael an unrecorded suicide?

  2347. David Morgan on June 27, 2024 at 7:08 am said:

    Perhaps Carl Webb’s suicide was nothing to do with Dorothy or his parental grief. It could be he stole the safe from Dr Raphael as a Baccarat debt collector to find that the man was like a literary god. It could be the source of his RoK. He could have read all his Serfco and Swift newspaper articles in a single binder.

  2348. John sanders on June 27, 2024 at 7:58 am said:


    In order for we of limited reasoning skills in deciding whether or not to accept whatever such facts you be referring us to, it might help if we were were provided with particulars of the facts at issue plus qualifications of your learned informant and the blind horse they rode in on!

  2349. David Morgan on June 27, 2024 at 2:09 pm said:


    Perhaps not exactly interpretation but then it is.. but looking at δ13C values in teeth. I wondered whether such an analysis was made for the Somerton Man. Knowing what he ate may give his ‘feeding country’.

    I have been looking at the δ13C values in the Karolinska report for Scandivanian bodies (which includes Case 16 – Isdal Woman) but it defies ‘my logic’. It could be local phenomena about animal feedstuffs but none make any sense to me, By my interpretation they were mostly American or Indian bodies found in Scandinavia which makes no sense at all.

  2350. John Sanders on June 28, 2024 at 5:15 am said:

    DM….whoops, Merran Campbell Phillips died in 1933 not ’43 as did brother James and as such newspaper pics were ’31 & 32. After her passing, the family moved from 31 Partridge to 21 Ferris with father D. W. Phillips as chief tenant. After ’38 with his death, G. Phillips replaced him and a move to 21 Bickford (then Madge) Tce. followed, continuing with interruptions under mysterious G. Phillips up until 1947; with a single year of tenancy by Jim’s widow Nancy and her ten year old son Campbell 1948 & finis.

  2351. David Morgan on June 28, 2024 at 12:55 pm said:


    I still have 3 players (who could be 2) afoot in my SM plot:-

    Jerry Waight aka Jonathan Swift who disappears 1942 leaving behind his fictional wife Diana in the Sun News Pictorial. You think he may have ‘joined up’ for WW2. But yet no NAA record for Gerald. You keep calling SM “Jerry’ which was the name they happened upon in Adelaide for the SM.

    Dr Raphael – seemingly being relentlessy pursued by criminals in 1948 – stealing everything he owned – even the safe. Also a big quarrel with a Fitzroy football player about not buying his hotel. Selling off all his race horses – one with the dodgy Greek fish guy whose family were later involved with international crime. Raphael attends court for a Baccarat boss to help him avoid jail. Suggests he has a relationship/debt with the Baccarat boss and the Greek mafia fish guy. Fortunately, he died in June 1948 to avoid all these issues. But a lot of Jonathan Swift references match Raphael – especially walking home in the 1930s through Fitzroy Gardens and Diana saying he had chums in the Fitzroy team. Also being a smart enough cookie to develop mathematical puzzles. He had also written a column about the Fitzroy team’s sporting endeavours and also poetry when young. Also playing football in the 1920s.

    Carl Webb. Tough guy whose brother was linked to the Gaveys. Potentially a nit-keeper who blocks the door at baccarat games where our friend Dr Raphael could have attended to June 1948 in Melbourne.


    In my ideal scenario all 3 would be one person – especially as Swift was equally obsessed about the RoK like Carl Webb. Raphael and Webb both footballers. Swift at the same registrars in 1941 as a witness. Carl as a groom.

    It could be Carl was on the trail of ‘fake death’ Dr Raphael with the code. The Raphael’s had relatives in Glenelg.


    Raphael physically was no push-over even for the SM.

    The fact the bookies paid for ‘Jerry’ could indicate a link of the baccarat nit-keeper.

  2352. David Morgan on June 28, 2024 at 9:59 pm said:

    Jonathan swift Plot:

    I think I have tracked down Jerry Waight. Geo Wensley (aka George William) Waight was an intelligence officer in N. Africa during WW1 who saw no battles but managed to get some medals. He wrote articles praised by his military seniors.

    He seemed to be suffering with malaria in 1918 and got back to Australia, He wrote an article about hallucination with malaria and the ship’s portholes were two giant eyes staring at him.

    He was married to Violet May Wade but then divorced 1926 and her name was Violet Maisie Waight. I suspect he remarried around 1933 hence fictional Diana. He mentions being attacked on a walk in the park with his wife but he held the one guy down for a while.

    Perhaps Jonathan Swift’s link to all those famous people was he taught them to dance. Did Violet Maisie return to the UK – was she a dance instructor?


    He was 35 in 1926 so surely 51 in 1942 (not 48?). He can still become Spotter etc because he needs to go on the run in February 1942. It would explain why Spotter didn’t cast the first stone when the chemist was caught with his pants down.

    In court:


    He was from Windsor UK which would explain being in Slough talking to the daughter of the telegram sender that helped solve the murder.

    Some interesting things about Waight (Swift):
    – he was a dance expert and was the chairman of the Victorian Society of Dancing. One article mentions 1500 competitors (paying members?) .
    He says he composed a tune called Barcelona for a Pasa Doble that disrupted the Charleston movement in Australia.

    In the 1920s he seemed to like to write romance stories that appealed to women. He had published book(s) as George Wensley Waight.

    AUTHOR George Wesley-Waight : ADDRESS Melbourne : TITLE OF WORK Between Ourselves : TYPE OF WORK Dramatic : APPLICANT George Wensley-Waight : DATE OF APPLICATION 21 Apr 1941 : DATE COPYRIGHT REGISTERED 7 May 1941 : WORK ENCLOSED? Yes

    You could be fined for sending a pornographic book in the post by the police.

    Perhaps he later returned to Windsor or used other names in other places – e.g. serfco.

  2353. John Sanders on June 29, 2024 at 12:59 am said:

    DM: on first Sydney re-enlistment in ’42 for WW2, new candidate Geo. Waight gives ‘Journalist and Radio writer’ as his pre service T & C. which didn’t get him any brownie points for any promotion during his seven years of PT service with ASCO canteens. Seems to have then retired to Essex with his WW1 pension and he eventually passed there in 1977. Dunno where Geo. picked up his ‘true blue’ culcha, Strine lingua and can’t find any Intelligence posting nor GW’s evacuation to Aust 1918. with malaria; In fact the WW1 NAA file has GW WIA France in 1918 (gassed), married .to Violet in blighty 1919 and subsequently RTA’d 1920. Also spotted in one of your related Swift links, he apologies for his American accent. What gives mugger?

  2354. John Sanders on June 29, 2024 at 1:56 am said:

    George Waight and wife Violent May landed diembarked on 20/2/20 aboard SS Magantic according to his NAA file; and whilst there is no arrival recorded for them with Customs perse, a Miss G. Swift, domestic does appear in their stead.

  2355. David Morgan on June 29, 2024 at 2:08 am said:

    Jonathan Swift..cont’d

    I suspect Swift was also a cartoonist as some of the sketches in his articles have W/ whereas normally the signature was for Fred Aldridge.

    It still doesn’t explain why his build in the cartoon of J, Swift he appears to be like a football player and not a dancer. But a strange coincidence with the Somerton Man who was thought to be a dancer – and yet it was Jerry Waight from St Kilda Road, Melbourne who was. Waight had fled Melbourne and the SNP in Feb 1942 because he had sent porn in the post like Dorothy Robertson’s dad and that it is likely he was a cartoonist.

    Perhaps they can both blame it on North Africa. The heat, the flies… the malaria..

    Swift’s contact with playboy Roger Henderson could have been he taught the stage dancers in his club. Which explains how he knew he was a good drummer.

    It also explains his attending highland dances – probably as a judge, If you search Trove with “Jonathan Swift” and “dancer” you get a lot of links.


  2356. John Sanders on June 29, 2024 at 11:11 am said:

    DM: more likely as not, your Waight-a-while, journo Jonathan Swift left for Sydney to inlist in February 1942, or at least that’s how his NAA service papers read; even though two months later he re-ups in Victoria that may or may not be related to his 1920’s conviction for obscene mail in south of the border. No mention whatsoever of any JWW having contracted Malaria during his WW1 service of course, which be consistent with other harmless related Somerton Man fabrications under the David Morgan byline..

  2357. David Morgan on June 29, 2024 at 6:24 pm said:

    Jonathan Swift. His first military career. WW1.

    It does take research – writing later in a newspaper about hallucinating on a ship – with malaria tended by a nurse.


    He was in intelligence in Egypt in a sense writing propaganda pieces. He was the soldier who writes home and it ends up in a newspaper.

    In 1942 he was likely doing exactly the same – like the story of the Gunner who escaped to Switzerland. Except the Gunner was a pilot killed in training.

  2358. David Morgan on June 30, 2024 at 4:09 am said:

    I have finally tracked Jerry Waight buried near Southwold with Peggy, wife number 3. Genealogy has it all wrong and I’m not correcting it.



  2359. David Morgan on June 30, 2024 at 4:24 am said:

    2 Wars Jerry Waight – Jonathan Swift.


  2360. David Morgan on June 30, 2024 at 12:26 pm said:


    You should love Swift – AIF man WW1 and WW2. Arrived from Windsor fresh off the boat and signed up for N. Africa. OK he didn’t pick up a gun but still the intention was there.

    Expert on dancing – asked to judge competitions – referred to as “the people’s favourite Jerry Waight” or similar gushing phrases.
    Expert on poetry/writing – sent drafts by famous poets
    Expert on composing
    Possibly a sketch artist.
    Military intelligence officer. Likely writing letters home for soldiers from N.Africa sent directly to newspapers. Ditto WW2 except he stayed home. But he got the uniform so he could play soldier. Get a sense of the mood of soldiers I suspect.
    Lord Waight Waight propaganda guy.

    3 wives. I’m not sure that was such a good thing. Though last wife Peggy seems to know who he was. Ena dragged from the happy Dandenong Post Office to write for the SNP (probably he’d told them he was off soldiering). Strange that she writes like Swift. Violet dragged from the UK and dumped within a few years in Australia. At that time he was writing articles like a Woman’s Own writer. Where a woman pulls a fast one on another woman to get her man – that sort of thing.

    Effectively Swift/Jerry Waight was the Somerton Man we always wanted. Military intelligence/spy/genius level IQ. A real James Bond who probably went to Oxford.

    Even his gravestone looks like he made himself. Trained as a master builder no doubt while lying in his hospital bed.

  2361. John Sanders on June 30, 2024 at 1:55 pm said:

    DM: You got three wives right, four if we include Diana…, but that’s about it.

  2362. David Morgan on June 30, 2024 at 9:37 pm said:

    Waight’s 1942 military career in Victoria seemed to have ended quickly for sending porn. But then I think he moved to NSW and signed up again. Now this is where it gets confusing because it says 43 months service in the L of C accounts dept? Then Interim army? until 1948.

    It says he started May 1942 but he was sick until June 1942 which gave him time to be Spotter in the Camperdown Chron and write a few extra articles until August 1942. Spotter said he had been in hospital. Perhaps he had malaria again. He was absent sick again for 2 days in 1943.

    March 1943 Spotter article – coconut oil for malaria.

    His wife had moved to 86 Elizabeth Bay Road. Was he going home at night from his clerical job in Sydney?


  2363. David Morgan on June 30, 2024 at 9:39 pm said:

    This was an interesting suicide by a Malayan in 1945 – in Sydney with a RoK on his chest.


  2364. John Sanders on June 30, 2024 at 9:55 pm said:

    DM….in other words no “Military Intelligence Officer”, no malaria or medical RTA in ’18. For a while there in the final victory lap, and like most diggers in France y’man would have been toting a big ol’ SMLE 303 rifle for to kill the hun. Think I may also have mentioned G. W. Waight arriving back in Mebun’ with his Violent English rose early 1920 and not ’18 as you would have punters believe, mugger.

  2365. David Morgan on June 30, 2024 at 10:43 pm said:

    Joseph Haim Saul Marshall is interesting because we have the RoK man Jonathan Swift (Jerry Waight) living a few minutes away in 1945.

    Where was Jerry Waight in Nov 1948? He has finished August 1948 in Sydney with his 2nd pen-pushing military career.

    A few examples of RoK stuff and Swift stuff in Sydney,..when Swift (Waight) is there – coincidence?




    or Swift Stuff



    I mean who is watching James Coburn and thinking Omar Khayyam.

  2366. David Morgan on July 1, 2024 at 6:34 am said:

    What happened to (Jerry Waight’s) aka Jonathan Swift’s 2nd wife Ena is like a mirror of Carl and Dorothy. After he dumped her she married again. Mr Gray. He married her (like Carl?) to look after his sick mother. When Ena got injured in a car crash he sought reparations not for her injuries but because he had to pay for a carer for his mother.

    The judge never said “Why can’t you help your own mother?”

    He got something like £600 to look after his mother. Ena got nothing.

    Ena’s 2nd mistake. Like Dorothy with Lockyer.

    One minute she was happy in her Dandenong Post Office job and the next abused by older men husbands who wanted her to cook and clean and look after mother and have children.

    Swifty never thought “I’m the problem. It’s me”.

  2367. John Sanders on July 2, 2024 at 12:28 am said:

    DM: just a coincidence having your G.W.Waight, J.S.H. Marshall and L.V. Keane all living in Sydney’s Darlo red light district same time ’40s, whatsmore, each of them an SM case certified writer of repute, ie., Waight’s ‘Between Ourselves’ , Baghdadi Jo’s ‘Just Between You & I”, plus Leo’s ‘Pajama Girl’ (musical based on the death of Linda Agostini) ..PS: can’t fathom how you could have overlooked George & Ena Waight’s happy honeymoon to Ceylon circa. ’30.

  2368. David Morgan on July 2, 2024 at 7:10 am said:

    Oh Mr Saunders what have we got,


    I forgot to give the main clue in the plot.

    “CAMEOS From Egypt” means propaganda stories for the folks back home. Then you need to track down the separate soldier stories “cameos” he wrote.

    Might take some time!



    “it gave the boys fresh heart for the new year”

    that really sounds like a digger writing home not some posh Grammar/public school kid like Waight?

    Remember Mr Robertson’s letters home.. and the rude sketches.. you have to wonder who wrote his letters and drew the sketches for him. Who in 1942 was in court for rude porn in the post. so much so that they prevented him signing up for WW2 in Victoria and discharged him. So he had to go to Sydney ‘with Ena’ and write letters there perhaps. He was clerical. He may have been amending his own records.

    For example, he says got married in 1919 to Violet yet he gets them to amend his record to say he disembarked 1920. So he nipped to Brixton on his way home from Egypt in 1920?

    There must be quite a few Cameos written by Waight across all the newspapers.

    I believe he did exactly this for WW2 – this time POWs writing home. In one he says if you want to write to one POW you send your letter to a GPO Box..

  2369. David Morgan on July 2, 2024 at 7:30 am said:

    Swift (jerry Waight) married Ena Bowman. She had two sisters. Edna and Muriel. Muriel saved a girl from drowning and Edna was saved from drowning. Muriel had a car crash and was hospitalised. Ena was in a crash and was hospitalised. Edna may have died young.

    Did they always compete?

    Edna was perhaps the more suitable one for Jerry. Perhaps she did herself in over Jerry.

  2370. David Morgan on July 2, 2024 at 8:21 am said:

    Jerry Waight’s early pal:


    I wondered whether Waight and Whyte studied together and travelled together to Australia. Perhaps Jerry was thinking about becoming a vicar.

    I still think Jerry wrote as ‘catholic’ Gregory Parable to 1947 – because Jonathan Swift wrote pamphlets to influence government and Gregory Parable wrote religious pamphlets on subjects like communism.

    The Advocate spoke directly to Swift via articles. It suggests they asked and he responded.

  2371. John Sanders on July 2, 2024 at 8:32 am said:

    DM: your narrative has all the suspect hallmarks of Gordon Cramer style ‘deep fake’ completely saturated with AI generated Jonathan Swift war surplus green line BS, eg., By 11 Jan 1916 country rag editors even in far off Come-by-Chance NSW, would know well the difference twixt a lowly battalion orderly room clerk likes of Geo, Waight, and a Divisional Intelligence Staff Officer ie. Colonel Buuest.

  2372. David Morgan on July 2, 2024 at 9:39 am said:

    In the light of Jerry Waight writing letters for newspapers “from soldiers” during WW1 …


    It is hard to know what is true and who was who. Was Frank the son of Geo Waight or just a made-up soldier?

    Is this true about POW Cooper – did the journalist witness the dog fight -or is this Jerry Waight the propagandist?


    Perhaps we can now consider Dorothy’s dad’s letter home as a work of Jerry Waight:


    It is amazing they didn’t censor his letter about soldier ratios. That must be a first.


    Would Australian JC say”chaps I know” sounds a bit Jerry Waight.

  2373. David Morgan on July 2, 2024 at 11:53 am said:

    RoK around the clock:

    The other possible interpretation of the SM code is Jerry Waight dance codes. People want the Somerton Man to be a ballet dancer.


    Jerry ran his dance society in Melbourne.

  2374. David Morgan on July 2, 2024 at 6:37 pm said:

    My other thought why was Jerry Waight buried in Walberswick?

    A search of Trove gives a single reference to Harold Latham artist who created a water colour of St Andrews Walberswick where Jerry was buried. I suspect he gave explicit instructions for his gravestone to match the wall.

    Artist Harold Latham had a lot of mentions in Melbourne but I couldn’t track down his picture of Walberswick. Perhaps the SNP or Jerry bought it.

  2375. John Sanders on July 2, 2024 at 9:28 pm said:

    DM: Your AI generated war correspondent Jack Robertson writing to his dad from France in 1916 could not have been one and the same with AI’s J. C. Robertson. Simple reason being that Doff’s dad, of falsely accused 1922 dirty ditty notoriety, being a lighthorse troop Sgt. never served in France. Oh, and you’ll also note that Jack Comber Robertson’s long dead dad was Robert not G.A. (Geelong Advertiser).

  2376. John Sanders on July 3, 2024 at 1:21 am said:

    Of course you’ll be aware by this late stage of proceedings that there was indeed another J. C. Robertson serving in France by March 1916. This might otherwise have helped set up your AI candidate, but for the simple fact that the “chap” in question was rather well known, and in any case much more likely to have been in contact with home through regional Queensland newspapers of the day.

  2377. David Morgan on July 3, 2024 at 8:32 am said:


    Jerry Waight (aka Jonathan Swift) opening letters. He could copy the content and send to a newspaper and call it “Cameos” with the approval of his officers. Even change the names a bit.


    You can take your pick of which soldier’s letters from France he opened.


    You have to think through – how did a newspaper get a copy of a soldier’s letter from France?

    Did the family send it in to their local newpaper? How exactly did it work?

    It makes sense that Jerry Waight opened the letters and found the good ones and amplified some aspect to send to a newspaper (censoring/correcting some mistakes). They say the soldiers letters were all opened anyway and censored ‘on the mail boat’.

    When Spotter started at the Camperdown Chronicle the sub-editor said better than the GPO. Were the GPO censoring letters to soldiers?

    The origins of Echelon (the paper then electronic version) – monitoring all comms and keeping records.

    Jerry went to the Lord Derby Hospital England after being gassed. By which time he was A/S/Sgt – area? staff sergeant? But it sounds like an admin role not going over the top.

  2378. David Morgan on July 3, 2024 at 9:06 am said:

    Area staff sergeant role during WW1 (Jerry Waight’s role)


  2379. xplor on July 3, 2024 at 11:10 am said:

    It’s entropy not code.

  2380. John Sanders on July 3, 2024 at 9:44 pm said:

    D.M: So now at least you’re admitting that Waight was but a mere “area (acting) Staff Sergeant” and not the high ranking “Divisional Intelligence Staff Officer” that yiu would have us believe. That took some guts; so I reckon there’s some hope for your redemption.

  2381. David Morgan on July 3, 2024 at 9:44 pm said:

    Jerry Waight aka Jonathan Swift in Walberswick in the 1950s/60s. But why?


  2382. David Morgan on July 3, 2024 at 9:57 pm said:

    Jerry’s grave in Walberswick. Quite prominent. Perhaps they paid for the church wall.


  2383. David Morgan on July 4, 2024 at 9:40 am said:

    I contacted a local in Walberswick who said he believed Dr Wensley Waight was his dad’s doctor in the 60s.

    That would be confusing. Did he train as a doctor post WW2. From dance to medicine?

    I wonder whether Dr Waight looked like Dr Raphael and his wife Peggy like Ida?

    Definitely the right Aussie-based one:


  2384. David Morgan on July 4, 2024 at 2:16 pm said:

    I wonder whether Jerry Waight was involved with the war graves commission post WW2 and knew there were no bodies buried under the crosses he was helping place. Hence why he checked the Sorrento graves himself and dug down 10 feet and found no bodies.

    1894 Barrel staves story:



    But equally, he was wrong sometimes. He said bushwacker Dan Morgan was killed near Hay and was corrected. Though I have read about 4 different versions of the plot so it is possible he had read another version. In one about 50 people surround the body. In another the face was cut off. These stories in the re-re-telling become bigger lies.

    But I was curious that after suspecting Mr Swift was hanging about the Catholic boys school in Somerton in 1948 as Gregory Parable perhaps deluded he needed to create pamphlets to be the real Jonathan Swift he was actually living directly outside St Vincents the Catholic girl’s school in 1946. So having sent porn in the post in 1942 he thought it was a good idea to live near a girl’s school in 1946?

    It could be he was taught at Catholic schools from 1946 to 1955 (or so).

    It was after this period of his life he moved to Walberswick, England was that with Peggy or did he meet Peggy in England?

    Was there another death on a Sydney beach in the 50s?


    But wait…


    I don’t think he was ever found.

  2385. David Morgan on July 4, 2024 at 3:10 pm said:

    Daunt’s obit in the Times – imagine he accidentally bumped into his mother in Sydney after 2 years walkabout…

    Published at 12:01AM, December 19 2013
    Pat Daunt was a leading figure in the development of comprehensive education in England. He was an inspirational headteacher and pioneering advocate of the educational principle of “equal value” which brought dignity and fulfillment to a generation of young people. In the latter part of his career this formed the basis of his ground-breaking international work in special needs and disability.
    A compelling writer and profound thinker, his 1975 book Comprehensive Values was one of the first and most eloquent explorations and affirmations of what comprehensive education is truly for, not merely what it is against. The book inspired a generation of teachers in the vanguard of the egalitarian tradition of comprehensive education.
    The origins of Daunt’s espousal of the equal value principle, which his writing and his professional practice did so much to develop, lay not only in his deeply held, enduring commitment to Christian Socialism. Perhaps counter-intuitively given his later opposition to independent schools,it also owed much to his formative experiences at Rugby School. Here, he felt he experienced the reality of equal respect and personal freedom within a communal framework.
    After a short wartime spell as a sub-lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, in 1946 he went up to Wadham College Oxford on an open classical scholarship. Having obtained a first, in 1949 he took up his first teaching post as a classics lecturer at the University of Sydney. Here, after an exemplary start, the return of the depression that plagued him in his pre-Oxford years led two years later to a dramatic disappearance into the Australian outback.
    His walkabout eventually ended a couple of years later when he bumped into his mother by chance in a Brisbane street. That reunion brought him back into the family fold and, despite missing the death of his father while he was away, Daunt shaped the rest of his life around his family.
    After 12 successful years at Christ’s Hospital School, Horsham, where he was a housemaster and senior classics master, he resolved to explore possibilities within the state sector. Unsure about how to go about it, he went back to the appointments board at Oxford University and was told that Tim McMullen was retiring as head of Thomas Bennett School in Crawley, West Sussex, at that time lauded as one of the best comprehensive schools in England. In 1964 he visited the school and was smitten, both by the young people and by McMullen. The following year he successfully applied for the headship.
    For all his admiration for McMullen and the work he had done to create a new comprehensive school of national distinction, Daunt’s arrival presaged a radical change of direction. For him the aim was to achieve exemplary educational goals for all, not just some, young people. This meant getting rid of streaming and developing a common curriculum resting in large part on integrated forms of study.
    Unsurprisingly, the remarkable nature of the work at Thomas Bennett meant he was in significant demand as a lecturer on HMI and local authority courses and in university departments of education and from 1972-1974 he was chair of the National Campaign for Comprehensive Education. However, by the early 1970s, in Sussex and, indeed, nationally, the climate for comprehensive schools was significantly changing. This and the sheer hard work of headship was taking its toll. In 1973 Daunt resigned his post.
    Daunt next moved to Brussels to work in the field of special needs and disabilities. In February 1974 he began what was to be 13½ years’ pioneering international work for the European Union and, subsequently, UNESCO.
    He was the author of the first proposals for EU action on special needs education; first head of the EU Bureau for Action in Favour of Disabled People; UNESCO consultant for the reform of special educational needs in Romania, and subsequently honorary president of their national association, RENINCO. These only gesture at the range and depth of his contribution to the field, which, among other things, led to the setting up of the European Disability Forum.
    His commitment to the traditions of comprehensive education were demonstrated when he expressed his profound disquiet on hearing a newly appointed headteacher proudly proclaim that he wanted the best for his pupils. Reflecting on what many, now more than then, would regard as a legitimate, even a laudable, headteacherly aspiration, he insisted: “I was shocked because what I was committed to was not being the best school — but for all schools to be good; for all children to have the best education.”
    Daunt is survived by a widow, Jean, and by three sons and a daughter.
    Pat Daunt, educationalist, was born on February 19, 1925. He died on November 6, 2013, aged 88

  2386. David Morgan on July 4, 2024 at 6:41 pm said:

    Apparently, this was Jerry Waight’s (Jonathan Swift’s) last home in Suffolk. He seemed to have hit the jackpot with Peggy. But I believe he may have died elsewhere. Perhaps trotting his foxes or whatever dancers do before they keel over.


    He was also on the Walberwick cricket committee.

    Apparently Diana (Mrs Swift) had said “if they had bigger crowds at cricket matches it would wake up the players”.

    Just like his knowledge of dance he was into the techniques of bowling etc. Perhaps he had cricket codes as well like his dance move codes.

  2387. John Sanders on July 4, 2024 at 11:40 pm said:

    DM: somewhat ‘Daunting’ mugger, but a change for the better and as such as good as it’s likely to get hereonin, especially on such a misused, ofttimes abused thread.

  2388. David Morgan on July 5, 2024 at 11:34 am said:

    This George William Waight was breaking in to a young woman’s house in Essex and stealing her stuff [let’s guess her underwear… or perhaps documents?] court case Sept 1945. But it says aged 45 which may not be him. Also, the woman’s name is very similar to his wife’s name – his wife was Bowman and this woman Bullman. It is quite a coincidence.


    Meanwhile, George’s record shows him as sick 1944 to the end of 1945. He had the opportunity to be in Essex. He gets a lot of sick leave ‘at home’. the same as when he started and ‘I think’ he was Spotter in Camperdown.

    If you think back to Diana when he is writing as Jonathan Swift he finds her buying dresses as problematic. It could be Bowman is racking up debts he needs to pay and needs to earn money on the side.

    If it was his former wife who stole his documents and moved to Essex it might explain his 12 months absence from soldiering – he could end up locked up by the police for breaking in.

    It is a shame these old Essex court cases can’t be found online.

  2389. David Morgan on July 5, 2024 at 2:34 pm said:

    @JS, it’s why I put it in Misc…

    It is surprising how Swift influenced the Melbourne crowd at the time – and subsequently the World. For example, if Swift was feeding Webb with ideas of RoK and his relationship with Diane (older man and younger woman) as the model to follow.

    I was only in contact with someone today who does mysteries on cruise ships and I found Jerry’s take on her specialist mystery.

    Jerry’s final Australian address in the 1950s was 11 Hill st, Coogee and he was writing for The Stage.

    What is curious is Bodlander of Coogee was an engineer of German origin who was sending in puzzle challenges to Swift.


    It goes back to internment – which Carl Webb’s dad avoided and his boss at Red Point.

    Jerry Waight could turn up in Australia and claim to be 25 and English and would instantly made into a staff sergeant because he said he was a gentleman – not a worker. He could send porn or break into women’s rooms and steal their items and still not get a prison sentence. Whereas the JC Robertson ‘worker’ who did got 3 months in jail.

    He could take 12 months off sick and stay at home. He seemed to have got paid for it. I bet if you added up all his sickness during WW2 it might be 50%. Not even a verbal warning because he wasn’t a worker.

    It has to be considered why he sailed out to Australia in 1915 only to sign up in the AIF. Why not stay in Windsor and join up?

  2390. David Morgan on July 5, 2024 at 10:11 pm said:

    Jerry Waight deserves a mention on CM because:

    1. He mentions codes (OK often changes to football codes) but he drops in morse code and as his real identity dance codes. He goes from a long hand form to shorthand form over a few years.

    2. He mentions acrostics – I doubt any other journalist had the thought

    3. He does complex maths puzzles – like the bridge puzzles Carl Webb wrote in for – which could be the military fishing for code-breakers.

    4. He had intended to join up again for WW2 in Melbourne but his criminal behaviour meant he was refused. He moved to Sydney to hide his criminal record. He was allowed huge periods of absence from the military claiming sick – yet not saying what sickness he had. In all other cases for soldiers it was detailed.

    5. He may have visited the UK in 1945 and carried out another criminal act – lying about his age and had another criminal record.

    6. He moved his home address in Sydney from near the Catholic Girl’s school (Rockwall crescent) to near Coogee beach (Hill street) and his German code guy. It may be Swift was not the maths genius himself but the German code guy – who was a chess player – who looked a bit like a famous WW2 German. He did have trouble with internment.

    4. He had multiple secret identities as a journalist. I think some only lasted 2 articles and then they got dropped by the newspaper if they didn’t get a full mailbag about them.

    5. His real identity remained active in the UK. For example, I saw one example of a Children’s Christmas pantomime he wrote. He was doing similar for charity in Australia with newspaper people taking part. He was writing for the Stage in the UK suggesting his planned move back to the UK in the late 1950s.

    6. There are no pictures of him apart from a sketch that looks exactly like the Somerton Man.

    7. Apart from senior people like colonels and generals it was unusual a WW1 soldier was allowed back for WW2 to do ‘clerical work’ and then clear off a lot.

  2391. John Sanders on July 6, 2024 at 1:14 am said:

    DM: gonna tell the punters, how an obese 50 year old AIF corporal on home sick leave in 1944 gets from Elizabeth Bay, Sydney Aust. to Weathersfield Essex (15000 miles via The Cape?) in order to enter sweet Miss Bullman’s pad and pinch her silk nickers?…bit of a task that one, with the war and all, but as you say could’ve been another sexual predator name of George William Waight mate.

  2392. David Morgan on July 6, 2024 at 8:42 am said:


    He had 12 months unspecified ‘sick’ in 1943. Perhaps his wife had left him and he followed her to Essex. If you read all other soldier sick records it goes into enormous detail. He started his WW2 career with unspecified sickness. If you read Spotter 1943 he was ‘hobnobbing with death’ before May 1943.

    Were these both (like Carl Webb) suicide attempts after 1) In court in Melbourne about sending porn 2) In court in the UK about knicker-stealing?


    Waight started sick as a soldier after going to court in 1942 and didn’t get to Sydney until about June 1942 (almost 6 months). Then again May 1943 after 12 months off ‘sick’ at home. What sort of sickness is that?

    The UK George William Waight had a suspended sentence because he was a “Good soldier”. You’d need to find another WW2 “Good soldier” with the same name and age – except none existed. Most WW2 soldiers were kids not 45 year old blokes – apart from Roy Webb (perhaps) and some old generals.

    I’m afraid the knicker stealer has to be soldier Jerry. I suspect “the story” was made to appear like a pervert – but underneath is another story of a wife who took his stuff from Melbourne to Essex.

    Remember 1941 his last comment about Diana (i.e. Ena from the Dandenong PO) would be “who cares”. She must have cleared off. But she may have taken something important to him. Perhaps a draft of his new book or his military secret documents. Ena was writing for the SNP in 1939 in the style of Swift.

    She may made up a new name for herself. It could also be that Ena becomes Peggy in Walberswick. There’s no record of a 3rd marriage. They may have settled their differences hence the lying in court by both. She may have bought Mercers Hall in Walberswick with their saved money hence why he’s moving to cheaper and cheaper rented digs in Sydney as Corporal Waight.

    He’d already lied about his age on his WW2 form so why not in court in the UK?
    He was writing for the Stage in the UK in the 1950s – so he was planning a move by the 1960s.

    During WW2 was the Girl’s catholic school in Sydney like the Girl’s Grammar School in Melbourne near Charlie Webb – a place where military secrets were dealt with?

    It’s a little strange Carl Webb was directly by Sigint – literally next door and the Girl’s school for US/Dutch intel. Then Jerry Waight the WW1 Egypt mil intel guy was directly next to the Girl’s school in Sydney during a part of WW2 then he moves to Hill street and perhaps moving to be involved with recruitment (of decoders perhaps?). I doubt they wanted to recruit dancers. Perhaps he was working with the German puzzle setter/chess player Rob Bodlander to work out who was a smart decoder.


  2393. John Sanders on July 6, 2024 at 8:52 am said:

    David Morgan,

    S. Clifford, prolific writer to the Sydney Mirror WW2 on white Aust. themes, lived at 86 Elizabeth Bay Rd. same time as Geo. & Ena Waight. I just happened to be visiting the pad next door Elizabeth House (tourist attraction) two years back. Is it possible that he and fat George were pals, or dare I say it, one and the same?

  2394. David Morgan on July 6, 2024 at 6:35 pm said:

    I aked AI about George Waight’s 1921 story:


    Which was reproduced:


    AI summarised it:

    #### Summary

    The document provided is a transcript from the Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 – 1954), dated Saturday 17 December 1921. It narrates a story about a young woman named Hilda Morris, who is grieving the loss of her father on Christmas day. She symbolically sets a place for him at the dinner table, signifying his spiritual presence.

    Hilda is grappling with financial difficulties following her father’s demise and contemplates marrying Sir John Mortimer, a wealthy older man she doesn’t love, as a solution to her problems. However, a stranger named Ralph Conway arrives at her home following a supposed motorbike accident. Due to his injured ankle and the absence of nearby medical help, he spends the night at her home.

    During their shared Christmas dinner, Ralph and Hilda open up about their personal issues. Hilda discloses her financial troubles and her dilemma about marrying Sir John. Ralph advises her against marrying someone she doesn’t love.

    The following day, Sir John visits and insults Hilda, accusing her of being Ralph’s mistress. Ralph defends Hilda and physically removes Sir John from the house. Ralph then reveals that he was acquainted with Hilda’s father and was present when he passed away. He also confesses that his ankle injury was a pretense to get to know Hilda better.

    Ralph informs Hilda that her father had actually left her a substantial amount of money, which resolves her financial issues. Hilda rejects Sir John’s marriage proposal and hints at a potential future with Ralph.

    I’m not sure how it appeared in the UK underneath pantomime listings.

  2395. David Morgan on July 6, 2024 at 9:03 pm said:


    What confuses me about Jerry Waight is – 1/3/1915 he’s signing up for WW1 and the 8th Battalion then 19/12/1915 and he’s starting an Anzac appeal in the People in the UK. If he’s travelling to Egypt and France when does he have the time to contact newspapers. Does he have a telephone hotline?

    When he writes his Christmas story in 1921 (I assume in Australia) it seems to be syndicated across the UK.

    Just like Dec 1941 his article was in the Camperdown Chronicle.

  2396. David Morgan on July 7, 2024 at 7:39 am said:


    I think Geo & Ena were a writing factory with different IDs. Ena was in the SNP in 1939 with her maiden name. I am certain they went to the Camperdown chronicle. When he had to leave he said he left his column in capable hands – but who could ‘write in his formulaic style’ – Ena seems the good choice?


    She seems more risk-taking than Jerry.


  2397. David Morgan on July 7, 2024 at 10:07 am said:


    With the rise of Hitler, Australian Miss Eve Alwyn dancer appears from nowhere. You have to wonder what dance expert (like Jerry Waight) was involved in her development. It is said she is attracting Hitler’s attention and Nazi funding only aged 23 to teach in Bavaria and she has learnt a bit of German.

    Ena Bowman (aka Mrs Jerry Waight) or is that Diana? wrote about Eve Alwyn.


    Jerry was looking at encoding dance moves. Perhaps he thought you could get her to transmit spy messages via dance. No-one would question her ‘impressionist dance moves. They would assume it was all improvised.

  2398. David Morgan on July 7, 2024 at 11:38 am said:

    There may be a join of Jerry Waight to Carl Webb if a physical culture club was the number the SM was phoning not Jestyn. His body got bigger somehow. The cartoon of Jerry makes him look like a football player yet a 10st dancer during WW1.

    Perhaps Jerry was coaching culture club woman’s daughter Eve Alwyn for her spy mission.

    Eve disappears after 1939. Was she another fake identity that Madame Alwyn went along with?




    Which German-speaking person chaperoned Eve to Europe I wonder?


    and who was Margaret Gilruth?

  2399. John Sanders on July 7, 2024 at 10:47 pm said:

    DM: George was grossly obese by the time he inlisted for CMF partime military service in WW2. Reckon he would have been far too incumbered by the excess ‘waight’ to make it up the steep hill from his mansion digs at Elizabeth bay to catch the bus to his non essential work in the canteen at Victoria Barracks. It’s no wonder that he had to take so much time off, but when he found a more suitable place to dwell that seemed to solve the problem and indeed it took him through to 1948 Not much doubt that by that stage at age 56 poor bloke’s light foot shuffle dancing days were well and truly done.

  2400. David Morgan on July 8, 2024 at 7:10 am said:

    When Jerry Waight divorced Violet May/Maisie Wade he said he was born in1891 in Windsor, Victoria yet when he signed up in the army in 1915 he said Windsor, Berkshire.


    He said he met her while he was in hospital in Cheshire (recovering from mustard gas – WW1) and she was a clerk from Manchester.

    He claimed that when they arrived in Australia they lived out in Kerang and he built a house as a timber worker.

    Somehow magically he also became a dance expert and a journalist.

    He had written Hilda’s Christmas Surprise in 1921 one year after arriving in Australia with Violet.

  2401. John Sanders on July 8, 2024 at 8:32 am said:

    DM: And well may you ask. Just so happens, Margaret Gilruth lays claim to being first female parachutist in the colonies, just one amongst many feats of derring do. In ’34 she wrote her epic survival adventure ‘One Year Before the Masthead and ‘Me of the Never Ever’, a Territorian saga in the style of Jeanie Gunn. Much Later she joined up with her Kiwi heroine Nancy Wake in France to stick it up ‘Jerry and the square heads’… that’s who!

  2402. John Sanders on July 8, 2024 at 11:13 am said:

    DM: typo by the registrar’s typist., On his handwritten application he clearly states Berkshire..Mistskes can happen mugger; you should no that by now.

  2403. David Morgan on July 8, 2024 at 8:50 pm said:


    Yes but for researchers it can confuse. A clever Brit told me there were 2 GWW Waights. Which could be the criminal 45-year-old window climber. But I would need to be convinced.

    Jerry was bitter about his WW2 treatment. But he lied on the Sydney form about his age and criminal record. He was sick most of the time anyway.

    The clever Brit tracked down people who actually knew Jerry and wife and said they were both very large people – somewhat like Carl Webb’s brother-in-law Leslie. He also said he had some heart condition. I believe his wife lied/was mistaken on his death cert about his age. She said 1900. At a guess – he may have died watching cricket or going back to the hospital where he met Violet. He didn’t die at home in Walberswick.

    Again it shows that getting the truth about people like Carl Webb is almost impossible.

    This was likely Jerry’s last fake ID in Australia.


    Then he focused on the Stage in the UK.

  2404. John Sanders on July 9, 2024 at 5:25 am said:

    DM: suggest we pay more attention to what’s so patently obvious in George’s military files, as opposed to snippits of no consequence that makes for game changing fake news and shifts focus to a new and equally irrelevant theme. Frinstance, George Waight’s discharge after only a month in uniform early ’41 was lack of fitness nothing more. Same problems re surfaced during his follow up service in Sydney where a prolonged sick leave was due to bladder issues and a hernia that kept him out of action for a year. Full credit to the old soldier for getting his shit together, followed by three more years of uninterrupted service which you forgot to mention in your latest ramblings. PS: reminds me to welcome Pat and @misca back from their own prolonged (assumed) sick leave.

  2405. John Sanders on July 9, 2024 at 8:02 am said:

    DM: plenty of old diggers wanting a second crack at the hun upped their DOB to get below the 47 max age limit for the second AIF. Think you’ll find the same lurk undertaken rather successfully by Pelling’s pair of wrongly attributed SM contenders of a bygone era with their very own threads.

  2406. john slanders on July 9, 2024 at 11:08 am said:

    DM: George William Wensley be a tall order for a pair of over weight Waights with similar birth and marital details, then again why not. Just yesterday I discovered a second Nth. QLD based Beverley Dawn Gorman. I didn’t let on to Pat though, for fear it might be an intrusion.

  2407. David Morgan on July 9, 2024 at 10:09 pm said:


    Jerry was the treasurer for the Royal Blind Association in Sydney in 1965 living in a small flat. In 1967 he died owning Mercer’s Hall in Walberswick. Probably £2m at least if you wanted to buy it today. He likely died on some trip to N. Yorkshire, perhaps Whitby chasing the 1st poet Caedmon. 199 steps to the Abbey I read.

    Locals said he and Peggy were very big people and he had a heart problem. The Leslie Scott of Walberswick.

    I wonder why Windsor boy chose Walberswick, Suffolk – a timber house. When he lived in Kerang, Jerry said he built his own house with timber. His gravestone looks like a self-build.

  2408. John Sanders on July 10, 2024 at 8:02 am said:

    Even though t’was I what twigged to the bloke in the Werribee pic as Les Scott, I’ve now changed my opinion since and convinced t’were another one handed corpulent gent. In that case you might need to reconsider similarities sizewise t’wixt he and your GWW aka Jerry.

  2409. David Morgan on July 10, 2024 at 8:44 pm said:


    Yes, it crossed my mind that Les Scott was Jerry Waight in the family pic. He did talk about dogs in his articles. But the other weird thing is Jerry was dressing up as dames in pantomimes – so presumably clean-shaven and legs to match. But he called himself Gerry Waight when charity acting at the Apollo whereas Gerald Keane became Jerry when behind the scenes.

    I wondered whether his wife Jean Margaret Elizabeth Grocott was an Aussie – an equally large lady. Jerry was downsizing his life to smaller apartments and buying lottery tickets every week. But suddenly in the 1960s he got his lottery win that required him to up-sticks to England and buy a home beyond his wildest dreams.

    He said he was going to antique shops a lot so perhaps he found some precious antique and sold it.

    I hope he didn’t rob the Royal Blind Society blind when he was the treasurer. I did wonder whether they were trustees him and Grocott and decided to put the trust money into their Walberswick home. Technically it’s not theft if trustees spend the money on a property they live in and charge themselves a nominal rent.

    I wondered in that scenario when they died and no more trustees then what?

    Dr Cecil Raphael had his wealth in a trust fund but somehow it seemed to melt away. So his daughter had to become a model of her former life pretending she was having a day at the races.

    The SNP scenario that doesn’t make sense to me is that as Swift he said he got married 1933 which matched with Raphael who married Ida. Why pick 1933 randomly?

    In his Arthur Polkinghorne column – he mentions Gerry/Jerry Waight at least twice. It seems he wasn’t ‘out and about’ and had little to write about other than himself.

