Here’s a bit of fun for you that’s only running for a few more days: a Voynichese-style challenge cipher courtesy of everyone’s favourite hirsute cipher reclusive Tony Gaffney. Here it is (click on it for a more detailed image):-
He says:-
The above could almost be a missing page from the VM. If anyone cares to have a go at deciphering it, it is the start of a very well known Italian story – the plaintext is Italian and it reads left-to-right and top-to-bottom in the normal fashion.
What kind of cipher is it?
Here’s a basic transcription (into EVA) to get you going, assuming that is indeed a genuine cipher:-
p aiin deey eedy lched otoched r qochedchedy aiin eedy chedeed otoeed ch qochedy lched otochedy chy cthey dchedy siin chdy daiin otoch dcthey cthey otochedaiin eedy qo otod aiin lched eedy lched otochedoto qochedaiin etey qochedee dotochedy otoaiiny daiin otocheds daiin eedy chedeed eeds qochedy aiin eeotochedyp l daiiny lched otochedy s eedr r otochedchedeed dy eey chedeed daiin eey dchched dcthey otochedchedeed dy lched eedoto qochedy oto dotochedy eey eedaiin eedy otoaiiny daiin otoch dcthey cthey otochedaiin eedy qoched siin eedaiin s otochedp chedeed eedaiiny r qochedy s otoched qochedy eey chedeed dch l qochedy lched otochedy m otol l dy qochedy l daiiny daiin dchedy aiin dcthey eedy otoched ry oto qochedeey cthey otochedcthey otochedaiin eedy lched otochedy chedeed dch cthey dy chedeed eedr eedch dcthey eedyp chched dch eedy otoched lched otochedeey l qochedcthey cthey otochedy dy chedeed cthyched otochedy eey dch dy chedeed dcthet cthey otoched oto eedy qochedy eey dee eedy daiin oto eedaiin eedy chedeed eedaiiny chedeed cthyched otoched s otochedt lched otoched chedeed qoeeed odaiin ch doto eed* * * * * * | | | | | |
Enjoy! 🙂