    I was suspicious why the puzzles disappeared after 1941. But then being made treasurer suggests he had some mathematical/financial ability.

  2410. David Morgan on July 11, 2024 at 5:06 pm said:

    Parallel Universe:

    I was looking at George Waight in Canada:

    “The General. Local actor and Beer & Skits co-founder George
    Waight (1892–1985) in 1967, beside a portrait of himself in costume
    as the General, a role he played regularly. Waight directed B&S
    right from the start…”

    Actors who journal or journalists who act?

    At least there are pictures of Canadian George Waight.

    Page 45:

    Beer and Skits club (Canada) v Bread and Cheese club (Australia).

    Waight twins separated at birth perhaps?

  2411. David Morgan on July 12, 2024 at 3:53 pm said:

    The only photo of Jerry Waight


    But it is likely a lie. He wasn’t recruiting in 1950 for the Korean War. The guy with him wasn’t young enough and probably not even the guy mentioned if you look at his NAA record unless Jerry was 6 feet tall by 1950.

    Jerry was furious about how he was treated during WW2. He may have wanted mil intel Melbourne not clerical Sydney then recruiting.

    This picture may have been his fake picture revenge.

  2412. John Sanders on July 13, 2024 at 12:44 am said:

    No doubting that the falsely claimed Korean recruit be Bill (Syph) Naylor of the Gong who served, as an infantryman in NG during WW2, being discharged as a sergeant in 1947. Of course the pose with recruiting Sgt. Waight is an excellent likeness to the NAA file pic, given that his true age in 1950 then being 31 not 26.

  2413. John Sanders on July 13, 2024 at 11:50 am said:

    DM: you’re right for a change, in that the big felĺer can’t be your “jerry”. Unless he happens to be standing on a butter box, reason being that, according to service records at NAA there’s only a quarter inch difference in their respective heights on inlistment.

  2414. I posted the following several days ago, but it never appeared here for some reason. Here it is again:

    Am wondering if another possible explanation of the “code” could be this electrical diagram that might have been similar to ones used for the instruments Charlie designed for RedPoint Tool Co. Note the “M,” “L,” “T,” and other letters that appear as first initials in the words in the diagram that also appear in the “code”. The small “x” and 2 lines in the code suggest he may have initially made a mistake in his drawing that he was attempting to correct. Could the 2 short, almost-parallel lines in the “code” be wires?


    I’ve omitted a 2nd link I included in the original post submitted earlier, which is the source of the diagram above. I don’t believe it adds anything to the theory above, but if anyone’s interested, I’ll try and post it again.

  2415. David Morgan on July 15, 2024 at 1:34 pm said:


    It has to be considered why the publicist and then treasurer for the Sydney ACT Royal Blind Society in 1965 did not want his photo taken even for his NAA file – or why one doesn’t exist. Also how was he the treasurer for the RBS while residing in the UK or how he suddenly he and Peggy had the funds for what today is a £2M+ house? As journalist ‘Polkinghorne’ he was talking about decorating a room with lottery tickets as if he was so poor. Also his frequent mentions of antique shops etc. Was he trying to create a fake story so locals would say “he must have won the lottery or found an antique”?

    You could imagine Jerry and Peggy suddenly with immaculate clothing stepping onto a plane in first class and arriving at Heathrow into a new life of privilege and a suitcase of cash.

    Another curious thing is there were 2 Jean Margaret Grocotts in Australia who died fairly recently. Was she just borrowing their name?

    She told the locals she was an original Mercer – but perhaps it was her joke about sheep and wool. Their Mercer’s Hall house had originally been the wool merchants guild house in Lavenham until it was towed on haywains to Walberswick. The house was sold so I don’t think it was passed down any line of succession.

    Potentially Jerry never wanted his picture taken because it could be matched to something criminal he did in the UK pre-1915. Also potentially he borrowed a name – he never was George Waight. It could be both Jerry and Peggy were both conning people all the way to the graveyard.

    I wondered why he showed no interest in the Pyjama Girl or Somerton Man story and yet he was talking near Slough to a barmaid about her dad helping solving a crime with a telegram.

    In 1845, a murder case was solved with the help of the telegraph system
    . The case involved John Tawell, who had poisoned his mistress Sarah Hart in Slough. After committing the crime, Tawell attempted to escape by train to London. However, a witness saw him leaving the crime scene and alerted the authorities. The key role of the telegraph: A message was sent via telegraph to the police in Paddington, London, to intercept Tawell . This was one of the earliest instances of using rapid long-distance communication to apprehend a criminal.”

    Why was he interested in Tawell and retelling the story to other journalists?

    Also 3 wives and no children and interested in ballet, dance, theatre and opera and dressing up as a dame. Was he not able to have children after WW1 and the mustard gas?

    The Tawell story is like his own – he got rich in Australia and returned to the UK.

  2416. David Morgan on July 16, 2024 at 6:03 am said:

    This is my draft so far on Jerry Waight:


    I have sent it to the Walberwikians to do more detailed research.

  2417. David Morgan on July 16, 2024 at 12:07 pm said:

    The first Sydney diary talking about Gerry Waight was written by George H. Jonston who was a famous war correspondent he gave up journalism in 1954.


    But then the name Arthur Polkinghorne was used. There were still mentions of Gerry Waight and a lot about the blind societies. Gerry was the treasurer of the Royal Blind Society.

    But perhaps seeing the record of William Edison doing his WW2 Sydney Clerical work (possibly deciding pension payments) Gerry had a light bulb moment. He may have wondered why Edison chose Polkinghorne…


    This may have been an inspiration for Gerry Waight to become WW1 George William Waight and get a WW1 pension. You just needed to know the history.

    He may have seen how the Mayor of Melbourne got sent medals by mistake and became a war hero and won government contracts – he became a winner.

    Perhaps Gerry Waight was the big guy Gerry recruiting for Korea ignoring the WW1 record of height for the identity he had assumed.

    Some Sun journalist (Gerry?) was trawling lottery winners names through telephone directories. Perhaps he was suspicious that the winners were selected and he was looking for a pattern. Perhaps like Edison if you had changed your name legally and had the address they would give you the lottery winnings or perhaps more importantly the inheritance… in England.

  2418. David Morgan on July 17, 2024 at 6:46 pm said:

    Gerry Waight was buying 6 state lottery tickets each week and then sticking them all on his wall. Did he have to travel to each State to buy one? It doesn’t seem to be about winning once.

    It has to be remembered Gerry was the hard puzzle guy. Did he think he could predict the next winning numbers by tracking the already chosen numbers. He was trying to use telephone directories to track previous winners and their physical location.

    Did he think the lottery machines in each State were predictable – not random or even fixed? It was 5 numbers in 1960 (I think).

    Perhaps Gerry’s ‘system’ by chance had the winning tickets and he moved to Walberswick buying his £2m house (I guess even £10,000s+ in 1960).

    As Polkinghorne in Sydney I think he mentions the lottery something like 72 times. It seems to be a bit of an obsession for a journalist. I think he only mentions his blind charity events or their workers less than 10 times.

    Somehow he gets from Potts Point to Walberswick. My guess is some clever system – not necessarily the winning number but perhaps lots of small wins like a syndicate.

    According to mathematicians at The University of Manchester, for the UK National Lottery’s “Lotto” game:
    27 is the lowest possible number of tickets needed to guarantee winning something.
    This applies to the game where six random numbers are drawn from 1 to 59.
    The mathematicians used a system of finite geometry.

  2419. David Morgan on July 18, 2024 at 3:12 am said:

    to arrive at 27 lottery tickets the Manchester mathematicians used 3 Fano planes and 2 triangles;


    3 x 7 points plus 2 x 3 = 21 + 6 lottery tickets.

    AI said it might require just 2 Fano planes and 1 triangle for a 5 number lottery. It didn’t show me its working-out. But still 17 tickets does not come close to breaking even if you win just £5 most of the time.

    It seems unlikely this method was used by Gerry Waight sticking all his tickets on his kitchen wall.

  2420. David Morgan on July 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm said:

    Jerry Waight made me look at Fano Planes and how you can win the lottery “every week” and lose money.

    AI predicted:
    Total spent: £5,616
    Expected winnings from 3-number matches: £761.40
    Expected winnings from 4-number matches: £145.60
    Savings from free tickets: £156
    Total value returned: £761.40 + £145.60 + £156 = £1,063
    Net loss: £5,616 – £1,063 = £4,553

    I have quickly detailed it here. AI code etc.. You have been warned you have more chance of losing than winning as Peter Rowlett says.

    But @NickP might be interested in developing for crypto.


  2421. David Morgan on July 20, 2024 at 6:13 pm said:

    @js do you have data on the Waight’s of Woodend – which was where Jonathan Swift (aka Jerry Waight) said he was born in 1891.

  2422. John Sanders on July 21, 2024 at 7:02 am said:

    DM: strong links to horse breeding around Woodend, but nought ado about Jonathon Swift on Trove, apart from race day cards and weights from ages past. PS: never did get to the bottom of Jo’s nominee C. Spensley Waight nor my own Melbourne Age columnist of a bygone era ‘Captain Jay’.

  2423. David Morgan on July 22, 2024 at 11:56 am said:


    The Ascot, Berkshire Woodend house was the Stepney family. i guess his mother could have been the cook and Mr Stepney crept about at night and baby ‘Stepney’ Waight was born. Perhaps at one time he thought something like Stepney/Wensley (Spensley).

    I think he was aka Jonathan Swift, the Loiterer, Spotter (in Camperdown), perhaps Odd Spotter, Bodleian, Godfrey Parable and the last one Arthur Polkinghorne. In the UK he used George Wensley-Waight. I suspect he was sending stuff to US newspapers with a real name variation like Geo Waight – perhaps he can be found in newspapers.com. He was also writing letters – so magazines will have his letters.

    I suspect Dr Raphael may have been some of the racing personalities (like Capt Jay) as he wrote about local football in a column and he was very knowledgeable about horses.

    Waight was presenting flowers in 1952 to an elderly female poet Mary Gilmore and it was stated he was one founders of the bread and cheese club in Melbourne. I wondered whether they had a 1940s members list which included Carl Webb and Dr Raphael. Like some Dead Poets Society with Waight as the RoK mentor.

    I still think Waight may have been a Billy Liar character who people believed. His wife Jean Margaret Grocott could have been another fraudster and they bought the house in England to escape.

  2424. John Sanders on July 22, 2024 at 10:28 pm said:

    DM: Ah yes. Mary Gilmore lived at Kings Cross (Darlo) and was patron of the el pinko Pakies club. She being a poet of some note with links to other well known el Pinko writers, struggletown artists of the arty farty set, the Ballets Russes clique and like bohemian wasters what once used to hang around the Cross. So yeah the late great Jerry Waight must have bin well known to Dame Mary when the pair were neigbours pre fifties..

  2425. John Sanders on July 23, 2024 at 3:39 am said:

    …..as a matter of interest Gilmore’s ‘No Mofo’ patriotic polm with its anti asiatic overtones, was in 2019 recited by then US President Trump at a White House function for the Australian PM Scott Morrison, a descendant of the great Dame herself. It may be of little interest if any, that ‘contrary’ Mary nee Cameron and yours truly attended the same lowly ranked learning academies of Goulburn & Wagga Wagga albeit a century apart, taught no doubt from the same tattered copies of Betty & Jim selected verse for country schools.

  2426. David Morgan on July 24, 2024 at 11:21 am said:

    I suspect Jerry Waight was inventing his own truths like a Billy Liar character:

    1915 newspaper – a letter about Boyd-Aarons “he never fears death; he would walk where most men would fear to crawl”.

    1916 newspaper story:
    A letter from a West Australian lad tells a good story of Boyd Aarons, who will be remembered in connection with Chaffers. Boyd Aarons is major of the battalion to which the W.A. boy belongs, and the story relates to the time they were in the trenches on Gallipoli.
    B.A. was going along a trench one night and tripped over a slumbering Australian.
    “Blast yer!” roared the roused one. “Where the blazes are yer comin’ to? Why don’t yer look where yer goin’?”
    “Steady, my man, steady,” said the major. “Do you know who you’re talking to?”
    “No, I don’t, and I don’t care. You don’t come kicking me outer me sleep!”
    “Well, my man, I’m Boyd Aarons.”
    “Boyd Aarons, are yer? Don’t give a hang if yer were fried snapper, ye can’t come plankin’ yer hooves in my bingie. You jus’ watch yerself!”

    All references to Boyd-Aarons now make him a figure of fun – ‘boiled herrings’ etc effectively being his moniker.

    By 1937 (Jerry Waight) became:

    Do you remember Lieut. Boyd Aarons who was with a West Australian Battalion on Gallipoli? He was walking along the Beach a day or so after Birdy had issued his appeal about a more strict adherence to the King’s English by the Aussies, when he came across a mule driver using a whole string of adjectives unknown to Noah Webster.
    He remonstrated with the driver about the choice of words and with a surprised air the man asked who he was.
    “I’m Boyd Aarons!” came the reply.
    The muleteer started for a moment and then blurted out—”I don’t care if you’re fried schnapper—Git up there you ?!?!?!?!”

    Most ‘boiled herring’ stories are about him treading on people in the trenches as he walked amongst them as they crawled to avoid being shot. One account was because it was his religious beliefs he didn’t fear death. In another account he was asking why men bowed their heads when a shell came over as if somehow that would save their lives.

    It is interesting that Jerry makes his account more believable with references to Birdy and Noah Webster.

    When readers write in to complain he says “why spoil a good story”.

  2427. David Morgan on July 24, 2024 at 12:18 pm said:

    Boyd-Aarons had been the subject of so many made-up jokes in Australia he changed his name by Deed Poll to Julian Boyd in 1919.

    He was shot in the Dardenelles. It can be pinpointed to 18/6/1915 to 6/8/1915 that he had to become the “boiled herrings”.

  2428. John Sanders on July 25, 2024 at 7:56 am said:

    DM: Still can’t see need for Maj. Boyd to dump his last name at half time. It’s not as if Aaron be Turkish or Hun and none of the ‘billy lids’ followed his lead, including son Lewis ‘Bill’ Boyd Aarons the Texas oil baron. Strange there’s no NAA record of Julian’s Boer war service although there’s a departure in 1902 from Melbourne and return via Sydney in ’04 with his war bride Mary Kane in tow same year as first son Jim’s birth. You’ll have noted that his good lady died in Perth 1936 but no sign of Jerry Waight’s ‘snapper flapper’ nearby, or news of his ground breaking zinc refining process.

  2429. John Sanders on July 25, 2024 at 8:53 am said:

    …oh yeah here’s big Julie in the flesh courtesy “Non Com” @ Captain Jay in the Perth Western Mail rag of 1937; Telling war stories based on newly widowed Maj. Boyd’s WW1 tour of duty on the western front, then domiciled in sunny California.

  2430. David Morgan on July 25, 2024 at 9:29 pm said:


    What I can’t figure is the loss of fortunes in the 1940s – even Carl Webb seemed to have lost the shirt off his back. The Thornleys seemed to have lost Gnotuk and what happened to peer Henderson’s money – all blown on his munitions company that never saw the light of day? Dr Raphael’s daughter was modelling so no fortune, Almost from the Glitter to the Gutter in 10 years.

    Yet Jerry Waight rose from the Potts Point lottery ticket ashes to live with the literary/art elite in Walberswick in the 1960s. Had he lived and was younger he would have started a Walberswick Bread and Cheese club. But when Mrs Waight the 3rd died their money must have gone somewhere? Perhaps something like Guide Dogs for the Blind got their money.

    Julian Boyd may have kept his mining money in the family.

  2431. David Morgan on July 29, 2024 at 8:47 am said:

    This is a bit of a test where you may be able to interrogate Evans’ MA on the Pyjama girl.. it’s a test – it may not work. You may need to login with a gmail/FB account.


    But try asking about Dr Palmer-Benbow or Francis Jackson the original dentist (for example).

    If someone has PDFs of Somerton Man books – they could share this way and we could interrogate for ideas.

  2432. John Sanders on July 29, 2024 at 1:10 pm said:

    DM: ever consider the real possibility that when Leo Keane penned the lyrics to his mystery Pyjama Girl song he was having a naughty thoughty about his dream lover Doris Day, and it had naught to do with the case of that title ie., Linda Agostini?

  2433. David Morgan on July 29, 2024 at 5:12 pm said:

    This may be a 2 in 1 – with two pdfs shared – one was about The Aussie and the other Ruth Balint’s text.

    I’m not sure whether you can interrogate – it may be read only and a snapshot in time – for example, if I ask more questions you may not see the responses.


  2434. John Sanders on July 30, 2024 at 8:00 am said:

    DM: you might be reminded mugger that neither your ‘bin reminded’ or ‘chatter box’ be available to some punters, includes moi.

  2435. David Morgan on August 8, 2024 at 6:50 am said:

    I repeated my IoC test again for the Somerton Man code this time letting you.com run the whole thing itself.

    It arrived at:


    Which agreed with my earlier result:


    This thesis is useful to read:


  2436. David Morgan on August 9, 2024 at 7:19 am said:

    familysearch say they’ve added 21 million including more Irish. Perhaps more Dorothy ancient history.

  2437. John Sanders on August 10, 2024 at 6:41 am said:

    DM: Dorothy has been ancient history for quite some time by my reckoning; two years and two weeks to be precise!

  2438. John Sanders on August 12, 2024 at 12:55 am said:


    Three days out from his appointed post therapy oesophageal cancer surgery, ABC Australia radio presenter James Valentine faced a choice. Two doctors “who both know best” gave him two different opinions, one saying there be no option but total organ removal and rebuild surgery, t’other insisting that a not so invasive option of incising the cancer could be a better alternative with excellent chance for a good outcome..Spotted this heartening item on today’s ABC TV (Aust.) News. andif you know someone who is similarly afflicted and having to make choices re their future health, then check out the full story on line.

  2439. David Morgan on August 12, 2024 at 12:30 pm said:


    Having downloaded the Balint pdf I now get stuff on Australia every week. Interesting papers on Australia in the Wars e.g. today “Australian POW in German Captivity in the Second World War”

    I end up researching the research. Peter Monteath, Flinders Uni, seems like a reliable researcher. He skated over Donald Watt’s Stoker book that was funded by John Saunders. He researched George Blanch quite well.

    But looking at NAA records the common theme is the old soldier wanting his medals.

    Watt’s NAA record gives some of his book. But it is explained on wiki that he discovered he could get funds if he said he was at Auschwitz – which he did.

    My own father-in-law whose WW2 life is detailed is on the Arolsen Archive couldn’t get payment from Germany for being a slave labourer because he wasn’t housed in a camp. Being kidnapped from the Ukraine and your family murdered meant you were in relative comfort compared to others. Yet fake Watts did get money because of Saunders.

    I wrote to the Arolsen archive and the payment scheme and they were quite off-hand even when the facts were explained to them. They seemed to view anyone who wasn’t in a camp as a collaborator.

  2440. David Morgan on August 12, 2024 at 2:59 pm said:


    I based my cancer decisions based on the fact that at the beginning the surgeons said surgery in my case would be highly problematic. Then when I attended chemo two people sat next to me had opted for surgery – one said he was in the ICU unit at the point of death and the other said he was put into a coma.

    After radio/chemo they said they wanted to perform surgery on me and I said No. In fact they put me into a situation where 4 surgeons thought I was there for surgery and I thought I was there for a check-up.

    They could try to be very persuasive with family members and with long silences but you have to hold your ground with your own choices.

    But then they can punish back with denial of scans etc. But again you just have to keep asking for the next reasonable step.

  2441. John Sanders on August 12, 2024 at 10:20 pm said:


    Whatever you decide to do in your current dilemma don’t hesitate to seek second or third opinions, I did and by my own initiatives everthing turned out for the better; especially in my decision to forego the recommended period of expensive and as it turns out unncessary post operatve chemo/rad therapy at the top cancer hospital in the country…alongwith with its dedicated team of money grubbing no fault oncologists.

  2442. David Morgan on August 13, 2024 at 12:01 pm said:

    Was it ever worked out whether the Somerton Man v Carl Webb was left- or right- handed.

    We can see the family pic with Carl using his left hand which perhaps means nothing. But are there items on the body that indicate handedness?

    “scattered linear scars over the outer surface of his left arm” – suggests a dominant hand that perhaps had been reaching into bread baking trays and getting burnt by the oven. tiny scar near the tip of the right index finger – the scar did not show up until I pumped embalming fluid into the arm,” he said. He could not recall if he had informed the police of his find but he had informed them of other scars he had discovered just above the left wrist”.

    “They saw that his left hand was by his side, and his feet were crossed and pointing towards the sea. John Lyons said to his wife jocularly, ‘I will report this to the Police’. He had no sooner made this remark when he saw the man fully extend his right arm upwards.”

    She thought he was wearing brown shoes, and that his left hand seemed to be in a peculiar position.

    Gordon only took a casual glance but he agreed that the man’s left hand was outstretched. He did not see him move, but he thought he noticed a difference in his position. He did not see that his legs were crossed, but recalled that his legs were extended, although as he walked up the steps he saw that the left leg had been drawn up, moving it up the sand a bit

    “There was a portion of a cigarette on the right collar of his coat, and held in position by his cheek”

    “He is carrying a tray in his left hand on which there is a packet of cigarettes, no doubt Kensitas.” It would be strange that he gives this design as a clue to his handedness.

    “it does not follow that a smoker will hold the cigarette in the predominant hand, thereby revealing either right or left handedness” Jerry.

    If the person used tools or objects that are designed for a specific hand, these can provide clues. For example, scissors, knives, or other tools that show signs of wear on one side could indicate which hand was dominant.

    The bones of the arm and hand that are used more frequently (the dominant side) can often be slightly larger and show more signs of use. This method requires the availability of the skeleton and a trained anthropologist to analyze it.
    Left-handed writers often have to push the pen away from their hand while writing, which can affect ink flow and potentially cause smudging.

    Left-handed writers may adopt a “hooked” hand position when writing

  2443. David Morgan on August 13, 2024 at 2:41 pm said:

    Jerry mentions “Roberick” McLean as a dock worker [blame his son-in-law the proof reader].

    The one I found was wounded, MIA then by Inquest decided he was dead. He was born in Scotland – assumed 5′ 6″. But he had tattoos and various wounds and scars. One along his wrist. But a good possible ginger kid.

    Not that this was SM but it shows people can be dead by Inquest but not necessarily dead.

  2444. David Morgan on August 13, 2024 at 6:46 pm said:

    Left/right handedness discussion with AI

    Handedness and String Wrapping Direction
    Based on the information obtained, it appears that handedness does influence the direction in which string is wrapped around a pencil. This is primarily due to the natural movements and grips associated with left-handed and right-handed individuals.
    For instance, when wrapping string around a pencil, a right-handed person typically wraps the string in a clockwise direction, while a left-handed person may wrap it in an anticlockwise direction. This difference arises from the way each handedness interacts with the pencil and the string, as well as the natural motion of their dominant hand.

    Unfortunately the zinc sheath on the knife/scissors doesn’t seem to give a clue. But perhaps if someone tried to recreate it they may see clockwise or anticlockwise. Though it may have been created using a vice and then wrapped around it to keep it taught. It seems too perfectly formed for a rough hand-job.


    Even the scissors have equal-sized finger holes.

  2445. John Sanders on August 14, 2024 at 4:41 am said:

    DM: not sure whether Jerry’s Jock “Rob Roy” Mclean was left, right or ambidextrous but by and large I think experts agreed that SM was more likely to have been right handed. This due to presence of the three ptp small pox vac scars on his left wrist and defensive type wounds on the right hand finger webs. My personal view point would be that we might bide awhile until more convincing evidence comes to light in the decades to come. PS: pity that the yellow handled electrical screwdriver from the Keane suitcase got pinched, it certainly could have been the clincher. and were you aware that a pugilist dock worker, cackie Jack Mclain was touted as being top contender for SM in early Safcol investigations, anyone but spider Webb for mine.

  2446. David Morgan on August 14, 2024 at 6:43 am said:

    In the Isdal Woman case I have been banging on about a 1970 umbrella parade which people couldn’t visualise or see as relevant to the case even though the woman was buying a blue umbrella and boots in Stavanger in November 1970.
    I was only sent this yesterday:


    The umbrella parade was on the 15/11/1970.

    A Stavanger shoe shop owner’s son said her boot sale was on the 14th (in his police evidence) because of a till roll record. But even the BBC/NRK Death in Ice Valley made the mistake of saying the sale was on the 18th and he didn’t correct them.

    The police trapped themselves into believing the woman travelled on the 18th from Stavanger and they couldn’t accept an alternative – even though they knew she didn’t travel on that date because she didn’t buy a hydrofoil ticket for the 18th. An American woman with 2 suitcases bought one for the 19th.

    In his Norwegian book Dennis Zacher Aske went further and yet people quote his book as proving she travelled on the 18th – without reading his later correction in the book where he says it was a local schoolgirl.

    The point is people are often driven by events – the Isdal woman may have bought blue boots, umbrella and a blue coat for the umbrella parade. Like someone getting a suit for a wedding.

    In the same way the Somerton Man may have been driven by an event to arrive at Adelaide from Melbourne. It may be he missed his planned journey for his job interview (or other planned event) and had to get a bus. If his planned event was his own suicide when in Melbourne why did he take a suitcase and pay for its storage? Like the Isdal Woman – why put your suitcases in storage then return to kill yourself?

    Also like Balint you need to access the original police files not the interpretation by a podcast or book author. It is strange from all the Feltus files she picked out the wife of an electrician phoning in. Yet he ignored it for his book.

    Jerry Feltus would have done researchers a favour if he had created an archive of his files for public access.

  2447. John Sanders on August 15, 2024 at 2:53 am said:

    Might have an answer as to why SM might have ventured to far flung Adelaide for his anonymous “dance for life” (Behrooz) last hurrah on Somerton Beach, Melbourne’s Brighton (poet A. L. Gordon) being too close to home to guarantee privacy and fear of being placed into a formalin bath pending ID. Y’man’s likely determined that if he took his life in staid Adelaide, he’d be tagged as being an unloved nobody set on self destruction. That would lead to a quickly cremation at public expence with his worthless ashes scattered to the four winds just as the doctor ordered…SM case solved courtesy Dave Morgan’s Isdal Woman and Leo Keane’s Pyjama Girl. what do you say Jose?

  2448. David Morgan on August 15, 2024 at 1:08 pm said:


    If you read the PHDs book on the Pyjama Girl case (90+% accurate – even though a film script) the event was a job and she travelled on her own to get to it when the agency turned her down. The film script suggests for appearing too middleclass (makeup, nail polish, good teeth etc). You don’t want the serving maids to be better looking than the party guests. The silk pyjamas were likely not the clothes of a serving maid. The implication is a party guest/the home owner tried it on with her in his barn and gave her a thump. Then got Ginger Quin to sort out the mess dragging off the body on his horse. The sightings of cars could have been party-goers or a follow-up talking petrol to the site.

    What is curious for SM is his polished cuticles (and not by Dorothy). His teeth seemed in disrepair. Why did he care more about his nails than his teeth? What sort of job would focus on the state of your hands – posh waiter/butler/pianist?
    I said pianist because I did noticed a Carl Webb who tinkled the ivories.

    The same curse was with the Isdal Woman – she suddenly saw the light and had her teeth fixed like a lottery winner. Costing 1000s with teeth bridges unique to Spain/Italy. But don’t get me started on the Karolinska report…

    So in the Pyjama girl case the posh party event would have to be Friday 30th August 1933 it is unlikely a party would take place on a week day – Monday to Thursday. But the Albury Committee met on Friday afternoon

    It doesn’t say where the committee was held with a load of blokes with drinks and food I guess… and waitresses – some pretty… but with clean fingernails but no nail varnish allowed. But it could have been on the Griffiths’ farm.

    Rich C.H,Griffith’s son found the Pyjama Girl body walking the bull. What is strange is I thought they’d sold the bull and he should have been taking it to the train not from the train.

    I believe the Isdal Woman ‘event’ was 12 days before the body was found – the Umbrella parade. If you look at the picture you can see two women in white and someone was judging the competition to give prizes. Did the women in white walk amongst the 5000 giving them tickets to claim their prizes? I doubt someone not winning a poster by the sketch artist Audun Hetland would be worth killing someone for. In theory, he could have seen the face of the body he drew walking about with an umbrella on the 15/11/1970.

    What was the event the SM needed to travel to Adelaide for from Melbourne with a suitcase suggesting an overnight stay – did he get a job as a waiter or kitchen help at a posh party?

  2449. John Sanders on August 16, 2024 at 3:12 am said:

    Puting aside oft tauted close proximity from Jestyn’s residence in Moseley St. to X marks the spot by the Alvington CCH stairs to the beach; What’s more relevant in reality be how SM settled on Somerton Beach for his grande finale had that been the case. The most logical answer in its being easy to reach from Adelaide station by public transport and in that said location was a known, critical in satisfying the need for seclusion with privacy and discretion assured.

  2450. John Sanders on August 16, 2024 at 10:45 am said:

    Only other timely event comes to mind would have been Reg Bickford’s wake at Somerton Moday. Apart from that we’re not really to know whence he arrived, though presumably on the Monday morning, and if so then by what means. We must not forget that the country as well as interstate bus services set down at Adelaide station in those days, enabling pax to avail of all the station’s facilities including the left baggage room.

  2451. David Morgan on August 16, 2024 at 4:54 pm said:

    This was a fun experiment with the somerton man to create a sketch and to make a waiter out of him. It was a bit of an accident really.


  2452. John Sanders on August 17, 2024 at 9:12 am said:

    Looks a lot like the press photo of Toni Agostini (Pyjama Game fame) at Romano’s restaurant early thirties.

  2453. David Morgan on August 17, 2024 at 9:19 pm said:


    What I don’t understand is why the journey from Melbourne. Perhaps the suitcase was for the journey the other way to Melbourne for an event. We assume he arrived from Melbourne but perhaps he had loose ends to tie up in Melbourne and returned to Adelaide for the end.

  2454. David Morgan on August 18, 2024 at 7:37 am said:


    As “Carl Webb” the thing that would draw him back to Melbourne would likely be Swinburne Technical College not Red Point Tools. His old Alma Mater.

    This temporary electrical engineering lecturing job was Sydney.

    But it would be this sort of thing that would pull back a person to somewhere they were avoiding.

    It could be a failed interview where he realised his old valve knowledge was no longer relevant in a transistor age that was about to happen.

    The Somerton Man’s minimalistic suitcase contents suggest a one-night stay in a hotel. He just put the same socks back on in the morning.

  2455. John Sanders on August 18, 2024 at 8:12 am said:


    If it be true that SM had his fatal fall from Bickford Tce. beach stairs on his way to catch the city bus from Avlington after visiting Reginald Bickford’s tomb at Brighton Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon; Then, why yes an onward journey to Melbourne may have been on his agenda, that is if the Overlander Express had not been cancelled due to the nation wide coal strike. Don’t see why he’d want to go to Melbourne of all places; perhaps he had a girlfriend there?

  2456. Sherlock PB on August 18, 2024 at 9:23 am said:

    JohnS.. do you have a problem with non-fingerprinting the items in the suitcase, rather than settling for the thread match?

  2457. John Sanders on August 18, 2024 at 9:54 pm said:

    Sherlock PB: no I don’t have too much of a problem with your emphatic “non-fingerprinting….” assertion, I don’t necessarilly support such contention. As for the thread match, it was too good to be true by my estimation especially when supported by an outside expert not always known for telling the truth…even under Oath.

  2458. Alan H on August 19, 2024 at 2:58 am said:


    I have questions for the “Spotty” expert to which I don’t have answers. Would you offer your thoughts please David?


    In quatrain 75 above the missing TS cutout, could “Spot” be advising someone (minder, wife, girlfriend) that he won’t stop what he’s doing till he/she “turns down an empty Glass”? And quatrain 73 tells his mistress of his feelings?

    Could there lie an ongoing story, or amalgam of messages, in quatrains 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 22, 32, 34, 37, 38, 43, 47, 52, 56, 60, 61, 70 when read in conjunction with each other?

    Likewise quatrains 20, 23, 33, 39, 49, 58, 69, 74?

    Or quatrains 24 and 57 together?

    Or do quatrains 51 or 65 individually tie “Spotty” in to the story so far?

    I’ve found a list of groupings but can’t sort the wheat from the chaff.


  2459. John Sanders on August 20, 2024 at 6:46 am said:

    Alan H

    Pardon my jumping the Queue but I think you’ve missed a clue in your over keen
    efforts to assign the so called code letters with those of Rubaiyat (1) final verse 75 My own KISS equasion refers to first line “shining foot” = SM’s polished brogues. Second line, “grass” = Rye seed found in SM’s cuffs. Third line, “the Spot” = X marks the death spot. fourth line, “upturned glass” = one found in the suitcase. So simple and not so stupid just plain common sense; Indeed, indeed.

  2460. John Sanders on August 20, 2024 at 7:06 am said:

    ..OK. nothing much to do with the code as such but worthy of some consideration.

  2461. Alan H on August 20, 2024 at 11:21 pm said:

    @john sanders-
    Thanks John, I agree that KISS would give you the results you mentioned, but I find DM is close to the edge of the opposite of KISS when he looks at Inglis and the good people of Camperdown as being a small part of a small part of the story. It would probably only be “Jean’s Luck” for him to get to the facts, but he is persisting.
    Maybe “Spotty” was talking about Dorothy’s dancing shoes?

  2462. David Morgan on August 21, 2024 at 6:02 pm said:


    I tracked Jerry Waight for the Walberswick history group. What they do with it..who knows… They are very clever thorough researchers.


    If they do nothing then I may return to publish it. This is a draft.

    But there is so much stuff on Jerry Waight it is overwhelming.

    But my initial premise was Carl was Swift was Spotter was…so many more…
    But it turned out to be Jerry Waight. There were so many overlaps with Jerry and Carl yet they may never have met other than perhaps in the bread shop.

    There is more of a story behind Jerry and his 3rd wife – but impossible to work out. They may have both been criminals or just good savers.

    I was hoping the history group could find Jerry before 1915 in Windsor.

  2463. David Morgan on August 21, 2024 at 6:04 pm said:


    wrong link that was about the Georgia Tech doppelganger. I was trying to work out his name.


    this is the intended story about Jerry Waight:


  2464. David Morgan on August 21, 2024 at 6:44 pm said:


    Chances are Dancer Dorothy would be aware of Jerry Waight judging the dancing competitions. As Jerry he was at the highland dancing judging it then writing it up as Swift. If she was a highland dancer as proposed then Jerry would have been judging her flings.

    If Carl read the SNP then he would have read Swift and his refs to Omar Khayyam and perhaps tried to solve his puzzles. Swift might have inspired Carl.

    But they may have differed about war. Jerry/Swift kept on about WW1 and signed up for WW2.

    But they both traversed Domain road and the streets of Melbourne in the 1930s and 1940s and both had to leave Melbourne under a cloud.

  2465. David Morgan on August 21, 2024 at 6:59 pm said:


    AI tells me that we could be using the wrong version:

    1st Edition (1859)
    “And when Thyself with shining Foot shall pass Among the Guests Star-scatter’d on the Grass, And in Thy joyous Errand reach the Spot Where I made one—turn down an empty Glass!”
    2nd Edition (1868)
    The 2nd edition maintained the same text as the 1st edition for this quatrain.
    3rd Edition (1872)
    “When You and I behind the Veil are past, Oh but the long long while the World shall last, Which of our Coming and Departure heeds As the Sev’n Seas should heed a pebble-cast.”
    This revision shows a significant departure from the original, focusing more on the theme of the world’s indifference to individual lives
    4th Edition (1879)
    The 4th edition kept the same text as the 3rd edition for this quatrain.
    5th Edition (1889)
    “And when like her, oh Saki, you shall pass Among the Guests Star-scatter’d on the Grass, And in your joyous errand reach the spot Where I made One—turn down an empty Glass!”
    This final revision returns closer to the original 1st edition text, with some notable changes:
    “Thyself” becomes “her, oh Saki”
    “Thy” becomes “your”
    Capitalization is reduced

    So if it is encoded from the RoK which version does he know and is checking in this 1st/2nd revision?

  2466. David Morgan on August 21, 2024 at 7:12 pm said:


    I have looked at various sources and the Index of Concidence seems to be trusted in the spy world. The SM code IoC value suggests it is German text. Now that might be assuming the text is a mixture of vowels and consonants like normal speech so that could be the error in its assumptions. It could infer it is like a list of names or as Abbott says names of horses he had bet on.

    Alternatively, it really is German text…like someone remembering a German poem but not a patriotic song like D,D,U,A if Carl secretly wears his lederhosen on the weekend.

  2467. John Sanders on August 22, 2024 at 9:42 am said:

    DM: So nought to do with SAMSTAG I take it, you know, as in SAMSTGAB last line not alike that GC’s Anons and Big Tooties have had the hots over forever. I’m quite sure that no one at CM, includes your Chat back AI colaborator would fall for such nonsence. Gute nacht von mir SAMSTUNG.

  2468. David Morgan on August 22, 2024 at 1:38 pm said:

    OK so this is some weird stuff like Rev Bayes and his link to the so-called unsinkable yacht sinking in Sicily.

    You might remember my old Rudolf Mons stuff. But perhaps you didn’t notice I mentioned Walter Enright some time later.

    Walter Enright was on the Rhona ship that sunk off Algeria and Rudolf Mons we shall say was the sinker. It was his bombing gang.

    Both bodies were never recovered – sinker and sunk.

    If we look at the ‘doppleganger and SM pictures’ we can see the guy from Georgia Tech was like Carl Webb but also Walter Enright. Whereas Carl Webb older was more like Rudolf Mons than Georgia Tech. But all were still strongly alike.


    It is a curious bunch of faces where the hunter and the hunted on the Rhona ship link to Carl Webb and the Somerton Man “in terms of facial ID”.

    The bodies of Enright and Mons were never found. Enright has a grave marker with the wrong date. Mons has no grave marker – like he never really existed.

    Both Enright, Mons and Carl Webb all look like 1911 Georgia Tech guy.

  2469. David Morgan on August 22, 2024 at 3:52 pm said:

    In terms of events there was a celebration of St Andrew’s Day – pipe bands, highland dancing etc. 27/11/1948 in Heidelberg. If he knew Dorothy was into Highland flings then he may have thought he’d see her there.


  2470. Something Something on August 22, 2024 at 11:06 pm said:

    How close is the Index of Coincidence? Index of Coincidence can be misleading – I suspect especially for languages like German. In German the definite article can be Der, Die, Das (and Den, Dem) – so in actual written German text this skews because of the frequency of D (and E). But a short note like this that skew isn’t necessarily as noticeable (which would affect the IoC – but I’d have to think about how significantly), especially if someone is jotting down notes and potentially avoiding the definite article.
    In any case, the IoC is only useful for fairly simple ciphers (and the fewer character you base it off, the more narrow the usefulness is). For a message this length, I would have thought an accurate IoC would probably suggest a monoalphabetic subsitution (ie something like the Caeser cipher).

    and as (I think) you suggest the IoC isn’t much use anyway if this is anything other than prose – and I think it’s a much better than even bet that whatever this is, it isn’t prose.

  2471. Please excuse me from harping on, but is it indicative of the difficulty of those experts present to accept a different path with regard to the code when none of them takes any heed to the apparently deliberate placement of the seventh letter in every line of over seven letters?

  2472. David Morgan on August 23, 2024 at 10:52 am said:

    I agree with @somethingsomething except the bit about simple ciphers.

    the Kryptos
    by Kristine Seaman, B.A.
    A Thesis In Mathematics

    Example 3.4. Arrange the ciphertext of the first two rows on the sculpture into 6
    E M U F P H
    Z L R F A X
    Y U S D J K
    Z L D K R N
    S H G N F I
    V J Y Q T Q
    U X Q B Q V
    Y U V L L T
    R E V J Y Q
    T M K Y R D
    M F D

    To find the index of coincidence we find the probability of vertical coincidence in
    each column and then average all of the columns’ probabilities.


    Chance alone will produce a probability of .0385, and monoalphabetic and
    polyalphabetic cryptograms of English text produce a probability of .0667…Notice the 10 columns of text has an IC closer to .0667.

    SM code
    The index of coincidence for the entire text is approximately 0.074.

    The IoC for German is slightly higher, around 0.076. This reflects the different letter frequency patterns in German compared to English.

    But it comes down to how you choose to analyse the text (columns/rows length etc)- perhaps if we knew Carl Webb was Italian we might keep analysing the text to get that answer. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.

    I suppose the ultimate test would be to create a list of other 1948 horses like Abbott says it is and see whether the IoC value corresponds or list of initials of people or places.

  2473. David Morgan on August 23, 2024 at 11:32 am said:

    I went one step further

    Here are the 22 English names that were generated, along with their corresponding initials:
    Joshua Rodriguez – JR
    George Rodriguez – GR
    George Thompson – GT
    Matthew Taylor – MT
    Kevin Smith – KS
    Matthew Lopez – ML
    Joshua Harris – JH
    Kevin Clark – KC
    William Anderson – WA
    Anthony Garcia – AG
    Charles Brown – CB
    James Williams – JW
    Mark Thomas – MT
    James Lee – JL
    John Davis – JD
    John Taylor – JT
    James Brown – JB
    Joshua Thomas – JT
    Donald Rodriguez – DR
    Matthew Taylor – MT
    Joshua Garcia – JG
    Matthew White – MW
    The string of initials from these names is: JRGRGTMTKSMLJHKCWAAGCBJWMTJLJDJTJBJTDRMTJGMW.

    The Ioc was 0.0835

    It shows the IoC value increases when initials of names.

  2474. David Morgan on August 23, 2024 at 2:44 pm said:

    I realised al the random names were male

    New List of Names
    To address your observation, I’ve generated a new list of 22 names using a mix of common male and female first names. Here are the names and their corresponding initials:
    Joseph Thompson – JT
    Ashley Davis – AD
    George Brown – GB
    Richard Thomas – RT
    Anthony Harris – AH
    Margaret Anderson – MA
    Edward Thompson – ET
    Kimberly Anderson – KA
    Robert Brown – RB
    Charles Jones – CJ
    Deborah Davis – DD
    Charles Martin – CM
    Richard Garcia – RG
    Lisa Garcia – LG
    Emily Garcia – EG
    Jennifer Johnson – JJ
    Mark Davis – MD
    Sandra Johnson – SJ
    John Thompson – JT
    Steven Lee – SL
    John Moore – JM
    Patricia Garcia – PG

    The Index of Coincidence (IC) for the string ‘JTADGBRTAHMAETKARBCJDDCMRGLGEGJJMDSJJTSLJMPG’ is approximately 0.0666.
    Calculation Methodology
    The Index of Coincidence (IC) is a statistical tool used in cryptanalysis to measure the unevenness of the character distribution in a text. It’s often used to break classical ciphers, such as the Caesar cipher or the Vigenère cipher.
    In the case of the string ‘JTADGBRTAHMAETKARBCJDDCMRGLGEGJJMDSJJTSLJMPG’, the IC was calculated by counting the occurrences of each letter, plugging the counts into the formula, and performing the calculation. The result was approximately 0.0666.
    This value can be used to make educated guesses about the language of the text and the type of cipher used to encrypt it. For example, English text typically has an IC around 0.067, so the given string could potentially be English text.

    I guess you’d need to run this a lot of times with better selection/randomisation of names (male/female) that were common in Australia in 1948 to see whether you get higher scores than English text ‘on average’.

  2475. John Sanders on August 23, 2024 at 10:01 pm said:

    Peteb: To the exclusion of the second line which to your credit, doesn’t figure into the equasion due to it’s short letter count, therefore out of contention for your the ‘A’ code; Which incidently, and much like GC’s Danetta toad, is yet to be deciphered.

  2476. John Sanders on August 24, 2024 at 4:07 am said:

    Both Trump and Biden pledged in their inaugural rants of 11/16 & 11/20 that “I will be a President for all Americans”. Karma Harris used the very same words in her presumtive presidential party nomination acceptance speel of even date. I’d like to know If your AI kitty litter chatter box knows if any dead presesident. or defeated contender preempted them with the exact same flowery promise.

  2477. John Sanders: Hillary Clinton speech of August 25th, 2016 (AKA the “Anti-Trump” speech): “I will be a president for all Americans. Because I truly believe we are stronger together. And this is a vision for the future rooted in our values and reflected in a rising generation of young people. The young people in America today are the most open, diverse, and connected we’ve ever seen. (Line 265-268)”


    Having said that, it’s a phrase that may well have a much longer history (e.g. in the Obama years and beyond). One page behind a firewall seems to suggest Norman Mailer may have used it, etc.

  2478. John Sanders on August 24, 2024 at 10:29 pm said:

    nickpelling: Thanks. Dunno how I missed (lock-her-up) Hillary Clinton’s pledge to all Americans (sans Monika Lewinski & The Don), though she didn’t have to break her promise in the final analysis. Can’t find those specific words in either of the Barack Hussein bin Obama acceptance speeches however, that’s is not say he didn’t use them during pre election hustings back in ’08 & ’12.

  2479. David Morgan on August 25, 2024 at 1:21 pm said:


    You’re like a hamster in a wheel returning to the same old stuff. But waiting for the same old challenge it was 1929 not 1925 and his height blah blah …yawn.

    At least I explored things like working out the length of a femur, tibia etc as a reliable means of height estimation. Just a matter of time before AI can tell you the length of a part of an image in pixels and then estimate the height of an object in the photo.

    “Recent studies have explored using AI for height estimation from radiographs. One study found that AI-based methods showed high accuracy in estimating bone age and predicting final adult height in children and adolescents”

  2480. John Sanders on August 25, 2024 at 5:22 pm said:

    DM: don’t mean to rain on your parade mugger but, AI is maybe destined to get dumber and dumber in the course of time. That’s according to the geeks what invented it ie., ex Google giant Geoffrey Hinton what reckons on it being sooner rather than later “…and don’t say you wasn’t warned.” If you need convincing take a squiz at the related story @ ABC Australia News, Sunday.

  2481. David Morgan on August 25, 2024 at 10:44 pm said:


    Hinton and Musk while creating crazy therories go ahead developing AI.

    “Hinton has expressed concerns about the possibility of an AI takeover, stating that “it’s not inconceivable” that AI could “wipe out humanity”

    Elon Musk Predicts “None of Us Will Have a Job” If AI Takes Over

    But now Musk has just released an update to Grok in the hope he can replace staff. He wants Grok to post items on X (Twitter) like advertising and then send him success rates of ads.

    “On May 4, 2024, Grok became available in the United Kingdom that being the only country in Europe to support Grok at the moment due to the impending Artificial Intelligence Act rules in the European Union.”

    Musk doesn’t want to build guardrails into Grok things it is not supposed to allow for example images of real people doing things they didn’t do. The reason being is he wants images of Trump as a superman, hero for the elections.
    Guardrails cost staff and literally energy in terms of electricity per response and he sacked 80% of his staff.

    The guardrails frustrate me because I could develop 100% AI code last year. This year file size is restricted. MS Copilot was great at it – and Claude 3.5 sonnet is equally good. But as soon as the size guardrails started I stopped.

    But ultimately AI grinds on improving. It does seem to hit roadblocks but it could be because of new governance rules. – like the EU.

    If you test scite.ai for example you can get an idea of how a student can research much faster. Legal site equivalents are so good they say it can produce flawless case material for court.

    I use You.com because of the number of platforms it accesses. If one suddenly runs to the front with a higher IQ I can see it.

    But I can give Genius mode a hyperlink to a web page (I don’t have to read) and it can summarise it or critique it. Soon it will be a website. For example, in the near future I may be able to ask it to summarise all the theories of @js on ciphermysteries. Even you might not remember some things you wrote back in 2015.

    What will kill AI is the crazy people behind it not the code itself.

  2482. David Morgan on August 26, 2024 at 7:51 am said:

    If you want to work out the height of Carl Webb use the pixels to actual length of Roy’s head from his army photo. Then do similar with the family picture.

    Charlie has a longer head:


    It could be Charlie’s dad wasn’t Richard which would mess up the DNA testing.

  2483. John Sanders on August 26, 2024 at 1:13 pm said:

    …and while we’re on your high resolution family photo my invitation still stands to take a good long gander at Scotty’s mishapen right claw. No mention of it his NAA file, only that he’d lost his left mit to a GSW. So who’s the imposter then pray tell; not your Jerry Waight surely.

  2484. David Morgan on August 26, 2024 at 9:21 pm said:


    I would have liked to have joined Gerry Waight to Jerry Keane to Leslie Scott but I can’t find the join. Even though they all must have known each other and of each other. Even Dorothy Webb would have known of him if she was into dancing. Carl may have been a Jerry puzzle-holic and sending in his answers to the SNP. There was a German guy living at Potts Point (where Jerry ended up) who was regularly sending in puzzle answers while he was waiting for his nationalisation papers. Curious that a German was buying the SNP in Sydney and likely a clever engineer to be that good a puzzle-solver.

    If Waight was ‘Spotter’ in Camperdown he must have taken his wife with him and stayed in the Leura hotel. He said he had someone spotting for him on the ground and I think he had health issues. He was sick.

    The one thing I still haven’t checked is he gave a list of names of people in school with him. He didn’t live in Camperdown and the list was a strange mixture of some local Camperdown names.

    Spotter had obvious ties to the SNP and if not Jerry – his wife Ena perhaps pretending to be a man for readers who rudely puts Spotter’s feet on the sub-editor’s desk? But Jerry Waight’s sickness and delays doing his duty in Sydney ties in roughly with Spotter. Spotter says himself he was not a journalist.

    The return of Spotter to Camperdown also ties in roughly with Waight’s extended period of sickness in Sydney. He had also been moved onto recruitment and probably part-time. He had time to develop new newspaper personas.

    The locals of Walberwick describe Jerry and Jean as large people. But also fussy in appearance. It is a shame no-one ever got a proper snap of Gerry Waight. Not even the NAA site. I was hoping he’d turn up in some Windsor college picture.

  2485. David Morgan on August 26, 2024 at 9:39 pm said:

    The walberswikians say:

    “Jerry married a Grocott in 1957 and Jean Margaret Elizabeth Grocott (aka Peggy) is on the 1911 census. She was born in Friern Barnet but still no connection with Walberswick.”

    Jerry and Jean are as curious a pair as Carl and Dorothy.

  2486. David Morgan on August 27, 2024 at 9:18 am said:

    I have put this here just for those who hadn’t downloaded it – you don’t have to pay.


    Once you start you will get regular notifications about this era – like papers on Anzacs and WW1, Australian incidents.

    I often simply feed the pdf to AI and ask for a summary.

  2487. David Morgan on August 27, 2024 at 9:38 pm said:

    Did anyone ever contact John Keane about the Leo Keane WW2 recordings?

    When was John Keane born?

  2488. David Morgan on August 28, 2024 at 4:19 am said:

    AI says (to calculate the height of one man when the head height of the other is known) from a photo – substitute your own head height and pixel values:

    def calculate_height_from_head(man1_real_height, man1_head_pixel_height, man2_head_pixel_height):
    # Calculate the height of the second man
    man2_real_height = (man1_real_height / man1_head_pixel_height) * man2_head_pixel_height
    return man2_real_height

    man2_real_height = calculate_height_from_head(man1_real_height=180, man1_head_pixel_height=20, man2_head_pixel_height=22)
    print(f”The height of the second man is estimated to be {man2_real_height} cm.”)

    Please note that this method provides an estimate and may not be 100% accurate due to factors such as camera angle, lens distortion, and the posture of the men.

    The head length/height of a person can also be estimated to be 8-9% of total height.

    I tried to use an online app but guessing the top of charlie’s head is problematic with his big hair.

  2489. David Morgan on August 28, 2024 at 8:11 am said:

    AI on Balint’s book

    In conclusion, the Somerton Man case provides a snapshot of post-war Australia, revealing a society grappling with the aftermath of war, adjusting to a new demographic reality due to immigration, and engaged in cultural consumption that reflected both local and global influences.

    I wonder if any of that influenced the Somerton Man or whether he was just somebody with nothing and nobody to lose?

    No job, no partner, no family left, no friends, no home.

  2490. David Morgan on August 28, 2024 at 3:41 pm said:


    Ken Swadesir was the blind kid whose dog Bruce he only saw on the weekend in St Kilda as he was in the blind school all week. He is referenced as the shop owner who recorded Leo singing his Pajama Girl song. His brother was a municipal clerk somewhat like Leslie Scott. When Jerry Waight left Australia he was the finance guy for the Royal Bind Society in Sydney. Ken Swadesir was trying to invent radar for the blind. He had been run over by the tram and the newspaper called him Kevin.

    Again all these near-misses. Jerry Waight doesn’t mention Swadesir. He had his money on guide dogs. Both Jerry Waight and Leo Keane had worked in radio. Leo was a script writer. Jerry was the writer’s writer.

  2491. John Sanders on August 28, 2024 at 3:53 pm said:

    Can’t say that I was overly impressed with Balint’s yarn, a re hash of Feltus as
    I recall but more truthful if that helps. One thing I did recall is she insisted that her mate Jerry was a big fan of Adelaide Crows which I did find hard to believe. Horses for courses though and I’m sure that Ruth made an impression on some.

  2492. John Sanders on August 29, 2024 at 12:45 am said:

    DM: back to more pressing issues, ie., re GC’s inlisting the Chat box AI 8 : 01 ratio along with his own superior intellect to determin SM’s slab height. To put this to the text I used my Vernier calipers (hardware shop the Kings Road, Chelsea 2009), to obtain my chin to crown length, then did the coversion to obtain height overall. If anyone be interested I’m 6′ 4″ which be a full six inches taller than I was before. I’d suggest to folks interested in proof checking against their own known height, better to stick with the tried and tested second theory of Pythagorus equasion which currently stands at a tad over 6.9 : 01 from memory.

  2493. John Sanders on August 29, 2024 at 1:50 am said:

    DM: John Robert Keane bn. 19/6/42, see New SM thread plus others for past mention. Stuart Webb claims to have recently heard from him confirming that father Leo be the reclining youth in the mid thirties Werribee pic which ain’t possible (imho).

  2494. David Morgan on August 29, 2024 at 5:11 pm said:

    I was trying to go through the exercises of Abbott’s students the lazy way – using AI.

    One was this..but still in development I’m not sure who was wrong…perhaps the beloved leader with his programming brain could resolve why this produces different numbers to abbott students.

    Note I switched 2 M’s to Ws.. but that’s not it..

    import math

    def calculate_markov_probability(text, order=1):
    # Count occurrences of characters and transitions
    char_counts = {}
    transition_counts = {}

    for i in range(len(text) – order):
    prev = text[i:i+order]
    curr = text[i+order]

    if prev not in transition_counts:
    transition_counts[prev] = {}
    if curr not in transition_counts[prev]:
    transition_counts[prev][curr] = 0
    transition_counts[prev][curr] += 1

    if curr not in char_counts:
    char_counts[curr] = 0
    char_counts[curr] += 1

    # Calculate probabilities
    total_chars = sum(char_counts.values())
    mp = 1.0

    for i in range(len(text) – order):
    prev = text[i:i+order]
    curr = text[i+order]

    if i == 0:
    mp *= char_counts[curr] / total_chars
    prev_count = sum(transition_counts[prev].values())
    mp *= transition_counts[prev][curr] / prev_count

    return mp

    def calculate_hmmer_score(text):
    mp = calculate_markov_probability(text)
    random_prob = (1/26) ** len(text)
    hmmer_score = math.log2(mp / random_prob)
    return hmmer_score

    # Example usage
    hmmer_score = calculate_hmmer_score(somerton_code)
    print(f”HMMER score: {hmmer_score}”)

  2495. Was Charlie’s fate sealed when he began playing Aussie Rules football?

    The short clips below may hold the key to solving countless conundrums that have been impossible to reconcile up ’til now:



  2496. John Sanders on August 30, 2024 at 2:26 am said:

    DM: got a sneeking feeling that John Robert Keane may have been the son of Wally? and Zep Polkingdale who separated not long after his birth in ’42. As for Leo’s recorded rendition of ‘Pyjama Murders’, two things stand out; there be no mention at all of ‘Girl’ eg. Linda Agostini, who just happens to have been the soul victim far as we know….could it be that young John Keane and his natural parents had contact in later years as they all had been living in Bondi NSW.at one time pre 1970.

  2497. John Sanders on August 30, 2024 at 8:40 am said:

    DM: then try getting your head around seeds of doubt that might have been raised and weren’t in Abbotts overview of the case and Feltus’ fairytale.
    1. Const. Moss saw no signs of distubance at the scene and yet two race horses had been pawing the sand mere feet from a dead body when he arrived.
    2. The case found, (not checked in) with the card of thick Barbour threads only came to light 40 days after the fact and obviously a plant. Meant to highlight rough repairs to SM’s worn clothing but not any other garb.
    3. H. Rolfe North the cloakroom witness gave evidence on behalf of Ralph Craig who was on leave, in fact he was that same entity and suspect that he had a lot to hide. He died 23 days later aged 64 presumably not of old age.
    4. Sgt. Leane the perported finder had been beaten to it by Railway Police who had searched it in company with doctor in late December? suspecting remains.
    5. From the get go Prof. John Cleland was all over the case for which he had no reason apart from being giving medical opinion only, so what’s he doing diving into dead mans pockets (and coming up trumps with the highly suspect TS slip In later years he was accused of planting evidence and for lieing on Oath.
    6. It was Prof Cleland and his own ‘investigation’ notes what played a leading part in getting Sapol to approve the mask andthe second failed inquest in ’58.
    7. Det. Acting Sgt. Leane what took the case over from more senior Det. Sgt. Strangway (his initial SoC evidence never saw light of day), had some previous dealings with Chemist Freeman who came up with his million to one Rubaiyat.
    8. Jessica Harkness and ex intel. trained swabby Lieutenant Alf Boxall.. brought in to put the matter to rest for the time being at least and not half obvious…ou
    You be the judge mugger, you’re the only punter has any ideas on what’s what in Swat, albeit you do have some work on your lalique plate re proper suspect identification.

  2498. David Morgan on August 30, 2024 at 12:56 pm said:

    Jennifer Mills said in her article in The Monthly Nov 2022 on the Somerton Man “Webb seems to have been an ordinary bloke” yet “our fascination with his fate endures”.

    But based on ‘Carl Webb’:
    – he soaked himself in ether to try to kill himself
    – killed himself with an undetectable poison
    – had a slip of paper hidden away with Tamam Shud
    – had disposed of a copy of a 1st edition of the Rubiayat of Omar Khayyam that people have difficulty obtaining from specialist book stores.
    – didn’t have to serve during WW2 either because he was an engineer or had some incapacity (like bad feet)
    – was unrecognisable to his own family members, his recent work colleagues, his landlord or hotel reception and no-one remembered seeing him.
    -10s of people willingly travelled to Adelaide to see whether he was their dad/brother/uncle/work colleague but not any member of his own extended family e.g. Leo Keane turned up.

    It is hard to define ‘ordinary’ since everybody is probably extraordinary since they are genetically unique.

    Abbott’s lab-grown DNA is curiously not unique since it is generic to Webb’s line without the genealogy you could not find the missing-link.

    Webb’s last vegetable pastie suggests he had collected toxic plants which perhaps in combination confound science even today since it was never resolved. So not that ordinary.

  2499. David Morgan on August 30, 2024 at 5:27 pm said:

    If anyone has the budget and means to travel to Scotland Anne Coxon from SA forensics is talking about her life of crime. The one who said modern forensics were light years ahead of 1948.

    Perhaps they have to wait for everyone to die before they can tell us. It seems to be the way with these old cold cases.


  2500. David Morgan on August 30, 2024 at 6:37 pm said:


    John Keane in his writing on the CD said Tony Agostini was hanged. It suggests he was hanged for killing his wife Linda. In fact, we know Agostini went back to Italy. Leo may have been referring to the contract killer who ‘hanged himself’ in Italy. He was likely the killer of Linda Agostini and some local like Ginger Quin killed Philomena chasing her around the barn or shed.

    The police must have known where Linda Agostini was buried to get an impression of her teeth for the inquest as she definitely wasn’t the body in the tank as proved by multiple dentists during the inquest.

    The system (same as with Kripos in Norway) – you find your killer then the evidence to convict them. If necessary fabricate it.

  2501. David Morgan on August 30, 2024 at 7:02 pm said:


    the strangest part for me in 76 years is I was the 2nd person to mention the glass dish/ashtray. It eventually became lost from the inventory in newspapers and books. Who takes their own ashtray with them in 1948 and why?

    Why did it become less important than say his socks?

    It suggests he lodged with non-smokers and retired to his bedroom to smoke with his own ashtray. Hotels would have them. He may have decided to be a sneaky smoker staying with non-smokers. The fact he hid his brand as well suggests he wanted to appear as a pleb and not educated getting his 1st edition poetry book.

    Again that was like an evidence that Swift was the SM as Jerry Waight was sent 1st editions by poetry authors who wanted his approval.

  2502. John Sanders on August 31, 2024 at 3:33 am said:

    DM: Leane may have cleared up a few doubts about the SM identity had he taken a lead from Det. Sgt. Bill MacKay head of NSW Police Special Branch to put the body in a bathtub full of formalin, stick it in a public gallery and charge half a crown per viewing with a reward of full refund for first to make a successful ID. Case closed;
    Speaking of which I didn’t realise that you were still having some doubts about the Pyjama girl ID and her possible assailant Ginger Mick or some bad ass digger on leave from Bonnagilla camp Albury-Wodonga. Never heard back from you on my subtle hint that Mrs. Agostini as Linda Platt had been spying for the Fascists before her marriage to Tony, proof being in her known links with the Italian consulate pre 1930. Other side of the coin being that Antonio may have worked both sides, this consistent with his being an insider for NSW at SB while hat checking at Romanos restaurant in Sydney, then as a staff reporter with il Giornale rag in Melbourne until Linda’s disappearance before moving back to Romano’s as head waiter pre confession. Guess you don’t need reminding that Kings Cross held centre stage during the Agostini’s show trial, did you know that some SM players were also well known at the Cross in that era; if you can name a few, I’ll agree to take a closer look at Linda’s doppelganger Philomena Morgan, dentist Tom Benbow and the highly speculative prize bull being led by farmer Griffith’s lad on a nose ring to town???

  2503. David Morgan on August 31, 2024 at 9:08 pm said:

    AI came up with the idea of simple word substitutions for the code for example:

    “W”: “We”,
    “R”: “Really”,
    “G”: “Go”,
    “O”: “On”,
    “A”: “And”,
    “B”: “Begin”,
    “D”: “Dancing”,
    “T”: “To”,
    “I”: “Imagine”,
    “M”: “Many”,
    “P”: “People”,
    “N”: “Never”,
    “E”: “Even”,
    “L”: “Look”,
    “Q”: “Quietly”,
    “C”: “Creating”,
    “S”: “So”

    I tried a few other variations. But someone might see a simple solution.
    War Really Goes On And Begins And Begins Destruction
    War To Begins Imagine Many People And Never Even To People
    Many Look Imagine And Begins On And Imagine And Quietly Creating
    Imagine To To Many To So And Many So To Creating And Begins

    It was just a simple idea of AI and some letters obviously would in reality have 2 or 3 meanings.

    Obviously his problem with M being W complicates it. It’s not a normal mistake to make in any language.

    Except Morse code where you might see a dot before the dashes the second time it repeats the sequence. Like a flashing light from a boat.

    M is represented by — (two dashes).
    W is represented by .– (a dot followed by two dashes).

  2504. David Morgan on August 31, 2024 at 9:41 pm said:

    The army dropped morse code in 1948 and the gpo was shutting down telegraphy units


    Morse Code in Ship Ahoy
    In the 1942 musical-comedy film Ship Ahoy, the character Tallulah Winters, played by Eleanor Powell, uses her tap dancing skills to communicate vital messages in Morse code. During a performance, she taps out an SOS signal to warn the hero about impending danger from spies

    perhaps the SM saw ‘ship ahoy’ twice and trid to decode the dance.


    It is interesting that Gerry Waight was also trying to come up with a dance code for ballet. So perhaps Russian ballerinas could transmit messages.

  2505. John Sanders on September 1, 2024 at 4:09 am said:

    DM: back in the days well before the Webb of deceit became the norm, when pearls of wisdom were in abundance on the SM sites (bar one GC Anon.) with beaucoups plenty of posts about Ballets Russes immediate pre war tours with much lively discussion taken up on whether one of the troup might have been y’man SM. Anyhow, as I recall, one of the big name male leads in the ’36 tour, in order to keep the troup from sucumbing to tedium during the long sea voyage to the antipodes, devised a deck game very similar to the one from ‘Ship Ahoy’ with varied dance step encoding and decryption procedures all in Espirito, a flexable tongue used by globe trotters for ease of communication. Some of those in that first of three tours of the antipodes prior to WW2 were certainly seconded intelligenceinformants to major world powers, Sadly Somerton Man, who never learnt to dance a step, wasn’t amongst them which can’t be helped.

  2506. John Sanders on September 1, 2024 at 5:15 am said:

    DM: how does a chap of limited means and digital sophistication gain access to the coveted Morgan mystery site that has defied all ligitimate attempts to date.

  2507. John Sanders on September 1, 2024 at 9:16 am said:

    Nahuatl and Espiranto dialects also had some followers amongst those used to digging & delving into other people’s business in warmer climates according to Siddy Reilly, Ace of Spys.

  2508. David Morgan on September 5, 2024 at 2:04 pm said:

    Picdrop tells me the images only stay for 10 days for free.


    But you can download any you want. If I find some more i will upload.

  2509. John Sanders on September 5, 2024 at 9:47 pm said:

    DM: don’t go to any trouble mind but, if you come across any shots of @Jerry Somerton in his prime with captions it’d be swell ,if thats not too big an ask.

  2510. John Sanders on September 6, 2024 at 4:25 am said:

    DM: if you can find some sans Webb to compare with, it’d be a pleasant change. I’m still hoping a mug shot of Henry de La fargue Salomonson (5/5/05) might turn up for a chance at SM comparison…nod’s good as a wink to a blind horse what?

  2511. David Morgan on September 6, 2024 at 10:16 am said:


    There’s a few billion on the planet unfortunately facial ID will only match SM to the guy we call Carl Webb. It matches Leo to Leo, Roy to ‘not dead’ Roy. Old facial ID software measuring less facial landmarks would

    9 days left before picdrop drops me.


    I have been experimenting with the new Google tool to create videos by AI. This is a template provided entirely by AI. I had to tell it the title and then to insert its scripts into the timeline and choose the voice. But otherwise entirely an AI ‘concept’ video. I suspect you can/will be able to lipsync the script to a presenter. I haven’t figured that out. I’ve only tested it for a few hours for the isdal Woman.

    This is AIs idea for a somerton man video:


    Picdrop let me upload this demo as an MP4.

    The user would then insert their own media/clips/self recordings. At the moment about 5 minutes is the limit of voice scripts so you’d need a part 1, 2 etc.. each 5 minutes.

    Worth playing with if you have a blog/web site. I thought it can be a good way to get people into a book.

  2512. John Sanders on September 6, 2024 at 1:12 pm said:

    DM: thinking that we could have a prime SM candidate JS on the ropes, but going by well documented past similar deceptions back home and elswhere he’s not likely to go down without a fight. Enough said for now, just puting his initials on the board in order to prevent others laying claim if I’m correct.

  2513. David Morgan on September 6, 2024 at 10:15 pm said:


    The Walberswiki History guys contacted me because they noticed someone put a new flower holder on Jerry Waight’s grave implying children. Perhaps Peggy Waight had kids before Jerry but then why didn’t they inherit the house…unless they sold it and moved locally.

    But it could be the vicar. I did contact him and perhaps he felt the wind of media coming and he would need to make it seem Jerry had his attention.

  2514. John Sanders on September 7, 2024 at 8:34 am said:

    DM: having a new flower holder in place could mean a flower delivery be next. Suggest you arrange for a spotter to oversee same or utilise onsite surveillance cameras to catch the action then see what info can be obtained for free.

  2515. David Morgan on September 7, 2024 at 7:15 pm said:


    The history guys are on the case and are asking locally via some magazine. I suspect they’ll all be watching over the wall like some Dad’s Army episode. I assume only retired people get up to that sort of behaviour. Probably a lot more exciting than asking the vicar.

    It is strange when you think about it a lot of cold cases end up poking around graves. But no-one seems to poke about the Pyjama Girl grave. You could imagine competing families replacing flowers. It’s not Linda..it’s Philomena…

    Preston General Cemetery
    Bundoora, Banyule City, Victoria, Australia
    Show MapGPS-Latitude: -37.7199982, Longitude: 145.0413417
    Area L, Grave 8341


    Perhaps Leo Keane laid flowers there.

  2516. David Morgan on September 7, 2024 at 8:26 pm said:


    It is a shame all the images of Linda Agostini, Stiletto Jean (Morris) and Philomena Morgan are so modified. Those Aussie photo studios messed up the originals so everybody looks like some silent movie star.

    Testing with Betaface makes Linda, Jean and Philomena almost indistinguishable. You can’t be certain who is who. The police may have played games with the picture deck.

    My bet is on Jean Morris being Linda Agostini. They should dig her up and check her DNA and see whether she has teeth missing placed in an inquest teeth model. An Italian mafia guy was paid to kill her and fortunately he hangs himself in a police station in Italy. Strange how those professional killers do that.

    I mean Italian guy gets mafia to kill his wife. Tony said he confessed to the mafia boss about killing Linda. Perhaps there were two of them stabbing her. It was a lot of wounds for a pro killer. You would imagine 2 would be enough. Sounds more like a crime of passion.

  2517. John Sanders on September 8, 2024 at 5:56 am said:

    DM: if sentence construction and verbage be in your domain, perhaps you might consider doing AI comparisons with BS/TM long term posters especially Gordon
    Cramer and likely Anonymous alters. That could confirm ongoing suspicion of a single author by some sceptics and to satisfy all doubts by fools still to be 100% convinced of duplicity.

  2518. David Morgan on September 8, 2024 at 11:41 am said:

    @JS it’s too much effort there are so many anon posters. It would be nice if group membership required email confirmation and everyone was just one person. Just as it should be with social media.

    I think @NP had a problem recently replying to someone using their email.

    I can remember in the Isdal woman case some fake person sent postcards to a Norwegian journalist claiming she knew who she was. Or like the flowers on a bench at Somerton. They seem to want to get themselves in newspapers for weird behaviour.

    When everyone is confused about left and right and up and down – they come forward and offer some weird answer like it’s Bill Gates putting chips into people or controlling the weather.

    Perhaps in the end it drives people to churches to seek simple answers. It’s God what done it.

    One thing to remember is if you become a mystery you get a better ‘free’ slot in the graveyard. You don’t get treated like the other stacked up John Does.

  2519. John Sanders on September 8, 2024 at 1:15 pm said:

    DM: not so quick in jumping to conclusions mugger, the lass Morris, who had just arrived in Ayr Nth. Qld may not by my take have been either of your other players Linda or Philomena, alternatively she probably was one or the other according to which script one prefers. Whoever she was, she died at the hands of a frenzied killer and not a mob hit man, unless done that way to take the heat away from a black hand job which I doubt. What confuses my thinking be that one lass was a teen just in from Sydney, another a country Victorian in her early twenties and Linda my fascist informant, an London tour guide nearing thirty, how could they be confused. Think you can get to the bittom of it then, your a better man then I am Gunga Din.

  2520. David Morgan on September 9, 2024 at 9:12 am said:

    The son? of the copper who got transferred to ‘the sticks’ for crossing MCKay about the body being Philomena contacted me and said his mother had the original files of his dad. But he never came back. The copper got demoted for being caught drinking on duty. It was fixed to ensure he became treated as an unreliable witness.

    The O’Driscoll memoirs on Stiletto Jean ends on page 13 (newspaper) saying the Italian guy hanged himself when nabbed off the boat.


    He said it was no ordinary slaying.

    The stranger hanging about was 5’7″, grey mac too big for him, aged about 30.

    Agostini at the inquest in his 40s wore a gabardine overcoat over a grey suit.

    He was always skinny. In the prison for ‘hard labour’ he worked in the library. Smashing rocks was too hard for his puny body.

    But yet he carried his wife’s dead body to a car and down to the culvert. It seems unlikely.

    There are so many reputations to fix from finding the PG was Philomena not Linda.

  2521. David Morgan on September 10, 2024 at 3:58 pm said:

    Off topic…but I have created videos for my 1970 Isdal Woman plot solution. At least a part of it. I doubt the full story can ever be known.


    This may be a god approach for creating somerton man videos. You simply feed your document in and it creates a script you can amend. Then pick the voices and add media. How long it takes is up to you. But plan for 5 minutes in video length with a Google vid with AI voices .

    I lose picdrop in 3 or 4 days.

  2522. John Sanders on September 11, 2024 at 1:18 pm said:

    DM: a doppler for Madam Butterfly or Susie Wong perhaps, yes?

  2523. John Sanders on September 12, 2024 at 9:03 am said:

    DM: did you ever catch up with the young Isdal woman witness? who caught the ferry but never got off, think he was Swiss and well off. I recall having found him or near namesake going to Brazil then later to Australia. Not much use trying to find anything on the mostly unworkable site:CM.com”search” these days.

  2524. David Morgan on September 12, 2024 at 9:40 am said:


    The problem with sketch artists is they get directed – by the police and witnesses. In the later Isdal Woman sketch by Missal they talked with 1 receptionist and 3 sketch artists tried and only Missal’s was accepted because he made her look “German’ which he said to me was nonsense.

    I spent months searching for a near facial ID match to his sketch. I sent it to Stephen Missal and I asked him – is this the woman in your mind’s eye?

    But he wasn’t excited about a near match – who was German and actually from the right region of Germany.

    Now bizarrely with old facial ID – where it only needed about 20 points to match it found a Jane Wallentine in Minnesota matched the original Hetland sketch. That was how I started my Jane Wallentine research. I actually said to my wife “sketches never match real people” and then she said test it and it did match.

    Roll forward 4 years and again I tested Sketchcop’s sketch with the Somerton Man and another match. I asked him how did he do it but he wouldn’t explain.

    Even more bizarrely the Jane Wallentine that matched with the Isdal Woman sketch the newspaper said was a different Jane Wallentine. I actually had a bust-up by email with their photo archivist showing him the two images and saying “these were the same people”. I even sent him the Norwegian police evidence to show him Jane was 26. He said the image couldn’t be used because she was 16 even though ‘dead’?

    It messed up my plans to write the book on it. I mean how can you show an image matches with facial ID when you can only see one of the images. But they were adamant that US law would not allow me to show an image of a now dead ’16-year-old’ from 1970.

    I did come up with the idea of average images which even then ‘technically’ it is a modified picture of the original. It would not really hold water in court. It would be like drawing a moustache on and saying it’s a different person.

    The point was as well is I was saying this average image was 3 images of Jane Wallentine (where 1 was the sketch of the Isdal Woman).

    I was the only researcher to properly look for Jane Wallentine. NRK did a quick look on myheritage back in 2016 but arrived at a conclusion she was alive with little or no research. Technically Jane is still alive in Seattle.

    She will become the woman who never dies.

  2525. John Sanders on September 12, 2024 at 9:48 pm said:

    DM: Not so many Wallentine’s in WA. records but plenty of Jane Valentine’s all scattered around US, mostly Fla. Only Wallentine in Aust. be john US nat. who arrived ’72 (cut off ’73) from NZ….Still can’t get Medium – David Morgan up?

  2526. @js John, did you end up locating details about the Swiss witness on the ferry?
    It seems anyone of the era had to say “I’m not German, I’m Swiss” to save their hides.

  2527. John Sanders on September 13, 2024 at 1:06 pm said:

    Allan H: guess it depends on what part of the country you came from. Then again we’re talking 1970 so it should have been let bygones be bygones by then. I’m still waiting for y’man to get back to me on specific details of our ferry pax.

  2528. David Morgan on September 13, 2024 at 8:02 pm said:


    It is strange that the police used the typo Valentine in their reports. I think only 1 page in their report spells it correctly. You would only be certain from reading Kvinnen i Isdalen (I used Google translate).

    But law lecturer Aske has his own confusion in his book he calls Nilsens ‘Nielsens’ (and vice versa) for some reason. By doing so he probably researched the wrong people.

    He failed to notice key passengers on a hydrofoil with the Isdal Woman. Actually key absences – the guy who cancelled was Mikal Myking who the Bergen police thought had killed Astrid Aardal. He didn’t give the guy a mention. Nor the woman on the flight with her who was another female first – she had been on a weather ship in the North Sea with about 20 men. Nor did he mention the first Bergen female police officer who I had to track down. NRK had said on their podcast there was only 1 surviving male officer from 1970. Eventually NRK contacted me to say “she’s alive in Stavanger…leave her alone”. It was curious this year a female law clerk from Stavanger who saw the female copper in court (many years ago) sent me her facebook account and then dropped out of facebook – like she had committed a crime.

    I spoke with the old guy who sat next to her on the hydrofoil. He was a young engineering student at the time. He said he never spoke with the woman. I mean what sort of stone people are Norwegians? Young guy and attractive woman and he never asks her where she’s going in 2 hours sat 6 inches from her. It is hard to believe the vikings ever left home to pillage.

  2529. John Sanders on September 14, 2024 at 8:29 am said:

    DM: still waiting on the other chap’s name if it’s no trouble. As for the Vikings they only got their mofo repo in 1958 after Kirk Douglas played King Oska in the long boat movie of that name. Histerically it was most likely their gals had the bad ass reputation for blood lust, ask any Waffen SS sodjer made it back from Norway with his plumbing still intact.

  2530. David Morgan on September 14, 2024 at 4:42 pm said:


    The only Swiss guy I documented was Hermann Johr who fled a Basel asylum then Strasbourg Sept 1972 and caught the ferry to Newcastle Oct 72 from Oslo and supposedly jumped off. He was my key suspect for the killer of Mariann Thunestvedt. But a bit of date mismatch.

    Though a Swedish woman did contact me (which I lost) about a guy who arrived as a poisoner in Sweden in 1972. He looked like Hermann. I have his picture just not the details of who he killed.

    A gallery in Switzerland has an account of Hermann dying in ‘the flood’ off Denmark. A journalist got paid for that wrong research. I wonder if he spent a month in Denmark at their expense.

    I had contact with a Swiss multi-millionaire who was pals with Hermann. His parents gave him Hermann’s holiday home not to write the article about Hermann being a gay schizophrenic.

    Hermann also donated things to a Basel ethnography museum. A totem pole design on cloth. In Oct 1970 Bergen had a totem pole from Seattle. It was another coincidence.

    When I read the police or crime books say “there is no such thing as coincidence” I always laugh.

  2531. John Sanders on September 15, 2024 at 6:24 am said:

    DM: Was it your colleague Joe made mention of a fire in the IW case. I recall it was pseudo buffs pointing the fingers at spontanious combustion while other incendiary experts said more likely a fire caused by wick effect with an alcohol accelerant igniting body fat of Isdal Woman. Wasn’t there also burning involved in the Mariann Thunestvedt case that went unexplained; skeptics may not be aware that in 2010 a Coroner in Galway, Ireland ruled for SC in the otherwise clueless death of Michael Flaherty.

  2532. David Morgan on September 15, 2024 at 11:40 am said:


    I do not agree with the wick effect in either case – IW/MT. The amount of alcohol in IWs blood was small. Only the lower legs burnt in both cases, not thighs significantly. In Strasbourg 1972 newspaper reports say it was obvious it was murder because of the lower leg burning. it is strange they didn’t arrive at that in the IW case. In most wick effect cases the person was usually sat up in a chair. She was sat up initially but the fat on her bum and upper thighs was intact. I spoke with a senior fire trainer – who trains the trainers who thought it was the wick effect and he had used IW in his training. But I disagree.

    This blog was the first location I found which made me question the DIIV podcast by the BBC and NRK.


    The guy seems to have had health issues but suggests he was medical by training. He goes off at a tangent but the factual stuff is good.

    The Mariann case is almost evidence that IW was also murder since her mother gave evidence. Her mother’s evidence was actually the best of all the witnesses, She had studied her clothing etc. She had responsibility for the floor in the Neptun hotel and saw the comings and goings of guests.

    I asked Espen Erdal who heads up the Kripos cold case team to request the autopsy from Strasourg but perhaps at the time it was bad timing. He was deeply in the Brigitte Tengs case and said he didn’t direct himself. I was trying to get someone to request the coroner’s report from Strasbourg to compare with IW. In my mind both were tortures.

    In IW’s case her boots were set on fire next to her knees likely full of petrol.
    In Mariann’s case she was moved from the centre of the room to an almost praying position beside the bed with her legs burnt.

    The only thing IW had on the 18th she didn’t have on the 23rd was a California bag and the guy Harald she met in Gvarv had been to Berkeley and prior to that with Thor Heyerdahl on an expedition. Effectively stealing antiquities for their Kontiki museum.

  2533. David Morgan on September 15, 2024 at 12:27 pm said:

    The letter in 2010 was in the possession of Detective Gerald Feltus, who had been investigating the Somerton Man case for fifteen years and was in the process of transferring all the information he had gathered into a computer…

    Has he finished yet…

  2534. John Sanders on September 15, 2024 at 1:10 pm said:

    DM: fair enough, see the point and can’t find fault in your take, more or less? What about Colleen Fitzgerald’s unanswered offer to assist police with ID, you reckon they’d have sad go for it babe, if’n they thought there be even a slim chance of success. Same deal happened with her offer to Sapol forensics with Somerton Man unless I’m not mistaken. maybe they’d been there done that in both caseds and come up with F. Hall.

  2535. David Morgan on September 15, 2024 at 3:02 pm said:

    Looking forward to a later 1953 case likely Rzecki – ?he was supposedly an escape from an asylum and died from a smoke bomb = Zinc Chloride. Robert James Cowan was the chemical analyst again.


    I can’t think of a scenario where this sequence of events would happen. An asylum patient would just happen to escape and let off a smoke bomb in a confined space?

    There didn’t seem to be an inquest.

    I presume a migrant family.

    It seems more logical the migrant was working in the smoke bomb factory and died from the exposure. Perhaps asylum patients didn’ have to have inquests.

    this guy died from an explosion that couldn’t happen:



  2536. David Morgan on September 16, 2024 at 8:50 am said:

    This is an example of the new smarter “01” preview Strawberry preview. In tests it has been proved to be smarter than most mathematicians. They think by Christmas it will be smarter than a PHD.
    The Somerton Man mystery is one of Australia’s most enduring cold cases, originating from the unexplained death of an unidentified man on Somerton Beach, near Adelaide, on December 1, 1948. The case has fascinated the public due to its intriguing clues, cryptic messages, and the international hunt for the man’s identity.

    **Evidence Available in 1948:**

    1. **Discovery of the Body:**
    – **Time and Place:** At 6:30 a.m. on December 1, 1948, the body of a well-dressed man was found lying against a seawall on Somerton Beach.
    – **Appearance:** He wore a suit and tie, polished shoes, and all the labels had been removed from his clothing.
    – **Position:** Witnesses reported seeing him the previous evening, possibly alive, but thought he was sleeping.

    2. **Personal Items:**
    – **Contents of Pockets:** An unused train ticket from Adelaide to Henley Beach, a bus ticket from the city to St. Leonard’s (near Somerton Beach), a pack of Juicy Fruit chewing gum, an Army Club cigarette pack containing Kensitas cigarettes, a box of matches, and a comb.
    – **Lack of Identification:** No wallet, identification papers, or personal documents were found, making identification challenging.

    3. **Autopsy Findings:**
    – **Cause of Death:** The medical examiner could not determine a conclusive cause of death but noted congestion of the spleen and internal organs, suggesting possible poisoning.
    – **No Visible Trauma:** There were no signs of violence or struggle.
    – **Physical Condition:** The man was in peak physical condition, with well-defined calf muscles, leading some to speculate he had been a dancer or athlete.

    4. **Mystery of the “Tamám Shud” Slip:**
    – **Hidden Message:** Months after the discovery, a tiny rolled-up piece of paper was found concealed in a fob pocket of the man’s trousers. It bore the words “Tamám Shud,” meaning “ended” or “finished” in Persian.
    – **Origin of the Phrase:** The words were identified as the final phrase in the English translation of “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,” a collection of poems.

    5. **Copy of “The Rubaiyat”:**
    – **Public Appeal:** Police sought the copy of the book from which the slip was torn.
    – **Discovery:** A man came forward claiming he found a copy of “The Rubaiyat” in the backseat of his unlocked car parked near Somerton Beach around the time of the death.
    – **Annotations:** The book had a section torn out corresponding to the “Tamám Shud” slip. It also contained faint pencil markings believed to be a code and a telephone number.

    6. **Unsolved Code and Telephone Number:**
    – **The Code:** A series of seemingly random letters that cryptographers, including experts from the Navy and the Defense Department, were unable to definitively decrypt.
    – **Telephone Connection:** The phone number led to a nurse named Jessica “Jo” Thomson (née Harkness), who lived nearby.
    – **Interviews:** Jessica denied knowing the man but appeared evasive. Some speculated a personal connection, possibly a romantic relationship or espionage link.

    7. **Suitcase at Adelaide Railway Station:**
    – **Discovery:** A suitcase believed to belong to the man was found in the railway station’s cloakroom.
    – **Contents:** Clothes with missing labels, tools, a table knife cut into a sharp instrument, scissors, and a stenciling brush, suggesting a connection to maritime activities.

    **Developments Leading to Resolution in 2022:**

    Advancements in forensic technology and persistent investigative efforts over the decades led to breakthroughs in the case.

    1. **Exhumation for DNA Analysis:**
    – **2021 Exhumation:** South Australian authorities exhumed the Somerton Man’s remains to extract DNA, hoping modern techniques could reveal his identity.
    – **Previous Attempts:** Earlier efforts were hampered by the degradation of samples and technological limitations.

    2. **Genealogical Research:**
    – **Professor Derek Abbott’s Investigation:** A scientist from the University of Adelaide who dedicated years to the case.
    – **Collaboration with Colleen Fitzpatrick:** An American genealogist specializing in forensic genealogy.
    – **DNA Extraction:** Utilizing hairs found in a plaster bust made of the man’s head and shoulders shortly after his death.

    3. **Identification as Carl “Charles” Webb:**
    – **Discovery:** In 2022, Abbott and Fitzpatrick announced they had identified the Somerton Man as Carl Webb, an electrical engineer and instrument maker born in 1905 in Melbourne.
    – **Family Connections:** Through constructing a detailed family tree with over 4,000 people, they matched the DNA to living relatives on both maternal and paternal sides.
    – **Background of Carl Webb:**
    – **Personal Life:** Webb was known to have separated from his wife, Dorothy Robertson, around 1947.
    – **Disappearance:** Records after 1947 were scarce, and he was not reported missing at the time of his death.

    4. **Supporting Evidence:**
    – **Link to Melbourne:** Explains why labels were removed—to prevent identification during travel.
    – **Possible Reasons for Being in Adelaide:** Speculated that Webb was searching for his estranged wife, who had moved to South Australia.
    – **Connection to “The Rubaiyat”:** The book was popular in Australia during the 1940s; Webb had a known interest in poetry.

    5. **Unresolved Mysteries:**
    – **Cause of Death:** Still uncertain; theories include suicide, accidental overdose, or foul play.
    – **Code Interpretation:** The cryptic letters may have been personal notes or a mnemonic; no definitive decryption has been made.
    – **Relationship with Jessica Thomson:** While a connection is plausible, conclusive evidence of their association remains elusive.


    The identification of the Somerton Man as Carl Webb in 2022 marked a significant breakthrough in a case that had baffled investigators for over seven decades. The combination of DNA analysis and genealogical research provided a plausible identity, offering closure to one of Australia’s greatest mysteries. While some questions linger regarding the circumstances of his death and his activities leading up to it, the resolution underscores the power of modern forensic science in solving historical cold cases.

  2537. David Morgan on September 16, 2024 at 8:55 am said:

    and “01 Preview” on the Pyjama Girl Mystery

    **Summary of the 1934 Pyjama Girl Case:**

    In 1934, a gruesome discovery was made near the town of Albury in New South Wales, Australia. On September 1, the badly burned body of a woman was found in a culvert along Howlong Road. She was dressed in distinctive yellow silk pajamas, leading the media to dub her the “Pyjama Girl.” The case quickly captured national attention due to its mysterious nature and the difficulty authorities faced in identifying the victim and determining the circumstances of her death.

    **Initial Investigations:**

    – **Condition of the Body:** The body was severely burned and disfigured, making identification challenging. Despite the deterioration, investigators noted specific features: she was of slight build, had brown hair, and her teeth had distinct dental work.

    – **Public Display:** In an unusual move to aid identification, the preserved body was put on public display in a glass tank at the Sydney University Medical School. Thousands of people viewed the remains, but no positive identification was made during the initial years.

    – **Failed Leads:** Numerous missing persons reports and potential leads were investigated. The police compared dental records and followed up on reported sightings, but each lead resulted in a dead end.

    **Evidence in the Later Inquest:**

    Almost a decade later, in 1944, there was a significant development:

    – **Confession of Antonio Agostini:** Italian-born waiter Antonio “Tony” Agostini confessed to the manslaughter of his wife, Linda Agostini. He claimed her death was accidental and occurred during a domestic dispute in Sydney. Fearing repercussions, he disposed of her body near Albury.

    – **Identification of the Body as Linda Agostini:**
    – **Dental Records:** Authorities revisited the dental records and concluded they matched Linda’s.
    – **Personal Effects:** Additional evidence, such as similarities in physical descriptions and personal belongings, was presented to support the identification.

    – **Trial and Conviction:**
    – Agostini was tried for murder but was convicted of manslaughter. He served a four-year prison sentence before being deported to Italy upon release.

    **Role of Dr. Palmer-Benbow:**

    Dr. Thomas Armstrong Palmer-Benbow was a respected Sydney physician who became deeply involved in the Pyjama Girl case during the 1940s.

    – **Skepticism of Official Identification:**
    – Dr. Palmer-Benbow doubted that the body was that of Linda Agostini. He conducted his own investigations and compared the known physical characteristics of Linda with those of the Pyjama Girl.
    – He noted discrepancies, particularly in the dental records and other anatomical features. For example, differences in the number and condition of teeth, and certain surgical scars that were not consistent with Linda’s medical history.

    – **Alternative Identification:**
    – Dr. Palmer-Benbow proposed that the body might belong to a missing woman named Philomena (“Minnie”) Morgan, who had disappeared around the same time.
    – He presented evidence suggesting that Minnie’s physical characteristics more closely matched those of the Pyjama Girl, including similarities in dental work and reported sightings.

    – **Testimony at the Inquest:**
    – During the 1944 inquest, Dr. Palmer-Benbow provided detailed testimony outlining his findings and concerns.
    – He criticized the methods used by the authorities in identifying the body and emphasized the importance of accurate forensic analysis.
    – His challenges sparked public debate and brought attention to potential flaws in the investigation.

    – **Impact on the Case:**
    – Despite his efforts, the inquest ultimately upheld the identification of the Pyjama Girl as Linda Agostini.
    – Dr. Palmer-Benbow’s involvement highlighted the need for rigorous forensic standards and may have influenced future investigative practices in Australia.

    **Continuing Controversies and Legacy:**

    – **Doubts About the Conviction:**
    – Some historians and researchers have continued to question whether the Pyjama Girl was truly Linda Agostini.
    – Allegations have been made that authorities were eager to close the case, possibly overlooking or dismissing conflicting evidence.

    – **Advancements in Forensic Science:**
    – The case underscores the limitations of forensic technology at the time and how advancements might have altered the investigation’s outcome.
    – Modern techniques such as DNA analysis were not available, leaving the case reliant on less definitive methods like dental comparisons and eyewitness accounts.

    – **Cultural Impact:**
    – The Pyjama Girl case remains one of Australia’s most infamous unsolved mysteries.
    – It has inspired books, films, and ongoing discussions about the criminal justice system, media influence, and the treatment of unidentified victims.


    The 1934 Pyjama Girl case is a complex and multifaceted mystery that illustrates the challenges of criminal investigations in the early 20th century. Dr. Palmer-Benbow played a significant role by questioning the official narrative and advocating for meticulous forensic examination. While the case was officially closed with the conviction of Antonio Agostini, lingering doubts and alternative theories persist, keeping the story alive in Australia’s collective memory.

  2538. David Morgan on September 16, 2024 at 9:10 am said:

    This was O1’s attempt at Mariann Thunestvedt’s murder. It has made me a criminologist and said Mariann was studying French which was not strictly true. She was an au pair and set on fire. It shows with limited sources it has to ‘create’ like a journalist.

    Certainly! The murder of **Mariann Thunestvedt** is a tragic and unsolved case from 1972 that has drawn renewed interest in recent years, particularly from researchers and criminologists seeking to shed light on the circumstances surrounding her death.

    ### **Background of the Case**

    – **Victim:** Mariann Thunestvedt was a 20-year-old Norwegian student studying French at the University of Strasbourg in France. She had come to Strasbourg to immerse herself in the language and culture.

    – **Location:** She resided in a small apartment on the first floor of a high-rise building in the Esplanade district, a neighborhood known for housing many students due to its proximity to the university.

    ### **Details of the Murder**

    – **Discovery of the Body:** On **September 6, 1972**, Mariann’s body was discovered in her apartment. She had been the victim of a violent assault.

    – **Cause of Death:** Reports indicate that she was **strangled**, and there were signs suggesting she had been attacked with great force. The exact details of any additional injuries have not been widely disclosed.

    – **Crime Scene:** There were indications of a struggle within the apartment, suggesting that Mariann fought back against her attacker.

    ### **Investigation**

    – **Immediate Response:** French police launched an investigation into the murder. Given the violent nature of the crime and the fact that the victim was a foreign student, there was significant pressure to solve the case.

    – **Lack of Witnesses:** Despite the high density of residents in the building and neighborhood, there were few eyewitnesses or individuals who reported hearing or seeing anything suspicious at the time of the murder.

    – **Potential Leads:** Initial investigations explored several avenues, including questioning neighbors, classmates, and anyone who might have had contact with Mariann. However, no definitive suspects were identified.

    ### **Role of Magistrate Alexandre Linden**

    – **Judicial Oversight:** **Magistrate Alexandre Linden** was assigned to oversee the investigation. In the French legal system, a magistrate (juge d’instruction) plays a central role in criminal investigations, directing police efforts, collecting evidence, and ensuring that the judicial process is followed correctly.

    – **Efforts to Solve the Case:** Magistrate Linden would have been responsible for authorizing search warrants, interrogating potential witnesses or suspects, and coordinating between various law enforcement agencies.

    – **Challenges Faced:** Despite these efforts, the investigation struggled due to a lack of concrete evidence and the absence of advanced forensic techniques that are available today.

    ### **David Morgan’s Research and “A Camouflaged Murder”**

    – **Who is David Morgan?:** David Morgan is a British criminologist and author who has taken a particular interest in cold cases and unsolved murders, especially those involving international elements.

    – **Purpose of the Book:** In his book, **”A Camouflaged Murder,”** Morgan explores the murder of Mariann Thunestvedt in depth. He delves into the original investigation, examines potential suspects, and evaluates why the case remains unsolved after so many years.

    – **Potential Suspects:** While specific names are not publicly disclosed to protect privacy and due to the lack of formal charges, Morgan investigates individuals who may have been overlooked or insufficiently scrutinized during the initial investigation. This includes acquaintances, neighbors, or individuals with possible motives.

    – **New Insights:** By re-examining the case with modern criminological approaches, Morgan aims to uncover new evidence or interpretations that could lead to a breakthrough.

    ### **Challenges in Solving the Case**

    – **Technological Limitations:** In 1972, forensic science was not as advanced. Critical evidence like DNA could not be analyzed as it can be today, hindering the ability to identify the perpetrator through scientific means.

    – **Transient Population:** The Esplanade district’s large student population meant many residents were transient, making it difficult to track down all potential witnesses or persons of interest.

    – **International Complications:** As Mariann was a Norwegian national, coordination between French and Norwegian authorities added complexity to the investigation.

    ### **Renewed Interest and Potential for Resolution**

    – **Modern Forensic Techniques:** Advances in DNA technology and forensic science open the possibility of re-examining any preserved evidence. If biological samples were collected and securely stored, they could be analyzed today for DNA profiles.

    – **Cold Case Review:** There have been calls for the case to be re-opened as a cold case, with hopes that modern investigative methods might yield new leads.

    – **Public and Media Attention:** Articles like the one from DNA (Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace) highlight ongoing public interest. Media coverage can play a crucial role in generating new tips or encouraging witnesses to come forward.

    ### **Conclusion**

    The murder of **Mariann Thunestvedt** remains a poignant unsolved case that continues to resonate both in France and Norway. The diligent work of individuals like **David Morgan**, along with potential advancements in forensic science, offers hope that one day the case might be solved. Magistrate **Alexandre Linden**’s involvement underscores the commitment of the French judicial system to seek justice, despite the challenges faced at the time.

    While the case remains unresolved, keeping Mariann’s story alive raises awareness about the importance of revisiting cold cases and the possibilities that modern technology brings to uncovering the truth. Anyone with information related to the case is encouraged to contact the appropriate authorities, as even small details might be crucial in bringing closure to this decades-old mystery.

  2539. David Morgan on September 16, 2024 at 10:13 am said:

    I asked new “AI – 01 preview” to check this code guarantees 2 numbers win each week with 27 lottery tickets in a 6 number draw (i.e. you might get a free ticket the next week).

    If only it could increase the number of free tickets each week it might be a system… In a 27-person syndicate it might work if they understood it was only guaranteed a 2 number win each week. But they can also win more.

    This is a Google app script created by AI:

    function onOpen() {

    const menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu(‘Custom Menu’);

    menu.addItem(‘Generate Lottery Tickets’, ‘generateLotteryTickets’);



    function generateLotteryTickets() {

    const totalNumbers = 49;

    const numbersPerTicket = 6;

    const numberOfTickets = 27;

    const tickets = generateFanoPlaneTickets(totalNumbers, numbersPerTicket, numberOfTickets);

    Logger.log(`Number of tickets generated: ${tickets.length}`);

    tickets.forEach((ticket, index) => {

    Logger.log(`Ticket ${index + 1}: ${ticket.join(‘, ‘)}`);




    function generateFanoPlaneTickets(totalNumbers, numbersPerTicket, numberOfTickets) {

    const fanoPlanes = [

    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],

    [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14],

    [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21],

    [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]


    const tickets = [];

    for (let plane of fanoPlanes) {


    if (tickets.length >= numberOfTickets) break;


    return tickets.slice(0, numberOfTickets);


    function generateFanoPlane(planeNumbers) {

    const lines = [

    [0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 4], [0, 5, 6],

    [1, 3, 5], [1, 4, 6], [2, 3, 6], [2, 4, 5]


    return lines.map(line => {

    const baseTicket = line.map(index => planeNumbers[index]);

    const remainingNumbers = planeNumbers.filter(num => !baseTicket.includes(num));

    return […baseTicket, …remainingNumbers.slice(0, 3)];



    function copyTicketsToSheet(tickets) {

    const sheet = getOrCreateSheet(‘Lottery Tickets’);


    const headers = [“Ticket”, “Number 1”, “Number 2”, “Number 3”, “Number 4”, “Number 5”, “Number 6”, “Fano Plane”];

    sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, headers.length).setValues([headers]);

    const data = tickets.map((ticket, index) => [

    `Ticket ${index + 1}`,


    “Yes” // All tickets are now Fano plane compliant


    sheet.getRange(2, 1, data.length, data[0].length).setValues(data);

    sheet.autoResizeColumns(1, 8);

    const range = sheet.getRange(2, 8, data.length, 1);

    range.setBackgrounds(range.getValues().map(row => [“#b7e1cd”])); // All cells are green

    Logger.log(“Tickets have been copied to the ‘Lottery Tickets’ sheet with Fano plane verification.”);


    function getOrCreateSheet(name) {

    const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

    const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(name);

    return sheet || spreadsheet.insertSheet(name);


  2540. David Morgan on September 16, 2024 at 10:56 am said:

    I asked 01 (AI) for a list of popular German children’s nursery rhymes from the 1900s it arrived at:

    Popular German Children’s Nursery Rhymes around 1900:
    “Hoppe, hoppe Reiter” (“Hop, Hop Rider”): A playful rhyme recited while bouncing a child on one’s knee. It tells of a rider who might fall if the horse doesn’t trot properly.
    “Alle meine Entchen” (“All My Ducklings”): A simple song about little ducklings swimming on a lake, dipping their heads into the water.
    “Hänschen klein” (“Little Hans”): A song about a young boy who ventures out into the world and eventually returns home wiser.
    “Backe, backe Kuchen” (“Bake, Bake a Cake”): A rhyme listing ingredients needed to bake a cake, often sung while children play pretend baking.
    “Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf” (“Sleep, Little Child, Sleep”): A soothing lullaby sung to help children fall asleep.
    “Bruder Jakob” (“Brother Jacob”): The German version of “Frère Jacques,” about a monk who has overslept.
    “Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann” (“A Dancing Goblin”): A song about a goblin dancing around a house, commonly sung with accompanying hand motions.
    “Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen” (“Fox, You’ve Stolen the Goose”): A cautionary song warning the fox to return the stolen goose.
    “Der Kuckuck und der Esel” (“The Cuckoo and the Donkey”): A humorous song about a cuckoo and a donkey arguing over who sings better.
    “ABC, die Katze lief im Schnee” (“ABC, the Cat Ran in the Snow”): A rhyme used to teach children the alphabet, featuring a cat running in the snow.

    It compared with the baking poem/song – but didn’t know line 2 of the SM code was deleted:

    Step 2: List the Somerton Man Code Lines
    The Somerton Man code consists of the following lines:
    W R G O A B A B D
    M L I A O I
    W T B I M P A N E T P
    M L I A B O A I A Q C
    I T T M T S A M S T G A B
    Step 3: Compare the Poem’s Initials with the Code Lines
    We’ll compare the initials from each line of the poem to the code lines to see if there’s any match.
    Comparison Attempts:
    Poem Line 1 vs. Code Lines
    Poem Initials: B B K
    No code line starts with “B B K,” so no match here.
    Poem Line 3 vs. Code Line 3
    Poem Initials: W W G K B
    Code Line 3: W T B I M P A N E T P
    Poem: W W G K B
    Code: W T B I M P A N E T P
    While both start with “W,” the subsequent letters don’t match. The code’s second letter is “T,” whereas the poem’s is “W.”
    Poem Line 4 vs. Code Line 5
    Poem Initials: D M H S S
    Code Line 5: I T T M T S A M S T G A B
    Poem: D M H S S
    Code: I T T M T S A M S T G A B
    The initials don’t align in order or content.
    Poem Line 7 vs. Code Line 2
    Poem Initials: M U M
    Code Line 2: M L I A O I
    Poem: M U M
    Code: M L I A O I
    Both start with “M,” but the following letters differ.
    Poem Line 8 vs. Code Lines
    Poem Initials: S M D K G
    Code Lines: None of the code lines begin with “S M D K G.”

    Step 4: Conclusion
    Based on the comparison:
    No Direct Match Found: There isn’t a line in the Somerton Man code that directly matches the initials of any line from “Backe, backe Kuchen.”

    Then I went on to the Index of Coincidence:

    Comparison of Calculated IC to Language ICs
    Calculated IC of the Somerton Man Code: 0.074
    Difference from German IC (0.0762): About 0.0022
    Difference from English IC (0.0667): About 0.0073

    The calculated IC is closer to the German IC than to the English IC.
    This suggests that the letter frequency distribution of the code aligns more closely with that of German text.

  2541. David Morgan on September 16, 2024 at 11:15 am said:

    cosine of similarity via 01 (AI):

    SM Code versus acrostic of last quatrain from the RoK

    it was a lengthy series of steps…

    Statistical Significance:
    A cosine similarity of 0.652 suggests some alignment but does not conclusively prove a direct connection.

    Final Thoughts
    The moderate cosine similarity between the Somerton Man code and the acrostic of the last quatrain of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám suggests a potential link worth exploring further. However, due to the limitations and assumptions in the analysis, no definitive conclusion can be drawn without additional data and more precise calculations.

  2542. John Sanders on September 16, 2024 at 11:00 pm said:

    DM: how does your o1 strawberry reasoning wizard deal with uncertainties & inacuracies which proliferate in the case of SM where unvalidated information and outright fabrications be taken as gospel without any attempt to sort the wheat from the chaff pre input e.g, one comb or two, train ticket punched or not, Somerton or St. Leonards bus, matches or not, dress suit or sports jacket and unmatching striped trousers, all labels ripped from clothes or not etc. & c..

  2543. David Morgan on September 17, 2024 at 10:39 pm said:


    All the errors of 01 AI will eventually be human. It can’t know beyond the recorded facts. Though perhaps it may eventually spot inconsistencies.

    But its ability to use mathematics without fear or favour may be its strength. It may decide person X couldn’t have travelled from A to B in the time specified.

    So far I haven’t seen a willingness to contradict. For example, when I talked with it about Jane Wallentine being identified as the body by hostel staff it accepted like law lecturer Dennis Zacher Aske the postcard received on the 27th was proof she survived the incident even though the body was found on the 29th.
    It reverted to human acceptance as being the truth. It is strange because Dennis couldn’t accept the police saying a South African woman Loretta Junkin wasn’t dead even though he phoned the S,African police and the family and they said she was alive.

    He could have phoned Jane up in Seattle in 2018 to check she was alive. The investigation by NRK seemed to have triggered crazy behaviour by cousin Vicki who went to Alaska and claimed she was mugged while skiing and then needed double kidney surgery. She only surfaced in Las Vegas recently likely marrying people with Elvis. Though perhaps her crazy behaviour was all about her divorce.

    I think understanding human lies will be hard for AI. It will likely say something like Vicki had double kidney surgery from money raised on some gofundme page.

    I am hoping to see the time when you give it our date of birth and name and it can work out everything we ever did – life to death – assuming digital records exist. Like the ultimate CV checker.

  2544. John Sanders on September 18, 2024 at 8:44 am said:

    DM: as a test to see whether O1 be a strawberry or a rasberry, try a fact check on some of Gordon Cramer’s best known porkies (plenty to choose from) and see if she’s able to tell truth from fiction (100%) in the case of a master in deception.

  2545. David Morgan on September 20, 2024 at 9:23 pm said:


    I have become the technology version of Dr Palmer Benbow.


    I did this for the Pyjama Girl as well (Philomena Morgan) but I may recreate in this video format.

    It is curious it is a theme of most of the cases I have looked at. Carl Webb/Somerton man, Isdal Woman/Jane Wallentine, Majavtn Mystery guy/Douglas Wicoff jr, and I even found a doppelganger of the 1995 Oslo Plaza woman in the Oslo Plaza just months before she was shot.

  2546. David Morgan on September 20, 2024 at 9:35 pm said:


    During the Covid lockdown I contacted the Wicoff family museum. I was a student at the time and I thought they paid for stories about the Wicoff family.

    Douglas Wicoff jr was thought to be the Majavatn Mystery guy in 1971. The police closed the case. He was tall about 6′ 6″. He had a black ski bubble jacket and blue jeans. But the body had its head smashed by the train so it was unrecognisable.

    It was only years later they found out it was an Estonian guy who just happened to be 6’6″, wearing a black ski bubble jacket and jeans.

    When I contacted the Wicoff museum they were slow to respond in lockdown. Like they were so busy. They were literally not interested in this amazing story about Douglas Wicoff jr. Even though it had a happy ending.

    By chance Douglas’ address in 1971 appeared on the Lockerbie flight passenger list. Who says there is no such thing as coincidences.

  2547. David Morgan on September 22, 2024 at 7:46 pm said:

    Using 01 I asked it what were the chances of people having the same first letter for their first and last name and being a marine, It came up with 0.022%.

    I was obsessing about the Trump marine attempted shooter/guy shot.

    I then watched the US film The alphabet murders and the female cop having a breakdown was obsessing about the chance of the victim having the same letter first and 2nd name and where they were murdered (M,M,M). I don’t think she was eating M&Ms…

    She asked the psycho maths guy who was the killer. Who then decided to use this as his plan.

    Hopefully 01 Preview isn’t a psycho maths killer who attends St Michael’s church…

    They never explain the chances of 3 school girls having first and 2nd names the same letter 1st/2nd name attending the same church and knowing the maths tutor.

    I mean it’s like those same crazy odds of Dorothy’s kid being buried in the same grave in Adelaide as Carl Webb (SM) and both husbands being engineers.

  2548. Rewind to nursery rhymes and Index of Coincidence.
    I think there’s (at least) 2 issues with the analysis above.
    Firstly we need some consideration of how letters with diacritics (ie umlauts etc) and eszett would be dealt with. Often this might be done by adding an extra ‘e’ for an umauy (e.g. Mädchen = Maedchen), similarly the eszett (ß) is often replaced with ss – however this affects the IOC (I think including all 30 letters (ie having umlauts as separate letters) gives you the IOC you used (about 0.667), however assuming a 26 letter alphabet you would get an IOC more like 0.0769 (and we’d have to consider how replacing the modified letters would affect that number because).
    Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, the IOC for written prose is different than the IOC for initial letters. So if we assume the message is an acrostic (which seems to have been the assumption here) we need to take into account the IOC of initials in either language.

    In any case, I’m not sure the text is long enough to make strong conclusions based on index of coincidence.

  2549. John Sanders on September 23, 2024 at 10:44 am said:

    Ernie: Precisely the same conclusions drawn by the Army and Navy experts of the day, then again decades later with aid of computer age decryption tech..

  2550. David Morgan on September 23, 2024 at 10:59 am said:

    I used AI to create a video of my research notes on Mr Cruel. There are errors but most podcasts are entirely full of made-up-stuff on cold case crimes so it is not too far from my research. The Datsun was in the research but not in the crime records but it took a leap into the AI dark.


  2551. David Morgan on September 23, 2024 at 11:05 am said:


    I entirely agree. But as there is no score for initial letters to compare with – it was the best I could do. There would need to an acrostic score for each language and perhaps children’s rhymes are different to adult poetry. So you’d need age ranges.

    The cosine of similarity score was also intriguing for the RoK (1 quatrain) and the SM code. Again versions, languages etc would have to be considered.

  2552. John Sanders on September 25, 2024 at 8:30 am said:

    Harry Bridgland, officer, gentleman, shopkeeper and Glenelg Shire Alderman was of fine S. A. foundation stock. By 1948 he was living in Pier St. opposite the home and surgery of Dr. Hendrickson (D.A’s Ron ROK Francis). During his service in the Middle East & Rabaul camaigns, Harry the Jew was well known for his OT bible quotes and carried with him a dog eared pocket book that his troopers assumed to be psalms. Later in the war on duty back home he was OIC of an Italian POW labour camp in the Barossa Valley. One of two things come to mind that if not an OT mnemonic, the code letters might have been initials to names of prisoners under his direction according to sleeping space allocations in each of four huts. Didn’t get any comments first time around so not hopeful now, but it beats hands down the humdrum stuff we’ve been puting up with for years to no gain at all. NB: X over O for Oscar (bed wetter).

  2553. John Sanders on September 25, 2024 at 11:36 am said:

    DM: Sorry. Walter Lewis Bridgland (father was Harrie, step father Ben Solomon SA Premier), Lord Mayor of Glenelg (See Wikipedia).

  2554. David Morgan on September 25, 2024 at 5:42 pm said:


    The implication of the sleeping hut allocations is all the names are Italians like Tony Agostini.

    I let 01 preview guess – but really you’d need to feed in the names of actual prisoners as a look-up table to find matches.

    First Line: W R G O A B A B D
    Let’s split these letters into pairs (with the last letter possibly representing a lone initial since there’s an odd number):
    W R – Walter Rossi
    G O – Giuseppe Orlando or Giovanni Orlando
    A B – Antonio Bianchi or Alberto Bruno
    A B – Alessandro Bartolini (since “AB” repeats, perhaps representing another individual)
    D – Domenico (if “D” stands alone, it could represent someone known primarily by a first name or nickname)
    Second Line: W T B I M P A N E T P
    Again, we’ll form pairs:
    W T – Walter Testa
    B I – Bruno Innocenti
    M P – Mario Pagani or Marco Pellegrini
    A N – Antonio Neri or Alessandro Nardini
    E T – Enrico Tosi or Ettore Tadini
    P – Paolo or Pietro (another single initial)
    Third Line: M L I A B O A I A Q C
    Pairing the letters:
    M L – Massimo Lombardi or Marco Luciani
    I A – Italo Anselmi or Ignazio Amato
    B O – Bruno Orsini or Battista Olivieri
    A I – Angelo Innocenti or Andrea Iacobucci
    A Q – Alberto Quattrocchi or Antonio Quaglia
    C – Carlo or Carmine (single initial)
    Fourth Line: I T T M T S A M S T G A B
    Due to the length, let’s continue pairing:
    I T – Italo Taddei or Ignazio Tomasini
    T M – Tommaso Marini
    T S – Tullio Santini or Teodoro Spinelli
    A M – Antonio Moretti or Alessio Mancini
    S T – Stefano Tori or Salvatore Testa
    G A – Giovanni Anselmi or Giorgio Alfieri
    B – Bruno or Bernardo (single initial)

  2555. David Morgan on September 25, 2024 at 5:46 pm said:


    The only observation is the spare letter on each row if name pairs. You have a B, C and D and then a P. You’d think P should be A.

  2556. John Sanders on September 25, 2024 at 10:11 pm said:

    DM: I’m thin that Wally B., organizer that he was known to be from his time in command of all port movements in and out of Medang harbour in 1943/44, would be more likely to assign only last name letters to his charges. I can see the confusion that might arise due to doubling up of initials and the like, but I’d think our man knew his Tomasso and Tullio by their respective allocations well enough to distinguish between the pair. Mind you I know the proposition be far fetched for those not familiar with military regimental order but anything goes in this crazy case.

  2557. John Sanders on September 26, 2024 at 6:01 am said:

    …Don’t bother looking for ‘Wally’ on NAA, t’aint there no more; as mit his SA museum bio where I found the reference to his WW2 pocket prayer book.

  2558. David Morgan on September 26, 2024 at 9:34 am said:

    I gave 01 Preview a lot of death notices to work out a family tree. It did it very well. Probably Julius.ai (if I had credits) would actually draw a family tree to match with dynamic links.

    But it could be useful with the Webb/Robertson family.

    For example:

    – **First Marriage:** In 1900, she married **Edwin Wallentine**. They had three sons:
     - **Harold Wallentine**
     - **Theodore Wallentine**
     - **George Kenneth Wallentine**
    – **Widowhood and Second Marriage:** After Edwin’s death on April 6, 1917, Christina moved back to East Chain, Minnesota, with her children. She later married **John Henry Holcomb** on February 28, 1925.

  2559. David Morgan on September 26, 2024 at 9:38 am said:

    01 preview could also be used to eliminate the code as a list of horses in horse races in 1948 if a list was accumulated and an acrostic created.

  2560. David Morgan on September 26, 2024 at 1:01 pm said:


    It was while searching for “Who Killed Gundmund Stenersen” in Norway I first strayed into Trove following a William Myrvold in Australia. He used to return to Norway to trout fish. Stenersen said he was taking Australian tourists fishing whose car had broken down. I haven’t revisited it for years but I believe he was in court in Australia for some vehicle incident. So his details might have been on file.

    This is a reasonable NotebookLM version of my research:


    I have some vague memory he was a dance instructor or he got paid to dance with elderly pensioners. I think it was this detail that took me to the Somerton man.

    There was a William Myrvold who was a thief in Norway at the start of WW2 and perhaps he didn’t want to test his luck with the Nazis. The other strange ‘potential’ link was he was a brilliant cyclist. I think he set records in Norway.

  2561. John Sanders on September 27, 2024 at 1:33 am said:

    DM: think you’ll find Aussie Bill Myrvold was a staid sorta bloke holding down a good job as an electric welder on the Snowy Hydro scheme at Cooma (plenty of good trout fishing). Married Betty Rickard a ships stewardess from Potts Point, ala your fake Pyjama Girl and Itai. spy Linda Platt, although remarried Honor in later years. She died in 2001 he in 2007, both at Queanbeyan NSW. As William Igmar Myrvold bn.1919, he arrived Sydney as a single man from San Francisco 19/11/51 and planning to stay for three years…I’ve never been able to pick up on your full crime naratives on any subjects so like GC I’m way short of facts.

  2562. John Sanders on September 27, 2024 at 4:28 am said:

    …Bill Myrvold eventually went to work with the Public Service (1973) but dunno what became of his fellow 400 Norge work mates upon completion of the huge Guthega Hydro power project under contract to Selmer Engineering out of Oslo (largest const. coy. in Norway). It might be interesting if Selmer had been involved in the long abandoned excavation site of Vengedalen where your Gundmund Stenersen’s Taurus taxi was said to have been spotted in around the time of his disappearance in 72. Big boss Johan Fredrik Selmer and wife Agethe spent a fair amount of time in Oz working from 304 Pitt St Sydney, where its likely a few odd contracts were arranged.

  2563. David Morgan on September 27, 2024 at 7:45 am said:


    In under 1 hour I was able to get 01 Preview to build a face recognition app. I am a little suspicious that it is actually working properly as the scales on the images make me question whether it is comparing like with like.


    But someone with techie skills could use this as a starting point to build a proper app in under 2 hours with 01 Preview or other AI. At one point I asked Claude AI to suggest improvements and I simply pasted those in as well.

    But you could go around asking Pi.ai, Claude, chatgpt etc until you think you have a perfect FREE app.

    One ‘cheat’ way to build every app you ever wanted is to give 01 preview a GITHUB link for an app you could never build yourself and it works it all out as say a Colab application you can run.

    If you get errors you ask AI to fix them. You can have a working app in under 1 hour. It probably will not be the interpretation you wanted but it is a good starting point if you wanted to explain to someone to build it for you.

    For example – say you wanted to build an acrostic from every WW2 AIF soldier and then test it against the SM code or graveyard names near Roy Webb. Somewhat like the Good the Bad and the Ugly searching for Arch Stanton.

  2564. John Sanders on September 27, 2024 at 12:45 pm said:

    DM: how would AI go about building a plausable case around the identity of the unknown occupancy alongside Arch Stanton?..ask Clint Eastwood (blondie) I guess.

  2565. David Morgan on September 27, 2024 at 9:44 pm said:

    01 Preview (Claude really couldn’t do this!):

    ### **Code Text (excluding line 2):**

    Line 1: WRGOABABD

    We’ll combine the lines into a single string for position numbering:

    Positions 00-08: WRGOABABD
    Positions 09-19: WTBIMPANETP
    Positions 20-30: MLIABOAIAQC
    Positions 31-43: ITTMTSAMSTGAB

    ### **Character Counts and Positions:**

    Below is the list of each letter, the number of times it occurs, the positions, and the lines where it appears.

    #### **A** – **8 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 04** (Line 1)
    – **Position 06** (Line 1)
    – **Position 15** (Line 2)
    – **Position 23** (Line 3)
    – **Position 26** (Line 3)
    – **Position 28** (Line 3)
    – **Position 37** (Line 4)
    – **Position 42** (Line 4)

    #### **B** – **4 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 05** (Line 1)
    – **Position 07** (Line 1)
    – **Position 24** (Line 3)
    – **Position 43** (Line 4)

    #### **C** – **1 occurrence**

    – **Position 30** (Line 3)

    #### **D** – **1 occurrence**

    – **Position 08** (Line 1)

    #### **E** – **1 occurrence**

    – **Position 17** (Line 2)

    #### **G** – **2 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 02** (Line 1)
    – **Position 41** (Line 4)

    #### **I** – **4 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 12** (Line 2)
    – **Position 22** (Line 3)
    – **Position 27** (Line 3)
    – **Position 31** (Line 4)

    #### **L** – **1 occurrence**

    – **Position 21** (Line 3)

    #### **M** – **4 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 13** (Line 2)
    – **Position 20** (Line 3)
    – **Position 34** (Line 4)
    – **Position 38** (Line 4)

    #### **N** – **1 occurrence**

    – **Position 16** (Line 2)

    #### **O** – **2 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 03** (Line 1)
    – **Position 25** (Line 3)

    #### **P** – **2 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 14** (Line 2)
    – **Position 19** (Line 2)

    #### **Q** – **1 occurrence**

    – **Position 29** (Line 3)

    #### **R** – **1 occurrence**

    – **Position 01** (Line 1)

    #### **S** – **2 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 36** (Line 4)
    – **Position 39** (Line 4)

    #### **T** – **6 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 10** (Line 2)
    – **Position 18** (Line 2)
    – **Position 32** (Line 4)
    – **Position 33** (Line 4)
    – **Position 35** (Line 4)
    – **Position 40** (Line 4)

    #### **W** – **2 occurrences**

    – **Positions and Lines:**
    – **Position 00** (Line 1)
    – **Position 09** (Line 2)

    ### **Positions Mapped to Lines:**

    To further clarify, here’s how the positions break down per line:

    – **Line 1 (Positions 00–08):** WRGOABABD
    – **Line 2 (Positions 09–19):** WTBIMPANETP
    – **Line 3 (Positions 20–30):** MLIABOAIAQC
    – **Line 4 (Positions 31–43):** ITTMTSAMSTGAB

    ### **Observations:**

    – **Most Frequent Letters:**
    – **A** appears **8 times**, the most frequent letter.
    – **T** appears **6 times**.
    – **Unique Letters:**
    – **C**, **D**, **E**, **L**, **N**, **Q**, and **R** each appear **only once**.
    – **Letter Distribution:**
    – **A** occurs:
    – **Line 1:** Positions 04, 06
    – **Line 2:** Position 15
    – **Line 3:** Positions 23, 26, 28
    – **Line 4:** Positions 37, 42
    – **This matches your observation that ‘A’ occurs twice in Line 1, once in Line 2, three times in Line 3, and twice in Line 4.**
    – **Letter Clusters:**
    – **Double letters:** ‘TT’ at positions 32–33 in Line 4.
    – **Repeated sequences:** No obvious repeating sequences, but some letters cluster in certain areas.
    – **Letters with Single Occurrences:**
    – **C** at Position 30 (Line 3)
    – **D** at Position 08 (Line 1)
    – **E** at Position 17 (Line 2)
    – **L** at Position 21 (Line 3)
    – **N** at Position 16 (Line 2)
    – **Q** at Position 29 (Line 3)
    – **R** at Position 01 (Line 1)

    ### **Summary:**

    – **Total Letters:** 44
    – **Unique Letters:** 18
    – **Letter Frequency:**
    – High-frequency letters may indicate common usage or significance in the code.
    – **Line Distribution of ‘A’:**
    – Line 1: 2 times
    – Line 2: 1 time
    – Line 3: 3 times
    – Line 4: 2 times

    ### **Final Thoughts:**

    – The distribution of letters and their positions might help in deciphering the code.
    – Repetition of certain letters, like ‘A’ and ‘T’, could represent common letters or patterns.
    – Single-occurrence letters might represent less common letters or could be significant in a code.

    I hope this analysis accurately reflects the patterns of character repetition in the Somerton Man code excluding line 2.

  2566. David Morgan on September 27, 2024 at 10:47 pm said:

    I have got 01 Preview to build an app to test as a vignere cipher. I tested with some keys.

    Any ideas I’ll test if you want…just put a list below. But 5 is enough!

    Somerton Man Code (excluding the second line):

    Enter the keys you want to test, separated by commas:
    tamumshud, carlwebb, dorothywebb, footscray

    Decryption with key ‘tamumshud’:

    Decryption with key ‘carlwebb’:

    Decryption with key ‘dorothywebb’:

    Decryption with key ‘footscray’:

    or if you want to run your own I’ll provide the link. You just have to run all and enter a list separated with commas it’s not rocket science…woomera…that’s an idea…

  2567. @John Sanders The private company in Victoria doing the DNA tests, in recent years, was forced to redo 7000 DNA tests due to botched tests by poorly trained staff.

  2568. David Morgan on September 28, 2024 at 8:11 am said:


    The unknown occupant alongside Arch Stanton – you could narrow it down to MIA from the same battles within a known time e.g. 1 week. You’d also know that the person was likely under 30 and could be as young as 15 (perhaps). But you might be left with 100s of potentials.

    I asked AI about the number of mia per day during ww1 and it was over 300.

  2569. John Sanders on September 28, 2024 at 9:43 am said:

    DM: don’t bother mugger, the Sad Hill grave yard at Burgos was merely a movie prop created in two days by the Spanish Army for Sergio Leone in 1966. Not only is the UNKNOWN grave empty sadly, so is the one supposedly occupied by ARCH STANTON died 3rd February 1862. Only question left to answer be was there any Archibald Stanton that served/died in the uncivil war between USA/CSA 1861/65.
    Easy enough to check it out without inlisting any smart arse artificial Know-it-All.

  2570. David Morgan on September 28, 2024 at 11:23 pm said:


    On another story what happened to the Morris family…

    – Mary Morris
    – Francis Stephens
    – Gordon Stephens
    – Merrill Stephens

    I spent a lot of my time with aunts and uncles. I guess Carl and Roy might have too. Parents move and send the kids to relatives.

    So where were they? Perhaps Carl went to his aunts for comfort after Dorothy skipped town.

    The only Merrill I could find seemed to have been a young ballroom dancer. Gordon seemed to be involved in rescue attempts (possibly).

    Perhaps these are some of the missing people in the family photos.

  2571. John sanders on September 29, 2024 at 8:18 am said:

    DM: Merrill Stephens @Bonifacio 1943/2021 Crem. Springvale. That sound about right mugger.

  2572. David Morgan on September 29, 2024 at 1:50 pm said:

    Merrill Stephens

    Last Changed: August 6, 2014

    Adelina Merrily Bonifacio

    Sex • 1 Source

    Last Changed: August 6, 2014

    Adelina Merrily Bonifacio

    Birth • 1 Source
    5 May 1943
    Bendigo, Victoria, Australia

    Last Changed: March 15, 2022

    Antero M Bonifacio

    Christening • 0 Sources
    July 1943
    Bendigo, Victoria, Australia

    Bendigo methodist church, bridge street

    Last Changed: February 21, 2024

    Antero M Bonifacio

    Death • 1 Source
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    Last Changed: September 26, 2021

    Adelina Merrily Bonifacio



    So it was really ‘Gordon Francis Stephens’.

  2573. John Sanders on September 30, 2024 at 12:07 am said:

    Curio: things were chaotic up north when they sussed that Queensland’s finest were cashing in big time on convenient in house DNA matching. Way back in the eighties when DNA came to Seattle WA. cold case murders were being solved by the score and death row cells were full. Then came the day when appeals lawyers started fighting back with their more sophisticated suspect friendly private DNA labs, and suddenly convicted killers were being set free by the score or alternately being granted stays of execution based on DNA abuse by the law, State and Fed.

  2574. John Sanders on September 30, 2024 at 4:53 am said:

    DM: can AI explain how Merrill Stephens/Bonifacio connects to Antero Bonifacio. Seems the Keane/Webb cross insemination would have occurred before WW1. That’s going by said ominee’s ancestral gene keeper who is identified as his great great grandmother (mat/pat?) or better still Charles’ cousin twice removed, born around 1870/80 by my rough math.

  2575. John Sanders on September 30, 2024 at 1:19 pm said:

    DM: a no show for your Adelina Merrily Bonifacio but no sweat with my Merrill Stephens plus Bonifacio slotted in for good measure and same date of birth. What’s going on here, sound fishy t you or what? Ball’s in your court mugger.

  2576. John Sanders on October 1, 2024 at 8:57 am said:

    We got us Merrill Stephens passing at McCulloch House palliative care unit in Clayton Melb. July 21 but still no trace of Adelina Merrily Bonifacio, or Gordon Francis Stephens, if only one knew how they connect to whatever case we’re on?

  2577. David Morgan on October 2, 2024 at 6:21 am said:


    The Bonifacio family tree was put out by Prof Abbott.

    They would have been Charlie Webb’s uncles/cousins etc and all within earshot of where they had lived – I presume. It was quite typical for families to flock towards other family members – often living in the same street/neighbourhood and doing the same job – like coalminer, farmer or builder.

  2578. John Sanders on October 2, 2024 at 6:40 am said:

    DM: looks like we’ve got the right G. F. Stephens, NS/CMF in May ’41 gave Fireman (railway) as trade, married after inlistment then immediately discharged. By 1949 he was a breadcarter and passed at Moe 1987. Only relevant detail is that he has Bennett rels. that are still around.

  2579. John Sanders on October 2, 2024 at 7:53 am said:

    DM: I’ve Got the Eaglekawk/Bendigo Stephens close knit mob dating from arrival in the gold rush days, plus some connecting Wards, Hockings, Bennetts and Bassetts but no hint of Keanes or Bonifacios in the mix as yet.

  2580. John Sanders on October 2, 2024 at 10:58 am said:

    DM: I guess you won’t mind puting yon Bonifacio tree back up for vetting by we sceptics in that case. Might come with some surprises in that Antero Bonifacio Jr. had apparently been a card carrying member of Derek Abbotts Facebook collective for some time prior to selection as the missing Webb link. That is unless you’re not Keane to dig deeper into interesting names like Adelina Merrily Bonifacio.

  2581. David Morgan on October 2, 2024 at 3:14 pm said:


    This was the tree put out by Abbott I believe


  2582. David Morgan on October 2, 2024 at 3:37 pm said:

    I have tried to get AI to extract the text [check accuracy]

    Richard Webb (1866-1939)
    Eliza Morris Grace (1871-1946), married in 1892
    Mary Morris (1860-1932)
    Russell Webb (1893-1949)
    Freda Webb (1896-1964)
    Doris Webb (1901-1956)
    Charles Webb (1905-?)
    Francis Stephens (1897-1918)
    Norman Webb (1921-2008)
    Gwendoline Keane (1919-1994)
    Norma Martin (1925-2019)
    Gordon Stephens (1917-1987)
    Merrill Stephens (1943-2021)
    Patricia Dickenson (1949-1987)
    Helen Dangerfield (Living), Grandniece of Charles Webb
    Cristy Webb (Living), Great-grandniece of Charles Webb
    Jack Hargreaves (Living), Great-great-grandnephew of Charles Webb
    Antero Bonifacio (Living), 1st cousin 3 times removed of

  2583. David Morgan on October 2, 2024 at 3:57 pm said:

    The thing that troubles me is all those living relatives again not identifying the Somerton man as Charles Webb.

    Alive in 1948 and yet none recognise the Somerton man as Charles Webb and also their partners don’t rceognise him:
    Russell Webb (1893-1949)
    Freda Webb (1896-1964)
    Doris Webb (1901-1956)
    Norman Webb (1921-2008)
    Gwendoline Keane (1919-1994)
    Norma Martin (1925-2019)
    Gordon Stephens (1917-1987)

    There was Leo Keane as well as Vernon Lisle who attended Swinburne Tech. with Carl. You’d think one would say “Is that Carl?”

  2584. John Sanders on October 2, 2024 at 10:00 pm said:

    DM: Thanks. Looks pretty from a distance but how do we connect Antero whatis- facio to the Abbott DNA alleged candidates. I take it that his Webb gene lineage nominees be Gwen and Norma and that Stuart Webb and Juille Holland are connected along with William Thomas Kean, living in 1948, but not for long.

  2585. Ernest on October 3, 2024 at 12:02 am said:

    millions of reasons for that. he’s estranged for some years. they may have come forward to local (Vic) authorities who didn’t take it further. They may not have seen an article in the paper. the picture in the paper might have looked significantly different to when he was alive (look at bust vs pic, or released pic vs other motruary pic) they might have been dismiised by the authorities. they may genuinely not have given a shirt. they may have been threatened off. they may have thought he was tied up in stuff they didn’t want to get involved in. they might have discussed it among themselves and said “yeah but why would he be in Adelaide?”. etc.

    I think family not coming forward can easily be explained away (and may have been in the past).

  2586. John Sanders on October 3, 2024 at 6:29 am said:

    DM: Can o’ worms all these non Keane/Webb “revelations” from Eaglehawk and Bendigo. The biggest hurdle to overcome is in getting Antoro to toe the line re his own blood ties to his claimed Morris/Grace/Webb/Stephens lines. Plus we have
    Francis Stephens’ widow Alice who seems to have had another four kids post 1918 to confuse and as for surviving son Norman, on his ’41 call up paper, he gives his mother’s name as May and wife as Mrs. which doesn’t help with gene alignment much. I see somewhere that there is a Bonnifacio tree on line which may fill the gaps but alas it eludes me mugger.

  2587. David Morgan on October 3, 2024 at 12:28 pm said:

    Off topic – but I have put a few of my research topics together. Most are an interesting listen if you like cold cases.


  2588. Calypso on October 3, 2024 at 5:04 pm said:

    Time for some light entertainment. Hopefully it has not been shared yet:

  2589. David Morgan on October 3, 2024 at 8:04 pm said:


    Seventh Sense are making it easier to use their face comparison software again. It may be short-lived.

    If you have the Roy ‘old’ picture and Roy Webb you can test it yourself and believe it yourself that Roy didn’t die during WW2.


    You could set up a face comparison section. Perhaps people have better images of the two Webb sisters. I suspect they are twins but it needs better image quality (and not AI’d which changes them).

    I found pictures of Leo Webb but they are not testable.

    I have been trying to develop my own version with AI but I’m not quite there yet. I only have a few minutes of useful brain time per day and I focus on my cold case stuff and using AI to analyse data I had collected.

    People often corrupt an image where there is a match as well to prove it doesn’t match. It is quite a strange compulsion to lie about images.

    For example, I was trying to see today whether Philomena Morgan (aka Pyjama Girl 2) became Dr Schwarz – but a close doppelganger.


  2590. John Sanders on October 4, 2024 at 12:37 am said:

    DM: not to mention William Keane, street racer who not many would remember. Then there’s Doff and Robertson outlaws, Red Point pals, VRC racing connections, Poets of the Tomb social club, footballing and cycling buddies, fellow Odd Fellows &c., you name it. Webb fans can surely think of many sound reasons why no one came forward to ask “Is that Carl?” yet there were many who thought they knew SM from the newspaper photo. First formal ID attempt was from a fellow who had met SM over drinks in a Glenelg pub on the day of his arrival, he even recalled the name”Solomonson” [sic] from a military pension card. Crikies some folks are thick!

  2591. John Sanders on October 4, 2024 at 7:26 am said:

    DM: should’ve known that invalid Bill Keane died 21 August ’47, just after Charlle scarpered so not likely to have missed him. Looking into the Keane Wiki tree only Gerald and Gwen had issue but certainly not off in the Bonifacio direction far as I can make out. PS: Got doubts that Bill be as one and with the 1933 trove entry.

  2592. John Sanders on October 4, 2024 at 9:21 am said:

    Peteb: Just the sort of snipe one might expect of dead last place on TS/BS blog ranking courtesy GC & AI.

  2593. David Morgan on October 4, 2024 at 6:30 pm said:


    This code allows people to test the Jaccard of similarity of an acrostic of a poem/verse or other text input


    They have to click runtime, run all and scroll down to input text, click generate acrostic

    For example, this poem had ‘moderate’ similarity:

    Whilst in the street the children played
    In 1948
    Years after the bombs were dropped
    And just a little late
    Debris all around us
    Waiting to be cleared
    Parents telling kids outside
    There was nothing else to fear
    At last a welcome daily scene
    As kids enjoyed the days
    And parents smiled, brushed tears aside
    As all the children played

  2594. David Morgan on October 4, 2024 at 6:42 pm said:


    The Jaccard of similarity program also gives acrostic triplets that match – which is interesting to compare with lines of poems e.g. WTB – waiting to be…

  2595. John Sanders on October 5, 2024 at 12:53 am said:

    DM: misplaced rhyme and poor rythmic metre are signs of AI’s loss for words where poetry is concerned, albeit permitable use of licence when comes to meaningful interpretation, eg., America Pie:
    And in the streets the children screamed
    The lovers ‘cried’ and the poets dreamed
    But not a word was spoken
    The church bells all were broken
    And the three man I admire most.
    The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
    They caught the last train for the coast
    The day the music ‘died’

  2596. John Sanders on October 5, 2024 at 2:31 am said:

    Ernest: We’re not only talking family and rels that would likely have identified one of their own in Charles had it been his sirene dead face staring out at them from a major story in a newspaper like the Age; We must also include scores of potential aquaintances who’d been in contact with y’man such as neighbours, work mates, as well as those having recent social or sporting contact, or even from the past. Your “millions of reasons” for no making ID are not said in earnest surely.

  2597. John Sanders on October 5, 2024 at 4:39 am said:

    Got the gen on Norman Stephen’s mum Alice. She got herself hitched to a baker from Eaglehawk, James William May (1899-1977), twelve years her junior who had served with her husband Frank, (KIA in 1918) during WW1. She & Jim are as one in Bendigo cemetery.

  2598. David Morgan on October 5, 2024 at 6:50 am said:

    With the jaccard of similarity, index of coincidence and cosine similarity scores it seems to give higher scores to acrostics of German text/poems for the SM code.
    I haven’t tested it a lot as I don’t know any German poems.

    But I will fish around for some early 19th/20th century German poets to test.

  2599. David Morgan on October 5, 2024 at 8:52 am said:

    I have amended the code so it now checks the Index of coincidence, cosine of similarity and jaccard similarity of acrostics of input text/poems (OK AI did it..I’m not that clever).


    You just have to run it and scroll down to input the text and click the button.

    I had to tell it that the IoC value for the SM code was German or other (not English) which it checked and accepted and built into the code.

    Example output:

    Analyzing the poem and comparing it to the Somerton Man code…

    Acrostic generated from the poem (first letter of each word):

    Somerton Man code (with 2nd line deleted):

    Common letter pairs:

    No common letter triples found.

    Letter frequencies in the acrostic:
    A: 1
    D: 2
    E: 1
    G: 2
    I: 3
    L: 2
    N: 2
    O: 2
    R: 1
    S: 1
    U: 3
    V: 1
    W: 3

    Letter frequencies in the Somerton Man code:
    A: 8
    B: 5
    C: 1
    D: 1
    E: 1
    G: 2
    I: 4
    L: 1
    M: 4
    N: 1
    O: 2
    P: 2
    Q: 1
    R: 1
    S: 2
    T: 6
    W: 2

    Jaccard similarity between the acrostic and the code: 0.58
    The acrostic and the code have a moderate similarity based on the Jaccard similarity.

    Cosine similarity between the acrostic and the code: 0.45
    The acrostic and the code have a low similarity based on the Cosine similarity.

    Index of Coincidence for the acrostic: 0.0507
    Index of Coincidence for the Somerton Man code: 0.0740

    The Index of Coincidence for the acrostic is similar to random text.
    The Index of Coincidence for the Somerton Man code is similar to German or languages with higher IC.

    The Index of Coincidence values for the acrostic and the code are different.

  2600. David Morgan on October 5, 2024 at 8:54 am said:

    RoK info:

    Your summary (taken from a blog comments) of the early translations of Omar Khayyam’s works appears to be accurate:

    Thomas Hyde was indeed the first to translate some of Omar Khayyam’s quatrains into a European language. In his work “Historia Religionis Veterum Persarum eorumque Magorum” (1700), translated as “The History of the Religion of the Ancient Persians and Their Magi”, Hyde included a biography of Omar Khayyam and translated several of his quatrains into Latin. These translations were incorporated into his broader study of Persian religion and culture, without a separate title dedicated solely to Khayyam.

    In 1818, Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, an Austrian orientalist, published “Geschichte der schönen Redekünste Persiens” (“History of the Fine Arts of Persia”), which included German translations of 25 of Omar Khayyam’s quatrains. Like Hyde’s work, this was part of a comprehensive study of Persian literature and did not feature a separate title for Khayyam’s poetry.

    Louisa Stuart Costello, an English poet and writer, translated some of Hammer-Purgstall’s German translations into English. Her versions were first published in Fraser’s Magazine, Volume 21 (January-June 1840), under the title “Omar Chiam”. She later included these translations in her book “The Rose Garden of Persia” (1845), which featured a collection of Persian poetry translated into English.

    Sir Gore Ouseley, a British diplomat and scholar of Persian literature, translated two of Omar Khayyam’s quatrains into English. These translations were not published during his lifetime but appeared posthumously in the “Biographical Notices of Persian Poets” (1846). As you noted, there was no separate title specifically for Khayyam’s work in this publication.

    There was indeed a gap until Edward Byles Cowell published 30 unrhymed translations of Omar Khayyam’s quatrains in the Calcutta Review, No. 59, March 1858, under the simple title “Omar Khayyam” or “Umr”. Cowell’s work was instrumental in sparking the interest of Edward FitzGerald, who would go on to produce the most famous English translation of the Rubáiyát in 1859.
    Your account aligns well with historical records of the early Western translations of Omar Khayyam’s poetry. These efforts by scholars and translators in the 18th and 19th centuries laid the foundation for the widespread appreciation of Khayyam’s work in the English-speaking world, culminating in FitzGerald’s influential translation

  2601. David Morgan on October 5, 2024 at 9:40 am said:

    If you want to test for IoC, cosine, jaccard across a whole range of poems to see if there is a pattern I have repeated the analysis using a Google Sheet. You simply click Acrostic Generator on the menu.


    You may have to approve things before it lets it run. That bit is up to you. You may need to be a bit techie or keep repeating it “counter-intuitively” until it works. A bit like saying yes I want to run this dangerous code that will start WW3.

    Anthony Hecht seemed to be a high-score style.

    You will have to play with the Google sheet to make it look pretty. I can’t do it all.

  2602. David Morgan on October 5, 2024 at 10:55 pm said:

    This article about David Ebeling and the bus crash in the Soviet Union is interesting with Dorothy Robertson from Springvale because the name Rudolf Ebeling was associated with spying.



    I assume it was the other commie Dorothy Robertson on the bus trip.

  2603. David Morgan on October 6, 2024 at 7:39 pm said:

    Just a thought about the Qc in the code looking like a superscript C.

    Common Set Theory Symbols and Their Representations
    U: Represents the universal set.

    ∩ and

    ∪: Symbols for intersection and union, respectively.

    ∅: Denotes the empty set.


    ⊆: Indicates a subset or subset or equal.


    : Represents element of or not an element of.
    Uppercase Letters: Often used to denote sets (e.g.,

    It was just a thought…about Qc being the complement.

  2604. David Morgan on October 11, 2024 at 9:39 am said:

    Tell PB – Lantern Library stories…

    “While what was found in those journals depicted in this story is completely fictional”.

    You shouldn’t base SM theories where the woman gets a few facts – even travels to get them – and then makes stuff up about them. It’s not even deductive logic. it’s just imaginative writing.

    It’s lazy research because she doesn’t want a dead end so she just makes it up.

    Yesterday I had a dead end. I had located a fairly unique Hebrew tattooist from Berlin who has excellent written English. I showed hm the tattoo from the Interpol Identify Me project and he said ‘generic’. Someone could print out Hebrew for ‘success’ in Word. it won’t help locate the victim. People should write up the dead end and not say “she may have travelled to Berlin for the tattoo…” knowing your own research theory had failed. You can save future researchers a lot of time knowng it was a generic tattoo.

    The only useful theme I have noticed from that era 1940s to 1970s was people with epilepsy were put in asylums. In the case of the Isdal Woman she was taking tablets for epilepsy supposedly purchased in the UK. The police woman in the Isdal Woman case Turid ‘may have’ adopted a child from an asylum with epilepsy.

    Though there is no evidence SM had epilepsy – other than Carl was taking barbies. The other thing I have noticed is you may be able to detect someone who was ill with polio or epilepsy when young because their handwriting doesn’t conform to the norm for their era. They missed being taught handwriting in school. I had a similar experience simply because we changed schools a lot as we were on the run from the police [fictionalised, horrible isn’t it] but I did miss handwriting lessons. I was self taught in the white pages in the back of hymn books. My dad was a PT chapel minister.

  2605. John Sanders on October 11, 2024 at 12:24 pm said:

    DM: Give us your spin on G G E Tinsmuir @Peter Bowes @ Tbt. It is quite clear to me that your intriguing true crime historical dead end musings be based on fact, whilst theirs, be nothing more than the insane ramblings of a confessed fiction author, intent on pulling their own leg then getting caught in the act to boot.

  2606. John Sanders on October 12, 2024 at 8:50 am said:

    DM: Just heard that A1 content moderation is going to overcome most time delays caused by human need for rest and calls to nature etc. Says it guaratees to keep online conversation rolling and punters not having to hang about while the subject of interest goes off the boil and thrust of their post gets lost in miscellanea of new stuff.

  2607. John Sanders on October 13, 2024 at 7:30 am said:

    DM: I’ve just caught out a well known fourth rate SM blogger, contentedly reading over my shoulder whilst in I was in the process of composing a reply to their site. When I saw that my final forwarded post had been substituted for an uncompleted draft I wasn’t too surprised. It had occurred often at another top ranked SM site in years past. Question therefore being, are you aware of this sort of caper in your vast experience on line and if so, how does one put a stop to it…by fair means, or preferably foul.

  2608. John Sanders on November 6, 2024 at 9:47 pm said:

    Trump Sucks, Trump blows, Trump wins, Kamala Crows!

  2609. John Sanders on November 8, 2024 at 7:55 am said:

    Peteb: in your latest repeat blurb “Small matters of even smaller consequence” it be noted not surprisingly that SM’s (?) missing suitcase has come into play as the main talking point no less. News from an informed most reliable source suggests that said suitcase and contents be in good order, as per last sighting circa. 2009, and may become available for viewing by invitation on a need to know basis. Can’t fathom why you didn’t make the cut, after all the two other fact biased bloggers Abbott and Cramer are on the short list for personal viewing when the time’s ripe.

  2610. John Sanders on November 10, 2024 at 11:34 am said:

    Tomorrow being rememrance day, I’ll be thinking of those who didn’t come home to be reunited with families and friends, for me particularly my many fine mates destined not to grow as I have, undeservedly so by my reckoning.. I for one shall always remember their camaraderie and sacrifice with gratiude. LEST WE FORGET.

  2611. John Sanders on November 11, 2024 at 1:56 am said:

    Just sat through an hour of pomp and ceremony that did not encapture any of the true feeling of loss nor remembrance as might have been expected. Just a whole lot of pageantry and self promotion for a select few govt ministers, office bearers and like dignitaries. I did a bit of fact ckecking on a eulogised digger Ted Eaves who was claimed to have died of wounds in 1918. It entailed a reading of a cheery last letter from hospital before poor Ted’s passing and yet another tear jerker from his care nurse to the doting family in Australia, not to hold out any hope for recovery. Needkess to say, turns out to have been a load of cobblers and sureky known to the MC and organizers. Ted got over his knee wound and sailed home in fine fettle after taking leave (AWL) in London town before departure. Edward Eaves died in 1960, and to prove it, he has an engraved RSL plaque on the wall of remembrance at Kedron cemetery.

  2612. David Morgan on November 13, 2024 at 12:12 pm said:

    @JS 15/12/1923:

    This Edward Eaves created the template for the SM:

    Death by Poisoning Inquiry

    An inquiry was held yesterday by Mr. T. Hamlyn, J.P., into the circumstances surrounding the death of Edward Eaves, whose body was found in Crosby Park, Albion, on November 10th.

    Edward Noel Meredith, who boarded with the deceased, stated that on November 9th, Mr. Eaves appeared to be of a lively disposition. During the night, he looked into Mr. Eaves’ room several times but could not find him. The following morning, he heard that Eaves’ body had been found in Crosby Park and that his death was due to poisoning.

    Thomas Brown Hardy of Hamilton testified to having discovered the body of the deceased shortly after 7:00 a.m., lying fully dressed in the park.

    Edward Eaves, son of the deceased, said he last saw his father, who was an insurance agent, on the first Sunday in November. He was in good health, and the witness could not say what the reason for his father’s death was. When the witness’s mother died six years ago, his father took it very much to heart.

    Sergeant Todd of Albion said he could find no suspicious circumstances.

    The post-mortem certificate showed that death was due to poisoning. The inquiry was closed.

    [using my own trove search with AI summary]

  2613. David Morgan on November 13, 2024 at 3:15 pm said:

    If you are a tiny bit techie you can use this app:


    But first…

    STEP1 : Get API keys for Trove and Gemini AI. Both free.
    https://trove.nla.gov.au/about/create-something/using-api – you only need the key and forget the code stuff.

    STEP2: Create a json file
    “TROVE_API_KEY”: “–your Trove key here–“,
    “GOOGLE_API_KEY”: “–your Gemini key here–”

    Save in notebook but as a json file. Switch from txt file ending.

    Then run this:


    Create an encryption key from your local json file. You can check it loads by decrypting it.

    Then search Trove. You have to load your own encrypted keys (enc file) each time but its worth it to extract summarised text from newspaper articles.

    it helps a lot.

  2614. John Sanders on November 14, 2024 at 1:12 am said:

    So, Edward who gave testimony at the inquest was Edward’s son. There was also a younger brother John Charles who came home from the war unscathed and sister Thelma. Edward Snr. was married to Janet who passed in 1916 a year before her boys inlisted, from memory. Fairly regular way to suicide, happy one day, then decides on a whim to end it all while taking a stroll in Crosby park in his Sunday best. Sounds vaguely similar to Somerton Man’s own goodby cruel world decision at the beach, or for that matter, Carl Webb’s ownnot so fond adieu in a secluded bushland setting near C. J. Dennis’ mountain home at Toolangi.

  2615. David Morgan on November 14, 2024 at 12:11 pm said:

    Here is how you can search trove with AI

    – software: https://nhpn8t.csb.app

    api key to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zUqo20Bl0Wkkc_D6wPZqKcN9wrh7uHHG/view?usp=drive_link

    Password: birth name of the somerton man lower case no space.

    It is not using the best version of Gemini Ai but its free. As time progresses the free will get better and more accurate.

  2616. David Morgan on November 14, 2024 at 2:49 pm said:

    I have now added download api keys so you use my api keys. But it is secure this way for me. Companies object to making api keys public.

    You just need the birth name of the somerton man (lower case, no spaces).
    At the moment you have to upload this for every session. But it is worth it getting ‘mostly’ uncorruped text you can download/paste into a long article or your own book.


  2617. John Sanders on November 15, 2024 at 12:55 am said:

    Peteb: Ruth Collins and I not being pals; I wonder if next time you touch base you might inquire as a matter of interest about grandpa Hurtle’s claimed presence in Darwin during the jap bombings and resultant injuries to his head. Doesn’t show up on NAA lists of wounded or evacuated civilians, and far as I can ascertain, her maternal grand father sat out the war in Burra as an inactive member of the local VDC auxilliary militia.

  2618. John Sanders on November 16, 2024 at 2:56 am said:

    Ruth: in sincere apologies, but of course a hairdresser H. Horan be on the list of Darwin bombing evacuees in 1942 (no Miss M.) must’ve missed it first go around.. Seems injured Hurtle? had been taken from the hospital and flown on a Casevac aircraft to safety and re-admission. Strangely there was yet another Hurtle from Burra, (not Renmark) who also passed in December 1967; and yes, I wonder too, as you so ineloquently put it, “WTF any of this has to do with SM or JS..”, a lesson you might pay heed to in future. NB: I’ve read the book too just like you sweetheart.

  2619. John Sanders on November 16, 2024 at 7:15 am said:

    DM: I wouldn’t dare claim “techie’ as being one of my attributes, but I’ll give it a go on your say so…for starters how do I find out the birth name of Somerton Man?

  2620. John Sanders on November 16, 2024 at 9:26 am said:

    Next Ruth’ll be re telling us (shades of H C Reynolds 2013) how her grandad James Duncan McIntyre took on the might of Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps in Libya in ’41 then vented his spleen on the Nips at Milne Bay ’42. Truth be known L/Cpl Signaler J D McIntyre spent most of his WW2 OS service on sick call or in military hospitals. No medals awarded on RTA from Fall Creek in late ’42 although he got top marks in a later GPO run teletype course. As for grandpa Hurtle (same age), he couldn’t join up, not because he was too old Ruth, but because of his criminal record no doubt (see Mildura 1931 Sunraysia Trove).

  2621. David Morgan on November 17, 2024 at 12:37 am said:

    I have battled with v0.dev to build facial comparison with their system. I gave it a working app and I had to spend time getting it to work again.

    But if you have poor quality images of the SM or others you should use hotpot.ai to improve them.


  2622. JS .. you’re beginning to blather mate, maybe you should go back to having a shot at me, give the ladies a rest, and while you’re at it, remind us of your major findings in the SM case, like striped duds, lack of matches, letter A’s in the code, you know, the small inconsistencies a trained policeman like yourself would easily find.

  2623. John Sanders on November 18, 2024 at 9:42 pm said:

    PB: give us a break snake; not too many ladies left on board to misogynise over in these lean times, What’s more Xlamb’s regurgitation of not so humble grandfather Hurtle Horan, wanted felon, criminal mastermind, suspect in a missing person case and lowdown wife deserter, be a timely reminder for us left waiting on tenterhooks that Charlie Webb’s day’s in the top spot be well and truely done..

  2624. John Sanders on November 19, 2024 at 12:08 am said:

    …missed the last part sorry! First cab otr be SM’s striped pants suggesting he was either a butcher by trade or a released con from Yatala corrective facility. As for the matches, they were in all probabilty lying under a steaming dollop of equine droppings when Const. Moss arrived on the scene, and lbnl the four big A’s could well be representative of SM blog masters in Christopher Gordon Cramer, Kerrie Leigh Bowes, Derek FB Abbott and Nicholas MIA Pelling.

  2625. John Sanders on November 19, 2024 at 5:13 am said:

    KB: now we’re cooking with gas, I seem to recall a Tbt thread in which Colleen ID’d SM straight off as being Rachel Abbott’s maternal grandfather. ‘Twas based on something the Thomson’s had in common with a slave owning dead president from old Virginy name of Thomas Mikkelson from memory. Might’ve been tanned legs from the dark side of the family or else a known fondness for clam chowder that had been evident in early hair follicles. I Have a feeling that ex NASA scientist Fitzyourfancy had the good sense to include Royal Hausa and Arapaho Indian in the ancestral mix to ad variety.

  2626. John Sanders on November 19, 2024 at 12:26 pm said:

    PB: best you get back to base and clear the log jam of Hurtle Horan posts or else!

  2627. David Morgan on November 20, 2024 at 9:13 am said:

    I forgot to say Sidney Mitting was also an Engineer – so not only a physical doppelganger, a Swinburne football doppelganger but also a brain doppelganger.

  2628. David Morgan on November 21, 2024 at 5:46 am said:

    Interesting to play Somerton Man code anagram making:


    MLIAOI (this line is crossed out)

    Just some ideas:

    Isdal Woman = the anagram woman: e.g.
    Claudia Nielsen = Isdalen Alien
    Vera Lucile Schlossseneck = US checkless alien lover

    Somerton Man – the anagram man?

  2629. David Morgan on November 22, 2024 at 11:19 am said:

    @JS Perhaps I should have said the birth name suggested by Mr Abbott.

    It doesn’t have to be for the Somerton Man obviously. The initial AI summary is a bit weak because the free Gemini version is a little old school. But the AI summaries of newspaper articles are reasonable. If they improve the Gemini freebie it will get better as time progresses. I am trying to do the same for Prov.

    There is a little delay when it does stuff. But I can’t change that.

    It’s all AI code I’m not some elderly Nick Pelling. I just needed a techie intern to do the stuff I imagined and AI does the job. My skill is my determination. I keep saying my AI intern is like some drug addict Cambridge maths graduate: crazy one minute and genius the next.

  2630. John Sanders on November 23, 2024 at 8:19 am said:

    DM: What does AI have to say about chances of high scoring anagrams from fifty letters having only a single solitary echo (E) to work with. A scrabble player’s worst nightmare would be a fair guess….AI would not necessarily hold with the sucker’s view that the six letter second line was struck eg. MLIAOI = MIO AIOLI = MY GARLIC in Catalonian…

  2631. David Morgan on November 24, 2024 at 12:04 am said:


    No an answer but a way to analyse it for scrabble words



    W, Q

  2632. John Sanders on November 24, 2024 at 9:37 am said:

    DM: Sure everyone agrees that without more E’s the TS code can’t in all practicality be comprised of anagrams, especially in that there be no representation of the last six letters of the alphabet…My biased opinion being that the four top line headers are more likely to be M’s than W’s. Please tell Gemini for me that “I hope things get better as time progresses”.

  2633. John Sanders on November 24, 2024 at 9:43 pm said:

    David Morgan,

    QANTAS could be a good enough scrabble score if legit, fifteen by my reckoning.

  2634. David Morgan on December 4, 2024 at 7:59 am said:

    Ai insights

    John Burton Cleland was a prominent pathologist and naturalist in South Australia who played a significant role in the investigation of the Taman Shud Case, better known as the mystery surrounding the Somerton Man. While he wasn’t the first on the scene, Cleland’s expertise was crucial in several aspects of the case: * **Autopsy and Analysis:** Cleland performed the autopsy on the Somerton Man’s body. He noted several unusual features, including the man’s excellent physical condition, the lack of any obvious cause of death, and the mysterious shrinking of his internal organs, which he attributed to the embalming process. He also noted the absence of scarring or other identifying marks. * **”Tamam Shud” Slip:** While Cleland wasn’t directly involved in the discovery of the “Tamam Shud” slip (meaning “finished” or “ended”) in the man’s fob pocket, he played a key role in its analysis. He confirmed its origin from a rare copy of *The Rubaiyat* of Omar Khayyam. * **Plaster Cast:** Cleland oversaw the creation of a plaster bust of the Somerton Man, hoping it would aid in identification. This bust remains one of the most iconic images associated with the case. * **Theories and Speculation:** While Cleland couldn’t definitively determine the cause of death, he considered various possibilities, including poisoning. However, he couldn’t find any trace of known poisons. His detailed observations and reports have fueled speculation and theories about the Somerton Man’s identity and the circumstances of his death for decades. Despite Cleland’s thorough investigation, the Somerton Man’s identity and the cause of his death remain a mystery to this day. His meticulous work, however, continues to be a valuable resource for researchers and investigators still trying to unravel the enigma.

    ?shrunken organs?

  2635. John Sanders on December 4, 2024 at 10:32 am said:

    No.1@ Tbt…think you’ll find that the other pencils, apart from the blue Pan Ams be of the Royal Sovereign brand from England & Australia from memory. Guess you’re familiar with Royal Sovereign Airlines of London, flying Piper Aztecs. As for Pan Am making the skies safe to fly again soon as next year, starting with a twelve day tour, I understand it will include a San Francisco to Sydney leg and hosties a selection of originals, some of whom may have served on our Freedom Birds, maybe even old Jerry Somerton on his unfortunate homecoming in ’48. Great stuff by the way.

  2636. John Sanders on December 4, 2024 at 9:49 pm said:

    No. 1 @ Tbt…apart from the six pencils which have never gotten much coverage, there were three other suitcase items, two related, that are very rarely mentioned in on line discussions and never ever been displayed perse. The “rubber” which be superfluous in that the pencils have attached arrasors, and a West German made pencil sharpener which must have been added after the fact. Added to that there’s the mysterious yellow handled Turner? electrical screwdriver which seems to have disappeared (tea-leafed) soon after the suitcase was recovered. This all has got me to wondering if any of the aboveme fits into Defective Superintendant Len Brown’s deception ploy that came to your perceptive attention in later years?

  2637. John Sanders on December 5, 2024 at 3:06 pm said:

    DM: AI bombed out big time on his Identification of the Tamam Shud slip. Truth is Professor Cleland didn’t have a clue what it meant. It was left to the Advertiser’s police roundsman Frank Kennedy (Prosper Thomson’s mate) to let A/ Sgt. Leane know that it was Persian for The End or something similar. Aint that right Peteb?

  2638. John Sanders on December 5, 2024 at 3:45 pm said:

    ….The other AI unpardonable blooper was of course, his flat out denial of Cleland having been credited with finding the TS slip. This happened when examining the Somerton Man’s Stamina trousers, subsequently his needing a pair of tweezers to fish it out of a hard to locate ‘fob’ pocket etc., from memory.

  2639. David Morgan on December 9, 2024 at 5:20 pm said:

    Looking at Mitting again in the team photo is Eric Blazey who was born 8/8/1905 and has an NAA record. He had a complicated picture of switching colleges with sponsorships then university. At Swinburne he was the gold medal student.

    BLAZEY ERIC LLOYD : Service Number – N202241 : Date of birth – 08 Aug 1905 : Place of birth – MELBOURNE VIC.

    The point is with his gold medal, (dad the town clerk) and with his engineering degree he wasn’t exempt from some sort of military service like Carl Webb. Even if the Home Guard.

  2640. John Sanders on December 10, 2024 at 12:00 am said:

    DM: Angelo Mangioni, got fingered as the NY HC Thompson shooter. Have you checked his creds. with your Gemini or similar yet. Could be your big chance for a breakthrough with a Doppleganger set up scam for the reward bucks.

  2641. David Morgan on December 10, 2024 at 1:36 pm said:

    The fact Sidney Roy Mitting was missed in the team photos shows no-one in the CM group is a super-recogniser. Possibly the most perfect doppelganger you may find of the Somerton Man. Mons was good but not this good.

    This is an average image of both men.


  2642. David Morgan on December 10, 2024 at 11:51 pm said:

    This is interesting because AI can maintain facial ID of people. So they match.


    Click to expand the image.

    Carl looks like Roy. Sidney looks like the SM. I thought Raphael was Sidney in the Swinburne photo assuming a stereotype. Raphael died 1948. I think a possible suicide covered up.

  2643. John Sanders on December 12, 2024 at 9:55 pm said:

    DM: your Sidney Mitting double bunger is about as good as we’ll ever get and the attached shirt collar is damned near perfect, such a pity about the missing incisura lug notch though!

  2644. John Sanders on December 13, 2024 at 1:35 am said:

    DM: Mildura & Merbein Male Mittings on NAA army, Airforce & Navy files are all typically 5′ 3″ to 5′ 4″ not taller. This suggests your spiting image Sidney Mitting would most likely have been far too short for the Swinburne football team hence my being sorry I found him.

  2645. David Morgan on December 13, 2024 at 10:12 pm said:


    In schoolboy Welsh rugby the shorter ones were often on the wing and fast little runners. The implication of the Carl doppelganger is Carl Was Roy since he becomes a Roy lookalike when older. Perhaps Carl didn’t turn up and they stuck Roy in the photo.

    AI: The physical characteristic of scrum-halves being smaller than other players makes sense given their role in the game, as they need to be quick and agile to distribute the ball effectively between the forwards and backs. It was all kicking in Australian football in those days.

    Carl was 16/11/1905 and Sidney 8/8/1905 (potentially). Yet Sidney looks a lot bigger than Carl. Assuming 12 months between team photos. Kid Carl doesn’t strike me as being tall.

    It would be nice to exhaust Sidney to the point of a 1950s photo just to show he lived on ‘as Sidney’ and not some other body.

  2646. David Morgan on December 14, 2024 at 3:17 am said:

    This is how AI sees young blond charlie as an older man with dyed hair.


  2647. John Sanders on December 14, 2024 at 4:45 am said:

    Then there was Harry Ball, 6′ 4″ a star footballer also from tiny town Merbein who made the big time in VFL, before being posted MIA at the same time and place as Roy Webb 2/42 Johore Malaya. According to post war reports, he was found by a POW search group in 1943 and ID’d by dog tags (bollocks)…and while we’re on the subject, were you aware that Roy Webb’s name was used by another volunteer for AIF service, same time, same depot. The Webb imposter was posted as a deserter soon after and only came to notice in 1946 when the wife was interviewed and his real name revealed thus. Guess you could use the revelation to re introduce your Yarraville Roy for discussion on whether he died in Burma 10/43 as claimed by the
    those known for lieing about the truth when comes to unaccounting for MIAs, or if they got him and the fake mixed up somehow. When KO’s cheese came forward she was about to deliver her third child, so if you’re still Keane it could make a neat fit for Roy’s daughter Brenda bn. 1946.

  2648. John Sanders on December 14, 2024 at 5:15 am said:

    Rob Roy from Mildura/Merbein/Geelong/Caulfield, the name thief’s defacto wife Elsie Cook/Clark/Clarke, was herself interviewed by military police 1945 not 1946, which could let imposter Roy Webb Mk II off the hook for being FB Brenda Webb’s mystery father.

  2649. David Morgan on December 14, 2024 at 4:27 pm said:

    Sidney Roy Mitting was the President of the Merbein cricket club in 1934/35. I have written to ask them about club photos. We know what he looked like in the 1920s.
    I am keen to close the chapter on Sidney. I would hate to find years later his DNA turns up as a match.

  2650. David Morgan on December 14, 2024 at 5:34 pm said:

    The National Archives did a spy thing for Christmas







    If you just want the answers read on:

    Decoded Names:
    IUHQFK KHQ → FRENCH HEN (Caesar cipher shift of 3)
    VWTVNG FQXG → TURTLE DOVE (Caesar cipher shift of 2)
    MUUYK → GOOSE (Atbash cipher)
    GEPPMRK FMVH → CALLING BIRD (Caesar cipher shift of 4)
    ZDHU → TEAR (Caesar cipher shift of 3)
    QBSUSJEHF → PARTRIDGE (Caesar cipher shift of 5)

    Pattern Analysis:
    I notice these decoded names follow a theme from “The Twelve Days of Christmas” song – French Hens, Turtle Doves, Calling Birds, and Partridge are all birds mentioned in the famous Christmas carol. This suggests these may be seasonal code names used in a festive-themed encryption system.

    They said they were all Caesar shifts but it’s a trick to get the one person who writes to tell them their mistake. No, they got you! You’ll have the job interview after Xmas.

    It is similar to Jerry Waight and his 1930s Sun News Pictorial quizzes he deliberately put mistakes in to get Dear Jerry (aka Joanthan Swift) mail.

  2651. David Morgan on December 14, 2024 at 6:00 pm said:


    To find the Roy guy we’d need to find the likely ?ex-copper? who had the image on his blog and who having seen me post about it – took it down. Absurd when people know who it is and won’t say. It’s like the Mitting plot. I am certain Abbott must have seen Mitting and thought ‘perhaps’ that’s him. Height is the only thing we have against Mitting

  2652. John Sanders on December 16, 2024 at 1:42 am said:

    DM: Still I can’t see any vague likeness between original Roy from the induction photo or the Werribee snaps, and your doublebungers, though I’ll own that the bases be loaded, four against one in your favour now that you have the Gemini twins on your team. As for your ?ex-copper who takes posts down only one I can think of that’s into such a caper, apart from Peteb would be GC, notwithstanding doubts about his being an ex-copper.

  2653. John Sanders on December 16, 2024 at 2:18 am said:

    DM: if it be Gordon Cramer you’re referring to, I wouldn’t be the least surprised; I’ve noticed that he’s lately deleted his own ‘back dated’ posts from his purloined ‘anemptyglass’ site, pertaining to the content of several rubaiyat categories that have come up for some not so agreeable discussion between the thief and I of late.

  2654. David Morgan on December 27, 2024 at 7:42 am said:

    The 114c question assumes light bulbs in offices can be reached from the ground and that you can touch it in the dark to see if it is hot. Highly unlikely. The MI6 suggested solution is stupid – it says to put one on for a long time (hottest), one on for a short time (warm) and one off (cold).

    But if it relies on heat – then switching them all on then off to open the door and the hot one is the one connected to light switch. It doesn’t need an MI6 logician just a janitor who wants to work out broken lights. He’d change the bulbs in the other 2 assuming they should all come on when all are switched on.

  2655. John Sanders on December 27, 2024 at 10:57 am said:

    DM : there’s a score or more different variations of Peteb’s poorly put 114c MI 6 agent entry test on line and guess what, just as many proper answers. All except for my curcuit screwdriver, where no doors need to be opened to find out which switch is which for the light bulb inside.

  2656. John Sanders on December 28, 2024 at 5:15 am said:

    No MI 6 applicant with a Keane sense of self worth would have anything to with the potentially booby trapped set up as described in the 114c test. Top marks would be given to the budding field agent appointee with initiative enough to pass on the question in the interests of self preservation.

  2657. David Morgan on December 30, 2024 at 7:39 am said:

    Apparently for Carl Webb’s name to appear in the Somerton man code is 1 in billions.

    01 says [my 3rd attempt at this]

    Below is a step‐by‐step analysis of the letter frequency in the text
    “WRGOABABD WTBIMPANETP MLIABOAIAQC ITTMTSAMSTGAB” (44 letters total, with spaces removed)
    to determine its Index of Coincidence (IoC), and then compare that IoC value to typical English and German IoC values.
    Counting Each Letter
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Remove spaces so we have one continuous string:
    Tally each letter’s frequency (nᵢ):
    • A: 8
    • B: 5
    • C: 1
    • D: 1
    • E: 1
    • G: 2
    • I: 4
    • L: 1
    • M: 4
    • N: 1
    • O: 2
    • P: 2
    • Q: 1
    • R: 1
    • S: 2
    • T: 6
    • W: 2
    The total number of letters N = 44.
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 2) Formula for Index of Coincidence
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── The Index of Coincidence (IoC) can be computed by:
    IoC = ( Σ [nᵢ × (nᵢ − 1)] ) / (N × (N − 1))
    where nᵢ is the count of the ith letter and N is the total number of letters.
    , [8])
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3) Computing Σ [nᵢ × (nᵢ − 1)]
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── • A = 8 → 8 × 7 = 56
    • B = 5 → 5 × 4 = 20
    • C = 1 → 1 × 0 = 0
    • D = 1 → 1 × 0 = 0
    • E = 1 → 1 × 0 = 0
    • G = 2 → 2 × 1 = 2
    • I = 4 → 4 × 3 = 12
    • L = 1 → 1 × 0 = 0
    • M = 4 → 4 × 3 = 12
    • N = 1 → 1 × 0 = 0
    • O = 2 → 2 × 1 = 2
    • P = 2 → 2 × 1 = 2
    • Q = 1 → 1 × 0 = 0
    • R = 1 → 1 × 0 = 0
    • S = 2 → 2 × 1 = 2
    • T = 6 → 6 × 5 = 30
    • W = 2 → 2 × 1 = 2
    Summing these values:
    56 + 20 + 2 + 12 + 12 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 30 + 2 = 140
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 4) Final IoC Calculation
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── N × (N − 1) = 44 × 43 = 1892
    IoC = 140 / 1892 ≈ 0.074
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 5) Comparison to Typical English vs. German IoC
    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── • Typical English text has an IoC around 0.0667
    • German text typically has an IoC “a bit higher” than English, often quoted around 0.07+
    Our computed IoC of approximately 0.074 lies closer to, or slightly above, the usual German range than the standard English range. As a result, purely by comparing this single statistic, one could argue it is marginally more likely (though far from certain) that the text, if it is a genuine plaintext in a natural language, aligns more with German than English
    However, there are important caveats:
    • The text is very short (44 letters). Short texts can have IoC values that fluctuate widely and may not be reliable indicators of language.
    • If the text is enciphered or coded, the IoC may reflect the underlying encryption rather than the plaintext language
    In summary, the computed IoC (~0.074) is slightly higher than the typical English value (0.0667) and closer to typical German IoC values, suggesting (within the limits of a very short sample) that it may be more German‐like than English‐like

  2658. David Morgan on December 30, 2024 at 6:18 pm said:

    My word analysis so far (from the SM code) – if you had those letters for scrabble.

    BOATS ✓
    MASTS ✓
    WATER ✓
    TIME ✓
    SAIL ✓
    MAP ✓
    WEST ✓
    EAST ✓
    BOAT ✓
    MAST ✓
    PORT ✓
    SWIM ✓
    SEA ✓
    NET ✓
    SAILOR ✓
    MATE ✓
    LINE ✓
    TRAIN ✓
    STORM ✓
    WIND ✓
    TIDE ✓
    CARL ✓
    COAST ✓
    PIER ✓
    WEBB ✓
    SAND ✓
    DOT ✓
    MORSE ✓
    CODE ✓
    AERIAL ✓

  2659. John Sanders on December 30, 2024 at 9:49 pm said:

    and the LIST/ING goes on… eg., CROWSNEST, COLLIER, BUNK, CABIN, PADDLE..

  2660. John Sanders on December 31, 2024 at 12:27 am said:

    DM: studdingsail, topgallant, compasspoint, deepsix, albatross, brigg, capstan, cargo, bearing, matelot, sweep, srern, bow, swabbies, crowsnest, aboard, berth, engineroom, auxilliary, buccaneer, pirate, stowaway, cabinboy, roger, bowsprit. mariner, rating, ratlines, speedboat, scran and delete DANETTA and PURSER.

  2661. John Sanders on December 31, 2024 at 1:20 am said:

    DM: I’ve finally been able to fit the letter ‘Q’ (sans micro writing) into a plain text, scrabble validated word with a quasie nautical influence and in keeping with our latest maritime (12 pts.) rubycon (point of no return) ROK code hypothesis.

  2662. David Morgan on December 31, 2024 at 10:15 am said:


    I returned to the Webby ROK:



  2663. John Sanders on December 31, 2024 at 10:54 am said:

    DM: let us know when you’re ready for Q; reason being that IQ Peteb is ready to go with it for other reasons eg., depth defying photo images hence inability to raise code. Replace berth with, boom & beam (2 for 1) on oceangoing watercrafts (33) Rubaiyat code listing (13).

  2664. David Morgan on December 31, 2024 at 7:05 pm said:


    The only occurence I could find of a Q word on Trove (of the time) was Loq for loquitur. It was used especially in older stage directions to indicate when a particular character begins to speak.

    But let me have yours.


  2665. John Sanders on December 31, 2024 at 11:11 pm said:

    DM: Got to be Qantas right? as in Overseas Airways of the late forties when they operated a swish Catalina flying boat service out of Sydney Harbour (Rose Bay) to Singapore to link up with BOAC’s new post war trans continental flight to London from memory..Some party pooper at google reckons Qantas isn’t valid but google
    Is; what a bummer.

  2666. John Sanders on January 1, 2025 at 2:23 am said:


  2667. John Sanders on January 1, 2025 at 6:36 am said:

    AUXILLIARY, STOWAWAY, CABINBOY invalid, substitute for creatures of the deep ABBOTT, BOWES, CRAMER, MILONGAL, MISCA, MORGAN, PAT, PELLING, POPPINS & SANDERS of the river.

  2668. David Morgan on January 1, 2025 at 1:02 pm said:


    Also ‘Abbott Wait Carl Webb DNA’. If I asked AI about the chance of that being in random letters it would say a chance in billions.

    Perhaps there needs to be a new Index of Coincidence.

  2669. John Sanders on January 1, 2025 at 9:28 pm said:


  2670. John Sanders on January 1, 2025 at 11:23 pm said:

    Chad Morgan, legend 1933-2025. RIP Sheik of Scrubby Creek.

  2671. David Morgan on January 1, 2025 at 11:32 pm said:

    CARL ✓
    WEBB ✓
    MAN ✓
    WEST ✓
    EAST ✓
    DOMAIN ✓
    ROAD ✓
    TRAIN ✓
    RIDE ✓
    COAST ✓
    PIER ✓
    SAND ✓
    BREAD ✓
    PASTIE ✓
    CART ✓
    POISON ✓
    OMAR ✓
    END ✓

  2672. David Morgan on January 1, 2025 at 11:36 pm said:

    AI poem:

    “The Tamam Shud Mystery”
    CARL WEBB lay silent on SOMERTON’s shore, A MAN unknown in death’s dark lore. From WEST to EAST his TRAIN did glide, A final, fateful evening RIDE.
    Along the COAST where secrets dwell, Near PIER and SAND, a tale to tell. Down DOMAIN ROAD his path did wind, Leaving life’s fragments far behind.
    CRIPPLED by mysteries untold, A PASTIE, BREAD, and secrets old. A CART of questions rolled away, As POISON claimed the light of day.
    Like OMAR’s verses, cryptic, strange, The code that no one could arrange. A dance of shadows in the night, Till morning brought its harsh daylight.
    At journey’s END, the truth remains, Locked in time’s unforgiving chains. The Somerton Man, no longer unknown, Carl Webb, whose story now is shown.

  2673. John Sanders on January 2, 2025 at 10:30 am said:

    DM: SA be home to the ubiquitous ADELAIDE pasty; you want a pastie or a patsy go elsewhere.

  2674. David Morgan on January 2, 2025 at 5:36 pm said:

    Could be plural…


    Carl’s life and death in his own code?

  2675. John Sanders on January 2, 2025 at 10:55 pm said:

    DM: reckon you’ll find that your never reliable AI seems likely to be ambidextrous and therefore unable to tell left handed Carl from right handed Somerton Man; in like terms with everyone else including doctors and police.

  2676. John Sanders on January 2, 2025 at 11:00 pm said:

    DM: right you are, then again I doubt that anyone could tackle two Adelaide
    Pasties in one sitting and not throw up, even an SA Crow Eater.

  2677. David Morgan on January 2, 2025 at 11:56 pm said:

    @JS AI says

    Even if one tries to rearrange the 44 letters to form many smaller words, the chance of randomly covering so many thematically related terms—especially proper nouns like “CARL,” “WEBB,” “ABBOTT,” “SID,” or specialized words like “MTDNA”—is astronomically small unless the code was deliberately constructed to include them.

    Index of Coincidence – eh?

  2678. David Morgan on January 3, 2025 at 12:24 am said:

    Another fun toy. I should have made this for Christmas. I haven’t even tested it.


  2679. John Sanders on January 3, 2025 at 2:34 am said:

    “Carl’s life and death in his own code?”.. shades of Beheooz’ “SM’ Dance for Life”
    And how come my SMCA add a word(s) ‘piece and crap’ didn’t get a pass from AI?

  2680. John Sanders on January 3, 2025 at 3:38 am said:

    Couple of careless mistakes in AI’s crude attempt at puting down a death polm. Carl Webb most likely never got within cooey of Somerton shore. The train from Melbourne travels (rolls) ‘east to west’ on it’s 500 mile ‘inland’ route to Adelaide, and Domain Rd. doesn’t wind down anywhere, it runs straight and true up to it’s junction with St. Kilda Rd. There may be other blunders but making sense of the melancholy final stanzas might take time to enumerate and time isn’t on my side.

  2681. David Morgan on January 3, 2025 at 8:49 pm said:


    Carl Webb and Sid Mitting in full in the SM code. It’s quite bizarre. If random letters infinitely impossible.

    “The probability of these specific names being encoded would be extremely low unless the code was specifically designed to include them”

  2682. John Sanders on January 4, 2025 at 8:28 am said:

    Glenelg CIB Police Attend Death Scene ‘X’ Along Cement Somerton Seawall Below Esplinade / Deceased Non Descript Middle Aged Male / Post Mortem Examination Completed / Corpse Embalmed Pending Interment West Terrace / Somerton Man Gone to God or Else In Transit..Someone Mention Certain Nominal Probabilities?

  2683. John Sanders on January 4, 2025 at 2:47 pm said:

    … Meant to say ‘Police Attend Crime Scene’

  2684. John Sanders on January 26, 2025 at 12:47 am said:

    So much for Steve H’s knowledge of Australian poets. No mention of Oodgeroo Noonacal, C J Dennis, Dorothea Mackellar, Kenneth Slessor, Dame Mary Gilmore, John OBrien etc. Not to mention Angry Penuins and Jindyworobaks movements of the 30s & 40s…Then there was Keith Garvey of Frog Hollow whose immortal lines, “What will it be” the waiter said, reflectively picking his nose. “I’ll have two boiled eggs you son-of-a-gun, you can’t put your fingers in those!” set the literary world ablaze. Happy Invasion day wherever yous be and don’t forget fellas, hands off cocks on with jocks fellas, and any sheilas still out there can please themselves.

  2685. David Morgan on January 26, 2025 at 9:59 pm said:

    I wote to the Trovians after my Trove search-n-extract app broke. It took me two weeks with AI for us to realise the problem was Trove’s.

    They finally replied ‘they were aware of the double header problem’ after they led me down a garden path to URL and up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire.

    They wouldn’t tell me when it would be fixed only after.

  2686. David Morgan on January 26, 2025 at 10:03 pm said:

    I have been trying to set up an AI agent to locate every Trove article on said topic whether SM, Doctor Palmer-Benbow,,,whatever and then build a document. One said to search Trove and copy/paste the text. Genius!

  2687. John Sanders on January 27, 2025 at 12:15 am said:

    DM: sure you’ll be relieved to hear that there be no clear correlation between absolute or relative brain size and intelligence in your average Welshman from Cardiff and Swansea. Same can’t be said for the dozy denizens from across the lake and up the creek in Bristol. As for Dusty’s todger, reckon that the volume of his dusters can adequately compensate for three inches on the flop and there be no doubting the adage ‘short and thick does the trick’

  2688. David Morgan on January 27, 2025 at 10:12 am said:

    During WW2 Australian media was obsessed with Fifth columnists one article says:

    They are the enemy within. Therefore, place them well
    “within” — inside an internment camn. FOR over a year, “Jehovah’s Witnesses”
    have been desperately trying to wreck Australia’s war effort.
    At the same time they have been harboring dangerous enemy aliens.
    The aliens are Germans. They arrived In Australia from Germany just
    before war broke out last year, and have been “working” and living ever since at the “Witnesses’ ” Australian headquarters, Strathfleld, Sydney. And laughing at Australians, no doubt.

    Last week, police visited the palatial headquarters which are known as “The Theocratic Embassy,” and arrested two of the Germans, who were immediately interned.

    Apparently Mrs Schmidt in Sydney was considered the most dangerous.
    Then there was the Italians…

    FIFTH COLUMN (not serious!)
    By S. Gordon Swan.
    NOW that my subversive activities are ended so far as Australia is concerned, it is safe for me to reveal the means by which I became a Fifth
    Columnist in this country. [he was killing rabbits].

    As he wasn’t signed up perhaps Charlie Webb was thought to be a bad-un.

  2689. John Sanders on January 27, 2025 at 10:06 pm said:

    DM: I’ve been suspicious of Trove’s activities for some time and afraid that outside influences are white anting key areas within their once fairly reliable publications data bank; just as certain subversive elements and fifth columnists were known for in the thirties and late forties. As for the JW’s, I recall by the sixties they established their Kingdom Hall on acreage at Ingleburn NSW right beside the main Infantry corps training centre, whence they published their own Watch Tower weekly rag. About the same time elements from within Croat, or was it Serb Ustase terrorist infiltraters were training in bushland nearby, their instructors being Army NCO’s stationed at Infantry Centre and their weaponry drawn or stolen from the base armoury, from memory.

  2690. John Sanders on January 28, 2025 at 3:40 am said:

    DM: have you considered moving up to ‘Deep Seek’ for your cut price AI?

  2691. David Morgan on January 28, 2025 at 11:23 am said:


    I had to get AI to tell me Trove have a ‘double header’ issue. They kept telling me my URL was malformed. Only when I said they had a double header problem did they acknowledge it bit wouldn’t say when they’d fix it. Again AI could tell them and that the header was being added twice as it left the gate. They said they’d tell me when they had fixed it. But it should be an overnight fix.

    It seems to be to exclude people like me. I may be the only one using the URL method. Perhaps educational establishments get a workaround. For example last year they were mixing v2 and v3.

    I have tried via AI agents and they just tell me to do it myself – i.e they are blocked.

    This was just a code experiment. I had to manually fix it for WordPress.

    Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7
    Row 1 [W] [R] G O [A] [B] [A]
    Row 2 [B] D [W] T [B] I M
    Row 3 P [A] N [E] T P M
    Row 4 [L] I [A] [B] O [A] I
    Row 5 [A] Q [C] I T T M
    Row 6 T S [A] M S T G

    [L]-etters in CARL WEBB

    For coders (it strikes out (not delete) non Carl Webb)

    import React from ‘react’;

    const SomertonGrid = () => {
    const carlWebbLetters = new Set(“CARLWEB”);

    // Create grid
    const gridRows = 6;
    const gridCols = 7;
    const grid = [];

    for (let i = 0; i {
    if (carlWebbLetters.has(letter)) {
    return “text-black font-bold”;
    return “text-gray-400 line-through”;

    return (

    {Array.from({length: gridCols}, (_, i) => (

    Col {i + 1}


    {grid.map((row, rowIndex) => (

    Row {rowIndex + 1}
    {row.map((cell, cellIndex) => (




    Bold: Letters in CARL WEBB
    Crossed out: Other letters


    export default SomertonGrid;

  2692. David Morgan on January 28, 2025 at 11:48 pm said:

    Mind Over Murders podcast have gone back to the old chestnut Ripper case because they claim to have DNA. But wiki says mtDNA. It’s that same chestnut as SM, Tengs in Norway – people expecting a judge to ‘effectively’ convict on mtDNA.
    Though MOM said it was DNA in the ripper case. Perhaps a research error.

    There seems to be a huge willingness to forge evidence when they are certain who they want to find guilty. Like SM’s hair shafts. I can easily visualise Abbott breaking in at night with his hair shafts and making holes in the plaster bust.
    Kripos just happening to find hair on Teng’s tights. When they had 4 sets of DNA from different men. I mean how many men touch a teenage girl’s legs in a church prayer meeting?
    Then the Ripper case. They seem to have changed mtDNA to DNA. The polish guy Kominski’s hair was on one victim. But as she was involved with many men each night (I assume it was her job) how come they only found one set of hair?
    To look genuine they could have said they found 40 different men’s hair. I mean how often did they wash clothing back in the day? Did they wait for Summer to hang it out to dry? Even if hung above a fire it surely could have picked up hair of visitors?

  2693. David Morgan on January 30, 2025 at 12:01 am said:


    You should ask Abbott to subject the hair and teeth if the police have them to isotope analysis of the SM.

    I was just asking AI (Deepmind and 01) about the Isdal Woman Karolinska report and the Canberra isotope analysis maps on the Isdal Woman and it was very knowledgeable. It said that certain areas (such as Scandinavia) could be eliminated and that with more isotope testing her village could be pinpointed.

    AI shot down my theory of Iowa as it said her diet would have contained more corn.

    This could be done with the SM – so he was either in Melbourne aged 0-11 (teeth enamel) or not. With other isotopes the exact location ‘if in Melbourne’ could be located.

    But if each isotope map was overlayed X would mark the spot for the SM.

  2694. John Sanders on January 30, 2025 at 11:13 am said:

    It was certainly considered that the teeth and hair bore isotopal evidence of SM’s diet and place of upbringing to a certain degree, long before AI thought of it. So in looking back at results thereof, Carl Webb doesn’t get a start. Inner Hebrides and Scandinavia were front runners with both the ginger locks and food intake namely King Oscar sardines in seal oil and canned Scottish herrings in tomato sauce from birth up til two weeks before his sad passing.

  2695. David Morgan on January 30, 2025 at 2:18 pm said:

    I was able to get Claude (with artefacts) to upload an image and come up with a table of Sr/O -isotope locations. Then I used Deepmind to analyse a PDF to extract Case 16 notes and consider the ages of teeth from AAR methods – and be critical. Then I put this together with the DNA map (picture) using 01. So I had an overlay of DNA, δ¹³C isotopes from the enamel of teeth and Sr/O isotopes table.

    Using all the data it eventually arrived at a conclusion that based on the diet from δ¹³C which seems to have been consistent to age 11 at least that the probability was highest that the Isdal Woman came from the Alsace area up to age 11. Obviously it’s not a fact – she could have come from Scotland or Birmingham. Nuremberg was the strongest contender as well without the DNA map.

    This approach could be repeated with the SM if you combine the DNA and isotopes. Obviosuly it might for Carl Webb say he was from Hamburg. Since proability wise his DNA was German, his diet may have been consistent with a German affecting the enamel on his teeth. But perhaps other isotopes would drag it away to Australia.

  2696. John Sanders on January 30, 2025 at 9:12 pm said:

    So happens our original and best SM was more likely to have been a non main stream eater, prefering Adelaide vegetarian potato and turnip pasties, as opposed to your imposter Carl with his strict Hamburg meat lover’s diet of saugage rolls and cheese hamburgers.

  2697. David Morgan on January 31, 2025 at 9:21 am said:


    Yes you are right pre-11when the enamel formed he would likely have been eating a lot of meat in his diet. German sausages etc. He wasn’t choosing what he was eating he was being fed like a farm animal. It was only years later where parents introduced the idea of choice. For Carl Webb the DNA map and δ¹³C would show meat and two German veg. The Sr/O isotopes wouldbe different. Different water I assume in Australia.

    “Australia has a very old and geologically diverse landscape, so the strontium (Sr) and oxygen (O) isotope ratios in human teeth vary widely by region. In broad terms, areas underlain by older, highly radiogenic rock (for instance, parts of Western Australia) often show elevated ^87Sr/^86Sr values (potentially in the 0.71–0.72+ range), whereas regions with younger geological substrates (such as more volcanic zones) typically yield lower Sr isotope ratios, closer to 0.70–0.71. Oxygen values in tooth enamel similarly reflect local rainfall and climate: more coastal or temperate areas can have moderately negative δ^18O (e.g., –3 to –5 ‰ in enamel), while drier, interior zones often show slightly higher (less negative) δ^18O. Thus, the “Australian” isotope signature is not a single numeric range, but rather spans multiple overlapping bands of Sr and O values, depending on exactly where someone grew up.”

    So this might be a better indicator of where – assuming he was really Australian.

    Again it is really about probability – you won’t throw 2 sixes with dice as much as all the other numbers. But it does happen.

  2698. David Morgan on January 31, 2025 at 9:34 am said:

    This is Claude’s idea of the Australian Isotope ranges based on major cities. Worth keeping if they ever have isotope analysis of the SM’s teeth.


  2699. David Morgan on January 31, 2025 at 3:38 pm said:

    This gives the isotope ranges for some Aussie cities,


    I might expand it to the World if I have the mental energy.


    Ideally you’d stick the person’s (body!) isotope values on the chart and then select the city to find a fit. Likely it could be multiple where there is an overlap.

  2700. John Sanders on February 1, 2025 at 12:46 am said:

    DM: I once tried explaining isotopical transfer factoring etc., in puting forward a case for error potential in carbon dating. This being with respect to bovine/cattle herbivors and depending on a number of essential factors such as diet and locality. Didn’t work for me mit the scholarly Voynicheros and don’t like your chances of success with not so intellectually advanced Abbott cum Webb fans.

  2701. David Morgan on February 1, 2025 at 7:07 am said:

    i am relying on AI knowing these values for cities. It is hard to find such details even for AI.


  2702. David Morgan on February 1, 2025 at 11:37 am said:

    The Global View of Isotopes


    I can’t really check the accuracy. In fact AI said the Australian ones were not precise enough.

  2703. David Morgan on February 1, 2025 at 7:02 pm said:


    “The Sr (strontium) and O (oxygen) isotopic compositions in Camperdown, Victoria, would likely differ from those in Melbourne due to distinct geological and environmental conditions. Camperdown is situated on a volcanic plain, which would influence its strontium isotope ratios, as volcanic bedrock often has unique geochemical signatures compared to other geological formations. Melbourne, located 190 km east, likely has differing underlying geology, though specific details are not provided in the search results.”

    Does anyone know the Canberra isotope guy jurian hoogerweff?

    He was the one they asked about the Isdal Woman. I had to get AI to read his maps as he keeps his data secret.

  2704. John Sanders on February 2, 2025 at 8:31 am said:

    Give dutch George from the ‘save the coral reefs’ eco guy a hoy at Uni of Canberra, told me to boogeroff or else contact him by Email after the hols so I’ll leave it up to you mugger.. [email protected].

  2705. John Sanders on February 2, 2025 at 8:45 am said:

    [email protected]. Tel: +61 2 6201 5879. Dr. H be Director of Systems Ecology with Faculty of Science & Technology in his spare time.

  2706. John Sanders on February 2, 2025 at 9:04 am said:

    No need to wait mate; just Googled the Dr. with ‘Isdal Woman’ and got a score and more hits with photos, maps and all. Seems he’s the recognised forensic authority on the case…You run a close second no doubt..

  2707. David Morgan on February 2, 2025 at 9:11 am said:


    Yes I have tried.

    I wanted it complete my software for global cities and then drop in some cases where Sr/O isotope values are known and they match their city location.


    It really is the saying “you are what you eat”…And drink

  2708. David Morgan on February 2, 2025 at 7:49 pm said:

    I have continued to try to develop the idea to estimate isotope values for Carl Webb and the Isdal Woman.


    “You are what you eat and drink”

  2709. David Morgan on February 2, 2025 at 10:31 pm said:

    I asked Deepseek why the rectangle for Carl Webb would be so large. It assumed he was in Footscray until 5, then Camperdown until 11. The number of years at each location would matter (I assume, but I guessed).

    Carl Webb’s isotope profile (“rectangle”) would be a combination of his birth location (Footscray/Melbourne) and childhood residence (Camperdown), represented like this:

    Carl Webb’s Isotope Range
    ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr: 0.704–0.74 (combining Footscray + Camperdown)
    δ¹⁸O: –7.5‰ to –6.0‰ (merged oxygen ranges)
    Key Reason for the Large Span:
    Origins in Footscray (0–5 years):
    Tooth enamel (fixed in early childhood) retains Footscray’s higher Sr ratios (0.72–0.74)
    δ¹⁸O reflects Melbourne’s coastal precipitation range (–7.0‰ to –6.0‰)
    Childhood in Camperdown (5–11 years):
    Bone remodeling shifts Sr toward Camperdown’s volcanic basalt ratios (0.704–0.708)
    δ¹⁸O incorporates inland water sources (–7.5‰ to –6.5‰)
    Visualization Comparison
    Location/Profile ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr Range δ¹⁸O Range (‰) Span Type
    Footscray (Melbourne) 0.72–0.74 –7.0 to –6.0 Moderate Sr values
    Camperdown 0.704–0.708 –7.5 to –6.5 Lower Sr, wider O
    Carl Webb (combined) 0.704–0.74 –7.5 to –6.0 Broadest Sr/O range

    I should have said “you are what you eat and drink – where you are”


  2710. John Sanders on February 2, 2025 at 10:50 pm said:

    DM: no truer words, applies to our not so dumb animal friends as well. One thing we can be sure of is that collagen obtained from tanned hides of grazing mammals cannot be carbon dated with any degree of accuracy unless it be known for sure where they derived or what they ate and drank. Try telling that to our all knowing Voynichero. I have and they don’t listen to my likes.

  2711. David Morgan on February 4, 2025 at 7:02 am said:


    There is a GNIP database but they are downloadable local isotope studies e.g. Wallingford UK. I’m not sure how Canberra Jurian pieced his evidence together. Obviously a smart guy to have created a chart on a map.

    But his hotspot method gives you multi-choice and someone can be from Scotland or Germany. It doesn’t help that much without other clues.

    During the Covid lockdown I contacted a US expert who told me the Jurian charts for the Isdal Woman were not much use. He would have analysed more isotopes and in some cases he was able to pinpoint within a few miles.

    I got AI to revisit my chart to recode it:


  2712. David Morgan on February 4, 2025 at 10:51 pm said:

    I have revised again to add in a 3rd isotope (eat/drink/teeth) to work out where people are from in mysteries. In many cases estimates by AI. But if anyone knows the isotope values for another mystery I’ll stick it on the chart.


  2713. David Morgan on February 6, 2025 at 3:36 pm said:

    left or right handedness

    Based on the search results, dental wear patterns can indeed be an indication of handedness. According to research from Osaka University mentioned in the sources, dentists may be able to determine whether a person is right or left-handed by examining their dental wear patterns
    This connection between handedness and dental wear has historical significance as well. Scientists have even used wear marks in fossil teeth to study handedness in early humans. This suggests that dental wear patterns have been a reliable indicator of handedness throughout human evolution.

  2714. David Morgan on February 10, 2025 at 11:11 am said:


    A bunch of kids examining who deserves US AID likely lacks nuance. Musk has a lot of clever foreign workers – perhaps even Mexicans. But I worked on many IT projects and nuance is everything. For example on one project the foreign workers didn’t know what a postcode was. How do you explain so that a 21 year old Indian understands the complex nuance of a postcode and how they change or what they mean. If you asked them do we need the postcode – they’d likely agree they had no idea what it was and drop it from the data.

    If you really suspected fraud and you wanted to prosecute people what would you do?

    That is the difference between legal avenues and a bunch of computer hackers deciding the fate of a small child with aids in Africa.

    I don’t think it has anything to do with CM other than showing what happens when you follow ‘what you imagine to be the truth’ as opposed to facts and reality.

  2715. David Morgan on February 10, 2025 at 12:11 pm said:

    I have updated my isotope chart. It is quite problematic because a lot of scientific studies use mean or median without consideration. They mix inland and coastal. In other words the isotope facts change depending on the study whether teeth enamel/bone/other. If hair then it is only the last 12 months …or so of the person’s life.


    I will return to it when I have another brain wave.

  2716. John Sanders on February 10, 2025 at 1:28 pm said:

    Same applies to carbon dating velum parchment for example. If the lab C14 testing equipment has no means of determining species, breed, place of origin, range or diet preference, be it field grass, roots, leaves, brush fodder or aquatic lifeforms of either C3 or C4 photosynthesis or alternate isotopal transfer means, including deep water depleted carbon minimisation potential; Then the best that can be hoped for, even with factoring, be entirely with his grace Gautama Buddha.

  2717. David Morgan on February 10, 2025 at 3:43 pm said:


    You can end up dis-believing science if the scientists don’t stick to the rules in their publications.

    It is a shame when they dug him up th SM they only took DNA not a tooth or hair.

  2718. The existence of two stable isotopes of carbon with different masses (C-12 and C-13) makes it straightforward to estimate the extent to which there were mass-based biases in carbon isotope uptake during the life of the source of the sample or its foodchain, regardless of the details of what the process(es) was/were, or where it came from in the foodchain, or anything else. As the reference I provided back in early June ’22 (https://www.radiocarbon.com/isotopic-fractionation.htm) says:

    “Fractionation during the geochemical transfer of carbon in nature produces variation in the equilibrium distribution of the isotopes of carbon (12C, 13C and 14C). Craig (1953) first identified that certain biochemical processes alter the equilibrium between the carbon isotopes. Some processes, such as photosynthesis for instance, favors one isotope over another, so after photosynthesis, the isotope C13 is depleted by 1.8% in comparison to its natural ratios in the atmosphere (Harkness, 1979). Conversely the inorganic carbon dissolved in the oceans is generally 0.7% enriched in 13C relative to atmospheric carbon dioxide.

    “The extent of isotopic fractionation on the 14C/12C ratio (which must be measured accurately) is approximately double that for the measured 13C/12C ratio. If isotopic fractionation occurs in natural processes, a correction can be made by measuring the ratio of the isotope 13C to the isotope 12C in the sample being dated.”

    If you’re specifically dating *bones*, then you do need to know whether the bone came from a herbivore, carnivore, or marine mammal in order to make an additional correction relative to the estimated fractionation effect from diet, per https://www.canadianarchaeology.ca/dating:

    “Herbivores are less selective against the heavier isotopes, and their bone collagen is enriched by 5 parts per mil in relation to their diet. Yet another change occurs in carnivores whose bone collagen is enriched by an additional 1 part per mil….bone collagen from marine mammals commonly has a C-13 ratio of -15 parts per mil. That difference of 10 parts per mil from the oak standard means that the age of the marine mammal bone can be normalized by adding 160 years to its measured age….”

    Even if more recent measurements of the ratio of the fractionation effect between C-13 and C-14 (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0016703717303344 — which states that the correction using C-13/C-12 ratios “…accounts for *any* isotopic fractionation occurring in natural processes *as well as* during sample preparation and measurement” [emphasis added]) are correct, the difference amounts to a ~2% shift in the estimated age of a sample.

    What John says in http://ciphermysteries.com/misc-stuff#comment-530018 is incorrect. It was incorrect when he said it in different words 2+ years ago in https://ciphermysteries.com/2015/05/14/radiocarbon-dating-and-the-voynich-manuscript#comment-464220, it is incorrect today, and no amount of repetition on his part will make it anything other than incorrect tomorrow or at any point in the future. It assumes that every single lab that does C-14 dating for a living day in and day out is run by people who are either incompetent and/or dishonestly covering up a fundamental flaw in what they do that renders the results they generate meaningless. It assumes that he is so much brighter and more clever than they are that he can spot this gotcha! that they have somehow failed to recognize or are deliberately covering up (despite openly discussing the issue and how it is corrected for on websites describing the technique like those quoted from above).

    The existence of two stable isotopes of carbon with different masses makes it straightforward to correct for any natural fractionation processes that happened anywhere along the chain in the uptake of the carbon that wound up in a given sample being carbon dated. There is a standard technique for correcting for these effects, and that technique was applied in the dating of the vellum samples from the Voynich Mss. (“The Radiocarbon Ages have been corrected for isotope fractionation.” — http://voynich.net/files/Voynich%20Radiocarbon%20Report/Voynich%20Results%20Letter.pdf). To the extent that there are uncertainties in the exact correction factor to uses, they amount to a roughly 2% difference in estimated age (~12 years for a ~600 year old sample) according to the 2017 paper by Fahrni, et al.

  2719. John Sanders on February 13, 2025 at 9:29 am said:

    With all due disrespect, Karl’s attempt with fancy scientific dialogue at discrediting my fact based research has nothing whatsoever to do with my proven grounds for non acceptance of the B408 collagen sliver testing methodology undertaken at an AZ based C14 carbon dating lab on behalf of Beinecke library, a division of the Yale University circa. 2009. Based on results thereof, more questions than answers as to dating were exposed when the tester Greg Hodgins was only able to produce basic results identifying bovine calf hide out sourced from a Polish rocket scientist with a deep personal interest in the outcome. When questions were put to Hodgins about certain methodology relating to age of inks found in his test samples, he lied and then admitted that he could have made false assumptions base on data provided.
    Suggest anyone interested in this nonsence, Nick Pelling provides some answers in a number of Voynich Manuscript dating threads, three from memory, and another related to the Vinland Map hoax.

  2720. David Morgan on February 14, 2025 at 11:51 am said:

    Based on the fact potato was undigested in his stomach how could this be used to estimate time of death:

    Based on the detailed pathology notes provided, here’s a technical explanation of how the undigested potatoes were used to estimate the time of death in the Somerton Man case:

    Key Evidence from the Report

    Stomach Contents:
    “Lumps of potato in stomach suggest death had occurred before digestion was complete”
    No mention of other food remnants or advanced digestion stages
    Physiological Timeline:
    Normal gastric emptying time for solid food: 4–6 hours
    Potato digestion phase breakdown:
    0–1 hr: Mechanical breakdown in stomach
    2–3 hrs: Acid/enzyme action by parietal cells and chief cells
    4–6 hrs: Chyme formation and pyloric sphincter passage

    Observed Timeline:
    Last meal: Likely consumed >5–6 hours before death given:
    Potato fragments retained as discrete lumps
    No chyme-like consistency described
    Last seen alive: 7:00 PM (~11.5 hours before discovery)
    Discovery: 6:30 AM (~4–5 hours post-mortem based on rigor/algor mortis)

    Forensic Interpretation
    1. Death Window Calculation
    Factor Observation Implications
    Rigor mortis Fully established (“body rigid”) Suggests 8–12 hours post-mortem
    Algor mortis “Cold” body in beach environment (~20°C night) Consistent with 5+ hours cooling
    Gastric analysis Undigested potato lumps Death <6 hrs postprandial
    Contradiction Resolution:
    Rigor timeline conflicts with 4–5 hour PMI estimate
    Solution: Cool evening air (17–20°C) accelerates both cooling and rigor onset
    Adjusted PMI: 6–8 hours (death ~10:30 PM–12:30 AM)
    2. Mechanism Linking Potatoes to PMI
    Cessation of digestion: Death halts:
    Mechanical churning (smooth muscle paralysis)
    Acid production (H+/K+ ATPase inactivation at cell death)
    Preservation factors:
    Beach temperature (~15°C) slowed autolysis
    High potato starch content resists enzymatic breakdown
    3. Toxicological Context
    Suspected strophanthin/digitoxin poisoning:
    Slows peristalsis via vagus nerve depression
    Potentially extended functional digestion to 7–8 hours
    Death likely occurred during:
    Intestinal phase (hormone-mediated digestion)
    Explains partially processed but still identifiable potato fragments

    Revised Timeline
    Time Event Digestive Stage
    7:00 PM Last seen alive –
    8:00 PM Presumed meal time Cephalic/early gastric phase
    12:00 AM Estimated death Late gastric phase (lump retention)
    6:30 AM Body discovered Digestion arrested at mechanical breakdown stage

    The potato evidence narrowed the PMI window to 4–6 hours after eating, while environmental conditions extended the classical rigor mortis timeline. This explains the apparent discrepancy between:
    Short digestive timeframe (supporting death ~midnight)
    Advanced rigor mortis (typically suggesting earlier death)
    The undigested potatoes ultimately provided the critical anchor point for estimating he died 6–8 hours before discovery, consistent with both digestive physiology and beach cooling patterns.

  2721. David Morgan on February 14, 2025 at 6:07 pm said:


    I was arguing with Deepthink about GD being Mr Cruel and the one thing it pointed out was the lack of his link to schools. It was supposed to be part of the role in PL but they brought in the other guy as the school contact. You have to wonder why.

    In Melbourne in the 2000s after gardening and carpet cleaning he turns up (according to Linkedin at at school as a behaviorial technician at Belmont) and MH worker MIND. Now Collingwood. He must be retired by now unless PT church work.

  2722. David Morgan on February 15, 2025 at 7:17 pm said:

    My code for visualising isotopes (person v city) is still evolving but here is the latest draft:
    Perplexity deep research said “The isotope visualization code demonstrates rigorous adherence to published geochemical data”.

    It’s getting towards an 89% accuracy score.


  2723. David Morgan on February 15, 2025 at 11:03 pm said:

    Films of Melbourne in the 1930s seem idyllic. But what we don’t see is the coal miner or factory worker with their lack of leisure and comfort. Some poor slave always has to pay.


  2724. John Sanders on February 16, 2025 at 11:36 am said:

    DM: at least they had their football on weekends to keep themselves entertaiined.
    Then if they be so inclined they had inlistment to keep minds and body active on the same rate of pay, plus perks if inclined to malinger ala Prosper Thomson & co.

  2725. Victor Armond Sorrell on February 16, 2025 at 8:15 pm said:

    @DM You sayin’ he looked all buzzed out on the beach around 7:30 but then wondered off for some grub, before coming back to the same location? Or that he went to the beach with a poisoned potato in his pocket.
    How much would digestion times be affected by other conditions he had – either immediate issue (e.g. some drug slowing how his body works) or longer chronic health issues? The food in the stomach is kinda a big problem if he was the chap seen the night before *and* he must’ve eaten at 8PM (or later) *and* he died around midnight or late.
    But it does seem a little interesting/odd that noone at the time really thought too much strange in the time of death estimate and the stomach contents.

  2726. John Sanders on February 17, 2025 at 12:42 am said:

    VAS: no probs there if y’man done a stint in cold storage, that’d slow vitals down somewhat. Then nature could take over once back on deck and put in situ on the beach at Somerton.

  2727. David Morgan on February 17, 2025 at 6:18 pm said:


    I simply asked and I got an answer. I wondered about the undigested potatoe and the timeline. I had always imagined a potatoe would carrying on breaking down and not be lumpy in his stomach.

    If he was dead at 8pm on the beach how many people saw him dead at that time? I am told sunset was around 7.30pm so it would have gone dark when he ate his pasty at 8pm.

  2728. John Sanders on February 17, 2025 at 11:48 pm said:

    ….besides the original Adelaide (Cornish) pasty was just as likely to have turnip filling instead of spud; I recall we swore by the traditional (1840s potato blight) miners crib box recipe. High enders like pathos, lawyers, judges and such who were never initiated to the preferred bitter ‘swede’ taste would not have known, hence the potato pasty myth. Apologies if I’ve said all this dozen times already.

  2729. John Sanders on February 18, 2025 at 6:29 am said:

    Ask a stupid question, you’re likely to get a rigged answer. To-day’s question on CNN was, “What is the only sea in our universe without a coastline”. Having just seen news segment giving an update on Pope Francis’ progress, I figured that a no brainer ‘the Holy Sea’ [sic] had to be on the money and responded thus. Alas I was buzzed off, the answer they wanted being the Sargasso Sea. Could have fooled me muggers, a quick search of a ‘locstat’ in mid Atlantic shows it to be full of frigging islands like Bermudas, having some of the most beautiful coastline known to man. obviously not on CNN’s anti Brit biased world map. What say you Farcebook gals?

  2730. John Sanders on February 18, 2025 at 11:30 pm said:

    DM: of course there’s an e in Quayle; Steve H being most e-fluent would know that surly . ps “give me an F Steph”.

  2731. David Morgan on February 19, 2025 at 2:23 pm said:


    I’m up doing this stuff all hours and when I make a typo I often don’t care. I spent my days once at BSI correcting texts. I was the only person to get a job there without a degree/MA/PHD as an editor. I wuz good wunce. I created macros to automate such things which after I left they failed to use. It could complete the task in seconds that we were spending days correcting format errors 5mg 5 mg etc.

    They were all given a payrise after I left to quieten the troops. I was PNG by senior management as I challenged the content of standards after fixing the format errors in seconds. I hadn’t realised we were there to rubber stamp the text – and to carry the can if there was an error in a standard. My final straw was insulting the chief surgeon saying he didn’t understand the principles of rope. I think that wuz what done me in at BSI.

    I used to write technical guides and often deliberately put a typo on the first page, first paragraph. Once they had found that they felt superior, they were doing their job. They forgot to check the technical errors.

    I was suprised the pasty was veggie. No meat in the mix. I think baker boy Charlie made it himself. I mean you’re not going to ask for a poison-laced pasty but no meat as I want a veggie death.

  2732. Michael on February 19, 2025 at 9:34 pm said:

    @DM: I think it was JS who once pointed out that the “pasty” thing was possibly a bit made up. Like so many other things, 1 throwaway line took a life of it’s own, and I can’t find where the line came from. From memory, someone said something like “potato in the stomach, maybe from a pasty” and everyone just heard “pasty”. Skimming the inquest, Dwyer talks about “food in the stomach” but isn’t specific, and talks about normal digestion taking 3 or 4 hours, but anxiety to be a factor – and googling suggests potato can take about 12 hours to digest – so it makes some sense it would be the last thing left in the stomach (and maybe was inferred by someone later). Perhaps it was also a small cube making someone leap to the “potato”. I’m a little impressed they could identify *what* food,. He also comments that “The blood in the stomach suggested to me some irritant poison, but on the other hand there was nothing detectible in the food to my naked eye to make a finding, so I sent specimens….for analysis” -and later “The blood in the stomach….mixed with the food during life”. I’d imagine the blood would make it difficult to identify the food, so either it’s speculative, or that’s what the lab said – but in any case that gets us to potato, not pasty.
    Personally, when I think beach and potatos I think “Fish and Chips” – and I guess that could explain a cube-like piece of potato.

    While skimming through I did notice something that I don’t recall being flagged earlier (possibly because it doesn’t necessarily seem to mean anything):
    “There was a peculiar cellular reaction under the esophageal mucose, but I have not found an answer to that” – it seems important, especially given he flags he hasn’t come up with a reason.

    OOPS, it has been mentioned on this site 2 times:
    – B Deveson suggests it could be an irritant such as poison in 2013 (in a comment under “2012 Advent Calendar Day #3: “The Boxall Code”…”)
    – Milongal mentions it in 2021 with the comment “sort of sounds useful” (in a comment on “Glenelg and Somerton circa 1948…”)

  2733. Michael on February 19, 2025 at 9:57 pm said:

    (after a short google) The potato is mentioned as “lumps of potato in stomach suggest death had occured before digestion was complete” (and then added “…well before midnight”) – These notes were “found” in 2019, but there are references to potato before that (a 2009 Sunday Mail article, Feltus’ book, these forums….) – so either those notes weren’t as lost as people thought, or there’s other references to it elsewhere.

    But I’ll still maintain potato does not imply pasty

  2734. John Sanders on February 19, 2025 at 10:13 pm said:

    DM: two to three deliberate typos were the norm in our job when interviewing perps, and being a two fingered typist made it pretty easy to judge the timing. Poisoning in properly prepared pasties unlikely. Green potatoe poisoning from mean meat pies possible even probable (solanine).

  2735. David Morgan on February 20, 2025 at 7:57 pm said:

    Deepcheeks says:

    In a 4-hour digestion window before death, here’s how components of a pasty would break down in the stomach:
    Meat (small pieces): Begins dissolving within 1–2 hours via stomach acid and pepsin, breaking proteins into peptides.
    Pastry (crust): Starts partial breakdown around 2–3 hours; gluten (protein) degrades, but starch/fat remain largely intact.
    Potato: Minimal starch digestion (~3–4 hours), as gastric acid inhibits amylase; mostly breaks into smaller particles mechanically.
    Swede/Carrots: Digest slowest (3–4+ hours) due to fiber (cellulose), which humans can’t break down; only softened by stomach churning.

    Summary: Meat dissolves fastest, pastry and potato follow (partial), while swede/carrots persist longest. Full digestion of starch/fiber requires enzymes absent in the stomach.


    In summary, the typical breakdown order, in a 4-hour timeframe before death, would look like:
    Meat proteins (fastest initial breakdown).
    Pastry proteins (partial, while starch remains mostly intact).
    Potatoes (limited acid-based digestion; starch waits for the small intestine).
    Swede and carrots (fibrous, slow to break down, mostly intact during those few hours).
    From a criminology or forensic standpoint, examining the degree of digestion in each component can help investigators piece together the timeline of someone’s final hours, fitting into broader inquiries such as might arise in true crime cases.

    So carrots and swede last but I suppose ‘it depends’ on content cooking etc.

    I forgot onions…

    I always imagined meat last. People always say avoid steak late at night as your stomach will churn. Perhaps they should say potatoes.

    The original Scando police files in the Isdal Woma exhibit appalling typing skills and changing the data as they went along. Page 1 Wallentine became page 2 Valentine. Hostel became hospice. They talked about contacting a witness but somehow didn’t record the witness name or phone number in the files. They lost hotel records.

    They interviewed an elderly guy Laskemoen who knew where this young 26 year old stranger went. They first suspected she was the body but accepted a postcard to Laskemoen’s relative from Sweden as proof she was alive – postcard dated 27th, body found 29th. But so did Dennis Zacher Aske a law lecturer. He made no effort to check she was alive in 2018.

    Jan 2025 a woman contacted me “out of the blue” to say she was on the phone to her as she typed. The woman was from the same childhood area as Wallentine, went to the same college Augsburg and lived within walking distance in Seattle. What are the chances. She said the 80 year old had no memory of her Norway holiday. If Aske had got to her in 2018 she might have remembered. To be honest I don’t believe her – nor the other woman phoned her.

    I have been trying to show with isotopes that mixing Nuremberg Sr/O isotope values (from Hoogeweff) and the teeth 13C isotopes from the Karolinska report ‘can’ take you to Iowa city.

    But it can also take you to Bergen. Surely not a woman from Bergen dying in Bergen.

    I also located that her name may have just been a trust fund in Seattle. Her dad bought property with his trust fund of which her trust fund was the trustee.

    As a trust fund with your own name you can live forever!

  2736. David M

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist the Dan Quayle jibe. Hope you are keeping as well as you can.

    Michael I take to be milongal – the asterisks in place of quotation marks are a dead giveaway! Quoting himself in that way is a little disingenuous, but I’ve done the exact same thing myself – remember Bob Dylan’s contributions? Mind you I wouldn’t have written “potatos” as there is deffo an e in the plural of said tuber.

  2737. The potato/pasty thing is just Weirdsville New Mexico. Prof Cleland in the Coronial Inquest said “I think from the food that it was probably a pie or pasty which he had eaten as his last meal.” (p14) Barb Dwyer had not been specific as Michael/milongal pointed out.

    On page 4 of Cleland’s notes he wrote “Lumps of potato in stomach suggest that
    death had occurred before digestion was complete”.

    So between writing his notes and the inquest PROF CLELAND had gone from potato to pie or pasty. It seems the pie was subsequently forgotten. Why did the prof think it was a savoury baked good?

    Incidentally back in 2016 Pilchard quotes from Cleland’s Notes – https://ciphermysteries.com/2016/01/31/the-very-social-somerton-mans-suitcase – so I don’t know where the idea they were “found” in 2019 comes from.

    In his post of 13 Nov 2011 Pilch writes (‘Nick’s thoughts on the Somerton Man Part One…’):

    “What was the cause of the Unknown Man’s death?… Given the healthy state of his heart, the two best theories left standing (in my opinion) are (a) a deviously hard-to-pin-down poison deliberately administered either by himself or by someone else but which quickly disappeared from his system after death; or (b) an unexpectedly strong allergic reaction to something he had ingested, with the most notable candidate being excess sulphur dioxide used as a preservative in the pasty, which in 1948 was yet to be controlled.

    For me, I have to say that there is only one likely scenario I’m at all comfortable with: that while at Jestyn’s house late that afternoon, he had an unexpectedly strong allergic reaction to something in the pasty he had had for lunch (for why else would there be blood in his stomach?) ”

    I think a lot of the info on the potato/pasty came from Feltus’ book (never read it).

    BTW I’d forgotten all about this article.


    57 in 2022 eh?

    Also this article, which was updated yesterday, has some great links inc pdfs of the coronial inquest from the Wayback Machine so you can see where all the typewritten mistakes have been crossed out or corrected in handwriting.


    On 31 August 2014 in DA’s AMA appearance on the subreddit unresolved mysteries Daveritt asked “No one focuses on the pasty or where he could have potentially bought it, any thoughts?”

    DA replied “Not really. We don’t even know it was a pasty. That was assumed because of the tiny pieces of potato in his stomach.”

    He also said “The so-called microwriting is obtained after doing some image processing of the code page. The image processing steps have never been specified in detail, confirmed or independently reproduced. The lack of reproducibility means it isn’t scientific. Also the writing is smaller than the resolution of the image, so breaks the laws of physics. It’s therefore as good as reading tealeaves or looking for shapes in the clouds.” Quite!

  2738. David Morgan on February 21, 2025 at 1:56 am said:


    Feltus, Felta, Feltum, Full tatus…
    How wrong I was! After some work projects for interstate government agencies, each of about 6 months’ duration, in 2005–09, my attention to the project was falling well behind. I was also being hampered by dozens of people who have maintained or developed a genuine interest in the mystery, and others who had journalistic interests, making contact with me about the subject. I answered hundreds of questions from people on various matters, many of them repetitiously covering the same subjects. I could not believe there were so many people interested in train times, the structure of a pasty, Kensitas cigarettes, the clothing worn by the deceased on a hot day; and what eventually happened to some of the people nominated in the media as missing persons. I have had lengthy discussions with people who have raised logical reasoning and others who firmly believe their own analysis. At no time have I attempted to dissuade people from their own opinions.

    A Pasty
    Sometime during the late afternoon or early evening the stranger ate a pasty after purchasing it somewhere in the area. A pasty is common in South Australia: the pastry structure containing minced or diced vegetables was imported by Cornish miners in the colonial period.

    A large number of the back teeth were missing. I think that from the food that it was probably a pie or pasty which he had eaten as his last meal. I did not get the impression from looking at his mouth that he was in the habit of using a dental plate. Dental plates were not present when I examined the body.

    I think that from the food that it was probably a pie or pasty which he had eaten as his last meal.

    As I said, I may be way off base with my idea, but on reading Sunday’s article and that his last meal was a pasty and that he died of cardiac arrest, it made me think of my days as a senior … (excluded – personal details) … Some concerned the misuse or overuse of the preservative sulphur-dioxide.
    When one cuts up potatoes and if they are then exposed to air, a blackening occurs, which makes them unacceptable to consumers, hence it was common practice of smallgoods bakers to use sulphur-dioxide in diced potatoes and other vegetables for pasty manufacture and was referred to in the trade as ‘chip whitener’

    In larger amounts, especially for we sensitive ones, it can be highly dangerous, the symptoms of such an intoxication being respiratory distress, cardiac arrest and death. I remember several cases we investigated which concerned excessive levels in cooked pastys, one which resulted in hospitalisation of 2 people, the amount present being so great that dissipation did not fully take place…

    However, I am sure that the salt would have been used in 1948 and therefore the likelihood exists that your man may have been an unfortunate victim. If it was a weekday, the pasty may have been fresh indeed and the levels of the preservative quite high.

    Is he saying he died becuase he couldn’t get the gas out?

  2739. David M

    Some of us may suffer from flatus after gobbling down a Ginsters but I don’t know of anyone who died from an inability to fart after consuming said ultra-processed item. If I can get his address I might consider sending a large box of their pasties to a certain person in Vietnam.

    It was Prof Cleland who first came up with the idea that it was a pie or pasty at the 1949 inquest (see my previous post).

    Is meat digested at a quicker rate than taters? And pastry?

    Thanks for the quote from Festus – can’t somebody post the whole damn thing on the internet Archive. Julian Cope’s Krautrocksampler, a book which like Festus’ the author has no interest in republishing, is available there and you can flick through the pages as if you were reading the actual book.

  2740. David Morgan on February 21, 2025 at 3:54 pm said:

    With SM isotope values you could get this level of analysis with Grok 3. Better than Mr Hoogewerff.

    Apologies for the earlier hiccup—let’s dive back in with a fresh take! With the new detail that Valentine moved to Augsburg College after age 11 (around 1955) and shifted to a teenage fast-food diet featuring McDonald’s and increased corn intake, we’ve got a pivotal piece to align her isotopic profile with the Isdal Woman’s. Born on 15 November 1944 in Iowa City, Iowa, and raised on an Elmore, Minnesota farm with a Scandinavian C3 diet until age 11, this transition post-1955 could explain the subtle dietary shift seen in the Isdal Woman’s data. Let’s reassess how well Valentine matches the isotope values and, thus, the likelihood she’s the body found in 1970, then refine my percentage agreement.
    Valentine’s Updated Profile
    Born: 15 November 1944, Iowa City, Iowa.
    Early Life (1944–1955, Age 0–11): Elmore farm, Scandinavian C3 diet (wheat, oats, dairy; no corn).
    Post-11 (1955–1970, Age 11–26): Moved to Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN, adopted a fast-food diet (e.g., McDonald’s with corn-fed beef, corn syrup).
    Age in 1970: 26 years (1970 – 1944), fitting the X-ray range of 25–30.
    Enamel Formation:
    Up to ~11: First/second molars (e.g., teeth 25, 33 analogs) reflect Elmore C3 diet.
    Third molar (e.g., tooth 48 analog): Crown forms ~7–13 years (1952–1957), overlaps with the move, potentially capturing the early fast-food shift.
    Isdal Woman’s Key Data (Karolinska Report, Case 16)
    Upper Teeth:
    Tooth 22 (incisor): AAR 25.7 years (D/L 0.0557, unboiled), birth ~1944.3.
    Tooth 25 (premolar): δ¹³C -14.3‰, AAR 43.5 years (boiled).
    Lower Teeth:
    Tooth 48 (third molar): δ¹³C -13.7‰, pre-bomb ¹⁴C.
    Average δ¹³C: -14.3‰ (25, 33, 48).
    ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr: 0.709–0.711 (Nuremberg-like).
    δ¹⁸O: -2 to 0‰.
    X-Ray: 25–30 years at death in 1970 (birth 1940–1945).
    Reassessing the Match
    1. Birth Year and Age
    Valentine: Age 26 in 1970, born 1944.
    Isdal: X-ray 25–30 aligns perfectly with 26; tooth 22’s AAR (25.7 years, unboiled) suggests ~1944.3 birth. Boiling inflated other AAR values (e.g., 43.5, 46.2 years), making 1932 unreliable.
    ¹⁴C: Pre-bomb (<1955) fits 1944 enamel formation (1944–1955).
    Agreement: 95% (near-exact match, 5% uncertainty due to boiling’s variable impact).
    2. δ¹³C Isotope Values
    Early (1944–1955): C3 diet (diet ~-28.5‰ → enamel ~-14.5‰), matches upper teeth.
    Post-11 (1955+): Fast-food diet with corn:
    Corn (C4): ~-13‰, vs. C3 ~-28‰.
    Shift from -14.5‰ to -13.7‰ = 0.8‰ increase.
    Proportion: 0.8‰ / 15‰ (C3-to-C4 range) ≈ 5.3% C4.
    New diet: ~(0.947 × -28.5) + (0.053 × -13) ≈ -27.7‰ → Enamel ~-13.7‰.
    Third Molar: Tooth 48’s crown (1952–1957) overlaps the move (~1955), reflecting early fast-food influence.
    Upper (25): -14.3‰ (C3 baseline).
    Lower (48): -13.7‰ (post-11 shift).
    Analysis: Valentine’s -14.5‰ (early) vs. -14.3‰ is a 0.2‰ difference (within ±1.8‰ SD), and her post-1955 -13.7‰ matches tooth 48 exactly, explained by ~5% corn from McDonald’s.
    Agreement: 95% (upper teeth near-identical, lower tooth now explained by known diet shift).
    3. ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr
    Valentine: Midwest (Iowa/Elmore to Minneapolis), 0.709–0.715 (chart id "31").
    Isdal: 0.709–0.711.
    Analysis: Full overlap, Minneapolis geology consistent with early Elmore exposure.
    Agreement: 95% (excellent match, 5% for slight range variation).
    4. δ¹⁸O
    Valentine: Midwest water -10 to -8‰ → enamel -3 to -1‰ (+27‰).
    Isdal: -2 to 0‰.
    Analysis: Very close, 1‰ difference within natural variation.
    Agreement: 90% (strong alignment, minor offset).
    5. Dietary Trajectory
    1944–1955: C3 (-14.5‰).
    1955–1970: Fast food with ~5% C4 (-13.7‰).
    Up to 11: C3 (-14.3‰).
    Post-11: Slight C4 (-13.7‰).
    Analysis: Valentine’s documented move to Augsburg College and fast-food diet directly accounts for the C4 shift, aligning with tooth 48’s timing and value.
    Agreement: 95% (trajectory now fully supported).
    Overall Percentage Agreement
    Previous: 75% (uncertain about -13.7‰ without a post-11 move).
    Updated: With the Augsburg College move and fast-food shift:
    Birth/Age: 95%.
    δ¹³C (upper): 95%, (lower): 95%.
    Sr: 95%, δ¹⁸O: 90%.
    Trajectory: 95%.
    New Agreement: 93% that Valentine matches the isotope values and is a likely match for the Isdal Woman’s body.
    Exact birth (15/11/1944) fits X-ray (26 in 1970) and tooth 22’s unboiled AAR (25.7 years).
    Upper teeth δ¹³C (-14.5‰ vs. -14.3‰) are nearly identical.
    Post-1955 fast-food diet (McDonald’s corn) explains the -13.7‰ in tooth 48 perfectly (~5% C4 shift during third molar formation).
    Sr (0.709–0.715) and δ¹⁸O (-3 to -1‰) align closely with Isdal’s values.
    Uncertainty (7%):
    Exact boiling impact on AAR (though tooth 22’s fit minimizes this).
    Precise third molar timing (1952–1957 vs. move ~1955), though overlap supports the shift.
    No direct link to Bergen, but isotopes don’t require it.

  2741. David Morgan on February 21, 2025 at 7:51 pm said:

    Pyjama Girl from Mr Grok…

    Key Observations from the Evidence
    1934 Dental Chart by Francis Herbert Jackson
    Jackson examined the Pyjama Girl’s body on September 3rd and 7th, 1934, and documented the following regarding the upper right jaw:
    First molar missing (extracted).
    Other details included missing teeth in the lower jaws, specific fillings (e.g., gold inlay in the second molar of the lower right jaw), and general mouth characteristics.
    The chart, as published in the police gazette, marked missing teeth with an “X,” showing one missing tooth in the upper right jaw (the first molar) and six in the lower jaws.
    1944 Inquest Testimony by William Joseph O’Brien
    O’Brien, who treated Linda Agostini in the early 1930s, testified that:
    He extracted the third molar (wisdom tooth) in the lower right jaw on November 12, 1930, which matches Jackson’s 1934 chart.
    He also performed a gold inlay on the first upper right molar—a tooth Jackson’s 1934 chart indicates was missing.
    O’Brien recognized the dental cast presented at the inquest as resembling his work on Linda Agostini, particularly the gold inlay in the first upper right molar.
    Dental Cast vs. Jackson’s Examination
    The dental cast used in the 1944 inquest showed a gold inlay in the first upper right molar, aligning with O’Brien’s ledger and his work on Linda Agostini.
    However, Jackson’s 1934 chart and his inquest testimony contradict this:
    He stated the first upper right molar was extracted in the body he examined in 1934.
    When comparing the 1944 dental cast to the body, Jackson said, “It is not a model of any of the teeth in the body,” suggesting the cast didn’t match the Pyjama Girl’s remains.
    Additional Discrepancies
    O’Brien claimed he contacted police in 1934 based on the gazette’s dental chart, but the gazette didn’t mention a gold inlay in the first upper right molar—only its absence—so his identification seems questionable.
    Other issues (noted by Unriddle.ai):
    O’Brien disagreed with the condition of the upper left lateral incisor on the model (eroded vs. broken).
    Another dentist, Magnus, noted a drill hole in the upper second bicuspid on the model that wasn’t present originally, suggesting possible tampering or errors in the cast.
    Jackson’s Expertise and Procedure
    Jackson was specifically tasked with extracting teeth with fillings and reinserting them into a model for identification purposes. It’s unlikely he would confuse an extracted tooth with one containing a filling, given his detailed observations and professional experience.
    Coroner’s Conclusion
    Despite these contradictions, Coroner Tingate concluded in 1944 that the body was Linda Agostini, seemingly relying on O’Brien’s testimony and the dental cast over Jackson’s earlier chart and statements.
    Analysis of the Discrepancies
    Core Contradiction: The primary issue is the status of the first upper right molar. Jackson’s 1934 chart marks it as missing, while O’Brien’s ledger and the 1944 dental cast indicate it had a gold inlay. This is irreconcilable unless:
    Jackson made a significant error (unlikely given his detailed report and role).
    The body examined in 1934 was not the same as the one represented by the 1944 cast (supported by Jackson’s testimony).
    The dental cast was fabricated or altered to match Linda Agostini’s records.
    Implications of Jackson’s Testimony: Jackson’s assertion that the 1944 cast didn’t match the body he examined in 1934 strongly suggests the cast was of a different person—likely Linda Agostini, per O’Brien’s records—but not the Pyjama Girl.
    O’Brien’s Reliability: O’Brien’s claim of contacting police in 1934 is dubious, as the gazette’s description wouldn’t have matched his work (no gold inlay mentioned). His reliance on memory and a ledger (without charts) also weakens his testimony compared to Jackson’s detailed, contemporaneous record.
    Possible Explanations:
    Misidentification: The Pyjama Girl’s body in 1934 may not have been Linda Agostini, and the 1944 cast was introduced (intentionally or accidentally) to fit Agostini’s profile.
    Tampering: The cast could have been manipulated to align with O’Brien’s work, possibly to close the case.
    Different Bodies: The body preserved from 1934 to 1944 might not have been the original, though this is less likely given preservation efforts.
    Based on the evidence, I conclude that the identification of the Pyjama Girl as Linda Agostini in the 1944 inquest is highly questionable and likely incorrect. The contradictions between Jackson’s 1934 dental chart (first upper right molar missing) and the 1944 dental cast (first upper right molar with a gold inlay) are too significant to reconcile. Jackson’s expertise and his explicit rejection of the cast as matching the body he examined in 1934 carry substantial weight. The dental cast likely represents Linda Agostini’s teeth (per O’Brien’s records), but it does not correspond to the Pyjama Girl’s remains as documented in 1934.
    This suggests either:
    The Pyjama Girl was not Linda Agostini, and the inquest relied on flawed or manipulated evidence to reach its conclusion.
    An error or substitution occurred with the body or cast between 1934 and 1944, leading to a wrongful identification.
    The coroner’s decision to favor O’Brien’s testimony and the cast over Jackson’s earlier, detailed findings appears unjustified given the evidence.

  2742. David Morgan on February 22, 2025 at 5:55 pm said:

    Sir Cedric Stanton Hicks’ Theory on Cardiac Glycoside Poisoning

    Key Evidence and Analysis from the Documents (TUM – Feltus):
    Autopsy Observations (Appendix 4, Coronial Inquest Evidence):
    Contracted Heart: The deceased’s heart was found in a state of systole (contracted), unlike the relaxed state typical of natural death. Hicks noted this as evidence of a toxin that disrupts cardiac relaxation.
    Visceral Congestion: The liver, spleen, and lungs were engorged with blood, suggesting impaired circulation due to heart failure.
    Blood in Stomach: Hemorrhagic gastritis indicated violent contractions or vascular stress, consistent with a toxin affecting cardiac function.
    Toxicological Limitations:
    Deputy Government Analyst R.J. Cowan found no common poisons (e.g., cyanide, barbiturates). Hicks argued that cardiac glycosides (e.g., digitoxin, ouabain) could evade detection due to rapid metabolism and the limitations of 1948 forensic chemistry. These compounds disrupt sodium-potassium pumps, leading to fatal cardiac arrest.
    Hicks cited their rapid action and potential administration via hypodermic injection, explaining the absence of oral traces.
    The Digitalis Hypothesis:
    Source and Accessibility: Hicks noted glycosides could be extracted from plants like foxglove (Digitalis) or Strophanthus gratus (source of ouabain).

  2743. David Morgan on February 23, 2025 at 10:00 am said:

    From 1919 Australasian (fixed by AI). May be it just needed a trip to a horticultural site in Melbourne:

    Strophanthus gratus is the botanical name of the “cream fruit” of Sierra Leone. It is a handsome climbing shrub, related to Allamanda and Dipladenia—plants that were once frequently showcased at Melbourne horticultural exhibitions but are now, alas, seldom if ever seen. The genus is noteworthy, as some of its approximately 40 species, native to tropical Asia and Africa, are sources of valuable drugs.
    The name “cream fruit” was given to S. gratus due to the purported use of its cream-like juice, derived from its striking fruit. A specimen at Kew Gardens has flowered many times and even fruited two years ago. Its blooms are cream-colored with a pink, corona-like center and emit a delightful fragrance. However, the Kew plant’s fruit contains no cream-like substance—instead, it appears as a dry, fibrous pod filled with seeds.
    Seeds from S. hispidus yield a valuable medicinal extract, while its roots produce a poison historically used to coat arrowheads (or spears, depending on context).

  2744. David Morgan on February 23, 2025 at 11:29 am said:

    Chemist HC McKay seemed to be a smart guy writing poems and articles.

    I watched her steal across the sky at break-
    ing of the day;
    She took a golden planet for a lantern on
    her way.
    The glances danced from out her eyes like
    little cats at play.
    She walked along the sunway, clad in sheen
    of twilight blue:
    I saw her draw the veils of night and raise
    her sandal-shoe
    To tread the little stars to dust, and let the
    daylight through.
    The East became a wave of gold, the fading
    moon was gray;
    I saw the Dawn’s reluctant feet that faltered
    on the way—
    The Dawn, her simple heart in strife, who
    toiled for love o’ Day.
    The Sun drove in to Heaven-Town ‘mid
    golden belfry-peals.
    He hath no eye for toiling maids. He hath
    no heart that feels . . .
    I saw her sink before his car, and die beside
    his wheels.
    H. C. McKay

    He also wrote a science fiction story about speeding up the rotation of the Earth with high energy waves. Perhaps he thought radio signals must affect the Earth.

  2745. Steve H on February 23, 2025 at 4:18 pm said:

    Pondering the potato/pasty/pie scenario I looked up the digestion times for various foods. According to this a tater should be digested in 60 minutes but beef would take 3-4 hours.


    “Protein-rich foods take more time to digest than normal food. This delay in the digestion process is due to fat and oils present in the meat.

    They are complex compounds that delay emptying your stomach compared to other food items, animal products like meat and fish. These products take more time to digest than those fruits and vegetables.”

    “First of all, vegetables are rich in fiber, and as you know, fiber-rich food materials make the digestion process much more efficient and quick. This quickness is because of the vegetable’s watery nature.

    In the case of meat, it is a protein-rich food, including oils. These fats and oils make digestion a bit harder for the digestive system. These oils and fats are complex compounds, which cause the stomach to get empty.

    So it becomes more evident that vegetables are faster digestible than meat.”

    Perhaps SM ate a tiddy oggy. In Cornwall/Devon a tiddy is a tater. Funny lot down there, never go near that part of the world myself. A tiddy oggy was filled only with taters.

    “Several web sites that state tiddy oggy is another name for Cornish pasty, and indeed, it is commonly used but we suspect it is used unknowingly as to its original meaning. Cornwall-calling.co.uk mentions on its pastie page that a tiddy oggy was filled only with potato. We have seen this elsewhere, with the description that the tiddy oggy came about when times were hard and people could not afford meat. To call a modern pasty a tiddy oggy is probably a misnomer, unless it contains only potato.”


    There’s also the Priddy oggy (cheese pastry, pork tenderloin, thinly sliced smoked pork, bacon or ham and with cheese and parsley in the filling) from Mummerset. Every time I hear of Priddy I am taken back to my ‘orrible schooldays when we went caving in Swildon’s Hole near Priddy up on the Mendips. We had helmets with flames coming out of them instead of torches, I got my head stuck in a crevice, we got totally lost and I thought one of the little underground people was coming for me when I got left behind in a chamber so I panicked and fell into a pool completely submerging myself. Ugh! Nivver again.

  2746. David Morgan on February 23, 2025 at 4:56 pm said:


    The low probability (2×10−10) means it’s highly unlikely for “Carl Webb” to appear by random chance in a 49-letter sequence. This supports the idea that if “Carl Webb” is found in the Somerton Man code, it’s likely intentional or meaningful, not random.

    But equally I can find Sid Mitting who attended Swinburne.

  2747. Michael on February 23, 2025 at 8:38 pm said:

    @DM: Probabilities are difficult things. The probability of the lotto numbers that were picked on Saturday coming up are just as low as the probability of any others coming out – yet they did. I’m going with Sid Mitting being randomly scattered through the code as being on par with Danetta appearing everywhere.

    @SH: Apologies for misspelling potatos. I’ll try to do beter next time. You can assume I am whoever you want to assume. I certainly assume several identites on here are you, although that’s based more on when they appear and how much they rant.

  2748. Michael on February 23, 2025 at 9:02 pm said:

    @DM: sorry didn’t mean to be quite so dismissive, and missed an important bit of what I meant to say. I agree the presence of Sid Mitting suggests it’s not a purely random text, but I don’t think that particular name being there is all that impressive. S,I,T and N are all reasonably common letters and D not long after, so it’s not too surprising to find them in a text derived from English. I suspect they’re also reasonably common in many European languages – although that’s a statement without reference which might upset some people. On the other and, only A,R and E from Carl Webb are common, with L maybe being equivalent to D. So I think Sid Mitting is still more likely to appear than Carl Webb, and although I haven’t done the Maths, I suspect significantly so. I guess one of the reasons it would be so incredible if Carl Webb appeared in those letters is because of his close connection to the whole mystery. Sid Mitting is only really in the mix *because* of Carl Webb (in Melbourne, not Adelaide). So unless there’s a more solid connection to Sid, we’re really looking at the probability of finding *any* name related to Carl Webb not a *specifc* name related to the SM dramas for other reason. It’s a bit like people who claim a whole lot of coincidences around ‘9/11’ and translating certain words to letters gets you 9 or 11 or even 911. The problem with both approaches is that the discovery comes in the wrong direction – “given we know Carl Webb are there any names connected to him that appear in the code” there’s a much higher probability of finding something than stumbling across a name that is definitely connected and finding it in the code.

  2749. David Morgan on February 25, 2025 at 12:52 am said:


    Yes I’ve spent a month on isotopes and have been sent around the isotope houses by research. I think Grok 3 is not messing me about only to find it did misinterpret.

    I have been trying to find 13C isotopes for cities and you find rocks are different to bones and to teeth enamel. You can get deepseek to agree with grok and you find new research and they change their ‘mind’. If they had one in the first place.

    I could easily believe isotopes are not science.

    In the same way probability – it seems to say it is virtually impossible to find carl webb in 49 random letters but then you find it and it says it was put there deliberately.

    Sid mitting was to show it can be done with other names and attendees of swinburne who were engineers and football players. Sid is a high score doppelganger with Carl and the SM with facial ID software.

    you can also get domain, road, dot webb, crippled… etc from the code.

  2750. Steve H on February 25, 2025 at 1:36 pm said:

    Since my comments are being censored or bowdlerized I see no point in commenting here for the foreseeable. This wouldn’t be so bad but I am subjected to constant verbal abuse, ad hominem attacks, misgendering, libellous remarks, fake accusations of racism etc by linking my name to other contributors’ comments (which the moderator could easily clarify), and trolling.

    It is quite obvious to me that the moderator encourages right-wing loonies on this blog and therefore you can count me out. It is a shame really that there is NOWHERE one can have a rational, reasoned, polite and informed debate about the SM case as even DA’s FB page seems to have become moribund. C’est la vie. I’ll find somewhere else to post Samuel Feckitt’s little Waiting for Gordo skit.

    Milongal and Sanders will get what they have wanted all along – an irrelevant and outdated two-way dialogue about trivialities and side issues, with Dave the Morgan talking to himself about AI! Congratulations Nick.

  2751. David Morgan on February 25, 2025 at 2:42 pm said:

    One preoccupation of travellers is the return journey. You might arrive but going back not rememeber the route. The one before yours is the one to remember.So logging the stations might be an idea.

    M: Melbourne (start).
    L: Little River (near Werribee).
    I: Indented Head (coastal, off-route).
    A: Ararat (Overland).
    B: Bordertown (Overland).
    O: Oakbank (SA, near Adelaide).
    A: Adelaide (end).
    I: Islington (Adelaide suburb station).
    A: Aldgate (Adelaide Hills).
    Q: Quorn (north SA, stretch).
    C: Callington (SA, possible).

    I: Inverleigh (Vic).
    T: Tatyoon (near Ararat).
    T: Toolamba (Vic, off-route).
    M: Murtoa (Overland).
    T: Terang (southwest Vic).
    S: Serviceton (Overland border).
    A: Adelaide (again).
    M: Mile End (Adelaide).
    S: Stawell (Vic).
    T: Tintinara (SA).
    G: Glenelg (Adelaide beach).
    A: Albion (Vic, return?).
    B: Bacchus Marsh (Vic).

    Line 1: WRGOABABD (9 characters)
    W: Werribee – Valid. On the Melbourne-Geelong line, operational since 1857. Not on the direct Overland route (which goes northwest via Ballarat), but a plausible early stop if he started there or detoured.
    R: Rockbank – Valid. Opened 1884, on the Melbourne-Ballarat line (Serviceton line). Possible minor stop, though Overland often skipped it.
    G: Geelong – Valid. Major hub since 1856, but not on the Overland route (southwest, not northwest). Only fits if he took a Geelong train first.
    O: Oakleigh – Valid. Southeast Melbourne suburb station, opened 1877. Off the Overland route entirely (wrong direction), so unlikely unless a separate leg.
    A: Ararat – Valid. Key Overland stop since 1875, a junction town in western Victoria.
    B: Ballarat – Valid. Major station since 1862, on the Serviceton line. Overland trains often stopped here, though some expresses bypassed.
    A: Adelaide – Valid. Destination station since 1856 (North Terrace). Premature here but symbolic.
    B: Beaufort – Valid. Opened 1874, between Ballarat and Ararat. A regular stop on slower trains.
    D: Dimboola – Valid. Opened 1882, a standard Overland stop in western Victoria.
    Verdict: Mostly valid but mixed. Werribee, Geelong, and Oakleigh suggest a broader journey (not direct Overland), while Ararat, Ballarat, Beaufort, Dimboola align with the route.

    anyway you get the idea. @JS will know better!

  2752. David Morgan on February 25, 2025 at 2:51 pm said:

    Train route Melbourne to Adelaide as a visual (Claude artefact – took it 20 seconds)


  2753. David Morgan on February 25, 2025 at 3:09 pm said:

    Somerton Man travelling salesman rail journeys


    @js will know better…

  2754. David Morgan on February 25, 2025 at 3:12 pm said:

    AI knows best:

    1948 Plausibility
    Network: Victorian Railways (VR) and South Australian Railways (SAR) operated all named stations in 1948. Overland hit 12-15 stops; extras (e.g., Terang, Invermay) were on branch lines, accessible via local trains.
    Salesman Logic: Stopping at small towns (Beaufort, Murtoa, Callington) fits a peddler’s need for markets. Quorn’s an outlier (Ghan line), but others align with passenger rail.
    Code Fit: 1 “E” (Elmhurst, Line 3) matches; “M”s (5-7) as Melbourne anchor multiple trips. 44 characters exceed one route but cover a salesman’s multi-week plan.

  2755. John Sanders on February 25, 2025 at 10:11 pm said:

    DM: No! not at all Dave. Reason being that it’s all been done before, same mix of towns eg.Quorn, along the main rail routes and branch lines between Melbourne to Adelaide etc. There are also names to go with it and their sale goods including jewelry, underware, mudical instrunents, photo enlargements. Three in particulsr; have committed suicide or attempted apon arrival in Adelaide. You name it, we’ve already been there and done it to death. Ask Ann O, SHE knows where to find em!

  2756. John Sanders on February 26, 2025 at 7:56 am said:

    Steph H. aka Ann O: appropos your “right-wing loonies” [sic]. Can’t find it on my google, only gives ‘left-wing loonies’ you sure’s hell know what hypocrits they are.

  2757. David Morgan on February 26, 2025 at 12:40 pm said:

    This is a working draft of the Somerton Man code travel routes.
    Obviously full of errors but it is a good start by AI.


    You need someone with precise knowledge of November 1948 travel routes (train/bus) to correct it.

    Worth exploring as it makes sense a travelling saleman might plot his travel routes, package his deliveries and use stencils.

  2758. David Morgan on February 26, 2025 at 1:03 pm said:

    To save @JS time with the railways Grok came back with more realistic routes that mapped the code- obiously a human with local knowledge could do a lot better

    New Somerton Routes Matching the Code
    Route 1: Code MRGOABABD (9 stations)
    New Route: Melbourne to Dimboola via Ararat
    Oakleigh (Melbourne suburb, not SA’s Oakbank)
    Initials: MRGOABABD
    Melbourne to Oakleigh: A broad-gauge suburban line (e.g., Dandenong line), active in 1948.
    Oakleigh to Rockbank: Requires backtracking to Melbourne, then the Western Line to Rockbank, Gordon, Beaufort, and Ararat—all stops on the Melbourne–Serviceton route, operational in 1948 (VR timetables confirm passenger trains).
    Ararat to Avoca: A branch line existed, though passenger services dwindled by the 1930s; some mixed trains persisted into the 1940s, plausible for a determined traveler.
    Avoca to Bordertown: No direct rail. A salesman could’ve taken a train back to Ararat, then to Serviceton (gauge change), and a narrow-gauge SAR train to Bordertown.
    Bordertown to Dimboola: Backtracks into Victoria, possible via Serviceton by reversing the route.
    Mode: Train (Melbourne–Serviceton), possible bus or train Avoca–Ararat, train Serviceton–Bordertown–Dimboola.
    Verdict: Realistic with transfers. A salesman could’ve zigzagged this way, though Avoca’s inclusion is a stretch unless freight trains carried passengers.
    Route 2: Code MTBIMPANETP (12 stations)
    New Route: Melbourne to Pimpinio via Maryborough
    Initials: MTBIMPANETP
    Melbourne to Tallarook via Broadmeadows: North East Line, broad-gauge, active in 1948.
    Broadmeadows to Inglewood: No direct link. Requires Melbourne–Ballarat–Maryborough (Western Line), then the Maryborough–Inglewood branch.
    Maryborough to Parwan: Parwan (near Bacchus Marsh) is back toward Melbourne on the Western Line, feasible via Ballarat.
    Parwan to Ararat: Western Line continues to Ararat.
    Ararat to Navarre: A branch existed but closed to passengers pre-1948; freight or a rare mixed train might’ve lingered.
    Navarre to Elmhurst to Tatyoon: Elmhurst and Tatyoon are near Ararat, but no passenger line connected them directly; bus or informal travel possible.
    Tatyoon to Pimpinio: Pimpinio is near Horsham (Western Line); a train from Ararat to Horsham existed.
    Mode: Train (Melbourne–Maryborough–Ararat–Horsham), possible bus for Navarre–Elmhurst–Tatyoon.
    Verdict: Plausible with effort. The middle section (Navarre–Tatyoon) leans on buses or defunct lines, but a salesman could’ve patched it together.
    Route 3: Code MLIABOAIAQC (11 stations)
    New Route: Melbourne to Callington via Adelaide
    Initials: MLIABOAIAQC
    Melbourne to Ararat: Western Line via Landsborough (near Stawell) and Inglewood (via Maryborough detour), all active.
    Ararat to Bordertown: Via Serviceton (gauge change), then SAR narrow-gauge to Bordertown.
    Bordertown to Adelaide via Oakbank: SAR line went via Tailem Bend; Oakbank is on the broad-gauge Adelaide–Mount Barker line, requiring a detour from Adelaide.
    Adelaide to Islington to Aldgate: Islington is near Adelaide; Aldgate is on the Hills line, both broad-gauge, viable.
    Aldgate to Quorn: Quorn is far north on the narrow-gauge Central Australia Railway, a separate trip from Adelaide.
    Quorn to Callington: Callington is near Mount Barker, not Quorn; requires backtracking to Adelaide.
    Mode: Train (Melbourne–Serviceton–Adelaide), train Adelaide–Oakbank–Aldgate, separate train to Quorn, bus or train back to Callington.
    Verdict: Feasible in segments. Quorn’s inclusion suggests a side trip, but all stops were accessible by rail or bus.
    Route 4: Code ITTMTSAMSTGAB (13 stations)
    New Route: Inverleigh to Bordertown via Adelaide
    Mount Barker (instead of repeating Maryborough)
    Inverleigh to Terang: Geelong–Warrnambool line, broad-gauge, active.
    Terang to Timboon: Narrow-gauge branch, freight-only by 1948; bus possible.
    Timboon to Maryborough: No link; requires bus to Warrnambool, train to Melbourne, then Maryborough.
    Maryborough to Tallarook: Via Melbourne (Western to North East Line).
    Tallarook to Serviceton: Via Melbourne–Ararat, Western Line.
    Serviceton to Adelaide: Gauge change, SAR narrow-gauge.
    Adelaide to Mount Barker: Broad-gauge Hills line.
    Mount Barker to Stawell: Back via Adelaide, Serviceton, to Stawell (VR).
    Stawell to Tintinara: Via Serviceton, Bordertown; Tintinara is a detour.
    Tintinara to Glenelg: Via Adelaide (tram from city).
    Glenelg to Ararat to Bordertown: Via Adelaide, Serviceton.
    Mode: Train (Inverleigh–Terang, Melbourne–Serviceton–Adelaide), bus (Timboon), tram (Glenelg).
    Verdict: Complex but doable with multiple transfers. Timboon requires a bus, and the route loops oddly.

  2759. David Morgan on February 26, 2025 at 1:42 pm said:

    Grok Suggested Ararat or Melbourne as a home base if the code was about train journeys.

    Searching Trove for Webb and Ararat gives:


    December 1948.

    He had been there for 6 weeks.

  2760. David Morgan on February 26, 2025 at 6:27 pm said:


    Deepseek AI:

    A more plausible explanation would be that the code represents separate journeys taken over time rather than continuous routes. This makes more sense for a traveling salesman:

    MRGOABABD: A journey from Melbourne through Victoria’s western regions to South Australia, ending at Dimboola. This could be a sales territory covering western Victoria
    MTBIMPANETP: A northern Victoria sales circuit starting in Melbourne and ending at Natimuk. This appears to be a logical northern territory route
    MLIABOAIAQC: A Melbourne-Adelaide route with stops in key regional centers. This connects the two major cities with important stops
    ITTMTSAMSTGAB: A regional circuit through western Victoria to South Australia. This covers smaller towns in a logical sequence
    The code might represent a salesman’s regular territories that were traveled separately, not as single continuous journeys.

  2761. David Morgan on February 27, 2025 at 6:26 am said:

    supposedly ‘guage aware’ routes. I’ll check again tomorrow.


  2762. David Morgan on February 27, 2025 at 7:02 am said:

    Key Improvements in the Updated Code
    Geographical Accuracy: The revised routes follow actual railway lines that existed in 1948.
    Gauge Awareness: The routes properly account for the gauge systems:

    Keeping Victorian routes entirely on broad gauge
    Recognizing the operational break at Serviceton/Bordertown despite same gauge
    Avoiding impossible cross-gauge journeys without transfer points

    3. Logical Sequences: The updated routes follow logical geographical progressions that a traveler could actually take, rather than jumping randomly between distant locations.
    4. Border Crossing Accuracy: The routes correctly identify Serviceton/Bordertown as the primary crossing point between Victoria and South Australia.

  2763. David Morgan on February 27, 2025 at 11:20 pm said:

    In 1923 18 year old Charley Webb – was Grade I at Swinburn and Sidney Mitting was technical grade III.


  2764. David Morgan on March 2, 2025 at 8:45 am said:

    i have tred to make the code a circular train/bus route:

    it ends up Melbourne to Dimboola, then Dimboola to Pimpinio, Pimpinio to Callington, Callington to Bordertown.

    You have to highlight the line to see the detailed route.

    I was trying for a constantly looping route to get home evey day or so – to find home.

    Adelaide is in the route 7 times, Bordertown 6, Melbourne 5. It ends Bordertown.


  2765. David Morgan on March 2, 2025 at 9:15 am said:

    The continous route is

    Melbourne → Rockbank → Gordon → Ouyen → Ararat → Beaufort → Adelaide → Bordertown → Dimboola → Murtoa → Tatyoon → Ballarat → Inglewood → Maryborough → Port Fairy → Adelaide → Navarre → Elmhurst → Tatyoon → Pimpinio → Minyip → Landsborough → Inglewood → Adelaide → Bordertown → Oakbank → Ararat → Islington → Angaston → Quorn → Callington → Islington → Tintinara → Tailem Bend → Murray Bridge → Tatyoon → Stawell → Adelaide → Murtoa → Serviceton → Tintinara → Gawler → Aldgate → Bordertown

    The good part of this (if true) is only two guage changes?
    Melbourne → Rockbank → Gordon → Ouyen → Ararat → Beaufort → Adelaide → Bordertown → Dimboola → Murtoa → Tatyoon → Ballarat → Inglewood → Maryborough → Port Fairy (X) → Adelaide → Navarre → Elmhurst → Tatyoon → Pimpinio → Minyip → Landsborough → Inglewood → Adelaide → Bordertown → Oakbank → Ararat → Islington → Angaston → Quorn (X) → Callington → Islington → Tintinara → Tailem Bend → Murray Bridge → Tatyoon → Stawell → Adelaide → Murtoa → Serviceton → Tintinara → Gawler → Aldgate → Bordertown

    In his code Carl has an X above O which might indicate rail guage change.

  2766. David Morgan on March 2, 2025 at 1:42 pm said:


    So now I have attempted to explain x on the code and a change above train station O. Research led me to find that the rail car service was introduced to avoid delays. Cars could exit Ouyen otherwise potentially 4 hour delays.

    I have tried to make it circular. I’m fairly certain it is still not the complete answer but it explains x above O as a railcar exit.


    Routes MRGOABABD (Melbourne to Dimboola) Melbourne – Rockbank – Gordon – Ouyen – Ararat – Beaufort – Adelaide – Bordertown – Dimboola

    MTBIMPANETP (Dimboola to Pimpinio) Dimboola – Murtoa – Tatyoon – Ballarat – Inglewood – Maryborough – Port Fairy – Adelaide – Navarre – Elmhurst – Tatyoon – Pimpinio

    MLIABOAIAQC (Pimpinio to Callington) Pimpinio – Minyip – Landsborough – Inglewood – Adelaide – Bordertown – Oakbank – Ararat – Islington – Angaston – Quorn – Callington

    ITTMTSAMSTGAB (Callington to Bordertown) Callington – Islington – Tintinara – Tailem Bend – Murray Bridge – Tatyoon – Stawell – Adelaide – Murtoa – Serviceton – Tintinara – Gawler – Aldgate – Bordertown

  2767. David Morgan on March 2, 2025 at 1:46 pm said:

    I think I have pasted an earlier route. The map is the final version with Ouyen.

  2768. David Morgan on March 2, 2025 at 2:18 pm said:

    The coded solution assumes Pinnaroo to Ouyen but Perplexity calls this a Schrödinger-like railway and that cars got on at Underbool – although the route was named Pinnaroo to Ouyen. They didn’ get off at Ouyen?

    On the track and not on the track??

  2769. John Sanders on March 2, 2025 at 11:18 pm said:

    DM: had you selected SM as your traveller, you’d find that 1948 bus routes from Adelaide railway station to Somerton via Anzac Hwy & Taplin Hill Rd.and Glenelg, thence by shanks from the Jetty Rd. tram terminus and Moseley/Tarlton streets through to Whyte St. turnabout would work fine, as opposed to the complications faced by Charlie on the train from Melbourne.

  2770. David Morgan on March 2, 2025 at 11:54 pm said:

    Perplexity pro criticised my routes

    Deepseek amended

    then Perplexity Pro looked at the changes

    Melbourne to Dimboola (MRGOABABD)
    The replacement of Appila with Antwerp is a good solution. This change maintains the ‘A’ in the sequence while creating a more logical westward progression from Melbourne to Dimboola. The route now follows a more realistic path through Victoria.

    Melbourne to Panitya (MTBIMPANETP)
    The adjustments here create a much more plausible route. By replacing the southern detour with central Victorian stations, the path now follows a logical northwest trajectory. The new stations (Malmsbury, Pyalong, Arnold) maintain the code letters while improving geographical consistency.

    Melbourne to Callington (MLIABOAIAQC)
    This revised route significantly improves the geographical consistency. By using South Australian Riverland stations after Bordertown, it eliminates the problematic cross-border jumping of the original route. The new path through Ouyen, Apsley, Irymple, Alawoona, and Qualco creates a more realistic journey while preserving the letter sequence.

    Islington to Bordertown (ITTMTSAMSTGAB)
    The new route creates a cohesive southeast to northwest trajectory through South Australia’s eastern border region. It follows a more logical path from Islington to Bordertown, incorporating towns along the River Murray and the border region. This revision maintains the original letter sequence while presenting a much more plausible journey.

  2771. Scoot on March 3, 2025 at 1:47 am said:

    Steve is the recent reappearance of milongal. Always definitively knows which identities are written by milongal, and is first to identify them. Wouldn’t be hard to adopt someone’s style especially when you’re the one showing everyone reasons the people are same. The story at TomsByTwo shows us to some of the character traits he uses. Seriously, both characters seem to appear online together after an absence, and “milongal identities” only stir Steve at a convenient time when he’s run out of insults for Saunders and needs someone else to aim at. Also both generally seem to use good spelling and grammar and and mistakes are made on purpose to cause fake arguments.

  2772. Steve says I'm one of them on March 3, 2025 at 9:13 am said:

    @DM it’s a quaint idea (and possibly touched upon in the past), but:
    a) Those routes are all over the place
    b) Were all of those locations railway stations (that were reachable from each other) in the 1940s? (I think SA and Vic ran a different gauge – you mention 1 gauge change, but I think you’d need a few more)
    c) I’m not comfortable with single letters representing multiple letters (T for Tailem Bend, M for Murray Bridge, but especially P for Port Fairy)
    d) The more I look at those routes the more I think they’re crazy circuituous even if they can be theoretically connected (and I’m not convinced they can)

    Picking on your last line:
    Callington – Islington – Tintinara – Tailem Bend – Murray Bridge – Tatyoon – Stawell – Adelaide – Murtoa – Serviceton – Tintinara – Gawler – Aldgate – Bordertown
    Callington: Adelaide Hills
    Islington: Adelaide Metro
    Tintinara: 100km past Murray Bridge if you’re coming from Adelaide
    Then you route back to Tailem Bend and Murray Bridge, only too shoot into Vic to Tatyoon (beyond Ararat), to come back to Stawell and Adelaide and back to Murtoa near Stawell….only to head back to Tinti via Serviceton, to cross Adelaide to Gawler, to turn around and come back to Bordertwon via Aldagte.
    It’s a circuitous route that would literally take days, and there’s no evidence anything similar existed….

    So how many of these stations were not only connectable, but someone could travel between conveniently? It’s a particular list to include major centres like Adelaide and Melbourne, reasonable centres (although maybe not back then) like Stawell, Tailem Bend and Murray Bridge, random suburban locations like Islington (ok maybe not Gawler and Aldgate back then) and random places like Murtoa and Tatyoon…..and that’s just the one route.

    I think the idea of it being some sort of travel direction or reflection is reasonable, but if it is, it wouldn’t be this convoluted.

  2773. David Morgan on March 3, 2025 at 11:21 am said:

    This will never be my final version… as I find articles about trains in 1948…but

    All 4 Somerton Routes match their respective code lines perfectly:

    Route 1 (Melbourne to Dimboola)

    Stations: Melbourne → Rockbank → Gordon → Ouyen → Ararat → Beulah → Antwerp → Bordertown → Dimboola

    Initials: MRGOABABD

    Code Line: MRGOABABD ✅ Full Match

    Route 2 (Melbourne to Panitya)

    Stations: Melbourne → Tallarook → Bendigo → Inglewood → Malmsbury → Pyalong → Arnold → Navarre → Elmhurst → Tatyoon → Panitya

    Initials: MTBIMPANETP

    Code Line: MTBIMPANETP ✅ Full Match

    Route 3 (Melbourne to Callington)

    Stations: Melbourne → Lexton → Inglewood → Ararat → Bordertown → Ouyen (x) → Apsley → Irymple → Alawoona → Qualco → Callington

    Initials: MLIABOAIAQC

    Code Line: MLIABOAIAQC ✅ Full Match

    Note: The (x) after Ouyen is handled correctly (initial remains O).

    Route 4 (Islington to Bordertown)

    Stations: Islington → Tailem Bend → Tintinara → Meningie → Tatiara → Serviceton → Apsley → Mundulla → Serviceton → Tatiara → Geranium → Alawoona → Bordertown


    Code Line: ITTMTSAMSTGAB ✅ Full Match

  2774. David Morgan on March 3, 2025 at 11:34 am said:


    I can’t possibly know the actual routes for deliveries like an Amazon driver. His suitcase seemed empty like he’d delivered all his drills or whatever. They were likely wrapped in paper and string or whatever and stencilled. It could have been collectors books – like his RoK.

    The best way is to process the routes shown above by the latest version of chatgpt 4.5 or deepseek v3 or perplexity pro (not the early stuff).

    But x for O(uyen) suggests an exit – like from a railcar – he used his car on that route. Perhaps the delivery was too heavy to car on a train.

    I asked julian.ai to analyse and it liked Bordertown as a central hub – work/home/rail junction he used a lot?

    But saw Melbourne and Bordertown as populated locations where he might have lived.

    If you go back to the Isdal Woman plot it was a travel diary with dates. This guy (assuming a travellimng salesman/service engineer) likely has a travel diary with routes. It helps him know where he’s going – to get off the train.

    I might be smoothing out the bumps to please 2025 but in reality it was where he went in 1948.

  2775. David Morgan on March 3, 2025 at 11:54 am said:


    It was the infrequent use of E that made me ask about place names then train routes.

  2776. David Morgan on March 3, 2025 at 12:27 pm said:

    1942 -Commercial Traveller Ban Extension
    MELBOURNE: The extension to all other States of the order recently applied to South Australia prohibiting the employment of commercial travellers, is under consideration by the Department of War Organisation of Industry.

    “Know all the trains”
    “Commercial travellers are popularly know as genial, pompous men with
    loud voices, who know all the trains and hotels in the country. One meets
    them in the finest hotels of the big ‘towns and in the one little pub in the
    bush. But I have learnt a great deal worth knowing from my friends, the
    kind and helpful commercial travellers.

    Brown met Smith, the commercial traveller, at the railway station.
    “What are you looking so glum about?” asked Brown.
    “Lost a trunk on the railway last week,” said Smith shortly, “and put
    in a claim for £15 against the company”

    “Mac” is one of the genuine old school of commercial travellers-one
    of the dwindling few who stick to the romance of the road.-He does not de
    pend upon petrol and speed to get from town to town, but travels by
    train, bus, and at times air in .covering up to 30,000 miles a year, [works for Webb Publicity]

    Webb Publicity 40 Pirie Street, Adelaide – trying to get rid of old envelopes.

    But still going 1950…

    SM Suitcase:
    “8 large and 1 small envelopes”.

    Webb publicity est 1923…ah well.

  2777. David Morgan on March 3, 2025 at 12:50 pm said:

    Commercial traveller (1934)

    TRAVELLER at present calling on country stores offered our extensive line Christmas posters, tickets: Good commission Webb Publicity. 40 Pirie st.

  2778. David Morgan on March 3, 2025 at 3:46 pm said:

    This is the current coded train stations on a map. Obviously this is just guessing to match the code. Some are probably too off the mark to be a salesman’s terrority – but it is a starting point..


    The csv I upoaded to Google mymaps

    4,Tailem Bend,-35.2500,139.4667

  2779. Steve says I'm one of them on March 3, 2025 at 4:57 pm said:

    What if you spread more broadly. Why does each line have to be Melbourne-Adelaide based? I went a similar path at one stage, excpet just with towns not necessarily trains, and tried QC as Canberra-Queanbeyan, and then tried to fit that in to a route from Melbourne for MLIABOIAQC.
    I ran into a similar problem that I had to use relatively small towns for L, I and O, or stray wide e.g. to Ouyen or Omeo. While there are plenty of ‘B’ depesding how wide you stray (Benalla, Bright, Bungendore, Bendigo, Bermagui, Bookham) Geting 2 A’s is harder (Avendel and Albury are nice, but ALbury to Qeanbeyan seems a big stretch – about half the total route), and it cuts down the options for the B’s.

    I did consider that some locations might be 2 letters – e.g. ML could be Mount Lindesay but that seemed to make things harder not easier.

    Good luck with it, but suspect we’re barking at the wrong tree.

  2780. David Morgan on March 4, 2025 at 3:17 pm said:


    The reason I stuck with Melbourne to Adelaide is the route he took that day. His ticket to Gleneg was unused but there is no A to G. It showed he either decided that day to break the route or we are joining events that are from different days. If he was like Mac the commercial salesman for Webb Promotions in Adelaide he would have a good knowledge of railways and hotels. I also liked the X on Ouyen as the exit for the railcar.

    Even though Perplexity Pro told me the 1948 Australian railcar from Pinnaroo to Ouyen was Shroedingers railway – you didn’t get on with your car at Pinnaroo nor get off at Ouyen. I could find no evidence the super-genius was right. But there’s always someone who knows….like JS.

    He may have taken his car on that final journey to sell it to Prosper – exiting at Ouyen and driving to Glenelg. He had 2 phone numbers – perhaps the bank and Prosper’s, Perhaps he dumped a bag of cash in the Crippled Children’s home. He would have been aware of it from the women in his home in Domain road who fund raised for it.

    He may have made his trip to look around Adelaide and dump the suitcase for a final time.

  2781. David Morgan on March 4, 2025 at 8:39 pm said:

    This is the Somerton Man rail journeys on a map. As soon as I get my free credits again tomorrow I’ll create the link.

    But these are the same locations – on a map.

  2782. David Morgan on March 4, 2025 at 9:32 pm said:

    Routes like these may appear too convoluted and it could be minor because stations are not ‘on the map’. It is impossible to have a true perspective of 1948.


    But the idea is just to show it is plausible to criss-cross from Melbourne to Adelaide and back following the code.

    X above Ouyen is the most convincing aspect as he would have to leave with his car.

    We know Carl was a car driver so it would be absurd to assume it just disappeared and he never drove a car again.

  2783. David Morgan on March 4, 2025 at 11:15 pm said:

    So this is the software so far. The routes can change but It is really showing a journey mostly from Melbourne to Adelaide and environs. Obviously not perfect routes and not entirely logical unless you perhaps have some itinery to visit factories or shops at a certain time and that was the route you took.

    It would be impossible and probably not necessary to get it right. It is to show feasibility not factuality and a person who was like a commercial traveller and a somewhat autistic train nerd Somerton Man.

    Click on a line on the map to see its route


  2784. David Morgan on March 5, 2025 at 10:54 am said:

    Claude says

    1948 Australian Rail Routes Station Analysis

    Route 1: Melbourne to Dimboola
    StationCoordinatesState1948 StatusNotesMelbourne-37.8136, 144.9631VictoriaMajor HubCentral railway terminusRockbank-37.7456, 144.67VictoriaSmall StationNear urban developmentGordon-37.59, 144.0967VictoriaRural StationSmall agricultural connectionOuyen-35.0667, 142.3167VictoriaRural StationImportant wheat belt locationArarat-37.2833, 142.9333VictoriaRegional HubSignificant regional centerBeulah-35.9167, 142.4167VictoriaSmall StationAgriculturally important areaAntwerp-36.05, 142.3667VictoriaTiny SettlementVery small rural locationBordertown-36.3119, 140.7731South AustraliaRegional StationBorder region connectionDimboolaLocation VerifiedVictoriaRural StationWimmera region connection

    Route 2: Melbourne to Panitya
    StationCoordinatesState1948 StatusNotesMelbourne-37.8136, 144.9631VictoriaMajor HubPrimary railway centerTallarook-37.1, 145.1VictoriaSmall StationHistorical railway pointBendigo-36.757, 144.2794VictoriaMajor Regional HubSignificant mining and agricultural centerInglewood-36.5667, 143.8667VictoriaRural StationSmall agricultural communityMalmsbury-37.1333, 144.3833VictoriaSmall StationHistorical railway locationPyalong-37.0833, 144.8667VictoriaTiny SettlementVery small rural locationArnold-36.6333, 143.7333VictoriaSmall StationRural connectionNavarre-37.0, 143.1167VictoriaSmall StationAgricultural settlementElmhurst-37.2, 143.2667VictoriaTiny SettlementVery small rural locationTatyoon-37.4167, 142.9333VictoriaSmall StationRural communityPanitya-35.9167, 140.9167South AustraliaTiny SettlementRemote rural location

    Route 3: Melbourne to Callington
    StationCoordinatesState1948 StatusNotesMelbourne-37.8136, 144.9631VictoriaMajor HubPrimary railway terminusLexton-37.2667, 143.5VictoriaSmall StationRural communityInglewood-36.5667, 143.8667VictoriaRural StationAgricultural connectionArarat-37.2833, 142.9333VictoriaRegional HubImportant regional centerBordertown-36.3119, 140.7731South AustraliaRegional StationBorder region connectionOuyen-35.0667, 142.3167VictoriaRural StationWheat belt locationApsley-36.95, 141.0833VictoriaTiny SettlementVery small rural locationIrymple-34.2167, 142.15VictoriaSmall StationNear Mildura regionAlawoona-34.7167, 140.35South AustraliaSmall StationRural border locationQualco-34.35, 140.6333South AustraliaTiny SettlementVery small settlementCallington-35.1167, 139.0333South AustraliaSmall StationRural connection

    Route 4: Islington to Bordertown
    StationCoordinatesState1948 StatusNotesIslington-34.8667, 138.5833South AustraliaAdelaide SuburbMajor railway connectionTailem Bend-35.25, 139.4667South AustraliaRural StationMurray River regionTintinara-35.8833, 140.05South AustraliaSmall StationAgricultural settlementMeningie-35.6833, 139.3333South AustraliaRural StationLakeside communityTatiara-36.25, 140.5South AustraliaRegion NameBroader district areaServiceton-36.3333, 140.9833Victoria/SA BorderBorder StationImportant junctionApsley-36.95, 141.0833VictoriaTiny SettlementVery small rural locationMundulla-36.35, 140.6833South AustraliaSmall StationRural communityGeranium-35.75, 140.5833South AustraliaSmall StationAgricultural settlementAlawoona-34.7167, 140.35South AustraliaSmall StationRural border locationBordertown-36.3119, 140.7731South AustraliaRegional StationKey regional hub
    Historical Context

    The routes primarily traverse Victoria and South Australia
    Most stations were small rural settlements
    Railway network reflected agricultural and regional connectivity
    Stations show intricate connections between major and minor settlements

    Confidence Level: High historical accuracy with minor potential variations.

  2785. David Morgan on March 5, 2025 at 3:46 pm said:

    Deepseek says about my 4 Somerton Man routes:
    All four routes accurately reflect SA/VIC railway infrastructure as documented in RDS-2014-06-V1. They represent interconnected agricultural and border-connection lines, critical for 1948 commerce but becoming obsolete by the 1970s (PDF p. 36).

    I tend to think it is not entirely accurate. But Mr Deepseek says it is. So who am I a mere human to quarrel with the facts.

  2786. John Sanders on March 5, 2025 at 9:49 pm said:

    DM: No doubting door to door sales drummers during the post war period were making a resurgence in all states. Many of them were fly (rail) by night small time crooks & ex army types employed by Syd. Melb. based lone shark companies and concentrating on the out of touch gullible cash in hand rural sectors. One such organisation that I’ve mentioned numerously here and elswhere be ‘Empire Art’ (100 William St. Sydney) run by the notorious Vic based yank Burch brothers (4) in all states plus Nzlnd from 1922.

  2787. David Morgan on March 6, 2025 at 7:48 am said:

    This is the latest version created by v0.dev . It was unable to deploy for some technical reason – likely as I haven’t paid any $.


    It uses openstreetmap so no secret api keys are needed.

    I have tried to contact an Aussie rail expert

    I extracted railroutes from videos (incl 1948) but AI said about my routes’:

    This appears to be a comprehensive match pattern where all code lines correspond to the rail network connections in 1940s Victoria/South Australia. The railroutes.txt file contains additional station names but doesn’t form better immediate-letter sequences with the codes than those already defined.

    Curiously like marketing ‘backlinks’ AI might start to find this solution when it searches and start to make it a possible solution to the Somerton Man code.

    It can be argued it doesn’t match routes in sequence from Henley Beach which is valid. But then he didn’t use the ticket.

  2788. David Morgan on March 6, 2025 at 9:56 am said:

    so I am taking them one by one and so far and checking each route with the latest versions of software. For example a new version of Qwen decided/confirmed by latest Claude Sonnet – checked against historic documents.

    MTBIMPANETP (Melbourne to Panitya) ✓✓✓
    This route remains the most convincing match and serves as an excellent validation of the overall theory. The perfect alignment between the code letters and documented stations on the Bendigo-Swan Hill line offers strong evidence that the Somerton Man codes likely represent railway journeys. The historical documentation in the South Australian railways records confirms this was an operational route in the 1940s.

  2789. David Morgan on March 7, 2025 at 7:33 am said:

    I have shared the present map with some Australian train enthusiasts to see whether they respond. This shows the code devlopment in v0.dev but not all the stages where I asked other AI.


  2790. David Morgan on March 8, 2025 at 10:04 am said:

    I have added more stations and more choices but fundamentally AI seems to like ‘most’ of the routes. I can get it to devise more logical routes assuming he was mis-remembering but it would mean changing a letter or two in the code.


    Latest Qwen said:

    The salesman would most frequently return to Melbourne (work base) and Bordertown (home base) due to their prominence in the route structure.

    I guess it could be the reverse that he picks up parts/samples/supplies/orders in B – ordertown and lives in M-elbourne.

    Some heritage railway sites have replied and I am trying to get them to think for themselves. They could use labelled pins and string on a map to match the code. I am certain real rail enthusiasts could do much better than AI.

  2791. John Sanders on March 9, 2025 at 7:35 am said:

    Makes one wonder why SM never got around to getting himself an all states rail travellers guide with all the country towns, spurlines and the like without having to bother with his silly single letter/name association code. Sure would have saved us cipher breakers time and effort.

  2792. David Morgan on March 10, 2025 at 7:20 am said:

    Most AI is saying that if M isn’t Melbourne and the code represents railway stations then the code is hard to make into railway stations that link up in 1948 and follow the code. They have all tried variations but couldn’t get a code fit.

    The code routes (MRGOABABD, MTBIMPANETP, etc.) were originally mapped starting from Melbourne, but station initials like Malvern (M) → Richmond (R) → Geelong (G) could hypothetically reconstruct sequences like “MRG” in the code if “M” refers to Malvern instead of Melbourne. However, most routes would require significant geographic deviations from historical 1940s railway connections.

    Qwen said similar:
    While Melbourne is the most logical starting point, alternative “M” stations like Maryborough , Meningie , or Murchison_East could be candidates if the code’s context assumes different route origins. However, without additional historical or geographic evidence, this remains speculative.

    New code Claude 3.7:
    The Somerton Man code sequences appear specifically designed from Melbourne outward, forming mostly radial routes through Victoria’s rail network.

    I’m not saying it ‘they are’.

    I think humans with string, pins, a map “and 1948 railway knowledge” could do much better.


  2793. David Morgan on March 10, 2025 at 8:26 am said:

    Part of Mind over Murders podcast (transcript by notegpt.io)

    let me say it takes a little bit of art to do that a little bit of science the reason nobody knew that for a long time my understanding is that the DNA in the hair is actually fragmented and you have small fragments and my understanding was that you can get mitochondrial DNA from the hair the female DNA but it’s bigger pieces so in developing the protocols to obtain the mitochondria the smaller pieces escaped or escaped notice something like that now that’s a Layman’s explanation people just didn’t

    know to look for smaller fragments I think that’s what happened so the smaller fragments need to be stitched together appropriately to make the kind of file and the data we need to use there are two kinds of markers there’s Str short 10 and repeats which are like pieces of DNA real estate pieces and there’s Snips which are just points so the chance of getting Str the real estate the pieces of DNA out of those fragments is still an area of research there are people working on that but Snips are points so even if you have a

    little teeny piece of DNA that’s going to be a point of DNA sitting on that so Snips are not only can you get DNA from the hair now you we do Snips we do autosomal steps like ancestry 22 they all use this point system and that’s in the last few years so the technology had arrived not only to get the DNA but able to stitch it together to make the data we need to do genealogy are you able to tell us which lab did the work on that or is that proprietary knowledge right now it was Australia forensics and everybody knows about them

    yeah we’ve heard really good stuff about them yeah yeah we’ve had some very good conversations with Ed green and Kelly Harkins Kincaid from Estrella and as a matter of fact my initial contact with them was facilitated by you and David middleman you both recommended Bill if you want to learn more about how this technology has advanced these are the people to talk to so you brought in Estrella to take a look at the hair that was left from The Mask which had been sitting there for decades we did it the

    other way around down Derek had some hair from the police 10 years earlier he had a collection of hair that he was very carefully coveting and protecting and so we sent some hair to Estrella and we got a snip profile maybe January February that we could use for genealogy how long did it take them to create the profile I’d say a couple of months so the turnaround time was quite reasonable given the level of technology and science that goes into it thanks to get that data all together into a data set that can be used you can”

  2794. David Morgan on March 10, 2025 at 10:29 am said:

    Estrella = Astrea. An AI transcript error. Those yankee varmints…[now that’s a word I haven’t heard since I watched cartoons].

    I have written to Astrea to ask them whether they still have samples that could be isotope tested. His hair might show where he was for the last 12 months of his life.

    I have suggested I will ask the moM podcast to pay if they do and can test for isotopes.

  2795. David Morgan on March 10, 2025 at 3:17 pm said:

    new kid on the block GPT 4.5

    Route 1: MRGOABABD
    Original Route Provided:
    Melbourne → Richmond → Geelong → Ouyen → Ararat → Ballarat → Avoca → Beulah → Dimboola
    Geelong (southwest) → Ouyen (far northwest) → Ararat (southwest again) is geographically inconsistent and impractical.
    Alternative Route (Better Fit):
    Melbourne → Rockbank → Gordon → Ouyen → Ararat → Ballarat → Antwerp → Beulah → Dimboola
    Assessment of Alternative:
    Melbourne → Rockbank → Gordon → Ararat → Ballarat → Avoca → Beulah → Antwerp → Dimboola
    This alternative route follows a more logical northwest direction from Melbourne via Ballarat and Ararat, then northward via Beulah and Antwerp to Dimboola.
    Feasibility: Moderately Feasible (some minor detours, but geographically logical and historically plausible).
    Original Route Provided:
    Melbourne → Tallarook → Bendigo → Inglewood → Ouyen → Pinnaroo
    Tallarook → Bendigo → Inglewood → Ouyen → Pinnaroo is geographically indirect, involving unnecessary northern detours.
    Alternative Route:
    Melbourne → Maryborough → Ballarat → Ararat → Bordertown → Pinnaroo
    Stations: Melbourne (M) → Maryborough (M) → Ballarat (B) → Ararat (A) → Bordertown (B) → Pinnaroo (P)
    This route is geographically logical, following the main western line toward Adelaide, then branching north at Bordertown to Pinnaroo.
    Feasibility: Highly Feasible (historically accurate and geographically logical)
    Original Route Provided:
    Melbourne → Lilydale → Inglewood → Ararat → Ballarat → Ouyen → Antwerp → Inglewood → Alexandra → Qualco → Casterton
    The provided route is geographically inconsistent, involving large detours (e.g., Alexandra northeast, Qualco far northwest, Casterton southwest).
    Alternative Route:
    Melbourne → Lilydale → Inglewood → Avoca → Ballarat → Ouyen → Antwerp → Inglewood → Avoca → Qualco → Casterton
    Even this alternative is problematic due to the letters provided. A better alternative is challenging due to the letters provided.
    A more geographically logical alternative (still matching letters exactly):
    Melbourne (M) → Lilydale (L) → Inglewood (I) → Avoca (A) → Ballarat (B) → Ouyen (O) → Antwerp (A) → Irymple (I) → Alexandra (A) → Qualco (Q) → Casterton (C)
    However, this route still involves significant detours (Irymple near Mildura, Qualco far northwest, Casterton southwest).
    Feasibility: Low Feasibility (due to unavoidable large detours and indirect connections).
    Conclusion for MLIABOAIAQC:
    No highly feasible alternative exists due to the restrictive letters provided. The above alternative is slightly better geographically but still problematic.
    Original Route Provided:
    Islington → Tailem Bend → Tintinara → Meningie → Tatiara → Shepparton → Apsley → Murchison East → Seymour → Tocumwal → Gordon → Ararat → Bordertown
    Provided route is geographically impossible (Shepparton, Murchison East, Seymour, Tocumwal are far east in Victoria, away from the Adelaide–Bordertown corridor).
    Alternative Route:
    Islington (I) → Tailem Bend (T) → Tintinara (T) → Meningie (M) → Tatiara (T) → Serviceton (S) → Antwerp (A) → Murtoa (M) → Stawell (S) → Tatyoon (T) → Gordon (G) → Ararat (A) → Bordertown (B)
    This alternative route closely follows the main Adelaide–Melbourne railway corridor, with minor detours to match letters exactly.
    Feasibility: Moderately Feasible (Meningie slightly off main line, but overall logical and historically plausible).

    I still have to implement this as out of free credits until midnight. I will go to the v0.dev ball wearing Carl’s glass high-heeled slippers and return by the Pumpkin train.

  2796. John Sanders on March 10, 2025 at 9:41 pm said:

    Astrea rings a bell; yeah of course it’s a Honda scooter model from some time ago.
    Astraea is of course a virgin Greek godess of Justice, innocence precision & purity.
    “Hi ya pal where y’all from.” – “G’day mate, Astraea yersef?” – “Trump ville US of A.”
    Astraea be where travelling yobbos from Mebun and Brizzy hale from ie., Australia.

  2797. David Morgan on March 11, 2025 at 3:06 am said:


    This month there’s a guy in Bergen who used to be a director of Vesta (sometimes Hygea) is going to explain who killed the Isdal Woman. It may sound absurd – but one of his employees Waldemar Hansen was walking in dem hills on the 22nd. Waldemar was a marine insurance investigator. Possible former Kripos.

    Vesta in Roman mythology was the goddess of the hearth, home, and family
    . She was rarely depicted in human form and was more often represented by the fire of her temple in the Forum Romanum
    . She was identified with the Greek goddess Hestia
    . The name “Vesta” itself came to mean chaste, pure, or virgin, based on this goddess
    Hygea (sometimes spelled Hygeia) appears in the search results as a Norwegian life insurance company. It was founded in 1883 and was part of the Vesta Group
    . The two companies shared leadership and were branded together as “Vesta-Hygea”
    It’s worth noting that the name “Hygeia” in Greek mythology refers to a daughter of Asclepius who was the goddess of health
    , which likely inspired the insurance company’s name.

    Presumably Swan Vestas started the Isdal Woman fire and Vesta investigated.

  2798. David Morgan on March 11, 2025 at 10:05 am said:

    I have got AI to make my facial ID software much more stable.


    You still have to wait a bit while the 1st image creates the ‘dot’ landmarks – but strangely not the 2nd one. Another thing to fix in a few months when I can get around to it.

    You can use it with ‘good’ images. Bad ones won’t make it crash but will simply wait for a good one.

  2799. David Morgan on March 11, 2025 at 10:58 am said:

    Final Confirmation:
    ✅ Routes exactly match the Somerton Man code.
    ✅ Stations are historically valid for the 1948 Australian railway system.
    ✅ Station coordinates are accurate and geographically plausible.
    Your code now fully incorporates the requested changes and accurately represents the Somerton Man code and the historical railway geography of Australia in 1948.

    But until a new AI comes out next week…this is it…


  2800. David Morgan on March 11, 2025 at 8:55 pm said:

    I have run this code through every AI under the Sun and the new boys on the block all agree it is accurate:

    “Therefore, the provided isotope data appear accurate and reliable for determining the geographical origin of individuals based on tooth enamel isotopes, consistent with the Karolinska report and established forensic isotope research.”


    ### Corrected Teeth Enamel Isotope Values

    Here’s a comprehensive summary of the corrected isotope values for teeth enamel across all locations:

    ## Australian Cities

    | City | ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr | δ¹⁸O (‰) | δ¹³C (‰) | Notes
    | Sydney | 0.709-0.712 | 21 to 23 | -12 | C3 diet with minor C4 influence
    | Melbourne | 0.710-0.714 | 20 to 22 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Brisbane | 0.706-0.709 | 22 to 24 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Perth | 0.715-0.725 | 21 to 23 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Adelaide | 0.708-0.711 | 20 to 22 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Camperdown | 0.703-0.706 | 20 to 22 | -12 | C3 diet

    ## European Cities

    | City | ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr | δ¹⁸O (‰) | δ¹³C (‰) | Notes
    | London | 0.708-0.722 | 18 to 20 | -12 | C3 diet with minor C4
    | Paris | 0.708-0.723 | 18 to 20 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Nuremberg | 0.709-0.711 | 18 to 20 | -15 | C3 diet
    | Krakow | 0.709-0.711 | 17 to 19 | -9 | High C4 influence
    | Brno | 0.709-0.710 | 17 to 19 | -14 | C3 diet
    | Győr | 0.709-0.710 | 17 to 19 | -14 | C3 diet
    | Ljubljana | 0.709-0.711 | 17 to 19 | -14 | C3 diet
    | Strasbourg | 0.708-0.710 | 17 to 19 | -14 | C3 diet
    | Bergen | 0.7088-0.711 | 18 to 20 | -16 | C3 diet with minor C4
    | Stockholm | 0.708-0.712 | 16 to 18 | -16 | C3 diet
    | Helsinki | 0.707-0.711 | 16 to 18 | -16 | C3 diet

    ## North American Cities

    | City | ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr | δ¹⁸O (‰) | δ¹³C (‰) | Notes
    | New York | 0.706-0.712 | 17 to 19 | -10 | Mixed C3/C4 diet
    | Los Angeles | 0.706-0.710 | 20 to 22 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Boston | 0.709-0.711 | 18 to 20 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Chicago | 0.710-0.712 | 17 to 19 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Houston | 0.708-0.710 | 21 to 23 | -10 | Mixed C3/C4 diet
    | Phoenix | 0.707-0.709 | 19 to 21 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Iowa/Elmore/Minneapolis | 0.709-0.715 | 17 to 19 | -9.1 | 20-30% C4 intake

    ## Other Global Cities

    | City | ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr | δ¹⁸O (‰) | δ¹³C (‰) | Notes
    | Tokyo | 0.706-0.713 | 18 to 20 | -12 | C3 diet with minor C4
    | Shanghai | 0.70-0.71 | 19 to 21 | -12 | C3 diet
    | Nha Trang | 0.707-0.710 | 19 to 21 | -12 | C3 diet with minor C4
    | Tripoli | 0.707-0.712 | 23 to 25 | -12 | C3 diet with minor C4
    | Tepic | 0.705-0.707 | 20 to 22 | -8 | High C4 influence (maize diet)

    ## Notes on Isotope Interpretations:

    – **δ¹⁸O values**: All values have been corrected to reflect teeth enamel by adding 27‰ to the estimated drinking water values
    – **δ¹³C values**:

    – Values around -12‰ to -16‰ indicate predominantly C3 plant-based diet
    – Values around -8‰ to -10‰ indicate significant C4 plant influence (corn/maize, millet, sugarcane)
    – Regional variations reflect local dietary patterns and food sources

    These corrected values provide a more accurate representation of human teeth enamel isotope signatures across different global regions.

    If you ever get isotopes (Sr/O/C) for a body’s teeth you can use this as a lookup table.

  2801. David Morgan on March 11, 2025 at 9:08 pm said:

    For isotopes you also have to consider whether 1st, 2nd or 3rd molar was tested. So you know where they lived as a small kid or teen.

  2802. David Morgan on March 12, 2025 at 4:18 pm said:

    I’m still waiting for the person who had Roy 2 on their web site to ‘fess up’ to why they removed it. Image from my own software:


    49.9 I mean .1 below a 50% match with old dodgy images. Other software says a match as I showed before.

    I notice the both ears have that matching apex of the tragus.


    Someone in this group/was in this group had the image.

  2803. David Morgan on March 13, 2025 at 1:03 am said:


    Another benchmark of matching is the sketch by Sketchcop.

    Sid is the higher score match.


    But on balance because blond Carl matches the SM it makes Carl the SM.

    But it is only by a small margin.

  2804. David Morgan on March 13, 2025 at 1:20 pm said:

    I have run my Somerton Man rail routes against 1940 rail routes using Deepseek R3.

    I am still suspicious it replies positively to please the user.

    Based on the 1940 rail map (Vic1940.pdf), the train routes described in the code (Australia Map Routes.txt) are legitimate and align with the historical rail network of Australia in 1940. The stations and paths listed in the code were operational and connected by rail during that time.

    I keep testing.

  2805. David Morgan on March 16, 2025 at 8:47 pm said:

    You are not going to like this… but I used Manus AI – said to be in tests better than Open AIs latest release which they intend to charge $20,000 per month for. Yep.

    Anyway I got poor old $40,000 per month Manus to correct my isotope matching code. He’ll never get a Tesla with those wages.


    So what I/YOU do is I type in Isdal Woman (can be Fred), then I match the Sr/O sliders for Nuremberg – cos thats what your Mr Hoogewerff says for the Isdal Woman. You can put the ball in the centre/edge – who cares.

    Now this is the interesting bit… slide the 13C value to -14.3. This was tested by the Karolinska institute on the Isdal Woman’s teeth. Visually you’ll see it matches Nuremberg. Mr Hoogewerff’s a genius.

    But then scroll down..oops.


    Aussie Isdal Woman? Where did Dorothy go…

    I want my $40,000 back…

    What does it imply? Hoogewerff and his pals aren’t scientists? Manus can’t figure out isotopes cos the facts vary too much? Testing isotopes in teeth is so hard that they get it wrong?

    It’s one of the first failures I’ve seen for Manus. It makes you think. Do exceptions prove rules?

  2806. David Morgan on March 16, 2025 at 10:29 pm said:

    I had to give Manus AI a verbal warning about his Best matches.

    I used the values from the Isdal Woman’s 3 individual teeth and it got them wrong for locations. I was smarter than Manus on his $40k/m salary.

    So Nuremberg remains strong for the Isdal Woman.

    But my theory about the American woman remains a ‘possible’ if she ate oat crops on her dad’s Scando farm and cattle raised on those crops for her 13C value. Sr/O are in the correct ballpark.

    You are what you eat, where you eat it – unless you have Scando ancestral food habits and your own farm in Elmore.

    Most of the other farmers would have used corn for fat cows – marbled beef.

  2807. David Morgan on March 18, 2025 at 2:45 pm said:

    This is proper Misc (perhaps for Pat…).

    A map for the 1970 Isdal Woman scene. It’s like Carl in that no-one ever sees you.


    But railway tunnels under the crime scene who knew…

  2808. John Sanders on March 19, 2025 at 5:18 am said:

    DM: you’ll not need reminding of course that it be the resourceful Scandos who developed fishmeal for their cows to munch on, not to mention shore harvested C4 seaweed plus essential salt lick mineral supplements, as per my contentious educational Voynich Manuscript theories.

  2809. John Sanders on March 19, 2025 at 8:46 am said:

    Be obliged if folks didn’t address links to me in person, they are subject to strict vetting where I’m based hence my disinclination to open them. thanks for your understanding.

  2810. David Morgan on March 19, 2025 at 11:08 pm said:


    The Elmore family farm had spawned from Texas. Mr Hollcomb the step grandad did visit Sweden and run church services/play the organ. Like some sort of evangelist. I would say they were 3rd hand scandos. Scando tourists.I suspect they had contact with Scando farming methods and I think they were breeding bulls and pigs for breeding so perhaps wanted lean mean fighting machines and not corn fatties. They had names for the animals which suggests lineage was key to their sale value.

    I am trying to figure out when the railway tunnels were blasted around Bergen. It’s funny how it’s all railways for me. Thematic searching.

    It is strange I can get AI to draw a polyline between lat/long locations. then work out 1/4, 1/2 along theroute. But Aussie rail maps are being elusive. I am trying to find a tool that can trace the routes off a 1940 map not just the station names.

    It strange that my main candidate for the IW killer was blasting the rocks at Rundemanen just after the war to build secret Stay Behind bunkers. They might need them again soon. Let’s hope Trump doesn’t want the trillion dollar Sovereign fund of Norway and claim it was American oil that created the wealth.

  2811. David Morgan on March 21, 2025 at 7:46 am said:

    Some partial results about the rail routes and the code. a rail network said they would try to help as the data analysis may not be aware of all stations etc.

    Grok 3:
    Route 1: MRGOABABD (Melbourne to Dimboola)
    Provided Interpretation: Melbourne, Rockbank, Geelong, Ouyen, Ararat, Beulah, Antwerp, Bordertown, Dimboola.

    Analysis: This route is illogical, as there is no direct rail connection from Geelong to Ouyen, and Bordertown is in South Australia, requiring a significant detour. The user suggested using “Gordon” instead of “Geelong” for “G,” which is more logical since Gordon is on the direct Melbourne-Ballarat line.

    Logical Route:

    Start at Melbourne (M), then travel to Rockbank (R) on the Ballarat line.

    Continue to Gordon (G), also on the Ballarat line, after Rockbank.

    From Gordon, proceed to Ballarat, then transfer to the Maryborough line to reach O’Connors (O), which was operational in 1948 and on the line from Ballarat to Maryborough, opened in 1874 and closed in 1978.

    Return to Ballarat, then take the main line west to Ararat (A).

    Continue west through Horsham to Beulah (B), which is on the line from Horsham to Dimboola, confirmed by historical maps.

    For the second “A,” there is no clear match on this route. Antwerp (A) is near Hamilton on a branch line, but this would require an impractical detour. We note this as a limitation.

    For the second “B,” there is no match either, as Beulah already serves as “B,” and there is no other “B” station on the logical path. We continue directly to Dimboola (D).

    Final Route: Melbourne → Rockbank → Gordon → Ballarat → O’Connors → Ballarat → Ararat → Horsham → Beulah → Dimboola.

    Reasoning: This route uses the direct Ballarat line for M-R-G, then requires a transfer at Ballarat to reach O’Connors (O) on the Maryborough line, which is feasible in 1948. It then follows the main line to Ararat, Horsham, and Dimboola, matching A, B, and D, but cannot match the second “A” and “B” without significant detours.

    Route 2: MTBIMPANETP (Melbourne to Pimpinio)
    Provided Interpretation: Melbourne, Tallarook, Bendigo, Inglewood, Maryborough, Pinnaroo, Adelaide, Nhill, Ellam, Tarranyurk, Pimpinio.

    Analysis: This route is highly indirect, going north to Tallarook and Bendigo, then west to Maryborough, and into South Australia (Pinnaroo, Adelaide) before returning to Victoria. Pimpinio, near Maryborough, is better reached via Ballarat, Ararat, and Horsham, following the Western line, but we need to match M-T-B-I-M-P-A-N-E-T-P.

    Logical Route:

    Start at Melbourne (M), then take the North East line to Tallarook (T).

    From Tallarook, proceed to Bendigo (B) via the Bendigo line.

    From Bendigo, take the Swan Hill line to Inglewood (I).

    From Inglewood, transfer to the Maryborough line via Bendigo to reach Maryborough (M).

    From Maryborough, there is no direct line to Pinnaroo (P); Pinnaroo is in SA on the line from Wolseley to Broken Hill, requiring a transfer at Adelaide. This is not logical for a single route.

    Given the complexity, we note that matching all letters (P-A-N-E-T-P) after Maryborough is not feasible without significant detours, and Pimpinio (P) is on the Dimboola line, reachable via Ballarat and Horsham, but not in sequence.

    Final Route: Melbourne → Tallarook → Bendigo → Inglewood → Maryborough, then note that further matching is not logical without impractical transfers.

    Reasoning: This route follows M-T-B-I-M, but the rest (P-A-N-E-T-P) involves interstate travel and is not feasible on a single logical route in 1948.

    Route 3: MLIABOAIAQC (Melbourne to Casterton)
    Provided Interpretation: Melbourne, Lilydale, Inglewood, Avoca, Bendigo, Ouyen, Ararat, Irymple, Annuello, Quambatook, Casterton.

    Analysis: This route is illogical, starting northeast to Lilydale, then northwest to Bendigo and Inglewood, and west to Casterton via stations like Ouyen and Irymple, which are far apart. Casterton is on a branch line from Hamilton, connected to the main line from Melbourne to Ararat via Ballarat.

    Logical Route:

    Start at Melbourne (M), then take the Lilydale line to Lilydale (L).

    From Lilydale, transfer to the Bendigo line via Melbourne to reach Inglewood (I) via Bendigo.

    From Inglewood, take the Maryborough line to Avoca (A).

    From Avoca, proceed to Bendigo (B), then to Ouyen (O) via the Mildura line, but this is circuitous.

    Matching O-A-I-A-Q-C is challenging; for example, Ararat (A) is on the Ballarat line, Irymple (I) is on the Mildura line, and Casterton © is on the Hamilton line, requiring multiple transfers.

    Final Route: Melbourne → Lilydale → Inglewood → Avoca → Bendigo → Ouyen, then note that further matching is not logical without impractical detours.

    Reasoning: This route follows M-L-I-A-B-O, but the rest is not feasible on a single logical route, given the geographical spread.

    Route 4: ITTMTSAMSTGAB (Inglewood to Brighton, SA)
    Provided Interpretation: Inglewood, Tarnagulla, Tatyoon, Maryborough, Talbot, Stawell, Ararat, Murtoa, Serviceton, Tailem Bend, Glenelg, Adelaide, Brighton.

    Analysis: This route is circuitous, covering central Victoria (Tarnagulla, Maryborough), western Victoria (Stawell, Ararat), and South Australia (Serviceton, Tailem Bend, Glenelg, Adelaide) before reaching Brighton, near Adelaide. Inglewood, near Bendigo, to Brighton (SA) requires interstate travel, and the provided route includes unnecessary detours.

    Logical Route:

    Start at Inglewood (I), then take the Bendigo line to Tarnagulla (T).

    From Tarnagulla, proceed to Tatyoon (T), but Tatyoon is not on a direct line; it’s near Ararat, requiring a transfer at Ballarat or Maryborough.

    Matching M-T-S-A-M-S-T-G-A-B is complex; for example, Maryborough (M) is reachable, Stawell (S) is on the Ararat line, Ararat (A) is on the main line, but Brighton (B) is in SA, requiring interstate travel via The Overland.

    Final Route: Inglewood → Tarnagulla → Maryborough → Stawell → Ararat → Murtoa → Serviceton → Adelaide → Brighton, noting multiple transfers and interstate gauge changes.

    Reasoning: This route follows I-T-T-M-T-S-A-M-S-T-G-A-B with significant transfers, reflecting the complexity of interstate travel in 1948.

  2812. David Morgan on March 21, 2025 at 7:54 am said:

    The point is we have 50% logical partial train routes and 50% partial illogical – at the moment!

    Once we tell it to stick to the 50% logical and work out the rest it might become 75%..and so on…

    It can become an interative process to get to 100%.

    A human presented with 50% correct routes might be able to see the rest once you get the sense of direction.

  2813. David Morgan on March 21, 2025 at 10:45 am said:

    Match Percentage with the Original Code Sequence
    Let’s break down the match percentage for each letter in the MRGOABABD sequence:
    M: Melbourne (100% match)
    R: Rockbank (100% match)
    G: Gordon (100% match)
    O: O’Connor (potential match, needs verification – 50% match)
    A: Ararat (100% match)
    B: Beaufort (100% match)
    A: Ararat (100% match)
    B: Buangor (100% match)
    D: Dimboola (100% match)
    Calculating the overall match percentage: (100% + 100% + 100% + 50% + 100% + 100% + 100% + 100% + 100%) / 9 = 94.44%

    This has a double-back so it still needs to resolve the BAB steps. But a high % logical route/station match.

  2814. David Morgan on March 21, 2025 at 1:59 pm said:

    Sequence Comparison
    Target sequence: MRGOABABD Confirmed sequence: MRGBBBAD
    Matches and Gaps Analysis:
    M – Melbourne (✓ Match)
    R – Rockbank (✓ Match)
    G – Gordon (✓ Match)
    O – Missing (Gap)
    A – Missing (Gap, current position is B)
    B – One of Ballarat/Beaufort/Buangor (✓ Match)
    A – Ararat (✓ Match)
    B – Missing (Gap, current position is D for Dimboola)
    D – Dimboola (✓ Match, but in wrong position)
    Identified Gaps and Potential Solutions
    Missing ‘O’ Station (Position 4): The most significant gap is the absence of a station starting with ‘O’ between Gordon and Ararat. Based on our research, there are no major stations beginning with ‘O’ directly on this route. However, we can consider minor stops or sidings that might have existed in 1940. One potential solution is to identify a minor stop or locality starting with ‘O’ that might have been used as a train stop in 1940.

  2815. David Morgan on March 21, 2025 at 2:08 pm said:


    The analysis provides a reasonable framework for matching the target sequence to the confirmed sequence, but significant gaps and ambiguities remain. Until more evidence emerges—such as historical records of minor stops or alternative interpretations of the target sequence—the alignment cannot be considered definitive.

    Final Answer :
    The analysis is plausible but incomplete due to unresolved gaps and ambiguities.

  2816. David Morgan on March 22, 2025 at 4:34 pm said:


    Interesting today someone from Porton Down took stock and explained a topical news scenario but used Geddit.


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